Experts have a clear understanding of the potential advantages that diversity brings to teams and organizations.

APM acknowledges that diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous ones. This correlation is increasingly evident in the performance and financial outcomes of organizations.

Does this align with your personal experience?

In a previous section, you explored exceptional and high-performing teams. Based on your own observations, do you see a connection between diversity and performance? Do teams with greater diversity produce superior work? Additionally, what challenges arise when working in highly diverse teams?

We are genuinely interested in hearing about your experiences and thoughts regarding these questions in the discussion section.

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1,564 thoughts on “Your experiences of diversity in teams (PM Course discussion)

  1. Ogoke Nwachukwu Felicia O Cohort18 Team 7

    Diversity is essential in Team building being that individuals with different skills and not familiar with each other tend to be more productive. Each tries to bring out the best in them to achieve success.
    In the order way, diversity could also affect productivity mainly in communication, which is essential in teamwork.

  2. A diverse team is better than a homogeneous one as they offer unique experiences to the completion of a project. The con side is that diverse teams tend to conflict more due to individual differences.

  3. Diversity in team building is essential, as the teams has different skills, when brought together with their knowledge and experience, with some profounding solutions which examined and applied makes a project successful

  4. Uzor Tonia Cohort 18 Team 10
    Diversity is very essential in team building because different opinion and skills bring greater achievement. Also, experience and knowledgeable can bring a better solution and success.

  5. Diversity is essential in team building, as teams with varied skills tend to achieve greater success. Bringing together individuals with different expertise enables more effective contributions to the project’s success. It also simplifies the allocation of duties, as the project manager can assign tasks based on specific skills, ensuring all aspects of the project are covered.
    Theresa Ogungbenro. Cohort 18 team 7
    While diversity offers more advantages than disadvantages, one potential challenge is communication barriers, particularly when language differences are involved. However, a skilled project manager can mitigate this by finding common ground.

  6. Christopher Nkanta Cohort 18 Team 3

    It is well known that diversity team can bring numerous advantages to teams and organizations. Research studies and real-world examples support the notion that diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous groups and this is because of the diverse skills that diversity team has over a homogeneous team. This correlation between diversity and performance has become increasingly evident in the performance and financial outcomes of organizations.

    Diverse teams often benefit from a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. When individuals with different backgrounds and viewpoints come together, they bring a range of ideas, approaches, and problem-solving techniques. This diversity of thought can enhance creativity, foster critical thinking, and improve overall team performance.

    Moreover, diversity can also have positive effects on the bottom line of organizations. Research has shown that companies with diverse leadership teams tend to be more financially successful. By embracing diversity, organizations can tap into a wider talent pool, attract a diverse customer base, and better understand and cater to the needs of diverse markets.

  7. Njoku, Chidinma
    Working with diverse team comes with it’s challenges like language barrier, competition which can cause issues between the team members. But with the right project manager, that would communicate with the team members, and make them understand that it’s called team work not competition.
    The project at the end would come out successful.

  8. Yes, diversity can enhance performance. Different values, experiences, ideas, and perspectives, when brought together, can accelerate positive results. One of the challenges that can arise in a highly diverse team is a language barrier. However, with the assistance of an interpreter, effective communication and positive outcomes can still be achieved

  9. Having been able to work as a team leader in a few group, diversity team work made the project is the best though with some challenges coming across people from different values and beliefs but all these collective differences brought about an excellent result.

  10. Diversity team has the potentials to perform well better , as an event manager ,I need a team with different skills to achieve my goal. this allows me to have different experience that help develop better perspective, knowledge, communication and feedback.

  11. Based on my experience, forming a team with diverse backgrounds is rewarding and give rooms for opportunity to share from a poll of experience. Though, it might come with its hurdles but this can be sorted out through educating, guiding and motivating the team whenever the need arise.

  12. Diversity in team has always been bringing out a positive outcome because due to their various diversity both in language and expertise none will be looking down on each other instead hey will come together as a team so as to leverage on each other’s strength

  13. Diversity is a good tool if it well shaped looking at in terms of language barrier being on a new project and someone on team is able to understand the foreign language each culture have their strengths and weakness so as a team we cover up for one another

  14. Based on my experience, working in a diverse team is highly rewarding. There are opportunities to constantly share varied perspective about a subject. Enhanced creativity because everyone wants to feel heard, better decision making due to varied suggestions. In high-performing teams, Iโ€™ve noticed that when diversity is leveraged effectively, the team not only performs better but also creates a more dynamic, enriching work environment. However, it requires strong leadership to ensure everyone feels heard and to mediate any potential conflicts.

    In conclusion, while diverse teams have the potential to perform better, realizing these benefits requires good leadership, open communication, and mutual respect. When managed well, diversity can lead to more innovative outcomes and stronger team performance.

  15. Working with diverse teams has been know to produce or yield positive results. And because of their diverse backgrounds misunderstandings are bound to happen

  16. As a media person,, working with diverse teams in different establishment was a rewarding experience that helped me develop better knowledge, my perspective and as well improved in my broadcasting career

  17. Working in very diverse teams lets the team members use their initiatives in solving problems. This makes the project manager harness or spot the skills of team members. It also reduces time spent on social interactions and increases productive use of time. So, yes it delivers superior work.
    It is important to state that oftentimes, diverse teams when they are overly diverse, due to much opinions expressed by different team members can make decisions hard to make and can also slow down processes unless the storming phase is completely absent and the people involved are emotionally stable enough not to make it about how they feel things should be. The beautiful thing is it gives room for new ideas and approaches to be explored.

  18. There is truly a connection between diversity and productivity as see in the previous video.

    People with diverse experience bring in diverse approach to same situation. Everyone has their unique style and ways to handle projects.

    Additionally, there would be mutual respect amongst the team members because of less familiarity, this will help the team achieve it’s goal in a short time as everyone is focused on delivering their best.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams in my experience, is the issue of competition. Some of the team members want to outdo others this in a way may be beneficial to the project but can cause rift amongst the team.

    Another challenge is in the area of conflicting values, because they come from diverse places they have different ways of approach to situations which may cause conflict. But with the right Project Manager all these can be put under control.

  19. Diverse teams outperform others because they bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought leads to innovative ideas and creative solutions that may not emerge in more homogeneous teams. The varied perspectives help the team analyze problems from multiple angles, which results in better decision-making and more effective problem-solving. Additionally, diverse teams will respect boundaries more than homogeneous groups, maintain extreme focus, enhance healthy competition and better understand the cultural Details of a wider range of customers, providing insights that allow for more tailored and effective strategies.

    However, managing diversity also presents challenges like; differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms, leading to misunderstandings. Diverse teams often have conflicting approaches to solving problems, which can make it harder to reach a consensus or work cohesively.

  20. From what experienced, teams with diverse members often offer a broader range of views, ideas, and ways to solve problems. This can result in more creative solutions and improved decision-making. When people from different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives work together, they can challenge each other positively, encouraging the group to think creatively and achieve better results. This supports the idea that diverse teams do better than those that are more uniform, as suggested by APM.
    However, working in very diverse teams can have its difficulties, especially in communication and teamwork. Different cultural norms, work habits, and expectations can sometimes cause confusion or slow down decision-making. Still, with strong project manager leadership and a focus on inclusivity, these issues can be addressed, making diversity a valuable strength for the team.

  21. from what I have learnt and also what that is obtainable in reality, there are positive side of diversity in team work, it brings uniqueness of each personality and originality of doing things thereby getting the job done in a smarter ways, reason being that it brings unique ideas and positive competition and motivation among the team members which would translate in better ways of solving problems and making decisions that would improve the team output and performance
    one of the demerits such diversity, may be language barrier which would impact on communication and engagement among the team members, lack of confidence among each other and some unnecessary misunderstanding due to cultural differences as everyone would love to be heard.

  22. Based on my observation, I would say there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. More diverse teams tend to:
    1. Bring unique perspectives and ideas, leading to increased innovation and creativity.
    2. Improve problem-solving and decision-making by considering a broader range of views.
    3. Enhance adaptability and resilience in a rapidly changing environment.
    4. Boost employee engagement and motivation, leading to higher productivity.

    Managing highly diverse teams can also present challenges, such as:
    1. Communication barriers: Language, cultural, and social differences can lead to misunderstandings.
    2. Integration and cohesion: Building trust and a sense of unity among team members with different backgrounds.
    3. Conflict and bias: Managing potential conflicts and biases that may arise from diverse perspectives.
    4. Cultural and social differences: Navigating varying work styles, norms, and expectations.

  23. I have not experienced working with a diverse team but from what I have read, I think working with a diverse team gives you more insights and experience on how to get a task done. I remember someone talking of working with a man from Netherlands as a consultant and he went on to tell us how this man showed him some sharp ways of getting the workdone and till today he never forget his experience with him,diversity bring people from different places with different technical know -how to get a job done excellently and the challenges there also is that there can be disagreement most times because everyone wants to be heard.

  24. I was once drafted into Emergency Response Team at my place of work some months back. This was a temporary team created set up by Safety unit of the company. The team welcomed all sectors of the Department with our different background and knowledge/skill to bring necessary contribution to the project. The diversity in team was of great benefit in creating a room for increased creativity for innovation, enhanced problem solving skill and decision making, strengthened bonding within the Organization.
    We however at the initial phase had challenges experiencing bias among team, slow decision making, communication barriers.
    In all, I stand with opinion that diversity when properly managed has a positive contribution to Project Management.

    Ebube Usiade
    CHORT 17 Team 4

  25. As a healthcare provider, working with diverse teams in a healthcare establishment was a rewarding experience that broadened my perspective and as well improved patient outcomes.

  26. The type of team depends on the type of project embarked on , diverse team is usually for complex projects and usually the teams are grounded or trained in the skills needed for such projects and are usually briefed on the mission of the project when the projects starts and they tend to yield success because each of the team members are there to see to the success of the projects and brings in all he or she have got and not taking chances .

  27. Managing a diverse team laced with low social cohesion stands to produce more performance. One of the reasons this will be possible is that the members of the team will be focused with their respective task with limited distraction.
    The challenge that could be seen is in the area of communication barriers as each member has his or her own perspectives or way of seeing things. Hence, the project manager ought to find out how carry every team member along.

  28. Peter Benedict

    Team in diversity perform better than homogeneous ones because every one bring in their best to the table to perform to the best of their abilities and bring out excellent result because of their diverse talent and expertise. The challenge with diverse team is that their maybe conflict in opinions because of experience in field of their expertise and not be able to compromise and work in unity.

  29. In my experience I would say yes, that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance.

    I believe that more diverse teams provide better results because they include participants with a greater range of talents and expertise, allowing for broader perspectives and thoughts on a certain issue. Diversity will result in better problem solving and decision making.

    Some of the challenges of working in a highly diverse team is that of integration and cohesion, there will be conflicting opinions and views regarding how best to solve a problem, expectations will differ because each team member has a different work style. There is also difficulty in managing different personalities because of varying cultural norms and values.

  30. Teams with a greater diversity tend to perform better than homogeneous ones. This is so because the differences amongst them tend to bind them together such that they are more focused in project delivery. Each individual is able to contribute his wealth of experience and expertise into the project.
    Some of the challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams are language challenges, favouritism, nepotism and difficulty in assembling crew if working remotely due to differences in climate and time zones.

  31. I have not such experience. But from what I have learnt so far, in project management, diversity is a key driver of team performance and project success. Diverse teams bring broader perspectives, innovative solutions, and improved communication, leading to more comprehensive project planning, risk management, and adaptability. However, managing diverse teams also presents challenges, such as coordination and integration, communication barriers, conflict resolution, and resource allocation. To overcome these challenges, project managers must foster an inclusive team culture, establish clear communication channels, and provide training and development opportunities. By embracing diversity and addressing the challenges, project managers can lead high-performing teams and deliver successful projects.

    Ibeh Chiamaka R
    Cohort 17 team 5

  32. “I am confident in my ability to work effectively with diverse teams. In my previous job, I had the opportunity to work with a team of virtual assistants from different cultural backgrounds. We were able to build a strong team dynamic by focusing on our shared goals and values, rather than our differences.

  33. 1. Diversity in teams aligns with my experience;
    As a healthcare provider, working with diverse teams in a healthcare establishment was a rewarding experience that broadened my perspective and as well improved patient outcomes.
    We had a team of professionals from different cultural, language and professional backgrounds including doctors, nurses, therapists and support staff.
    One particular experience that stands out was working with a patient who was not very good at English language.
    Our team’s diversity allowed us to communicate effectively with the patient, as one of our nurses spoke the patient’s native language.
    This facilitated accurate diagnosis, treatment and care ensuring the patient recovered the best possible outcome.

    2. Honestly, I see a connection between diversity and performance, infact they’re closely linked.
    Diversity brings different perspectives, ideas, and experiences as well as knowledge and skills to the table, leading to:
    -Improved Problem-solving and creativity
    -Better decision-making and adaptability
    -It enhances communication and collaboration.

    3.Yes, teams with greater diversity produce super work.
    However, it’s important to note that diversity alone doesn’t automatically guarantee superior work. Effective teamwork, inclusive leadership, and a culture that values diversity are also crucial factors.
    Remember, diversity is not just about differences; it’s about leveraging those differences to achieve exceptional results.

    4.When working in highly diverse teams, some challenges that may arise include:

    1. Communication barriers: Language differences, cultural nuances, and varying communication styles can lead to misunderstandings.

    2. Cultural differences: Different cultural backgrounds can lead to varying work styles, values, and expectations.

    3. Trust and relationship-building: Building trust and relationships among team members from diverse backgrounds can take time.

    4. Conflict and disagreements: Different perspectives and opinions can lead to conflicts, requiring effective conflict resolution skills.

    5. Stereotyping and biases: Unconscious biases and stereotyping can affect team dynamics and decision-making.

    6. Leadership and management: Managers may need to adapt their leadership style to accommodate diverse team needs.

    7. Time zone and location differences: Global teams may face challenges related to time zones, work schedules, and virtual collaboration.

    8. Different work styles: Varying work styles, such as direct vs. indirect communication, can lead to misunderstandings.

    9. Emotional intelligence: Team members may need to develop emotional intelligence to navigate diverse perspectives and emotions effectively.

    I believe by acknowledging and addressing these challenges, teams can leverage their diversity to achieve exceptional results.

    Genevieve Osondu
    Cohort 17 Team 5

  34. Lydia Ehebho

    Hey guys, let’s talk about diversity in teams! So, researchers have found that teams with more diversity tend to perform way better than those that are super homogenous. And, yeah, it makes sense – when you’ve got people from different backgrounds and experiences working together, you get a ton of fresh perspectives and ideas.

    In my experience, diverse teams are like, totally awesome! They’re better at solving problems, coming up with creative solutions, and making informed decisions. Plus, they’re more adaptable and can handle changes and uncertainty way better.

    But, let’s be real, managing a super diverse team can be tough. You’ve got communication barriers, different work styles, and biases to deal with. It’s like, hard to get everyone on the same page, you know?

    So, how do we make it work? Here are some tips:

    – Communicate openly and listen actively
    – Set clear goals and expectations
    – Get trained on unconscious bias and cultural competence
    – Encourage feedback and empathy
    – Lead by example and promote inclusivity

    By doing these things, we can make our diverse teams work like a dream and achieve some amazing results!

  35. From my point of view, I’d say it all depends on the type of work. Sometimes, diversity and performance are at a crossroads, that is, they are difficult to rapport. There may be cultural differences (language, belief, etc).

    There are times when diversity spurs projects, like when each person brings up an idea about how things are done in their own very clime, it helps the team know how to go about their project, especially if it has to do with product of a commodity.

    I would not really say that a more diverse team does better than a homogenous team. My reason is because there are always ways and situation each team can produce better results than the other. It all depends on the type of project!

  36. Diversity produces authentic work and maintains superiority. People bring in their unique ideas from their various experience to push a project , all for the sole reason to achieve a preferred goal.
    In diversity, the team should exist with a clear purpose, align and work together to achieve it through meetings and a clear cut out plan.
    Forming , storming, norming, performing and adjusting steps should be used by the project manager to build a strong team whose aim is to make a difference.

    COHORT 17

  37. Diversity and Team Performance: A Complex Relationship
    The research is clear: diverse teams often outperform homogenous ones. This aligns with my observations and experiences. A variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and skill sets can lead to more innovative solutions, better problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of target audiences.
    However, it’s essential to distinguish between mere diversity and effective diversity. A team composed of individuals from different backgrounds but lacking effective communication and collaboration can actually hinder performance. True value comes from leveraging differences to create synergy.
    Challenges in Diverse Teams
    While the benefits are evident, diverse teams also present challenges:
    Communication Barriers: Different cultural norms, languages, and communication styles can hinder effective information exchange.
    Conflict: Disagreements and misunderstandings are more likely to arise due to varying perspectives.
    Time for Adjustment: Building trust and cohesion can take longer in diverse teams.
    Unconscious Bias: Prejudices can impact team dynamics and decision-making.
    Overcoming these challenges requires strong leadership, open communication, and a commitment to inclusivity. Through a culture of respect and valuing differences, organizations can maximize the benefits of diversity while mitigating potential drawbacks.
    It’s also crucial to recognize that diversity is multifaceted. It encompasses not only demographics but also cognitive styles, work experience, and personality traits. A truly high-performing team is likely to exhibit a variety of these dimensions.

  38. Yes. I think teams with more diversity produce superior work. This is because there are various range of skills and experiences that might prove useful in the course of the project.

    Some challenges that might arise while working with diverse teams is communication, cultural and social diversity, different mindset

  39. From my experience, I would say there is a correlation between diversity and performance. Sometimes, the diversity in a team has a way of putting each team member in a unique light to perform as a specialist, which boosts productivity.
    However, in a diverse team, I have seen a click-formation challenge, which could cause division in the team, which is unhealthy for the project team.

  40. HOMOGENEOUS TEAMS consist of a group of individuals with similarities in skills, experience and background
    While DIVERSE TEAM brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspective and problems solving approaches.
    Given my experience as a Floor Manager in a retail store and as a team lead in my self founded NGO,
    i can say that it is imperative to work with DIVERSE TEAM, because you tend to get faster results as all your team members have diverse abilities and ways of getting a problem solved given their various experiences.

    However there are several challenges that can come with working with a DIVERSE TEAM which are as follows:
    COMMUNICATION: This can pose a big challenge as all the t we team members have different backgrounds and languages,but this situation can be remedied when the team lead decides to choose a language that is user friendly.
    This also another factor because all the team members have different cultures and ways of getting things done,but an active and intelligent team lead will also find ways to bring harmony by making them understand that the end result is getting the tasks done regardless of your culture.
    Race,tribe and colour can be a constraint when working with a DIVERSE TEAM,but the team lead should constantly remind them that the task has to be done timely.
    Different perspectives, opinions and ideas are great for innovation but it can also slow the decision making and progress towards achieving Thier goals, however the team will Play an important roles in bringing the team together so as to have a UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT on decisions.

    Oku Blessing
    Project management
    Cohort 17.

  41. In my first job experience in the NGO space, my boss used to complain about the lackadaisical attitude of the staff which was what pushed the incorporating of a more diverse workforce (ethnic diversity). This was done to not just ensure work was done and in quality but for the home team to also grow and be more creative, in essence to learn. I would say that yes, diversity allows for the birthing or building of high performing teams as being a member of her team, we had testaments in a 3 months period of growth and performance.

    We did go through the Bruce Tuckman’s team formation process; Forming- Storming- Norming- Performing- Adjourning, and we came out the better for it both as a team and individually.

    I have also worked with a bigger diverse team ( ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality and cognition/knowledge). I’ve come to realise that the more the diversiyy, though this is good for each team member to learn from each other, the storming phase is much longer and I must say even when the team is performing optimally, there are parts where the storming comes in. Recognising that each person is different and accepting them the way they are would allow for a better working environment.

    However, poor work ethics (which is usually seen in a more diverse workforce) or should I say a performance imbalance(where one or two persons or a group are uncouth, need to be addressed and performance improvement plans put in play to support the change that needs to happen should the storming last longer than expected.

  42. Research has it that diverse teams work better than homogeneous teams this is due to the different backgrounds the team members have and how well they have Excel in their various fields. This will therefore increase the productivity of the project.

    It is therefore not news that these differences in their field will bring about challenges when they all come together as everyone will want the group to work with their own method or approach. This is why the norming phase is always challenging.

    Most problems encountered are whennusing a diversified team are, communication, social and cultural backgrounds.

  43. Just as research has shown, there is a relationship between diversity and performance. Diverse team tends to do a much better work in a complex project than a simple project. Using one of the examples mentioned in one of the modules, a diverse team tend to have more skill set that that of the homogeneous team.
    The time it would take for a homogeneous team member to learn a particular skill to properly execute a project will be the same time a diverse team member would take to increase productivity and efficiency.
    Some of the challenges of working in highly diverse teams include; communication, language barrier ( for teams in different countries), time difference, finding a common ground, pride.

    COHORT 17, TEAM 5

    Yes, there is evidence to suggest a link between diversity and performance. More diverse teams perform better in most occasions.ย  A diverse workforce may contribute a wide range of viewpoints and ideas to a team, resulting in more inventive solutions and improved decision-making. Here are several essential factors to support this relationship:
    1. Innovation and creativity
    2. Better decision -making due to broader perspective
    3. Improved market performance

    However, working with a diverse team can also be hard. Some of the issues that may occur are:
    1. Communication barriers due to different cultural backgrounds, different first languages or accents.

    2. Misunderstandings and cultural differences because different cultures have different ways of approaching and solving problems.

    3. Different work styles by people who have different work styles, which may be shaped by cultural and social backgrounds, leading to differences in how tasks are approached and carried out.

  45. There is a positive relationship between diversity and performance or productivity. To me, a diverse workforce can lead to increased creativity, innovation and better decision making, which can ultimately lead to increased productivity. There are also negative sides to this, some of which are: language, different communication styles, cultural backgrounds, and generational differences can be challenges to diversity and inclusion efforts.

    Okiemute Iko-ojo Ojogbane
    Cohort 17, Team 8

  46. Thereโ€™s indeed a relationship between diversity and performance just as researchers have shown.
    A team of people coming together with little or no familiarity will bring about expertise from different backgrounds and experience, thereby boosting the level of productivity and team performance

  47. Variety is the spice of life they say and I can’t agree less.

    I agree that there is a strong relationship the between diversity and performance. The more heterogenous the team the better the performance.

    In a diverse team, there is a mix of people with various experience and skill which yields high performance and output.

    I have worked in several diverse team, from school projects teams to training teams and job teams and what is the common among these teams is that people from different academic backgrounds, different ethnicity, with different skills, knowledge and experience come together to achieve a common goal.

    The challenges I have observed in these diverse teams are some moments of disagreement which in this study is called the *storming* phase, but with the intervention of a good team leader this quickly dissolves into the *norming* phase which is the agreement phase and the work progresses and succeeds.

    Ejiro Ogbon
    Team 4, Cohort 17

  48. Yes, there is a relationship between diversity and performance. Numerous studies have shown that more diverse teams can lead to better performance for several reasons
    People from diverse perspectives, careers and experience coming to work together provides enhanced innovation and creativity on projects they are working on.
    challenges that may arise when working in highly diverse environment are role confusion, disagreement on how work should be done and coordinating a diverse team can be challenging.

  49. I would say a diverse team has it good and bad. A diverse team gives room to experiment with different ideas at different levels. They provide solutions based on different perspectives/environments/social/cultural rather than homogeneous teams where ideas may be limited because they are all from the same environment.
    The disadvantage of a diverse team would be agreeing to a decision but it is up to the project manager to help them stay focused on the goal and guide the team in selecting a solution

  50. My name is Pamela Ogechi Anibuko
    Cohort 17, team 2
    I see a very big link between diversity and performance in many ways than one. When a team is diversified and has so many ideas to bring to the table,they tend to have a lot of options to choose from and hence opportunities to learn more and execute in the project.
    I do believe that teams with greater diversity produce greater work, because,like I stated earlier on, there are many ideas to pick from hence making performance high.
    One of the many challenges of working in a diversified team is the challenge of agreeing on one thing. Because there are so many ideas by so many members who feel that their own idea is the best,most times there could be disagreement and they may not agree on a particular idea to choose from.

  51. It has been discovered that the team that perform best in complex and challenging environment are diverse team. Diversify has a connection with performance, as different perspectives with good directions can best promotes project well,diversity allows members to be opens to new ideas,skills,and the ability to learn through others previous performances,perspectives and challenges. Diversity help aids performance.
    Diverse team tends to do better work because team members feel respected and safe to be themselves,to express their individual perspectives and use their unique technique hence aid collaboration which in returns produces expected outcomes.

    The challenges of working in a highly diverse team is that the individual perspectives may hinder the immediate commencement of the project,another may be that some of the team members want their ideas to be preferred than others,ways of understand and communications may be slow,lack of ethics, individual experiences can be a challenge as well.

    Omolola Kolawole
    Team 6
    Cohort 17

  52. Applying What You’ve Learnt in the past week.

    As a Project Manager for MTD, I have come to understand that MTD projects are susceptible to four basic challenges which are represented by the VUCA framework – volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.

    However, not all the challenges may be considered complex depending on the circumstances presented. In order to judge any project situation aright, it is important to identify if the project challenges can be considered as simple, complicated or complex indeed.

    To ensure all factors are put under control under whatever project circumstances MTD may experience in the course of managing project delivery, the use of a hybrid method would be used in any project approach. Doing this helps to deploy the right method in tackling any challenges.

    Another challenge to manage is the challenge of building the right team. I also learnt that project managers may not have complete influence over a project team members build up. This is why diversity occurs in project team as the project manager may have different characters of team members to contend with and manage well.

    For instance, any aspects of MTD projects that is well understood, whose users and stakeholders requirements are well known as well as the availability of credible information is made certain can best be handled using the Linear approach. But other aspects of a project believed to likely be susceptible to frequent alterations, early requests for outputs, need for regular feedbacks by users before validation for progress is granted as well as having the project scope subject to regular changes would demand that an iterative approach be used.

    Another challenge is the challenge of team formation. The difficulties associated with the inability of project managers to have 100% control over team build up makes it a daunting task when it comes to managing team members from diverse cultures, language and background etc.

    For me as a project manager, I always anticipate variation in behavioral pattern and response. Knowing that no two human beings are exactly the same, my expectation of the obvious tendency for misunderstanding among rival members may occur.

    However, as daunting as the complexity of diversity in teams may seem, using Bruce Tuchman’s model of Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning, would be helpful to redirect the teams dynamics towards achieving thevproject goals. it is possible to use the diversity factor to an advantage by using the Chartering technique to build team cohesion. To get the best out of a Project team with diversity,

    I would promote the need for mutual respect, allow members the freedom to contribute to the project, promote self-worth and reward members for worthwhile success, provide equal opportunities for all thereby avoiding the risk of reliance on single member to avoid overall project failure.

    Emmanuel Olusegun Omotere
    Team 4
    Cohort 17

  53. Diverse teams, in my experience tend to perform better because the background and different way of thinking of team members bring fresh perspectives, skills and solutions to the team.
    The challenge is in getting them to work together, letting them know there maybe be more viable solution to the same problem and make each member not to be focused only on his/her perspective.

  54. As a social entrepreneur, leading and organizing social impact campaigns, I have been in a setting where diversity was obvious. The result was achieved with every team member having the goal in mind and focused on their assigned roles, leading to learning some skills to do the job or play their parts in the role well on the go, as well as appreciating the diversity of knowledge of other team members. Diversity makes everyone in the team feel important as anyone can be assigned to any role to get the result.

  55. In my banking experience, it is usually the variety of the team that generates different viewpoints, leading to creativity in solutions and high performance. Problem-solving and decision-making are enriched by different backgrounds and experiences. However, challenges include possible communication barriers and cultural misunderstandings. It requires efficient leadership and inclusive practices to effectively draw on this diversity and offset these challenges. Overall, I have seen that diverse teams often deliver better results and make for a more lively work environment.

  56. In my opinion, diversity is has a connection with performance, with different members having different approach in solving problems. It can also be disadvantageous if there isn’t good communication between team members and it can be time consuming.

    Aishat Aiteseme Abdulrazaaq
    Cohort 17
    Team 1

  57. Working with a diverse team sounds interesting. Since there is less or no time for cohesion, the very thing that will be in the heart of the team is the goal to be achieved and what achieving this goal will mean to the organization, the whole team and the individuals. The challenges of working in a highly diverse team are communication (language barriers, cultural nuances and individual communication styles), trust and relationship building, conflict resolution, decision making, etc. From my experience working with a diverse team, the above challenges surfaced and it was quite difficult but at the same time, we forged ahead to achieve the goal and target set before us.

  58. As the saying goes, ‘diversity is the spice of life’, this only reinforces the importance that diversity has in bringing out the best results. Hence there is a co-relation between diversity and performance as teams are better equipped to be more critical in their thinking thereby making them to make better decisions.

    The challenges of working in such teams could be communication gap and longer decision making time.

  59. Team with a diverse members tends to produce morep superior work compared to homogeneous teams. Such teams have members who have different perspective, ideas and approaches to solve a given problem. Usually it brings out more results than working a homogeneous team, hence ,they are no limited to a single perspective or similar ideas and approaches to solve the given task. However it may be time consuming as each of this task are given to the team members and each person has the liberty to carry out the task using his own ideas and not necessarily a universal approach as everyone else on the team .

  60. Diversity means different ideas and the task broken down to smaller tasks. Each individual in the team can be assigned to area of specialty. However, agreeing on the steps to follow the to complete the task may be time consuming therefore affecting time line for the project

  61. better because the background and different way of thinking of team members bring fresh perspectives, skills and solutions to the team.
    The challenge is in getting them to work together, letting them see there maybe be more than one viable solution to the same problem and make each member not to be focused only on his perspective or not be too attached to his ideas but to communicate freely in search of solutions.

    1. Diversity in teams get things done faster, when everyone has diverse approach to solving problems, they is a room for multiple options on the way to go about things. And the best approach to getting the problem or project solved will be picked. It fosters brainstorming which will eventually leads to higher chances of getting things done in a short frame of time.
      Oguche Emmanuel
      Cohort 17 Team 7

  62. I think diversity in teams is a huge advantage. When everyone has a different approach to problems, it brings about swift solutions and different ideas in terms of applications to a project also means more brainstorming which I think increases the chances of high quality returns.

  63. Diversity and performance are linked and they can be positive and negative. Positive in the sense that there is a blending of different ideas which can produce a hybrid which in most cases is of super quality. Thus performance will be of high value. The negative side is that it can take a long time to agree on the basics of the perspectives given. In turn it affects the progress and timelune of the project.

  64. Your Experience of Diversity in Teams

    I have had opportunity to participate in some projects both personal (informal) and official (formal) over the years.

    Speaking of my experience of diversity in project teams, this bring to the fore my experience as a temporary team member on a Software Deployment project for one of the renowned insurance firms in Nigerian in the year 2006.

    The Company needed to automate their insurance services through the deployment of AIMS application – Advanced Insurance Management Software licensed by a company in Jordan.

    A team of developers travelled all the way from Jordan to Lagos Nigeria for its implementation and as a staff in the IT Department at that time, I was privileged to participate as a team member to aid the upload/ Data Entry of company’s insurance portfolios and clients information in preparation for the testing and Deployment stage of the Project.

    During this period, members of the team comprises people from different work domains and languages. For instance, the programmers were Muslims and Jordanians, the Project Manager was the Head of IT Unit a Yoruba by tribe, while other members included Head of Risk Compliance, HR staffs and a few from Marketing and Finance Departments respectively with some variations in tribal affiliations.

    Looking back at that moment of the project implementation for the organization validates the positive impacts diversity played in the progress and actualization of the project goals. Team members understood the need to place highest priority to the outcome of the project than concentrating on personal differences and dislikes and that helped to focus on growth and performance of individual roles to create more values and deliverables based on the project timeline.

    The diversity nature of the team helped foster respect for each other. In fact, it helped to bond better at the end of the implementation than when at the beginning.

    Emmanuel Olusegun Omotere
    Team 4
    Cohort 17

  65. Like they say ” diversity is the spice of life”. Diverse teams come to the team with fresh and unique perspectives, experiences and ideas, resulting in cross-functional collaboration, fast problem solving skills, skill expertise and so on which makes them outperform homogenous teams.

    However, there might be few challenges that comes with diverse team such as communication barriers, cultural and social differences etc.

    Possible solutions to some of these challenges is encouraging or including inclusive culture to the organizations value such as having an open communication system, respect for individuals culture and background, showing empathy etc

  66. In 2020, just a few months after the Coronavirus pandemic had started, we had a building project to start; I was tasked with the responsibility of forming the team for the project. This was a difficult task for me. However, I was able to assemble a team of architects, a mechanical and a civil engineer, because they were all in-house members of the organization. On the site, we had an existing uncompleted structure that was initially designed for residential purposes. After carrying out the cost analysis of demolishing the existing structure and comparing it to the cost of erecting a new structure afresh, we were advised by the project sponsors and stakeholders to convert the existing structure to a commercial one. To do this we first brought in a structural engineer to carry out a structural integrity test specifically known as a non-destructive test using a Schmidt hammer to ascertain the strength of the concrete reinforcements. After the tests was done and results out, it was recommended that to successfully convert and utilize the structure for commercial purposes, columns be introduced from the foundation of the ground floor connecting beams underneath the first-floor slab, at strategic positions to fortify the slab. On the first day after obtaining building approval from the State Housing Authority, we commenced the project and on the second day, the community elders and youths came and requested for settlement called foundation goat. We had to pause the project for some days for the project sponsors to settle the community. Thereafter the project commenced successfully. At intervals, we had to suspend work due to paucity of funds from the sponsors. However, the project has been completed.
    The whole process was a learning curve for me as I had to navigate the complexities of project management with adept skill of leadership, team building, and focus. On diversity, yes diverse teams usually out-perform homogenous ones.

  67. Diverse team gets work fastly done with different team ideas, motivations and better decision making.

  68. Adewale Bisola, PM Bootcamp 16 Gp 1.
    As a project manager, I’ve observed that diverse teams often outperform homogeneous ones. Diversity brings unique perspectives, ideas, and experiences, leading to:

    1. _Innovative problem-solving_: Diverse teams approach challenges from multiple angles, fostering creativity and innovation.

    2. _Better decision-making_: Diverse perspectives lead to more informed decisions, reducing the risk of groupthink.

    3. _Enhanced collaboration_: Diverse teams learn from each other, promoting cross-functional collaboration and skill sharing.

    4. _Improved adaptability_: Diverse teams are more resilient and adaptable in a rapidly changing environment.

    5. _Increased employee engagement_: Team members feel valued and empowered when their diverse backgrounds and experiences are recognized.

    However, managing highly diverse teams also presents challenges:

    1. _Communication barriers_: Language and cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings.

    2. _Cultural and social differences_: Varying norms, values, and beliefs can cause conflicts.

    3. _Bias and stereotypes_: Unconscious biases and stereotypes can affect team dynamics and decision-making.

    4. _Integration and cohesion_: Building a sense of unity and shared purpose can be more difficult.

    5. _Managing conflicts_: Addressing conflicts and disagreements requires empathy, active listening, and effective conflict resolution skills.

    To overcome these challenges, it’s essential to:

    1. _Foster an inclusive culture_: Encourage open communication, respect, and empathy.

    2. _Provide training and development opportunities_: Help team members build cultural competence and understanding.

    3. _Encourage active listening and feedback_: Create a safe space for constructive dialogue.

    4. _Emphasize shared goals and values_: Unite the team around a common purpose and values.

    5. _Lead by example_: Demonstrate inclusive leadership and address biases and stereotypes.

    By embracing diversity and addressing the challenges that come with it, project managers can unlock the full potential of their teams and deliver exceptional results.

  69. Diverse teams, in my experience tend to perform better because the background and different way of thinking of team members bring fresh perspectives, skills and solutions to the team.
    The challenge is in getting them to work together, letting them see there maybe be more than one viable solution to the same problem and make each member not to be focused only on his perspective or not be too attached to his ideas but to communicate freely in search of solutions.

  70. From my own experience I quite agree that diverse teams have better performance than homogeneous one because they bring together a pool of different specialized skills, ideas, and experiences which can help them achieve greater success in their project work.
    The challenge however when they are highly diversify being able to communicate with them in a way that all can align to the goal and process of the project. Language, social, and religious differences can also be a challenge among team members and might take the PM some time to figure out how to handle the situation which might slow down the progress of the project at the early stages .

  71. Diverse team get the project done faster due to their skills, knowledge, experience the team have.

  72. Modupe Esther Popoola team 9
    Diverse teams are more likely to get the project done faster becaue of their different skills which they all put together From my experience the challenges encountered were communication barriers, stereotype,bias, slower decision making

  73. Diverse teams are more likely to get the project done faster becaue of their different skills which they all put together From my experience the challenges encountered were communication barriers, stereotype,bias, slower decision making

  74. Stephen Izuchukwu Emeasoba
    Cohort 16, Team 9.
    By promoting and embracing diversity brings a wealth of benefits to teams, enhancing overall performance, competitiveness, improving decision-making and fostering innovation.
    Incorporating diversity into teams and organizations is a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage and creates a more inclusive, dynamic, successful workplace that can lead to improved performance.

  75. With my most recent experience in leading one of the teams in DEXA’s project management boot camp, I can say that there is a significant relationship between diversity and performance and I agree that diverse teams often produce better work.

    One of the so many benefits of working in a diverse team is that it brings together individuals with different perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches. This variety fosters creativity and innovation, which in turn leads to more unique and effective solutions.
    Some of the challenges that comes with working with a diverse team will be the complexity of decision making which can be time-consuming and also the struggle to ensure that all team members feel included and valued. But to navigate this challenge, it is important to create an inclusive culture where everyoneโ€™s voice is heard and respected.

  76. I have not really worked as s project manager but as a business woman I have worked as a team leader and I came to understand with the previous lesson taught that diversity and performance help so much in teamwork. Diversity in the sense that there may people from different backgrounds ( ranging from social, religious, economic, ethnic etc) to individual performances in carrying out task. So I allow everyone to put in their different idea from their different perspective and it then turnout that it helps to quicken the process of a project and bring it to an end with a good result.

  77. Thoughts on โ€œMy experiences of diversity in teams (PM Course discussion)
    As a project manager my experience of diversity in teams has made me to understand that i am working with a group of people in a working environment who have different backgrounds (racial, ethnic, social, physical, cognitive, among others), skills, perspectives, and preferences to achieve organizational goals. With this understanding i have developed an effective leadership and communication skill as this enable me to get positive feedback from my team. Also to ensure team actualize organizational set goal as a project manager i will continue engaging and motivating my team this will encourage them to perform effectively.

  78. Team 7, cohort 16.
    Teams with greater diversity produce superior work, because there will also be social diversity which can be religion, ethnicity, believes, etc. These would make the working environment a more professional place thereby attaining desired results.
    I believe the challenges that arise when working in highly diverse team are language difference, working with someone you have not seen before, etc.
    I see a connection between diversity and performance

  79. Blessing Olusakin Team 3 cohort 16

    Yes there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. More diverse teams tend to:
    1. Bring unique perspectives and ideas, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making.
    2. Encourage creativity, innovation, and thinking out of the box.
    3.reducing group- thinking and improving critical thinking.
    4. Foster a more inclusive and empathetic work environment, leading to higher employee engagement and satisfaction.
    5. Better represent and understand diverse customer bases, leading to more effective solutions and services. This is not to say there are no challenges, some problems faced are
    1. Communication barriers and language differences.
    2. Cultural and social differences leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
    3. Different work styles, values, and beliefs.
    4.tendencies may arise for bias and discrimination.
    5. extra effort to build trust and rapport.
    To overcome this challenges, we had to
    establish clear communication channels and active listening practices.
    2. Provide trainings that cut across cultures
    3. Encourage open dialogue and feedback.
    4. Foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and empathy.
    5. Emphasize shared goals and values.
    In my experience, diverse teams that navigate these challenges effectively tend to outperform homogeneous teams and deliver exceptional results.

  80. Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making.

    Challenges of Diverse Teams
    1. Communication barriers: Differences in language, culture, and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

    2. Resistance to change: Some team members may be resistant to new ideas and ways of working, especially if they differ from their own cultural norms.

    3. Increased complexity: Managing a diverse team requires more effort and skill from the team leader, as they need to navigate different personalities, communication styles, and work preferences.

    4. Potential for stereotyping and bias: Diverse teams may be more susceptible to stereotyping and bias, which can undermine team dynamics and performance.

  81. Yusuf Kamaldeen Team 10

    In my experience, diversity has its pros and cons in performance. For instance, in my company, whenever we want to start project, we do invite our subcontractors to submit list of their teams and location nationwide. We form teams with these submissions with our internal team members assign roles to individuals to accomplished the project. This diversity in team do bring forth; expertise, experienced and well trained team members that aid in timely, smooth and quality project delivery. However, some teams do seem weak, it’s role of project manager to identify this loophole on time and be proactive about it in-terms of action before it impact the project delivery. This we have been doing for decades and it leads to successful project delivery.

  82. Victor Adebayo Kolawole Team 6

    Diversity bring about creativity and innovation in a team, having such a team will bring about quick solution and growth, in investment diversity allows an investor to spread risk.
    In this Case diversity will be an avenue of different ideas and they are always superior to other teams.

    Challenges: Resistance to change and integration difficulties.

  83. In my experience, there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. More diverse teams bring varied perspectives and solutions, leading to innovative and well-rounded outcomes. However, challenges include potential communication barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and differing work styles. Overcoming these requires fostering an inclusive environment, promoting open dialogue, and encouraging mutual respect. When managed well, diverse teams can harness their strengths to perform exceptionally and drive success.

    1. Having a diverse team helps to see projects from different perspective that helped solving different challenges as they come. The major challenge from working with diverse teams are; sterotype, language barriers, difficulty in accepting change

  84. Okeke Uchenna Ifeyinwa Team 7.
    Do you see a connection between diversity and performance?

    There is a connection between diversity and performance because individuals actively participate and share their ideas and skills to achieve a quicker result.
    They tends to perform better, have greater creativity and innovation. Diverse teams easily responds to complex situations because there’s increase in engagement and performance which strengthen the team and the satisfaction rate is higher.

    – Communication: different languages can result in communication barriers which may reduce the overall effectiveness of a team.
    – Cultural differences: this can affect workflow of the team and the relationship between team.
    Also differences in opinion can create conflict which may prevent team from discovering solutions to the situation at hand.

  85. The rating of a project team, wether diverse or homogeneous to perform better, can be said, to be relative in some cases . In a sense, they both have their pro’s and con’s.

    In my experience, project with diverse team tends to have experienced persons involved. And oftentimes we see these persons having more sense of value and urgency for the task at hand, ensuring that the best is achieved. However, in all obviousity there could sometimes be limitations in the aspect of effective communication, although that might not necessarily be much of a threat to the project when all team members have the purpose at heart.

    Cohort 16,
    Team 5

    The relationship between diversity and team performance is that diverse teams can outperform homogeneous ones under certain conditions, but it’s not a universal rule.
    Here are some key points from the research:
    1. Diverse Perspectives: Diversity in teams can bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking. This diversity of perspectives can lead to more innovative solutions to problems and better decision-making processes. When managed effectively, this can enhance team performance.
    2. Challenges of Diversity: Diversity can also introduce challenges such as communication barriers, misunderstandings due to cultural differences, and difficulties in collaboration if not managed properly. These challenges can sometimes lead to lower performance if not addressed.
    3. Team Dynamics: How diversity impacts team performance depends significantly on team dynamics, leadership effectiveness, and the specific context in which the team operates. Factors such as trust among team members, effective communication, and a supportive team culture play crucial roles.
    4. Complexity of Measurement: Measuring the impact of diversity on performance is complex. Performance metrics can vary widely across different contexts (e.g., business outcomes, creativity, decision quality), making it challenging to draw definitive conclusions across all scenarios.
    5. Conditions for Success: Research suggests that for diverse teams to perform better than homogeneous teams, certain conditions must be met:
    o Inclusive Leadership: Leaders who value diversity, foster an inclusive environment, and manage team dynamics effectively.
    o Psychological Safety: Team members feel safe to express their opinions, take risks, and contribute their unique perspectives without fear of judgment or reprisal.
    o Skill in Managing Diversity: Teams or organizations that have developed skills in managing diversity effectively.
    6. Mixed Findings: this is the way to find a positive correlation between diversity and performance, others find no significant relationship or even negative effects in certain contexts.
    In summary diversity can potentially lead to improved team performance by enhancing creativity, decision-making, and innovation, it is not a guarantee. Effective management of diversity, inclusive practices, and fostering a supportive team culture are critical factors in ensuring that diverse teams perform well.

    COHORT 16
    TEAM 4

  87. Research consistently suggests that more diverse teams tend to perform better for several reasons:
    1. Diverse Perspectives: Teams composed of individuals from various backgrounds bring different viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative solutions and better decision-making.
    2. Innovation: Diverse teams are often more innovative. The variety of experiences and ideas can spark creativity and lead to new ways of thinking, which is crucial for innovation.
    3. Understanding Markets: Teams that reflect the diversity of their target markets are better equipped to understand and meet the needs of those markets. This can result in more effective marketing strategies and products that better meet customer demands.
    4. Employee Satisfaction: Inclusive and diverse environments tend to improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. When employees feel valued and included, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.
    5. Reputation and Compliance: Companies with diverse teams can enhance their reputation and meet legal or regulatory requirements related to diversity and inclusion.
    However, diverse teams can also face challenges, such as communication barriers and potential conflicts. Effective management and a strong commitment to inclusion are crucial to realizing the benefits of diversity.
    Overall, while diversity alone is not a guarantee of better performance, when combined with inclusive practices and effective management, it can significantly enhance team performance and outcomes.

  88. Yes, Before the start of any project, the company ensures the sourcing of experienced and capable operatives or individuals with diverse backgrounds to carry out or embark on the project. The project team, once assigned, is given specific roles and responsibilities, and an organogram is created to ensure everyone is familiar with other operatives. Since everyone sourced for this project has been involved in other projects, they bring a wealth of experience and are well-equipped to tackle any challenges based on their previous projects or experiences.
    A diverse team works better because it brings together individuals for a common goal. Each team member has this goal in mind, and teamwork is centered around achieving it. The diversity within the team allows for a variety of perspectives and solutions, fostering innovation and problem-solving. Additionally, because the team was formed with the project in mind, each member relies on their teammates to achieve the projectโ€™s goals, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.
    Benefits of Diverse Teams
    1. Enhanced Problem-Solving and Innovation:
    – Diverse teams leverage varied experiences and perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and robust problem-solving strategies.
    2. Rich Pool of Experience:
    – Team members bring a wealth of experience from previous projects, enabling them to tackle challenges more effectively.
    3. Common Goal Focus:
    – Teams formed with a common project goal tend to be more driven and cohesive in achieving objectives.
    4. Increased Adaptability:
    – Diverse teams can adapt more readily to changing circumstances, drawing on a wider range of skills and insights.
    5. Improved Decision-Making:
    – Different perspectives contribute to more thorough discussions and better decisions.

    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams

    1. Communication Barriers:
    – Language Differences: Team members may have different native languages, leading to potential misunderstandings.
    – Varying Communication Styles: Different cultural backgrounds can result in varied communication preferences and practices.
    – Effort Required: Additional effort is needed to ensure clear, effective communication.

    2. Cultural Differences:
    – Norms and Values: Diverse cultural norms can lead to clashes if not managed sensitively.
    – Mutual Respect: Building mutual respect and understanding is critical for harmonious teamwork.

    3. Integration and Cohesion:
    – Time to Develop Trust: Diverse teams may take longer to build a sense of trust and cohesion.
    – Team-Building Activities: Investing in team-building activities and inclusive practices fosters unity and integration.

    4. Bias and Stereotyping:
    – Unconscious Bias: Biases and stereotypes can influence interactions and decision-making.
    – Mitigation Strategies: Organizations need to provide training and create policies to address and mitigate biases.

    5. Conflict Management:
    – Diverse Viewpoints: Different perspectives can lead to conflicts, which can be beneficial if managed constructively.
    – Conflict Resolution Skills: Developing strong conflict resolution skills and strategies is essential.

    By recognizing and addressing the challenges associated with diverse teams, organizations can unlock the full potential of their teams, leading to improved performance, innovation, and satisfaction. The combination of inclusive leadership, effective communication, and a strong focus on mutual respect and understanding is key to harnessing the benefits of diversity.

  89. The relationship between diversity and performance is compelling. Diverse teams have people with different skills and experiences and so therefore are more innovative. Diverse teams also have multiple paths in their team which allows for more ground to be covered at a quicker rate. Diverse teams can also stand strong in any environment, be it complex or simple and can overcome any uncertain situations. Because of the diverse skills available in the team, ambiguous problems can also easily be solved. Diverse teams therefore, do better work than homogeneous teams. The challenges that come with working in diverse teams may include language barriers and stereotypes.

    Is there a relationship between diversity and performance in some setting way which there are some key points that govern the relationship between diversity and performance in project management and organizational settings.
    1. Diversity of Perspectives: Diversity in project teams brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints.
    2. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Diverse teams tend to approach problem-solving and decision-making from multiple angles.
    3. Enhanced Communication: Effective communication is crucial in project management.
    4. Innovation and Creativity: Research indicates that diverse teams are more likely to generate innovative solutions compared to homogeneous teams
    5. Challenges of Diversity: While diversity can bring significant benefits, managing diversity also comes with challenges..
    In this way the relationship between diversity and performance in project management is complex and context-dependent, organizations that effectively manage diversity often reap rewards in terms of enhanced project outcomes, improved decision-making processes, and a more resilient and adaptable project team.

    Do more diverse teams do better work? diversity can bring numerous benefits to teams, including increased creativity, innovation, and broader perspectives, whether more diverse teams consistently do better work in project management can vary based on several factors:
    1, Contextual Factors 2. Team Dynamics 3. Skillful Management 4. Challenges of Diversity 5. Measurement and Metrics
    Diverse teams have the potential to outperform homogeneous teams in project management, this outcome is not automatic. Success depends on various factors including effective management practices, the ability to capitalize on diverse perspectives, and the alignment of diversity with project goals and team dynamics. Organizations that proactively manage diversity and foster inclusive environments are more likely to see positive contributions to project performance from diverse teams.

    What are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams? Working in highly diverse teams in project management can present several challenges, despite the potential benefits diversity brings. Here are some common challenges:
    1. Communication Barriers: Diverse teams may face challenges in communication due to differences in language proficiency, communication styles, or cultural norms.
    2. Cultural Differences: Cultural diversity can lead to differences in values, attitudes, and approaches to work.
    3. Conflict Resolution: In diverse teams, conflicts may arise from cultural misunderstandings, differing perspectives.
    4. Team Cohesion and Trust: Building trust and cohesion in diverse teams can be challenging, especially if team members come from different backgrounds
    5. Decision-Making Processes: Diverse teams may encounter challenges in decision-making due to divergent viewpoints and preferences.
    6. Leadership and Management Styles: Leaders of diverse teams need to adapt their leadership and management styles to accommodate different cultural norms,
    7. Integration and Inclusion: Ensuring that all team members feel valued and included is essential for maximizing the benefits of diversity.

    Cohort 16
    Team 10

  91. Yes, there is a relationship between diversity and performance, and it has been the subject of extensive research in various fields such as business, education, and social sciences. Here are some key points about this relationship:

    Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Diverse teams bring together different perspectives, experiences, and ideas, which can foster creativity and lead to more innovative solutions. This diversity of thought can help organizations solve complex problems more effectively.

    Improved Decision-Making: Teams that are diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, and background tend to make better decisions. Diverse groups are more likely to consider a wider range of options and perspectives, leading to more thorough and balanced decision-making processes.

    Better Financial Performance: Several studies have shown a positive correlation between diversity and financial performance. For instance, companies with greater gender and ethnic diversity in their leadership teams tend to have higher profitability and better stock performance.

    Increased Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A diverse and inclusive workplace can lead to higher employee satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Employees are more likely to feel valued and respected when they see diversity represented in their organization, which can lead to higher levels of engagement and productivity.

    Broader Market Reach: Organizations that embrace diversity are often better positioned to understand and cater to diverse customer bases. This can enhance their ability to enter and succeed in new markets, as they are better equipped to meet the needs and preferences of different demographic groups.

    Challenges and Considerations: While diversity can bring many benefits, it also presents challenges. Diverse teams may face difficulties in communication, conflict resolution, and integration. Effective management and fostering an inclusive culture are crucial to harnessing the positive aspects of diversity.

    In summary, while diversity can significantly enhance performance, the extent of its impact often depends on how well diversity is managed and integrated within the organization or team.

  92. Yes, based on research and practical observations, there is strong evidence supporting the benefits of diversity in teams and organizations. Here’s a breakdown based on my understanding:

    Relationship Between Diversity and Performance:
    1. Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams bring together a variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas. This diversity often sparks creativity and innovation, as team members approach problems from different angles and contribute unique solutions.

    2. Problem-Solving: Different viewpoints can lead to more robust decision-making processes. Diverse teams are more likely to consider a broader range of factors and anticipate a wider array of outcomes, which can result in more effective problem-solving.

    3. Adaptability: Organizations composed of diverse teams are often more adaptable to change. They can respond more flexibly to evolving market demands, technological advancements, or shifts in the business environment.

    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    1. Communication Barriers: Diverse teams may face challenges in communication due to differences in language proficiency, communication styles, or cultural norms. Misunderstandings can arise more easily, requiring deliberate efforts to foster clear and effective communication.

    2. Conflict Resolution: Differing opinions and backgrounds can sometimes lead to conflicts within diverse teams. Effective conflict resolution strategies, such as open dialogue and mediation, are essential to harness the benefits of diversity without letting tensions escalate.

    3. Integration and Collaboration: Building a cohesive team culture where all members feel valued and included requires proactive efforts. It’s crucial to create opportunities for team members to get to know each other, understand each other’s perspectives, and collaborate effectively.

    In summary, while diverse teams have the potential to outperform homogeneous teams due to enhanced creativity, innovation, and adaptability, they also require careful management of communication, conflict, and integration challenges. Organizations that effectively harness the strengths of diversity while addressing these challenges are likely to experience improved performance and achieve better financial outcomes.

    From Joseph Ikechukwu Onyeocha.

  93. Diverse teams have the potential to produce superior work due to their innovative capabilities, better decision-making, and broader market understanding compared to a homogeneous team. However, realising these benefits requires addressing the challenges of managing such teams, such as communication barriers, cultural differences, conflict resolution, team cohesion, and the need for inclusive leadership. When managed effectively, the advantages of diversity in teams can significantly outweigh the challenges, leading to improved overall performance.

  94. Ojomo Ayodele
    Cohort 16
    Team 7

    In my opinion, diversity directly affects performance. When people come together “homogeneously” to work in an organisation or a project and they come from the same place, have the same beliefs, think the same way, or they ight even most probably know each other. There would be definite performance, but it will never be as high as when people come from different locations, countries, have different beliefs, thought process, skills because these people were not raised the same way, they don’t have the same mentality, they have been trained in their various countries by different methods, even their problemsolving is different and there is higher performance rate from them because they will pool their knowledge, skills, commitment and ideas together to push the whole team, the project and the organisation forward. This is what i call the “Heterogenous” team.

    The nondiverse team(homogenous), one problem could cripple the whole team and they wouldn’t be able to solve it.
    So in essence diversity affects performance greatly, if a company, organisation wants to grow their skills,experience, they should be very diverse in their field, seeking knowledge from other colleagues in the field or might even be another branch of the same organization in a different location.

    Yes absolutely , diverse teams do better work.

    Challenges of working in diverse teams:
    1. It would generally depend on their level of cohesion.
    2. How they move through the stages of development, especially the storming phase is there friction?their communication, is there teamwork?
    3. Lack of fulfillment of roles by the project manager. He/she might not carry all the diverse team members along.
    4. Low level of social or identity diversity, some team members might try to lord their ethnicity, age or gender above others
    5. There maybe some display of ego in regards to the high level of congnitive diversity.

  95. Diverse teams are ideal for complex, emergency, or remote projects where innovative problem-solving and adaptability are crucial.
    However, for physical, long-term, simple, and predictable projects, a homogenous team with shared language and cultural background can be more effective.

    My advice is to embrace diversity, especially in today’s digital world where building trust and collaboration skills are essential to harness the strengths of diverse teams. By working together and valuing diverse perspectives, we can achieve better outcomes and drive success.

  96. While working in diverse teams can be challenging, I believe the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. Diverse teams have consistently produced higher-quality work and more effective problem-solving in my experience.

    COHORT 16
    TEAM 5

    Diversity in the team.
    Diversity is an aspect of the project in which the project team members are working together for the first time, this will bring about the following.
    1. Mixed skills and experience
    2. Gender Equality
    3. innovation is high to achieve
    4. Making a good decision will be easier.
    5. Diverse background.

  98. Diversity can be a very big advantage for a good project performance if they embrace there diversity as strength, put in their best and work with one another. As a medical laboratory scientist I have colleagues from different schools and people that were trained outside this country, this has really increased our laboratory performance and even results. It brought about so much innovations, creativity and has made work more flexible. But some of the challenges we are still facing with this diversity include:
    1) Language barriers which can lead to communication issues and misunderstanding.
    2) Ethnicity issues: especially when choosing higher roles.
    3) Bring them to work as a team can be very different.
    4) Racism etc

  99. As a project manager, you are faced with working with team members from various backgrounds. Team members produce more results if they are from different backgrounds because they have this idea of doing their best to leave the best impression, which can be quoted in their favor in another project.

  100. Diversity means broader skills, ideas,human capital etc and it therefore means a wider means to reach project goals and outcomes with less inputs

  101. Diversity is a significant advantage in any project, fostering growth and improvement within the team. When team members from diverse backgrounds feel excited to contribute their skills, their expertise is recognized and valued without discrimination. This recognition ensures that everyone is respected for their contributions. Although the planning process and aligning everyone’s ideas can be challenging due to the influx of diverse perspectives, this diversity ultimately leads to better project outcomes.

    Afolabi Isaac
    Cohot16 Team2

  102. Diversity in Teams
    In my experience of events projects I’ve worked in as a member, diversity in most cases has been the major reason for our high performance. The more diversity we had, as I’ve observed, the more options/ solutions we had. The challenges however, was that it slows us down a bit at the planning stages due to too many ideas. Once events projects kicks off, details are hardly missed. And if there’s any omission, it is easily resolved due to our diverse composition which helps us create a solutions out of almost nothing.

    Wale Oyegunle
    Team 8 Cohort 16

  103. Understanding the uniqueness of a diverse team and inherent skills/values that such brings on board its vital to a project manager. Diversity its not only about gender, sex, race, culture but also intrinsic values, personality which helps brings diverse unique skills, creativity, improved decision making and ability to solve problems that often needed in handling complex/iterative project when compare to simple/homogenous team.
    Furthermore, a diverse team will have the benefits of different perspectives which itโ€™s not hinder having not worked together previously.
    However, itโ€™s important to ensure that the project manager effectively utilize communication and collaboration skills to keeps the team cohesive to avoid possible disadvantages that occur from cultural or language barriers

  104. Ibilola
    Diversity i team can more the team become better equipped , improves productivity, better financial results
    Diversity gives room for high performance rate.

  105. Aminah Yusuff
    Team 2 Cohort 16

    Yes, teams with greater diversity produce superior work. Diverse teams perform better because diverse team members bring unique perspectives and ways of thinking, which allows them to unlock new ideas and enhance everyoneโ€™s capacity for innovation and creativity. Other benefits of diverse teams include
    – Increased innovation and learning
    – Creation of a more inclusive and safe environment
    – Retention of top talent
    – Acceleration of complex problem-solving
    – Enhancement of morale through greater belonging
    Some of the challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams include
    – Biases in hiring and retention
    – Biased systems that self-perpetuate
    – Active resistance from some individuals who are enraged and affronted by diversity efforts
    – Less comfort and more friction among team members

  106. Having a diverse team outweighs a homogeneous team in many ways.

    Firstly, a diverse time often time comprises people who haven’t worked together on a particular kind of project and these people must have been selected based on their skills and uniqueness. The diversity in the skills of the team members gears towards success and greater performance because the team would have enough skills required to execute the project successfully. Oftentimes, there is zero to little need for external contractors because the required skill set would be available on such a diverse team.

    Moreover, Having a diverse team will create room for the division of labour as well as specialization in roles. Compared to a Homogenous team, where there is similarity in skills and less diversity, certain skill sets are absent and the need for contracting the role is cogent.

    In my opinion, there is a lot of connection between diversity and performance. A diverse team with enough skills required for a project tends to face little hurdles in delivering or carrying out certain roles and duties, and in this kind of team, roles are disseminated and results are gotten quickly and accurately.

    The above being said is quite embedded with certain challenges. A diverse team if they are not oriented well can delay the progress of the project. If a project manager fails to do a launch event properly, outlining the roles and expected duties of each team member, there can be a clash of interests or unclear expectations. Storming is inevitable and can be difficult to maintain if the project manager doesn’t have a clear charter. Of course, a homogenous team can also face the same challenges but it is minimal.

    Above all the project manager needs to understand the principle of building a team, the needs of the project in selecting team members and giving a clear brief of the roles of each team member, I believe that with these sorted the team will work with cohesion and deliver a good project.

  107. Diversity can achieve superior performance but the relationship may be complex. It brings benefits like increased creativity, innovation and problem solving ability by combining different skillsets. However it may pose challenges around areas of communication and interpersonal dynamics which can hinder functioning if not managed effectively. Challenges that may arise in highly diverse teams include, communication barriers and misunderstanding due to differences in language, cultural norms and communication styles. Interpersonal tensions du e to lack of shared social identity

  108. Diversity is a strategic advantage that can lead to better project outcomes, higher innovation, and a more dynamic and engaged workforce. By embracing diversity, project managers can create a more inclusive, effective, and competitive project environment.

  109. The success of an organization is achieved by bringing new creative ideas. Thus, adopting diversity management and diverse workforce inside organization, will create a behavior to add several traits that will enhance the organizational performance by adapting the current work environment to the future work plan.
    Diversity can help a team become more agile and be better equipped to pivot and adapt as necessary to remain competitive.
    The challenges of working in a more diverse teams are Communication issues, Cultural misunderstandings, Slower decision making, Inequitable inclusion and Discrimination

  110. Diversity is important in a project team because it has a higher performance rate than homogeneous team.
    Also, diversity is important in project team because they a variety of experiences and solutions to problem that may arise in a project.
    Disadvantages of a diverse team are communication and language barrier.
    Igwebueze Cynthia Nkechi
    Team-5, cohort-16

  111. Diversity of thoughts, skills and intellects brings out the best in a team. reasons are, there is a strict regard for understanding and acceptance of each others opinion irrespective of gender, age and socio-cultural background. Diverse teams only work on the major goal of the project by bringing their top skills to the table. Diversity encourages inclusion that creates a positive environment needed for executing complex and complicated projects.
    The major challenge that might possibly arise in working in diverse team might be language barrier or a longer list of highly intellectual individuals who might find it difficult coming to terms with whose opinion to go with. However, that it why it is important for a good project manager to assemble the best team and make use of the chattering technique while assembling the team.

  112. Diversity of thought elevates teams by fostering communication around individual perspectives and creating a posture of thinking that’s beyond yourself. It’s a key ingredient to candid conversation, innovation and execution.
    It’s very important to me that everyone I work with feels safe, accepted, and valued and has an equal opportunity to grow and succeed. Together, the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion help create a workplace culture that drives the business forward.โ€
    Cohort 16
    Team 6

  113. In my experience, there is a significant relationship between diversity and performance. Working in a diverse team at an environmental company has shown me that diverse teams often produce better work. Diversity brings together different perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, which can lead to more innovative solutions and comprehensive strategies. For instance, in our team, individuals from various cultural and educational backgrounds contributed unique insights that enriched our environmental projects and allowed us to address complex issues more effectively.

    However, working in highly diverse teams also comes with challenge. One challenge was the need to manage and integrate diverse viewpoints, which could occasionally slow down decision-making processes. Fostering an inclusive environment where everyone felt valued and heard required continuous effort and sensitivity.

    Despite these challenges, the benefits of diversity far outweighed the difficulties. The team’s ability to approach problems from multiple angles and the increased creativity and innovation were clear indicators of the positive impact of diversity on performance. Through open communication, team-building activities, and a strong emphasis on mutual respect, we were able to overcome the challenges and leverage our diversity to achieve outstanding results in our projects.
    In summary, my experience confirms that diverse teams do indeed do better work, provided that there is a conscious effort to address the inherent challenges and create an inclusive and collaborative work environment.

  114. Diverse teams just as homogenous teams have their advantages and disadvantages; however, the Diverse team has lots of benefits it brings to the table such as; a good blend of various expertise and experience, and a wide range for creative innovations which are of significant benefits to the project.
    Disadvantages such as language or culture or work style differences may play out, but these are simple challenges that can solved with either the chattering or Tuckman’s technique without it affecting the projects outputs and outcomes.

  115. Diversity is important in project teams because they bring a variety of experiences and solutions to problems that may arise in a project.. Disadvantages of a diverse team includes language and communication barrier

  116. Diverse teams, like homogeneous teams, have their pros and cons. However, in my opinion, diverse teams excel due to their unique blend of experiences and viewpoints, leading to creative and innovative outcomes. Nevertheless, diverse teams face challenges like:
    * Language barriers and cultural differences that hinder communication.
    * Different work styles and approaches to project execution.

  117. There are several advantages to having diversity in project teams, and these advantages can greatly improve team productivity and project results. Here are a few main benefits:1. More Innovation: Diverse teams are more likely to provide original ideas and solutions because they bring a range of experiences and viewpoints to the table.2. Better Problem-Solving: Diverse teams are better able to tackle challenges from many sides, which results in more effective problem-solving. This is because they have a diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints.3. Enhanced Decision-Making: Diverse teams tend to make better decisions because they consider a wider range of options and potential impacts.4. Greater Adaptability: Teams with diverse members are often more adaptable and resilient, as they can draw on a broader range of experiences and skills to navigate challenges.5. Better Performance: Studies have shown that diverse teams are more likely to outperform less diverse teams, achieving higher financial returns and better project success rates.6. Increased Employee Satisfaction: A diverse and inclusive environment can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention, as team members feel valued and respected for their unique contributions.
    I belong to a diverse team. A team charter is put in place, and we all align well despite being diverse. Different ideas come up, which are a mix of various backgrounds. This enhances problem solving, and issues are tackled and resolved better. The disadvantage here is that there are so many ideas that filtering becomes an issue, and everyone will want to be heard.ย 
    It is therefore important that a diverse team be created only when necessary. It shouldn’t be the norm.
    Stephen Amarachi
    Cohort 16 Team 9

  118. Yes, I think diversity is of immense importance in a project team formation.

    First, different backgrounds ranging from professions, expertise, education, environment, interests are somehow coerced to work in synergy. This way the project goal can easily be achieved. In my project, we have a team comprising a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, A community Mobilization and Development Specialist, a Water Engineer, Contractors etc. It makes the work easy. Each aspect of the project has a professional assigned to it.

    Second, diversity doesn’t breed unnecessary competition, everyone knows their boundaries. There’s rather the innate desire to put in your best in delivery. No one wants to be called out for the failure of a project.

    Third, there is respect, each team member is respected for many reasons. Non familiarity fosters respect more. It also ensures ethics in terms of adhering to standards are followed. Unlike homogeneous project teams where everyone is knowledgeable about every other thing. There tend to be frictions in opinions and performance.

    In as much as diversity is necessary for efficiency in delivery, I recommend a limit because I believe there should be checks. The greater the diversity, the more difficult it is to create a balance. Team members can assume one or two roles where necessary. Instead of a lot of people from different backgrounds, a few can achieve a lot. This way, collaborations will thrive. Communication will be easier. Oversights can be done. Easier Feedbacks can also be achieved. It will also aid in improving expertise and knowledge of the overall project expectations. The project manager will face less challenges in managing a team when they are not highly diverse.

    I have not worked in a highly diverse project team. I don’t think it’s the best though.

    Ijeoma Egbu
    COHORT 16
    Team 3

  119. It align with my personal experience. Diverse team shows diverse skills and experiences which makes their performance outstanding.

  120. Funny enough, I’ve never looked at the diversity of a team before. In plenty ways, the assertion is right. We have skilled labors who come in from the north and eastern side of Nigeria and they tend to work faster and compliment each other than when we have skilled labor from the same side. What’s obtainable in the places they come from is often shared during work – ideas are thrown back and forth with the best solutions adopted.

  121. In my analysis diverse teams have outstanding performance because they are vast in their knowledge and as such tend to have more experience than the homogenous teams.

  122. Nnadi Stella Chidinma
    Team 7
    Teams with diverse roles do better because their roles are well defined and the common thing amongst them is work delivery.

  123. There is a relationship between diversity and performance because the people chosen for the project tend to focus on it and not each other. They wouldn’t want to cross boundaries and respect each other.

  124. My name is Charles Ntanta and my experience on diversity and better performance agrees totally with this.
    My reason is that diversity in project management brings concentration to assigned task. Less man hour loss and drive to show what you have in you to contribute to the project. Nobody wants to be blamed for poor performance. Where the people know each other well, there is tendency for distractions as the project is ongoing.

  125. In my experience, the key to leveraging diversity for enhanced team performance lies in effective management practices. Successful diverse teams often exhibit:

    โ€ข Strong Leadership: Leaders who are committed to diversity and inclusion set the tone for the team. They actively promote an inclusive culture, address biases, and ensure that diverse voices are heard and valued.
    โ€ข Open Communication: Encouraging open and transparent communication helps mitigate misunderstandings and fosters a culture of trust and respect. Regular team-building activities and discussions about cultural differences can enhance mutual understanding.
    โ€ข Inclusive Practices: Implementing practices that promote inclusivity, such as diversity training, mentorship programs, and equitable opportunities for all team members, helps in harnessing the full potential of a diverse team.
    โ€ข Focus on Common Goals: Emphasizing shared goals and objectives can unite team members, regardless of their backgrounds. When team members are aligned around a common purpose, they are more likely to collaborate effectively.

    In conclusion, while diverse teams have the potential to perform exceptionally well, realizing this potential requires intentional and thoughtful management. The benefits of diversity, such as increased creativity, better decision-making, and broader market insight, can significantly outweigh the challenges when these challenges are addressed proactively. Effective leadership, open communication, inclusive practices, and a focus on common goals are crucial to turning diversity into a performance advantage.

  126. A great thinker (AMADOU AMPATE BA) from my region used to say that the beauty of a carpet lies in the variety of its colours.
    I would say that the strength of a good team also depends on the diversity of its members.
    The diversity of the group is both a challenge and a major asset that the project manager must absolutely succeed in achieving.

  127. Diverse teams have advantages and disadvantages just like homogeneous teams but in my own analysis diverse teams do better work due to there variety of experience and perspective which brings creative and innovation to the project at hand.

    The challenges are namely
    1. Communication barriers- speaking different languages and may come from different backgrounds
    2. Different style of work- they may encounter different way of carrying out a project.

  128. Diverse teams and Homogeneous teams both have their advantages and disadvantages .
    From experience one with get to understand that in diverse teams every one comes to a new stage with their A-game and rolled up sleeves to work. For starters there are no social attachments that could cause to much deliberations,because it is expected that every one on board is an expert in their field of assignment. So their diversity their is just one end goal, to achieve the set target which is to complete the project .l, no unnecessary distractions and mischief. Collaborations, creativity , innovative solutions and experience all play a key role in meeting the set target. Diverse teams could also on a disadvantage base on the fact that almost all team members are new and this may cause friction in communication, deliberations, understanding and execution of projects.

    In Homogeneous teams, these people are already familiar with each others roles and specialities this could be an advantage or a disadvantage, It is advantageous because teams would simply spring to action to save time because everyone already understands their roles and duties and not much deliberations is needed. On the other hand familiarity could cause delay ..

  129. A diverse team consists of people from varying expertise,age,skills/knowledge, and experience and as a result
    tends to produce a outstanding result.Unlike with homogenous teams,diversity team tends to produce better output as
    they are more focussed onset as there is no preknowledge of each other or social attachment.Their major goal is to have the goal achieve
    and task delivered.
    Embracing diversity brings numerous benefits, such as better team collaboration, increased creativity and problem-solving, broader perspective in viewing matter
    personal development boosting. However, issues like communication barrier (in international project),conflict management and trust could pose
    as challenge within such team especially if the PM is not experienced enough.

    Familua Adeniyi
    Cohort 15,Team 1

  130. From personal experience I’ve observed that when a diverse team is put together, because of little to no social interaction, these people don’t really know themselves and so don’t want to misrepresent themselves to new people.
    I wouldn’t want to hold up a project or be seen to be the reason for the team’s inability to perform well. I believe that this is the thinking of everybody in a diverse team hence the desire to do their best work.
    There’s also the part where the diversity comes with it a wider range of knowledge and skills as opposed to a homogenous team where the areas of expertise are most likely closely related. Again, in a homogenous team, social interaction may become a distraction to the project at hand.

  131. Knowledge, skills, and ideas are put together from different individuals when working with divers team and it takes time for understanding to be built in team work.

  132. Based on my experience, I realized that a diverse team has a higher performance rate than a homogenous team because each comes different ideas, culture and way of seeing things and these really helps when it comes to project performance.

    Teams with Greater diversity produces superior work because everybody will be ready to learn a new thing compare to a homogenous team that sometimes, we don’t what each other has to offer.

    The challenges that arises with working with highly diverse team is that it takes some time before trust and effective communication can be achieved because each member will want to prove that what they have to offer is better than the other and this will eventually create chaos and loss of reasonable time that was meant in achieving the task ahead.

  133. I love this part of this teaching, so relatable for me.

    Based on experience over the years, I have realized that a diverse team has a higher performance rate than a homogenous team. In my experience, working with a range of unfamiliar but skilled people places me on my feet from wanting to deliver my part of the bargain on time to not wanting to delay the team and avoid backlash of any sort. Most importantly, I always want to present and represent myself well on the team.

    On the other hand, my experience is different with a homogenous team – I am always a bit relaxed as team members are usually familiar, and perhaps I have been with a few on past projects. While we aim at getting the work done as a team, the work environment is usually not formally strict as there are a lot of see finishes everywhere.

    So again, a mixed and diverse team will have a higher performance rate than a homogenous team.

    Thank you

    Mary Ayo

  134. Working with divers team is of great benefit. Knowledge, skills, and ideas are put together from different individuals

    While it’s time effective. Most diverse team make sure they all work hand in hand until the project is well done.

    Inasmuch as these, there are still few disadvantages or setbacks such as location, communication barrier which occurs as a result of the the large number of people involved; thus, making communication cut across everyone in the team.

  135. Research has consistently shown
    that there is great positive relationship between diversity and performance. And it is also good to note that more diverse teams tend to outperform less diverse teams in various aspects, such as:

    1. Diverse teams bring unique perspectives, ideas, and experiences, leading to more innovative solutions.
    2. Diverse teams are better equipped to tackle complex problems, as they can approach challenges from multiple angles.
    3. Diverse teams tend to make more informed decisions, as they consider a wider range of viewpoints.
    4. Diverse teams stimulate creativity, as team members learn from and build upon each other’s strengths.
    5. Diverse teams often lead to higher employee satisfaction and engagement, as team members feel valued and included.

    Challenges that arises when working in highly diverse teams

    1. Communication barriers: Language and cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
    2. Difference in work styles: Team members from diverse backgrounds may have different work habits, priorities, and expectations.
    3. Unconscious biases and conflicting perspectives: This can lead to tension and conflict within the team.
    4. Integration and inclusion: Ensuring that all team members feel valued, included, and supported can be a challenge, because sometimes your methods of doing this can be perceived as being bias
    5. Leaders must be skilled in managing and harnessing diversity to maximize its benefits.

    To overcome these challenges, teams can employ strategies like:

    1. Active listening and open communication
    2. Cross-cultural training and awareness programs
    3. Establishing clear goals and expectations
    4. Fostering an inclusive team culture
    5. Encouraging feedback and constructive conflict resolution

    By embracing and effectively managing diversity, teams can unlock the benefits of diverse perspectives, leading to better performance, innovation, and success.

  136. Relationship Between Diversity and Performance
    1. Diverse Teams and Performance:

    In my experience, there is a strong relationship between diversity and team performance. Diverse teams often bring a wide range of perspectives, skills, and experiences, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. Here’s how diversity can enhance team performance:

    Broader Perspectives: Diverse teams bring different viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving, which can result in more creative and effective solutions.
    Enhanced Innovation: Teams with diverse backgrounds are more likely to generate innovative ideas, as members can draw from varied experiences and knowledge bases.
    Improved Decision-Making: A diverse team can consider multiple angles of a situation, leading to more thorough and well-rounded decision-making.
    Increased Adaptability: Diverse teams are often more adaptable to change, as they can leverage a wide range of skills and experiences to navigate new challenges.
    2. Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:

    While diverse teams have many advantages, they also face unique challenges that need to be managed effectively:

    Communication Barriers: Differences in language, cultural norms, and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
    Conflict Management: Diverse perspectives can sometimes lead to conflicts if not managed properly. It’s important to foster an environment where differences are respected and valued.
    Integration: Ensuring that all team members feel included and valued can be challenging, especially if there are significant differences in backgrounds and experiences.
    Decision-Making Speed: Diverse teams may take longer to reach consensus due to the need to reconcile differing viewpoints and approaches.
    Personal Experiences and Reflections
    1. Positive Experiences:

    Innovative Solutions: In my role as a production coordinator, I have worked with teams that included members from various departments and backgrounds. This diversity often led to innovative solutions that we might not have considered if everyone had a similar perspective.
    Learning Opportunities: Working with diverse teams has provided me with numerous learning opportunities. I have gained insights into different cultural practices, work styles, and problem-solving approaches, which have enriched my professional and personal growth.
    Enhanced Problem-Solving: During a project at MTD, the teamโ€™s diversity allowed us to address issues from multiple angles, resulting in more comprehensive and effective problem-solving.
    2. Challenges Faced:

    Communication Issues: In some cases, differences in communication styles led to misunderstandings. We addressed this by establishing clear communication protocols and encouraging open dialogue.
    Integration Efforts: Ensuring that all team members felt included and valued was sometimes challenging. We implemented team-building activities and regular feedback sessions to foster a more inclusive environment.
    Conflict Resolution: Diverse viewpoints occasionally resulted in conflicts. By promoting a culture of respect and providing conflict resolution training, we were able to manage and resolve these conflicts constructively.
    Reflecting on these experiences, I believe that while diverse teams can face unique challenges, the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. Effective management of diversity can lead to high-performing teams that deliver exceptional results. My advice to others would be to embrace diversity, promote open communication, and foster an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and heard.

  137. In my experience there is a significant relationship between diverse teams and high performance. The diversity in the team is characterized by different skills, experience, knowledge and expertise, hence their performance is high when diverse team members work simultaneously. However challenges may occur as a result of their terms of reference, communication pattern and reporting lines. It is the duty of the project manager team lead to harmonize the skills of the diverse team, provide support and leadership through project team meetings and communicate the bigger picture which is the project goal. A typical example is a project team comprising of program officer, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officer, data entry officer”‘no be small fight” (challenge) if they don’t understand that they are working towards the same project goal despite their different skill set. This is because programs will hit the ground running to implement project deliverables, M&E will come after programs for quality, means of verification, milestones, operating procedures in a manner that can disrupt the project while data entry because of ethical requirements of data confidentiality will not share data with programs these I was able to address as a Program Manager. Another example is that of a diverse team in a bank comprising of the marketing and operations team. The marketer will bring all manner of accounts and transactions which not all will be accepted by operations.

  138. Embracing diversity can have numbers of advantage /positive effect. A diverse team would produce an outstanding result because of the differences that exist the between the team individually. Knowing that a diverse team is the coming together of different people from different places with different knowledge and experience which makes the team produce a phenomenal result. However we cannot overlooked that the difference in communication styles, cultural belief can affect effectiveness and building unity between the team members.

  139. From personal experience of working with diverse teams, a team with diversity tends to produce better output than homogenous teams however this also depends on who leads the reams.
    Additional, team members will have the opportunity to showcase and test the various skills they have acquired and improve where needed. Likewise, Team Bonding formed amongst team members can also be a platform to drive inclusivity in the organization.

  140. A diverse team tends to produce an outstanding result due to the differences that exist between them. A diverse team consists of people from different places, knowledge, and experience and this is why they will produce a phenomenal result. a team with diversity tends to produce better output than homogenous teams however this also depends on who leads the reams.
    A team with diversity is focused on the tasks ahead and delivering of them,
    Teams with greater diversity produces superior work because there is a greater combination of expertise to work together just to get a common outcome.

    The few challenges in highly diverse teams are; communication barrier, level of expertise, location.
    The project manager schould know how to deliver the diverse skills, knowledge and personalities of the team members.

  141. A team with diversity is focused on the tasks ahead and delivering of them,
    there is no room for familiarity and time wasting with socialism . this makes the team to deliver better especially if the project manager knows how to deliver the diverse skills, knowledge and personalities of the team members.
    From my point of view it depends on the project manager handling it

  142. from my experience of working with diverse teams, a team with diversity tends to produce better output than homogenous teams however this also depends on who leads the reams.
    A team with diversity is focused on the tasks ahead and delivering of them,
    there is no room for familiarity and time wasting with socialism . this makes the team to deliver better especially if the project manager knows how to deliver the diverse skills, knowledge and personalities of the team members.

  143. Working in diverse teams has a lot of benefits. For one, there are a lot of first hand learnings as team members will have the opportunity to glean from each others backgrounds and experiences.

    In addition, team members will have the opportunity to showcase and test the various skills they have acquired and improve where need be. Likewise, Team Bonding formed amongst team members can also be a platform to drive inclusivity in the organization.

    While working as a team is very important and key, it is crucial and pertinent to note that an individual’s ability to work alone without supervision should be taken into consideration as well, as there are jobs that require one to work with minimal supervision and deliver on the go. It is important to have the right balance.

  144. A diverse team tends to produce an outstanding result due to the differences that exist between them. A diverse team consists of people from different places, knowledge, and experience and this is why they will produce a phenomenal result. One person’s weakness is likely going to be the other person’s strength. They can always complement each other to produce outstanding results.

    The inability of the project manager or the team lead to manage this advantage will lead to its disadvantage. Part of these are misunderstandings and low productivity or results as the case may be.

  145. In my experience, diversity in teams is very beneficial. It brings about experience and problem solving solutions leading to innovative and good outcomes. Even as the saying that goes that it is good to know something about everything, and everything about something. This way you’ll have good idea of all that is to be discussed.

    So I feel diversity in teams will help the team to move faster.

  146. My own point of view In teams and organizations, diversity can have a number of advantageous effects. Having access to a wider range of viewpoints, experiences, skills and knowledge, diverse teams can solve problems more creatively and innovatively. Assumptions can be questioned, in-depth discussions can be encouraged, and critical thinking can be nurtured, all of which improve decision-making processes. there will be nothing like familiarity.ย However, it cons cannot be overlooked either. differences in communication styles, cultural beliefs can hinder effectiveness and collaboration between the team members.

  147. Embracing diversity brings numerous benefits, such as better team collaboration, increased diversity within teams, and reduced biases.ย Creating an inclusive and diverse workforce can lead to many positive outcomes, like improved teamwork, leveraging differences for greater success, and ultimately achieving collaborative success.ย 
    The Benefits of Diversity inย a team are;
    1. Boost creativity and problem-solving
    2. Improved decision-making
    3. Enhanced profits
    4. Boost personal development
    5. Improved employee confidence
    6. Improved the quality of the product and services
    7. Enhanced global reputation
    8. Engaged with millennial fenerations
    Through enhanced communication, innovation, and inclusivity, diverse teams become powerful engines of growth and transformation.

    There is connection between diversity and performance because both leads to better outcomes.

    Teams with greater diversity produces superior work because there is a greater combination of expertise to work together just to get a common outcome.

    The few challenges in highly diverse teams are; communication barrier, level of expertise, location.

  148. In my opinion,working with a diverse team brings lots of advantages in that it brings together different perspectives which can spark innovative ideas and creativity. It also offer broader skillset and expertise from the varied background which brings about a well rounded decision making. Because of the diverse nature it offer a better problem solving capabilities. The diversity is most likely to lead to a higher job satisfaction.

    Although there are some downside with working with a diverse team, like communication barriers, differing viewpoints and decision making can take longer than necessary, the benefits greatly outweigh the downside.

  149. In my experience as a transaction coordinator, having worked with diverse team members on different property transactions from start to finish. I will say that diversity enhances team performance, and requires effective management of communication, trust-building, and conflict resolution. Organizations must recognize the potential benefits and proactively address challenges to reap the rewards of diverse teams.

  150. Diversity in a project team can significantly impact its performance in various ways:

    1. Broader Perspectives: A diverse team brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative solutions and innovative approaches to problem-solving.

    2. Enhanced Problem Solving: With a variety of perspectives, team members can identify potential problems and opportunities that might otherwise be overlooked. This can lead to more thorough analysis and better decision-making.

    3. Improved Communication: Working with people from different backgrounds encourages open communication and fosters a culture of respect and inclusion. Effective communication is essential for team collaboration and coordination.

    4. Increased Adaptability: A diverse team is often more adaptable to changes and challenges because its members bring different skill sets and viewpoints to the table. This adaptability is crucial in a dynamic project environment where unexpected obstacles may arise.

    5. Better Decision Making When team members approach problems from different angles, they’re more likely to consider a range of options before making decisions. This can result in more well-rounded and effective solutions.

    6. Enhanced Creativity: Diversity fosters creativity by encouraging the exploration of new ideas and perspectives. When team members feel empowered to express their unique viewpoints, they’re more likely to contribute original and imaginative solutions.

    However, managing diversity effectively is key to reaping these benefits. Team leaders must create an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and respected. This might involve promoting diversity training, establishing clear communication channels, and addressing any conflicts or biases that arise. Additionally, it’s essential to recognize and celebrate the contributions of each team member, regardless of their background or identity. By harnessing the power of diversity, project teams can achieve higher levels of performance and success.

  151. My thoughts on diversity and performance is that diversity brings lots of spice into the projects and might create tension in the projects because a lot of opinions might confuse the actual goal of the project.But with careful analysis of all the suggestions put together might make the project manager arrive at faster decisions which will eventually hasten the project.

  152. My observation is that there is a strong relationship between diversity and team performance because a team that has members who are from diverse backgrounds brings a variety of perspectives to problem solving and decision-making, which can lead to better outcomes for any project. Additionally, a diverse team brings on board a range of skills and expertise.

    Diversity in teams doesn’t automatically guarantee superior work. culture of respect and trust among the team members must come into play for effective working but when this is lacking because of diversity, it can pose a challenge to the performance of a team. Diversity can also lead to friction within the team, especially when goals or values conflict. Superior work is more likely to result from teams where members are aligned when it comes to values and goals. In conclusion, while diversity can contribute to superior work in teams, it is not the sole determinant. There are other factors to be considered if a diverse team should produce superior work.

    Working in highly diverse teams has it’s own share of challenges. These may include:
    1. Conflict Resolution: Diverse teams sometimes experience conflicts that arise from cultural differences, varying perspectives and divergent opinions.
    2. Cultural Misinterpretation: Misinterpretation of cultural cues,norms and values can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications
    3. Different working styles and preferences: Individuals from diverse backgrounds may have different work styles, preferences, and expectations regarding tasks, deadlines, and work-life balance.

  153. Umeanolue Lilian
    Team 6

    More diverse teams tend to perform better than homogeneous ones. This is because the team members have a wide range of knowledge and cognitive abilities. They are highly skilled and have different ideas which can produce better outcomes. They can work better because there is row social cohesion which reduces the risk of over-familiority among team members. In addition, they are more effective as they are made up of individuals from different cultural backgrounds and as such can help resolve issues in that regard.
    However, the challenges of working in highly diverse teams include:
    1. Communication barrier which can be caused by style of communication or language differences.
    2. Cultural differences.
    3. Discrimination
    4. Power dynamic
    5. Difficulty in building trust among members.

  154. In my experience, diversity in teams has indeed proven to be beneficial. I’ve seen firsthand how diverse teams bring a wealth of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions and better outcomes. There’s a clear correlation between diversity and performance, as highlighted by APM’s recognition of diverse teams outperforming homogenous ones.

    However, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges that come with diversity. Communication barriers, differing work styles, and potential conflicts require effective management and a culture of inclusivity to navigate successfully. Despite these challenges, the benefits of diversity in driving superior performance and fostering a dynamic work environment are undeniable. What are your thoughts and experiences on this topic?

  155. Diverse teams tend to contribute more than homogeneous teams.
    They bring together thier irrespective wealth of knowledge and collaborate effectively to achieveing greater success.

  156. More diverse teams tend to perform better than homogeneous ones. This is because the team members have a wide range of knowledge and cognitive abilities. They are highly skilled and have different ideas which can produce better outcomes. They can work better because there is row social cohesion which reduces the risk of over-familiority among team members. In addition, they are more effective as they are made up of individuals from different cultural backgrounds and as such can help resolve issues in that regard.
    However, the challenges of working in highly diverse teams include:
    1. Communication barrier which can be caused by style of communication or language differences.
    2. Cultural differences.
    3. Discrimination
    4. Difficulty in building trust among members.

  157. Yes diverse teams a always very much productive than homogeneous teams. This is because in a diverse team you have varieties, people with different perspectives and views hence you have a diverse team and a good PM who is open and gives room to suggestion such a team will grow and always achieve their set goals.

    1. Communication Barriers
    2.Social and Cultural differencres
    3. Stereotyping and bias
    4.Power Dynamics
    5.Trust and Building of Rapport

    Yes teams with diversity produce superior works

  158. Majorly my experience in working with a team is homogenous, the complexity that comes with that is usually over-familiarity, which leads to some team member not taking up their roles seriously.
    Having a diverse team creates better work and brings a different viewpoint/perspective, however, there can be challenges like barriers in communication, cultural differences etc.

  159. Majority of my experience working in a team has been in homogenous situations and I will say it usually is filled with complications that arise a lot from familiarity and people tend to drop the ball or expect others to cover their duties for them.

    I would imagine that a diverse team will be people who are more organized and ready to put their experience and unique expertise to work in mutual respect to achieve the projects objectives.

  160. Based on what I have learned the aspect of managing project teams I anticipate that will cause pressure for project manager….is not willing to encouraging your Team or believing that they are self motivated no some time as a project manager take out time to talk to your team just like in our previous class take them out if possible but basically on the subject matter relating to the team…..
    Safeguarding my self and my team in running an event one thing one should look out to is
    You need to watch for and manage pressure and stress at the individual level.
    you should lead by example: working in a healthy and sustainable way, looking after your own physical and mental health, and sharing ideas and resources for wellbeing with the team and encouraging them to do the same.
    One is sure is you can’t safeguard your team if you as the project manager is not on a safer level

  161. Working on a diverse team always produce amazing results since everyone there has a unique knowledge to offer the project but there is always the problem of miscommunication and misunderstanding, this usually as a result of diverse cultures and individual differences.

  162. In my experience working with a diverse team members on a project yielded more results, because everyone brought their skill set on board, and that helped us in a great deal.

  163. Diversity in teams can indeed bring about a range of benefits and in my experience, I’ve seen that more diverse teams can indeed perform better in many ways, although it’s important to note that diversity alone isn’t a guarantee of success. Here are a few thoughts based on my experience:

    Relationship Between Diversity and Performance:
    One of the most significant benefits of diversity in teams is the diverse range of perspectives and ideas it brings. This can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovative solutions to challenges.

    Secondly, when teams are diverse, they are less likely to suffer from groupthink, where everyone shares similar backgrounds and ways of thinking. This can lead to better decision-making processes as different viewpoints are considered.

    Thirdly, diverse teams tend to be more adaptable and flexible in handling change and uncertainty. This adaptability can be a significant advantage in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment.

    Lastly, in global or multicultural settings, diverse teams can have a deeper understanding of different markets and customer segments, leading to more effective strategies for products/services.

    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    While there are clear benefits, there are also challenges that can arise in highly diverse teams. In my experience, here are a few challenges we have experienced as a diverse team :

    Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

    Secondly, with diverse perspectives comes the potential for conflicts based on different values, beliefs, or approaches to work.

    Thirdly, ensuring that all team members feel included and valued can be a challenge, especially if there are power dynamics or unconscious biases at play.

    Lastly, building strong relationships and a sense of unity can take more effort in diverse teams, as individuals may have different backgrounds and experiences that shape their interactions.

    In my opinion, the success of diverse teams often depends on how effectively the challenges that arise are managed. Organizations that invest in diversity training, foster a culture of inclusivity, and provide resources for effective communication and conflict resolution tend to see the most benefits from diverse teams.

  164. Diverse team is actually very productive as it has its uniqueness such as collaboration of different skills and ideas which in turn can brings new innovation and inspiration. This is as a result of getting these features from different minds from diverse places in the world.
    As unique as diverse team can be, it has its complications such as Communication barrier, Complexity in managing team, conflict resolution, and different cultural beliefs.

  165. Actually, team diversity brings good performance through multiple ideas, problem solving, innovation and decision making.
    The challenges that may arise when working in a highly diverse teams are:
    1) Conflict
    2) Low commitment
    3) Low cohesion
    4) Boundaries and
    5) Competition

  166. Diversity enhances the richness of a team in terms of skill set bringing variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills, which can lead to enhanced creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and decision-making.

    Diverse teams benefit from a broader range of viewpoints, which can lead to more comprehensive analyses and better decision-making. By incorporating diverse rather than narrow perspectives, teams can identify blind spots, challenge assumptions, and arrive at more creative and effective solutions.
    Challenges of Highly Diverse Teams: While diversity can bring numerous benefits, working in highly diverse teams is not without challenges:

    a. Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms creates barrier for effective communication and collaboration. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations could arise leading to conflicts, inefficiencies and failure to achieve project goals.

    b. Conflict Management: Effective conflict resolution strategies are essential to address disagreements constructively, maintain focus and team cohesion.

    c. Bias and Stereotypes: Addressing bias and promoting awareness and inclusion are critical to creating a supportive and equitable team environment.

    d. Integration and Cohesion: Building trust and rapport in highly diverse teams may take more time and effort compared to homogenous teams.

    e. Managing Complexity: Highly diverse teams may face greater complexity in coordinating efforts, managing workflows, and aligning priorities.

    In summary, while diversity can enhance team performance and organizational success, it is essential to recognize and address the challenges that come with working in highly diverse teams. By promoting inclusivity, fostering effective communication, and leveraging the strengths of diverse perspectives, organizations can harness the full potential of diversity to drive innovation, creativity and productivity.

  167. To me, There is actually a great relationship between diversity and performance cause diverse team do a better and greater job than non diverse team.

  168. Quality should be focused on the customerโ€™s needs.
    I absolutely agree. Quality, in essence, is meeting or exceeding customer expectations. If a product or service doesnโ€™t align with what the customer values, it wonโ€™t be seen as high quality.

    Quality is focused internally.
    I partially disagree. While internal processes and standards contribute to quality, the ultimate measure of quality is how well it satisfies external stakeholders, especially customers.

    Quality should be considered from the beginning of the project.
    I completely agree. Building quality into the project from the start ensures that it’s not just a last-minute addition but an integral part of the project’s DNA.

    The execution phase of a project is the most critical to achieve quality targets.
    I partially agree. Execution is crucial, but quality planning, assurance, and control throughout the project lifecycle are equally important.

    Quality issues should be discussed openly to find corrective actions.
    I completely agree. Open discussion helps identify issues early, leading to timely corrective actions and continuous improvement.

    Quality problems should be hidden from customers and possibly also managers.
    I strongly disagree. Transparency about quality issues is essential for trust

  169. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I would recommend both linear and iterative approach to MTD (an events company) for the following reasons:

    1. Client Satisfaction: With a well-organized and methodical approach, events are sure to be executed seamlessly, meeting client expectations. This enhances client satisfaction and can lead to repeat business and positive referrals.

    2. Structured Workflow: a linear approach provides a clear and structured workflow, allowing teams to follow a step-by-step process from initial planning to execution and evaluation. This reduces confusion and ensures tasks are completed in a logical order.

    3. Efficient Resource Allocation: By outlining tasks chronologically, it helps in allocating resources such as time, budget, and manpower more efficiently. This minimizes wastage and improves overall productivity.

    4. Timeline Management: A linear approach aids in creating and managing timelines effectively. It ensures deadlines are met, milestones are achieved, and dependencies between tasks are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

    5. A linear approach helps in identifying potential risks early in the planning stage, allowing teams to develop contingency plans and mitigate risks before they escalate and impact the event.

    6. Clear task sequencing enhances communication among team members, stakeholders, and vendors. Everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, leading to smoother collaboration and fewer misunderstandings.

    7. Following a linear approach promotes thoroughness and attention to detail at each stage of event planning. This leads to higher quality outcomes and enhances the overall success of the event.

    By leveraging a linear approach, events companies can streamline their operations, deliver high-quality events, and maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

  170. As much as diversity encourages inclusivity there are a number of factors that can affect, working ethics, communication, cultural differences, time zones and differing beliefs and opinions. It is duty of the Project Manager such things and get the team to the performing stage.

  171. Diverse teams bring a unique approach to project outcomes with everyone impact, it expands ideas and bring about collaborations to achieve a common goal within a given timeline.
    Working with a diverse team has proven to increase productivity at the workplace. This is due to the diversity in skills, knowledge, and expertise. This helps team members focus on their respective abilities, which has a relatively significant positive impact on team performance.
    However, the major challenge of working with a highly diverse team could be a language barrier. This may have impact in communication and where everyone has to be involved, to get a translator or interpreter delayed decision making which may extend the project completion timeframe.

  172. Osuji Mirian
    May 10,2024 at 4:04 pm

    To me, Diversity of team helps to have a wider knowledge of the project,it helps to produce a better work and makes one to see things from a different perspective and views.

  173. Letโ€™s discuss these statements about quality:

    Quality Should Be Focused on the Customerโ€™s Needs:
    Agree: Quality should align with what the customer values. Meeting their needs and expectations is essential for overall satisfaction.

    Quality Should Be Considered from the Beginning of the Project:
    Agree: Early planning and design impact quality. Addressing quality issues upfront prevents costly fixes later.

    The Execution Phase Is the Most Critical to Achieve Quality Targets:
    Partially Agree: Execution matters, but quality is influenced throughout the project lifecycle. Planning and monitoring are equally crucial.

    Quality is a shared responsibility, and continuous improvement drives success.

  174. Managing project teams and ensuring successful events:

    Key Insights for Project Managers:
    Effective communication, risk management, and stakeholder engagement are critical. Allocate resources wisely and foster a positive team culture.
    Contingency planning and learning from past events enhance preparedness.

    Anticipated Pressure Points and Safeguards: Time constraints, unforeseen issues, and high expectations can cause pressure.
    Delegate tasks, prioritize self-care, and maintain a supportive team environment.

    Successful events are a collaborative effort, and learning from each experience contributes to continuous improvement

  175. Challenges can arise when working in highly diverse teams:

    Communication: Different communication styles, cultural norms, and language barriers can hinder effective collaboration.

    Conflict: Diverse teams may experience more conflict due to differing opinions and perspectives. Managing this conflict constructively is essential.

    Inclusion: Itโ€™s not enough to have diverse team members; inclusion matters too. Ensuring that everyone feels valued and heard is critical for team success.

    Unconscious Bias: Even well-intentioned individuals may harbor unconscious biases. These biases can affect decision-making and interactions within the team.

    Stereotypes: Stereotypes can lead to assumptions about team members based on their backgrounds. Overcoming these stereotypes requires awareness and education.

    In summary, while diversity brings significant advantages, it also requires intentional efforts to create an inclusive and supportive environment. Organizations that embrace diversity and actively address its challenges are likely to reap the benefits in terms of performance and innovation.

  176. In a team where there is great diversity, external challenges from the environment are easily solved. The Volatile, Uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment helps to create awareness of the organization’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges been faced.
    The experience of the teams are positive because the see the effect of their work and get feedbacks.
    One major challenge is inconsistency as a result of internal or external driven adversity.

    Chukwu Favour

  177. As a PM, working in the technical field, were high skills are required to perform great task within a given duration in a project, having a diverse team members becomes a very important aspect of your success as diverse team comes with multiple skills and experiences. So I will boldly say that diversity and performance becomes vital tool to succeed since team members are SME’s (subject matter experts).

  178. Initially diversify offer great advantages to a project. Diversified team produces different skills in it members. This offers ample of chooses to the problem solving of the project. Using VUCA approaches Were the project is face with ambiguity, Volatility, complexity and uncertainty. The team will need a heterogeneous team to counter the unforseen circumstances. But as say goes too many cooks spoil the, many ideas and skills can also result in time wasting counter unproductive.

  179. Diversity of team helps the team to bring in their opinion and skills on the project and also helps them see things in different ways

  180. Team diversity produces better results in most cases because the individuals can put together their different ideas and experiences to achieve a great outcome for the project. Although language might be a challenge in a diverse team

  181. In my experience, it is very useful to have diversity in projects. Diversity helps to have a more broader knowledge on the project in hand. It allows the team to have various ideas which can aid in their project performance.
    The challenges that can arise in working with highly diverse teams can be language barriers, disagreements of opinions which could lead to wastage of time in decision making etc.

  182. A teamโ€™s Diversity helps it produce superior work, especially in multicultural environments where the individuals’ different skills, language, and perspectives aid the teamโ€™s alignment to the project values and sharpen its delivery of expected outcomes. While some challenges may ensue like language and social differences, these can be propellants for even better work delivery especially where the PM is proactive in aligning the team to the projectโ€™s Purpose and Situation, these seemingly challenges help the individuals deliver the expected results for their sub-teams and overall team success.

  183. Diversity gives you an opportunity to see things from a different perspective, it enables the team to explore other possibilities.

    Diversity allows everyone to bring in their skills and opinion on the particular project.

  184. Before going through these lessons I’d have been unequivocal that the more homogeneous a group the better they’d perform. As I reflect on diversity and performance, I realize that as long as goals, vision and deliverables are clear; and each member knows exactly what to do, how to do it and his/her place in the larger scheme of things the project is very likely to produce expected outcomes.
    Highly diverse teams will more often than not be faced with challenges, which when anticipated and proactively handled will pose no serious threat to the continuity and sustainability of the project. Some of these challenges include losing focus, misunderstanding of individual and collective roles and inadequate supervision. When most of these are anticipated measure will be put in place to prevent and/or address them as the case may be.

  185. Diversity in team means seeing things from different perspectives. It allow team members to drop their own point of view. Diverse team work more effectively because they really do not know themselves, their knowledge and cognitive abilities differs.

  186. From the teaching, I discovered that diverse team is better and with a good teamwork, a great performance is achieved altogether

  187. yes, teams with great diversity come with high performance as well as high risks of conflict

  188. My experience suggests that diversity can be a strength for teams, but it’s not a guaranteed path to success. Effective leadership, clear communication practices, and a commitment to inclusion are all crucial for maximizing the potential of diverse teams.

  189. According to the video diverse team provides better team experience.

    From the teachings from this video, I believe that diverse teams are better.

    However, I lack real-life experience on working with diverse team.

  190. To my mind, a team that is diverse has an advantage over the homogeneous one. There is saying that too much familiarity brings contempt, people who knew each other tend to spend a better time gossiping and backbiting against those who seem not to be in their “click”. Also, they tend to use part of the official time to meet and discuss their issues.
    Diverse team on the other hand, tend to face their work and “mind their business”

  191. Diversity of a team has a positive and negative impact.

    1) diversity means different perception and view of a problem. It can result to a delay in decision making.

    2) Cultural difference can step in. Difference in communication techniques might hider proper communication flow amongst the teams. As a PM you need to maintain a neutral ground and find a way to communicate and bring your team to a neutral ground for effective communication.

    3) Different perspective,ideas, and experiences from the different team members can help in generating different solutions to problems and promotes innovative thinking. It might cause a little delay in coming to a conclusion but there will be lots of ideas to choose from.

  192. There is a big connection between diversity and performance especially for really complex projects, with a diverse team there is large pool of knowledge, talent and skills to draw from, so there will be very capable individuals to handle intense and difficult situations and produce superb work.
    Also a big con to highly diverse teams could be lack of effective communication, as team members might not really know each other and the best way to communicate.There also could be lot of opinionated team members as everyone has diverse skills and talent. But this can be managed by a good and effective project manager, by basically carrying everyone along.

  193. Team that are diversified in nature has the high probability of doing great or achieving their goals. They are different because they really do not know themselves, their knowledge and cognitive abilities differs. This diversity would bring respect among team members because they are all willingly to learn and put in their effort. Therefore, there is no supremacy in the team.
    However, there are also challenges when working in highly diverse team. Challenges like cultural differences, pre-existing inequality, slower decision making, difference in communication. All these can really be challenging but if as a project manager you can stay neutral and bond the team together, the challenges can be solved.

  194. A diverse team means diversity of opinions, experiences and beliefs. These can sometimes hinder a project because everyone wants it done their own way. However, in some cases also these helps in the actualization of the project because through diverse opinions, the team can find the missing link which will help in the actualization of the project

  195. Basically a diversified team is beneficial, as they bring into okay different perspectives to a project; when it comes to brainstorming and which is basically one way to ensure project success and effectiveness

  196. Diversity in project teams is beneficial for several reasons:

    1. Different Perspectives: Team members from diverse backgrounds bring unique perspectives, ideas, and experiences to the table. This variety helps in generating creative solutions to problems and promotes innovative thinking.

    2. Broader Knowledge Base: Diversity in teams often translates to a broader knowledge base. Team members can draw on their respective areas of expertise, which can be crucial for addressing complex project requirements.

    3. Improved Decision Making: Multiple viewpoints foster thorough discussions and deliberations. This process leads to more informed decision-making as various perspectives are considered, potentially avoiding blind spots or biases.

    One problem that could arise from being in a diverse team is that of cultural differences and clashes of values. This could lead to a lot of hazards within the team if not handled wisely by the project manager.

  197. As a PM, I believe that there is a relationship between diversity and performance in carrying out a project. This gives room for different approach of ideas, which can lead to creativity and innovation. With this also the norm of always doing things can be changed looking from other perspective and ideas. The challenges I see is different cultures and different ways of going about the project, which the PM can look at and see the best approach in which to carry out the project that benefits all.

  198. Working with a diverse team is a good ideas in terms of communication and ideas but sometimes it brings conflict due to culture and idea but the main thing is working together as a team and building a great project

  199. So, for me, i think diverse teams tend to do better work. When a team has people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, they bring unique ideas and solutions to the table. Leveling it down to our major tribes and backgrounds here.
    Having people from different tribes, background and cultures can lead to more creativity and innovation. However, working in a highly diverse team can also have challenges. Sometimes, communication can be an issue because people might have different ways of expressing themselves or understanding things. Also, there can be misunderstandings or conflicts due to cultural differences. But overall, the advantages of diversity to a project success usually outweighs the disadvantages.

  200. Project execution with diversity of Team gives room for different perspectives of ideas thus build the commitment into the project. Though when ideas is open ended it can slow down the execution timeline.

  201. Working in a diversifying team give an oppurnity for learning but yet comes with challanges that as a project manager factors like different cultural difference, different problem solving orientation but thus makes the manager considers the most appropriate approach and consider the success of the goal as motivation in overcoming those challenges.

  202. Experience had shown that there is relationship between diversity and performance. More diverse teams tend to perform well more than homogeneous teams due to access to wider range of skills and expertise, broader perspectives and ideas, better problem solving and decision making, increased creativity and innovation which help to achieve exceptional performance and success.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams:
    1. Communication barriers and language differences.
    2. Cultural and social differences leading to misunderstanding.
    3. Potential for bias and discrimination.
    4. Difficulty in building trust and cohesion.

  203. There is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams. Diverse teams tend to produce better work because they bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table. This diversity can lead to more creative problem-solving, innovation, and better decision-making.

    However, working in highly diverse teams also presents challenges. Communication can be more complex due to differences in language, cultural norms, and communication styles. Misunderstandings may arise, leading to conflicts or inefficiencies. Additionally, building trust and cohesion among team members from diverse backgrounds can take more time and effort.

    To overcome these challenges, it is important for team-members to foster open communication, respect each other’s perspectives, and actively seek to understand cultural differences. Providing training on cultural competence and creating a supportive and inclusive work environment can also help maximize the benefits of diversity while mitigating its challenges.

  204. As I’ve learnt in this course that project is not to be carried out by an individual but a team members. So working with different people will help to brainstorm and it will yield a good result for the project goal.

    Researchers have shown that teams that perform beat in complex and challenging environment tend to have
    Low social cohesion
    High levels of social or identity diversity
    High level of cognitive diversity

    By this, different individual will bring up their ideas, opinions about the execution of project which will help achieve the project goals.

  205. Working in a diversified team is also a good way of bringing people together.

    So it is a good experience to mingle with people from another part of the world because it creates new ways of learning new things and mingling with new people.

    Learning new things brings more growth.
    That’s one of the reasons why working in a diversified environment brings success to the teams.

    And yes, there’s a big connection between diversity and performance.

    Bringing people together from different places for a project, with the necessary things being put in place by the manager, produces a good outcome.

    So, teams with great diversity also produce good projects and superior work.

    In as much as working in a diversified team is a great idea, too. There are also challenges team members face, like misunderstandings and a lack of coming together to interact and finding it difficult to agree with each other on a way forward over any issue that arises in the team.

    But with time, they will all adapt to the reality that for their project to be a successful one, they all have to put their differences aside, come together, and do their best to achieve their team goals.

  206. Considering my thoughts and research about diverse team, they do outperform homogeneous team. Reason been that homogenous group are members who have known each other. Although, we can say they might flow well because of the concept or idea of understanding the pattern of their works however it can be disastrous when familiarity comes in which limits the goal of the project. Diverse teams get to focus on the goal since the project is for a short period of time after which they either socialize or go their separate ways. But diverse teams are more focused on accomplishing the project which will result in the team understanding one another better unlike familiarisation in homogenous team.

    I will conclude, both type of team have their disadvantages. However, a PM must focus on what will get the goal achieved within the time frame.

  207. As a Realtor, I experienced the benefits of diverse teams firsthand. When working with a homogeneous team, we struggled to sell a property in a diverse neighborhood. But when we added team members from different cultural backgrounds, we gained new perspectives and insights, leading to a successful sale. The diverse team helped us better understand the needs of the community and tailor our marketing strategy accordingly. This experience showed me that diverse teams can indeed do better work than homogeneous ones.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams:

    1. Communication barriers: Team members may speak different languages or have different communication styles, leading to misunderstandings and confusion.
    2. Cultural differences: Different cultural backgrounds can lead to varying work ethics, values, and expectations, causing conflicts and challenges in collaboration.
    3. Conflict and bias: Diverse teams can also experience conflicts and biases based on cultural, racial, or gender differences, which can hinder teamwork and productivity if not addressed.

  208. Diverse team often outperform homogenous ones for several reasons. one of the reasons being that there is a deadline and a goal to achieve. I worked with a team in Data Analytics class, and we had a date to clean and transform. we were six, 2 dropped. We have never seen one another before. The remaining four of us divided the tasks among ourselves and we completed the project at the record time and presented. I have had a lot of challenges working with homogenous team severally. I had a road expansion with a group of engineers and surveyors. The project lingered because even the time to launch was not there

  209. Diverse teams often outperform homogeneous ones for several reasons:

    Varied Perspectives: Diverse teams bring together individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. This diversity of perspectives allows for more comprehensive problem-solving and innovative thinking. Different viewpoints can lead to more creative solutions as team members challenge each other’s assumptions and offer unique insights.

    Enhanced Creativity: When team members approach problems from different angles, they can generate a wider range of ideas. This diversity in thought can lead to more creative and innovative solutions to complex problems.

    Improved Decision Making: Diverse teams tend to make better decisions because they consider a broader range of factors and viewpoints. This helps to mitigate biases and groupthink, leading to more thorough and effective decision-making processes.

    Better Adaptability: In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is crucial for success. Diverse teams are often better equipped to adapt to new challenges and changes in the business environment because they can draw on a wider range of perspectives and skills.
    Increased Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: When employees feel that their unique backgrounds and perspectives are valued, they are more likely to be engaged and satisfied in their work. This can lead to higher levels of productivity, creativity, and overall team performance.

    Broader Talent Pool: By embracing diversity, teams have access to a broader talent pool. This allows them to attract and retain top talent from different backgrounds, which can give them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

    Yes, there is indeed a connection between diversity and performance in teams. Research in organizational psychology and management consistently shows that teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work compared to homogeneous teams. However, this connection is not guaranteed and depends on various factors such as how diversity is managed and leveraged within the team.

    Here’s how diversity can contribute to superior team performance:

    Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity of thought fosters creativity and innovation as team members approach problems from various angles, leading to novel solutions and approaches.
    Better Decision Making: When teams include members with diverse viewpoints and expertise, they are more likely to consider a broader range of options and perspectives when making decisions. This can result in better-quality decisions that take into account various factors and potential outcomes.
    Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams can tackle complex problems more effectively by drawing on the collective knowledge and skills of their members. Different perspectives and approaches allow the team to consider a wider range of solutions and identify the most suitable ones.
    Increased Adaptability: In today’s dynamic and fast-paced business environment, adaptability is crucial for success. Diverse teams are often better equipped to adapt to change and navigate uncertain situations due to their varied experiences and perspectives.
    However, working in highly diverse teams also presents challenges that can impact performance:

    Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and communication barriers within diverse teams. This can hinder effective collaboration and decision making if not addressed appropriately.
    Conflict and Tension: Diversity can sometimes lead to interpersonal conflicts or tensions within the team, particularly if there are differences in values, beliefs, or work styles. Managing and resolving these conflicts constructively is essential to maintain team cohesion and productivity.
    Implicit Bias and Stereotypes: Even in diverse teams, individuals may hold unconscious biases or stereotypes that influence their perceptions and interactions with others. Addressing these biases and promoting awareness and inclusion is necessary to create a positive and equitable team environment.
    Integration and Cohesion: Building trust and cohesion within highly diverse teams may take time and effort, as individuals from different backgrounds may initially struggle to relate to one another or find common ground. Facilitating team-building activities and fostering a sense of belonging can help overcome these challenges.
    in conclusion, while diversity can contribute to superior team performance, it is essential to recognize and address the challenges that arise in diverse team settings to maximize the benefits of diversity. Effective communication, conflict resolution, and fostering a culture of inclusion are critical for leveraging diversity as a strength in teams.

  210. In my interactions with users from diverse backgrounds, I observe that diversity in teams often leads to a richer exchange of ideas and perspectives. When people from various backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints collaborate, they bring unique insights to the table, allowing for more innovative and comprehensive solutions to problems. Teams that embrace diversity tend to foster a more inclusive and respectful environment, where individuals can express their thoughts freely and learn from one another. Such an atmosphere can enhance creativity, decision-making, and overall team performance. However, effective communication and understanding are key to harnessing the benefits of diversity and ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.

  211. Communication is said to be very active when in a diverse team because these are people with different cultures and backgrounds who are likely to bring different experience and protective to the project and teams.
    It also gives them access to new ideas .

  212. Diverse teams in civil engineering construction often outperform more homogeneous groups due to their wide array of ideas, experiences, and problem-solving techniques, which can significantly enhance decision-making processes and drive innovation. The variety of perspectives in a diverse team can lead to more robust solutions, particularly important in a field like civil engineering where innovative, sustainable solutions are critical to success.

    However, to fully capitalize on the benefits of diversity, it is essential to manage these teams effectively. This requires not only recognizing but actively fostering an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and integral to the project’s success.

    Without careful management, the potential benefits of diversity can be undermined by challenges such as communication barriers, which may arise from differences in language or cultural norms. Additionally, diverse viewpoints, while beneficial, can also lead to conflicts if not managed with a conscious effort towards inclusivity and mutual respect.

    Effective leadership in diverse teams should also focus on actively combating biases and discrimination. It is crucial for leaders to create strategies that promote understanding and respect among team members, such as diversity training and clear, open communication channels.

  213. Value is created from difference and diverse teams can bring about higher performance. This is because project professionals and team members from diverse and different backgrounds and cultures are likely to have different experiences and perspectives they can bring to the team and project.

    Challenges of diverse team are: Communication barriers, cultural difference, slow decision making, team bias

  214. Insights based on research and industry knowledge.

    Research indicates that diversity in teams can indeed lead to improved performance and better outcomes. Diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas, which can enhance problem-solving, innovation, and decision-making processes. Different backgrounds and viewpoints can challenge assumptions, encourage critical thinking, and foster creativity within the team.

    Studies have shown that diverse teams are often more effective in adapting to change, identifying opportunities, and addressing complex problems. They can offer a broader range of solutions and strategies by drawing from a diverse pool of knowledge, skills, and experiences.

    However, it is essential to acknowledge that working in highly diverse teams can also bring its challenges. Some of the common challenges include:

    1. Communication and Language: Language barriers and differences in communication styles can sometimes hinder effective collaboration and understanding among team members.

    2. Cultural Differences: Diverse teams may have varying cultural norms, values, and work practices, which can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts if not properly managed. Building cultural competence and fostering inclusive work environments can help overcome these challenges.

    3. Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious bias and stereotyping can impact decision-making processes and hinder the full potential of diverse team members. It requires awareness and ongoing efforts to mitigate bias and create an inclusive team culture.

    4. Conflict Resolution: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to different perspectives and opinions. Effective conflict resolution strategies, open communication channels, and respectful dialogue are essential to resolving conflicts constructively.

    To fully leverage the potential benefits of diversity, organizations and teams need to proactively foster inclusive environments where all team members feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. Additionally, ongoing training, awareness programs, and inclusive leadership practices can help address the challenges and maximize the performance of diverse teams.

  215. Working in my unit with the same people always produced less than optimal results due to attitudinal issues and the like. But working with people from diverse units taught me a whole lot more, we accomplished far more goals in the shortest possible time and there wasn’t an unhealthy competitive spirit just pure joy and team work. This fully complies with the work done by researchers.

  216. Diverse teams tend to work better in achieving a goal. In a diverse team, different ideas are heard, which makes it easier to discover the best method or best way they can go about completing a project. Although there might be dissagreements initially, because everyone wants their idea to be accepted, but with the help of mutual understanding, it shouldn’t be a problem. Involving team members in decision making and also making use of some of their ideas for the project will make them participate in the project more, which will hasten the completion of the project

  217. Yes there is connection , as different skills put together in different ways improves performance.
    But the challenge s every one will like its opinion to be heard first as every one will like to be a boss and misunderstandings will crumble the team.

  218. Thereโ€™s a connection between diversity and connection, as research indicated that diversity can positively impact team performance and efficiency. The more diverse the team the wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovation.

    Some chaencounterd working in highly diverse teams can include communication barriers, misunderstandings due to cultural differences, conflicting viewpoints, and difficulties in building trust and cohesion. Managing diversity effectively requires strong leadership, open communication, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to inclusivity. Addressing these challenges can lead to harnessing the benefits of diversity while mitigating its potential drawback

  219. Because they can provide a wider range of perspectives, improve decision-making processes, and encourage innovation through a variety of methods to problem-solving, more diverse teams typically perform better in project management. To fully realise these advantages and make sure that every team member feels appreciated and invested in the project’s success, however, competent diversity management is essential.

  220. Ok so since last year I’ve been working with a team of people I’ve never met from different works of life, it’s had its ups and down but I recall at the onset we all did great work but as we become more familiar, the energy reduced. After a peep talk it will come back up but then again, it’s all volunteering work.
    Recently I formed a team to prepare for a soon coming election, didn’t know most of them and so far we have been doing great.
    So I guess research is correct.

  221. Diversity in an organization gives it access to new ideas from individuals with various perspectives on problem-solving and thinking styles. This gives the business the advantage of receiving fresh, innovative ideas, which frequently improves performance because it allows for the use of ideas from a variety of perspectives on problem-solving and thinking styles.

  222. More diverse teams tend to perform better in project management due to their ability to offer a broader range of perspectives, enhance decision-making processes, and foster innovation through varied approaches to problem-solving. However, effective management of diversity is critical to harness these benefits and ensure all team members feel valued and included in the projectโ€™s success.

    Some of the challenges of working in highly diverse teams in project management include potential communication barriers stemming from cultural or language differences, the risk of conflicts arising from divergent viewpoints, and the need for inclusivity, overcoming potential biases or discrimination.

  223. From my experience, a diverse team with low social cohesion had performed better and delivered excellently on a project than a relatively more homogenous team that know each other well.

  224. Diverse teams actually work better from my experience because every member of the team wants to be their best as professionals

  225. Diversity brings about different ideas and perspectives to projects. I am working in a team with people from different cultures and backgrounds. I can attest that the more diverse the group the more support you can get .

  226. Individual diversity in an Organisation enables the organiation to get new ideas from different individuals with different ways of thinking and handling issues which give the company the privilege of getting new positive ideas, this often helps companies perform better because they are tapping ideas from diverse ways of thinking and handling issues

  227. Yes, based on research and observation, diversity in teams often correlates with better performance. Diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives, skills, and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. However, the effectiveness of diverse teams also depends on how well they manage the challenges that come with diversity, such as communication barriers, unconscious bias, and differing work styles. Overcoming these challenges requires strong leadership, open communication, and a culture of inclusivity.

  228. Diversity brings out the best in a team as everyone works to produce result devoid of familiarity, socialising etc

  229. Yes, in my own experience, diversity can positively impact team performance. Diverse teams often bring a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. However, managing highly diverse teams can present challenges such as communication barriers, differing work styles, and potential conflicts arising from cultural differences or misunderstandings. Effective leadership and fostering a culture of inclusion are essential for maximizing the benefits of diversity while mitigating its challenges.

  230. Diversity in any form would definitely help to bring a more rounded team together in achieving a set out goal.
    Better opinions, and ultimately abetter problem solving method.
    Variety they say is the spice of life.
    There’s nothing with advantages that has no disadvantages.
    So inasmuch as diversity has it many greens, it also has its reds.
    But the ability of the team to foster together and withstand any problem to forge ahead and achieve the goal of the team is what matters most.

  231. My experience has been worthwhile working with diverse teams in the past and currently, a team with diversity tends to produce better output than homogenous teams.

    However, this also depends on the project manager.
    A team with diversity is focused on the tasks ahead and deliverables and there is no room for familiarity and time wasting with socialising. This makes the team deliver better especially if the project manager knows how to harness the diverse skills, knowledge and personalities of the team members.

    Diversity in a project team also helps to l keep the team focused on the projectโ€™s goal. There is mutual respect among team members as there is little or no knowledge about each memberโ€™s personality and ability which gives room for collaboration among team members.

    In homogeneous teams, the differences and disagreements tend to stem from preconceived knowledge about individuals or past interactions which can slow down the pace of the work as unnecessary distractions may arise due to familiarity and biasness.

    From my experience, diversity and team performance collaborate perfectly well. Having and bringing in different work exposures and experiences can be utilized unanimously for greater growth and a successful project outcomes.

  232. Diversity in a project team helps keep the team focused on the project’s goal. There is mutual respect among team members as there is little or no knowledge about each member’s personality and ability giving room for collaboration among team members.
    Differences and disagreements tend to stem from preconceived knowledge about individuals or past interactions which can slow down the pace of the work as unnecessary distractions may arise due to familiarity

    1. Diversity and team performance collaborates perfectly well. It brings in different work exposures and experiences which can be utilized harmoniously for greater growth and positive results at the end of a successful project

  233. Due to varying cultural experiences and work habits, working with a diverse team can be a little difficult. The work will initially move more slowly until they are able to comprehend each other and reach to a consensus on a certain answer to an issue; nevertheless, once they do, the project will have a distinctive and superior finish.

  234. Personally I think there’s a connection between diversity and connection, there is research indicating that diversity can positively impact team performance. More diverse teams often bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovation. However, the relationship between diversity and performance is not always straightforward and can depend on various factors such as the type of diversity (e.g., demographic, cognitive), team dynamics, and organizational culture.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams can include communication barriers, misunderstandings due to cultural differences, conflicting viewpoints, and difficulties in building trust and cohesion. Managing diversity effectively requires strong leadership, open communication, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to inclusivity. Addressing these challenges can lead to harnessing the benefits of diversity while mitigating its potential drawbacks.

  235. Yes, there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in project management. Diverse teams can contribute to improved performance through enhanced problem-solving, decision-making, communication, flexibility, stakeholder engagement, innovation, and creativity. However, effective management of diversity is essential to leverage its benefits fully.

    More diverse teams tend to perform better in project management due to their ability to offer a broader range of perspectives, enhance decision-making processes, and foster innovation through varied approaches to problem-solving. However, effective management of diversity is critical to harness these benefits and ensure all team members feel valued and included in the projectโ€™s success.

    Some of the challenges of working in highly diverse teams in project management include potential communication barriers stemming from cultural or language differences, the risk of conflicts arising from divergent viewpoints, and the need for inclusivity, overcoming potential biases or discrimination.

  236. Speaking from my experience of working with diverse teams, a team with diversity tends to produce better output than homogenous teams however this also depends on who leads the reams.
    A team with diversity is focused on the tasks ahead and delivering of them, there is no room for familiarity and time wasting with socialising. this makes the ream deliver better especially if the project manager knows how to harness the diverse skills, knowledge and personalities of the team members.

  237. From my experience, Diversity and team performance collaborate perfectly well. Having and bringing in different work exposures and experiences can be utilized unanimously for greater growth and positive results.

  238. Having a diverse team helps in tailoring the roles better. The technically gifted take up the roles suited to them, the thinkers go to their corners, the bonders serve as the glue in the cohesion of the team and in all, the work becomes more productive. Different people have different viewpoints which can help the project manager see things in different lights amidst the realities of the situation. Their individual experiences and orientation helps in creating a unique solution to any challenge being faced.
    Though some internal challenges may arise such as language barrier, cultural, different viewpoints, complexes, etc, it behoves on the project manager to create an enabling environment for the teams to correlate and perform within the time frame they are given.

  239. Research consistently shows that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones. This is often attributed to the fact that diverse teams bring a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions and better decision-making.
    However, it’s important to note that while diversity can enhance performance, it also presents challenges. Some common challenges of working in highly diverse teams include communication barriers due to language or cultural differences, potential conflicts arising from differing viewpoints or values, and difficulties in building trust and cohesion among team members. Additionally, managing diverse teams effectively requires strong leadership skills and a commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful work environment where all team members feel valued and heard.

    1. Having a diverse team helps in generating ideas that are unique, more creativity is experienced and there is room for innovation and broader perspectives, in a diverse team some of the challenges that arise from over familiarity are avoided and there is more input towards achieving goals of the project due to a the high-level of focus on project goals by the team.

      Some of the challenges of a diverse team however include;

      1. Language barrier leading to more difficulties in communication.
      Though this can be tackled through skilled leadership and use of communication tools, resources and leveraging on advanced technology.

      2. Cultural diversity leading to misunderstanding and misconceptions , this however can be tackled through promotion of cultural understanding within the team.

      A diverse team however has more advantages in my opinion and builds resilience, understanding, expands knowledge and develops teams to coexist and better operate in a complex project or international level of impact leading to improved skills and delivery.

  240. On one of my projects, I work with a global remote team and I strongly believe that diversity is one of the things that help us achieve our goals. Although leading such a team may be challenging at first, I have also learnt a lot. Here are some of them:

    – Broader Perspectives: Diversity brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought enables us to consider a wider range of ideas, approaches, and solutions, leading to more innovative and creative outcomes which is important on a global issue such as climate change which our job is hinged on.

    – Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams are better equipped to tackle complex problems and challenges by drawing on a variety of skills, knowledge, and expertise. This diversity of skills and perspectives allows teams to approach problems from multiple angles and develop more robust and effective solutions. What I don’t know, someone else with more experience in that aspect will know – I so much love cross-functional teams!

    – Increased Adaptability: In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is key to success. Our diverse team is more adaptable and resilient in the face of change because we are accustomed to navigating different perspectives and adapting to different environments.

    – Better Decision-Making: Diversity fosters more thorough and comprehensive decision-making processes by encouraging constructive debate, critical thinking, and consideration of alternative viewpoints. This leads to more well-rounded decisions that take into account a broader range of factors and potential consequences. Imagine, I learnt that although Mexico is demographically in North America, it is mapped to Latin America and the Carribean at the UN. This helped us situate it correctly in the online course we are developing.

    As much as diverse teams offer numerous benefits, they also face challenges that can impact performance. Some of these challenges include:

    – Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication within diverse teams. Effective communication strategies, such as active listening, clear articulation of ideas, and cultural sensitivity, are essential for overcoming these barriers.

    – Conflict and Tension: Diverse teams may experience higher levels of conflict and tension due to differences in opinions, values, and perspectives. Managing and resolving conflicts constructively is critical for maintaining team cohesion and productivity.

    – Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious bias and stereotypes can undermine the contributions of certain team members and create barriers to collaboration and inclusion. Promoting awareness of bias, enabling a culture of respect and inclusion, and implementing equitable practices are essential for mitigating these challenges.

    – Cultural Differences: This is the most important one for me. Cultural differences in attitudes, norms, and work styles can impact team dynamics and collaboration. If the project manager is not careful, it can be the cause of friction, especially at the Storming stage. I had to quickly learn a lot of things around communication and work ethics in other regions outside Africa to be able to move my team forward. Building cultural competence, promoting cross-cultural understanding, and promoting a sense of belonging for all team members are important for creating an inclusive and supportive team environment.

  241. Certainly, diversity and performance are inseparable as a team with diverse individuals is more likely to maintain focus on and prioritise project goals leaving no room for sentiments than a team with familiar individuals. With the range of knowledge and cognitive abilities of each member, they are able to address the various challenges that may appear in the course of the project. Regardless, within a highly diversified team, personal differences may initially cause the team to storm but with the team lead’s ability to acknowledge the individual and group’s effort and effectively manage the team they are able to work productively without any external output.

  242. Yes Diversity in any form would definitely help to bring a more rounded team together in achieving a set out goal. Better opinions, and ultimately abetter problem solving method.
    Variety they say is the spice of life.
    There’s nothing with advantages that has no disadvantages.
    So inasmuch as diversity has it many greens, it also has its reds.
    But the ability of the team to foster together and withstand any problem to forge ahead and achieve the goal of the team is what matters most.

  243. To me, a diverse team can be more focused, productive and priorities their work more than team members who are familiar with each other.
    Familiarity can be seen as a disadvantage because it could lead to disagreement, unseriouness and and unproductive as team members are close to each other

  244. Yes there’s definitely a connection between diversity and performance.
    A diverse team tends to be focused on the agenda because there’s no sentiments and familiarity.
    But team members who know each other might get biased at some point while trying to achieve a project.

  245. To tackle these hurdles and capitalize on the advantages of diversity, teams must prioritize open communication, mutual respect, and an inclusive culture. This could entail integrating diversity training, setting up transparent communication guidelines, encouraging empathy and attentive listening, and proactively confronting biases and stereotypes. Furthermore, adept leadership and adept team management are indispensable for nurturing an environment where every team member feels valued, involved, and empowered to share their distinct viewpoints and skills.

  246. Diversity in teams
    The potential benefits of diversity in teams and organizations are well-documented in research. Diversity, whether in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, age, background, skills, or perspectives, can bring a range of advantages to a team:
    1. Increased creativity and innovation: Diverse teams often have a wider range of perspectives and ideas, leading to more creative solutions and innovative approaches to problem-solving.
    2. Better decision-making: When diverse viewpoints are considered, teams are more likely to make well-rounded decisions by taking into account a variety of factors and potential outcomes.
    3. Improved problem-solving: Different experiences and expertise within a diverse team can lead to a more thorough and effective analysis of complex issues, leading to better solutions.
    4. Enhanced learning and growth: Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds can foster a culture of continuous learning, personal growth, and professional development within the team.
    Research also suggests that diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones. However, it’s important to note that simply having diversity in a team does not automatically guarantee better performance. The effectiveness of diverse teams depends on how well they manage and leverage their diversity.
    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    1. Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, or cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings or barriers to effective communication.
    2. Conflict resolution: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to varying perspectives, values, or priorities. Effective conflict resolution strategies are essential to address these challenges constructively.
    3. Bias and stereotypes: Unconscious biases or stereotypes can affect interactions and decision-making within diverse teams if not actively addressed and mitigated.
    4. Inclusivity: Ensuring that all team members feel valued, included, and heard is crucial in diverse teams. Creating an inclusive environment where everyone’s contributions are respected and appreciated is a continuous effort.
    In my analysis of high-performing teams, I’ve observed that successful teams often embrace diversity and proactively manage the challenges that come with it. They foster an inclusive culture, encourage open communication, promote empathy and understanding, and leverage diversity as a strength rather than a barrier.
    Ultimately, while diversity can contribute significantly to team performance and organizational success, it requires thoughtful leadership, effective communication, and a commitment to inclusivity and equity to realize its full potential.

  247. In my experience, there is indeed a relationship between diversity and performance within teams. More diverse teams have the potential to do better work due to the various perspectives, skills, and experiences that individuals from different backgrounds bring to the table.

    Here are a few reasons why diverse teams tend to perform better:

    1. Enhanced creativity and innovation: Diversity fosters a broader range of ideas and approaches, as individuals with different backgrounds and life experiences offer unique insights and perspectives. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovative solutions.

    2. Improved decision-making: When teams consist of members with diverse viewpoints, they are more likely to engage in constructive debate and consider multiple perspectives before making decisions. This helps to reduce biases and groupthink, leading to better-informed and more effective decision-making.

    3. Increased adaptability and resilience: Diverse teams often exhibit a greater ability to adapt to changing circumstances and navigate complex challenges. Different individuals bring a range of skills, knowledge, and experiences that collectively contribute to a team’s agility and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

    However, working in highly diverse teams can also come with its fair share of challenges. Some of the main hurdles include:

    1. Communication barriers: Diverse teams may experience communication difficulties due to language barriers, varying communication styles, or different cultural norms. These challenges can hinder effective collaboration and understanding among team members.

    2. Conflict and misunderstandings: Differences in backgrounds, values, and opinions can potentially lead to conflicts or misunderstandings within highly diverse teams. This requires proactive efforts to foster an inclusive and respectful environment, promoting open dialogue and understanding to mitigate such issues.

    3. Underutilization of diversity: While diversity brings immense potential, it needs to be managed effectively to fully leverage its benefits. Organizations must ensure that diverse voices are not only included but also valued and actively engaged in decision-making processes. Failure to do so can result in certain perspectives being marginalized or overlooked, limiting a team’s ability to tap into the full power of its diversity.

    To overcome these challenges, organizations and team leaders can implement the following strategies:

    1. Promoting cultural competence: Provide training and education to enhance cross-cultural understanding and communication skills, enabling team members to navigate potential challenges and appreciate diverse perspectives.

    2. Encouraging open dialogue: Create a safe and inclusive space where team members feel comfortable voicing their opinions, concerns, and ideas. Encourage active listening and respectful communication to foster understanding and collaboration.

    3. Establishing clear goals and a shared purpose: Clearly communicate team objectives and ensure all members understand the common purpose. This helps focus efforts towards shared goals and minimizes conflicts arising from misunderstanding or misalignment.

    4. Building diverse leadership: Diverse teams benefit from inclusive leadership that values and encourages diverse perspectives. This includes leaders who actively seek and promote inclusion, foster trust, and create opportunities for all team members to contribute and grow.

    In conclusion, diverse teams have the potential to outperform homogeneous teams due to increased creativity, better decision-making, and adaptability. However, success in highly diverse teams requires addressing challenges such as communication barriers, potential conflicts, and ensuring the full utilization of diverse perspectives. By fostering an inclusive and supportive team culture, organizations can leverage diversity to drive better performance and achieve their goals.

  248. Yes, there’s a connection between diversity and performance and Teams form in diversity tends to perform better than those who have a social cohesion. Sometime it’s contingent on the particular task at hand with will determine if the project manager should proceed with team members who’re yet to bond or improvise a means of getting getting members who can accommodate each by virtue of their familiarity.
    For swift and limited time project, working with members who’re yet to bond is preferable as they will focus more on the tasks and how to deliver than to achieve the team goal than thinking of favorable events that will please their personal interests as colleagues.
    My Opinion!

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™
    Jeremiah Godknows

  249. There is a relationship between diversity and performance.
    I believe more diverse team member will do better.
    Over familiarity can occur between team members who knows each other so well during a project work which most times will slow down the project.

    Also, it is important to note that the diversity should not be too much such that it will also affect the project. For example bringing people of different values to a project can also slow down a project especially if the project need some values and skills from this people.

    Diversity in ethnic groups is actually no big deal but when it comes to someone societal Values and skills, if these are not aligned with the team members, it might become so overwhelming and disagreement can set in which might slow down the project.

  250. The short answer is YES!
    There is a relationship between diversity and performance, and more diverse teams can indeed do better work. However, it’s important to note that there are also challenges associated with working in highly diverse teams.
    Research has shown that diverse teams tend to be more innovative and creative than homogenous teams. This is likely due to the fact that diverse teams have a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to draw from. However, diversity can also lead to challenges in communication and conflict resolution, as members of diverse teams may have different cultural backgrounds, communication styles, and ways of working, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. However, if these challenges can be overcome, the benefit of working in a diverse team can be significant. Some strategies for effectively managing diverse teams include establishing clear goals and expectations, creating a safe space for open communication, and encouraging team members to share their unique perspectives.

    So, in summary, while diverse teams can face challenges, the benefits of working in a diverse team can outweigh the costs if the team is managed effectively.

  251. Is there a relationship between diversity and performance?
    Yes, there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in project management. Diverse teams can contribute to improved performance through enhanced problem-solving, decision-making, communication, flexibility, stakeholder engagement, innovation, and creativity. However, effective management of diversity is essential to leverage its benefits fully.

    Do more diverse teams do better work during project management?
    Yes, more diverse teams tend to perform better in project management due to their ability to offer a broader range of perspectives, enhance decision-making processes, and foster innovation through varied approaches to problem-solving. However, effective management of diversity is critical to harness these benefits and ensure all team members feel valued and included in the project’s success.

    what are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams?
    Some challenges of working in highly diverse teams in project management include potential communication barriers stemming from cultural or language differences, the risk of misunderstandings or conflicts arising from divergent viewpoints, and the need for effective leadership to ensure that all team members feel included and valued, overcoming potential biases orย discrimination.

  252. From my experience working on marketing projects, a diverse team is actually more effective and productive given that different strengths, knowledge and experience are brought to the table and harnessed to get the job done and tackle challenges that might arise. It can be exciting and a learning avenue but it also has it’s disadvantages in that there’s bound to be people who think their skills and contributions are more important than the others hence causing disagreement and tension in the team.

  253. In my experience I feel it’s best to work with people diverse skills but most times, they feel too big to be corrected and all

  254. From my experience, there is actually a positive relationship between team diversity and results. I was once involved with a team that needed to explore the impact of oil spill on a coastline community. The team had Environmentalists, microbiologists, toxicologists, Chemists, Marine Engineers, Economists and Statisticians who used their diverse skills and experiences to measure the spills and its impacts.

  255. Diversity and team performanceare connected. Different background as well as exposures and experiences can be harnessed together and this most times brings high productivities.
    Diversities brings different ideas to the table and gives the opportunity to see things differently.

    Odunyemi Ayooluwa

  256. In my opinion there is indeed a high connection between diversity and team performance, as members with high social diversity tends to have been exposed to different varying degrees of experience and challenges which when harnessed and put to use by the team will translate to diverse means of solving a giving challenge.
    more so, individuals with different perspective be it social, cultural, ideologies etc when they are able to collaborate and put heads together will be able to produce an outstanding result. as it is the product of diverse experience. This kind of team allows for the input of different expertise rather than monopolizing ideas, hence it allows for group inclusion and equal participation. it further validates the common saying that ” there is unity and strength in diversity”

    however Diversity if not well harnessed can easily lead to confusion and “STORMING”
    The strength of diversity can result to its weakness. the team can also end up lacking in certain strengths or expertise while having surplus in another leading to loopholes in the team performance or loss of interest in the team members which further translate to stakeholders moving from one quadrant of high level of interest to lost of interest.
    the team may also experience under or overuse of some expertise as the right man for the job may not be appointed to the role of his expertise.
    communication gap is another key challenge that may be experienced in this kind of team.

  257. Definitely people with diversity tends to produce or deliver their projects effectively because they would share their ideas and work around if to give them excellent outcome.
    They work together irrespective of their culture.
    It can be challenging at first because of their different experiences but when they realize they have a come-on goal they will find a solution and deliver a perfect job.

  258. There is indeed a connection between diversity and team performance. Teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work for some reasons:

    Diverse perspectives: Individuals from different backgrounds bring unique perspectives, experiences, and insights to the table.
    Enhanced problem-solving: Diversity encourages critical thinking and problem-solving by challenging assumptions and fostering a broader range of ideas.
    Increased adaptability: Teams with diverse members are often more adaptable and resilient in the face of change.
    Better decision-making: Diverse teams are less susceptible to groupthink and more likely to consider a variety of perspectives when making decisions. This can result in more informed and balanced decision-making processes.
    However, working in highly diverse teams also presents challenges such as
    Communication barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations within diverse teams.

    Conflict and tension: Diverse teams may experience heightened levels of conflict due to differing opinions, values, and backgrounds.

    Social cohesion: Building trust can be more challenging in highly diverse teams, particularly if members have divergent backgrounds or experiences.

    Bias and discrimination: Despite the benefits of diversity, unconscious bias and discrimination can still occur within teams.

    Effectively harnessing the benefits of diversity while mitigating its challenges requires intentional efforts to promote inclusion, respect differences, and cultivate a culture of collaboration and mutual respect within the team.

  259. Diverse teams tend to perform well due to their range of knowledge and cognitive abilities, their high levels of social or identity diversity provided they all have a common goal, vison and are ready to work together to ensure that the project comes out successful

  260. Yes, i believed diverse team produce more superior work. When diverse team come together, they tend to produce and achieve more greater things together.

    Also, they tend to gather, and gain more experience. Being in a diverse team help expose a lot of things about individual in a team.

    Challenges arise when individuals tend to disregard, and disrespect others opinion in a team work. Ethnicity may also be a challenge when it comes to diversity.

    Lack of communication also stands as a challenge in a diverse team.

    A diverse team will achieve more when they tend to have a common goal.

  261. Diverse teams actually bring together a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and knowledge, which can lead to more creative solutions and innovative approaches. However, language differences, cultural nuances, or varying communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. By creating a truly inclusive environment that leverages the strengths of diversity requires conscious effort and strong leadership, a diverse team can turn out to become the best team

  262. In my experience diverse teams work for short term situations and amazingly well but in the long term people weaknesses start to show up and only cohesive teams grommed together may survive well in long-term situations as they know these weakness and can put people in the right sustainable positions and have methods of managing burnouts and it’s likes.

  263. Yes I do,diverse team and group of people have always been the group I work with this makes us to brainstorm and give out different diverse opinion if our goals align the diverse opinion tends to give the project a wonderful outlook and overall success
    But there are also limitations to it they include conflict, anxiety, misconduct and most times misconceptions raising from diverse opinion and personality

  264. Yes I do see a connection between diversity and performance. Diverse team members are formed and agreed on norms and rules about how the team will work together to achieve the collective goal and to work productively as a team.
    The likely challenges that may arise from working in diverse team may include conflict, anxiety, cultural approach to situations and sexuality or age diversity.

  265. The execution phase of a project is crucial for achieving quality goals.

    The execution phrase is very important. If the foundation or startment of the project did not follow the quality plan. The team will end up building a different version of supposed project thereby defiling the project goals.

  266. Yes teams with high diversity produce superior work mainly because of the connected relationship, agreement and readiness to bring the project to a successful end

  267. Yes, there’s without a doubt a association between differences and execution in groups. Investigate has appeared that groups with more noteworthy differing qualities tend to create prevalent work due to the wide run of perspectives, encounters, and concepts that distinctive group individuals bring to the table. This differing qualities can lead to expanded inventiveness, development, and problem-solving capacities inside the group.

    In any case, working in profoundly differing groups moreover presents its claim set of challenges. common challenge is communication boundaries, ways of working, and accept framework, as group individuals may come from diverse social foundations and have shifting communication and working styles. This may in some cases lead to mistaken assumptions, misinterpretations, or clashes inside the group. Typically the more reason why group constitution is critical.

    Also, differing qualities can moreover in some cases lead to oblivious inclinations or stereotyping within the group, which can prevent collaboration and cooperation. It’s critical for group individuals to be open-minded, sympathetic, and willing to memorize from one another in arrange to overcome these challenges and work viably together.

    By and large, whereas there are certainly challenges that come with working in exceedingly assorted groups, the benefits of differing qualities in terms of execution and development distant exceed the potential drawbacks. By cultivating a culture of regard, incorporation, and open communication, different groups can reach their full potential and accomplish extraordinary victory.

  268. Diversity simply means different set of skills, knowledge, experience and exposure working at the same goal for optimum result. Diversity enhance great performance and is can also lead to high performance, intelligence and creative performance. But the disadvantages which may arise are challenges like unhealthy competitions, cultural diversity in approaching certain issue, gender preference.

  269. Diversity in team produce a better work experience as everyone has its role and is perfect with it.. also it gives room for division of Labour which in return makes the work easier and faster

  270. In my experience, diversity within teams significantly enhances performance. The varied backgrounds and perspectives of team members bring fresh insights to projects, enriching discussions and enabling consideration of multiple approaches and potential outcomes. This diversity fosters robust brainstorming sessions, leading to the generation of numerous alternatives to tackle project challenges.

    While I refrain from labeling the output of diverse teams as inherently “superior,” I firmly believe that such teams inherently possess a broader spectrum of possibilities. This wealth of perspectives and expertise becomes particularly evident when confronting project obstacles. Team members with diverse skill sets often offer alternative solutions that might not be apparent to others lacking their specific expertise.

    However, working in highly diverse teams presents its own set of challenges. The most prevalent issue arises from the very advantage of diversity: reconciling divergent views. I have encountered instances where team members’ differing dispositions toward a project lead to difficulties in finding common ground. For instance, in a team comprising both risk-taking business developers and risk-averse compliance professionals, reconciling their contrasting approaches posed a significant challenge.

    Overall, while diversity enriches team dynamics and problem-solving capabilities, managing conflicting perspectives remains a critical aspect of ensuring effective collaboration and project success.

  271. When you look at the research, the relationship between diversity and high-performing teams isnโ€™t always a positive correlation. For diversity to truly enhance teamwork, teams need to establish psychological safety and build shared understanding. Otherwise, diverse ideas, perspectives, and experiences can cause more friction than innovation

    Psychological safety is crucial for diverse teams to tap into the benefits of diversity. When team members feel psychologically safe, they are more likely to share their ideas, take risks, and engage in open and honest discussions. As a leader, it is essential to create an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or negative consequences.

    Shared understanding is important for diverse teams to work together effectively. When team members have a clear understanding of each other’s work preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, they can collaborate more efficiently and leverage each other’s skills and expertise. Building shared understanding requires intentional efforts to create an environment where team members can openly discuss their working styles and expectations.

    Diversity, when combined with psychological safety and shared understanding, enhances teamwork, and leads to improved performance. By creating an environment where
    team members feel safe to express themselves and fostering shared understanding, teams can tap into the full potential of their diverse members. Embracing diversity as
    a strength allows teams to approach problems from various perspectives, leading to better problem-solving and value creation. And that helps everyone on the team do their
    best work ever.

  272. Yes, there is indeed a connection between diversity and performance in teams. Research has shown that teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work due to the wide range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas that different team members bring to the table. This diversity can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities within the team.

    However, working in highly diverse teams also presents its own set of challenges. common challenge is communication barriers, ways of working, and believe system, as team members may come from different cultural backgrounds and have varying communication and working styles. This can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or conflicts within the team. This is the more reason why team charter is important.

    Additionally, diversity can also sometimes lead to unconscious biases or stereotyping within the team, which can hinder collaboration and teamwork. It’s important for team members to be open-minded, empathetic, and willing to learn from one another in order to overcome these challenges and work effectively together.

    Overall, while there are certainly challenges that come with working in highly diverse teams, the benefits of diversity in terms of performance and innovation far outweigh the potential drawbacks. By fostering a culture of respect, inclusion, and open communication, diverse teams can reach their full potential and achieve great success.

    Oluwagbemi Elasoru

  273. Diverse teams means different skills set, knowledge, experience and attitude towards their work. so, it definitely has a great connection with performance. There is little or no attachment to fellow team members but only attachments and connection to the work goals.

    Challenges that may arise in a diverse team may be due to individual differences in job execution, manner of approach, insights, emotions, gender preference, age or sexuality.

  274. Yes, there is a connection between diversity and performance in team. A diverse team often possesses a wider range of skills and expertise. Making the team better equipped to tackle complex challenges and adapt to changing circumstances.

    while diversity can lead to improved performance, addressing challenges such as communication barriers, conflict resolution, bias, and inclusivity is essential for maximizing the benefits of diversity in teams.

  275. Diversity and performance are connected in a significant way. Diverse teams can outperform homogenous ones by combining their ideas, goals, skills, and strategies to achieve an outstanding outcome. The reason for this is that a team with greater diversity is capable of producing superior work. Multitasking among team members is enabled by diversity, which benefits the team financially and in terms of time management. Some of the challenges include communication issues, there are various work patterns that varies, clashes of opinions, unhealthy competitions, and lack of team cohesion.

  276. In my opinion, more diverse team have deeper well of knowledge and intellect to draw from, so there is tendency to perform better than homogenous teams. Also, going with the fact that there is little or no friendly familiarity among them, this tends to make the relationship among them strictly official and professional which will indirectly yield more productivity.

  277. Diversity yields more results faster and better and this is because we have a group of experienced people who have different knowledge and ideas from different backgrounds. It gives the project a more effective delivery time and results. The overall outcome makes it more beautiful and unique.

  278. Diversity yields better performance because different people come with their different experiences gotten overtime due to previous team experience, place of work and more.
    They are always more advantages than disadvantages in diversity of team

  279. Diversity is an essential element of a successful team. A team that comprises members from different backgrounds, cultures, genders, ages, and experiences can bring a wide range of perspectives and ideas to the table. Diverse teams have proven to be more innovative, creative, and efficient in problem-solving than homogeneous teams
    Some advantages of a diverse team include:
    1) Improved creativity and innovation.
    2) Increased adaptability.
    3) Broader range of skills.
    4) Improved employee retention.
    5) Increased customer satisfaction

  280. In my experience, Project performance in diversity comes with a great result when you have a heterogeneous Team to work with on a project. . Over a particular project, diversified Team members bring creativity and new ideas on the table because of their background and perspective and in return , it gives the project an effective delivery.

  281. In my experience, diverse teams often exhibit increased creativity and innovation due to a variety of perspectives and approaches. This diversity can lead to more comprehensive problem-solving and a richer pool of ideas.

    However, challenges may arise in highly diverse teams, such as differences in communication styles, potential misunderstandings, or varying cultural norms. Effective leadership and clear communication strategies are essential to harness the benefits of diversity while addressing these challenges.

    Overall, fostering an inclusive environment that values and integrates diverse perspectives can contribute to the high performance of teams and organizations. ~Julius

  282. Based on my observations, I noticed that diverse teams bring a range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to problem-solving which fosters creativity, innovation and performance.
    In terms of performance, I think diverse teams, when managed effectively, can outperform similar or homogenous teams in terms of creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making due to their various experiences and backgrounds.
    When working with diverse teams the challenges that occurs could be language differences, cultural norms, and communication styles. Differing opinions and perspectives which may lead to conflicts if not managed properly and would impact the team cohesion and productivity. Then most importantly bias and stereotypes which may affect decision-making processes and lead to marginalization or exclusion of certain group members.

  283. Diversity aids performance. It gives team the opportunity and ability to develop and improve performance. When a team of diverse people come together the eagerness and determination to achieve excellence is the utmost goal. Socialization comes after a successful achievement.
    Challenges of working in a diverse team can be said to be socialization and collaboration because you are still trying to learn and also express yourself to your teammates. This might also be a challenge in communication and collaboration.

  284. Diversity and performance has a direct relationship. The more diverse the teams are,the greater the level of performance. There is high level of expertise amongst the team members thereby bringing various approach in solving a problem.
    One of the disadvantage of diversity amongst team members is that elongate the timeline of project because people have different perspectives and approach to solving a problem.

  285. Yes, diversity among team members can increase performance on projects. Diverse teams bring a range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to more innovative solutions, better problem-solving, and increased creativity. Additionally, diverse teams are often better equipped to understand and serve diverse customer bases, leading to improved overall performance.

  286. There is a connection between diversity and performance. Diversity in team members brings about different perspective, ideas, skills and knowledge which when put together produces great performance and success of a project. One of the challenges that might arise when working with a diverse team is that due to different ideas, opinion or point of view, expertise, skills, there might be difficulty in reconciling them but these can be manage through great leadership and communication.

  287. I do see a connection between diversity and performance. From my experience, diversity in teams brings fresh perspectives to a project in that the multiple capabilities in the team makes discussions robust with the contemplation of several other methods and possible outcomes that would not have been considered if the members of the team were homogenous and thinking the same way.

    While I would not call the product of teams with greater diversity “superior”, I am of the firm belief that working in a team with greater diversity automatically gives access to more possibilities from brainstorming sessions and this in turn gives multiple alternatives when there is a project challenge that threatens to be a roadblock to the completion of the project, Differing levels of expertise in different elements of a project drive home this point as possible alternatives not apparent to a layman would be suggested when there is an expert in that field on the team.

    When working in highly diverse teams, the most common challenge is one stemming from the advantage of diversity and this is that members of the team might have views that are so divergent that there might be great difficulty in reconciling them. From my experience, irreconcilable differences usually stem from divergent dispositions to the current project, For example, I have had to work on a team with business developers who are prone to taking risks to drive sales as well as compliance and control members of the work force who are more conservative and who tend to see obstacles instead of the results their business development counterparts see.

  288. From most of my stable environment projects experience, a homogenous team works best for me because after intimating my team on the aim and expected outcome of the project we skip the Forming, Storming and Norming phases and jump right into the performing phase. On more complex projects I noticed that a mix of known team members and new random members served me best than an all diverse team

  289. Diversity is important in any management setting.
    It brings about good performance and results.
    Although, there might be little challenges or no challenges.
    Therefore, proper communication and understanding is crucial.

  290. Off course working with diversity team lead to better performance, and also the storming process will not be high. As we know, in diversity they will definitely be storming due to diversity, then the norming process brings the team members together to give them a high performance which will help them to collaborate and work productively.

  291. There is power in diversity .My experience in managing projects with heterogeneous work force always bring out sense of ownership and collective responsibility using specialisation in asssingning roles and duties ..The stakeholders also do appreciate this as beauty of inclusivity with openness which facilitate effective communication in their line of dyty. It increases efficiency, effectiveness and deliverables and productivity on a record time.
    Assembling professionals of diverse backgrounds, skills,age ,experience could be pretty difficult but when it eventually happens it will enhanced better performance through a result oriented project collaboration

  292. teams with diverse personalities perform better because everyone has come together for a purpose and will like to get it done perfectly.
    I enjoy working with new team always

  293. Diversity yields better performance because different people come with different experiences gotten overtime due to age, time at work, gender, previous team experience, location etc.

    Some of the challenges may be leadership, communication, attitude to work, work culture… All these can be checked with proper communication

  294. Team with diversity are not easily assembled and difficult sometimes to come into conclusions on matters, but with patience and leadership skills the team will yield better results.

  295. Iโ€™ve not really found my self in a low-cohesive team, most teams Iโ€™ve been in are highly cohesive where most of us are of same cultural background and educational background, that which might be a distraction at times.
    I sincerely do believe low cohesive formed teams would perform better as there would be lesser distractions.

  296. Diverse teams are the hardest to assemble but with the right tone and structure of communication, they will overdeliver. You will need a bit of patience and strong persuasion/negotiation skills.

  297. My first experience working on a project was with a team and I think understanding and effective communication impacted our work effectively and we were able to manage that project to execution. Every department had their various works to do and things were put in place

  298. Diversity brings high performance, it’s for me like The subject of specialization. Everyone comes with his expertise, skills, and experience into the project thereby making the process seem easy

  299. Diversity can equal efficiency as different people with differ experiences, cultures, backgrounds, educational qualification and knowledge brings different ideas to the table to solve a problem. Less familiarity also equals seriousness and professionalism.

  300. I don’t really have much experience working with corporate team in any project but theoretically, I believe team with social diversity tends to succeed more because there will be no room for sentiment or familiarity of any sort that can affect the project. Project thrives more in a more business minded environment than in a familiarized environment.

  301. Collaborating with a diverse team leads to enhanced performance. Embracing diversity may initially lead to some challenges as the team adjusts, but through the process of norming, the team reaches a stage of high performance. In contrast, homogeneous teams can foster social conformity, which may hinder project success to some degree. Therefore, it’s wise for project managers to integrate diverse teams, such as having a mixed crew to respond to emergencies. As a project manager, effective communication and inclusivity are vital for driving better performance in any team you lead.

  302. There’s a positive relationship between diversity and performance in Project Teams; if intelligently coordinated. The more members with wide range of experiences and knowledge I have on my team, the high the tendency to deliver excellently if I properly communicate with all! Yes, more diverse teams do better work than homogeneous teams; I tend to get answers and solutions quickly if I have a diverse team. The challenges of working in highly diverse teams are basically, Control and Submission. When all members know they are overly capable, they are likely not give in to one another and this won’t help in collaboration. And without collaboration, the plans and goals of the project are likely to be shattered. But, these challenges can be overcome with proper and continuous COMMUNICATION.

  303. Thereโ€™s strength in diversity and thereโ€™s is a connection between diversity and Performance in project management. Thereโ€™s need for diversity in skills of team members and polling of this diverse skills together to achieve the intended goals of the project . When team members have diverse skills and knowledge helps to bring different ideas to the table for discussion towards the achievements and performance of the team on the project .

  304. Yes, there is a connection between diversity and performance. when people from diverse groups come together to build a team there is this strength because each person wants to put in their very best to the project and team.
    Oh yes teams with greater diversity produce superior work.
    Challenges of working with diverse teams is different ideas and perspective towards things on the project.
    Cultural differences too

  305. There’s strength in diversity of a takes different skills to successfully implement an intervention. For example, I have implemented projects successful in areas that the Beneficiaries understood only the local language but having a team member that understood the local language made it very easy for us to implement.
    There are also challenges with working with diverse teams. Differences in culture, education, level of experience on the job, religion etc can cause storming in a team. But a team manager with good management skills like leading, good communication, directing, controlling and coordinating will take the once a storming team to a performing team.

  306. Project professionals and team members from diverse and different backgrounds and cultures are likely to have different experiences and perspectives they can bring to the team and project.

  307. Working with diversity team lead to better performance, in diversity they will definitely be storming due to diversity, then the norming process prompts the high performance of the team. Homogeneous team creat room for social moment which will be detrimental to the project to some extent, for the boat crew to work with diversity team in responding to emergency is a smart move by the PM. As a PM in whichever team you are leading, communicate and carry the team along for better performance.

  308. Working with diversity of people will increase the team performance because there wouldn’t be any form of little talks or social interactions and just people coming together to make the project work.

  309. from my experience as a Business Analyst, working with diverse team leads to better performance if the Project Manager patiently takes the team through the forming, storming and norming process.
    The High performing teams collaborates to attain better performance which high productivity.
    However cultural difference posses a greater risk if not well managed by the PM.

  310. Diversity has it advantages and with people from diverse world tends to get down to business rather than have some social moment. social factor can either be a negative force or a positive force that bring about harmonious attitude. If I’m to make reference to the boat crew, I’d say that the PM hadn’t much choice than to work with who was available and bringing in diversity was a smart move, its like having 3 web designers in one team when you can actually give room for other key players to step in.

  311. Diversity and performance.
    As I observe is quite true that these teams perform higher and I think this way; less time to figure out others weakness all that matters is achieving goals of coming together, the reason of team formation is urgent and have less time to achieve goal. But the other side of it is that the adjourning part is not painful. It’s also involved expert because time of training is very small. So both approach have advantages and disadvantages.

  312. Phenomenally a PM should understand the mix in projects and use the peculiarities to set up required teams. Using a diverse team is like using a multipurpose tool to solve a problem. Any way the dynamics of the problem comes forth, the team responds to it using the strength of a suitable member of the team. Diverse team certainly gives an edge in solving a project problem but however requires the PM to lead in norming possible storms stemming from varying or diverse backgrounds. Fro my experience, I have to deliver an order ten times the capacity of my team and I had to form a larger one to deliver this order. The original members always like to show that they are in house and know how they deliver but not minding that those brought in are also lords in their own rights. All I do is to assign, regularly withdraw for updates and possibly reassign as the need is established. Also, the fact that I had the role of looking over the shoulder of the project, I am quick to see where a member needs help and second support without bruising the ego of the other.

  313. Working with a team with diverse individuals can be challenging, but that does not mean that such team cannot be productive. It is the duty of the PM to know the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and assign roles to them each according to his strength. The PM should know the different ways to communicate to each member of the team. As the saying goes, you don’t need to have the perfect team, but you can make the perfect team.

  314. Working with diverse team might abit challenging due to different cultural experiences and patterns of work. It might take a long time before they would be able to understand themselves and agree on a particular solution to a problem, it will initially slow down the work progress but once they were able to come together as a team the outcome of the project would be unique and excellent.

  315. Really, the more diverse a team is in terms of social and cognitive heterogeneity, the more it bring diverse ideas and solutions to a problem. Homogeneity kills creativity and gets everyone thinking alike and in same direction.
    Ordinarily I have observed that more disruptive idea come out by putting previously unyoked individuals together.
    However it is understood that previously strange new team members come with their own challenges like hitting it right away in terms of communication, emotions,culture, inclusivity, etc. Hence it is the responsibility of the Project Manager to create the enabling environment through properly thought-through Charter to break the ‘storm’.
    Once this is achieved, from experience the new team is assailable going forward.

  316. In my experience, there is indeed a strong relationship between diversity and performance in teams. Diverse teams tend to outperform homogeneous teams in various aspects, such as problem-solving, creativity, innovation, and decision-making. Diversity brings together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, skills, and experiences, which can lead to a broader range of ideas and approaches to tackling challenges. This diversity of thought can result in more effective solutions and better outcomes for the team and the organization as a whole.

    However, while diverse teams have many advantages, they also come with their own set of challenges. Some of the common challenges of working in highly diverse teams include communication barriers, cultural differences, conflicting viewpoints, and potential misunderstandings. It can sometimes be challenging to navigate these differences and ensure that everyone feels heard, valued, and included in the team’s decision-making processes. Building trust, fostering open communication, promoting inclusivity, and embracing a culture of respect and understanding are essential for overcoming these challenges and harnessing the full potential of diversity in teams.

  317. Working in a diverse team can be a little bit difficult. But in the long run you get to learn from different perspectives and experience of others

  318. In my experience working with diverse team is challenging . The period of storming takes longer and is likely to reoccur. However the beauty in diversity is that it brings out the best from the members of the team. As a result of the different perspectives it commands, diversity triggers healthy competition and fosters respect. Most highly performing team are diverse. Homogenous are just average.

  319. A diverse team allows for an array of opinions and good ideas. in my field, i work with engineers, architects, surveyors and planners. These professionals have different areas of expertise and field of knowledge and have helped immensely in the completion of several projects. We all have one thing in common, “the built environment” as such grounds form homogeneity.

  320. Teams with greater diversity tend to bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and skill sets to the table. This diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and more robust problem-solving approaches, ultimately leading to superior work outcomes.
    Additionally, diverse teams often possess a richer understanding of diverse customer bases, enabling organizations to better cater to a wide range of demographics and markets. This can result in increased market share, improved customer satisfaction, and ultimately, better financial performance.
    major challenges I have seen working with team with greater diversity are
    1. due to conflicting viewpoints or competing priorities there are struggles in Decision-making processes
    2. Differences in language proficiency, communication styles, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations, hindering effective communication within the team.

  321. In my experience in the field, I believe homogeneous team tends to perform better than the diverse team. Reasons being that the skill and capacity of team members can be ascertain before the start of any task

  322. A team with high diversity and low social cohesion tends to bring diverse expertise and know-how to a project; however, communication barriers could also hold the effectiveness of the team in check, especially in ‘complicated’ situations.

  323. I have been part of diverse project teams in the past, and currently, I am part of one. Diverse teams (gender, age, culture, academic status, race, etc.) offer different experiences, working styles, and approaches to problem solving which is vital for delivering the outputs and outcomes in the project setting. Working with a diverse team is also a booster and aid learning and mentoring; thus improving the overall capability of the organisation.
    There are challenges working in a diverse team, and such include the overly display of some negative personality traits.

  324. Diversity creates a workplace and culture that is intuitively flexible, agile, and adaptable. It spans many dimensions including individuals (race, gender, physical abilities, age, and body type) and organisational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, backgrounds, preferences, and behaviours. Diversity helps to deliver competitive performance in projects and organizations.

  325. Working with a diverse team goes a long way toward the project’s success. This is mostly because, in diverse teams, members come together from diverse backgrounds and have diverse experiences and perspectives which shape their views and probably their modus operandi (during the stages of the project).

    With the spontaneity that births the team, team members don’t necessarily know themselves and as such, familiarity is minimal; and it makes it easier for the team to be more focused on work with minimal or no distractions.

  326. It is evident that diversity and performance work hand in hand.
    an organisation with diversity seem to be more productive in achieving projects and work done.
    for example, in my organisation, when there are multiple supplies to be accomplished in a day. i sit down with my driver and loader and plan the first delivery that would happen while putting into consideration; traffic delays, quanity ordered, available truck and finally how often they are delayed when they go to a particular place for supplies.
    having this short meeting helps us achieve a considering number of request in a day.

    The disadvantage that can be experienced in a diverse team is the fact that most times, there might be suggestions that are biased in relation to one’s mood and health condition.
    Lack of communication between staffs is another factor that can hinder the company’s goals.

  327. A team with diverse backgrounds can bring a broader spectrum of knowledge and expertise to the project; however, it may also face challenges such as discrimination and communication barriers due to biases.

  328. Teams with social and cognitive diversity tend to perform best in a team as this will bring to fore diverse knowledge, experience, skills, expertise of individuals in the team, thereby sharing opinion with each other for the success of the project.

    Diversity is one of the key areas in building a successive team .When team members are from diverse backgrounds and with there unique wealth of experience, this will propel the performance of the team at large.

    But on the other hand, if not well managed, can also work against the team if the project manager or team lead has not communicated the vision and mission of the project to the members as well as setting the rules within the project member inorder to achieve the vision.

  329. Teams with social and cognitive diversity tend to perform best in a team. This is due to diverse knowledge, experience, skills, expertise of individuals in the team. individuals from different works and exposure are involved in the project thereby sharing opinion with each other for the success of the project. for example a construction company or project making use of the individuals in accounting to help financial planning and budgeting, quantity surveyors, safety manager, electrical technician, equipment operators.

  330. Josiah Ramsey Okeleye
    Cohort 13 team 8

    When a team comprises of diverse team players/ members they are bound to bring different levels of experiences expertise and knowledge into successfully developing the project at hand which in effect will definitely result into smooth working environments. However there is a reversal of the law. Having a diverse team members working on a project is not always a soft landing especially in situations whereby most members lacks professionalism, while it can be beneficial it also can be detrimental because there likely will be conflict of interest and also different approaches to handling projects which my results to delay in project execution and lost of time and resources.

  331. Diversity is one of the key area in building a successive team .When team members are from diverse backgrounds and with there unique wealth of experience,this will propelled the performance of the tram. at large .
    On contrary, this can also work against the team if the project manager or team lead did not communicate the vision and mission of the project to the members.Also set the rules within the project member inorder to achieve the vision.

  332. Cohort 13 team 5
    Diversity is a great way of building a team if it is properly managed and well organized. Diversity allows alot of ideas to be shared and discussed,it gives room for more experiences to be shared among the new teams coming together to achieve a great result and successes. If a team lead finds it hard to manage diverse teams then, it will be a chaotic experience and poor result oriented.

  333. Diverse Teams – if diversity is well harnessed and directed towards project goals will provide better performance depending on the ability of the project manager to manage diversity
    The challenges of diversity teams are :
    Too many ideas that may cause slow in decision making.
    Not communicating well because they all want their ideas to be counted.
    I believe diversity has a connection with performance. Each team member brings a distinct flavor to the output.

  334. The submission of APM acknowledging the superior nature of diverse teams and how it drives the performance outcomes aligns with my personal experience. We are the Health finance team of a financial institution saddled with the responsibility of pitching our product offerings, identifying new markets and opportunities and other health value chain businesses. The team is a combination of experienced retail sales officers, medical doctors and experienced pharmaceutical marketers. This is a diverse team of professionals with varied backgrounds, experiences, diverse cognitive abilities which has helped the unit to consistently outperform other units in driving the agenda of the bank and grow its profitability margin. The team has also been instrumental in rejigging our product paper to reflect current realities in the market and sector where we play in.
    There is a great connection between diversity and performance as it helps to see from different perspectives which in turn can be useful in addressing potential challenges that may arise during the course of a project.
    The major challenge of diverse teams for me could be communication barriers, aligning diversity to goals, discrimination, biases and cultural discriminations. As a project manager, the ability to be able to harness these diversities and address these challenges will produce successful project outcomes.

  335. A diverse team will bring in more perspective and they will be more dynamic and creative. A diverse team will drive performance and growth. However, attention need to be made on the barriers to effective diverse team such as communication and conflict of interest.

  336. The ability to bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table will factor in the superiority of diverse teams at work, whereby they achieve more innovative problem-solving. However, working in highly diverse teams can present challenges such as complex communication, potential misunderstandings due to different beliefs, conflicts, and lack of trust and cohesion among team members with different backgrounds and values.

  337. Cohort 13 Team 6

    A diverse team can contribute a greater range of knowledge and experience to the project, but there may also be bias in the form of racism, discrimination, and other hurdles to communication.

  338. For me I would prefer Diversity of team members, one of the vital importance of diverse team is the opportunity for team members to gain various skills and ideas on how to do a particular project in different ways.
    Another advantage is that there wonโ€™t be unnecessary tension between team members everyone will be focused on carry out designated activities in making sure that the project is successful.

    There might be conflict on how a project should be carried out due to difference in experience and the HOW?
    A perfect example is a team of caterers saddled with the responsibility to bake a cake, there maybe conflict on what flavors, quantity of ingredients to put in the cake for perfection due to differences in experience and several ways and patterns of baking.

  339. Research suggests a positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams. Diverse teams often bring a variety of perspectives, skills, and ideas, leading to more innovative solutions and improved problem-solving. However, the effectiveness of diverse teams depends on how well they manage challenges.

    Challenges in highly diverse teams can include communication barriers, differences in work styles, and potential misunderstandings due to cultural or personal factors. It requires effective leadership, open communication, and cultural sensitivity to harness the benefits of diversity without letting these challenges hinder collaboration.

    In summary, while diversity can enhance team performance, addressing and managing the challenges associated with it is crucial for reaping the full benefits of a diverse team.

  340. From my experience having worked and lead a diverse team, they tend to work out impressively because there isnโ€™t chance to be left behind and everyone would want to have an impact on the team. Only issues that sometimes arises is due to the various opinions and contrasting ideas at times, these can be characterized as the storming stage but once the team is able to move past that, youโ€™ll discover they end up being a high performing team and tasks are carried out well

  341. Okafor nneka
    Cohort 13, team 10

    I believe a more diverse team works out best in most teams as they just have their first contact with each other; everyone comes with a mindset of proving themselves and most often would bring their best game, knowledge and expertise.
    In contrast, homogenous groups already have developed a certain degree of familiarity and may have a hard time obeying their leader thus leading to conflict of interests.

  342. From my experience, I believe diversity breeds multiplied ingenuity in a team. A diverse team brings on board varied range of experiences, background, know-how, skills, perspectives, wide spectrum of emotional capabilities, social competence and professional capabilities. The output is always more robust and outcome desirable.
    Challenges in a diverse team maybe at the storming phase when the team is just getting to familiarize. Questions of differences in perspectives may arise. But as soon as the team settles in, it produces its finest work as a result of its rich diversity

  343. Precious Chidiebere Eburuekwe. Cohort 13, Team 5.
    Diversity among team members tends to bring segregation especially when you have different tribes working in a team. But the only to achieve success is to unify them through initial meeting where you the project manager has to communicate the purpose of the project, the situation and every other vital Information they will be needing. This will to make make them understand each other knowing that they have different roles to but one output/outcome is expected .

  344. Nwabenu Udoka
    Cohort 13 Team 10

    Diverse teams can take advantage of their combined abilities to provide high-quality work with efficient management and solutions for overcoming these obstacles. To fully utilize diversity and promote organizational success, a culture of respect, inclusiveness, and open communication must be established.

  345. Mfon Brendan
    Cohort 13, Team.9
    Research shows that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. Diversity allows for better performance and productivity among and within teams.
    Diversity will allow for seamless transfer of ideas as there are no prior conflicts among team members. Moreso there will be different lines of thought, perspective and ideas there resulting in high chances of creativity and innovation in the team.

    Working In a diverse environment can yield high performance in an organisation. How be it there may be challenges that may ensue Iโ€™m a diverse team, and this includes challenges in communication style or language. Differences in perspective or ideas may give rise to conflicts among team members and output if these varying perspectives are not properly processed.

  346. Research shows that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. Diversity allows for better performance and productivity among and within teams.
    Diversity will allow for seamless transfer of ideas as there are no prior conflicts among team members. Moreso there will be different lines of thought, perspective and ideas there resulting in high chances of creativity and innovation in the team.

    Working In a diverse environment can yield high performance in an organisation. How be it there may be challenges that may ensue I’m a diverse team, and this includes challenges in communication style or language. Differences in perspective or ideas may give rise to conflicts among team members and output if these varying perspectives are not properly processed.

  347. Yes, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting a positive relationship between diversity in team members and overall team performance. Diverse teams can offer a range of perspectives, skills, and experiences, leading to enhanced creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability. However, the relationship between diversity and performance is complex, and success depends on various factors.

    Benefits of Diversity in Teams:
    Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams bring a variety of viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving, fostering creativity and innovation.
    Broader Skill Sets: Different backgrounds and experiences contribute to a wider range of skills within the team, improving the team’s ability to handle diverse challenges.
    Better Decision-Making: Diverse teams are more likely to consider multiple perspectives and avoid groupthink, leading to better-informed and more effective decision-making.
    Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diversity enables teams to approach problems from different angles, leading to more comprehensive and robust solutions.
    Increased Adaptability: Teams with diverse members are often more adaptable to change and better equipped to navigate complex and dynamic environments.

    Challenges of Highly Diverse Teams:
    Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, or cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and hinder effective communication.
    Conflict and Tension: Diverse teams may experience more conflict due to differing opinions, values, or approaches. Managing and resolving conflicts becomes crucial.
    Cultural Sensitivity: Team members need to be culturally sensitive and aware to avoid unintentional biases or misunderstandings.
    Inclusion and Belonging: Creating an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and included is a challenge in diverse teams.
    Team Cohesion: Building trust and cohesiveness may take more effort in diverse teams, as individuals with different backgrounds may take time to establish strong working relationships.
    Decision-Making Challenges: Achieving consensus may be more challenging in diverse teams due to varying perspectives and cultural differences.

    In conclusion, while diversity in teams can contribute positively to performance, effective management and a commitment to creating an inclusive environment are essential for reaping the full benefits of a diverse team and overcoming potential challenges.

  348. From my experiences in the time past, a project with diverse teams delivers better outcome, they go through the Bruce Tuckman theory of group formation faster and effectively compared to a homogeneous team where you have to set the thin line between familiarity and braking a leader, the conflict of interest in homogenous team tend to influence decision making and overall project outcome.

  349. I believe there exists a correlation between diversity and performance. Observing a diverse team, one can discern that its members bring a wealth of experience, perspectives, and backgrounds to the table, fostering creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. As the team approaches challenges from different angles and offers unique insights, this can ultimately lead to improved team performance and outcomes. However, alongside these benefits, diverse teams also encounter challenges such as communication barriers, which may result in misunderstandings, conflicts, and tension, as well as cultural diversity. Navigating these challenges requires active leadership and open dialogue to foster an inclusive and supportive team culture.

  350. The relationship between diversity and performance in teams is complex and depends on various factors. While diverse teams can potentially outperform homogeneous teams due to their broader range of perspectives and experiences, the actual impact on performance depends on how diversity is managed and leveraged within the team.
    Managing diversity comes with challenges such as communication barriers, differing perspectives, and potential for misunderstandings. If not properly addressed, these challenges can hinder team performance.
    Diversity can contribute positively to team performance, itโ€™s essential for organizations to also focus on creating inclusive cultures that support and empower diverse teams to maximize their potential.

  351. Diverse team can bring a wider range of skills and expertise to the project but there might be communication barriers, discrimination, racism, and other forms of prejudice.

  352. Certainly, a more diverse team will do better than a homogeneous team especially in complex situations this so because a more diverse team look at things from different perspectives and are always prepared for any form of challenges

  353. Diversity in teams brings about expertise in different skills and experiences. These collective abilities result in better decision-making, creativity, problem-solving and efficient managemental practices. Therefore there is a correlation between diversity and performance. However, there might be disadvantages if the lead team does not manage the group effectively, or if there are gaps in communication between the various team members involved. This can result in a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Having a group of intellectuals with diverse skills, knowledge and contributions translates into outstanding performance. In my life scenario, we organised a training at my place of work and we decided to bring in different expertise in the field related to the theme of the events. The participants were satisfied, gained a lot of experience and the program was a great success based on the feedback we received thereafter.

  354. Experiences of Diversity in teams and its connection to performance.

    Cohort 13
    Team 8

    The connection between diversity and performance in a project team is a complex and dynamic one. Research has shown that diversity in terms of different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, skills, and knowledge can have a significant impact on a team’s performance. Here are some key points to consider:

    1. Enhanced problem-solving: Diversity in a project team can lead to enhanced problem-solving and decision-making. When team members bring different perspectives and approaches to the table, it can lead to more thorough and innovative solutions to complex challenges.

    2. Creativity and innovation: Diverse teams often generate more creative and innovative ideas. A variety of viewpoints and experiences can lead to more out-of-the-box thinking, which in turn can result in more original and effective solutions.

    3. Broader skill sets: A diverse team can bring a wider range of skills and expertise to the project. This can result in a more comprehensive approach to tackling tasks and addressing various aspects of the project, ultimately contributing to improved performance.

    4. Improved adaptability: A diverse team is often more adaptable to changing circumstances and market demands. The ability to adapt and respond to new challenges is crucial for project success, and diversity can provide a team with the agility it needs to navigate unforeseen obstacles.

    5. Better decision-making: Diverse teams can make more well-rounded and informed decisions. Instead of relying on a single perspective, diverse teams can consider various angles, leading to decisions that are more thoroughly evaluated and comprehensive.

    Despite these potential benefits, it’s important to note that diversity alone doesn’t guarantee improved performance. In fact, managing diversity within a team can be challenging and may lead to issues such as communication barriers, cultural differences, and conflicts. Effective team leadership and management are crucial for leveraging the advantages of diversity and minimizing its potential drawbacks.

    Angut J.A

    #LearnwithDEXA #projectmanagement

  355. Because diverse teams have a wider range of experiences and abilities, they can think more creatively, make better decisions, and solve problems more effectively. This leads to higher performance. Nonetheless, in order to fully realize the advantages of diversity, issues like prejudice, inclusion, communication hurdles, and conflict resolution must be resolved.

    Diverse teams can take advantage of their combined abilities to provide high-quality work with efficient management and solutions for overcoming these obstacles. To fully utilize diversity and promote organizational success, a culture of respect, inclusiveness, and open communication must be established.

  356. Diversity enhances performance. Higher earnings are the result of a more productive workforce. It is also the case that diverse teams are typically more creative and capable of solving problems.
    Yes, teams with greater diversity produce superior work. Numerous studies have demonstrated that diverse teams outperform non-diverse ones in producing creative solutions.
    Challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams are stereotypes, discrimination, racism, and other forms of prejudice. Employees might feelย they don’t belong if they see or experience these. As a result, they might quit giving it their all and stop being genuine at work.

  357. Yes, there’s a relationship between diversity and performance,diverse teams tend to outperform homogeneous ones. Diversity brings varied perspectives, which can lead to more creativity, better problem-solving, and innovation. However, effective management of diverse teams is crucial for reaping these benefits, as it requires fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

  358. Diversity in projects gives team individuals to showcase their skills in a free environment without any restrictions, restrictions could be distractions from other team members if theyโ€™re homogeneous, therefore diversity increases productivity and creativity. It also brings an effective collaboration due to the respect each team member has for one another. The major problem in diversity is the lack of ability of the project manager to identify each member problem immediately, it might be due to social or emotional differences and also language barriers.

  359. I believe the researchers are right as a diverse team can think more diversely in complex situations than homogeneous team who think the same and might not be able to see outside the scope

  360. The oil and gas industry is multicultural, multidisciplinary and multinational in nature. The industry is known for its diversity. This diversity has resulted in the development and growth of the industry. These diverse teams are notable for:
    Broader Perspectives: this brings together persons with different backgrounds, disciplines, experiences, and perspectives. This has resulted in innovative and creative solutions to problems.
    Enhanced Problem-Solving: as they can draw from a wider range of experiences and expertise to analyze problems comprehensively and develop effective strategies.
    Improved Decision-Making: In diverse teams, discussions tend to be more robust and thorough
    Better Adaptation to Change: diverse teams are often better equipped to adjust and find innovative solutions when faced with unexpected challenges
    However, it is also important to acknowledge that while diversity can lead to enhanced performance, it also presents challenges that teams must navigate: Such challenges include communication barrier, conflict management, inclusivity and unconscious bias amongst others.
    Even though as diversity can enhance team performance, it requires proactive efforts to overcome challenges and foster an inclusive environment where all members can contribute effectively. When managed effectively, the benefits of diversity can outweigh the challenges, leading to more innovative and high-performing teams.

  361. Diversity leads to more creativity and initiative in performance, however due to cultural differences, it may lead to less social cohesion and communication barrier. This is something a PM must be ready to tackle when it arises

  362. Yes, diversity and performance have a relationship with each other. Diversity can lead to higher performance by promoting innovation, better decision-making, improved problem-solving and enhanced communication.Diverse teams don’t necessarily do more work just because they are diverse. However, they bring different perspectives, skills, and ideas to the table, which can lead to more efficient and effective work processes.

  363. Diversity in a team is a great benefit because it helps brings in variety of skills, knowledge and experience to the project.

  364. Full potential involvement allows active knowledge and viable skills that are Inevitably restful for different variety of people.
    Diversity in a team fosters innovation and produces positive results for with facts,ideas and opinions.

  365. Fostering diversity within a team is essential as it not only cultivates innovation and enhances outcomes but also embraces a spectrum of viewpoints, ideas, and skills. However, managing collaboration within highly diverse teams can present challenges. Prioritizing effective teamwork and communication becomes imperative to ensure cohesion and alignment. Overcoming these hurdles and leveraging the benefits of diversity necessitates the establishment of an inclusive and supportive environment. Therefore, robust diversity management practices are crucial for maximizing team potential and achieving organizational success.

  366. Diversity in teams and organizations can lead to a variety of advantages, including enhanced creativity, broader perspectives, improved problem-solving, increased innovation, and better decision-making. Additionally, diverse teams often exhibit higher adaptability and can better reflect and connect with diverse customer bases, fostering a positive organizational image.

  367. variety of people, knowledge and skills is inevitably resultful because it allows active involvement and use of one full potentials

  368. Diversity in a team fosters innovation and produces better results since it brings a variety of viewpoints, ideas, and abilities. Still, there can be difficulties when collaborating in very varied teams. To make sure everyone is on the same page, teamwork and communication may need to be prioritized. To get beyond these obstacles and enjoy the advantages of diversity, it’s critical to create a welcoming and supporting atmosphere.

  369. Diverse teams will outperform homogenous teams in decision making because they process information more carefully as a result of individuals with different backgrounds, skills, perspectives within a team. Each and every individual will bring information and ideas which are going to enhance the performance of the team effectively and efficiently.

  370. Module 13
    Commenting on Diversities: Pros and Cons
    Anecdotal evidence suggests a positive correlation between such diversity and enhanced output, supported by the notion that varied perspectives and approaches foster innovation and comprehensive problem-solving. However, it is essential to navigate the potential disadvantages.

    A. Pros:

    1. Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams bring together a spectrum of ideas, experiences, and approaches, fostering innovation and creativity. Different skill sets and expertise contribute to a more comprehensive exploration of solutions.

    2. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams can tackle complex problems more effectively. Varied viewpoints lead to a deeper understanding of issues and a broader range of potential solutions.

    3. Better Decision-Making: Inclusive teams benefit from a wider array of insights, leading to more informed and robust decision-making. This diversity helps in anticipating challenges from different angles.

    4. Reflective of Society: A diverse workforce reflects the diversity of the wider society. This not only contributes to a positive corporate image but also ensures that products and services are designed with a broader audience in mind.

    B. Cons

    1. Communication Challenges: Diverse teams may face communication hurdles due to differences in language, communication styles, or cultural nuances. This can lead to misunderstandings and hinder effective collaboration.

    2. Conflict and Tension: Differences in opinions, work approaches, or cultural norms may lead to conflicts within the team. Managing and resolving these conflicts requires adept leadership.

    3. Resistance to Change:A diverse team may encounter resistance to new ideas or changes, especially if there’s a lack of inclusivity in decision-making processes. This can impede progress and hinder the implementation of innovative solutions.

  371. I believe that thoughtless optimism is likely to affect projects because from my experience when you are too optimistic to a project thereby blinding your self to thoroughly check the risk analysis then you are headed towards that project not meeting the quality you have set in the project scope.

  372. Diversity in teams and organizations can lead to various benefits, including improved problem-solving, enhanced creativity, better decision-making, and increased innovation. When teams consist of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and expertise, they are more likely to approach tasks and challenges from multiple angles, leading to more comprehensive solutions and outcomes.

  373. Diversity in teams encompasses a wide range of factors, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, cultural background, education, experience, and personality. Here are some key points regarding diversity in teams:
    Different Perspectives: One of the most significant advantages of having a diverse team is the variety of perspectives it brings to the table. People from different backgrounds often approach problems and tasks in unique ways, which can lead to more creative solutions and innovation.
    Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams tend to be better at problem-solving because they can draw from a wider range of experiences and knowledge. This can lead to more thorough analyses of issues and the development of more effective strategies.
    Improved Communication: Working in a diverse team requires effective communication skills. Members must learn to listen actively, respect differing viewpoints, and communicate clearly to overcome language and cultural barriers. Over time, this can lead to stronger communication skills and a more cohesive team.
    Increased Adaptability: Diversity can help teams become more adaptable to change. When team members come from different backgrounds, they may be more open to new ideas and ways of working, making it easier to adjust to shifting priorities or unexpected challenges.
    Broader Market Understanding: In today’s globalized world, having a diverse team can be a significant asset when trying to understand and connect with diverse markets. Teams with members who represent different demographic groups may be better equipped to understand the needs and preferences of a diverse customer base.
    Challenges and Conflict: While diversity brings many benefits, it can also present challenges. Cultural differences, language barriers, and differing communication styles can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or conflicts within the team. Effective leadership and conflict resolution skills are essential for managing these challenges.
    Inclusive Culture: Building a truly diverse team requires more than just hiring people from different backgrounds. It also requires creating an inclusive culture where all team members feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute. This may involve implementing diversity training, fostering open dialogue, and actively addressing biases and discrimination.

  374. There is absolutely a great connection between diversity and performance. A team with greater diversity produces superior work. This is because diverse teams provide a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and skills, which may bring about more creative and innovative solutions to many challenges that may arise in the course of executing the project.

  375. Diversity in team arrangements outperforms the homogenous teams.

    At a point I was the president of my departmental association in school and the board of excos comprises of a uniquely diverse set of people.

    Different levels, mixed genders, different age grades and above all they all have different level experiences and exposure.

    Most times their approach to issues was different and together we work on several project and we achieved the deliverables. Diversity contributes more to organisational performance.

  376. In my view, diversity team will do better because of their experiences. They have opportunities to leverage on their skills and perspectives from different background. An homogenous team have some limitations.

  377. I agree that diverse teams generally outperforms homogenous teams.

    Teams with greater diversity produce more superior work.

    With diversity, people with different experiences come together and with their previous experiences, they are able to work together and tackle challenges easier and faster.

    They help increase creativity,problem solving, wider knowledge of what to do and what not to do in times of challenges. This in turn helps the project move faster with expected outcomes in play.

  378. Yes, diverse teams tend to do better work for several reasons:

    – Broader Perspective: It bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought enables them to approach problems from multiple angles and come up with innovative solutions.

    – Increased Creativity: When team members with diverse backgrounds collaborate, they bring unique ideas and insights to the table.

    – Improved Problem-Solving: Diverse teams are better equipped to tackle complex problems because they can draw on a wider range of experiences and expertise. This enables them to identify blind spots, consider various alternatives, and make better-informed decisions.

    – Enhanced Learning: Interacting with people from different backgrounds fosters a culture of continuous learning and personal growth. Team members have the opportunity to broaden their perspectives, develop empathy, and expand their skill sets.

    – Better Decision Making: Research has shown that diverse teams make better decisions. They are less prone to groupthink and are more likely to consider a wider range of viewpoints, leading to more balanced and thoughtful decision-making processes.

  379. Yes, in my experience, a diverse team produces the best result as there will be various project team members to man various aspects or phases of the projects. An homogenous team would have some loopholes in terms of finding the right person/team member to handle different roles, with too many members focusing on only one part of the project based on their similar skillset. Unless the project can allow for outsourcing of the needed skills to be filled up and delivered, an homogenous team cannot produce as much result as a diverse team would.

  380. There is always relationship between diverse and performance based on my experience, though maybe though at beginning to mix with strange members but as time passes it assists the whole team in achieving their goals timely by bringing different ideas from their individual diverse backgrounds.

  381. in my experience, there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams and organizations. Diverse teams, encompassing individuals with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It brings several advantages. However, it’s important to note that realizing the benefits of diversity requires effective management and a commitment to fostering an inclusive environment.

    Diverse teams tend to be more innovative and creative. Different perspectives can lead to unique solutions and ideas that may not arise in more homogeneous groups.
    Diverse teams are often better at problem-solving. The variety of viewpoints enables a more thorough examination of issues, considering different angles and potential solutions.
    Diversity in a team can enhance its understanding of diverse markets and customer needs, providing a competitive advantage in today’s global and multicultural business environment.
    Diverse teams often make better decisions. The inclusion of various perspectives helps mitigate biases and leads to more comprehensive decision-making processes.

    Challenges of Highly Diverse Teams:
    Communication Barriers: Differences in communication styles, language proficiency, or cultural norms may lead to misunderstandings and communication barriers within highly diverse teams.
    Conflict and Tension: Diverse teams may experience higher levels of conflict, especially if cultural differences are not properly addressed. Conflict can arise from misunderstandings or differing approaches to work.
    Resistance to Change: Some team members may resist change, especially if they perceive that their cultural or personal norms are being challenged. This resistance can impede the adoption of new ideas or processes.

    In summary, while diversity can contribute positively to team and organizational performance, the challenges associated with managing highly diverse teams should not be overlooked. A proactive approach to inclusivity, effective communication, and addressing potential challenges head-on are crucial for realizing the benefits of diversity in the workplace.

  382. I think diversity in a project team will definitely produce superior work because the team is made up of different people with different backgrounds, skills, experiences, knowledge and culture. When these set of people come together, they brainstorm and learn from each other while putting in their best in their various fields to make sure the project is successful, maybe cos they want to show how good they are in their skill to their new team members. This bring about a healthy competition in the team. So yes, there is a connection between diversity and performance.
    But this comes with it’s own challenge. The competition between team members might become unhealthy if care is not taken, and because they really don’t know each other, there might be a problem with agreement and them communicating effectively at first cos of their diverse mentality. But this can be handled by a project manager with a good management skill.

  383. I believe that quality depends solely on the expectations of the consumer or the client those who brought forth the need for the procet or product.

  384. in my opinion it is very important to consider success criteria when you are dealing with projects that have deliverables for outcomes because no matter how great the quality of a deliverable if the success criteria is low then the project that brought forth the deliverables have all become wasted efforts.

  385. I believe that as a project manager a diverse team would be better for a project team because not only does it cause different people to work together to achieve a common goal it teaches me how to deal with diverse personalities and backgrounds and learn to help them all achieve the projects to the best of their individual abilities.

  386. Diversity in a team is a great benefit because it helps brings in variety of skills, knowledge and experience to the project.

  387. From my experience, working with a diverse team aids success because everyone comes with his/her ideas, values, experience, diverse cultural and environmental embodiments which when brainstormed on, provides better ideas and plans for project execution.
    Even when some project may require homogenous team members, the advantages of working with diverse team can not be over-emphasized as it produces more results while sharpening the team members.

  388. From my own experience, diversity enhances the opportunity for a team member to harness the in-depth knowledge that might be hidden over-time.
    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges eg, communication barriers, misunderstandings and conflicts due to different cultural backgrounds, communication gestures that may arise. Diversity in a team can improve the overall productivity of the team as long as the organisation has a culture of participative leadership where everyone is allowed to say their views or opinion and their opinion is valued noting that the best ideas can be chosen among other ideas. To leverage the benefits of diversity, teams must actively address these challenges and foster an inclusive environment that values and respects each memberโ€™s contributions.

  389. Embracing diversity in team collaboration is very important. The teams gain access to a wealth of knowledge, perspectives, and creativity that can propel them to unparalleled success. Diversity increases innovation, creativity and strategic thinking because teams of people who come from different backgrounds can draw upon their unique experiences and a wider range of knowledge to spark new, innovative ideas. However, there are also some potential disadvantages that should be considered. One of the potential disadvantages of having diversity in a team is misunderstandings and conflict. When people of different backgrounds and experiences come together, there is always the potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding. This can lead to conflict and tension within the team. Another potential disadvantage of having a diverse team is that it can be more difficult to build trust and rapport. When team members come from different backgrounds and life experiences, it can be difficult to find common ground and build trust. This can make it more difficult to work together effectively.

  390. Diverse teams from experience has shown to be more effective in yielding effective results in projects because since they are coming from different background,perspectives, skills,and experiences, This diversity of perspectives and experiences led to better problem- solving and decision-making. Though they could experience some challenges which when resolved can help them bond better even allowing for each person to bring out there best skills and experience for the success of the project.

  391. Diverse teams from illustration has shown to be more effective in yielding results in projects. This is as a result of the marriage of different experience and opinion of situations, this way each member will try to impress by providing effective solutions when called upon. The downside of this is usually disagreement at some point due to different opinions but this setback does not last long as they usually fade when team settles in.

  392. Diverse cognitive teams would definitely scale better than homogenous teams because, in a diverse setting, we have people with different experiences and views of life and the corporate world coming together to achieve one goal. While this may initially cause chaos and conflict due to differences in values and ideas, in the second phase of team building, this chaos is bound to reduce to a subtle amount as the team settles.

  393. While diversity can contribute positively to team performance, it is not a guaranteed formula for success. To harness the benefits of diversity, organizations need to actively foster an inclusive culture, provide training on diversity and inclusion, and implement effective communication strategies. Recognizing and addressing challenges, such as unconscious bias and communication barriers, is crucial for creating a truly inclusive and high-performing team.
    Diverse teams, encompassing a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills, have the potential to generate innovative solutions, foster creativity, and enhance problem-solving. However, the link between diversity and superior work is not automatic and depends on several factors.

  394. The relationship between diversity and performance is proportional. The higher the cognitive knowledge in terms of diversity, the better the performance which will make the project work be deliverable and good.
    There is homogeneous team and diverse team. Homogeneous team have the same background, mentality and knowledge while the diverse team are different in their thinking way, they think complex therefore they do better work and project.
    Challenges of working in diverse team is that there will be a lot of competition if care is not taken and also performing project that will not be in line with the project sponsor.

  395. diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous teams. This is due to a few factors. First, diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives and experiences to the table, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and decision-making. Second, diverse teams tend to be more innovative, as they are more likely to come up with new ideas and approaches. And third, diverse teams often have higher morale, as they feel more valued and respected.

    When I was a site engineer/manager, I had to work with a diverse team of workers with different skills, backgrounds, and experiences. This diversity of perspectives and experiences led to better problem-solving and decision-making. I also had to find innovative solutions to problems that arose on the job site. Additionally, I learned that when everyone on the team feels valued and respected, morale is high, and they’re more likely to work together effectively and achieve better results.

    However, it’s important to recognize the challenges that can arise when working with a diverse team. These challenges include communication barriers, different expectations about work, and different work styles. But, I believe that the benefits of working with a diverse team outweigh

  396. diverse teams do tend to perform better than homogenous teams. There are a few reasons for this. First, diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives and experiences to the table, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and decision-making. Second, diverse teams tend to be more innovative, as they are more likely to come up with new ideas and approaches. And third, diverse teams often have higher morale, as they feel more valued and respected.

    First, as a site engineer/manager,it likely had to work with a diverse team of workers with different skills, backgrounds, and experiences. This diversity of perspectives and experiences likely led to better problem-solving and decision-making. Second, as a site engineer/manager, it likely had to come up with innovative solutions to problems that arose on the job site. And finally, experience likely shows that high morale leads to higher performance. When everyone on the team feels valued and respected, they’re more likely to work together effectively and achieve better results.

    Now when it comes to the challenges of working with a high diversity team, there are a few potential issues that can arise. One challenge is that there can be communication barriers if team members speak different languages or have different cultural backgrounds. Another challenge is that diverse teams can have different expectations about how work should be done, leading to conflict. And finally, diverse teams can have different work styles, which can make it difficult to find common ground. Despite these challenges, the benefits of working with a diverse team far outweigh the challenges. With effective communication and collaboration, diverse teams can be incredibly successful.only with experience how to deal with them.

  397. Role of diversity in teams cannot be over emphasized just as the homogenous team also has its roles and functions. For me both have their pros and cons. In my experience sometimes in a homogenous team this local parlance โ€œsee finishโ€ can set in where because members of the team who might have been working together takes the other member for granted which in way may negatively impact on project delivery due to taking others for granted, however more often than non this rarely occurs if the goals and everyoneโ€™s task have been well spelt out from the onset, and this ensures seamless execution of tasks without a fuss however diversity also brings out the best in that a different angle or approach may save time cost hence diversity in team is always a welcome thing. Moreso diverse team members also bring out about spontaneity especially in a very volatile situation that is ambiguous and this can help the team to bond and also bring out the best in a project manager or the worst in delivery of the outcome of a project.

  398. I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my career, including my time at University. I am most comfortable, and happy, in this type of environment because it offers a great learning opportunity.

    You might discover new concepts from colleagues with different experiences. You can also learn from someone else’s mistakes, which helps you sidestep future errors. You might even learn something new about yourself
    In my current role, I work alongside cross-functional teams regularly.

    Diversity of experienceโ€ isย designed to recognize the unique and individual life experiences within a workforce. It addresses how the challenges and experiences a person faces might impact the opportunities they are given and the way they view and navigate the world.

    Diversity refers to the inclusion of a wide range of people from different backgrounds. Examples of diversity includeย gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, age, cultural, religious, and political diversity

    Many HR leaders, project managers and executives support new rules and programs aimed at promoting workplace diversity. Internal, external, organizational, and world view diversity are the four basic categories of workplace diversity.

  399. Team building is determined by the nature of the project either simple predicted, complex or complicated. The relationship between diversity and performance can be complex, as bringing together persons of diverse skills, ideas, experiences and knowledge that have not really met before and giving them the opportunity to express themselves could at the end yield positive outcomes, however they could experience some challenges though but the positive results will always prevail.

  400. I agree that diversity can have many benefits for teams and organisations, such as improved decision-making, problem-solving, creativity, and innovationยนยฒ. Research also supports the positive link between diversity and financial outcomes.

    However, diversity is not a guarantee of success. It also comes with some challenges, such as communication barriers, cultural differences, and potential conflicts. To overcome these challenges, teams need to foster a climate of psychological safety, where members feel comfortable to express their opinions, ask questions, and admit mistakes without fear of being judged or punished.

    In my experience, diverse teams can do better work if they leverage their differences as a source of strength and learning, rather than a source of division and misunderstanding. This requires effective leadership, clear goals, mutual respect, and open communication.

    As a civil engineer, managing a building project, I work in a diverse team that includes people from different ethnicities, genders, ages, and professional backgrounds (architects, contractors, suppliers and vendors, other engineers, HSE, construction manager, community workers…) Diversity helped my team to understand the needs and perspectives of different communities and stakeholders. Diversity challenges me to learn new skills and knowledge from my colleagues.

  401. In my opinion, there is a connection between diversity and performance, and teams with greater diversity can produce superior work. This is because diverse teams bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions. At the same time, there are some challenges that can arise when working in diverse teams. For example, communication can be more difficult, as there may be language barriers or cultural differences. Additionally, teams may experience conflict due to differing viewpoints and backgrounds. However, these challenges can be overcome with effective communication and conflict resolution strategies.

  402. In my experience, there is indeed a strong relationship between diversity and performance in teams. More diverse teams tend to bring a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving, which can lead to more innovative and effective solutions. Additionally, diverse teams are often better equipped to understand and meet the needs of a diverse customer base, leading to improved performance and financial results for the organization.

    That being said, working in highly diverse teams does come with its challenges. Communication can sometimes be more complex, as team members may have different communication styles or cultural norms. Additionally, managing conflicts and ensuring that all team members feel included and valued can require more effort in diverse teams. However, I believe that these challenges can be overcome with effective communication, empathy, and a commitment to inclusivity.

    Overall, I have found that the benefits of diversity in teams far outweigh the challenges. By embracing diversity and creating an inclusive team environment, organizations can unlock the full potential of their teams and achieve greater success.

  403. Team building is determined by the nature of the project either simple predicted, complex or complicated. The relationship between diversity and performance can be complex, as bringing together persons of diverse skills, ideas, experiences and knowledge that have not really met before and giving them the opportunity to express themselves could at the end yield positive outcomes, however they could experience some challenges, such as conflicting ideas, different ethics and style, gap in communication and more, if not properly handled could hamper the outcome of the project, still the success of divers team lies in proper and effective communication and leadership style, as well as collaboration and commitment.
    For me the magnitude of the project determines the team assembly

  404. Okodi Okodi, Team 10

    Individuals possess varying capabilities, and their strengths can complement those of others in a team to achieve success. This is especially true when people come from different backgrounds and experiences.

    Diversity not only encourages competition, but also promotes openness, unity of purpose, and interdependency among team members. A team with diverse members can identify their strengths and weaknesses, and work together to overcome any challenges that may arise during a project. Each member can contribute their strongest skills to the success of the project.

    This is why teams with diverse members tend to outperform homogenous ones. Homogenous teams tend to lack flexibility and challenge, as team members operate in an environment where they all have the same level of knowledge, strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, exposure, and experience. They may not think outside the box to solve problems.

    A diverse team is more flexible, original, and hands-on, and team members tend to appreciate each other’s contributions more (thanks to interdependency) to the project.

  405. The connection between diversity and performance in a project could be a complex one.
    A diverse team could bring a variety of ideas, skills and perspective to the team which may bring about enhanced innovation, problem-solving and creativity.
    However, a diverse team can also experience challenges such as conflicting ideas, differing work ethics and styles, communication barriers and a lot of others. These, if not addressed properly may hamper on the project performance.
    With all these, however, the success of a diverse team lies on effective communication, leadership styles and collaboration strategies which leverages on the strength of each team member, alongside mitigating all potential conflicts.

  406. Diverse team makes for an interesting team because it is made up of people with varying exposure, background, skill set etc.
    Once everyone on the team has the attitude to learn, there is no limit as to what a diverse team can accomplish as they bring together their diverse experiences and skill set for project goal.

  407. Adepoju Adesina Cohort 13. Team 1

    Diversity isnโ€™t just about compliance, itโ€™s about unlocking the full potential of a team. When people from different ethnics collaborate together, they generate fresh solutions that drive progress.
    Diverse teams are more open-minded and willing to consider opposing ideas. This openness leads to better decision-making and a broader range of possibilities.
    While building trust among team members takes time, diverse teams learn to work together effectively. They show flexibility, supporting each otherโ€™s efforts and achieving higher levels of success. Trust is essential for a cohesive and productive team….. Working diversely may bring in some challenges… Such as: Communication I.e language barriers…… Cultural beliefs and maybe religious beliefs.

  408. Cohort 13 Team 1
    Diversity and Performance
    Having a diverse team brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, ideas, skill set, perspectives, different approach to solving problems and less social cohesion.
    The performance ratio will be high in that the diversity of skills, knowledge and cognitive abilities of the team will result in better result and output.
    There are of course challenges in a diverse project team:
    – Communication, issue of language barrier
    – Conflict: which could arise due to different ideas and approaches to solving problem
    – Cultural or ethic: people with same culture may tend to bias/favour each other and against others.
    These challenges should be expected and a good project manager should be flexible and be a people person to create channels to cater or erase them.

  409. A Team diversity brings forth a high sense of creativity and innovation. It also encourages a collaborative perspective and open-mindedness with ideas, dependency and relatability to accomplish the project

  410. Team diversity brings forth a high sense of creativity and innovation. It also encourages a collaborative perspective and open-mindedness with ideas, dependency and relatability. Being able to perform in one’s expertise brings about increased employee loyalty and morale as well as improved productivity and problem-solving through collaborations.

  411. Therr is unity they say in diversity.

    once united by a common goal, a diverse team tend to do well because each specialist in it’s own expertise creating a fine and refined sense of purpose.

    Yes, in all ramification and with better management, teams with great diversity do better.

  412. Diverse team members brings on board diverse knowledge and solutions which helps to bring about solutions.Embracing diversity also help other team memebers to know more about ways of doing things.

  413. Akinmoye Segun Wilson Cohort 13, team 2

    Diversity and performance

    The success of an organisation is dependent on inflow of creative ideas. Therefore ,the more people from different works of life and backgrounds comes together, the more ideas are generated. So diversity in an organisation brings uptima performance. Thus, adopting diversity management and diverse workforce inside organization, will create a behavior to add several traits that will enhance the organizational performance by adapting the current work environment to the future work plan.
    So to answer the question, diverse team do better work .

    Challenges of working in a highly diverse teams:
    1. Communication barriers:
    2. Bias: people tends to favour their kind
    3. Discrimination : the more diverse team you have, the more the discrimination and bias.
    4. Ethics and cultural differences
    5. Lack of inclusivity: Some team member tends to be excluded from important things

  414. Team diversity is a great way to bring all team members together and be active. No one will be left behind since it is expected everyoneโ€™s idea/input is necessary to achieving team goal.โ€ฆ. Diverse team therefore have a high success rate.

  415. A diverse team brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and problem-solving approaches.

  416. Embracing diversity isnโ€™t just about compliance, itโ€™s about unlocking the full potential of a team. When people from different walks of life collaborate, they generate fresh solutions that drive progress.
    Diverse teams are more open-minded and willing to consider opposing ideas. This openness leads to better decision-making and a broader range of possibilities.
    While building trust among team members takes time, diverse teams learn to work together effectively. They show flexibility, supporting each otherโ€™s efforts and achieving higher levels of success. Trust is essential for a cohesive and productive team.

  417. A diverse workforce brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and problem-solving approaches.

    This diversity of thought fosters creativity and leads to innovative solutions.
    Diverse teams are more likely to generate fresh ideas and develop unique approaches to challenges.

    Diversity, when combined with psychological safety and shared understanding, enhances teamwork, and leads to improved performance.
    By creating an environment where team members feel safe to express themselves and fostering shared understanding, teams can tap into the full potential of their diverse members.

  418. Teams with greater diversity have the potential to produce superior work due to the variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas they bring to the table.
    However challenges such as communication barrier, social cohesion, decision making complexity can arise due to the large team members.

  419. Working with a highly diversified team, has its potentials, in the sense that everyone onboard the team, do their best to bring out the best in them, so as not to be seen as responsible for any failure that may arise, which is quite good for the overall success of the team task.
    but ,on the contrary, its not so easy to achieve, the success still lies with the core task of a project manager, which is the ability to create a suitable condition for the project team to interact, communicate and collaborate. Where any of these key ingredients are lacking, the project might suffer a huge setback.
    indeed there is a connection between diversity and performance, as i earlier stated. Personally, i believe the project size, scope, complexity, time, budget, and risk, will or should be a determinant, for a team to be homogenous or heterogenous in composition.

  420. As the name implies, diversity means the combination of different background, ideas, logic and exposure.
    Diverse teams outperforms homogenous teams because of the exposure, experience, value, ideas and innovations that diverse team may bring. Diverse team is the merge of different people with different perspectives and ideas to achieve a common goal.

    There’s a connection between diversity and performance: This is because there’s a group of specialized team ready to achieve a set objectives/goal.

  421. Do you see a connection between diversity and performance? Do teams with greater diversity produce superior work? Additionally, what challenges arise when working in highly diverse teams?

    Diversity in team improved decision-making:
    Teams with diverse members tend to make better decisions. They avoid groupthink and benefit from a broader range of insights.
    Diverse teams challenge assumptions and encourage critical thinking, resulting in well-rounded choices.

    Diversity enhances creativity and problem-solving
    Diverse teams bring together individuals with varied backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity fosters creativity and encourages innovative solutions to complex problems.

    Increased Adaptability:
    Diverse teams adapt more effectively to changing circumstances. Their varied skills and perspectives enable them to navigate challenges and seize opportunities

    Possible challenges associated with team with diversity in project team:

    Communication Barriers:
    Diverse teams may face language differences, cultural nuances, and varying communication styles. Misunderstandings can hinder collaboration and productivity.
    Overcoming these barriers requires active listening, empathy, and clear communication channels.
    Conflict and Tension:
    Diverse teams may experience conflicts arising from differing opinions, values, or approaches. These conflicts can impact team dynamics and morale.
    Effective conflict resolution strategies are essential to maintain a positive work environment.

    Project Managers must actively create an inclusive environment and address any exclusionary behaviors.

    Summarily, diversity in teams offers lots of benefits, addressing challenges through effective communication, conflict resolution, and inclusion efforts is essential for maximizing their potential.

  422. APM acknowledges that diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous ones. This correlation is increasingly evident in the performance and financial outcomes of organizations.
    Does this align with your personal experience?
    Yes it aligns

    In a previous section, you explored exceptional and high-performing teams. Based on your own observations, do you see a connection between diversity and performance?
    Yes, diversity in this case means people who might not know each other or have been working together. But the truth is that they have different experience and know how, we have different ways or perspective of doing a task which bring about great performance. Though at the storming stage, there could be issue since this people don’t know anything about themselves, but on the long run it all works out.

    Do teams with greater diversity produce superior work?
    Not like they produce superior work in that word, but experiences are available to create a tested result.

    Additionally, what challenges arise when working in highly diverse teams?
    Tensions which provokes disagreement on how to achieve a task, but the project manager can work this out.

  423. based on passed experience from different project i have been involved in directly or indirectly, diverse team tend to be more effective and performed greatly. as diversity comes with diverse ideas and expertise to team.

    so if this strength is well utilized it will always outperform homogenous teams.

  424. Diversity in a team tends to be of great advantage as it provides focus as a result of lack of distraction that may be cause by homogenesity.
    Another point of view is that is the fact that diversity opens door for different idea.
    But the disadvantage is that the leader tends not to know the strength and weaknesses of the team

  425. Diverse teams are very productive in my opinion because these are people with different skills and experience who will be able to bring different ideas to the team. Diversity would give room for more better options in carrying out a task.

  426. Based on research and practical experience, there is indeed a recognized correlation between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams often bring a broader range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. Additionally, diverse teams tend to be more adaptable and better equipped to understand and serve diverse customer bases or stakeholders.

    However, while diversity can bring numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. Communication barriers may arise due to differences in language, communication styles, or cultural norms. Misunderstandings and conflicts may occur if team members hold implicit biases or stereotypes about each other. Additionally, managing diverse teams requires inclusive leadership to ensure that all voices are heard and valued, and that everyone feels a sense of belonging.

    Overall, while diversity can enhance team performance, it requires intentional efforts to foster inclusivity and overcome challenges associated with differences in order to fully realize its potential benefits

  427. diverse teams are better in my opinion because these are people with different skills and experience who will be able to add positive inputs to the team. They wont be biased

  428. A diverse team is more valuable because it allows for a wider range of viewpoints and perspectives. This enriches the project and ensures that the team meets expectations and delivers results that are expected of them. On the other hand, diversity can occasionally be the cause of excessive and frequently needless disagreements as well as obstacles to consensus and cooperation, which can cause delays and waste of resources. To prevent getting sidetracked, it is crucial to play to each member’s strengths and always keep the group’s objective at fore front.

  429. Firstly, one need to consider how large an organization is and the financial strength of the organization. Hence, a diverse team works well in a larger organization where individuals with a variety of skills, knowledge, experience and perspectives relevant to completing the project within the given time. But language barrier as well as cultural diversity may sometimes arises as challenges while working in a highly diverse team.

  430. Team diversity is a great way to bring all hands on deck. No one will be left behind since it is expected everyone’s idea/input is necessary to achieving team goal. All team members will be dedicated as team success depends on everyone giving his all…. Diverse team therefore have a high success rate.

  431. When you have people with different diverse knowledge, experience and expertise, no matter how hard, uneasy and uncertain the issues or situation is, you would have someone on the team who has knowledge of what to do and with this it helps make everyone work together, bringing out their unique experiences and knowledge for them to explore and achieve the same goal with no distractions
    In conclusion, the team with more diverse members produce superior work

  432. According to Wikipedia, Diversity, equity, and inclusion are organizational frameworks which seek to promote “the fair treatment and full participation of all people”, particularly groups “who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination” based on identity or disability.
    The video on the lifeboat demonstrates the impact of a diverse team in responding to emergencies and perhaps unpredictable situations. The team was able to gain access to a wealth of knowledge, perspectives, and creativity from their different background. What is critical to their success is the fact that they have individually received relevant training, and skills necessary for the missions and they were able to harness their innovative skill through enhanced communication
    Some key benefits of diversity in project teams are:
    โ€ข They are instruments of growth and transformation.
    โ€ข It unlocks a wealth of ability and better problem-solving capability
    โ€ข Diverse teams are more productive and perform better because of their range of experience, expertise, and working methods.
    โ€ข Diverse teams allow individuals to actively participate in the project and this increases engagement and performance across the team the individuals in the team feel more motivated to reach the group and holistic goals of the project
    โ€ข it enables a smarter decision-making process
    โ€ข It could lead to an increase in profits and productivity
    โ€ข Reduced rates of employee turnover.
    โ€ข Improved reputation for the project organization
    โ€ข Exhibits fairness and identifies potential bias.
    โ€ข It recognizes all employees equally, no matter their culture, gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, educational background, experience level, expertise, etc.
    โ€ข It enables global-level Competition and Cross-Cultural Understanding
    Despite the above, diversity tends to lead to Short-Term Cost Outflow and difficulty in transitioning.

  433. I equally believe diverse teams do better as the cognitive diversity proves to be a huge benefit as brain storming becomes easier and solutions are proffered easily. Also, experience had taught me that people of low social cohesion achieve huge success as it aids in ensuring checks and balances, likewise a team of high levels of social or identity diversity.

    Inasmuch the benefits of diverse teams are enormous, challenges also come to play as sentiments relating to tribe, age etc. can set in from the unscrupulous ones.

  434. In my experience, what makes a great team is a combination of individuals with divers knowledge and expertise. The reason for this is that no matter how volatile and uncertain the situation can be, you can be sure to have someone on the team with knowledge on what to do, and this helps in easy collaboration with other team members.

  435. Diversity in my opinion is a great advantage when forming a formidable team. From experience, the rich pool of ideas and perspectives to draw from can build the team members and even assure a successful completion to the project as a whole.

    The obvious drawback of miscommunication falls within the purview of the project manager to deal with; noting that a less diverse or homogeneous may also encounter similar hurdles of friction and incompatibility.

  436. The relationship between diversity and performance is not solid. Although individual skills and capabilities may result in quality output because team members possess wide range of skills and ideas but there could be a risk of miscommunication because of unfamiliarity among team members.

  437. The possible risks of assigning someone with less experience to handle a task is the person. mishandling that task and causing loss for the company

      Cohort 13 team 10
      Following what we have read, diverse companies perform better, especially if the organisation’s leadership is diverse.
      Diversity in a project is very key and important. Diversity brings a lot of benefits to a project, such as better financial results, access to talent, innovation and it improves problem solving. Diversity in a project can create better performance amongst the team.
      Diverse teams in a project generate more innovative solutions and are more productive and performs better in a project. Diversity increases productivity and more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Diversity in a project brings more creativity.
      Challenges may occur when working in diverse approach. There could be communication barriers. Which means speaking different languages when working in a group can be difficult and complex. There may be Discrimination. As your workforce becomes more diverse, you may experience more bias, Discrimination and harassment. At can be tough to manage intimidation between employees. Cultural clashes may occur when working with people that don’t share same values or have different opinions. Cultural misunderstandings when you blend people from various cultures. Conducting training which is very vital to promoting workplace diversity. Teams need to be helpful and cooperative with each other.

  438. Teams with more diverse members produce superior work. Diverse teams have more variety in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience, which helps them adapt better to problems and come up with innovative solutions. They also bring different perspectives, which help teams make better decisions. Diversity is an important factor in team performance. By recognizing and appreciating the different perspectives and skills that each team member brings, teams can have higher achievements.
    Members of the team are from deferent background and have different skills. They bring their diverse knowledge, experience, skills together and do something great to achieve the goal of the organization. Both of them will focus on the vision and goal to the maximum without social conflicts. And since they are diverse everyone is unique and through that there will be a mutual enrichment and will support each other and firstly focus on the projectโ€™s business with a competitive mind of effectiveness and efficiency.
    Communication barriers can occur when team members have different cultural backgrounds or speak different languages. Additionally, in-group bias can happen when people with similar backgrounds oppose decisions or suggestions made by other team members. However, these issues can be overcome by adopting the right approach. For instance, providing language training for team members who speak different languages and promoting open communication channels can help overcome communication barriers. Encouraging all team members to share their opinions, and actively listening to other perspectives helps avoid group bias.

  439. Being part of this diverse team is like adding a whole palette of colors to our project canvas. We’re a bunch of individuals coming from different walks of life, bringing our unique experiences and knowledge to the table. And you know what? It’s like a creative explosion of ideas โ€“ true innovation!

    So, here’s the scoop: I volunteer with this mental health NGO, and we’re on a mission to help people stay away from drugs and substance misuse. Our team is pretty diverse, with folks having different jobs, interests, and outlooks on life. But the one thing that unites us is our passion for promoting mental stability.

    Now, being part of the decision-making crew, we figured out a cool way to make things happen. We started brainstorming projects that resonate with our diverse backgrounds and tie them back to mental health. For example, one team member who’s into skating came up with the idea of a skating event as a way to keep folks away from drugs. We called it Skatement โ€“ a mashup of skate and mental. It’s been a hit, and we’re proud of our innovative spin on things.

    But, here’s the flip side. Sometimes, getting everyone on the same page can be a bit tricky. Communicating your angle, making others see why it’s crucial for the organization’s goals, well, that can be a challenge. People might get skeptical. So, we’ve learned to be a bit more careful in our approach, using loads of soft skills to keep the team ship sailing smoothly.

    Sure, there are hurdles, but hey, the beauty of diverse thinking is totally worth it. It’s what makes our projects pop and adds that extra spark to what we’re doing. Teamwork can be a wild ride, but with a bit of finesse, we turn challenges into victories.

  440. From my experience, having a diverse team with individuals of varying experience and points of view provides an opportunity for rich content and execution of projects.

  441. In my opinion, having a diverse team is a great start, as this will bring about different views of what is obtainable from each perspective, plus everyone is working towards achieving the same goal and there’s always minimal distraction.

  442. Diversity in a team is a valuable asset, as things are seen from various perspectives, and different views and perceptions from team members enriches the project and helps the team deliver efficiently and meet the expectations set. Conversely, diversity at times can be the source of too much and often unnecessary arguments and difficulties to agree and come together, which can lead to delays, time and resources wastage. It is therefore important to capitalise on each member’s strengths and have the common goal always in mind and at heart to avoid any distraction from the objective.

  443. In my own opinion I believe a diverse team easily in skills and knowledge is likely to do better. This is because of the following :
    Everyone does or concentrates on a different thing, no clashes
    Everyone feels needed
    Everyone brings experience needed thus contribution is felt.
    The downside, will be if norms and working rule are not set/standard, language barriers, diversity in working styles and communication may highly affect outcomes.

  444. From my personal experience, having a diverse project team certainly brings more to the table than a more homogenous one due to the fact that the project members come from different departments, fields and have different experiences, which could be extremely vital for the work at hand. In the same vein, highly diverse teams possess the strongholds of lack of cohesion and balance, which highlights the role of the project manager. Naturally, a lack of similar background and knowledge amongst the team members means that the project manger needs to outline to each member their specific roles and responsibilities, which pertain to their strengths, not their weaknesses.

  445. Assigning tasks to less experienced members of the team can bring both risks and benefits:


    Assigning responsibilities to less experienced team members offers great chances for skill development and professional progress. It enables individuals to obtain practical experience, learn from their failures, and gain confidence in their talents.

    Less experienced team members may provide fresh perspectives and unique ideas, challenging the existing quo and bringing new insights to the table. This can result in more innovative issue solving and decision-making processes.

    Increased Engagement and Motivation: Being assigned important work can boost the motivation and engagement of less experienced team members. It affirms their contributions to the team and instills a sense of responsibility and accountability for their job.


    Quality and Accuracy: Less experienced team members may lack the skills or knowledge required to accomplish jobs at the same level as their more experienced colleagues. This could lead to errors or poor outcomes, thereby affecting the overall quality of work.
    Time and Resources: Delegating responsibilities to less experienced members may necessitate more time and resources for training, supervision, and assistance. This could put a burden on the team’s resources and reduce production, particularly if deadlines are tight.

    chance of Failure: Delegating complicated or crucial duties to less experienced team members increases the chance of failure or blunders, which can have serious ramifications for the project or business.

  446. Building trust and enabling team members to discover their capabilities are essential aspects of fostering a high-performing team. Here are some ideas for achieving these goals:

    1. Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Clearly define the team’s objectives, roles, and responsibilities to ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them. This clarity helps build trust by establishing a shared understanding of the team’s purpose and direction.
    2. Provide Opportunities for Feedback: Regular feedback sessions allow team members to share their observations, offer constructive criticism, and recognize each other’s strengths. This helps build trust by demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and mutual support.
    3.Lead by Example: Leaders play a crucial role in building trust within a team. Lead by example by demonstrating integrity, transparency, and accountability in your actions. Show vulnerability by admitting mistakes and seeking input from team members.
    4. Invest in Team Building Activities: Organize team-building activities that promote collaboration, communication, and camaraderie among team members. These activities can range from social outings to problem-solving exercises designed to strengthen bonds and build trust.

    High-performing teams develop trust via shared experiences, mutual respect, and camaraderie. Team members help each other grow and develop, celebrate victories together, and face problems as a cohesive team. Leaders play an important role in building trust by creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere in which team members feel valued and empowered to reach their full potential.
    Poor-performing teams face trust challenges due to communication failures, lack of accountability, and interpersonal disputes. Trust is eroded when team members feel excluded, silenced, or unsupported. In such teams, there may be a lack of clarity about goals and expectations, resulting in confusion and frustration. Without trust, individuals prioritize self-preservation over group success, resulting in poor collaboration and team performance.

  447. Diversity is important in project management. diversity helps the project managers to achieve their goals faster, diversity helps to make the job effective and smooth because its gives room for each team member to bring in their suggestion, creative ideals, skills, connection, experience ,perspectives ,knowledge among others relevant to completing the project. diversity helps the team members to be self determined, diversity takes a short period of time because everyone in the team is working on their path.

  448. Indeed, there is a considerable body of evidence supporting the notion that diverse teams tend to outperform homogeneous ones in various aspects. Much as it comes with its merits, there are some demerits also associated with it. The idea is that a PM needs to consciously work towards maximizing its merits while ensuring that the demerits are reduced to the barest minimum.
    Here are some of the merits I have observed for my working on one or more projects in my career.

    1.Improved Decision-Making: Diverse teams often make better decisions because they consider a wider range of perspectives and potential outcomes. This can lead to more thorough analysis and better risk assessment, resulting in more effective decision-making processes.
    2. Better Adaptation to Change: In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, the ability to adapt to change is crucial for success. Diverse teams are often more adaptable because they can draw upon a broader range of experiences and perspectives to respond to new challenges and opportunities.
    3. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diversity fosters a more robust exchange of ideas and encourages members to challenge assumptions and think critically. This can lead to more thorough problem-solving processes and better outcomes.
    4.Broad Perspective and Creativity: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity can lead to more innovative solutions to problems and increased creativity. When people from different backgrounds come together, they bring unique ideas and approaches to the table, enriching the team’s problem-solving capabilities.

    Here are of the demerits observed:
    1. Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious bias and stereotypes can influence perceptions and interactions within diverse teams, potentially undermining collaboration and cohesion. It’s crucial for team members to be aware of their biases and committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment.
    2. Conflict and Tension: Diversity can sometimes lead to conflicts or tensions within a team, particularly if there are significant differences in values, beliefs, or working styles. It’s essential for team leaders to facilitate open and respectful dialogue to address and resolve conflicts constructively.

  449. It is quite beneficial to have heterogeneous Team in project management. This is because project performance in diversity comes with a great result. Where you have diversified Team members bringing wonderful ideas on the table over a particular project from different backgrounds and perspectives. This brings beauty and effective performance in a project as well as effective delivery.

  450. Project performance and diversity areย significant factors in project management. This is because team members can debate various viewpoints that can help the project because of their differences.
    These monopolies are monotonous and reserved; any organization that wishes to expand will promote and encourage diversity. Team membersย reflect onย whether a project will be accepted, which is vital to the accomplishment of any project.

  451. In my experience and based on research findings, there is indeed a strong correlation between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams tend to bring a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches to the table, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making processes.

    In the realm of immagency manuscript development for Covid-19, the urgency of the situation necessitated the swift formation of multidisciplinary project teams. These teams typically comprised individuals from various backgrounds, including epidemiologists, virologists, public health experts, clinicians, communication specialists, policymakers, and community representatives.

    The diverse composition of these teams proved invaluable in several ways:

    1. Varied Perspectives: Different team members brought unique insights and perspectives to the table, enabling comprehensive discussions and analyses of the emerging disease.

    2. Holistic Understanding: The inclusion of individuals from diverse backgrounds ensured a holistic understanding of the disease, its impacts, and the appropriate strategies for addressing it. For instance, clinicians provided firsthand insights into patient care needs, while communication specialists helped tailor messaging for different audiences.

    3. Innovative Solutions: The diverse skill sets and experiences within the team fostered the generation of innovative solutions for manuscript development, educational material creation, and dissemination strategies.

    However, working in highly diverse teams also presented its own set of challenges:

    1. Communication Barriers: Differences in language, terminology, and communication styles could sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations within the team.

    2. Cultural Differences: Cultural nuances and practices could influence decision-making processes and team dynamics, requiring sensitivity and understanding from all members.

    3. Coordination and Alignment: Ensuring alignment and coordination among team members with diverse priorities, timelines, and objectives required proactive management and clear communication channels.

    Despite these challenges, the success of the project stemmed from effective leadership, open communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to the common goal of developing educative material on Covid-19. Through collaborative efforts, the team was able to navigate complexities, capitalize on diversity-driven advantages, and ultimately deliver impactful outcomes to address the urgent needs of the global community during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  452. Diversity among a project team will enhance effective communication, it gives room for sharing broad knowledge from individuals of different race, ideas and backgrounds. This improves the level of efficiency among the team.

  453. Diverse teams in a project consist of individuals with different skills and expertise. These individuals come together to make things work perfectly and timely. However, team members must be specialised in their various roles and with high levels of experience for greater performance.
    More diverse teams do better work because each individual try to bring out the best in them to achieve a great outcome.
    But are usually faced with challenges such that when everyone is only specialised in what they do, it is difficult to detect a mistake from another. Mistakes are bound to happen. When a mistake occurs from the part of a team member, it’s unnoticed by others and so correction won’t be made. This may hinder the success of the project which early detection of errors would have solved.

  454. I will agree to the fact that ensuring all team members feel valued, included, and heard can be challenging in highly diverse teams. It requires proactive efforts to promote inclusivity, build trust, and create a supportive team environment.
    Decision-Making Dynamics: Managing decision-making processes in diverse teams can be complex, as different cultural backgrounds and communication styles may influence how decisions are made and implemented. Itโ€™s important to establish clear processes for decision-making and ensure that all voices are heard and considered.

  455. I have discovered that people who know themselves too well may not work well together. They could be overly familiar and general underperforming, but there is a high need for compassion and sympathy. Diversity does influence performance.

    – Chijioke Obioma, Team 5, Cohort 13

  456. The relationship between diversity and performance is complex and there is no simple answer. However, there is some evidence that teams that are more diverse in terms of race, gender, age, or other characteristics may perform better than homogeneous teams. This may be because diverse teams bring different perspectives and experiences to the table, which can lead to more creative solutions and better decision-making. Of course, simply having a diverse team is not enough – the team also needs to be able to communicate effectively and work together.

    One of the biggest challenges of working in a highly diverse team is overcoming the communication barriers that can arise. For example, team members may have different cultural backgrounds or use different languages, which can make it difficult to understand each other. Even if everyone speaks the same language, there may be differences in communication styles, which can lead to misunderstandings. Another challenge is ensuring that all team members feel included and valued, and that their perspectives are heard and respected. This can be especially difficult if there are cultural or power differences within the team.

  457. Yeah there’s a relationship between diversity and performance because when you are diverse with what you are doing it will bring in more difference performance better than before.
    More diverse team do better work together.
    Competitive and all

  458. WilliamsOk Cohort 13, Team 10

    From experience, it is obvious that there is a positive correlation between diversity and performance because diverse teams and organizations seem to be more creative, productive, and innovative leading to better business outcomes and improved performance. This is because diversity brings together different perspectives, experiences, and ideas, fostering a competitive advantage

    Some of the challenges of Working in highly diverse teams are: communication barriers and misunderstandings. Difficulty in finding common ground. Possibility of feeling uncomfortable or out of one’s comfort zone.
    However, it’s important to note that these challenges are summutable with effective leadership.

  459. Diversity in the project team will bring people from different specializations, cultures, and races together. This will help to increase productivity, excellence, and interest in the project.

  460. Based on my personal experience, I have observed a clear connection between diversity and the performance of teams. Teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work due to a broader range of perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches. Diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and adaptability, leading to more robust decision-making and better outcomes. However, challenges may arise in highly diverse teams, such as communication barriers, differing cultural norms, and conflicting viewpoints. Effective leadership, inclusive practices, and a commitment to understanding and respecting diverse perspectives are essential for overcoming these challenges and harnessing the benefits of diversity.

  461. Working with diverse teams yield more positive results. From my experience, diverse teams comes together to bring sound ideas and problem solving skills gained from experiences in the past

  462. Base on my observation, I will agree that working with a diverse team yields more positive outcomes.
    From my experience, I once worked as a Program coordinator under the team of a Project Manager, our team can be termed as a diverse team because we all came from different environments, different ideology and theories.
    Even though starting up as a diverse team at times might be faced with the challenges of a storming period but the moment the period is been crossed over to the morning phase, it always yield positivity and energy. Because in a diverse team, different way forwards which will yield to the positive completion of the project will be gathered and it will impact the project to move faster and work with the Sprint kind of speed.
    I strongly believe that there is a strong connection between diversity and high positive rate of performance.

  463. In my experience, it is best to have a diverse team with the best brains with individual specialisation and overlapping knowledge among the team members, this has a very high ROI than a homogeneous team that may find it difficult to work outside his/her field of specialisation.

  464. I will agree that a diverse team will produce a better and higher output compared to a homogenous team.This is because,they will bring variety of problem solving skills,expertise and experiences in order to make the project a success.
    Unlike a homogenous team that is mostly predictable.
    Both have their downsides.When there is very high cognitive diversity,the team members may find it difficult understanding each other or having unhealthy competitions .
    The homogenous team may be able to work together with better understanding.
    However,whether a homogenous or diverse team,the project manager is responsible for making the team members work out their differences,understand the project and itโ€™s goals in order to have a better outcome.

    1. Diverse teams bring together individuals with varied perspectives, skills, and backgrounds, which can lead to enhanced creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Different viewpoints can foster more robust decision-making processes and contribute to a richer and more dynamic workย environment. However, the effectiveness of diverse teams depends on various factors.
      communication barriers
      conflict and misalignment
      unconscious bias

      Diverse teams can offer numerous benefits, addressing these challenges requires a commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment. Leadership plays a crucial role in promoting diversity and ensuring that team members work cohesively towardsย commonย goals.

  465. Based on my observations, I do believe that there is a connection between diversity and team performance. In my own little knowledge, teams that are more diverse tend to be more creative and innovative, and they are often better at solving complex problems. This is likely because diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to better decision-making and more effective solutions.However, it’s also true that diversity can present challenges for teams. For example, communication can be more difficult when team members come from different backgrounds and have different communication styles. Additionally, conflict may arise when team members have different values or priorities. To overcome these challenges, it’s important for team leaders to create an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and respected. It’s also important to promote open communication and to help team members develop effective conflict resolution skills.

  466. In my experience of working with people and teams, I have come to believe that teams with more diverse members produce superior work. Diverse teams have more variety in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience, which helps them adapt better to problems and come up with innovative solutions. They also bring different perspectives, which help teams make better decisions.

    Of course, there may be challenges that arise from diversity. Communication barriers can occur when team members have different cultural backgrounds or speak different languages. Additionally, in-group bias can happen when people with similar backgrounds oppose decisions or suggestions made by other team members. However, these issues can be overcome by adopting the right approach. For instance, providing language training for team members who speak different languages and promoting open communication channels can help overcome communication barriers. Encouraging all team members to share their opinions, and actively listening to other perspectives helps avoid in-group bias.

    Overall, in my experience, diversity is a crucial factor in team performance. By recognizing and appreciating the different perspectives and skills that each team member brings, teams can achieve great things.

  467. I firmly believe that teams with greater diversity inevitably produce superior work. In my experience working with people and teams, I have seen that diversity is the spice that adds value to many things. It leads to enhanced adaptability and innovation, better problem-solving methods, and a broader perspective to make better decisions.

    Of course, there may be challenges that arise from diversity, such as communication barriers or in-group bias, where people with similar backgrounds may oppose decisions or suggestions made by other team members. But with the right approach, these challenges can be overcome, and the benefits of diversity can be fully realized.

  468. Yes, there is a strong relationship between diversity and performance in teams. Research has consistently shown that more diverse teams tend to perform better and achieve superior outcomes compared to less diverse teams. Here are some reasons why:

    Diverse Perspectives: In diverse teams, members bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds to the table. This diversity of thought enables more creative problem-solving, innovative ideas, and better decision-making.

    Improved Problem-Solving: Diversity fosters a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness, leading to more thorough and effective problem-solving processes. Different viewpoints challenge assumptions and encourage thorough examination of all possible solutions.

    Enhanced Innovation: Diversity stimulates creativity and innovation by exposing team members to a wider range of ideas and approaches. When people with diverse perspectives collaborate, they are more likely to generate novel solutions and breakthrough innovations.

    Better Decision-Making: Diverse teams are less susceptible to groupthink and are more likely to consider a broader range of options when making decisions. This diversity of perspectives helps mitigate biases and ensures decisions are more well-rounded and informed.

    However, working in highly diverse teams also presents challenges:

    Communication Barriers: Differences in communication styles, languages, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations, hindering effective collaboration and teamwork.

    Conflict Resolution: Cultural differences and varying opinions may sometimes lead to conflicts within diverse teams. It’s essential to have strategies in place for resolving conflicts constructively and fostering a culture of respect and understanding.

    Integration and Inclusion: Ensuring that all team members feel valued, included, and heard can be challenging in highly diverse teams. It requires proactive efforts to promote inclusivity, build trust, and create a supportive team environment.

    Decision-Making Dynamics: Managing decision-making processes in diverse teams can be complex, as different cultural backgrounds and communication styles may influence how decisions are made and implemented. It’s important to establish clear processes for decision-making and ensure that all voices are heard and considered.

    Overall, while diverse teams offer numerous benefits in terms of performance and innovation, addressing the challenges of diversity requires proactive efforts to foster effective communication, resolve conflicts, promote inclusivity, and leverage the strengths of all team members.

  469. Diversity in a project management team allows for a broader, deeper and more innovative approach to problems. Diverse teams are able to comprehensively understand challenges and develop creative solutions that meet the needs of the project.

  470. Yes, because diverse teams focus more on facts and process them more carefully than homogeneous teams. diversity triggers more careful information processing and, more questions.

  471. True, more diverse teams with diverse skills set and expertise translates into results and project success once carefully and meaningfully utilized. However this might at times depend on the task ahead of them in the project.

  472. Yes, I can say teams with greater diversity produce superior work. Although its not an outright guarantee I must say. But with my little experience with life and working with people and teams, I have seen that diversity is the spice to many things. There is improved adaptability and innovations, better problem-solving methods, and a broad view of things to make better decisions.
    Challenges that may arise from diversity could be communication barriers or in-group bias that may arise from people with similar backgrounds standing or opposing decisions or suggestions made by other team members.

  473. Team Diversity in PM relates to differences in expertise, professions, skills, abilities and knowledge and experience amongst project team members. In a complex world of today where innovations and technology are dynamic, a project team needs to be diversified so as to tend to focus more on the project which bring more productivity to meet up with the projectโ€™s.

  474. A diverse team tends to work better has it’s a group of people with different skills and background, social interaction is zero in a diverse team as there is little or no familiarity among them, they tend to focus more on the project which bring more productivity.

  475. Team Diversity in PM relates to differences in expertise, professions, skills, abilities and knowledge and experience amongst project team members. In a complex world of today where innovations and technology are dynamic, a project team needs to be diversified so as to meet up with the project’s expectations: this cannot be overemphasized.

    A diverse project team tends to be more successful when compared with a homogeneous project team. For instance, I was part of a project team who successfully reclaimed a piece of land for a multi-national oil and gas firm in Nigeria after several other project teams have tried and failed. one of the key attributes that made the difference was the different skillsets in our team. Whenever we were faced with turbulent and complex situations the entire team would come together for a brainstorming session where we would argue and debate issues. But in the end, we would always overcome the challenges.

    This is not to say that a homogeneous team is completely not productive but a dynamic team would produce same result better and faster. Some of the positives of a diversified team are: Diversity in knowledge, expertise in unique areas or field, ability to brainstorm and exchange knowledge and skills, etc.

    Thank you.

  476. based on my observation a diverse team work better that the homogeneous team because when members of the team are from deferent background and have different skills. they bring their diverse knowledge, experience, skills together and do something great to achieve the goal of the organization. both of them will focus on the vision and goal to the maximum without social conflicts. and since they are diverse everyone is unique and through that there will be a mutual enrichment and will support each other and firstly focus on the project’s business with a competitive mind of effectiveness and efficiency

  477. A diverse team is a group of individuals with different backgrounds and skills that works together as a team to achieve a company goals. They might differ in background, ability, hierarchy, knowledge, moral beliefs e.t.c.
    Diverse teams tend to be smarter than homogeneous teams:they often think more logically, are more creative and are more adept at identifying errors in thinking, because they are so many different opinions from people of different backgrounds.
    The connection between diversity and performance is a moderate level to boost the competitive edge, whereas greater level of gender diversity reduce organizational performance.
    The challenges are communication, hierrachy , discrimination, lack of patience for one another, slower decision making e.t.c

  478. When considering the formation of team members, often times, familiarity is not a yardstick to measure how well a team will perform. so far every team member speaks the same language, diversity should not be an issue. As a matter of fact, most successful projects are done by team members who hardly know one another prior to the project. This method is usually adopted by most organizations as it helps every member to focus mainly on the task assigned to them. Being familiar to a project member sometimes can lead to delay in the delivery of the project as members can sometimes take this as an opportunity to relax and not be up and doing. Hence, diversity most times is very much needed in forming a project team for the effectiveness of every team member and avoidance of distractions.

  479. A diverse team is a group of individuals with different backgrounds and skills that works together as a team to achieve a company goals. They might differences regarding age, ability, nationality, ethnicity, religious backgrounds e.t.c.
    Diverse teams tend to be smarter than homogeneous teams:they often think more logically, are more creative and are more adept at identifying errors in thinking.
    The connection between diversity and performance is the moderate level of gender diversity boost the competitive edge, whereas greater level of gender diversity reduce organizational performance.
    The challenges are communication issues, cultural misunderstanding, discrimination, slower decision making e.t.c

  480. From my personal experiences, i agree team members work well regardless of thier background or knowing each other too well. The only issue i have encountered in such is when there is a language barrier.Aside that , everything will work smoothly

  481. Diversity or not has nothing to do with the performance of a team, although it has is own merit and demerits, the most important thing is team members working to achieve the goal of the team. I haven’t work in a more diverse team, so I can’t really day how it’s

  482. A team with diversity has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Speaking on the benefits, there are a divers approach to a situation or even, thereby making it more lively to achieve a goal, because doing something same way could be boring. The diversity of knowledge and approach to a situation, different social Experiences and other factors that can affect the teams growth.

    On the other hand, there could be conflict as different ideas may clash and no one is ready to give room for the other

  483. A diverse team team is unique in the sense that these are experts, individuals with different social experiences, identity and cognitive knowledge of what the whole project is and can apply it to real life situations. A diverse team integrate as a unit when they can identify what the situation is and proffer suitable remedies to such and what the mission is all about in achieving the set goal at the end of the project, a diverse team should be able to synergize and execute projects, administer and ensure that it yields the Desired results with a team lead who has a good control and command of the entire Project.

  484. A diverse team is great because everyone is encouraged to bring their whole self to work has the potential to yield brilliant results.

    It definitely yields great performances but mostimes the factors that may hinder diversity in a project management is time and the nature of the project task.

  485. In my experience of work, team familiarisation and cohesion is usually instrumental to achieving set targets and deliverables. There could be some level of diversity with gender and experience but an integrated onboarding that allows for sound understanding and mutual respect for each team member is key in achieving great success.

    Except for an emergency project where there is limited time to choose who, even at that, there is some sort of understanding within the team.

  486. Yes, thereโ€™s a connection between diversity and performance.

    Diversity in organizations is linked to improved performance and outcomes. Diverse teams bring together a variety of perspectives and experiences, leading to increased innovation, better decision-making, and enhanced problem-solving capabilities. Inclusive environments foster employee engagement and satisfaction, while also providing a better understanding of diverse customer needs.

    Diverse teams tend to produce superior work compared to homogenous teams due to their ability to foster innovation, enhance problem-solving capabilities, engage in more thorough decision-making processes, adapt to change more effectively, and promote higher levels of employee engagement.

    Working in highly diverse teams presents challenges such as communication barriers, conflicts, biases, difficulty in building trust, inequity in participation, challenges in decision-making, and complexity in management.

  487. Working diversely is a great way to achieve many goals at work. Every team members get to participate and share their ideas and work on what work best for the project outcome

  488. Diversity in team tends to work better because of mainly common goal to be achieved by the team. Everyone comes together to try to prove themselves and contribute to achieving the goal that was set even without knowing themselves from on set

  489. While I don’t have personal experiences or observations, research generally supports the idea that diverse teams can outperform homogeneous ones. Diverse perspectives often lead to enhanced creativity and problem-solving, contributing to better overall team performance. However, challenges in communication and understanding can arise in highly diverse teams, requiring effective management and fostering an inclusive environment to maximize the benefits of diversity.

  490. Based on my observation, I see a connection between diversity and performance. Diversity at the workplace positively impacts organizational performance.
    According to research, Teams with greater diversity produce superior work.
    The challenge that often arises when working in highly diverse teams is communication issues. There may be language barriers, different communication styles or preferences, or people with hearing loss on one’s team. It’s important to address these challenges before they become problematic.

  491. Diverse project teams makes a high performing teams. Teams with diverse experience,knowledge,skills and social backgrounds bring an approaches to provide solutions to challenges encountered in projects and it brings a great result because of the good team work.

  492. In my experience, diversity can bring about a positive impact in many ways from innovation, sharing of skills and increase in productivity.

  493. There is a strong relationship between diversity and performance.

    In my experience, I have found that homogenous teams sometimes have underlying issues that get in the way of project performance, this could be grievances from the past or petty issues they might have gotten into before the project.

    A diverse team who have empowered through team charter tend to deliver more as they are interpersonal with each other and understand that they are here for the task at hand only not a permanent role, this motivates them to give their best during the time they have on the project as that is their purpose for being on the team.

  494. Application of iterative process to a project as a project manager means one has to develop models, ideas that are consistent in giving positive feedbacks and usability is top notch as it is a process that requires getting financial benefits as the project runs concurrently. Diversity is key as it gives
    various levels of experience, expertise, knowledge base and varying skill sets that can be combined to form a productive and successful out by all involved team players and it’s a good one for synergizing

  495. Research has shown that diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones in various aspects. When teams consist of individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and skills, they bring a wider range of ideas and approaches to problem-solving. This diversity can lead to more innovative and creative solutions, as well as better decision-making.

    Furthermore, diverse teams often have a better understanding of diverse customer needs and preferences, which can be advantageous in developing products and services that cater to a broader market.

    However, it’s important to note that the benefits of diversity in teams are not automatic. It requires effective communication, collaboration, and inclusion practices to fully leverage the potential of diverse perspectives. Creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard is crucial for diverse teams to thrive.

    Challenges can arise when working in highly diverse teams, such as differences in communication styles, cultural norms, and conflicting viewpoints. These challenges can be overcome through open dialogue, fostering a culture of respect and understanding, and implementing inclusive practices.

    Overall, while diversity in teams has the potential to enhance performance and drive better results, it requires intentional efforts to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all team members.

  496. From experience, diverse teams makes a high performing teams. Teams with diverse knowledge, skills and social backgrounds bring a approaches to provide solutions to challenges encountered in projects.

  497. A diverse team will surely perform well because there will be different ethnicity/culture, gender, religion, background, and so on. This diversity brings about different ideologies and perspectives that will be taken into consideration when a challenge arises.

  498. In my experience, the presence of diversity in an organisation helps to bring about different viewpoints and helps one to see things from different perspectives. This gives opportunity to the project manager and other members of the team to be able to look at problems from different angles and be able to profer different possible solutions.

  499. The presence of diversity in an organization or in team bring solutions to challenges, innovations through new ideas and a work force can stand the test of time.

  500. In my experience, diverse teams eventually metamorphose into high performing teams. Teams with knowledge/skill diversity and social diversity bring a variety of solutions to challenges encountered in projects. This is typical even in linear project management types typical with what i have experienced in manufacturing where i work. The obvious disadvantage is how long the team moves from storming to norming stage. Diverse heterogenous teams typically take longer to reach that stage. When they however do, the become high performing teams.

    A diverse team needs a well experienced project manager who can properly and easily identify strengths and put square pegs in square holes. There is a possibility of this resulting in a slippery slope if not well managed.

  501. Diversity in project managing, is more preferable and less stressful as everyone tends to come together, think diversely but for a common goal, and produce a better result, different ideas, opinions, and experience with no form of sentiment.

  502. I wholeheartedly agree that diversity in a project team unlocks a treasure trove of benefits. But it’s not just about buzzwords; it’s about real-world impact. Take our own home renovation, for instance.

    A few years back, my husband and I wanted to insulate our old, drafty house. The logical solution? Knock down the internal walls and start fresh. Then, a new voice chimed in. Our Romanian colleague, fresh from a construction boom in her home country, proposed something radical: external wall insulation using expanding polystyrene or mineral wool.

    “Save time, money, and stress?” we scoffed. It sounded bizarre, unheard of in our corner of the UK. Back then, red bricks and internal insulation reigned supreme.

    But our colleague persisted. Photos, examples, and enthusiastic explanations painted a different picture. This method, it turned out, was thriving across Europe, readily available and cost-effective. We listened, skepticism slowly giving way to intrigue.

    Ultimately, we stuck with our gut and the familiar path. Yet, the seed was planted. Fast forward five years, and guess what? That “radical” suggestion is now the go-to insulation method, transforming homes across the UK with its efficiency and aesthetic possibilities.

    It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Somewhere, another diverse team took a chance, championed this unfamiliar idea, and now it’s revolutionizing an entire industry. That’s the magic of diversity. It cracks open the echo chamber of our own experiences, exposes us to fresh perspectives, and ultimately, leads to innovation, progress, and even warmer houses.

    So, the next time a diverse voice offers a seemingly outlandish idea, remember my brick wall. Remember the power of stepping outside our comfort zones and embracing the richness of difference. It might just lead to the next big thing.

  503. Diversity has much gain in project managing, as everyone tends to come together, think diversely but for a common goal, and produce a better result

  504. Familiarity brings disrespect, contempt, and unaccountability, which are potential harms to the project.

    I believe that diversity tends to patch that gap. Though one of its limitations might be the need to adapt to the communication patterns of other team members, this can be overcome with a willingness to fit into the system.

  505. Yes it’s true the more diverse team are the better as the team get to know themselves the lazy they become

  506. A diverse team will allow for a larger varieties of individuals with technical know how and expose members of the team to cultural diversities. However, disadvantages may include language barrier leading to poor strategy communication and different ethical and cultural beliefs.

  507. According to my experience with my organisation, diversity is a great gain for a team’s project,in the sense that each of the team’s members has a special skill that will bring uniqueness to the project performance. Because the members of the team don’t know each other,respect,humility and understanding will reign while everybody giving his own expertise.

  508. Diversity brings about excellent performance due to the fact that different view of ideas from different angle just to accomplish a task but sometimes depending on the character of the individuals involve in the project will determine how fast and successful such task will be. If there is a bossy and self centered someone in the team, it’s possible there would be delay in execution but if all are humble and are all focused in achieving a common goal then the diversity will really do help out

  509. I think more diverse team tend to perform better because everyone would want to put in their best, no one wants to create a bad impression about his/herself in the presence of people whom they are less familiar with

  510. Diversity in teams make a lot of sense, it helps make many approaches to problem solving available.
    But if not well managed can bring quite a number of issues.

  511. Diverse team yield quick, greater result in project due to different ideas and making them one great idea and a good performance.
    Advantage of diverse work is also the work load of the project is distributed (labour of division) comes in to make the project fast.

  512. Judging from where I work presently I see that diversity yields more result in other words performance is of the highest level due to competition and the drive to impress. Everyone works as a team because of the drive to achieve success at the end. Team members are focused on the project at work because there is no much room for over familiarity, therefore success is the goal because everyone wants to outdo the other. Performance ratio will definitely go up because of diversity and in my own opinion it should be encouraged in every project team because of the wealth of knowledge from different background and always remember team work makes the dream work.

  513. I agree that a more diverse team produces a more superior output because the diversity is an advantage. There is no sense of over familiarity and distrust in a members ability. Also, the team is focused on delivering on the project in a complex situation and are determined to give it their best shot. There is less time for familiarity on the project.

  514. From my own observation I can see a good and great connection between diversity and performance.
    When there is diversity among team members, this help them to put their best on the table forgetting about their diversity and working together to bring the best out of them all.
    The thought that outsiders are watching them thinking of their failure will help push them above their limit to soar and bring about outstanding performance at the end.
    Working in highly diverse team has its own issues. This is because some members have a high level of ego, looking down on some other team members might make them lose focus, but the moment they set aside pride and ego of I know it all, I’m better than you stuff and focus on their goal they will have a high level of performance at their unity in the project at hand.

  515. From my experience, working with a diverse team has been effective for me. My team members whom I had never met before the project had an underlying motive to outdo each other and therefore brought their best foot forward.
    I saw a very underlying healthy competition and it positively impacted the outcomes of the projects.
    there is a very effective connection between diversity and performance

  516. There is a strong connection between diversity and performance. Diversity includes individuals from various backgrounds, sectors, and genders coming together to accomplish a specific task or goal. The insights they bring from their experiences and exposures are highly valuable for problem-solving. I am of the notion that the greater the diversity, the better the results, as more people from different fields contribute their experience. The main challenge in highly diverse teams is the potential for misunderstandings or feelings of inferiority among team members due to varying levels of knowledge. However, team gets comfortable with each other, ideas and thoughts starts to flow and this is not safe for a complex project where everyone needs to be on their toes to solve the ever-evolving challenges of the project

  517. Working with a diverse group are more productivity. No social cohesion. In most cases, youโ€™ll want to work with them to know how they think, work, achieve their goals. Itโ€™s enhance more broad skills set, it brings about more creativity.

  518. Teams with greater diversity can potentially produce superior work, but it depends on how well the diversity is managed and leveraged. Here are some considerations regarding the connection between diversity and team performance, along with challenges that may arise in highly diverse teams:

    Potential Benefits of Diversity:
    1. Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity can foster innovation and creativity, as team members approach problems from various angles.

    2. Broader Skill Set: Diverse teams often possess a broader range of skills and expertise. This diversity of skills can contribute to more comprehensive problem-solving and decision-making.

    3. Adaptability: A diverse team may be more adaptable to change and better equipped to navigate complex and dynamic situations due to the variety of perspectives and approaches.

    4. Enhanced Decision-Making: Diversity can lead to better decision-making by considering a wider array of viewpoints, reducing the likelihood of groupthink, and improving the overall quality of decisions.

    Challenges in Highly Diverse Teams:
    1. Communication Barriers: Differences in communication styles, languages, or cultural norms can create challenges in effective communication within diverse teams. Misunderstandings may arise, impacting collaboration.

    2. Conflict and Misunderstandings: Diverse teams may experience higher levels of conflict and misunderstandings, particularly if team members are not accustomed to working with individuals from varied backgrounds.

    3. Inclusivity Issues: It’s crucial to ensure that all team members feel included and valued. In highly diverse teams, some individuals may feel marginalized, affecting team cohesion and collaboration.

    4. Stereotyping and Bias: Unconscious biases may still exist in diverse teams, affecting decision-making processes and hindering the full utilization of team members’ potential.

    5. Cultural Differences: Varied cultural backgrounds can lead to differences in work styles, expectations, and approaches to problem-solving. Managing these differences requires cultural sensitivity and effective leadership.

    6. Resistance to Change: In some cases, team members may resist changes brought about by increased diversity, and this resistance can impede the overall effectiveness of the team.

    In conclusion, while diverse teams have the potential to produce superior work, managing diversity effectively and addressing associated challenges are crucial. Organizations that actively promote inclusive practices, provide cultural sensitivity training, and foster open communication can harness the benefits of diversity while mitigating potential drawbacks.

  519. While diversity can contribute to high team performance, it’s not a guarantee. The key lies in actively managing and leveraging diversity through inclusive leadership, effective communication strategies, and fostering a culture of respect. Addressing challenges head-on and promoting an environment that values diverse perspectives can lead to superior team outcomes. Organizations and teams that embrace diversity and actively work to overcome challenges tend to reap the benefits of enhanced creativity, innovation, and overall performance.

  520. Diversity in a team is key. Coming together of people of different expertise and experiences whi understand the goal of the team will work together putting in their positive best.
    The develop team charter help to accelerate a common understanding and clarify misunderstanding and concerns hence all members remain focus.

  521. Working with a diverse team has proven to increase productivity at the workplace. This is due to the diversity in skills, knowledge, and expertise. This helps team members focus on their respective abilities, which has a relatively significant positive impact on team performance.
    However, the major challenge of working with a highly diverse team could be a language barrier.

  522. In my experiences so far, I have learnt that diversity in the work place brings about the best in everyone, also different perspectives, ideas and opinions from everyone when they put their differences aside to achieve a common goal.

  523. Multidisciplinary and cross-functional diverse team has been proven to contribute effectively to the performance and financial outcome of organization in the various project I have been privilege to be attempt. Diverse teams bring a unique approach to project outcomes with everyone impact, it expands ideas and bring about collaborations to achieve a common within a given timeline, however we have some challenges working together especially where it has to be a barrier of language this may have impact in communication and where everyone has to be involved, to get a translator or interpreter delayed decision making which may extend the project completion timeframe.

    Diversity in a project team management is very effective in driving a given project to success.

    Team members come up with different views and ways of tackling challenges based on their experiences. However, team members must possess shared value ideologies to avoid issues that can work against the progress of the project such as break in communications, discrimination, slow decision making, disagreements etc.

    It is important also to ensure effective leadership and communication strategies, in order to maximize the benefits of diversity
    in team formation.

    Thank you for your time

  525. Working with a highly diverse team
    Might mean working with people your not used to but are skilled , effective communication skills will be needed to bound and creat new relationships to enhance productivity

  526. Yes I see a connection between diversity and performance but based on my observations, I cannot fully agree that teams with greater diversity produce superior work; sometimes it might always be so. Diverse teams have the advantage of creativity but one major challenge they might face is collaboration.

  527. Team built on diversity brings out the skills, knowledge and professionalism needed to achieve a set goals. the advantages outweigh it’s disadvantages, for it gives room for better performance and commitment.

  528. Team built put together on different personel perform well and are more productive as members of the team with different personalities tends to bring different ideas to execute and make the project yield successful result….

  529. As a Project Manager in training, I’ve learned that having a diverse team brings out the best in everyone. A team with various backgrounds performs exceptionally well, and the outcomes are consistently excellent. Diversity allows team members to be themselves, leveraging all their skills without worrying about judgment since they didn’t know each other socially before. They confidently showcase their knowledge and abilities without being concerned about factors like ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or age. The focus is solely on completing the project on time with the desired outcomes.

    However, alongside the numerous advantages, there are also disadvantages. Communication may be a challenge due to language barriers and different ways of understanding information. The diversity in approaches can lead to disagreements and conflicts among team members. Therefore, it’s crucial for project leaders to create a safe space where all team members feel free to express themselves and share their opinions respectfully.

  530. For a diverse team, there’s more room for innovation and cooperation. The challenge of a highly diverse team is the lack of technical know how

  531. Getting a diverse team to work together means the project is halfway done. Diverse team work more effectively and efficiently. New and better ideas are usually born on every project with diverse team. The challenge is getting them to work together. Diver team members can be very reservative, until the “atmosphere” or team’s spirit is conducive for them to share their depth of knowledge and experience with other team members.

  532. Diversity in a project team is very effective in driving project success. Team members come up with different views and ways of tackling challenges based on their experiences. However, team members must possess shared value ideologies to avoid issues that can work against the progress of the project such as break in communications, discrimination, slow decision making, disagreements etc.
    It is important to ensure effective leadership and communication strategies, in order to maximize the benefits of diversity

  533. Currently working as a QA Project Manager with a Multi -diverse team , my company has a IT based team in Indian and all Team members are indians . and as the only Nigerian in their IT space has been quite insightful, i have to doubled my patience and Zeal to understand their Language, how they speak, interact and Body countenance. and Yes its has not been easy but this is giving me knowledge on how to work with Cross-Functional and diverse team around the world.

  534. From my observations, the link between diversity and performance seems intricate, not a simple yes or no. While highly diverse teams can be powerhouses of innovation and problem-solving, there are definitely both benefits and challenges to navigate.


    1. Richer perspectives and creativity: Diverse backgrounds and experiences bring fresh angles to challenges, leading to more comprehensive solutions and innovative approaches.
    2. Stronger decision-making: Different viewpoints mitigate groupthink, allowing for more nuanced and informed choices.
    3. Enhanced market understanding: Teams reflecting customer diversity can better grasp their needs and tailor solutions accordingly.


    1. Communication and inclusivity: Bridging language, cultural, or communication style differences requires conscious effort and clear communication strategies.
    2. Conflict resolution and collaboration: Learning to navigate diverse perspectives and approaches to work can lead to initial friction, requiring proactive conflict resolution skills.
    3. Building trust and rapport: Fostering a sense of belonging and shared goals may take time and intentional effort in highly diverse teams.

  535. In my previous role, I noticed that diverse teams tended to bring fresh perspectives to the table. For instance, when we had team members from different backgrounds and experiences, we approached challenges with a wider range of ideas. This diversity often resulted in more creative problem-solving and improved project outcomes.

    However, we did face some challenges. Communication sometimes required extra effort, especially when team members had different cultural norms. Encouraging open dialogue and ensuring everyone felt heard helped us overcome these challenges. Overall, I found that embracing diversity positively influenced our team’s performance.

  536. Team built on diversity perform well and are more productive as members of the team with different personalities tends to bring different ideas to execute and make the project yield successful result .

  537. My experience in a team is that, there should be unity, motivation, encouragement among the team members and the the team leader must not be the authoritative one
    The views of all team members need to be considered and treated a such
    With that, success comes at the end.

  538. Diversity from my experience, gives a team a better chance at performing well and delivering results. This is because teams members bring differing perspectives which can bring balance to thinking and executing. This leverage makes it possible for the team to cover all possible blind spots and deliver. Once the storming stage of a diverse team is taken care of, the team has the tendency to do well

  539. There are high-level of coordination and professionalism that plays out in a diverse team . High performance and Productivity.Risk are well managed.
    Due to high professionalism, teams tends to communicate less, what is of upmost importance is establishing process or channels that helps to manage communication appropriately.

  540. Diversity brings different skills set to the table.the advantage outweighs the draw back if manage appropriately.when the team is form and is normalize identifying the individual skills and assigning their roles help achieve the task and enhances performance

  541. Diversity in teams may be a strong driving force in achieving project’s outputs and outcomes. Having different individuals in a team with the right skills fosters collaborations, commitment and zeal in performing to expectations as defined for each of the team members. Promoting diversity and inclusion has shown great improvement in meeting up with project’s timelines and costs as planned.
    However, highly diverse teams may have some challenges that can hamper successful delivery of projects, one of such challenges may be communication among team members due to language barriers. Project Managers must be ready to address communication, culture and belief issues to align with projects and organizational values and principles.

  542. Yes, there is a positive connection between diversity and performance.

    While diversity can contribute positively to team dynamics and outcomes, there is the need to also actively work to create inclusive cultures that support and leverage the strengths of a diverse workforce.

    Challenges of a diverse workforce include but not limited to ; communication barriers and unconscious biases.

  543. From experience i discovered that a team built on diversity perform better than an homogeneous team. This is due to the diversity in skill, knowledge, expertise and perception that they bring to bear. This helps team members focus on their respective ability, which in turn has a relatively significant positive impact on team performance.
    The major challenge however,of working with a highly diverse team is conflict which may arise due to multiplicity of perception.
    On an international scale, such diversity could mean that people with different language and cultures come together for projects. Their inability to communicate effectively would slow down work. Hence the role of a good Project Manager here cannot be overlooked.

  544. From my experience, I make bold to say that working with diverse team members has lots of advantages that outweighs the other. Having a flow of the project, with clearly stated goals drives productivity, as everyone is focused on meeting deadlines instead of unnecessary familiarity.

    It is important to ensure effective leadership and communication strategies, in order to maximize the benefits of diversity.

  545. What matters most is getting team members who understand the flow of the project. This will not only lead to a seamless project completion but will also ensures efficiency.

  546. What matters most is getting team members who understand the flow of the project. This will not only lead to a seamless project completion but will also ensures effeciency.

  547. from my experienceas a relationship manager,bringing a team of diverse minds,work ethics and core values makes the team work and operate at a more productive pesdastial and ofcourse under unbiased an equal fair supervision and management of the project manager.

  548. For me, building a team is solid regardless of knowing each other closely. it all depends on perfect understanding of the project

  549. A team of diverse people tend to deliver promptly than an homogenous team as they are solely focused on the task. However, if not properly managed they can easily lose sight of the goal due to their โ€˜alienโ€™ personalities.

  550. I tilt towards using a homogeneous team to execute a project.
    I think having worked with a group of people a couple of times makes room for one to understand weaknesses, strengths, and even personalities.
    When you understand someone, you’ll work best with that person.

    Whereas if people who don’t know each other (heterogeneous group) are given a task/project, it may take a while for the team members to understand each other before they can work effectively. And projects usually don’t have that much time forย suchย famzing

  551. With reference to my organization, working with diverse team members has proven to be advantageous. It has brought increase in productivity due to experience put together by these different personalities, increase performance because of optimism, with minimal familiarity with leaders. Most times familiarity brings disrespect and lack of commitment. Though initially may not be easy because of human element but with time trust is built.

  552. From my own experiences, diversity teams brings more experiences, productivity, skills and ideas to be able to achieve goals faster and bring less challenges.

  553. Diverse teams bring more productivity because everyone is just focused on the goal. There is little or no time for informalities, which can bring issues.

    But on the other hand, highly diverse teams may tend to lead to frequent storming between members as individuals with more skill set than others may want to be higher or play higher roles than bring just members.

  554. From my experience, diverse teams bring productivity and help to achieve goals faster. These teams are best because they come together with different ideas from different backgrounds, different perspectives and goals, in other to make the project a success. With diverse teams, i think they operate on a “no answer is wrong level”, and this makes it easy for the team to conclude which direction to take. although diverse teams have their different challenges which include, language barrier, culture, academic level, age difference and so on.

  555. From my experience and video watched, diversity is better and helps to achieve the teams goal faster because it allows people with different skills and experiences of life to come together forming a team and as everyone puts their skills and experiences to work, a goal is acheived.

  556. From my personal experience, diverse team brings more productivity and high project performance as each professionals come together with their skills and innovations and ensure the project meets its desired goals. Good communication skills is another key skills one should have when working in a diverse settings as every member of the team have different understanding and react differently to situations.

  557. Diverse teams bring together individuals with different perspectives, skills, and backgrounds, fostering creativity and innovation. This diversity can lead to more comprehensive problem-solving, better decision-making, and a wider range of ideas. Additionally, diverse teams are often better equipped to understand and serve a diverse customer base. The relationship between diversity and performance is complex, and success depends on various factors, including the team’s ability to effectively manage and leverage diversity. Challenges can arise in diverse teams, such as communication barriers, misunderstandings, and conflicts stemming from individual personal differences. These challenges can potentially hinder productivity and teamwork if not properly addressed.

    Effective leadership and communication strategies are crucial for maximizing the benefits of diversity while mitigating potential challenges.

  558. In a project context, a team is defined as a determined group of individuals brought together to achieve more than what would be achieved individually in both quality and quantity. Diverse team bring about different skills to the table in other to help the project move forward and increase performance. Homogenous team in other words can become too rigid and struggles to achieve or actualize aim of a project, Considering team diversity and its importance on performance, it is worth noting that a diverse team can bring in a diversity of skills and innovation, which can ultimately lead to better results and success for all team member. a win for one is a win for all.

  559. However, based on my understanding of project management, one aspect that could cause pressure for a project manager is managing team conflicts and ensuring team members are working collaboratively towards the project goals.
    To safeguard yourself and your team for running an event, here are some suggestions:
    1.Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Ensure that each team member understands their role and responsibilities in the project. This will help to avoid confusion and conflicts.
    2.Establish communication channels: Set up regular communication channels to keep everyone informed about the project’s progress, changes, and challenges. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
    3.Encourage collaboration: Encourage team members to work collaboratively and share their ideas and expertise. This will help to foster a positive team spirit and ensure that the project benefits from everyone’s input.
    4.Set realistic timelines: Set realistic timelines for the project and ensure that everyone understands the deadlines. This will help to avoid last-minute rushes and ensure that the project is completed on time.
    5.Monitor progress: Monitor the project’s progress regularly and identify any issues or challenges early on. This will help to address them before they become bigger problems.
    6.Celebrate successes: Celebrate the team’s successes and milestones along the way. This will help to boost morale and keep everyone motivated.

  560. Assigning tasks to less experienced members of the team can have both risks and benefits.Risks:
    1.Quality of work: Less experienced team members may not have the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the task to the desired standard. This could result in errors, delays, or rework.
    2.Time and effort: Assigning tasks to less experienced members may require additional time and effort from more experienced team members to provide guidance, training, and supervision.
    3.Confidence and morale: If less experienced team members consistently struggle with their assigned tasks, it may affect their confidence and morale, potentially leading to decreased motivation and job satisfaction.Benefits:
    1.Skill development: Assigning tasks to less experienced members provides them with an opportunity to learn and develop new skills. It allows them to gain practical experience and grow professionally.
    2.Fresh perspectives: Less experienced team members may bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the task, which can lead to innovative solutions and creative approaches.
    3.Team cohesion: Assigning tasks to less experienced members can foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration. It encourages more experienced team members to mentor and support their colleagues, strengthening the overall team dynamic.
    Impact on motivation:
    1.Personal motivation: Assigning tasks to less experienced members may impact personal motivation positively if it provides an opportunity for growth, learning, and leadership. It can be fulfilling to see others develop and succeed under your guidance.
    2.Others’ motivation: The impact on others’ motivation can vary. Some team members may feel motivated by the opportunity to mentor and support their colleagues. However, if the less experienced members consistently struggle or require excessive guidance, it may lead to frustration and decreased motivation among the more experienced team members.
    Overall, assigning tasks to less experienced members can be a balancing act. It is important to assess the risks and benefits, provide adequate support and guidance, and monitor the impact on both personal and team motivation.

  561. Diversity in projects enhance performance because teams coming together having different backgrounds will enable them to look at the project from different angles of experience will let them have a good project at the end

  562. From my personal experience, diverse teams tends to perform better in emergency situation, but have little or know time to get very acquitted with each other , and everyone tends to give in their best shot without any form of selfish or grudge

  563. Based on my observation, a diverse team with different skills and values and less social cohesion approach a task in a better way than a treat with a socially cohesive members. However when working in a diverse team then you should be very careful of your words as they may seem taboo in some culture

  564. Diversity and performance in a project work works better.
    A diverse team can only deliver better and successful result if the communication gap is closed properly which will lead to a sustainable and effective performance from the team.
    but a highly diverse team begat poor performance cause most of the team members have great ideas to share about the particular project at hand which might lead to disagreement among team members and lack of proper communication amongst them.

  565. The relationship between diversity and team performance, particularly in the context of me being a firefighter is directly proportional.

    Using Firefighters as a Case Study:
    In the realm of firefighting, diversity assumes significance due to the multifaceted nature of the tasks involved. A diverse team brings a spectrum of skills, experiences, and perspectives that are invaluable in responding to the unpredictable challenges faced in firefighting scenarios.

    There are benefits of diversity:

    1. Problem-solving: Diverse teams often approach problems from different angles, leading to more creative and comprehensive solutions.

    2. Innovation: Diverse perspectives can foster innovation by challenging conventional thinking and introducing new ideas.

    3. Adaptability: Firefighting situations can be unpredictable, and a diverse team may be better equipped to handle a variety of scenarios.

    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    1. Communication Barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, or cultural norms may lead to misunderstandings.

    2. Conflict: Diverse teams may experience higher levels of conflict due to varying perspectives and approaches.

    3. Cultural Differences: Differing cultural backgrounds may lead to different expectations and working styles.

    4. Inclusivity: Ensuring that all team members feel included and valued can be a challenge in highly diverse teams.

  566. From previous sections it is evident, the connection between performance and diversity. Diverse teams tend to outperform homogeneous teams.

    When teams are diverse in terms of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, they bring a wider range of ideas, creativity, and problem-solving approaches to the table. This diversity can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

    Teams with greater diversity often benefit from a broader range of skills and knowledge, which can enhance their ability to address complex challenges. Different perspectives can also help identify blind spots and biases, leading to more well-rounded decision-making. Additionally, diverse teams are more likely to understand and cater to a diverse customer base, which can be advantageous in today’s globalized and multicultural business environment.

    Especially in a situation where quick response is needed, most times what comes to play is not lay down rules but self thought out ways to ensuring that a solution is provided.
    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Communication and collaboration can sometimes be more complex due to differences in language, cultural norms, and communication styles. It may require additional effort to build trust and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Managing conflicts and ensuring equal opportunities for participation and advancement can also be areas requiring attention.

    Overall, while diversity in teams can lead to superior work and outcomes, it’s important to recognize and address the challenges that may arise. Effective leadership, open communication, and fostering a culture of inclusivity are key factors in harnessing the full potential of diverse teams.

  567. Diversity can also have a positive impact on project performance in a multitude of ways, from greater innovation and skill sharing to increased productivity and higher revenue.

    The diverse team from different backgrounds brings a variety of skills, ideas, experiences, and perspectives, which will translate into teams that can offer greater innovation and problem-solving capabilities.

    Some of the challenges of working in a highly diverse team include:

    Communication issues

    Too many opinions

    Conflicting working styles across teams

    Lack of consensus

    Prejudice, Discrimination, Bias, and Stereotypes

  568. ~My Experience in diversity in teams~
    Well, from experience I feel comfortable to say diversity in teams can be an advantage. It’s pretty difficult for a PM to say he/she is comfortable working with all team members (familiarity). This sometimes maybe known to the particular team members thereby hampering their productivity by affecting their confidence. This isn’t the case for diversity team. It’s a different atmosphere altogether and even those suffering from self-confidence see it as a great opportunity to drive home a point. So yes! Diversity in team is a great asset.
    But I also feel communication may not be effective but it can grow with time.

  569. There is indeed a relationship between diversity and performance. This is because a more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones. The diverse teams’ performance is appreciated because people from different backgrounds, ethnicity, languages, gender, age, departments or even organizations are allowed to bring in their wealth of knowledge into the project. They are allowed to express their individual perspectives and use their unique skills for the success of the project.

    However, the challenges of working in highly diverse teams cannot be overemphasized. Working with people from different backgrounds or departments can bring challenges such as storming which has to do with tensions due to disagreements. This tensions can lead to inferiority complex, resentments, withdrawal or even unnecessary competition. Communication barrier is another challenge since the team members may come from different ethnicity or language.

    In conclusion, in other to overcome the above challenges, the team must use the best approach such as chartering in bringing the team together. Everything about the project should be well written out and agreed. The project manager must embrace good communication channels, encourage collaboration, motivate team members, foster trust and unity as well as creating a conducive environment for a successful project.

  570. Diverse team bring about different skills to the table in other to help the project move forward and increase performance. Homogenous team in other words can become too rigid and struggles to achieve or actualise aim of a project. In a Diverse team, sharing skills and experience helps bring about positive outcome. However, the project manager need to be proactive in other to bring about orderliness so that the team members can know when to share and communicate effectively.

  571. For one, diversity increase productivity. A more productive work workforce translate to higher profits. Diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem solving.
    Where working in homogenous teams can seem easier, it can cause a business to settle for the status quo. Diversity, on the other hand breed healthy competition, stretching a team in a positive way to achieve their best. This atmosphere of healthy competition can lead to the optimization of company processes for greater efficiency.
    However, one of many challenges that rises when working in high diverse teams is
    Communication issues can be somewhat common on diverse teams, and for a wide variety of reasons. There may be language barriers, different communication styles or preferences, or people with hearing loss on your team. Itโ€™s important to address these challenges before they become problematic.

  572. Considering team diversity and its impact on performance, it is worth noting that a diverse team can bring in a plethora of skills and innovation, which can ultimately lead to better results. When people with different backgrounds come together to work towards a common goal, they tend to contribute their best efforts and energy, resulting in higher productivity levels.

    However, it is important to acknowledge that working with people from different cultures can sometimes bring challenges such as communication barriers, reluctance to share opinions, or even a sense of competition. Moreover, diverse teams may have different perspectives on a situation, which can lead to conflicts and affect overall work results. Therefore, it is crucial to establish clear communication channels, foster trust, and encourage collaboration to overcome such challenges and harness the benefits of team diversity.

  573. Yes there’s a connection between Diversity and Performance. The more diverse a team is, the better the performance because there will be different views and opinions which will in turn brings out a better result but they might take longer time.

  574. There’s an effective connection between diversity and performance.
    The diversity tends to bring in creativity and more experience to making the project better.
    Hence, teams with greater diversity tends to do better because more experienced hand at work and more products as well.
    Nevertheless, the challenges seen in this categories of team may be that all wants his/her to be executed. Misunderstanding.

  575. Embracing diversity in project teams offers substantial benefits like enhanced creativity, better decision-making, and improved financial outcomes. However, fostering an inclusive environment and effective communication are crucial to unlock these benefits and ensure successful project management.

    Diverse teams offer broader perspectives and unique solutions.
    Careful management of communication and inclusivity is crucial.
    Diversity can lead to improved project performance and financial success

  576. Working with a team of people of diverse backgrounds, experiences and so on is an added advantage to any project, because you will have everyone viewing from their unique lenses, which will amount to a wholesome view in line with the project when everyone comes to an understanding, for me Iโ€™ll prefer to build a team in this regard

  577. Diversity team will work fine cos you will have different team with different perspective that would broaden your horizon. There will be more respect, less familiarity, mission driven, solution oriented and stress free delivery

  578. Having a diverse team in project management has many advantages. It brings different perspectives and ideas, fostering innovation and creativity. However, managing communication and cultural differences is crucial for cohesive teamwork. Successful diversity management leads to better decision-making, increased adaptability, and a broader skill set. To fully realize these benefits, it’s essential to cultivate an inclusive and respectful team culture.

  579. In my experience, diverse teams are more likely to work better because you get views and opinions from a much broader range and you have people who understand and could better explain to team members in simpler terms or using situations or illustrations that bring out the point you are trying to convey better. With the different experiences that they bring to the table, you are better able to get solutions to issues quicker.
    Additionally, there is more objectivity in making decisions without sentimentality which normally comes up in teams where you might have long time friends. However, the issue of dissention comes up because they might not always agree or some might start feeling like their own ideas are not considered because they are not friends with the higher ups and would thus start kicking against everything.

  580. Assigning tasks to less experienced members of the team can have both risks and benefits.Risks:
    1.Quality of work: Less experienced team members may not have the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the task to the desired standard. This could result in errors, delays, or rework.
    2.Time and effort: Assigning tasks to less experienced members may require additional time and effort from more experienced team members to provide guidance, training, and supervision.
    3.Confidence and morale: If less experienced team members consistently struggle with their assigned tasks, it may affect their confidence and morale, potentially leading to decreased motivation and job satisfaction.
    1.Skill development: Assigning tasks to less experienced members provides them with an opportunity to learn and develop new skills. It allows them to gain practical experience and grow professionally.
    2.Fresh perspectives: Less experienced team members may bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the task, which can lead to innovative solutions and creative approaches.
    3.Team cohesion: Assigning tasks to less experienced members can foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration. It encourages more experienced team members to mentor and support their colleagues, strengthening the overall team dynamic.
    Impact on motivation:
    1.Personal motivation: Assigning tasks to less experienced members may impact personal motivation positively if it provides an opportunity for growth, learning, and leadership. It can be fulfilling to see others develop and succeed under your guidance.
    2.Others’ motivation: The impact on others’ motivation can vary. Some team members may feel motivated by the opportunity to mentor and support their colleagues. However, if the less experienced members consistently struggle or require excessive guidance, it may lead to frustration and decreased motivation among the more experienced team members.
    Overall, assigning tasks to less experienced members can be a balancing act. It is important to assess the risks and benefits, provide adequate support and guidance, and monitor the impact on both personal and team motivation.

  581. Building trust and enabling team members to discover their capabilities are crucial for fostering a positive and productive work environment. Here are some ideas to achieve this:
    1.Encourage open communication: Create an atmosphere where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Encourage active listening and ensure that everyone’s opinions are valued and respected.
    2.Foster collaboration: Encourage team members to work together on projects and assignments. This allows them to learn from each other, share their expertise, and build trust through shared accomplishments.
    3.Provide opportunities for skill development: Offer training programs, workshops, or mentoring opportunities that allow team members to enhance their skills and discover their capabilities. This not only helps them grow professionally but also boosts their confidence.
    4.Promote transparency: Be open and honest with your team members about goals, expectations, and challenges. Transparency builds trust and helps team members understand their roles and responsibilities better.
    5.Celebrate achievements: Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements. This not only boosts morale but also encourages team members to push their boundaries and discover their capabilities.
    Now, let’s look at some experiences related to building trust and learning about each other:
    1.Excellent and high-performing teams: These teams often have a strong foundation of trust and open communication. They actively seek feedback, encourage diverse perspectives, and leverage each other’s strengths. They also invest in team-building activities and create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.
    2.Poorly performing teams: In contrast, poorly performing teams often lack trust and effective communication. There may be a lack of clarity regarding roles and responsibilities, leading to confusion and conflicts. These teams may also struggle with sharing ideas or seeking help, hindering their ability to discover their capabilities and work collaboratively.
    In summary, building trust and enabling team members to discover their capabilities require open communication, collaboration, skill development opportunities, transparency, and celebrating achievements. By fostering these elements, teams can create a positive and productive work environment.

  582. Diversity in project management team in an emergency can bring about a wide range of positive impact on the organization.
    Under this situation ,there is a conglomeration and integration of skills, background, ideologies, problem – solving skills, creativity, innovation, adaptability and resilience to collectively resolve the problem at hand. The fact that they are not familiar makes everyone to be business like and time is well utilized here.
    It is all inclusive as everybody is participatory and everybody’s opinion counts.
    However, there could be communication or language barrier which in a way could slow down success in this emergency sitation.

    Diversity in

  583. As it is widely said, you don’t know what a person or team can do until you give them an opportunity to do it. In my opinion diversity can be a great advantage for a team in an emergency situation. everyone is new and the intuition to want to give their best will keep rising, nobody want to be the reason why the project faulted so they all give in their best within the range of their abilities.

    Inspire of the above a few challenges such as communication, language barrier, etc can rise in the cause of execution.

  584. Team 3

    As a project manager working in a diverse team, there is increasing evidence that diversity can positively impact both performance and financial outcomes. Here are some key findings:

    1. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: A diverse team brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, leading to a wider range of ideas, innovative approaches, and creative problem-solving. This can result in the development of unique and more effective solutions, ultimately improving project outcomes.

    2. Improved Decision-Making: Diverse teams tend to make better decisions due to the diverse range of viewpoints and insights available. With multiple perspectives considered, the team can identify and overcome biases, challenge assumptions, and make more informed decisions. This leads to better project management and reduces the likelihood of costly mistakes.

    3. Increased Adaptability and Resilience: Diversity fosters adaptability and resilience within a team. Individuals from diverse backgrounds bring varied skills and knowledge, enabling the team to handle challenges in a more agile manner. This adaptability supports effective project management in rapidly changing environments, contributing to positive financial outcomes.

    4. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams are often more effective at solving complex problems. Different perspectives and experiences help team members approach problems from various angles, enabling them to consider a wider range of potential solutions. This leads to more comprehensive problem-solving and better project outcomes.

    5. Expanded Market Reach and Customer Understanding: A diverse team can provide valuable insights into different customer segments and markets. By having team members who represent diverse demographics and cultural backgrounds, the team can better understand and cater to a broader range of customers, improving market reach and increasing financial opportunities.

    6. Improved Employee Engagement and Retention: Embracing diversity fosters a culture of inclusivity, which can positively impact employee engagement and retention. When team members feel valued and included, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and committed to the project’s success. This, in turn, reduces turnover and associated costs, contributing to financial outcomes.

    While these findings demonstrate the potential benefits of diversity in project management, it’s important to note that effective collaboration and communication within diverse teams are essential for realizing these advantages. Project managers should promote an inclusive environment, encourage open dialogue, and ensure that all team members’ contributions are valued and respected to leverage the benefits of diversity fully.

  585. In my experience, diversity is advantageous to a large extent as it gives room for the full exploration and learning of diverse ideologies and skills.
    The variety of the skills, background and ideology educates the team at large and broadens suggestions or solutions to the challenge or situation at hand, as every one has a dynamic approach to different situations.
    This also gives room for team members to embrace innovation that are most likely to come in, as it could not only be used in a current project but also in a future project.

  586. Working in a highly diverse team can present challenges such as communication barriers, differing work styles, and potential cultural misunderstandings. Establishing effective communication channels and fostering a culture of inclusivity can help overcome these challenges.

    Diverse teams often outperform homogeneous teams due to a variety of perspectives, skills, and experiences. This diversity can lead to enhanced creativity, better problem-solving, and a broader range of ideas. Besides, diverse teams may be more adaptable and better equipped to understand and serve a diverse customer base.

  587. Diversity in a project management team can bring a wide range of benefits. It can lead to different perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, which can enhance innovation and creativity. However, it may also present challenges related to communication and cultural differences that need to be managed effectively for the team to work cohesively. Successful diversity management can lead to better decision-making, increased adaptability, and a broader skill set within the team. Itโ€™s important to foster an inclusive and respectful team culture to fully realize the advantages of diversity.

  588. As a nonprofit manager, working with diverse teams has always proved great for my projects because a combination of skills and talents gives the best results. Although the challenge with that is having differing opinions on how things should be done. But I am able to bring the teams back to our mission and values, and this helps us settle whatever differences may arise.
    Again, I emphasize that team members focus on their area of specialty.

  589. From my experience as a career counsellor, more diverse teams work and achieve more and I mean far more better that the homogenous teams. But it now boils down to some variables.
    1. What type of tasks are we working on
    2. The ability for the team to quickly adapt to the work situation at hand.
    There will definitely going to be a storming situation amongst the team members . Why ?because they are all from diverse professions having different opinions about work.but the project manager as a professional he is , should be able to quickly handle that and get the team to focus on the task.
    In all, my humble opinion is that the diverse teams will definitely work better that the homogenous ones

  590. In my role at a bustling printing organization, diversity became a vital ink in our success story. Meet Favour, a talented graphic designer with a knack for creativity. As our team embraced diversity, we discovered a spectrum of ideas that breathed life into our projects.
    The colorful blend of backgrounds and skills fueled innovation. We witnessed firsthand how diverse perspectives led to unique solutions and elevated our print designs. It wasn’t just about different colors on paper; it was about the vibrant mix of talents producing superior results.
    Yet, navigating this diverse landscape wasn’t without challenges. Miscommunication occasionally crept in, requiring patience and open dialogue. Emma, with her varied experiences, became our bridge, connecting dots and fostering understanding.
    In reflection, diversity indeed improved our performance, injecting dynamism into our prints. It was a journey where different ideas gave birth to success. The lesson? Diversity isn’t just a word, it’s the bedrock of a brighter future for any team, even one as intricate as a printing press team.

  591. While diversity can contribute positively to team performance, it is not a guaranteed formula for success. To harness the benefits of diversity, organizations need to actively foster an inclusive culture, provide training on diversity and inclusion, and implement effective communication strategies. Recognizing and addressing challenges, such as unconscious bias and communication barriers, is crucial for creating a truly inclusive and high-performing team.
    Diverse teams, encompassing a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills, have the potential to generate innovative solutions, foster creativity, and enhance problem-solving. However, the link between diversity and superior work is not automatic and depends on several factors.

  592. Cohort 12 Team 2

    In my experience, the nature of my job is in a simple environment that does not really experience the VUCA framework. So the linear approach works well and the team members are homogeneous.
    Diversity in team members can also be positive in the projects that require such.

  593. Cohort 12 -Team 2
    From the example we saw, research in different disciplines has shown that thereโ€™s a
    positive relationship between the variety of team members, and the teamโ€™s ability to absorb and respond to diverse challenges. The random selection of available lifeboat crew members contains, by chance, just the right variety of skills and capabilities to meet the unpredictable variety of possible challenges that the crew may face when forming teams in a complex environment.
    Though there is the challenge of language barriers, limited commutation, and some times conflict of interest may arise that may harm the overall project.

  594. In my point of view there is a positive relationship resulting in te diverse team formation and performance because in a team of diverse people who don’t know each other each one wants to show their know-how by contributing their skills, each one wishes to contribute their energy to grt their overall tasks done. It is clear that everyone brings their skills and innovation and in the end it gives the best results. Hence i affirm that more diverse teams tend to be much more productive. Despite the positive correlation between diverse teams and performance, we also realize challenges resulting from people working together with less social cohesion. First of as they are from cultural differences, there could be communication issues caused by different languages, or some not feeling much comfortable to Express their opinions, some willing to prove they are better than others etc. In addition a diverse team may see a situation throughout different perspectives and this can harm the overall work results.

  595. Teams with greater diversity gives rise to improve productivity, invention and innovation,good team spirit,improved company reputation
    Some of the challenges include
    Poor communication
    Language barrier
    Conflict of interest..

  596. In my experience, there is a relationship between diversity and team performance. In diverse team there is a creativity where different individual come together with different perspectives, experiences and approaches in solving problems. Also,with different viewpoints or ideas,and skills it can lead to more innovation and creative solutions. Understanding of complex problems, studies has shown that diverse teams perform better and outperform homogeneous teams in terms of decision making and problem solving. This is because with different expertise of skills they are equipped and knowledgeable to handle varieties of challenges. It is important to note that diverse teams does not give room for better result but the benefits can be realized when the teams are able to manage their differences. The challenges of working in a diverse team is highly sensitive like in areas of communication where individual from different cultural backgrounds and languages tends to have misunderstanding and breakdowns in collaboration due to communication styles. Another challenge in a diverse team is different opinions and perspectives, which brings about conflicting viewpoints and make decision-making more complex. It is important to create an open communication, bridge cultural backgrounds gap and make the environment more comfortable where team members can express their views and put away their differences in order to complete the project at hand. Although diversity can positively impact team performance, it is necessary to manage the challenges that comes with it by managing different perspectives, biases and promoting open and effective communication in order to achieve the desire set goals.

  597. In my experience, there is indeed a relationship between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams tend to bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to more innovative and creative solutions. Different viewpoints can help identify blind spots, challenge assumptions, and foster a more comprehensive understanding of complex problems.Research also supports the idea that diverse teams perform better. Studies have shown that diverse teams are more likely to outperform homogeneous teams in terms of decision-making, problem-solving, and overall performance. This is because diverse teams are better equipped to handle a variety of challenges and adapt to changing circumstances.However, it is important to note that simply having a diverse team does not guarantee better performance. The benefits of diversity can only be realized when teams effectively manage and leverage their differences. This is where the challenges of working in highly diverse teams arise.One challenge is communication. Diverse teams often consist of individuals with different cultural backgrounds, languages, and communication styles. Misunderstandings can occur, leading to conflicts or breakdowns in collaboration. Overcoming these challenges requires open and inclusive communication, active listening, and a willingness to bridge cultural gaps.Another challenge is managing different perspectives and opinions. Diverse teams may have members with conflicting viewpoints, which can make decision-making more complex. It is crucial to create an environment where all team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions, and where conflicts can be resolved constructively through respectful dialogue and compromise.Additionally, unconscious biases and stereotypes can still influence team dynamics, hindering the full potential of diversity. Overcoming these biases requires awareness, education, and fostering an inclusive culture that values and respects each team member’s unique contributions.In summary, while diversity can positively impact team performance, it is essential to actively manage the challenges that come with it. By promoting effective communication, managing different perspectives, and addressing biases, highly diverse teams can harness the power of diversity and achieve superior results.

  598. The Relationship between Diversity and Performance:
    Positive Correlation:

    *Creativity and Innovation:
    Diverse teams bring together people with different perspectives, experiences, and approaches to problem-solving. This variety fosters creativity and innovation, resulting in unique and effective solutions.

    Diverse teams typically have a broader range of skills and expertise. This diversity can help the team analyze and solve complex problems from different perspectives.

    *Employee Engagement and Satisfaction:
    Inclusive and diverse environments can boost employee engagement and satisfaction, resulting in increased productivity and commitment.


    *Communication Barriers:
    Differences in communication styles, language, or cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and communication difficulties among diverse teams.

    *Conflict Resolution:
    Because of different perspectives, diverse teams may encounter more conflicts. Effective conflict resolution becomes critical to maintaining a positive and productive team dynamic.

    *Implicit Bias:
    Unconscious biases can influence decision-making, potentially undermining the benefits of diversity. It is critical to recognize and address these biases.

    It can be difficult to create an inclusive environment in which all team members feel valued and heard. To ensure that everyone has equal opportunities for contribution and advancement, ongoing efforts are required.

    *Team Cohesion:
    It may take longer for diverse teams to develop strong team cohesion. Establishing common goals and cultivating a sense of unity are critical for overcoming potential fragmentation.
    Recommendations for Managing Diverse Teams:

    *Cultural Competence:
    Provide cultural competence training to help team members understand and appreciate diverse perspectives.

    *Inclusive Leadership:
    Leadership should actively promote and support inclusivity, making sure that all team members feel valued for their contributions.

    *Clear Communication:
    Encourage clear and open communication within the team, addressing any language or communication style barriers that may exist.

    *Diversity in Leadership:
    Promote diversity not only within teams but also in positions of leadership. Diverse leadership can help to establish a welcoming organizational culture.

    *Continuous Learning:
    To promote skills development for working in diverse teams and promote a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.

    In conclusion, while there is a positive correlation between diversity and high team performance, managing diverse teams effectively requires proactive efforts to address challenges and create an inclusive and supportive work environment. Successful diverse teams capitalize on their differences, leverage individual strengths, and actively work to overcome potential barriers.

  599. The inclusion of diversity in a team cannot be overlooked.
    It breeds high performance during projects and speak volumes about an organization’s culture.
    Teams with diversity produce an outstanding work because we have people with different ideas, opinions and solutions coming together in achieving a common goal.
    The challenges are as follow:
    Communication issues.
    Delay in decision making.
    Ethnic/ background differences.

  600. Diversity in a team can lead to success of a project is proper leadership, management and guidance is projected into it. Diversity and performance in this context can yield tremendous result as every team member is given leverage to utilize its best performance towards a certain goal.

  601. Diversity in teams:

    Sunday Nathaniel Ngwamah, Cohort 12, Team 10

    To begin with first of all, it is agreeable that diversity has more potential benefit in a team. A case of several multinational companies or corporations are clear examples, beings that there presence in many countries or major world cities has made it necessary for then to hire professionals and experts globally and sequelly build teams around them.

    Diversity in teams have made it possible to ganer wealth of experiences across professions, cultures and worldviews, who come with hunger for excellence and a clear vision and mission of positive contribution to team development and project success.

    In my experience, I have work with team members (with so much diversity) on a project about 15years and the result was mind blowing and same principles is being applied even currently. Team spirit was high and success rate over 95% in all cases. With that diversity, the organisation grew from three branches in Lagos Nigeria, to thirty-three branches in eighteen states (with some states having more than a branch). Turnover had quadrupled, and the common language was “project success”.

    The relationship between diversity and performance in that case therefore was that, overcoming communication barrier, “common goal” and “project success” was the common denominator. Inherent in that diversity was a pooling of varied experiences and expertise into a pool.

    Diversity was catalystic as everyone melted into the project and therefore organisation’s vision, where all that mattered was common success.

  602. Creating and fostering diverse teams within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture and morale of the company. A diverse team can help organizations discover unique solutions and make effective business decisions. Knowing how such a team can benefit your company may allow you to source and find individuals with distinct backgrounds and skills. The benefits of diverse teams are:

    1) Increased creativity and innovation.
    2) Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making.
    3) Strengthened skill sets.
    4) Boosted profits and revenue.
    5) Improved company reputation
    6) Improved team morale

    Some challenges of working in a diverse team are:
    1) Communication barrier.
    2) Cultural differences.
    3) Slower decision-making.
    4) Team bias/Discrimination

  603. In my experience
    The relationship between diversity and performance can be nuanced and context-dependent. While diversity can lead to better outcomes, it’s important to note that simply having a diverse team is not a guarantee of success. The effectiveness of diverse teams often depends on how well they manage and leverage their diversity.

    Some potential advantages of diverse teams include:

    Innovation: Diverse teams can bring a broader range of perspectives and ideas, fostering innovation and creative problem-solving.

    Better Decision-Making: Different viewpoints can lead to more comprehensive and well-rounded decision-making processes.

    Market Understanding: A diverse team can better understand and connect with a diverse customer base, potentially improving products or services.

    However, challenges can also arise in diverse teams, such as:

    Communication Barriers: Differences in communication styles or language proficiency can lead to misunderstandings.

    Conflict Resolution: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to varying perspectives. Effective conflict resolution becomes crucial.

    Inclusion: It’s important to ensure that all team members feel included and valued, addressing potential feelings of marginalization.

    Unconscious Bias: Despite efforts to promote diversity, unconscious biases may still influence decision-making.

    In the discussion section, participants could share their experiences with diverse teams, discussing both positive outcomes and challenges faced. Strategies for maximizing the benefits of diversity, such as fostering inclusive environments and providing diversity training, could also be explored. Additionally, participants might discuss how diversity and inclusion initiatives have impacted their organization’s performance and financial results.

  604. Based on your own observations, do you see a connection between diversity and performance? Do teams with greater diversity produce superior work? Additionally, what challenges arise when working in highly diverse teams?
    For me as a professional in the manufacturing sector, I can say that there is a connection between diversity and performance.
    Recruiting a diverse team in a project, injects personality into the team which makes the team to perform better.
    Diversity refers to more than just race, gender, disability, or religion. It includes employees of different ages, education, skills, levels of seniority, and local and international backgrounds. The avalanche of knowledge, experience and skills of such a diverse team can bring a range of innovative ideas and solutions to the table.
    Amongst the benefits of having a diverse project team include.
    1.Increase Productivity
    2.Builds a positive organizational Culture
    3.Births Innovation
    4.Speedy delivery of projects.

    The challenges that come up when working in a highly diverse team include.
    โ€ข Cultural misunderstandings.
    โ€ขCommunication issues โ€” interpersonal communication styles can present problems.
    โ€ขResistance to Change.
    โ€ขIndividuals trying to impose themselves.

  605. Personally, I haven’t had the privilege to work in/with a diverse team, but my experience from working with a homogeneous team is that there tend to be a firm of synergy within the team, but I think a diverse team can offer more like, different ideas, skills, professions and this can perfect and bring different solutions to problems.

  606. Discussion on Team Diversity

    There is a recognized and positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams. Diverse teams bring varied perspectives, enhancing problem-solving, creativity, and decision-making. The inclusion of individuals with different backgrounds fosters innovation and adaptability, contributing to higher employee engagement and satisfaction. However, managing diversity comes with challenges such as communication differences and potential misunderstandings. As a project manager, it is crucial to play a leadership role in fostering inclusivity, mitigating unconscious bias, and actively addressing these challenges. Establishing measures and regularly evaluating team performance are essential for assessing the impact of diversity on project success. Recognizing and managing diversity effectively contribute to building high-performing, innovative, and resilient teams.
    In my role as a treasurer volunteering at the church, diversity within our finance team has significantly enhanced decision-making, fostering innovation in fundraising initiatives and strengthening adaptability to changes. While acknowledging the positive impact, challenges such as communication differences and cultural nuances require proactive management. The team’s commitment to resolving conflicts, fostering respect, and considering a broad range of perspectives has positively impacted our church community. Personally, being part of this diverse team has provided continuous opportunities for personal growth and learning, reinforcing the value of diverse contributions in achieving our financial goals.
    Working in highly diverse teams, such as a treasurer volunteer in a church, poses challenges including communication differences, cultural differences, conflict resolution complexity, ensuring inclusion and belonging, addressing unconscious biases, managing differing work styles, overcoming time zone and schedule challenges, addressing varied training needs, handling resistance to change, and ensuring equal participation. Proactive management, open communication, cultural awareness, and a commitment to fostering an inclusive team culture are crucial for navigating these challenges effectively in a volunteer setting.

  607. Diversity in team allows different ideas, skills, professions and this can perfect and bring different solutions to problems

  608. The range of experience, expertise, and working methods that a diverse workplace offers can boost problem-solving capacity and lead to greater productivity. In fact, studies have shown organizations with a culture of diversity and inclusion are both happier and more productive.

  609. Diversity in team members speeds up the teams’ performances. Having team members from different backgrounds and ethnicities, will therefore bring in additional skills and increase in performance. But at the same time, the team might experience some challenges such as, communication (language barrier), and disputes on some team members not willing to do as instructed.

  610. Micah Chijioke Madu
    Project Management
    Cohort 12
    Team 6

    I absolutely agree with the tested and proven notion that more diverse teams prove more resourceful and successful as far as projects, it’s management, and outcomes is concerned. Of course this being the case especially in projects that have the finger prints of VUCA all over it.
    A simple reason for the above stand is the fact that team members are bringing in knowledge, skill, experience, and professionalism in diversity. This becomes healthy to the project since the project environment is highly unpredictable and may present challenges of any sort. Having team members with as much variance as possible, gives the team a better shot at finding solutions to these challenges as they present themselves.
    A disadvantage although presents itself at the storming stage of the stages of team development. Disagreements, conflicts, and interpersonal friction may be recorded higher with unfamiliar faces equipped with diverse informed opinions, brought together to achieve a common goal within a specific time frame. But once the team is able to norm, this shift in gear often gravitates towards success at a certain speed.

  611. A. Diversity within teams provides an impetus for increased creativity in both individual employees as well as the organization itself.
    B. It boosts creativity and innovation. This comes back to team members with diverse backgrounds bringing new ideas and different perspectives on problems or projects to the table.
    C. In a more diverse team with a variety of backgrounds and experiences, opposing viewpoints are more likely to arise, and team members feel the need to explore and respond to the issues raised. This leads to discussions on a different level where many viewpoints and ideas are visited and fact-checked.
    D. People who work together in diverse teams can develop and expand their existing skill sets. Usually, team members enhance cross-cultural skills, increase self-awareness, become better at communicating and negotiating, and improve problem-solving skills.

  612. A heterogeneous mixture or diverse team is the best in a complex and unpredictable situation. Bringing together people of different backgrounds, talents, way of thinking, capacity etc. This gives you all options on table during decision making and execution.

  613. Diversity within teams foster creativity and innovation and makes work more effective though there are some challenges like Communication barriers, slow in decision making, and trust issues.

  614. The team with diversity always do well because of the ability to leverage on all available resources. However, diversity, if not properly made us of, can breed disaster.
    Diversity is a great advantage to any team due to the fact that team members complement one another.

  615. As a proficient project manager, adept team management is essential. Embracing diversity within teams not only renders them unique but also fosters innovation and creativity, paving the way for more effective and novel approaches.

    Diverse teams, with their varied perspectives, contribute to superior work by fostering creativity and drawing on the strengths of each team member.

    However, certain challenges can arise, including slow decision-making, communication barriers, and trust issues. Addressing these barriers proactively is vital for maintaining the positive impact of diversity on team dynamics and project outcomes.

  616. As a good project manager, ability to manage a team is a prerequisite. Diversity in teams is what makes the team unique. Diversity in a team brings about innovation and creativity opening up channels for doing things in a more effective and new way.
    Teams with greater diversity produce superior work because thereโ€™s more creativity and great input from everyone.
    Barrier encountered are:
    Slow decision making
    Communication barriers
    Trust issues

  617. Personally, diversity brings about creativity, different ideas and skills are being brought to the table, problems are solved faster and in a more unique way.

  618. In a project context, a team is defined as a determined group of individuals brought together to achieve more than what would be achieved individually in both quality and quantity. They bring together diverse experience, skills, and expertise. When ideas are brought together, there are new solutions and improved performance

    Of course, they face challenges aligned to achieve success. First, creating synergy is the first milestone to make, which is not easy, especially during the storming stage, but not all the behavioral flaws are unhealthy in the teamโ€™s context. The duration of becoming homogeneous is not a precondition, especially in emergency team formation and performance.

    Second, resources are sometimes also an area that creates conflicts when they are scarce. However, thanks to the reason of being (mission), proper and effective management of people, “teamwork,” an organizational healthy culture, and other resources, a project manager can fruitfully run planned and emergently unplanned operations and face unpredicted circumstances for the overall success of the outputs and outcomes.

    In a few words, there is a lot to benefit from a well-managed team on a project (performance), and a project team promisingly endeavors to succeed thanks to effective leadership.

  619. As a good project manager, ability to manage a team is a prerequisite. Diversity in teams is what makes the team unique. Diversity in a team brings about innovation and creativity opening up channels for doing things in a more effective and new way.

  620. Diversity brings range of skills and experience to solve VUCA situations, enabling objectives of the project to be met

  621. As per my experience in Administration and as per the lesson

    Diverse team often results to creativity and brainstorming because they are a team different skills and experience which enables them make decision faster and perform exceptionally.
    โ€ข Challenges are;
    1. Communication styles may differ
    2. Different profession with different values and behaviors which could cause conflict.
    3. Collaboration becomes difficult due to different professional ideas which affects team performance.

    My example is My current work when I worked with a diverse team on a supervising. Standard gauge railway in My country Tanzania with everyone had so much opinions and wanted it to be included in the plan, there were conflicts and resolutions but at the end of day we all agreed that the project was a priority and of course everyone had wonderful ideas, so we worked as a team, set our differences aside and the result was spectacular.

    1. It requires that project managers should quickly learn and integrate the diverse range of skills, culture and attitudes brought by diverse team members.

  622. A diverse team are able to see things from various perspectives based on their background, experiences (both life and professional) and their interests. The experiences always give the project depth that a homogeneous group are unable to give.

  623. A quick one ,a diverse team often results to creativity, ideas from different individuals with various skills and experiences that will enable decisions to be made faster to achieve an excellent performance. An example cited is where i worked with a diverse team to design a project, there was a problem in professional etiquette and communication style ,everyone had so much views and opinions to be included and there was conflict and resolution ,an agreement was made to complete the most priority project that made us come together as a team. The task was carried out as a team and the project was exceptional, everyone was pleased with their wonderful ideas put together and differences were set aside.

  624. โ€ข A diverse team often results to creativity and brainstorming because they are a team different skills and experience which enables them make decision faster and perform exceptionally.
    โ€ข some challenges are;
    *communication styles may differ
    * different profession with different values and behaviors which could cause conflict.
    *collaboration becomes difficult due to different professional ideas which affects team performance.
    โ€ข A quick example was when I worked with a diverse team on a design project. communication style and professional etiquette was a problem, everyone had so much opinions and wanted it to be included in the plan, there were conflicts and resolutions but at the end of day we all agreed that the project was a priority and of course everyone had wonderful ideas, so we worked as a team, set our differences aside and the result was spectacular.

    1. Diversity makes it better. Working with a team that barely know each other they all will want to give their best to see they create a niche since it’s always a short term team so that the next time something comes up the team lead will know who to call. Just like the case of Nigeria our diversity is what helps the country. The moment regional, tribal difference set in you realize there will be a fight. But we stand better in our difference

    2. Diverse teams can outperform homogenous ones due to a variety of perspectives and skills, fostering creativity and problem solving. However, effective collaboration and communication are crucial for realizing these benefits.
      Challenges in diverse teams can include communication barriers, differing cultural norms, and potential misunderstandings. Balancing various perspectives and ensuring everyone feels heard requires proactive effort. Additionally, addressing unconscious biases and fostering inclusivity are ongoing tasks.

      1. Fortunately, I have been a member of both a homogeneous and diverse team at various times. Looking at what is being thought now and juxtaposing it on my experience, both teams performed well within their scope because the environments were suited to the teams selected. The environment for the homogeneous team was simple and so we could function easily and quickly, whereas for the diverse team, the complexity of the environment and situation was helped by the diverse makeup of the team, bringing top experiences to sort out various emergencies.

  625. Yes
    Yes, Teams with greater diversity produce superior work because there’s more creativity and great input from everyone.
    Barrier encountered are:
    Slow decision making
    Communication barriers
    Trust issues

    1. As a project manager you need to have the ability that can provide to build your concrete team which is that compit with other project in order to have a potential undefeatable goals

    1. Diversity helps in the improvement of project productivity which still depends on the management skills of the project manager and her team.

  626. As a good project manager, ability to manage a team is a prerequisite. Diversity in teams is what makes the team unique. Diversity in a team brings about innovation and creativity opening up channels for doing things in a more effective and new way.

  627. Diversity enhances performance when it’s structured well.Some projects that are complicated in nature will surely do well in terms of time line delivery and quality when the team is diversified but diversity must also be structured well for effective communication and traction.Diversity engenders effective responsibility matrix.

  628. A diverse team is the best in a lot of situations and it has been proven & tested because of the diverse potentials each of the members displays in achieving results. Timely delivery and exposure to different grey areas tell how dynamic & diverse the project team are.

  629. The role of diversity in teams cannot be over emphasized just as the homogenous team also has its roles and functions. For me both have their pros and cons. In my experience sometimes in a homogenous team this local parlance “see finish” can set in where because members of the team who might have been working together takes the other member for granted which in way may negatively impact on project delivery due to taking others for granted, however more often than non this rarely occurs if the goals and everyone’s task have been well spelt out from the onset, and this ensures seamless execution of tasks without a fuss however diversity also brings out the best in that a different angle or approach may save time cost hence diversity in team is always a welcome thing. Moreso diverse team members also bring out about spontaneity especially in a very volatile situation that is ambiguous and this can help the team to bond and also bring out the best in a project manager or the worst in delivery of the outcome of a project

  630. In my opinion, situations and the the urgency of a project can determine if diversity or homogenous can be better in achieving result, although it makes it more easier to cordinate a team when they dont even know themselves, team members tend to be more focused and result driven. Result is achieve quickly withing a stipulated time even without much stress and supervision.

  631. A diverse team will make work more effective. More and new ideas will be brought to life with more experience and teamwork

  632. Yes, there is. Diversity is having people with different races, gender identities, career backgrounds, skills, and so on working together: this means they get to interact, communicate, and collaborate. The more diversity in the team, the better collaboration can be fostered.
    However, the con to this is the problem of misunderstanding, inferiority complex, bias, and so on,

  633. Having a diverse team is a plus towards working effectively. New ideas will be deployed as well as experiences. One major challenge to be faced is Communication.

  634. Teams with more diverse knowledge tend to produce better outputs because they are more knowledgeable.

    Teams that have diversity in languages, ethnicity, etc. may have some issues due to barriers (e.g. language barrier, cultural biases, etc.). It takes more effort on the part of the project manager, and the organization’s management team as a whole, to create standards -a level ground- that can work for everyone on the team.

  635. A team of diverse individuals tend to yield fantastic outcome based on my personal experience. I have worked in a field office of 8 people with everyone coming from different part of the country and did fantastically well and earning an award for the best team in the country. I cannot agree less.

  636. Diversity is a must for better performance among team members in any given project. Teams with great diversity tend to produce better results due to the variety of skills, knowledge and experience from different team members. Some of the challenges to diversity in a team could be lack of proper communication, difference in personalities etc.

    1. Diversity is the life line of a great team, from my cognate experience as a project manager i can clearly say i have achieved greater success working with a diverse team than a homogeneous team.

    2. Diverse teams often bring varied perspectives, creativity, and problem-solving approaches, contributing to overall excellence in project work.

      The best project team should be teams members who has not known each others before, and team members who has diversity in identity and also, project work can be delivered successfully with team members who has diverse knowledge.

      However, challenges in highly diverse teams may include communication differences, potential misunderstandings, and the need for effective management to harness the benefits.

  637. Optimal performance often accompanies diversity.
    A team’s capacity to address intricate issues is enhanced through diversity, as it introduces a wider array of approaches and solutions. Varied perspectives foster more thorough analyses.
    Diverse teams amalgamate various ideas and viewpoints, nurturing creativity and innovation. This fosters more efficient problem-solving and the creation of distinct solutions.

  638. Just like variety is said to be the spice of life, diversity in project teams yields better outputs and outcomes. Individuals making up the team definitely must have some form of expertise to have been drafted into the team in the first place. Individual expertise has varying depth (of knowledge and experience) and this can be due to different backgrounds, exposure, number of times the skills have been put to use, perspectives etc. When eventually the team is able to move pass the storming phase, there is a resultant synergy that produces great performance and delivery.

  639. Diversity increases performance in a project. Each person in n a team manning a particular section of a product increases productivity and saves time. Teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work because there is division of labour which helps to save time and increase the quality performance of each member in the team.

    Challenges that could arise when working in highly diverse teams are:
    1. Cultural factors
    2. Environmental factors
    3. Individual values
    4. Personality

  640. Isibhakhomen Angel Alimikhena

    When there is diversity, there is great performance.
    Diversity can improve a team’s ability to tackle complex problems by offering a broader range of approaches and solutions. The diversity of thought can lead to more comprehensive analyses.
    Diverse team bring together different ideas and viewpoints, Fostering creativity and innovation. This can lead to more effective problem-solving and the generation of unique solutions.

    1. Working in highly diverse teams can present various challenges including;
      1.Communication barriers
      2.Cultural differences
      3.Conflict resolution
      4.Implicit bias
      5.Time zone differences
      7.Decision making styles
      8.Awareness and sensitivity
      9.Leadership challenges.
      Despite these challenges, when managed effectively, diverse teams can bring wealth of perspectives, creativity, and innovation. Overcoming these obstacles often involves, fostering open communication, providing cultural awareness training, and promoting a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect.

  641. In my experience leading and managing Teams, diversity is a must. Diversity brings different perspectives to a problem leading to more robust solutions. It is my responsibility to create an enabling and safe environment to encourage free flow of ideas, opinions and questions.

  642. There is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. From research, more diverse teams can bring a variety of perspectives, skills and experiences which can lead to increased innovation, problem solving and creativity.
    Challenges of highly diverse teams
    1. Communication barriers
    2. Conflict
    3. Cultural sensitivity
    4. Inclusion issues
    5. Team cohesion

  643. Diversity and performance are weaved as in a different colleagues can beat in a perplexing undertaking than in a homogeneous group.
    Various groups frequently bring fluctuated viewpoints, innovativeness, and critical thinking draws near, adding to generally greatness.
    Nonetheless, challenges in profoundly different groups might incorporate correspondence contrasts, likely errors, and the requirement for successful administration to bridle the advantages.

  644. In my experience, diversity within a team is a double-edged sword.

    Let’s face it, in this kind of team, the members are results-oriented, they don’t have time to really get to know each other. All that binds them together is the common goal.
    But the downside is that there’s no real cohesion within the team, and this doesn’t help team spirit; it becomes a group rather than a team.

  645. I am actively in line with diversity breeds efficiency, the likelihood of success between people who dont know each other is quite high cos there is no familiarity, no time for jests and fun, its all hinged and work, breaks and work again. The focus is the project and their reason for bonding is the project and that gets a task done.

    1. Having a diversity team brings about different thoughts, background and inputs which helps to discover creative ways of solving problems. This is because each team member has different perspectives and ideas that homogeneous team might not uncover.

  646. Diversity in team building is essential toe because boundaries are extremely respected. Visions and goals and together aren’t shared based on familiarity.

    Based on different backgrounds, inputs are made from different approaches, skills and experience. This is an asset. It will most definitely facilitate absolute speed in delivery and output of the project at hand.

  647. I would like to start with the proverb that says “familiarity breeds contempt.” In my opinion, I believe that diversity has a causal relationship with performance as teams with high levels of social diversity, with low social cohesion will have less personal baggage interfering with the project goals, as the common unifier for all members is the project.

    This is likely to increase the level of collaboration among team members, creating an environment for sharing ideas and combining their skills in achieving the goals agreed on.

    In my experience, working with the same members all the time may create room for more friction especially as it relates to chain of command, as some people tend to uncomfortable with accepting leadership from someone they consider a peer. Situations like this often leads to projects taking longer to achieve as tensions need to be descalated to get the team working together successfully.

    The one downside I see to having highly diverse teams is each member comes with their own personality and unique way of doing things which may pose challenges for the overall project if not well managed by the project manager to ensure all members prioritize the project vision.

    1. connection between diversity and performance.

      In my personal experience, I was responsible for a lead role for publicity team for a national event.

      During team formation, I went for homogeneous team because I thought we would all have good communication and outstanding mutual understanding but I was wrong. I could not get the better results I wanted, until I opted for diverse team members. The job was exceptionally done and we got the best commendation.

  648. Diversity in teamsย actually allows individuals to actively participate and share their ideas in their unique ways.ย This can bring about increased engagement and performance across a team which in turn enhances the motivation of members to reach company goals.

  649. Diversity in teamsย actually allows individuals to actively participate and share their ideas in their unique ways.ย This can bring about increased engagement and performance across a team which in enhances the motivation of members to reach company goals.

  650. From my years of experience, there is a correlation between diversity and performance. Fostering a diverse team with varied backgrounds, skills and inputs, has helped in discovering more creative ways of solving problems and innovating, where possible.

    I believe that diverse team, relatively, do better work than homogenous team. For a particular task, the latter may more or less undertake it based on familiar routines whilst the former may go beyond the norm to think outside the box, thereby delivering an outcome that is distinct and relatively, better.

    The challenges that often beset highly diverse team are cultural differences, communication barrier and prejudices.

  651. A diverse team enhances the productivity of a specific goal in an organization through different opinions, skills and knowledge. When there’s an input of diverse ideas and opinions from a group of individual who works together as a team, it actually create room for creativity and increases productivity.

  652. Diversity in team work can ensure that people work effectively contributing their different ideas and perspectives to which a project can be successfully completed. So therefore I agree it is the spice of team work.

  653. Diversity can impact project delivery positively if intentionally harnessed , it can delay coming to terms on strategies implementation plan.
    It can also create opportunities for better approaches to ensuring project success.

    1. In my experience at work, I have noticed that diverse team works effectively than homogeneous team members. Many times familiarities and I know it all among the homogeneous team members halt the progress of the project

  654. Base on my experience, diversity in a team leads a better performance, increase job satisfaction and make better efficiency.

  655. Yes, I do believe that more diversity in a team means there are different perspectives to draw from. People view things in different ways and have different strengths and weaknesses and as such can each contribute something unique.
    On the flip side, different people with different views means there are bound to be disagreements on how to move forward sometimes.

  656. I believe diversity creates room for varied perspectives, wider range of ideas, creativity, and problem-solving approaches, as well as contributing to overall excellence, it also depends on how well a project manager handles the team.

  657. There’s this saying:over familiarity bring Enmity,this is true because when the team are familiar there will be a display pf laxity in the sense that no one will advise anyone amongst them..But when there’s diversity there will be pressure internally to present oneself approved of his field..

  658. My experience matches and recognizes that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones, there indeed seem to be a relationship between diversity and performance, certain professionals(skilled) exhibits a free hand to perform in the diversity space than in the homogenous ones, this likely boils down to teams ability to showcase actual talents and free hand to prove/show their worth/ability the diversity team in delivering the project goal.

  659. Research supports the positive impact of diversity on team performance, and it aligns with my observations.

    Diverse teams often bring varied perspectives, creativity, and problem-solving approaches, contributing to overall excellence.

    However, challenges in highly diverse teams may include communication differences, potential misunderstandings, and the need for effective management to harness the benefits.

    Balancing diversity with effective collaboration is crucial for optimal team performance.

  660. Diversity yield tramendous perspectives and enhances performance in a team through careful management but at some point it can also cause low performance through wide range of ideas in a team

    1. Diversity and performance are entwined in the sense that a diverse team members can outperform in a complex project than in an homogeneous team.

      Diversity breeds more skills, expertise and creativity in project success. A diverse team is likely to work with more vigour as individuals in the team with various experiences would put in their efforts and also would like to be recognised for their roles.

      In as much as diversity seems cool, its demerits need to be tamed. PM need to work on team communication and team conflicts….when there are different intellectual minds, there’s a likelihood of disagreement in ideation stage.

  661. Being a project manager at MTD, involving working with heterogenous teams with divers professional and social/cultural background, one major area challenge that I can envisage is that of misunderstanding and conflicts, while interacting

    I will definitely have to apply conflict management strategy and this will involve acting to broker peace amongst the concerned team members and also highlight the likely impact such issue could have on the entire project goal and the immediate beneficiaries of the project work

    My suggestion will be to apply the 3 forms of feedback approach

    1. Appreciation
    2. Advice
    3. valuation

  662. I agreed with the Apm, Diversity Team work create more creativity, ideas and experiences. Diversity Team required a Adequate Management to derived a positive results because of diff people from different background coming together to form a Team.

    1. I agree with the APM . There is always beauty is diversity. Diversity brings about creativity , it brings different methods of problem solving . So I strongly agree that a diverse team will outperform a homogeneous one.

  663. I agreed with APM, diversity increases performance. Having a more diverse team brings in more perspective and affect project outcome. But diversity also have its own challenges, to have a more diverse team the PM need to do a great job for all team members to be on the same ground, understand the goal and purpose of the project and be able to work as a team.

  664. I am in total agreement with APM; diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher performance. Also, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

    Conversely, challenges may arise in highly diverse teams, such as differences in communication styles, conflict, potential misunderstandings, or varying cultural norms. Effective leadership and clear communication strategies are essential to tackle the benefits of diversity while addressing these challenges by the project manager.

  665. In my experience, diverse teams often exhibit increased creativity and innovation due to a variety of perspectives and approaches. This diversity can lead to more comprehensive problem-solving and a richer pool of ideas.

    However, challenges may arise in highly diverse teams, such as differences in communication styles, potential misunderstandings, or varying cultural norms. Effective leadership and clear communication strategies are essential to harness the benefits of diversity while addressing these challenges.

    Overall, fostering an inclusive environment that values and integrates diverse perspectives can contribute to the high performance of teams and organizations

  666. Increased Creativity and Innovation:
    Diverse teams are often more effective at problem-solving due to the variety of approaches and insights they bring.
    Different viewpoints contribute to a more comprehensive analysis of challenges.
    Enhanced Decision-Making:

    Diverse teams can make more well-informed decisions by considering a wider range of factors.
    The inclusion of diverse perspectives helps in identifying potential biases and mitigating risks.
    Leadership Challenges:
    Inclusive Leadership:
    Leaders must actively promote inclusivity and create an environment where all team members feel valued.
    Leadership styles may need to adapt to accommodate diverse team dynamics.
    In conclusion, while diversity can contribute significantly to team performance, it is not a guaranteed formula for success. The key lies in fostering an inclusive environment, promoting effective communication, and addressing the challenges associated with diverse team dynamics. Success is more likely when organizations actively manage and leverage diversity to harness its positive impact on creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.
    Diversity enhances a team’s ability to adapt to change and respond to dynamic environments.
    Exposure to diverse perspectives prepares teams for a variety of scenarios.
    challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    Communication Barriers:
    Language and Cultural Differences:
    Differences in language and culture can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
    Communication may require additional effort to ensure clarity.
    Communication Styles:
    Diverse teams may have members with varying communication styles.
    Some members may be more direct, while others may prefer indirect or nuanced communication.

  667. Increased Creativity and Innovation:

    Diverse teams bring together individuals with different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences.
    This diversity of thought fosters creativity and innovation, leading to a broader range of ideas and solutions.
    Better Problem-Solving:

    Diverse teams are often more effective at problem-solving due to the variety of approaches and insights they bring.
    Different viewpoints contribute to a more comprehensive analysis of challenges.
    Enhanced Decision-Making:

    Diverse teams can make more well-informed decisions by considering a wider range of factors.
    The inclusion of diverse perspectives helps in identifying potential biases and mitigating risks.
    Leadership Challenges:
    Inclusive Leadership:
    Leaders must actively promote inclusivity and create an environment where all team members feel valued.
    Leadership styles may need to adapt to accommodate diverse team dynamics.
    In conclusion, while diversity can contribute significantly to team performance, it is not a guaranteed formula for success. The key lies in fostering an inclusive environment, promoting effective communication, and addressing the challenges associated with diverse team dynamics. Success is more likely when organizations actively manage and leverage diversity to harness its positive impact on creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.
    Diversity enhances a team’s ability to adapt to change and respond to dynamic environments.
    Exposure to diverse perspectives prepares teams for a variety of scenarios.
    challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    Communication Barriers:
    Language and Cultural Differences:
    Differences in language and culture can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
    Communication may require additional effort to ensure clarity.
    Communication Styles:
    Diverse teams may have members with varying communication styles.
    Some members may be more direct, while others may prefer indirect or nuanced communication.

  668. There is a strong connection between diversity and performance. A diverse team brings to the table different approach to problem solving and achieving a common goal.

  669. Diversity boosts a culture of innovation, creativity, and strategic thinking. As teams composed of individuals from different backgrounds can draw upon their unique experiences and a broader knowledge base to spark novel and inventive ideas.

    1. To make diverse teams successful, organizations need to create inclusive environments that respect and leverage these differences. While diversity can enhance performance, it’s not a guarantee; effective team dynamics, leadership, and a commitment to inclusivity are critical factors in realizing these benefits.

      But from experience on working in a pharmaceutical company where good performances were recorded came from a few team members not belonging to regional nor tribal connection to the founder and the president of the organisation. Diversity should be encouraged.

  670. Yes, there definitely is.
    Yes, diverse teams do better at work because they come with broader perspectives from different sectors, they have diverse knowledge and skills which will allow for more creative trouble shooting and innovative solutions.

    The challenges of working in highly diverse teams could range from lack of acceptance, miscommunication, personal biases, language barriers, lack of inclusivity, cultural peculiarities and conflicting values, discrimination which may negatively impact the performance of the team.

  671. Yes, there’s a great relationship between diversity and performance. When you diversify in a good way it yields better results leading to great performance of the team. So diversity in mode of operations is very important in project execution for successful completion of a project.

  672. Yes! There is a relationship between diversity and performance.
    โ€“ Diversity leads to better performance, it increases productivity. It increases work/ job satisfaction. Leads to a low work turnover intention and high organizational commitment.

    -More diverse teams do better work and deliver better results and make better decision. It aids employee retention, increases profitability and business growth. It leads to greater innovative and solves problem faster.

    โ€“ The challenges in diverse teams includes;-
    Discrimination, misunderstanding due to differences in culture

  673. Diversity creates a workplace and culture that is intuitively flexible, agile, and adaptable. It spans many dimensions including individuals (race, gender, physical abilities, age, and body type) and organisational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, backgrounds, preferences, and behaviours. Diversity helps to deliver competitive performance in projects and organizations.

    Discrimination is a credible challenge when using diversity. This spans from gender, to pay gaps etc.

  674. The more diverse the team the greater the performance, because every individual in the team has an experience that can aid the project fulfilment and result, and reduce the time spent deliberating on the way forward managing the time at hand to complete the task.

    1. There is a strong connection between diversity and performance. Diversity involves individuals from various backgrounds, sectors, and genders coming together to accomplish a specific task. The insights they bring from their experiences and exposures are highly valuable for problem-solving, thus enhancing project performance. I believe that the greater the diversity, the better the results, as more people from different fields contribute their insights. The main challenge in highly diverse teams is the potential for misunderstandings or feelings of inferiority among team members due to varying levels of knowledge. However, the key solution lies in fostering a sense of unity, where everyoneโ€™s opinions are respected, and their contributions are valued. This can resolve such issues.

  675. Diversity is crucial addendum in proper project management practice, it allows for adequate and efficient perspective and approach when implementing project.
    Diverse team truly do better work even maybe as a results of the situation being more focused on achieving the goal of the assembly with low time available for modalities.

  676. Diversity does have a strong connection with team performance as working with highly diverse teams offers many benefits like enhanced problem solving, innovative(outside-of-the-box) thinking, high level efficiency and performance. Diverse teams often offers multiple viewpoints and perspectives to problem solving which is a huge positive as team does not suffer groupthink when compared to homogeneous teams.
    Tho working with highly diverse teams may pose potential challenges like unhealthy competition, language and cultural barriers, conflicting ideas etc. Its the role of the PM to be able to balance things up by carrying everyone along and fashioning out a way to make each team member feel valued with their different ideologies to work for the common goal of delivering a high value final output.

  677. Diversity in teams

    As a project manager forming a project team or working with team that is formed through combination of diverse individual from different bodies.
    Team development even as seen in the video follow the Bruce Tukmam stages of team formation which are:
    The project manager is saddled with the responsibility to create an enabling environment for team , environment that ensure good communication and understanding the project goal, vision and purpose.
    Project manager should allow everyone to maximize his or her expertise.
    One of the challenges the project can be face with is inadequate output,waste of time and resources. To avoid this challenges the project manager must ensured a structured team interaction,irrespective of their social economy back ground.

  678. Isibhakhomen Angel Alimikhena

    Diversity in a team can bring numerous benefits, it requires intentional efforts to address challenges and create an inclusive environment, when managed effectively, diversity contributes positively to a team performance, fostering creativity, innovation and Adaptability.

  679. Yes I believe there’s there’s connection in diversity and performance. Even though expertise of the team members matters more but overall performance is determined mostly by the professional relationship with regard to the project and diversity of the team members can influence that, at least at initial.

  680. Yes, their is connection between diversity and performance. The connection is a complex and multifaceted issue. My experience in a building model construction that were to be delivered within 24 hours shown that diversity have effects on our performance as follows:
    โ€ข Innovation: during the construction of the model which involve myself, 2 staff from different organisation and some students, a wider range of perspectives and new ideas were generated, this made us to be more innovative and creative when carrying out the project.
    โ€ข Problem Solving: we were effective at solving complex problems because we considered a variety of viewpoints to get work done on time. The students were enthusiasm to learn more new ideas from us.
    The performance was based on various factors, including the type of tasks(model making) and team dynamics. The effective management and inclusive practices exhibited by me as a team leader improved the performance and better delivery as schedule.
    Yes, more diverse team do a better work:
    Because, despite differences in our background, skills, perspectives, and experiences of the team memberโ€™s, we were able to be creative, innovative, and conceived a broader range of ideas that made us construct quality and cost effective model.
    Challenges of Diversity
    โ€ข Conflict: The teams experienced conflicts due to varying opinions (methodology of approach), values, and experiences of the members.
    โ€ข Inclusion: my efforts in Ensuring that everyone in the team feels valued and included was a bit challenging. The student find it difficult to blend with us at beginning because of the diversity in age and levels.
    In summary, while diverse teams can lead to better performance under the right conditions, it’s essential to manage diversity effectively to reap the benefits and address the challenges that may arise. Promoting inclusivity, effective communication, and cultural sensitivity are key to maximizing the advantages of diversity in the workplace.

  681. There is a strong link between diversity and performance. A diverse team brings to the table different ways, perspective, sense and connection to the project. So be sure that innovation and creativity will be at its peak. I worked on a project with a team of 4 people from 4 different countries and one quality that characterised the team was the drive to succeed and understanding of the project purpose. Hence,despite the varying time zones we would still show up for mid night or mid day meetings.

  682. There is a strong connection between diversity and performance. Diversity involves individuals from various backgrounds, sectors, and genders coming together to accomplish a specific task. The insights they bring from their experiences and exposures are highly valuable for problem-solving, thus enhancing project performance. I believe that the greater the diversity, the better the results, as more people from different fields contribute their insights. The main challenge in highly diverse teams is the potential for misunderstandings or feelings of inferiority among team members due to varying levels of knowledge. However, the key solution lies in fostering a sense of unity, where everyone’s opinions are respected, and their contributions are valued. This can resolve such issues.

  683. Yes, there’s connection between diversity and performance. Moreso, teams with greater diversity always think outside the box and are creative. They tends to be fast learners with problems solving potential which enable them to produce superior work.

    Basically, there’s bound to be competition. Each member of the team would want to be the best and also to be recognized as one. If not properly managed could lead to conflict.

    Also, it could lead to delay in decision making. Because there’s so much knowledge and ideas shared, taking the final decision becomes a challenge but if properly handled by the project manager, can yield results.

    1. From my experience, diversity brings new ideas and innovation.
      They tend to bring their A-game because there’s no familiarity, everyone is focused on a task for perfection.
      So yes, there’s a relationship between diversity and performance

  684. There’s a connection between diversity and performance. Diversity has do with involving people from a range of different social and ethics background, sex and gender including ideas and experience.
    Team with high diversity produces superior work, since different person with different ideas and experience comes together to contribute their quota on order to achieve a certain goal.
    Challenges arises when working in highly diverse team includes;
    Low team commitment, Competition, Communication issues, Too many opinions, slow decision making, Discrimination and Slow in the project delivery.

  685. As for me there is a clear connection between diversity and performance in the sense that every team member has an important skill and experience to offer in achieving the goal of the project. We know that sometimes there is language barrier or individual cultural norms that affect the progress of the project but the PM has to ensure such bottlenecks are reviewed, addressed and proffer viable solutions to make the project run smoothly. Respecting other people’s opinion, how you handle criticism etc are all important elements of perceiving diversity and fostering good communication between team members.

  686. Based on my observations, there is a clear connection between diversity and performance in teams. Teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work because they bring together a wide range of perspectives, skills, and experiences. This diversity allows for more creative problem-solving, better decision-making, and a broader understanding of different audiences or markets.

    One of the key challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams is effective communication. Different team members may have different communication styles, cultural norms, or language barriers, which can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. It is important for team members to be sensitive to these differences and make an effort to bridge any communication gaps through active listening, clarifying questions, and clear documentation.

    Another challenge is managing conflicts. Diverse teams may have divergent opinions, values, or ways of doing things, which can lead to conflicts or disagreements. It is crucial for team leaders to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions, and to facilitate open and respectful dialogue to resolve conflicts and find common ground.

    1. Diversity and performance are connected in the sense that a highly diverse team is made of different individuals with different levels of experience. Experience which can be used to improve the project because they bring different opinions, values and insights on the project. The major challenge in having a diverse team is conflict management. In setting like this some members of the teams seem to step on the toes of one another due to differences in opinions, bad communication and different work ethics.

    2. from my own points of view and also looking at how life play out sometimes, diversity can create better team as everyone coming together contributing with their individuality would definitely make a great team in the long run because they may fight to put in their nests.

  687. The diversity in project team aid time management, project completion and efficient. for me diversity is a most in my team

  688. Research has indeed consistently shown that diversity in teams and organizations can have several benefits, including improved performance and financial results. In my experience, these findings align with the broader understanding of the relationship between diversity and performance.

    **Benefits of Diversity in Teams:**

    1. **Enhanced Creativity and Innovation**: Diverse teams often bring together individuals with a wide range of perspectives and experiences. This diversity can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovative ideas.

    2. **Broader Skill Sets**: Different team members may possess unique skills and talents, which can complement each other, enabling the team to tackle a broader range of tasks and challenges.

    3. **Improved Decision-Making**: Diverse teams are less likely to suffer from groupthink, as members are more likely to consider various viewpoints and challenge assumptions. This leads to more robust decision-making processes.

    4. **Better Understanding of Diverse Markets**: For organizations, diversity can lead to a better understanding of diverse customer bases and markets, allowing for more effective strategies and products.

    5. **Enhanced Employee Engagement and Satisfaction**: Inclusive teams can lead to higher employee engagement and job satisfaction, as individuals feel valued and respected for their unique contributions.

    However, working in highly diverse teams also presents challenges:

    **Challenges of Highly Diverse Teams:**

    1. **Communication Barriers**: Language differences, communication styles, and cultural nuances can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or miscommunications in diverse teams.

    2. **Conflict Management**: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to differing viewpoints and cultural backgrounds. Effective conflict resolution skills are essential.

    3. **Inclusivity and Equity**: It’s crucial to create an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and has equal opportunities. This can be challenging, as biases and prejudices may still exist.

    4. **Management Complexity**: Leading a highly diverse team can be more complex, as leaders need to understand and address the needs and concerns of a broad range of team members.

    5. **Resistance to Change**: Some team members may resist or be uncomfortable with the idea of diversity, leading to resistance to change and a less collaborative work environment.

    In summary, there is a clear relationship between diversity and team performance, with diversity offering numerous advantages. However, the success of diverse teams depends on how effectively they manage and leverage their differences. Overcoming the challenges of working in highly diverse teams often involves promoting inclusivity, effective communication, and addressing biases and conflicts. When managed well, diverse teams can indeed outperform homogenous ones, contributing to the overall success of organizations.

  689. In my experience, Diversity does it better for me because there is no familiarity of any form from wherever

  690. My experience in the development sector as given me a bit of experience in diversity as we have people from all walks of life. Diversity in a team could bring in better performance, as there will different skills and ideas to learn from. Wide variety of ideas and suggestions will come to play in a project team.I most say diversity is a great asset to an organization when adequately managed by the team lead.

    1. in my own experience as Project Manager in training…. Diversity in team brings out the best in each team member. A highly diversified team perform better,.and the results are always topnotch…. Because Diversity help team members to be themselves, by working with all their skills and not minding what others will think or say … because they don’t know each other socially before now…. And they are not afraid of showing how much they know and how much skills and knowledge they can deliver in such a time frame…. they are not bothered about ethnicity, gender, sexuality or age.. All they are after is to get the project done at the right time with the specific outcome and output.

      though just as the there are numerous Advantages …there are also Disadvantages, which includes
      There may be lack of proper and effective Communication..due to diversity of language barriers, diversity on how people understand and relate to d information given .
      Different people have different ways of doing things, this can lead to disagreement and conflicts among team members.
      Therefore it is important for Projects leaders to create a safe heaven for all project team to be free and be able to express themselves and to express their opinions in a respectable manner

  691. Cohort11 Team 5
    In my own view, I believe diverse teams generally tends to bring more varieties of ideas and expertise from different backgrounds and skills on the table that eventually leads to high performance through better decision-making that eases problem-solving.
    Mixed skills and experience are always available incase of emergency, because training and preparations are done pre-incident and roles are dynamic due to effective communications.
    Also creating a conducive environment where knowledge is efficiently utilized is key to attaining success in a diverse team project.

  692. As a student leader, I have experienced the following aspects related to diversity in teams:

    1. Enhanced Problem-Solving and Creativity: In diverse teams, the presence of individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can lead to more innovative solutions and creative problem-solving. When team members bring unique insights to the table, it often results in a broader range of ideas and approaches, which can contribute to better project outcomes.

    2. Improved Learning and Growth: Working in diverse teams offers valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth. It allows team members to learn from one another, expand their cultural awareness, and develop stronger interpersonal skills. These experiences can be particularly beneficial in a student leadership context, where you aim to understand and represent the diverse needs and perspectives of the student body.

    3. Challenges of Communication and Collaboration: While diversity can be highly advantageous, it can also present challenges related to communication and collaboration. Different communication styles, cultural norms, and expectations may require additional effort to ensure effective teamwork. As a student leader, you may have encountered instances where bridging these gaps and fostering effective collaboration among diverse team members required careful consideration and skill.

    In summary, diversity in teams can lead to improved performance, creativity, and personal growth. However, it also comes with the challenge of managing communication and collaboration effectively, which is essential for harnessing the full potential of a diverse team.

  693. I agree that diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones. This is because diverse teams bring different perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, which can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

    In my experience, diverse teams often outperform homogenous teams in terms of creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making. This is because they can draw on a wider range of knowledge and experiences to address complex challenges. Additionally, diverse teams are better equipped to adapt to changing circumstances and market conditions.

    However, I have also encountered some challenges in highly diverse teams. These include difficulties in communication, misunderstandings, and a lack of shared understanding. This can sometimes lead to a sense of exclusion or a feeling that not everyone’s voice is being heard.

    To overcome these challenges, it is essential to foster a culture of inclusion and collaboration within the team. This can be achieved by encouraging open communication, active listening, and a willingness to learn from one another. Additionally, it is important to provide opportunities for team members to get to know each other on a personal level, as this can help to build trust and a sense of belonging.

  694. somaah
    November 8, 2023 at 10:24 am
    When we talk about Diversity, we are trying to tends and bring more varieties of ideas and expertise from different backgrounds and different skills on the table which will eventually lead to high performance through better decision-making and problems solving become easily.

    Also diverse team do better work then the homogeneous because in the diverse there is no room for competition who is better since they are all masters of their own fields and expertise mostly from different backgrounds and have different skills. So this makes them to focus on delivering their various task smoothly.

    In my opinion, the higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. this will yield high performance and low level of errors thus higher profitability will be achieved

  695. Diversity in a project tends to yield maximum results. A project team with diverse of skills and knowledge helps to buo and hasten up the process by sharing of knowledge and ideas. They are people with large knowledge of understanding and different ways of approaching situations.

  696. My experience in the health sector as given me a bit of experience in diversity as we have people from all walks of life. diversity in a team does could bring in better performance, as there will different skills to learn from. Wide variety of ideas and suggestions will come to play in a project team.

    1. In my understanding,
      diverse teams generally have a higher chance of achieving success compared to homogeneous teams.

      However, the extent of their performance largely depends on the nature of the project they are working on.
      On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that managing diverse teams can pose challenges, particularly during the Storming stage of team formation.

      Project managers may need to invest additional efforts to ensure effective coordination and collaboration within the team.

  697. Diversity in a project management team can bring a wide range of benefits. It can lead to different perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, which can enhance innovation and creativity. However, it may also present challenges related to communication and cultural differences that need to be managed effectively for the team to work cohesively. Successful diversity management can lead to better decision-making, increased adaptability, and a broader skill set within the team. It’s important to foster an inclusive and respectful team culture to fully realize the advantages of diversity.

    Shehu B Cohort 11 Team 3

  698. I operate in a cross functional role in my organization comprising of members with diverse background, ethnicity, professional experience and education. There is indeed a connection between diversity and performance with successful outcomes in delivery.

    This however has its challenges โ€“ storming within the team which can be time consuming and invariably affect finances.

    I have also worked in a homogenous team and looking back now with the knowledge gained, I see how our outcomes could have been better with diverse skills and experiences on the team and I also see why I found it difficult to fit in โ€“ a round peg in a square hole.

    COHORT 11 TEAM 8

  699. When we talk about Diversity, we are trying to tends and bring more varieties of ideas and expertise from different backgrounds and different skills on the table which will eventually lead to high performance through better decision-making and problems solving become easily.

    Also diverse team do better work then the homogeneous because in the diverse there is no room for competition who is better since they are all masters of their own fields and expertise mostly from different backgrounds and have different skills. So this makes them to focus on delivering their various task smoothly.

    In my opinion, the higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. this will yield high performance and low level of errors thus higher profitability will be achieved.

    1. For one,ย diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

      Diverse teams deliver better results and make better decisions in of cases.


      Colleagues from some cultures may be less likely to let their voices be heard.
      Integration across multicultural teams can be difficult in the face of prejudice or negative cultural stereotypes.
      Professional communication can be misinterpreted or difficult to understand across languages and cultures.

  700. Diversity in a project can only create room for better results as you get to see the level of inputs from diverse thinking, experiences and opinions .

    Having a diverse team can make the job of a PM more inciting.

  701. My experience has shown that diversity and performance does have a relationship, because of the different background experiences coming from the members of the team. This was one of the success point that helped the startup company

    Yes, more diverse team do better work

    Since members of the team are unfamiliar with one another, there’s this natural instincts to wanting to go the extra mile in making things done, sometimes, to earn the admiration from other team members, but mostly due to the peculiarity of the task at hand and this has always bring in result even beyond expectations

    Below are some of the challenges we experienced as a team from diverse field of engagements
    – Working in silos
    – Pursuit of individual rather than collective goal
    – Huge trust deficit

  702. There is a connection between diversity and performance, as with a diverse set of individuals in a project team with various skill sets, it will be important for everyone to effectively contribute to the project. Teams with greater diversity likely produce superior work as it will contain a variety of individuals with variable contributions and ideas that can lead to solutions and problem-solving. The challenges when working in a highly diverse team may include cultural differences and disagreements as a result of objections to ideas.

  703. Yes, there is a connection between diversity and performance, and teams with greater diversity produce superior work. With my experience working with a media team in 2018/2019, I had a first hand experience with diverse people from different backgrounds with different cultures and beliefs. I encountered challenges at the beginning because I had to conform with everyone on the team despite not having same beliefs with them.

    With this positive attitude of mine, I was able to get everyone running on the team, we got to know each other better, and together we pushed forward to achieving a positive result at the end of the Publicity (Project).

    This gave me a wide interest in working with anybody because I believe everyone is good at something and deserves a chance to exhibit such.

  704. Team diversity in project management has proved to be instrumental in getting tasks or project done faster and better than homogeneous teams, why

    1. Homogeneous teams tends to do things the same way they have been doing it not thinking outside the box , but diverse teams always think outside the box.

    2. Diverse teams always bring the wealth of experience to the table to ensure the situation is resolved.

    3. Diverse teams works better in volatile and uncertain conditions than homogeneous because they are ready to learn from each other to resolve the situation.

    4. Diverse teams works better using the SMEAC because they know a high responsibility is placed on them.

  705. In my experience, I have found that diversity in teams does indeed lead to better performance. When teams are composed of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, they bring a wide range of skills, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving. This diversity fostersers

  706. I have been opportuned to work with diverse teams. It’s benefits outways it’s challenges. The the out put and experience is good. It makes a balanced Manager.

  707. In my role as a banker in a Nigerian banking institution, I have had the opportunity to work with diverse teams, and I can certainly attest to the potential benefits of diversity. Researchers’ findings about the advantages of diversity align with my professional experience to a great extent.

    Performance and Financial Results: It has been evident in our organization that more diverse teams tend to perform better. This improved performance translates into positive financial results, such as increased revenue and profitability. The diversity of perspectives and experiences within the team often leads to innovative solutions, better decision-making, and a broader customer base, all of which contribute to enhanced financial performance.

    Innovation and Creativity: Diversity in our teams has encouraged a broader range of ideas and creative problem-solving approaches. When team members bring diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives to the table, it fosters innovation, which is crucial in the dynamic and competitive banking industry.

    Customer Engagement: In the context of a Nigerian banking institution, where we serve a diverse customer base, having a diverse team that can relate to and understand the needs and preferences of various customer segments is a significant advantage. This not only enhances customer engagement but also promotes a positive brand image.

    However, it’s important to acknowledge that working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges:

    Communication and Cultural Differences: Effective communication can be a challenge in diverse teams due to differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms. It’s essential to promote open and respectful communication to bridge these gaps.

    Conflict Resolution: Diverse teams may experience a variety of opinions and approaches, which can lead to conflicts. Managing and resolving conflicts constructively is crucial for maintaining a harmonious and productive working environment.

    Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive work culture where every team member feels valued and heard is vital. This requires ongoing effort to address unconscious biases and promote diversity and inclusion.

    Team Cohesion: Building strong team cohesion in a diverse environment may take more time and effort. Team-building activities and trust-building exercises can help bridge gaps and promote unity.

    In conclusion, my experience as a banker in a Nigerian institution aligns with the research findings that diversity positively impacts team performance and financial results. However, it’s important to be aware of and address the challenges that can arise in diverse teams, as effective management of these challenges is essential for reaping the full benefits of diversity in the workplace.

  708. I must confess, I haven’t been part of diverse project teams. I have only been both part of and led homogenous teams. However, as I begin to take more project roles, I look forward to experiencing diversity in my future project teams.

  709. Team 8, Cohort 11.
    The more diverse the better the synergy. Team with members from different cultures, skill sets etc tends to perform better due to the fact that they tends to be focused on the project with less distractions. No familiarity that may breed contempt.

  710. Yes, I believe that paying attention to diversity when building a team can impact the overall performance. From my experience, diversity brings balance to a team. Having team members with various skills, knowledge and experiences usually combine well to move the project towards its goal especially with a good leadership. The Challenges with a highly diverse team in my opinion may include; miscommunication, misunderstanding, potential bias, incompatibility and all.

  711. There is strength in diversity if only the project manager knows how to harness the resources of his steam members to get the best.

    1. Diversity in teams

      As a project manager forming a project team or working with team that is formed through combination of diverse individual from different bodies.
      Team development even as seen in the video follow the Bruce Tukmam stages of team formation which are:
      the impact of diversity on performance can vary depending on how well it is managed and leveraged.

      Challenges of working in highly diverse teams can include:

      1. Communication barriers: Different cultural backgrounds and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
      2. Implicit bias: Preconceived notions and biases can affect decision-making and team dynamics.
      3. Conflict: Diverse teams may experience more conflict due to differing viewpoints and experiences.
      4. Inclusivity issues: It’s important to ensure that all team members feel valued and included, which can be a challenge in highly diverse groups.

  712. Yes, a team that is diverse when properly managed often brings about positive results because of the diverse knowledge, exposure and experience.

    1. I agree with you! because i work as a religious volunteer at watchtower and with the shipping dept we various persons from different background and lifecourse and this presents a beautiful working experience for all both in discussion and work ethic so a diverser team would best if they all understand the fact that mindset and drive differs.

  713. There’s less distraction when it comes to diversity. Everyone is focused on the goal rather than bringing in sentiments. So it holds a great deal in building a team.

  714. From past experience, I would say diversity in Project Management yields more productivity and desired results, as everyone on the team come up with different sound ideas on getting the work done on time. These team consist of people from different ethnicity and with of different level of experience and area of specialization and skills. The only challenge is that the team slowly come to a compromise since everyone’s point of view has to be observed before reaching a concrete decision.

  715. Effective project management benefits from diversity when handled appropriately, as it fosters efficiency and effectiveness in project execution.

    In my experience, teams with similar backgrounds often unite to impede a project if they disagree with certain aspects of it. They tend to adopt a “son of the soil” mentality. A more effective approach is to blend teams, ensuring a shared understanding through a common language, minimizing room for procrastination and delays.

    Homogeneous teams tend to become complacent, relying on their perceptions of team members’ personalities. For instance, at my workplace, three senior staff members frequently resist new ideas that don’t align with their opinions. I’ve found it more productive to collaborate with entirely new individuals who bring fresh perspectives to the table.

    Diversity enhances overall performance, thereby increasing productivity. It also nurtures a positive work environment that fosters employee satisfaction.

    However, diversity can present challenges, including communication issues and slower decision-making processes due to the variety of ideas from team members.

  716. Indeed, there is a connection between diversity and perfomance. Diversity in team leads to greater performance due to the fact that the differences in cultural, ethnicity and even professional background enables the people contribute different ideas. They may see things from different perspectives, offer different solutions from which the best alternatives can be chosen.

    A major set back to this is that decision making might be slow due to multiplicity if ideas

  717. Past experience has shown the advantage of diverse team members, whether it be cognitive, social or otherwise. Everyone was able to “pull their weight” in accordance to their strengths. At the end of the day, everyone had the same goal : the overall success of the project.

  718. Diversity in Project Management yields better results when managed properly as it encourages efficient and effectiveness of work to be done

  719. In my woe, homogeneous team members tend to band together to frustrate a project if they don’t like something in the project. They like to claim “son of the soil” mentality. The best way was to have a mixture of the two teams, make adequately sure that there is a common language on set, that everyone understands. No room or less room for slothfulness and untimeliness.

    1. Homogeneous teams tend to be complacent and work according to their expectations of the personalities of team members. For instance, at my place of work, there are three old members of staff who band together to frustrate new ideas if it doesn’t align with their opinions. I found it easier to work with entirely new people who bring in a fresh outlook to issues.

  720. Diversity enhances performance thereby increasing productivity.
    Diversity promotes a healthy work environment that makes employees feel valuable.

    Some of the challenges in diversity are communication issues, slow decision-making due to the various ideas coming from team members.

  721. Well, sincerely this particular topic hit me different: the fact that diverse team members-who might not have worked together before, would be put together in such a short time and they are expected to deliver,is really “something”.
    However, thinking about it, it can only be because each individual team member is highly skilled and so, they already know the general drill. The bulk of the work is really with the coxwain (project manager) to select his team members from available pool.

    Challenges i see with working with diverse team members may be multiple:

    1. Initial drag (owing from the fact that these are total strangers)

    2. Different views-hence, conflict (owing from the fact that people have different orientation and worldviews, style and background)

    3. Communication challenge (particularly, at the early stage) and others. However,

    In a regimented system such as the military, it is easier to blend these different people and make them a team,as each member is expected to have already gone through certain trainings (which is pretty much the same regime)and hence is equipped with the right skills for the job.

    Like i mentioned earlier, the captain has a huge task in team selection.

    1. Just to add that team selection can also be an exciting experience.
      Then the meetings/briefings after the team’s been pur together will afford members the opportunity to get to know themselves.

      Friday Uwhubetine. Cohort 10. Team 5.

  722. No there is know relation between diverse and homogeneous team selection process; diverse team selection process include individuals with a variety of skills, knowledge, experience and perspectives relevant to completing the project. while homogenous includes individuals with similar background or of same social value. Diverse method is good incase of emergency team selection. how ever homogenous give room for individual team members development aside that it some time to see results.

  723. Diversity in teams helps foster commitment and dedication to work, and can help each member understand how another skill can complement theirs

  724. I think there is a relationship between diversity and performance. Diversity creates room for more skill implementations. There is an increased performance with diversity in the team because there tends to be more cohesion, collaboration, interaction, and commitment from the diverse team members as they try to familiarize themselves with each other.
    I think diversity in ideas is one challenge that can be encountered in a diverse team. Which I think can take some time before they all harmonize with each other.

  725. Yes diverse team produce more result as skills and experience comes together for a common goal. In as much as this is a combination of good ideas positivity is always the answer.
    Performance is a function of diversity. Diverse team is a high performance team. Though there are challengies which includes: language, culture, personality etc.

  726. unlocking the team?
    Leaders should foster a culture of trust, open communication, and empowerment while providing opportunities for skill development and growth. Learning from both positive and negative team experiences can provide valuable insights into these principles.

    Mentoring and Coaching: Pair experienced team members with those looking to develop specific skills or expertise. Mentoring and coaching relationships can accelerate learning and capability-building.

    Skills Assessment: Conduct regular skills assessments to identify areas where team members can improve or develop new skills. Provide training and development opportunities to help them grow.

    Lead by Example: Team leaders should demonstrate trustworthiness by keeping commitments, being honest, and showing vulnerability when appropriate. When leaders model trust, it sets the tone for the entire team.

    Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication within the team. Make it safe for team members to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of judgment or retribution.

    Transparency: Share information about the team’s goals, progress, and challenges. Transparency builds trust by ensuring everyone is on the same page.

    Consistency: Be consistent in your actions and decisions. Inconsistent behavior can erode trust quickly.

    Empowerment: Give team members autonomy and ownership over their work. When people feel trusted to make decisions and take responsibility, they are more likely to perform at their best.

  727. Well Diversity will enhance the growth of the project because it involves individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and viewpoints which can lead to more creative solutions and innovative ideas. The challenges that may be faced are communication barriers, cultural differences and decision making complexity. if diversity is properly managed there will be an improvement in the project because individuals from varied background tends to approach problems for unique angles, leading to better problem-solving and growth of the project. We can say there diversity brings 85% of success in the project.

  728. If diversity is properly managed,it brings about successful project as team members with different perspective and skills are brought together to achieve a common goal.

  729. Diversity if well managed brings about a successful project as team members with different perspective and skills are brought together to achieve a common goal.

  730. Diversity and performance are closely knitted it presents its challenges which when managed well yield positive results.
    It’s the work of the project manager to identify the diversity among his team members and how best to hone it for the good of the project.
    Productivity and innovative ideas tend to spring faster with a diverse team member as each is posed to either proof himself or justify his inclusion in the team.

  731. Experiences of diversity in team

    Diversity in a project team can be a significant asset, bringing together individuals with various backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. However, it also presents unique challenges. Here are some key points to consider:

    Diverse Perspectives: A diverse team can offer a wide range of perspectives and ideas. This can lead to more innovative solutions and a broader understanding of the project’s goals and challenges.

    Communication Challenges: Different team members may have varying communication styles, cultural norms, or language proficiency. Project managers must facilitate effective communication and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

    Conflict Resolution: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to differences in opinion or approach. Effective conflict resolution skills are crucial for a project manager to maintain team cohesion and productivity.

    Inclusion and Equity: Project managers should promote an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and heard. They should also ensure equitable distribution of tasks, opportunities, and recognition.

    Cultural Sensitivity: Awareness of cultural differences and sensitivities is essential. Project managers should educate themselves and their teams on cultural norms, holidays, and potential biases that could affect teamwork.

    Skill Utilization: Diverse teams often possess a wide range of skills and experiences. A project manager should identify and leverage these strengths to optimize project outcomes.

    Global Teams: In today’s interconnected world, project managers often work with team members from different countries and time zones. Managing a global team requires careful coordination and flexibility.

    Legal and Ethical Considerations: Project managers must be aware of and comply with laws and regulations related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

    Training and Development: Offering training and development opportunities can help team members bridge skill gaps and promote diversity and inclusion within the team.

    Performance Evaluation: When evaluating team members, project managers should consider the impact of bias and ensure that performance assessments are fair and objective.

    In summary, diversity in teamwork as a project manager can be both rewarding and challenging. It requires effective communication, conflict resolution, and a commitment to creating an inclusive and equitable environment. When managed well, diverse teams can bring a wealth of perspectives and skills that contribute to project success.

  732. Face to face interaction
    To achieve a sucessful project work
    Project manager
    Programmes of work
    discuss how to move work forward within a stipulated time
    the project target.

  733. Diversity and experience is a great tools every organization should aspired for when it is effective managed by the project manager. It also allow team bonding and adequate time management

  734. I have worked in a diverse team scenario and i must say it yielded a positive outcome. Despite the fact that we were all unfamiliar to each other, ideas were shared and deliberated on, boundaries were respected and goals were achieved.

  735. Working in highly diverse team tends to be complex because it involves individual from different region and culture. The challenges here is that it makes team members to have problems in understanding each other and this may result to disagreement most of the time

  736. A more diverse team means you have different ideas, perspectives, skills, and knowledge at play. This invariably translates to a more efficient team. However, challenges in the form of culture, language, and the different personalities involved may also abound. But these can quickly be addressed with constant deliberations.

  737. In my opinion the more diverse the team the greater the performance, because every individual in the team has an experience that can aid the project fulfilment and result, and reduce the time spent deliberating on the way forward managing the time at hand to complete the task.

  738. I agreed that diverse team perform better than homogeneous team because diverse team consist of people from different educational backgrounds, culture ,work experiences, thinking styles, skills and social backgrounds.

  739. Research findings have consistently highlighted a positive correlation between diversity and performance. Teams characterized by greater diversity tend to outperform others because they bring a broader spectrum of perspectives, skills, and experiences into play. This diversity often leads to more innovative problem-solving, enhanced decision-making, and an overall boost in innovation.

    However, it’s important to acknowledge that working within highly diverse teams can also present certain challenges. For instance, communication can become more complex when team members originate from various cultural backgrounds or speak different languages. Additionally, misunderstandings or conflicts may arise due to differences in values, beliefs, or working methods.

    To effectively address these challenges, it becomes crucial for team members to adopt an open-minded and respectful attitude and to be willing to actively listen to one another. Employing effective communication strategies, demonstrating cultural sensitivity, and engaging in team-building activities all contribute to establishing trust and fostering a positive team dynamic.

  740. I’m of the opinion that diversity works better on projects as every member of the team inputs their skills to carry out the project effectively and timely

  741. I’m of the opinion that diversity works better on projects as everyone brings their unique skills and competencies to carry out the project effectively and timely

  742. diversity bring better creativity to a team. with team members appreciating a particular problem from different angles, it ensures a holistic view of the problem and a more comprehensive solution.

  743. Working in a team with high diversity comes with a lot energy, the team spirit is usually high and this spour everyone to perform. The target is collectively seen as task to be achieved. Once everybody key into the vision, different skills are on display. This makes the work easier and fun to do.

  744. I am of the opinion that diversity is the best option because it helps to put a balance. If the team is well managed little or no conflict will arise. So the success of the team lies in the hands of the team lead

    1. Diversity is very good as a helps boost the members to put more efforts to actualise a project

  745. From what I have learned in the past weeks, I discovered that people management is very important. One of the points I picked is safeguarding yourself and your team. For a project to be successfully delivered, team members, whether diverse or homogenous have to be followed through and through to ensure they are also giving their all to ensure the successful delivery of the project.
    To ensure my team and I are in good shape, PM shouldn’t be very pushy and demanding. Yes, you can be demanding but also need to be flexible to allow proper approach by your team and ensure adequate communication too. You need to create a proper work plan to enable all team members participate and also create time for rest in order to be refreshed.

  746. What benefits I have seen in assigning tasks to less experienced members of my team?
    Every project team member do not possess in anyway same skill set. Some are highly skilled and others are mid-skilled and it goes on like that. Every team member are saddled with the different task as it applies to their skill set. When less experienced team members are assigned with task that they will eventually learn from, they are excited to carry it out. And always make them feel whenever it is getting difficult for them, they can look up to you or any other team member for guidance. This alone with shape them and open their minds for bigger tasks ahead.

  747. Diversity works better on projects as everyone brings their unique skills and competencies to carry out the project effectively.

  748. I agree tha diverse teams far outperforms homogenous ones in my personal experiences, the more diverse a team the more skillful a team.

    It takes one more skill set, idea, or contact to help get a team to a finish line so sometimes when the team is made up of a myriad of members you find out that you are more prepared to face the task ahead due to the high level of skill set available to choose from.

    I strongly agree and believe there is a strong connection between diversity of a team And performance of a team. The goal of a PM is to succeed in the project and what better way to succeed than to have a complete team with all the necessary skills and abilities. The only issue with a more diverse team is that the storming process may likely take longer but once that is passed then norming becomes easier and performance will peak.

  749. Diversity are unique, working with a team my team on an event, I discovered we all understand our strength, there is a bit of laxity everyone know if he does not finish his own work other team members will come to assist. On one occasion I was out of the state for an event and I could not travel with my team members. So I had to sort for guys to help out with the work, I discovered there was less communication because we don’t know each other, our primary goal was to achieve our aim of setting up the event venue for the wedding. We finished right on time, faster than when I was working with my team members. Whom we have developed quite some level of relationship.

  750. As a project engineer working with PMs to achieve their goals in multiple yet complex projects, working with diverse teams has always yielded better results.

  751. Diversity has its pros and cons. However,it is important that project team members are expressive and explore all communication options to sort out all issues that comes with diversity.

    1. Diversity project team ensures a wide range of options and point of view are analyzed before arriving at a destination. I work with a team diverse majorly in gender and cognitive ability this has opened us up to a several ideas and option in project development and delivery.

  752. Diversity bring out the best in every team member, because no one would want any loophole to be identified from His/Her part of the project.

    1. A diverse workplace empowers people to be the best,most authentic versions of themselves,and allows company to improve their productivity and creatively levels and fosters a safe space for their employees. These is a strong key for every organization to get the best outcome in their assignment.

      As an educationist it is important for me> to get to know of my students
      >Maintain consistent communication.
      >Acknowledge and Respect every student.
      >Incorporate Diversity in the lesson plan.
      >Give students freedom and flexibility.
      With the help of this reflection I achieved my aim for the term.

  753. To me diversity has its advantages and disadvantages. Though it also depends on the team leader/leadership. I have had bitter /sweet experience while leading a team of diverse people. At first there were clashes here and there but in the end , everyone was able to put their differences aside and focus on the purpose of the team.

  754. teams who create and discover innovative solutions can make more informed decisions. This can help them solve problems faster and offer solution that benefits the performance of the organization ,furthermore, teams are more likely to analyze data and information carefully before making decisions that impacts a company.

  755. Diversity has its advantages and disadvantages. I have worked in a team that comprised of people with divergent views about life. There were clashes which were later resolved but not all were resolved, which put a set back to our project.

  756. Diversity is a spice in team building, it brings people who are will to showcase and prove a point just to ensure the meet the requirements so as to be chosen if need arises for subsequent projects. But has a lot of challenges, here are the few enumerated
    1. Commutation challenge
    2. Religious differences
    3. Up bringing
    4. Individual pace towards work
    5. Values, standards, quality and taste for perfection

    But with the right team leadership, and excellent skills to break the barriers and providing the enabling environment for individuals to showcase themselves and knowledge their through his toro supervision the best team can emerge even in diversity and complexity.

  757. 1. Is there a relationship between diversity and performance?
    2. Do more diverse teams do better work?
    What are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams?

    1. There is evidence to suggest that diversity can positively impact team performance. Studies have shown that diverse teams tend to be more creative, innovative, and better at problem-solving. However, it is important to note that diversity alone is not enough – it is also crucial to have effective communication, collaboration, and leadership within the team.

    2. While diversity can be beneficial for team performance, it is not a guarantee of success. The success of a team depends on many factors, including the skills and experience of its members, the nature of the project and the team’s ability to work together effectively.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams may include:
    1. Communication barriers: Language barriers, cultural differences, and varying communication styles can make it difficult for team members to understand each other.
    2. Conflicting viewpoints: Diverse teams may have different perspectives and opinions, which can lead to disagreements and conflicts.
    3. Stereotyping and bias: Prejudices and stereotypes can impact how team members perceive and interact with each other.
    4. Difficulty building trust: Trust is crucial for effective teamwork, but it can be challenging to build trust when team members come from different backgrounds and have different experiences.
    5. Lack of cohesion: Highly diverse teams may struggle to find common ground or establish a shared sense of purpose.

  758. Performance and diversity have, based on my experience, a causal relationship. The ability to think creatively and unconventionally is enhanced when different teams collaborate. Better work is produced by varied teams.

    Too many different ideas can be an issue when working in very varied teams. It will take more time to make sure that all of the teams fully comprehend the many suggestions made.

  759. Does teams with greater diversity produce superior work? Yes because research has shown it that teams that performs best in complexion and challenging environment is a team with low social cohesion, team with high levels of social diversity in gender, ethnicity, sexually and age. Team with high level of cognitive abilities.
    Yes there is a connection between diversity and performance because in such a team, there are diverse skills and experiences.
    Challenges it could face is
    1. Bad leadership
    2. Unfamiliarity
    3. As a team of experience people, everyone would want their opinion to count.
    4. Poor communication.

    1. As a project manager there is need to have a diverse team, which will bring about different experience and skills in the project as a result, the performance of the team members is going to be very good. Though in a complex and challenging environment some problems may surface due to the poor communication, cultural difference among others. But at the end of it all the project will experience a high productivity when managed well.

  760. In my opinion and from my little experience, I agree that diverse teams record more efficient results. This is only possible if the professionalism of all the team members is mature enough.
    A diverse team simply means a blend of multiple background, cultures, and experiences. All this rich blend put together can ensure effective productivity as they are more likely to solve problems and be innovative. With this blend, there is a guarantee for a better decision making.
    In fact, diverse workplace allows for more ideas and processes. Diversity of team members means diversity of talents which in turn triggers a broader range of skills among employees, as well as a diversity of experiences and perspectives which increases the potential for increased productivity.
    However, diverse teams face some major difficulties such as a slow decision making, communication issues, cultural misunderstandings, and nequitable inclusion and descrimination amidst others

  761. In my own opinion, diversity could yield more positive outcomes in a project because each team member brings on their different skills to the project, this makes the work done more seamless and result oriented. i will also add that results are achievable if the team lead understands and applies the different theoretical model of developing a team which are the forming, storming, norming, performing and the adjourning stages adequately.

  762. Diversity improves productivity and moral of an organization.
    having a diverse team can boost productivity, builds a positive organisational culture, innovations and also increase employee retention rates, as one of the team lead in a production firm diversity is key to increase performance and profits as diversity tends to be more creative and better at problem-solve especially in an emergency situation this is because one person can not be good at every skill.
    Challenges that may arise when working in highly diverse teams are;
    1.cultural misunderstandings
    2.Poor communication
    3.Discrimination amongst others

  763. In my experience. there is a clear relationship between diversity and performance within teams. A highly diverse team makes the common knowledge pool vast and robust as each member brings something unique and valuable to the table. Therefore, more diverse teams tend do to better work and produce more qualitative results.
    However, extremely diverse teams tend to storm faster, more intensely and for longer periods than homogenous ones. This is because each member is highly specialized and has some level of expert knowledge and so a clash of ideas is bound to erupt.

    A PM must manage such situations and steer the group back to the project goal and objectives.

  764. Diverse Project Teams as the name suggests, create the opportunity for various ingredients of experience to mix up for the completion of a task with the focus on the desired results.

    On the other side, lack of blending can also be a challenge due to the little or no time spent together by the project team which could be a storming period while an urgent task or project is meant to be achieved within a very short timeline.

    Most importantly with professionals who have gone through various consistent trainings on handling projects, the diverse project team will provide better outcomes.

  765. Diversity in a team.can be of great benefit, because the people on the team bring in thier different experiences and cognitive skills to play on the project.
    However sometimes these things that the project benefits from could also pose as a great disadvantage. Some of which could be Conflict among team members, Low commitment to the project on the part of one or more members
    Also some of the team.members may not get on well enough for one reason or the other. All these and more wil affect the project team and project delivery on the long run.
    The project manager will have to find a way of making diverse teams work together effectively for the purpose of project goal delivery.

  766. Certainly! In today’s world, diversity in teams and organizations is a big deal. When teams are made up of people from different backgrounds and perspectives, they tend to do better. They come up with more creative ideas, make smarter decisions, and connect with a wider range of people.

    However ,it’s not all smooth sailing. Diverse teams can sometimes face challenges like communication issues or conflicts because of differences. It takes effort to build an inclusive and respectful environment where everyone feels valued. A Project manager in diverse teams also need to adapt their styles to support everyone effectively.

    In the end, the benefits of diversity are clear, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Any PM that embraces diversity and work to overcome these challenges tend to perform better and the project turns out to be successful.

  767. The diversity of team members brings different experience and expertise to the success of a project as against the homogenous ones that tends to create a team with like mind and common ideas together which reduce a larger view of the or skills to approach a project.

  768. When managed well, diversity is a plus. The diverse team gets to bring different experiences, skills, inputs, their A game and might perform well since everyone is trying to put in their maximum effort. It might be a cons in terms of language barrier or even class/expertise but then, a diverse team will turn homogenous afterwards.

  769. The diversity of team members is indeed advantageous to the overall success of the project as against the homogenous ones. A diversified team gives opportunity to contract the best hands for the project and enhances the the success of the project. A diversified team does not give room for complacency as against the homogenous because most times, the team within will always have to juggle with their primary job and the new project and this might cause a lot of delay and lack of focus on the project. But a diversified team seeks to make a mark in the project hence, they tend to collaborate with the project manager for efficient and effective service delivery.

  770. The numerous chances it provides for advancing the project team from the norming to storming stages have demonstrated this notion to be accurate. It has proven to be incredibly intriguing to work in a diverse environment. Each team member has the chance to demonstrate their abilities and foster team cohesiveness. Working on a team with people from different backgrounds also fosters an environment that makes it easier to learn about various socioeconomic situations.

  771. I would say that the diversity of teams is one factor that varies with the level of knowledge about the project.
    The more knowledge you have about the project the more you may require less diverse teams and the less knowledge you about the project, the more you need diverse teams.
    Ultimately, the reason for diversity of teams is with the situation and not productivity

  772. For me Diversity and Performance are related, diversity can bring a quality performance if it is being managed properly.

    Yes, diverse teams do better works cos they tackle the issues in different or in their unique way. and this will be as an advantage for the progress of the project.

    Challenges we may have :
    Poor communication
    Cultural diversity

  773. Diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous ones but not just like immediately. it might take some time to fit in and blend but once the norming period is overcome, a flow of great insights sometimes bigger than what is currently existing most times is seen. But to achieve this positively, great lines of communication and engagement is important. Everyone has to see themselves as together…a team

    Diversity and performance: With the right policies and practices in every workplace, the presence of diversity would enhance performance. This environment will allow for open exchange of ideas coming from diverse knowledge share and experiences.

    In producing superior work, it might not be an outright yes because a lot of work is needed for that to be true. There has to be an environment that encourages diversity to thrive. Communication and active engagement of all stakeholders. This inclusion will allow exploration of different skills, problem -solving solutions, creativity as the mind is a vast array of knowledge. Think of this as people seeing solutions from every side of the coin.

    Challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams include
    * Communication: When all team members do not have a unified language that all understand and relate with. If the team members are on different educational achievements levels, a lot of disparity would arise as regards relating so the PM has a lot of work to do to ensure that this is seamless.
    * Cultural differences: Some persons have belief systems that are tied around the opposite sex, belief systems affecting even activities. If these are not understood and sorted, it would affect the flow of information and openness within the team.
    * Because the PM has to regard everyone’s contribution, decision making on some issues might be quite delayed..

  774. Yes, there’s a connection between diversity and performance.

    No, I don’t think with greater diversity can produce superior work.

    Challenges that arise when working in a highly diverse teams are
    -Ethnicity difference
    -Communication barriers.

    1. Yes there is a big difference between diversity and performance, but in most cases diversity brings more achievements simply because no time to gist no gossiping, no play everyone focus on his or task just because of language barrier, cultural history, level of exposure, differences in experience and skills. My view.thank you.

  775. Yes, there is a connection between diversity and performance.

    No, I don’t think with greater diversity can produce superior work.

    Some hlenged that

  776. Diversity improves productivity and moral of an organization.
    Yes teams with greater diversity produce superior work as there are more possibilities of discovering unique approaches to providing solutions which would in turn make business decisions more effective.
    Challenges that may arise when working in highly diverse teams are;
    1.cultural misunderstandings
    2.Poor communication
    3.Discrimination amongst others

  777. Yes, as having a diverse team can boost productivity, builds a positive organisational culture , sparks innovations and also increase employee retention rates, as one of the team lead in a production firm diversity is key to increase performance and profits as diversity tends to be more creative and better at problem-solve especially in an emergency situation this is because one person can not be good at every skill. in my organisation we leverage on diversity to achieve set target and productivity which leads to profitability of the organisation and also brings employee incentive.

    as positive as diversity can be in many ways , it can also create problems. Difference in culture and languages as these may create tension among employees, discomfort among minority groups or strained relation between employees and supervisors.

    One of the biggest challenge face each day is ” strained relation between employees and supervisors this because some group of team believe that some are more closer to the supervisor than the other and this in return breeds a poor relationship with a boss leads to stress, low morale, low job satisfaction and less commitment on the part of the subordinate. Performance suffers as a result. Relationship quality impacts a manager’s psychological well-being and performance as well.

  778. In my experience, diversity in teams is good. Team players coming from different walks of life, with different experiences and perspectives will have a direct impact on the team performance. These teams require the right leadership because without good leadership its very easy to have conflicts, sense of entitlement and rising tempers as everyone feels they have something to offer and would want their ideas to win.

    If the project manager in this instance can manage the team effectively a heterogenous team will outperform a homogenous one.

  779. From my experience in an environment where is a diverse team, they tend to work together from their areas of expertise and the aim is to achieve the goal of the project with the time that was set for it. Because thereโ€™s no social or mutual friendship between us, we tend to do our job faster just to finish and leave the job to face another job or challenge.

  780. everyone has something to offer in a team, you need to understand their strengths and weaknesses to get the best out of your team members. The power of a team is in their diversity, the ability to merge such diversity will give you amazing results. so quality communication among team members will do a whole well for the outcome of any project of a team,

    1. everyone has something to offer in a team, you need to understand their strengths and weaknesses to get the best out of your team members. The power of a team is in their diversity, the ability to merge such diversity will give you amazing results. so quality communication among team members will do a whole well for the outcome of any project of a team,

  781. A fun fact is that when a team gets comfortable with each other, ideas and thoughts starts to flow and this is not safe for a complex project where everyone needs to be on their toes to solve the ever-evolving challenges of the project.

  782. From experience diversity and performance are at its best where an inclusive environment where everyone’s views and opinions is respected and everyone is free to contribute to the discussion in an open and transparent way. This is one of the bedrock of participatory research where outcomes or solutions are jointly achieved irrespective of your status, power dynamics, job description, social class, skills and so on.

    Diversity has always produce an holistic approach and outcomes to projects that is has a great impact on performance.

  783. My experience was dealing with diverse team members, especially in the context of remote work and different time zones. Had to take note of social, age, gender, skill set, cultural awareness, and a whole lot. Our plans and communication strategy were well spelled out and each individual felt better as we incorporated and voted on key decisions during the product design and technology stack to use. meetings were held at timings that matched the intersection of time zones with when people were available. The PM always engaged each member on a personal level to get or clarify directions and any feedback required.

  784. In my experience, diversity can have a positive impact on team performance. More diverse teams bring different perspectives, ideas, and experiences to the table, which can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making. However, working in highly diverse teams can also come with challenges. Communication and understanding cultural differences can sometimes require extra effort, but fostering open dialogue and embracing inclusivity can help overcome these challenges.

  785. Diversity and performance are closely connected because they both work in synergy in any project team scenario, a team with diverse mind, experiences, knowledge and specialization can connect a together.
    Teams with greater form of diversity produces best result if their unique ideas are being shared, organized and coordinated in their various phases then outcome will be best.
    The challenges faced by highly diverse teams are; high level of competition among team members, confusion arising from various opinions, misrepresentation of interest, delayed decision making, diversity in project organization can affect the organization either positively or negatively.

  786. Yes, Diversity and Performance work hand in hand in any given project. And it has a lot to do with the success of the project too. When an individual has diverse knowledge, the performance in the project is exceptional because he/she has positive work experience in different fields or organizations. With the ideas and experiences they tend to hand projects better. So yes, I strongly believe that diversity and performance have a way of affecting one’s work positively in project.

  787. Having diversity in a project team has proven to be more beneficial indeed based on my personal experiences as a member of different project teams.
    Overall, diversity in a project team can have a number of positive benefits, including increased creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and profitability. It can also help to reach a wider audience, improve employee retention, and create a more positive work environment.

    1. Having diversity in a project team has proven to be more beneficial indeed based on my personal experiences as a member of different project teams.
      Overall, diversity in a project team can have a number of positive benefits, including increased creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and profitability. It can also help to reach a wider audience, improve employee retention, and create a more positive work environment.

    2. A project team hasproven to be more beneficial indeed based on my personal experiences as a member of different project teams.

    3. As an inclusive Project Manager on projects, i will always embrace Diverse teams because it always outperform homogeneous teams in terms of innovation, decision-making, and customer understanding, it’s important to note that diversity alone is not a guarantee of success.

      Effective management, clear communication, and a commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment are essential to harness the benefits of diversity while addressing the associated challenges.

      Organizations that actively promote diversity and inclusion, and invest in developing inclusive leadership, are more likely to realize the advantages of diverse teams.

      There are several challenges of working in highly diverse teams

      Communication Challenges: Different communication styles, cultural norms, and language barriers can create misunderstandings and hinder effective collaboration. Overcoming these challenges requires open and inclusive communication.

      Conflict and Tension: Diversity can sometimes lead to tension or conflict in a team, especially if not managed properly. Conflicting opinions and different cultural norms can lead to disputes, affecting team cohesion.

      Inclusivity and Belonging: In highly diverse teams, individuals from underrepresented groups may face challenges related to inclusion and belonging. Efforts must be made to ensure that all team members feel valued and included.

      Management Complexity: Managing diverse teams requires a nuanced understanding of cultural differences, individual needs, and inclusive leadership practices even though It can be more complex and may require specialized skills.

      Relationship between Diversity and Performance:

      Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams often bring together individuals with varied perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. This diversity can foster creativity and innovation, as different viewpoints can lead to more innovative solutions to problems.

      Better Decision-Making: Diverse teams can make more well-rounded decisions. They are less prone to groupthink, as individuals with different viewpoints can challenge assumptions and offer alternative perspectives, leading to more robust decision-making processes.

      Broader Skill Sets: Diverse teams typically possess a wider range of skills and expertise. This diversity allows for the collective utilization of diverse skills, leading to better problem-solving and a broader knowledge base.

      Market and Customer Understanding: In many cases, diverse teams can better understand and serve diverse customer bases. This is especially relevant in industries where the customer demographic is diverse.

  788. Diversity and performance can be said to go hand in hand. When one have diverse knowledge your performance in a project increases because you have worked in various fields and scenarios you will be able to bring in different ideas and opinions on how to handle projects. Diversity have a way of affecting one’s performance and your output in a project.

  789. Diversity and performance in a project are significantly related. In a project where there is Diversity in knowledge or view of each participants involved in the project helps to understand the project in different perspectives. However, care should be taken in how it is handled in other to achieve same goals. Objectives and purpose of a project should be clearly stated in other to achieve the said performance.

  790. Diversity, for sure when handled well, is a great asset, should I say quality because it brings people of different origins, different ideas of a particular thing together and you find out that at the end of the project, the output is unique in its own way and excellent.

    I had the experience when I was told to manage a party. I didn’t make my team to be just people from my place or around me or only my gender. I had to put other people in the team because I needed the event to be unique and spicy, not the normal party plan

  791. Looking at diversity in my own view enhance performance if well managed but if it wasn’t there won’t be performance at all.

    1. Diversity and performance are interrelated. When you chose to diversify on a project methodology in order to boost performance, control measures should however be put in place in order not to deviate from the actual goal of the project.

      Furthermore, new personnels, are always a plus to a project as it brings in new ideas on how things can be done much more effectively and efficiently.
      Thank you.

  792. With my experience as the creative lead in my organization where we make unisex outfits, workers from different background,with different skill set, years of experience on the job makes room for innovation with increases productivity.
    Often times, thereโ€™s a positive relationship between diversity and performance. The difference in sex, age, knowledge, spice up the effectiveness and efficiency of a project.
    Diverse teams do better and faster work because the over familiarity that comes with homogenous teams is absent.
    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams includes:
    – language barrier
    – cultural differences e.g Racism, tribalism, culture shock
    -frequent argument among workers.

  793. Employees from different backgrounds bring a variety of skills, ideas, and experiences. This translates into teams that can offer greater innovation and problem-solving abilities.
    Diversity increases productivity and a more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Also, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.
    When team members bring a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, they are more likely to solve problems and be innovative.
    One of the challenging aspects of diverse working environments is that team members are not able to acknowledge, understand, and potentially integrate, perspectives and thinking that can be vital and different from others. Other challenges include communication issues, cultural misunderstandings, slow decision-making, and discrimination.

  794. The effect diverse team enhance effective work,few research supports growing body of which shows the diversity of teams are more creative , innovative and keep up to time which yield productive than homogenous teams.

  795. From experience working with diversity makes one to perform better and tends to make one to learn other ideas and makes one to solve problems from different angle using different ideas.

    1. There’s a saying that says many hands make light work, so I believe in team diversity in project management even there will be challenges of ethnicity, sex and language barrier’s among the team members.

      1. Well, the relationship that exits between diversity and performance results in problem solving, right and good decision making, bright innovations and ideas.

        More diverse teams tends to work better but have low group cohesion and commitment along.

        The challenges of working in highly diverse teams are -low commitments, boundary issues, conflict and dysfunctional team

  796. To the best of my Knowledge, and experience in the past, I think more diverse teams tends to put on wonderful project out, as each team member tends to show case their best

  797. The most important relationship between diversity and performance is a common goal. The shared experience that team members acquire from each during a project is priceless.
    No, I don’t believe that more diverse team do better work. It all boils down to team work at the end of the day, I’ve experienced first hand how some diverse team work and one of the challenges of working with a diverse team is that there is no team work, I’m speaking from experience. In a situation where language is a barrier, makes communication difficult and ideas can’t be shared except through a translator. From my experience, a team I worked with some time ago from Russia are technicians, its not that they don’t speak English language but they secluded themselves separately from other teams while working not wanting to include themselves in any teamwork. To them, they work better that way, but in reality, that’s not how team works. In a nutshell, having a diverse team shouldn’t hinder performance to a project, instead it should breed more ideas that will move the project forward.

  798. There is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in working with project teams.
    I have worked with the Voluteer Wildfire Services(VWS) as a crew member for emergency wildfire service teams. Experience has shown that these emergency wilfdfire service teams usually comprise of people with diferent diversities in terms of years of experince, gender, age, cognitive ability, familiarity with the area of incident, knowledge of wildlife conservation rules and safety procedures. This diversity has helped wildfire fighting teams to perform better in putting out the fires and safeguarding the wildlife habitat.
    Contentions, complaints, arguements and communication gap used to occur due to the diverse nature of people involved in the teams but the leader had a way of balancing issues and ensuring that the overall goal of the team is prioritized and achieved.

  799. Working in diversify project make different team member to learn other cultures and technique of performing a duty well,it also bring about cohesion.

  800. Diversity is a great form of achieving good project, having people come together with different ideas, knowledge and insight is important especially in a complex project. My experience on this is, the project we implemented was done well and quicker though communication was a bit difficult because everyone wanted their opinions to be heard.

  801. Relationship between diversity and performance? Do more diverse teams do better work? And what are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams?

    Diversity and performance in teams and organisations have a complicated and nuanced relationship. Diversity in teams can have both beneficial and negative effects, according to research, and the results might vary based on a number of factors. The difficulties of working in very diverse teams are examined in greater detail along with the connection between diversity and performance:

    Some of the advantages of Diversity in Teams are;

    Increased Innovation and Creativity: Diverse teams frequently bring a range of viewpoints, experiences, and methods to problem-solving to the table. This may result in more original and imaginative answers to challenging issues.

    Broaderย Skill Sets: Diverse teams may have a greater range of abilities, which can be useful for taking on a variety of tasks and difficulties.

    Improved or Better Decision-Making: Diversity can result in decision-making processes that are more thoroughย and well-rounded. Teams can evaluate a wider range of issues and potential repercussions by drawing from many perspectives and views.

    Better Problem-Solving: Due to the range of viewpoints and skills present, diverse teams are better able to recognise and address possible problems and dangers.

    Increased Adaptability: Because they are accustomed to taking into account various perspectives and plans, diverse teams may be more able to adjust to changing conditions and markets.

    However, there are some challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams

    Communication Barriers: Language differences, cultural norms, and communication styles can create challenges in understanding and conveying information effectively.

    Differences in values, opinions, and backgrounds can occasionally result in disputes and misunderstandings within diverse teams.

    Implicit Bias: Unconscious prejudices can influence interactions and decision-making in diverse teams, possibly resulting in unfair chances or treatment.

    Building trust and a sense of belonging in diverse teams can be more difficult since people may be more at different levels of ease and familiarity with one another.

    Managing and managing diverse teams can be more challenging since team members may have different work habits, expectations, or time zones.

    Resistance to Change: Some team members could be unwilling to adapt to the new ideas or methods of operation that come with more diversity.

    Challenges with inclusivity: Making sure that every team member feels valued and included can be difficult because different groups often participate and engage at different rates.

    1. There is a significant relationship between diversity and performance, but it richly depends on time and kind of projects at hand.
      I worked with one team on need based assessment that I haven’t seen them before. I really enjoyed working with them collaboratively, the showed me that even without my supervision they are ready to do the work at their best.

      But in the same vane during my undergraduate I was opportuned to serve as the faculty president, but only few want to serve the association as they have pledged, I have to use the few that are ready to work we put hands together to achieve our set goals but it took our time and energy.

  802. Diversity is a great form of achieving good project, having people come together with different ideas, knowledge and insight and putting all in one phase to achieve a similar goals

  803. Diversity in my opinion is great way of achieving great success in a project. Diversity brings about creativity, new ideas on how to deal with arising issues and more productivity. Every team member get to learn new skills and ideas from each other’s experiences and opinions and it hastens achieving of the targeted goal.

  804. Diverse team enhance effective work, Some research supports growing body of which shows the diversity of teams are more creative , innovative and keep up to time which yield productive than homogenous teams.

  805. The effects diversity has on the success of a project is enormous.
    As it automatically creates a learning environment for everyone regardless of their difference whatsoever.

    It allows creativity from the team members, they only need to be properly managed

  806. I studied Theatre Arts and I was taught how to work on a project with people that I don’t know or love. With that background, I have found myself in situations where I have to work with people available to carry out a task regardless of their expertise or experience. It felt like we were settling for the less but it always turns out to be a huge success and the amazing thing about this is that new potential was discovered.

    So diversity is actually the best way to achieve success in a complex situation because everyone is unique and tries their best to deliver in other to create a perception. Also, there are no issues that need settlements before the task ahead.

  807. in my own opinions, a more diverse team brings ideas to project work with different skills and knowledge to achieve the best project ever. thanks

  808. Teams with greater diversity produce superior work. This is supported by a growing body of research, which has shown that diverse teams are more innovative, creative, and productive than homogenous teams.
    Working in highly diverse teams can be a rewarding experience, but it also presents some challenges. Here are some of the most common challenges:
    โ€ข Communication barriers: Team members may have different communication styles, languages, and cultural backgrounds. This can lead to misunderstandings and communication difficulties.
    โ€ข Cultural differences: Team members may have different values, beliefs, and customs. This can lead to cultural clashes and conflict.
    โ€ข Unconscious bias: Unconscious bias can lead team members to favour or discriminate against certain team members based on their race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or other factors. This can create a hostile work environment and undermine team morale.
    โ€ข Inequitable inclusion: Not all team members may feel equally included or valued. This can be due to factors such as unconscious bias, cultural differences, or lack of opportunities for advancement.

  809. My experience in project management had actually showed that diversity when properly harnessed is profitable๏ผŒ because it could be a source of knowledge๏ผŒ Skills and innovations to other team members.

    For the team goal to beaccomplished in complex situation like this๏ผŒ there must be clear communication๏ผŒ understanding ๏ผŒcooperation and efficient team work, and the Project Manager should create environment for such behavior.

  810. Communication Challenges: Differences in communication styles, language, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings if not managed effectively.

    Conflict Management: Diverse teams may experience more conflict due to varying viewpoints and expectations. Project managers must be skilled in conflict resolution.

    Inclusivity: Ensuring that all team members feel valued and included is crucial for a productive and harmonious team dynamic.

    Effective leadership, open communication, and a commitment to inclusion are essential for harnessing the advantages of diversity in project management teams while mitigating potential challenges. When managed well, diversity can contribute significantly to project success by fostering creativity, adaptability, and a broader range of skills and perspectives.

  811. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Diverse teams often bring together individuals with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity can foster creativity and innovation, as different viewpoints can lead to novel solutions to problems.

    Improved Decision-Making: Diversity can lead to better decision-making. When teams include members with diverse viewpoints, they are more likely to consider a wider range of options and make more balanced decisions.

    Broader Market Insight: Diverse teams can better understand and connect with diverse customer bases. This can be especially valuable in industries and markets with diverse consumer populations.

    Better Problem Solving: Diverse teams may be more effective at solving complex problems because they can approach issues from various angles and offer different strategies for resolution.

    Enhanced Employee Satisfaction: Inclusion and diversity efforts can improve employee morale and satisfaction. When individuals feel that their unique perspectives are valued and respected, they are often more engaged and motivated at work.

    However, it’s important to note that while diversity can offer numerous benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges:

    Communication and Collaboration: In highly diverse teams, language barriers, cultural differences, and varying communication styles can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in collaboration.

    Conflict and Tension: Differences in perspectives and experiences can sometimes lead to conflict and tension within diverse teams. Managing and resolving these conflicts effectively is crucial.

    Inclusivity and Equity: It’s not enough to have a diverse team; inclusivity and equity are also important. Ensuring that all team members have equal opportunities to contribute and are treated fairly can be challenging but is essential.

    Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious bias can still exist in diverse teams, impacting decision-making and interpersonal dynamics. Organizations need to actively address and mitigate these biases.

    Leadership and Management: Leading diverse teams requires a different set of skills, including cultural competence and the ability to navigate complex dynamics. Leadership training may be necessary.

    In summary, research suggests that there is a relationship between diversity and performance, with diverse teams having the potential to perform better in various aspects. However, the actual impact of diversity on performance can vary depending on how diversity is managed and leveraged within an organization. Addressing the challenges associated with diversity is essential to harness its potential benefits fully.

  812. In my own opinion I think a more diverse team will do a better work than a homogeneous team. Because a diver team will possess different abilities, skills, experience and knowledge which will help the team to achieve the set goals.

    1. A more diverse team will do better, bringing ideas with their diverse knowledge and skills all put together to provide a common positive idea which is more better than homogeneous team.

    2. Diverese team often promote team play better than homogeneous and they tend to be more productive as they bring diverse knowledge, skills in a complex situation.

  813. I have found myself in situations where I have to make use of the people available to carry out a task regardless of their expertise or experience. It felt like we were settling for the less but it always turns out to be huge success and new potentials discovered.

    Diversity is actually the best way to achieve success in a complex situation, because every one is unique and tries his or her best to deliver in other to create a perception. Also they are no issues that need settlements before the task ahead…it makes team work to go smoother.

  814. In team building, diversity can bring a wide range of perspectives and ideas to the table because diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and skills, which can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities. There will be a higher number of successful complex projects if the Project team is highly diverse because they perform better in highly VUCA environments, especially with the world experiencing rapid and unpredictable change giving less room for high social cohesion. Diversity includes:
    Cognitive diversity (cognitive styles, skills, and problem-solving approaches) – can lead to a wide range of ideas and solutions, which can be valuable in problem-solving and decision-making in the team.

    Demographic diversity (race, gender, age) – brings unique perspectives and experiences to the team. This diversity can be particularly beneficial for understanding and serving diverse customer bases or markets.

    Teams with greater diversity produce superior work than homogeneous teams.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams include but are not limited to the following:

    -Communication Barriers: Differences in language proficiency, communication styles, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
    -Conflict and Misunderstandings: Cultural, racial, gender, or generational differences can sometimes lead to conflicts or misunderstandings if team members are not sensitive to these differences.
    -Different Work Values and Ethics: Team members from diverse backgrounds may have varying work values, ethics, and approaches to problem-solving.
    -Resistance to Change: Some team members may resist new ideas and approaches brought by individuals from different backgrounds, fearing that it might disrupt the status quo.
    -Time Zone and Location Differences: In global teams, dealing with different time zones and physical locations can be a logistical challenge, impacting meeting times, project coordination, and team cohesion.

  815. Diversity will be great in achieving team goals but this also needs to be managed accurately as different opinions will pop up which might delay the time of project delivery. So effective communication is needed so as not to make the team members feel that their opinion does not matter.

    1. From my experience I can say that diverse teams tend to work faster and produce more results than homogeneous teams

  816. Diversity in skills will assist productivity in the team. When team members have diverse in skills, alongside with sufficient communication network, achieving the goals and aims of the team will be easy

  817. Diversity in the team bring together individuals with a wide range of perspectives, skills, and experiences. This diverse team can foster creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, as different viewpoints can lead to more comprehensive solutions and ideas.

  818. Think about a conflict you have either been aware of or involved in. Can you identify its sources according to the categories in the table? Share your thoughts in the discussion section.
    It was an Uncertainty on who had the authority conflict.

  819. โ€ข Do you work on multiple projects?
    โ€ข What practices do you use when working on multiple projects?
    Good time allocation.
    โ€ข What advantages have you observed for yourself and/or the project?
    You donโ€™t work alone.
    There is the possibility of gaining more success than an individual.
    Work may get interesting.

  820. Now think about MTD, the water installation events company and the Glasgow event youโ€™ve been following in the videos so far on this course. Do you think it would be possible to apply a resource levelling approach?
    No, I don’t think so. In other to meet the planned end date a Resource smoothing or time-limited scheduling approach will have to be utilized.

  821. 1.Effectiveness is one of the connection between diversity and performance. When there are different kinds of people work on projects they work with professionalism and competence because they are coming with a common cause to execute their projects and distributing responsibilities without favoritism. Also because of the pressure that diverse people are involved, they tend to make a less error free projects.
    2.Yes, the more diverse a team is, they are challenged to produce better results than a less diverse team. Through competition, they can attain that height and above.
    3. brigde in communication: Not express themselves and ideas
    unhealthy competition: they can end up infusing bodily harm on themselves through violence

  822. Yes, the diversity of teams being better than homogenous ones, matches my experience.

    In a previous place of work, our team had people of different cultural backgrounds and it was always useful in the procurement process, as the purchase inquiries were done by some team members who were able to source out easier and less costly areas to make procurements, each member of the team contributed in a very amazing way each time.

    The relationship between diversity and performance is, due to the different backgrounds and experiences of the team members, they all bring more innovations, as they all have a wider range of perspectives.
    Also, diverse teams do better work by the increase of productivity among the team members and enablement of more creativity and better problem-solving among team members. All this makes way for higher profits.

    The challenges of working with highly diverse teams can be issues of trust, having to deal with conflict resolutions, difficulty in communication, and resistance to change among the diverse members of the team.

  823. Yes, there is often a positive relationship between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams can indeed lead to better work outcomes. Diverse teams bring together individuals with a wide range of perspectives, skills, and experiences. This diversity can foster creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, as different viewpoints can lead to more comprehensive solutions and ideas.

  824. A diverse team is a group of individuals who have different backgrounds and skills that work together as a team to achieve company goals. They might have differences regarding age, ability, nationality, ethnicity, religious background, personal history, professional background, skills, gender or political preferences. These differences can help companies discover creative solutions and innovative methods to improve operations and reach operational goals.
    Crafting a team with varied thoughts, backgrounds and inputs can help your team discover creative ways to solve problems. This is because each team member has different perspectives and more ideas that homogenous teams might not uncover. With increased team creativity, teams also benefit from improved innovation. Employees who work together in a diverse environment can develop and expand their existing skill sets. This can benefit a company because, enhanced skill sets may result in improved productivity, performance and quality of work.
    Teams who provide unique and quick solutions for a company can improve the competitive advantage the company has over other organizations within the same market. This advantage can help increase sales profits and overall revenue for the organization.
    Additionally, effective teams can reduce the time taken to complete projects.

    Challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams
    1. Conflicts: Since the employees vary in their different aspects their concepts and ideas might clash with others. Such conflicts will cause less work completion and may reduce productivity.
    2. Communication: Since the employees are from different in backgrounds, knowledge, education, and language they might not understand the language of other employees. Which causes the communication problem in the organization.

  825. Challenges of diversity
    1) communication
    2) conflict
    3) leadership challenge
    4)cultural diversity
    5)varied working pace

    Advantages of diversity
    1)projects are carried out rapidly and efficient
    2) varied opinions and thoughts on the project
    3) knowledge is shared amongst team mates
    4)Tasks are assigned to make projects easier
    5)improves communication and cooperation

  826. what aspect of managing project teams do you anticipate would cause the most pressure for you as the project manager?
    Dealing with team conflicts, differences in work styles, and maintaining motivation can be daunting, and Managing diverse stakeholder expectations and maintaining clear communication can be overwhelming.
    What suggestions do you have to safeguard yourself and your team for running an event?
    Develop a comprehensive project plan that includes tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and resources required for the event.
    Clearly define roles within the team to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities and can contribute effectively.
    Hold regular team meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and keep everyone on the same page.
    Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to address any issues that might arise.
    Maintain open and transparent communication channels among team members and stakeholders.

  827. Assigning tasks to less experienced team members provides them with opportunities to learn and develop.
    Assigning tasks based on development needs can foster a sense of camaraderie within the team.
    Providing less experienced members with responsibilities can boost their confidence and sense of ownership.
    It motivates the team to do more and and also could lead to mentorship role by the supervisor to his employee.

    1. Diversity can bring various ideas and perspective thereby bringing individuals with different backgrounds and views as a team. It gives room to high creativity, productivity, innovative thinking abilities inorder to solve problems than a homogeneous term.

      The challenges of a diversity in a team are:
      1. Language or communication barrier.
      2. Cultural diversity.
      3. Resistance to change or system in a team.

      Advantages are:
      1. Brings organization growth.
      2. Brings exposure to the team members of the group when they learn from one another.
      3. Variety of ideas.

  828. The background and previous experience of the team reflects on the performance of the team be it homogenous or diverse.
    Diversity comes with multiple ideas and possible solutions to issues especially faced by an upcoming organization. It tends to stabilize the project in a way before setting up the way forward. Diverse teams bring together individuals with different perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches. Diverse teams tend to engage in more thorough and balanced decision-making processes.
    challenges faced are;
    Diversity can lead to communication challenges due to differences in communication styles, cultural norms, and language barriers. It can lead to fear of the unknown, thereby making change difficult to effect. Some persons might not feel carried along that is biased.

  829. Highly diverse team are high performers especially if cognitively diverse, they deliver faster and better when communications are properly managed, and task are clearly defined with a project manager in charge to follow through and ensure these team members are properly managed.

    challenges arise when working in highly diverse teams when team members are not able to agree on task and processes especially when there is rivary amongst team memebrs, or when task are clearly defined.

    1. Diversity in Team can be a blessing and it can serve otherwise depending on the project they’re working on and how they understand each other.
      Regardless of being diverse or homogeneous, having a right attitude to work makes a successful team.

      While I have enjoyed working in diverse team because of freedom to address each other both warmly and bluntly as need arises, I’ve also found homogeneous team corporative

  830. Team diversity can outperform well if there is unity, but I have seen diversified teams without good performance due to jealousy and some team members practicing PHD (Pull Him Down).

    I think that diversity in a team can be a better way to manage a team and can lead to performance but conflicts and other forms of disunity should be dealt with.

  831. Folasade Coker Team 3 Cohort 9
    Yes, I have worked in an organization where there was a group of teams formed for different projects. These teams were named A team B team, and C team which signifies their strength and ability to execute A class project, B class, and C class.

    In m experience. there is relationship between diversity and performance

    Do more diverse teams do better work?
    Creating and fostering diverse teams within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture and morale of the company. A diverse team can help organizations discover unique solutions and make effective business decisions.

    1. Yes, I have worked in an organization where there was a group of teams formed for different projects. These teams were named A team B team, and C team which signifies their strength and ability to execute A class project, B class, and C class.

      In my experience. there is a relationship between diversity and performance. Employee diversity takes multiple forms. There are commonly considered inborn traits of age, gender, ethnicity, race, and sexual orientation. Other types of diversity, however, which one acquires through experience, are also important. They can involve areas of study, industry background, career path, veteran status, and foreign work experience whereby one learns to appreciate cultural differences. All of these play out in my experience with diverse teams and performance

      Diverse teams do better work and the challenges of working with a highly diverse team include

      Communication issues
      Cultural misunderstandings
      Slower decision-making
      Inequitable inclusion

      Do more diverse teams do better work?
      The creation and fostering of diverse teams for a project or within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture, and morale of the project or company. A diverse team can help organizations discover unique solutions and make effective business decisions.

  832. – The agreement is relative or subjective depending on the nature of the task.
    If the task is quite simple with a certain result, which is expected to be completed within a very short time frame, then, NO, it does not agree.
    But if the project is complex, requiring uncertain procedures for an expected outcome, then, YES, it agrees.

    -There is relationship between diversity and peformance. A homogenous team will do a good and even a great job. A diverse team will do a ‘wow’ job as diverse expertise, creativity and experience will be brought to bear and an outcome far exceeding initial expectation may be borne.

    – Depending on the nature of the project, a more diverse team can do a better job. If the project is quite simple, clear cut, and straight forward, then the more diverse team may pose a challenge or an outright hindrance. But in complicated and VUCA scenario, a more diverse team is the best bet for a better job

    -highly diverse team may pose the following challenges:
    . Initial distrust of capabilities
    . Competition (intra team)
    . A lot of time may be wasted ab initio while each person is settling into his/her role and learning to trust each other
    . There maybe language barrier
    . Cultural, religious and social dissent

  833. Adetoro Olatope
    Yes. Team with diversity of people have greater performance because task has been allocated to each person and their is delivery date for each task. Everyone understand that their result is dependent on another person and they want to deliver as plan. In diversity of team, we have variety of knowledge, skills and expertise which also add value to the team.

    The challenge in highly diverse teams are:
    1. Time zone
    2. Language
    3. Culture
    4. Enviromental factors
    5. Regulation and guidelines

  834. yes I do agree that AMP acknowledgment on diversity and diverse team performances on a project, it kind of facilitated the perspective and more angles on the project and it’s purpose and for the PM, it becomes very easier to assess the activities and actions.

    bit it has some challenges also, which is the communication gap, language barriers, some environmental and geographical differences, and cultural differences to adopt and being totally understanding specially for large team and project.

    [this system has some technical issue, kept on saying it’s duplicate. Difficult to put comment]

    but it can be mitigated by certain team forming and storming with the team by acknowledging each others expertise, characteristics and approach of their own uniqueness to be able to get and launch high performing activities in order to serve the project required and final outcome.

  835. yes I do agree that AMP acknowledgment on diversity and diverse team performances on a project, it kind of facilitated the perspective and more angles on the project and it’s purpose and for the PM, it becomes very easier to assess the activities and actions.

    bit it has some challenges also, which is the communication gap, language barriers, some environmental and geographical differences, and cultural differences to adopt and being totally understanding specially for large team and project.

    but it can be mitigated by certain team forming and storming with the team by acknowledging each others expertise, characteristics and approach of their own uniqueness to be able to get and launch high performing activities in order to serve the project required and final outcome.

  836. Research suggests that more diverse teams often perform better. Diverse teams bring total variety of ideas, skills, perspectives which leads to improved problem-solving, creativity, and innovation. However, effective collaboration and communication are key to realizing all these objectives.

    There are challenges that this diversity could pose such as language and cultural differences, potential misunderstandings, differing work styles, and conflicting viewpoints.
    For a PM, managing these differences effectively can require additional effort and skills in understanding and respecting each other’s backgrounds. It’s also important to address unconscious biases that might impact decision-making and collaboration within the team.

    1. In my own experience, diversity and performance are relatively connected. Naturally our differences breeds diverse ways of doing the same thing.
      In project management, diversity in setting up a project team could reflect the type of skill set that are uniquely built in individual team member. It could be gender, race, culture, language or profession.

      Depending on the particular objective of a project, teams can be set up without recourse to homegeneity. This has also been proven by high performing results from these diverse team setup.
      However, these diversities in project team also has its down side as beliefs and stigmatization plays a negative role in diversely built team.

  837. Diversity in project management team is a factor in project success, in the sense that team members tend to function more when they are respected. Having team members from different background,social and work experience, with each of them having little or no prior knowledge of the other tends to foster project success and minimize friction. Here team members tend to have strong focus and understanding of the project goal and will individually aim to achieve this.

  838. A diverse team is more likely to succeed in executing a project and attaining positive results especially in a complex project. A diverse team means an environment with a plethora of viable solutions and thinking methods. This presents the organization with an array of solutions they can analyze and pick the pest that suits a certain project. This also gives room for members to learn new skills and learn from each others knowledge and improve their social and interrelation skills.
    However, this may not be the best for some projects where there is a clear single purpose from start to finish and certain defined skill sets are required. this is because in such projects team members are required to think and work alike and in a certain route for the purpose of the project and within a limited time frame.

  839. In personal experience, I think while diverse teams have the potential to produce superior work due to their wide range of perspectives and skills, they also face challenges that need to be effectively managed. Organizations that promote diversity and cultivate an inclusive environment can harness the benefits of diverse teams while also addressing the potential challenges. The correlation between diversity and improved team performance is well-supported, but success relies on careful attention to communication, conflict management, and fostering an inclusive culture.

  840. diversity is key to the success of any team. I have learnt this from when I was a active footballer. Take a look at a football team, the team is saddled with a goal which is to win a particular trophy at the end of the season. A project manager who is the coach need to come out with players from different background,race,etc just to ensure the team delivers. the diversity in the team comes from players with different skill, ability, strength and understanding. they all come together to achieve a common goal using all knowledge and experience gathered.

  841. Diversity in a project team is very effective in driving project success as team members come up with varying views and innovative ways of tackling challenges based on their experiences. However, team members must possess shared values ideologies to avoid issues that can work against the progress of the project such as discrimination, slow decision making, disagreements etc.

  842. There is a great connection between diversity and performance and I also believe that teams with greater diversity produce superior work.
    Teams with diverse workplace empowers people to develop their talents and skills. A range of ideas and expertise enables those to learn from a more diverse collection of colleagues.
    It can also boost problem-solving capabilities and increase happiness and productivity. In an environment where all voices are heard, this spirit of innovation and encouragement to contribute can drive business success.
    More diverse workforce allows you to bring new ways of thinking into the project that can be applied in many different ways. By listening to each employee’s voice and way of thinking, a company will no longer be pigeon-holed in one direction.

    A company that actively encourages diversity in the workplace will see more perspectives being discussed and more solutions being thought of than ever before. This can inspire team members to perform to the highest of their abilities.
    Diverse teams are more likely to constantly reexamine facts and remain objective. They may also encourage greater scrutiny of each memberโ€™s actions, keeping their joint cognitive resources sharp and vigilant.

    But to these as well challenges could arise as a result of diversity in a team which includes:
    Language Barrier issues
    Cultural misunderstandings
    Slower decision making
    Inequitable inclusion

    1. There is indeed a relationship between diversity and team performance.

      Research suggests that diverse teams can bring a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, leading to improved creativity, innovation, and decision-making. This, in turn, can positively impact an organization’s performance and financial results.

      More diverse teams often benefit from a variety of experiences and viewpoints, which can lead to better problem-solving and a broader range of ideas.

      However, it’s important to note that the success of diverse teams depends on effective communication, collaboration, and inclusivity.

      Challenges in highly diverse teams include difficulties in communication due to language barriers, misunderstandings arising from cultural differences, and potential conflicts resulting from different viewpoints.

      Managing and embracing these differences requires strong leadership, open communication, and a commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment.

  843. Agreed, a team with diversity tend to perform better than homogenous ones due to these different stated factors:
    Cultural backgrounds
    Educational and social value
    Environmental influence and exposure.
    Belief and orientation
    I worked and managed a team that comprised different members from 14 branches with diverse social,educational and cultural background, we pooled a greater result than most teams with homegenious society.

    1. Truely, diverse teams outperform homogenous ones thereby putting together their ideas, goals, skills and strategies to give an outstanding outcome.
      Yes, teams with great diversity gives superior work; giving room for each member of d team to b multi tasking
      The challenges faced are communication, ability to take risks and fund raising

  844. There is a great connection between diversity and performance. This is because team with greater diversity produces superior work. They are focused and able to combine their knowledge, skills, experience and capacity together to achieve the set goals.
    Some of the challenges that may be faced include communication issues and more fund spending.

    In my work place,i work with different kinds of individuals from different background,social norms,languages,cultures and beliefs.As much as it is difficult to communicate and imbibe your values while working together with them it is also advantageous being that i get to learn about their own values,culture and way of life.Howbeit,there is a relationship between diversity and perfomance,it can improve efficiency and performance or reduce efficiency and performance.What do i mean?Performance and efficiency can be improved if the diverse individuals involved set aside their differences and decide to work towards maximum efficiency whereas it could be impossible if the individuals decide to hold onto their diversity and refuse to agree at a common ground for maximum efficiency.But personally i feel it is more easier to work with homogenous teams especially when their is limited time for the project.

  846. Diversity is part of learning in life.
    In my profession, I have had the opportunity to work with in different teams made of people with varying background.
    This variety in background has assisted the teams in focusing quickly on the project at hand. There was very little time for bonding because the project was time based.
    Communication among team members was enhanced with mutual respect as each stakeholders was not ready to offend or be offended by the other party.

  847. In my project management experience, diversity has played an important role in shaping the flow of the projects i have worked on. ,here is never a moment the project gets paused because of the absence of a team member handling a segment of the project. that was diversity delivering

    Is there a relationship between diversity and homogenous teams? YES.
    It is the same actors in the homogenous settings that metamorphosed and gather experience from specialised skilled team members to diverse team players. No doubt a diverse team will function with better options and more ideas from team members because everyone is having an idea about everything from experience gathered overtime, as such they can brain storm and come up with better options and ideas on how to navigate around the project for best result or easily get out of a challenge. For instance if they ever encounter a missing team member due to unforeseen problem that could arise in the course of carrying the job such as sickness or absence of a team member beyond the control of the actor.
    Diversity creates room for team members to be multitasking and this is an advantage to the team on both financial aspect and time control.

  848. Cohort 9 : team 1
    Diversity in team always bring high performance and good output and outcomes, diverse team tend to solve problem faster due to the fact that everyone is bringing on board diverse skills experiences and expertise as everyone will love to deliver their best.
    In a much that diversity in team has an advantages, it also has its limitations which are;
    โ€“ Different pattern of works
    โ€“ clash of opinions
    โ€“ Unhealthy rivalry/ competitions
    โ€“ Low team cohesion
    โ€“ Difficulties in understanding each other.

  849. I have once worked with a team of 5 with different skills and profession. From the get go we knew what we wanted to achieve and our variouse roles for the project as it was clearly stated by the project manager. You could call us a team of professionals. Because we already Knew what we wanted to achieve we executed our work very fast and without errors.

    1. I believe that diversity in team members brings about greater level of performance cos there will be high level of creativity, skills and productivity among team members that will lead to the actualization of their goals faster and on time in other to meet up target.

      1. Diversity in team often improve decision making in the sense that members with different perspective and background can challenge each other’s assumptions and bring alternative insight about a particular subject on table leading to more thorough and clear evaluation

  850. Yes, there is often a positive relationship between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams can indeed lead to better work outcomes. Diverse teams bring together individuals with a wide range of perspectives, skills, and experiences. This diversity can foster creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, as different viewpoints can lead to more comprehensive solutions and ideas.

    1. In most cases successful team are always with a team with diversity. Reason is that, in the absent of little or no familiarity their main focus is to ensure that the task is performed and thier focus is to complete at a given and successfully. For example, In my cohort I do not know anyone physically but connect virtually yet when it comes to task we performed it as a team with commitment

    In my experience of forming teams for a project, it is more effective to group people with shared values, though the team members may be diversified (having different viewpoint, experience level, educational qualification). This helps to create room for the team to learn from each other. Also, diversity encourages creativity and innovative ideas that are geared towards solving problems in a timely manner.

  852. COHORT 9 TEAM 1
    Diversity can breed better performance in a project. It brings about interact though in a limited time, cohesion and effectiveness

    COHORT 9. TEAM 9.

    I recently worked with team of data entry officers in the state secretariat.

    We were obviously diverse cause we were selected randomly. Despite our diversity we were able to accomplish the task set before us within a short time due to collaborative effort. We were able to discover new solution method to some of the challenges encountered during work in progress. This helped me to understand well the benefits of working in a diverse team compared to the homogeneous ones that I’ve been in.

    Creating and managing diverse teams within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture and morale of the company. A diverse team can help organizations discover unique solutions and make effective decisions for the business and also Strengthen morale of the team.

    On the other hand, some challenges that may be evident in diverse team include communication barriers which may lead to slower decision making.
    Conflict may also arise as result of non acceptance of one solution method. This could lead to biasness in the team.

    These challenges can easily be overcome by identifying barriers to language and communication and device counter measures to forestall it by encouraging the team learn the language or introducing translator. Also, working boundaries should be established and deadlines implemented adequately.

  854. Cohort 9 Team 2

    Working with a structured and controlled team is different from working with a diverse team. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
    Working with a diverse team gives room for learning, innovation, exchange of ideas, solutions and creativity. Yet a diverse team if not properly guided may slip from the original goal of the project and may also accommodate many conflicted opinion which may lead to loss of time in accomplishing the project.

  855. Diversity in team always bring high performance and good output and outcomes, diverse team tend to solve problem faster due to the fact that everyone is bringing on board diverse skills experiences and expertise as everyone will love to deliver their best.
    In a much that diversity in team has an advantages, it also has its limitations which are;
    – Different pattern of works
    – clash of opinions
    – Unhealthy rivalry/ competitions
    – Low team cohesion
    – Difficulties in understanding each other.

  856. Divergent skill constituted team tends to perform optimally well because of lack of affinity and the aim of result oriented teammate, the understanding hinges on achieving greater output for the overall project good

  857. Highly diverse teams tends to disagree on certain workflow as the are yet to fully get acquainted with each other and their diverse work ethics. The lack team bonding, doubt in the level of expertise of a fellow team member to execute the Job as demanded by the sponsor or product owner sets in. Opinions take a larger part than collaboration.

    The main challenges that occur in highly diverse teams are:
    Lack of Trust
    There is always a level of “analysis paralysis”
    Expert power.

  858. Working with a team with team members having different technical knowledge is very beautiful idea,the advantages are as follows,
    1. The always enough technical know-how knowledge bank for the project.
    2. The team members will have a lot to learn from each other.
    3. The project is most times carried out within a short while.
    The disadvantages can be as follows,
    1. The problem of leadership is always the problem,as there might be strive between the team members on who knowledge seems to be superior.

  859. Cohort 9 Team 4
    There is a great connection between diversity and performance because a good management of the first births the latter.
    Yes I believe teams with greater diversity will produce superior work because here every one’s knowledge is out to work which will bring the failure of the project to a very minimal point.
    One biggest challenge will be conflict of ideas which the PM can work out by though communication.
    Another challenge is time consumption.

    Every team member is distinct and have diverse levels of expertise. This is considered to be an added to the team in terms of achieving its overall goals and objectives.
    Despite this advantage, it is also considered to pose a great risk, if these expertise are not checked and properly handled, especially when each of them have varying ideas, suggestions and opinions.
    It is therefore the role of the team leader to know how to manage team diversity, fostering communication and ensuring there is no conflict of interest.

  861. There is a great relationship between diversity and performance as this helps bring different perspectives to project execution.
    It has also been discovered that diverse teams tend to do better work than homogenous teams due to the wealth of experience and exposure from different field being brought by all involved in the project.
    Also, the major challenge faced by highly diverse teams is firstly communicatioion as there is need to establish a proper channel for this and as well the tenedenct for individuals to want to impress their opinions on the team due to their background or wealth of experience.

  862. Highly diverse teams have the potential to slow down team goals or even drag teams outside their main goals.

    1. Chinwendu Daniel Ogwueli
      Team 3, cohort 9.
      Diverse team is tends to deliver a quality project as most teams are exposed to high skills . In other hand, it can slow down work progress if there are expertises problems.


      A Diverse team is a group of individuals with different backgrounds and skills that work together as a team to achieve company goals. It also increases organizational performance.
      Although, they might have differences regarding Age, ability, nationality, ethnicity, professional background, personal history, skills, gender, or political preferences.
      Oftentimes, different perspectives usually result in better decisions and also leads to a more productive team environment.

  863. As long as the goal is to deliver a good project on time with the stipulated budget, diversity in a team I presumed in most cases is to the advantage of the project

      TEAM 3
      COHORT 9

      Every team has its prevalence on the success outcomes of the project and that is paramount.
      However, I will like to find myself working with the highly diverse team.We are sure to perform better because we focus on the task at hand. There is no time for discussions. We are bringing our experience and expertise to play.
      When we understand our difference in sexuality, age and gender, the task is the force.

  864. Working with a structured and controlled team is different from working with a diverse team. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
    Working with a diverse team gives room for learning, innovation, exchange of ideas, solutions and creativity. Yet a diverse team if not properly guided may slip from the original goal of the project and may also accommodate many conflicted opinion which may lead to loss of time in accomplishing the project.

  865. Diversity and performance in my thoughts and minimal experience is basically that diversity with great competence will deliver excellent results in a project team because there is more professionalism and dedication to duty without sentiments.

    1. Diversity in teams improves specializing which will in turn cut down errors been committed, moreover, time , energy and money will also be saved.
      Diverse teams also have the skill in identifying potential issues and avoids biases in decision-making. This can help the group to be more dedicated and end up with well structured solutions.

  866. To me diversity in team encourages specialisation which will cut down errors been committed. Time , energy and money will also be saved. The outcome will be increased perform.
    However, if the The team charter is not well implemented, the desired outcome may not be recorded as a result of misunderstanding peculiar to diversity in teams such as power tussle, varying ideas and discrimination

  867. Diversity is meant to improve performance by default but it does not come on a platter of gold. It is faced with a lot of storming and forming which at times result in waste of time, energy and resources to understand individual differences. If the diversity is across languages comes language and racial biases. All these differences have to be critically defined in the team charter and agreed to have a stable project implementation.

  868. Diversity in project team brings many improvements in the performance in so many ways. As we have advantages, there are also disadvantages. But it depends on how we manage them all.

    Relationship between diversity and performance can be seen in this ways:
    1. Different people from different locations can result to different ideas coming together for greater development rather than homogeneous ideas without any visible improvement.
    2. Diversity in team can bring about every members of the team to focus on their area of specialisation to lift the team forward. This means that there will be no time for irrelevant issues.
    3. Diversity in project team can reduce number of team members while the number will be increased if it were to be homogeneous team.

    Challenges of highly diverse team.
    1. There may be language problem.
    2. There may be conflict and disagreement in the team.
    3. The finance spent in keeping the the team may be relatively high.

    COHORT 9, TEAM 6

    Diversity and performance have both a good and bad relationship. Diversity with good relationships will motivate team members to put forth their best efforts because they are aware of the potential consequences of if one member.

    Diverse teams are better equipped to identify potential blind spots and biases in decision-making. This can help prevent group think and lead to more well-rounded solutions.

    Working in an environment that promote diversity will make teams feel motivated to work on a project which will reflect on a successful project.

  870. Working with diverse members in a team tend to yeiled more productive and positive results because every member of the team tends to focus on his or her area of expertise in other to achieve good results because he’s working with people he has never met before, so time that should have been wasted in familiarization with team members will be devoted more on achieving the team goals. But nevertheless, they’re some key factors of the team work that may be affected, such as effective communication, team work, and idea collection may be very difficult to be seen in use to achieve team goal because team members are diversed..

  871. Diversity as a team helps to build the team and strengthen it. It is the job of the project manager to put the diversity into use to help the growth of the project at hand

  872. Chime Ndubueze Ejike
    Cohort 9, team 3

    Working with diverse team is more profitable but has its own challenges.

    Working ad a project Engineer is some site has shown that Working with diverse teams yield more results.

    People tend to focus on their assignments without distraction from familiarise.

    They equally tend to prove themselves competent, hardworking, industrious in their field of endeavour.

    But the challenges there’s competition, nepotism and verbal attacks.

  873. Research suggests that diverse teams can offer several benefits, ultimately contributing to better work outcomes in some instances. Here are some potential advantages:

    Increased Creativity and Innovation: Diverse teams bring together individuals with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovative ideas, as team members challenge each other’s assumptions and consider broader possibilities.

    Broader Skill Sets: Diverse teams often consist of members with different skill sets and expertise, which can be advantageous when tackling complex projects or multifaceted challenges. This diversity of skills can lead to more comprehensive solutions.

    Enhanced Decision-Making: Diverse teams can foster robust discussions and debates. When team members have varying viewpoints, decisions are more likely to be thoroughly considered and evaluated from different angles before implementation.

    Better Problem-Solving: Diverse teams are better equipped to identify potential blind spots and biases in decision-making. This can help prevent groupthink and lead to more well-rounded solutions.

  874. Joel Nnamani. Cohort 9, Team 5.

    My experience in a team with diversity is a positive one. I work for a financial institution. As a field officer, I am involved in loan recovery at the beginning and end of every month.
    Teams are usually formed to carry out mass recovery exercise. It is proven that we recover more money and even faster when the team members are made up of diverse people: staff from different branches and members of loan recovery unit.

    Similar thing happens each time we go out for a mass sales or market storm with teams that are formed by picking officers from different branches, locations and departments and age bracket.

    The challenge with these diverse team members is that making decisions take time when there are arguments and misunderstanding.

    From my experience too, for a team that has a lot of cohesion, decisions are made very fast when there is a misunderstanding.

    By and large, teams with diversity of people in terms of ethnicity, believe system, gender, profession, departments etc perform better in projects and assignments.

  875. There is a great relationship between diversity and performance as this helps bring different perspectives to project execution.
    It has also been discovered that diverse teams tend to do better work than homogenous teams due to the wealth of experience and exposure from different field being brought by all involved in the project.
    Also, the major challenge faced by highly diverse teams is firstly communicatioion as there is need to establish a proper channel for this and as well the tenedenct for individuals to want to impress their opinions on the team due to their background or wealth of experience.

    1. Diversity, acknowledging the fact that different individuals, with different backgrounds and mindsets, this is what makes up a team?…then you would appreciate the role ‘diversity’ plays in improving performance.

      Human interactions differ, personalities differ, different individuals process problems differently and profer solutions differently too. Knowing this, helps you appreciate diversity and accept it as a way of life, the value of individuals when properly managed, through effective communication skills, inter-personal relationship skills and proper allocation of duties/tasks(knowing who can handle a particular task).

      The major problem encountered whilst working with highly-diverse teams are largely because of lack of proper communication, either it’s a language barrier or just plain complacency.

  876. A project team is a group of individuals that an organization brings together to perform individual project tasks and achieve the organization’s goals to produce positive results. By assembling a project team, the organization allows the members to complete the project on time successfully. Each team member may report to the same manager, but it’s common to see a cross-functional project that has team members working together from different department.

    Project team differ from any other team in an organisation because Usually, project teams are cross-functionalโ€”meaning they’re made up of individuals from different groups or departments within the organization, working toward a common goal. Project teams are responsible for successfully completing a project according to the project schedule and overall project objectives.

    relationship between diversity and performance For one, diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

  877. Diversity in the project executions has a high degree of outperformance than homogenous but with a great disadvantage at the outset, which is communication due to language barriers, as the PURPOSE, ALIGNMANT AND SITUATION need to be well communicated using communication system or interaction system that will cascade the output/outcomes of the project, however this will have a large impact on a short time projects as in the case of STEVE WILLIAMS and his team that could be formed under 10 minutes due to the seriousness/severity of the business of RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) after which the cohesion needful of the team to execute further project would be built at intervals this will enhance the synergy needful in the team going forward.

  878. Diversity in the project executions has a high degree of outperformance than homogenous but with a great disadvantage at the outset which is communication due to language barriers, as the PURPOSE, ALIGNMANT AND SITUATION needs to well communicated using communication system or interaction system that will cascade the output/outcomes of the project, however this will have a large impact on a short time projects as in the case of STEVE WILLIAMS and his team that could be formed under 10 minutes due to the seriousness/severity of the business of RNLI (Royal ) of the after which the cohesion needful of the team to execute further project would be built at intervals this will enhance the synergy needful in the team going forward.

  879. Working in an homogeneous team has a huge lot of advantages one of which is the vast knowledge base, available for the project execution by the wealth of experience the team members possess. This is however to be brought into check for proper utilisation by the project manager to prevent unessesary agitation between team members which may result in open confrontations stemming from conflicts between professional interests, professional values, etc. This if not checked may reduce commitments of some key team members towards fulfilment of the overall set goals for the project.

  880. Diverse team tend to produce quality output within a short period of time working together on a particular project due to
    every team member as an expert will quickly identify all possible unforeseen situation that may arise.
    The better approach is implemented
    social ethics are easily maintain as signs of appreciation for coming together from different background and ethnicity.
    project time will be short in delivery as most would be eager to return to their comfort zone.

    as lovely as it is ,keeping them together for a long period of time might become a time bomb as supremacy challenges will begin to show up,,and this will be a difficult task for the project manager.

  881. Cohort 9 team 8
    Yes my personal experience with diversity align with APM acknowledgement but it only outperforms in cases of short period of time. The longer the time working together the more conflicts, competition and lack of participation arises.
    Based on my observations, yes thereโ€™s connections between diversity and performance because both works by collaborating interdependently, balancing tasks, working and process productivity.
    Yes, according to research teams with greater diversity produce superior work, just as thereโ€™s greater output thereโ€™s also greater risks
    The challenges that arise when working in highly diverse teams:
    1. Wide range of knowledge
    2. Ethnicity
    3. Difference in cognitive abilities
    4. Group decision making
    5. High social cohesion
    6. Time

    1. Yes there is a connection between diversity and performance. It depends on the type of work and the time frame. I believe there are advantages and disadvantages to every side. Firstly thereโ€™s great team work and effort put in to make tasks go smoothly and efficiently. Challenges like time, ethnical and cultural diversity,cognitive dissonance etc can arise when working in highly diverse teams.

  882. Working in diverse teams has its advantages and disadvantages, but from my experience, its advantages outweighs the disadvantages.

    A diverse team with Professionals from different backgrounds and different patterns of working, coming together to contribute their knowledge and experiences is better because different contributions that align with the project to achieve the set goal of the project is good.

    Though diversity may be a problem at first because of the different patterns of work, miscommunication, misinterpretation, religion, ethnicity, race, gender, cultural background etc. Once all of these can be properly taken care of, according to the standards and mode of operations of the project required, the best team will have probably been formed.

  883. I’ve had the opportunity to work in both homogeneous and diverse project teams and I must say, performance and output is based on how the project manager leads and the motivation levels of team members.


    I have had the opportunity to work is diverse and homogenous teams and there is improved performance with diverse teams based on the wealth of knowledge, innovation and balance they are able to bring into projects. A gender diverse project team is able to as the women are able to bring in their intuition and emotional intelligence in handling projects. Men on the other hand are able to be logical and stern in their dealings on a project and this helps to reduce friction, helps better in handling the storming phase and leads to improved project outputs. Diversity also creates a better working environment leading to higher productivity and better performance.

    Some of the challenges with highly diverse teams are:
    1. Clash of opinions due to cultural differences and mode of handling issues.
    2. There might initially be some confusion at the beginning of the project due to different ways of reasoning.
    3. Frustration with other team members work ethic or mode of handling the project.
    4. Frequent miscommunication and discrimination

    APM’s acknowledgment; that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones aligns with my personal experience.
    There is a connection between diversity and performance.
    Teams with greater diversity do not necessarily produce superior work.

    Challenges that arise when working in a highly diverse Team.
    1.High coordination cost
    2.Unhealthy competition
    3.Commitment cliques.
    4.Difficulty of team members understanding each other.
    5.Thinking in Silos
    6.Dysfunctional social interactions
    7.Low team cohesion
    And many more.

  886. Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance.
    More diverse team do better work in complex project.
    The challenges of working in highly diverse teams includes, discrimination, decision making is slow, there is communication issues and cultural misunderstanding.

  887. As long as the goal is to deliver a good project on time with the stipulated budget, diversity in a team I presumed in most cases is to the advantage of the project.

  888. I am totally agree that diversity matter in a team. However, having quality on howto envolve the different skills that team member have is crucial. But sometimes, we have to handle the one who are not agree for everything

  889. Diversity and performance have both a good and bad relationship. Diversity with good relationships will motivate team members to put forth their best efforts because they are aware of the potential consequences of if one member of the team slacks. Diversity with bad relationships may result in conflicts amongst team members because of some extremely strong beliefs held by a team member and compromise may be quite challenging. The familiar teams have a propensity to be overly familiar which can stall or delay initiatives. Team cohesion is important since it enables them to function well as a group and complete the project’s intended aim.

  890. 1) There is indeed a relationship between diversity and performance within teams. Research has shown that more diversify teams have the potential to greater performance. However, team memebers are able to provide varied and complimentary solutions when faces with challenges such as:
    โ— Decision-making through diversify
    โ— Strong problem-solving.

    2) Working in an environment that promote diversity will make teams feel motivated to work on a project which will reflect on a successful project.

    3)There are a lot of challenges when working in a highly diversify team. Some of the challenges are:
    โ— Communication issues: communication can be common in a diversify teams and for a wide variety of reasons such as language barrier, different communication styles or preferences etc.
    โ— Slower decision making
    โ— Discrimination

    1. Lawani Shadrach Ogiriga, Team 6, Chort 9

      From my experience, there is a strong relationship between heterogeneous team and productivity/performance.
      When a team is diverse in most projects, there is a high tendency of the team members to perform better due to the fact that everyone would like to bring to bear their different or diverse skills, motivation, expertise, experiences, and perspectives because everyone will want to deliver at their best to avoid getting blames for the failure or delay of the project. In my organisation, the first task that was given to us (as a team), all team members gave their opinion/suggestions on how well to ensure that the deliverables are met on or before the deadline. With this we were able to view the implementation of the project from multiple perspectives and this helped us to use the best approach for the execution of project.
      A team with diverse membership (in terms of social cohesion, age, ethnicity and sex) are more likely to cooperate and meet project outputs and outcomes as a result of the motivation of the members to work together, especially when it is the first time of doing so than homogeneous team.
      However, there could be challenges too. Some of the team members may not have the required skills, expertise or experience to function effectively in the team. There could be misunderstanding among team members. This could lead to delay in meeting deadlines, waste of funds or project failure. A diverse team needs a strong and open communication to carry every member along so that no one will feel slighted.

  891. From my own view of experience, diversity fosters and increases the performance of a project team as it reduces too much familiarity and feeling of too much relaxation thereby slowing down project completion. Even though where we have large diversity among team members, I believe clearly stating our roles incorporating a linear project system wonโ€™t reduce performance. Naturally, teammates will learn about each other’s. cultures. this leads to a broader understanding of the world on a much deeper level, this happened to me in a project in which i was forced to learn language.

  892. As a Project Manager, there is indeed a relationship between diversity and performance within teams. Research has shown that more diverse teams have the potential to outperform homogeneous teams in certain contexts. However, it is important to note that the relationship between diversity and performance is complex and can depend on various factors.

    Some key points to consider:

    1. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative and innovative problem-solving approaches.

    2. Broader Skill Set: Diverse teams often possess a wider range of skills and expertise. This diverse skill set can be advantageous in tackling complex projects that require a variety of competencies.

    3. Increased Adaptability: In an ever-changing business environment, teams that embrace diversity tend to be more adaptable. They can respond more effectively to new challenges, market shifts, and diverse customer needs.

  893. When a team is given a project, and the individuals don’t know each other through experience, race, background, culture, etc. There is pressure and a need for producing best results individually, so as to not bring fights, quarrels, and incompetence. You don’t know who to explain your failures to and as such you are pressured to produce your best.

  894. Diversity helps to improve project outcome and bring the team members into a team work. It also helps to fast track the project to meet the deadline.

  895. Diversity in team could bring high performance and good outputs and outcomes. Although, at first it may seem uninteresting and awkward with different thoughts running through one’s mind but at the same time after maybe a first meeting, each and every team member would want to work effectively towards proposed goal. Team diversity also help teammates to meet new people and socialise, share ideas and learn from each other.

  896. Diversity in a team makes room for the teammates to express their skills properly, this brings about a higher and great performance. diversity makes room for a better communication between team mates and they also complement each other for the proper delivery of the project.

    1. Yes, while i agree that the benefits of diversity is such that they would have self respect for each other by default, and there be less conversations that may be an instrument of distraction at work or in their respective assignment.

      Conversely, it may also depends on the method through which the team is formed and how the assignment was given to each one of them. This may affect their interactions and cohesion in the team and brings about storming or frustration, and unfortunately there have never worked before. This is one of the demerits of diversity. But, if they fo have common background or they are homogeneous, they could quickly resolve difficulties at work and understand themselves better and and faster.

  897. Having diversity in project is not just important for team output, it is needed for the overall health of the team.
    Diversity in teams helps create balance.

  898. A diverse team gives room for higher productivity but may be faced with challenges like; language barrier, misunderstanding, culture differences and the likes.

  899. Well, I would say that diverse teams has the potential to outperform homogeneous teams; team members who are strange to each other has no prejudice against anyone, hence this is a good atmosphere for them to collaborate and give their best. Homogeneous team members on the other hand have the potential of performing less because some of them may have conflicting opinions, leading to disagreement and low zeal to carry out their task.

    There is a commendable relationship between diversity and performance. Diversity entails that everyone has a role to play hence, all hands are on deck to see that their role is well carried out.
    Diversity also infers that people from different countries can be asked to work on a project in a team. These people may not have met each other. Research has shown that they make a great team, with better output.

    More diverse teams do better at work, but there are some challenges that comes with working in a highly diverse team so of which include;
    Cultural differences
    Uncertainty of their skills
    Conflicting ideas and approaches.

  900. There is both a positive and a negative connection between diversity and performance. Positively, diversity will make team members put out their best as no one knows the consequences that may be involved if one member of the team slacks, this will serve as a motivator because of the unknown that may or may not be revealed but the project has to be a win-win.
    Negatively, some diversity may bring about clashes between team members because of some beliefs that are held very high by a team member and compromise may be very difficult. However, if there is a level of cohesion between team members, there is homogeneity and understanding between members and there is an understanding of the goals of the project that need to be achieved.

  901. 1. Yes, firstly, diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving. In the private sector, this can give you an edge over your competitors.
    2. Yes, Diverse teams allow individuals to actively participate and share their ideas. This can result in increased engagement and performance across a team. This is because each individual may feel more motivated to reach company goals.
    3. The major challenges of working in a highly diverse team are;
    a. Communication issues
    b. Cultural misunderstandings
    c. Slower decision making
    d. Inequitable inclusion
    e. Discrimination

  902. Diversity means having a team that reflects the variety of perspectives, backgrounds, skills, and experiences of the stakeholders and the market. Diverse teams are more productive and perform better. Greater opportunity for personal and professional growth. Diverse teams are better positioned to unlock innovation that drives market growth. Diversity further enables nonlinear novel thinking and adaptability that innovation requires. By embracing diversity, a team can benefit from improved problem-solving, increased innovation, better decision making, enhanced team dynamics, better representation, and a better company reputation.

  903. It varies on the type of project that the team is working on. For linear its is absolutely correct to use people who are very familiar with each other. But for complex and larger projects it all depends on team cohesion. A newly formed team might take a lot of time to have that cohesion because of cultural and background differences. Once they have the cohesion, they tend to work very well.

    But for the familiar teams, there is a tendency to have over- familiarity between them and it can stall or delay projects because they are in their comfort zones with each other. But in all this, team cohesion is key because it allows them work well as a unit and achieve the desired goal of the project.

  904. Diverse team tend to work professionally bringing in their skills.Diverse teams tend to be more focused and want to deliver results to prove their skills. They tend to bring it their professionalism and be individually motivated. They contribute in a unique way

    1. Diverse Teams tend to be more focused than homogeneous ones due to the fact that, everyone of them might have a unique and specific area of specialisation and above that, in a diverse environment no individual will like to be seen as below average so they give it their all to make sure the objectives & goals are achieved.
      The problem that I think might arise in a diverse environment is ‘Understanding’ and acknowledging each other’s ethical believe.

    2. There’s a relationship between diversity and performance.
      The more diverse a team is, the more superior the work will be as everyone will be trying to get the perfect results

    3. Okay. Diverse teams often bring together a variety of perspectives, ideas, and skills, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovative solutions. This can indeed contribute to better overall team performance and organizational outcomes.

      However, it’s important to note that the relationship between diversity and performance is complex. While diversity can bring significant benefits, it also comes with challenges. Communication and understanding might be more difficult in highly diverse teams due to differing backgrounds and viewpoints. Managing conflicts arising from these differences can also be more complex. Effective teamwork requires not only diverse representation but also inclusive practices and a supportive environment.

      In conclusion, while there’s a positive correlation between diversity and improved team performance, it’s essential to foster an inclusive and respectful atmosphere to fully harness the benefits of diversity and address potential challenges.

  905. In my experience, there is a strong correlation between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams tend to bring a variety of perspectives, ideas, and skills to the table, which often leads to better problem-solving, innovation, and decision-making. Here are some reflections based on my experience:

    Relationship Between Diversity and Performance
    Diverse teams benefit from a range of viewpoints that can uncover blind spots and offer creative solutions. When team members come from different backgrounds, they bring unique experiences that enrich discussions and promote out-of-the-box thinking. This diversity can lead to more comprehensive strategies and approaches, ultimately improving the quality of work and outcomes.

    Advantages of More Diverse Teams
    1. Innovation
    2. Broader Market Understanding
    3. Conflict Resolution
    4. Higher Employee Engagement

    Challenges of Highly Diverse Teams
    While the benefits of diversity are evident, there are challenges that need to be addressed:
    1. Communication Barriers
    2. Cultural Differences
    3. Inclusion Efforts
    4. Decision-Making Delays

    Strategies for Success
    1. Clear Communication
    2. Cultural Competency Training
    3. Inclusive Leadership
    4. Structured Collaboration

  906. In my experience, the more similar people are- what they do, how they do it, the way they think and how well they know each other- the more competitive they tend to be with each other. In a team it is important to recognise the differences between members so that instead of trying to do the same thing better than the others (which gives no progress to the project), the members recognise their positions and their separate contributions to the team and trusts the others to deliver on their part.

    1. Diversity if manage well will be the must productive project team, a team of project manager that comes from different backgrounds comes with different ideas, different way to solve problem and there will be less issues. But people coming from the same background there productivity may be limited and they will be having the same results over and over again

  907. i have worked in projects that have had a diverse team, in skills, language and knowledge
    the First thing i will say is, there is the challenge of understanding each other due to the different ways we communicate, however when we have gotten over that, i believe these diverse teams do perform better, as the team members respect what each person is bringing to the project. For Homogenous team because we might not have issues with language we tend to be a bit more argumentative and do not listen to each other, the Project Mgr usually has to bring everybody back by reminding the team of the project goals and ensure the Team starts working together

  908. It is no doubt that diversity makes work more productive, efficient and it helps the team perform better as well as more effective. There are wide range of opportunity for growth and creativity. Being able to be a rational thinker.

    1. Diversity is the best way to manage team because of it nature of work. Just for instance people with different ideas, skills, knowledge from different backgrounds are put together as team, that alone can evolve unique innovation in team and bring out best performing output

  909. Diversity in a team is great because of the skillset and expertise it converges, and the learning point it might present to other team members. Everyone understands what needs to be done and the need for time management. Moreover, people tend to move towards their objectives and goals more quickly because of work ethics and no room for personal misunderstandings.

    However, diversity might slow down the project because of many ideas that seem accurate and the need to thoroughly look into it. Communication may also be a problem because of a lack of understanding.

    1. Team diversity is good it help the project goals to be met, effective communication understanding and positive team spirit.

    2. Working with people with strategy makes work easier and it helps the team perform better effectively and efficiently because everyone else comes with their unique talent and way to improve a project in other to achieve the overall goal which is success.

  910. Amsain Olawale Team 2 Cohort 9:
    Team diversity is good because it brings different people with diverse skills on board. This enable the members of the team to acquire new skills and knowledge.
    Working in a highly diverse team my also present some challenges which includes:
    1. Conflict resolution time may be extended because of the diversity of the team.
    2. Misunderstanding and misinterpretation due to cultural differences.

  911. In my own understanding Diversity is when forming a team it is vital because it brings a lot of people from various backgrounds,skills, experiences and lingual enhances the opportunity for a team member to harness the in-depth knowledge that might be hidden over-time.
    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Communication barriers, misunderstandings, and conflicts due to different cultural backgrounds or communication styles may arise. Additionally, forming a cohesive and inclusive team culture can be difficult, and unconscious biases may affect team dynamics. To leverage the benefits of diversity, teams must actively address these challenges and foster an inclusive environment that values and respects each memberโ€™s

    The challenges of faced by a diverse team
    1. Discrimination, misunderstandings,misinterpretation due to the differences in culture and ability to acknowledge, understand, interpret and integrate perspectives.

    2. It takes time for people in this kind of team to agree on one thing as there can be division of opinion and there could be conflict in such environments

  912. Diversity make the work more productive and helps the team perform better. There’s opportunity for growth and creativity. Being able to think outside the box

  913. Diversity means having a team that reflects the variety of perspectives, backgrounds, skills, and experiences of the stakeholders and the market. Diverse teams are more productive and perform better. Greater opportunity for personal and professional growth. Diverse teams are better positioned to unlock innovation that drives market growth. Diversity further enables nonlinear novel thinking and adaptability that innovation requires. By embracing diversity, a team can benefit from improved problem-solving, increased innovation, better decision making, enhanced team dynamics, better representation, and a better company reputation.

  914. From my wealth of experience, diversity fosters and increases performance of a project team as it reduces too much familiarity and feeling of too much relaxation thereby slowing down project completion. Even though where we have large diversity within team members, I believe clearly stating out roles incorporating linear project system won’t reduces performance.

  915. Diversity in teams composition is key to the overall success of the project. It a vital skill the project manager should master.
    Diversity in teams composition gives the team a wide range of flexibility in an unpredictable environment. When differences at the beginning are probably managed by the project manager, the advantages outweighs the initial disadvantages.

  916. The best approach to team composition is to embrace diversity, as it allows for the integration of various ideas, skills, and knowledge to achieve positive results. This can be accomplished by facilitating effective communication, encouraging negotiation, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the project, and creating a conducive environment where knowledge is utilized efficiently.

  917. Diversity is the KEY to effective project management and ability for the project manager to formulate lead is very vital in handling project management.

    1. Diversity in a team is excellent because people with different skills, ideas, knowledge come together to achieve a goal, it gives the ability to think outside the box and be creative. Effective communication and team spirit must be put in place among team members to avoid slowing down the project.

  918. Diversity brings a sense of commitment and produces better results, the diverse experiences shape together and not only produce good outcomes but also enable team members to learn from each other, however at the beginning, storming may occur due to some barriers say communication, cultural and social differences.

  919. Cohot 9, team 6
    Diversity in a team can improve the overall productivity/performance of the team as long as the organization has a culture of participative leadership where everyone is allow to say their views or opinion and their opinion is valued. This culture allows everyone to make their own contributions without anyone being looked down upon. The best idea can be chosen out of other ideas. It is also important that the charter is accepted by everyone, once everyone accepts it , itโ€™s easier to get the job done as everyone is working towards achieving one agreed/ set goal . Experts in the field keeps coaching the amateur to make sure they accomplish their task within the time frame. More diverse teams do better work and deliver better results and make better decision. It aids employee retention, increases profitability and business growth. It leads to greater innovative and solves problem faster.

    โ€“ The challenges in diverse teams includes;-
    Discrimination, misunderstanding due to differences in culture and ability to acknowledge , understand and integrate perspective.

  920. Diversity is vital in proper project management practice, it allows for a 360 degree perspective and approach when implementing a project

    1. As a PM, need to allocate specific roles to professional resources to foster successful project output. Most project fail due to lack of teams guidance since diversity of professionals may different in approach. But once the project manager has a clear plan to run the project. Diversity brings out the best quality and timely output.

  921. Oluwamayowa Paul Ajibola
    Cohort 8 Team 8

    In my own opinion and line of thought i will say a diverse team will work better than a homogenous team because with a diverse team, itโ€™s all business, fixing the task at hand, there is basically no opportunity for any extra curricular activity, thereโ€™s usually some laxity in homogenous teams.
    Diverse teams tend to be more professional in their approach to tasks.

  922. Diversity is crucial and beneficial as it most likely produces high performance, because diverse individuals in a team produce ideas and profer solutions from their unique perspective

  923. sion)โ€

    August 7, 2023 at 1:39 pm
    From my own experience, diversity enhances the opportunity for a team member to harness the in-depth knowledge that might be hidden over-time.
    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Communication barriers, misunderstandings, and conflicts due to different cultural backgrounds or communication styles may arise. Additionally, forming a cohesive and inclusive team culture can be difficult, and unconscious biases may affect team dynamics. To leverage the benefits of diversity, teams must actively address these challenges and foster an inclusive environment that values and respects each

  924. From my own experience, diversity enhances the opportunity for a team member to harness the in-depth knowledge that might be hidden over-time.
    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Communication barriers, misunderstandings, and conflicts due to different cultural backgrounds or communication styles may arise. Additionally, forming a cohesive and inclusive team culture can be difficult, and unconscious biases may affect team dynamics. To leverage the benefits of diversity, teams must actively address these challenges and foster an inclusive environment that values and respects each memberโ€™s contributions.

  925. Diversity in a team can improve the overall productivity/performance of the team as long as the organization has a culture of participative leadership where everyone is allow to say their views or opinion and their opinion is valued. This culture allows everyone to make their own contributions without anyone being looked down upon. The best idea can be chosen out of other ideas. It is also important that the charter is accepted by everyone, once everyone accepts it , itโ€™s easier to get the job done as everyone is working towards achieving one agreed/ set goal . Experts in the field keeps coaching the amateur to make sure they accomplish their task within the time frame. More diverse teams do better work and deliver better results and make better decision. It aids employee retention, increases profitability and business growth. It leads to greater innovative and solves problem faster.

    โ€“ The challenges in diverse teams includes;-
    Discrimination, misunderstanding due to differences in culture and ability to acknowledge , understand and integrate perspective.

  926. Diversity increases performance. A more productive workforce translates to higher profit. Diverse team tend to be more innovative and creative in problem solving which puts one team ahead of competitors. Team members from different background brings a variety of skills, ideas, experience and perspective which translates into giving innovation for problem solving and gives corresponding valid sets of skills and tools to mitigate against unpredictable varied challenges in PM

  927. In my experience, there’s a connection between diversity and performance.. This is because people comes together from different angles of life and knowledge, with varied skills,ideas, innovation and technical know how to improve or achieve the project goals and objectives… This leads to better productivity and also speedy up delivery process,hence meeting up with deadlines

    Diversity has some challenges which may leads to the following if not properly managed.
    1) Communication and collaboration problem.
    2) Uncertainty of authority.
    3) Competition.

  928. From my experience, diversity in a team can improve the overall productivity/performance of the team as long as the organization has a culture of participative leadership where everyone is allow to say their views or opinion and their opinion is valued. This culture allows everyone to make their own contributions without anyone being looked down upon. The best idea can be chosen out of other ideas. It is also important that the charter is accepted by everyone, once everyone accepts it , it’s easier to get the job done as everyone is working towards achieving one agreed/ set goal . Experts in the field keeps coaching the amateur to make sure they accomplish their task within the time frame.

    Disadvantage: It takes time for people in this kind of team to agree on one thing.
    There will always be conflict in such environment. It’s left for the managements to manage the conflict well.

  929. Diversity helps team to want to learn and stick together (integrate) to achieve common goal knowing fully well that their strength lies in togetherness and upholding the ethics as well as professionalism. They also learn from one another while bringing their best of expertise to the project.
    I have worked in a diverse team on a few projects and it was hard at the beginning because we had to understand how best to communicate. Few days into the project, we were able to properly integrate and learn how best to communicate as well as work together. The project was a success because we were all on top of our game and performance was top-notch.

  930. Diversity, when combined with the right expertise, has the potential to enhance a team’s likelihood of achieving its goals. However, in my view, based on personal experiences collaborating within various teams, I find that a stronger sense of bonding within the team leads to better overall performance. This is because while diverse expertise may work well during emergencies, it lacks the social cohesion and camaraderie needed to address conflicts arising from that very diversity.

    To summarize, depending on the nature of the project, both types of teams can accomplish their tasks effectively, and neither is inherently superior to the other

  931. In a diversified team where each team member come from different background, they are motivated to bring ideas that are worthwhile to fit into the desired outcome or goal of the project.

  932. A diversified team brings to the table a wealth of diverse ideology and approach to doing work, where you have a number of possible options to pick from which best fit a better delivery of a task ahead.
    A homogeneous team on the other hand might have skilled people from a particular field, knowledgeable enough in an approach, and where the particular approach of performing a task prove abortive in a project there might be chaos.
    The setback with the diversified team is where there’s no proper communication and agreement, then everything may fall apart.

  933. Having a diverse Team has proven to be very effective as you get to work with people from different backgrounds having divergent views and experiences. As a Project Manager, you have the opportunity to nurture and manage these diverse views and experiences and forge a good strategy from the various experiences which add to the project’s success.

  934. Although I have had an experience but I think a diverse team can before better than a homogeneous team because in a diverse the required skill set and discipline is top notch,alot is expected from them but in homogeneous team,yes the may have the skill but the discipline and the drive cannot be compared to a diverse team. But we also have to consider the type of project being work on and the budget too, where there is no much work with low budget a homogeneous team can work better.

  935. I think a diverse team will work better than a homogenous team. This is because with a diverse team, it’s all business. Tackling the task at hand. There’s really little or no room for unnecessary chit chat. There’s usually some laxity in homogenous teams.
    Diverse teams tend to be more professional in their approach to tasks.

  936. My experience is similar for I have been part of a divesify team and our performance was superb but when I worked where we were a kind of homogeneous team, our performance was not too great.

    In diverse team there is a lot of respect and every member want and are ready to put in their best to achieve their goal

  937. Diversity fosters the integration of individuals from varied backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets, leading to enriched creativity, improved problem-solving, and more effective decision-making processes.

    operating within highly diverse teams can pose certain challenges and Communication may become intricate due to differences in cultural and language barriers, potentially leading to misunderstandings. Building trust and camaraderie among team members from diverse backgrounds may require time and effort.

  938. According to studies, diversified teams are smarter than homogeneous teams. They think more logically and are better at detecting faults in a complicated and uncertain setting.

    Diverse individuals working in a team provide their wealth of information and viewpoint relevant to the project assigned in accordance with an organization’s work culture for improved performance.

    Working in a highly diverse team can lead to discrimination, communication challenges, ethnic and cultural bias, and gender differences, all of which can disrupt work flow.

  939. Diversity in a team yields increased performance, as team with varying specialisation and experience has more to offer with knowlege from their various fields than when the team is from a simple group. One of the challenges faced in a diverse team is communication, as most members in the team are used to communicating in their varying professional jargons.

  940. The role of diversity in building a team cannot be undermined if properly harnessed and handled well by the leader; having people with various personal and professional experiences as well as different socio and cultural exposures will help the team a great deal in their task performance. It will help the team to learn from each other and expand their thoughts on issues of the project.
    There could be disadvantages if not properly managed as members may want to saturate the project with arguments and cause delays in project executions due to the “many captains” syndrome.

  941. Diversity in a team could be an opportunity to learn for all those involved, you are bringing in people from all spheres, with different background, mindsets and ideologies together, it has the potential to create something beautiful as well as be a disaster but with proper communication and management it will work out. if managed well it could also boost performance.

  942. I believe there is a connection between diversity and performance, this is because a diverse team comes with varied experiences and skillset and would look at situations and handle projects from varied contexts leading to improved problem solving and decision making thereby producing exceptional work.
    However, the downside to diverse teams are;

    Communication problems; it would be difficult to reach an agreement easily due to the team’s diverse nature which can be as a result of language, norms, backgrounds, etc.

    Project delay; the project might be delayed because of seemingly divergent views which would be diffcult to cohese.

    Conflicts; it can cause conflicts within the team as opposing ideas arise and some team members contributions are deemed contextually irrelevant

  943. Diversity fosters the integration of individuals from varied backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets, leading to enriched creativity, improved problem-solving, and more effective decision-making processes.

    Nevertheless, operating within highly diverse teams can pose certain challenges. Communication may become intricate due to differences in cultural norms and language barriers, potentially leading to misunderstandings. Building trust and camaraderie among team members from diverse backgrounds may require time and effort.

    Addressing distinct work styles and confronting biases can also present difficulties, but with adept leadership and the cultivation of an inclusive work environment, these challenges can be successfully surmounted.

  944. With my personal experience managing projects, I will agree with APM assertion that diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous ones with good results.

    Possible challenges working with diverse teams could be slow decision making and communication barrier but these can easily be address with people management skills.

  945. One key thing that have often reduced the performance of team work is “familiarity ” many time, we become familiar with the process, the team lead and then get up on projects unprepared untill we are faced with challenges.

    What diversity does when properly managed is that it brings people who’s aim of being on the team is to achieve goals within the boundary of professionalism and competence as possible.

  946. Overtime, I’ve learned that diversity tends to yield better performance because it will bring about different ideas and approach that enhances the project.

  947. I completely agree with the idea that diversity brings advantages to teams and organizations. Teams with diverse backgrounds and perspectives tend to perform better than homogeneous teams.
    From my personal experience, I have observed that teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work. Diverse teams bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to more creative solutions. However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges, such as communication barriers and misunderstandings due to cultural differences. Diversity alone is not enough to guarantee success. Itโ€™s important for team members to be open-minded and willing to learn from one another in order to overcome these challenges, and also important to have effective communication, negotiation and collaboration within the team.

    Cohort 8
    Team 4

  948. Working with diverse teams can be quite difficult, unlike working with a homogenous team.
    In my experience, working with people from different backgrounds is complex, but, the ideas are diverse, and the perspectives are diverse.
    We make informed decisions, taking so many parameters into account, because of the diverse minds in the team

  949. Does this match your experience?
    Yes it does match my experience from a couple of projects that I have volunteered for.

    In your experience is there a relationship between diversity and performance?
    Yes there was. It was easier working together as an homogeneous team than having new members joining the team

    Do more diverse team do better work?
    I think this is relative depending on the project scope and timeline.

  950. The truth is that it is not always easy to cope with diversity in a team because you’re bound to have conflicting ideas. But they produce better as everyone of them come with different experiences and ideas to the time and yields better results.

    1. In my opinion, there is a connection between diversity and performance. If handled well, diversity can result in high-caliber performance.

      Yes, diverse teams do better work because they approach problems in novel or distinctive ways. and the project’s advancement will benefit from this. But some potential difficulties they might likely face as a team includes;
      communication problems
      ethnic diversity

  951. Teams that are diverse are very interesting. They have high productivity as everyone of them come with different experiences and ideas to the time.

    At the same time,it is not quite easy to cope with it as diverse ideas might conflict.

  952. The diversity of a team enriches the team with different ideas and experience. When properly managed, a team with varied persons and backgrounds produces project output that is universally accepted. It becomes much more interesting when members that are willing to grow become receptive to other people’s thoughts and experiences.
    The opposite happens when team members take diversity to be unhealthy competition which will build toxicity and of course, bring about a no quality or low quality project output.

  953. For me I think diverse members of a team will produce better because here everyone has been trained so they are all trying to be their best … You will not like to fall your hand….

    How ever … Not in all project

  954. yes there is a linear graph between diversity and performance, and tends to produce better results because a lot of persons are train for particular work instead of just person, so there will be need for monopoly or pride.

    lastly the challenges of a highly diversity team is that they will face;
    1. language barrier.
    2. a lot of effort to control or lead them
    3. difficult in management

  955. I have learnt over time that diversity will always yield great performance because it will bring about different ideas and approach that enhances the project.

  956. I have learnt over time that diversity will always yield great performance because it will bring about different ideas and approach the enhances the project.

  957. The best form of success that can be recorded comes from the understanding of diversity. Overtime I’ve realized that the best time I get good and outstanding result is when I engage people from different walks of life to give their own take.

    It always gives the best rest.

  958. Yes, there is a relationship between diversity and performance in team building. Research suggests that more diverse teams can indeed lead to better work outcomes. Diversity brings together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and skills, which can enhance creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making processes.

    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Communication may be more complex due to varying cultural norms and language barriers. Misunderstandings might occur, and it may take time to build trust and cohesion among team members from diverse backgrounds.

    Managing different work styles and overcoming biases can also be challenging but can be overcome through effective leadership and fostering an inclusive work environment.

  959. Diversity in team encourages better team performance.
    Different ideas can be pulled together from a diverse team. This leads to better and quality problem solving skill, easier and quicker decision making, enhancement in innovation, completion of task within timeline

  960. In my experience, i agree that diverse team yield more productivity because team members tends to focus on the work rather than discussing personal issues. Secondly, there is mutual respect for one another because of unfamiliarity. Lastly they tend to exhibit high level of knowledge and cognitive abilities.

    Challenges sometimes could be language barrier. E.g we had a french man in our team who does not understand english so well, though he had expertise but how to present his views in clear terms was a challenge.

  961. Most teams often succeed when the members are very diverse. This has been my experience. I have worked in a research team of 5 persons from 5 different countries and each team member performed his own task very well independently because there was little-to-no social connections between team members.

  962. Diversity in team encourages better team performance. Different ideas can be pulled together from a diverse team. This leads to better and quality problem solving skill, easier and quicker decision making, enhancement in innovation, completion of task within timeline

    1. On my own view, diversity increases performance. A more productive workforce translates to higher profit. Diverse team tend to be more innovative and creative in problem solving which puts one team ahead of competitors. Team members from different background brings a variety of skills, ideas, experience and perspective which translates into giving innovation for problem solving and gives corresponding valid sets of skills and tools to mitigate against unpredictable varied challenges in project

  963. I donโ€™t have a personal experience of how diversity relates to performance in project management, I think and agree that diversity affects performance in a positive way. This is because team members tend to respect people they are not familiar with because familiarity sometimes, breeds contempt.

  964. Recently worked with a group of researchers on a research project completed within 3 months. In truth, the diversity and heterogeneity of the group correspond to the module on forming teams in complex environments. Although the research was done virtually, the efficiency of the research was impressive due to the fact that each individual was highly skilled in their field, so they were able to contribute their expertise to the project as well. Due to the diversity and heterogeneity of the team, each member was able to offer unique solutions to any challenges that arose during the project. This allowed us to work quickly and efficiently despite the virtual environment.

  965. Diverse teams, with people from different backgrounds and skills, tend to perform better. They bring fresh ideas and approaches, making problem-solving more effective. Such teams are also more adaptable and resilient, making better decisions in complex situations. However, working in highly diverse teams may require extra effort in communication, as people may have different cultural backgrounds. Overall, embracing diversity leads to dynamic and successful teams, but it’s essential to address communication challenges and promote an inclusive environment.

  966. Hello, although I don’t have any experience when it comes to projects, but i believe that diversity brings more positive results, because they are not familiarized with each other, they are not there to socialize but instead bring immediate and positive results

  967. From my personal experience as a project supervisor,I can say there is a connection between diversity and performance mostly when the project has a short time frame.Team members are eager to meet deadlines and return back to what ever they are doing not minding obstacles they may encounter and focusing on performance delivery. Diversity gives room for new ideas that can be advantageous. There may also be setbacks but with good communication this challenges will be tackled swiftly.

  968. A common saying goes thus: Vatiety is the spice of life, in this context, i am of the opinion that, diversity and performance go hand in hand this is however not to sat that it doesn’t come with little but complex challenges especially during the storming stage, the good news however is himged on the knowledge that when one overcomes then victory I assured, whereas if not handled well at the storming stage then the project will slide to the steepy slope of failure

  969. In my own experience possibly so diversity has its place and it tends to build mutual understanding and tolerance for team members. The only challenge I have come across is one feeling he knows more than another or the rest of the team members irrespective of diversity and other factors. (Uwadibie)

  970. Hello everyone, though I don’t have a personal experience of how diversity relates to performance in project management, I think and agree that diversity affects performance in a positive way. This is because team members tend to respect people they are not familiar with because familiarity sometimes, breeds contempt.

  971. When a team is diverse it leads to increased productivity as different challenges that arise in the process of executing the project are dealt with because of the different skills on the team. Diverse teams tend to do a better job because of the specialised skills on the team. However there is need for a proper cohesion and cooperation so that individuals on the team do not feel that because a particular problem does not relate to their skill, hence no need for their contributions.

    1. A diverse team is better because everyone is unique in his or her own way. They will try to bring in their best in what areas they are working on to get better result. They have different skills and experience.

  972. Diversity and Performance:
    Diversity breeds room for specialization hence an increased or effective performance.
    Diversity gives room for more specialty to handle specific task peculiar to a particular area of work.

    The major challenge with diversity is time factor as there may be delay in collating result from individuals of different areas or department.

  973. sion)โ€

    July 31, 2023 at 10:54 pm
    Diversity and performance
    Has to do with different people from different organization or department, different backgrounds having different policy, code and conduct coming together to execute a particular task in a project
    Diverse team do better work because it has do with collective idea from different expertise from different organization or department.
    Well the challenges here are
    competition among the members
    Disagreement will surely arise
    Delay might take place due to unfamiliarity among the team members.

    1. Diversity is the uniqueness of every individual, and their culture

      Performance irrespective of diversity is key and it is with these two that we bring ideas to the table, sharing ideas and displaying intellectual capacity.

      We need to understand our individual culture has a great deal in posing a challenge, but understand each other helps to work more efficiently and effectively

  974. Diversity and performance
    Has to do with different people from organization, different backgrounds having different policy, code and conduct coming together to execute task in a project
    Diverse team do better work because it has so with collective idea from different expertise from different organization or department
    Well the challenges here are
    competition among the members
    Disagreement will surely arise
    Delay might take place sue unfamiliarity among the team members

  975. A highly diverse team tends to have a great performance. At my place of work where all of us are from different background with different experiencs. we were able to achieve was a great team with lots of creativity, understanding and commitment to execution of tasks.
    Also, the team gets motivated knowing there’s a reward system put in place for success if achieved and project delivered before the deadline.

  976. Based on experience, a diverse team leads to more productivity and a positive overall performance. I think there is a strong link between team diversity and team productivity

  977. A highly diverse team leads to a great performance. i have worked in an organisation where all of us were from different background. what we were able to achieve was a great team with lots of creativity and commitment to execution of tasks

  978. There’s positive relationship between the diversity of team members and the teamโ€™s ability to absorb and respond to diverse challenges. The random selection of team members brings about expressions of variety of skills and capabilities to meet the unpredictable variety of possible challenges and gives room for agility to breakthrough VUCA.

    However, for a simple or predictable projects in stable environments, it is cogent for teams to be homogenous with high levels of social cohesion to avoid communication barrier, descremination, delayed in project execution and poor collaboration.

    Nevertheless, the PM will need to harness his management skills efficiently in diversity teams by ensuring their is no communication gap, descremination, etc and ensure team members have an earlier understanding of the charting.

  979. Diversity in team encourages better team performance. Ideas can be sum-up to form a diverse Team. Therefore, leading to a better and quality problem solving personnels, easier and quicker decision making, and fast-track completion of task/project within SLA.

  980. Diversity in Teams bring about innovation, Creativity, Ideas , knowledge and also help to carry out a project on time.
    If harness properly can boost performance..

  981. Recognizing and appreciating each other’s differences not only creates an environment that is inclusive to everyone, but it is one of the best ways for groups to think creatively and generate ideas for impactful projects. Diversity allows us to recognize our differences as a good thing.

    According to Bruce Tuckman’s stages of team development, Once a diverse team is formed and passes through the process of Storming to Norming, at this point it can only get better.

    The Performing Stages of the project will be so unique because of the diversity of thoughts and ideas that will be expressed during the process of execution and also on the final output.

    The problem at the storming process cannot be compared to the creativity that will be explicit on the final output because of the diversity of the team.

    A highly diverse team bring in everything and everyone.

  982. Diverse team tends to create more value and achieve more than homogeneous team, like for instance if as a manager you want to do things on your own you won’t produce result like when you call several of your team bring ideals and work together,

    Additional homogeneous team can not easily come out of a very thorough challenges and they easily fall a prey, but the adverse team will not likely or not fall into such, because when they work together, lop holes are actually fix before any fall
    As a project manager i prefer the adverse team, thanks

  983. In my experience on service projects. Team members in complex environment outperformed against the homogeneous environment because of the low social Cohesion which makes them unfamiliar with themselves time wastages via so much unproductive engagements and conversation contrary to the project goals is drastically reduced and minimized. Those times to spend getting to know each other is conserved or put into productive uses. Hence, project goals and aims are achieved within a short while as each persons tends to delivered at his or her assignments in time unlike in homogeneous environment that’s simple and predictable

  984. In my experience, I believe that a diverse team performs better than homogenous ones. This is better with a diverse team, everyone has something different to offer and it creates room for creative ideas, out-of-the-box thinking, and proactiveness. It is also a way to learn from each other.

    The one disadvantage it has is that there will be too many ideas. However, if harnessed well can be profitable for the project

  985. I tend to agree with APM that recognize that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones this is because most project members come with something to offer in the team. With various background experience, skills they will do more however, this is dependent on the Project manager’s ability to manage all members of its team to harness their resources.

  986. Performance, team member satisfaction, or an organization’s ability to innovate can all be affected by diversity. Better work is produced by varied teams. Diversity, for starters, boosts productivity. Higher profits result from a more effective staff. Second, diverse teams are frequently more imaginative and adept at solving problems. Among the difficulties include trouble with communication, discrimination, and sluggish decision-making.

  987. In my experience, diverse teams do tend to perform better than homogenous ones.
    When teams are composed of individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives,
    and experiences, they bring a wider range of ideas and approaches to problem-solving.
    This diversity of thought leads to more creativity, innovation,
    and adaptability, which ultimately drives better performance and results.

    One major challenge of working in highly diverse teams is effective communication.
    With team members coming from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds,
    it can be challenging to ensure clear and efficient communication.
    Misunderstandings and misinterpretations may occur, leading to delays,
    inefficiencies, and potential conflicts.
    It is crucial for team members to develop strong communication skills, actively listen,

    As a project Manager one need to ensure there is synergy and collaboration across the project team member

    1. In a situation that we have a complex environment, diverse team boost the performance and better results are achieved, they don’t know each other before, it was the project that brought them together.

  988. For complex situations, diversity boosts performance because in a diverse team, you’ll have people who can take care of different aspects of a plan within a particular time frame. For simple situations on the other hand, diversity hampers performance, it is usually better to make use of a specialized team for simpler plans, that way, you’ll have more hands working on achieving the goal within the allocated time frame.
    For example: you’ll need to have a team containing diverse skills while constructing a building, but you’ll only need to have brick makers (the more the better) and quality controllers while making bricks to be used for construction. In the case of brick making, having a diverse team (one that contains any other skills aside the two mentioned above) would reduce performance.

  989. Diversity and performance go hand in hand but it also comes with little but complex challenges during the storming stage but ones overcome then victory I assured, whereas if not handled well at the storming stage then the project is deemed to fail.

  990. Diversity and performance most definitely have a connection. Diversity encourages cohesion within the team and this in turn increases output from everyone in the team as there will be a wealth of experience to draw from and this can help in achieving a successful project.

    At the same time, diversity can prolong the storming phase as there might be vocal or assertive team members that might want to ensure they are being heard and all their contributions utilised. This can cause friction amongst team members and delay the project thereby wasting money and resources.

  991. I would say there’s a connection between diversity and performance such that team members, having come from varying backgrounds would contribute with their varying experiences to achieve organizational goals. However, the “storm” phase would grip them for a long time as team members because they don’t know themselves and their capabilities.

    However, the diverse team are most likely to be more productive as they would be more dedicated towards the goal

  992. Diversity leads to better performance in teams. When teams are diverse, they are more likely to have a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas. This enables people to approach problems from different angles, leading to more innovative and effective solutions.
    There are more pros to cons in which a more diverse team has to offer in the execution of projects.

    1. Diversity in skills with enhance the productivity of the team. When the team have sufficient communication with couple with diversity in skills, achieving the goals of the team will be easy

  993. I think there’s a relationship between diversity and performance, both positively and negatively. On the positive, a diverse team will have members who have different backgrounds and experiences, different levels of knowledge and ideas. This will ensure a balanced approach to a project. Also , not being too familiar or even familiar with one another will reduce distractions among team members and help them focus on the job at hand whenever they come together. The push to give one’s best and even impress one another with great work and creativity will be there
    On the other hand the diverse team may face the ‘storming’ challenge longer, due to unfamiliarity about how team members can be collaborated with, not trusting themselves and not being willing to work as a team. By this I mean a team member might want to put do others and work solo. However, if a PM is able to manage the complexity of diversity of the team members through constant communication, motivation, monitoring and alignment of team members well enough, a lot of good results will be achieved.

  994. When team members bring a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, they are more likely to solve problems and be innovative. Thereby results are sure

  995. Diversity can be both positive and negative but I feel in some cases, diversity can be used positively. It makes room for more open mindedness and various ideologies which can cover a lot of boxes which would have otherwise proven difficult.
    It can also pose a threat as team members may doubt their ability to trust each other as theyโ€™ve never worked together before. They might also wonder about their strengths and weaknesses in the course of the project.

  996. I totally agree with Apm that there is indeed a relationship between diversity and performance. A diverse team consists of members that can produce great performance because each member tends to put their ideas, creativity and innovation to use with little or no supervision to produce great results.

  997. Talking about the correlation between diversity and performance.

    Of a truth. diverse team members produces great performance because each member tends to put their ideas, creativity and innovation to use with little or no supervision to produce a great result.

  998. The fact that diverse team doesn’t have the knowledge of each other makes them work more effectively and efficiently.
    Most of the time, everyone in diverse team work effectively and efficiently to attain the same goal.

  999. In my experience, diversity in teams makes the best team as they tends to get along with each other in the course of handling the project. Diversity discourages familiarity. Each team member will want to perform at his utmost best to avoid any loophole coming from his end.
    This diversity also includes professionals as some projects cannot be effectively handled till we have professionals in such fields.

  1000. Diversity can lead to better performance in teams. When teams are diverse, they are more likely to have a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas. This enables them to approach problems from different angles, leading to more innovative and effective solutions.

    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Differences in communication styles, cultural backgrounds, and values can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. It’s important for team members to be open-minded and willing to listen and learn from each other to overcome these challenges and fully leverage the benefits of diversity.

    Overall, diversity can be a powerful tool for improving team performance, but it requires a dedicated effort to embrace and manage differences effectively.

  1001. Team diversity lead to high performance. This is because it allows for talent and creativity across board. It’s also healthy for the team members to learn and grow from a diverse team.

    1. My contribution to this discussion is that ,in a project diversity and performance correlates when it comes to achieving a proper goal.

      Diversity is when forming a team is vital ,co’s it brings a lot of people from various backgrounds,skills, experiences and lingual. They putting in different experiences and skills in play due to their various backgrounds of work enhances a chance to deliver in a project. It also brings to speed in delivery. And it also allows creativity and show cases different talents in the delivery of the project.

      While the disadvantage might be ,lack of proper communication due to their lingual background.

  1002. Team diversity lead to high performance. This is because it allows for talent and creativity across board.

  1003. Yes, team diversity lead to high performance. This is because it allows for talent and creativity across board.

  1004. Yes, there is a strong link between diversity and team effectiveness.
    Teams with a wider range of backgrounds often perform better and produce more effective project results and outputs, especially in complicated environments. This is because diverse teams bring a range of abilities, information, experiences, and viewpoints together. Diverse teams can better achieve their goals and flourish at their work by utilizing this diverse pool of abilities and efficiently utilizing their aggregate knowledge.
    However, there are difficulties that come with working in very varied teams, such as poor relations with others, inadequate solidarity, group forming, and having difficulty comprehending one another.

    1. From experience, there is this effectiveness and cohesion in a team with diverse members. Everyone wants to bring the best out of him or her to show the others what they’re capable of because they have little or no knowledge about individual performance ability. Talking about an homogeneous team,it also works but they all depends on the nature of the project in view.

  1005. Yes, there is a great relationship between diversity and performance in teams.
    More diverse teams, especially in a complex environment, tend to perform very well and deliver successful project outcomes and outputs. The reason behind this is that diverse teams bring together a variety of skills, knowledge, experiences, and perspectives. By leveraging this diverse pool of talents and effectively utilizing their collective knowledge, diverse teams can better achieve their goals and excel in their work.
    However, working in highly diverse teams poses challenges such as difficulty in understanding each other, low cohesion, formation of cliques, competition, and poor social interactions.

  1006. As research has proven that teams with a diverse membership can do better because they are more creative, innovative, and problem-solving oriented. I agree to this although communication may stand as a barrier due to divergent cultural norms and language. This may lead to misunderstanding, and conflict may arise from different viewpoints.
    Thus, building trust , cohesion and spelling out the vision and goals is necessary as people from different backgrounds may take time to understand and appreciate others viewpoints.

  1007. Diversity in team encourages better team performance. Different ideas can be pulled together from a diverse team. This leads to better and quality problem solving skill, easier and quicker decision making, enhancement in innovation, completion of task within timeline

  1008. Teams with a diverse membership perform better because they are more innovative, problem-solving, and decision-making skills are strengthened. It provides broader perspectives and adds more data to the discussion.

    1. In my own experience, teams with greater diversity outplays homogeneous team.

      I was opportuned to work at the Largest Single train Refinery Project in Lagos, Nigeria where diverse teams synergize to achieve targets. There were sophisticated skills, ideas, innovations, challenges, no lost man-hours, resilience which gave birth to excellent and second to none project.

      But of the disadvantages of teams with diverse members includes communication barrier which could easily lead to misunderstanding and rework.

  1009. There is a certain excitement in performing in diversity. it creates a more complete team that will undertake a project from different perspective and experiences

  1010. Maria Assumpta Nwaigbo

    Diversity brings about creativity and innovation, everyone tends to bring in their prospective and knowledge to the assigned project for effective performance.

  1011. In my experience, I find that diversity encourages creativity, productivity, and meeting of deadlines. I find this a lot when I have to open a new store; where I have to work with new sets of managers/supervisors that I am not familiar with, crew members that are diverse in terms of cognitive skills, gender, and age. I have found out that the less I am familiar with team, and the more diverse they are, the more productive we are. That being said, it is important to properly define the projects properly to know how to approach it and know if more diversity or homogeneity is required.

  1012. Yes, research has shown that there is a positive relationship between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams tend to do better work because they bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and skills, leading to increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability.

    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present some challenges. Communication may become more complex due to differing cultural norms and language barriers. There can be misunderstandings and conflicts arising from different viewpoints and approaches. Building trust and cohesion within the team might require extra effort as people from diverse backgrounds may take time to understand and appreciate each other’s contributions.

  1013. Ekwuribe Uzochukwu C
    Cohort 8 Team 4

    Diversity can impact performance and increase productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving. Some challenges are: slow decision making, self-motive and communication issues etc.

  1014. Diversity in a project do affect the performance of the team.
    In most projects, having this differences tends to frustrate the PM and slow down the general performance as a team.
    From my personal experience, diverse teams doesnโ€™t work better than homogenous teams.

  1015. Some may believe that diversity brings the best results but this is situational. There are instances when diversity brings poor result, this may affect the inability to arrive at a consensus. In my experience, there is a significant relationship between diversity and performance

  1016. Some may believe that diversity brings the best results but this is situational. There are instances when diversity brings poor result, this may be affect the inability to arrive at a consensus. In my experience, there is a significant relationship between diversity and performance

  1017. Diversity can impact performance, team member satisfaction or the innovative capacity of a team.ย A more diverse team does better work. For one,ย diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving. Some challenges are: slow decision making, discrimination and communication issues etc.

    COHORT 8, TEAM 2.

  1018. There’s really a huge positive relationship between diversity and performance.
    For that reason PM is advised to handle the both accordingly for best outcome ? Understanding shouldn’t be neglected

  1019. I believe there is a relationship between diversity and performance . People from different background tends to work to deliver better results than people from the same background , diversity may bring in healthy competition where individuals tends to bring in the best of their talents in the project, people with different skills, knowledge, experience, expertise etc. will bring in these in the project and performance will be outstanding.
    However , there are challenges to performance with diversity; lack of effective communication, unhealthy competition, different perception of ideas and views can slow down decision making and these can lead to argument and confrontation if not properly handled by the project manager.

  1020. In my experience, I would agree that there is a relationship between diversity and performance. This is because different individuals with a variety of skills, knowledge, expertise, and perspectives come together with a common mission and vision of ensuring that the set goals towards the successful completion of a project are achieved. The success or failure of the project is dependent on how the Project Manager is able to lead, develop, motivate, and safeguard the team members. The team members on the other hand should learn how to interact and collaborate in a healthy and sustainable way as the lack of these could lead to conflict, thereby causing failure or delayed completion of the project.

    A diverse team can come up with new and innovative ideas, and deliver valuable outputs that would generate positive results. Diversity helps people feel comfortable voicing their opinions, this in turn leads to a more productive team environment.

    The challenges that may arise with working in highly diverse teams include:
    >Lack of effective communication among the team.
    >Working in a diverse team with different opinions, perspectives, and ideas is great for the project, however, this can slow down decision-making and progress toward goals.
    >Cultural differences and so on.

    1. Talking from my experience and thought, I will say there is a relationship between diversity and performance.

      A diverse team will positively impact the performance of an organization by coming up with different ideas to jointly make something Innovating and spectacular.

  1021. A diverse team will positively impact organizational performance by providing an holistic view of projects. The vary experience will definitely help increase the teams’ performance, enrich problem solving, informed decision etc.

    Cohort 8 Team 2

  1022. In my experience, diverse teams positively impact organizational performance. Working with individuals from various backgrounds enriches problem-solving and creativity. The fusion of ideas leads to innovative solutions and informed decision-making, benefiting project outcomes. Moreover, diverse teams’ adaptability and resilience in handling challenges are remarkable, enabling us to navigate uncertainties with agility.

    However, diversity brings challenges. Communication can be tricky due to cultural differences and varying styles. Effective conflict resolution is crucial. To harness the potential of diverse teams, our organization promotes inclusivity. Fostering a cohesive, collaborative atmosphere allows us to maximize the strengths of our diverse workforce.

  1023. Diversity team brings more advantages to team and ends up performing better. In diversity team they bring in different skills and experience from their various environments, believes, cultures and social circle.

  1024. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Diverse teams often bring together unique perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches. This diversity can lead to more creative and innovative solutions to challenges.

  1025. Setting up a diverse team could be challenging, but the benefits of such team cannot be overemphasised. If the team is well harnessed, they can produce a great result at the end of the project. Each member of the team brings their different ideas towards the successful execution of the projects.

  1026. Diverse Teams if diversity is well harnessed and directed towards project goals will provide better performance depending on the ability of the project manager to manage diversity

  1027. Diversity can bring a variety of perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, leading to enhanced creativity and innovation. It can also help organizations adapt better to different markets and customer needs.
    However, the relationship between diversity and performance can be influenced by several factors. To succeed, diverse teams require effective communication, mutual respect, and inclusive leadership. Challenges in highly diverse teams may arise from cultural differences, communication barriers, and potential conflicts that need to be managed carefully.
    Ultimately, while diversity can be a great asset to teams, creating an inclusive and supportive environment is essential to fully leverage the benefits it offers. Organizations that foster a culture of inclusivity tend to see improved performance and financial outcomes.

  1028. I agree to diversity bringing about more good performances. When there is no familiarity, the work gets done faster, with less atom of storming in the project. There is more respect and readiness to work in such environment. The challenge that could exist here, could be communication. There might be poor communication due to lack of proper knowledge of each other.

  1029. from my experience, there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams. More diverse teams often bring a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and skills, leading to increased creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities, which can result in better work outcomes.

    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Communication barriers, misunderstandings, and conflicts due to different cultural backgrounds or communication styles may arise. Additionally, forming a cohesive and inclusive team culture can be difficult, and unconscious biases may affect team dynamics. To leverage the benefits of diversity, teams must actively address these challenges and foster an inclusive environment that values and respects each member’s contributions.

  1030. Research have shown that diverse teams tend to be smarter than homogeneous teams. They are more logical in thinking and are more adept at identifying errors in complex and unpredictable environment.

    Diverse individuals working together in a team brings in their wealth of knowledge and perspective relevant to the project assigned in accordance with the work culture of an organisation for a better performance.

    Working in a highly diverse team, the team members may experience discrimination, communication issues, ethnic and cultural bias and gender difference which can impact the work flow.

  1031. Diversity brings about dedication to various tasks and less distractions. No familiarity.

    Disadvantages of diversity is language barrier and understanding

  1032. Is there a relationship between diversity and performance?
    I have reasons to believe that there is. Given my experience in the few projects I have been part of, a diverse teams enhances team performance owing to a wide range combination of skills and cognitive abilities. Especially in a complex and unpredictable environment, team diversity increases agility and team’s capacity to respond quickly in a volatile project, it also provides multiple expert analysis and judgment as a viable response to complex macro environment.
    I also think that owing to the above reasons, a more diverse team does better work (especially in a complex project environment) than a homogeneous team having high level of social cohesion.

    What are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams?
    In my experience, one major challenge of working in a highly diverse team is an effect found in Tuckman’s stages of team development – Storming.
    A highly diverse team would increase the tension which results from a wide range of varrying ideas. This could lead to increasing time required for the project team to normalize and reach its best performance, hence the project manger has the responsibility of helping the team overcome its storms within the shortest possible time.

  1033. Diversity have a whole lot of influence on performance, diversity enables project team to explore and outdo their usual, it allows them to think out of the box while fitting into the context of the project, a lot hypotheses will be put into test and feedbacks generated will solve present need and may be referred in future, diversity stretches out the team and broaden their knowledge

  1034. In my experience, diversity positively impacts team performance, as it brings varied perspectives, ideas, and skills that enhance problem-solving and decision-making. This fosters creativity and adaptability, leading to better outcomes. However, working in highly diverse teams can present challenges in communication and trust-building. Despite this, embracing diversity is a powerful asset that demands an inclusive environment. I have also encountered challenges when working with close friends on a project, as avoiding clashes of interests affected the project’s success.

  1035. Yes diversity bring high performance. Diversity enables skill sharing. Familiarity breeds contempt but with diversity there is respect which brings mature attitude towards the work.. the problem with diversity is language barrier,cultural or religious difference but when this barriers are overcome . diversity produces greet environment for projects

  1036. In my experience diversity has a way of bringing together people with similar backgrounds, it brings together people from different ethnicity, gender, sexuality and age.
    It also produce high level of cognitive abilities between team members
    The challenge they face is getting to know each other, there is a low level of social cohesion.

  1037. Hi, from Comfort k. Hussaini

    Yes there is a relationship between diversity and performance.The relationship between diversity and performance in a team or organization is often described as the “diversity-performance” or “diversity-profitability” paradox. Research has shown that diverse teams have the potential to outperform homogeneous teams in certain circumstances.

    The key mechanisms behind the positive relationship between diversity and performance are:

    Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought can lead to more innovative solutions to problems and foster creativity in approaching challenges.

    Improved Decision-Making: In diverse teams, various viewpoints are considered during the decision-making process. This broader range of perspectives can lead to more comprehensive evaluations and better-informed decisions.

    Broader Skillsets and Expertise: Diversity in teams often translates to a wider range of skills and expertise. This diversity of skills allows teams to tackle a broader array of tasks and challenges effectively.

    Better Problem-Solving: Diverse teams can draw upon a variety of problem-solving approaches, leading to more robust and comprehensive problem-solving outcomes.

    However, it’s important to note that the benefits of diversity do not automatically guarantee improved performance. The positive effects of diversity are most likely to be realized when certain conditions are met, such as:

    Inclusive Culture: An inclusive and respectful team culture where all members feel valued and heard is crucial for the success of diverse teams.

    Effective Communication: Open and effective communication is vital to overcome potential barriers arising from cultural differences and ensure smooth collaboration.

    Strong Leadership: Effective leadership plays a significant role in managing diversity and fostering an environment where diverse team members can thrive and contribute their best.

    Conflict Management: Constructive management of conflicts that may arise due to differing viewpoints is essential to maintaining a positive team dynamic.

    Overall, diversity can be a powerful asset in driving team performance, but it requires intentional efforts to build an inclusive and supportive environment to fully realize its potential benefits.

    Research suggests that more diverse teams have the potential to outperform homogeneous teams in certain aspects. As mentioned earlier, diversity can bring various perspectives and experiences to the table, fostering creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities. This diversity of thought can lead to more comprehensive solutions and better decision-making processes.

    However, it’s essential to recognize that the impact of diversity on team performance can be influenced by various factors, such as the nature of the task, the team’s dynamics, and the level of inclusion within the team. While diversity can be an asset, it does not guarantee better performance in all situations.

    To fully capitalize on the benefits of diversity, teams need to create an inclusive environment that allows all members to contribute, be heard, and participate actively. Inclusive practices can help unlock the true potential of diverse teams and lead to improved overall performance.

    Working in highly diverse teams can present several challenges, despite the potential benefits. Some of the common challenges include:

    Communication barriers: Differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations, making effective communication a challenge.

    Conflict and tension: Diverse teams may encounter disagreements and conflicts arising from varying perspectives, values, and approaches to problem-solving.

    Bias and stereotypes: Preconceived notions or unconscious biases about individuals from different backgrounds can hinder collaboration and create an unwelcoming atmosphere.

    Decision-making complexities: Reaching a consensus on decisions may take more time and effort as team members may have different preferences and priorities.

    Lack of inclusion: If not managed well, diverse teams can face issues with inclusion, where some members may feel marginalized or unheard.

    Trust-building: Building trust among team members with different backgrounds may require extra effort due to the inherent differences in experiences and perspectives.

    Team cohesion: It can be challenging to foster a sense of unity and shared identity in teams with significant diversity.

    Addressing these challenges requires proactive efforts from team members and leaders. Emphasizing open communication, promoting cultural competence, providing diversity training, and creating an inclusive work culture can help overcome these obstacles and harness the true potential of diverse teams.

  1038. I think that diversity in Team is very effective in unpredictable society from personal work experience. A Team that is diverse tends to perform much better cause what bounds them is purpose, focus and once they understand their unique and collective roles and expectations, they bring out their best.

  1039. Diversity in a creating a team always makes a good room for efficiency, effectiveness, creativity and greater performance on the execution of such project. Due to various ideas, point of view and perspective the team members sees or perceived things.
    Initially, the diversity in team might faced issue of effective communication, discrimination and harmonizing of idea that will affect quick decision making because of various perspectives and angles each team members perceived things due to previous experiences.

  1040. I opine that diverse teams makes a project more productive and successful. Everyone has a level of freedom of maximizing their potential for the success of a project. Moreover they also tend to share ideas that can be beneficial to the success of a project.

    1. The more diverse the team, the better the outcome because each person comes with different experiences, knowledge and capabilities which they all throw Into the project and the outcome is perfect.

  1041. Diverse teams makes room for efficiency, creativity, high performance especially during an emergency and for complex situations. Usually, highly diversed teams would face the challenge of communication, descrimination, and slow decision making process.

    Umoren Gift Jimmy
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1042. Diverse teams makes room for efficiency they tend to perform better in an emergency project especially for complex situations. Usually, highly diversed teams would face the challenge of communication, descrimination, and slow decision making process.

    Umoren Gift Jimmy
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1043. I have been involved in several projects in my career and have worked with team members from diverse backgrounds and professional skills.
    The resultant effects of the combination of these diverse skills in different stages of the project can never be undermined. Just as the saying goes that 2 heads are better than one, same applies to multiple heads with varying experiences and perspectives with the aim of achieving a common goal.

  1044. I am a member of project team that is currently working on a new product launch, I can relate the effect of team diversity to the project in respect to different ideas, knowledge and skill every team member has brought onboard. Evidently, a project with diverse team members will record more success than the one with too many laggard team members.

  1045. Firstly,diverse teams working together to get a task done has more advantages than disadvantages.
    The advantage here is that different ideas are contributed to the success of a project thereby getting the work done.
    The disadvantage is that there will be be conflict of ideas. This will lead to not getting the work done as it should or probably not achieved at the specified time.

  1046. Diverse teams working together to get a task done has its advantages and disadvantages.
    The advantage here is that different ideas are contributed to the success of a project.
    The disadvantage here is that there’ll definitely be conflict of ideas. Hence, not getting work done as should or probably not achieved at the specified time.

  1047. My experience didn’t go well due to the different background i was working with but with this course of training i have learnt a lot in dealing with people who are not same background with mine. in winning in a team one must communicate in a manner that others can follow this makes team work to be effective.

    1. My experience in project management had actually showed that diversity when properly harnessed is profitable๏ผŒ because it could be a source of knowledge๏ผŒ Skills and innovations to other team members.

      For the team goal to beaccomplished in complex situation like this๏ผŒ there must be clear communication๏ผŒ understanding ๏ผŒcooperation and efficient team work, and the Project Manager should create environment for such behavior.

  1048. While diversity can bring lots benefits, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Some of which includes; Communication barriers ( language and cultural differences),Conflicting viewpoints(disagreement, conflict, and difficulties in reaching consensus),Bias and stereotypes. In all, in several occasions, a diverse team seems to be more efficient due to lots of skilled persons coming together.

  1049. Diverse team works better than homogeneous team because they can easily coordinate themselves to achieve their goals by setting aside their individual differences like culture, language etc.

  1050. To me my own opinion will be that a diverse team will performed more better than a homogenous team. I will share my experience in using the case of my company that i work for. we do have a diverse team and i have noticed that work in the company been done perfectly and on time with the presence of diverse team members who bring in diverse ideas.

  1051. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

  1052. More benefit are derived from diversity because it compasses of various gain to the team. This gain can come as previous knowledge from the team members which will benefit them on the new project as more ideas, innovation and better decision making can come up to ease the project.

  1053. There a relationship between diversity and performance and more diverse teams do better work because there’s an input from different levels of IQs, training and work experiences, emotional intelligence and even expertise and day to day knowledge hence there’s atleast a person capable of handling any challenges that might come up in the course of the project unlike in an homogeneous setting where everyone thinks and sees things alike with same kind of experiences. The challenges that might now arise in working in highly diverse teams would now include miscommunication and misconception of ideas within team members. There is diversity hence there is an higher chance of conflict of ideas and resolutions to challenges since everyone is an expert in his own field

  1054. From the analysis, one can easily say that diverse team are more productive because the manner and time in which they were assembled showed that there is urgent work to be done and that result is the priority…. diverse team will get result quickly because there is no time for familiarity and social talks, everybody is aimed at doing his part to get result as no one wants to be seen as a hindrance to achieving the overall objective of the team…..
    On the other hand, Homogeneous teams too also get result but because of familiarity, people tend to not work under pressure but to just take their time to do their work, although the Homogeneous team will be given timeline for complexion but there is this mindset that timeline can also be readjusted to suit their needs….. In essence, there are situations that call for diverse teams and as such u must use them but there are also situations where a diverse team is not needed but a Homogeneous one….. I end by saying that each is best and better used at the time they are needed, it all rest on the sponsor and the project manager.

  1055. Diversity in a team can be a good and bad thing…. I think this largely depends on the ability and willingness of the team members to work through their differences and come together to understand each other and work as a team…

    1. Diversity has more advantages to the project than a homogenous team. The former tend to be more proactive in their performance and won’t carry the familiarity into the work space which is good for the work at hand. Whereas the latter may sometimes be detrimental to work performance.

  1056. For one, diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

    Diverse teams are more productive and perform better. The range of experience, expertise, and working methods that a diverse workplace offers can boost problem-solving capacity and lead to greater productivity.

    Some of the challenges of working in highly diverse teams:
    Communication issues.
    Cultural misunderstandings.
    Slower decision making.
    Inequitable inclusion.

  1057. In my opinion the relationship between diversity and performance entail there is a growing body of research that suggests that diversity can be positively related to team performance.

    More diverse teams can bring together a range of different perspectives and experiences, which can lead to more creative problem solving and innovative thinking. However, it is important to acknowledge that working in highly diverse teams can also bring challenges, such as communication difficulties, cultural misunderstandings, and conflict. It is vital to have effective leadership in place to navigate these challenges and help the team work together effectively.

    Victoria Osareme Ayisi
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1058. In my opinion, there is a growing body of research that suggests that diversity can be positively related to team performance. More diverse teams can bring together a range of different perspectives and experiences, which can lead to more creative problem solving and innovative thinking. However, it is important to acknowledge that working in highly diverse teams can also bring challenges, such as communication difficulties, cultural misunderstandings, and conflict. It is vital to have effective leadership in place to navigate these challenges and help the team work together effectively.

    Victoria Osareme Ayisi
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1059. There is a growing body of research that suggests that diversity can be positively related to team performance. More diverse teams can bring together a range of different perspectives and experiences, which can lead to more creative problem solving and innovative thinking. However, it is important to acknowledge that working in highly diverse teams can also bring challenges, such as communication difficulties, cultural misunderstandings, and conflict. It is vital to have effective leadership in place to navigate these challenges and help the team work together effectively.

    Victoria Osareme Ayisi
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1060. While diversity can bring lots benefits, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Some of which includes;Communication barriers( language and cultural differences),Conflicting viewpoints(disagreement, conflict, and difficulties in reaching consensus),Bias and stereotypes. In all, in several occasions, a diverse team seems to be more efficient due to lots of skilled persons coming together.

  1061. Diversity and performance because it gives room for different experiences ,skills and ideas within the team though there might be disagreement at some level but it will always yield an amazing result qt the end ofthe project.

  1062. What brings about performance? Diversity.

    A project thrives and success is achieved when there’s diversity in work delivery. Each team member knows their duty and so such success is achieved. This also brings about unity and collaborative.

    The only out fall will be lack of communication.

  1063. Does this match your experience? Yes! Diverse team performs better and usually translate into organizational performance and financial result.

    There exist a relationship between diversity and performance in the little experience I had in managing project. Diverse team usually do better because each member of the team brought in his expertise and wealth of experience that add value and quality into the project. The multiplier effect is effective organizational performance.

    And what are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams? Some challenges might be excessive critiques from members especially if the team building is not effective and could lead to underperformance and inability to meet the deadline. Also, the diversity might result into additional cost to the project with no value for money.

  1064. I believe in diverse team because each person is exhibiting more diligence, skills and ideas and performance is enhanced but the challenge of time to understudy each for collaboration of ideas and understanding

    1. Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams, but it’s important to note that this relationship is influenced by various factors. Here are some key points:

      1. **Benefits of Diversity:**
      – Diverse teams often bring a wider range of perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovation.
      – Diversity can enhance adaptability and the ability to tackle complex problems by considering multiple viewpoints.
      – A diverse workforce can better reflect the demographics of a diverse customer base, which can improve customer relations and market understanding.

      2. **Challenges of Diversity:**
      – Communication can be challenging in highly diverse teams due to differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms.
      – Misunderstandings and conflicts can arise when team members have different worldviews or values.
      – Building trust and cohesion can take longer in diverse teams, as individuals may need time to understand and appreciate each other’s backgrounds.

      3. **Leadership and Inclusion:**
      – Effective leadership and inclusive practices are crucial in maximizing the benefits of diversity while mitigating its challenges. Leaders must create an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and heard.
      – Inclusive leadership can help bridge cultural gaps and foster a sense of belonging.

      4. **Team Composition Matters:**
      – Not all types of diversity have the same impact. Cognitive diversity (differences in thinking styles, problem-solving approaches) can be particularly valuable for performance.
      – The extent to which diversity positively influences performance depends on the context and the specific tasks the team is working on.

      In summary, while diversity can enhance team performance, it’s not a guarantee. To maximize the benefits of diversity and address its challenges, organizations must invest in inclusive practices, promote effective communication, and provide leadership that values and leverages diverse perspectives. Success depends on how well these factors are managed within the team.

  1065. I think that diverse teams are more effective in emergencies and complex situations. And diversity does increases high performance as it makes room for a form of creativity and expertise with everyone focusing on their role and making sure it comes out a team with highly motivated members, they deliver excellent output. Most challenges faced in diverse teams tend to be issues with control, in the aspect of staying ethical to get the job done and quality of feedback.

    1. In my opinion, I think diverse teams makes a project more effective and successful, each person has a level of freedom of maximizing their potential for the success of a project. Moreover they also tend to share ideas that can be beneficial to the success of a project.

  1066. Yes there is relationship between diversity and performance, because researchers have shown that teams that perform best in complex and challenging environments tend to have low social cohesion and high levels of identity diversity in gender ethnicity sexuality of age.there is also high levels of cognitive diversity a range of knowledge and cognitive abilities.though there are challenges working in highly diverse teams cause there is always tensions which might be provoke by disagreements about how to achieve the project goals.

    1. Diversity drives creativity and innovation as every team member has different knowledge, skills, perspectives and points of view, sometimes drawn from cultural differences and experiences. When all of these different views are shared together and properly guided, there is more creativity and high performance.
      On the other hand, diversity can be challenging sometimes in a situation whereby some team members would want to outshine others, there could also be trust issues among the team members due to diversity in culture and background. All these challenges, if not quickly addressed could affect the project’s lifecycle and cause delay in its delivery.

  1067. In as much as diverse team works best in a complex situation because of the varying expertises brought to the fore to solve a complex problem, i also believe that because these team members are from diverse locations snd expertise, respect exist between them. There is no monotony that usually kills interest.

    Though diverse teams may also face some challenges arising from culture, norms, beliefs, and language which may impair communication and collaboration.

  1068. I agree that there is a connection between diversity and performance. When a team is diverse, it usually contains persons with different backgrounds, experience, gender, knowledge etc all brought together into a team to achieve a project goal. And this diversity can be a great asset as whatever challenge the team faces or a hurdle that needs to be scaled, there’s likely to be someone with the answer/solution in the team as the team is diverse. Most times there’s someone on the team with the knowledge or background or skill needed to provide a solution to a challenge posed to the team.

    Mostly likely any work produced by a diverse team would be superior work as the team members who are from diverse backgrounds with diverse skills/experiences would have given their diverse inputs which will produce an all encompassing work rather than a job produces by a homogeneous team.

    Despite how perfect the idea of a diverse team is, there are still some challenges they can face like the issue of communication where for example the members are from different countries and language is a barrier. There can also be the issue of ego where each of the member is a professional/expert in his own field and is unable to make his team members who are not of his own field to see things from his own point of view

  1069. Yes o. Diversity Among team members brings about the best outcome in any project embarked upon this is because everyone comes in with his/her experience and expertise to ensure the smooth accomplishment of the project. one challenge diversity can impose in a team is when one of the team members is not willing to give all it’s best to achieve the project , that may delay the project.

  1070. Diversity is essential. creating and fostering teams within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture and morale of the company. A diverse team can help organization discover unique solutions and make effective business decisions. knowing how such a time can benefit your organization or company may allow you to source and find individuals with distinct backgrounds and skills. However diverse team is a group of individuals who have different backgrounds and skills that work together as a team to achieve company goals.

  1071. Diversity in teams member tend to foster a good camaraderie among project teams with augurs well for the success of the project, the commitment level, the enthusiasm all makes a lasting memory within and after the project.

  1072. In my experience diversity brings about the best in projects. Thee only disadvantage is the understanding between team members. There might be frictions among them sometimes

  1073. In my experience, diverse teams make the best teams and tend to understand themselves better as the project goes. In some cases, homogenous teams also perform.

    There is a relationship between diversity and performance because I have been in teams where we performed excellently well by communicating and understanding ourselves as the project went on. We were able to learn from each other.

    More diverse teams don’t necessarily mean they do better work because some tasks require professionals in a particular field to accomplish set goals. Sometimes you require a team to have set skills and expertise to be able to make a team.

    Some of the challenges working in highly diverse teams include; language, work ethics, effective communication, timing,etc

  1074. The challenge of working with diverse team is that it will take a long time for the diverse team to understand each other and cooperate together. Diverse team leads to success because of their different backgrounds.

    1. In my experience, diversity has brought about high performance and growth but there must be effective communication for all to be on the same page. Another challenge is work ethic and altitude of some team members, towards a particular task.

    2. In my experience, diversity has brought about high performance and growth but there must be effective communication for all to be on the same page. Another challenge is work ethic and altitude of some team members, towards a particular task.

  1075. The challenge of working with diverse team is that it will take a long time for the diverse team to understand each other and cooperate together. Diverse team leads to success because of their different backgrounds

  1076. Diversity in team, plays a very key and result oriented role when performing an assignment. Considering my experiences i can say for a fact that i have seen most teams succeed when they inculcate and accept diversity.

  1077. Experience play a distinctive role in project actualization most times. But there are emergency situations that a Project Manager maybe face with a situation whereby the team members may not even know themselves and not to familiar with the role. Proper chartering and orientation can go along way to make such a team successful despite the level of diversity.

  1078. Diversity and performance to be has a key role in delivery certain organizational goals.A highly diversified teams do encounter challenges among themselves that can lead to internal conflict but if well structured and managed can deliver a great project work but a team that are so familiar with themselves always have challenges ranging from
    Too much familiarity with the job and co worker.
    Delay in some arms of sub committee or team.

  1079. A diverse team includes individuals with different backgrounds, views, and experiences. At such, their potential to better performance is high, especially in such areas as sound decision making, ability to adapt to any circumstance, critical and innovative thinking by its respective members and high efficiency.
    But, just being diverse is not a guarantee that a firm would be of successful. Hence, every firm would do well create an environment that values and respects every project member, allowing them to thrive without being marginalized.

    Usually, highly diversed teams would face the challenge of communication, descrimination, and slow decision making process.

  1080. The strength of diversity in a team lies in the integration of various ideas, skills, and knowledge to achieve positive results. Effective communication, negotiation, and a shared understanding of the project are essential for harnessing the full potential of diverse perspectives. Creating a conducive environment where knowledge is efficiently utilized is key to attaining success in a diverse team.

  1081. Diversity is the spice of life. In my experience working with diverse team, everyone brought their own ideas and skills and we worked in harmony such that the project was delivered in due time. On the contrary when I had a homogeneous team, it was most times filled with chitchat of different related topics. This delayed the project I must say. Also overfamiliarity brings contempt.
    Although the advantages outweighs the disadvantages, I must say that it’s inclusivity makes the project fun most times while respecting each other’s beliefs and values.

    1. In my experience of working with diverse team, I would say it is far more better that homogeneous team because diversity brings about variety and variety is the spice of life…

      Though the project goals well understood, in unifying diversity a project goal is reached!

  1082. The strength of a diverse team lies in their individual skills and talents. A diverse team will bring a high outcome in the sense that everyone is focused on his role and duty in the project. there are no form of weakness. Conversely the may encounter challenges such as communication and inability to interact with each other well.

  1083. The relationship between diversity and performance is the ability of team members from different backgrounds, with diverse skills, and strength to come together to pursue a common purpose. This enables the diverse teams giving in their best, especially in a volatile and uncertain work environment.

    Of course, more diverse teams do better work but the challenge of working in a highly diverse is the inability to tell apart each team member’s expertise and skillset while delegating roles and responsibilities. This can cost the team a lot, especially in an unplanned response to an emergency.

  1084. Yes, there is a growing body of research suggesting a positive relationship between diversity and performance in teams and organizations. More diverse teams, which include individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, tend to have the potential to perform better in various ways. Here are some key points to consider:

    1. **Innovative Thinking**: Diverse teams often bring a broader range of ideas and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions. The diverse perspectives encourage creative thinking and help avoid groupthink.

    2. **Decision-Making**: Diverse teams can make better decisions because they consider a wider array of viewpoints, leading to more thorough discussions and analysis. This can result in more balanced and thoughtful choices.

    3. **Adaptability**: Teams with diverse backgrounds are often more adaptable to change. They can better navigate through challenges, as they are accustomed to working with different viewpoints and approaches.

    4. **Broader Market Understanding**: In organizations, diversity can reflect the diversity of customers or target markets, which aids in understanding customer needs and preferences more effectively.

    5. **Employee Engagement and Retention**: A diverse and inclusive environment can foster higher levels of employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to better retention of talent.

    However, it’s essential to note that while diversity can contribute positively to performance, it doesn’t guarantee success on its own. The benefits of diversity may not automatically emerge in all situations. To leverage diversity effectively, organizations need to create an inclusive culture that values and respects all team members, allowing everyone to contribute their unique perspectives without fear of discrimination or marginalization.

    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams:

    1. **Communication**: Diverse teams might face challenges in communication due to language barriers, different communication styles, or cultural norms. Misunderstandings can arise, leading to inefficiencies and conflicts.

    2. **Conflict and Bias**: Diverse teams can experience higher levels of internal conflict if members are not accustomed to working with people from different backgrounds. Moreover, unconscious biases can influence decision-making and interactions.

    3. **Inclusion and Belonging**: Ensuring that all team members feel included and valued is crucial for team cohesion and productivity. If some individuals feel excluded or face discrimination, it can hinder collaboration and engagement.

    4. **Decision-Making Delays**: Seeking input from diverse team members can lead to more comprehensive decision-making, but it can also slow down the process, especially when consensus is challenging to reach.

    5. **Cultural Competence**: Team members must develop cultural competence to understand and respect each other’s differences. Lack of cultural competence can lead to misunderstandings and diminish the benefits of diversity.

    6. **Leadership Challenges**: Leading a diverse team requires skillful management and leadership. Leaders must be adept at promoting inclusivity, managing conflicts, and leveraging diverse strengths.

    Addressing these challenges involves ongoing training and education to promote cultural awareness and inclusion, fostering open communication, and creating a supportive environment that values diversity as a strength. By actively managing diversity and its challenges, organizations can harness the full potential of their diverse teams and improve overall performance.

  1085. before now I never thought of diversity as an advantage to achieving a successful project, until I read through and observed that successful projects are often achieved through the diversification of skills, talents, and personalities. Initially, when working in such a team, I may feel timid and shy. However, I push myself to do my best to avoid being perceived as weak. On the other hand, when working with people I am familiar with, I tend to underperform compared to when I work with unfamiliar individuals. This can lead to longer project timelines and lower-than-expected results.

  1086. The lessons and video emphasize how important it is for a company to have a diverse workforce, including workers who differ in age, gender, race, ethnicity, and other characteristics. Due to the vast range of perspectives provided by a diverse staff, the workplace is frequently more productive, which in turn contributes to organizational success. Notably, this diversity promotes more creativity, increased profitability, and accelerated financial growth. The existence of diverse teams is frequently linked to higher productivity and better problem-solving skills.

    However, it is critical to note that diverse teams also face certain difficulties. These difficulties include difficulty in communicating, cultural conflicts, the possibility of rivalry, an abundance of opinions, and the likelihood of slower decision-making.

  1087. The strength of diversity in a team lies in the integration of various ideas, skills, and knowledge to achieve positive results. Effective communication, negotiation, and a shared understanding of the project are essential for harnessing the full potential of diverse perspectives. Creating a conducive environment where knowledge is efficiently utilized is key to attaining success in a diverse team.

  1088. Diversity (age, gender, race, ethnicity, and other traits) among employees is crucial to a company’s success, as seen in the lessons and video. A more productive work environment might result from a diverse workforce since it offers a range of perspectives, which will lead to organizational success, such as higher creativity, and enhanced profitability, and finance growth. Diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

    However, diverse teams also come with some challenges including: Communication barriers, culture clashes, hostility, too many opnions, and all these are likely to lead to slower decision making

    Merry Okara
    Cohort 8
    Team 2

  1089. Diversity in a team is ideal for a volatile and complex stakes. Team members would strive to harness their different skills and experience to achieve the project goals, this is in contrats to an homogeneous team in which individual strenght and weaknes could be ascertain, which might translate to some sort reliance on a team member.
    In this settings, emotions will play a minimal role.

  1090. The idea that diversity in teams and organizations can lead to better performance and results is well-supported by research and empirical evidence. There are several reasons why diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones:

    Diverse Perspectives: When team members come from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, they bring unique perspectives and insights to problem-solving and decision-making. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative and innovative solutions.

    Enhanced Problem Solving: Diverse teams are more likely to approach problems from various angles, leading to a wider range of potential solutions. This can help teams identify blind spots and avoid groupthink, making them more effective in tackling complex challenges.

    Improved Adaptability: Diverse teams often have a greater capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and market dynamics. Their varied skill sets and experiences allow them to respond to challenges with greater agility.

    Broader Market Understanding: Diverse teams are better equipped to understand and connect with diverse customer bases. This can lead to improved product development, marketing strategies, and overall customer satisfaction.

    Inclusive Work Environment: When organizations prioritize diversity and inclusion, they create a more welcoming and supportive work environment. In turn, this fosters higher employee morale and engagement, which can positively impact overall performance.

    While the benefits of diversity in teams are significant, working in highly diverse teams can present some challenges:

    Communication and Language Barriers: In diverse teams, members may speak different languages or have varying levels of fluency in a common language. This can lead to misunderstandings and hinder effective communication.

    Cultural Differences: Diverse teams may have different cultural norms and values, which can sometimes lead to conflicts or misinterpretations.

    Collaboration Challenges: It can be challenging to align diverse team members’ working styles, approaches, and expectations, particularly if they have different backgrounds and professional experiences.

    Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious bias can still influence interactions and decision-making within diverse teams, despite the best intentions of team members.

    Leadership and Management: Leading a diverse team effectively requires leaders who are skilled in managing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and leveraging the team’s unique strengths.

    Despite these challenges, organizations and teams that actively address and manage diversity-related issues can harness the full potential of their diverse workforce and achieve superior performance.

    It’s important to note that the effectiveness of diverse teams can vary based on various factors, including how well diversity is managed, the nature of the tasks at hand, and the organization’s culture. Emphasizing inclusivity, providing diversity training, and fostering a culture of respect and understanding can help overcome challenges and maximize the benefits of diversity in teams and organizations.

  1091. I find that diversity is an advantage in a team, especially when dealing with complex situations of projects. While it may be argued that a cohesive team would perform better due to everyone’s knowledge of each others’ capabilities. That argument however does not factor in the high possibility of familiarity and under-appreciation of the strengths of the team members.

    A diverse team in a complex situation brings in diversity into the reasoning, thinking and ideas birthed, the very blend that is needed in such a situation. So, the culture, experiences, skills, knowledge and temperament tends to provide a variety of options as against a singularity of thought and idea.

    I once had an eccentric individual as a member of a project whose ideas were largely outlandish and wild. He turned out to be the most dedicated whenever ideas have been agreed and in the most knotty situations brought forth wild, yet credible ideas which saved the day.

    I will vote for diversity any-day.

  1092. Diversity in a team is actually the best in the sense that different ideas , skills and knowledge are put in used to achieve a positive outcome. This can only be attainable when the teams communicate effectively ,negotiates and have a wider understanding of the project and in an environment that is conducive and knowledge are properly used effectively .

  1093. From my perspective I think that diversity of team members works better for unpredictable and urgent situations and they produce and perform better because each team member has a skill to add and compliment the others. Here they work with an understanding of vuca ; volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous , in relation to project at hand.

    While for projects that are predictable precise and simple, homogeneous team members is also preferable. Here there’s a high level of social awareness among team members and can be binded together through project charter.

  1094. I agree that diversity brings about high performance but to me,its still depends on the kind of project or task being faced with.If you are faced with the task of helping a club side struggling to escape relegation from top flight or as a movie producer,to produce an urgent movie for an occasion, believe you me,familiarity is best to achieve your goals and objectives. Thanks

  1095. diversity tends to bring about unity(oneness, to achieve a common goal) and unity in a team brings about excellent results.

    1. Sure. The unity will come in because the different team members have different point of views and have to collaborate to make the project better. However, this will depend on the kind of project at hand.

  1096. As a project is as successful as the diverse potentials on board, so also is an organisation.

    Homogeneity cannot produce performance especially when a project is to be completed.

    Individuals potentials, ideologies as well as willingness to submit to the course of the project really goes a long way to producing a 90 percent success if not a 100 depending on the project tackled.

    One of the challenge which may occur is communication but this can be curtailed if the project manager creates suitable condition for the member to interact, communicate and collaborate at the recruiting stage- no matter how little the time.

  1097. Diversity in a team is actually the best in the sense that different ideas , skills and knowledge are put in used to achieve a positive outcome. This can only be attainable when the teams communicate effectively ,negotiates and have a wider understanding of the project and in an environment that is conducive and knowledge are properly used effectively .

    1. Diversity in a team is somehow risky and shaky at the start but the more the team bonds together the better the understanding and the faster the goal will be accomplished.

      I remembered when I was put together with a team of diverse trainers and we were given a module to complete within the shortest period.

      We initially struggled to get along due to our diversity but the moment we understood each other’s strengths and weaknesses, the team picked up like we have been together for year’s. Diversity is very good because you will get to see and learn things from different perspectives

  1098. Having divers personal in a team makes your work progression flourish than a sing man at work which may make him fall behind time and leaving most of the task done but with collective hands it aid your work progress and ease work load

  1099. yes, Diversity enhances uniqueness in performance, encourages high productivity as a team, and brings out the best talent and a good result of diverse experience.

  1100. Diversity and practicability of solving real life issues over time base on their individual experience and harmonizing them together in solving any challenge will bring about
    high quality of performance in the various project delivery.

  1101. Yes. Having diverse knowledge means you can look at one problem from different angles and chose the best available solution. It also means that you can take on different project and grasp new ideas easily

  1102. Diversity in a team is crucial for problem-solving and performance, as it promotes creativity and allows for diverse ideas. However, project managers must manage ideas and communicate effectively to avoid misunderstandings.

    Diversity leads to a positive relationship between performance and variety, but challenges may arise in reaching agreements and avoiding misunderstandings, potentially impacting the project’s success.

    Thank you

  1103. Diversity in a team is very essential and it gives room for different approaches to problem solving and performance that gives results.
    People are creative when allowed to express and bring in their ideas on their expertise, experience and background. When all are put together its produces good results and project will be delivered.
    The challenge is that project manager will have to manage all ideas, understand and communicate effectively to all team members to avoid misunderstandings.

  1104. diversity is characteristics and experiences that define each individual. Therefore, practicing diversity implies providing a liberal environment to the workforce to share their views at ease and express their talent

    1. The Relationship between Diversity and performance is either positive or negative. Diversity brings about variety and different ways of achieving a task. It promotes creativity and it gives room for more inputs from the team.
      Working in a diverse environment gives people room to express themselves and contribute their own intellectual quota of reaching a goal. So I can propose that Diversity brings about performance. Whereas the challenges involved, is that it might be difficult for the various teams to reach agreement. Which could lead to misunderstanding amongst the team and this alone might affect the success of the project.

    2. It aligns because most times familiarity breeds contempt. Therefore, when there is variety of team members, by chance, a positive relationship is created among them and there is ability for the team to absorb and respond to diverse challenges. Each person will take the project seriously, share their views and arrive at a positive outcome unlike when people are too familiar.

      There is a connection between diversity and performance. Variety is the spice of life. When there are variety of skills and capabilities among project team members, the performance of a team will be scored on a high rate, Thereby producing superior work.
      Amongst the challenges that arise while working with highly diverse teams are:
      1) misunderstanding due to lack of social cohesion.

      2)Some member’s might nurse the feeling of knowing more than their fellow team members and will when this gets obvious, it could pose serious issue.
      These challenges are likely to occur while running a project but being patient in learning themselves while on the project and their determination in fulfilling the project should be their goal.

      3) Trust issues could arise among the project team members.
      Since they are not familiar with themselves in any way.

  1105. Is there a relationship between diversity and performance?
    The relationship that exists between diversity and performance is one that accepts different ideas that aims towards achieving the same goal.
    Do more diverse teams do better work? Most diverse teams tend to achieve better results based on different suggestions from team members due to variety of experiences each one of them has had, when all combined together, they pick the best of the best to achieve a good result.
    What are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams? Misunderstandings tend to occur since the team members arenโ€™t acquainted with each other. There will be competition on whoโ€™s more better and who does it better. Lack of trust.

    1. Diversity in a team is crucial because it allows for various problem-solving techniques and performance that produces outcomes.
      When given the freedom to speak and contribute their ideas based on their knowledge, experience, and background, people are creative. When everything is combined, it yields positive outcomes, and the project is completed.
      In order to prevent misconceptions, the project manager will face the difficulty of managing all ideas, comprehending, and effectively communicating with all team members.

  1106. A team that is diversified will definitely have friction in carrying out the project at hand. However, this is resolved at the norming stage as each is focused on the goal of the project. Diversity helps the team appreciate one another’s skills and knowledge as those will help in achieving the common outcome of the project

    1. diversity helps the team to have a wider scope and approach to the project at hand. different opinions and suggestions arises with diversity and this can bring about a wide range of ideas that the project needs in order for it to be accomplished. meanwhile, diversity could also bring some challenges for example, project team members not getting along quickly, due to their different beliefs and scope of seeing things etc. the project manager will need to come in, at this stage and set the tone, commanding everyone to take their positions and come together with their diversity for the greater god of the project.

  1107. Yes, I do believe that there is a connection between diversity and performance. With diversity comes a higher chance of success in whatever project youโ€™re working on. When working with a diverse team, different issues can be tackled in time because each person has a unique set of skills and strengths which aids in quick and successful completion.
    But with diversity comes different challenges especially with communication and sometimes discrimination and favoritism comes to play.

  1108. Yes, my experience matches the findings of researchers. I have seen that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogeneous ones. This is because diverse teams bring a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions.
    challenges of working in highly diverse teams:

    Communication challenges: People from different cultures and backgrounds may have different communication styles, which can lead to misunderstandings.

    Conflict: People from different backgrounds may have different values and ways of doing things, which can lead to conflict.

  1109. Napoleon
    Diversity and performance in teams tends to show their strength and ability to form positive relationship between variety of team members and the team’s ability to absorb and respond to diverse challenges.
    Teams that perform well and the best in a complex form, its has a challenging environment that tends to have low social cohesion, high levels of social identity diversity and high levels of congnitince diversity.

  1110. Ability to understand and adapt with people from another tribe and point of views to reach a compromise in achieveing one goals without discriminating

    1. 1. Conflicting Perspectives and Decision-making: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different experiences, values, and beliefs. While this diversity can lead to richer discussions and more creative solutions, it can also result in conflicts and disagreements during decision-making processes. Balancing conflicting perspectives and reaching consensus can be challenging.

      2. Stereotypes and Bias: Stereotypes and biases based on gender, ethnicity, age, or other factors can influence perceptions and interactions within a diverse team. Preconceived notions may affect team dynamics, hinder collaboration, and create a less inclusive work environment.
      3. Lack of Trust and Cohesion: Building trust and fostering cohesion among team members from diverse backgrounds may require additional effort. Differences in cultural norms, experiences, and communication styles can create barriers to trust and teamwork, potentially impacting collaboration and overall team performance.
      However, despite these challenges, working with a diverse team can also lead to enhanced performance if managed effectively. Strategies to overcome these challenges and improve team performance include:

  1111. Based on research and anecdotal evidence, it is generally observed that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones. This aligns with the findings of various studies that have explored the relationship between diversity and team performance. Diverse teams often bring a broader range of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities. The inclusion of diverse perspectives can also help teams avoid groupthink and make more well-rounded decisions.

    Studies have indicated that diversity can enhance a team’s ability to adapt to change, foster more effective communication, and increase overall performance. By considering a wider range of viewpoints and approaches, diverse teams are often better equipped to tackle complex challenges and generate innovative solutions. Additionally, diverse teams are often more representative of the diverse customer base and can better understand and meet the needs of diverse markets.

    However, it is essential to note that the relationship between diversity and performance is not solely determined by the presence of diverse team members. The success of diverse teams also depends on factors such as inclusive team dynamics, effective leadership, and a supportive organizational culture. If these elements are not in place, diversity alone may not automatically lead to improved performance.

    While diverse teams offer numerous advantages, there can also be challenges associated with working in highly diverse teams. Some common challenges include:

    Communication and language barriers: Diverse teams may consist of members from different cultural backgrounds with varying levels of fluency in a shared language. This can sometimes lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings, requiring extra effort to ensure effective communication.

    Different work styles and expectations: Team members from diverse backgrounds may have different work styles, preferences, and expectations. Balancing these differences and finding common ground can be a challenge, particularly when it comes to decision-making and task management.

    Conflict and biases: Diverse teams may experience conflicts arising from differing viewpoints, values, and experiences. Implicit biases and stereotypes can also affect team dynamics and hinder collaboration and trust-building efforts.

    Lack of inclusion and psychological safety: In highly diverse teams, individuals may feel marginalized or excluded if they perceive that their perspectives or contributions are not valued or respected. Creating an inclusive environment and fostering psychological safety are crucial for ensuring the full engagement and participation of all team members.

    Addressing these challenges requires effective leadership, open communication, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable team culture. When managed well, the benefits of diversity can outweigh the challenges and contribute to higher-performing teams.

    Regenerate response

  1112. Team diversity acknowledges the individual difference, strengths and potentials. Diversity is more profitable when properly guided.

  1113. Diversity in a team is very vital in a project management and in a complex world. Diverse teams do better work than homogenous teams.
    Diversity comes with multiple perspective, when team members come from a variety of backgrounds, cultures and experiences they are likely to solve problems and be more innovative. And this can also help the various ma embers of the team learn from each other due to the fact that each member of the team are coming from different backgrounds and experiences, which is mostly likely to be infused in the project .

    When diversity is properly harnessed, it is profitable to all and the organization at large .

  1114. Diversity is crucial and it helps to organize the team to achieve high performing team members and establish stronger team by bringing different people from different background and skills.

  1115. Diversity in a team can help team to be more productive as each team members brings in different ideas or approach. A good project manager will ensure to harness these diverse skill for maximum performance and result.

  1116. Diversity team do more successful project because everyone is here for a particular purpose to achieve the reason the project manager brought them to team but People who are familiar with each other can easily be distracted.
    Diversity is an advantage to the project on ground because of its multiple perspective, when team members come from a variety of backgrounds, cultures and experiences they are likely to solve problems and be more innovative.
    Diversity also gives each persons the opportunity to come up with different ideas individually. It improves team performance and enhances effective collaboration among team members.

  1117. cohort 7
    Module 14
    Diversity of the team limits strength in productivity, thus a common understanding has to be reached amongst team members to ascertain a focus on the common goal to achieve success in a project.

  1118. Crafting a team with varied thoughts, backgrounds and inputs can help your team discover creative ways to solve problems. This is because each team member has different perspectives and ideas that more homogenous teams might not uncover. With increased team creativity, teams also benefit from improved innovation.

  1119. As much as diversity of the project team will be beneficial to project goal achievement, I personally believe it depends on the nature of such projects and the technicality of it.
    As a project manager, choosing your team it is a project that entails a known area of expertise or knowledge, then homogeneity is will help to achieve project goals faster because of the similarities of team members.
    But when it comes to new concept which requires several technicalities and competencies, then diversity of the project team will go a long way in project goalsโ€™ achievement.

  1120. As much as diversity of the project team will be beneficial to project goal achievement, I personally believe it depends on the nature of such projects.
    If it is a project that entails a known area of expertise or knowledge, then homogeneity is will help to achieve project goals faster because of the similarities of team members.

    But when it comes to new concept which requires several technicalities and competencies, then diversity of the project team will go a long way in project goalsโ€™ achievement.

    1. As a project manager diversity is important in selection of teams, becos it aid the process faster as ideas will be shared from different background as experienced by each member of the team. Diversity makes the team move at a faster pace

  1121. A team that has diversity as an element exhibits a great deal of variety. That is advantageous to a team leader because you get a vast number of ideas and inputs from different expertise which enriches the task.

  1122. Diversity strengthens the performance of a team as everyone especially those who doesn’t know much, might go and learn about the project and bring an idea to the table, as no one would want to be seen as a novice. Also, there’s this energy of wanting to hear from different people and learn before coming to a resolution.

    1. I quite agree with you that diversity strengthens team performance as diverse skill and talent sets within a team can facilitate faster task performance

  1123. Diversity in a team increases performance as members are coming up with ideas from different perspective and experience. But it’s the duty of the project manager to manage his team members because bonding and team relationship amongst the team members is as important as the end result for success. Being in a diverse team has made me to understand that while carrying out projects, learning and growth also occur among the members.

  1124. As a project manager, i would actually reflect on a more diverse team than a Homogeneous one!.
    I have learned this during SAMS project of Maize, Sorghum and Millet by WFP, during that i learnt that the success of the project was due to diversity of project team and its inclusion in the team has been impactful in the sense that we learnt to live together with our differences to achieve the objectives of the project.
    Also i learnt this in a training on business that when building team or getting a cofounder, you need to get someone completely opposite from you with different set of skills and understanding to work together to achieve your aim, For Example i personally wants to develop a tech startup but I don’t know coding etc but I’m good at the business and management aspects of the business so i decided to join hands with a tech guy to be my cofounder so that the startup could be well balanced.

    This are some of my experiences regarding this.

  1125. Diversity in teams and organizations offers numerous benefits, including improved performance and financial outcomes.
    In telecommunications where I work, diverse teams can provide technological expertise, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of complex projects. Multidisciplinary collaboration across functional areas can enhance cross-functional coordination, communication, and overall efficiency. Innovation and problem-solving are also facilitated by diverse teams, allowing for a wider range of perspectives and ideas. Customer understanding and satisfaction are also improved by having diverse teams that understand customer segments’ needs, leading to better outcomes and long-term customer relationships.
    However, effective communication, collaboration, and inclusion are crucial for harnessing the benefits of diversity in telecommunications projects.

    While my personal experience may vary, considering the potential benefits of diversity in my role as a Telecommunication Manager can help me recognize the value of diverse teams and guide me in fostering a culture that embraces diversity and drives project performance

  1126. Yes, there is a connection between diversity and performance.

    In my personal experience, I was given a role to lead publicity team for a national event.

    During team formation, I went for homogeneous team because I thought we would all have good communication and outstanding mutual understanding but I was wrong. I could not get the better results I wanted, until I opted for diverse team members. The job was exceptionally done and we got the best commendation.

    1. As a PM one of the potential in building a team is communication.
      Research have recognize that diverse teams perform more than homogeneous one ie.
      Diversity enhance uniqueness while performance encourage high level of productivity as a team.
      NB: as a PM u will face challenges of working in highly diverse teams.
      So one of the best way of handling it to produce a best results is to deal with those challenges listed above.


  1127. In a difficult project environment, every diverse team member thinks they might not know it all, and so would welcome anyone with insights on how to handle such a project. Also, each diverse team members, all have several things in common, their zeal to find solutions, their visions of the outcome, the success of the project in view, and the experience to gain from the entire process or project life cycle.

  1128. Diversity can increase performance in a tea as members are coming with different skillsets and experience. However, it I the duty of the PM to know how to Manage this team members because in as much as the end result is important team relationship and Bonding is Paramount for success. Being in a team with diversity has made me understand that learning and growth also occur while caring out projects as one can learn from other members.

  1129. From experience diversity yields great result I’ve had countless experience as a team leader as regards this working with diversity. However, most of the times, some of the team mates tend to be more interested in the end result than the team building, it requires an extensive orientation on the objectives and standards of practice in the organisation. This may be an advantage for the organisation.

  1130. A diverse team is more likely to have a wider range of different skills. To guess problems that a diverse team would have might be communication.

  1131. Working with a diverse team can bring numerous benefits, such as a wide range of perspectives, creativity, and innovation. However, it also presents certain challenges that can affect team performance. Some of the challenges of working with a diverse team include:

    1. Communication Barriers: Diverse teams often consist of individuals from different cultural backgrounds, languages, and communication styles. These differences can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and difficulties in conveying ideas effectively. Language barriers, accents, and non-verbal communication cues can further complicate communication within the team.

    2. Varying Work Styles and Expectations: Different team members may have diverse work styles, preferences, and expectations regarding roles, responsibilities, and deadlines. These variations can lead to conflicts, frustrations, and difficulties in coordinating and aligning team efforts.
    3. Conflicting Perspectives and Decision-making: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different experiences, values, and beliefs. While this diversity can lead to richer discussions and more creative solutions, it can also result in conflicts and disagreements during decision-making processes. Balancing conflicting perspectives and reaching consensus can be challenging.

    4. Stereotypes and Bias: Stereotypes and biases based on gender, ethnicity, age, or other factors can influence perceptions and interactions within a diverse team. Preconceived notions may affect team dynamics, hinder collaboration, and create a less inclusive work environment.
    5. Lack of Trust and Cohesion: Building trust and fostering cohesion among team members from diverse backgrounds may require additional effort. Differences in cultural norms, experiences, and communication styles can create barriers to trust and teamwork, potentially impacting collaboration and overall team performance.
    However, despite these challenges, working with a diverse team can also lead to enhanced performance if managed effectively. Strategies to overcome these challenges and improve team performance include:

    a. Effective Communication: Encouraging open and transparent communication within the team, providing clarity in expectations, and establishing common communication protocols can help mitigate communication barriers.

    b. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusion: Promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect for diverse perspectives helps create a supportive environment where team members feel valued and included. Training programs on cultural sensitivity and unconscious bias can raise awareness and foster understanding among team members.
    c. Team-Building Activities: Engaging in team-building exercises and activities can help build trust, improve communication, and foster collaboration within the team. These activities create opportunities for team members to get to know each other better, bridge cultural gaps, and find common ground.
    d. Clear Goals and Roles: Clearly defining team goals, individual roles, and responsibilities can provide structure and clarity for team members. This promotes alignment, accountability, and minimizes potential conflicts arising from different work styles and expectations.
    e. Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Establishing conflict resolution mechanisms and providing training on conflict management techniques can help address disagreements and conflicts that may arise within the team. Encouraging open dialogue and facilitating constructive conversations can lead to effective resolutions.

    f. Diversity Training and Education: Offering diversity training programs to team members can enhance their understanding of different cultures, perspectives, and experiences. This training can increase awareness, reduce biases, and promote empathy within the team.
    g. Leadership and Management Support: Effective leadership plays a crucial role in managing diverse teams. Leaders should actively promote diversity and inclusion, facilitate communication, provide guidance, and address any issues or conflicts that arise within the team.
    By recognizing and addressing the challenges of working with a diverse team, organizations can harness the benefits of diversity and improve team performance through enhanced collaboration, creativity, and innovation.

  1132. A diverse team is more likely to have a wider range of different skills. To guess problems that a diverse team would have might be communication.

  1133. Diversity in teams leads to increased innovation, problem solving and decision making and this brings about high performance amongst team members. It offers Broader perspectives and brings more information to the table.

  1134. Diversity is a strengthening phenomenon. It is highly encouraged and recommended in a team work. Great skills are exhibited, interaction is valued and knowledge is acquired. It leads also to possible financial and developmental outcomes

    The challenges could be Unhealthy Comparisons as regards to skills acquired which could possibly lead to disagreement s, Effects from personal differences and backgrounds, diverse belief system, etc.

  1135. Skilled persons with expertise from different fields are brought together as a team. Project delivery is faster and knowledge is gained also.

    Diversity is essential for every project team to succeed and deliver projects.

  1136. There is a great deal of connection between diversity and performance because diverse teams allows individuals to acttively participate and share their ideas which result to increased in engagement and performance across a team. it makes each individual feel motivated to reach and achieve set goals.
    From a personal experience in working with different teams there was an event which required the input of two other teams; diversity came to play in the event that lead to a sharp increase in revenue for the organisation.
    The challenges encountered in a diverse team could be negative cultural sterotypes, aculture that believes women are not meant to have a voice. Communication is very crucial in any project to suceed but in diverse teams it can be misinterpreted.

  1137. Diversity is key for every project team to succeed and deliver world class projects.
    People with expertise from diverse fields and skills are brought together as a team. Project delivery is faster and knowledge is gained also

  1138. Diversity is crucial and it helps to organize the team to achieve high performing team members and establish stronger team by bringing different people from different background and skills.

  1139. Diversity in a team yields better performance as each team members contributes uniquely to the project.

    This is advantageous because the thought-process for the project is not limited. Diversity is also useful in VUCA situations.

  1140. Diverse team members has worked well for me. Where each member were able to bring in something unique to the table. And the team mates get to understand and keep a high motivation level throughout the project without any form of argument but plainly suggestions to move forward.

  1141. Variety makes life sweeter and Beautiful. So does Diversity
    Diverse variety in a teamwork boosts project speed

  1142. Diverse teams tend to perform better with a range of knowledge and cognitive abilities which enhances more creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Diversity in a team enhances productivity, high knowledge and strength which is capable of producing superior results and performance

    However, working in highly diverse teams can present challenges which increases the chance of high critical criticism such as communication barriers and potential conflicts, based on ones background, cultures, beliefs, education requirements inclusive environments and effective leadership.

  1143. well, to me diverse team does not reaaly lead to high performances with my past experience
    these were the challenges we encounter
    we had communication issues, cultural misunderstandings because the company is a mixed race, slower decision making that takes ages, inequitable inclusion and discrimination e.t.c

    with all these challenges faced it slowed down the output of the project we had, this leads to my conclusion that diversity affects the outcome of project.

  1144. There must be diversity within the team members of any successful project. Teamwork is key for any project breakthrough. Collective experiences, skills and sacrifices matters a lot. Project professionals and team members from diverse and different backgrounds and cultures are likely to have different experiences and perspectives they can bring to the team and project. Diversity brings together different personalities with variety of social background and cultures to network, interplay and bond together. Practicing diversity implies providing a liberal environment to the workforce to share their views at ease and express their talent.

  1145. Diversity in a team is highly recommended though it has its challenges it can greatly improve performance when the right team diversity is utilized . When diversity in a team is too much it can lead to excess diverse opinions and delay in project out put time there can also be challenge of misunderstanding as some groups might think there input is better and will benefit the project more . The most important thing is to try and have a balance when encouraging diversity in a team

  1146. There are many sides to this matter, starting with different persona’s have many things to achieve together. However, with their range of knowledge and cognitive capabilities, the chances are that the team will get a great result but not without the correct skill set and cooperativeness and significant factor is self-motivation because some members can be very lady and behave unconcerned which may influence another team member to go the same route and thereby leaving but a few to shoulder it all

  1147. In my opinion, diversity does not lead to high performance. However, it helps in creating a balance and ensuring individual contribution.
    diversity is important as it helps in gaining clarity to the best approach in problem solving. Changes in culture among other aspects of human life including education makes it even more interesting working with a group of diverse individual as it creates an opportunity to connect and learn from one another.
    notwithstanding, certain challenges such as lpow agreeablity of members, cultural and religous differences may decrease individual performance with a corresponding effect on the team’s output.

  1148. For any project to be successful, there must be diversity within the team members. No man is an island neither does one individual know it all, thus, its necessary for every team member to bring their individual experiences, skills and personality to play a prominent role. The joy of diversity includes the bringing together of different social background and cultures to interplay and this bonding opens the eyes of team members to not only appreciate each others cultures but also gives room for mutual respect.

  1149. Diversity in a team should be with respect to skill, culture, background, experience etc. This opens the team to want to learn from each other. It also helps to achieve a collaborative work environment and position individual members to be innovative in ideas.

  1150. Diversity in a team gives the best collaboration to a project. The curiosity and unique personality of each individual brings diverse skills and performance. From my experience, it’s surprisingly exciting to work with someone from a different social and behavioral background. The input from each team member is mind-blowing and team members can easily respect and bond with each other.

  1151. Diversity brings about innovation which in turn leads to better performance. Although, there might be cases of conflict and language barrier, these can be taken care of.

  1152. Yes, there is a positive wide range of relationship between diversity and performance which aid to productivity in work performance. Research as shown that diverse team coming together irrespective of their culture, value and norm tends to work collectively when properly managed.

  1153. Diversity helps to establish stronger teams by bringing people from different backgrounds and skills together.

    1. Diversity in establishing a Project Team is crucial for the overall success of the Project as it acknowledges the individual strength of each of the team members and the potential they bring, which can lead to creativity in decision making, high productivity and better results. However having a diverse team also have its own challenges, such as discrimination, cultural misunderstanding, communication barrier, conflict resolution etc. As a Project Manager handling these challenges timely and effectively will foster unity among team members for the overall success of the Project.
      Abigail Ayim Cohort 7 Team 1

  1154. In my experience as a project manager, diverse teams perform better than ones that are not diverse. This means that when teams have people from different backgrounds and perspectives, they tend to do a better job. Diverse teams bring a variety of ideas and ways of thinking, which leads to more creativity and better results. However, working in diverse teams can have its challenges, such as communication difficulties and conflicts. It’s important to address these challenges by promoting good communication and respect among team members. Overall, embracing diversity can greatly improve team performance.

  1155. Diversity is very crucial in team creation. It enhances creativity, innovation, collaboration, and better decision making which invariably leads to better performance.

  1156. The relationship between high performance and diversity is of a great one. A team that comprises of divers personalities is usually as result of emergency, which automatically makes the team members to focus on the project accomplishment without sentiments. Diversity enables the team members to learn to build quick relationship flow among themselves.

  1157. Yea, diversity is connected with performance because a diverse team leads to more ideas and innovation, better decision making, better solutions
    Challenges includes :. Discrimination, misunderstanding and miscommunication

  1158. Diversity in the team is key because it will definitely create variety of beautiful ideas and concept to make the project incredible.

  1159. Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. More diverse teams tend to perform better because they bring a wider range of perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table. This can lead to more creative problem-solving, better decision-making, and improved innovation.

    However, working in a highly diverse team can also present challenges. For example, communication can be more difficult when team members have different cultural backgrounds or speak different languages. There can also be misunderstandings or conflicts due to differences in values, beliefs, or working styles. To overcome these challenges, it’s important for team members to be open-minded, respectful, and willing to listen to each other. Effective communication, cultural sensitivity, and team-building activities can also help to build trust and create a positive team dynamic.

    1. Working with diverse team actually yields prolific results in my experience but it also comes with its own challenges and that is finding a common ground and atmosphere for everyones uniqueness to be heard or appreciated

  1160. Team diversity enhances performance, especially for complex projects as it brings up different flavors that when combined results to project success. The challenges include communication barriers, cohesion among team members, and difficulty in making a final decision.

  1161. Team diversity is more applicable in complex projects where high level of skills and knowledge is required. For example, the team member may suggest different ideas during storming stage, the Project Manager have a pivotal role to create suitable condition for team members to interact, communicate and collaborate.

    1. Diversity in the team is key because it will definitely create variety of beautiful ideas and concept to make the project incredible.
      Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. More diverse teams tend to perform better because they bring a wider range of perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table. This can lead to more creative problem-solving, better decision-making, and improved innovation.

      However, working in a highly diverse team can also present challenges. For example, communication can be more difficult when team members have different cultural backgrounds or speak different languages. There can also be misunderstandings or conflicts due to differences in values, beliefs, or working styles. To overcome these challenges, itโ€™s important for team members to be open-minded, respectful, and willing to listen to each other. Effective communication, cultural sensitivity, and team-building activities can also help to build trust and create a positive team dynamic.

  1162. Based on my review, i realized that while homogeneous teams may benefit from a sense of uniformity and familiarity, their limited exposure and shared experiences can restrict their potential. On the other hand, diverse teams have the advantage of incorporating a variety of skills, techniques, and methodologies, enabling them to approach problems from different perspectives and achieve their goals more effectively. By embracing diversity, teams can tap into the collective strengths of their members and unlock a wealth of innovative

  1163. Oluwatoyin Adelakun-Adeyemo C7 Team 8

    In deed diversity is a blessing in a team when recognized and well managed. A diverse team means their scope of skills, abilities, knowledge and experiences are wise enough to cope with many challenges that come with projects, particularly complex ones.
    A diverse team might initially have a some storming but is set to be very productive once it norms.

  1164. My name is Jecinta Ezeukwu
    Cohort 7 Team 10
    1. I see a connection between Diversity and Performance because a Diversity team tends to perform better beck they have the knowledge, capabilities, and different range of skills in problem solving in project output.

    2. Yes, I think team with greater diversity produces superior work just as it is stipulated in question 1.

    3. One of the Challenges arising when working with highly diverse team is;
    Communication, it is one of the basic in project management, lack of communication results to internal issues or crisis which can lead to delay or reduction of effective project outcomes.

  1165. Diverse teams tend to perform better, since they comprise of different skills and capabilities hence bringing enhanced creativity and problem-solving capabilities. However, working in highly diverse teams can present challenges, such as communication and potential conflicts, since each team tends to pose a high level of knowledge in his own field. hence, there will be hoarding of information inrequiring inclusive environments and effective leadership.

  1166. – Diverse teams are more effective than homogenous teams because there is a variety of skills and knowledge brought in which is of benefit especially when working with complex projects.
    -Enhanced problem solving and decision making.
    Diverse teams can also be a source of internal conflict when those differences put people at odds with their own personal experiences.

  1167. Diverse teams tend to perform better, bringing enhanced creativity and problem-solving capabilities. However, working in highly diverse teams can present challenges, such as communication barriers and potential conflicts, requiring inclusive environments and effective leadership.

  1168. Homogeneous teams, characterized by their uniform level of exposure, experience, and environment, face inherent limitations. In contrast, a diverse team brings together individuals with a wide range of skills, techniques, and methodologies. This diversity can be harnessed and harmonized to facilitate the achievement of their newly shared goals.

    By nature, homogeneous teams tend to have similar backgrounds, perspectives, and approaches to problem-solving. While this can create a sense of cohesion and familiarity within the team, it also means that they may be constrained by a limited pool of ideas and solutions. The team members’ collective knowledge and experiences are likely to overlap, resulting in a narrow scope of potential solutions.

    On the other hand, a diverse team comprises individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and areas of expertise. Each team member brings their unique skills, experiences, and perspectives to the table. This diversity leads to a broader range of ideas and approaches, fostering creativity and innovation within the team.

    By leveraging the variety of skills, techniques, and methodologies present in a diverse team, members can draw from their individual strengths and collaborate effectively. They can combine their diverse perspectives to analyze problems from multiple angles and develop comprehensive solutions. The collective knowledge and expertise of team members can complement each other, filling gaps and enhancing overall performance.

    In summary, while homogeneous teams may benefit from a sense of uniformity and familiarity, their limited exposure and shared experiences can restrict their potential. On the other hand, diverse teams have the advantage of incorporating a variety of skills, techniques, and methodologies, enabling them to approach problems from different perspectives and achieve their goals more effectively. By embracing diversity, teams can tap into the collective strengths of their members and unlock a wealth of innovative solutions.

  1169. Being part of a diverse team offers a unique experience that can broaden one’s perspective, enhance creativity, and improve problem-solving skills. It also fosters cultural awareness, sensitivity, and personal growth.

  1170. When you plot a graph of diversity against performance you will see that Positive result is top of the graph.

    Teams with Diversity brings out thier Best as there is no issue with over familiarity which could give room for complacency.

    Lack of communication and change in work method affects how the team will perform. But as seen from experience the advantages outweighs the disadvantages which can also be further mitigated by effective communication

  1171. Diversity in a team can be of great benefit to the team as each person may have a wide range of knowledge about one thing and another person may have knowledge about something else too.
    It makes the project easier and faster but on the contrary, it has it’s own problems.

    i. There could be an issue in communication and sharing of ideas
    ii. There could be conflict because each person might believe their say should be taken without proper evaluation.

  1172. ommunication Barriers: Different cultural backgrounds, language proficiency, or communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations, hindering effective collaboration.

    Conflict Management: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to contrasting opinions and values. Effective conflict resolution strategies and a positive team culture are necessary to address these challenges constructively.

    Implicit Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious biases and stereotypes can affect decision-making and hinder the full utilization of each team member’s potential.

    Inclusion and Belonging: Creating an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and heard requires intentional efforts from both leaders and team members.

    Social Cohesion: Developing a strong sense of camaraderie and team spirit can be more challenging in diverse teams, as individuals might have different social and cultural backgrounds.

    To harness the benefits of diversity while addressing the challenges, organizations must foster inclusive practices and provide training on cultural competence and effective communication. Effective leadership that values and encourages diversity is also crucial in ensuring that diverse teams thrive and perform at their best.

  1173. There is a complex relationship between diversity and team performance. While research shows that diverse teams can boost creativity and innovation, there are also challenges to managing diverse teams effectively.

    Diverse teams bring a wider range of perspectives, experiences and skills to the table. This can spur novel ideas, out-of-the-box thinking and innovative solutions that more homogeneous teams may miss. For tasks that require creativity, problem-solving and strategic planning, diverse teams may have an advantage. Studies have found that gender and ethnically diverse executive teams significantly outperform homogeneous teams on measures of financial performance.

    However, diverse teams face communication hurdles and social challenges that can hinder their performance. Members of diverse teams may struggle to understand each other’s perspectives due to differences in background, culture and communication styles. They can also face difficulties building trust and cohesion due to biases and assumptions that form between diverse groups. This can lead to conflict, lower morale and suboptimal decision making.
    To maximize the benefits of diversity while mitigating its challenges, teams need strong norms, processes and leadership. Teams must establish clarity of purpose, psychological safety and a culture of inclusion where all members feel valued and comfortable sharing their perspectives. Leaders play a key role in facilitating open communication, resolving conflicts constructively, setting clear goals and holding team members accountable. With the right organizational support, diverse teams have the potential to achieve far greater results than homogeneous teams.
    In summary, while diverse teams have the potential to be more innovative and creative due to a wider range of perspectives and skills, they also face communication challenges that can hinder performance. Strong team norms, processes and leadership focused on inclusion are needed to fully realize the benefits of diversity and maximize team performance.

  1174. From my experience, I have seen more diverse team perform exceptionally. This is largely due to the range of experience, exposure, reasoning of the team. This has it challenges though, because everyone will want to be heard and will want their position upheld. But in a diverse team with good leadership and management, the best of the ideas is implemented, and this makes the team perform exceptionally.

  1175. When you plot a graph of diversity against performance you will see that Positive result is top of the graph.

    Teams with Diversity brings out thier Best as there is no issue with over familiarity which could give room for complacency.

    Lack of communication and change in work method affects

  1176. Diversity in a team could be a source of enhanced productivity, strength and high knowledge which is capable of producing superior results and performance
    If teams are more diverse than homogeneous it increases the chance of high critical criticism and reasoning based on ones background, cultures, beliefs, education too

    Challenges of working in a highly diverse teams: Interactions and effective communication could be hard considering the fact that the team members are of same origins

    Too many opinions and ideologies

    Misinterpreted communication

  1177. Project teams with greater diversity will produce superior results because:

    1. It gives room for increased creativity.

    2. It enhance problem-solving and decision making since members will contribute base on their background, discipline, culture, experiences, etc.

    3. It will strengthen team morale.

    Challenges that may arise in a team of greater diversity are:

    1. Interaction across multicultural and multidisciplinary team could be difficult.

    2. Professional communication could be misinterpreted.

    3. Too many opinions arising from the multidisciplinary views may result to conflicts.

    Micheal Nwenne
    Cohort 7
    Team 6

  1178. In my experience working as a team, diversity brings about success, inclusion, excellent team work, time management ,new skills, connection, interpersonal relationship, exceeding expectation, profitability and driven goal completion. At my job we have people of different educational background, languages and experiences and this has brought about success in managing our projects faster and more efficiently. The challenges are language barriers, sometimes lack of communication or understanding of some of the team members’ point of view but in all this , there is always tolerance, focus on what the goal at hand is, the success of the project.

  1179. Diversity helps build stronger teams, bringing people of different backgrounds together, different skillsets helps strengthen any team.

    1. I agree on this, diversity brings different experiences to play, it profers different approach in solving problems.

  1180. Diversity in a team brings different people with ideas, skills and experience together and to achieve a good result from team members, the project manager has to create a conducive work environment and a room for a friendly chat and suggestions when the need arises.

    Diversity when harnessed is profitable to direct and implement.

  1181. Diversity is the key of inclusion.
    Both are the bottom to go toward the performance, the quality and to touch the high level of top management project..

  1182. Diversity in a team tends to bring different people with ideas, skills and experience together and to achoeve a good result from team members, the project manager has to create a conducive work environment and a room for a friendly chat and suggestions when the need arises.

    Diversity when harnessed is profitable to direct and implement.

  1183. Diversity in teams has a positive impact on performance due to several reasons. Firstly, diverse teams bring a range of perspectives, experiences, and skills, leading to improved problem-solving and innovation. Secondly, diverse backgrounds and viewpoints enhance decision-making processes by challenging assumptions and reducing biases. Lastly, diverse teams are more adaptable to changes and can handle challenges effectively.

    However, diverse teams also face challenges, such as communication barriers, conflicts arising from differing opinions, and the need to create an inclusive environment. Project managers must address these challenges by promoting effective communication, encouraging collaboration, and fostering a culture of inclusivity.

    In summary, diversity in teams has numerous benefits for performance, including broader insights, enhanced decision-making, and increased adaptability. Nonetheless, project managers need to actively manage challenges like communication barriers, conflicts, and the need for inclusion to harness the potential of diversity and improve team performance.

  1184. As a Good PM , Diversity
    and Team work makes a team unique brings about collaboration and tends to created enabling environment for learning which yield better performance in any Project.

  1185. As a Project Manager , Diversity makes a team unique brings about collaboration and tends to created enabling environment for learning which yield better performance in any Project.

  1186. Diversity in a team should be heterogeneity, it bring about different types of people, races, colours with ideas that can help the team.
    The problem of diversity is, too much ideas and everyone wants to be heard might cause a delay or set back.
    There should be decorum and orderly manner of speaking and bringing our ideas to the team members for accuracy and speed.

  1187. In my experience based on my field, it is more profitable for the team to be homogeneous.
    But in a complex situation, diversity tends to achieve more because it has a combination of persons with different expertise, work history, experience on job, gender, etc. And because there is a mix of all this attributes it tends to enhance performance on the job at hand.
    Teams with greater diversity may produce a superior work, if the situation demands it(complex), but when that is not the case it works against the project
    The challenges that are likely to arise when working in highly diverse team could be coping with some of the team members excesses(wanting to go beyond what should be done at a point in time), language barrier, work ethics, etc

  1188. Working with diverse team tends to be more result-oriented than homogeneous team because expertise at various levels are put into play. However, managing the team could be challenging but applying the right organizational values matter a lot.

  1189. Working with diverse team tends to be more result-oriented than homogeneous team because expertise at various levels are put into play. However, managing the team could be challenging but applying the right organising values matters a lot.

  1190. As much as diversity of the project team will be beneficial to project goal achievement, I personally believe it depends on the nature of such projects.
    If it is a project that entails a known area of expertise or knowledge, then homogeneity is will help to achieve project goals faster because of the similarities of team members.

    But when it comes to new concept which requires several technicalities and competencies, then diversity of the project team will go a long way in project goals’ achievement.

    1. In my experience based on my field, it is more profitable for the team to be homogeneous.
      But in a complex situation, diversity tends to achieve more because it has a combination of persons with different expertise, work history, experience on job, gender, etc. And because there is a mix of all this attributes it tends to enhance performance on the job at hand.
      Working with diverse team tends to be more result-oriented than homogeneous team because expertise at various levels are put into play. However, managing the team could be challenging but applying the right organising values matters a lot.

    COHORT 7, TEAM 2.

    Diversity brings about different ideas from their experiences in formal projects. Meaning they have work and see things and able to know the way forward to any project that comes up. Sometimes we say, familiarity brings about unseriousness in the mind of people.

    Diversity may have little risk because you are working with unknown teams, but its more better, than known teams who may have a score to settle, which may delay the project because of past grudges.

  1192. Working with people with different skills and knowledge helps to achieve more as everyone tends to put in their best using their area of expertise.

    In my experience, the work tend to go faster when people are different because the familiarity atimes in homogeneous situation tends to slow down the work process.

  1193. Afeikhe Glory. Team 4
    In my work with excellent
    and high-performing teams, I have seen that more diverse teams tend to do better
    work. They are more creative, innovative, and better at problem-solving. They are also
    more likely to be able to see different perspectives and come up with more
    comprehensive solutions.
    There are a few reasons why diversity can lead to better performance. First, diverse
    teams have access to a wider range of knowledge, skills, and experiences. This can
    help them to come up with more creative and innovative solutions to problems. Second,
    diverse teams are more likely to have different perspectives on issues. This can help
    them to see problems from different angles and come up with more comprehensive
    solutions. Third, diverse teams are more likely to be able to build trust and rapport with
    each other. This can help them to work more effectively together and achieve their
    Of course, there are also challenges to working in highly diverse teams. One challenge
    is that it can be more difficult to reach consensus. When people come from different
    backgrounds, they may have different values and priorities. This can make it more
    difficult to find common ground and agree on a course of action. Another challenge is
    that it can be more difficult to manage conflict. When people have different
    perspectives, they may be more likely to disagree and argue. This can lead to tension
    and stress within the team.
    Despite these challenges, I believe that the benefits of diversity outweigh the risks.

  1194. Okochua Uchechukwu
    Cohort7, Team 10

    Working with diverse teams gave me the experience of learning languages, i lost it at a point during a given project for the sake of language barrier which made me give in to learning in bits how to communicate in a different language to enable me an effective communication due to the region of where my running project is situated, it was a very challenging situation cos i had little or no more time to get to visibility for the sponsors and stakeholders to see, but putting in the complex method of approach i was able to surmount the challenge and pushed through the project.

  1195. Thereโ€™s a relationship between diversity and performance in any working team. As a more diverse team according to research will work better together than a homogeneous team. These diverse teams bring a lot of benefit to the project and organization as a whole. Where potential risks can be easily identified, a broader understanding of the market is brought forward with a new level of creativity and innovation brought into the team asides many others.

    But asides these benefits there are also challenges with these sorts of teams such as:
    * cultural differences
    *communication and language barriers.
    *bias and stereotypes amongst others

  1196. Salam Abiodun Afeez
    Group 1
    I have worked with both homogenous and divert team. But I prefer divert team mostly than homogenous because of the following reason:
    1. Everyone always work harder to achieve the goal in divert team
    2. There is different group of people in term of culture, language, experience and exposure but work together to achieve great thing in divert team
    3. Everyone free to express their opinion when brainstorming.

  1197. My experience in a team of diversity and homogenous is quite different.
    I prefer team diversity where we have diverse tribes, ethnicity, and different opinion to be heard and we brainstorm together and arrived at a given conclusion, due to the diversity we get different opinion and no one tries to outsmart another thereby making it more easier

    unlike the homogenous team where I have to listen because I felt its a team work, they don’t even listen to your ideas believing yours won’t work out like their own suggestions.
    We have to difference in almost everything making it hard for the team to achieve it’s team goals.

  1198. To me, diverse team yields more results than homogeneous team. Where I work presently, we have Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa individuals working together on a project, and it’s moving fine…the goal is to get the work perfectly done regardless of the ethnic difference.
    Here, everyone knows their roles, and are ready to work in harmony.

    Unlike if it is homogeneous, we might divert from the main goal, and bring in delays which might affect the project…after all, we know each other, we might cover any slack from one person, which is not healthy for a project to succeed.

  1199. Okafor Innocent O..
    Group 5

    I once worked in a homogeneous team where problem -solving usually takes longer to resolve that most time we seek professional counsel from external team but when I moved into another organization where there exist diversity in workforce , I was amazed at how creative and unique these guys solved problems. The respect your ideas and ensure inclusiveness for all.
    There was a particular operational challenge the organization faced which became a concern but by the time it got my my desk, I was already used to such challenges from my previous organization so I quickly diagnosed and made a presentation on how such challenges could be fixed without breaking the bank.
    The diverse nature of any team could bring about success in brainstorming due to various background, culture, discipline,belief and unique colour associated with various tribes. The most important thing is to ensure the team of diverse persons understand the mission and vision of the organization they work for.

  1200. Certainly, I am from an engineering background and have worked in different teams and the only thing we have in common is the job. The beauty of being in a team of diverse talent is the beauty of making things work in real time without even breaking a sweat.

  1201. Certainly! This is my friend John’s experiences of diversity in teams:

    John, a software engineer, joined a new company known for its diverse workforce. In his previous workplace, he had mostly worked with teams consisting of individuals with similar backgrounds and experiences. However, in his new company, he found himself working in a team with colleagues from various cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders.

    Initially, John noticed some communication challenges within the team. Different team members had different communication styles, which sometimes led to misunderstandings and delays in completing tasks. However, the team recognized this issue and decided to hold regular communication workshops to bridge the gap. These workshops helped team members understand and appreciate each other’s communication preferences, resulting in clearer and more effective communication overall.

    As John got to know his teammates better, he realized the tremendous value of diversity in problem-solving. During brainstorming sessions, he noticed that team members with different backgrounds and perspectives would approach challenges in unique ways. This diversity of thought led to innovative solutions that they may not have arrived at with a more homogeneous team.

    One particular instance stood out to John when the team was working on a user interface design. They were stuck on finding a design that would cater to the diverse user base. However, a team member who grew up in a different country suggested incorporating certain design elements that were popular in their culture. This suggestion sparked a new direction for the design, and the final product received positive feedback from users across various cultural backgrounds.

    John also witnessed how diversity in the team improved decision-making. During team meetings, there were healthy debates and discussions where team members would share their unique perspectives and challenge each other’s assumptions. This open exchange of ideas helped the team consider multiple angles before making decisions, resulting in more informed and thoughtful outcomes.

    Over time, John developed a deep appreciation for the diverse team he was a part of. He learned about different cultures, traditions, and experiences through his interactions with teammates, which not only expanded his knowledge but also enriched his personal and professional growth.

    Through his experiences in the diverse team, John realized the importance of inclusion and respect. He actively contributed to creating an inclusive environment by celebrating cultural events, promoting open dialogue, and fostering a sense of belonging for all team members.

    Overall, John’s experiences in a diverse team taught him the immense value of diversity in enhancing creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making. He acknowledged the challenges that came with it, such as communication barriers and the need for cultural understanding, but also recognized the significant benefits and personal growth that resulted from working in such a team.

  1202. Diversity is far more better than Homogeneous, because at some point you don’t get stucked doing a particular project, with the contribution of other team members who has keen interest in this project, the work becomes easy.

  1203. Diversity in teams is on one hand good and bad according to the situation. Good when the required skills sand expertise are various, homogeniety doesn’t have place in this context because to achieve goals requires to have differents ressources with various specificty. Mostly projects that require iteration approach may need diversty of team members while for linear project approach , homogeniety may be relatively good. However, those with rare expertise in teams tends to create independance while those without expertise tend to disqualify themselves and loose courage and motivation if the project manager is not bridging the gat.

    1. Diverse teams tend to work effectively and efficiently. This is because familiarity between individuals reduces productivity and gives room for other distractions.
      Diverse teams do better because their individual strengths is collectively harnessed to get results.

  1204. Diversity within a team is truly remarkable as it allows for the incorporation of various knowledge stemming from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Consequently this enables the team to operate at their utmost potential and produce outstanding results.

  1205. Working with a diverse team is more productive than working with a familiar/homogeneous team. In a diverse team individual tends to be bring their own speciality into the project. Different experts that have diverse experiences in handling projects from different fields and with different expertise are coming together to achieve one purpose and the beauty of it is that such project tends to excel and it limits competition among the project team members since all they need to contribute to the project is their expertise which doesn’t include competition commonly find in same working environment.

  1206. Diversity in a team is so awesome because a lot of knowledge from different backgrounds, experiences comes into play. Thereby bringing out the best from the team.

  1207. Yes ooooo, I seriously agree with the researcher’s because diversity tend to beautify one’s work as a project managers or project management and even APM recognises that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones and that’s because you will be working with people with different backgrounds, experience and personalities.

  1208. Yes, my experience matches what researchers have found. In my work with excellent
    and high-performing teams, I have seen that more diverse teams tend to do better
    work. They are more creative, innovative, and better at problem-solving. They are also
    more likely to be able to see different perspectives and come up with more
    comprehensive solutions.
    There are a few reasons why diversity can lead to better performance. First, diverse
    teams have access to a wider range of knowledge, skills, and experiences. This can
    help them to come up with more creative and innovative solutions to problems. Second,
    diverse teams are more likely to have different perspectives on issues. This can help
    them to see problems from different angles and come up with more comprehensive
    solutions. Third, diverse teams are more likely to be able to build trust and rapport with
    each other. This can help them to work more effectively together and achieve their
    Of course, there are also challenges to working in highly diverse teams. One challenge
    is that it can be more difficult to reach consensus. When people come from different
    backgrounds, they may have different values and priorities. This can make it more
    difficult to find common ground and agree on a course of action. Another challenge is
    that it can be more difficult to manage conflict. When people have different
    perspectives, they may be more likely to disagree and argue. This can lead to tension
    and stress within the team.
    Despite these challenges, I believe that the benefits of diversity outweigh the risks.
    When done well, diversity can lead to better performance and a more positive work
    Here are some of the challenges of working in highly diverse teams:
    โ— Communication barriers: People from different cultures or backgrounds may
    have different ways of communicating. This can lead to misunderstandings and
    โ— Groupthink: When people are from similar backgrounds, they may be more likely
    to agree with each other and less likely to challenge each other’s ideas. This can
    lead to poor decision-making.
    โ— Tokenism: People from minority groups may feel like they are only included in
    the team to meet diversity quotas. This can make them feel isolated and
    However, there are also many benefits to working in highly diverse teams:
    Creativity and innovation: When people from different backgrounds come
    together, they can share different perspectives and ideas. This can lead to more
    creative and innovative solutions to problems.
    โ— Problem-solving: When people from different backgrounds have to work together
    to solve a problem, they are more likely to come up with a comprehensive
    solution that takes into account all of the different perspectives.
    โ— Decision-making: When people from different backgrounds are involved in
    decision-making, they are more likely to make decisions that are fair and
    โ— Increased understanding: Working in a diverse team can help people to better
    understand different cultures and perspectives. This can lead to a more tolerant
    and inclusive workplace.
    Overall, I believe that the benefits of diversity outweigh the challenges. When done
    well, diversity can lead to a more productive, creative, and innovative workplace.

  1209. Diversity in team can be a source of strength as well as weakness,
    The strength in diversity in team is because each team mate has their own role of specialization and as such it enhances the project life cycle. It is also an easy method for a successful outcome in a complex environment.
    The flaw in team diversity, can be their different social level of interaction and communication skill

  1210. In your experience, is there a relationship between diversity and performance?

    For a well structured Project environment, performance is not dependent on the diversity of the people in the project. The sole target in a project is the goal, and the roles of individual (well spelt out) must be adhered to, just to attain project goal.

    Individuals understands the impact of their input to the project, diversity is not considered much but the key performance index becomes the focus.

    Do more diverse teams do better work?
    Diverse teams do well as long as there is adherence to the project ethics and goal
    And what are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams?

  1211. It enhances good communication skills and enables the project team achieve their expected goals.

  1212. Diversity make you know there ability, what they have to offer ( Skills).

    It brings effective communication.
    They exposes you to styles of which you might have never worked on.

    This team work for the best outcome of the project.

  1213. There is indeed a relationship between diversity and performance in teams. More diverse teams tend to perform better in problem-solving, innovation, decision-making, and overall performance than less diverse teams. The diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds brought by team members can lead to a wider range of ideas, creativity, and a more comprehensive understanding of complex problems.

    However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. These challenges may include:

    1. Communication barriers: Differences in language, cultural norms, and communication styles can make it difficult for team members to understand each other effectively.

    2. Bias and prejudice: Preconceived notions, stereotypes, and unconscious biases can hinder collaboration and create a negative work environment.

    3. Conflict resolution: Diverse teams may have differing opinions, values, and approaches, leading to conflicts that need to be managed effectively.

    4. Lack of inclusion: Inclusion is crucial for the success of diverse teams. If team members do not feel valued, respected, or included, it can result in reduced engagement and hinder collaboration.

    To overcome these challenges, it is important to foster an inclusive and supportive team culture, promote open communication, provide cultural sensitivity training, and encourage collaboration and understanding among team members.

    1. Diversity is the key of inclusion.
      Both are the bottom to go toward the performance, the quality and to touch the high level of top management project.

  1214. As discussed the last video in complex environments diverse teams tend to perform better in an emergency project especially for complex and chalk situation in comparison to a homogeneous team who express greatly in predictable or simple situations environments helped by familiarity of style, behavioral patterns, response mode, ways and thinking.

    Diverse team truly do better work even maybe as a results of the situation being more focused on achieving the goal of the assembly with low time available for modalities.

  1215. In my opinion, diversity definitely adds to the spice of a team as there are so many advantages, ranging from garnering a wide variety of ideas, to having each person bring in their own unique talents and skills. It fosters an air of productivity as everyone is learning from each other, constantly trying to be creative in other to match up and feel like a part of the team. It also makes the work more exciting and in some way easier, then there is the fact that there’s going to be a wider market scope, when there’s diversity in age, gender and race, it opens up the clientel base of the organization and enables them take on more complex projects.

    The disadvantage to this is;
    It would take a lot of communication by the project manager to build team-spirit as everyone coming in with his/her own ideologies will always think theirs is the best, there is bound to be disputes, misunderstandings and alot of time will be spent in trying to organize inputs to come up with a decision unlike in a homogeneous team where everyone fully understands the goals and objectives and what is at stake if they do not work together.

  1216. personally, diversity is a good advantage because the more the merrier. however coordination and output depends majorly on the PM. Has he/she provided the right environment for the team, did he/she put in place the team charter, and what can of communication/feedback tool is in place. A PM largely do not determine who is in his team, but he can determine how the project ends by sourcing lacking skills and talents to add to the team if it means getting in experts into the team.

  1217. The below conclusion match my experience in this cause
    1.The friction that arises out of having different experiences, ideas, and philosophies can feel uncomfortable in the moment. But when employees speak up and share diverse inputs, they help the group see things from new angles and perspectives, and in turn, help the group find more creative, innovative solutions.

    2.For one, diversity increases productivity. A more productive workforce translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem-solving.

    3.Diverse teams allow individuals to actively participate and share their ideas. This can result in increased engagement and performance across a team. This is because each individual may feel more motivated to reach company goals.

    4.Top challenges of diversity in the workplace include the following:

    -Communication issues
    -Cultural misunderstandings
    -Slower decision making
    -Inequitable inclusion
    -Final thoughts on the challenges of diversity in the workplace
    Need DEI Training

    1. In my experience, Team diversity fosters better performance. It creates team balance. there will be variety of views that will cut across different generation age wise. Also, a complete perspective will be see from both male and female views. Diverse backgrounds and exposures will also make the team colourful. The challenge might be that more time will be taken to reach a consensus due to the varied views.

      1. In my experience, there is a clear connection between diversity and performance. In that diverse teams tends to perform better especially in complex society and it yields better results.

  1218. Research has shown that more diverse teams have the potential to perform better in certain contexts

    Relationship between Diversity and Performance:
    – Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity can lead to a wider range of ideas, innovative approaches, and better problem-solving capabilities.

    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    – Communication Barriers: Language, cultural differences, and different communication styles can create challenges in understanding and conveying ideas. Misinterpretations and misunderstandings may occur, requiring extra effort to ensure effective communication.

    while diversity can positively impact team performance, it requires intentional efforts to create an inclusive environment and address the challenges that may arise.

  1219. Research has shown that more diverse teams have the potential to perform better in certain contexts

    Relationship between Diversity and Performance:
    – Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity can lead to a wider range of ideas, innovative approaches, and better problem-solving capabilities.

    Challenges of Working in Highly Diverse Teams:
    – Communication Barriers: Language, cultural differences, and different communication styles can create challenges in understanding and conveying ideas. Misinterpretations and misunderstandings may occur, requiring extra effort to ensure effective communication.

    while diversity can positively impact team performance, it requires intentional efforts to create an inclusive environment and address the challenges that may arise.

  1220. diverse teams tend to have higher levels of creativity, problem-solving abilities, and innovation, which can contribute to better overall performance. Below is one of the ways I think diversity can positively impact team performance:

    – Different Perspectives: Diversity brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This variety of viewpoints can lead to more comprehensive and effective decision-making processes. Diverse teams are more likely to consider a wider range of options and alternatives, leading to innovative solutions.

    – Broader Market Understanding: In today’s globalized world, diverse teams can provide a better understanding of diverse customer segments. This insight can lead to the development of products and services that cater to a broader customer base.

    Potential challenges:

    – Conflict and Tension: Differences in values, beliefs, and working styles can lead to conflicts within diverse teams. Managing these conflicts and fostering a culture of inclusion and respect is crucial for maintaining team cohesion and productivity.

    – Bias and Stereotypes: Unconscious biases and stereotypes can exist within diverse teams and may impact team dynamics and decision-making processes. Addressing and mitigating these biases is important to ensure fair treatment and equal opportunities for all team members.

  1221. Yes, there is a strong relationship between diversity and performance. Numerous studies have shown that diverse teams tend to outperform homogeneous teams in terms of creativity, problem-solving, and overall performance.

    When teams are composed of individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, they bring a wider range of skills, knowledge, and ideas to the table. This diversity of thought and expertise allows for a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to tackling challenges and finding innovative solutions.

    Diverse teams also tend to be more adaptable and better equipped to handle complex problems. They are more likely to consider multiple perspectives, challenge assumptions, and think outside the box. This can lead to more effective decision-making and problem-solving processes.

    Furthermore, diversity fosters a culture of inclusion and belonging, which can enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. When individuals feel valued and included, they are more likely to contribute their best efforts and collaborate effectively with others.

    Overall, diversity promotes a dynamic and inclusive work environment that can drive better performance and outcomes for organizations.

  1222. Diversity in teams can bring productivity as every member wants to bring in their A game
    Without prejudice

    I have had to work with people I don’t know before & it was exciting as each person wants to do thier best to see that our project was completed and a success

    1. There is a relationship between diversity and team performance.
      Diversity brings effective communication between team members.
      It can enhance productivity and enable the team achieve an expected goal.

    In a complex situation I believe Diverse teams do better work than homogenous teams. Diversity comes with multiple perspective, when team members come from a variety of backgrounds, cultures and experiences they are likely to solve problems and be more innovative. Diversity also limit group-think because the more different a group is the more likely individuals will feel more comfortable offering new ideas and questioning the ideas of others. It improves teams performance and enhances effective collaboration among team members.

  1224. I believe diversity can help improve the performance among team members because the project will involve people with different expertise, skills, knowledge, age coming together to achieve a common goal. Everyone will be focused on the project and at the end they become familiar with each other.
    Though diversity in team members is good, there are some challenges that might arise especially at the beginning stage of the project. They include
    -Communication issues
    – Culture
    -Religious beliefs

  1225. As a project manager, it’s important to ensure that diversity is celebrated and valued in teams. Having a diverse team can bring a range of perspectives and ideas to the table, which can help to create a more innovative and successful project.
    However, it’s also important to recognize that diversity can sometimes lead to challenges, such as communication barriers or misunderstandings due to cultural differences. As a project manager, it’s important to be aware of these challenges and work to address them in a proactive and respectful manner.
    Overall, a project manager should strive to create a team culture that values diversity and encourages open communication and respect for all team members. This can help to create a positive and productive team environment that leads to successful project outcomes.

  1226. I believe that diversity enhances better performance among team members. This involves people with different expertise, skills, knowledge even of different age, culture,gender etc.
    Working in a complex environment calls for diversity and this in turn gives no room for frivolities, idleness, vain discussions.
    No time for friendships when a project is still on. Everyone is fully focused on the reason why he was called upon and to perform better.

    Also when discussions are made or ideas given, it is done out of openness and transparency. When issues are identified to be resolved, no one’s feeling is been concerned.
    Working in diversity facilitates fast production because the intention becomes to do the job perfectly and quick so everyone can return to his/her normal activities.
    In diversity, there is plenty of skills and expertise brought to the work and possibility of acquiring more knowledge from other members.

    Challenges that might arise include:
    1. Language barrier
    2. Cultural differences
    3. Gender inequality
    4. Religious beliefs
    To handle this, negotiation and a certain level of compromise must come to play.

  1227. There is strength in diversity since it brings different ideas and perspective in addressing the challenge at hand, diverse team with different level of skills and expertise have always been the best as there is no time for discussions that is not connected to the reason for the team. It can be productive with proper coordination by the Program Manager in the absence of a communication barrier or unproductive with diverse interests and communication barriers.
    In the organization I work, the management is always conscious of a good mix in terms of gender, ethnic, and religious balance to ensure success on any field Project.

  1228. There is a very good positivity between performance and diverse teams. Just as in marketing where there is a need for different experts from the different sectors coming together to help achieve a common goal. So diversity in teams produces better result and more productivity while also learning.

  1229. Thereโ€™s a great relationship between diversity and performance.

    As the level of diversity increases among teammates, the quality of work produced will be superior and this team will work well in a complex environment as they have different expertise levels.
    Also, there will be greater innovation and problem-solving skills.

    But the challenges of working with diverse teams include:
    – There will be more discrimination among team members which will lead to misunderstandings as each one will regard himself/ herself as superior to the other.

  1230. A diverse team means working with different people with different level of skills and expertise. It can be productive or unproductive working with a diverse team. But with proper coordination and understanding of roles and rules, I believe a diverse team adds value to a project and the project manager can achieve the project’s goals more efficiently.

  1231. There is a relationship between diversity and performance since it brings different perspectives to bare.

    More diverse teams will bring different perspectives as long as culture and communication is mand.

    Challenges with working in highly diverse team. Highly diverse teams challenges range from
    1. Communication Issues
    2. Cultural misunderstanding
    3. Religious beliefs
    4. Discrimination and
    5. Inequitable inclusion.

  1232. Diverse teams tend to work better in complex situations. An example was when the firm I worked in was assigned a master plan project for a Federal University that was located in a remote area of the country. Before any actual design was done an Environmental and Social Analysis of the site had to be done and vetted by the Government, a team of different expertise and experience was sourced from other firms. Four weeks later and after two site visits an Analysis was drafted, developed and submitted.

    The team was disbanded because the next phase had a more Simple situation here an in-house homogeneous team was formed to proceed to that phase.

    For me a challenge in working in a diverse team is the stage of forming. This is done faster if the work atmosphere is comfortable without prejudices

  1233. Diverse teams do better work
    Diverse teams boost innovation, meaning diverse teams do better work. When a company brings together individuals from different walks of life, cultures and experiences, in highly collaborative teams built on trust and respect, team members can share, challenge and elevate contributions. The result: creativity is bolstered, celebrated and harnessed for problem solving and improving work. The difference for business impact is when innovative thinking and ideas are spun into actionable strategies.

    As we are all working remotely, physically away from the teams whom we collaborate and communities we serve, through online meeting tools such as Cisco Webex, we have ample opportunity to connect across the day and time zones. Hence building a diverse team should be easy. Let me share some of the benefits of why building a diverse team can help.

    1. Working with people whom are different to you challenge you: One of the greatest skills of a leader is the ability to listen to your team. To better understand and meet needs of different individuals, you rise to the challenge โ€“ itโ€™s a great way to test and rejuvenate your thinking to elevate more rounded ideas. Intently listening with an open mind can also help keep bias in check and question assumptions.

    2. Reduction of groupthink: Not always the most vocal or similar ideas get up. Facts are more likely questioned, while the objectivity versus subjectivity is challenged. As conformity declines, differences in people views can be debated, where the sparks of innovation are often born.

    3. Remote working and tools invite ongoing collaboration: You donโ€™t have to be face to face to get things done. The Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown is proving the digitality of equipped companies. Ideas can be debated freely over teaming applications. Project teams can be set up in seconds and strawman proposals developed in minutes. Resultantly, your immediate teamโ€™s view will be accessed in minutes. Additionally, within a few clicks, invite a wider and diverse audience โ€“ whether it is someone from overseas or from another group that can add a different perspective. Virtual engagement is the new normal.

    4. Newcomers feel more welcome to contributing early: If your team environment lends itself to openness, trust and debate, newcomers arrive seeing an early transition to free expression. Fresh thinking is praised, not negatively questioned.

    5. Engagement and high performance: When everyone feels welcome and valued, the team is empowered to perform at its best. Talent develops, retention is minimised, and both the business and its customers prosper. Competitive advantage and differentiation is realised.

    Now that we have exposed ideas to build stronger more diverse teams, benefit immediately from it by making it a priority. Build a new virtual team today!

  1234. In a complex project environment, every diverse team member reasoned he or she might not know it all, and so would welcome anyone with insights on how to handle such a project. Also, each diverse team member all have several things in common, their zeal to find solutions, their visions of the outcome, the success of the project in view, and the experience to gain from the entire process or project life cycle.

  1235. Fostering diversity amongst team members helps in positive performance. There must be understanding between the team members and the project manager should make sure that it is a health one which gives room for growth and progress of the project

  1236. Promoting diversity, fostering inclusion, and harnessing the strengths of your diverse team members are vital for maximizing the benefits of working with such a team as a project manager.

    When managing diverse teams, you are likely to encounter a range of experiences associated with diversity

  1237. I have not had experience working with adiverse team members in any project.

    From what I have learnt so far, diversity allows team members to freely contribute their ideas and perspectives in various areas of their expertise in order to achieve a common goal, especially in complex projects.

    Diverse teams are usually focused on the task at hand as itโ€™s goal is not to build relationships (social cohesion) but to deliver on an assigned task in the best way possible and timely.

  1238. Diversity in a team promotes strong team bonding, innovation, and creativity which enhances an organization performance and productivity.

  1239. Absolutely!
    Diversity allows a free range of opinions and perspectives in various areas of expertise. Diverse teams, mostly of people without social cohesion is usually focused as it’s goal is not to build relationships, but to deliver on an assigned task in the best way possible and just go home.

    1. The diversity in a team shows that teams with high diversity and social cohesion do better in complex projects than homogeneous teams who know each other well.

      1. As a project manager embracing diversity, promoting inclusion and levering the strength of your diverse team.

        One may encounter a range of experiences related to diversity.

  1240. The diversity of a team plays a huge role in its performance. This is because ideas and perspectives regarding several topics are shared from different points of view. It’s no news that the experiences of a person shape the way they see issues, hence bringing colour to the team.

  1241. Diversity is beautiful! A diversify team is rich with skills, knowledge, experiences, professionalism, opinions, culture and many other values because of the people involved. A good P.M. bringing all of these their good values together will produce great performance than a
    homogenous team. The benefit is that team members will have opportunity to learn new skills, improve ideas etc. However, when not properly organized and managed diversify team members could easily fall out, unhealthy competition,conflicts, oppositions, disagreement which could lead to delays or poor performance.

    Homogenous team on the other hand, have the tendency to produce great performance because there’s greater synergy, self motivation, self determination, single focus, understanding and responsibility. Easy work flow and all hands on deck. But its disadvantage is that views and opinions are narrowed. No much excitement of new ideas, thereby making performance boring.

    Nkechi PRAISE Okoloukwu
    Cohort 7, team 7

  1242. As a project manager, embracing diversity, promoting inclusion, and leveraging the strengths of your diverse team members are key to maximizing the benefits of working with a diverse team.
    As a project manager working with diverse teams, you may encounter a range of experiences related to diversity. Here are some common experiences you may encounter:

    Diverse Skillsets and Expertise: Diverse teams often bring together individuals with different skillsets, backgrounds, and areas of expertise. This diversity can enrich your team’s capabilities and enable you to leverage a wide range of talents to tackle project challenges.

    Cross-Cultural Communication: Managing a diverse team may involve navigating communication challenges arising from different cultural norms, language proficiency, and communication styles. It’s important to promote effective communication channels, encourage open dialogue, and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts.

    Multiple Perspectives and Ideas: Diversity in teams fosters a multitude of perspectives and ideas. As a project manager, you’ll have the opportunity to tap into these diverse viewpoints to generate innovative solutions, make well-informed decisions, and drive creative problem-solving.

    Conflict Resolution: With diverse teams, there is a potential for varying opinions and conflicting viewpoints. As a project manager, you may need to facilitate constructive discussions, manage conflicts, and help team members find common ground to ensure smooth project progress.

  1243. Working in a diversify team has lots of added advantages, you’ll always have numerous ideas popping up from every team members. In a diversify team, there will always be divisions of labours.

    This can really accelerate the productive within the team. Let’s takes for and example, where I was assigned a site Engineer on a village access road (VAR).

    We had people who came from different localities to work on the project, we had almost 4 team. Namely; clearing team, grubbing, destorming, and excavations of side drain and road formation.

    With the collective efforts of these groups, it helps us to speed the work on time.

  1244. Based on studies and research, it has been shown that the degree of inclusion within the company, effective communication and collaboration techniques, and the alignment of diverse perspectives toward shared goals are just a few examples of the many variables that can affect the relationship between diversity and performance. It is crucial to emphasize that this relationship is complex and can depend on a number of different circumstances. Improved performance is not always guaranteed by having a diverse team; to fully reap the rewards of diversity, an inclusive company culture and practices are needed.

    According to research, diverse teams may be better at problem-solving, making decisions, and coming up with new ideas. It is crucial to remember that there is more to the relationship between diversity and team performance than a straightforward cause-and-effect relationship, and the results can change depending on a variety of factors.

    To fully reap the rewards of diversity, working in extremely varied teams can present a number of problems that must be successfully overcome. Communication hurdles, Conflict and tension, Bias and Stereotypes, Inclusion and Psychological Safety, Collaboration and Coordination, and Decision-making Difficulties are a few prevalent problems. But team members and leadership must take initiative to overcome these problems. These barriers can be surmounted, and a collaborative and high-performing atmosphere can be established in different teams by raising awareness, encouraging inclusiveness, supporting open communication, and offering training on cultural competency.

  1245. Diverse teams allow individuals to actively participate and share their ideas which result to increased engagement and performance across a team. This is because each individual may feel more motivated to reach company goals.

  1246. Yes diversity breeds more successful project because everyone is here for a single purpose to achieve the reason why the project manager brought him to team but if is people who are familiar with each other they may be distracted
    diversity is an advantage to the project on ground because it is comprised of people from different background and different experiences of which they will be able to contribute different workable ideas towards the success of the project. they are able to tuckle the problem with less time and effective communication.

  1247. There is a clear-cut relationship between diversity and performance.
    In my opinion a more diverse team tend to perform better in a project delivery, in that the more diverse a team is gives you the benefit of working with people from different background, with different experiences and different level of exposure and all of that makes the team perform better. So there is a relationship between diversity and performance.

    As for if a diverse team do better work? my answer would be a big YES because I believe a more diverse team if the aim of the project is well communicated and understood by every members of the team I believe that the team would deliver the project better than a non diverse team.

    The challenges of working in a highly diverse team is that you see things like gender bias where a team member will tend to look down on the other gender and stuffs like that you may be a friction to the aim of the project.
    Also things like discrimination in terms of ethnicity and minority of some ethnic group.
    You may also begin to see and hear issues around things where the older team members condescend on the younger ones so that just the challenges faced by working with the team that is more diverse.

  1248. diversity has a connection with performance. Each team member brings a distinct attitude or character to the output. You see people who are highly self motivated, another can think ideas through an predict possible outcomes of any part in the project. A good PM will harness the various skill and personalities to deliver a unique and excellent product. It’s important to have diversity in the work as a project manager, your team members must have diverse skills and knowledge in their field to help achieve the a goal.

  1249. diversity is an advantage to the project on ground because it is comprised of people from different background and different experiences of which they will be able to contribute different workable ideas towards the success of the project. they are able to tuckle the problem with less time and effective communication which gain momentum

    1. Diversity and performance in projects are actually beneficial. This is because due to team members differences; they can discuss different perspectives that will benefit the project. Any organisation that wants to grow will encourage diversity simply because monopoly is dull and stoic plus If the project is to succeed; team members indirectly represent a quota of how it will be received or welcomed.

  1250. Share your perspectives on motivating project team members in the discussion section. What risks and benefits can you see in assigning tasks to less experienced members of the team? What impact might this have on your own motivation and that of others?

    Motivating teams members increase productivities, build trust and also increase confidence among the team.

    It gives them a sense of belonging
    it gives room for self development
    It increases boldness among team members especially the new members

    It could slow down the pace of work
    It could generate fear if not well handled
    It could lead to failure

  1251. Team building and capacity building can be done by organizing mini hangout, games even early morning exercise can foster team building

  1252. Diversity in team can help offer effective ideas and experiences in actualizing the project on ground because of the involvement of people with different background and experienced.

  1253. There could be unity and beauty in diversity. As a project manager, I would explore diverse teams as they will have different ideas. My job is to make everyone aligned to the same goal with their diverse experience and background

  1254. Diversity in teams can offer a range of experiences.

    Working with different people not socially connected, makes the work more effective cos everyone wants to put in their best. This has been my experience.

  1255. In my opinion, diversity is an advantage to the project on ground because it is comprised of people from different background and different experiences of which they will be able to contribute different workable ideas towards the success of the project.

  1256. I have worked on a project with people that grew up in different environment and with different mindset…

  1257. In my opinion diversity increases innovation and productivity as diverse teams tend to be more creative and better at problem solving.

    Yes a more diverse team does better work as they have a greater ability to solve problems and come up with innovative ideas, this in turn increases performance.

    Some of the challenges of working with highly diverse teams include:
    1)Difficulty in choosing from many opinions to make the best decisions.Slower decision making due to debates and arguments.
    2)Differences in work styles might create problems for the team.
    3)There might be clash of ideologies.
    4)There might also be communication or language barriers.

  1258. As a Project manager, experience had taught me that diverse team perform better than homogenous ones. No familiarity disposition, no room for shape practices, more room for transparency.
    *Slow decision making
    *Communication barrier
    *Culture differences

  1259. In my experience, diverse teams are more effective but becoming a ticking time bomb to the project if the members don’t all come onboard around the same time. Adding diversity while on the run can be dangerous and end up being a set back to the project.

    1. Good diversity in any team always produce great results and satisfied team of like-minded people.

  1260. Yes I agree with APM, there is relationship between diversity and performance because diversity leads to performance

  1261. Diversity aids performance, which in turn ensures success of projects, knowledge sharing and an avenue to further bond team members, providing a satisfying environment for work to be done effectively, whilest learning and adapting new ideas on familiar topics or challenges.
    Communication however seem to be the major challenge envisaged in a diverse team, as the ability of members and the project manager, to understand a different perspective is the determining factor to the benefit of the diversity.
    Bringing a new idea to the table is fantastic only when all members can see your perspective and adapt it to the project at hand and also most probably reuse for other projects as applicable.
    There is no doubt that diversity in a team will always produce better results and a happier group of people with like minds.

  1262. I agree with APM. there is a relationship between diversity an performance. They do better work because they come in with a new range of ideas and zeal. They have studied or they know how to tackle challenges and proffer solutions more due to their broad experiences.

  1263. Mostly the diversity in a team enhances performance and encourages high productivity among teams, it also shows that teams with high diversity and low social cohesion do better in complex projects than homogeneous teams who know each other well.

  1264. Yes I totally agree with APM. I think there is indeed a relationship between diversity an performance. They definitely do better work because they come in with a new range of ideas and zeal. They must have studied or they know exactly how to tackle challenges and proffer solutions more due to their broad experiences.

    Some of the challenges of working with diverse teams are:
    1. The non-ability to understand each other
    2. How to work together and not step on each other toes

  1265. Based on my experience as a project manager, I’ve noticed that having a diverse team can benefit a project. When people with different backgrounds and ideas come together, they bring unique approaches to solving problems. This often leads to impressive results and motivates team members to outdo each other positively.

  1266. Yes, there is a relationship between diversity and performance,teams that are diverse they achieve alot in their projects than team that are homogeneous,in diversity there is team work so it takes ateam work to achieve adream work.

  1267. Diversity in a team makes room for different approaches to problem solving that when brought together produces great results. People are more creative and innovative when given room to express and bring in their ideas derived from their different backgrounds, experiences and expertise. When all are pulled together the results are usually astounding.
    The challenge is that the Project Manager will have to manage all these ideas, understand and communicate effectively with every member of the team so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

    1. I think there is indeed a relationship between diversity an performance. They definitely do better work because they come in with a new range of ideas, innovations, experience and zeal. They must have studied or they know exactly how to tackle challenges and profer solutions more due to their broad eexperiences.

      Some of the challenges of working with diverse teams are:
      1. The inability to understand each other
      2. Low social cohesion

  1268. Agu Ugochinyere
    Cohort 7 Team 3

    I can say that working with a diverse team will brings out different skills, experiences, perspectives and ideas to the table which can lead to high creativity, innovation, performance through better decision-making and problem-solving within team.

    A diverse team do better because everyone is devoted to achieve a good result. they focus and put in their best effort.

  1269. A team diversity means team members with varying ideas being brought to work together in a complex project. The diversity brings together cross functional teams that will boost team performance and productivity. A well organized team charter at the beginning of the project will align and commit the teams towards achieving the project’s goals, thus reduce the risk on the project.

  1270. Diversity enhances performance and encourages high productivity among team, I’ve also learnt that teams with high diversity and low social cohesion do better in complex projects than homogeneous teams who know each other well.

  1271. What matter most in the diverse team is the PM. And the only barrier แป‹ can fathom is of Language. But with the Chartering and SMEAC briefing everyone should at a glance know what they are to do on any particular project.
    Hence Diversity is the best in any project in my opinion.

    Group 10
    Cohort 7
    In my experience I agree that the best project outcome emerges from more diverse teams just like Steve Williams explained with the lifeboat crew senerio which is an example of working in a VUCA environment. People in a diverse teams do not know each other well and will not have time for cheap chats or unnecessary familiarity that might slow down their performances. They have different areas of skills or knowledge which helps to keep them more focused while working in their different assigned areas in the course of carrying out the project.
    I can say that the challenges of working in a diverse team are just their cultural, religious, values, and individual differences which is taken care of by having a team charter that creates an enabling environment where team members feel respected and safe to be themselves and to express their individual perspectives and use their unique skills more.

  1273. Yes, a team that is diverse produce superior work because of the diverse knowledge, exposure and experience. Their greater challenge would be individual differences in culture, religion and values

  1274. From my personal experience, I have observed that teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work. Diverse teams bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to more creative solutions. However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges, such as communication barriers and misunderstandings due to cultural differences. It’s important for team members to be open-minded and willing to learn from one another in order to overcome these challenges.

  1275. From my personal experience, I have observed that teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work. Diverse teams bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to more creative solutions. However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges, such as communication barriers and misunderstandings due to cultural differences. It’s important for team members to be open-minded and willing to learn from one another in order to overcome these challenges.

    1. I completely agree with the idea that diversity brings advantages to teams and organizations. Teams with diverse backgrounds and perspectives tend to perform better than homogeneous teams.
      From my personal experience, I have observed that teams with greater diversity tend to produce superior work. Diverse teams bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to more creative solutions. However, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges, such as communication barriers and misunderstandings due to cultural differences. Diversity alone is not enough to guarantee success. It’s important for team members to be open-minded and willing to learn from one another in order to overcome these challenges, and also important to have effective communication and collaboration within the team.

    2. Diversity and performance in projects are beneficial. This is because due to team members differences they can discuss different perspectives that will benefit the project.

  1276. In my experience as a Network Engineer and a Technical Operations Manager, diversity exist in my organization mostly when a more skilled or experience professional is required and on rare occasion can happen due to lack of human-resource or capital.

    Diversity in an Emergency communication center has made work and communications faster and easier. In the sense that, some emergencies requires communication ,negotiation, express of empathy and direction in diverse language such as Igbo, Hausa, and Yoruba basically.
    In setting up a Technological solutions as well, diversity in skills and ethics play a big role, as there is room for learning, exposure, growth, exchange of ideas and advance collaboration amongst project Team members.

  1277. Queen Chima
    Cohort 7, Team 9.

    There is indeed strength in team diversity and performance. This is because there will be no time for familiarity exchanges and chitchats. When people who are for different roles and responsibilities find themselves working together to achieve a common goal, there is only one objective – to deliver.

    This then means that there’d be a high level of concentration on the deliverables to ensure a productive and expected end.

    However, there could pose certain problems in this scenario because of individual differences.

    Firstly, there’d always be those category of people who extend their level of influence in their former role to their new role. They tend to try to exert influence on their new environment, thinking everyone would respond as it were in their former place. And where there is a negative response to it, there is bound to be a feeling of rejection which would often lead to withdrawal. So, the individual withdraws to himself, thereby denying the team of the potential good contributions he may have brought to the situation on ground.

    Again, there could be a misunderstanding of one another’s temperance, communication style and level of reasoning because of unfamiliarity.

  1278. As a group leader as an undergraduate student, i discovered that diversity tend to have a better performance than homogenous, this is because people’s ability are not known and everyone wants to bring out the best in them and make the project a successful one, there’s little or no over familiarity, everyone tends to be focused in making the project a success

  1279. Non is better as far there’s productivity, positive attitude, teamwork, and exploration of ideas however
    Diversity brings peace and ensures each work and effort of every member are seen and for this to work, there must be mutual understanding and respect for anyone’s strategy.

  1280. As a mechanical engineer, i basically work in a production team that works well on the linear or waterfall method. irrespective of this, there are still some situation where team is built up from diverse unit, for example during the company’s annual product stock taking, members of each team were developed randomly from different department and despite the diversity, we had a lot of time to focus on the work (straight-to-business), as there was no too much delay due to over familiarity with one another. secondly, there was respect for one another based on each of our role because, you know no ones competence and hence, tend to respect anyone and everyone just the way they are.

  1281. Diversity tend to have a better output than homogenous because when you have different people working together on a particular project, they strive to bring their ‘A’ game to the table because they may never know who is taking note withing the team and also they tend to bring in their own perspective which may help in solving complex problems

    The challenges that may spring up at first is communicating those ideas, perspective to the rest and understanding each other

  1282. Diversity in teams produce superior work as the teak members who have most likely never worked together before seek to impress and sometimes outperform one another. Since they will inadvertently put in their best, the output will be superb and top notch.

    However there might be challenges in the areas of miscommunication and lack of proper collaboration. Those who feel they are better than others in terms of skills might decide to do the work independently of other members of the team, keeping the others in the dark; this will most definitely cause huge problems for the team in the long run and teamwork will be at an all time low.

  1283. The more diversity there is in a team, the better the work. Having diverse set of people in a team provides a variety in skills, knowledge, experience and perspectives. All these put together in a project will produce a better result. However, the project manager must know how to manage the presence of diversity in a project to avoid conflict and misunderstanding

  1284. Diversity in teams brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and expertise, which can lead to several benefits.
    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams
    Working in highly diverse teams can offer numerous benefits such as a variety of perspectives, innovative thinking, and enhanced creativity. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges such as communication barriers, varying work styles, conflicting viewpoints, bias and discrimination, lack of inclusion, resistance to change, and decision-making challenges.

  1285. Relationship between diversity and performance
    Diversity brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, skills and knowledge which leads to creativity, innovation and problem-solving that improves performance.
    Do more diverse teams do better work?
    Yes, research suggests that more diverse teams can often perform better and produce higher-quality work compared to homogeneous teams.
    Diversity in teams brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and expertise, which can lead to several benefits.
    Challenges of working in highly diverse teams
    Working in highly diverse teams can offer numerous benefits such as a variety of perspectives, innovative thinking, and enhanced creativity. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges such as communication barriers, varying work styles, conflicting viewpoints, bias and discrimination, lack of inclusion, resistance to change, and decision-making challenges.

  1286. I have various experience in diversity which include people from different countries in a team. In the we had people who need a push or motivation before they could participant in any work, those who do not care about the project and won’t even respond. The only way I could get everyone to work is to assign a task even though I will redo the task. Sometimes diversity can delay a project.

  1287. In my experience a diverse teams have a high percentage of performance in a project because of their wide range of knowledge, they are from different backgrounds,different cognitive abilities, different personalitie which helps the team to see problem differently and are able to come up with more then one solution to a problem, diverse teams provide unique approaches, ideas, insights into a problem. In tune they are able to perform in a project.

    The challenge in work with a highly diverse team is p pride, if that is not put in check the performance of the team will be low, the project manager job is cut out for him, because he has to be no top of this all the time and also highly diverse team will want to outshine one another, because what they have achieved individual.

  1288. Of course it does, diverse teams tend to perform better than homogenous ones.
    Yes, there is. Diversity in real sence helps effectively in speed decision making and problem solving as it enhances collective intelligence.However, it has its downside as well. Team members with different opinions find it difficult to understand each other hence the need for mediation. Also, diversity might lead to low team commitment, side talking, competition , and above it all distruption in social interraction between the team members.
    The APM should hereby create an atmosphere to encourage building and utilizing a learning system of great effect, avoid unhealthy interraction and conflict.

  1289. diversity in a team encourages optimal productivity. it promote critical thinking skills and when harnessed properly, it leads project success within a short time phase

  1290. Variety they say is the spice of life, a team diversified possesses resourceful advantages ,

    Firstly, allowing project teams to replicate or remodel ideas and experiences from diverse sources assuming they come from different demographic, Academic and ethnical background has a lot of benefits.

    In my experience the storming to Norming phase is very difficult at first resulting from this diversity but as soon as they understand their differences, learn to overlook the down side and rather look at the upsides, the project gets off to an unstoppable and successful finish.

    I once has a team diverse in demography (age, ethnicity, religion) the younger demography where rash, unorganized and not composed at problem solving, idea generation and proffering solutions. This irritated the more calculative and elderly, as time went on they understood each other and found better ways to communicate with each other.

    All weaknesses on both demography were later turned in to strength and helped bring the project home

    1. Developing team by assigning roles to team members based on their individual strength gives team members room to give their best..

      Safeguarding team members by making the working environment friendly and resolving issues between members,.
      Homogeneous team will often do better than a more diverse team in a stable environment.
      Highly diverse teams whose members do not know each other have a disadvantage of doing better than homogeneous team

    2. Developing team by assigning roles to team members based on their individual strength gives team members room to give their best..

      Safeguarding team members by making the working environment friendly and resolving issues between members,.
      Homogeneous team will often do better than a more diverse team in a stable environment.
      Highly diverse teams whose members do not know each other have a disadvantage of doing better than homogeneous team.
      Choice of linear, iterative and hybrid projects is determined by the degree of project complexity

  1291. Having a diverse team comes with its own benefits and challenges. for benefits, there is strong dynamic, boost each others morale and productive problem solving. but the challenges are way more. spanning from communication issues, cultural misunderstanding/clashes, discrimination. Project team leader need to always be on the lookout for symptoms of these problem.
    Hence the need to have a open and honest communication thereby fostering unity of purpose as each member of the team understands the aim and objective of the project including the stakeholders and sponsors

  1292. Diversity can be said to mean the coming together of people with different ideas that will eventually form a unique decision. They are being united by one major thing which is their passion to drive and deliver a powerful successful project to the stakeholders not minding their different background which in most often than not they get the job done faster than how a homogeneous team would.
    Research and evidence has shown that diversity in teams and organizations can bring about numerous benefits and here are some key points:

    a. Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making
    b. Increased innovation and creativity:
    c. Improved adaptability and flexibility
    d. Broader customer understanding etc.

  1293. Diversity is the coming together of people with different ideas and skillsets that compliments each other . These people united by the passion and drive to deliver successful project to the stakeholders.

  1294. having a diverse team comes with its own benefits and challenges. for benefits, there is strong dynamic, boost each others morale and productive problem solving. but the challenges are way more. spanning from communication issues, cultural misunderstanding/clashes, discrimination. Project team leader need to always be on the lookout for symptoms of these problem.

    1. Diversity in project can be helpful if well managed. It will help ensure that different capabilities are captured. It can also help promote healthy competition if well coordinated.
      The downside is that it can breed rivalry and unnecessary hatred amoung team members. It

  1295. As far as am concerned, diversity is very important when the team is made of people with diverse expertise, backgrounds, culture and education. Non monotony is observed in a team with diverse backgrounds, expertise, .. once such team is built the weak learn from the strong and the strong drives the weak towards the goals once this is well shared among the team. Howver, it can bring to coas when those in team with strong expertise are not willing to share with less experimented.

  1296. Diversity can be the quality of being diverse or different as an individual, Meanwhile individual differences are often seen at the environment or diversify community where there is multi ethnic or mutli cultural people…the point is when we come to together as a team to work we will have more experience and skills to unleash out.
    Perhaps,the strength and advantage is gained to achieve a successful project outcome… personally I’ll say diversity yields more productive outcome as a project manager (PM).

  1297. Creating and fostering diverse teams within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture and morale of the company. A diverse team can help organizations discover unique solutions and make effective business decisions. Knowing how such a team can benefit your company may allow you to source and find individuals with distinct backgrounds and skills. In this article, we explore more about diverse teams, including how they benefit organizations and some tips for overcoming team obstacles.
    As an HR, the teams created at the organization where I work helped to improve operational achievements and market performance.

  1298. I work as an administrator in an organization and this has brought me to work with people who are diverse in every way.
    Yes, diversity like every other thing has its advantages and disadvantages.

    A high level of individual excellence, viewpoints, creativity and innovation comes into play to ensure the success of projects. Each person comes with their skills and knowledge. However, this also brings about clashing opinions on how the project should be run, communication barriers, and behaviours influenced by the family, educational or environmental background that will reduce the project’s success rate.

    From my experience, the project manager is responsible for ensuring that these conflicting factors do not affect the project. The project manager makes sure common understanding through communication and team collaboration is strictly practised.

  1299. Diversity among team members is a good source of strength to achieving a set goals, especially in an emergency situation.

  1300. Okem ThankGod Joseph of cohort 7 team 8,

    Diversity is the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

    Because they are not homogeneous otherwise have little or no social relationship, the team will be more of focussing on what brought them together which is achieving a successful out come, aim n goals of the project.
    For the fact that there’s no familiarities between the team there will be high level of respect, coordination, collaboration & focus

    I see Diversity in a team as a source of strength and knowledge hence we would have different skills and background which will be put together to achieve organizational goals / a successful project

  1301. Diversity means great minds coming togetherwith different ideas that will eventually form a unique decision. They are united by one thing, the passion and drive to deliver a super successful project to the stakeholders not minding their ethnicity or social background.
    And most often than not they get the job done faster than homogeneous team.

  1302. Diversity means great minds coming togetherwith different ideas that will eventually form a unique decision. They are nnited by one thing, the passion and drive to deliver a super successful project to the stakeholders not minding their ethnicity or social background.
    And most often than not they get the job done faster than homogeneous team.

  1303. Does this match your experience?
    In my experience Iโ€™ve noticed that people who do not have familiarity with one and other tend to put their best foot forward, keeping up a persona (sustainable or not sustainable)that they are committed to goals, conversely with homogenous teams their might not be a need to prove anything , hence a higher failure rate at goal attainment.

    Is there a relationship between diversity and performance?

    Research suggests that there is a positive relationship between diversity and performance. A diverse team brings together individuals with different backgrounds, and skills, which can lead to enhanced creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Diverse teams to can improve decision-making, increase adaptability, and promote a broader range of ideas, resulting in improved performance.

    Do more diverse teams do better work?

    Yes, more diverse teams have the potential to do better work. When teams are composed of individuals from various backgrounds, experiences, this can lead to more innovative solutions, improved decision-making, and a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues. Diverse teams can also have better customer insight and a broader market reach.

    What are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams?

    While diversity can bring numerous benefits, working in highly diverse teams can also present challenges. Some of the common challenges include;Communication barriers( language and cultural differences etc.),Conflicting viewpoints(disagreement, conflict, and difficulties in reaching consensus etc.),Bias and stereotypes,Lack of inclusivity,Time and effort etc.

    But despite these challenges, managing diversity effectively and fostering an inclusive team culture can help overcome these obstacles and harness the benefits that diversity brings to a team’s performance.

  1304. As a former Engineering Manager, who also doubled as a Project Manager, during the time I was working with an Oil and Gas Service company in Lagos Nigeria, I totally agree that more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogeneous ones.

    I have worked with various diverse teams countless times and I have come to realize that diversity brings a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities within the team.

    When team members come from different backgrounds and possess diverse expertise, they can bring unique insights to the project, leading to more robust and well-rounded solutions.

    In the context of the various engineering projects that I have executed in the past, most of these projects involved managing a team tasked with designing and developing a sustainable energy solution for a community.

    We had a diverse team consisting of engineers, environmentalists, economists, and social scientists who approached the project from different perspectives, bringing their specific expertise to the table.

    This resulted in a more comprehensive and holistic solution that considered not only the technical aspects but also the environmental, safety, economic, and social implications.

    However, it is important to note that the success of diverse teams is not automatic. Challenges can arise when working in highly diverse teams. Some of the common challenges include:

    Communication: Diverse teams may face communication barriers due to language differences, cultural nuances, or different communication styles. Project Managers need to establish clear channels of communication and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas.

    Collaboration: Collaboration can be more challenging in diverse teams, as individuals may have different work styles, expectations, and approaches. Project Managers should encourage collaboration, promote teamwork, and create processes that facilitate effective collaboration among team members.

    Conflict management: Diverse teams may experience more conflicts due to varying perspectives and opinions. Project Managers should be skilled in managing conflicts, promoting respectful dialogue, and finding common ground to ensure that conflicts do not hinder progress or team cohesion.

    Bias and inclusion: In highly diverse teams, unconscious biases can influence decision-making and interactions. Project Managers should be vigilant in recognizing and addressing biases to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

    I will conclude with this, while more diverse teams have the potential for better performance, it is crucial for Project Managers to be aware of the challenges and actively work towards creating an inclusive and collaborative environment that leverages the benefits of diversity.

  1305. 1. Enhanced creativity and innovation: Teams that embrace diversity often benefit from a wider range of perspectives and ideas. When people with different backgrounds and experiences come together, they bring unique insights and approaches to problem-solving, which can lead to greater creativity and innovation within the team.

    2. Broader range of skills and knowledge: Diversity in teams means that each member brings their own expertise and knowledge to the table. This can result in a broader skill set within the team, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to tackling challenges and a greater capacity to handle various tasks.

    3. Improved decision-making: Diverse teams tend to have more balanced decision-making processes. When individuals with different perspectives engage in discussions and debates, it can lead to more thorough analysis and consideration of different viewpoints. This can help teams make more informed decisions and reduce the risk of groupthink.

    4. Increased adaptability: In today’s globalized and interconnected world, diverse teams are better equipped to adapt to changing circumstances. Different cultural perspectives and experiences can provide valuable insights into different markets, customer segments, and emerging trends, enabling teams to be more agile and responsive to a dynamic business environment.

    5. Enhanced problem-solving: Diversity in teams can lead to more effective problem-solving. When faced with complex challenges, diverse teams can draw upon a range of perspectives to identify potential solutions, evaluate risks, and develop strategies. This can result in more robust and comprehensive problem-solving outcomes.

    6. Improved employee engagement and morale: A diverse and inclusive team environment fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among team members. When individuals feel valued and respected for their unique contributions, it can enhance employee engagement and boost team morale. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

  1306. Diversity with the right combination of expertise can boost a teamsโ€™ chances of achieving its goal but in my opinion based on a few experiences working in and with a team, the more the team is bonded , the better the delivery. I say this because the diversity though with expertise in an emergency situation could go well but where conflicts based on that diversity arises, thereโ€™s no foundation of social cohesion or fondness to douse the tensions that arise.

    In conclusion, depending on the project, both kinds of teams can get the job done but one isnโ€™t better than the other.

  1307. Diversity in a team means varying ideas being brought to the table leading to informed decisions being made.
    Diversity brings together different expertise which will boost team productivity.
    However, diversity can be risky because conflicts can arise due to different personalities and cultures.

  1308. Mercy Njoku
    Cohort Team 6

    Diversity is essential. creating and fostering teams within an organization can improve the overall productivity, culture and morale of the company. A diverse team can help organization discover unique solutions and make effective business decisions. knowing how such a time can benefit your organization or company may allow you to source and find individuals with distinct backgrounds and skills. However diverse team is a group of individuals who have different backgrounds and skills that work together as a team to achieve company goals.

  1309. Well, I have no experience on working with expertise from different organization, so my discussion will be based on what I learnt so far.

    Working with a diverse team tends to bring more ideas and different skills on the table which will eventually lead to high performance through better decision-making and problem solving.

    A diverse team do a better job because everyone is enthusiastic to achieve a good result for the success of the project. Having different experts from different departments with different skills; this makes them to focus and put in their best innovation and experience for a better result.

    Though, there may be difficulty in communicating and understanding each other due to language and cultural barrier.

  1310. Diverse teams tend to bring a blend of New perspectives to the table which can lead to improve decision -making, problem -solving and promote innovation

  1311. From my personal experience diversity brings about great performance in a project. Sometimes even working with people you know can slow a project as there may over familiarity.

    Diversity has a role it plays in the success of a project. Diversity ranges from different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different gender and sexual orientations, experiences, ideas, skills and lifestyles etc. When thereโ€™s a team with diverse backgrounds, it brings about new ideas and innovations which facilitates the success of a project. It also leads to more creative and effective problem-solving, as different individuals can approach problems from different angles thereby bringing about productivity.

    However, while there are positive sides in diversity, it also comes with its own challenges. These challenges include communication issues, cultural misunderstanding, slower decision making, discrimination and less trust. These challenges can be managed amongst team if thereโ€™s a strong leader or project manager.

    It is also important to know that benefits and challenges of diversity varies depending on the organization and the project at hand.
    In all diversity is more profitable.

  1312. More diverse teams tend to perform better than homogeneous ones. Diverse team do well as a results of the situation being more focus on achieving the goal of the organisation by minimal available time, this translates into organisationsโ€™ performance and financial results.

  1313. The performance of a team is positively influenced by diversity. When team members have diverse backgrounds, they tend to bring in new ideas, perspectives, and innovation, which allows them to quickly focus on the task at hand without wasting time. However, while diversity brings advantages, it also presents challenges such as differences in cultural backgrounds and communication barriers.

    The impact of diversity on project team performance depends on the specific nature of the project. In the example discussed earlier, the team leader may not have the opportunity to extensively assess the capabilities of individual team members. Nevertheless, the belief is that their diverse backgrounds, along with some level of training and experience, will enhance the team’s ability to approach problems innovatively. Each team member also strives to make a meaningful contribution to the new team, reducing the issues of over-familiarity and laissez-faire attitudes to some extent.

    However, it is crucial to note that these benefits come with challenges if the individuals selected for the team project lack adequate training for the assigned tasks. Such a situation can negatively impact the success and performance of the project.

  1314. Diversity in a team can be advantageous for productivity and the success of a project. When a team with diverse skills and experience work together to deliver a project, it fosters a commitment and challenge every member on the team to contribute their skill set making a strong team achieving success at the end of the projects.

  1315. Diverse teams from my experience are better challenged and more motivated because of the mix of old and new minds or just random people who are brought together to work and are more productive.

    On the other hand of challenges, a lot of individuals do not know how to work easily with new people and this might lead to isolation, click formations, etc if not properly manage and also competition because everyone is trying to show that they are experts at what they do and may not be open to learning

  1316. When it comes to performance, diversity is very vital because each team have different knowledge in terms of experience, abilities, perspectives etc and these put together gives a better output than the homogenous.
    With all these benefits, it has it negative side when not properly spelled out especially the lack of effective communication.

  1317. There could be unity in diversity. As a project manager, I would explore diverse teams as they will have different ideas. My job is to make everyone aligned to the same goal (project success)

  1318. There’s a positive relationship between diversity and performance.when there is diversity among team members they tend to be more innovative, there new ideas, perspective etc and people get directly down to business,no time for delidarling. The problem of over familiarity is not faced there is diversity but with it comes some challenges like cultural background, communication barriers etc.

  1319. As a project manager, I’ll explore diverse team. Diverse team will bring about a blend of new ideas from the different members of the team and this can help solve problem faster if the different ideas are intelligently deliberated upon.

  1320. The relationship between project team members diversity and level of performance depends on the nature of the project. In the example provided in the last section of this module, the leader may not have the time to make a complete analysis of the capacity of the team members but on the believe that these individuals have had a form of training and experience, their diverse background will reinforce innovative approaches. Also every member of the team seeks to make an impact to get into the new team. The issue of over familiarity and laissez-faire approaches will be minimise to extend. However, these comes with a number of challenges if the individuals selected for the team project are not adequately trained for the task. Therefore affecting the project success or it performance.

  1321. As APM I’ll explore a diverse working medium because it will help in ensuring that the project is completed at when due because of the diverse-knowledge team.
    However, when exploring this option I’d ensure no one is crossing boundaries

  1322. From my professional experience, there is a positive correlation between diversity and performance. In my previous role as an EdTech Consultant, i worked with team members from other nationalities within and outside Africa.

    Diverse teams tend to bring a blend of new perspectives to the table which can lead to improved decision-making, problem-solving and foster innovation.

    It can be challenging as cultural misunderstanding or communication issues can briefly arise but can be resolved with open discussion to foster alignment and collaboration for desired outcomes.

  1323. Just as we have the saying, there is unity in diversity, this is exceptionally true in the sense that each team member brings about different skills and knowledge to bring about a successful output.
    As an exceptional Project Manager, I will harness the diverse skills and knowledge of the different team to bring about excellent performance.

  1324. Diversity is important because you get to have different inputs from and perspectives from people who have no bearing on what your previous beliefs are. It helps to improve decision making for different heads of organizations.

  1325. Diverse teams have the following characteristics:
    1. A wide range of knowledge
    2. From different geographical locations
    3. Different cognitive abilities
    4. A wider range of experiences
    5. Different stages of career
    6. Age differences
    7. Gender differences
    8. Different personalities
    9. Different cultures
    10. Different backgrounds

    All these characteristics put together in a team will give rise to the following advantages :
    1. A wider range of perspectives.
    2.Different viewpoints and approaches to tackle problems.
    3. Uncover alternative solutions to problems,
    4. Diverse teams provide unique approaches, ideas, insights into a problem.
    5. They provide a wider range of experiences and expertise
    6. They are better equiped to navigate complex and uncertain environments.
    5. They are made up of experts in different fields.

    On the other hand,diverse teams may require additional effort to build trust among them.They may have different ways of communication.Their different cultures may give rise to misunderstandings and therefore diverse teams may experience conflicts from time to time.

    All in all,diversity is more profitable to a team as team members compliment each other.

    1. Like the saying in Nigeria, my country goes, “There is unity in our diversity”. Nigeria, a country filled with people with religious and cultural differences, can still execute a project perfectly by harnessing the potential of every citizen.

      For example, recently a Chef from a minority region of the country, Chef Hilda Baci undertook a cook-a-thon to break a Guinness World Record in individual cooking. Nigerians saw the challenge as a Nigerian project and everyone shoved their differences and paid attention to achieving success, which was achieved in the long run.

      This goes to show that diversity (cultural and religious alike) brought about great performance in the Cook-a-Thon project as each member of the team brought in different skills, and innovative ideas to achieve success.

      However, there are some challenges working with a diverse team which includes language differences which created a communication gap, and cultural differences—in the case of the Cook-a-Thon, a member of the team abhors certain meat, which is according to their tradition and these brought about cold war between the tribes involved.

      Nevertheless, this and many other challenges can be managed amongst the team if thereโ€™s a disciplined and focused project manager as the leader.

  1326. My experience on building team and working with diverse team. Good diverse team are way far better than homogeneous team. I can recall my experience as a Platoon 9 member during my NYSC days. We Won the overall best platoon in all competitions. Our diversity helped us a lot because some won’t match but are good in sport or dancing and other social activities available.

  1327. Diversity sure does impact positively to a project outcome however, the team charter comes in handie so as to reduce or eliminate conflicts and competition amongst various experts

  1328. Diversity when it is properly allocated, brings out the best in a team. This is because each individual is coming with its own expertise and contributing to make the project work.

    Challenges that may be faced in a highly diverse team is the ability to outdo each other. Everyone will be trying to show that his/her expertise is the best and it can yield to competition amongst team members instead of cooperation.

  1329. There is significant relationship between diversity and performanc(team performance).

    Diversity influences team performance. If there is influence then it raises the question of similarity and similarity between members increases mutual attraction, integration, and communication, which in turn improves performance. Diversity is more than gender and race; it includes a lot more than just that . When you hire people who may be from a different geographic location, or at different stages of their career, or with different personalities, putting them in a group can be beneficial. A team which is diverse will show better performance. With a diverse team, group performance is improved as people try to come up with unique and creative solutions for the task at hand.

    When there is a diverse team, each team member is able to gain perspective into the other personโ€™s world. They, thus, can become more understanding of the other over time, and hence, it can lead to better communication for the team overall. With better communication, team performance also improves.

    When there is a diverse group, then the work is easily divided among the team members depending upon their skills. When one person is highly skilled at something, and someone else has a talent for something else, both of their abilities can be equally used to fulfil a task.

    However, there are challenges in working in a diverse team. Diversity is not always functional. When a team is diverse, it has the potential to give rise to conflict. Conflict is usually caused when people have a different perspective or opinion about a topic or a task at hand because of differences in their personal needs or demands. When a team is diverse, it is not a surprise that each person will have different priorities, as well as different views on how a task should be handled.

    As people have different perspectives on the same issue, it can be challenging to come up with a solution to the problem as a team.
    In fact, when one memberโ€™s solution is picked over the other, it can also foster a sense of low self-esteem and resentment towards the other member.

    when there is a diverse team with people belonging to different cultures and backgrounds, each person may have different communication styles. Some people may have a more direct and assertive way of communication due to their background, which may be perceived as rude or brash by others in the team.

  1330. More diverse teams tend to work better because each person is an expert in his or her own area. Diversity in a team could be a source of strength and knowledge . Diversity when properly harnessed is profitable to an organization or a team

  1331. Research and evidence suggest that diversity in teams and organizations can indeed bring about numerous benefits. Here are some key points:

    Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making: Diverse teams tend to possess a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and expertise, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and better decision-making. Different viewpoints and approaches can help identify blind spots, uncover alternative solutions, and mitigate groupthink.

    Increased innovation and creativity: When individuals with diverse backgrounds collaborate, they bring unique ideas, insights, and approaches to the table. This diversity of thought can foster innovation, spur creativity, and lead to the development of novel solutions.

    Improved adaptability and flexibility: Diverse teams are often better equipped to navigate complex and rapidly changing environments. By drawing on a variety of experiences and perspectives, they can adapt more readily to challenges, seize opportunities, and respond effectively to evolving market conditions.

    Broader customer understanding: Diversity within teams can facilitate a deeper understanding of diverse customer segments. By incorporating different perspectives, organizations can better identify and address the needs, preferences, and concerns of a diverse customer base.

    Regarding the relationship between diversity and team performance, studies have found mixed results. While some research suggests a positive correlation between diversity and performance, other studies indicate that the impact of diversity on performance may depend on factors such as team dynamics, leadership, and the nature of the tasks being performed.

    Challenges associated with working in highly diverse teams can include:

    Communication and language barriers: Diverse teams may consist of individuals from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, which can lead to challenges in effective communication and understanding. Language barriers, varying communication styles, and cultural norms may require extra effort to overcome.

    Conflict and tension: Diverse teams may experience increased potential for conflict due to differing opinions, values, and perspectives. Managing conflicts and fostering a collaborative environment that respects diverse viewpoints can be a challenge for team leaders.

    Implicit bias and stereotypes: Unconscious biases and stereotypes can impact interactions within diverse teams. Overcoming these biases and ensuring equal opportunities for all team members requires ongoing awareness, education, and a commitment to inclusivity.

    Lack of cohesion and trust: Building trust and cohesion in diverse teams may require additional effort compared to more homogenous teams. Diverse teams may face initial challenges in establishing rapport and developing shared norms, which can affect collaboration and overall performance.

    It’s important to note that the benefits and challenges of diversity may vary depending on the specific context, industry, and organizational culture. Organizations that actively promote inclusivity, equity, and the valuing of diverse perspectives are more likely to realize the potential benefits of diversity in their teams and achieve improved performance outcomes.

    1. From my own perspective, the relationship between diversity and performance is a win-win thing, depending on the context in which it is applied, to some extent it leads to increased performance as each individual are there to play their roles not minding whom they are working with especially in an impromptu circumstance where the aim is to ensure they get results…but in a situation where the task has to be performed on regular basis diversity and performance may be at its lowest overtime.
      However there are challenges associated with working in highly diverse teams one of it is lack of trust and possibly cohesion, the tendency to be skeptical is also evident, conflicts, as well as communication barrier. Although for every challenges there’s also merits associated with it, it gives room for learning through shared views of other teams and self development.

  1332. From experience, diversity allows for different views and options/ideas that enhance the success of the team. Thou, having a relationship with your team members has its own advantage as it allows for effective role allocation for each task. So it all depends on the situation (VUCA) of the case or project being carried out.

  1333. Cohort 7 Team 8
    I agree with APM that diverse teams tends to be much more effective than a homogeneous one. There is equally a relationship between diversity and performance.
    In a project carried out in Kano some years back on providing street children and orphans opportunity to go back to school by providing uniforms, school bags, sandals, exercise books etc, the team was made up of just 2 of us as professional (sponsor & partner). All others were undergraduates and youths in business/entrepreneur, however,we had people with various skills who helped in various aspects of the project. It was a huge success at the end of the day in the community.

  1334. This matter is dependent on some factors. Teams with diverse members according to experts perform better but form my observations, it most times depends on luck, proper understanding of the roles, incentives etc. Teams with diversity oftentimes have their workload left for a negligible few that have shown enough commitment while the rest just relax.
    Most times, teams with homogeneity tend to perform better because each team member understand their roles and since anyone wouldn’t like to be the black sheep, everyone would put in their effort due to the ‘identified’ individual roles.
    This scenerio may no doubt be tenable too in the diverse team members’ but not often.

    A strongly agreed with APM, Diverse team tends to do better than a non diverse team. In a diverse team, there is strong relationship if proper rules are set to be followed but in a non diverse team, the team members tends to work against each other even when there are rules to be followed. The major drawback among diverse team members is language barriers.

  1336. Ashiru Moruf
    Cohort 7 Team 2

    The concept of diversity is imperative. Diverse teams tend to perform better in an emergency project especially for complex situations. Connection with performance is highly rated in compare to a homogeneous team who thrive in predictable or simple situations environments.

    Each team members are highly skilled and the higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. And the more performance and low level of errors thus higher probability to achieve greater result.

  1337. According to statistics the best project outcomes have emerged from more diverse teams, where people feel respected and safe to be themselves, to express their individual perspectives and use their unique skills.
    Yes diverse teams do more better as a team because they bring various unique perspective, ideas and approaches to the table. there is also mutual respect among them due to their diversity.
    -communication issues
    -cultural misunderstandings
    -discrimination and slower decision making are the challenges of working in highly diverse teams.

  1338. LAWANI Imoohime benjamin
    Cohort 7, Team 5 โ€“ Your experiences of diversity in teams (discussion).

    Yes, there is a big relationship between diversity and performance because most diverse teams are knowledgeable and skillful in their areas of expertise and when together in a team each gives there best and complement each other to come out strong which is seen as affine tuning among the team for better performance, therefore, there is a relationship that leads to better result among team members. For example, we built a cement factory, in which the contractor for civil works were the Germans while the mechanical and electrical contractor were the Chinese, both had to work together for the success of the project, been managed by a Project manager on behalf of the client, each company had their own Project managers, in the midst of the diverse teams from different counties worked together to meet the project schedule, successfully. Today, that particular project is one of the best when compared to the ones done by one contractor alone.
    Yes, to the second question, more diverse team do better work, because everyone is driven by the energy to achieve result for the success of the project. Putting their best to ensure the team succeed, bring out their own innovation and experience for better result, just like the example I share above.
    Well, for the third question, some of the challenges of working in highly diverse teams could be, language and cultural barriers if the teams are from different areas, discrimination and favoritism, preferring one over another.

  1339. From my experience and observations, there is a positive relationship between diversity and team performance. Diverse teams tend to bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to improved decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity. This diversity can also foster innovation, adaptability, and a broader range of ideas within the team.

    One of the benefit of diversity is new perspectives .People from diverse backgrounds , nationalities and culture will bring a fresh array of perspectives which ultimately leads to better employee performance.

    However, itโ€™s important to note that working in highly diverse teams does come with its challenges. Some challenges include:

    1. Communication barriers: Cultural, language, and communication differences can sometimes hinder effective collaboration and understanding within a diverse team. It may require extra effort and skills to ensure effective communication and achieve a shared understanding.

    2. Misalignment of values and norms: Diverse teams may have members with different values, beliefs, and ways of working. Balancing these differences and creating a common ground for collaboration can be challenging and may require ongoing effort and open discussions.

    3. Conflict resolution: With diverse perspectives and backgrounds, conflicts can arise more frequently in highly diverse teams. Managing and resolving conflicts while embracing diverse viewpoints is crucial to maintaining a healthy team dynamic and productivity.

    To overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of diversity, it is important to establish clear communication channels, foster a culture of inclusivity, promote respect and open-mindedness, and provide training or resources for team members to develop intercultural competencies.

  1340. Diverse team always perform better in terms of out put or result as no bias is even, people then to do their work professionally and deliver maximum results on time.

    The negative side of diversity is there’s no room for Empathy. It’s more about getting results fast and moving on.

    And we can’t forget communication or language barrier.

  1341. There’s connection between diversity and performance, team with greater diversity produce superior work because diverse team has high range of skills and knowledge, so plethora of options to choose from to deliver the desirable results in a complex environment. The challenge might be that of disagreement in sorting out or reaching the best option(performance)

  1342. I have never worked with people from different department or organizations.
    But from the learning I can can attest that diversity leads to high performance. Diversity tends to bring more varieties of ideas and different skills on the table which will eventually lead to high performance through better decision-making and solving problems easily.
    Also diverse team do better work because there is no room for competition who is better since they are mostly from different departments and have different skills. So this makes them to focus on delivering their various task smoothly.
    If a team is highly diverse this May faced certain challenges like difficulties in communication and understanding each other especially if they are from different enthnicity.

  1343. From my experience, nonhomogenous teams are simply smarter. Working with people who are different from you may challenge your brain to overcome its old ways of thinking and sharpen its performance in a more competitive way. Diverse teams are more likely to constantly reexamine facts and remain objective. They may also encourage greater scrutiny of each memberโ€™s actions, keeping their joint cognitive resources sharp and vigilant.
    Although they may be faced with some challenges which may include communication barriers, differences in norms and values and so on.. but there is definitely a positive correlation between team diversity and performance.

  1344. Based on my experience and observations, there is indeed a positive relationship between diversity and team performance. More diverse teams tend to bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, which can lead to improved decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity. This diversity can also foster innovation, adaptability, and a broader range of ideas within the team.

    One key benefit of diversity is the ability to see things from different angles and challenge the status quo. This can help in identifying and addressing blind spots, mitigating groupthink, and avoiding tunnel vision, which ultimately leads to better overall performance.

    However, it’s important to note that working in highly diverse teams does come with its challenges. Some challenges include:

    1. Communication barriers: Cultural, language, and communication differences can sometimes hinder effective collaboration and understanding within a diverse team. It may require extra effort and skills to ensure effective communication and achieve a shared understanding.

    2. Misalignment of values and norms: Diverse teams may have members with different values, beliefs, and ways of working. Balancing these differences and creating a common ground for collaboration can be challenging and may require ongoing effort and open discussions.

    3. Conflict resolution: With diverse perspectives and backgrounds, conflicts can arise more frequently in highly diverse teams. Managing and resolving conflicts while embracing diverse viewpoints is crucial to maintaining a healthy team dynamic and productivity.

    To overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of diversity, it is important to establish clear communication channels, foster a culture of inclusivity, promote respect and open-mindedness, and provide training or resources for team members to develop intercultural competencies.

    Overall, while diversity in teams can bring numerous advantages and improve performance, effectively managing the challenges that come with it is essential for harnessing the full potential of diversity and achieving high-performance outcomes.

  1345. Diverse team’s tend to do well course everyone accord professional respect to each team member due to lack of existing knowledge or social interaction

  1346. With my knowledge as a music teacher, having a diverse team is highly desireable. In my work, having people with different skills is quite helpful to move forward quickly. That way I would have someone with skills In piano, someone with knowledge in guitar, in drums , and various parts in singing . The working together of this diversity brings forth desirable products .

    The challenge I have seen with such situation however is the fact that each member might want to outshine others. I mean each member wants to be noticed in Thier own area of expertise and this could lead to them doing more than necessary. In my line of work(music) , when one person gets louder than the others it results to noise. There ought to be a balance between everyone’s performance and so each member has to be made to know that their quota is highly important and must balance with that of others

  1347. Arodoye Ifedayo. Cohort 7, team 2.

    Diversity in a team could be a source of strength and knowledge hence we would have different skills and background. Diversity when properly harnessed is profitable.

  1348. There is no write or wrong answer to this question ,some people may say that diverse teams work better because they are diverse and in turn bring more creativity and excitement to the workplace, others may say that the challenges of working in a highly diverse team are typically greater in scope and more complex than those of other teams .ultimately , it is up to the individual employee to decide whether they feel comfortable working in a team that is both more diverse and more complex and as such does not answer the question.

    1. Diversity of team brings superior performance. This is because variety of views and expertise are brought to the table. As opposed to homogeneous team, the different experiences, training, discipline and specialization makes the understanding of the problem and proffering of solution richer and more holistic. This in turn enhance performance.
      The major challenge is additional effort required in communication. Also the project manager will be required to pay closer attention in understanding and harnessing individual perspective brought to the table.

  1349. My name is ABIAYI MERCY
    COHORT 7 Team 6

    Broader Perspective and Creativity: Diversity brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to enhanced creativity and innovation within the team. Diverse teams are more likely to consider a wider range of ideas, challenge assumptions, and generate novel solutions.

    Problem-Solving and Decision Making: Diverse teams tend to have access to a greater pool of knowledge, skills, and expertise. This diversity of perspectives enables teams to approach problem-solving and decision-making from various angles. Diverse teams often exhibit better critical thinking abilities, as they are exposed to different ways of approaching and analyzing issues.

    Enhanced Adaptability: Diverse teams are generally more adaptable to change. They have exposure to different cultural norms, practices, and problem-solving approaches, which can help them navigate complexities and adapt to dynamic situations more effectively.

    While diversity can bring numerous advantages to a team, it also presents challenges. Some of the key challenges in highly diverse teams include:

    Communication and Language Barriers: Language and communication can become a significant challenge in diverse teams, especially when team members have different native languages or communication styles. Misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and language barriers may hinder effective collaboration and information sharing.

    Conflict and Misalignment: Diverse teams may experience conflicts arising from differences in values, perspectives, and working styles. These conflicts can arise due to cultural, educational, or experiential differences. Team members may need to invest additional effort in understanding and resolving conflicts to maintain productive working relationships.

    Bias and Stereotyping: Unconscious biases and stereotypes can impact decision-making and interactions within diverse teams. Preconceived notions or assumptions about certain group members may hinder objective evaluation of ideas or contributions, potentially leading to exclusion or marginalization.

    Cohesion and Trust: Building trust and cohesion can be more challenging in diverse teams due to differences in background, culture, and experiences. Developing a shared understanding, fostering open communication, and promoting inclusivity are crucial for building trust and cohesion within the team.

    To overcome these challenges and harness the benefits of diversity, it is important for organizations to promote inclusivity, provide cultural sensitivity training, encourage open communication, and establish a supportive and respectful team culture. Effective leadership and team management practices that recognize and value diversity can help leverage its potential for improved team performance.
    Thank you for the great opportunity.

  1350. JULY 1,2023
    COHORT 7
    GROUP 4
    Diversity can also have a positive impact on business performance in a multitude of ways, from greater innovation and skill sharing to increased productivity and higher revenues. Forbes reveals thatย diverse teams deliver 60% better results and make better decisions in 87% of cases.

    often impacts innovation. A diverse culture isnโ€™t just about an employeeโ€™s physical appearance; itโ€™s about how employees think.

    With diversity comes multiple perspectives. When team members bring a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, they are more likely to solve problems and be innovative. This can lead to more thoroughly vetted results. Leaders are also more likely able to make better decisions based on facts. Inclusive management also optimizes talent and productivity, leading to higher-performing teams.

    When teams such as IT have access to a larger talent pool, they are more apt to find high-performing talent based on skills, knowledge, and experience.

  1351. Hi Everyone.
    I am Queeneth Ogechi Nwachukwu.
    Cohort study 7.
    Group 9.

    I agree with APM recognition – which states that ‘more diverse teams tend to perform better than homogeneous teams’.

    But let us not ignore that the determinant factor for the above is if the Project – environment is Complex Or Simple?

    As it’s always the case in a Complex environment as:
    Each individual in that Team is learned in his/her own field and would want to prove he/she is the best there; so a bit competitive. This has to do with their knowledge and cognitive abilities.

    Ofwhich in a Simple environment; it is not necessary.
    As team work supercedes (homogeneous teams’)

    Also, they don’t blend nor intend to; different Ethnicity; age; Gender.

  1352. More diverse teams tend to work better because each person is an expert in his choosen field and would put in all efforts to make sure he/she succeed or achieve desired goals. They would not want to be the reason the failed.
    More so when people come together to form or be part of a team, whether diverse or not, there is immediately that since of belonging to a family to achieve a desired purpose. I for one would not want to be the reason my team or group did not meet up.
    Thank you.

    1. The main issue that may come up, would be that of lack of adequate communication, for even when people know what to do and there is gap in communication, there is bound to be problems. So as a team member or project manager, I make sure all issues and activities are well communicated and everyone is carried along and are able or given room to speak up concerning the project.

  1353. As the impact of diversity can not be overemphasized, hence should go side by side with proper direction from the Project Manager carrying the team along, to be able harness various diverse skills and resources to the goals and objectives of the project in progress

  1354. The higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. this will yield high performance and low level of errors thus higher profitability.

  1355. In my experience, I honestly havenโ€™t quite made an apt observation on this subject matter. However, I can say for sure that having people of diverse cognitive abilities is usually good for a team as the people with less cognitive abilities tend to be more willing to listen to and accept the ideas of other people who they may perceive as having a greater knowledge spectrum.

  1356. Diversity pave way for more productivity where more ideas are collaborated together to achieve a common goal. It is highly connected with performance and achievement.

  1357. Diversity in a team could be a source of strength and knowledge hence we would have different skills and background.

    For this to be advantageous, there must be understanding between the team members, and the PM should create environment for such behavior.
    Diversity when properly harnessed is profitable.

  1358. A team with diversity always do well because of the ability to leverage on all available resources. However, diversity, if not properly made us of, can breed disaster. Diversity is a great advantage to any team due to the fact that team members complement one another.

  1359. The impact of diversity can not be overemphasised and this should go side by side with proper direction from the Project Manager, in order to harness various diverse skills and resources to the goals and objectives of the project at hand.

    Thank you.

    Enyeribe Adaku
    Cohort 7
    Group 1

  1360. The impact of diversity can not be overemphasised and this should go side by side with proper direction from the Project Manager, in order to harness various diverse skills and resources to the goals and objectives of the project at hand

  1361. The concept of diversity is imperative, as it creates a face for different ideas, thought & belief system, which can be advantage to the success of a project.

    Good project manager will harness
    different resources such as potential skills to deliver an excellent product.

    Teams with greater diversity doesnโ€™t always bring the best outcome.

    This depends on the ability of the project manager to manage the team uniquely.

    In all diversity brings about divergent though, culture and beliefs that humans hold dearly.

  1362. The concept of diversity is imperative, as it creates a face for different ideas, thought & belief system, which can be advantage to the success of a project.

    Good project manager will harness v
    different resources such as potential skills to deliver an excellent product.

    Teams with greater diversity doesnโ€™t always bring the best outcome.

    This depends on the ability of the project manager to manage the team uniquely.

    In all diversity brings about divergent though, culture and beliefs that humans hold dearly.

    1. It is widely recognized that diversity can bring numerous advantages to teams and organizations. Research studies and real-world examples support the notion that diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous ones. This correlation between diversity and performance has become increasingly evident in the performance and financial outcomes of organizations.

      Diverse teams often benefit from a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills, which can lead to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. When individuals with different backgrounds and viewpoints come together, they bring a range of ideas, approaches, and problem-solving techniques. This diversity of thought can enhance creativity, foster critical thinking, and improve overall team performance.

      Moreover, diversity can also have positive effects on the bottom line of organizations. Research has shown that companies with diverse leadership teams tend to be more financially successful. By embracing diversity, organizations can tap into a wider talent pool, attract a diverse customer base, and better understand and cater to the needs of diverse markets.
      While diversity can bring significant benefits, it is important to acknowledge that working in highly diverse teams may also present challenges. Some of the common challenges include communication barriers due to language or cultural differences, potential conflicts arising from differing perspectives and values, and difficulties in building trust and cohesion within the team.

      Addressing these challenges requires effective communication, cultural sensitivity, and the establishment of inclusive practices and policies. When managed properly, diverse teams can leverage their differences to foster collaboration, creativity, and high-performance outcomes.

  1363. Since we’re all from different tribes, bagged with different ideas and opinions,I will say that diversity is essential as it gives room for maximum information,ideas and contributions among team members.

    Diversity increases high performance, productivity and satisfaction.

    Though they also have their side effects such as ;
    1. Discrimination
    2. Favouritism
    3. Argument.

    But in all, team work still remain superior.

  1364. Diverse experienced/Skilled team members are a stronghold for successful project implementation.

    For instance, in the health institute, there is a need for diverse professionals cutting across Medical Doctors, Nurses, Laboratory Scientists…to effectively manage the health a patient.

    Group 4

  1365. Diversity is very important in proper management ,,,,it helps in proper management and productive it also have very important role to play in performance when implementing a project.

    Group 3

  1366. Diversity enhance uniqueness in performance and encourages high productivity as a result of diverse experience….

    1. Diversity in Project management creates better performance and helps team members to complement themselves to achieve the set goal.

      Olufunmilayo Adelabi Osabinu
      Group 9
      Cohort 7.

    2. Diversity in team is very important but it have some disadvantage when it comes to language and understanding. If you are working with a team with different skill and ability you will observe higher output in performance.

  1367. Well I will say that teams with high diversity produce superior work ,yes because they are diversified ,there by relating each responsibilities on the project work will bring in more superior work and the major challenges that arises from a diversified team is learning how to adapt and form a close bond with someone with different understanding and different ways of relating to life for the success of the project

  1368. Given that team members complement one another, diversity is a fantastic asset to any team. Due to their capacity to utilize all of the resources at their disposal, diverse teams consistently perform effectively. However, if variety is not adequately tapped into, it can lead to catastrophe.

    1. As the popular saying goes, variety (diversity), is the spices of life!
      The diverse a team is, the better the output, because all attention would be focused on the defined goal, not on people (team members).

      A diverse team, naturally encourages healthy competition, unlike bitter rivalries among a more close knit type of team.

  1369. The higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. this will yield high performance and low level of errors thus higher profitability.
    This assumption is based on high level of cohesion of the team players.

  1370. the higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. this will yield high performance and low level of errors thus higher profitability.
    this assumption is based on high level of cohesion 0f the team players

  1371. Diversity is crucial, as it gives room for different views, ideas and belief, which can be an advantage to the success of a project. However, care should be taken so it doesnโ€™t bring disagreements and conflict between team members because of individual differences.

  1372. diversity has a connection with performance. Each team member brings a distinct flavor to the output. You see people who are highly self motivated, another can think ideas through an predict possible outcomes of any part etc. A good PM will harness the various skill and personalities to deliver a unique and excellent product.

    1. Ashiru Moruf
      Cohort 7 Team 2

      The concept of diversity is imperative. Diverse teams tend to perform better in an emergency project especially for complex situations. Connection with performance is highly rated in compare to a homogeneous team who thrive in predictable or simple situations environments.

      Each team members are highly skilled and the higher the rate of diversity, the wider the scope of information, knowledge, and experience. And the more performance and low level of errors thus higher probability to achieve greater result.

  1373. Diversity is crucial addendum in proper project management practice, it allows for adequate and efficient perspective and approach when implementing project.
    Diverse team truly do better work even maybe as a results of the situation being more focused on achieving the goal of the assembly with low time available for modalities.

  1374. As discussed the last video in complex environments diverse teams tend to perform better in an emergency project especially for complex and chalk situation in comparison to a homogeneous team who express greatly in predictable or simple situations environments helped by familiarity of style, behavioral patterns, response mode, ways and thinking.

    Diverse team truly do better work even maybe as a results of the situation being more focused on achieving the goal of the assembly with low time available for modalities.

    With challenges based on VUCA: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The teams are formed quickly and assign roles quickly, based on the people available. Which in turn seem like a disorderly and risky way to build an emergency response team.

  1375. Diversity is vital in proper project management practice, it allows for a 360 degree perspective and approach when implementing a project

  1376. Yes! There is a relationship between diversity and performance.
    – Diversity leads to better performance, it increases productivity. It increases work/ job satisfaction. Leads to a low work turnover intention and high organizational commitment.

    -More diverse teams do better work and deliver better results and make better decision. It aids employee retention, increases profitability and business growth. It leads to greater innovative and solves problem faster.

    – The challenges in diverse teams includes;-
    Discrimination, misunderstanding due to differences in culture and ability to acknowledge , understand and integrate perspective.

  1377. Diversity is a great advantage to any team due to the fact that team members complement one another. With this, team with diversity always do well because of the ability to leverage on all available resources. However, diversity, when not properly harnessed can breed disaster

  1378. Diverse Teams if diversity is well harnessed and directed towards project goals will provide better performance depending on the ability of the project manager to manage diversity

    1. Diversity team performs better due to their experiences, and they bring up opinions and ideas based on their experiences.

      The challenges of diversity teams are :
      Too many ideas that may cause slow in decision making.

      Not communicating well because they all want their ideas to be counted.

  1379. I believe diversity has a connection with performance. Each team member brings a distinct flavor to the output. You see people who are highly self motivated, another can think ideas through an predict possible outcomes of any part etc. A good PM will harness the various skill and personalities to deliver a unique and excellent product.
    Teams with greater diversity doesn’t always bring the best outcome. It all depends on the PM’s ability to manage the team.
    Basically, diversity brings divergent view, culture and beliefs that people hold dear.

    1. Diversity in a team could be a source of strength and knowledge hence we would have different skills and background.

      For this to be advantageous, there must be understanding between the team members, and the PM should create environment for such behavior.
      Diversity when properly harnessed is profitable.

      1. In my experience, there a relationship between diversity and performance. When diverse teams work, it creates room for more creativity and thinking out of the box. more diverse teams do better work. The challenges of working in highly diverse teams can be too many varying ideas. More time will be taking to help the different teams understand a different idea that was suggested.

        1. My experience with diversity and performance is that it could yield some growth and results based on the level of handling both parties it could also destroy growth is not properly handle..that what a leader of a team to know that it all boil down to communication as essential and important to treat diversity as a personal case when handling project.