It is now time to review a case study that focuses on ethical behavior.

Access the Open APM’s ethics case study resource provided below to read a scenario concerning ethics in projects.

Can you pinpoint a few instances of professional conduct highlighted in this scenario? Reflect on the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved. Can you recognize them?

Share your responses in the discussion section below.

After posting your comment, proceed to the next step, where you will find some potential answers provided by APM for these questions.

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2,107 thoughts on “Acting ethically – (PM Course Discussion)

  1. Communication, ethics, team spirit was missing in this team. William obviously is a one man team. I liked the fact that John was open to criticism and correction which also shows he is a good project manager. Then after a week, He brainstormed with Karen to get the job done.

  2. They were working independently before and everyone have their opinion on the project but the following week karen was able to get the nod to work as stern with John for the seek of the project and also to secure a bigger project in the future.

  3. Initially, it was evident the group lacked:
    1) Smooth communication
    2)Team Spirt
    3) Value and ethics in terms of professionalism and transparency
    4) Ability for team members to express their true position about the project.

    After a week, all they lacked in the previous week, which could have costed them their desired firms’ growth were corrected when they gave room for true team spirit.

  4. Karen is a game changer for John, and she was a pro active communicator, honesty and teamwork also played a major role.

  5. I feel like William is a one man army, he’s not much of a team player and that’s not healthy. You don’t just put off someone’s ideas because you feel as though the person would like whatever was given to the person at the long run.
    I saw communication come into play in a manner that was respectful and considerate with Karen. She was new but had good organisational ethics. The way she collaborated with John, brainstorming over ideas together, doing research.
    John too, showed great organisational skills by being open to criticism, knowing that he must not always know it all. Plus the fact that he was willing to work with an outside source (the firm) and see to it that the project ran smoothly makes him a Good Project Manager
    So outlining the skill deployed, we have
    1. Honestly
    2. Critical Thinking
    3. Team Work/Collaboration
    4. Research
    5. Adaptability

  6. Babat

    It’s a worrisome thing trying to manipulate what supposed be a foundation. Proactiveness in deploying ethics of PM saved Karen from falling victim of negligence. Asking questions when necessary.
    When it became obvious that the situation ahead could be devastating John has no option than open up to their shuddy deal about the report.
    Though, Karen realized in good time, not come disappoint their new company in a foreign land. Not ready to compromise Company’s integrity and future decides to think outside the box for solution which inventually payoff.
    Ability to resolve issues quickly is also key for a PM to valuable impact.

  7. professional conduct highlighted from the scenario are
    team work
    Williams lacks teamwork
    but Karen and John were able to bring them together through effective communication ,research and pure honesty

  8. Reading through the project, I really can say there was no good team spirit among the three individuals. In a project, all members of the team should be carried out to ensure the success of such project. However, I love how Karen was able to come up with possible solution to solve the issue on ground. It shows Karen is a great thinker and a problem solver. Every team should have someone like Karen.

  9. What I saw here was the absent of team work being carried out by William, and the bridge it brought caused the division between the three most especially with John and Karen. If William had used team work, such disaster would not have happened.

  10. Kareen was quite professional about her review. Even though she was scared it might affect her relationship with John yet she did not stop her from giving an honest review. John was also very professional by accepting Karen’s honest review about the project.

  11. To be a good projectmanager it is important to look at how a project can fail.karen and john were able to map out their options and weigh The chances of

  12. 1) Honesty

    Karen’s willingness to express concerns about the report’s validity.

    2) Transparency

    John and Karen’s decision to investigate the report.

    3) Accountability

    Ensuring accurate findings to inform the project’s next stage.

    4. Objectivity

    Seeking external review from a reputable global firm.

    The skills deployed are as followed
    Critical thinking
    Effective communication
    Collaborative problem-solving
    Ethical awareness
    Professional courage
    Analytical skills
    Research skills

  13. I give Karen a thumbs up. She demonstrated all the ethics of project management.
    She used the communication tool to solve the situation at hand.
    She showed Respect even when she was asked for a honest review and opinion.
    She researched on the possible solution to counter the issue they were facing at that present time.
    She had a great TEAM SPIRIT. She built a working team without hurting the Ego of anyone or making anyone feel incompetent

  14. John who was the Project Manager got carried away on the first day of work instead of organizing the team for proper planning thereby mismanaging time.

    William was self centered and neglected the concept of team work and acted on his own accord, had no empathy toward his teammates and what contributions they may have had in mind.

    Karen wanted to carry out more research on the project but she went along with what William presented without communicating her opinion to the rest of the team.

    When John and Karen communicated, they found out that there was more to the project and better approaches.

    Ethics that were meant to be met in this case study are: Time management, Communication, Teamwork, Creating of a Plan, Empathy.

  15. Three skills portrayed in the case study include; Empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills.

  16. The three major characters portrayed skillful and efficient individuals, however:
    Williams seem to be overconfident and feels he can do it all alone without collaborating and communicating with his other team members which isn’t part of good qualities of Teamwork.
    John and Karen understood and played the role of good team members. They engaged in open and clear communication, ensuring they are aligned on achieving a specific goal.

    Some skills to navigate this challenging scenario are:

    *Communication skills
    *Conflict resolution skills
    *Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
    *Problem solving skills
    *Respect and Integrity

  17. The three characters portrayed were skilled and efficient workers and they had the project’s interest at hand, although William lacked the skill of being a team player, the skill of transparency and integrity.
    He was overly confident in his abilities to handled the project that he underestimated the ability and contributions of his team mates.
    However john and Karen understood what teamplay implied, they were able able to communicate their ideas clearly without hostility in the work environment. i find Karen’s quick thinking and ability to present her observations quite impressive, being tactful while respect your team’s feelings is one of the responsibility of a project manager, it helps prevent internal conflict at the same time motivating one’s spirit to get the work done.

    *XYZ sent one of his key principals to Organise implement the engagement.
    * John asked a question how the engagement programmes would be organised.
    * Williams made him to that a report is already being documented and would be out in one or two days.
    *Findings are important in delivery the next stage(Karen).
    * A bit of online research Identified a global big firm has partnered with local firms.
    * John and Karen identified the material hurdle for its next stage.

    *Aim to achieve high

  19. All three of them have the interest of the project success at heart but they approached it differently because of their experiences and understanding.William who oversees the project and much experience in the clients country went solo in involving the opinion research company on the first phase of that which is needed for the project,he did not collaborate with John and Karen his team mates on the project, therefore John and Karen was uncomfortable with because there are pros and cons that was supposed to be identified and look into before making up the report.There is communication breakdown and lack of team spirit here from Williams end.Karen with her lack of experience was able to courteously deal with both John and Williams opinion research report, that’s commendable,it demonstrate her intergration into the company and team player attitude.

  20. The professional code of conduct highlighted in this scenario.

    John acted professionally, he was open to suggestions because he wanted what is best for his firm having in mind that success of this project would move the XYZ firm to the next level.
    William on the handle wasn’t a good team player he was not ready to collaborate with the team he was working with and he also has communication issues. He clearly he didn’t know how to pass information. While Kareen on the other hand is a better team player, she knows how to communicate her informations, she knows what it means to collaborate with her team to achieve their common goal. Though she is new but she clearly understood the ethical code of conduct better than Williams

  21. William clearly doesn’t know how to work with a team, and he’s too excited on pushing thing a little too fast, he needs to work on collaboration, John is quite professional and has a cool temperament, that could have escalated real quick seeing as his office as project overseer was sidelined, Karen was highly proactive and should probably get a raise or a bonus, her quick thinking and speaking up saved the day, and we should also learn from how she presented her thoughts “jokingly” so it was easier for it to be accepted… respect for one’s self and for people and their position saves us a lot of drama at the end of the day.

  22. The Professional Conduct highlighted in the Scenario:

    John acted maturely and exhibited a professional and ethical conduct
    Williams on the other hand, was not a good team player, lacked ethics and integrity, he did not communicate openly with his team and was Self-Centered.
    Karen was proactive, smart, problem solver and shared information with her team. She also conducted research and found solutions to the problems.

    In XYZ Company, the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made includes: Communication, Teamwork, Collaboration, integrity, Transparency and Accountability, these skills are essential in carrying out the project successfully and timely because this will build trust, promote teamwork, build operational synergy and promote excellence in the company.

  23. John and Karen came into the project with hopes of applying all Project management tools to see to a successful project completion. Williams on the other hand flouted several ethical standards by not communicating with John and Karen about the opinion research firm.
    If he had informed them about the firm it would have led to a collaboration between all parties involved thus leading to the success of the project in the shortest possible time.

  24. In project management, ethics is essential and cannot be overemphasized. In this particular scenario, the professional issues I noticed are as follows:

    – Lack of open communication
    – Lack of integrity
    – Dishonesty
    – Unwillingness to take responsibility
    – Prejudice

    The skills that were employed to incorporate ethics into decision-making include:

    – Communication
    – Upholding a good reputation
    – Seeing the big picture
    – Consultation
    – Research
    – Accountability
    – Willingness to go the extra mile

    As a project manager, I must not avoid addressing issues that could jeopardize my reputation, the organization’s reputation, and the reputation of project managers in general.

    One lesson I learned from this scenario is the importance of being tactful, just like Karen. Although John had more experience than Karen, his overly nice approach was on the verge of undermining the reputation of XYZ. He must learn to leverage others’ strengths to effectively address impending challenges.

    Like Karen, I must be proactive in every situation and develop the ability to lead from behind. I appreciate that both John and Karen chose to handle the issue diplomatically, utilizing consultation to obtain genuine feedback.

    I must also learn to be accountable in every situation, understanding that every decision I make—or fail to make—will impact the project. I need to be willing to go the extra mile to do what is right.

    As an effective project manager, I must avoid handling people and projects in the manner of William, who prejudged John and was unwilling to accommodate his perspective. I should allow others to be themselves, as long as it does not negatively affect the project.

    Lastly, I must remain open to communication in order to reach a conclusion in every phase of the project.

  25. Operating within the ethos always puts a project manager in high demand. Analysing the 3 characters mentioned in the write-up. John and Karen exhibited the skill, the character and sufficient experience expected of a project manager. William also did well but lack or failed to appreciate the importance of team work, communication, braintorming and knowledge sharing. He was too quick to judge there by undermining the contributions of others in the team. One could conclude that William was selfish. One could say that John was cool, calm and collected in the way he handled the situation. Karen, being a new entrant acted pretty amazingly, a smart way to resolve issues when it crops up rather than being confrontational which could escalate into hostility at work environment. She took her time to observe the situtuation with John and was very smart to take full advantage of the opportunity when it shows up. She was very bold and clever to discuss the issue with John because they both knew that the report from Willian was too good to be true. She went extra mile to do personal research on the solution. She was also generous about sharing information and timely, leading to effective communication and productive action. John and Karen communicated effectively, the type every project manager should imbibe. Another fit is involving a third party or assigning roles to an independent actor for the good of the project and saving the reputation of the company. The project was successfully delivered because John and Karen acted ethically and professionally. Acting ethically is crucial for project managers in making decisions impacting stakeholders, organizations, and society.

    Here are key aspects:
    Ethical Principles for Project Managers
    1. Respect: Value stakeholders’ rights, dignity, and cultural diversity.
    2. Fairness: Ensure impartiality and equity in decision-making.
    3. Honesty: Communicate transparently and accurately.
    4. Integrity: Adhere to laws, regulations, and professional standards.
    5. Responsibility: Account for project outcomes and impacts.
    6. Transparency: Provide clear and timely information.
    7. Accountability: Take ownership of decisions and actions.

    Benefits of Acting Ethically-Project Management
    1. Builds trust and credibility
    2. Enhances reputation
    3. Promotes teamwork and collaboration
    4. Ensures compliance
    5. Supports sustainable outcomes
    6. Fosters social responsibility
    7. Encourages innovation and excellence
    8. Build operational synergy

    Consequences of Unethical Behavior
    1. Legal and financial repercussions
    2. Damage to reputation and brand
    3. Loss of stakeholder trust
    4. Decreased morale and productivity
    5. Project failure

  26. Ogoke Nwachukwu Felicia O COHORT 18

    Skills identified are effective communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

  27. The issues identified:
    The company has an established culture which is well known and this must be protected by all means to retain the company’s reputation .
    The company is faced with a dilemma of landing a major deal that will bring huge gain to the organization by aligning with the ideas of a major stakeholder which which is not inline with the culture of the organization.
    A new/junior member of the team has just identified a potential treat to the success of the project and is faced with a challenge on how to communicate with the leader without necessarily having a face off.
    Skills Deployed:
    Effective communication,Negotiation and Research to understand the environment.

  28. I am Maduabuchi Gerald Uche

    The case study outlines several instances of professional conduct and highlights skills related to integrating ethical considerations into decision-making. Here are a few notable points:

    1. Commitment to Integrity:
    John, a project manager at XYZ, recognizes that the engagement program’s feedback was critical for the project’s success. When he discovered that the process was not followed as planned, he felt uncomfortable with simply accepting the results without further scrutiny.

    2. Transparency and Communication:
    John openly discussed his concerns about the engagement report with Karen despite his initial hesitation. This reflects the importance of transparent communication within a team, even when the information may be challenging to address.

    3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:
    Karen demonstrated critical thinking when she questioned the perfection of the engagement report. Her skepticism led to further investigation, showcasing her analytical skills and dedication to ensuring the project’s integrity.

    4. Proactive and Ethical Decision-Making:
    Karen and John took proactive steps to address the issues with the engagement report. They sought out an independent review from a reputable firm to verify the findings, ensuring that the project’s next stage was based on accurate data. This decision reflects their commitment to ethical standards and accountability.

    5. Courage to Challenge and Innovate:
    Despite the risk to her position, Karen encouraged John to look beyond the immediate project and consider the broader implications for the firm’s reputation. This shows her courage in advocating for ethical practices, even when it could negatively impact her standing within the company.

    The skills the individuals involved demonstrate include integrity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and ethical decision-making. These attributes were crucial in integrating ethical considerations into their decisions and ultimately safeguarding the project’s credibility and the firm’s reputation.

  29. Aniagba Onyekachukwu Anthony

    Communication- the professional conduct displayed by the three persons in the case study is communication. in as much that one of them ‘William’ failed to behave professionally via team work didn’t delay the project from moving forward. John displayed a high level of professionalism by by working together #TeamWork with Karen and also they communicated effectively and worked efficiently.

  30. I feel there was misinterpretation of the project work by some team worker, however some skill was brought up by John which was communication and working together as a team

  31. They have good communication skill everyone’s opinion is heard, John thinks wrk should start immediately but other differ

  32. Communication is key especially when working on a project as a team with diverse backgrounds, nothing should be hidden from anyone; everyone should be aware of what is going on as at what time and how it been done. No excuse for any hide and seek when it comes to communication and collaboration amongst teams.

  33. Temitope Jayeola Osime

    Communication is a key tool when working as a team, make your partner understands you very well before you proceed to the phase or start a project.

    In this case study, lack of integrity and transparency was seen

  34. John was too comfortable letting his guards down. There are certain approaches one could adopt in questioning the other’s character without having to cause a steer. His integrity is to be questioned in this case.
    Williams on the other hand is too confident in himself which sometimes is not needed. He should be open to ideas, communication, and at least John’s point of view because that was clearly why he came (to make analysis, findings, discuss how the best process would be adopted).
    It’s bad enough that Williams made the wrong move, it’s worse that John didn’t question this decision.
    Karen needs more confidence in speaking up. She needed to come to terms that observations aren’t verdicts. They are deliberated on and the tone in which she presents her observations matters and also the relationship between herself and her colleagues determines how easy or difficult that will be. This is why it’s not okay to have rivals at work places.
    In all, I commend Karen for finding the best way to take on the conversation with John. I also commend John’s openness to critics on his job. This shows how collaboration can bring beautiful results and how compromise on ethics/values could be detrimental

  35. Suleiman Yunusa
    Team 9
    From this case study we can find out there is lack of team work, transparency and proper communication from Williams side.
    Lack of accountability and ethical practices from John’s side. Even though he was a bit concerned about the rushed he did nothing about it.
    Karen on the other hand was afraid to call john out for his lack of competence, but later on teamed up with him to find a possible solution to problem encountered.

  36. Sherifa Shoba Cohort 18, team 9.

    Issues that arises from this case study include:
    -Lack of integrity and Transparency from William’s. He didn’t consider the validity of the report and just prioritize moving the project forward while disregarding the quality and authenticity.

    -Ethical reporting: this was not done by Karen even when she was aware of the negative impact the false report could cause. She was more concerned about her position at work and if any critics she will probably make could affect her.

    – Professional Responsibility: although John was concerned of the whole rushed process. He didn’t make any obvious effort to critic wha necessary as a project manager. This in turn make the project be on standby because the first step which was to gather reports from workers were tampered with and as such the next step was on hold.

    Key skills used to curb the challenges faced include:
    – Critical thinking and Problem solving through assessing the risks of accepting that report and seeking solutions to the issue.

    – Communication and Team collaboration to address the issue.

    – Ethical courage by challenging the report despite potential risks.

    -Resourcefulness by finding a global firm to review the data of the report.

    – Long-term perspective by focusing on the company’s reputation and future clients meetings which enables John and Karen to push forward with the right step and actions to uphold their dignity, values and lead a successful project.

  37. The main issue in this scenario is mis interpretation and the skill used to correct it is communication and tranperancy

  38. The major issue in this scenario was misinterpretation and the skill used to solve the issue was communication and teamwork

  39. The major issue identified in the scenario is Project/Engagement being executed behind the Project manager which is unethical. It shows overzealousness and a lack of integrity.

    Identified skills employed to integrate ethical considerations in the scenario are Teamwork, Initiative, Communication, Problem-Solving, Proactiveness, Critical thinking, and Resourcefulness.

  40. Christopher Nkanta Cohort 18 Team 3

    From the scenario in the study,

    * Issues of the professional conduct feature in this scenario*

    John is an experienced project manager, whose professional conduct was basic on the authenticity of the facts gathered about the fact and how accurate were they, such that it could them proceed to the next stage of the project. He takes initiative about the project and gives the initial idea, which shows his proactive nature and commitment to the job. Also, his open communication skills with Williams and Karen to discuss his concerns and issues about the project. His ethical considerations are high value and teamwork.
    Williams was more concerned with shareholders’ engagement and bringing results. He focused more on maintaining relationships with key shareholders and networks to obtain information, he prioritized delivering results rather than the authenticity and ingenuity of the process of getting the results.
    Karen applied critical thinking to question the authenticity of the engagement reports and recognize potential risks. Her problem-solving skills to later resolve the issues with John. Her ethical consideration is her checking the validity of the reports and success over personal conflicts

  41. Nkechi Izeji. Cohort 18. Team 6.
    1) Two ethical issues are involved here.
    Williams displayed lack of ethics by going for the fast one; Fabricating reports in order for the project to kick off easily.
    2)Karen applied Critical thinking , Analytical skills and her structural thinking hats to be able to deduce the problems from the report.

    She then used effective communication to relay her fears to John, who in the spirit of team management listened to her and saw reasons.

    Karen went further o tuse her excellent interpersonal and problem solving skills to find solution in the spirit of collaboration with former colleagues.

  42. 1. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:
    – Misrepresentation of work (William’s claim that the engagement program had already been carried out)
    – Lack of transparency (William’s failure to disclose the methodology used by the opinion research firm)
    – Potential falsification of data (the report’s unusually positive results)
    – Conflict of interest (William’s personal relationships with the opinion research firm)

    2. Skills used to bring ethics into decisions:
    – Critical thinking (Karen’s skepticism of the report’s results and her investigation into the methodology)
    – Communication (Karen’s open discussion with John about her concerns and their collaborative problem-solving)
    – Integrity (John’s willingness to listen to Karen’s concerns and take action to address them)
    – Professional courage (Karen’s decision to speak up despite being new to the firm and still in her probation period)
    – Resourcefulness (Karen’s research and identification of a global firm to partner with to review the opinion research firm’s work)
    – Collaboration (the teamwork between John, Karen, and their colleagues to address the issues and find a solution).

  43. As a project manager working on a proper research on a working project makes communication easy because you can give and communicate effectively only on what knowledge you’ve gathered.

  44. Communication was key all through and also bringing along team members was also important in averting what would have been a disastrous end for the project manager, the team was also wary of the reputation of their firm and that brings about the issues of organizational values, not compromising and be ready to go extra mile in order to discover new ways of doing things. There was an issue of external adversity, but the team was not just ready to compromise on their standards and that pushed them into digging deeper and finding solution to the problem.

  45. Effective communication. Communication is a paramount tool in all sphere. When working as a team, when working as a project manager as well.

  46. when working with two or more people on a particular project, first doing your own research, brainstorming and building up ideas is very key and important. Another very important key is communication, A project manager must know how to communicate with other team members as we all have different approaches to work. irrespective of the kind of person you are working with, a project manager must be able to resonate with them all.
    Having constant meetings with team members to talk and brainstorm , updating and giving feedback. All this will avoid crossing each other’s part and line.

  47. effective communication is the key to engagement, we need to understand how to communicate effectively without being misunderstood, exchange of ideal is the resultant effect of good communication, it was the online research and good communication that brought about the positive turnaround on the report and everyone was happy.

  48. A couple of issues of professional conduct are that the office will be no fun place, concerns about the engagement report and running with the report as it stood was too big a risk.
    So, Karen exchanged some ideas with colleagues, did an online research to identify a big global firm that the local opinion researchers sometimes partnered with, and shared her good ideas to colleagues to sort out the project.
    They finally got the right engagement and identify some material hurdles for the next stage.

  49. Effective communication is the key aspects but many of us we lack effective communication and some times miscommunicate

  50. The lacked communication, john,William and Karen,most especially from William side, carrying out task without constant communication with your partner John and that rendered john a bit confused during the whole meeting with the client,Karen was also planning on criticizing which may have been settled by calling john one on one and settling the matter with no dispute but thankfully she did not,both Karen and John had to work hand in hand with regular communication and feedback on each step taken and later profound solution to the issue.

  51. Generally, they lacked effective communication each held to their thoughts and opinion without understanding the other and communicating to the other. William wanted to cut corners and not going fully by the rules and not understanding the “why”, Karen and John were able to handle it because they discussedit weighed the risk and options and chose a solution based on their analysis.

  52. Generally they lacked effective communication each held to their thoughts and opinion without understanding the other and communicating to the other. William wanted to cut corners and not going fully by the rules and not understanding the “why”, Karen and John were able to handle it because they discussedit weighed the risk and options and chose a solution based on their analysis.

  53. In the case study, it was evident that communication issues were a significant problem at the start. Williams didn’t collaborate with the team to conduct research, nor did he engage people to get genuine responses to the poll. On the other hand, Karen was not honest and lacked transparency because she was worried about criticizing John and more concerned about her position in the company. However, they managed to overcome these challenges by improving their communication and conducting online research. Additionally, Karen provided honest feedback about the areas that needed improvement, which John accepted and worked on. They also reached out to another firm for additional information.

  54. There are a few clitches to the scenario. John want to do good and uplift the company moral standing by being there to assess greatness. William seems to be corrupt and forging reports instead of doing what is right. This manner in most cases is the collapse of the business standard and demoralizes credibility in the sector/company. He hasthe endency of relying on quick unethical solutions, forged and not legitimately processed. There are lots of eyebrow raising questions from this conduct that need to be investigated

  55. William lack proper communication that case he failed to communicate with the stakeholders and team members, no collaboration ,no proper research, he did not carry his team members along, Karen on the other hand was afraid to criticize John and she was more worried about her position in the company. They where able to identify thier mistakes and find solution to it.

  56. From the case study, it was clear that there was a lack of proper communication at the beginning. Williams failed to collaborate with team to do the research. He also did not engage people to get their actual responses to the poll. Karen, on her part was insincere and lacked candour because she was afraid of criticizing John and was more worried about her position in the firm. But they were able to overcome all these by communicating and doing research online. Also, Karen candidly pointed out where need to be corrected, which Jihn gladly accepted and worked on. Also they consulted another firm for more information.

  57. From the scenario, one can say that William was not able to carry his team along due to lack of team collaboration skill which is contrary to the ethical conduct. He allowed his emotions to get over him, which negatively influenced his decision without collaboratig with other stakeholders.
    However, John and Karen, were keen in making sure that due process were followed in order to identify where the project could meet bottleneck, which enable brainstorming.
    Their decision to do the right thing yielded an excellent.

  58. Issues of Professional Conduct
    1. Questionable Research Integrity: The opinion research conducted by William’s team appears to have been manipulated to produce favorable results. This raises concerns about data reliability and potentially misleading the project stakeholders.
    2. Conflict of Interest: William’s close relationship with the opinion research firm might have influenced the research process and the interpretation of findings. This creates a potential conflict of interest that could compromise objectivity.
    3. Overemphasis on Short-Term Goals: The characters seem primarily focused on the immediate success of the project, potentially overlooking long-term consequences and ethical implications. This short-sighted approach can lead to unethical shortcuts.
    Skills Used to Address Ethical Concerns
    1. Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking by questioning the seemingly perfect results and recognizing potential flaws in the research. Her skepticism plays a crucial role in uncovering the ethical issues.
    2. Open Communication: Karen’s willingness to have an open and honest conversation with John about her concerns fosters a collaborative environment where ethical dilemmas can be addressed.
    3. Problem-Solving: Both Karen and John actively seek solutions to the ethical challenges they face. They explore alternative approaches and ultimately find a way to rectify the situation.
    4. Collaboration: The characters work together to address the ethical issues, demonstrating the importance of teamwork and shared responsibility in upholding ethical standards.

  59. Peter Benedict
    As I studied this scenario I discovered that William did not displayed team work spirit, good communication even though he has on ground. On the other hand, John who is the project Manager, did not handle the situation rightly by rejecting the already made data. But Karen demonstrated team spirit, collaboration and good communication by not giving up despite the fact that she is new and learning on the job and her input and resistance, they were able to solve the problem on ground.

  60. As I study this scenario, I noticed that
    William exhibited a lack in communication, teamwork, team management and collaboration. He did not carry any of the team members along with his data collection process and went against the initial plan of organizing the engagement program when John arrived.
    He displayed a lack of transparency , as he wasn’t transparent about how the data he presented was gotten.

    John should have stuck to the plan regardless and he should have requested the engagement program be organized as planned. It was his duty as the Project manager to ensure every step and process of the project went according to the plan even if it meant rejecting the ready made data that was presented.

    Some of the skills I recognize that was used to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions are
    Courage: Karen knew there was an issue with the data, and she chose to speak up even if she knew it could potentially cause issues for her
    Accountability and Transparency: when John was jokingly asked about the data, he didn’t pretend or try to deny that it indeed was an issue
    Collaboration and Teamwork: after agreeing that the data might pose a risk to the next stage of the project, Karen and John worked together as a team to find a solution
    Communication: As a result of Karen communicating with John and other team members, the problem was pinpointed and a solution was proffered
    Critical thinking & problem solving skills: Karen was proactive by going online to research and find possible solutions
    Empathy: Karen was empathetic in her approach and communication style when broaching the subject with John

  61. For professional conduct, Karen had joined the firm for its reputation and she ensured she had secured her professional training (Skill: continuing professional development). As much as John was a senior with experience, it was still important to do research and properly analyze all the options because the report was too baked and did have visible red flags that which could potentially make the firm loose their work with the agency.
    She was able to negotiate and put her communication skills to good use knowing fully well the risks.

    William relied on his history with the research firm not considering that it could jeopardize the reputation of the new firm, being a start up. His lack of communication and being a team management forced John to accept the report against his code of practice at the initial phase

    Karen thought of the box (ie. Applied creative problem solving skill)ensuring that all blanks were covered and the firm had a proofed report as well as the best engagement to carry out the task. She was thinking of the firm, she and John had shared values and through this they were able to shape a desirable outcome.

  62. Njoku, Chidinma Ebunoluwa
    Cohort 17 Team 7

    Williams does not have communication skills with his team make and stakeholders. At the end there was teamwork, identification of problem, and there was proper communication which led them to solving the problems.

  63. Williams fails in carrying out the ethics of conduct.He didn’t carry the stakeholders and team mates along

    COHORT 17 TEAM 6

    As I reflect on this scenario, I notice some red flags:

    1. William clearly exhibited lack of communication, collaboration, and team management skills as seen in the way that he failed to carry his teammate and stakeholders along.

    2. William’s cozy relationship with the research firm raises questions about the integrity of the data and potential data manipulation.

    3. His influence and connections could have swayed the engagement program’s outcome, which wasn’t cool.

    What I appreciate is how Karen and John handled it. The following skills helped them make good choices:

    1. Critical Thinking: Karen’s skepticism and critical thinking skills kicked in, making her question the report’s findings.

    2. Good communication skills: She spoke up openly sharing her concerns and ideas with John and others, showing the importance of open communication.

    3. Team work and Collaboration: They collaborated to find a solution, demonstrating teamwork and a commitment to doing what is right.

    4. Integrity: Karen prioritized the firm’s reputation and integrity, even when it was tough.

    5. Creative Problem-Solving: Karen thought outside the box and found a creative solution by partnering with a global firm.

    6. Emotional Intelligence: Karen was aware of the office dynamics and potential impact words on relationships, thus, she was able to choose her words diplomatically, showing emotional intelligence.

    7. Courage: She showed courage by speaking up, even when it was uncomfortable and risky.

    These skills and values align with my own approach to navigating complex situations and making ethical choices.

  65. Karen leading the right way to go about the idea helped out as both William and John were senior colleagues.

  66. Acting Ethically…..Ejiro Ogbon

    William was not willing to go through the hurdles of problem-solving, he lacked communication skills and team management skills as seen in the way that he failed to carry his teammates and stakeholders along.

    In the end teamwork/collaboration, communication with all stakeholders involved, risk management, identification of problems/challenges, critical thinking/brainstorming as well as solving these problems paid off even though it took more time and effort than William would have preferred.

  67. William failed in following the ethics of conduct by not involving and carry the stakeholders and team members along

  68. The issue of professional misconduct seen in the scenario painted is that of lack of communication and team management. Communication between the three representative of the team was not cordial. Also not being able to confirm to ethical standards and organizational value contributed to the misunderstanding of the team. The skill used to bring ethics into the decision used by the people involved in the scenario was organizational skill, communication skill and team management

  69. William went over board initially by taking decisions on his own and not carrying his team (John and Karen) member along which, shows lack of effective communication within the team also leading to conflicts arising between the team

    The team was able to resolve the issue by communicating effectively with each other setting aside their personal views and making the success of the project their goal

    Proper Research on the problems identified and possible solutions helped the team

    Collaborating and working together as a team was a major skill effectively utilized in resolving the problems encountered.

    Gbemisola Atunda-olu Cohort 17 Group 5

  70. Williams refusal to have the necessary stakeholders hold a meeting to assess all risk factors that could affect the project negates ethical conducts whereas putting John and Karen in a tight spot. Below are some of the skills employed for the project to become a success;
    Communication skills
    Problem-solving skills
    Forecasting potential risks associated with the execution of a project and eliminating them
    Time Management

  71. Issues of Professional Conduct

    1. Accuracy and Integrity of Reporting:
    The engagement report provided by the local opinion research firm appeared overly favorable, raising concerns about its accuracy and the potential for biased or incomplete data

    2. Pressure to Conform:
    John and Karen faced pressure to accept the report as is and move forward with the project, potentially at the expense of thoroughness and transparency.
    This pressure could lead to ethical compromise if the team prioritized project timelines over accurate data and honest reporting.

  72. Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in this case are:

    1) A communication line breakdown
    2) A lack of conformity to organisational values and ethical standards. For instance, the majority of Williams’ work was influenced by personal views and opinions, and team members did not communicate well or often enough.

    The skills that were used by those involved are:

    1) Communication skill
    2) Team management skill
    3) Leadership skill
    4) Organizational skill

    Karen and John made sure that all due process were followed which helped them to identify some potential problems and ways to address those issues.

    Lawrence C Johnson

    PM Cohort17 team 6.

  73. Initially, Williams actions towards achieving the set goal was unethical as he boycotts his colleagues into getting the reports from a third-party and solely relying on the reports without proper scrutiny. Hence, defeating the aim of John’s involvement on the trip.
    Also, the acceptance of the outsourced report from the opinion research firm shows lack of critical evaluation from the team.
    Karen’s fear of repercussion made her to be reluctant about questioning the outcome of the reports even when in doubt, shows the gap in communication between the team, and a show of supremacy from team leads.

  74. Issues of Professional Conduct
    Accuracy of the Engagement Report: William’s decision to accept a report based on incomplete engagement activities undermines the report’s credibility and the project’s integrity.
    Fear of Repercussions: Karen’s reluctance to criticize the report due to concerns about career impact highlights a lack of open communication and ethical culture in the workplace.

    Skills Reflection
    Critical Thinking: Karen used critical thinking to question the validity of the report.
    Communication: John and Karen effectively communicated their concerns and plans.
    Problem-Solving: They resolved the issue by arranging an independent review of the data.
    Ethical Leadership: Both prioritized the project’s success and firm’s reputation over personal risks.
    Negotiation and Influence: They negotiated with a global firm to ensure accurate data and project integrity.

  75. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:

    1. *Misrepresentation of work*: William’s claim that the engagement program had already been conducted, when in fact it was outsourced to an opinion research firm, raises concerns about transparency and honesty.

    2. *Lack of critical evaluation*: The initial acceptance of the report’s findings without critically assessing the methodology and potential biases may compromise the project’s integrity.

    3. *Fear of speaking up*: Karen’s initial hesitation to express her concerns about the report due to fear of repercussions or impacting office dynamics highlights the importance of a supportive and open work environment.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions:

    1. *Critical thinking*: Karen’s skepticism and critical evaluation of the report’s findings demonstrate the importance of objective analysis.

    2. *Effective communication*: Karen’s ability to discuss her concerns with John and colleagues, and John’s openness to feedback, showcase the value of transparent communication.

    3. *Collaboration*: The involvement of a third-party firm to review the opinion research firm’s work illustrates the benefits of seeking external expertise and collaboration to ensure ethical standards.

    4. *Long-term thinking*: Karen’s consideration of the firm’s reputation and potential impact on future clients demonstrates a commitment to ethical decision-making and long-term consequences.

    5. *Courage and integrity*: Karen’s willingness to speak up and challenge the status quo, despite potential risks, exemplifies the importance of ethical courage and integrity in professional conduct.

  76. – John and Karen were concerned that the engagement report seemed too perfect and was potentially unreliable. However, initially, John appeared willing to accept the findings without thorough validation, which could have led to significant risks for the projects
    – William relied heavily on a third-party opinion research firm for feedback instead of engaging directly with the workers on the ground. This approach may have missed critical insights and demonstrated a lack of thorough stakeholder engagement.
    Skills Used to Address Ethical Concerns
    1. Critical Thinking:
    – Karen exercised critical thinking by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing that its findings were suspiciously perfect. Her skepticism was crucial in identifying potential flaws in the research.
    2. Effective Communication:
    – Karen communicated her concerns to John despite the potential risk to her probation period. This open dialogue allowed them to collaboratively assess the situation and devise a plan to address the issues.
    3. Problem-Solving:
    – Both John and Karen engaged in problem-solving by mapping out the potential risks of accepting the report as it was and considering alternative approaches. Karen’s initiative to research and contact a global firm demonstrated proactive problem-solving.
    4.Ethical Decision-Making:
    – John and Karen’s decision to challenge the initial report, despite the risks involved, showed their commitment to ethical decision-making. They prioritized the long-term integrity of the project and the firm’s reputation over short-term convenience.
    5. Collaboration:
    – The scenario highlighted effective collaboration, with Karen seeking input from close colleagues and working with John to find a solution. Their teamwork was pivotal in addressing the ethical concerns and ensuring the project’s success.
    Cohort 17 team 10

  77. At the beginning, there was a communication gap although they all had interest in the project. Even after John had a discussion with Karen, they didn’t had plans of sorting them out. Not until Karen carried out a bit research online and was able to come up with a solution.

    The skills they used to bring ethics into decision are:

    Ibeh Chiamaka
    Cohort 17 team 5

  78. First and foremost John behavior was highly unethical because he carried out the the research work alone without carrying his team members along,

    There was communication breach , because, John didn’t communicate with Williams and Karen who were also part of the project and as such there was a hitch in the course of the project.

    Even though John’s report drived the engagement which was originally sort, Karen and Williams knew that flying with the results would pose high risk to the project, therefore they came together to brainstorm on how to salvage the situation.

  79. At the initial stage of the scenario there was lack of communications between the parties involved, William did not display any team work at all the purpose of John traveling down was in a way abused. However, communications helped to between John and Karen was the first scope to understood the threats or possible problems they would have encountered on the project with the information given by William.

    John acted ethically with William without making issues out of his ways of gathering information but rather took with the perception of ‘let’s see what we can make out of this’ eventually Karen and John did not allow the internal adversity to affect value, they made up to collaborate with others to aid the project success.

  80. I really think that an ethical practice was boycotted in the scenario by Williams, who didn’t make the engagement to happen just as planned. It was why John had to travel down. There was meant to be an information flow but was inhibited by Williams. So there was really no effective communication between the two parties.
    But then XYZ company acted in more ethical way. John in particular didn’t take it up with Williams but rather went back to see how they can work with what was handed down. And two of the essential skills needed by a project manager is what they engaged. That is, upholding ethics and standards (moral principles inclusive) and also strog negotiation skills

  81. Williams did not follow the right procedure as to how the project should be done, he also did not work as a team member in carrying the team along . John demonstrated a team lead by checking out for risk and Karen work as a good team player

  82. Despite initial hurdles caused by William, including internal conflicts, unclear organizational values, and poor communication, John and Karen’s leadership skills saved the day. They proactively researched and discussed potential solutions with colleagues, leading to a partnership with a global research firm. This collaboration revealed errors, but ultimately resulted in a successful stakeholder engagement and identification of key challenges for the next project phase. Their initiative and effective communication demonstrate essential skills for project managers.

  83. William acted on his own with the team although for the good of the project, John was in full control by discussing the issue with his team in a composed manner and Karen did her research and came up with a better way of verification instead of confrontation or clash of view that they would have resort to

  84. Willam felt like he was the one who knew it all and thereby thought that anything he says can be approved.

    Karen took the initiative to conduct online research and identified a potential partner who could help verify the local firm’s work without making William look poor from his work because of her empathy skill.

    John exemplified leadership in this case by giving Karen the chance to tell it as it is and come up with a solution together.

    These skills that were important to the project involve critical thinking, leadership skills problem-solving, and communication Karen and John were able to overcome the ethical dilemmas and maintain the integrity of the firm, thereby leading to the success of the project in the long run.

  85. Despite initial hurdles caused by William, including internal conflicts, unclear organizational values, and poor communication, John and Karen’s leadership skills saved the day. They proactively researched and discussed potential solutions with colleagues, leading to a partnership with a global research firm. This collaboration revealed errors, but ultimately resulted in a successful stakeholder engagement and identification of key challenges for the next project phase. Their initiative and effective communication demonstrate essential skills for project managers.”


    Acting ethically on a project is something of great concern if the project must come great. However, ethics on its own speaks of the way we behave in a certain situation.
    The case study that was discussed above has the following project management skills
    Firstly, the way in which Williams behaved was very appalling and if John had to follow suit, a lot will go wrong. so, in other to avoid issues with Williams, John chooses to do a tradeoff of character. Furthermore, Karenn on the other hand, has what is called RESPECT AND EMPATHY and she used it to communicate {COMMUNICATION} her observations to John without hurting his feeling in a bad way and this resolved the issue on ground.
    John and Karen were both OBJECTIVE about the project and weren’t ready to compromise their chances of other jobs. And thus, COLLABORATED on the way forward.

  87. William’s approach to the project did not include TRANSPARENCY.

    John and Karen used their COMMUNICATION skills to brainstorm on how to mitigate the situation. This step helped them COLLABORATE with another organization. Their PROACTIVE approach assisted in building TEAMWORK with the other firm which led to a positive result for the next stage of the project.

  88. Professional conduct of communication, honesty and proactiveness was displayed by both John and Karen in dealing with the situation

  89. Some of the instances of professional conduct depicted here are: Responsibility and honesty.

    Some of the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations include: Communication, Team work, Collaboration and Integrity.

  90. From the case study, despite the level of experience and talent possessed by these team members, we can notice the dilemma of internal driven adversity creeping in initially. Ethical misbehaviors of Poor communication among team and Integrity defect which was almost being overlooked could have caused a significant damage to not just the project but the Company goals.
    William have taken the direction of assumption and shortcut to research, John was almost towing same path even if he noticed the visible errors ahead, Karren who perceived herself a less contributor to step up the ethical standard was initially reluctant to do so but changed the game when she initiated the conversation with John. This broke the communication barrier hence every team member was able to express his/her opinion which brought feedback.
    Ethical standard, Communication, Core Value of Organization and Team Management from internal stakeholders restored the live wire to the success of the project.

  91. From this case study, its advisable never to look for easy way out or make assumptions when planning a project. If they had gone through with Williams decision to use the survey he was able to extract from the survey company, the project would have been a total failure.
    From the way John and Karen reacted when Williams came up with his own plan, we could see that they objected to it but did not throw it at his face; instead, they were able to look for solution and everything finally went on well. Some of the characteristics of a good project manager were shown in their interactions. some of which are: Good communication, good team management, good feedback from people that will be involved in the project, they were able to understand the project and proffered solutions, they were able to follow the ethical aspect of their profession, good negotiation skills and time management skills.

  92. Karen despite being junior portrayed professionalism in a great way. She found a way of putting herself across which did not offend John the project manager.

    On the other hand, John had a listening ear despite his role which can be a sign of good leadership.

    Team work was later brought into picture to work out identified issues.
    So leadership skills
    Team work
    Professionalism are the skills that brought ethics into decisions.

  93. Internally driven adversity in project management refers to challenges that originate within the organization or project team itself, rather than from external factors like clients or suppliers. From the case study some internal driven adversity identified include:
    Poor Communication: Ineffective communication within the team can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and mistakes.
    Lack of Clear Goals: When project goals are not clearly defined or understood by team members, it can cause confusion and inefficiency.
    Inadequate Planning: rushed or incomplete planning
    Team Conflict: Personality clashes or disagreements among team members can disrupt workflow and morale.
    Addressing these internally driven adversities requires clear communication, strategic planning, and fostering a supportive team environment that is seeking support from others.

  94. The big issue I observe here is a lack of communication and team work… As a team, you should work like a team and William was not a team player and Karen also put her assumption of John’s personal feelings over the project.
    Karen and John finally brainstorming together and communicating brought about the resolving of the issue facing them. So, communication and honesty are skills that helped in this situation

  95. Communication skills
    Ability to learn from your team members
    Leadership skills.

    From the story,John, who was the project manager had great leadership skills because he didn’t even try to impose his idea on William or anything. He calmly handled the situation well following the advice of Karen who had just recently joined the company. His ability to get the situation under control without imposing and spoiling anything is truly commendable. He truly is an experienced Project Manager

  96. Basically the Skills that were used to depict ethics includes:
    1) Communication Skills
    2) Leadership skills
    3) Good planning techniques

    The Scenario depicted here shows what lack of team work , and good communication could result to if not properly managed.
    One issue that was present, was John being an experienced project manager, not been able to communicate effectively with his team members, there was no team cooperation or communication..
    In my opinion, John felt since he was not in charge of the task, he could give in to whatsoever Williams brings to the table. Which to me is totally wrong.
    As an experienced project manager , where ever you find yourself, your duty is to ensure you give it your all to see to the success of the task at hand as a team. So to me he failed in that regard.
    Williams on the other hand is pictured as someone that feels with the right network and exposure, you really don’t need to do anything to solve a problem. He fails to understand the Beauty of a Process, the vast reality on its own in carrying out a task from the scratch to the end. This would have led to the reputation of XYZ firm being ridiculed and questioned .
    Karen on the other hand was able to see the problem having a result without a process or a team effort. Nothing seems to be this perfect and she was able to raise questions on the authenticity of the results.
    Even though she was hesitant in communicating her actual thoughts to John, we saw at the end she was able to get through to John. She valued her firm’s values and what they stand on , so even though it felt she approached John casually, she was able to make him see the need to follow through a task as a team so as to uphold the company’s moral principles and values.

  97. The communication was top-notch. John really displays his skills as a good project manager by making sure that everyone is on board and is honest with their views about the report he got from the agency. Karen was not open initially due to fair which is not ethical.

  98. Leadership
    Effective communication
    Setting goals
    Time management

    Adewole Oluwabukunmi Caleb
    Cohort 17
    Team 1

  99. One of the issues of professional conduct observed is that John and Williams seem to maintain only work relationship with each having a little resentment one for another. However, this resentment did not becloud theirvsense of professional reasoning and attitude to their respective task.
    Also, Karen at the initial point was not open or free to communicate with John on official matter. Withholding important information that can negatively impact an entire project and firm is dangerous and this attitude is completely opposed to the idea of team spirit in a project. Thankfully, this barrier was broken when John as an experienced Project manager quickly noticed the gap with Karen and upon opening communication channel with her, boom, the team was able to progress.

    Reflecting on the case study, I have come to realise that people working as a team on a project may have individual flaws and may act differently, but the possession of right skills takes the attention away from individual differences to make a team work together to achieve common goals. Williams’ attitude to prioritize time management in handling given task and deliver as atvwhen due made the engagement progressed as planned despite. This is in addition to his knowledge of regulatory and local environment.

    Also John’s ability to prioritize communication with team members was a deal breaker as his observation of and subsequent engagement with Karen paved the way for getting solutions to the identified risk by Karen.

    Karen’s initial communication gap with team members could have prevented the progress made. This action would not only have affected her ability to achieve the skill of continued professional development at workplace, she wouldn’t have developed the confidence to build rapport through communications with her team and company. However, her ability to interact or negotiate with local researcher brought the needed help for the project to make progress.

    Emmanuel Olusegun Omotere
    Cohort 17
    Team 4

  100. Ethical Conducts mentioned were :
    Effective communication
    Articulate and clarity
    Result Oriented

    Chinasa Anikeze
    Cohort 17, Team3

  101. Some of the ethical conducts carried out in this scenario was
    1.Communication2.2.Team work.2.
    Karen on the other hand did a good job by communicating her criticisms professionally and that in turn led to to the smooth running of the project
    William has to do better with collaborating as a team through ckmunication no matter how insignificant a step might feel ,this will keep the team up to date concerning all decisions

  102. More tan 3 people are talking at the same time and have divergent views on how the project can be carried out.
    this could lead to disagreement if there is no Project Manager on ground.

  103. So few cases of professional conduct highlighted in the scenario are
    Honestly and

    It is without doubt that each member has curated individual approaches in carrying out their roles, but failed to see that teamwork makes the dream work. Let’s start with John.

    John knows he is experienced on the job,in his excitement, he decided to engage in pleasure before business which made him lose valuable time, thereby giving Williams an upper hand to have carried out the task alone without having to give his own input.

    Williams on the other hand felt it wasn’t necessary for them to do the “dirty work” so he got the data by outworking the locals by so doing breeching the Communication gap between him and the others(John and Karen) he lacked integrity, honestly, Communication and also isn’t a good team player.

    Karen on the other hand knew the importance of communication,felt the lack of Collaboration and Honesty. Even though she was at 1st hesitant about relaying her thoughts to John which she feared might “spoil” their friendship, she put all that thoughts aside which is why she met John, gave her feedback which eventually lead to them coming together and getting a feasible idea about the project

  104. The scenario highlights the consequences of poor teamwork and communication. John, an experienced project manager, struggled to communicate effectively, leading to a lack of team cooperation. He seemed to defer to Williams, believing it was acceptable since he wasn’t in charge. This was a mistake, as a project manager should always strive for team success.

    Williams relied on his network and exposure, neglecting the importance of a structured process, risking the firm’s reputation. Karen noticed the flaw in having results without a proper process or team effort. She questioned the authenticity of the results, valuing her firm’s principles.

    Despite her initial hesitation, Karen effectively communicated with John, emphasizing the importance of teamwork to uphold the company’s values. Key skills in this situation included:

    1. Communication Skills
    2. Leadership Skills
    3. Good Planning Techniques

  105. The case study highlights various professional conduct issues, including:

    Communication and Transparency: John lacked complete information on local processes and expected a more structured feedback system. William assumed that the local agency’s methods were adequate without fully explaining or justifying them to John. Karen was hesitant to provide critical feedback due to concerns about disrupting team dynamics.

    Integrity and Honesty: William’s approach suggested a possible complacency with superficial data collection. Karen initially hesitated to address concerns about the engagement report’s overly optimistic results, which could have misled stakeholders about the project’s viability.

    Skills Addressed:

    Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Karen and John employed critical thinking to evaluate the risks of proceeding with the engagement report and devised a strategy to address potential issues.

    Collaboration and Teamwork: Karen proactively sought collaboration with a local firm to enhance the accuracy of the engagement program, demonstrating effective teamwork and resource utilization.

    Communication Skills: The scenario underscored the need for open communication, as Karen’s discussion with John about her concerns led to a more productive dialogue on how to move forward.

    Adaptability and Resourcefulness: Karen’s willingness to seek alternative solutions showcased her adaptability and resourcefulness in providing a more accurate assessment.

    Professional Courage and Accountability: Despite initial reluctance, Karen’s decision to speak up and John’s readiness to re-evaluate the report demonstrated professional courage and accountability, ensuring a thorough and honest evaluation of the project’s engagement phase.

    These skills were crucial in making ethical decisions and ensuring a comprehensive and honest evaluation of the project.

  106. Sodiq Salaudeen
    Cohort 16
    Team 8

    Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are;
    *lack of priority; if John had insisted on work before leisure, William would have allowed him follow due process in engagement and getting the right information to help with the report.
    *Absence of team spirit; on the other hand, William should have made a collaborative effort to work together with John

    The skills that were used to bring ethics are;
    *Effective Communication
    *Leadership and team work

  107. The Scenario depicted here shows what lack of team work , and good communication could result to if not properly managed.
    One issue that was present, was John being an experienced project manager, not been able to communicate effectively with his team members, there was no team cooperation or communication..
    In my opinion, John felt since he was not in charge of the task, he could give in to whatsoever Williams brings to the table. Which to me is totally wrong.
    As an experienced project manager , where ever you find yourself, your duty is to ensure you give it your all to see to the success of the task at hand as a team. So to me he failed in that regard.
    Williams on the other hand is pictured as someone that feels with the right network and exposure, you really don’t need to do anything to solve a problem. He fails to understand the Beauty of a Process, the vast reality on its own in carrying out a task from the scratch to the end. This would have led to the reputation of XYz firm being ridiculed and questioned .
    Karen on the other hand was able to see the problem having a result without a process or a team effort. Nothing seems to be this perfect and she was able to raise questions on the authenticity of the results.
    Even though she was hesitant in communicating her actual thoughts to John, we could see at the end she was able to get through to John. She valued her firm’s values and what they stand on , so even though it felt she approached John casually, she was able to make him see the need to follow through a task as a team so as to uphold the company’s moral principles and values.
    So the Skills that were used to help bring ethics includes
    1) Communication Skills
    2) Leadership skills
    3) Good planning techniques

  108. Adewale Bisola M.
    Cohort 16 Group 1
    There was no effective communication between John and William
    karen was able to identify and notify the criticism to John ,while John istened and accepted the feedback and s
    Request for assistance from Karen and other team mates.
    Karen conduct a good problem solving skill

  109. One of the issues of professional conduct in this case study is presenting an adjusted report. Secondly the representative of the agency feels John does not want to work and the stakeholders engagement is a mere formality.

    The skills used in bringing ethics into solution that is used in resolving the issues:
    . communication
    . collaboration
    . Pattern recognition
    .conflict resolution using third party and an authority

    Odinfe David Chika

  110. Eze Maryann Adaeze
    Cohort 16, Team 1

    Project management, the ethical values
    often center on the two important variables related to the project that every project manager strives to control: information and funding. These are important assets in achieving project success, but they can also be manipulated to achieve other ends. No matter the project or its priority, funding always seems to be less than what’s needed to do the full job. This leads to constant squabbles between projects and organizations in an effort to stretch the funding to do the most good for the most projects. Opportunities exist at all levels to apply the funding inappropriately, based on personal agendas rather than organizational priorities.

    Because most project offices do not actually build anything themselves, you might say their most important product is the information that allows their vendors and support organizations to do the hands-on work. Project offices strive to have the best and most current information on all aspects of their projects, but that information can also be manipulated to achieve other outcomes.

  111. There was no effective communication and transparency between John and William
    karen was able to give constructive criticism to John ,while John was listened and accepted the feedback and sort assistance from Karen and other team mates.
    Karen displayed good problem solving and analytical skills

  112. Edeh Chibueze Goodluck
    Team 3, Cohort 16.

    Starting with John’s eagerness to dive into the survey he make to the host location for, it didn’t hamper him in discovering the need to establish a common ground for communication with his local contact William.

    On the issue of being provided with a doctored survey report done on assumption, John and teammate Karen were able to identify the problem and predict the risks involved despite not being able to find solutions/counter-measures for the risks.

    They exhibited good problem-solving skills as well as communication skills by involving their co-workers to deliberate on the risks and how resolve them.

    Karen displayed good research capabilities in discovering a company that could help their team get better survey reports from the locals of the overseas government.

  113. Stephen Izuchukwu Emeasoba.
    Cohort 16, Team 9.

    1. Lack of proper communication and collaboration between John and William during their initial engagement towards data collection.

    2. Lack of Transparency, Honesty and integrity from William on data collection.

    3. Analytical Skills and Critical Thinking was demonstrated by Karen in questioning the report of the data collected.

    4. Effective communication and Persuasion displayed by Karen to ensure John addresses the issues with the engagement report.

    5. Initiative and Problem-Solving displayed by Karen in researching and suggesting to John the involvement of a global firm.

    6. Teamwork and Collaboration displayed by John and Karen in resolving the issues.

    7. Responsibility and Ethical Leadership displayed by John in accepting and acting upon Karen’s drawbacks.

  114. Professional conduct from the scenario in this case study:
    John displayed responsible when he asked Williams how the engagement programme would be organised.
    Karen and John exhibited professional integrity when they reached out to a third party to help approach the local firm so that they could get the true state of things.
    Karen and John communicated with a third party company, so that the project could be completed successfully.
    Both John and Karen were discrete and confidential about their about their reaching out to the big firm that partners with local firm.
    Karen respected John by not criticizing his work report in the office
    Karen and John proved that they were reliable by going an extra mile to get the engagement report right.
    Their ability to identify the issues and risk associated with the risk show that they are competent.
    Karen and John were both honest about their displease with the engagement report
    Karen and John worked together that is teamwork.
    Karen n John displayed professional accountability by going an extra mile to get the true state of the engagement report

  115. Cohort 16 team 7.

    One of the top skills you need as a project manager is your ability to communicate effectively and relate your messages clearly. Your ability to work with a team. Never under mine their ability. Karen applied wisdom by not publicly criticising John’s work. She gave a constructive criticism, John asked for her honest opinion on how to improve on the situation. Williams on the other hand didn’t communicate his views well. What happened to collaboration ? There’s no ME in TEAM. Everybody’s views Matters, don’t keep to yourself and expect people to read your mind.

  116. Karen and John were lacking communication but when they met at a coffee store the found out that they had issues already with the project at hand. with teamwork and collaboration they were able to proffer solution to their the problem.
    William on the hand lack the spirit of collaboration and teamwork and this would have put the work in absolute jeopardy.

  117. my name is Kingsley Okpoko, Team 7, cohort 16.
    The professional conduct highlighted in the above case scenario taking into consideration that the plan had to be a carefully arranged forum to elicit the best feedback are thus:
    A. Integrity: Williams should have carried John along with the engagement programme, but choose the short cut by contacting an Opinion research firm with an already made report. Thereby undermining the integrity of the report which is not real in reality.
    B. Honesty: The opinion research that John brought back fees a bit too fine, which made Karen to be suspicious base on her experience with the firm.

    The skills employed to integrate ethical consideration into the decisions made are thus:
    A. Criticism: Keren jokingly criticized the engagement report, which made john ask her honest opinion.
    B. Communication: Karen and John were able to communicate freely for hours brainstorming different ideas and were able to find a solution.
    C. Team work and problem solving: Karen and John had to team up to get the right engagement at the end, after agreeing to contact a big firm that would help them approach the local firm to find out more how they had done there work.

  118. Acting ethically in project management is essential for maintaining the trust and respect of stakeholders, ensuring project success, and fostering a positive work environment. Ethical behavior involves integrity, fairness, accountability, and respect for others. By adhering to these principles, project managers can navigate complex ethical challenges and lead their teams to successful and ethically sound project outcomes.

  119. Issues of Professional Conduct

    1. Questionable Integrity of Data:
    The initial engagement data provided by the local opinion research firm appeared suspiciously perfect. This raised concerns about the integrity and reliability of the data, indicating a potential lapse in ethical standards by the local firm.

    2. Transparency and Honesty:
    William’s approach to conducting the engagement program without involving John or adhering to XYZ’s planned methodology compromised transparency. This lack of openness could have undermined the trust and collaboration essential for successful project outcomes.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions
    1. Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:
    Karen demonstrated critical thinking by questioning the flawless results of the engagement report. Her analytical skills allowed her to recognize the potential issues with the data, which is crucial for maintaining ethical standards in project management.

    2. Communication and Persuasion:
    Karen effectively communicated her concerns to John, despite her initial hesitation due to her probationary status. Her ability to articulate the potential risks and persuade John to take action was vital in addressing the ethical dilemma.

    3. Problem-Solving and Initiative:
    John and Karen collaborated to find a solution to the problem. Karen’s initiative in researching and suggesting the involvement of a global firm demonstrated proactive problem-solving skills. This approach ensured that the project adhered to ethical standards by verifying the authenticity of the engagement data.

    4. Collaboration and Teamwork:
    The resolution of the issue involved close collaboration between John and Karen, highlighting the importance of teamwork. Their ability to work together, share ideas, and develop a plan of action was essential in addressing the ethical concerns and ensuring the project’s success.

    5. Ethical Leadership and Responsibility:
    John displayed ethical leadership by taking Karen’s concerns seriously and acting upon them. His willingness to reassess the situation and seek external validation of the data showed a commitment to professional integrity and responsibility.

    In this scenario, the individuals involved demonstrated several key skills that helped navigate the ethical challenges they faced. Karen’s critical thinking and effective communication were instrumental in bringing the issue to light, while John’s leadership and collaborative approach ensured that the problem was addressed ethically and effectively. These skills not only resolved the immediate conflict but also reinforced the firm’s reputation for integrity and reliability.

    Some professional conduct highlighted in this scenario
    All the people John, Williams and Karen in this scenario all have gain a high level of experience and Professional development.

    The issues here are outlined below;
    Over-confidence: The three persons John, Williams and Karen felt they have the best experience to carry out the project so they don’t each other opinion or guide.
    No Good Relationship: John and william had no good relationship, it was all about their self interest
    Poor Communication: No each effective communication among the three.

    The skills:
    Analytical skills: Karen showed a good analytical skill brainstorming on the best idea.
    Communication/Teamwork: Karen communicated effectively to john. The team work Karen and John did by going for more research which eventually help in the project.

  121. Blessing Olusakin (Team 3 Cohort 16)
    My take on Company XYZ as regards “Acting ethically” are as follows:
    1. Integrity/ trust issues: there seems to be no value of trust bonding the team members which led to the hoarding of information meant to be shared for the successful realization of their goal.
    2. Lack of good communication/ collaboration and delivery skills which emanated from the trust issues.
    3. Lack of Team work or Team Spirit : it’s obvious some persons were left out which is not ethical to do because Together everyone achieves more and opinions are needed.At some point, standard procedures were compromised which was unhealthy for XYZ and what it stood for.
    4. Team members realized what is at stake , exhibited courage by critically coming up with ideas to steer in the right direction despite the risks involved and ensuring right informations and feedbacks were shared . Acting ethically has to be the priority of team members in a project or establishment knowing well that this act is factored into the bottom line which directly or indirectly affects team members.
    Achieving set targets,meeting up with Service level agreements, proficiency in communication,relationship management,quality control time management e.t.c are ways we can act ethically as team leads and team members to Forster growth.

  122. in the case study,the team-members portrayed both professional and unprofessional ethics.these professional ethics are:
    1. Good analytical skills from karen
    2. Teamwork and commmunication between karen and john to resolve the risks
    3. Researching skills from karen to gather relevant pieces of information

    on the other hand, there was also a display of unethical conducts.THere are
    1.lack of collaboration and proper communication between Williams and john at the first stage of the project

  123. In the provided scenario, there are two notable issues of professional conduct:

    Lack of Transparency and Communication: Premature Engagement Reporting: John was surprised to find out that the engagement program had already been conducted by William and his team without his involvement or prior notice. This highlights a significant lapse in transparency and communication between the two parties, as John expected a collaborative approach to gather feedback through carefully arranged forums.

    Integrity of the Report:

    Questionable Data Validity: Karen, a new employee, doubted the engagement report’s validity, which appeared too perfect. This raises concerns about the authenticity and reliability of the data collected by the local opinion research firm. If unchallenged, this could mislead stakeholders and affect the project’s subsequent stages.
    To address these ethical challenges, the individuals involved utilized several key skills:

    Critical Thinking:

    Karen’s Analytical Insight: Karen’s critical assessment of the engagement report identified potential discrepancies, prompting further investigation. This demonstrates her ability to question the status quo and recognize when something seems off.
    Effective Communication:

    John’s Openness to Feedback: John’s willingness to seek Karen’s honest opinion and engage in an open dialogue about the report reflects effective communication. This facilitated a collaborative problem-solving process.
    Resourcefulness and Research:

    Karen’s Initiative: Karen’s proactive approach in researching and identifying a reputable global firm to review the local research firm’s work shows her resourcefulness. This external validation helped uncover the flaws in the initial engagement process.
    Ethical Courage:

    Decision to Challenge the Report: Despite the potential risks to their firm’s reputation and their internal office dynamics, John and Karen chose to address the issues with the engagement report. This decision underscores their commitment to ethical conduct and maintaining integrity in their work.

  124. In XYZ firm, the issues identify there was lack of communication, zero team work, trust issues
    The skills that was used the save the situation was good communication, mapping out the risk, online research, collaborating with colleagues or teammates

  125. You’ve identified some key issues and ethical solutions from the case study:


    1. Communication issues between John and William
    2. differences between William’s work culture and John’s work practice.
    3. Karen’s initial inability to criticize the report due to loyalty to John
    4. John’s initial difficulty in adopting flexibility
    5 internally deriven adversity of Williams trying to beat time to compromise value.

    Ethical solutions:

    1. John’s ethical leadership by listening to Karen’s concerns and adapting to find a solution
    2. Collaboration and teamwork between Karen and John to find a solution that upholds the company’s reputation
    3. Karen’s critical thinking and commitment to ethical practices by speaking up about her doubts on the report

    The importance of effective communication, cultural awareness, adaptability, and ethical leadership in project management is paramount. By recognizing and addressing these issues, project managers can develop strategies to overcome them and achieve successful project outcomes.

  126. Rose Matarise
    From this scenario professional conduct issues sited include;
    a. Integrity of the field survey and data results. Karen is concerned that they seem too perfect. They may not be a true indicator of actual results
    b. Conflict of Interest- William has close ties with thepolling institute that conducted the survey.
    Skilleds used by the people in this scenario include;
    Critical thinking by Karen to question survey results
    Problem solving John and Karen wok together to identify the risks of using the results as they are and formulate strategy to obtain an independent assessment
    Communication and collaboration between John and Karen to work as a team

  127. The issues of professional conducts were:
    1. Lack of communication,
    2. Zero teamwork, lack of transparency.
    3. There was absolutely no trust.
    4. They was no common goal shared between them.
    5. Karen and William alienated John partially through the entire project.
    6. William had abit of Ego as well.

    The skills used to bring ethics into the decision making were.
    1. They made research e.g karen going online, partnering with researchers who faced similar problems on a projecf before.
    2. They collaborated with other colleagues in the field.
    3. They communicated clearly their fears, thoughts and possible solutions to solve the problem at hand. This is what karen and John displayed.
    4. Commitment to solving the project at hand despite the obstacles.
    5. Accountabilty: karen and John were accountable to themselves with actions taken and they would also be accountable to their company XYZ.
    6. Great feedback from colleagues, researchers and they themselves.

  128. From the XYZ organization there were issues with conflict of opinion, lack of proper communication whereby William chose to use a shortcut without following the right procedures and lack of proper coordination.

    skills used to solve the issue were;
    2.Negotiation skills
    3. Honesty
    4. creating proper communication channels and a good environment

  129. Some professional conduct highlighted include:
    1) inconsistency of professional value/ culture displayed by Williams by forcing decision on John.
    2) lack of effective communication in the case of Karen not able to criticize the report and exercising fear
    3) lack of insensitivity by Williams
    4) lack of collaboration by Williams to other stallholders
    Some of the skills the use
    1) developing and effective way of communication: kareen had to talk to John separately during a coffee
    2) Honesty
    3) ) Research
    4) Feedback
    5) collaboration

  130. 1. John and Karen maintained the firm”s reputation and its culture despite the challenges faced in getting the right engagement to identify the material hurdles for the next sage of project.
    2. Effective communication skill
    The clear and calm communication between John and Karen made the collaboration easier to figure out the right channel to get the right engagement.
    3. Leadership skill
    John was a good listener to lead Karen in achieving their goal in first stage of the project.

  131. Williams failed to follow proper procedure of Discussing things through first before proceeding to act.
    Karen withheld her observations of possible red flags until they Led to bigger Issues.
    They had issues Of poor communication, integrity And honesty
    Open communication, Seeking opinions of other team members, and collaboration with other firm helped to salvage the situation

  132. Oluloro Olufemi Oluwaseun Team 8
    Issues included
    No Communication, no team work.
    Karen acted unethical by thinking she was newbie to give her own input.
    Skills used to bring ethics includes Critical Thinking
    Communication between team members and
    teamwork between John and Karen to finally resolve the issue

  133. Okeke Uchenna Ifeyinwa Team 7.
    The issue with XYZ firm is that the team members exhibited:
    1. Lack of communication and
    2. Lack of collaboration
    Williams assumed things can be done with helps of friends outside without communicating with John who at the other hand have to map out a careful procedure of getting feedback on the project.
    Karen displayed unethical behaviour by seeing herself has been new in the firm and would not want to criticise John’s report.
    Skills that were used to bring ethics into decision:
    Critical thinking, research, communication and teamwork which Karen and John later used in getting the results needed.

  134. Aminah Yusuff
    Team 2 Cohort 16

    In this case study, the Team members portray lack of communication and collaboration. Williams assume he knows Johns interest without properly communicating the ideas to him. Karen on the other end focus less on the project interest. But towards the end, Karen did a good job by sharing her ideas with John and they collaborated on mapping the problems that might arise in the course of execution

  135. My name is Victor Adebayo Kolawole, Team 6.

    The issue with the 3 representative of XYZ, is lack of effective communication, conflict of opinion and teamwork.

    Skills used.

    1. Discussing with other colleagues.
    2. Online research.
    3. Partnering with firms.
    The skills employed was proven effective and efficient.

  136. Reflection Acting Ethically by Modupe Esther Team 9
    1)Lack of communication, lack of integrity, and no collaboration are identified as the professional conduct in the scenario.
    2) skills observed were Research and mapping strategy.
    Williams lacked integrity, collaboration, and communication because he felt he had been overseas and familiar with the people hence he failed to do detailed research but relied solely on what was given to him to write his report .
    Karen was initially scared to voice her concerns because she put her interest first until John asked her and they were able to collaborate by carrying out detailed research by contacting a bigger firm and were finally able to Map out the strategy for the project considering all the risks involved.

  137. One of the main issue in this scenario was communication. William’s didn’t communicate with John on what was being done and to get John’s idea in order to be on the same view for the project, he felt John only needed a ready result without research.
    There is also the issue of lack of collaboration. William didn’t collaborate with John to get his own view on the project.
    The skills that would helped here include communication, collaboration and attention for details between Williams, Karen and John. communication style must have worked to get John to be open to collaboration with her. The key part of ethics was the organizational values and moral principles in carrying out various activities in the company.

  138. In this scenario, there is the issue of communication. William’s approach was more of assumption rather than communicating with John of what was being done and to get John’s input so as to be on the same page for the project, he assumed John only needed a ready result without research as to how it was gotten and the overall effect on the project.
    There is also the issue of lack of collaboration. William had carried out what he assumed will be all what John will need without John’s input.
    The skills that helped here include communication, collaboration and eye for details between Karen, John and other colleagues that Karen consulted. Karen’s communication style must have worked to get John to be open to collaboration with her, and also to see the ‘near perfect’ report from William. The key part of ethics was the organizational values and moral principles. The XYZ has a niche they are known for; they had to be thorough with the report given by William for a successful project and to maintain their reputation. Hence, the need for them to do their own research.

    Wale Oyegunle
    Team 8 Cohort 16

  139. The team exhibited a lack of effective communication and collaboration. John is a stick-to-protocol guy who likes to do things by the book and by himself, so there is no collaborative effort from him. William, on the other hand, will rather have other people do the work for him while he does the reporting, which is not necessarily a bad thing but he could have communicated this thoroughly to John instead of him wasting his time sightseeing, that he was not even interested in. Karen was scared to give her input even though she knew it was going to help the project’s goals; communication problems again. Thankfully, she summoned courage to talk to John and the problems were identified in the conception stage. If this had gone on without proper risk analysis, the project would have ended up delayed, overrun, or, at worst, terminated. Therefore, communication and collaboration are very important.

  140. My name is Ifenyinwa Prisca Egbuchere/team 4
    The project team exhibited deficiencies in communication and collaboration skills.
    John is diligent in adhering to due processes, conducting research and surveys, and working with the locals; however, he lacks an effective communication and reporting plan. On the other hand, William prefers shortcut methods to achieve results and also demonstrates poor communication and collaboration abilities. Karen, a new team member, initially hesitated to voice her concerns for fear of appearing critical of her senior colleagues. However, after discussing with John, they collaborated effectively to mitigate potential issues during the project. This experience highlights the need for improved communication channels and collaborative efforts within the team.

  141. My Name is Joseph Ikechukwu Onyeocha:
    In this scenario, some ethical principles were not followed:

    The main issue was lack of proper communication, as John was not informed in advance that his task had already been completed by someone else.

    Williams criticized John for not having a good knowledge of the ethical rules and regulations of the company, which he claimed was the reason behind his actions against John.

    Karen displayed an unethical behaviour that was not in line with the ethics of the company. She was initially concerned about John’s feelings, but the next day she defied company ethics by asking employees to work extra hours, weekends, and also asked the employees to work against their work convenient times to complete the project.

  142. Hello!!!
    My name is PAUL NWEKE, COHORT 16, TEAM 9.

    Having gone through the scenario in the case study, I have the following observations from the three (3) individuals mentioned therein – John, Williams, and Karen.

    John an experienced project manager and Williams an overseer of the project are both very experienced more than Karen who joined XYZ earlier in the year.
    John lacked communication and no proper reporting channel between him and the other team. John traveled to have a meeting with the client to set the pace for the project unknown to him that some of the things he thought he wanted to do had been taken care and that was as he went for sightseeing.
    Williams on the other hand believing he is the people person without proper communication went ahead to carry out the program even though he could do that with John too. Hence, William’s ethical problem includes that of Lack of communication, and Using shortcuts to generate his results.
    Kareen, however, who is not as experienced as John and Williams saw everything but could not say anything about it until she was asked by John as she was afraid as a new staff, it might look as if she was criticizing any of them. Upon discussing with John, she actually proffered a solution through her research. She was just scared of criticizing a job done that her boss had taken.
    so, the major problem is the lack of communication and proper reporting skills between John and Williams.

  143. Olakunle Bayode
    Team 8

    Lack of proper communication between the team is clearly seen. John believes in following procedures, making research, and working with locals. William, in a bid to be fast ignore to communicate his intention with the team and Karen too intimidated to express her concerns.

    The value of teamwork can never be underestimated, teamwork between John and Karen was able to advert any unnecessary troubles. Also, discussing the issue with others was crucial to finding a solution and negotiating with vendors with experience in similar project was necessary.

  144. Nnadi Stella Chidinma
    Team 7
    From the case study,
    John and William had ethical issues like Lack of Communication and Collaboration
    Almost the three , there was no team work.

  145. The people selected to represent XYX firm were selected based on their testimonials, John and William are experts, and Karen on the other hand joined the firm not too long ago and she loved her job.

    The professional conduct I can identify from the scenario is an eventual Teamwork that came up between John and Karen at the end when they both agreed on the conclusion that the report was too real and perfect. They teamed up to analyse, research, and consult colleagues in other to identify the challenges of the project and the possible solution.

    I could also identify Negotiation. Though it wasn’t a long detailed one but I sense from the meeting John and Karen had with the Big Firm, that before they would reach an agreement to work with the locals directly, there must have been some negotiation.

    Proper Communication was the major issue in that scenario. William used his influence to get what he wanted, which is good but it would have been much more ethical if he communicated with John who was also a team member on that project. Instead, he concluded on his own. Karen on the other hand, because she joined the company due to its reputation and her love for the job, didn’t communicate her points of view to John because she considered being new to the firm and still on probation as a yardstick and she didn’t want it to look like criticism.

    Above all, the lack of communication brought out division among the team but in the end, it was restored by John and Karen.

  146. The case study in the scenario above identifies two professionals well grounded in their jobs. John and Karen were knowledgeable about the ethics of their organization which must be adhered to if their reputation was to be maintained.
    First, on arrival at the new project location, ethical consideration played out at John’s request for a kick off of the project opposed to pleasures.

    Though he faltered at Williams conviction to accept an obviously doctored research report. His seemingly unease reveals he had an inkling of a possible compromise by Williams.

    Karen, though new, displayed professionalism by identifying at first glance, errors in the report.

    They were able to resolve it by applying the following skills:
    1. Problem Identification /Solving – searching out avenues to effect corrections on the report or at least get a genuine replacement.

    2. Negotiation – they had to get their clients attention and involvement to accept a review and a new research

    3. Team Building – Jane displayed this by seeking opinions from her peers and working in synergy with John.
    Communication was a bit skewed from all involved at the beginning. Issues were not tabled until John sort Janes opinion.

  147. From the scenario in the case study, I observed that both John and Williams are very experienced more than Karen.
    John traveled to have a meeting with the client to set the pace for the project but instead of focusing on what brought him,decided to do a little sight seeing.
    John’s ethical problem includes;
    Lack of communication
    Not reporting immediately he got to his station.
    To Williams, he saw that action as lack of total commitment to the project and without any proper communication went ahead to carry out the program believing he is a people person and can influence anyone, he can actually do that with John too.
    Williams ethical problem includes;
    Lack of communication
    Lack of commitment
    Using shortcut to generate his results
    Kareen on the other hand who isn’t as experienced as the other two had her concerns but couldn’t speak up about it until she was asked by John. She didn’t only point out her concerns but went ahead to give him proffer solution.
    The only problem she had was being scared of criticizing a job done that her boss has taken.

    Through collaboration,communication,teamwork and critical thinking, John and Kareen were able to come up with a better review for their project.

  148. According to the scenario;
    John is a project manager and one of the people setting up the new firm and was excited about the contract, because he want to broaden his experience and was surprised to be taking out of the contract the next day. To be told he will be given the result in few days.
    Ethical problem for john;
    1. lack of communication and professionally
    Should have reported the day he arrived and not looking at interesting view.
    william has worked for the clients agency and has influence
    Ethical problem for william;
    1. lack of collaboration and communication
    2.Acting smart and short cut.
    Karen joined the company for its focus and reputation and culture.And handle the situation well by going to john.

    1. communication
    2. collaboration
    3. Team work
    4. Research
    5. Honesty

  149. The roblems identified ccording to the scenario include:
    1. Lack of proper communication between John and William
    2. No collaboration between John and William
    3. Relationship between John and Karen was ‘strained’

    The skills used to solve the issues include:
    1. Collaboration
    2. Casual meetings
    3. Communication
    4. Research

  150. John was excited about the job and was expecting to handle a task with Williams. Williams acted unethically while the lady and John acted with integrity

  151. What I deduced from the team is that, although everyone has the experience and capacity to make the project successful but there was something lacking between them.

    Communication and Collaboration, these are prerequisite that makes the dream work and the project a success. unfortunately, none of that was exhibited, john and Williams were both on their own way while Karen was proactive to communicate her findings to them. these could pose a ruin in XYZ project.

  152. From the scenario of the development of project
    there are some point that was lacking in process of the job
    There were a conflict which started for Williams duce to his selfish way of life for not bring the other teams mate to reflect on the project work doing it on his own this had to lead to lack of transparency and trust in the sight of John. From point of look lack communication which to violating ethical conduct in the entire process
    On the other John was surprised about the way Williams had presented the result during the whole process, which now lead lack of Honesty for John not to communicate with Karen at first about the report of the project.
    Thirdly through Critical thinking and Problem solving of Karen she was enable to detail and solution it, that’s why karen could easily spot that the report was too good. However, Karen didn’t just stop at spotting the problem, she went ahead to find solution by involving a third party that helped them get the needed engagement of the project done.

    Uwoghiren Osagie Williams
    Cohort 16
    Team 10

  153. The issue of professional misconduct could be pointed to the disregard for collaboration and teamwork. I mean they were sent on a project to work together and returned finally with just one person’s input. At the end of the day, proper communication brought ethics into the decision, and that was used to resolve the situation which of course came with a stretched timeline or overtime work for the colleagues they soughted help from.

  154. There is a communication gap in this scenerio, if John and Williams imbibed communicating each other they would have been on the same pace regarding the progress of the project, meanwhile Karen beat the mark

  155. I observed unprofessional behavior in the team.

    Williams prioritized getting information from an outside firm over collaborative research, he focused solely on delivering results while disregarding the importance of teamwork and feedback!
    Karen was hesitant to share her concerns about the projects validity, fearing it would come across as personal criticism and not addressing these issues may lead to future challenges.
    John appreciated the warm welcome but was disappointed to know that the task was already completed without his input, which is essential for effective teamwork. He wanted a collaboration forum to gather diverse perspective on the larger project.

  156. Lack of communication and collaboration almost ruin the success of the project,but Karen brought out an honest field back and gave in a professional solution to it.

  157. Issues of professional conduct featured here that is obvious is lacking of communication and inability of one of the parties to supply detailed information for effective comprehensive. Inability to teamwork is also seen here, how that as a team it’s of great importance to have same focus in achieving a goal and each person in the team is in the position to ensure that all team members are moving in the same direction, it’s a corporate affairs that all team members should be guided and carried along.

    And in reflecting on the skills used to bring ethics into decisions by the parties involved, I think proper communication, detailed information, continuing professional development can be seen in the approach Karen took.

  158. By Damilola Ogunsakin

    The team comprised experienced individuals, yet there were evident shortcomings in communication skills and ethical adherence, particularly noticeable in this scenario where ethical principles were not fully upheld. John, whose work proceeded without his awareness, should have shared his concerns not only with Karen but with the entire team. Similarly, Williams demonstrated a reluctance to adhere to company ethics by not discussing his reservations with John and instead carrying out his tasks independently.

    While Karen managed to alleviate her concerns about John, she should have communicated these worries directly to him without fear of appearing critical. Effective teamwork involves both giving and receiving constructive feedback. Despite successfully discussing the risks with John and reaching a solution, Karen compromised ethics by making the employees to work on weekends.

  159. It’s obvious to see the team lack proper way of communicating their ideas. In the begining each of them had their own motive which is because they didn’t communicate to have a general believe on what has to be done. William was too confident with his people skill that he feels he knows it all. At the end, I love how the team where able to have the difficult conversation about the project which created a room for possible solution and way forward.

  160. From my point of view, Williams who was described as a people person is more of a people pleaser who would not be interested in doing a background check, understanding risk and carrying team members along. John understood his person and decided to leave conversations as it were so as not to offend a sponsor I guess. However, John’s ability to ask Karen for her honest opinion set the project back on track. From the scenarios, collaboration, communication and team work helped focus the project back on track.

  161. In dis case, I noticed unprofessionalism by Williams which involved his internal adversities to the project and aside this, his decision to carry on with the project without any inputs from his other colleagues described his lack of communication. However, I also noticed the essence of team work by Karen bringing up an idea and involving John in the process as well as their conclusion in collaborating with the bigger firm to help reach out with the local firm so as for the research to be facts filled and not just assumptions.
    With this, it is now obvious that communication and teamwork are the bedrock of any successful project.

  162. This case study highlights the importance of ethical awareness and leadership in project management. Karen’s diligence in reviewing the report and her willingness to speak up about her concerns demonstrate essential skills for any project manager. I also appreciate how the scenario illustrates the value of collaboration and resourcefulness in finding solutions to complex ethical dilemmas.

    Also the scenario emphasizes the significance of cultural competence in project management. William’s perspective and approach differ from John’s, and their collaboration requires bridging those cultural and professional differences. The case study shows how essential skills like effective communication, adaptability, and ethical awareness can help project managers navigate complex cultural contexts.

  163. In this case study, I noticed some potential issues with professional conduct. There’s a lack of transparency around how the engagement program was conducted, with William seemingly taking the lead without much input from John or Karen. The report’s overly positive results raise ethical concerns about data manipulation or falsification. Additionally, William’s close relationship with the research firm and government agency presents a clear conflict of interest.

    On the positive side, Karen demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the report’s findings, while John showed courage by listening to her concerns and working together to find a solution. Both demonstrated integrity by refusing to compromise on their ethical principles.

    Overall, the important ethical themes here are honesty, transparency, objectivity, and integrity, which are crucial in international project management.

  164. In this scenario, some ethical principles were not followed properly, but the individual was able to uphold professional ethics to address them.

    The main issue was poor communication, as John was not informed in advance that his task had already been completed by someone else.

    Williams criticized John for not having a good understanding of the ethical rules and regulations of the company, which he claimed was the reason behind his actions against John.

    Karen displayed biased behaviour that was not in line with ethical practices. She was initially concerned about John’s feelings, but the next day she defied company ethics by asking employees to work extra hours, weekends, and at inconvenient times to complete the project.

    The following are the professional ethics
    1. Rules of Conduct
    2. Values
    3. Morals Principles
    4. Code of Conduct

  165. The case study brought into fold the long term risk pose to an organization if her employees do not act in an “Ethical” manner and also the important of communication (informal spoken for example), collaboration. team work and innovation can also be seen. Below are the highlights

    I. Williams was more concern about getting the job done without considering the organization ethics by accepting opinion research done by others as their own project under the guise of “”that’s how things are done in their client country”” , this its not ethical

    2. John despite his initial concerns and reservation about the ethical risk poses by Williams opinion, was not able to communicate his concerns effectively to William

    3. Karen was able to understand the long term risk/dangers pose if the company does not follow ethics and was able to use humour (informal spoken communication) to convince John and also shows innovation and collaboration in solving the ethical change poses by the project together

  166. There were instances of unprofessional conduct I observed here;
    Williams didn’t see a constructive research forum as ideal but was better off getting the information from the opinion research firm which is not helpful for any project because this singular act has kicked off the aim of every project which is to come together and deliberate on issues as a team and profound solutions and feedback just as team players. He (Williams) was centred on the fact that what they did was to “Deliver” and how it is achieved doesn’t really matter, which was the reason he felt the result was a good fit and would be appreciated by John not regarding the fact that due process was not followed here.

    Karen felt the result was too good and needs to be faulted owing that the project in view was a large one and and they needed a real life situation but at the same time, she doesn’t know how to pass this information directly to her colleague so it doesn’t sound like a direct criticism. Here, I felt she missed the fact that it is the task that is to be criticized and not the person, so holding that back and going ahead with the project seems unprofessional as this might pose a challenge at the long run.

    John wanted really appreciated the warmth welcome and reception but became withdrawn on learning that the task has been carried out and results gotten, this makes the team work here faulty because as a team, everyone’s input meant a whole lot which would make them draw a very nice feedback. John here wanted a carefully organized forum where he could get different points of view as to the larger task ahead.

  167. I have noticed from the case study that the team had much of a experience members that could easily deliver the project to its successful stage. However, there are many factors that affected the process:

    The team lacks sufficient collaboration and a member of the team would feel that he has all it takes to do the job alone.

    The level of communication was very poor and has no primary help on the project.

    The decision of the team would affects XYZ and even employ more risks o the company.

    This was a major problem encountered by the team. John and Williams did not communicate well as everyone had their own point of view as to what it should be. Williams thought that John will be ok will the report he will make. John thought that everything was ok the way it was going even though it was risky for Williams to make the analysis report alone, he was ok with it. Karen did not want to be seen as a critic. She didn’t want to say anything as she felt it would affect her probation seeing that she just started out with the company.
    COMMUNICATION resolved it when John and Karen talked about it and better ideas came to the table on how to resolve the issue and when it was applied. It resolved it.

  169. Collaboration and communication was not enough between will John and Williams for this project however quality communication will help solve the problem. John did not get enough Information about the project. Karen being afraid to criticize the project that seem not good as new member of the company may delay or stall the project.

    There wasn’t a clear communication method between John and William to ensure that strategic decisions were to be taken with the consent of all stakeholders involved in the process – in this case John and William. This led to William making all the decisions based on the assumptions of what John would like.
    Conflicts between team members as a result of miscommunication and inherently potentially disrupt or derail the success of a project.
    Karen deflected a possible situation of blame game by expressing her observation with tact and infusing humour into her conversation with John which led him to opening up to her and expressing his dissatisfaction with the report.
    This helped to maintain the team spirit collaboration between them while they sought risk management intervention from external sources to the current situation.

    COMPROMISE OF INTEGRITY AS A VALUE: Even though John knew that it wasn’t okay to have let William singlehandedly run the analysis of the engagement feedback and report, he verbally didn’t object but went along with it, despite knowing that there was a possibility of the data given compromising the project outcome in its entirety.
    Karen had a hunch about the report not being totally right and rather than keeping it to herself and letting the project derail, brought it to the attention of her team member for better investigation and resolution.

    Risk management is the ability to foresee and identify possible scenarios of issues that can arise within a project and make contigency plans for important phases within any project. It’s important because most project don’t go as planned because of unexpected variables that can cause unlimited range of issues. John wasn’t able to mitigate the risk of making contigency plans to resolve the problem with the engagement report by him.
    Karen knew that the disruption of the project would hamper the firm’s chances of future collaboration with other clients as the reputation of the firm would be negatively impacted and sought for ways by thinking of ideas outside to mitigate inherent risks while solving the current problem they were facing in the project. This effectively resolved the current problem they faced while discovering and mitigating future risks that were bound to arise within the next stage of the project.

  171. There was the problem of :
    1. ‘scope creep’ which is failure to have an agreement or scope of work agreed upon before work starts.
    2. Work with team members was absent as lines of communication were none existent.
    3. There was no collaboration
    Skills employed were:
    1. Communication
    2. Negotiation and
    3. Time management

  172. John didn’t communicate his worries to the project team lead when Williams told him he took care of everything already. Williams wasn’t a team player as well and handled all the work alone. He might have had the best intentions but didn’t execute it well. Karine also didn’t communicate well due to fear of losing her job, she didn’t voice her opinion and worry, and this puts the company at risk.Some skill that were used in so when this problem Was
    1. communication: John and Karen communicated with each order casually, which made them sick help from their colleagues and team members to solve this problem
    2. Research current conducted an online research to get solutions for the problem
    3. Risk assessments, Karen and John, both mapped out the risk of the reports and Risk from challenging the reports which made them get the best solution

    All in all, John and Karen acted in honesty, remembering their ethics and values of the organization

  173. I noticed some amount of pride in Williams. Things can change, methods, procedures as a result of evolving ecosystem. John and Karen’s approach was better as it later helped in identifying the pitfalls to the next stage of the project.
    Finally, Williams approach could be used when there isn’t enough time to meet with the deadline.

  174. Williams is too fast he just want to do things alone he wasn’t border about following the due process to carried or get feedback

    John lack of communication would have caused him a lot but as good as he was he open up in communication and requesting for view safe his job and finding

    At first Karen’s was not open to him because she was like trying to finger point John but at last because of her good thinking and analysis she dafe the whole scenario

    She value ethics of the company and she want to project the company reputation and values that is why she put extra jobs

  175. Not collaborating and communicating enough will destroy the success of a project, however quality communication will help solve the problem.

    Name: Onyinye Chukwudera Ikeanyi. Team 8

  176. Lack of collaboration, communication and understanding almost mallet the success of the project. however, with problem solving analysis, effective communication and assertiveness exhibited by Karen; they were able to scale through the problems.

  177. In every project, there will be people like William who wanted the easy way out by fitting the situation of another project into the new one. Karen and John were fantastic in raising the concerns about everything looking green. No project ever works that way from the stage of reviews to planning. And the open conversation they had was a good way to sustain communication and build the project’s trust. The ethical concerns here are two; first, William engaged in cutting corners and second, the false hopes that could have destroyed the project and the team’s reputation.

  178. Lack of collaboration and communication almost marred the success of the project. however, with problem solving, effective communication and assertiveness exhibited by Karen; they were able to scale through.

  179. Williams going ahead of everyone show lack of Inclusion,
    Karen has good eye for details, solution minded and she is a good critical thinker..
    John showed a good quality of inclusion by listening and discussing with Karen while working together to make the project work.

    As a project manager, dealing with conflicts of interest is crucial to maintaining the integrity and success of your project.

    Keypoints to learn from this Scenerio include:

    Assess Relationships: Examine all team members’ and stakeholders’ relationships and interests to identify potential conflicts.
    • Transparency: Encourage team members to disclose any potential conflicts early.

    Code of Conduct: Implement a code of conduct that outlines acceptable behavior and conflicts of interest.
    • Reporting Procedures: Set up clear procedures for reporting conflicts of interest.

    Encourage Openness: Create a culture where team members feel comfortable disclosing conflicts.
    • Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular meetings to discuss potential conflicts and address any concerns.

  180. After reviewing a case study on ethics in project management from the Association for Project Management (APM), several issues of professional conduct stand out. In this scenario, project managers faced ethical dilemmas related to integrity, transparency, and accountability.

    Key Issues of Professional Conduct:
    Conflict of Interest: A project manager had to decide whether to accept a lucrative contract that could potentially benefit their personal interests. This situation raises concerns about impartiality and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest to maintain trust and fairness.
    Honesty in Reporting: The case study highlighted the necessity for accurate and honest reporting of project progress and issues. Misreporting or concealing problems could lead to significant risks and undermine stakeholder confidence.
    Skills Used to Uphold Ethics:
    Critical Thinking and Decision-Making: The project managers applied critical thinking to assess the ethical implications of their decisions, considering the long-term impacts on stakeholders and the organization’s reputation.
    Effective Communication: They demonstrated transparency by clearly communicating potential risks and ethical concerns to stakeholders, fostering an environment of trust and openness.
    Empathy and Respect: By considering the perspectives and well-being of all stakeholders, the project managers ensured that their actions aligned with the core values of respect and empathy.
    These skills and ethical considerations are essential in guiding project managers to make decisions that not only adhere to professional standards but also contribute to the overall integrity and success of the projects they manage.

  181. Issues of professional conduct identified are as follows:
    1. Absence of joint stakeholders meeting to elucidate, project deliverables, resources in vovlved, project deadlines, Client feedback or report required.
    2. Ineffective communication among project team.
    John and Karen were able to approach this issue ethically by employing research. So, the engagement was complete because they were able to identify some pitholes from previously conducted similar project.

  182. Williams going ahead of John to get things done shows a lack of inclusion and a measure of accountability.
    The doctored report shows a lack of intergrity and genuine concern for the project.
    Continuing with the project would have gone against the reputation XYZ is currently building, it would also not have portrayed their expertise.

    In dealing with this ethical dilemna, the following skills come into play:
    – Taking initiative: it took John leading the conversation and practically forcing the conversation along the lines of the real reason for his trip and not just waiting on other stakeholders to set the pace of the discussion.

    – Critical thinking and Problem solving: Karen had an eye for detail and is solution driven, that’s why she could easily spot that the report was too good. However, she didn’t just stop at spotting the problem, she went ahead to find solution by involving a third party that helped them get the needed engagement.

    – Integrity: Karen was honest enough to call out the issue but careful enough not to come across as criticising any other party. She was able to remind John to see the big picture and uphold the reputation that XYZ is known for.

  183. They discussed the issue. Discussing an issue with your team make the problem half solved. The brought ideas together- critical thinking:
    Karen showed some professional skills in analyzing the report given to her and that gave her the courage to challenge the report, despite going through probation.

    This shows integrity and accountability.

  184. I identified a couple of issues of professional conduct.

    1. Conflict of Interest: The project manager, has a personal relationship with the supplier, which could influence his decision-making and create an unfair advantage.

    2. Dishonesty: The supplier, is aware of the project’s budget constraints but still submits an inflated invoice, which is a dishonest act.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario include:

    1. Integrity
    2. Objectivity
    3. Transparency
    4. Communication
    5. Ethical Awareness

  185. Inclusion: each member of the team must feel concerned and involved in the project. No exclusion.
    Communication: team needs to communicate properly.
    Team spirit: not competition, which is harmful to the project.
    A team is made up of complementary ideas that respect each other.
    Critical thinking.

  186. All three of them are trying to show how professional they are instead of completely listening to the project manager

  187. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are:

    1. Conflict of interest: William’s close relationship with the opinion research firm and his desire to please John and the project goals may have led to a conflict of interest, which would have potentially compromised the objectives and integrity of the engagement report.

    2. Misrepresentation of information: The overly positive report and William’s initial reluctance to share the methodology and data collection process raised concerns about transparency and honesty in presenting information.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario include:

    1. Critical thinking: Karen’s professional skepticism and critical analysis of the report helped her in identifying potential issues and prompted her having to further investigate the project.

    2. Courage: Karen’s willingness to speak up and challenge the report, despite risking her probation period and office dynamics, demonstrated courage and a commitment to ethical conduct.

    3. Collaboration: John and Karen’s open communication and collaboration helped them address the issues and then helped them find a solution that prioritized the project’s integrity and the firm’s reputation.

    4. Cultural awareness: John’s recognizing cultural differences and his adaptability in navigating the international project context showed he is appreciative of cultural awareness and sensitivity.

    5. Integrity: Karen’s focus which was to uphold the firm’s reputation and integrity drove her actions and decisions, thereby demonstrating a commitment to ethical conduct and professional standards.

    6. Communication: Effective communication among John, Karen, and the global firm was crucial in being able to resolve the issue and ensure the project’s success, highlighting the importance of clear and transparent communication in ethical decision-making.

    These skills helped in bringing ethics into the decisions made by the people involved in this scenario, ultimately prioritizing the project’s integrity, the firm’s reputation, and it’s professional conduct.

  188. Project tend to have challenges is there is no adequate stakeholder engagement, collaboration, ethical behavior transparency etc which are crucial amongst other requirements for successful project implementation.

    Kennedy Anyanwu
    Cohort 15

  189. It appears there were a couple of issues within the engagement program. Firstly, William’s failure to involve John in the planning process left John feeling excluded and raised concerns about ethical conduct. Secondly, Karen found it challenging to provide John with honest feedback due to her concerns about his feelings. Fortunately, they later communicated and identified potential solutions to the problem. Ethical behavior and transparent communication are crucial in organizational settings.

  190. I think William should have really carried John along on the engagement programme and Karen should have been more open about her review to John and then suggesting a possible way forward.

  191. In project management, ethics play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are executed with integrity, transparency, and respect for all stakeholders. Here are some ethical principles and values commonly applied in project management:

    1. Honesty and Integrity: Truthful communication, transparent decision-making, and fair dealings.

    2. Respect and Professionalism: Treat team members, stakeholders, and clients with respect, dignity, and courtesy.

    3. Responsibility and Accountability: Take ownership of actions, decisions, and outcomes.
    . Transparency and Open Communication: Share information, provide regular updates, and encourage open feedback.

    . Confidentiality and Privacy: Protect sensitive information and maintain confidentiality when required.

    . Quality and Excellence: Strive for high-quality work, continuous improvement, and innovative solutions.

    . Sustainability and Environmental Awareness: Consider the environmental and social impact of projects.

    Stakeholder Engagement and Management: Identify, analyze, and prioritize stakeholder needs and expectations

    . Risk Management and Mitigation: Identify, assess, and mitigate risks to minimize harm.

    . Continuous Learning and Improvement: Embrace learning, seek feedback, and apply lessons learned.

    By embracing these ethical principles, project managers can build trust, foster collaboration, and deliver successful projects that benefit all stakeholders.

  192. Lack of proper communication between John and William at the case study stage leading to seem as transparency challenged with John. Thereby causing inefficiency to achieving the project goals

  193. Issue in the case study.

    Lack of effective communication and transparency: Williams and John lack effective communication and shows no transparency to each other on the project which leads to misunderstanding and inefficiencies in achieving the project goals.

    Over confidence and Conflict of interest: Williams believe he has been with the firm for years and he is people person, he believe in himself that he is in better position to know to know exactly how to go around with the project and presenting it to the third party. Forgetting he has a team [selfishness idea], he refuse to share his idea or seek opinions ahead with the teams, he also underestimate the teams strength. Karen on the other side couldn’t challenge john to avoid negative work environments, creating or a positive work environment and making sure of the project result is essential.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    * Communication
    *Knowledge and regulatory environment
    *Ethics and adherence to standards
    *Critical thinking and problem solving

  194. There was lack of inclusivity and openness on the part of Williams by not considering John’s part in the project. John on his part should have created the opportunity to have a discussion about it with Williams. Karen at first put her personal goals ahead of the organizations needs:
    Had she not taken up the courage to speak to John about her findings, it could have costed the company.

  195. There lack of inclusivity and openness on the part of Williams by not considering John’s part in the project. John on his part should have created the opportunity to have a discussion about it with Williams. Karen at first put her personal goals ahead of the organizations needs:
    Had she not taken up the courage to speak to John about her findings, it could have costed the company.

  196. It sounds like there were a couple of issues in the engagement program. Firstly, William didn’t include John in the planning process, which made John feel left out and violated ethical conduct. Secondly, Karen struggled to give an honest review to John because she was concerned about his feelings. However, they were able to communicate later and find possible solutions to the problem. Ethical conduct and open communication are so important in organizations, right?

  197. Williams lack of teamwork led to the initial project. I think there should be inclusivity in a team.
    Karen was able to communicate withj john by providing constructive feedback

  198. Umeanolue Lilian
    Team 6

    The first issue was William not including John during the process of organizing the engagement programme. John was surprised as this violated ethical conduct and he felt left out during the whole process.
    Another issue was Karen finding it hard to give her honest review to John concerning the project because she was considering his feelings. In an organisation as it relates to ethical conduct, colleagues should be able to speak freely and sincerely to better projects and be able to work better together. Gladly, Karen was able to communicate with John in the following week and a few others were able to find possible solutions to the problem.

  199. The issues of professional conducts that i can identify in this scenario are failure to communicate with team members early ,lack of trust, no critical thinking about the future effect of the result.Although Karen was a new staff,he had to convince John and William after discussing with her colleagues and the prolem was solved. skills used include: communication,problem solving,teamspirit,research and analytical skills.

  200. The first issue was William not including John during the process of organizing the engagement programme. John was surprised as this violated ethical conduct and he felt left out during the whole process.
    Another issue was Karen finding it hard to give her honest review to John concerning the project because she was considering his feelings. In an organisation as it relates to ethical conduct, colleagues should be able to speak freely and sincerely to better projects and be able to work better together. Gladly, Karen was able to communicate with John in the following week and they and a few others were able to find possible solutions to the problem.

    Team 9
    Orji Miracle

  201. Communication skill was used by John to request an honest feedback from Karen and
    on the part Karen despite all her fears of what she could l ose if she told John the honest truth about the report, she didn’t let it stop her. The success of the project superseded her personal choices.
    Team play was greatly applied to arrive at the desired result.

  202. Two issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are:Misrepresentation of Data: William’s decision to rely on pre-existing opinion research without informing John or involving him in the process is unethical. Presenting these results as if they were collected through the planned engagement program misrepresents the situation and could lead to misguided decisions.
    b. Conflict of Interest: Karen faces a conflict of interest between her desire to maintain a positive office environment and her obligation to provide honest feedback. She feels pressured to avoid criticizing John or the report to maintain workplace harmony, even though she suspects the validity of the data.
    The skills used to address ethical considerations in this scenario include:
    a. Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting it without scrutiny. She engages in a thorough analysis of the situation and considers the long-term consequences of different courses of action.
    b. Communication: Effective communication skills are evident in Karen and John’s discussion about the problem with the report. They engage in an open dialogue, sharing concerns and exploring potential solutions. Additionally, Karen’s ability to communicate her idea of seeking assistance from a larger firm demonstrates effective communication in implementing ethical decision-making.
    c. Problem-solving: Both Karen and John engage in problem-solving skills to address the ethical dilemma. They brainstorm potential solutions, weigh the risks and benefits, and ultimately devise a plan to rectify the situation by seeking external assistance to validate the engagement findings. This proactive approach demonstrates their ability to navigate complex ethical challenges.

  203. Osuji Mirian
    May 10,2024@2:26 pm

    To me there were communication bridge between William and John but thank God Karen gave in a professional solution to it

  204. In a scenario like this, conflicts of interest, maintaining confidentiality, truthfulness in communication, respecting diversity, adhering to professional standards, and ensuring accountability in decision-making is crucial.
    Reflecting on skills used to help bring ethics into decisions who are involved : Critical thinking skills, empathy, communication proficiency, moral reasoning, decision-making abilities, conflict resolution expertise, and a strong ethical foundation, all the aforementioned plays crucial roles in navigating ethical dilemmas and ensuring principled conduct in professional settings.

  205. In the scenario given, there was no question about their expertise in the organization and the subject matter. However, the issue I noticed revolves around:

    The issues:

    1. Organizational approach to the project – Although it can be said that William knew about the purpose of John’s coming over, it was about the engagement program organized for brainstorming over the project. Yet, he went ahead to carry out the research without John. This has nothing to do with project management methods, in my opinion, William might have done things that way, but that’s not professional.

    2. Communication: Initially Karen wasn’t going to discuss with John about the lapse because she was trying to secure her job, but eventually she did

    How it was resolved:
    1. Professional conduct: When Karen had reservations about John’s report, she didn’t approach it immediately, but eventually did. She knew enough not to rubbish John’s effort but also knew what the report says is a risk to the organizational brand.
    Eventually, they put efforts together and solved the issue while carrying others along.

    2. communication – They communicate in a detailed and comprehendible manner
    3. Teamwork – they pull forces together to get the project done.

    Mary Ayo

  206. There is lack of communication and inadequate transparency between Williams and john which created a gap in the team spirit and interest. However, Karen was able to bridge the gap professionally using ethical approach and relentlessly focusing on the goal and not allowing herself to be subjected to lack of confidence being the newbie amongst them.

  207. In this there’s lack of communication and lack of transparency. Williams feels he could carry out the work on his own with out others.
    No proper research was made from the beginning and No team work.

    But at the long run the issues was pointed out and even though lots of mistakes were already made , John was willing to listen to his partner advice and she helped, that helped too.
    Team work is very important in project management

  208. Lack of transparency, communication and team work particularly on the part of William. He seemed comfortable cutting corners. Eventually the problems were resolved through tact, critical thinking and team work.

  209. I) Inadequate communication and transparency: There’s a lack of clear communication and transparency between William and John, leading to potential misunderstandings and inefficiencies in carrying out the project
    . II). Over- confidence: Because Williams believed that he is people’s person, he undermined sharing his ideas with his team having felt that his plans were more valid instead of discussing with his team early.
    III). Lack of Trust of and Team Spirit- Also William’s initial reaction and point of view to his other project team, especially John showed that the former do not totally trust the latter’s knowledge of the project’s environment. It is also a display of lack of team spirit to the team by John,
    iv) Potential conflict of interest: Karen inability to challenge the report because of her worries it might impact John negatively is a demonstration of potential conflict of interest between keeping a positive work environment and ensuring the integrity of results of the project.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    i) Communication
    ii) Critical Thinking
    iii) Problem-Solving and ownership Spirit
    iv) Ethical Leadership

    Familua Adeniyi Cohort 15 , Team 1

  210. They lack the following from the beginning
    Lack Transparency:They took a short cut from the beginning
    Team spirit:They didn’t carry out the survey together.
    Skill used in tackling this problem:
    Critical thinking
    Effective communication
    Research and
    Team work

  211. Professional Conduct

    • Team Spirit: There was no defined agreement between Wiliam and John on the plan or strategy to execute the project at hand.

    • Communication and Transparency Issues: John and William’s differing expectations and communication styles revealed a lack of transparency.

    • Conflict of Interest Concerns and Fear of discrimination: Karen’s hesitation to challenge the report due to office dynamics raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring project success. She was also very scared of being side lined and marginalized as a new employee.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions:

    • Leadership Style and Integrity: John’s leadership style was evident. He knew the report was too perfect to be true and pushed him to seek for honest opinion from Karen. He is also a man integrity and reputation. He was concerned about the reputation of the organization and what their clients thought of them, and this led to addressing the concerns identified in the report and supporting Karen’s initiative to involve external experts and local firms which helped identify previously overlooked hurdles.

    • Effective Communication: John and Karen’s open dialogue helped uncover ethical concerns and discrepancies in the report. The Face-to-face communication also helped in uncovering the truth and John was able to read nonverbal cues and pushed for more honest feedback from Karen.
    • Analytical Reasoning: Karen’s analysis of the report’s accuracy and potential risks demonstrated her ability to think critically and not accept information unquestionably.

    • Problem-Solving: John and Karen show cased their problem-solving skills in addressing the ethical concerns in the report, exploring alternatives like seeking external expertise and opinion of the local folks to uphold the company’s reputation.

  212. William’s report was too good to be true. It’s possible his report was not ethically created.

    John and Karen saw through this and decided to carry out a research that’d reveal the real problems the project might encounter.

    The skills I identified in this case study are: integrity, honesty (Karen was honest in her feedback), knowledge of regulatory environment, anticipating issues that may arise.

  213. In these scenario the professional conduct employed include but not limited to:
    1) engaging in program with key stakeholders
    2) engaging the locals to get their own opinion
    3) Analyzing the for and against, and coming up with best and save response.
    These was achieved by
    – effective communication
    – Collaboration and
    – Team work

  214. Issues of professional conduct in this scenario include:
    1. Lack of transparency: Williams had other strategy he adopted for the project which he failed to share initially with the others.
    2. Lack of effective communication: There was a clear communication gap between the three and this reflected in the project.
    3,. Lack of team spirit and coordination: There was no agreement on the way they were to work, everyone had various ideas without any common ground.
    Skills used to bring ethics into decision include :
    1. Effective communication
    2. Critical thinking.
    3. Research and networking skills.
    4. Ability to work together as a team.

  215. Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

    Yes. There was a case of ethical misconduct. William used an organisation that favoured their interest to get the needed feedback for the project.

    Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?


    The skills used were communication skills.
    Evaluating stakeholders
    Identifying stakeholders.

  216. Based on the case study the scenario which I saw here was:
    1) Lack of Transparency – William was not transparent with John about the engagement and reports, which made John to look incompetent.
    2) Fear – Karen acted as if she was afraid of challenging the report and findings about the project John brought which could hinder the success of the project.
    3) Communication – John was not willing to communicate with Karen at first about the report of the project.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decision.
    1) Communication – Karen knew something was wrong with the report and had to find a way to communicate with John.
    2) Professionalism- Both John and Karen had to come up with a solution so the project would be successful.
    3) Leadership – John was able to listen to Karen and other experts decisions to ensure the success of the project.

  217. The scenario which played out exposed the ill-effects of disunity, unprofessionalism and mis-communication which are quite very essential in Project Management.

    1. Issues of Professional Conduct:

    • Lack of Transparency and Communication: John and William’s differing expectations and approaches highlight a lack of clear communication and transparency. This led to misunderstandings and inefficiencies on both sides in the task being assigned to them .
    •Potential Conflict of Interest: Karen’s reluctance to challenge the report due to concerns about office dynamics highlights a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring project success .

    2. Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    • Communication: John and Karen’s effective communication helped identify ethical concerns. Their open dialogue uncovered discrepancies in the report.
    • Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking was evident when she questioned the report’s accuracy and implications. She analyzed potential risks instead of accepting the report blindly.
    • Problem-Solving: Both John and Karen engaged in problem-solving measures to address the ethical dilemma. They explored alternatives, such as seeking external expertise, to maintain their good reputation.
    • Leadership: John demonstrated leadership qualities by addressing concerns about the report’s validity and supporting Karen’s initiative to involve external experts.

  218. Issues of professional conduct

    * Communication – this was not mutual as there was communication gap among them
    * Team spirit – there was no agreement on what the plan was
    * Transparency -Kare was not transparent enough because she doesn’t want an issue in the company and she doesn’t want John to feel bad
    * Over confidence – Williams felt he is the people’s person so he felt his plans were more valid instead of sharing ideas with his team and resolving on an agreed plan.

    * Professionalism – Karen was professional enough to have a discussion with John and ironed the issue
    * Transparency – Karen was able to tell John what she felt about his idea
    * Project mapping – they were able to map out the risks of the project.
    * Brainwave – Karen was wise enough to get more findings about the project.
    *Negotiation – they were able to negotiate with a bigger firm.
    * Time management – they were able to manage their time effectively within the course of the project.

  219. 1. Teamwork with Karen and John to address the issues identified in the report.
    2. Critical thinking employed by Karen.
    3. Networking and collaboration.

  220. Some issues of Professional Conduct identified
    -Deceit (Lack of objectivity)
    – Honesty
    – Credibility
    – Professionalism
    – Integrity
    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individual involved were:
    – Critical Thinking skills
    – Risk Mapping skill
    – Problem Solving skill
    – Networking skill
    – Negotiation skill

  221. The major issue notice between the three parties is lack of poor communication.

    John seem not be fully concern about the project to william discretion so he took it upon himself to clear it. Karen’s seems not to open up due to her position in the firm.

    On the long run, they were able to clear out the table with Karen’s intelligence which was fueled by her desire of the firm’s reputation. Although, they were not able to meet the requirements but saved the project and kept the relationship the firm involved.

  222. Some issues of professional conduct between John, Williams and Karen in the scenario was:
    -Poor communication: John didn’t communicate weel with Williams about how he expected the engagement program to be and william didn’t make John fully awear of what was going on.
    -Poor team work: The team as a whole didn’t work together to see to it that the project went on as planned.

  223. 1. Issues of Professional Conduct:
    a)Lack of transparency and communication: John and William seem to have different expectations and approaches regarding how the engagement program should have been conducted and reported. There’s a lack of clear communication and transparency between them, leading to potential misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
    b) Potential conflict of interest: Karen expresses concerns about challenging the report because she worries it might reflect poorly on John and affect the office dynamics negatively. This situation highlights a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring the integrity of project outcomes.

    2. Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    a) Communication: Effective communication between John and Karen played a crucial role in identifying the ethical concerns regarding the engagement report. Their open dialogue and willingness to discuss potential issues helped uncover discrepancies that needed to be addressed.
    b) Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking skills were evident when she questioned the accuracy and thoroughness of the engagement report. She didn’t accept the report at face value but instead analyzed the potential risks and implications of relying on it without scrutiny.
    c) Problem-Solving: Both John and Karen engaged in problem-solving to navigate the ethical dilemma. They explored alternative options, such as seeking input from external experts, to ensure that the project’s integrity was maintained despite the initial shortcomings in the report.
    d) Ethical Leadership: John demonstrated ethical leadership by acknowledging the need to address the concerns raised about the report’s validity. He also supported Karen’s initiative to involve external expertise, showing a commitment to ethical decision-making and project integrity.

  224. Professional conduct in this scenario
    between Williams,John and Karen are:
    Lack of team work
    Lack of collaboration
    Lack of good communication, Lack of coordination.

    The skill used to bring ethics back into the decision: Effective communication
    Team work
    Critical thinking

  225. The scenario underscores the critical importance of three elements in project management: valuing contributions, effective communication, and collaboration.In this case, the issues arose primarily from William’s failure to recognize the importance of these elements. Assigned to manage a project alongside the experienced manager, John, William neglected to involve John in key decisions. This oversight led to significant project challenges.

    However, when Karen stepped in and communicated with John, valuing his experience and insights, they collaborated using Karen’s proposed solutions combined with John’s feedback. This effective teamwork and communication quickly resolved the project issues.
    This example illustrates the powerful impact of valuing each team member’s contribution, maintaining open lines of communication, and fostering collaboration to achieve project success.

  226. Highlighted below are the instances of professional conduct in the APM’s ethics case study scenario:
    i) Moral principles and value exist between John and William which led to John accepting William’s point of view of opinion research firm, even when he was not 100% convince.
    ii) Also, ethical practice, code of practice and value were seen in the discussion between John and Karem the following week to the reputation of XYZ firm by ensuring the first stage of the project was executed according to the firm’s code of practice; while not discarding William’s point of view.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individual involved were:
    Ethics and standards
    Knowledge of the regulation environment
    Negotiation and
    Time management

  227. firstly, with the scenario presented, a few of professional conduct played out
    1. lack of team work: The team looked divided and where not working as a team.
    2. lack of coordination; There was no coordination between John, Williams and Karen, each of them were doing their own thing.
    3. lack of transparency and honesty: Williams went ahead to handle everything all by himself forgetting he wasn’t there alone.
    4. Misplaced priorities: John decided to go for sightseeing instead of focusing on the work they were there to do first.

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in the scenario
    1. critical thinking: Karen was able to think, make research and communicate with people to provide solution to the issue on ground
    2. Open to criticism: John was open to criticism and did not see Karen as someone who is not as experienced as him, he had good listening ear.
    3. communication: Good communication played out between Karen and John and it helped them to solve the case before them.

  228. Integrity, team work, responsibility principle and public interest are the professional conduct played out in the scenario. Collaborating is a key factor in project management, and a project manager must be willing to collaborate part of which communication is. John adopted communication and ethical skills.

  229. In the scenario presented, a few issues of professional conduct are evident:

    Lack of Transparency: The agency overseen by William seems to have conducted the engagement program without informing John, the project manager from XYZ, resulting in a lack of transparency and a communication breakdown between the parties involved.

    Potential Conflict of Interest: Karen, a new member at XYZ, faces a dilemma where she hesitates to criticize the engagement report despite her reservations about its accuracy. This situation hints at a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and upholding professional standards.

    In terms of skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario, several key skills stand out:

    Communication: John’s ability to communicate concerns and engage in open dialogue with Karen demonstrates effective communication skills, which are essential for addressing ethical dilemmas and resolving conflicts.

    Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking skills are evident when she questions the accuracy of the engagement report and seeks solutions to address the potential risks associated with it. Critical thinking helps in evaluating information objectively and making informed decisions.

    Problem-Solving: The collaborative effort between John and Karen to brainstorm solutions and eventually involve a global firm for an independent review showcases strong problem-solving skills. This skill is crucial in navigating complex ethical challenges and finding viable resolutions.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Both John and Karen demonstrate ethical decision-making skills by prioritizing integrity and seeking solutions that align with professional standards, even if it involves challenging the status quo and addressing uncomfortable issues.

    Overall, this scenario highlights the importance of transparency, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making skills in navigating ethical dilemmas within project management contexts. These skills play a vital role in upholding professional conduct and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability in organizations.

  230. In this case study there were a few issues of professional conduct that John, William, and Karen faced:

    1. Lack of Transparency and Communication:
    John was surprised to learn that the engagement program had already been carried out without his knowledge. There was a lack of transparency in communicating the progress and results of the program.

    William didn’t share the information with John, which led to confusion and misalignment of expectations.

    2. Confirmation Bias and Overconfidence:
    Karen reviewed the opinion research and felt that the results were too perfect and aligned with expectations. She feared confirmation bias, where the findings were interpreted to fit preconceived notions.

    Overconfidence in the positive results could lead to complacency and overlooking potential risks or challenges.

    To address these issues, the following were the skills used:

    1. Transparency and Open Communication:
    Effective communication, there should be regular updates, progress reports, and sharing of critical information that is essential to the project.

    John and William should have communicated openly about the engagement program’s status, findings, and next steps.

    2. Critical Thinking and Objectivity:
    Karen’s suspicion of overly positive results demonstrates critical thinking. She recognized the need to question the findings and consider potential biases.

    Objectivity is crucial when evaluating research or reports. Karen objectively assesses the data, and challenges the status quo.

    3. Ethical Decision-Making:
    John, William, and Karen collaborate to ensure that decisions align with ethical standards and project goals.

    As a team, it’s essential to maintain ethical conduct in professional settings to build trust, maintain credibility, and achieve successful outcomes. Open communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making contribute to a positive work environment and effective project management.

  231. Issues of professional conduct could include:

    1. **Conflict of Interest**: If a project team member has a personal relationship or financial interest with a supplier, they might prioritize that supplier’s interests over the project’s best interests.

    2. **Misrepresentation of Information**: There could be instances where project progress or costs are misrepresented to stakeholders to maintain a positive image or secure additional funding.

    Skills used to address these issues might include:

    1. **Ethical Decision-Making**: Project team members need to assess situations impartially, considering the ethical implications of their actions and decisions.

    2. **Communication**: Open and transparent communication is essential to address conflicts of interest or misrepresentation of information. Team members need to feel comfortable raising concerns and discussing potential ethical dilemmas.

    These skills help ensure that ethical considerations are integrated into project decision-making processes, promoting integrity and trust within the project team and with stakeholders.

  232. From the scenario, there is lack of team work, effective communication transparency, compromising standards. The bone of contention is Williams who is not diligent with his work as well as John who had to accept a report that’s substandard. Karen was intelligent enough to find a way around the challenge.

  233. I think there was no teamwork and collaboration, and there was lack of communication with other stakeholders and external group. There was no critical thinking and objectives in the team. There was no ability to respect other’s opinion and work together .

  234. The issues here was XYZ reputation it had built overey the years was at stake and it was going to cost them other jobs if they went along with John plan and the project hit hurdles.

    William lacked transparency as he was willing to blindside his colleagues with a report that was obtained without their knowledge and might not have covered all necessary factors. He didn’t understand John’s standing.

    John although conflicted did not open up to Karen till she asked him about the report. He and Karen were able to resolve the issue through communication and critical thinking out of the box. John as PM was able to recognize he needed the help Karen extended. With this they turned the tide of the project positive end. They therefore maintained their company ethics and withstood the pressure to drop the ball by going the unetical way planned by William

  235. Issues identified in the case study include lack of transparency and team work by William who did not follow the plan earlier agreed on. William wanted to play to the gallery and please certain clients whether or not the work was genuine or faked.
    Skills used to bring ethics into the discussion include critical appraisal, open discussion and communicate and collaboration with other stakeholders and external groups to help resolve the issues and put the focus back on achieving the goal.

  236. Let’s explore the APM’s ethics case study resource1. Where we focus on XYZ, a small project consultancy formed by a team that broke away from a larger firm to specialize in a particular market niche. Here are the key points:

    Issues of Professional Conduct:
    Honesty and Transparency: XYZ faces a situation where they must decide whether to give an honest quote, even if it means losing out to less honest competitors. This highlights the ethical dilemma of maintaining integrity in pricing and competition.
    Client Relations: When a client asks XYZ to do something unethical, the team must decide how to handle the situation. Upholding ethical standards while maintaining client relationships is challenging.
    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    Integrity: The team demonstrates integrity by considering honesty in their quotes and standing up against unethical requests.
    Communication and Assertiveness: They communicate openly with clients, expressing their concerns and asserting their ethical boundaries.
    Critical Thinking: The team evaluates the impact of their decisions on stakeholders, including the wider community.
    Adaptability: As a new consultancy, XYZ adapts its ethical approach to build trust and reputation.
    In summary, XYZ’s ethical acumen involves honesty, client relations, and critical thinking. Their decisions impact not only their business but also society at large. By Discussion In the APM ethics case study, XYZ faces dilemmas related to honesty, transparency, and client relations. Their skills in integrity, communication, critical thinking, and adaptability play a crucial role in navigating ethical decisions. Maintaining high ethical standards benefits both the profession and society1.

    1. From the scenario, I can see that there was no teamwork among them, hence effective communication should have been a good tool adopted by them. Also, Mr. John is not firm and assertive to have accepted a substandard report. Mr. Williams on his own part is not diligent. While Karen lacks honesty and compromises standards.

  237. In this scenario, there were a few issues of professional conduct that John, William, and Karen faced:

    1. Lack of Transparency and Communication:
    John was surprised to learn that the engagement program had already been carried out without his knowledge. There was a lack of transparency in communicating the progress and results of the program.

    William didn’t share the information with John, which led to confusion and misalignment of expectations.

    2. Confirmation Bias and Overconfidence:
    Karen reviewed the opinion research and felt that the results were too perfect and aligned with expectations. She feared confirmation bias, where the findings were interpreted to fit preconceived notions.

    Overconfidence in the positive results could lead to complacency and overlooking potential risks or challenges.

    To address these issues, the following were the skills used:

    1. Transparency and Open Communication:
    Effective communication, there should be regular updates, progress reports, and sharing of critical information that is essential to the project.

    John and William should have communicated openly about the engagement program’s status, findings, and next steps.

    2. Critical Thinking and Objectivity:
    Karen’s suspicion of overly positive results demonstrates critical thinking. She recognized the need to question the findings and consider potential biases.

    Objectivity is crucial when evaluating research or reports. Karen objectively assesses the data, and challenges the status quo.

    3. Ethical Decision-Making:
    John, William, and Karen collaborate to ensure that decisions align with ethical standards and project goals.

    As a team, it’s essential to maintain ethical conduct in professional settings to build trust, maintain credibility, and achieve successful outcomes. Open communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making contribute to a positive work environment and effective project management.

  238. As a team, there is a need to work together effectively, there is a need to carry each member of the team along in every progress. This was what Williams lacked. He didn’t carry John along, he has his own clear plan of how the project will run but he is not considering other team members plans too and this doesn’t go down well with John. This can/ will lead to bad communication among the team members (Karen made mention of it in her reports). However Karen had deep conversations with John and they looked into the project critically and they were able to come up with clear plan. This is what communication does, good communication makes works easier and faster.
    Therefore skills used to integrate ethical considerations in this project were;
    1. Communication
    2. Well structured plans
    3. Integrity
    4. Respect
    5. Ability to consider other team members ideas more than yours if it’s better.
    A PM must never be rigid, he can never know it all, so he must be ready to listen and take into consideration other people’s opinion and ideas

  239. Williams is that team member that know no boundary and decided to take on another persons job because he feel he can do it better, Williams lack value, they didn’t work as a team instead they all made the project about themselves. Lack of proper plan, communication, structure and Value are professional conduct are the issue.

    I like the way Karen handle it by not pointing fingers in her report this help them so much because if she has done it would have created bad blood even though she didn’t point finger because she didn’t want anyone to hate her but its still the right decision. Communication between John and Karen is why they were able to find solution to the problem, this is why right communication is important. Karen research and desire to find solution help them at the end.

  240. The few issues of professional conduct in this scenario are; Williams left John behind who was meant to bring a report to enhance the project but William felt he can’t wait so long for the report to be brought for inclusion in which John’s report also left Karen to be doubtful of John’s report because it was too perfect to be accepted but lack of communication resulted in the misunderstanding amongst all involved and led to slow execution of the project.
    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions were; responsibility, conscience, integrity, respect, motivation, standards, communication and collaboration which made Karen and John to finally find a solution by meeting a global firm for review the works towards the project.

  241. A few instances of professional conduct include a focused culture on values around their chosen market niche for the company.
    Also noticed was a need for clearer commitment to the overall goal leading to miscommunication and slowing the collaboration between the colleagues.

    A few skills employed by these individuals to incorporate ethical considerations into their decisions include:
    Observation; Creating a balanced environment for workers while focusing on the goal and the company’s values; Team Involvement and Communication; Collaboration to overcome the initial barriers caused by miscommunication and non-collaboration.

  242. Issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario include: Dishonesty that borders alot on corruption in which the right steps were not carried out in doing the research. Looks like someone paid some people off to come up with a report that didn’t reflect the intention of the research.

    Problem solving, negotiating, ethics and standards were used to bring a solution to an already existing problem in this scenario.

  243. The The scenario is all about a
    lack of:
    value, we should lean to value each one contribution no matter your level
    communication: in every sphere of life , communication is paramount
    and collaboration.

    In project management, these three things are very essential.
    The lack of value exhibited by Willam.
    He was sent to handle a project with an experienced manager, John.
    Leaving John behind in the affairs of the project brought about the issue that came up in the project.

    The moment Karen communicated with John and collaborated with him on how to resolve the issue with the options she brought, and with John’s opinion over her suggestion, the issue was solved.

    This is what communicating and and collaborating skills effectively do.

  244. The scenario is all about a lack of value, communication, and collaboration.

    In project management, these three things are very essential.
    The lack of value exhibited by Willam.
    He was sent to handle a project with an experienced manager, John.
    Leaving John behind in the affairs of the project brought about the issue that came up in the project.

    The moment Karen communicated with John and collaborated with him on how to resolve the issue with the options she brought, and with John’s opinion over her suggestion, the issue was solved.

    This is what communicating and and collaborating skills effectively do.

  245. Communication is important. John and Williams had a bridge in communication which resulted in contrasting project excursion. Karen understood the impact and worked on it with John which resulted in a positive result

  246. The scenario in this case study,is the major reason we all need to place a great importance on effective communication, high level of sensitivity, and team work.
    Each of the team members must understand how to communicate to bring about progress and success.

    Team members must be ready to cover up,understand that there is a common goal which is to achieve the project objectives.

  247. Ethics are very important to organisation success, and it helps the project manager to act in a way that will bring moral balance between the clients and the project manager. Ethical dilemmas may be a challenge to the success of an organization and it will end up making the client terminate the contract of the project manager because of refusal to compromised his standard.

  248. John and William faced communication barriers due to their contrasting project execution approaches, exacerbated by John’s lack of complete trust in William’s decisions. Karen’s ability to question these decisions led her to conduct further research. Through open dialogue, John and Karen fostered an environment of trust and collaboration. John’s receptive attitude allowed Karen to propose innovative risk mitigation strategies. His leadership was evident in his willingness to listen and incorporate Karen’s findings, which ultimately proved invaluable during the project review.

  249. Misrepresentation: William, the client’s representative, misrepresents the way the stakeholder engagement was conducted. He claims it was done through forums when it was actually outsourced to an opinion research firm. This creates a false impression of thoroughness and undermines the project’s foundation.
    Lack of Transparency: John, upon receiving a suspiciously positive report, doesn’t investigate further or raise concerns with William. Karen also initially hesitates to speak up due to her new position. This lack of transparency could lead to overlooking crucial problems in the project.

    Ethical Skills Used
    Critical Thinking: Karen questions the validity of the report and nudges John to consider the bigger picture of the firm’s reputation. This critical thinking helps them identify the potential consequences of using unreliable data.
    Courage: John and Karen eventually decide to challenge the status quo despite the potential professional risks. This courage is essential for upholding ethical standards.
    Resourcefulness: Karen uses online research to identify a reputable firm who can review the local research, demonstrating resourcefulness in finding solutions.
    Collaboration: John and Karen work together to discuss the problem and develop a plan. This collaboration allows them to leverage each other’s skills and perspectives.

  250. Acting ethically means adhering to a set of moral principles and values that guide behavior and decision-making. It involves demonstrating honesty, integrity, fairness, and respect in interactions with others. Ethical behavior requires individuals to consider the impact of their actions on stakeholders, the environment, and society as a whole. This may include being transparent in communication, honoring commitments, respecting confidentiality, and avoiding conflicts of interest. Acting ethically often involves making difficult choices that prioritize the well-being of others and the greater good over personal gain. By fostering a culture of ethical conduct, individuals and organizations can build trust, promote accountability, and contribute to a positive reputation and long-term success.

  251. The reason they scale through was because they worked n their communication skill which was not so good and they were able to trust each other in team bonding. Each Team member must be ready to stand for one another and understand that their goal which is to achieve the project objectives.

  252. Professional Conduct Issues:
    John and William had a misunderstanding about the engagement program’s progress, showing that they weren’t on the same page. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion and problems working together effectively.

    William’s decision to only use an opinion research firm without involving XYZ raises concerns about being open and honest. It also suggests that the data might not be unbiased, which could affect the project’s success and trustworthiness.

    Ethical Decision-Making Skills:
    Karen showed good critical thinking by questioning the initial findings and considering the risks of blindly accepting them. She thought carefully about how it might affect the project and the company’s reputation.

    John and Karen worked well together by talking openly about their concerns, considering different ideas, and getting input from others. This teamwork helped them address ethical challenges and find solutions that met professional standards.

    Karen’s idea to collaborate with a global firm showed creative problem-solving. They looked outside their usual methods to ensure fair and accurate feedback, reducing risks linked to biased reports.

    John acted as a good ethical leader by listening to Karen’s concerns, involving others in discussions, and making sure they followed ethical guidelines. This approach built trust and helped them make better ethical decisions together.

  253. The scenario in this case study,is the major reason we all need to place a great importance on effective communication, high level of sensitivity, and team work.
    Each of the team members must understand how to communicate to bring about progress and success.

    Team members must be ready to cover up,understand that there is a common goal which is to achieve the project objectives.

  254. The scope of ethics they have are:
    moral principles,ethical practices and values.
    While the skills they exhibited are:
    -adequate communication and understanding
    -time management
    -ability to negotiate
    – honesty
    – diligence and
    – team work
    The situation between John and Karen was as a result of inadequate communication and collaboration with largely impacted the actualization of the project. As was observed, with an effective communication and collaboration at the end, John and Karen were able to find a solution to the problem.
    Conclusively, communication, negotiation and collaboration is essential to every project.

  255. In the study the scope of ethics they basically have are moral principles,ethical practices and values.
    While the skills they exhibited are:
    -adequate communication and understanding
    -time management
    -ability to negotiate
    – honesty
    – diligence and
    – team work
    John and Karen really take a great impact in the project,while John was on the project, Karen find out about a problem and try to joke with it to John but with his reaction she tends to mind her mode of communication and negotiation, but she later sat John down and explain the issues to him after that both Karen and John tries to solve the problem together and in the end they were able to find a solution to it which makes a team work, so my conclusion is communication, negotiation and teamwork is really important in a project.

  256. Communication is very important in a team, John and Karen talked about the situation and possible ways to solve the situation at hand. They looked beyond the situation and also shared it with some other colleagues and got different opinions and also made some research which helped them solve everything

  257. Communication is obviously a big issue for this team. John is unable to communicate his opinions to his team and honestly as the project manager, he’s unable to assert his authority on his team member. Williams acted like he knew everything since he has been in the company for so long or so he thinks.
    Karen clearly thought that the result was a little too perfect but she didn’t have the confidence to speak up because “she’s new”. The skill that was used to eventually resolve the issue is Communication, Understanding the regulatory environment, Ethics and adherence to standards and Continual professional development especially on the part of Karen and John.

  258. John being the project manager did not communicate properly with his team, While Williams being and indigiene went against the the ethics and without communicating to his manager collected datas. meanwhile Karen as a new bee is scared to communicate her views because of the nature of her work space.

  259. In the scenario read, Williams John and Karen exhibited a lack of team spirit, proper communication, accountability and integrity.
    Skillsnused to help bring ethics includes team work, transparency, effective communication, and critical thinking

  260. Professional ethics issues featured in this case study would include but not limited to the following;
    1. Honesty; on Williams part been transparent on the process and method the those result were gotten from would had solve issues surrounding lack of communication, team spirit, and professionalism which further add to more compilation on the task at hand.
    2. Integrity of the firm involved in the survey had stand open to counter opinions such further suplemented to integrity on the part of the clients firm.

  261. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario above are; lack of communication, lack of accountability and lack of team spirit. Williams worked against the ethics of the organisation by doing the whole project on his own without working hand in hand with his team members, without communicating the information neeeded for the project with his team and also not giving account of what happened while carrying out the project. Karen on the other hand wasn’t honest with herself concerning the project, knowing fully well that the project would have turned out great if they worked with John’s idea.
    The skills used by John and Karen to help bring ethics into decisions are; team work, communication, negotiation and transparency

  262. In the scenario above, Williams exhibited a lack of team spirit, lack of proper communication as well as lack of accountability this causing the rise of ethical issues.
    Subsequently, the skills employed by John and Karen to resolve the issue included team work, transparency, communication, thinking outside the box etc.

  263. Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario between Williams, John and Karen was lack of team spirit, lack of accountability, lack of proper communication, lack of coordination.
    The skill used to bring ethics back into the decision: Team work, Effective communication, Critical thinking, Research, Transparency.

  264. Two main problems in this story are:

    1. Not being honest: William didn’t tell John that he already had the information they needed. This isn’t fair because it keeps John in the dark and might make him not trust William anymore.

    2. Feeling pressured: Karen is in a tough spot. She knows the report isn’t completely right, but she’s scared to say so because she’s worried about her relationship with John and her job. This shows how it’s hard to do the right thing when you’re worried about other things.

    The characters in the story use these skills to deal with these problems:

    1. Critical Thinking: Karen and John both think carefully about whether they should trust the report or not. They look at it from different angles to figure out what to do.

    2. Communication (Transparency): John and Karen have good talks about the report. They share their worries and ideas with each other, which helps them come up with a plan together.

    3. Solving problems: John and Karen work together to find a way to fix the report’s problems without making things worse. They think about the best way to deal with the situation.

    4. Knowing what’s right: Everyone in the story knows it’s important to be honest and do their job well. Even when it’s hard, they try to do what’s right for the project and the people involved.

    Overall, this story shows how important it is to make good choices in project management, and how being honest, talking openly, thinking carefully, and working together can help solve tough problems.

  265. In the story, there is change in the organization ethical conducts and practices. There is also a clash of internal and external adversity.
    When the normal ethics of the organization which is to have proper engagement and meeting with the stakeholders was stopped. People in the team started having personal meetings. Also the team work was lost, and the project manager couldn’t have a clear conversation with his team and the stakeholders as well.
    Skills that helped to bring back the ethics are;
    1) Clear Communication
    2) General meeting with stakeholders and team members
    3) Team work
    4) Honesty and accountability.

  266. From the Scenario, there is a bridge in ethics(Internal and external adversaries) towards the project. A vivid acceptance of opinion from team members should be encourage and sound communication should delivered to all team members.

  267. Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario between Williams, John, and Karen is a lack of teamwork or team spirit inability to communicate effectively Also lack of coordination and time management by the project manager (Williams)

  268. The group faced challenges in establishing clear lines of communication, fostering a sense of collaboration, promoting transparency in decision-making, defining common objectives, and aligning their efforts to achieve project milestones.

  269. – Lack of communication/Team work on part of the Williams.

    Key skills demonstrated include: Effective Communication, Team Work and Negotiation Skills.

  270. The basic skill of efficient and effective communication was lacking, as everyone had a mind of their own and their own perspective

  271. Generally, all members of the team lacked trust for each other and ability to work as a team.
    John demonstrated integrity and accountability, while William exhibited passion and Karen was working from the angle of respect to all involved.

  272. -First, there was a very big gap in terms of communication
    -lack of teamwork and work ethics.
    -No transparency.

  273. There was an obvious lack of communication between William and John, a lack of teamwork. As Karen and John put their heads together with experts, they were able to identify the challenges that could occur later in the project and made suggestions on how they could be mitigated against. Communication, transparency and teamwork are key factors in executing a project. These key attributes were clearly lacking in William. John lacked the ability to communicate his fears for the project with William and Karen initially had a mindset of”it’s not my problem, so let me steer clear”. I’m happy she worked with John, when it was obvious that the project would encounter loads of unanticipated challenges and they were able to identify potential challenges, which is key in executing a project.

  274. As a project manager, Karen’s greatest input was her comprehension of the situation and her ability to communicate effectively.

    There was a lack of team spirit among them and Williams got a better understanding of the situation, all thanks to Karen.

  275. There are three issues of professional conduct in this scenario:
    1. Ineffective communication
    2. Lack of teamwork
    3. Accountability
    4. Lack of coordination
    In this scenario, it is shown how Williams ignored his team members and wanted to cut corners with the submission of the report without communicating with his team members first and being accountable.

    The skills that were employed in this scenario to ensure the project worked out in the end were:
    1. Teamwork between John and Karen.
    2. Effective communication and transparency
    3. Research

  276. Lack of trust between the team, everyone depending on an already made result not trying to be part of the result generation. Professional of conduct was not taken into consideration. Depending on generating a result which will please a team member. They were after the immediate result not after the integrity of the project. Avoided criticizing the report so as not to hurt each other. Probation period was a more priority than doing the right thing

    The skill used to bring ethics back into the decision was meeting and research.

  277. The issues of professional conduct featured in the case study.
    1) Williams trying to cut corners and not actually following through with agreed procedures.
    2)John allowing himself to be cajoled and reluctantly going along with William’s idea against his better judgement.
    3) Jane being sceptical about speaking up on the issues she had with the report.
    The skills employed to integrate ethical consideration into the decisions made by the individual involved include effective communication, team work and Negotiation skills

  278. There was no effective communication among the team as they should have had all discussions and settled their differences before meeting with the clients and the sponsor.

    No team work and coordination because as a Project Manager, it is necessary that all the team members must work together as a team in order to meet with the goal of the project.

    William didn’t trust John in this case study, However, Karen was able to communicate with William enabling him to understand the goals of the project.

  279. The case study is John and Karen where they discuss a problem and had to solve it,with team work and communication it was solved.

  280. 1) The professional conduct in the scenario is that the 3 of them did look down on each other reports

    2) John and Karen discussed the problem of the report and they also start to look for solution to it
    Karen employ the collaborate skills by discussing with the colleagues where she got some insight to the solution

  281. An instance of professional conduct was when john and karen discussed over the project and karen come up with solutions. the skills i noticed were communication and team spirit from karen

  282. William worked independently. That is not good enough. He did not give room for team work and communication among the team members. Skills employed are Honest report, Critical thinking. Also, William did not act ethically. He cut off his team members and worked to arrogate the glory and success of the project to himself. This is against the values of XYZ company

  283. In this scenario, XYZ, a small project consultancy, secures its first overseas contract with an agency of an overseas government. John, an experienced project manager at XYZ, is sent to organize an engagement program, but is surprised to learn that the program has already been conducted by William, his counterpart at the agency. William believes the information gathered by a local opinion research firm aligns with their expectations. Karen, a new member at XYZ, becomes concerned about the overly positive results of the engagement report. After discussing with John, they realize the risks of both accepting the report as is and challenging it. With Karen’s suggestion, they collaborate with a global firm to review the local firm’s work, ultimately identifying significant hurdles for the project’s next stage.

    Ethical themes highlighted in this scenario include honesty in reporting findings, transparency in project management, and integrity in decision-making. Key skills demonstrated include critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and ethical decision-making.

  284. John and William lacks the ability to communicate their issues to their team members. Keren on the other is a good project manager.. She has the ability to sort out issues and communicates with her team members. Teamwork is very effective and necessary.

  285. As a project manager, John lacks communication skill. he is a loner who does want to carry the others in group along.

    Williams on the other hand is just in the middle not minding whatever is being offered to him because he feels talking will bring about an issue.

    Karen did a good job as a good PM for sorting for what the problem in what john brought and the solutions from experts who have done a similar issue before, I commend her for that.

  286. From the observation I will say that Karen is a very good project manager who is willing to carry everybody along to achieve a common goal even though it they had communication and trust issues.

  287. Understanding the situation and communicating with the right words was the best thing Karen did as a good project manager
    Team spirit was missing among them, Karen was able to explain things to Williams in other to achieve the project goal.

  288. Team work was key on tackling the issue. Karen used the right tactics and the right word to solve the issue. Kudos to her for being a good project manager at that.

  289. John didn’t understand the work properly.
    But thanks to Karen who communicated very well to get things done properly and on time.

  290. Karen is a good project manager, he understood the situation and communicate with the right words.
    There was no team spirit among them, but kudos to Karen for explaining things to Williams to achieve the project goal.

  291. Firstly, there is no effective communication among the team as they should have had all discussions and settle their differences in thought and opinion before meeting with the clients and the sponsor.

    No team work and coordination because as a PM, it is necessary that all the team members must work together as a team in order to meet with the goal of the project.

    William didn’t trust John in this case study

    Karen was able to communicate with William enabling him to understand the goals of the project.

  292. From my study of the case in question, it is clear that William has a different work ethic and value from John and Karen. William was willing to take an easy route to get his results which didn’t seat with with John. Karen too found the results to perfect and decided to get to the bottom of it.
    I applaud her ability to communicate effectively and get things sorted out. John was quite scared because he probably didn’t wanna get on bad terms with Williams thereby loosing any future business deals.

  293. John asked a professional question on how the engagement program will be organized because it will help gather findings that will help I’m delivering the next stage of the project

  294. Ethics are guides to keep individuals in track in a workplace. From the attached document, Willam believed in experience so much that he forgot that change is inevitable. Monitoring and Evaluation of the system or process should be done without bias and must be intrinsic. With so doing the Impact of the Project will be phenomenal.
    John who preferred the ‘due – process’ was rather taken aback with the promptness of the work knowing fully well there was no communication, collaboration and team work.
    Karen was playing safe being a new member of the organization.
    Truthfulness and openmindedness came into play as John owned up to his fears about the project results,
    Collaboration, Communication, teamwork, honesty, empathy, and risk management among others saved the project from crashing. All saving the company’s reputation.

  295. First off, the flow of communication between the team is quite low as they should have had all discussions and settle their differences in thought and opinion before meeting with the contractor.

    The lacks team work and coperation; as a project manager it is very important that all member of the team collaborate together so as to meet with the organizational value.

    Lack of trust and criticism; William who is part of the firm director does not so much belief in John write up .

    Karen who is the last employee has done so well by reaching out to William enabling him to understand the risk in his write up and remapping it to make a balance.

  296. William was willing to sidestep guidelines and the approved processes and willing to move to the next big project, the only reason this was not possible was because of the ethical and moral uprightness of John and Karen who had to to agree to do everything possible to safeguard the reputation of XYZ company.

  297. John and Karen understands the core values of the organization way better than Williams. Although John does not know how to communicate his thought to his team, but in the other hand, Karen has a good communication skill, she struck up a conversation with John in a friendly manner and John has a good listening skills.
    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team and that makes him jump want to boycott important ways and ethics of getting the project done.
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking,

  298. Acting Ethically:

    Ethical themes and skills touched on in the APM scenario Document:

    Transparency: John exemplifies transparency by advocating for a clear and open engagement process to gather genuine stakeholder feedback.

    Accountability: William avoids accountability by sidestepping the planned engagement program and relying on pre-gathered data.

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking by questioning the seemingly perfect results of the outsourced research.

    Communication : Improvement- All three characters could benefit from improved communication. John could be more assertive about his concerns, William could be more transparent about his methods, and Karen could voice her doubts.
    *Communication* : Positives-
    Karen is sensitive and observant to John’s reaction when she cracks a joe about the Project Report.
    John is flexible and expresses his concern to Karen, thus opening up further discussions and consultation with relevant stakeholders, which eventually brought a solution.

  299. Williams had poor communication skills, John and Karen had good approach to problems and also has good ethical awareness skills in reporting datas accurately.

  300. As a project manager for any company, the use of agile method is recommended, this brings flexibility, room for improvement and also client inclusiveness in managing a project.

  301. First off, the flow of communication between the team is quite low as they should have had all discussions and settle their differences in thought and opinion before meeting with the contractor.

    The lacks team work and coperation; as a project manager it is very important that all member of the team collaborate together so as to meet with the organizational value.

    Lack of trust and criticism; William who is part of the firm director does not so much belief in John write up .

    Karen who is the last employee has done so well by reaching out to William enabling him to understand the risk in his write up and remapping it to make a balance.

  302. There was an External adversity on John’s part. John also did not take the William along with the project in some ways. He should let the PM do the job he was employed to do.
    There was a lack of communication on Williams part. As a PM, you have to be able to communicate your reservation to the stakeholder.
    There was no flow of communication between Karen and Williams. Karen hesitation to speak to Williams about what she thinks about his opinion says a lot about their team.
    The important thing is for the project to be successful and that should be the goal. There should be a good communication between the team members and stakeholders. There also should be transparency on both sides.

  303. Some instances of professional conduct by the individuals involved are

    Lack of transparency and integrity by Williams which can also be classified as External adversity. John also compromised on the integrity of his organisation by not bring up his reservations with Williams and not sharing his findings with Kate who is from the same organisation as him

    Communication gap. Williams did not communicate effectively with the rest of the team about the entire process of the engagement program. John was also not an effective lead and as Kate’s superior did not enable the easy flow of communication between them.

    Conflict of interest. Karen’s hesitation to speak up to John about her concerns regarding the research findings highlights a conflict of interest between professional integrity and her own personal considerations.

    Some of the skills demonstrated by the individuals in this scenario to navigate these ethical dilemmas
    Problem solving and taking initiative
    Conflict resolution
    Effective communication
    Critical thinking

    1. Communication gap. Williams did not communicate effectively with the rest of the team about the entire process of the engagement program. John was also not an effective lead and as Kate’s superior did not enable the easy flow of communication between them.

  304. John exhibited preparedness and initiative in his approach, having already advised William on the duties that needed to be done. William regrettably moved forward without continuing to communicate in a clear and efficient manner, acting without sufficient coordination or consultation and acting prematurely. This hasty decision caused a communication breakdown, which in turn caused the team’s cohesiveness and synergy—two things necessary for success—to disappear.
    But John demonstrated the traits of a good leader by paying attention and being open to receiving. He showed respect for Karen by appreciating her observations and showing that he was open to learning from others, realising that no one is an expert in every field.
    Karen approached her superiors with wisdom, skillfully presenting insightful views. John, on the other hand, was humble in accepting her advice, which helped them both succeed in the project’s conclusion.

  305. In this xyz company firstly there was flow of communication between the parties involved. They stated their true plans and how to get there.
    Secondly when they realised there might be a higher risk if they carry out their plans. Then they got the stakeholders involved.
    Thirdly they worked as a team. And they helped a lot.

  306. In this xyz company firstly there was flow of communication between the parties involved. They stated their true plans and how to get there.
    Secondly when they realised there might be a higher risk if they carry out their plans. Then they got the stakeholders involved.
    Thirdly they worked as a team. And they helped a lot.

  307. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario include:

    Lack of transparency and integrity: The client agency, represented by William, did not inform John upfront that the engagement program had already been conducted using opinion research. This lack of transparency raises concerns about the integrity of the process and the accuracy of the obtained information. It suggests a deviation from professional conduct standards, as stakeholders should be fully informed about the methods and findings of any research or engagement activities.

    Conflict of interest and pressure to conform: Karen expresses hesitation to challenge the opinion research findings due to concerns about potential repercussions and the impact on office dynamics. This reluctance to speak up highlights a potential conflict of interest between professional integrity and personal considerations, such as job security and workplace harmony. It underscores the importance of maintaining independence and objectivity in professional decision-making, even in challenging or uncomfortable situations.

    several skills were utilized by the individuals involved in this scenario to navigate the ethical considerations:

    Critical thinking: John demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the deviation from the planned engagement approach and recognizing the potential implications for the project. Similarly, Karen applied critical thinking to assess the validity of the opinion research findings and identify the need for further investigation.

    Communication: Effective communication played a crucial role in addressing ethical concerns and facilitating collaboration among team members. John and Karen engaged in open dialogue to discuss their apprehensions about the report and explore potential solutions. This communication helped build trust and fostered a supportive environment for ethical decision-making.

    Problem-solving: Both John and Karen employed problem-solving skills to identify the ethical dilemma and develop strategies for addressing it. They recognized the risks associated with accepting the flawed report and worked together to find a solution that aligned with ethical principles while mitigating project risks.

    Collaboration: Collaboration was essential in leveraging collective expertise and resources to address the ethical issues effectively. John and Karen collaborated with colleagues and external partners to conduct a thorough review of the research methodology and validate the findings. This collaborative approach enabled them to identify material hurdles for the project’s next stage and ensure its success.

    Ethical awareness: Finally, all individuals demonstrated a heightened awareness of ethical considerations and their implications for professional conduct and project outcomes. They recognized the importance of upholding ethical principles, such as transparency, integrity, and accountability, in their decision-making process.

    Overall, the combination of critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and ethical awareness enabled the individuals involved to navigate the ethical complexities of the scenario effectively and make informed decisions that aligned with professional standards and ethical principles.

  308. Lack od transparency
    Lack of truthfulness
    Lack of team work
    Lack of communication

    Here John has proven to be a man of truth by wanted the project to be carried out the way it should be for adequate feedback but Williams in the other hand lacks truthfulness and transparency by wanted to do the project the other way around

    Williams exhibited the behavior of a lazy man buy not wanted to do an actual research and engagement, and this might have caused the success of this company
    They also lack team work and good communication

  309. Professional conducts.
    1. Rules and regulations by John
    2. Companies moral principles by John and Karen.
    3. Code of practice by the local research team
    4 ethical practice by Williams

    The ethical consideration was highly exhibited by Karen and John played high level of rules of conduct

  310. A few occasions of proficient conduct and moral contemplation are highlighted in this situation:

    Straightforwardness and Trustworthiness: John’s introductory response to the circumstances shows his concern about the method and his craving for straightforwardness in gathering criticism. This aligns with the moral rule of trustworthiness in venture administration, guaranteeing that data is exact and gotten through fitting strategies.

    Social Affectability: John’s intrigue in understanding the nearby culture and locking in with partners in a significant way reflects social affectability, a critical perspective on conducting trade universally. This attitude is fundamental for building beliefs and successful communication in diverse social settings.

    Keenness and Responsibility: Karen’s wavering to criticize the report at first due to fear of repercussions illustrates the moral values of keenness and responsibility. These values require people to speak up when they distinguish potential issues or dangers, indeed on the off chance that it may be awkward or challenging.

    Collaboration and Problem-Solving: Karen and John’s collaboration to address the inadequacies of the introductory report exhibits their cooperation and problem-solving abilities. They lock in basic considerations to evaluate dangers and investigate elective arrangements, eventually leading to a more exhaustive and dependable result for the extent.

    Investigate and Due Tirelessness: Karen’s activity to investigate and distinguish a legitimate firm for investigating the report demonstrates her commitment to due constancy and quality affirmation. This ability is pivotal in guaranteeing that choices are based on precise and sound data, lessening the chance of mistakes or misjudgments.

    In general, the situation emphasizes the significance of moral behavior, proficient conduct, and fundamental abilities such as straightforwardness, social affectability, astuteness, collaboration, problem-solving, and due constancy in extended administration and consultancy parts. These abilities empower people to explore complex circumstances, make educated choices, and maintain moral standards in their work.

  311. Lack of transparency: The agency overseen by William conducted the engagement program without involving John, which goes against the expectation of collaboration and transparency in a project partnership. Also, John also lacked the wherewithal to question the apparently false report and would have jeopardized the success of the project, had Karen not stepped up to question him jokingly.

    Misrepresentation of data: William’s agency submitted feedback that fit their interest of moving the project to the next phase, which may not be representative of the reality on ground. This misrepresentation can lead to incorrect assumptions and decisions regarding the project’s direction.

    Skills used to address ethical concerns:

    – Critical thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting it as it was presented.

    Communication and collaboration: Karen and John engage in open communication to discuss their concerns about the report and collaborate to find a solution. They involve other colleagues in the discussion, showcasing teamwork and a willingness to seek input and receive solutions from others.

    Problem-solving: Karen’s initiative to research and propose an alternative approach to validate the data shows her problem-solving skills. She identifies a potential solution and works with John to implement it effectively.

    Ethical awareness: Both Karen and John exhibit ethical awareness by recognizing the importance of accuracy and transparency in reporting data, even if it means challenging existing reports and risking discomfort or conflict.

  312. The PMs lacks team work, transparency and Honest communication/feedback and there was conflict of interest among

    Open communication,Honest feedback and teamwork

  313. Transparency and Integrity: There is a lack of transparency and integrity in the engagement program organized by William. Instead of conducting forums as planned, William opts for opinion research without informing John, compromising the integrity of the feedback-gathering process and potentially undermining the project’s objectives.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest concerning the accuracy and objectivity of the feedback provided by the opinion research firm. William’s close relationship with the firm and the predetermined nature of the results raise concerns about bias and impartiality, which may impact the project’s decision-making and outcomes.

  314. Conflict of Interest:There might be instances where individuals or organizations involved in the project have conflicting interests, such as government officials with ties to private companies bidding for project contracts.Transparency and Accountability:There could be issues with transparency and accountability in how project funds are allocated and spent, leading to potential misuse or mismanagement of resources.In addressing these issues and ensuring ethical decision-making, several skills would come into play:Ethical Awareness:Stakeholders need to be aware of potential conflicts of interest and the importance of transparency and accountability in project implementation.Communication Skills:Effective communication is crucial for discussing and resolving ethical dilemmas, ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities and obligations.Critical Thinking:Critical thinking skills help stakeholders evaluate situations objectively, identify ethical issues, and propose solutions that uphold ethical standards.Negotiation and Diplomacy:In cases of conflicting interests, negotiation and diplomacy skills are essential for finding compromises that balance the needs and interests of all parties involved.Decision-Making Skills:Strong decision-making skills enable stakeholders to make ethically sound choices, considering the potential impact of their actions on various stakeholders and the project’s overall success.

  315. Williams, as the PM, lacks *transparency* and *communication* skills. He follows what he thinks is good enough for the company and only banked on giving reports to his team rather than allow *teamwork*, open *communication* and respect for the others’ ideas. He singlehandedly took a decision which of course was loop sided.
    But John and Karen, after overcoming wrong application of self-pride and assumptions, were able to assuage the situation. They *collaborated* together with one mind, *communicated* their ideas, *brainstormed* on the two sides to the project and *critically* reached a problem solving height to push through the project.

  316. Transparency and Integrity: There is a lack of transparency and integrity in the engagement program organized by William. Instead of conducting forums as planned, William opts for opinion research without informing John, compromising the integrity of the feedback-gathering process and potentially undermining the project’s objectives.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest concerning the accuracy and objectivity of the feedback provided by the opinion research firm. William’s close relationship with the firm and the predetermined nature of the results raise concerns about bias and impartiality, which may impact the project’s decision-making and outcomes.

    Critical Thinking: Karen and John considered the potential risks and consequences of various actions, and identified the ethical implications of relying solely on the questionable engagement report.

    Problem-Solving: Karen and John brainstormed potential solutions, evaluated their feasibility and devised a plan to address the issue effectively while mitigating risks to the project.

    Communication: Effective communication skills were essential in this scenario, as Karen and John openly discussed their concerns, shared their perspectives, and collaborated to find a resolution.

    Collaboration: Collaboration played a crucial role as Karen and John worked together to navigate the ethical challenges they encountered while leveraging on each other’s strengths, perspectives, and expertise to develop a plan of action that addressed the ethical issues while aligning with the firm’s values and objectives.

  317. Transparency and Integrity: There is a lack of transparency and integrity in the engagement program organized by William. Instead of conducting forums as planned, William opts for opinion research without informing John, compromising the integrity of the feedback-gathering process and potentially undermining the project’s objectives.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest concerning the accuracy and objectivity of the feedback provided by the opinion research firm. William’s close relationship with the firm and the predetermined nature of the results raise concerns about bias and impartiality, which may impact the project’s decision-making and outcomes.

  318. There major goal is the same thing, though they are handling it differently. In all, communication plays a great role in carrying out the task

  319. Williams, John, and Karen have the same goal and this is to get a project done. Although John and Karen have different purposes in mind John and Karen are trying to get things done, by getting more information about the project and finding ways to tackle some problems that might arise during the execution of the project.
    On the other way round, Williams was looking for a shortcut without trying to get any job done, He is not trustworthy and he is not ready to invest in the project. William’s disintegrity might have brought a bombshell to the Project.

  320. The trio of Williams, John and Karen has different focus but their goal still remain the same but from different approach while John and Karen multi task and communicate effectively
    Williams take the short route of disintegrity and lack of communication which jeopardize his project and end results

  321. Communication is the major skill being portrayed in this context. Karen was being careful not to make things worse by being judgmental about John. A short meeting with John went a long way in sorted out everything. What seems to be a big challenge was never a challenge after all. Communication is very key for every project manager

  322. In this case study , we see that while Karen was focused on her career growth and ambition, she also had the success of the project at heart and was willing to use her communication skills to influence the success of the project .John on the other hand was a good listener and a good team player. team work ,collaboration , communication
    and integrity of Karen and John brought about solution and project progress.

    William on the other hand exhibited lack of integrity, transparency and poor interpersonal relationship and lack of proper communication.

  323. Hi, My name is Nyap Christiana Nkechi. Here is my review on the case study.
    John demonstrated readiness and proactiveness in his approach, having already provided guidance to William regarding the necessary tasks. Unfortunately, William proceeded without maintaining clear and effective communication, prematurely taking action without proper consultation or coordination. This premature action resulted in a breakdown of communication, leading to a loss of team cohesion and synergy essential for achieving success.
    John, however, exhibited qualities of a good leader by being attentive and receptive. He treated Karen with respect, acknowledging her insights and demonstrating a willingness to learn from others, recognizing that no one possesses all knowledge or expertise alone.
    Karen’s approach was marked by wisdom, as she tactfully presented valuable ideas to her superiors. John, in turn, received her suggestions with humility, contributing to their collective success in the project’s outcome.

  324. I think the three project managers in the used scenario showed a wrong trait in the course of their job, but since it’s not our focus let’s just look at skills they showed that led to the success of the project work.
    Communication took place between John and Karen who seem to have an eagle eye at the moment ,leading to assessment of the state of the report, assessing the risk, planning changes and additions.
    John and Karen had to invest their time , brainstorming to work together and they also gathered feedback.
    John was adaptive and flexible,they also stayed focus on the report.

  325. Itodo Jennifer Ezinne

    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team.
    John and Karen understand better the core values of the organization. Although John does not know how to communicate his thought but Karen, with the good communication skills egaged John in a friendly conversation and John has a good listening skills.
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking

  326. Itodo Jennifer Ezinne

    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team.
    John and Karen understand better the core values of the organization. Although John does not know how to communicate his thought but Karen, with the good communication skills egaged John in a friendly conversation and John has a good listening skills.
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking

  327. Studying this scenario, the XYZ smal project consultancy has been recognized to have a good reputation and organizational value.
    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team.
    John and Karen are from the same organization and they understand better the core values of the organization. Tho John does not know to to communicate his thought but Karen, with the good communication skills engaged John in a friendly conversation and John has a good listening skills. They researched on the project and derived a meaningful outcome on how best to execute the project. They are able to promote the organizational values of XYZ project consultancy and gain a chance for bigger project next time.

  328. Given the scenario, William is clearly lacking in organisational value, hence he compromises on the significance of team work and integrity, having substituted the execution of the engagement programme with the report he got from his friends at the opinion research firm (external driven adversity). John on the other hand lacks effective communication and integrity. He could have respectfully communicated his reservations about the report William had gotten from his friends. Thankfully, Karen although skeptical at first about approaching John was able to initiate a discussion around it in a humorous manner giving room for more effective communication, team work and critical thinking in view of achieving not just the desired result but efficiency in addressing likely issues that may arise in the course of the project execution.

  329. The ethical issues in this case study are;
    1. Williams didn’t involved John and Karen in the initial engagement process.
    2. Karen was more interested in her career ambition to doing the right thing.
    3. John didn’t express his concern to William’s.
    The tools used to integrate ethical consideration are;
    1. Communication: John communicated his concerns to Karen and both agreed there was an issue
    2. Collaboration: John and Karen were able to work as a team to fix the dilemma.
    3. Research: this was used tom ident

  330. some issues of professional conduct highlighted includes- No laid down rules of engagement/ Conduct guiding the project.
    John lost a bit of focus on the first day-going on a tour instead of facing the business at hand
    William decide to go ahead with out carrying his team along
    Karen put her personal career development above speaking out on something wrong. Thereby placing her interest above that of the organisation
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking

  331. i believe the major issue here in this scenario is the discrepancy and potential inadequacy in the engagement program’s results, with ultimately suggest a communication gap in the project. Also, there was no clear laid down rules and path to follow as an organization on how exactly to get the required result, which made Williams did it in his own assumed perfect way without involving John.
    Karen’s hesitation to criticize the report due to concerns about her probation period highlights the interpersonal dynamics at play within the organization.

  332. The couple of issues here are rule of conduct and code of practice.
    The skills used is research ,communication.
    John was able work alongside with his team members to show his own willingness to work.

  333. Addressing these issues requires a combination of skills related to ethical decision-making:

    Communication: Effective communication is vital for ensuring transparency and involving all team members in decision-making processes. Improved communication could have prevented John’s confusion about the status of the engagement program.

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the research findings despite potential social consequences. This ability to assess information objectively helps identify potential biases and uphold the integrity of the work.

    Integrity: Upholding professional integrity involves acting ethically and honestly, even in challenging situations. While William prioritizes project progress, ethical considerations regarding research integrity and transparency should not be overlooked.

    Conflict Resolution: Effective conflict resolution skills are essential for addressing ethical concerns within a team. Creating a supportive environment where concerns can be raised constructively without fear of repercussions is crucial for fostering open dialogue and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

  334. The scenario highlights two key issues of professional conduct: lack of transparency and questionable research practices. John feels excluded and surprised by the lack of communication regarding the already conducted engagement program, indicating a need for better transparency within the team. Additionally, Karen’s doubts about the authenticity of the research findings raise concerns about the integrity of the research process and the ethical implications of potentially manipulated results.

    1. There is obviously a communication gap and lack of transparency between the team members. Karen is so much concerned about how John will feel if she criticized him on the research and instead of communicating it to him to identify the problem she doesn’t want him to be dejected and went ahead to source another company to help point out their problem.

      The team’s inability to communicate effectively also prevents them from understanding how to work together to complete the project on their own successfully.

  335. I feel that John was getting sucked into his surroundings and was not paying attention to the task at hand. The team’s inability to communicate effectively prevents them from understanding how to work together to complete the project in a way that will allow for success.

  336. Communication is the major skill being portrayed in this context. Karen was being careful not to make things worse by being judgmental about John. A short meeting with John went a long way in sorted out everything. What seems to be a big challenge was never a challenge after all. Communication is very key for every project manager

  337. Communication skill was used to solve the issue here.
    Karean as a new person in the firm doesn’t want to be judgemental to John which made her not say anything at first but when opportunity for an honest discussion came up, Karean and John was able to communicate well and help themselves.
    Williams being a people’s person also communicated to John how things are done there.

    Communication solves what seems like a challenge here and all project manager should sharpen their communication skills

  338. All three parties exhibited professional conducts. They had a good knowledge of the project at stake and were ready to give it their best. Williams would have posed ethical concerns, but i am glad at the way Karean was able to relatable communicate with Williams and they were able to navigate through the situation and impending loopholes in the project.

  339. The communication skills between John and Karen was very effective, I believe Karen been a newbie didn’t really want to speak from a judgemental point of view and also she was careful of the reaction of John, in this case William’s report could have posed a number of challenges on the project but because they decided to source for another option they were both able to overcome the situation they faced.

  340. As I understood the scenario
    The professional conduct I see is that Karen as a new person couldn’t want to escalate the unethical attitude of just making research and coming up with unpracticed results but she went ahead to collaborate with another body that will finally make the organization to be on track. Which Mr Williams was very happy about that method Karen brought and also her findings. Unknown to John that his unethical way of doing it was a big thread to the project manager Williams but he doesn’t know how to approach the issue. Though I organization was getting results but violating ethics.
    Skills employed
    I saw communication skills between them and also relational skill.

  341. John, co-founder of XYZ, secured its first contract with an international government entity. As project manager, William indulged John in urban experiences, potentially veering off course from project objectives due to an engagement initiative with a key stakeholder.

    William sourced input from a small research company. Facilitated by effective communication between John and Karen, this led to the identification of critical shortcomings and the resolution of issues. John authorized Karen to engage a prominent research firm to evaluate the insights from a smaller firm commissioned by William, resulting in positive results. Thus preserving the project objectives and restoring the emerging consulting firm’s reputation.

  342. In my opinion, i think John was not focused on the assignment rather he was being carried away by the environment he found himself. the whole team lacks an effective communication therefore they do not have a common understanding to reach their goal on the project

  343. Professional conduct was breached. Organizational reputation was not maintained by John. Having eagle’s eyes on the project, Partnership, collaboration, and good communication skills help to identify and solve the problem.

  344. John demonstrates professional conduct by expressing his concerns about the engagement program and the unexpected results. He prioritizes transparency and accountability by questioning the process and advocating for thorough feedback collection methods aligned with the project’s objectives.

    William exhibits professional conduct by maintaining open communication with John despite differences in approach. He collaborates with external partners to gather information and shares the results promptly, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and collaboration in project management.

  345. The whole team plan was great, but William compromised the standard of the organization by cutting corners. However, the skill set of maintaining the organisation value and standard as well as paying attention to detail was instrumental in recognising faults in the reports and addressing them accordingly.

  346. Acting ethically – (PM Course Discussion)
    Unprofessional conduct highlighted in the case study are:
    1. John lack of priority, focusing on self-satisfaction than the organization goal.
    2. Compromising of Integrity and trust between John, Karen and Williams and the organization
    3. Karen’s value for self-goal over the organization’s.
    4. Lack of communication

    Skills used to deploy ethics into the situation were:
    1. Communication skill was deployed between Karen and John and between their team and the global team
    2. Risk management was deployed by foreseeing the risk ahead
    3. Research skills was deployed to find a solution to the foreseen problem.
    4. Negotiation Skills was also deployed

  347. There was no effective communication between John and Williams.
    John and Karen were able to list out possible issues that could occur from the project.

  348. The professional conduct issues I see here are
    Gap in communication
    Lack of team work
    Ethical issues and compromising standards

    The skills employed to address the issues are
    Effective communication
    Use of ethics and standards

  349. Things lacking in the team are communication, leadership role
    /principles in general good ethics were missing

    Company values
    Promote mutual respect
    Work engagement

    The project manager (John) displayed a lack of work engagement from the start. He was easily distracted and didn’t pay attention to his primary reason for being there .
    His engagement with the stakeholder (William), should have been top of the pyramid “Lead”. He was responsible for managing the stakeholders activities,but because he didn’t engage properly,he made it possible for the stakeholder to manoeuvre him.

    The stakeholder (William), didn’t exhibit integrity and ethics in his dealings.
    He should have been forthright with the project manager.
    His communication was not clear and it was ineffective.
    He resorted to backhand measures that would benefit his organisation to the detriment of the project manager’s company.
    He also didn’t want to be accountable for his actions,he expected the project manager to go along with it.
    Karen the intern turned out to be quite competent,she realised that if they proceeded with the project the way it was presented,it would be chaotic for the organisation and it wouldn’t reflect the company’s values. This could also make them disadvantaged with future clients.
    She was able to put aside her fear and approach John respectfully.
    John showed mutual respect by not looking down on Karen’s inexperience.
    He also displayed accountability,he knew he had made mistakes and was ready and willing to correct those mistakes.
    Together, they were able to forge a way out of the tricky situation and save their company’s integrity and values.