Watch the following video, in which Snap CEO Evan Spiegel [1] talks about the Snapchat update, then read on below and follow the instructions to complete the exercise.

Snapchat case study

In 2017, Snap, the parent organisation of Snapchat, went public [2] and nine months later, CEO Evan Spiegel, announced that Snapchat would undergo a significant redesign. Among the many changes, the redesign entailed separating celebrity content from oneโ€™s friends and close connections. It also entailed several updates to make the app easier to use.

However, Snapchat users did not receive the changes well and so, after continued and growing criticism, Snapchat eventually rolled back some of the updates. This redesign cost Snapchat many of its customers and Snapchat has since seen a steady decline in customers.

In response to the productโ€™s alleged redesign failure, Spiegel acknowledged that users were frustrated over the updates and revealed that the design felt rushed. [2] While the update solved one problem, it subsequently created many others. He further acknowledged that the product improvement plan was also complicated by the fact that Snap had gone public. In other words, going public had meant more stakeholders to manage, align, and get buy-in from. Since the redesign, many of Snapโ€™s executive-level employees, such as its chief strategy officer, left after the public disapproval of the redesign.

However, Spiegel claims that โ€˜innovation really is about taking risks. Itโ€™s about doing things that are differentโ€™. [2] He explains that this thinking is encouraged at Snap so that employees can take risks each day and not feel at risk of being judged. He goes on to say that they make time for employees to connect in small groups and share their ideas. Through this type of thinking and these practices, Snap makes continuous improvements over time.

Instructions: Key lessons from Snapchat

  1. Postย a brief reflective paragraph in the discussion below that answers the following question: What key lessons can we take away from this real-world example? Make sure you cover topics such as:
    • What mistakes did Snapchat make with regards to its product improvements?
    • How should communication have been handled?


  1. The New Snapchat in 60 Seconds [Video]. Snapchat; 2017 Nov 30. Available from:
  2. Yurieff K. Snapchat always proved critics wrong. Then Evan Spiegel pushed for a redesign – CNN [Article]. Edition; 2019. Available from:

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115 thoughts on “5.13 Practical activity 6: (Product Mgt Course) Learning from Snapchat’s failure

  1. Key lessons to take away from snap chat’s failed product improvement include:
    * Importance of consumer input. Snapchat failed to feel the pulse of their customers on the features to be introduced. They should have conducted a survey for customers’ inputs.
    * Buy-in of stakeholders/management: failure to get the buy-in of some stakeholders and their reactions pose negative influence on the product in the market. Snapchat should have deviced means to manage any internal conflict surrounding the product improvement.
    * Implementation of timely communication: It appeared that Snapchat announcement of changes in features came as shocker to the customers as it was sudden. They should have done enough sensitisation over some time.

  2. Snapchat’s redesign fail was a major oof moment! They rushed into it without really listening to their users, and it showed. it solved one problem but created a whole lot of others.. It’s like they thought they could just drop the new design and expect everyone to be okay with it. users don’t like change, especially when it’s shoved down their throats. And going public only added to the mess, with more stakeholders to placate and egos to manage. Evan Spiegel is still all about that innovation life, encouraging his team to take risks and think outside the box.

  3. One major mistake was the rushed implementation of significant changes without adequately considering user feedback.Snapchat should have prioritized incremental changes and conducted thorough user testing before rolling out the redesign to all users.
    In terms of communication, Snap could have handled the situation better by proactively engaging with its user community throughout the redesign process.

  4. Snapchat made the mistake of starting what it was not ready to finish by rolling away update that was supposed to feed her customer appropriately.
    Innovation and improvement is essential for any product, however, it’s best to find a way to maintain your customers need by giving them the best you can while waiting for something bigger.
    Secondly, they failed in the course of trying to communicate to their customers. They should have carried out a survey to be able to ascertain the upmost need of their customers before making any attempt for upgrade.

  5. The lesson learnt from this example is how snapchat didn’t follow the principles to ensure continous improvement process, which is employee ideas should be considered reliable; and this they didn’t do.
    Also, they didn’t ensure a team buy-in by allowing ideas for improvement also come from employees because For continuous improvement to be successful in a business, itโ€™s important to get everyoneโ€™s buy-in and adopt a continuous improvement mindset. Therefore, snapchat failed to get his employees to:
    generate and share ideas,
    identify and highlight problems, no matter how small,
    review progress,
    and embrace change.

    Secondly, snapchat failed to get his users feedback and input it into his improvement process before the redesign was updated and even after, which shows his users are not the heart of his product/services.

  6. Snapchat’s redesign mistakes included rushing the update without adequate user feedback, failing to manage stakeholder expectations after going public, and alienating its core user base. Effective communication should have involved early user engagement, transparency, incremental rollouts, internal alignment, and robust post-launch support.

  7. Snapchat management made a great mistake by doing some changes without reaching out to the users through survey or other means before doing it.
    Lack of proper team and stakeholders collaboration contributed to the failures which was later resolved by reaching out to their users and having a good collaboration with the stakeholders.

  8. The product is for the users; Snap communication channels with its users were not effective enough, and the lack of user involvement in the redesign process made a mess of their seemingly great plans.
    Their communication should have been such that should have carried the users along.

  9. Snap management made some fundamental mistakes by the redesigned which didn’t go down well with their clients. Before a product is launched, product quality must not be compromised due to early launch because due diligence must be done. Their product must have simple processes to avoid complexities which can be frustrating to their customers. While continuous improvement is a must but it must not be done too frequently either. Their must be improved collaboration and communication with stakeholders which will create harmony and business profitability at the long run.

  10. I would say snap chat didnโ€™t pay Proper attention to its customerโ€™s feedback and did too much with their new production hence, causing confusion on their app.

    They would have done better if they gave listening ears and worked towards giving their customers what they actually wanted plus launch properly.

    Snapchat has made several notable mistakes in its product improvements, and addressing these issues effectively requires not just technical adjustments but also strategic communication. Hereโ€™s an analysis of the mistakes and how communication could have been handled better:

    Mistakes in Product Improvements:
    Poorly Received Redesign:

    Mistake: Snapchat’s major redesign in 2018, which separated friend content from celebrity and publisher content, was poorly received by users due to its complexity and unintuitive layout.
    Communication Approach: Before rolling out such a significant change, Snapchat should have conducted thorough user testing and gathered feedback from a diverse group of users. They could have communicated the upcoming changes well in advance, explaining the reasons behind the redesign and providing tutorials or guides to help users navigate the new interface smoothly.
    Copying Features Without Innovation:

    Mistake: Snapchat has been criticized for copying features from competitors without adding substantial innovation or differentiation.
    Communication Approach: Snapchat should communicate its strategy clearly to users and stakeholders. They could explain how they are responding to user preferences or market demands while maintaining their unique brand identity. Transparent communication about why certain features are being introduced or adapted can help manage expectations and mitigate accusations of imitation.
    Complexity Over Simplicity:

    Mistake: Snapchat’s interface has at times become more complex, deviating from its original appeal of simplicity.
    Communication Approach: Snapchat should communicate changes that add complexity by emphasizing how these changes enhance user experience or enable new functionalities. They could also provide options for users to customize their experience, ensuring those who prefer simplicity can still use the platform comfortably.
    Monetization Challenges and Privacy Concerns:

    Mistake: Snapchat has faced challenges in monetizing its platform effectively without compromising user experience, and has encountered privacy concerns.
    Communication Approach: For monetization strategies, Snapchat should communicate clearly about how ads and sponsored content contribute to improving the platform and enhancing user experience rather than disrupting it. Regarding privacy concerns, Snapchat should be proactive in communicating its commitment to data security and user privacy, providing transparent information about data handling practices and security measures.
    How Communication Should Have Been Handled:
    User-Centric Communication:

    Snapchat should prioritize user feedback and involve users in the product development process. They should communicate openly about changes, seeking input and explaining how user feedback influences decisions.
    Transparency and Explanation:

    Communicate the rationale behind product changes clearly and transparently. Whether itโ€™s a redesign or a new feature, explaining the goals and benefits can help users understand and accept the changes more readily.
    Education and Support:

    Provide educational resources and support materials to help users adapt to changes. Tutorials, guides, and FAQs can be instrumental in easing the transition and reducing user frustration.
    Feedback Mechanisms:

    Establish clear channels for feedback and actively listen to usersโ€™ concerns. Address issues promptly and transparently, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement based on user input.
    Consistency in Messaging:

    Ensure consistency in messaging across different platforms and channels. Users should receive cohesive information about updates, changes, and the companyโ€™s vision.
    By adopting these communication strategies, Snapchat could potentially mitigate the impact of past mistakes and build stronger relationships with its user base, fostering greater trust and loyalty over time.

  12. The mistake made by Snapchat was to go out fully into the public at first on a large scale instead of doing it on a low scale then soar. If they had done it on a smaller scale. They would have been noticed and fixedSnapchat made the mistake of release much updates all at once thereby making the users got confused with the new features; The transition was not poorly executed and they should have used the feedback gotten from users wisely by releasing updates in bits.

  13. Snapchat made the mistake of release much updates all at once thereby making the users got confused with the new features; The transition was not poorly executed and they should have used the feedback gotten from users wisely by releasing updates in bits.

  14. The Snapchat redesign case study offered critical lessons on product improvement, communication, and innovation management as follows

    – Understanding User Needs and Preferences: Snapchat failed to adequately understand and prioritize the needs and preferences of its core user base. The redesign, which separated celebrity content from friends and close connections, was not well received by users. The lesson here is before implementing significant changes, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research and user testing to ensure that the updates align with user expectations and enhance their experience.
    – Managing Change and User Expectations: The redesign felt rushed and did not adequately prepare users for the changes. This led to frustration and dissatisfaction among the user base. The lesson therefore is that gradual implementation of changes, coupled with clear communication about the benefits and reasons for the updates, can help manage user expectations and ease the transition.

    The key lessons from Snapchat’s redesign experience emphasize the importance of understanding user needs, managing change effectively, maintaining clear communication, aligning stakeholder interests, balancing innovation with risk management, and learning from failures. By integrating these lessons into their strategies, companies can enhance their ability to implement successful product improvements and maintain user satisfaction.

  15. I think the mistake was to go out fully into the public first. If they had done it on a smaller scale. The issue would have been noticed and fixed.

    On the communication issue, I think after the design and criticism. Snapchat should have followed it up with constant communication strategies expressing its intentions and greater good going forward. This would make the users feel carried along.

  16. Snapchat made the mistake of release much updates. The transition was not poor executed.
    Snapchat should have gotten feedback from the users and release update bit by bit.

  17. I feel one of the major issues that snapchat faced was understanding the users needs.Not being enable to do a good market survey to understand the needs of the end-users affected the acceptance of the product when it went public.I think understanding the clients needs when it comes to product design is very important and must not be taken with levity.

  18. Snapchat’s example teaches us valuable lessons about the importance of user-centric design, effective communication, and incremental improvement. Snapchat’s mistakes included introducing radical changes without user testing, neglecting feedback, and underestimating user attachment to core features. They should have handled communication more transparently, involving users in the development process and addressing concerns promptly. Additionally, they could have implemented changes gradually, allowing users to adapt and providing a more seamless experience. These lessons highlight the need for empathetic design, active listening, and incremental innovation to ensure product improvements resonate with users and drive long-term success.

  19. napchat made the following mistakes in regards to product improvement:

    – Poorly received redesign (2018)
    – Ignoring user feedback
    – Lack of innovation
    – Difficult navigation
    – Failure to adapt to changing user behavior
    – Not leveraging user data
    – Stagnant augmented reality (AR) innovation

    These mistakes led to user frustration, decline in engagement, and loss of market share to competitors like Instagram and TikTok.

  20. Snapchat made some mistakes with regards to product improvement such as:it failed to collect feedback from customers, stakeholders and interest groups as to how satisfied they are with the improved product design.It also rushed the design and went public.
    Before a change in product is introduced,the PM has to get feedback and data on the new product by such as pain points, expectations and requirements before taking the new product to the market.
    Communication is better handled by using the customer feedback loop.Feedback will enable PM(product manager) to incorporate any new features into the product design as obtained from analysis of the feedback there for this will lead to best value product for customers,keep existing customers satisfied and grow the business faster.

  21. The key lessons from Snapchat’s redesign experience highlight the importance of understanding user needs and managing stakeholder expectations in product development. Snapchat’s primary mistake was implementing significant changes without adequately gauging user feedback and anticipating their response. This led to widespread dissatisfaction and a subsequent rollback of updates, indicating a misalignment between the company’s vision and user preferences. Effective communication is crucial in such scenarios; Snapchat should have engaged more transparently with its user base, explaining the rationale behind the changes and incorporating user feedback into the redesign process. Additionally, managing internal and external stakeholders’ expectations is vital, especially post-IPO, where the pressure to innovate must be balanced with user satisfaction and market acceptance. Snapchat’s experience underscores that innovation involves risks, but those risks must be calculated and user-centric to ensure sustainable success

  22. I believe that Snap making a significant redesign just nine months after going public is a very risky move. Itโ€™s too early for such a major change, especially when the company is still in the process of winning over users. If the redesign was truly necessary, Snap should have implemented the changes gradually. They did communicate with users, but they should have also offered a prototype of the new design to gather feedback and analyze user reactions using appropriate metrics. This approach would have provided valuable insights on the potential impact of the new features. Additionally, it seems they didn’t involve stakeholders in the decision-making process for these upgrades. Engaging stakeholders early on could have prevented significant losses, as their input would likely have offered valuable perspectives on the proposed changes.

  23. Well to me, the mistake Snapchat made was that, they didn’t really carry their users along in detail by detail guide on how to use or flow along with the new improvement.

    Snapchat should have communication to it’s users in a way that even the layman could have understood, knowing that illiterates also uses Snapchat and very well at that.

    _Emmanuel Grace Ann

  24. Snapchat rushed in implementing the changes. They probably got feedback from customers which prompted them to make the changes, but they should have done a test run {prototype} to see how these changes would be received by customers before implementing the finished product.

  25. We can learn a lot from Snapchat’s mistakes. They rushed into changing their app without thinking enough about how users would feel. They should have listened to feedback and tested the changes more before making them live. It’s important for companies to communicate clearly and consider all perspectives when making big changes. Snapchat’s story teaches us that it’s important to prioritize user needs and communicate openly to avoid similar mistakes.

  26. Snapchat’s redesign fiasco offers several key lessons for product improvement and communication. First, Snapchat’s primary mistake was implementing significant changes without adequately considering user feedback and market readiness. The rushed redesign not only alienated loyal users but also highlighted the pitfalls of not thoroughly testing major updates before launch. Effective communication is crucial; Snapchat should have engaged its user base more transparently and proactively, perhaps by introducing changes gradually and seeking user input through prototype testing. Additionally, balancing innovation with user expectations is essentialโ€”disruptive changes should be thoughtfully introduced to avoid overwhelming or frustrating users. Lastly, the challenges faced after going public underscore the importance of aligning stakeholder interests while maintaining a clear vision for product development. Snapchat’s experience underscores the necessity of a strategic, user-centered approach to innovation and transparent, effective communication inclusive

  27. Snapchat made the mistake of rolling at redesign and updates too early giving users not enough time to adopt the product.And this led to frustrations on the part of their customers. Snapchat also went public too early thereby having too many stakeholders to manage, align and get buy-in from.

  28. Effective communication would have prevented the loss that Snapchat incurred. Although, taking risk is part of life development but it must be done strategically. Aside survey, if the update had been introduced one at a time with back up notification each time, just maybe they would have gotten it right.

  29. Taking risks is part of life development, it can result in success or failure depends on how it is being planned. For Snapchat CEO, it’s a great innovative trying new ideas, the only mistake done was that,the redesign was not from customers feedback which cause customer decline in using the product.
    He failed because of lack of effective communication to know what their customers want.

  30. As mentioned in our studies, taking risks sometimes is part of life development, be it in any aspect.
    It can be a success or a failure at the end, depending on how the risk is been planned.

    Is a great idea for the Snapchat CEO to try a new method of improvement.

    The only fault or mistake is, before venturing into such development, he should have tried to find out if his customers would like such an idea, by using at least one business metric to get the answer needed to convince him to go ahead with the idea.

    He failed because of a lack of an idea, adequate planning, and preparation.

  31. The mistake was that the redesign of Snapchat was not from customerโ€™s feedback hence, customers withdrawal.
    Effective communication would have been achieved had he use the various form of customers feedback to know what they want!

  32. I feel one of the main issues that snapchat faced was understanding the end users needs.Not being able to do a proper market survey to understand the needs of the end-users affected the acceptance of the product when it went public.For me,understanding the clients needs when it comes to product design is very important and must not be taken with levity.

  33. The product is for the users; Snap communication channels with its users were not effective enough, and the lack of user involvement in the redesign process made a mess of their seemingly great plans.
    Their communication should have been such that should have carried the users along.

  34. At first, snap came public and that meant higher expectation from their users. And when these expectations weren’t met, it brought about a decline because their users felt disappointed and frustrated.

    Secondly, their innovations were rushed. They should have taken it a step at a time while encouraging reviews from users. And these reviews would have served as a stepping stone to the next level since they already know how their users perceived their first move.

    In business, effective communication in the form of review or feedback is key and that’s what snap overlooked.

  35. The mistake was that the redesign of Snapchat was not from customer’s feedback hence, customers withdrawal.
    Effective communication would have been achieved had he use the various form of customers feedback to know what they want!

  36. What mistakes did Snapchat make with regards to its product improvements?

    Their major mistake was not making heavy campaign for designing snapchat and also not sampling of users opinions about the redesigning plan.

    How should communication have been handled?
    The use of survey or questionnaires.

  37. For any product to win heart of her consumers or users, one of the major to consider and prioritize is effective consideration. One of the biggest mistake Snapchat made was to roll out update without communicating with her users or proper notifications.

  38. What mistakes did Snapchat make with regard to its product improvements?

    Their first mistake was a redesign of the already existing product without carrying out adequate research to know how users were going to feel before the redesign was rolled out. And users also felt overwhelmed with several other updates that took place even though it was meant to make the app easier to use.

    How should communication have been handled?

    Communication could have been handled better by carrying out adequate user research, surveys etc to find out what users want, their overall experience from using the product, and if they would like to see ‘other changes’. Doing this would have saved the company and its employees lots of time, and resources

  39. This real-world example highlights the importance of balancing innovation with user feedback. Snapchat’s mistake lay in implementing a significant redesign without adequately considering user preferences and expectations. Rushing the redesign and failing to effectively communicate the changes led to backlash and a loss of customers. Communication should have been transparent, involving users in the decision-making process and explaining the rationale behind the changes. Additionally, Snapchat could have utilized beta testing or gradual rollouts to gather feedback and iterate on the redesign before fully implementing it. Ultimately, the key lessons revolve around the significance of user-centered design, transparent communication, and iterative improvement processes in product development.

  40. Snapchat made a rushing update of their app without effective communication to their users. They fail to put their users/customers into consideration when making changes which is paramount if business want to succeed.
    Notification are expected to be sent to users in advance before changes are made so customers are not just aware but also be prepared for new features.

  41. Reasons for their failure are: The redesign made

    Users were frustrated over the updates and revealed that the design felt rushed. [2] While the update solved one problem, it subsequently created many others.

    Product improvement plan was also complicated by the fact that Snap had gone public. In other words, going public had meant more stakeholders to manage, align, and get buy-in from.

    The public disapproval of the redesign was not taking into consideration.

    Communication should be effectively done and stakeholders, customers and staff carried along and their decision and inputs should be considered. Infact conflicts of this nature should be handled amicably.

  42. The mistake Snapchat made in their product improvement was to roll out a new design without thoroughly testing and gathering user feedback.

    They should have:

    * Involved users in the redesign process
    * Been transparent about the reasons of the redesign and the benefits it will bring to it users
    * Listened to user feedback and should have made adjustment based on that feedback.

  43. The big mistake Snapchat made was rushing to redesign by adding some features without properly informing It users ahead of time and there was no prototype done to get user feedback on what they wanted.

    The Remedy to this, they should have communicated to its users ahead of time to actually know what the users want through feedback and test run it before taking the final redesign plan to lunch.

  44. The mistake Snapchat did was that they rushed the redesign without proper user testing and feedbacks
    Effective Communication should have been practiced to carry along users and stakeholders.

  45. Snap chats mistake was rushing the update and going public .There should have been user feedback like using survey monkey and others to find out what the public want.

  46. Lesson learnt is that: Before making a redesign or have add-ons or updates, have an honest review of the implications of the changes and the generals acceptance.
    Snapchat made a mistake of not carrying their stakeholders along.
    A questionnaire should have been served or survey monkey ought to have been utilized to carry all staffs opinion and implements the conclusions derived from majority of stakeholders.

  47. Firstly, rushing product redesigns without sufficient user testing and feedback can lead to backlash and customer loss. Secondly, effective communication is crucial, especially during major changes, to manage expectations and address concerns promptly. Additionally, involving stakeholders early on, including users and internal teams, can help prevent missteps and garner support. Finally, fostering a culture of innovation requires creating a safe environment where employees feel empowered to take risks and share ideas openly.

  48. Snapchat rushed the update, leaving users with no time to adjust. Going public before testing showed they weren’t ready for the feedback (or lack thereof) from a bigger audience. To avoid this, companies should involve users early, gather their input, and launch updates in phases/ stage by stage to manage expectations.

  49. Snapchat has made some missteps with product improvements in the past without effectively communicating the reasons behind them to users.To handle communication more effectively, Snapchat could have been more transparent about the upcoming changes, explaining the benefits and reasons behind them. They could have also provided tutorials or guides to help users navigate the new features and understand how to use them effectively.

    Additionally, seeking feedback from a sample group of users before rolling out major changes could have helped Snapchat identify any potential issues or concerns early on, allowing them to address them before the changes were implemented for all users.

    Overall, clear and proactive communication, along with involving users in the process, can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smoother transition when making product improvements.

  50. The case of Snapchat’s redesign offers several key lessons for product development and communication strategies.

    Firstly, it highlights the importance of thoroughly understanding user preferences and behaviors before implementing significant changes. Snapchat’s mistake was not fully anticipating how the redesign would disrupt user experience and their connections with friends and celebrities.

    Secondly, communication throughout the redesign process should have been more transparent and inclusive. Snapchat could have benefited from actively involving users in the decision-making process and clearly articulating the rationale behind the changes.

    Thirdly, the aftermath underscores the challenge of managing stakeholder expectations, especially in a publicly traded company. Better alignment and buy-in from stakeholders, both internal and external, could have mitigated the backlash and fallout from the redesign. Overall, the case underscores the necessity of balancing innovation with user-centric design, transparent communication, and stakeholder management to avoid costly missteps in product development.

  51. What mistakes did Snapchat make about its product improvements and what key lesson can we learn from it?
    Product improvement is expected to bring some kind of nostalgia and unforgettable experiences for the users of the product and in most cases, redesign is done in response to user feedback, indicating that the company is actively working to address concerns. On the contrary, the Snapchat redesign brought frustration, as some users expressed their frustration over the changes in the app’s interface and functionality. Whether the redesign was a mistake or not is subjective as it depends on the user’s preferences and experiences.
    Noticeably, the redesign:
    โ€ข Removes advertisements from the content feed which was not in the interest of the advertisers
    โ€ข Moved advertisements to a separate feed which led to a decrease in the value of the account to the advertiser and by implication drove cost-per-action prices up.
    โ€ข Targeted young people, hence an attendant drop in the advert placement
    โ€ข Did not make room for the third-party plugin, hence users cannot add functionality not present in the app
    โ€ข Made a drastic change to the user interface and this led to wide criticism of the app
    โ€ข Combines stories with snaps thus confusing the users
    โ€ข Did not appeal to influencers/celebrities who questioned the relevancy of the app, and this led to a drop in market valuation
    How should communication have been handled?
    When rebranding, renaming, redesigning or upgrading a product, the communication must be carefully carried out by considering the under-listed:
    โ€ข Stakeholders
    โ€ข employees,
    โ€ข customers,
    โ€ข partners, and
    โ€ข Other key groups in your brand story and vision.
    One way to put them into consideration is by asking for their feedback, opinions, suggestions, or testimonials. This can be achieved by effectively making use of emails, newsletters and even the organizationโ€™s blog and posts. Other viable social media can also be used to give notifications of an upcoming change in the features of a product or app

  52. Snapchat made the mistake of rushing the redesign without considering user feedback and preferences. Companies should prioritize user experience and involve users in the design process to ensure that changes resonate positively with the target audience. The quick rollout of the redesign without thorough testing and consideration of possible consequences resulted in unintended negative outcomes.

    Furthermore, communication during the redesign process was inadequate, causing frustration and backlash from users. Since every product is targeted at meeting the users’ needs, better communication with users about the reasons for the changes, the timeline, and how feedback would be addressed could have alleviated some negative reactions.

  53. The lessons to be learned is that it is good to get customers feedback of the improvement you want to carry out before embarking on it with clarity knowing ahead what is coming. They only took internal feedback without external feedback before embarking on the improvement.

    Also, the communication pattern of broadcasting advertising using full scale lunch ahead made the expectation big which was not melt. I think they would have tried soft lunch or minimal lunch in this way they would have handled the situation without much noise to affect the company.

  54. The case study of Snapchat offers important lessons regarding product improvements and communication strategies:

    1. Prioritize user feedback: Snapchat’s mistake was not giving enough consideration to user feedback during the redesign process. It is crucial to involve users throughout the development cycle and conduct thorough testing to ensure changes align with their preferences and expectations.

    2. Avoid rushed redesigns: Snapchat acknowledged that the redesign felt rushed, resulting in negative user reactions. Taking sufficient time to plan, test, and iterate on product changes can help prevent significant backlash and mitigate potential negative impacts on user experience.

    3. Manage stakeholder interests: Going public introduced additional stakeholders, making it more challenging to manage and align their interests. Involving all relevant stakeholders throughout the decision-making process, obtaining their buy-in, and addressing concerns or conflicts early on is essential.

    4. Enhance communication: Snapchat could have improved its communication strategy by proactively addressing user concerns and explaining the reasoning behind the changes. Transparent and timely communication helps manage expectations, build trust, and minimize the risk of alienating users.

    5. Cultivate an innovative culture: Snapchat’s CEO emphasized the significance of taking risks and fostering a culture where employees feel encouraged to experiment and share their ideas. Creating an environment that promotes innovation, open communication, and collaboration can drive continuous improvements over time.

    In conclusion, the key lessons from the Snapchat case study include valuing user feedback, avoiding rushed redesigns, managing stakeholder interests, enhancing communication strategies, and cultivating an innovative culture within the organization.

  55. o What mistakes did Snapchat make with regards to its product improvements?
    The company did not give enough time to gain a strong market and allow users to get used to the interface prior to major redesign. One other mistake is the inability to consider the implication of going public without testing, they seemed unprepared for the increased customer base and the fact that there could be a lack of buy-in, they were too confident that stakeholders will accept the changes.

    o How should communication have been handled?
    Opinion could have been sought prior to the change. Also, the redesign should have been communicated and delivered in phases.

  56. Snapchat’s error was going public with the redesign before testing it with users to gauge their reaction. Prior to proceeding, they should have introduced a prototype version of the redesign.

  57. Snapchat made a mistake by going public about the redesign without first putting out the redesign to see if the users would embrace the redesign or not.
    There should have been a prototype version of the redesign before deciding to go ahead with it.

    1. Snapchat supposed to have introduced a prototype version of the product and then carried out an internal survey with effective communication inline with the product redesign expected goals before going public.

    2. I totally agree with you. If truly the product is meant to meet the user’s needs, then it would be better to get their feedback using a prototype version launch.

  58. The mistake on the product improvement was that it was complicated as snap had gone public with the whole redesign. This meant more stakeholders to manage, align and get buy-in. So there was a huge loss on their stakeholders( both investors and customers) as a result of this redesign.

    Snap could have made like an initial media buzz to inform its users about the new features and gauge their reactions. This will give them proper feedback on the product improvement and provide room for more adjustment before publicly releasing. The customer feedback could also mean not releasing it at all.

  59. The PM’s at Snap should have taken their time to critically analyze the product while carrying out hypothesis before the news is brought to the general public.
    If the public is made aware in a better way through communication – having to see how it betters their usage, having a video sample of how it works, like Meta usually does, I believe customers will be able to adapt to such change.

  60. The idea of innovation and taking a creative risk is applaud-able, but on the contrary, a prototype of the redesign should have been testing amongst the product team for criticism and also amongst some users to get feedback on how effective this redesign will be and if the users really appreciate and find the redesign effective and interesting to use.

  61. Innovation is good, taking risks is the game and it’s welcome, but ultimately, the consumers and their satisfaction or engagement takes precedence when making a product or in continuous product improvement.
    1. This mistake of Snap was not integrating the consumer in the core of their redesign
    2. And there was too many innovations, too many changes dumped on the consumer at ones with proper and stepwise release alongside consumer engagement to get them acquainted and ready for the update.

  62. The key lesson from Snapchat’s experience is the importance of balancing innovation with user feedback and communication. Snapchat’s mistake was rushing a significant redesign without adequately considering user preferences and expectations. Communication should have been transparent and proactive, involving users in the process and addressing concerns promptly. Additionally, Snap should have ensured alignment across stakeholders, considering the implications of going public on product decisions. Ultimately, continuous improvement requires a balance between taking risks and listening to users to drive meaningful innovation.

  63. 1) the first mistake I can see is that snapchat didn’t much pay attention to their customer feedback which led them to create things they feel is good for the users but in reality wasn’t.
    2) I feel they would have informed their customers first of the update,make videos to explain how the updates work and also allow users rate their product functionalities to figure out on what to update.
    No proper communication between the developing team and stakeholders.

  64. there’s lack of communication between the management and customers. feedback wasnโ€™t put into consideration.

  65. Snapchat made several mistakes with its product improvements, including rushing the redesign without sufficient user testing and feedback. Communication should have been more transparent and inclusive of user input throughout the redesign process to avoid alienating users. This example emphasizes the importance of user feedback, thorough testing, and transparent communication in product development.

  66. Key Lessons and Mistakes

    Snapchat’s most important mistake was not understanding user needs and preferences sufficiently. The redesign lost a core functionality (separating friends’ content) that disrupted established usage patterns.

    Rushed Execution: there was inadequate planning and testing before rolling out the new product.
    Overestimating user adoption rate: People generally dislike sudden changes to familiar platforms.
    All of the above were complicated by going public and focusing more on shareholder satisfaction, forgetting the user satisfaction.

    How Communication Could Have Been Handled Differently

    Snapchat could have communicated the need for updates and the problems they aimed to solve.
    Used beta testing or focus groups to involve users, gather feedback, and refine changes iteratively.
    Anticipating and Addressing Backlash: A well-thought-out communication strategy should have:
    Prepared for potential negative reactions and outlined how user concerns would be addressed.
    Used communication channels like blog posts, FAQs, video tutorials to explain the rationale behind the changes and clarify the new features.
    Snapchat should have acknowledged user frustration, shown empathy, and assured them that their voices were being heard and signaled that some rollbacks were possible based on the user feedback, demonstrating adaptability.

  67. The snapchat story is ine that can be classified as an innocent mistake. even though the innovation felt like it was going to solve user’s problem of separating “social” from “media”, the PM did not conduct enough consumer survey to dtermine how this idea seats with them. it could have been done with several variety of user to see their reaction and see if there is a need to roll out this update to the public.
    most importantly, while rolling out this new redesign, beta testing was not properly carried out on the new app to see if the app hasn’t developed bugs while the redesign was happening.
    a small set of audience should have been handpicked to test the app for any abnormality and to get their feedbacks.

  68. Even though people welcomed Snapchat’s innovations at first, there are important lessons to be learned from the way they handled product updates. The disconnect between user needs and internal priorities is one important lesson to learn. As evidenced by Snapchat’s dwindling user base, concentrating on features like “Snap Map” or revamping the main layout without enough user input can cause alienation and confusion. Furthermore, disregarding user input and pressing through with unpopular changes increases annoyance and damages credibility.

    Navigating product evolution requires effective communication.
    Openness and concise communication are crucial. Consider phased rollouts and beta testing as an alternative to sudden changes, letting people adjust and offer feedback. Additionally, actively listening to user concerns and responding to them quickly shows deference and promotes a feeling of community. Recall that effective product enhancement is a team effort rather than an order. It is possible to make sure that product evolution builds rather than breaks the relationship with the very consumers that a product is meant to serve by putting the requirements of the user first, encouraging open communication, and learning from mistakes.

  69. There is lack of communication between the stakeholders and customers feedback wasnโ€™t put into consideration.

  70. snapchat didn’t put consideration to their customers feedback and there was no good communication among the management team

  71. The following are key lessons we can take away from the Snapchat’s launch failure:
    First, the company went public without considering how this can impact the decision making process of the company. This was a major contributing factor to the failure that followed.
    Second, the redesign project was not well researched. The product’s subsequent rejection by the customers proved they were not well informed and carried along with the project. Also, when a redesign is so extreme that a product doesn’t feel the same to the customer, a considerable share of the market may be lost as was the case in this regard.
    Third, the response time to customer’s feedback was too slow – it took them too long a time to roll back the updates. The company shouldn’t have lost this much of her customers if response and effective changes were quick and apt.
    Lastly, communication with customers was not well conducted. Customers should have been carried along every point and so know what to expect from the redesign. But it looked like they were ambushed and the shock could not be contained and resulted in outright rejection of the product.

  72. I believe the mistake Snapchat made in product improvement is lack of proper communication. Itโ€™s essential that your users understand the value of the product before the itโ€™s launched or improved on.

  73. In my Opinion, Snapchat didn’t utilize appropriate feedback mechanism before launching the update. Snapchat overlooked the role of its user. A product improvement must be customer-centric and not just the choice of the company/organization.

  74. One key lesson from Snapchatโ€™s experience is the importance of balancing innovation with user feedback and transparent communication should have been taken seriously with its users

  75. Snapchat changes is too sudden and drastic, changed would be been gradual process.
    Snapchat would have bring up their suggestions on online forum to get the opinion of their customers.
    Customer interview, survey and focus group would be the basis of their feedback

  76. Snap chat neglected the role of customer feedback and that resulted to the backlash and loss of customers they had. they didn’t pay attention to what the customers want rather they did what they perceive the customer wants, and all so did not incorporate the feedback in other to improve it the way the customers may want it to be.

    Communication: the idea of the change in the snap chat should have been told to the stakeholders first and the team in order to seen their reaction then probably a prototype or a soft launch of these new features would have be put in place in order to also get immediate and in-depth info for the customers about the new update.

  77. For me, Snap made a hasty decision without getting enough customer Feedback. They also failed to make good use of analytics which would have helped in their decision taking.

  78. The mistake Snap made was not effectively seeking feedbacks from its customers on what value is necessary to base its product updates before adopting.

    Snap should have adopted methods like SOCIAL MONITORING AND Analytics, online forums, Survey, interviews ,CUSTOMERS support and sales etc , to elicit and analyze feedbacks that would have led to valued product improvements.

  79. Feedback and review from customers or users is very important and needs to use to improve futher but snap didn’t take all this into consideration.

  80. In my own view Snapchat PM team didnโ€™t utilize the the feedback tool after going public to determine if the upcoming plans for a redesign and feature will resonate well with their users.
    I think they should have communicated slowly to ensure not all user had access to the new update in other to get positive or negative in other to determine the next step.

  81. My view is that snapchat product management team didn’t utilize appropriate feedback mechanism and customer data analysis before going public.
    Before any product improvement project is announced to the public or customers,it must be informed by a feedback from the customers regarding such adjustment. It must be customer-centric and not just the choice of the company/organization.

  82. The mistake was misreading user preferences, ignoring feedback, or introducing features that don’t resonate with the user base.

  83. Thou i don’t use Snapchat. when we think we have just started with a particular update, itโ€™s gone in a blink of an eye. Also, as much as snapchat is fun, it has some features that were not well curated. Snapchat doesnโ€™t have any secret at all and thatโ€™s not so nice.

  84. Snapchat launches updates anyhow. when we think we have just started with a particular update, it’s gone in a blink of an eye. Also, as much as snapchat is fun, it has some features that were not well curated. Snapchat doesn’t have any secret at all and that’s not so nice.

  85. Snap chat didn’t bother to wait for customers feedback which is core in knowing if to launch a new product or work judiciously on the current one. Rather they hastily launched a new product at the wrong timing when the previous one is not having positive response from customers/clients.

  86. Snapchat’s product management faced several challenges that contributed to its setbacks. Firstly, the company often rolled out updates without adequately gauging user feedback, leading to frequent backlash over changes that users didn’t find appealing or intuitive. Additionally, Snapchat struggled with balancing innovation and user experience, sometimes introducing features that were too complex or poorly integrated. Clear communication with users about upcoming changes and soliciting their input could have mitigated some of these issues. By fostering a transparent dialogue with the community, Snapchat could have better understood user needs and preferences, leading to more successful product iterations and improved user satisfaction.

  87. Snapchat, instead of waiting a little longer while getting customers’ genuine feedback before it’s newly update is released to the general public. They bothered less and they hurriedly sent out the newly designed app and this resulted into a backlash and loss of customers.

    They need to put into use, effective communication especially. Customers’ feedback, investors feedback and a test run.

  88. Snapchat’s mistake was in rushing the redesign without adequately considering user feedback and preferences, resulting in a backlash and loss of customers.
    Secondly, effective communication is crucial, especially during times of change, and Snapchat did not that that into consideration.

  89. Snapchat didn’t seek and put into consideration the customer feedbacks before making the changes in the app.
    There’s also lack of communication amongst the product management team; also lack of communication between the PM and the stakeholders this is seen from the eesignation of its executive employees

  90. One of Snapchat’s mistake was not taking into consideration customers’ feedback before taking action. Just as we have learnt in the previous lesson, feedback is the breakfast of champions.

  91. Snapchat didn’t oay attention to user or customer feedback.

    Could have explained every step they take to the stakeholders. Let the users k ow every change they made

  92. The lessons learned from Snapchat are:
    Firstly, Snapchat changed the app design without properly considering user feedback. This resulted in confusing and less user friendly experience.
    Secondly, Snapchat didnโ€™t communicate the reasons behind the changes to their users, which led to frustration.
    Communication should have been handled if they were more transparent in explaining the upcoming changes to users. They could have involved users in the decision making process and listened to their feedback.

  93. Snap did not take cognizance of the feedback from their users before investing on a new product
    Snap were too abrupt and hasty in the introduction of the new features
    Snap did not communicate effectively with the users on this new features
    None of the Feedback mechanism was used by Snap for guidance
    No Survey was conducted
    The Build-Measure Learn Process was ignored
    For such adjustment to take place, A customer Feedback Loop should have been employed.

    Communication would have been better handled by engaging the Team and Stakeholders from the planning phase which would have effectively resulted in cascading such information to the majority of the users

    The use of Marketing funnel as a tool after launch should have been employed in order to track the behaviuoral pattern of the product among the users just for a feedback purposes.

    The Continuous Improvement metric such as the Success metric to track the success of the product was not employed, Hence the failure.


  94. Snapchat were prompt with the changes they made on the app. It seems like they disregarded users feedback and went ahead with what they felt was โ€œusers needโ€.
    The communication to the public regarding the change could have been better and more publicised.
    Snapchat is an app that users use almost everyday ,so If a user signed out of the app this night and signs in back tomorrow to see that their snap views have been disordered, theyโ€™ll get confused and discouraged

  95. What mistakes did Snapchat make with regards to its product improvements?
    Snapchat underwent a major redesign aimed at simplifying the app’s interface and making it more user-friendly. However, the redesign was met with significant backlash from users, with many complaining about the confusing layout and the difficulty in finding their friends’ stories. There was separation between social and media. This resulted in a loss of users and a drop in engagement, prompting Snapchat to make adjustments to the redesign.

    How should communication have been handled?
    Snapchat should have been transparent about the reasons behind the redesign and the goals it aimed to achieve. By communicating openly with users about the changes and the rationale behind them, Snapchat could have managed expectations better and potentially mitigated the backlash.

  96. Lesson learnt about snapchat fails to plan and also carry their stakeholders along in other to adjust to the existing design they are about to introduce to the market.
    Snapchat also fails to communicate to their users online in other for them to get acquainted to the new design, they also fails to get feedback from the users without reaching the targeted audience.

  97. The issue was that Snapchat were prompt with the changes they made on the app. It seems like they disregarded users feedback and went ahead with what they felt was โ€œusers needโ€.
    The communication to the public regarding the change could have been better and more publicised.
    Snapchat is an app that users use almost everyday ,so If a user signed out of the app this night and signs in back tomorrow to see that their snap views have been disordered, theyโ€™ll get confused and discouraged

    1. Lessons learnt from Snapchat is the that while they were been innovative they didn’t carry their stakeholders along in other to be prepared about the update.
      Secondly, Snapchat didn’t create an enabling environment for their stakeholders to give feedback on improvement, this drove customer away and futher enabled by their poor publication of their update.

  98. Lessons learnt is that Snapchat did not use the BUILD, MEASURE, LEARN learn process in implementing the changes, by this I mean that after integrating the idea adding it to it product, they should have measured how their customers responded to these changes through feedbacks and also learned from the feedback and gradually added the most important features for the upgrades.

    I also learned that Snapchat had poor conflict management among the stakeholders, by launching the product without early communication of product changes to his team. This turned out to solve one problem while increasing many other problems to the team.

    Snapchat could have gradually added the changes instead of rushing these changes.

  99. Lessons learnt is that Snapchat did not use the BUILD, MEASURE, LEARN learn process in implementing the changes, by this I mean that after integrating the idea adding it to it product, they should have measured how their customers responded to these changes through feedbacks and

  100. The lesson learned is that Snapchat did not inform their users about the changes they made on time
    The changes was prompt which make users to loose focus on their familiarity with their products, hence dropping their interest of their users with their products.

  101. The lessons learned are as follows;
    1. The change was supposed to be a gradual process but it was rather prompt which didnt give users the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the product,
    2. There was no clear communication to the users as to what to expect
    3. the didn’t care much about customer feedback which made them take decisions without first getting a feedback from the users,
    4. There was also lack of proper communication between the team members or probably their suggestions or opinions were not considered.
    The failure could have been avoided if there were adequate communication within the team members as well as with the user.

  102. The case of Snapchat’s redesign offers several key lessons for product development and communication strategies. Firstly, it underscores the importance of thoroughly understanding user preferences and behaviors before implementing significant changes. Snapchat’s mistake was in rushing the redesign without adequately gauging user sentiment, leading to backlash and a decline in user numbers. Secondly, effective communication is essential, especially during times of change. Snapchat could have mitigated some of the negative reactions by transparently communicating the rationale behind the redesign and involving users in the process through feedback loops. Thirdly, the example highlights the challenges of managing stakeholder expectations, particularly in a publicly traded company. Balancing the demands of shareholders with user needs can be complex, requiring careful navigation and alignment of priorities.

  103. Chinazor mbagwu.
    The lessons from snapchat is their redesign ignored user feedback which is very crucial. They did a complete change,instead of making the changes gradually. These lessons are a result of rheir mistakes which are,
    A. They ignored user feedback
    B. Abrupt and radical changes
    C. Poor communication
    D. Inadequate testing
    E. Neglecting user behavior
    F. Exclusion of key stakeholders
    G. Assuming quick user adaptation.
    Communication should have been handled if ,
    1. There was transparent communication
    2. Advance notice and explanation of new redesign.
    3. User involvement in decision making
    4. Better testing and user trials.
    5. Feedback channels would ve been introduced, to enable listening and responding promptly.

  104. -Users were frustrated because the change was prompt, thereby not giving them enough time
    to learn about the new features of the app, just like spiegel revealed โ€œthe design felt rushedโ€

    -failures like this would be avoided if employees were given opportunities to share ideas.

  105. Below are most of the key lessons to learn from Snapchatโ€™s product improvement mistakes:
    โ€“ Product changes should be aligned with user expectations and needs. Snapchatโ€™s redesign deviated from the user experience that users were familiar with, causing confusion and frustration.
    โ€“ Itโ€™s important to communicate product changes to users clearly and concisely. Snapchatโ€™s communication of the redesign was confusing and left users feeling disoriented and unsure of how to use the new features.
    โ€“ Product changes should be rolled out gradually and tested before being implemented fully. Snapchatโ€™s redesign was rolled out quickly and without adequate testing, resulting in significant user backlash.
    โ€“ Itโ€™s important to consider the possible financial consequences of product changes. Snapchatโ€™s redesign led to a decline in user engagement and revenue.
    โ€“ Itโ€™s also very important to listen to user feedback and make adjustments accordingly. Snapchat initially dismissed user complaints about the redesign, but eventually returned some of the old features.

  106. There are several key lessons to take away from Snapchat’s product improvement mistakes:
    – Product changes should be aligned with user expectations and needs. Snapchat’s redesign deviated from the user experience that users were familiar with, causing confusion and frustration.
    – It’s important to communicate product changes to users clearly and concisely. Snapchat’s communication of the redesign was confusing and left users feeling disoriented and unsure of how to use the new features.
    – Product changes should be rolled out gradually and tested before being implemented fully. Snapchat’s redesign was rolled out quickly and without adequate testing, resulting in significant user backlash.
    – It’s important to consider the possible financial consequences of product changes. Snapchat’s redesign led to a decline in user engagement and revenue.
    – In addition, it’s important to listen to user feedback and make adjustments accordingly. Snapchat initially dismissed user complaints about the redesign, but eventually backtracked and returned some of the old features.

  107. 1. going public had meant more stakeholders to manage, align, and get buy-in from. They could have role put the changes first before going public.
    2. ‘innovation really is about taking risks. Itโ€™s about doing things that are differentโ€™ and they make time for employees to connect in small groups and share their ideas