It is now time to review a case study that focuses on ethical behavior.

Access the Open APM’s ethics case study resource provided below to read a scenario concerning ethics in projects.

Can you pinpoint a few instances of professional conduct highlighted in this scenario? Reflect on the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved. Can you recognize them?

Share your responses in the discussion section below.

After posting your comment, proceed to the next step, where you will find some potential answers provided by APM for these questions.

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2,107 thoughts on “Acting ethically – (PM Course Discussion)

  1. Communication, ethics, team spirit was missing in this team. William obviously is a one man team. I liked the fact that John was open to criticism and correction which also shows he is a good project manager. Then after a week, He brainstormed with Karen to get the job done.

  2. They were working independently before and everyone have their opinion on the project but the following week karen was able to get the nod to work as stern with John for the seek of the project and also to secure a bigger project in the future.

  3. Initially, it was evident the group lacked:
    1) Smooth communication
    2)Team Spirt
    3) Value and ethics in terms of professionalism and transparency
    4) Ability for team members to express their true position about the project.

    After a week, all they lacked in the previous week, which could have costed them their desired firms’ growth were corrected when they gave room for true team spirit.

  4. Karen is a game changer for John, and she was a pro active communicator, honesty and teamwork also played a major role.

  5. I feel like William is a one man army, he’s not much of a team player and that’s not healthy. You don’t just put off someone’s ideas because you feel as though the person would like whatever was given to the person at the long run.
    I saw communication come into play in a manner that was respectful and considerate with Karen. She was new but had good organisational ethics. The way she collaborated with John, brainstorming over ideas together, doing research.
    John too, showed great organisational skills by being open to criticism, knowing that he must not always know it all. Plus the fact that he was willing to work with an outside source (the firm) and see to it that the project ran smoothly makes him a Good Project Manager
    So outlining the skill deployed, we have
    1. Honestly
    2. Critical Thinking
    3. Team Work/Collaboration
    4. Research
    5. Adaptability

  6. Babat

    It’s a worrisome thing trying to manipulate what supposed be a foundation. Proactiveness in deploying ethics of PM saved Karen from falling victim of negligence. Asking questions when necessary.
    When it became obvious that the situation ahead could be devastating John has no option than open up to their shuddy deal about the report.
    Though, Karen realized in good time, not come disappoint their new company in a foreign land. Not ready to compromise Company’s integrity and future decides to think outside the box for solution which inventually payoff.
    Ability to resolve issues quickly is also key for a PM to valuable impact.

  7. professional conduct highlighted from the scenario are
    team work
    Williams lacks teamwork
    but Karen and John were able to bring them together through effective communication ,research and pure honesty

  8. Reading through the project, I really can say there was no good team spirit among the three individuals. In a project, all members of the team should be carried out to ensure the success of such project. However, I love how Karen was able to come up with possible solution to solve the issue on ground. It shows Karen is a great thinker and a problem solver. Every team should have someone like Karen.

  9. What I saw here was the absent of team work being carried out by William, and the bridge it brought caused the division between the three most especially with John and Karen. If William had used team work, such disaster would not have happened.

  10. Kareen was quite professional about her review. Even though she was scared it might affect her relationship with John yet she did not stop her from giving an honest review. John was also very professional by accepting Karen’s honest review about the project.

  11. To be a good projectmanager it is important to look at how a project can fail.karen and john were able to map out their options and weigh The chances of

  12. 1) Honesty

    Karen’s willingness to express concerns about the report’s validity.

    2) Transparency

    John and Karen’s decision to investigate the report.

    3) Accountability

    Ensuring accurate findings to inform the project’s next stage.

    4. Objectivity

    Seeking external review from a reputable global firm.

    The skills deployed are as followed
    Critical thinking
    Effective communication
    Collaborative problem-solving
    Ethical awareness
    Professional courage
    Analytical skills
    Research skills

  13. I give Karen a thumbs up. She demonstrated all the ethics of project management.
    She used the communication tool to solve the situation at hand.
    She showed Respect even when she was asked for a honest review and opinion.
    She researched on the possible solution to counter the issue they were facing at that present time.
    She had a great TEAM SPIRIT. She built a working team without hurting the Ego of anyone or making anyone feel incompetent

  14. John who was the Project Manager got carried away on the first day of work instead of organizing the team for proper planning thereby mismanaging time.

    William was self centered and neglected the concept of team work and acted on his own accord, had no empathy toward his teammates and what contributions they may have had in mind.

    Karen wanted to carry out more research on the project but she went along with what William presented without communicating her opinion to the rest of the team.

    When John and Karen communicated, they found out that there was more to the project and better approaches.

    Ethics that were meant to be met in this case study are: Time management, Communication, Teamwork, Creating of a Plan, Empathy.

  15. Three skills portrayed in the case study include; Empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills.

  16. The three major characters portrayed skillful and efficient individuals, however:
    Williams seem to be overconfident and feels he can do it all alone without collaborating and communicating with his other team members which isn’t part of good qualities of Teamwork.
    John and Karen understood and played the role of good team members. They engaged in open and clear communication, ensuring they are aligned on achieving a specific goal.

    Some skills to navigate this challenging scenario are:

    *Communication skills
    *Conflict resolution skills
    *Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
    *Problem solving skills
    *Respect and Integrity

  17. The three characters portrayed were skilled and efficient workers and they had the project’s interest at hand, although William lacked the skill of being a team player, the skill of transparency and integrity.
    He was overly confident in his abilities to handled the project that he underestimated the ability and contributions of his team mates.
    However john and Karen understood what teamplay implied, they were able able to communicate their ideas clearly without hostility in the work environment. i find Karen’s quick thinking and ability to present her observations quite impressive, being tactful while respect your team’s feelings is one of the responsibility of a project manager, it helps prevent internal conflict at the same time motivating one’s spirit to get the work done.

    *XYZ sent one of his key principals to Organise implement the engagement.
    * John asked a question how the engagement programmes would be organised.
    * Williams made him to that a report is already being documented and would be out in one or two days.
    *Findings are important in delivery the next stage(Karen).
    * A bit of online research Identified a global big firm has partnered with local firms.
    * John and Karen identified the material hurdle for its next stage.

    *Aim to achieve high

  19. All three of them have the interest of the project success at heart but they approached it differently because of their experiences and understanding.William who oversees the project and much experience in the clients country went solo in involving the opinion research company on the first phase of that which is needed for the project,he did not collaborate with John and Karen his team mates on the project, therefore John and Karen was uncomfortable with because there are pros and cons that was supposed to be identified and look into before making up the report.There is communication breakdown and lack of team spirit here from Williams end.Karen with her lack of experience was able to courteously deal with both John and Williams opinion research report, that’s commendable,it demonstrate her intergration into the company and team player attitude.

  20. The professional code of conduct highlighted in this scenario.

    John acted professionally, he was open to suggestions because he wanted what is best for his firm having in mind that success of this project would move the XYZ firm to the next level.
    William on the handle wasn’t a good team player he was not ready to collaborate with the team he was working with and he also has communication issues. He clearly he didn’t know how to pass information. While Kareen on the other hand is a better team player, she knows how to communicate her informations, she knows what it means to collaborate with her team to achieve their common goal. Though she is new but she clearly understood the ethical code of conduct better than Williams

  21. William clearly doesn’t know how to work with a team, and he’s too excited on pushing thing a little too fast, he needs to work on collaboration, John is quite professional and has a cool temperament, that could have escalated real quick seeing as his office as project overseer was sidelined, Karen was highly proactive and should probably get a raise or a bonus, her quick thinking and speaking up saved the day, and we should also learn from how she presented her thoughts “jokingly” so it was easier for it to be accepted… respect for one’s self and for people and their position saves us a lot of drama at the end of the day.

  22. The Professional Conduct highlighted in the Scenario:

    John acted maturely and exhibited a professional and ethical conduct
    Williams on the other hand, was not a good team player, lacked ethics and integrity, he did not communicate openly with his team and was Self-Centered.
    Karen was proactive, smart, problem solver and shared information with her team. She also conducted research and found solutions to the problems.

    In XYZ Company, the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made includes: Communication, Teamwork, Collaboration, integrity, Transparency and Accountability, these skills are essential in carrying out the project successfully and timely because this will build trust, promote teamwork, build operational synergy and promote excellence in the company.

  23. John and Karen came into the project with hopes of applying all Project management tools to see to a successful project completion. Williams on the other hand flouted several ethical standards by not communicating with John and Karen about the opinion research firm.
    If he had informed them about the firm it would have led to a collaboration between all parties involved thus leading to the success of the project in the shortest possible time.

  24. In project management, ethics is essential and cannot be overemphasized. In this particular scenario, the professional issues I noticed are as follows:

    – Lack of open communication
    – Lack of integrity
    – Dishonesty
    – Unwillingness to take responsibility
    – Prejudice

    The skills that were employed to incorporate ethics into decision-making include:

    – Communication
    – Upholding a good reputation
    – Seeing the big picture
    – Consultation
    – Research
    – Accountability
    – Willingness to go the extra mile

    As a project manager, I must not avoid addressing issues that could jeopardize my reputation, the organizationโ€™s reputation, and the reputation of project managers in general.

    One lesson I learned from this scenario is the importance of being tactful, just like Karen. Although John had more experience than Karen, his overly nice approach was on the verge of undermining the reputation of XYZ. He must learn to leverage others’ strengths to effectively address impending challenges.

    Like Karen, I must be proactive in every situation and develop the ability to lead from behind. I appreciate that both John and Karen chose to handle the issue diplomatically, utilizing consultation to obtain genuine feedback.

    I must also learn to be accountable in every situation, understanding that every decision I makeโ€”or fail to makeโ€”will impact the project. I need to be willing to go the extra mile to do what is right.

    As an effective project manager, I must avoid handling people and projects in the manner of William, who prejudged John and was unwilling to accommodate his perspective. I should allow others to be themselves, as long as it does not negatively affect the project.

    Lastly, I must remain open to communication in order to reach a conclusion in every phase of the project.

  25. Operating within the ethos always puts a project manager in high demand. Analysing the 3 characters mentioned in the write-up. John and Karen exhibited the skill, the character and sufficient experience expected of a project manager. William also did well but lack or failed to appreciate the importance of team work, communication, braintorming and knowledge sharing. He was too quick to judge there by undermining the contributions of others in the team. One could conclude that William was selfish. One could say that John was cool, calm and collected in the way he handled the situation. Karen, being a new entrant acted pretty amazingly, a smart way to resolve issues when it crops up rather than being confrontational which could escalate into hostility at work environment. She took her time to observe the situtuation with John and was very smart to take full advantage of the opportunity when it shows up. She was very bold and clever to discuss the issue with John because they both knew that the report from Willian was too good to be true. She went extra mile to do personal research on the solution. She was also generous about sharing information and timely, leading to effective communication and productive action. John and Karen communicated effectively, the type every project manager should imbibe. Another fit is involving a third party or assigning roles to an independent actor for the good of the project and saving the reputation of the company. The project was successfully delivered because John and Karen acted ethically and professionally. Acting ethically is crucial for project managers in making decisions impacting stakeholders, organizations, and society.

    Here are key aspects:
    Ethical Principles for Project Managers
    1. Respect: Value stakeholders’ rights, dignity, and cultural diversity.
    2. Fairness: Ensure impartiality and equity in decision-making.
    3. Honesty: Communicate transparently and accurately.
    4. Integrity: Adhere to laws, regulations, and professional standards.
    5. Responsibility: Account for project outcomes and impacts.
    6. Transparency: Provide clear and timely information.
    7. Accountability: Take ownership of decisions and actions.

    Benefits of Acting Ethically-Project Management
    1. Builds trust and credibility
    2. Enhances reputation
    3. Promotes teamwork and collaboration
    4. Ensures compliance
    5. Supports sustainable outcomes
    6. Fosters social responsibility
    7. Encourages innovation and excellence
    8. Build operational synergy

    Consequences of Unethical Behavior
    1. Legal and financial repercussions
    2. Damage to reputation and brand
    3. Loss of stakeholder trust
    4. Decreased morale and productivity
    5. Project failure

  26. Ogoke Nwachukwu Felicia O COHORT 18

    Skills identified are effective communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

  27. The issues identified:
    The company has an established culture which is well known and this must be protected by all means to retain the company’s reputation .
    The company is faced with a dilemma of landing a major deal that will bring huge gain to the organization by aligning with the ideas of a major stakeholder which which is not inline with the culture of the organization.
    A new/junior member of the team has just identified a potential treat to the success of the project and is faced with a challenge on how to communicate with the leader without necessarily having a face off.
    Skills Deployed:
    Effective communication,Negotiation and Research to understand the environment.

  28. I am Maduabuchi Gerald Uche

    The case study outlines several instances of professional conduct and highlights skills related to integrating ethical considerations into decision-making. Here are a few notable points:

    1. Commitment to Integrity:
    John, a project manager at XYZ, recognizes that the engagement programโ€™s feedback was critical for the projectโ€™s success. When he discovered that the process was not followed as planned, he felt uncomfortable with simply accepting the results without further scrutiny.

    2. Transparency and Communication:
    John openly discussed his concerns about the engagement report with Karen despite his initial hesitation. This reflects the importance of transparent communication within a team, even when the information may be challenging to address.

    3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:
    Karen demonstrated critical thinking when she questioned the perfection of the engagement report. Her skepticism led to further investigation, showcasing her analytical skills and dedication to ensuring the projectโ€™s integrity.

    4. Proactive and Ethical Decision-Making:
    Karen and John took proactive steps to address the issues with the engagement report. They sought out an independent review from a reputable firm to verify the findings, ensuring that the projectโ€™s next stage was based on accurate data. This decision reflects their commitment to ethical standards and accountability.

    5. Courage to Challenge and Innovate:
    Despite the risk to her position, Karen encouraged John to look beyond the immediate project and consider the broader implications for the firmโ€™s reputation. This shows her courage in advocating for ethical practices, even when it could negatively impact her standing within the company.

    The skills the individuals involved demonstrate include integrity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and ethical decision-making. These attributes were crucial in integrating ethical considerations into their decisions and ultimately safeguarding the projectโ€™s credibility and the firmโ€™s reputation.

  29. Aniagba Onyekachukwu Anthony

    Communication- the professional conduct displayed by the three persons in the case study is communication. in as much that one of them ‘William’ failed to behave professionally via team work didn’t delay the project from moving forward. John displayed a high level of professionalism by by working together #TeamWork with Karen and also they communicated effectively and worked efficiently.

  30. I feel there was misinterpretation of the project work by some team worker, however some skill was brought up by John which was communication and working together as a team

  31. They have good communication skill everyone’s opinion is heard, John thinks wrk should start immediately but other differ

  32. Communication is key especially when working on a project as a team with diverse backgrounds, nothing should be hidden from anyone; everyone should be aware of what is going on as at what time and how it been done. No excuse for any hide and seek when it comes to communication and collaboration amongst teams.

  33. Temitope Jayeola Osime

    Communication is a key tool when working as a team, make your partner understands you very well before you proceed to the phase or start a project.

    In this case study, lack of integrity and transparency was seen

  34. John was too comfortable letting his guards down. There are certain approaches one could adopt in questioning the other’s character without having to cause a steer. His integrity is to be questioned in this case.
    Williams on the other hand is too confident in himself which sometimes is not needed. He should be open to ideas, communication, and at least John’s point of view because that was clearly why he came (to make analysis, findings, discuss how the best process would be adopted).
    It’s bad enough that Williams made the wrong move, it’s worse that John didn’t question this decision.
    Karen needs more confidence in speaking up. She needed to come to terms that observations aren’t verdicts. They are deliberated on and the tone in which she presents her observations matters and also the relationship between herself and her colleagues determines how easy or difficult that will be. This is why it’s not okay to have rivals at work places.
    In all, I commend Karen for finding the best way to take on the conversation with John. I also commend John’s openness to critics on his job. This shows how collaboration can bring beautiful results and how compromise on ethics/values could be detrimental

  35. Suleiman Yunusa
    Team 9
    From this case study we can find out there is lack of team work, transparency and proper communication from Williams side.
    Lack of accountability and ethical practices from John’s side. Even though he was a bit concerned about the rushed he did nothing about it.
    Karen on the other hand was afraid to call john out for his lack of competence, but later on teamed up with him to find a possible solution to problem encountered.

  36. Sherifa Shoba Cohort 18, team 9.

    Issues that arises from this case study include:
    -Lack of integrity and Transparency from Williamโ€™s. He didnโ€™t consider the validity of the report and just prioritize moving the project forward while disregarding the quality and authenticity.

    -Ethical reporting: this was not done by Karen even when she was aware of the negative impact the false report could cause. She was more concerned about her position at work and if any critics she will probably make could affect her.

    – Professional Responsibility: although John was concerned of the whole rushed process. He didnโ€™t make any obvious effort to critic wha necessary as a project manager. This in turn make the project be on standby because the first step which was to gather reports from workers were tampered with and as such the next step was on hold.

    Key skills used to curb the challenges faced include:
    – Critical thinking and Problem solving through assessing the risks of accepting that report and seeking solutions to the issue.

    – Communication and Team collaboration to address the issue.

    – Ethical courage by challenging the report despite potential risks.

    -Resourcefulness by finding a global firm to review the data of the report.

    – Long-term perspective by focusing on the companyโ€™s reputation and future clients meetings which enables John and Karen to push forward with the right step and actions to uphold their dignity, values and lead a successful project.

  37. The main issue in this scenario is mis interpretation and the skill used to correct it is communication and tranperancy

  38. The major issue in this scenario was misinterpretation and the skill used to solve the issue was communication and teamwork

  39. The major issue identified in the scenario is Project/Engagement being executed behind the Project manager which is unethical. It shows overzealousness and a lack of integrity.

    Identified skills employed to integrate ethical considerations in the scenario are Teamwork, Initiative, Communication, Problem-Solving, Proactiveness, Critical thinking, and Resourcefulness.

  40. Christopher Nkanta Cohort 18 Team 3

    From the scenario in the study,

    * Issues of the professional conduct feature in this scenario*

    John is an experienced project manager, whose professional conduct was basic on the authenticity of the facts gathered about the fact and how accurate were they, such that it could them proceed to the next stage of the project. He takes initiative about the project and gives the initial idea, which shows his proactive nature and commitment to the job. Also, his open communication skills with Williams and Karen to discuss his concerns and issues about the project. His ethical considerations are high value and teamwork.
    Williams was more concerned with shareholdersโ€™ engagement and bringing results. He focused more on maintaining relationships with key shareholders and networks to obtain information, he prioritized delivering results rather than the authenticity and ingenuity of the process of getting the results.
    Karen applied critical thinking to question the authenticity of the engagement reports and recognize potential risks. Her problem-solving skills to later resolve the issues with John. Her ethical consideration is her checking the validity of the reports and success over personal conflicts

  41. Nkechi Izeji. Cohort 18. Team 6.
    1) Two ethical issues are involved here.
    Williams displayed lack of ethics by going for the fast one; Fabricating reports in order for the project to kick off easily.
    2)Karen applied Critical thinking , Analytical skills and her structural thinking hats to be able to deduce the problems from the report.

    She then used effective communication to relay her fears to John, who in the spirit of team management listened to her and saw reasons.

    Karen went further o tuse her excellent interpersonal and problem solving skills to find solution in the spirit of collaboration with former colleagues.

  42. 1. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:
    – Misrepresentation of work (William’s claim that the engagement program had already been carried out)
    – Lack of transparency (William’s failure to disclose the methodology used by the opinion research firm)
    – Potential falsification of data (the report’s unusually positive results)
    – Conflict of interest (William’s personal relationships with the opinion research firm)

    2. Skills used to bring ethics into decisions:
    – Critical thinking (Karen’s skepticism of the report’s results and her investigation into the methodology)
    – Communication (Karen’s open discussion with John about her concerns and their collaborative problem-solving)
    – Integrity (John’s willingness to listen to Karen’s concerns and take action to address them)
    – Professional courage (Karen’s decision to speak up despite being new to the firm and still in her probation period)
    – Resourcefulness (Karen’s research and identification of a global firm to partner with to review the opinion research firm’s work)
    – Collaboration (the teamwork between John, Karen, and their colleagues to address the issues and find a solution).

  43. As a project manager working on a proper research on a working project makes communication easy because you can give and communicate effectively only on what knowledge you’ve gathered.

  44. Communication was key all through and also bringing along team members was also important in averting what would have been a disastrous end for the project manager, the team was also wary of the reputation of their firm and that brings about the issues of organizational values, not compromising and be ready to go extra mile in order to discover new ways of doing things. There was an issue of external adversity, but the team was not just ready to compromise on their standards and that pushed them into digging deeper and finding solution to the problem.

  45. Effective communication. Communication is a paramount tool in all sphere. When working as a team, when working as a project manager as well.

  46. when working with two or more people on a particular project, first doing your own research, brainstorming and building up ideas is very key and important. Another very important key is communication, A project manager must know how to communicate with other team members as we all have different approaches to work. irrespective of the kind of person you are working with, a project manager must be able to resonate with them all.
    Having constant meetings with team members to talk and brainstorm , updating and giving feedback. All this will avoid crossing each other’s part and line.

  47. effective communication is the key to engagement, we need to understand how to communicate effectively without being misunderstood, exchange of ideal is the resultant effect of good communication, it was the online research and good communication that brought about the positive turnaround on the report and everyone was happy.

  48. A couple of issues of professional conduct are that the office will be no fun place, concerns about the engagement report and running with the report as it stood was too big a risk.
    So, Karen exchanged some ideas with colleagues, did an online research to identify a big global firm that the local opinion researchers sometimes partnered with, and shared her good ideas to colleagues to sort out the project.
    They finally got the right engagement and identify some material hurdles for the next stage.

  49. Effective communication is the key aspects but many of us we lack effective communication and some times miscommunicate

  50. The lacked communication, john,William and Karen,most especially from William side, carrying out task without constant communication with your partner John and that rendered john a bit confused during the whole meeting with the client,Karen was also planning on criticizing which may have been settled by calling john one on one and settling the matter with no dispute but thankfully she did not,both Karen and John had to work hand in hand with regular communication and feedback on each step taken and later profound solution to the issue.

  51. Generally, they lacked effective communication each held to their thoughts and opinion without understanding the other and communicating to the other. William wanted to cut corners and not going fully by the rules and not understanding the “why”, Karen and John were able to handle it because they discussedit weighed the risk and options and chose a solution based on their analysis.

  52. Generally they lacked effective communication each held to their thoughts and opinion without understanding the other and communicating to the other. William wanted to cut corners and not going fully by the rules and not understanding the “why”, Karen and John were able to handle it because they discussedit weighed the risk and options and chose a solution based on their analysis.

  53. In the case study, it was evident that communication issues were a significant problem at the start. Williams didn’t collaborate with the team to conduct research, nor did he engage people to get genuine responses to the poll. On the other hand, Karen was not honest and lacked transparency because she was worried about criticizing John and more concerned about her position in the company. However, they managed to overcome these challenges by improving their communication and conducting online research. Additionally, Karen provided honest feedback about the areas that needed improvement, which John accepted and worked on. They also reached out to another firm for additional information.

  54. There are a few clitches to the scenario. John want to do good and uplift the company moral standing by being there to assess greatness. William seems to be corrupt and forging reports instead of doing what is right. This manner in most cases is the collapse of the business standard and demoralizes credibility in the sector/company. He hasthe endency of relying on quick unethical solutions, forged and not legitimately processed. There are lots of eyebrow raising questions from this conduct that need to be investigated

  55. William lack proper communication that case he failed to communicate with the stakeholders and team members, no collaboration ,no proper research, he did not carry his team members along, Karen on the other hand was afraid to criticize John and she was more worried about her position in the company. They where able to identify thier mistakes and find solution to it.

  56. From the case study, it was clear that there was a lack of proper communication at the beginning. Williams failed to collaborate with team to do the research. He also did not engage people to get their actual responses to the poll. Karen, on her part was insincere and lacked candour because she was afraid of criticizing John and was more worried about her position in the firm. But they were able to overcome all these by communicating and doing research online. Also, Karen candidly pointed out where need to be corrected, which Jihn gladly accepted and worked on. Also they consulted another firm for more information.

  57. From the scenario, one can say that William was not able to carry his team along due to lack of team collaboration skill which is contrary to the ethical conduct. He allowed his emotions to get over him, which negatively influenced his decision without collaboratig with other stakeholders.
    However, John and Karen, were keen in making sure that due process were followed in order to identify where the project could meet bottleneck, which enable brainstorming.
    Their decision to do the right thing yielded an excellent.

  58. Issues of Professional Conduct
    1. Questionable Research Integrity: The opinion research conducted by William’s team appears to have been manipulated to produce favorable results. This raises concerns about data reliability and potentially misleading the project stakeholders.
    2. Conflict of Interest: William’s close relationship with the opinion research firm might have influenced the research process and the interpretation of findings. This creates a potential conflict of interest that could compromise objectivity.
    3. Overemphasis on Short-Term Goals: The characters seem primarily focused on the immediate success of the project, potentially overlooking long-term consequences and ethical implications. This short-sighted approach can lead to unethical shortcuts.
    Skills Used to Address Ethical Concerns
    1. Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking by questioning the seemingly perfect results and recognizing potential flaws in the research. Her skepticism plays a crucial role in uncovering the ethical issues.
    2. Open Communication: Karen’s willingness to have an open and honest conversation with John about her concerns fosters a collaborative environment where ethical dilemmas can be addressed.
    3. Problem-Solving: Both Karen and John actively seek solutions to the ethical challenges they face. They explore alternative approaches and ultimately find a way to rectify the situation.
    4. Collaboration: The characters work together to address the ethical issues, demonstrating the importance of teamwork and shared responsibility in upholding ethical standards.

  59. Peter Benedict
    As I studied this scenario I discovered that William did not displayed team work spirit, good communication even though he has on ground. On the other hand, John who is the project Manager, did not handle the situation rightly by rejecting the already made data. But Karen demonstrated team spirit, collaboration and good communication by not giving up despite the fact that she is new and learning on the job and her input and resistance, they were able to solve the problem on ground.

  60. As I study this scenario, I noticed that
    William exhibited a lack in communication, teamwork, team management and collaboration. He did not carry any of the team members along with his data collection process and went against the initial plan of organizing the engagement program when John arrived.
    He displayed a lack of transparency , as he wasnโ€™t transparent about how the data he presented was gotten.

    John should have stuck to the plan regardless and he should have requested the engagement program be organized as planned. It was his duty as the Project manager to ensure every step and process of the project went according to the plan even if it meant rejecting the ready made data that was presented.

    Some of the skills I recognize that was used to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions are
    Courage: Karen knew there was an issue with the data, and she chose to speak up even if she knew it could potentially cause issues for her
    Accountability and Transparency: when John was jokingly asked about the data, he didnโ€™t pretend or try to deny that it indeed was an issue
    Collaboration and Teamwork: after agreeing that the data might pose a risk to the next stage of the project, Karen and John worked together as a team to find a solution
    Communication: As a result of Karen communicating with John and other team members, the problem was pinpointed and a solution was proffered
    Critical thinking & problem solving skills: Karen was proactive by going online to research and find possible solutions
    Empathy: Karen was empathetic in her approach and communication style when broaching the subject with John

  61. For professional conduct, Karen had joined the firm for its reputation and she ensured she had secured her professional training (Skill: continuing professional development). As much as John was a senior with experience, it was still important to do research and properly analyze all the options because the report was too baked and did have visible red flags that which could potentially make the firm loose their work with the agency.
    She was able to negotiate and put her communication skills to good use knowing fully well the risks.

    William relied on his history with the research firm not considering that it could jeopardize the reputation of the new firm, being a start up. His lack of communication and being a team management forced John to accept the report against his code of practice at the initial phase

    Karen thought of the box (ie. Applied creative problem solving skill)ensuring that all blanks were covered and the firm had a proofed report as well as the best engagement to carry out the task. She was thinking of the firm, she and John had shared values and through this they were able to shape a desirable outcome.

  62. Njoku, Chidinma Ebunoluwa
    Cohort 17 Team 7

    Williams does not have communication skills with his team make and stakeholders. At the end there was teamwork, identification of problem, and there was proper communication which led them to solving the problems.

  63. Williams fails in carrying out the ethics of conduct.He didn’t carry the stakeholders and team mates along

    COHORT 17 TEAM 6

    As I reflect on this scenario, I notice some red flags:

    1. William clearly exhibited lack of communication, collaboration, and team management skills as seen in the way that he failed to carry his teammate and stakeholders along.

    2. William’s cozy relationship with the research firm raises questions about the integrity of the data and potential data manipulation.

    3. His influence and connections could have swayed the engagement program’s outcome, which wasn’t cool.

    What I appreciate is how Karen and John handled it. The following skills helped them make good choices:

    1. Critical Thinking: Karen’s skepticism and critical thinking skills kicked in, making her question the report’s findings.

    2. Good communication skills: She spoke up openly sharing her concerns and ideas with John and others, showing the importance of open communication.

    3. Team work and Collaboration: They collaborated to find a solution, demonstrating teamwork and a commitment to doing what is right.

    4. Integrity: Karen prioritized the firm’s reputation and integrity, even when it was tough.

    5. Creative Problem-Solving: Karen thought outside the box and found a creative solution by partnering with a global firm.

    6. Emotional Intelligence: Karen was aware of the office dynamics and potential impact words on relationships, thus, she was able to choose her words diplomatically, showing emotional intelligence.

    7. Courage: She showed courage by speaking up, even when it was uncomfortable and risky.

    These skills and values align with my own approach to navigating complex situations and making ethical choices.

  65. Karen leading the right way to go about the idea helped out as both William and John were senior colleagues.

  66. Acting Ethically…..Ejiro Ogbon

    William was not willing to go through the hurdles of problem-solving, he lacked communication skills and team management skills as seen in the way that he failed to carry his teammates and stakeholders along.

    In the end teamwork/collaboration, communication with all stakeholders involved, risk management, identification of problems/challenges, critical thinking/brainstorming as well as solving these problems paid off even though it took more time and effort than William would have preferred.

  67. William failed in following the ethics of conduct by not involving and carry the stakeholders and team members along

  68. The issue of professional misconduct seen in the scenario painted is that of lack of communication and team management. Communication between the three representative of the team was not cordial. Also not being able to confirm to ethical standards and organizational value contributed to the misunderstanding of the team. The skill used to bring ethics into the decision used by the people involved in the scenario was organizational skill, communication skill and team management

  69. William went over board initially by taking decisions on his own and not carrying his team (John and Karen) member along which, shows lack of effective communication within the team also leading to conflicts arising between the team

    The team was able to resolve the issue by communicating effectively with each other setting aside their personal views and making the success of the project their goal

    Proper Research on the problems identified and possible solutions helped the team

    Collaborating and working together as a team was a major skill effectively utilized in resolving the problems encountered.

    Gbemisola Atunda-olu Cohort 17 Group 5

  70. Williams refusal to have the necessary stakeholders hold a meeting to assess all risk factors that could affect the project negates ethical conducts whereas putting John and Karen in a tight spot. Below are some of the skills employed for the project to become a success;
    Communication skills
    Problem-solving skills
    Forecasting potential risks associated with the execution of a project and eliminating them
    Time Management

  71. Issues of Professional Conduct

    1. Accuracy and Integrity of Reporting:
    The engagement report provided by the local opinion research firm appeared overly favorable, raising concerns about its accuracy and the potential for biased or incomplete data

    2. Pressure to Conform:
    John and Karen faced pressure to accept the report as is and move forward with the project, potentially at the expense of thoroughness and transparency.
    This pressure could lead to ethical compromise if the team prioritized project timelines over accurate data and honest reporting.

  72. Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in this case are:

    1) A communication line breakdown
    2) A lack of conformity to organisational values and ethical standards. For instance, the majority of Williams’ work was influenced by personal views and opinions, and team members did not communicate well or often enough.

    The skills that were used by those involved are:

    1) Communication skill
    2) Team management skill
    3) Leadership skill
    4) Organizational skill

    Karen and John made sure that all due process were followed which helped them to identify some potential problems and ways to address those issues.

    Lawrence C Johnson

    PM Cohort17 team 6.

  73. Initially, Williams actions towards achieving the set goal was unethical as he boycotts his colleagues into getting the reports from a third-party and solely relying on the reports without proper scrutiny. Hence, defeating the aim of John’s involvement on the trip.
    Also, the acceptance of the outsourced report from the opinion research firm shows lack of critical evaluation from the team.
    Karen’s fear of repercussion made her to be reluctant about questioning the outcome of the reports even when in doubt, shows the gap in communication between the team, and a show of supremacy from team leads.

  74. Issues of Professional Conduct
    Accuracy of the Engagement Report: Williamโ€™s decision to accept a report based on incomplete engagement activities undermines the reportโ€™s credibility and the projectโ€™s integrity.
    Fear of Repercussions: Karen’s reluctance to criticize the report due to concerns about career impact highlights a lack of open communication and ethical culture in the workplace.

    Skills Reflection
    Critical Thinking: Karen used critical thinking to question the validity of the report.
    Communication: John and Karen effectively communicated their concerns and plans.
    Problem-Solving: They resolved the issue by arranging an independent review of the data.
    Ethical Leadership: Both prioritized the projectโ€™s success and firmโ€™s reputation over personal risks.
    Negotiation and Influence: They negotiated with a global firm to ensure accurate data and project integrity.

  75. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:

    1. *Misrepresentation of work*: William’s claim that the engagement program had already been conducted, when in fact it was outsourced to an opinion research firm, raises concerns about transparency and honesty.

    2. *Lack of critical evaluation*: The initial acceptance of the report’s findings without critically assessing the methodology and potential biases may compromise the project’s integrity.

    3. *Fear of speaking up*: Karen’s initial hesitation to express her concerns about the report due to fear of repercussions or impacting office dynamics highlights the importance of a supportive and open work environment.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions:

    1. *Critical thinking*: Karen’s skepticism and critical evaluation of the report’s findings demonstrate the importance of objective analysis.

    2. *Effective communication*: Karen’s ability to discuss her concerns with John and colleagues, and John’s openness to feedback, showcase the value of transparent communication.

    3. *Collaboration*: The involvement of a third-party firm to review the opinion research firm’s work illustrates the benefits of seeking external expertise and collaboration to ensure ethical standards.

    4. *Long-term thinking*: Karen’s consideration of the firm’s reputation and potential impact on future clients demonstrates a commitment to ethical decision-making and long-term consequences.

    5. *Courage and integrity*: Karen’s willingness to speak up and challenge the status quo, despite potential risks, exemplifies the importance of ethical courage and integrity in professional conduct.

  76. – John and Karen were concerned that the engagement report seemed too perfect and was potentially unreliable. However, initially, John appeared willing to accept the findings without thorough validation, which could have led to significant risks for the projects
    – William relied heavily on a third-party opinion research firm for feedback instead of engaging directly with the workers on the ground. This approach may have missed critical insights and demonstrated a lack of thorough stakeholder engagement.
    Skills Used to Address Ethical Concerns
    1. Critical Thinking:
    – Karen exercised critical thinking by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing that its findings were suspiciously perfect. Her skepticism was crucial in identifying potential flaws in the research.
    2. Effective Communication:
    – Karen communicated her concerns to John despite the potential risk to her probation period. This open dialogue allowed them to collaboratively assess the situation and devise a plan to address the issues.
    3. Problem-Solving:
    – Both John and Karen engaged in problem-solving by mapping out the potential risks of accepting the report as it was and considering alternative approaches. Karen’s initiative to research and contact a global firm demonstrated proactive problem-solving.
    4.Ethical Decision-Making:
    – John and Karen’s decision to challenge the initial report, despite the risks involved, showed their commitment to ethical decision-making. They prioritized the long-term integrity of the project and the firm’s reputation over short-term convenience.
    5. Collaboration:
    – The scenario highlighted effective collaboration, with Karen seeking input from close colleagues and working with John to find a solution. Their teamwork was pivotal in addressing the ethical concerns and ensuring the project’s success.
    Cohort 17 team 10

  77. At the beginning, there was a communication gap although they all had interest in the project. Even after John had a discussion with Karen, they didn’t had plans of sorting them out. Not until Karen carried out a bit research online and was able to come up with a solution.

    The skills they used to bring ethics into decision are:

    Ibeh Chiamaka
    Cohort 17 team 5

  78. First and foremost John behavior was highly unethical because he carried out the the research work alone without carrying his team members along,

    There was communication breach , because, John didn’t communicate with Williams and Karen who were also part of the project and as such there was a hitch in the course of the project.

    Even though John’s report drived the engagement which was originally sort, Karen and Williams knew that flying with the results would pose high risk to the project, therefore they came together to brainstorm on how to salvage the situation.

  79. At the initial stage of the scenario there was lack of communications between the parties involved, William did not display any team work at all the purpose of John traveling down was in a way abused. However, communications helped to between John and Karen was the first scope to understood the threats or possible problems they would have encountered on the project with the information given by William.

    John acted ethically with William without making issues out of his ways of gathering information but rather took with the perception of ‘let’s see what we can make out of this’ eventually Karen and John did not allow the internal adversity to affect value, they made up to collaborate with others to aid the project success.

  80. I really think that an ethical practice was boycotted in the scenario by Williams, who didn’t make the engagement to happen just as planned. It was why John had to travel down. There was meant to be an information flow but was inhibited by Williams. So there was really no effective communication between the two parties.
    But then XYZ company acted in more ethical way. John in particular didn’t take it up with Williams but rather went back to see how they can work with what was handed down. And two of the essential skills needed by a project manager is what they engaged. That is, upholding ethics and standards (moral principles inclusive) and also strog negotiation skills

  81. Williams did not follow the right procedure as to how the project should be done, he also did not work as a team member in carrying the team along . John demonstrated a team lead by checking out for risk and Karen work as a good team player

  82. Despite initial hurdles caused by William, including internal conflicts, unclear organizational values, and poor communication, John and Karenโ€™s leadership skills saved the day. They proactively researched and discussed potential solutions with colleagues, leading to a partnership with a global research firm. This collaboration revealed errors, but ultimately resulted in a successful stakeholder engagement and identification of key challenges for the next project phase. Their initiative and effective communication demonstrate essential skills for project managers.

  83. William acted on his own with the team although for the good of the project, John was in full control by discussing the issue with his team in a composed manner and Karen did her research and came up with a better way of verification instead of confrontation or clash of view that they would have resort to

  84. Willam felt like he was the one who knew it all and thereby thought that anything he says can be approved.

    Karen took the initiative to conduct online research and identified a potential partner who could help verify the local firm’s work without making William look poor from his work because of her empathy skill.

    John exemplified leadership in this case by giving Karen the chance to tell it as it is and come up with a solution together.

    These skills that were important to the project involve critical thinking, leadership skills problem-solving, and communication Karen and John were able to overcome the ethical dilemmas and maintain the integrity of the firm, thereby leading to the success of the project in the long run.

  85. Despite initial hurdles caused by William, including internal conflicts, unclear organizational values, and poor communication, John and Karen’s leadership skills saved the day. They proactively researched and discussed potential solutions with colleagues, leading to a partnership with a global research firm. This collaboration revealed errors, but ultimately resulted in a successful stakeholder engagement and identification of key challenges for the next project phase. Their initiative and effective communication demonstrate essential skills for project managers.”


    Acting ethically on a project is something of great concern if the project must come great. However, ethics on its own speaks of the way we behave in a certain situation.
    The case study that was discussed above has the following project management skills
    Firstly, the way in which Williams behaved was very appalling and if John had to follow suit, a lot will go wrong. so, in other to avoid issues with Williams, John chooses to do a tradeoff of character. Furthermore, Karenn on the other hand, has what is called RESPECT AND EMPATHY and she used it to communicate {COMMUNICATION} her observations to John without hurting his feeling in a bad way and this resolved the issue on ground.
    John and Karen were both OBJECTIVE about the project and weren’t ready to compromise their chances of other jobs. And thus, COLLABORATED on the way forward.

  87. William’s approach to the project did not include TRANSPARENCY.

    John and Karen used their COMMUNICATION skills to brainstorm on how to mitigate the situation. This step helped them COLLABORATE with another organization. Their PROACTIVE approach assisted in building TEAMWORK with the other firm which led to a positive result for the next stage of the project.

  88. Professional conduct of communication, honesty and proactiveness was displayed by both John and Karen in dealing with the situation

  89. Some of the instances of professional conduct depicted here are: Responsibility and honesty.

    Some of the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations include: Communication, Team work, Collaboration and Integrity.

  90. From the case study, despite the level of experience and talent possessed by these team members, we can notice the dilemma of internal driven adversity creeping in initially. Ethical misbehaviors of Poor communication among team and Integrity defect which was almost being overlooked could have caused a significant damage to not just the project but the Company goals.
    William have taken the direction of assumption and shortcut to research, John was almost towing same path even if he noticed the visible errors ahead, Karren who perceived herself a less contributor to step up the ethical standard was initially reluctant to do so but changed the game when she initiated the conversation with John. This broke the communication barrier hence every team member was able to express his/her opinion which brought feedback.
    Ethical standard, Communication, Core Value of Organization and Team Management from internal stakeholders restored the live wire to the success of the project.

  91. From this case study, its advisable never to look for easy way out or make assumptions when planning a project. If they had gone through with Williams decision to use the survey he was able to extract from the survey company, the project would have been a total failure.
    From the way John and Karen reacted when Williams came up with his own plan, we could see that they objected to it but did not throw it at his face; instead, they were able to look for solution and everything finally went on well. Some of the characteristics of a good project manager were shown in their interactions. some of which are: Good communication, good team management, good feedback from people that will be involved in the project, they were able to understand the project and proffered solutions, they were able to follow the ethical aspect of their profession, good negotiation skills and time management skills.

  92. Karen despite being junior portrayed professionalism in a great way. She found a way of putting herself across which did not offend John the project manager.

    On the other hand, John had a listening ear despite his role which can be a sign of good leadership.

    Team work was later brought into picture to work out identified issues.
    So leadership skills
    Team work
    Professionalism are the skills that brought ethics into decisions.

  93. Internally driven adversity in project management refers to challenges that originate within the organization or project team itself, rather than from external factors like clients or suppliers. From the case study some internal driven adversity identified include:
    Poor Communication: Ineffective communication within the team can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and mistakes.
    Lack of Clear Goals: When project goals are not clearly defined or understood by team members, it can cause confusion and inefficiency.
    Inadequate Planning: rushed or incomplete planning
    Team Conflict: Personality clashes or disagreements among team members can disrupt workflow and morale.
    Addressing these internally driven adversities requires clear communication, strategic planning, and fostering a supportive team environment that is seeking support from others.

  94. The big issue I observe here is a lack of communication and team work… As a team, you should work like a team and William was not a team player and Karen also put her assumption of John’s personal feelings over the project.
    Karen and John finally brainstorming together and communicating brought about the resolving of the issue facing them. So, communication and honesty are skills that helped in this situation

  95. Communication skills
    Ability to learn from your team members
    Leadership skills.

    From the story,John, who was the project manager had great leadership skills because he didn’t even try to impose his idea on William or anything. He calmly handled the situation well following the advice of Karen who had just recently joined the company. His ability to get the situation under control without imposing and spoiling anything is truly commendable. He truly is an experienced Project Manager

  96. Basically the Skills that were used to depict ethics includes:
    1) Communication Skills
    2) Leadership skills
    3) Good planning techniques

    The Scenario depicted here shows what lack of team work , and good communication could result to if not properly managed.
    One issue that was present, was John being an experienced project manager, not been able to communicate effectively with his team members, there was no team cooperation or communication..
    In my opinion, John felt since he was not in charge of the task, he could give in to whatsoever Williams brings to the table. Which to me is totally wrong.
    As an experienced project manager , where ever you find yourself, your duty is to ensure you give it your all to see to the success of the task at hand as a team. So to me he failed in that regard.
    Williams on the other hand is pictured as someone that feels with the right network and exposure, you really donโ€™t need to do anything to solve a problem. He fails to understand the Beauty of a Process, the vast reality on its own in carrying out a task from the scratch to the end. This would have led to the reputation of XYZ firm being ridiculed and questioned .
    Karen on the other hand was able to see the problem having a result without a process or a team effort. Nothing seems to be this perfect and she was able to raise questions on the authenticity of the results.
    Even though she was hesitant in communicating her actual thoughts to John, we saw at the end she was able to get through to John. She valued her firmโ€™s values and what they stand on , so even though it felt she approached John casually, she was able to make him see the need to follow through a task as a team so as to uphold the companyโ€™s moral principles and values.

  97. The communication was top-notch. John really displays his skills as a good project manager by making sure that everyone is on board and is honest with their views about the report he got from the agency. Karen was not open initially due to fair which is not ethical.

  98. Leadership
    Effective communication
    Setting goals
    Time management

    Adewole Oluwabukunmi Caleb
    Cohort 17
    Team 1

  99. One of the issues of professional conduct observed is that John and Williams seem to maintain only work relationship with each having a little resentment one for another. However, this resentment did not becloud theirvsense of professional reasoning and attitude to their respective task.
    Also, Karen at the initial point was not open or free to communicate with John on official matter. Withholding important information that can negatively impact an entire project and firm is dangerous and this attitude is completely opposed to the idea of team spirit in a project. Thankfully, this barrier was broken when John as an experienced Project manager quickly noticed the gap with Karen and upon opening communication channel with her, boom, the team was able to progress.

    Reflecting on the case study, I have come to realise that people working as a team on a project may have individual flaws and may act differently, but the possession of right skills takes the attention away from individual differences to make a team work together to achieve common goals. Williams’ attitude to prioritize time management in handling given task and deliver as atvwhen due made the engagement progressed as planned despite. This is in addition to his knowledge of regulatory and local environment.

    Also John’s ability to prioritize communication with team members was a deal breaker as his observation of and subsequent engagement with Karen paved the way for getting solutions to the identified risk by Karen.

    Karen’s initial communication gap with team members could have prevented the progress made. This action would not only have affected her ability to achieve the skill of continued professional development at workplace, she wouldn’t have developed the confidence to build rapport through communications with her team and company. However, her ability to interact or negotiate with local researcher brought the needed help for the project to make progress.

    Emmanuel Olusegun Omotere
    Cohort 17
    Team 4

  100. Ethical Conducts mentioned were :
    Effective communication
    Articulate and clarity
    Result Oriented

    Chinasa Anikeze
    Cohort 17, Team3

  101. Some of the ethical conducts carried out in this scenario was
    1.Communication2.2.Team work.2.
    Karen on the other hand did a good job by communicating her criticisms professionally and that in turn led to to the smooth running of the project
    William has to do better with collaborating as a team through ckmunication no matter how insignificant a step might feel ,this will keep the team up to date concerning all decisions

  102. More tan 3 people are talking at the same time and have divergent views on how the project can be carried out.
    this could lead to disagreement if there is no Project Manager on ground.

  103. So few cases of professional conduct highlighted in the scenario are
    Honestly and

    It is without doubt that each member has curated individual approaches in carrying out their roles, but failed to see that teamwork makes the dream work. Let’s start with John.

    John knows he is experienced on the job,in his excitement, he decided to engage in pleasure before business which made him lose valuable time, thereby giving Williams an upper hand to have carried out the task alone without having to give his own input.

    Williams on the other hand felt it wasn’t necessary for them to do the โ€œdirty workโ€ so he got the data by outworking the locals by so doing breeching the Communication gap between him and the others(John and Karen) he lacked integrity, honestly, Communication and also isn’t a good team player.

    Karen on the other hand knew the importance of communication,felt the lack of Collaboration and Honesty. Even though she was at 1st hesitant about relaying her thoughts to John which she feared might โ€œspoilโ€ their friendship, she put all that thoughts aside which is why she met John, gave her feedback which eventually lead to them coming together and getting a feasible idea about the project

  104. The scenario highlights the consequences of poor teamwork and communication. John, an experienced project manager, struggled to communicate effectively, leading to a lack of team cooperation. He seemed to defer to Williams, believing it was acceptable since he wasn’t in charge. This was a mistake, as a project manager should always strive for team success.

    Williams relied on his network and exposure, neglecting the importance of a structured process, risking the firm’s reputation. Karen noticed the flaw in having results without a proper process or team effort. She questioned the authenticity of the results, valuing her firm’s principles.

    Despite her initial hesitation, Karen effectively communicated with John, emphasizing the importance of teamwork to uphold the company’s values. Key skills in this situation included:

    1. Communication Skills
    2. Leadership Skills
    3. Good Planning Techniques

  105. The case study highlights various professional conduct issues, including:

    Communication and Transparency: John lacked complete information on local processes and expected a more structured feedback system. William assumed that the local agencyโ€™s methods were adequate without fully explaining or justifying them to John. Karen was hesitant to provide critical feedback due to concerns about disrupting team dynamics.

    Integrity and Honesty: Williamโ€™s approach suggested a possible complacency with superficial data collection. Karen initially hesitated to address concerns about the engagement reportโ€™s overly optimistic results, which could have misled stakeholders about the projectโ€™s viability.

    Skills Addressed:

    Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Karen and John employed critical thinking to evaluate the risks of proceeding with the engagement report and devised a strategy to address potential issues.

    Collaboration and Teamwork: Karen proactively sought collaboration with a local firm to enhance the accuracy of the engagement program, demonstrating effective teamwork and resource utilization.

    Communication Skills: The scenario underscored the need for open communication, as Karenโ€™s discussion with John about her concerns led to a more productive dialogue on how to move forward.

    Adaptability and Resourcefulness: Karenโ€™s willingness to seek alternative solutions showcased her adaptability and resourcefulness in providing a more accurate assessment.

    Professional Courage and Accountability: Despite initial reluctance, Karenโ€™s decision to speak up and Johnโ€™s readiness to re-evaluate the report demonstrated professional courage and accountability, ensuring a thorough and honest evaluation of the projectโ€™s engagement phase.

    These skills were crucial in making ethical decisions and ensuring a comprehensive and honest evaluation of the project.

  106. Sodiq Salaudeen
    Cohort 16
    Team 8

    Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are;
    *lack of priority; if John had insisted on work before leisure, William would have allowed him follow due process in engagement and getting the right information to help with the report.
    *Absence of team spirit; on the other hand, William should have made a collaborative effort to work together with John

    The skills that were used to bring ethics are;
    *Effective Communication
    *Leadership and team work

  107. The Scenario depicted here shows what lack of team work , and good communication could result to if not properly managed.
    One issue that was present, was John being an experienced project manager, not been able to communicate effectively with his team members, there was no team cooperation or communication..
    In my opinion, John felt since he was not in charge of the task, he could give in to whatsoever Williams brings to the table. Which to me is totally wrong.
    As an experienced project manager , where ever you find yourself, your duty is to ensure you give it your all to see to the success of the task at hand as a team. So to me he failed in that regard.
    Williams on the other hand is pictured as someone that feels with the right network and exposure, you really donโ€™t need to do anything to solve a problem. He fails to understand the Beauty of a Process, the vast reality on its own in carrying out a task from the scratch to the end. This would have led to the reputation of XYz firm being ridiculed and questioned .
    Karen on the other hand was able to see the problem having a result without a process or a team effort. Nothing seems to be this perfect and she was able to raise questions on the authenticity of the results.
    Even though she was hesitant in communicating her actual thoughts to John, we could see at the end she was able to get through to John. She valued her firmโ€™s values and what they stand on , so even though it felt she approached John casually, she was able to make him see the need to follow through a task as a team so as to uphold the companyโ€™s moral principles and values.
    So the Skills that were used to help bring ethics includes
    1) Communication Skills
    2) Leadership skills
    3) Good planning techniques

  108. Adewale Bisola M.
    Cohort 16 Group 1
    There was no effective communication between John and William
    karen was able to identify and notify the criticism to John ,while John istened and accepted the feedback and s
    Request for assistance from Karen and other team mates.
    Karen conduct a good problem solving skill

  109. One of the issues of professional conduct in this case study is presenting an adjusted report. Secondly the representative of the agency feels John does not want to work and the stakeholders engagement is a mere formality.

    The skills used in bringing ethics into solution that is used in resolving the issues:
    . communication
    . collaboration
    . Pattern recognition
    .conflict resolution using third party and an authority

    Odinfe David Chika

  110. Eze Maryann Adaeze
    Cohort 16, Team 1

    Project management, the ethical values
    often center on the two important variables related to the project that every project manager strives to control: information and funding. These are important assets in achieving project success, but they can also be manipulated to achieve other ends. No matter the project or its priority, funding always seems to be less than whatโ€™s needed to do the full job. This leads to constant squabbles between projects and organizations in an effort to stretch the funding to do the most good for the most projects. Opportunities exist at all levels to apply the funding inappropriately, based on personal agendas rather than organizational priorities.

    Because most project offices do not actually build anything themselves, you might say their most important product is the information that allows their vendors and support organizations to do the hands-on work. Project offices strive to have the best and most current information on all aspects of their projects, but that information can also be manipulated to achieve other outcomes.

  111. There was no effective communication and transparency between John and William
    karen was able to give constructive criticism to John ,while John was listened and accepted the feedback and sort assistance from Karen and other team mates.
    Karen displayed good problem solving and analytical skills

  112. Edeh Chibueze Goodluck
    Team 3, Cohort 16.

    Starting with John’s eagerness to dive into the survey he make to the host location for, it didn’t hamper him in discovering the need to establish a common ground for communication with his local contact William.

    On the issue of being provided with a doctored survey report done on assumption, John and teammate Karen were able to identify the problem and predict the risks involved despite not being able to find solutions/counter-measures for the risks.

    They exhibited good problem-solving skills as well as communication skills by involving their co-workers to deliberate on the risks and how resolve them.

    Karen displayed good research capabilities in discovering a company that could help their team get better survey reports from the locals of the overseas government.

  113. Stephen Izuchukwu Emeasoba.
    Cohort 16, Team 9.

    1. Lack of proper communication and collaboration between John and William during their initial engagement towards data collection.

    2. Lack of Transparency, Honesty and integrity from William on data collection.

    3. Analytical Skills and Critical Thinking was demonstrated by Karen in questioning the report of the data collected.

    4. Effective communication and Persuasion displayed by Karen to ensure John addresses the issues with the engagement report.

    5. Initiative and Problem-Solving displayed by Karen in researching and suggesting to John the involvement of a global firm.

    6. Teamwork and Collaboration displayed by John and Karen in resolving the issues.

    7. Responsibility and Ethical Leadership displayed by John in accepting and acting upon Karen’s drawbacks.

  114. Professional conduct from the scenario in this case study:
    John displayed responsible when he asked Williams how the engagement programme would be organised.
    Karen and John exhibited professional integrity when they reached out to a third party to help approach the local firm so that they could get the true state of things.
    Karen and John communicated with a third party company, so that the project could be completed successfully.
    Both John and Karen were discrete and confidential about their about their reaching out to the big firm that partners with local firm.
    Karen respected John by not criticizing his work report in the office
    Karen and John proved that they were reliable by going an extra mile to get the engagement report right.
    Their ability to identify the issues and risk associated with the risk show that they are competent.
    Karen and John were both honest about their displease with the engagement report
    Karen and John worked together that is teamwork.
    Karen n John displayed professional accountability by going an extra mile to get the true state of the engagement report

  115. Cohort 16 team 7.

    One of the top skills you need as a project manager is your ability to communicate effectively and relate your messages clearly. Your ability to work with a team. Never under mine their ability. Karen applied wisdom by not publicly criticising John’s work. She gave a constructive criticism, John asked for her honest opinion on how to improve on the situation. Williams on the other hand didn’t communicate his views well. What happened to collaboration ? There’s no ME in TEAM. Everybody’s views Matters, don’t keep to yourself and expect people to read your mind.

  116. Karen and John were lacking communication but when they met at a coffee store the found out that they had issues already with the project at hand. with teamwork and collaboration they were able to proffer solution to their the problem.
    William on the hand lack the spirit of collaboration and teamwork and this would have put the work in absolute jeopardy.

  117. my name is Kingsley Okpoko, Team 7, cohort 16.
    The professional conduct highlighted in the above case scenario taking into consideration that the plan had to be a carefully arranged forum to elicit the best feedback are thus:
    A. Integrity: Williams should have carried John along with the engagement programme, but choose the short cut by contacting an Opinion research firm with an already made report. Thereby undermining the integrity of the report which is not real in reality.
    B. Honesty: The opinion research that John brought back fees a bit too fine, which made Karen to be suspicious base on her experience with the firm.

    The skills employed to integrate ethical consideration into the decisions made are thus:
    A. Criticism: Keren jokingly criticized the engagement report, which made john ask her honest opinion.
    B. Communication: Karen and John were able to communicate freely for hours brainstorming different ideas and were able to find a solution.
    C. Team work and problem solving: Karen and John had to team up to get the right engagement at the end, after agreeing to contact a big firm that would help them approach the local firm to find out more how they had done there work.

  118. Acting ethically in project management is essential for maintaining the trust and respect of stakeholders, ensuring project success, and fostering a positive work environment. Ethical behavior involves integrity, fairness, accountability, and respect for others. By adhering to these principles, project managers can navigate complex ethical challenges and lead their teams to successful and ethically sound project outcomes.

  119. Issues of Professional Conduct

    1. Questionable Integrity of Data:
    The initial engagement data provided by the local opinion research firm appeared suspiciously perfect. This raised concerns about the integrity and reliability of the data, indicating a potential lapse in ethical standards by the local firm.

    2. Transparency and Honesty:
    William’s approach to conducting the engagement program without involving John or adhering to XYZ’s planned methodology compromised transparency. This lack of openness could have undermined the trust and collaboration essential for successful project outcomes.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions
    1. Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:
    Karen demonstrated critical thinking by questioning the flawless results of the engagement report. Her analytical skills allowed her to recognize the potential issues with the data, which is crucial for maintaining ethical standards in project management.

    2. Communication and Persuasion:
    Karen effectively communicated her concerns to John, despite her initial hesitation due to her probationary status. Her ability to articulate the potential risks and persuade John to take action was vital in addressing the ethical dilemma.

    3. Problem-Solving and Initiative:
    John and Karen collaborated to find a solution to the problem. Karen’s initiative in researching and suggesting the involvement of a global firm demonstrated proactive problem-solving skills. This approach ensured that the project adhered to ethical standards by verifying the authenticity of the engagement data.

    4. Collaboration and Teamwork:
    The resolution of the issue involved close collaboration between John and Karen, highlighting the importance of teamwork. Their ability to work together, share ideas, and develop a plan of action was essential in addressing the ethical concerns and ensuring the project’s success.

    5. Ethical Leadership and Responsibility:
    John displayed ethical leadership by taking Karen’s concerns seriously and acting upon them. His willingness to reassess the situation and seek external validation of the data showed a commitment to professional integrity and responsibility.

    In this scenario, the individuals involved demonstrated several key skills that helped navigate the ethical challenges they faced. Karen’s critical thinking and effective communication were instrumental in bringing the issue to light, while John’s leadership and collaborative approach ensured that the problem was addressed ethically and effectively. These skills not only resolved the immediate conflict but also reinforced the firm’s reputation for integrity and reliability.

    Some professional conduct highlighted in this scenario
    All the people John, Williams and Karen in this scenario all have gain a high level of experience and Professional development.

    The issues here are outlined below;
    Over-confidence: The three persons John, Williams and Karen felt they have the best experience to carry out the project so they don’t each other opinion or guide.
    No Good Relationship: John and william had no good relationship, it was all about their self interest
    Poor Communication: No each effective communication among the three.

    The skills:
    Analytical skills: Karen showed a good analytical skill brainstorming on the best idea.
    Communication/Teamwork: Karen communicated effectively to john. The team work Karen and John did by going for more research which eventually help in the project.

  121. Blessing Olusakin (Team 3 Cohort 16)
    My take on Company XYZ as regards โ€œActing ethicallyโ€ are as follows:
    1. Integrity/ trust issues: there seems to be no value of trust bonding the team members which led to the hoarding of information meant to be shared for the successful realization of their goal.
    2. Lack of good communication/ collaboration and delivery skills which emanated from the trust issues.
    3. Lack of Team work or Team Spirit : itโ€™s obvious some persons were left out which is not ethical to do because Together everyone achieves more and opinions are needed.At some point, standard procedures were compromised which was unhealthy for XYZ and what it stood for.
    4. Team members realized what is at stake , exhibited courage by critically coming up with ideas to steer in the right direction despite the risks involved and ensuring right informations and feedbacks were shared . Acting ethically has to be the priority of team members in a project or establishment knowing well that this act is factored into the bottom line which directly or indirectly affects team members.
    Achieving set targets,meeting up with Service level agreements, proficiency in communication,relationship management,quality control time management e.t.c are ways we can act ethically as team leads and team members to Forster growth.

  122. in the case study,the team-members portrayed both professional and unprofessional ethics.these professional ethics are:
    1. Good analytical skills from karen
    2. Teamwork and commmunication between karen and john to resolve the risks
    3. Researching skills from karen to gather relevant pieces of information

    on the other hand, there was also a display of unethical conducts.THere are
    1.lack of collaboration and proper communication between Williams and john at the first stage of the project

  123. In the provided scenario, there are two notable issues of professional conduct:

    Lack of Transparency and Communication: Premature Engagement Reporting: John was surprised to find out that the engagement program had already been conducted by William and his team without his involvement or prior notice. This highlights a significant lapse in transparency and communication between the two parties, as John expected a collaborative approach to gather feedback through carefully arranged forums.

    Integrity of the Report:

    Questionable Data Validity: Karen, a new employee, doubted the engagement report’s validity, which appeared too perfect. This raises concerns about the authenticity and reliability of the data collected by the local opinion research firm. If unchallenged, this could mislead stakeholders and affect the project’s subsequent stages.
    To address these ethical challenges, the individuals involved utilized several key skills:

    Critical Thinking:

    Karen’s Analytical Insight: Karenโ€™s critical assessment of the engagement report identified potential discrepancies, prompting further investigation. This demonstrates her ability to question the status quo and recognize when something seems off.
    Effective Communication:

    Johnโ€™s Openness to Feedback: Johnโ€™s willingness to seek Karenโ€™s honest opinion and engage in an open dialogue about the report reflects effective communication. This facilitated a collaborative problem-solving process.
    Resourcefulness and Research:

    Karenโ€™s Initiative: Karenโ€™s proactive approach in researching and identifying a reputable global firm to review the local research firm’s work shows her resourcefulness. This external validation helped uncover the flaws in the initial engagement process.
    Ethical Courage:

    Decision to Challenge the Report: Despite the potential risks to their firmโ€™s reputation and their internal office dynamics, John and Karen chose to address the issues with the engagement report. This decision underscores their commitment to ethical conduct and maintaining integrity in their work.

  124. In XYZ firm, the issues identify there was lack of communication, zero team work, trust issues
    The skills that was used the save the situation was good communication, mapping out the risk, online research, collaborating with colleagues or teammates

  125. You’ve identified some key issues and ethical solutions from the case study:


    1. Communication issues between John and William
    2. differences between William’s work culture and John’s work practice.
    3. Karen’s initial inability to criticize the report due to loyalty to John
    4. John’s initial difficulty in adopting flexibility
    5 internally deriven adversity of Williams trying to beat time to compromise value.

    Ethical solutions:

    1. John’s ethical leadership by listening to Karen’s concerns and adapting to find a solution
    2. Collaboration and teamwork between Karen and John to find a solution that upholds the company’s reputation
    3. Karen’s critical thinking and commitment to ethical practices by speaking up about her doubts on the report

    The importance of effective communication, cultural awareness, adaptability, and ethical leadership in project management is paramount. By recognizing and addressing these issues, project managers can develop strategies to overcome them and achieve successful project outcomes.

  126. Rose Matarise
    From this scenario professional conduct issues sited include;
    a. Integrity of the field survey and data results. Karen is concerned that they seem too perfect. They may not be a true indicator of actual results
    b. Conflict of Interest- William has close ties with thepolling institute that conducted the survey.
    Skilleds used by the people in this scenario include;
    Critical thinking by Karen to question survey results
    Problem solving John and Karen wok together to identify the risks of using the results as they are and formulate strategy to obtain an independent assessment
    Communication and collaboration between John and Karen to work as a team

  127. The issues of professional conducts were:
    1. Lack of communication,
    2. Zero teamwork, lack of transparency.
    3. There was absolutely no trust.
    4. They was no common goal shared between them.
    5. Karen and William alienated John partially through the entire project.
    6. William had abit of Ego as well.

    The skills used to bring ethics into the decision making were.
    1. They made research e.g karen going online, partnering with researchers who faced similar problems on a projecf before.
    2. They collaborated with other colleagues in the field.
    3. They communicated clearly their fears, thoughts and possible solutions to solve the problem at hand. This is what karen and John displayed.
    4. Commitment to solving the project at hand despite the obstacles.
    5. Accountabilty: karen and John were accountable to themselves with actions taken and they would also be accountable to their company XYZ.
    6. Great feedback from colleagues, researchers and they themselves.

  128. From the XYZ organization there were issues with conflict of opinion, lack of proper communication whereby William chose to use a shortcut without following the right procedures and lack of proper coordination.

    skills used to solve the issue were;
    2.Negotiation skills
    3. Honesty
    4. creating proper communication channels and a good environment

  129. Some professional conduct highlighted include:
    1) inconsistency of professional value/ culture displayed by Williams by forcing decision on John.
    2) lack of effective communication in the case of Karen not able to criticize the report and exercising fear
    3) lack of insensitivity by Williams
    4) lack of collaboration by Williams to other stallholders
    Some of the skills the use
    1) developing and effective way of communication: kareen had to talk to John separately during a coffee
    2) Honesty
    3) ) Research
    4) Feedback
    5) collaboration

  130. 1. John and Karen maintained the firm”s reputation and its culture despite the challenges faced in getting the right engagement to identify the material hurdles for the next sage of project.
    2. Effective communication skill
    The clear and calm communication between John and Karen made the collaboration easier to figure out the right channel to get the right engagement.
    3. Leadership skill
    John was a good listener to lead Karen in achieving their goal in first stage of the project.

  131. Williams failed to follow proper procedure of Discussing things through first before proceeding to act.
    Karen withheld her observations of possible red flags until they Led to bigger Issues.
    They had issues Of poor communication, integrity And honesty
    Open communication, Seeking opinions of other team members, and collaboration with other firm helped to salvage the situation

  132. Oluloro Olufemi Oluwaseun Team 8
    Issues included
    No Communication, no team work.
    Karen acted unethical by thinking she was newbie to give her own input.
    Skills used to bring ethics includes Critical Thinking
    Communication between team members and
    teamwork between John and Karen to finally resolve the issue

  133. Okeke Uchenna Ifeyinwa Team 7.
    The issue with XYZ firm is that the team members exhibited:
    1. Lack of communication and
    2. Lack of collaboration
    Williams assumed things can be done with helps of friends outside without communicating with John who at the other hand have to map out a careful procedure of getting feedback on the project.
    Karen displayed unethical behaviour by seeing herself has been new in the firm and would not want to criticise John’s report.
    Skills that were used to bring ethics into decision:
    Critical thinking, research, communication and teamwork which Karen and John later used in getting the results needed.

  134. Aminah Yusuff
    Team 2 Cohort 16

    In this case study, the Team members portray lack of communication and collaboration. Williams assume he knows Johns interest without properly communicating the ideas to him. Karen on the other end focus less on the project interest. But towards the end, Karen did a good job by sharing her ideas with John and they collaborated on mapping the problems that might arise in the course of execution

  135. My name is Victor Adebayo Kolawole, Team 6.

    The issue with the 3 representative of XYZ, is lack of effective communication, conflict of opinion and teamwork.

    Skills used.

    1. Discussing with other colleagues.
    2. Online research.
    3. Partnering with firms.
    The skills employed was proven effective and efficient.

  136. Reflection Acting Ethically by Modupe Esther Team 9
    1)Lack of communication, lack of integrity, and no collaboration are identified as the professional conduct in the scenario.
    2) skills observed were Research and mapping strategy.
    Williams lacked integrity, collaboration, and communication because he felt he had been overseas and familiar with the people hence he failed to do detailed research but relied solely on what was given to him to write his report .
    Karen was initially scared to voice her concerns because she put her interest first until John asked her and they were able to collaborate by carrying out detailed research by contacting a bigger firm and were finally able to Map out the strategy for the project considering all the risks involved.

  137. One of the main issue in this scenario was communication. Williamโ€™s didnโ€™t communicate with John on what was being done and to get Johnโ€™s idea in order to be on the same view for the project, he felt John only needed a ready result without research.
    There is also the issue of lack of collaboration. William didnโ€™t collaborate with John to get his own view on the project.
    The skills that would helped here include communication, collaboration and attention for details between Williams, Karen and John. communication style must have worked to get John to be open to collaboration with her. The key part of ethics was the organizational values and moral principles in carrying out various activities in the company.

  138. In this scenario, there is the issue of communication. Williamโ€™s approach was more of assumption rather than communicating with John of what was being done and to get Johnโ€™s input so as to be on the same page for the project, he assumed John only needed a ready result without research as to how it was gotten and the overall effect on the project.
    There is also the issue of lack of collaboration. William had carried out what he assumed will be all what John will need without Johnโ€™s input.
    The skills that helped here include communication, collaboration and eye for details between Karen, John and other colleagues that Karen consulted. Karenโ€™s communication style must have worked to get John to be open to collaboration with her, and also to see the โ€˜near perfectโ€™ report from William. The key part of ethics was the organizational values and moral principles. The XYZ has a niche they are known for; they had to be thorough with the report given by William for a successful project and to maintain their reputation. Hence, the need for them to do their own research.

    Wale Oyegunle
    Team 8 Cohort 16

  139. The team exhibited a lack of effective communication and collaboration. John is a stick-to-protocol guy who likes to do things by the book and by himself, so there is no collaborative effort from him. William, on the other hand, will rather have other people do the work for him while he does the reporting, which is not necessarily a bad thing but he could have communicated this thoroughly to John instead of him wasting his time sightseeing, that he was not even interested in. Karen was scared to give her input even though she knew it was going to help the project’s goals; communication problems again. Thankfully, she summoned courage to talk to John and the problems were identified in the conception stage. If this had gone on without proper risk analysis, the project would have ended up delayed, overrun, or, at worst, terminated. Therefore, communication and collaboration are very important.

  140. My name is Ifenyinwa Prisca Egbuchere/team 4
    The project team exhibited deficiencies in communication and collaboration skills.
    John is diligent in adhering to due processes, conducting research and surveys, and working with the locals; however, he lacks an effective communication and reporting plan. On the other hand, William prefers shortcut methods to achieve results and also demonstrates poor communication and collaboration abilities. Karen, a new team member, initially hesitated to voice her concerns for fear of appearing critical of her senior colleagues. However, after discussing with John, they collaborated effectively to mitigate potential issues during the project. This experience highlights the need for improved communication channels and collaborative efforts within the team.

  141. My Name is Joseph Ikechukwu Onyeocha:
    In this scenario, some ethical principles were not followed:

    The main issue was lack of proper communication, as John was not informed in advance that his task had already been completed by someone else.

    Williams criticized John for not having a good knowledge of the ethical rules and regulations of the company, which he claimed was the reason behind his actions against John.

    Karen displayed an unethical behaviour that was not in line with the ethics of the company. She was initially concerned about Johnโ€™s feelings, but the next day she defied company ethics by asking employees to work extra hours, weekends, and also asked the employees to work against their work convenient times to complete the project.

  142. Hello!!!
    My name is PAUL NWEKE, COHORT 16, TEAM 9.

    Having gone through the scenario in the case study, I have the following observations from the three (3) individuals mentioned therein – John, Williams, and Karen.

    John an experienced project manager and Williams an overseer of the project are both very experienced more than Karen who joined XYZ earlier in the year.
    John lacked communication and no proper reporting channel between him and the other team. John traveled to have a meeting with the client to set the pace for the project unknown to him that some of the things he thought he wanted to do had been taken care and that was as he went for sightseeing.
    Williams on the other hand believing he is the people person without proper communication went ahead to carry out the program even though he could do that with John too. Hence, William’s ethical problem includes that of Lack of communication, and Using shortcuts to generate his results.
    Kareen, however, who is not as experienced as John and Williams saw everything but could not say anything about it until she was asked by John as she was afraid as a new staff, it might look as if she was criticizing any of them. Upon discussing with John, she actually proffered a solution through her research. She was just scared of criticizing a job done that her boss had taken.
    so, the major problem is the lack of communication and proper reporting skills between John and Williams.

  143. Olakunle Bayode
    Team 8

    Lack of proper communication between the team is clearly seen. John believes in following procedures, making research, and working with locals. William, in a bid to be fast ignore to communicate his intention with the team and Karen too intimidated to express her concerns.

    The value of teamwork can never be underestimated, teamwork between John and Karen was able to advert any unnecessary troubles. Also, discussing the issue with others was crucial to finding a solution and negotiating with vendors with experience in similar project was necessary.

  144. Nnadi Stella Chidinma
    Team 7
    From the case study,
    John and William had ethical issues like Lack of Communication and Collaboration
    Almost the three , there was no team work.

  145. The people selected to represent XYX firm were selected based on their testimonials, John and William are experts, and Karen on the other hand joined the firm not too long ago and she loved her job.

    The professional conduct I can identify from the scenario is an eventual Teamwork that came up between John and Karen at the end when they both agreed on the conclusion that the report was too real and perfect. They teamed up to analyse, research, and consult colleagues in other to identify the challenges of the project and the possible solution.

    I could also identify Negotiation. Though it wasnโ€™t a long detailed one but I sense from the meeting John and Karen had with the Big Firm, that before they would reach an agreement to work with the locals directly, there must have been some negotiation.

    Proper Communication was the major issue in that scenario. William used his influence to get what he wanted, which is good but it would have been much more ethical if he communicated with John who was also a team member on that project. Instead, he concluded on his own. Karen on the other hand, because she joined the company due to its reputation and her love for the job, didnโ€™t communicate her points of view to John because she considered being new to the firm and still on probation as a yardstick and she didnโ€™t want it to look like criticism.

    Above all, the lack of communication brought out division among the team but in the end, it was restored by John and Karen.

  146. The case study in the scenario above identifies two professionals well grounded in their jobs. John and Karen were knowledgeable about the ethics of their organization which must be adhered to if their reputation was to be maintained.
    First, on arrival at the new project location, ethical consideration played out at John’s request for a kick off of the project opposed to pleasures.

    Though he faltered at Williams conviction to accept an obviously doctored research report. His seemingly unease reveals he had an inkling of a possible compromise by Williams.

    Karen, though new, displayed professionalism by identifying at first glance, errors in the report.

    They were able to resolve it by applying the following skills:
    1. Problem Identification /Solving – searching out avenues to effect corrections on the report or at least get a genuine replacement.

    2. Negotiation – they had to get their clients attention and involvement to accept a review and a new research

    3. Team Building – Jane displayed this by seeking opinions from her peers and working in synergy with John.
    Communication was a bit skewed from all involved at the beginning. Issues were not tabled until John sort Janes opinion.

  147. From the scenario in the case study, I observed that both John and Williams are very experienced more than Karen.
    John traveled to have a meeting with the client to set the pace for the project but instead of focusing on what brought him,decided to do a little sight seeing.
    John’s ethical problem includes;
    Lack of communication
    Not reporting immediately he got to his station.
    To Williams, he saw that action as lack of total commitment to the project and without any proper communication went ahead to carry out the program believing he is a people person and can influence anyone, he can actually do that with John too.
    Williams ethical problem includes;
    Lack of communication
    Lack of commitment
    Using shortcut to generate his results
    Kareen on the other hand who isn’t as experienced as the other two had her concerns but couldn’t speak up about it until she was asked by John. She didn’t only point out her concerns but went ahead to give him proffer solution.
    The only problem she had was being scared of criticizing a job done that her boss has taken.

    Through collaboration,communication,teamwork and critical thinking, John and Kareen were able to come up with a better review for their project.

  148. According to the scenario;
    John is a project manager and one of the people setting up the new firm and was excited about the contract, because he want to broaden his experience and was surprised to be taking out of the contract the next day. To be told he will be given the result in few days.
    Ethical problem for john;
    1. lack of communication and professionally
    Should have reported the day he arrived and not looking at interesting view.
    william has worked for the clients agency and has influence
    Ethical problem for william;
    1. lack of collaboration and communication
    2.Acting smart and short cut.
    Karen joined the company for its focus and reputation and culture.And handle the situation well by going to john.

    1. communication
    2. collaboration
    3. Team work
    4. Research
    5. Honesty

  149. The roblems identified ccording to the scenario include:
    1. Lack of proper communication between John and William
    2. No collaboration between John and William
    3. Relationship between John and Karen was ‘strained’

    The skills used to solve the issues include:
    1. Collaboration
    2. Casual meetings
    3. Communication
    4. Research

  150. John was excited about the job and was expecting to handle a task with Williams. Williams acted unethically while the lady and John acted with integrity

  151. What I deduced from the team is that, although everyone has the experience and capacity to make the project successful but there was something lacking between them.

    Communication and Collaboration, these are prerequisite that makes the dream work and the project a success. unfortunately, none of that was exhibited, john and Williams were both on their own way while Karen was proactive to communicate her findings to them. these could pose a ruin in XYZ project.

  152. From the scenario of the development of project
    there are some point that was lacking in process of the job
    There were a conflict which started for Williams duce to his selfish way of life for not bring the other teams mate to reflect on the project work doing it on his own this had to lead to lack of transparency and trust in the sight of John. From point of look lack communication which to violating ethical conduct in the entire process
    On the other John was surprised about the way Williams had presented the result during the whole process, which now lead lack of Honesty for John not to communicate with Karen at first about the report of the project.
    Thirdly through Critical thinking and Problem solving of Karen she was enable to detail and solution it, thatโ€™s why karen could easily spot that the report was too good. However, Karen didnโ€™t just stop at spotting the problem, she went ahead to find solution by involving a third party that helped them get the needed engagement of the project done.

    Uwoghiren Osagie Williams
    Cohort 16
    Team 10

  153. The issue of professional misconduct could be pointed to the disregard for collaboration and teamwork. I mean they were sent on a project to work together and returned finally with just one person’s input. At the end of the day, proper communication brought ethics into the decision, and that was used to resolve the situation which of course came with a stretched timeline or overtime work for the colleagues they soughted help from.

  154. There is a communication gap in this scenerio, if John and Williams imbibed communicating each other they would have been on the same pace regarding the progress of the project, meanwhile Karen beat the mark

  155. I observed unprofessional behavior in the team.

    Williams prioritized getting information from an outside firm over collaborative research, he focused solely on delivering results while disregarding the importance of teamwork and feedback!
    Karen was hesitant to share her concerns about the projects validity, fearing it would come across as personal criticism and not addressing these issues may lead to future challenges.
    John appreciated the warm welcome but was disappointed to know that the task was already completed without his input, which is essential for effective teamwork. He wanted a collaboration forum to gather diverse perspective on the larger project.

  156. Lack of communication and collaboration almost ruin the success of the project,but Karen brought out an honest field back and gave in a professional solution to it.

  157. Issues of professional conduct featured here that is obvious is lacking of communication and inability of one of the parties to supply detailed information for effective comprehensive. Inability to teamwork is also seen here, how that as a team it’s of great importance to have same focus in achieving a goal and each person in the team is in the position to ensure that all team members are moving in the same direction, it’s a corporate affairs that all team members should be guided and carried along.

    And in reflecting on the skills used to bring ethics into decisions by the parties involved, I think proper communication, detailed information, continuing professional development can be seen in the approach Karen took.

  158. By Damilola Ogunsakin

    The team comprised experienced individuals, yet there were evident shortcomings in communication skills and ethical adherence, particularly noticeable in this scenario where ethical principles were not fully upheld. John, whose work proceeded without his awareness, should have shared his concerns not only with Karen but with the entire team. Similarly, Williams demonstrated a reluctance to adhere to company ethics by not discussing his reservations with John and instead carrying out his tasks independently.

    While Karen managed to alleviate her concerns about John, she should have communicated these worries directly to him without fear of appearing critical. Effective teamwork involves both giving and receiving constructive feedback. Despite successfully discussing the risks with John and reaching a solution, Karen compromised ethics by making the employees to work on weekends.

  159. It’s obvious to see the team lack proper way of communicating their ideas. In the begining each of them had their own motive which is because they didn’t communicate to have a general believe on what has to be done. William was too confident with his people skill that he feels he knows it all. At the end, I love how the team where able to have the difficult conversation about the project which created a room for possible solution and way forward.

  160. From my point of view, Williams who was described as a people person is more of a people pleaser who would not be interested in doing a background check, understanding risk and carrying team members along. John understood his person and decided to leave conversations as it were so as not to offend a sponsor I guess. However, John’s ability to ask Karen for her honest opinion set the project back on track. From the scenarios, collaboration, communication and team work helped focus the project back on track.

  161. In dis case, I noticed unprofessionalism by Williams which involved his internal adversities to the project and aside this, his decision to carry on with the project without any inputs from his other colleagues described his lack of communication. However, I also noticed the essence of team work by Karen bringing up an idea and involving John in the process as well as their conclusion in collaborating with the bigger firm to help reach out with the local firm so as for the research to be facts filled and not just assumptions.
    With this, it is now obvious that communication and teamwork are the bedrock of any successful project.

  162. This case study highlights the importance of ethical awareness and leadership in project management. Karen’s diligence in reviewing the report and her willingness to speak up about her concerns demonstrate essential skills for any project manager. I also appreciate how the scenario illustrates the value of collaboration and resourcefulness in finding solutions to complex ethical dilemmas.

    Also the scenario emphasizes the significance of cultural competence in project management. William’s perspective and approach differ from John’s, and their collaboration requires bridging those cultural and professional differences. The case study shows how essential skills like effective communication, adaptability, and ethical awareness can help project managers navigate complex cultural contexts.

  163. In this case study, I noticed some potential issues with professional conduct. There’s a lack of transparency around how the engagement program was conducted, with William seemingly taking the lead without much input from John or Karen. The report’s overly positive results raise ethical concerns about data manipulation or falsification. Additionally, William’s close relationship with the research firm and government agency presents a clear conflict of interest.

    On the positive side, Karen demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the report’s findings, while John showed courage by listening to her concerns and working together to find a solution. Both demonstrated integrity by refusing to compromise on their ethical principles.

    Overall, the important ethical themes here are honesty, transparency, objectivity, and integrity, which are crucial in international project management.

  164. In this scenario, some ethical principles were not followed properly, but the individual was able to uphold professional ethics to address them.

    The main issue was poor communication, as John was not informed in advance that his task had already been completed by someone else.

    Williams criticized John for not having a good understanding of the ethical rules and regulations of the company, which he claimed was the reason behind his actions against John.

    Karen displayed biased behaviour that was not in line with ethical practices. She was initially concerned about John’s feelings, but the next day she defied company ethics by asking employees to work extra hours, weekends, and at inconvenient times to complete the project.

    The following are the professional ethics
    1. Rules of Conduct
    2. Values
    3. Morals Principles
    4. Code of Conduct

  165. The case study brought into fold the long term risk pose to an organization if her employees do not act in an “Ethical” manner and also the important of communication (informal spoken for example), collaboration. team work and innovation can also be seen. Below are the highlights

    I. Williams was more concern about getting the job done without considering the organization ethics by accepting opinion research done by others as their own project under the guise of “”that’s how things are done in their client country”” , this its not ethical

    2. John despite his initial concerns and reservation about the ethical risk poses by Williams opinion, was not able to communicate his concerns effectively to William

    3. Karen was able to understand the long term risk/dangers pose if the company does not follow ethics and was able to use humour (informal spoken communication) to convince John and also shows innovation and collaboration in solving the ethical change poses by the project together

  166. There were instances of unprofessional conduct I observed here;
    Williams didn’t see a constructive research forum as ideal but was better off getting the information from the opinion research firm which is not helpful for any project because this singular act has kicked off the aim of every project which is to come together and deliberate on issues as a team and profound solutions and feedback just as team players. He (Williams) was centred on the fact that what they did was to “Deliver” and how it is achieved doesn’t really matter, which was the reason he felt the result was a good fit and would be appreciated by John not regarding the fact that due process was not followed here.

    Karen felt the result was too good and needs to be faulted owing that the project in view was a large one and and they needed a real life situation but at the same time, she doesn’t know how to pass this information directly to her colleague so it doesn’t sound like a direct criticism. Here, I felt she missed the fact that it is the task that is to be criticized and not the person, so holding that back and going ahead with the project seems unprofessional as this might pose a challenge at the long run.

    John wanted really appreciated the warmth welcome and reception but became withdrawn on learning that the task has been carried out and results gotten, this makes the team work here faulty because as a team, everyone’s input meant a whole lot which would make them draw a very nice feedback. John here wanted a carefully organized forum where he could get different points of view as to the larger task ahead.

  167. I have noticed from the case study that the team had much of a experience members that could easily deliver the project to its successful stage. However, there are many factors that affected the process:

    The team lacks sufficient collaboration and a member of the team would feel that he has all it takes to do the job alone.

    The level of communication was very poor and has no primary help on the project.

    The decision of the team would affects XYZ and even employ more risks o the company.

    This was a major problem encountered by the team. John and Williams did not communicate well as everyone had their own point of view as to what it should be. Williams thought that John will be ok will the report he will make. John thought that everything was ok the way it was going even though it was risky for Williams to make the analysis report alone, he was ok with it. Karen did not want to be seen as a critic. She didn’t want to say anything as she felt it would affect her probation seeing that she just started out with the company.
    COMMUNICATION resolved it when John and Karen talked about it and better ideas came to the table on how to resolve the issue and when it was applied. It resolved it.

  169. Collaboration and communication was not enough between will John and Williams for this project however quality communication will help solve the problem. John did not get enough Information about the project. Karen being afraid to criticize the project that seem not good as new member of the company may delay or stall the project.

    There wasn’t a clear communication method between John and William to ensure that strategic decisions were to be taken with the consent of all stakeholders involved in the process – in this case John and William. This led to William making all the decisions based on the assumptions of what John would like.
    Conflicts between team members as a result of miscommunication and inherently potentially disrupt or derail the success of a project.
    Karen deflected a possible situation of blame game by expressing her observation with tact and infusing humour into her conversation with John which led him to opening up to her and expressing his dissatisfaction with the report.
    This helped to maintain the team spirit collaboration between them while they sought risk management intervention from external sources to the current situation.

    COMPROMISE OF INTEGRITY AS A VALUE: Even though John knew that it wasn’t okay to have let William singlehandedly run the analysis of the engagement feedback and report, he verbally didn’t object but went along with it, despite knowing that there was a possibility of the data given compromising the project outcome in its entirety.
    Karen had a hunch about the report not being totally right and rather than keeping it to herself and letting the project derail, brought it to the attention of her team member for better investigation and resolution.

    Risk management is the ability to foresee and identify possible scenarios of issues that can arise within a project and make contigency plans for important phases within any project. It’s important because most project don’t go as planned because of unexpected variables that can cause unlimited range of issues. John wasn’t able to mitigate the risk of making contigency plans to resolve the problem with the engagement report by him.
    Karen knew that the disruption of the project would hamper the firm’s chances of future collaboration with other clients as the reputation of the firm would be negatively impacted and sought for ways by thinking of ideas outside to mitigate inherent risks while solving the current problem they were facing in the project. This effectively resolved the current problem they faced while discovering and mitigating future risks that were bound to arise within the next stage of the project.

  171. There was the problem of :
    1. ‘scope creep’ which is failure to have an agreement or scope of work agreed upon before work starts.
    2. Work with team members was absent as lines of communication were none existent.
    3. There was no collaboration
    Skills employed were:
    1. Communication
    2. Negotiation and
    3. Time management

  172. John didnโ€™t communicate his worries to the project team lead when Williams told him he took care of everything already. Williams wasnโ€™t a team player as well and handled all the work alone. He might have had the best intentions but didnโ€™t execute it well. Karine also didnโ€™t communicate well due to fear of losing her job, she didnโ€™t voice her opinion and worry, and this puts the company at risk.Some skill that were used in so when this problem Was
    1. communication: John and Karen communicated with each order casually, which made them sick help from their colleagues and team members to solve this problem
    2. Research current conducted an online research to get solutions for the problem
    3. Risk assessments, Karen and John, both mapped out the risk of the reports and Risk from challenging the reports which made them get the best solution

    All in all, John and Karen acted in honesty, remembering their ethics and values of the organization

  173. I noticed some amount of pride in Williams. Things can change, methods, procedures as a result of evolving ecosystem. John and Karenโ€™s approach was better as it later helped in identifying the pitfalls to the next stage of the project.
    Finally, Williams approach could be used when there isnโ€™t enough time to meet with the deadline.

  174. Williams is too fast he just want to do things alone he wasn’t border about following the due process to carried or get feedback

    John lack of communication would have caused him a lot but as good as he was he open up in communication and requesting for view safe his job and finding

    At first Karen’s was not open to him because she was like trying to finger point John but at last because of her good thinking and analysis she dafe the whole scenario

    She value ethics of the company and she want to project the company reputation and values that is why she put extra jobs

  175. Not collaborating and communicating enough will destroy the success of a project, however quality communication will help solve the problem.

    Name: Onyinye Chukwudera Ikeanyi. Team 8

  176. Lack of collaboration, communication and understanding almost mallet the success of the project. however, with problem solving analysis, effective communication and assertiveness exhibited by Karen; they were able to scale through the problems.

  177. In every project, there will be people like William who wanted the easy way out by fitting the situation of another project into the new one. Karen and John were fantastic in raising the concerns about everything looking green. No project ever works that way from the stage of reviews to planning. And the open conversation they had was a good way to sustain communication and build the project’s trust. The ethical concerns here are two; first, William engaged in cutting corners and second, the false hopes that could have destroyed the project and the team’s reputation.

  178. Lack of collaboration and communication almost marred the success of the project. however, with problem solving, effective communication and assertiveness exhibited by Karen; they were able to scale through.

  179. Williams going ahead of everyone show lack of Inclusion,
    Karen has good eye for details, solution minded and she is a good critical thinker..
    John showed a good quality of inclusion by listening and discussing with Karen while working together to make the project work.

    As a project manager, dealing with conflicts of interest is crucial to maintaining the integrity and success of your project.

    Keypoints to learn from this Scenerio include:

    Assess Relationships: Examine all team membersโ€™ and stakeholdersโ€™ relationships and interests to identify potential conflicts.
    โ€ข Transparency: Encourage team members to disclose any potential conflicts early.

    Code of Conduct: Implement a code of conduct that outlines acceptable behavior and conflicts of interest.
    โ€ข Reporting Procedures: Set up clear procedures for reporting conflicts of interest.

    Encourage Openness: Create a culture where team members feel comfortable disclosing conflicts.
    โ€ข Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular meetings to discuss potential conflicts and address any concerns.

  180. After reviewing a case study on ethics in project management from the Association for Project Management (APM), several issues of professional conduct stand out. In this scenario, project managers faced ethical dilemmas related to integrity, transparency, and accountability.

    Key Issues of Professional Conduct:
    Conflict of Interest: A project manager had to decide whether to accept a lucrative contract that could potentially benefit their personal interests. This situation raises concerns about impartiality and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest to maintain trust and fairness.
    Honesty in Reporting: The case study highlighted the necessity for accurate and honest reporting of project progress and issues. Misreporting or concealing problems could lead to significant risks and undermine stakeholder confidence.
    Skills Used to Uphold Ethics:
    Critical Thinking and Decision-Making: The project managers applied critical thinking to assess the ethical implications of their decisions, considering the long-term impacts on stakeholders and the organization’s reputation.
    Effective Communication: They demonstrated transparency by clearly communicating potential risks and ethical concerns to stakeholders, fostering an environment of trust and openness.
    Empathy and Respect: By considering the perspectives and well-being of all stakeholders, the project managers ensured that their actions aligned with the core values of respect and empathy.
    These skills and ethical considerations are essential in guiding project managers to make decisions that not only adhere to professional standards but also contribute to the overall integrity and success of the projects they manage.

  181. Issues of professional conduct identified are as follows:
    1. Absence of joint stakeholders meeting to elucidate, project deliverables, resources in vovlved, project deadlines, Client feedback or report required.
    2. Ineffective communication among project team.
    John and Karen were able to approach this issue ethically by employing research. So, the engagement was complete because they were able to identify some pitholes from previously conducted similar project.

  182. Williams going ahead of John to get things done shows a lack of inclusion and a measure of accountability.
    The doctored report shows a lack of intergrity and genuine concern for the project.
    Continuing with the project would have gone against the reputation XYZ is currently building, it would also not have portrayed their expertise.

    In dealing with this ethical dilemna, the following skills come into play:
    – Taking initiative: it took John leading the conversation and practically forcing the conversation along the lines of the real reason for his trip and not just waiting on other stakeholders to set the pace of the discussion.

    – Critical thinking and Problem solving: Karen had an eye for detail and is solution driven, that’s why she could easily spot that the report was too good. However, she didn’t just stop at spotting the problem, she went ahead to find solution by involving a third party that helped them get the needed engagement.

    – Integrity: Karen was honest enough to call out the issue but careful enough not to come across as criticising any other party. She was able to remind John to see the big picture and uphold the reputation that XYZ is known for.

  183. They discussed the issue. Discussing an issue with your team make the problem half solved. The brought ideas together- critical thinking:
    Karen showed some professional skills in analyzing the report given to her and that gave her the courage to challenge the report, despite going through probation.

    This shows integrity and accountability.

  184. I identified a couple of issues of professional conduct.

    1. Conflict of Interest: The project manager, has a personal relationship with the supplier, which could influence his decision-making and create an unfair advantage.

    2. Dishonesty: The supplier, is aware of the project’s budget constraints but still submits an inflated invoice, which is a dishonest act.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario include:

    1. Integrity
    2. Objectivity
    3. Transparency
    4. Communication
    5. Ethical Awareness

  185. Inclusion: each member of the team must feel concerned and involved in the project. No exclusion.
    Communication: team needs to communicate properly.
    Team spirit: not competition, which is harmful to the project.
    A team is made up of complementary ideas that respect each other.
    Critical thinking.

  186. All three of them are trying to show how professional they are instead of completely listening to the project manager

  187. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are:

    1. Conflict of interest: William’s close relationship with the opinion research firm and his desire to please John and the project goals may have led to a conflict of interest, which would have potentially compromised the objectives and integrity of the engagement report.

    2. Misrepresentation of information: The overly positive report and William’s initial reluctance to share the methodology and data collection process raised concerns about transparency and honesty in presenting information.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario include:

    1. Critical thinking: Karen’s professional skepticism and critical analysis of the report helped her in identifying potential issues and prompted her having to further investigate the project.

    2. Courage: Karen’s willingness to speak up and challenge the report, despite risking her probation period and office dynamics, demonstrated courage and a commitment to ethical conduct.

    3. Collaboration: John and Karen’s open communication and collaboration helped them address the issues and then helped them find a solution that prioritized the project’s integrity and the firm’s reputation.

    4. Cultural awareness: John’s recognizing cultural differences and his adaptability in navigating the international project context showed he is appreciative of cultural awareness and sensitivity.

    5. Integrity: Karen’s focus which was to uphold the firm’s reputation and integrity drove her actions and decisions, thereby demonstrating a commitment to ethical conduct and professional standards.

    6. Communication: Effective communication among John, Karen, and the global firm was crucial in being able to resolve the issue and ensure the project’s success, highlighting the importance of clear and transparent communication in ethical decision-making.

    These skills helped in bringing ethics into the decisions made by the people involved in this scenario, ultimately prioritizing the project’s integrity, the firm’s reputation, and it’s professional conduct.

  188. Project tend to have challenges is there is no adequate stakeholder engagement, collaboration, ethical behavior transparency etc which are crucial amongst other requirements for successful project implementation.

    Kennedy Anyanwu
    Cohort 15

  189. It appears there were a couple of issues within the engagement program. Firstly, William’s failure to involve John in the planning process left John feeling excluded and raised concerns about ethical conduct. Secondly, Karen found it challenging to provide John with honest feedback due to her concerns about his feelings. Fortunately, they later communicated and identified potential solutions to the problem. Ethical behavior and transparent communication are crucial in organizational settings.

  190. I think William should have really carried John along on the engagement programme and Karen should have been more open about her review to John and then suggesting a possible way forward.

  191. In project management, ethics play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are executed with integrity, transparency, and respect for all stakeholders. Here are some ethical principles and values commonly applied in project management:

    1. Honesty and Integrity: Truthful communication, transparent decision-making, and fair dealings.

    2. Respect and Professionalism: Treat team members, stakeholders, and clients with respect, dignity, and courtesy.

    3. Responsibility and Accountability: Take ownership of actions, decisions, and outcomes.
    . Transparency and Open Communication: Share information, provide regular updates, and encourage open feedback.

    . Confidentiality and Privacy: Protect sensitive information and maintain confidentiality when required.

    . Quality and Excellence: Strive for high-quality work, continuous improvement, and innovative solutions.

    . Sustainability and Environmental Awareness: Consider the environmental and social impact of projects.

    Stakeholder Engagement and Management: Identify, analyze, and prioritize stakeholder needs and expectations

    . Risk Management and Mitigation: Identify, assess, and mitigate risks to minimize harm.

    . Continuous Learning and Improvement: Embrace learning, seek feedback, and apply lessons learned.

    By embracing these ethical principles, project managers can build trust, foster collaboration, and deliver successful projects that benefit all stakeholders.

  192. Lack of proper communication between John and William at the case study stage leading to seem as transparency challenged with John. Thereby causing inefficiency to achieving the project goals

  193. Issue in the case study.

    Lack of effective communication and transparency: Williams and John lack effective communication and shows no transparency to each other on the project which leads to misunderstanding and inefficiencies in achieving the project goals.

    Over confidence and Conflict of interest: Williams believe he has been with the firm for years and he is people person, he believe in himself that he is in better position to know to know exactly how to go around with the project and presenting it to the third party. Forgetting he has a team [selfishness idea], he refuse to share his idea or seek opinions ahead with the teams, he also underestimate the teams strength. Karen on the other side couldn’t challenge john to avoid negative work environments, creating or a positive work environment and making sure of the project result is essential.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    * Communication
    *Knowledge and regulatory environment
    *Ethics and adherence to standards
    *Critical thinking and problem solving

  194. There was lack of inclusivity and openness on the part of Williams by not considering Johnโ€™s part in the project. John on his part should have created the opportunity to have a discussion about it with Williams. Karen at first put her personal goals ahead of the organizations needs:
    Had she not taken up the courage to speak to John about her findings, it could have costed the company.

  195. There lack of inclusivity and openness on the part of Williams by not considering John’s part in the project. John on his part should have created the opportunity to have a discussion about it with Williams. Karen at first put her personal goals ahead of the organizations needs:
    Had she not taken up the courage to speak to John about her findings, it could have costed the company.

  196. It sounds like there were a couple of issues in the engagement program. Firstly, William didn’t include John in the planning process, which made John feel left out and violated ethical conduct. Secondly, Karen struggled to give an honest review to John because she was concerned about his feelings. However, they were able to communicate later and find possible solutions to the problem. Ethical conduct and open communication are so important in organizations, right?

  197. Williams lack of teamwork led to the initial project. I think there should be inclusivity in a team.
    Karen was able to communicate withj john by providing constructive feedback

  198. Umeanolue Lilian
    Team 6

    The first issue was William not including John during the process of organizing the engagement programme. John was surprised as this violated ethical conduct and he felt left out during the whole process.
    Another issue was Karen finding it hard to give her honest review to John concerning the project because she was considering his feelings. In an organisation as it relates to ethical conduct, colleagues should be able to speak freely and sincerely to better projects and be able to work better together. Gladly, Karen was able to communicate with John in the following week and a few others were able to find possible solutions to the problem.

  199. The issues of professional conducts that i can identify in this scenario are failure to communicate with team members early ,lack of trust, no critical thinking about the future effect of the result.Although Karen was a new staff,he had to convince John and William after discussing with her colleagues and the prolem was solved. skills used include: communication,problem solving,teamspirit,research and analytical skills.

  200. The first issue was William not including John during the process of organizing the engagement programme. John was surprised as this violated ethical conduct and he felt left out during the whole process.
    Another issue was Karen finding it hard to give her honest review to John concerning the project because she was considering his feelings. In an organisation as it relates to ethical conduct, colleagues should be able to speak freely and sincerely to better projects and be able to work better together. Gladly, Karen was able to communicate with John in the following week and they and a few others were able to find possible solutions to the problem.

    Team 9
    Orji Miracle

  201. Communication skill was used by John to request an honest feedback from Karen and
    on the part Karen despite all her fears of what she could l ose if she told John the honest truth about the report, she didn’t let it stop her. The success of the project superseded her personal choices.
    Team play was greatly applied to arrive at the desired result.

  202. Two issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are:Misrepresentation of Data: William’s decision to rely on pre-existing opinion research without informing John or involving him in the process is unethical. Presenting these results as if they were collected through the planned engagement program misrepresents the situation and could lead to misguided decisions.
    b. Conflict of Interest: Karen faces a conflict of interest between her desire to maintain a positive office environment and her obligation to provide honest feedback. She feels pressured to avoid criticizing John or the report to maintain workplace harmony, even though she suspects the validity of the data.
    The skills used to address ethical considerations in this scenario include:
    a. Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting it without scrutiny. She engages in a thorough analysis of the situation and considers the long-term consequences of different courses of action.
    b. Communication: Effective communication skills are evident in Karen and John’s discussion about the problem with the report. They engage in an open dialogue, sharing concerns and exploring potential solutions. Additionally, Karen’s ability to communicate her idea of seeking assistance from a larger firm demonstrates effective communication in implementing ethical decision-making.
    c. Problem-solving: Both Karen and John engage in problem-solving skills to address the ethical dilemma. They brainstorm potential solutions, weigh the risks and benefits, and ultimately devise a plan to rectify the situation by seeking external assistance to validate the engagement findings. This proactive approach demonstrates their ability to navigate complex ethical challenges.

  203. Osuji Mirian
    May 10,2024@2:26 pm

    To me there were communication bridge between William and John but thank God Karen gave in a professional solution to it

  204. In a scenario like this, conflicts of interest, maintaining confidentiality, truthfulness in communication, respecting diversity, adhering to professional standards, and ensuring accountability in decision-making is crucial.
    Reflecting on skills used to help bring ethics into decisions who are involved : Critical thinking skills, empathy, communication proficiency, moral reasoning, decision-making abilities, conflict resolution expertise, and a strong ethical foundation, all the aforementioned plays crucial roles in navigating ethical dilemmas and ensuring principled conduct in professional settings.

  205. In the scenario given, there was no question about their expertise in the organization and the subject matter. However, the issue I noticed revolves around:

    The issues:

    1. Organizational approach to the project – Although it can be said that William knew about the purpose of John’s coming over, it was about the engagement program organized for brainstorming over the project. Yet, he went ahead to carry out the research without John. This has nothing to do with project management methods, in my opinion, William might have done things that way, but that’s not professional.

    2. Communication: Initially Karen wasn’t going to discuss with John about the lapse because she was trying to secure her job, but eventually she did

    How it was resolved:
    1. Professional conduct: When Karen had reservations about John’s report, she didn’t approach it immediately, but eventually did. She knew enough not to rubbish John’s effort but also knew what the report says is a risk to the organizational brand.
    Eventually, they put efforts together and solved the issue while carrying others along.

    2. communication – They communicate in a detailed and comprehendible manner
    3. Teamwork – they pull forces together to get the project done.

    Mary Ayo

  206. There is lack of communication and inadequate transparency between Williams and john which created a gap in the team spirit and interest. However, Karen was able to bridge the gap professionally using ethical approach and relentlessly focusing on the goal and not allowing herself to be subjected to lack of confidence being the newbie amongst them.

  207. In this there’s lack of communication and lack of transparency. Williams feels he could carry out the work on his own with out others.
    No proper research was made from the beginning and No team work.

    But at the long run the issues was pointed out and even though lots of mistakes were already made , John was willing to listen to his partner advice and she helped, that helped too.
    Team work is very important in project management

  208. Lack of transparency, communication and team work particularly on the part of William. He seemed comfortable cutting corners. Eventually the problems were resolved through tact, critical thinking and team work.

  209. I) Inadequate communication and transparency: Thereโ€™s a lack of clear communication and transparency between William and John, leading to potential misunderstandings and inefficiencies in carrying out the project
    . II). Over- confidence: Because Williams believed that he is peopleโ€™s person, he undermined sharing his ideas with his team having felt that his plans were more valid instead of discussing with his team early.
    III). Lack of Trust of and Team Spirit- Also Williamโ€™s initial reaction and point of view to his other project team, especially John showed that the former do not totally trust the latterโ€™s knowledge of the projectโ€™s environment. It is also a display of lack of team spirit to the team by John,
    iv) Potential conflict of interest: Karen inability to challenge the report because of her worries it might impact John negatively is a demonstration of potential conflict of interest between keeping a positive work environment and ensuring the integrity of results of the project.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    i) Communication
    ii) Critical Thinking
    iii) Problem-Solving and ownership Spirit
    iv) Ethical Leadership

    Familua Adeniyi Cohort 15 , Team 1

  210. They lack the following from the beginning
    Lack Transparency:They took a short cut from the beginning
    Team spirit:They didn’t carry out the survey together.
    Skill used in tackling this problem:
    Critical thinking
    Effective communication
    Research and
    Team work

  211. Professional Conduct

    โ€ข Team Spirit: There was no defined agreement between Wiliam and John on the plan or strategy to execute the project at hand.

    โ€ข Communication and Transparency Issues: John and William’s differing expectations and communication styles revealed a lack of transparency.

    โ€ข Conflict of Interest Concerns and Fear of discrimination: Karen’s hesitation to challenge the report due to office dynamics raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring project success. She was also very scared of being side lined and marginalized as a new employee.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions:

    โ€ข Leadership Style and Integrity: John’s leadership style was evident. He knew the report was too perfect to be true and pushed him to seek for honest opinion from Karen. He is also a man integrity and reputation. He was concerned about the reputation of the organization and what their clients thought of them, and this led to addressing the concerns identified in the report and supporting Karen’s initiative to involve external experts and local firms which helped identify previously overlooked hurdles.

    โ€ข Effective Communication: John and Karen’s open dialogue helped uncover ethical concerns and discrepancies in the report. The Face-to-face communication also helped in uncovering the truth and John was able to read nonverbal cues and pushed for more honest feedback from Karen.
    โ€ข Analytical Reasoning: Karen’s analysis of the report’s accuracy and potential risks demonstrated her ability to think critically and not accept information unquestionably.

    โ€ข Problem-Solving: John and Karen show cased their problem-solving skills in addressing the ethical concerns in the report, exploring alternatives like seeking external expertise and opinion of the local folks to uphold the companyโ€™s reputation.

  212. William’s report was too good to be true. It’s possible his report was not ethically created.

    John and Karen saw through this and decided to carry out a research that’d reveal the real problems the project might encounter.

    The skills I identified in this case study are: integrity, honesty (Karen was honest in her feedback), knowledge of regulatory environment, anticipating issues that may arise.

  213. In these scenario the professional conduct employed include but not limited to:
    1) engaging in program with key stakeholders
    2) engaging the locals to get their own opinion
    3) Analyzing the for and against, and coming up with best and save response.
    These was achieved by
    – effective communication
    – Collaboration and
    – Team work

  214. Issues of professional conduct in this scenario include:
    1. Lack of transparency: Williams had other strategy he adopted for the project which he failed to share initially with the others.
    2. Lack of effective communication: There was a clear communication gap between the three and this reflected in the project.
    3,. Lack of team spirit and coordination: There was no agreement on the way they were to work, everyone had various ideas without any common ground.
    Skills used to bring ethics into decision include :
    1. Effective communication
    2. Critical thinking.
    3. Research and networking skills.
    4. Ability to work together as a team.

  215. Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

    Yes. There was a case of ethical misconduct. William used an organisation that favoured their interest to get the needed feedback for the project.

    Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?


    The skills used were communication skills.
    Evaluating stakeholders
    Identifying stakeholders.

  216. Based on the case study the scenario which I saw here was:
    1) Lack of Transparency – William was not transparent with John about the engagement and reports, which made John to look incompetent.
    2) Fear – Karen acted as if she was afraid of challenging the report and findings about the project John brought which could hinder the success of the project.
    3) Communication – John was not willing to communicate with Karen at first about the report of the project.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decision.
    1) Communication – Karen knew something was wrong with the report and had to find a way to communicate with John.
    2) Professionalism- Both John and Karen had to come up with a solution so the project would be successful.
    3) Leadership – John was able to listen to Karen and other experts decisions to ensure the success of the project.

  217. The scenario which played out exposed the ill-effects of disunity, unprofessionalism and mis-communication which are quite very essential in Project Management.

    1. Issues of Professional Conduct:

    โ€ข Lack of Transparency and Communication: John and Williamโ€™s differing expectations and approaches highlight a lack of clear communication and transparency. This led to misunderstandings and inefficiencies on both sides in the task being assigned to them .
    โ€ขPotential Conflict of Interest: Karenโ€™s reluctance to challenge the report due to concerns about office dynamics highlights a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring project success .

    2. Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    โ€ข Communication: John and Karenโ€™s effective communication helped identify ethical concerns. Their open dialogue uncovered discrepancies in the report.
    โ€ข Critical Thinking: Karenโ€™s critical thinking was evident when she questioned the reportโ€™s accuracy and implications. She analyzed potential risks instead of accepting the report blindly.
    โ€ข Problem-Solving: Both John and Karen engaged in problem-solving measures to address the ethical dilemma. They explored alternatives, such as seeking external expertise, to maintain their good reputation.
    โ€ข Leadership: John demonstrated leadership qualities by addressing concerns about the reportโ€™s validity and supporting Karenโ€™s initiative to involve external experts.

  218. Issues of professional conduct

    * Communication – this was not mutual as there was communication gap among them
    * Team spirit – there was no agreement on what the plan was
    * Transparency -Kare was not transparent enough because she doesn’t want an issue in the company and she doesn’t want John to feel bad
    * Over confidence – Williams felt he is the people’s person so he felt his plans were more valid instead of sharing ideas with his team and resolving on an agreed plan.

    * Professionalism – Karen was professional enough to have a discussion with John and ironed the issue
    * Transparency – Karen was able to tell John what she felt about his idea
    * Project mapping – they were able to map out the risks of the project.
    * Brainwave – Karen was wise enough to get more findings about the project.
    *Negotiation – they were able to negotiate with a bigger firm.
    * Time management – they were able to manage their time effectively within the course of the project.

  219. 1. Teamwork with Karen and John to address the issues identified in the report.
    2. Critical thinking employed by Karen.
    3. Networking and collaboration.

  220. Some issues of Professional Conduct identified
    -Deceit (Lack of objectivity)
    – Honesty
    – Credibility
    – Professionalism
    – Integrity
    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individual involved were:
    – Critical Thinking skills
    – Risk Mapping skill
    – Problem Solving skill
    – Networking skill
    – Negotiation skill

  221. The major issue notice between the three parties is lack of poor communication.

    John seem not be fully concern about the project to william discretion so he took it upon himself to clear it. Karen’s seems not to open up due to her position in the firm.

    On the long run, they were able to clear out the table with Karen’s intelligence which was fueled by her desire of the firm’s reputation. Although, they were not able to meet the requirements but saved the project and kept the relationship the firm involved.

  222. Some issues of professional conduct between John, Williams and Karen in the scenario was:
    -Poor communication: John didn’t communicate weel with Williams about how he expected the engagement program to be and william didn’t make John fully awear of what was going on.
    -Poor team work: The team as a whole didn’t work together to see to it that the project went on as planned.

  223. 1. Issues of Professional Conduct:
    a)Lack of transparency and communication: John and William seem to have different expectations and approaches regarding how the engagement program should have been conducted and reported. There’s a lack of clear communication and transparency between them, leading to potential misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
    b) Potential conflict of interest: Karen expresses concerns about challenging the report because she worries it might reflect poorly on John and affect the office dynamics negatively. This situation highlights a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and ensuring the integrity of project outcomes.

    2. Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    a) Communication: Effective communication between John and Karen played a crucial role in identifying the ethical concerns regarding the engagement report. Their open dialogue and willingness to discuss potential issues helped uncover discrepancies that needed to be addressed.
    b) Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking skills were evident when she questioned the accuracy and thoroughness of the engagement report. She didn’t accept the report at face value but instead analyzed the potential risks and implications of relying on it without scrutiny.
    c) Problem-Solving: Both John and Karen engaged in problem-solving to navigate the ethical dilemma. They explored alternative options, such as seeking input from external experts, to ensure that the project’s integrity was maintained despite the initial shortcomings in the report.
    d) Ethical Leadership: John demonstrated ethical leadership by acknowledging the need to address the concerns raised about the report’s validity. He also supported Karen’s initiative to involve external expertise, showing a commitment to ethical decision-making and project integrity.

  224. Professional conduct in this scenario
    between Williams,John and Karen are:
    Lack of team work
    Lack of collaboration
    Lack of good communication, Lack of coordination.

    The skill used to bring ethics back into the decision: Effective communication
    Team work
    Critical thinking

  225. The scenario underscores the critical importance of three elements in project management: valuing contributions, effective communication, and collaboration.In this case, the issues arose primarily from William’s failure to recognize the importance of these elements. Assigned to manage a project alongside the experienced manager, John, William neglected to involve John in key decisions. This oversight led to significant project challenges.

    However, when Karen stepped in and communicated with John, valuing his experience and insights, they collaborated using Karen’s proposed solutions combined with John’s feedback. This effective teamwork and communication quickly resolved the project issues.
    This example illustrates the powerful impact of valuing each team member’s contribution, maintaining open lines of communication, and fostering collaboration to achieve project success.

  226. Highlighted below are the instances of professional conduct in the APM’s ethics case study scenario:
    i) Moral principles and value exist between John and William which led to John accepting William’s point of view of opinion research firm, even when he was not 100% convince.
    ii) Also, ethical practice, code of practice and value were seen in the discussion between John and Karem the following week to the reputation of XYZ firm by ensuring the first stage of the project was executed according to the firm’s code of practice; while not discarding William’s point of view.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individual involved were:
    Ethics and standards
    Knowledge of the regulation environment
    Negotiation and
    Time management

  227. firstly, with the scenario presented, a few of professional conduct played out
    1. lack of team work: The team looked divided and where not working as a team.
    2. lack of coordination; There was no coordination between John, Williams and Karen, each of them were doing their own thing.
    3. lack of transparency and honesty: Williams went ahead to handle everything all by himself forgetting he wasn’t there alone.
    4. Misplaced priorities: John decided to go for sightseeing instead of focusing on the work they were there to do first.

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in the scenario
    1. critical thinking: Karen was able to think, make research and communicate with people to provide solution to the issue on ground
    2. Open to criticism: John was open to criticism and did not see Karen as someone who is not as experienced as him, he had good listening ear.
    3. communication: Good communication played out between Karen and John and it helped them to solve the case before them.

  228. Integrity, team work, responsibility principle and public interest are the professional conduct played out in the scenario. Collaborating is a key factor in project management, and a project manager must be willing to collaborate part of which communication is. John adopted communication and ethical skills.

  229. In the scenario presented, a few issues of professional conduct are evident:

    Lack of Transparency: The agency overseen by William seems to have conducted the engagement program without informing John, the project manager from XYZ, resulting in a lack of transparency and a communication breakdown between the parties involved.

    Potential Conflict of Interest: Karen, a new member at XYZ, faces a dilemma where she hesitates to criticize the engagement report despite her reservations about its accuracy. This situation hints at a potential conflict of interest between maintaining a positive work environment and upholding professional standards.

    In terms of skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario, several key skills stand out:

    Communication: John’s ability to communicate concerns and engage in open dialogue with Karen demonstrates effective communication skills, which are essential for addressing ethical dilemmas and resolving conflicts.

    Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking skills are evident when she questions the accuracy of the engagement report and seeks solutions to address the potential risks associated with it. Critical thinking helps in evaluating information objectively and making informed decisions.

    Problem-Solving: The collaborative effort between John and Karen to brainstorm solutions and eventually involve a global firm for an independent review showcases strong problem-solving skills. This skill is crucial in navigating complex ethical challenges and finding viable resolutions.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Both John and Karen demonstrate ethical decision-making skills by prioritizing integrity and seeking solutions that align with professional standards, even if it involves challenging the status quo and addressing uncomfortable issues.

    Overall, this scenario highlights the importance of transparency, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making skills in navigating ethical dilemmas within project management contexts. These skills play a vital role in upholding professional conduct and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability in organizations.

  230. In this case study there were a few issues of professional conduct that John, William, and Karen faced:

    1. Lack of Transparency and Communication:
    John was surprised to learn that the engagement program had already been carried out without his knowledge. There was a lack of transparency in communicating the progress and results of the program.

    William didnโ€™t share the information with John, which led to confusion and misalignment of expectations.

    2. Confirmation Bias and Overconfidence:
    Karen reviewed the opinion research and felt that the results were too perfect and aligned with expectations. She feared confirmation bias, where the findings were interpreted to fit preconceived notions.

    Overconfidence in the positive results could lead to complacency and overlooking potential risks or challenges.

    To address these issues, the following were the skills used:

    1. Transparency and Open Communication:
    Effective communication, there should be regular updates, progress reports, and sharing of critical information that is essential to the project.

    John and William should have communicated openly about the engagement programโ€™s status, findings, and next steps.

    2. Critical Thinking and Objectivity:
    Karenโ€™s suspicion of overly positive results demonstrates critical thinking. She recognized the need to question the findings and consider potential biases.

    Objectivity is crucial when evaluating research or reports. Karen objectively assesses the data, and challenges the status quo.

    3. Ethical Decision-Making:
    John, William, and Karen collaborate to ensure that decisions align with ethical standards and project goals.

    As a team, itโ€™s essential to maintain ethical conduct in professional settings to build trust, maintain credibility, and achieve successful outcomes. Open communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making contribute to a positive work environment and effective project management.

  231. Issues of professional conduct could include:

    1. **Conflict of Interest**: If a project team member has a personal relationship or financial interest with a supplier, they might prioritize that supplier’s interests over the project’s best interests.

    2. **Misrepresentation of Information**: There could be instances where project progress or costs are misrepresented to stakeholders to maintain a positive image or secure additional funding.

    Skills used to address these issues might include:

    1. **Ethical Decision-Making**: Project team members need to assess situations impartially, considering the ethical implications of their actions and decisions.

    2. **Communication**: Open and transparent communication is essential to address conflicts of interest or misrepresentation of information. Team members need to feel comfortable raising concerns and discussing potential ethical dilemmas.

    These skills help ensure that ethical considerations are integrated into project decision-making processes, promoting integrity and trust within the project team and with stakeholders.

  232. From the scenario, there is lack of team work, effective communication transparency, compromising standards. The bone of contention is Williams who is not diligent with his work as well as John who had to accept a report that’s substandard. Karen was intelligent enough to find a way around the challenge.

  233. I think there was no teamwork and collaboration, and there was lack of communication with other stakeholders and external group. There was no critical thinking and objectives in the team. There was no ability to respect other’s opinion and work together .

  234. The issues here was XYZ reputation it had built overey the years was at stake and it was going to cost them other jobs if they went along with John plan and the project hit hurdles.

    William lacked transparency as he was willing to blindside his colleagues with a report that was obtained without their knowledge and might not have covered all necessary factors. He didn’t understand John’s standing.

    John although conflicted did not open up to Karen till she asked him about the report. He and Karen were able to resolve the issue through communication and critical thinking out of the box. John as PM was able to recognize he needed the help Karen extended. With this they turned the tide of the project positive end. They therefore maintained their company ethics and withstood the pressure to drop the ball by going the unetical way planned by William

  235. Issues identified in the case study include lack of transparency and team work by William who did not follow the plan earlier agreed on. William wanted to play to the gallery and please certain clients whether or not the work was genuine or faked.
    Skills used to bring ethics into the discussion include critical appraisal, open discussion and communicate and collaboration with other stakeholders and external groups to help resolve the issues and put the focus back on achieving the goal.

  236. Letโ€™s explore the APMโ€™s ethics case study resource1. Where we focus on XYZ, a small project consultancy formed by a team that broke away from a larger firm to specialize in a particular market niche. Here are the key points:

    Issues of Professional Conduct:
    Honesty and Transparency: XYZ faces a situation where they must decide whether to give an honest quote, even if it means losing out to less honest competitors. This highlights the ethical dilemma of maintaining integrity in pricing and competition.
    Client Relations: When a client asks XYZ to do something unethical, the team must decide how to handle the situation. Upholding ethical standards while maintaining client relationships is challenging.
    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:
    Integrity: The team demonstrates integrity by considering honesty in their quotes and standing up against unethical requests.
    Communication and Assertiveness: They communicate openly with clients, expressing their concerns and asserting their ethical boundaries.
    Critical Thinking: The team evaluates the impact of their decisions on stakeholders, including the wider community.
    Adaptability: As a new consultancy, XYZ adapts its ethical approach to build trust and reputation.
    In summary, XYZโ€™s ethical acumen involves honesty, client relations, and critical thinking. Their decisions impact not only their business but also society at large. By Discussion In the APM ethics case study, XYZ faces dilemmas related to honesty, transparency, and client relations. Their skills in integrity, communication, critical thinking, and adaptability play a crucial role in navigating ethical decisions. Maintaining high ethical standards benefits both the profession and society1.

    1. From the scenario, I can see that there was no teamwork among them, hence effective communication should have been a good tool adopted by them. Also, Mr. John is not firm and assertive to have accepted a substandard report. Mr. Williams on his own part is not diligent. While Karen lacks honesty and compromises standards.

  237. In this scenario, there were a few issues of professional conduct that John, William, and Karen faced:

    1. Lack of Transparency and Communication:
    John was surprised to learn that the engagement program had already been carried out without his knowledge. There was a lack of transparency in communicating the progress and results of the program.

    William didn’t share the information with John, which led to confusion and misalignment of expectations.

    2. Confirmation Bias and Overconfidence:
    Karen reviewed the opinion research and felt that the results were too perfect and aligned with expectations. She feared confirmation bias, where the findings were interpreted to fit preconceived notions.

    Overconfidence in the positive results could lead to complacency and overlooking potential risks or challenges.

    To address these issues, the following were the skills used:

    1. Transparency and Open Communication:
    Effective communication, there should be regular updates, progress reports, and sharing of critical information that is essential to the project.

    John and William should have communicated openly about the engagement program’s status, findings, and next steps.

    2. Critical Thinking and Objectivity:
    Karen’s suspicion of overly positive results demonstrates critical thinking. She recognized the need to question the findings and consider potential biases.

    Objectivity is crucial when evaluating research or reports. Karen objectively assesses the data, and challenges the status quo.

    3. Ethical Decision-Making:
    John, William, and Karen collaborate to ensure that decisions align with ethical standards and project goals.

    As a team, it’s essential to maintain ethical conduct in professional settings to build trust, maintain credibility, and achieve successful outcomes. Open communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making contribute to a positive work environment and effective project management.

  238. As a team, there is a need to work together effectively, there is a need to carry each member of the team along in every progress. This was what Williams lacked. He didn’t carry John along, he has his own clear plan of how the project will run but he is not considering other team members plans too and this doesn’t go down well with John. This can/ will lead to bad communication among the team members (Karen made mention of it in her reports). However Karen had deep conversations with John and they looked into the project critically and they were able to come up with clear plan. This is what communication does, good communication makes works easier and faster.
    Therefore skills used to integrate ethical considerations in this project were;
    1. Communication
    2. Well structured plans
    3. Integrity
    4. Respect
    5. Ability to consider other team members ideas more than yours if it’s better.
    A PM must never be rigid, he can never know it all, so he must be ready to listen and take into consideration other people’s opinion and ideas

  239. Williams is that team member that know no boundary and decided to take on another persons job because he feel he can do it better, Williams lack value, they didn’t work as a team instead they all made the project about themselves. Lack of proper plan, communication, structure and Value are professional conduct are the issue.

    I like the way Karen handle it by not pointing fingers in her report this help them so much because if she has done it would have created bad blood even though she didn’t point finger because she didn’t want anyone to hate her but its still the right decision. Communication between John and Karen is why they were able to find solution to the problem, this is why right communication is important. Karen research and desire to find solution help them at the end.

  240. The few issues of professional conduct in this scenario are; Williams left John behind who was meant to bring a report to enhance the project but William felt he can’t wait so long for the report to be brought for inclusion in which John’s report also left Karen to be doubtful of John’s report because it was too perfect to be accepted but lack of communication resulted in the misunderstanding amongst all involved and led to slow execution of the project.
    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions were; responsibility, conscience, integrity, respect, motivation, standards, communication and collaboration which made Karen and John to finally find a solution by meeting a global firm for review the works towards the project.

  241. A few instances of professional conduct include a focused culture on values around their chosen market niche for the company.
    Also noticed was a need for clearer commitment to the overall goal leading to miscommunication and slowing the collaboration between the colleagues.

    A few skills employed by these individuals to incorporate ethical considerations into their decisions include:
    Observation; Creating a balanced environment for workers while focusing on the goal and the companyโ€™s values; Team Involvement and Communication; Collaboration to overcome the initial barriers caused by miscommunication and non-collaboration.

  242. Issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario include: Dishonesty that borders alot on corruption in which the right steps were not carried out in doing the research. Looks like someone paid some people off to come up with a report that didn’t reflect the intention of the research.

    Problem solving, negotiating, ethics and standards were used to bring a solution to an already existing problem in this scenario.

  243. The The scenario is all about a
    lack of:
    value, we should lean to value each one contribution no matter your level
    communication: in every sphere of life , communication is paramount
    and collaboration.

    In project management, these three things are very essential.
    The lack of value exhibited by Willam.
    He was sent to handle a project with an experienced manager, John.
    Leaving John behind in the affairs of the project brought about the issue that came up in the project.

    The moment Karen communicated with John and collaborated with him on how to resolve the issue with the options she brought, and with Johnโ€™s opinion over her suggestion, the issue was solved.

    This is what communicating and and collaborating skills effectively do.

  244. The scenario is all about a lack of value, communication, and collaboration.

    In project management, these three things are very essential.
    The lack of value exhibited by Willam.
    He was sent to handle a project with an experienced manager, John.
    Leaving John behind in the affairs of the project brought about the issue that came up in the project.

    The moment Karen communicated with John and collaborated with him on how to resolve the issue with the options she brought, and with John’s opinion over her suggestion, the issue was solved.

    This is what communicating and and collaborating skills effectively do.

  245. Communication is important. John and Williams had a bridge in communication which resulted in contrasting project excursion. Karen understood the impact and worked on it with John which resulted in a positive result

  246. The scenario in this case study,is the major reason we all need to place a great importance on effective communication, high level of sensitivity, and team work.
    Each of the team members must understand how to communicate to bring about progress and success.

    Team members must be ready to cover up,understand that there is a common goal which is to achieve the project objectives.

  247. Ethics are very important to organisation success, and it helps the project manager to act in a way that will bring moral balance between the clients and the project manager. Ethical dilemmas may be a challenge to the success of an organization and it will end up making the client terminate the contract of the project manager because of refusal to compromised his standard.

  248. John and William faced communication barriers due to their contrasting project execution approaches, exacerbated by John’s lack of complete trust in William’s decisions. Karen’s ability to question these decisions led her to conduct further research. Through open dialogue, John and Karen fostered an environment of trust and collaboration. John’s receptive attitude allowed Karen to propose innovative risk mitigation strategies. His leadership was evident in his willingness to listen and incorporate Karen’s findings, which ultimately proved invaluable during the project review.

  249. Misrepresentation: William, the client’s representative, misrepresents the way the stakeholder engagement was conducted. He claims it was done through forums when it was actually outsourced to an opinion research firm. This creates a false impression of thoroughness and undermines the project’s foundation.
    Lack of Transparency: John, upon receiving a suspiciously positive report, doesn’t investigate further or raise concerns with William. Karen also initially hesitates to speak up due to her new position. This lack of transparency could lead to overlooking crucial problems in the project.

    Ethical Skills Used
    Critical Thinking: Karen questions the validity of the report and nudges John to consider the bigger picture of the firm’s reputation. This critical thinking helps them identify the potential consequences of using unreliable data.
    Courage: John and Karen eventually decide to challenge the status quo despite the potential professional risks. This courage is essential for upholding ethical standards.
    Resourcefulness: Karen uses online research to identify a reputable firm who can review the local research, demonstrating resourcefulness in finding solutions.
    Collaboration: John and Karen work together to discuss the problem and develop a plan. This collaboration allows them to leverage each other’s skills and perspectives.

  250. Acting ethically means adhering to a set of moral principles and values that guide behavior and decision-making. It involves demonstrating honesty, integrity, fairness, and respect in interactions with others. Ethical behavior requires individuals to consider the impact of their actions on stakeholders, the environment, and society as a whole. This may include being transparent in communication, honoring commitments, respecting confidentiality, and avoiding conflicts of interest. Acting ethically often involves making difficult choices that prioritize the well-being of others and the greater good over personal gain. By fostering a culture of ethical conduct, individuals and organizations can build trust, promote accountability, and contribute to a positive reputation and long-term success.

  251. The reason they scale through was because they worked n their communication skill which was not so good and they were able to trust each other in team bonding. Each Team member must be ready to stand for one another and understand that their goal which is to achieve the project objectives.

  252. Professional Conduct Issues:
    John and William had a misunderstanding about the engagement program’s progress, showing that they weren’t on the same page. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion and problems working together effectively.

    William’s decision to only use an opinion research firm without involving XYZ raises concerns about being open and honest. It also suggests that the data might not be unbiased, which could affect the project’s success and trustworthiness.

    Ethical Decision-Making Skills:
    Karen showed good critical thinking by questioning the initial findings and considering the risks of blindly accepting them. She thought carefully about how it might affect the project and the company’s reputation.

    John and Karen worked well together by talking openly about their concerns, considering different ideas, and getting input from others. This teamwork helped them address ethical challenges and find solutions that met professional standards.

    Karen’s idea to collaborate with a global firm showed creative problem-solving. They looked outside their usual methods to ensure fair and accurate feedback, reducing risks linked to biased reports.

    John acted as a good ethical leader by listening to Karen’s concerns, involving others in discussions, and making sure they followed ethical guidelines. This approach built trust and helped them make better ethical decisions together.

  253. The scenario in this case study,is the major reason we all need to place a great importance on effective communication, high level of sensitivity, and team work.
    Each of the team members must understand how to communicate to bring about progress and success.

    Team members must be ready to cover up,understand that there is a common goal which is to achieve the project objectives.

  254. The scope of ethics they have are:
    moral principles,ethical practices and values.
    While the skills they exhibited are:
    -adequate communication and understanding
    -time management
    -ability to negotiate
    โ€“ honesty
    โ€“ diligence and
    โ€“ team work
    The situation between John and Karen was as a result of inadequate communication and collaboration with largely impacted the actualization of the project. As was observed, with an effective communication and collaboration at the end, John and Karen were able to find a solution to the problem.
    Conclusively, communication, negotiation and collaboration is essential to every project.

  255. In the study the scope of ethics they basically have are moral principles,ethical practices and values.
    While the skills they exhibited are:
    -adequate communication and understanding
    -time management
    -ability to negotiate
    – honesty
    – diligence and
    – team work
    John and Karen really take a great impact in the project,while John was on the project, Karen find out about a problem and try to joke with it to John but with his reaction she tends to mind her mode of communication and negotiation, but she later sat John down and explain the issues to him after that both Karen and John tries to solve the problem together and in the end they were able to find a solution to it which makes a team work, so my conclusion is communication, negotiation and teamwork is really important in a project.

  256. Communication is very important in a team, John and Karen talked about the situation and possible ways to solve the situation at hand. They looked beyond the situation and also shared it with some other colleagues and got different opinions and also made some research which helped them solve everything

  257. Communication is obviously a big issue for this team. John is unable to communicate his opinions to his team and honestly as the project manager, he’s unable to assert his authority on his team member. Williams acted like he knew everything since he has been in the company for so long or so he thinks.
    Karen clearly thought that the result was a little too perfect but she didn’t have the confidence to speak up because “she’s new”. The skill that was used to eventually resolve the issue is Communication, Understanding the regulatory environment, Ethics and adherence to standards and Continual professional development especially on the part of Karen and John.

  258. John being the project manager did not communicate properly with his team, While Williams being and indigiene went against the the ethics and without communicating to his manager collected datas. meanwhile Karen as a new bee is scared to communicate her views because of the nature of her work space.

  259. In the scenario read, Williams John and Karen exhibited a lack of team spirit, proper communication, accountability and integrity.
    Skillsnused to help bring ethics includes team work, transparency, effective communication, and critical thinking

  260. Professional ethics issues featured in this case study would include but not limited to the following;
    1. Honesty; on Williams part been transparent on the process and method the those result were gotten from would had solve issues surrounding lack of communication, team spirit, and professionalism which further add to more compilation on the task at hand.
    2. Integrity of the firm involved in the survey had stand open to counter opinions such further suplemented to integrity on the part of the clients firm.

  261. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario above are; lack of communication, lack of accountability and lack of team spirit. Williams worked against the ethics of the organisation by doing the whole project on his own without working hand in hand with his team members, without communicating the information neeeded for the project with his team and also not giving account of what happened while carrying out the project. Karen on the other hand wasn’t honest with herself concerning the project, knowing fully well that the project would have turned out great if they worked with John’s idea.
    The skills used by John and Karen to help bring ethics into decisions are; team work, communication, negotiation and transparency

  262. In the scenario above, Williams exhibited a lack of team spirit, lack of proper communication as well as lack of accountability this causing the rise of ethical issues.
    Subsequently, the skills employed by John and Karen to resolve the issue included team work, transparency, communication, thinking outside the box etc.

  263. Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario between Williams, John and Karen was lack of team spirit, lack of accountability, lack of proper communication, lack of coordination.
    The skill used to bring ethics back into the decision: Team work, Effective communication, Critical thinking, Research, Transparency.

  264. Two main problems in this story are:

    1. Not being honest: William didn’t tell John that he already had the information they needed. This isn’t fair because it keeps John in the dark and might make him not trust William anymore.

    2. Feeling pressured: Karen is in a tough spot. She knows the report isn’t completely right, but she’s scared to say so because she’s worried about her relationship with John and her job. This shows how it’s hard to do the right thing when you’re worried about other things.

    The characters in the story use these skills to deal with these problems:

    1. Critical Thinking: Karen and John both think carefully about whether they should trust the report or not. They look at it from different angles to figure out what to do.

    2. Communication (Transparency): John and Karen have good talks about the report. They share their worries and ideas with each other, which helps them come up with a plan together.

    3. Solving problems: John and Karen work together to find a way to fix the report’s problems without making things worse. They think about the best way to deal with the situation.

    4. Knowing what’s right: Everyone in the story knows it’s important to be honest and do their job well. Even when it’s hard, they try to do what’s right for the project and the people involved.

    Overall, this story shows how important it is to make good choices in project management, and how being honest, talking openly, thinking carefully, and working together can help solve tough problems.

  265. In the story, there is change in the organization ethical conducts and practices. There is also a clash of internal and external adversity.
    When the normal ethics of the organization which is to have proper engagement and meeting with the stakeholders was stopped. People in the team started having personal meetings. Also the team work was lost, and the project manager couldnโ€™t have a clear conversation with his team and the stakeholders as well.
    Skills that helped to bring back the ethics are;
    1) Clear Communication
    2) General meeting with stakeholders and team members
    3) Team work
    4) Honesty and accountability.

  266. From the Scenario, there is a bridge in ethics(Internal and external adversaries) towards the project. A vivid acceptance of opinion from team members should be encourage and sound communication should delivered to all team members.

  267. Some of the issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario between Williams, John, and Karen is a lack of teamwork or team spirit inability to communicate effectively Also lack of coordination and time management by the project manager (Williams)

  268. The group faced challenges in establishing clear lines of communication, fostering a sense of collaboration, promoting transparency in decision-making, defining common objectives, and aligning their efforts to achieve project milestones.

  269. – Lack of communication/Team work on part of the Williams.

    Key skills demonstrated include: Effective Communication, Team Work and Negotiation Skills.

  270. The basic skill of efficient and effective communication was lacking, as everyone had a mind of their own and their own perspective

  271. Generally, all members of the team lacked trust for each other and ability to work as a team.
    John demonstrated integrity and accountability, while William exhibited passion and Karen was working from the angle of respect to all involved.

  272. -First, there was a very big gap in terms of communication
    -lack of teamwork and work ethics.
    -No transparency.

  273. There was an obvious lack of communication between William and John, a lack of teamwork. As Karen and John put their heads together with experts, they were able to identify the challenges that could occur later in the project and made suggestions on how they could be mitigated against. Communication, transparency and teamwork are key factors in executing a project. These key attributes were clearly lacking in William. John lacked the ability to communicate his fears for the project with William and Karen initially had a mindset of”it’s not my problem, so let me steer clear”. I’m happy she worked with John, when it was obvious that the project would encounter loads of unanticipated challenges and they were able to identify potential challenges, which is key in executing a project.

  274. As a project manager, Karen’s greatest input was her comprehension of the situation and her ability to communicate effectively.

    There was a lack of team spirit among them and Williams got a better understanding of the situation, all thanks to Karen.

  275. There are three issues of professional conduct in this scenario:
    1. Ineffective communication
    2. Lack of teamwork
    3. Accountability
    4. Lack of coordination
    In this scenario, it is shown how Williams ignored his team members and wanted to cut corners with the submission of the report without communicating with his team members first and being accountable.

    The skills that were employed in this scenario to ensure the project worked out in the end were:
    1. Teamwork between John and Karen.
    2. Effective communication and transparency
    3. Research

  276. Lack of trust between the team, everyone depending on an already made result not trying to be part of the result generation. Professional of conduct was not taken into consideration. Depending on generating a result which will please a team member. They were after the immediate result not after the integrity of the project. Avoided criticizing the report so as not to hurt each other. Probation period was a more priority than doing the right thing

    The skill used to bring ethics back into the decision was meeting and research.

  277. The issues of professional conduct featured in the case study.
    1) Williams trying to cut corners and not actually following through with agreed procedures.
    2)John allowing himself to be cajoled and reluctantly going along with William’s idea against his better judgement.
    3) Jane being sceptical about speaking up on the issues she had with the report.
    The skills employed to integrate ethical consideration into the decisions made by the individual involved include effective communication, team work and Negotiation skills

  278. There was no effective communication among the team as they should have had all discussions and settled their differences before meeting with the clients and the sponsor.

    No team work and coordination because as a Project Manager, it is necessary that all the team members must work together as a team in order to meet with the goal of the project.

    William didnโ€™t trust John in this case study, However, Karen was able to communicate with William enabling him to understand the goals of the project.

  279. The case study is John and Karen where they discuss a problem and had to solve it,with team work and communication it was solved.

  280. 1) The professional conduct in the scenario is that the 3 of them did look down on each other reports

    2) John and Karen discussed the problem of the report and they also start to look for solution to it
    Karen employ the collaborate skills by discussing with the colleagues where she got some insight to the solution

  281. An instance of professional conduct was when john and karen discussed over the project and karen come up with solutions. the skills i noticed were communication and team spirit from karen

  282. William worked independently. That is not good enough. He did not give room for team work and communication among the team members. Skills employed are Honest report, Critical thinking. Also, William did not act ethically. He cut off his team members and worked to arrogate the glory and success of the project to himself. This is against the values of XYZ company

  283. In this scenario, XYZ, a small project consultancy, secures its first overseas contract with an agency of an overseas government. John, an experienced project manager at XYZ, is sent to organize an engagement program, but is surprised to learn that the program has already been conducted by William, his counterpart at the agency. William believes the information gathered by a local opinion research firm aligns with their expectations. Karen, a new member at XYZ, becomes concerned about the overly positive results of the engagement report. After discussing with John, they realize the risks of both accepting the report as is and challenging it. With Karen’s suggestion, they collaborate with a global firm to review the local firm’s work, ultimately identifying significant hurdles for the project’s next stage.

    Ethical themes highlighted in this scenario include honesty in reporting findings, transparency in project management, and integrity in decision-making. Key skills demonstrated include critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and ethical decision-making.

  284. John and William lacks the ability to communicate their issues to their team members. Keren on the other is a good project manager.. She has the ability to sort out issues and communicates with her team members. Teamwork is very effective and necessary.

  285. As a project manager, John lacks communication skill. he is a loner who does want to carry the others in group along.

    Williams on the other hand is just in the middle not minding whatever is being offered to him because he feels talking will bring about an issue.

    Karen did a good job as a good PM for sorting for what the problem in what john brought and the solutions from experts who have done a similar issue before, I commend her for that.

  286. From the observation I will say that Karen is a very good project manager who is willing to carry everybody along to achieve a common goal even though it they had communication and trust issues.

  287. Understanding the situation and communicating with the right words was the best thing Karen did as a good project manager
    Team spirit was missing among them, Karen was able to explain things to Williams in other to achieve the project goal.

  288. Team work was key on tackling the issue. Karen used the right tactics and the right word to solve the issue. Kudos to her for being a good project manager at that.

  289. John didn’t understand the work properly.
    But thanks to Karen who communicated very well to get things done properly and on time.

  290. Karen is a good project manager, he understood the situation and communicate with the right words.
    There was no team spirit among them, but kudos to Karen for explaining things to Williams to achieve the project goal.

  291. Firstly, there is no effective communication among the team as they should have had all discussions and settle their differences in thought and opinion before meeting with the clients and the sponsor.

    No team work and coordination because as a PM, it is necessary that all the team members must work together as a team in order to meet with the goal of the project.

    William didn’t trust John in this case study

    Karen was able to communicate with William enabling him to understand the goals of the project.

  292. From my study of the case in question, it is clear that William has a different work ethic and value from John and Karen. William was willing to take an easy route to get his results which didn’t seat with with John. Karen too found the results to perfect and decided to get to the bottom of it.
    I applaud her ability to communicate effectively and get things sorted out. John was quite scared because he probably didn’t wanna get on bad terms with Williams thereby loosing any future business deals.

  293. John asked a professional question on how the engagement program will be organized because it will help gather findings that will help I’m delivering the next stage of the project

  294. Ethics are guides to keep individuals in track in a workplace. From the attached document, Willam believed in experience so much that he forgot that change is inevitable. Monitoring and Evaluation of the system or process should be done without bias and must be intrinsic. With so doing the Impact of the Project will be phenomenal.
    John who preferred the ‘due – process’ was rather taken aback with the promptness of the work knowing fully well there was no communication, collaboration and team work.
    Karen was playing safe being a new member of the organization.
    Truthfulness and openmindedness came into play as John owned up to his fears about the project results,
    Collaboration, Communication, teamwork, honesty, empathy, and risk management among others saved the project from crashing. All saving the company’s reputation.

  295. First off, the flow of communication between the team is quite low as they should have had all discussions and settle their differences in thought and opinion before meeting with the contractor.

    The lacks team work and coperation; as a project manager it is very important that all member of the team collaborate together so as to meet with the organizational value.

    Lack of trust and criticism; William who is part of the firm director does not so much belief in John write up .

    Karen who is the last employee has done so well by reaching out to William enabling him to understand the risk in his write up and remapping it to make a balance.

  296. William was willing to sidestep guidelines and the approved processes and willing to move to the next big project, the only reason this was not possible was because of the ethical and moral uprightness of John and Karen who had to to agree to do everything possible to safeguard the reputation of XYZ company.

  297. John and Karen understands the core values of the organization way better than Williams. Although John does not know how to communicate his thought to his team, but in the other hand, Karen has a good communication skill, she struck up a conversation with John in a friendly manner and John has a good listening skills.
    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team and that makes him jump want to boycott important ways and ethics of getting the project done.
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking,

  298. Acting Ethically:

    Ethical themes and skills touched on in the APM scenario Document:

    Transparency: John exemplifies transparency by advocating for a clear and open engagement process to gather genuine stakeholder feedback.

    Accountability: William avoids accountability by sidestepping the planned engagement program and relying on pre-gathered data.

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking by questioning the seemingly perfect results of the outsourced research.

    Communication : Improvement- All three characters could benefit from improved communication. John could be more assertive about his concerns, William could be more transparent about his methods, and Karen could voice her doubts.
    *Communication* : Positives-
    Karen is sensitive and observant to John’s reaction when she cracks a joe about the Project Report.
    John is flexible and expresses his concern to Karen, thus opening up further discussions and consultation with relevant stakeholders, which eventually brought a solution.

  299. Williams had poor communication skills, John and Karen had good approach to problems and also has good ethical awareness skills in reporting datas accurately.

  300. As a project manager for any company, the use of agile method is recommended, this brings flexibility, room for improvement and also client inclusiveness in managing a project.

  301. First off, the flow of communication between the team is quite low as they should have had all discussions and settle their differences in thought and opinion before meeting with the contractor.

    The lacks team work and coperation; as a project manager it is very important that all member of the team collaborate together so as to meet with the organizational value.

    Lack of trust and criticism; William who is part of the firm director does not so much belief in John write up .

    Karen who is the last employee has done so well by reaching out to William enabling him to understand the risk in his write up and remapping it to make a balance.

  302. There was an External adversity on Johnโ€™s part. John also did not take the William along with the project in some ways. He should let the PM do the job he was employed to do.
    There was a lack of communication on Williams part. As a PM, you have to be able to communicate your reservation to the stakeholder.
    There was no flow of communication between Karen and Williams. Karen hesitation to speak to Williams about what she thinks about his opinion says a lot about their team.
    The important thing is for the project to be successful and that should be the goal. There should be a good communication between the team members and stakeholders. There also should be transparency on both sides.

  303. Some instances of professional conduct by the individuals involved are

    Lack of transparency and integrity by Williams which can also be classified as External adversity. John also compromised on the integrity of his organisation by not bring up his reservations with Williams and not sharing his findings with Kate who is from the same organisation as him

    Communication gap. Williams did not communicate effectively with the rest of the team about the entire process of the engagement program. John was also not an effective lead and as Kate’s superior did not enable the easy flow of communication between them.

    Conflict of interest. Karen’s hesitation to speak up to John about her concerns regarding the research findings highlights a conflict of interest between professional integrity and her own personal considerations.

    Some of the skills demonstrated by the individuals in this scenario to navigate these ethical dilemmas
    Problem solving and taking initiative
    Conflict resolution
    Effective communication
    Critical thinking

    1. Communication gap. Williams did not communicate effectively with the rest of the team about the entire process of the engagement program. John was also not an effective lead and as Kateโ€™s superior did not enable the easy flow of communication between them.

  304. John exhibited preparedness and initiative in his approach, having already advised William on the duties that needed to be done. William regrettably moved forward without continuing to communicate in a clear and efficient manner, acting without sufficient coordination or consultation and acting prematurely. This hasty decision caused a communication breakdown, which in turn caused the team’s cohesiveness and synergyโ€”two things necessary for successโ€”to disappear.
    But John demonstrated the traits of a good leader by paying attention and being open to receiving. He showed respect for Karen by appreciating her observations and showing that he was open to learning from others, realising that no one is an expert in every field.
    Karen approached her superiors with wisdom, skillfully presenting insightful views. John, on the other hand, was humble in accepting her advice, which helped them both succeed in the project’s conclusion.

  305. In this xyz company firstly there was flow of communication between the parties involved. They stated their true plans and how to get there.
    Secondly when they realised there might be a higher risk if they carry out their plans. Then they got the stakeholders involved.
    Thirdly they worked as a team. And they helped a lot.

  306. In this xyz company firstly there was flow of communication between the parties involved. They stated their true plans and how to get there.
    Secondly when they realised there might be a higher risk if they carry out their plans. Then they got the stakeholders involved.
    Thirdly they worked as a team. And they helped a lot.

  307. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario include:

    Lack of transparency and integrity: The client agency, represented by William, did not inform John upfront that the engagement program had already been conducted using opinion research. This lack of transparency raises concerns about the integrity of the process and the accuracy of the obtained information. It suggests a deviation from professional conduct standards, as stakeholders should be fully informed about the methods and findings of any research or engagement activities.

    Conflict of interest and pressure to conform: Karen expresses hesitation to challenge the opinion research findings due to concerns about potential repercussions and the impact on office dynamics. This reluctance to speak up highlights a potential conflict of interest between professional integrity and personal considerations, such as job security and workplace harmony. It underscores the importance of maintaining independence and objectivity in professional decision-making, even in challenging or uncomfortable situations.

    several skills were utilized by the individuals involved in this scenario to navigate the ethical considerations:

    Critical thinking: John demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the deviation from the planned engagement approach and recognizing the potential implications for the project. Similarly, Karen applied critical thinking to assess the validity of the opinion research findings and identify the need for further investigation.

    Communication: Effective communication played a crucial role in addressing ethical concerns and facilitating collaboration among team members. John and Karen engaged in open dialogue to discuss their apprehensions about the report and explore potential solutions. This communication helped build trust and fostered a supportive environment for ethical decision-making.

    Problem-solving: Both John and Karen employed problem-solving skills to identify the ethical dilemma and develop strategies for addressing it. They recognized the risks associated with accepting the flawed report and worked together to find a solution that aligned with ethical principles while mitigating project risks.

    Collaboration: Collaboration was essential in leveraging collective expertise and resources to address the ethical issues effectively. John and Karen collaborated with colleagues and external partners to conduct a thorough review of the research methodology and validate the findings. This collaborative approach enabled them to identify material hurdles for the project’s next stage and ensure its success.

    Ethical awareness: Finally, all individuals demonstrated a heightened awareness of ethical considerations and their implications for professional conduct and project outcomes. They recognized the importance of upholding ethical principles, such as transparency, integrity, and accountability, in their decision-making process.

    Overall, the combination of critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and ethical awareness enabled the individuals involved to navigate the ethical complexities of the scenario effectively and make informed decisions that aligned with professional standards and ethical principles.

  308. Lack od transparency
    Lack of truthfulness
    Lack of team work
    Lack of communication

    Here John has proven to be a man of truth by wanted the project to be carried out the way it should be for adequate feedback but Williams in the other hand lacks truthfulness and transparency by wanted to do the project the other way around

    Williams exhibited the behavior of a lazy man buy not wanted to do an actual research and engagement, and this might have caused the success of this company
    They also lack team work and good communication

  309. Professional conducts.
    1. Rules and regulations by John
    2. Companies moral principles by John and Karen.
    3. Code of practice by the local research team
    4 ethical practice by Williams

    The ethical consideration was highly exhibited by Karen and John played high level of rules of conduct

  310. A few occasions of proficient conduct and moral contemplation are highlighted in this situation:

    Straightforwardness and Trustworthiness: John’s introductory response to the circumstances shows his concern about the method and his craving for straightforwardness in gathering criticism. This aligns with the moral rule of trustworthiness in venture administration, guaranteeing that data is exact and gotten through fitting strategies.

    Social Affectability: John’s intrigue in understanding the nearby culture and locking in with partners in a significant way reflects social affectability, a critical perspective on conducting trade universally. This attitude is fundamental for building beliefs and successful communication in diverse social settings.

    Keenness and Responsibility: Karen’s wavering to criticize the report at first due to fear of repercussions illustrates the moral values of keenness and responsibility. These values require people to speak up when they distinguish potential issues or dangers, indeed on the off chance that it may be awkward or challenging.

    Collaboration and Problem-Solving: Karen and John’s collaboration to address the inadequacies of the introductory report exhibits their cooperation and problem-solving abilities. They lock in basic considerations to evaluate dangers and investigate elective arrangements, eventually leading to a more exhaustive and dependable result for the extent.

    Investigate and Due Tirelessness: Karen’s activity to investigate and distinguish a legitimate firm for investigating the report demonstrates her commitment to due constancy and quality affirmation. This ability is pivotal in guaranteeing that choices are based on precise and sound data, lessening the chance of mistakes or misjudgments.

    In general, the situation emphasizes the significance of moral behavior, proficient conduct, and fundamental abilities such as straightforwardness, social affectability, astuteness, collaboration, problem-solving, and due constancy in extended administration and consultancy parts. These abilities empower people to explore complex circumstances, make educated choices, and maintain moral standards in their work.

  311. Lack of transparency: The agency overseen by William conducted the engagement program without involving John, which goes against the expectation of collaboration and transparency in a project partnership. Also, John also lacked the wherewithal to question the apparently false report and would have jeopardized the success of the project, had Karen not stepped up to question him jokingly.

    Misrepresentation of data: William’s agency submitted feedback that fit their interest of moving the project to the next phase, which may not be representative of the reality on ground. This misrepresentation can lead to incorrect assumptions and decisions regarding the project’s direction.

    Skills used to address ethical concerns:

    – Critical thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting it as it was presented.

    Communication and collaboration: Karen and John engage in open communication to discuss their concerns about the report and collaborate to find a solution. They involve other colleagues in the discussion, showcasing teamwork and a willingness to seek input and receive solutions from others.

    Problem-solving: Karen’s initiative to research and propose an alternative approach to validate the data shows her problem-solving skills. She identifies a potential solution and works with John to implement it effectively.

    Ethical awareness: Both Karen and John exhibit ethical awareness by recognizing the importance of accuracy and transparency in reporting data, even if it means challenging existing reports and risking discomfort or conflict.

  312. The PMs lacks team work, transparency and Honest communication/feedback and there was conflict of interest among

    Open communication,Honest feedback and teamwork

  313. Transparency and Integrity: There is a lack of transparency and integrity in the engagement program organized by William. Instead of conducting forums as planned, William opts for opinion research without informing John, compromising the integrity of the feedback-gathering process and potentially undermining the projectโ€™s objectives.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest concerning the accuracy and objectivity of the feedback provided by the opinion research firm. Williamโ€™s close relationship with the firm and the predetermined nature of the results raise concerns about bias and impartiality, which may impact the projectโ€™s decision-making and outcomes.

  314. Conflict of Interest:There might be instances where individuals or organizations involved in the project have conflicting interests, such as government officials with ties to private companies bidding for project contracts.Transparency and Accountability:There could be issues with transparency and accountability in how project funds are allocated and spent, leading to potential misuse or mismanagement of resources.In addressing these issues and ensuring ethical decision-making, several skills would come into play:Ethical Awareness:Stakeholders need to be aware of potential conflicts of interest and the importance of transparency and accountability in project implementation.Communication Skills:Effective communication is crucial for discussing and resolving ethical dilemmas, ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of their responsibilities and obligations.Critical Thinking:Critical thinking skills help stakeholders evaluate situations objectively, identify ethical issues, and propose solutions that uphold ethical standards.Negotiation and Diplomacy:In cases of conflicting interests, negotiation and diplomacy skills are essential for finding compromises that balance the needs and interests of all parties involved.Decision-Making Skills:Strong decision-making skills enable stakeholders to make ethically sound choices, considering the potential impact of their actions on various stakeholders and the project’s overall success.

  315. Williams, as the PM, lacks *transparency* and *communication* skills. He follows what he thinks is good enough for the company and only banked on giving reports to his team rather than allow *teamwork*, open *communication* and respect for the others’ ideas. He singlehandedly took a decision which of course was loop sided.
    But John and Karen, after overcoming wrong application of self-pride and assumptions, were able to assuage the situation. They *collaborated* together with one mind, *communicated* their ideas, *brainstormed* on the two sides to the project and *critically* reached a problem solving height to push through the project.

  316. Transparency and Integrity: There is a lack of transparency and integrity in the engagement program organized by William. Instead of conducting forums as planned, William opts for opinion research without informing John, compromising the integrity of the feedback-gathering process and potentially undermining the projectโ€™s objectives.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest concerning the accuracy and objectivity of the feedback provided by the opinion research firm. Williamโ€™s close relationship with the firm and the predetermined nature of the results raise concerns about bias and impartiality, which may impact the projectโ€™s decision-making and outcomes.

    Critical Thinking: Karen and John considered the potential risks and consequences of various actions, and identified the ethical implications of relying solely on the questionable engagement report.

    Problem-Solving: Karen and John brainstormed potential solutions, evaluated their feasibility and devised a plan to address the issue effectively while mitigating risks to the project.

    Communication: Effective communication skills were essential in this scenario, as Karen and John openly discussed their concerns, shared their perspectives, and collaborated to find a resolution.

    Collaboration: Collaboration played a crucial role as Karen and John worked together to navigate the ethical challenges they encountered while leveraging on each other’s strengths, perspectives, and expertise to develop a plan of action that addressed the ethical issues while aligning with the firm’s values and objectives.

  317. Transparency and Integrity: There is a lack of transparency and integrity in the engagement program organized by William. Instead of conducting forums as planned, William opts for opinion research without informing John, compromising the integrity of the feedback-gathering process and potentially undermining the project’s objectives.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest concerning the accuracy and objectivity of the feedback provided by the opinion research firm. William’s close relationship with the firm and the predetermined nature of the results raise concerns about bias and impartiality, which may impact the project’s decision-making and outcomes.

  318. There major goal is the same thing, though they are handling it differently. In all, communication plays a great role in carrying out the task

  319. Williams, John, and Karen have the same goal and this is to get a project done. Although John and Karen have different purposes in mind John and Karen are trying to get things done, by getting more information about the project and finding ways to tackle some problems that might arise during the execution of the project.
    On the other way round, Williams was looking for a shortcut without trying to get any job done, He is not trustworthy and he is not ready to invest in the project. William’s disintegrity might have brought a bombshell to the Project.

  320. The trio of Williams, John and Karen has different focus but their goal still remain the same but from different approach while John and Karen multi task and communicate effectively
    Williams take the short route of disintegrity and lack of communication which jeopardize his project and end results

  321. Communication is the major skill being portrayed in this context. Karen was being careful not to make things worse by being judgmental about John. A short meeting with John went a long way in sorted out everything. What seems to be a big challenge was never a challenge after all. Communication is very key for every project manager

  322. In this case study , we see that while Karen was focused on her career growth and ambition, she also had the success of the project at heart and was willing to use her communication skills to influence the success of the project .John on the other hand was a good listener and a good team player. team work ,collaboration , communication
    and integrity of Karen and John brought about solution and project progress.

    William on the other hand exhibited lack of integrity, transparency and poor interpersonal relationship and lack of proper communication.

  323. Hi, My name is Nyap Christiana Nkechi. Here is my review on the case study.
    John demonstrated readiness and proactiveness in his approach, having already provided guidance to William regarding the necessary tasks. Unfortunately, William proceeded without maintaining clear and effective communication, prematurely taking action without proper consultation or coordination. This premature action resulted in a breakdown of communication, leading to a loss of team cohesion and synergy essential for achieving success.
    John, however, exhibited qualities of a good leader by being attentive and receptive. He treated Karen with respect, acknowledging her insights and demonstrating a willingness to learn from others, recognizing that no one possesses all knowledge or expertise alone.
    Karen’s approach was marked by wisdom, as she tactfully presented valuable ideas to her superiors. John, in turn, received her suggestions with humility, contributing to their collective success in the project’s outcome.

  324. I think the three project managers in the used scenario showed a wrong trait in the course of their job, but since it’s not our focus let’s just look at skills they showed that led to the success of the project work.
    Communication took place between John and Karen who seem to have an eagle eye at the moment ,leading to assessment of the state of the report, assessing the risk, planning changes and additions.
    John and Karen had to invest their time , brainstorming to work together and they also gathered feedback.
    John was adaptive and flexible,they also stayed focus on the report.

  325. Itodo Jennifer Ezinne

    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team.
    John and Karen understand better the core values of the organization. Although John does not know how to communicate his thought but Karen, with the good communication skills egaged John in a friendly conversation and John has a good listening skills.
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking

  326. Itodo Jennifer Ezinne

    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team.
    John and Karen understand better the core values of the organization. Although John does not know how to communicate his thought but Karen, with the good communication skills egaged John in a friendly conversation and John has a good listening skills.
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking

  327. Studying this scenario, the XYZ smal project consultancy has been recognized to have a good reputation and organizational value.
    William lacks integrity and poor interpersonal relationships with his team.
    John and Karen are from the same organization and they understand better the core values of the organization. Tho John does not know to to communicate his thought but Karen, with the good communication skills engaged John in a friendly conversation and John has a good listening skills. They researched on the project and derived a meaningful outcome on how best to execute the project. They are able to promote the organizational values of XYZ project consultancy and gain a chance for bigger project next time.

  328. Given the scenario, William is clearly lacking in organisational value, hence he compromises on the significance of team work and integrity, having substituted the execution of the engagement programme with the report he got from his friends at the opinion research firm (external driven adversity). John on the other hand lacks effective communication and integrity. He could have respectfully communicated his reservations about the report William had gotten from his friends. Thankfully, Karen although skeptical at first about approaching John was able to initiate a discussion around it in a humorous manner giving room for more effective communication, team work and critical thinking in view of achieving not just the desired result but efficiency in addressing likely issues that may arise in the course of the project execution.

  329. The ethical issues in this case study are;
    1. Williams didn’t involved John and Karen in the initial engagement process.
    2. Karen was more interested in her career ambition to doing the right thing.
    3. John didn’t express his concern to William’s.
    The tools used to integrate ethical consideration are;
    1. Communication: John communicated his concerns to Karen and both agreed there was an issue
    2. Collaboration: John and Karen were able to work as a team to fix the dilemma.
    3. Research: this was used tom ident

  330. some issues of professional conduct highlighted includes- No laid down rules of engagement/ Conduct guiding the project.
    John lost a bit of focus on the first day-going on a tour instead of facing the business at hand
    William decide to go ahead with out carrying his team along
    Karen put her personal career development above speaking out on something wrong. Thereby placing her interest above that of the organisation
    Some of the skill used to integrate ethical considerations in their decisions include:
    Critical thinking

  331. i believe the major issue here in this scenario is the discrepancy and potential inadequacy in the engagement program’s results, with ultimately suggest a communication gap in the project. Also, there was no clear laid down rules and path to follow as an organization on how exactly to get the required result, which made Williams did it in his own assumed perfect way without involving John.
    Karen’s hesitation to criticize the report due to concerns about her probation period highlights the interpersonal dynamics at play within the organization.

  332. The couple of issues here are rule of conduct and code of practice.
    The skills used is research ,communication.
    John was able work alongside with his team members to show his own willingness to work.

  333. Addressing these issues requires a combination of skills related to ethical decision-making:

    Communication: Effective communication is vital for ensuring transparency and involving all team members in decision-making processes. Improved communication could have prevented John’s confusion about the status of the engagement program.

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the research findings despite potential social consequences. This ability to assess information objectively helps identify potential biases and uphold the integrity of the work.

    Integrity: Upholding professional integrity involves acting ethically and honestly, even in challenging situations. While William prioritizes project progress, ethical considerations regarding research integrity and transparency should not be overlooked.

    Conflict Resolution: Effective conflict resolution skills are essential for addressing ethical concerns within a team. Creating a supportive environment where concerns can be raised constructively without fear of repercussions is crucial for fostering open dialogue and finding mutually acceptable solutions.

  334. The scenario highlights two key issues of professional conduct: lack of transparency and questionable research practices. John feels excluded and surprised by the lack of communication regarding the already conducted engagement program, indicating a need for better transparency within the team. Additionally, Karen’s doubts about the authenticity of the research findings raise concerns about the integrity of the research process and the ethical implications of potentially manipulated results.

    1. There is obviously a communication gap and lack of transparency between the team members. Karen is so much concerned about how John will feel if she criticized him on the research and instead of communicating it to him to identify the problem she doesn’t want him to be dejected and went ahead to source another company to help point out their problem.

      The teamโ€™s inability to communicate effectively also prevents them from understanding how to work together to complete the project on their own successfully.

  335. I feel that John was getting sucked into his surroundings and was not paying attention to the task at hand. The team’s inability to communicate effectively prevents them from understanding how to work together to complete the project in a way that will allow for success.

  336. Communication is the major skill being portrayed in this context. Karen was being careful not to make things worse by being judgmental about John. A short meeting with John went a long way in sorted out everything. What seems to be a big challenge was never a challenge after all. Communication is very key for every project manager

  337. Communication skill was used to solve the issue here.
    Karean as a new person in the firm doesn’t want to be judgemental to John which made her not say anything at first but when opportunity for an honest discussion came up, Karean and John was able to communicate well and help themselves.
    Williams being a people’s person also communicated to John how things are done there.

    Communication solves what seems like a challenge here and all project manager should sharpen their communication skills

  338. All three parties exhibited professional conducts. They had a good knowledge of the project at stake and were ready to give it their best. Williams would have posed ethical concerns, but i am glad at the way Karean was able to relatable communicate with Williams and they were able to navigate through the situation and impending loopholes in the project.

  339. The communication skills between John and Karen was very effective, I believe Karen been a newbie didn’t really want to speak from a judgemental point of view and also she was careful of the reaction of John, in this case William’s report could have posed a number of challenges on the project but because they decided to source for another option they were both able to overcome the situation they faced.

  340. As I understood the scenario
    The professional conduct I see is that Karen as a new person couldn’t want to escalate the unethical attitude of just making research and coming up with unpracticed results but she went ahead to collaborate with another body that will finally make the organization to be on track. Which Mr Williams was very happy about that method Karen brought and also her findings. Unknown to John that his unethical way of doing it was a big thread to the project manager Williams but he doesn’t know how to approach the issue. Though I organization was getting results but violating ethics.
    Skills employed
    I saw communication skills between them and also relational skill.

  341. John, co-founder of XYZ, secured its first contract with an international government entity. As project manager, William indulged John in urban experiences, potentially veering off course from project objectives due to an engagement initiative with a key stakeholder.

    William sourced input from a small research company. Facilitated by effective communication between John and Karen, this led to the identification of critical shortcomings and the resolution of issues. John authorized Karen to engage a prominent research firm to evaluate the insights from a smaller firm commissioned by William, resulting in positive results. Thus preserving the project objectives and restoring the emerging consulting firm’s reputation.

  342. In my opinion, i think John was not focused on the assignment rather he was being carried away by the environment he found himself. the whole team lacks an effective communication therefore they do not have a common understanding to reach their goal on the project

  343. Professional conduct was breached. Organizational reputation was not maintained by John. Having eagle’s eyes on the project, Partnership, collaboration, and good communication skills help to identify and solve the problem.

  344. John demonstrates professional conduct by expressing his concerns about the engagement program and the unexpected results. He prioritizes transparency and accountability by questioning the process and advocating for thorough feedback collection methods aligned with the project’s objectives.

    William exhibits professional conduct by maintaining open communication with John despite differences in approach. He collaborates with external partners to gather information and shares the results promptly, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and collaboration in project management.

  345. The whole team plan was great, but William compromised the standard of the organization by cutting corners. However, the skill set of maintaining the organisation value and standard as well as paying attention to detail was instrumental in recognising faults in the reports and addressing them accordingly.

  346. Acting ethically โ€“ (PM Course Discussion)
    Unprofessional conduct highlighted in the case study are:
    1. John lack of priority, focusing on self-satisfaction than the organization goal.
    2. Compromising of Integrity and trust between John, Karen and Williams and the organization
    3. Karenโ€™s value for self-goal over the organizationโ€™s.
    4. Lack of communication

    Skills used to deploy ethics into the situation were:
    1. Communication skill was deployed between Karen and John and between their team and the global team
    2. Risk management was deployed by foreseeing the risk ahead
    3. Research skills was deployed to find a solution to the foreseen problem.
    4. Negotiation Skills was also deployed

  347. There was no effective communication between John and Williams.
    John and Karen were able to list out possible issues that could occur from the project.

  348. The professional conduct issues I see here are
    Gap in communication
    Lack of team work
    Ethical issues and compromising standards

    The skills employed to address the issues are
    Effective communication
    Use of ethics and standards

  349. Things lacking in the team are communication, leadership role
    /principles in general good ethics were missing

    Company values
    Promote mutual respect
    Work engagement

    The project manager (John) displayed a lack of work engagement from the start. He was easily distracted and didn’t pay attention to his primary reason for being there .
    His engagement with the stakeholder (William), should have been top of the pyramid “Lead”. He was responsible for managing the stakeholders activities,but because he didn’t engage properly,he made it possible for the stakeholder to manoeuvre him.

    The stakeholder (William), didn’t exhibit integrity and ethics in his dealings.
    He should have been forthright with the project manager.
    His communication was not clear and it was ineffective.
    He resorted to backhand measures that would benefit his organisation to the detriment of the project manager’s company.
    He also didn’t want to be accountable for his actions,he expected the project manager to go along with it.
    Karen the intern turned out to be quite competent,she realised that if they proceeded with the project the way it was presented,it would be chaotic for the organisation and it wouldn’t reflect the company’s values. This could also make them disadvantaged with future clients.
    She was able to put aside her fear and approach John respectfully.
    John showed mutual respect by not looking down on Karen’s inexperience.
    He also displayed accountability,he knew he had made mistakes and was ready and willing to correct those mistakes.
    Together, they were able to forge a way out of the tricky situation and save their company’s integrity and values.

  351. Findings from the Scenario:
    – Lack effective communication
    -Lack of Scenario
    -No Moral principles
    John knew how to manage communication properly because of the direct impact it will have on the project. While John and Karen agreed to deal with the issues by listing out the possible risks involved and how to solve them

  352. I believe john made a mistake by losing focus instead of paying attention to details and I believe there wasn’t a good communication system between John and Williams, if not Williams wouldn’t have done what he did to put the organization in jeopardy and I believe Williams didn’t put in use the value of the organization.
    Karen was new to the organization buh I believe she deserves to be applauded by noticing some things that went wrong with the files and letting them know and talk on possible ways to solve them

  353. John didn’t exhibit the value of attention to detail and teamwork
    Williams broke ethical values by bypassing key factors of a good project and not showing empathy
    karen is new and on fire, this made her dictate easily the gap of slowing down and rechecking what might will go wrong if the firm flies with the report

  354. John, one of the founders, did not have the qualities of a team leader. On the first day, he let himself be distracted by site seeing, which showed his lack of focus. William had the chance to manipulate the report’s results to his own advantage.

    Karen’s keen attention to detail led her to observe that the report seemed unrealistic. She was able to talk about the risks involved in continuing with the project as she had the core values of the firm in mind. John and Karen worked together to uncover all the obstacles that led to the next stage of the project through a collaborative approach and thorough research.

    The reputation of the firm could have been jeopardized if John hadn’t inquired about Karen and others’ opinion of the report William provided.

  355. John as the project manager at the beginning lacks the courage to question the stakeholder who is William and this single action almost put a dent on the project, while
    William on the other hand, is a people’s person but rather that doing the hard work in order to get the desired goal, he prefer taking a shortcut which would have destroyed the project outcome.
    Karen on the other hand, was in a dilemma, she felt she wasn’t sure of how her observation will be recieved hence the reason it took her time before speaking up and that actually brought John around.

    Conclusively, William lacked moral work ethic, while John was afraid of possibly losing the opportunity to work with an international client. Karen on the other hand, brought team play into the situation. This shows that Communication is a vital tool in all that we do.

  356. John lacked leadership skills
    Williams lacked communication and empathy skills
    Karen on the other hand has good communication and teamwork skills which was what she used to review the plans with John to make it more feasible.

    skills integrated: team work, communication, negotiation skills and research skills were employed by karen and John.

  357. Good Team Work, communication skill and wrong ethic procedures among stakeholders are some of the ethnical issues in the scenario .
    Improper feedback mechanism
    Poor risk assessment policy

  358. John, William and Karen all lacked good communication, John being the project manager lacked good leadership skills and didnโ€™t know how to ease situations.
    William lacked empathy and that is key in every project development

  359. John is not much of a peoples person
    William lacks good communication skills
    Karen on the other hand had what they both lacked , she had good communications skills ,she was able to find the problem and get a solution

  360. Issues of professional conduct:
    1) Honesty and integrity
    2) Team work
    3) Acting within your capacity

    Honesty and Integrity are two ethics that should be maintained in the relationship between clients because it can boomerang. John and Karen showed these traits by not being comfortable with the report given by William and finding a way to rectify it while still maintaining a good relationship with the client.

    Communication among teammates makes the work easier and avoid problems, Karen found a way to bring her concerns up with John, and John was able to share his worries too thereby paving the way for both brainstorming about the concerns the report generated and possible repercussions on the company in the long run.

    It’s okay to seek assistance from others, nobody knows it all, rubbing it off on people outside of the immediate issue can make us see clearly from their eyes, which happened with Karen, she talked with other colleagues and was able to get an idea which she shared with John and they were able to rectify the report and avert a potential complication while still maintaining good relationship with the particular client.

    They learnt from this and pretty sure, communication and teamwork will be much improved going forward.

  361. John is not much of a people’s person. He would rather cut to the chase and get started on the work. Re recognises the importance of communication and the need to be present at kick off meetings as the project manager.he understands the potential risk factors of Williams actions.

    William is not much of a communicator and violated one of the sensitive rules as a project team member; communitie at every given stage of the project with stakeholders. John isa stakeholder ofthe project too and the project manager, no communication should go on without him as he holds the scope and is the middleman between team and clients. William also is overly optimistic and assumes too much with his predictions of the outcome of the research. If the outcomes are not as favourable as he had hoped,then there has to be a redo of the same work twice. Loss of time and revenue are dire to projects.

    Karen was ethically upright. Regardless of what her concerns were, she did the right thing. Again, she did not just point out the problem, she went ahead to find solution which worked for the program.

  362. John, Williams, and Karen are all professional in their respective field as a project managers. This case study shows that the team lack proper communication skill, transparency and team work which result into unethical standard, behavior/practice, the research and the negotiation with the global firm brought success to the firm.

  363. There is lack of communication within the company, individuals have different opinions on how things are to be done which created room for lack of accountability and integrity among the three of them. One of the most important skill of a project manager is ability to communicate effectively and listen to other people opinions.

    1. Communication fosters the progress of a project as it enlightens the project team members about the plan and development of a project.
      John and Karen had a negotiation which helped them to collaborate as a team to reach a mutual beneficial arrangement which enabled them to manage the scope and balance various interests and constraints and continuing in their PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

  364. The skills used to deploy ethics in the case study is Communication and Negotiation.
    As a professional project manager communication is key, which happen to be the gap between john and William, with the research done by Karen they were able to secure collaboration with a global firm which assist them to move into the next face of the project

  365. Unprofessional conduct highlighted in the case study are as follows:
    1. William usurped XYS’s duties by subcontracting it to a local opinion research firm;
    2. Integrity was compromised when William proposed and John agreed to arrange a photoshoot in which John pretended to do work he did not do on his work trip;
    3. John, knowing the implications of being agreeable to this still went ahead to convert his work trip to a mini-vacation spent sightseeing; and
    4. Karen valued her personal goals above the organizational goals and the objective of the project by looking away from the irregularities in John’s report.

    Skills used to deploy ethics into the situation were:
    (a) a trained eagle eye for future project issues that led to researching ways to avoid them;
    (b) communication skills were deployed between Karen and John and between the XYZ Team and the Global Team;
    (c) Negotiation skills were deployed with the global firm to cure the defect in the report of the opinion research firm; and
    (d) Although XYZ was not vast in the peculiar business/regulatory environment of the country they were working with, the leveraged on the knowledge of the global firm by partnering with them.

  366. Thou the output of the various project between the three PMs was awesome. It still depict that there was lack of communication between the program manager and the community head

  367. Karen, John and Williams are best and professional in their various fields as P.Ms but in the scenario they neglected communication in there operations, which is a major factor in carrying out a project, so they didn’t work as a team at first, but were able to come out with a good output.

  368. in this scenario, William was very economical with information which was vital for John to adopt the report without due diligence.
    William should have communicated with John constantly before sharing the final Report.

  369. John, Williams and Karen refused to make use of the basic skill which is communication. Even though it was resolved, but the situation could have been avoided in the first instance.

  370. John, Williams and Karen are all professional managers in their fields but as a team they lacked some skills which included proper communication, planning and transparency. Their unethical behaviour almost caused them the project. But at the end, they were able to resolve the issues which led to the success of the project.

  371. John, Williams, and Karen are all professional in their respective field as a project managers. This case study shows that the team lack proper communication skill, transparency which result into unethical standard, behavior/practice.


  372. John, Williams, and Karen played their role well in their field as a project managers. This case study shows that the team lack proper communication skill and there was no transparency among them which also lead to their unethical practice.

  373. John, Williams, and Karen are all professional in their respective field as a project manager. This case study shows that the team lack proper communication skill which result into their unethical behavior/practice.

    John should have left Williams to deal with the stakeholder and give him prompt report since he(Williams) has work/handle their project before even though he(John) want to sha lead the team.

    Karen too was somehow skeptical as to what the outcome will be to John if she criticized Johnโ€™s report. And this is not professional at all.

    In all, the team lacks transparency, and communication skill which is unethical standard skill/behavior as a Project Manager

    Oluwagbemi Elasoru

  374. One fundamental issue about this project is that the team lacked proper communication and cooperation. There was also no transparency between them.

    Victoria Okonkwo

  375. At first, John was over enthusiastic about proving himself to the firm which brought lack of proper planning, effective communication among team.
    The assumptions and lack of transparency of Karen and willian was a devastating effects to the team first failure.

  376. In this scenario I discovered that the individuals involved lack proper communication, which is the key element of every project work, no transparency, No trust etc..
    That why you can see that the feedback was done the way any of them feel

  377. The team lacked proper communication, corporation and, transparency between them. That’s why no proper feedback was given for better development of the next stage.

  378. The scenario between John,Williams and Karen was due to lack of communication which should be the major skill every good project manager should possess. However in the end it was resolved.

  379. Lack of proper communication, no team work,hence they was no transparency amongst them, poor planning and they had a lot of assumptions which is very risky for a project.

  380. There was lack of communication, proper planning, research, team work, honesty and transparency. At the end, they were able to have an effective communication, proper planning, reasearch and team work to make the project a success.

  381. The three dramatis personnel are professional but lacks some ethical values and skills.Effective communication ,integrity, team work,collaboration, transparency are missing gap that collapsed the projects n the project managers

  382. A team without communication is pointless.. Effective communication and planning should be an ethical role of a PM and he’s team

    The level of communication between the team is low thereby NO COMMITMENT to the project…
    John, Williams, and Karen are all professionals based on the case study, but they all lack certain fundamental interpersonal skills, including
    1. Effective communication 2. Negotiation 3. Collaboration 4. Teamwork 5. Research 6. and Transparency is not included. ~julius

  384. There was no team work, the team lacked communication, and criticism was part of the problem. A project could not have been concluded without the above factors

  385. Lack of communication
    No planning
    No teamwork

    They were unable to come together as a team to plan, and execute, had no time management, no professional development also, and no knowledge of the clientโ€™s environment

  386. 1). There was no clear communication and flow of information.

    William directly or indirectly played the role of Internal Driven Adversities.

    2). Communication skill. Clear and precise.
    Collaboration and team work.

  387. Starting from John, he was not communicating at all, assumption doesn’t lead to a clear destination. There was no communication between Williams and John.
    Karen has a good ethics which was detecting that the solution brought by John can’t be that perfect but wouldn’t discourage him but she had a very good discussion with him and othe colleagues until they were able to come up with the best solution.

  388. The issues they had are;
    Lack of communication
    No planning
    No team work

    They were unable to come together as a team to plan, execute, no time management, no professional development also and no knowledge of the client’s environment

  389. Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

    Trying to go through the back door to getting result which is an act of unprofessionalism and lack of integrity which puts a question mark on the firm’s representatives moral principle

    Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them:
    Thinking outside the box brought about the solution. They were able to achieve honest feedback through an external body and at the same time try to maintain relationship with client’s representative

  390. For one, it was obvious that William exhibited poor work ethics and played the role of the Internal Driven Adversity because his hasty approach to concluding the engagement program with the stakeholder without the presence of the PM team(John and Karen)might have benefited the Client agency and some government officials he might want to impress but it would eventually bring about risks that would affect the next stage of the project moving forward. John should have politely but firmly insisted on William organizing another engagement with the stakeholder. Karen was bold to stand by her work ethics and โ€˜jokinglyโ€™ brought up the whole situation with her boss-John, because it made him open up to her about his worries and this helped them brainstorm on how to go through the clientโ€™s, global partners to raise the topic of the likely risks to occur in the future and eventually have another engagement program organized.

  391. They were all working on assumptions which is very risky .Trusting unverified information instead of doing Brainstorming first and the requirements gatherings to form an opinion of what to do.

  392. The level of communication between the team is low ,especially between Mr John and Mr Williams. Karen was able to act ethically and reach out to John and this help in working together to solve the issue

  393. There was no accountability on the part of William, no due diligence on the part of John, and an inability to discern mood for Karen.

  394. The communication was not even among the team and every one had their own contrasting opinions and fears.The problem at hand was resolved by consultations which brought the contribution of every one at the circle.It was later realized that there was no need of making John happy than to risk the project at large

  395. Issues of professional conduct
    Few instances of professional conducts as witnessed in the APM ethic scenario is that of the ability of John not to afford to work and uphold with the results or reports of the faked engagement cooked by Williams which would have undermine the reputation of the company and her first project.
    Williams was more unprofessional.

    Secondly, inability of Williams to act in consent with of his superior,John undermined moral standards and ethics. No need to impress John, just do the right thing for the sake of the company and the ethics it upholds.

    Karen at first was unethically having worked with John failed to condemn William’s action of fabrication of fake reports. She just want to finish well and leave for good.
    Karen was ethical and acted morally creating good relationship with John and making sure that the disaster was stopped by helping John contacting a global firm in finding solutions to the problem is ethical than ensuring another fabrication. This step ensured the right engagement being carried out and some problems Identified for the next stage

    The skills seen was effective communication between Karen and John especially one on one conversation. John never looked down on Karen at her level and at the end it was the small ranked girl in the team that gave him, John the solution.

    Obviously William and John never communicated well. Communication is the key no matter who is communicated with, get the project. or deal done. You never can tell.

  396. The ethical ground was obviously compromised by John and Williams. For lack of courage to confront but was not the case for Karen, she rather deployed a tactical approach and chose a friendly ground where John may not instantly suspect the corrective means. They were lucky the reset was timely and agreed to it in unison.

  397. From the scenario, There was a lack of proper ethical practices on the part of both John and William as John would have stood his ground and insisted on upholding ethical standards as expected of project managers in ensuring the success of the project.

    Karen on the other hand demonstrated a higher level of ethical standards, rules of conduct, and moral principles. She used effective communication between herself and John to ensure
    the purpose of the research was not defeated.

  398. The project really got off to a bad start exhibiting behavior and values not in tandem with the ethical culture. Clear cases of internal and external adversity.
    Professionalism:- John started off poorly by allowing the glamour of the town sweep him off his feet. instead of applying himself to work from the first day he arrived, he went about sightseeing knowing that Williams being more of a peoples-person wasn’t the grit type to peruse the technical side of the business. Clearly they were meant to compliment one another on the trip, but this never happened. Without John, Williams was not a whole, and vice versa. Williams had no business conducting the meeting with the host in the absence of John and Kareen. It showed a team in disarray. William suggesting John assent to the report was a case of internally driven adversity
    On his part, Williams displayed a total lack of professionalism by not acting ethically and carrying the others along.

    Communication;- This was clearly lacking amongst the team. They didn’t function as a team evidently. The mutual mistrust that later existed between John and Kareen was well highlighted. Although John showed more openness to communication later on with hesitation.

    Conflict of Interest:- The idea of Kareem going out of the confine of XYZ to seek out information from another global firm was clearly a case of external adversity. I however admit that Kareem showed technical competence to have queried the report and sort to validate her fears by going out to seek further clarity on the report.

    Leadership;- John was suppose to lead the team but was not on top of it. Leadership was effectively lacking amongst the team.

  399. Karen displayed critical thinking skills by
    challenging the legitimacy of the
    engagement report recognizing the potential risks of accepting the initial engagement report at face value. She also collaborated with her colleagues to address the issue.
    William was unprofessional because as teammates you are supposed to carry others along when making decisions, In his own case, he made the decision alone without Johnโ€™s consent.

  400. There was no accountability on the part of williams, no due diligence on the part of John, and inability to discern mood for Karen.

    There is transparency between karen and John though, hardwork from karen, and an open heart from John for team work, and ideas innovations

  401. John was initially not happy about not being informed about the total process.

    Karen was emotionally intelligent to decipher the somewhat angry mood of John and she reached out to him and they found solution

  402. By depending solely on Williams report, John neglected to conduct adequate research about the project and the people he will be working for there. By withholding information about the program from John, Williams failed to be sufficiently truthful and open, which caused misunderstandings and a breakdown in trust.
    In order to avoid upsetting John, Karen first allowed fear or her own self-interest to prevent her from being brave enough to voice her opinion to him.
    Communication, critical thinking, teamwork, research, and problem-solving abilities were all used.

  403. In this scenario, a couple of issues of professional conduct can be identified:

    1. Conflict of Interest: Karen, an employee of XYZ, suggests partnering with a big global firm that local opinion researchers sometimes work with. This idea may raise concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest. Since Karen is an employee of XYZ, her primary responsibility should be acting in the best interest of the company rather than promoting business relationships with external firms she may have personal connections to.

    2. Transparency and Accountability: The engagement report discussed by Karen and John is deemed risky to proceed with as it is. Instead of addressing the risks openly and being transparent with the client agency, Karen suggests partnering with another firm to potentially alter the report’s findings. This lack of transparency and attempt to manipulate the report can undermine the trust and accountability expected in professional conduct.

    In terms of skills used to incorporate ethics into decision-making, the following can be identified:

    1. Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking skills played a role in realizing the risks associated with the engagement report and the potential impact on the firm’s reputation. This led her to consider alternative approaches and seek a partner firm to gain insights and mitigate risks.

    2. Ethical Awareness: Karen’s awareness of the potential implications of their actions on the firm’s reputation and client relationships demonstrates a commitment to ethical considerations. By expanding her perspective beyond the immediate project and considering the broader impact, she aimed to make an ethical decision.

    3. Collaboration and Communication: Karen’s discussions with colleagues over the weekend and her approach to the local firm indicate effective collaboration and communication skills. By consulting others and seeking advice, she ensured a more well-rounded decision-making process and incorporated diverse perspectives.

    Overall, critical thinking, ethical awareness, collaboration, and communication skills were utilized to navigate the ethical dimensions of the situation and make informed decisions.

  404. Some of the professional conduct noticedin the scenario are on
    I. Moral principles: John acted wwithout moral principles by getting and engagement report backhandely with out conducting the physical engagement with Williams and their team. Karen would have done better by telling Johnhe was wrong for alsofyingba report with conducting the engagement as instructed.
    Ii. Ethical practice: John, William and Karen acted unethical when they failed to carry out thiernduries as instructed. John and Karen acted unethcially by getting the report done from engaging an external factor without the proper rounds of engagements as expected.
    Iii. Values: John lack the value of a team player while Williams lack the skill of communication thus making him look like a pushover. Karen at first lack the value of honesty when she didn’t speak the truth becausebl when wanted to maintain the favour or fun office in place.
    Iii. Rules of Conduct: John knew he ought to have immediately resumed work after his arrival at the overseas country and not to go on-site seeing, Williams broke the rule of going out to conduct the engagement onnedifrent location rather rhan sourcing from a thrus party.

    All three tried to retrace their steps by working together to find a solution.

  405. Effective communication and leadership skills emerged among team members when addressing challenges, enabling John to actively listen to Karen’s opinions and insights. This interaction further inspired Karen to contribute more positively, offering additional suggestions for tackling the problem.

  406. The ethical skill theme torch on here on here are : organizational skill, planning skill, integrity skill
    Communication and negotiation skills were employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involve

  407. Point 1: The firm XYZ has its first achievement – an overseas contract – because the team that formed the firm upholds its individual values and moral principles.
    Point 2: Expertise: John is an experienced project manager, William is a real ‘people person, and Karen is attracted by the values and moral principles of others with an urge for growth.
    Point 3: It appears that there was no solid collaboration for the commencement of the project between the stakeholders, hence individuals holding onto their personal feelings and assumptions.
    Point 4: Constructive criticism and collaboration between Karen and John proffered a way forward for the project.

  408. John and Karen recognised and paid attention to the code values of the company and wanted to protect and preserve those values. They noticed that those values were not followed by William and they did not bring it with him.
    William was quite the opposite of John, he did not care about the values of the company while setting out to execute the contract.
    John and Karen applied some valuable skill sets for effective project management – communication, engagement and collaboration to work their way around and finding some kind of solution to the problem.

  409. After reading through the scenario provided, i understand that there is a combination of communication, ethical awareness, critical thinking, collaboration, adaptability and problem-solving skills to navigate the dilemmas and arrive at a solution.

  410. Both Karen and John applied what is known as ethical value and moral principles through effective communication, teamwork, critical thinking, research and collaboration.

  411. In this situation, there were notable lapses in professional conduct, particularly characterized by a breakdown in communication between John and William. Effective communication hinges on understanding, yet in this instance; clarity was lacking between the two. Moreover, professional challenges encompassed the absence of hierarchical structure, teamwork, personal biases and research deficiencies. Despite these hurdles, the team lacked the necessary skills to integrate ethics into decision-making processes, which proved crucial for the project success.

  412. The professional conduct highlighted in the scenerios is the inconsistency between declared values and practices by suggesting that unethical conduct by managers- deliberately flouting values for instance can destroy the organization culture.
    The skills employed to integrate ethical considerations are ethics and standards which are designed to support ethical behavior by giving guidance in circumstances where there is a risk of some forms of wrongdoing or overtime of work or during festivities. Making additional services and facilities available for team members with families who may appreciate arrangement such as transport services make up for longer working hours. By awarding additional days off at the end of the project as compensation for the demanding, commitment of the project.

  413. From the scenario, there were issues of professional conduct such as communication breakdown. A communication can only be effective when there is understanding but in this case there was no clear communication between John and William. Other professional issues include: lack of hierarchy arrangement, lack of team work, personal sentiment and lack research. However, the skills used to bring ethics into decision that eventually helped the project are not in place in team

  414. I understood that there was a lack of effective communication and active teamwork among team member which is not too good as it will only slow down progress and delivery.

  415. Lack of Transparency and Communication: William’s decision to bypass the planned engagement program and instead rely on pre-existing data without informing John about it demonstrates a lack of transparency and communication. John, representing XYZ, was under the impression that the engagement program would be carried out as planned, but William’s actions suggest otherwise.

    Ethical Integrity and Accuracy of Reporting: The engagement report presented to John appears to be overly positive, with no indication of any problems or challenges identified. Karen expresses concerns about the report feeling too perfect and suggests that it may not accurately reflect the ground reality.

    The individuals involved in this scenario employed a combination of communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, ethical awareness, and adaptability skills to navigate the ethical dilemmas and arrive at informed decisions.

  416. From this case study I could deduce that the group lacked team spirit and as such there was no communication among them. If a project must be successful team work is paramount. No one knows it all.

    However, seeing that the quality or success of the project will be jeopardized thereby affecting the integrity of the company and itโ€™s goals Kareen had to find a way to speak with John and also discussed with other colleagues. Kareen and John went as far as doing a research on how others have handled similar project and this help them to make informed decisions. But I think they William should have participated this so that every one can understand *what* needs to be done and *why* it needs to be done in the *Way* it was agreed to be done.

    In my observation Communication, Team work and Research helped them to tackle the project and mapped options to handle possible risks and problems that could arise in the course of the project.

  417. Williams felt it was best to cut corners on the reports so as to move into the main project phase thereby breaking some of the core values of a project. Upon getting the reports from John, Karen felt reluctant to bring up how the reports looked too perfect cause she was still new at the organization. After John communicated his concerns about it, they got to work together and looked out for possible solutions to rectify the issues. After further team collaboration. They came up with an idea by reaching out another firm with a direct reach to the local firms and get the right reports needed. These were able to help identify the necessary requirements for the next stage

    1. Williams went against company value and moral principles. He was meant to take decisions with ethical considerations but rather went against professional ethics which are the core value of their organisation by cutting corners and he did that without prior communication with the team.

      Karen suspected that due process wasn’t followed because the engagement report was too good to be perfect and knowing fully well that she join the firm because of its reputation that didn’t know how to express her concern to John.
      I’m glad she was able to device other means to express her concern of the engagement report to John.

      The effective communication between Karen and John working as a team made them realize the high risk of running with the engagement report from William, they went as far as involving close colleagues to yields a good result as they were able to identify the problem and profile a solution that got them the right engagement.

  418. The case scenario under review buttressed on the need to always maintain professional ethics which if compromised could be detrimental to the success of a project.
    John’s years of professional experience played out as he followed a set of ethical standards and guidelines to apply his inquisitive skills to identify key hurdles that could pose a threat to take off or success of the next stage of the project.
    Communication and application of ethical standards were instrumental in resolving the problem.

  419. According to Karen and John experience
    They ensure to discuss the situation with a trusted colleague who might help to get ideas and necessary options.
    There is also a need to always remember why ethics matters, to understand why the rule was made and put in place.
    Looking beyond the immediate matter may help in getting a solution even suitable for the future of the firm.
    Also mapping out initial plans, thinking of future alternative means.

  420. William was willing to cut corners to achieve the project’s goal. John was more ethical in his outlook and conduct, hence, his apprehension about the situation.
    Karen was willing to ask the difficult questions and that helped in the end to resolve a rather knotty ethical dilemma.
    Communication, transparency, teachability and decisiveness were critical skills that helped to help resolve the ethical challenge.

  421. There was a lack of proper communication and agreement in the team. Some issues I identified are; team work and proper research on the project

    Karen however was emotionally intelligent and this helped her along the line.

  422. There is a lack of communication between them especially John and William.
    Karen did well by applying a method of communication that would make him understand and reason akong with her in order to achieve their goals. John also did well by listening.

    Here, it shows communication is very vital when you’re in a team. It would help in knowing what to be dome and how it’s to be done. Each and every member should drop their ego and should be always ready to work as a team

  423. Skills they used to help use ethics in decision-making are as follows:
    -Karim considered a long-term self-interest in decision-making
    – they stated the problem and
    – Developed a list of options
    – personal virtue

  424. 11. William jumped the gun by not communicating his thoughts and and opinions with his team members. That was very as it turned out that the report he got from the local firm had some hurdles that would have jeopardize the company’s reputation.

    2. John would have planned his site seeing with his team members, it would have been more fruitful and productive as they would have discussed and share their experiences.

    3. Karim did a great job later on, though she wanted to put her personal interest ahead of the organization but late reframed which made the difference actually.


    Communication is very paramount in a team and specifically project management.

    Always maintain your professional ethics and conduct. William breached procedures.

  425. My understanding of the scenario.

    1. Lack of communication amongst team members

    2. William broke one of the core values guiding the project.

    3. John was a good communicator

    4. Karen and John communicated well on how to handle the Situation.

  426. In scenario what helped John and Karen was the agreement and understanding they had between themselves. Though at initial John went to site seeing immediately he landed without having a meeting to know what exactly he should be looking out for on the site visit. But notwithstanding, his teaming spirit with Karen helped a long way.

  427. From the scenario John the PM did not set the goals for his team before venturing into sight seeing.
    William,committed ethical fraud and messed up with one of the core values of the company
    There was lacked of communication between the members of the team

  428. The issues encountered in the scenario given are:
    1. Lack of communication inside and outside the project
    2.williams didnโ€™t have Moral principles and he didnโ€™t follow the code and rules of practice
    3. Values were not shared amongst the project team members

    Skilled that where used to bring ethics into decisions are:
    * Control communication,John knew how to manage communication properly because he knew it would have a direct impact on the project
    * John and Karen had an agreement to deal with the issues concerning the project by listing out the possible risks involved and solutions to solve them

  429. The issues highlighted in this scenario encompass ethical breaches, conflicts of interest, and a lack of communication. The skills utilized to address ethical considerations in decision-making include problem-solving, team management, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution. These skills were effectively employed, culminating in a sustainable solution for the project.

  430. The case scenario depicts what happens when one persons agenda is pushed to the detriment of the organisation.
    Williams is a peopleโ€™s person, and must have cut corners just to maintain the relationship he had with other people. He didnโ€™t mind compromising on his companyโ€™s ethos, forgetting that hi company was built on a good reputation.
    John was able to see the bigger picture, and thus communicated his displeasure to Williams who didnโ€™t care and who shoved his colleagues feelings aside.
    An ideal professional environment is one where individuals are free to express themselves without any fear of repercussions. This was apparently not the case in firm xyz as Karen had to weigh the consequences of speaking her truth, fearing she may lose favour in the eyes of her colleagues.
    In the end, altruism and common sense won as she managed to find a listening ear, communicate effectively, found other alternatives, and in the end solved what would otherwise have been an unmitigated disaster.

  431. Lack of effective communication with Project manager. There is a scenerio of internally driven adversity in the engagement programme, whereby william tried to compromised on the result of the procedure which will put the firm’s reputation at stake.
    john was able to ask for review, opinion and feedback on the process from a member of the team and taking a critical risk analysis on the procedure. before taking a step towards the next phase of the project
    further research by karen to reduce risk and plan a better project.

  432. I agree with the following statements:

    *Team members do not produce quality outputs without supervision (Yes, because it borders on moral grounds and ethics.)
    * Quality should be focused on the customer’s needs.
    * Quality should be considered from the beginning of the project.
    * Quality issues should be discussed openly to find corrective actions.

    I disagree with the following statements:

    *People are keen on producing quality outputs ( Not necessarily: because it borders on moral grounds and ethics.)
    * Quality is focused internally. (Quality should be customer-focused, not just internally focused.)
    * The execution phase of a project is the most critical to achieve quality targets. (Quality should be considered throughout the project lifecycle, not just during execution.)
    * Quality problems should be hidden from customers and possibly also managers. (Transparency is key; quality issues should be addressed openly.)
    * Team members do not produce quality outputs without close supervision. (Micromanaging can be detrimental; empowering team members and fostering a culture of quality leads to better outcomes.)

    1. 1. The scenario could be likened to INTERNAL DRIVE ADVERSITIES – Williams was utterly interested in the result and he jettisoned the requisite procedures involved.

      2. Karen was very ‘fast’. She contemplated the scenario and eventually related with John; John was professional enough

      1. 1.The scenario could be likened to INTERNAL DRIVE ADVERSITIES โ€“ Williams was utterly interested in the result and he jettisoned the requisite procedures involved.

        2. Karen was very โ€˜fastโ€™. She contemplated the scenario and eventually related with John; John was ‘professional’ enough to listen to a team member (Karen)

  433. There is no togetherness between John and William due to a lack of constant communication to update each other on the project’s progress, which is an issue in their professional conduct. Karen studied John’s personality and applied a style of communication that would make him reason with her in order to achieve their goal.

  434. Adesola loveth
    Cohort 13 Team 2
    I observed that there was lack of communication and accurate team work among team members involved also the company lacked ability to follow due process.
    William who is one of the team members did not carry John and Karen along during decision making as a result the project putting the project at risk, on the other hand Karen who possesses good communication skills was able to reach out to John and saved the project although he was carried away with emotions( how John would have felt if she had pointed the issues with the project).
    I will also give John credit for excellent listening ability.

  435. The agency is inconsistent with following due process. Instead of having the right engagement, they hurried that part of the project and invited the project manager to be a rubber stamp to an already written report. John knew what happen was ethically wrong and can affect the project negatively but played along maybe to please his client. He was disturbed but it took the intervention of Karen for things to get back on the right track. Communication (having difficult discussions) team work, consistency, intervention are on display in the scenario.

  436. William was over-enthusiastic in getting the project up and running, as such he rushed to get a perfect answer without consulting the team at first, especially considering the fact that there is a project manager. The response gotten formed what is called a confirmation bias, not really showing the direct answer, but a pretty good one. Karen did well by asking questions in a personal manner and not in a confrontational way, and John acted quite well by agreeing to listen and use the suggestions from the team to make the findings better and more refined

  437. In working with MTD, the events company, there are several key challenges and issues they may face in their projects. These could include tight timelines, changing client requirements, coordination of multiple vendors, and ensuring a high level of quality and customer satisfaction.

    Applying the principles of project management, specifically what I’ve learned recently, could help MTD address these challenges more effectively. For instance, using an iterative approach to setting up an event could allow MTD to break down the project into smaller, more manageable parts. This could help them identify and address issues early on, making it easier to adapt to changing requirements and timelines.

    Similarly, adopting an agile approach could also benefit MTD by enabling them to be more flexible and responsive to client needs. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, emphasize regular communication, collaboration, and incremental delivery. This could help MTD ensure that they are meeting client expectations and delivering a successful event.

    If I were to advise MTD, I would recommend that they consider adopting a hybrid approach that combines the best elements of both iterative and agile methodologies. This could help them manage the complexities of event management more effectively, ensuring that they are delivering high-quality events that meet or exceed client expectations.

  438. William lacks a lot of accountability on his part. Instead of collaborating and working together with John as he should, he opted for a rather unprofessional approach to it by making up figures to present.
    Karen is more concerned that John tried to do his work well and sought perfection as close to it as he could get and there is a slight imbalance in communication. Effective communication between colleagues should be encouraged as it is all about team work and achieving set goals. Criticism is also welcome as long as as it comes from a genuine place of concern.

    Business over pleasure: “That’d make the office no fun place for a while”. This is not a professional outlook on a company with goals. Achieving set goals should be paramount and simultaneously; fun should not be prioritized against work rather an aftermath of hardwork.

    A professional should be sensitive enough to know when and where to draw the line. Karen trying to make a joke out John’s experience could be unwelcomed and that becomes a problem between them and definitely affects the success of the project.

    Karen nudged John to look beyond this one project and that implies willingness to submit and succumb to mediocrity and or near imperfection. A professional takes each and every project as serious as others and they think about their reputation and integrity while doing so.

  439. By observation, the small project consultancy XYZ has three people namely John, William and Karen involved in the firm’s progress. I criticize the way John was approached by William and Karen in the beginning. But also applause the way Karen approached Him with a good sense of humor.
    A good approach, clear communication and mutual respect among team members are critical values that can lead to the success of this firm.

  440. Josiah Ramsey Okeleye
    Cohort 13, Group 8.

    From the case study my opinion is that William lack certain ethical values to the tone of transparency and team collaboration, he should have worked with John giving him the needed resources to carry out his duties regardless of โ€œhow things are being done over thereโ€ so with this flaws we can say that William was unprofessional and such could cost the firm dearly.

    John on the other hand while trying to professionally fulfill his mission lack good communication and people management skills, he could have diplomatically approached William and communicate better to him why his firm sent him on the official mission and how they can both work together to achieve maximum success in the project to the benefit of both parties but rather he brought back a bogus report which could have resulted into a catastrophic outcome if Karen hadnโ€™t summoned the courage to discuss it with him.

    Karen being the fresher happened to be the professional amongst the trio because even though she initially was scared of approaching John she eventually summoned up the courage and discussed the issue which resulted to an excellent outcome. She demonstrated ability to take tough decisions despite being on probation which is a very good quality a PM need to develop


    When faced with certain situations such as this one in the work place it is very important to always broader and critical view of the effect our actions and inactions might have on others. Especially when it involves delicate projects. Also it is very crucial to always think about the companyโ€™s reputation and its ethical values. The above situation could have jeopardized the reputation of XYZ firm if not for Karenโ€™s interventions.

  441. Mfon Brendan
    Cohort 13
    Team 9
    In the case study shown
    There was no synergy or clear communication among the parties listed, there was no teamwork either. In a bid to achieve the goal at hand, John excluded William from the process
    John displayed inconsistency in professional conduct which did not comply with teamwork and inclusion.

    However Kareen on the other hand was meticulous to notice that the research had some loopholes
    She was able to constructively point this out to John.
    John acknowledged the report needed as suggested luckily the right engagement was achieved.

    It is worthy of note that professional conduct among team members is essential and fosters a good working environment and relationship.

  442. In this case study, it is evident that there cannot be team work which they successfully lack. Coming from a big and reputable firm with their years of experience is not enough if they are just two;intentionally didn’t add Karen because she is a newbie. In a project manager work, the team member should not exceed 15 but can be up to it and the more the number, the good the outcome of the project will be.
    Both the project manager and client agent which is john and Williams lack the moral principles which a general qualities to have under ethics. Principle of do’s and don’t. If they lack the moral principles then they will definitely lack values. In short they do not have organisation culture.
    The project manager which is john is obviously not making use of tools like Trello, kanban, mira and so on, because if he was Williams will not submit a report that supposed to be detailed before stipulated time.
    Constant communication was also missing
    Karen did a good job in bringing in organizational values and using constant communication to set things right. She definitely knows what she’s doing.
    Her inter personal relationship skills are on point.

  443. The main issue noticed there was lack of clear communication and teamwork which killed it there. communication and teamwork can’t be neglected and expect to get a good result

  444. They were a couple of issues in the case study, which are communication, team work, colaboration and transparency. There was no effective communication amongst them on the project they were going to work on i.e John, William and Karen.
    It’s important for professionals to effectively communicate their expectations and be transparent.

  445. In the case study, it is evident that the was issues with communication and teamwork.

    since this was a project that involved people from diferent oraganisations, it would have been nice if John had commicated the processes involved for them to achieve such a research report than believeing that John would have no issues with the report from a research he didn’t even conduct by himself. He underplayed the fact that teamwork was essential in this project.
    On the other hand, john would have insisted on conducting the research afresh and together if he was convinced enough that the success of this project stems from this particular stage of the project without fear of his request being accepted or declined.

    Karen was afraid of speaking up when she noticed something was wrong with a report that was determine the success of a project in her company. Thank God there was still time left for the second phase where she had to jokingly bring up the issue with the report John brought, if not, the project would have gone sideways and the reputation which had been her sole purpose of working in that company would have been tarnished.

    the ability to accept criticism and deal with issues helped save John and his company. for the fact that he was keen on listening to his junior concerning a project sucess rate showed he was a good manager.

  446. In the case study, communication is the first point of issues between the project manager teams involved. There was no effective communication on the project they were to work on and the role of each of them was not well-stated. It was expected to be teamwork but initially, it was not so particularly the step Williams took on behalf of the team without sharing his intentions. On the other hand, John was not pleased with the decision of his colleague but did not speak up being a newbie in the company forgetting that if the result was tragic, he would partake in the consequences. Karen’s approach through communication and collaboration brought about a good result by seeking help from other organizations. She was able to manage her displeasure and work with an open mind which helped to avoid future disasters that could tarnish the reputation of the company, having in mind this is one of the reasons she joined initially. Ethical conducts is important in making decisions and taking action on a particular project. However, teamwork, collaboration, good communication goes a long to execute a project successfully with minimal future errors.

  447. The major issues are working in โ€˜silosโ€™ which shows the absence of team spirit, communication gaps and conflict of interests.
    The beauty of the whole thing is that they were able to work around confronting issues in an appropriate manner that would be help them to the next phase of the project.

  448. Oliyide Oluwatobi
    Cohort 13
    Team 10
    As a project manager , Ethics are principles that governs decision making, helps to build trust and good relationship with clients.
    In my organisation, as one of the emerging leader of 360ยฐ growth inititive our core values of standard and quality work and practices in a safe way has earned more client due to this value being seen at work in all our projects.

  449. As a project manager , Ethics are principles that governs decision making, helps to build trust and good relationship with clients.
    In my organisation, as one of the emerging leader of 360ยฐ growth inititive our core values of standard and quality work and practices in a safe way has earned more client due to this value being seen at work in all our projects.

  450. The three man team working on the project showed a lack of team spirit and communication with each other which are vital skills that must be adopted when working on a project.

  451. The major issues are working in ‘silos’ which shows the absence of team spirit, communication gaps and conflict of interests.
    The beauty of the whole thing is that they were able to work around confronting issues in an appropriate manner that would be helpful to the next phase of the project.

  452. In the team, William’s actions lacked team spirit when he independently tackled a task meant for the entire team. Not only did he go about it on his own, but he also opted for a cost-cutting approach that, in the end, proved to be unreliable.

    John, on the other hand, chose to keep his concerns to himself despite being disturbed by the unfolding situation. Internally, he pondered the potential positive outcomes of the results.

    In contrast, Karen approached the issue with a more open and collaborative mindset. Even though she initially jokingly pointed out the problem, she recognized the importance of a collective effort. When brainstorming with John didn’t yield positive results, she took the initiative to seek a third-party consultation and opinion. This decision ultimately led to the discovery of a significant solution to the problem.

    The contrasting approaches highlight the importance of effective communication and collaboration within a team. While individual initiative can be valuable, fostering an environment where team members openly share concerns, brainstorm collectively, and even seek external input can lead to more comprehensive and successful problem-solving.

  453. Joh showed a lack of commitment to work and poor time management by beginning this task in a new environment with a personal tour for the first day. William also showed poor ethics by writing up this engagement without properly communicating and working with the clients.

    Karen and John, through good teamwork and open communication, ensured that the wrong assignment was not submitted and another company was engaged to take up the task, protecting their reputation. I saw appropriate communication, teamwork, and collaboration.

    Chijioke Obioma, Team 5, Cohort 13

  454. The issues identified in the case study is the absence of Team-work, spirit, collaboration and and Lack of proper communication from the project manager to his team members.

  455. These scenarios raise several difficulties in professional conduct, including a lack of teamwork and spirit, an incorrect grasp of how things are done in other countries, and an equal opportunity between John and William.
    But thanks to Karen’s effective communication skills, this was handled. It should be mentioned that John showed Karen a good spirit of listening as well.

  456. Issues identified in the scenario.
    In the case of John and Williams there was no communication. As a good project manager communication is key and very essential. You work with a team and not alone, and no matter your years of experience communication is very important. John had to ignore the act of Williams and also at the end John and Karen had to involve their friends and colleagues to get ideas too. This shows that team spirit and communication is very important as a project manager.

  457. The issues I identified after going through the case study are:

    1. Absence of team-work spirit & collaboration mindset between John and Williams.

    They were obsessed with doing things their own way which is very wrong.
    Everybodyโ€™s opinion matters and a good project manager should always find a way to include their team membersโ€™ ideas into any project.
    This would let them know that they matter.

    2. Lack of communication.

    I feel they didnโ€™t see the need to communicate. They just wanted to put the idea out there for people to just accept it and move on.
    This happened because โ€œthereโ€™s no team spiritโ€.

    A good project manager should always communicate with their team members to carry them along.

    On the other hand, Karen and John communicated perfectly. Karen was also able to put herself into Johnโ€™s shoes. Thatโ€™s one thing a project manager must learn to do.

  458. What I actually notice is that team members should believe in themselves by asking each other their point of view.Lack of communication would have affected that project, but they were able to sort it out.and that leads to the solution of the problem they are facing

  459. Lack of proper communication and transparency skills between William and John
    Karen ,however, displayed emotional intelligence and critical thinking. Karen and John worked together as a team to find solutions and risks management to the problem. Karen also collaborated with the other team members.

  460. What I saw as an ethical issues is lack of stated value or for conducting the affairs of the organization, they worked base on assumptions which is really not good.
    With good communication individual roles would be well drafted.

  461. Acting Ethically – Review of the case study.
    โ€” issues professional conduct:
    lack of team work, good communication, transparency and focus.
    โ€” Profession conduct displayed:
    team work
    risk assessment
    ethical practices
    moral principles
    engaging stakeholders

    William ignored team work practices and communication, kareen weighed her opinion against her job and John went off fucus, took pleasure time but after kareen display good ethic & thinking they were able to resolve the issues about the project report.
    As a project manager, ethical practices plus good decision with correct communication, collaboration and team work can resolve most project problems.

  462. The case study gave us an opportunity to understand that team work is the ultimate. Karen had a strong emotional intelligence which she applied and being young in the organization she does not want to hurt anyone feelings and she able to know when to express her views without creating a fault line. At the beginning of the project, they all had communication challenges but they were able to overcome it and pull through together.

  463. Ethically, Williams should not have conducted an engagement program without John, that was a key determinant of their next steps.

    Karen was smart enough to understand the impact of her critical review on John’s emotions which could ultimately affect her ability to work effectively at XYZ.

    She was diplomatic in handling the situation. They also infused a lot of problem solving by creating challenges to test the results they had.

  464. Review of Case Study:
    Stakeholder engagement at inception of project
    Collaborations and integrating all stakeholders and receiving feedback.
    Effective communication and ensuring Teamwork between all team members.
    Deploying ethical standards by all stakeholders and upholding organizational standards.

  465. Karen was emotionally intelligent enough to have considered William’s feeling if she sincerely told him about the report.

    However, she soon diplomatically approached him and went the extra mile of conducting a research to address a problem she had identified.

    So, problem solving skill, diplomacy were resident in this.

  466. the case study of acting ethically, there was lack of communication and collaboration between among the team, which is not suppose be so, Williams believes he can do it by not listening to john contribution.
    Karen was afraid because she was still on probation stage, there should have been a room of discussion and deliberation concerning the execution of the project.

  467. There was lack of communication and collaboration from Williams side,he didn’t communicate to his team members properly.
    John an experienced project manager decided to put pleasure before work.
    Karen was unable to express her opinion due to fear that she was on probation,but the critical thinking which she later showed helped them in problem solving.

  468. Issues of professional conducts:
    Lack of communication and collaboration on Williams side….He refuse to communicate properly to John of his own idea and thereby blindsided John.
    Lack of Transparency: Williams was not open with John and put the project at risk by neglecting the initial plans by John.
    Lack of focus: John lost focus of the project by not getting into the work immediately but decided to be lost by his love for the city.
    Karen hesitation in expressing her point of view in the beginning of the project by not pointing out John’s inadequate which can cause a waste of time.

    Skills used in bringing solutions

    Critical thinking: Karen demonstrate her thinking skills when it matter the most by questioning the validity of thr report and recognising the risk at the face value.
    Communication and collaboration: Karen ability to communicate with John and brainstorm a way out of the jam they are in, prove important. They are able to seek information from independent researchers and bring solutions .
    Understanding your team and way of approach play a vital role, because Karen understands John and knows the perfect way to point out his inadequacy and also point out their core values as a company.
    Problem solving skills : Karen ability to solve problem by looking inward and researching for a way round a problem is an important skills for a project manager.

  469. In this scenario, several instances of professional conduct are highlighted. Firstly, John demonstrates professionalism by seeking to understand the local context and expectations of his overseas counterpart, William, despite initial setbacks. He maintains composure and seeks clarification when faced with unexpected information, showing adaptability and a commitment to effective communication. Secondly, Karen displays professionalism by recognizing the potential risks of accepting the initial engagement report at face value. She engages in critical thinking and collaboration with her colleagues to address the issue constructively, prioritizing the long-term reputation and success of the firm over short-term discomfort or conflict. William on the other hand displayed unprofessionalism by not being transparent with John about the process of getting the report.

    The skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved include communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. John’s ability to communicate effectively with William and his team, despite cultural differences, allows for a constructive dialogue that ultimately leads to a more thorough engagement process. Karen’s critical thinking skills enable her to identify potential issues with the initial report and to explore alternative solutions, demonstrating a commitment to ethical decision-making. Additionally, her collaboration with John and other colleagues reflects a team-oriented approach to problem-solving, which is essential for navigating complex ethical dilemmas in a professional setting.

  470. William demonstrated a lack of communication and made a choice without consulting John. Karen exhibits critical thinking skills by challenging the legitimacy of the engagement report and understanding the risks of taking it at face value. She does a thorough examination of the situation and analyzes the larger ramifications for the project and the firm’s image. John, a seasoned project manager, elected to put pleasure before work by going on a country tour rather than conducting his due diligence from day one.

  471. There was lack of proper communication between William and John and this can affect the outcome of their project negatively. They need to work as a team to better manage their project and deliver the expectations of the organization.

  472. on Williams side, there was lack of communication, lack of transparency.
    Karen and John displayed critical thinking, team collaboration, and communication, which are critical attributes of a project manager.

  473. Due to the rift between jon and Williams there was no proper research and this is linked to ethics.
    furthermore, there was the issue of unison of purpose. Williams went on to hold a meeting without John and the consequence was a very shabby report.

    John lost focus, was carried away with the aesthetics of h>s new environment forgetting that it shou)d be business before pleasure.

    William, though a people’s person, was never a team person.

    Karen on her part, was diplomatic in approach to the problem, she understands the ethics of the company(of course, that’s why she came in on board) She understands the personality of John so well and caring for her job, she applied some emotional intelligence to carefully insinuate her point of view to John. this worked the magic and gave John in to open the communication line.

    Skills used to resolve the problem.
    conflict resolution and
    emotional intelligence

  474. There is lack of communication and teamwork between Williams and John over the project. Williams could have been honest with John.
    Lack of ethical conduct on Karenโ€™s part cause she couldnโ€™t express her opinion over fear of probation, until there was a communication between herself and John which allows them to reach an agreement and also look into solution to their problems

  475. According to this case study that focuses on ethical behavior.
    * William displayed a lack of communication and went ahead to take decision without communicating with John.
    * Karen initially on the other hand did not talk about her point of view because she was afraid not to offend John but her critical thinking which she showed later was very vital to the problem.

  476. Key themes highlighted in this case study encompass:

    1. Lack of Non-disclosure: William orchestrated an engagement with significant procedural deficiencies, leaving John uninformed and feeling unsettled. Maintaining transparency is crucial in professional environments, necessitating open communication regarding methodologies and findings to foster trust and alignment.

    William’s actions raise a red flag regarding the suitability of potential partners for collaboration.

    2. Analytical Insights and Thoroughness: Despite her limited experience, Karen exhibits critical thinking and meticulous attention to detail by verifying the accuracy of the report, upholding ethical standards.

    Problem-solving and collaboration skills demonstrated by Karen and John are fundamental attributes of effective project managers.

    3. Prompt Initiatives: When faced with an issue and unable to reach William, Karen promptly conducted research and proposed engaging a global research firm to scrutinize the findings of the engagement report.

    Identifying and addressing loopholes, which pose potential risks, is essential before progressing to the next phase of the project or considering discontinuation.

  477. William lack good communication skill aand decided to take decisions without properly calling john to hear and Karen initially did not say her point of view because she was afraid that john may be upset but she later showed critical thinking which is very vital in problem solving.

  478. Issues featured in this case study include:

    Lack of transparency. William planned and conducted an engagement with majorly unsatisfactory procedure, a thing John was not informed about. This looked a time boom and scare to John. Itโ€™s important in professional settings to communicate openly about methodologies and findings and mostly importantly moving at the same pace with utmost openness.
    Willian’s action is red flag at the start of the potential partner they look forward to working with.

    Critical thinking and attention to detail: Despite the limited experience, Karen demonstrates critical thinking and attention to detail skills by second checking the truthfulness of the report. Some things are just too good to be. This is more less the importance of feasibility studies before onset a project.

    Problem solving and collaboration skills manifested by Karen and John are key attributes of project managers. A problem had happened and John couldn’t get back to William, so Karen was quick to research and suggest a global research farm that could challenge the findings of the engagement report. Better loopholes were noticed and guess what they will decide on how to address those risks before they decide to get to the next stage of the project or advise not to continue with the project.

  479. William displayed a lack of communication and went ahead to take decision without discussing with John. Karen initially did not express her point of view because she didn’t want to offend John but she later showed critical thinking which is very vital in problem solving.

  480. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario include:

    Lack of transparency and honesty: William’s decision to bypass the planned engagement program and instead rely on pre-existing data without informing John reflects a lack of transparency in the process. It’s important in professional settings to communicate openly about methodologies and findings.
    Potential conflict of interest: There’s a potential conflict of interest in William’s decision to quickly finalize the report and arrange a photo-shoot at a local charity favored by the survey researchers. This could suggest a bias towards maintaining positive relationships rather than prioritizing the accuracy and integrity of the project’s findings.
    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions by the people involved:

    Critical thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting it at face value. She engages in thoughtful analysis of the situation and considers the broader implications for the project and the firm’s reputation.
    Communication and collaboration: John and Karen engage in open communication and collaboration to address the ethical concerns surrounding the engagement report. They discuss the potential risks and implications, weigh different courses of action, and ultimately work together to find a solution that prioritizes integrity and client satisfaction.
    Problem-solving: Karen demonstrates problem-solving skills by researching potential solutions to the ethical dilemma and proposing a strategy to verify the accuracy of the engagement report. She identifies a reputable global firm that can provide an independent review, facilitating a resolution to the ethical issue at hand.

  481. Diligence and over sighting are essential ethics responsibility as a project manager and John lacked these qualities as a project manager, while Williams lacked good communication skill and transparency to relate his own view so it became a problem for them both, but thankfully Karen was able to manage the situation by
    Improved communication between John and Karen.
    Conduction independent research by XYZ due diligence.
    Upholding the companies integrity and core values which is knowledge of the niche.
    Negotiating a Win-win result outcome for both parties involved.
    Onaivi fidelia ozavize
    Team 10

  482. There were lack of communication,Interpersonal relationships as it shows the underling people under the project manager are reluctant to come forward and share their opinion

  483. John, as a project manager, should have prioritized due diligence over sightseeing, as it is an essential ethical responsibility. However, he failed to do so.

    William, a key stakeholder, leveraged his knowledge and prior relationships to create a report based on assumptions rather than working with the stakeholders to get the most accurate information. This is unethical behavior and could be seen as cutting corners.

    Karen held back her opinion about the report, despite having good reasons to be critical. She may have been hesitant to speak up because she didn’t want toappear to be “outshining” John. However, this lack of transparency was not in the best interest of the team.

    After the first week, John displayed excellent communication, active listening, and collaboration skills by listening to and incorporating Karen’s feedback. This led to a better outcome for the client, as well as for the project as a whole. Karen’s research, communication, and collaboration skills were instrumental in achieving this positive result.

  484. 1) John as a seasoned project manager chose in this instance to put pleasure before work by going on country sight seeing rather than doing his due diligence from day 1.
    2) William as a stakeholder capitalized on his knowledge and prior relationship with the people to generate report based on his assumptions rather than having to engage the stakeholders as mandated which by implication is “cutting corners” and that is unethical behavior.
    3) Karen holding back her opinion despite seeing reasons to be critical about the report by asking the right questions but for fear of being seen as “trying to outshine your boss” decide to keep her opinion to herself which not helpful for the team.

    In the week that follows, John displayed active listening , collaborating and communication skills when he seeks and allowed Karen to voice her opinion and even listening to her suggestion to collaborate with a bigger firm who are more experienced in that line of project. That gave Karen the room to utilize her research, communication and collaborating skills in a manner that delivered the desired result for their client.

  485. Cutting Corners by William:

    Hold a one-on-one meeting with William to discuss the importance of adhering to company policies and ethical standards.
    Provide additional training or resources to help William understand the consequences of cutting corners and the importance of quality work.
    Implement regular quality control checks to ensure compliance with standards and identify any instances of cutting corners early on.
    No Due Diligence by John:

    Provide John with training or resources on conducting due diligence and research effectively.
    Assign a mentor or experienced team member to guide John through the due diligence process and provide feedback on his work.
    Implement a review process where John’s due diligence findings are double-checked by another team member to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.
    Lack of Communication and Transparency between John and William, Initial Fear of Having Difficult Communication with John by Karen:

    Facilitate a meeting between Karen, John, and William to openly discuss communication challenges and concerns.
    Encourage Karen to express her fears and concerns about communicating with John in a safe and supportive environment.
    Provide communication training or workshops to improve Karen’s and John’s communication skills and foster transparency within the team.
    Implement regular team meetings or check-ins to ensure ongoing communication and transparency among team members.
    Assign a mediator or facilitator to help resolve conflicts and improve communication dynamics within the team.
    Encourage open and honest communication by setting a positive example as a project manager and providing regular feedback and support to team members.
    Upholding the Companyโ€™s Integrity and Core Value, Negotiating a Win-Win Outcome for All Parties Involved:

    Ensure that all project decisions and actions align with the company’s values and core principles.
    Encourage collaboration and brainstorming sessions to find creative solutions that benefit all parties involved.
    Foster a culture of negotiation and compromise where team members feel empowered to voice their concerns and contribute to finding mutually beneficial solutions.
    Recognize and reward team members who uphold the company’s integrity and demonstrate strong negotiation skills in achieving win-win outcomes.
    By implementing these actions, project managers can effectively address the identified issues and leverage the skills employed by team members to overcome challenges and achieve project success.

  486. The issues identified were:
    1. Cutting corners by William
    2. No due deligence by John
    3. Lack of communication and transparency between John and William, initial fear of having difficult communication with John by Karen.

    The skills employed were:
    1. Improved communication between John and Karen
    2. Conducting independent research by XYZ (due diligence)
    3. Upholding the company’s integrity and core value which is knowledge of the niche
    4. Negotiating a win-win outcome for all parties involved.

  487. William threw professional ethics to the wind, trying to cut corners, to me he was unprofessional but Karen had an eagle eye, was able to spot the lapses and she put things straight

  488. Williams wanted to throw professional courtesy under the bus for familiarity sake. for him, this is how it has been so why the engagement instead of time wasting?, forgetting that things and time change and the engagements with the locals can make them identify possible problems that may affect the project which will aid their search for solutions earlier. However, Karen’s communication and problem solving skills played a good role in ensuring no conflicts while providing solution.

  489. John and Williams had lack adequate communications and Williams isn’t ready to be transparent with john probably to have upper hand over him but all thanks to Karen.

  490. John and Williams had a communication problem and that would have really messed the whole situation up but thank God for Karen that came in later at the end after she has seen the lapses John could have caused. I believe Karen did so well because she cared about her co worker esteem and was still able to call his attention to his mistakes.

  491. From the scenario, I think there was lack of communication and transparency on John and William part. John almost broke the ethics of the project by accepting William result but Kareen had to talk about it at the end of the day even though she was skeptical at first on how John will react. She been able to voice out helped in proffering solution by getting the properly result needed and thereby keeping the ethics and integrity of the organization.

  492. The issues here are failure to adhere to ethical standard and the company’s values on the part of John. Being an experienced project manager, he allowed himself to be easily carried away by the adventure of the locals and the belief that there assessment is perfect rather than taking it upon himself to verify every segment of the exercise himself. These led him to making a poor judgement and failing to take note of possible threats and risks in the project. Also, Williams on his part is only concerned about getting result irrespective of whether the result is right. This can be deduced as a lack of effective communication, agreement, and failure to uphold the ethical standards and values of the organization he represents. As for Karen, having spotted that the report is too true to be true, she could have immediately called the attention of John but was reluctant to step on toes due to the fact that she was playing safe with her job, and cared more about stepping on toes rather than putting the organization first.
    However, Karen was able to communicate with John outside the work setting the following week in order to detect and rectify the possible risks and threats to the project after brainstorming with other colleagues and identifying a local firm to review the project.

  493. From the scenario, I think there was lack of communication and transparency on John and William part. John almost broke the ethics of the project by accepting William result but Kareen had to talk about it at the end of the day even though she was skeptical at first on how John will react. She been able to voice out helped in proffering solution by getting the properly result needed and thereby keeping the ethics and integrity of the organization.

  494. There was lack of communication between John and Williams.
    This lack of communication made John feel that the work should be done at a faster pace, while Williams was relaxed because he had done the task without telling or consulting John.
    Karen and John had great skills of communication and collaboration and negotiation which was beautiful.

  495. From the case study I could pinpoint that William wanted a faster communication from John and when he didn’t get it he went ahead to get information online. Though this information would not be 100% verifiable with was was actually on ground. John would have gotten a better information and statistics if not for William interfering in the process. On the other end Karen stepped in to provide a solution to the information provided by William which was too good to be true.

  496. Well, from the case study there was a bit of clash of opinion between the parties, John obviously felt the work should be done at a much more faster pace while William seemed relaxed only because he had carried out the task without even consulting John at all, while Karen felt that John could have done a better jib with the research.
    The above conflict was solved through efficient communication, patience and research. If Karen hadn’t communicated her views to John they wont have seen the problem and if John hadn’t been patient with Karen they also won’t have progressed. Finally, Karen’s research only proved to be more effective as this helped solved their pressing problem

  497. Lack of communication between John and William was a very big vacuum among them, and this can bring lack of trust between them. Karen on the other hand, while trying to protect her few months old employment was not being honest, hence was not really expressing her feelings. this can cause a very big setback with the project at hand and the firm might run a risk of losing the project or not meeting up the the deadline.

  498. After reading through the passage I feel what transpired between the 3 of them was lack of communication, trust and transparency

    John as Pm was happy to work on the new project

    While William as an old member of the organization thinks he can do the project alone not carrying John along just to present the result to him… And Karen as a newlh acquired staff was on a neutral group doesn’t want to hurt John feeling and they both collaborated to achieving the said goal of the project.

  499. Lack of communication and transparency could be a strong barrier in carrying out effective tasks as a project manager. I also observed lack of good moral principle.

  500. acting with honesty and integrity, and acting within your capabilities.
    Karen and John dealt with these issues because their skills enabled them to perform coherent actions

  501. John as a PM was really excited about the new project as itโ€™s an opportunity to learn more and get feedbacks necessary for the next phase but Williams on the other hand failed to communicate with John and proceeded to carry out the project and presenting him with the result, he thought he was making it easy for John but John didnโ€™t feel that way because of his ethics. Keren on the other hand was excited to work for the brand and at that didnโ€™t want to point out the inconsistency she observed. On meeting John, Keren was able to figure out that he wasnโ€™t so pleased with the result and the communication made Keren and John to compromise and come up with a solution for the project and in the end they were able to reach a solution

  502. At the first scenario, it was observed that mutual respect and considerations were lacking as there was no clear communication between John and Williams which made John look unaware of certain things within the project that William had information about. As a project team, sharing information respectfully is key to avoid distrust and disharmony within the team.
    There should be an open avenue for constructive criticism and solutions within team. Karen need not be afraid of airing her opinion due to the fear of rejection or delayed probation. She can communicate respectfully without harming anybody or the project.

    I observed collaboration with local firm, search for knowledge and individual contributions as valuable assets. Communication played a key role during the collaboration

  503. Issues
    There is no communication and also lack of transparency between Williams and John concerning the project
    Lack of ethical conduct on Karen’s part cause she couldn’t voice out her opinion for fear of probation and unfriendly work environment and she was just working for the organization base on it’s reputation

    Proper communication between Karen and John which allows them to reach and agreement and also look into solution of their problems

  504. Issues of professional misconduct that I observed
    -lack of transparency and openess in the part of Williams withhold information from John

    -lack of good value and moral principles in Karen who decided to give a blind eye to challenging the integrity of the report.

    Skills employed in bringing ethnic into decision making as seen in the senerio are honest communication and collaboration.

  505. Issues of professional misconduct that I observed
    -lack of transparency and openess in the part of Williams withholding information from John.
    -lack of good value and moral principles in Karen who decided to give a blind eye to challenging the integrity of the report.

    Skills employed in bringing ethnic into decision making as seen in the senerio are honest communication and collaboration.

  506. > Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:

    Not being open: William withhold information about the engagement program which results to John raising concerns about transparency and honesty in communication.

    Lack of Ethical trait demonstration: Karenโ€™s hesitate to challenge the integrity of the engagement report due to concerns about her probation period highlights an ethical dilemma.

    > Skills explored in bringing ethics into decisions:

    Communication and Collaboration: John and Karen engage in open communication to address the ethical concerns surrounding the engagement report. There was collaboration to assess the risks and explore potential solutions which eventually leads to teamwork.

    The case study shows the importance of ethical conduct in project management and the required skills to navigate complex ethical challenges best.

  507. John was very ethical and understands the value of communication in project management which helped them solve their challenge although williams was not comfortable.
    Karen was just ok working for he company because of it reputation but played a vital role by giving john her honest opinion there by helping him to takcle the challenge. HONEST COMMUNICATION.
    Williams was so unethical about the whole thing acting all knowing and all experienced , which is bad for the project.

  508. In the course of executing the project: Williams was unethical, John’s ethical approach made them identify the risk and challenges involved although Williams was not comfortable with it.

    Karen on the other hand was attracted by the company’s reputation to gain more experience.

    John understand the role of communication and that has solve the problem effectively.

  509. According to the article, William was unethical in the course of executing the project.. As an experienced project manager, John identified the risk with that approach and was uncomfortable with it.

    However, an ambitious Karen is enticed by the focus and reputation of the XYZ company. She wants to ride its culture to gain as much experience as possible, hence she is willing to hold difficult conversations with John to avert the risk of Williamsโ€™ โ€œall very fineโ€ work.

    As an experienced project manager, John understands the role of communication in solving problems. He listens to Karenโ€™s arguments and incorporates them into delivering the project with minimal risk.

    This is proof that in Project Management, communication gets the job done.

  510. william wasnt much of a team person and lack integrity which isnt a great and healthy one for a project, yes they could have delivered the project early and on time but it will lack integrity as it wasnt something original that they worked on by themselve. good john was a great manager with integrity and honesty and karen was able to have the difficult conversation which lead them to not just going with the flow which would have cost them the future of the project and thier firm. at the end they were able to get the right result through effective communication and collaboration.

  511. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:

    Lack of Transparency: William’s decision to withhold information about the engagement program results from John raises concerns about transparency and honesty in communication. By not informing John about the completed engagement program and the availability of results, William undermines trust and collaboration between the two parties.

    Ethical Dilemma in Reporting: Karen’s hesitation to challenge the integrity of the engagement report due to concerns about office dynamics and her probation period highlights an ethical dilemma. She faces pressure to maintain a positive relationship with her colleagues while also recognizing the importance of accurate and unbiased reporting for the project’s success.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions:

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report and recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting it without scrutiny. She critically evaluates the situation and considers the ethical implications of her actions.

    Communication and Collaboration: John and Karen engage in open and constructive communication to address the ethical concerns surrounding the engagement report. They collaborate to assess the risks and explore potential solutions, demonstrating effective teamwork and problem-solving skills.

    Ethical Awareness: John and Karen exhibit ethical awareness by recognizing the importance of maintaining integrity and ethical standards in their work. They acknowledge the potential consequences of accepting a flawed report and prioritize ethical considerations in their decision-making process.

    Resourcefulness: Karen demonstrates resourcefulness by proposing a solution to address the ethical concerns raised by the engagement report. She conducts online research to identify a reputable firm that can provide an independent review of the report, showcasing her ability to think creatively and find alternative approaches to ethical dilemmas.

    Overall, the scenario illustrates the importance of ethical conduct in project management and the skills required to navigate complex ethical challenges effectively. Critical thinking, communication, collaboration, ethical awareness, and resourcefulness are essential skills that enable individuals to uphold ethical principles and make ethically sound decisions in professional contexts.

  512. My take from the case study is that:

    William wasn’t a team player; he had some sort of unlaying selfish interest, He didn’t carry John who is the project manager along and just brought a report that wasn’t so clear for him to work with.

    John was a good project manager, he understood that he needed to get straight into
    the work and learn how the program would be organized. He also shared his concerns about William and the report he gave to Karen and other team members. Due to his ability to communicate, a solution to the problem was found and he worked with the team to solve this underlying problem that could have resulted in a failed project

    Karen was able to sense some sort of problem with the initial report brought by William which was handed to her by John. She knew that it was too good to be true, but she was more concerned about her position in XYZ that she was willing to just go with the flow and say nothing. This was not a good call as it could have cost them the project. However, she was later helpful to John by working hard to find the solution to the problem through research.

  513. John exhibited a core value of integrity and honesty by not going along with William’s suggestion of formulating data. William lacks integrity and honesty, and he isn’t a good communicator and a team player. Karen at first, wanted only what was best for herself but not the project which was a selfish act, but she came around. There was a healthy collaboration, negotiation and communication between John and Karen which helped them resolve the issue and complete the project.

  514. William was unethical in executing the project. Filing out data without going to the field is bad for the professional’s credibility. As an experienced project manager, John identified the risk with that approach and was uncomfortable with it.

    However, an ambitious Karen is enticed by the focus and reputation of the XYZ company. She wants to ride its culture to gain as much experience as possible, hence she is willing to hold difficult conversations with John to avert the risk of Williams’ “all very fine” work.

    As an experienced project manager, John understands the role of communication in solving problems. He listens to Karen’s arguments and incorporates them into delivering the project with minimal risk.

    This is proof that in Project Management, communication gets the job done.

  515. there is an excellent communication ,between john and karen which helped them to work as a team in the project while Williams isn’t a team player

  516. Karen and John had great skills of collaboration and negotiationโ€ฆ While Williams is not willing to face his difficult challenges, also they exhibited a healthy work relationship and ethics for a good project manager, most interesting was the constructive criticism of Williamโ€™s report, and the ability to provide solutions even before any eventuality.

  517. john and Karen exhibited a healthy work relationship and ethics for a good project manager, most interesting was the constructive criticism of William’s report, and the ability to provide solutions even before any eventuality.
    As for William, i believe, he’s assumed experience got the better part of him, without carrying out a due diligence report.
    overall, i think, john and Karen, should try to make William see reasons when ever they have doubt as to what he’s doing, and William should be open to change and continuous learning. you cant know all, change is ever constant.

  518. Alot of skills were in play here , to point out a few;
    Ability to criticize without raising dust and the ability to recieve critics as well. The willingness to unlearn and relaern

    1. William seem to be a solo player and doesn’t not work with the team, which make him not to be a great team player

  519. John and Karen has good communication skills and work together as a team to solve the issues encountered in the project

  520. The three characters were good team players and easily communicated with each other and had relevant conversations
    Willam gives priority to feedbacks.

  521. John is a man of principles and values.
    After he found out the expected meeting with stakeholders will not happen… He acted professional by accepting the results drafted by Williams… He proceeded to his firm and ask for an honest opinion from his new staff Karen.
    Karen on the other hand consulted with her colleagues…. At the end they got a solution that didn’t bring friction between them and William.

    So much lesson learned.

  522. John and Karen displayed good communication skill. John is very very professional and ethical in his approach but Williams on the other hand want to cut corners since heโ€™s a stakeholder.
    Itโ€™s great that John and Karen sought for other colleagues ideas in solving the problem at hand land were able to come up with solutions.

  523. William is probably used to cutting corners and know how to talk himself out of situations as a peopleโ€™s person. But John needed things to be done on the up and up, therefore wasnโ€™t comfortable with Williamโ€™s approach.
    Karen being a newbie didnโ€™t quite know how to fit in. But once she and John were able to talk and she had a better understanding of what was at stake, she was instrumental in them finding a solution.
    Lesson learnt is the need to act ethically even though a stakeholder wants to cut corners. Acting ethically is good for both present and future image.

    Some of the issues of the professional conduct I identified were;
    *Values โ€“ William did not act in accordance with the organizationโ€™s values which got them a strong reputation in the first place.

    *Code of conduct- William did not conduct himself in the proper way as he acted in defiance to Johnโ€™s process and input. Willam also did not apply moral principles that should have made him know that cutting corners will harm in project in the future.

    And some of skills used to bring about these ethics were Good Moral principle and dealing with difficult decisions.

  524. Some of the issues of the professional conduct I identified were;
    *Values – William did not act in accordance with the organization’s values which got them a strong reputation in the first place.
    *Code of conduct- William did not conduct himself in the proper way as he acted in defiance to John’s process and input. Willam also did not apply moral principles that should have made him know that cutting corners will harm in project in the future.

    Some of the skills that were used to bring ethics into play were;
    *Dealing with difficult decisions – now John did accept the report from William but head to make the difficult decision to accept a new perspective from Karen and contact the local firm to get the right information.
    *Moral principles – made Karen and John to act the right way concerning the report even though they could have turned a blind eye to it and faced the risk of damage to the project and the company’s reputation.

  525. Karen and John had great skills of collaboration and negotiation… While Williams is not willing to face his difficult challenges

  526. Williams lacked the ethics of working on such an environment as he seemed to be a smooth talker in getting himself out of difficult situations… John and Karen were dedicated to bonding collaboratively to achieve the Desired outcome and working as a team by involving others and fine tuning ways to objectively get better results. Ethically in all spheres of life’s endeavours, integrity cannot be a virtue if one isn’t honest.

  527. William is used to cutting corners and probably know how to talk himself out of situations as a people’s person. But John needed things to be done on the up and up, therefore wasn’t comfortable with William’s approach.
    Karen being a newbie didn’t quite know how to fit in. But once she and John were able to talk and she had a better understanding of what was at stake, she was instrumental in them finding a solution.
    Lesson learnt is the need to act ethically even though a stakeholder wants to cut corners. Acting ethically is good for both present and future image.

  528. John had to accept the misbehavior of William who was the manager of the Client/Sponsor of the project.

    Karen and John had great synergy. They used the skills of collaboration, seeking the opinions of their colleagues to help bring a wider perspective as well as listening.

    Honesty and integrity were crucial to the survival of the venture.

    1. John was reserved and composed. Karen and John had great team spirit and collobatorative synergy in acheiving good project success. They employed the use interactiveness, collaboration, seeking the opinions of their colleagues to widen thier project understanding towards achieving a good result.

      William didnt show a good team spirit, being a man of the people, he believed he needed no one idea to achieve the expcted result. Sadly, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

  529. Communication is lacking, dishonest, lack of transparency and team work is not effective..
    William ethics os poor believing he knows it all and how the feedback is handled by John is poor.

  530. Some of the issues in this scenario have to do with dishonesty, lack of transparency, selfishness, cheating and taking shortcuts to quickly achieve a result. It can ruin a hard-earned and built reputation in a very short time, and destroy not only a project, but a career. Hence the importance of having very strong values and sticking to them against all odds and despite the challenges.

  531. There’s poor communication and lack of engagement with people who are most likely with the innovative solutions (John and Karen). Meanwhile William is used to the traditional approach of the firm but the firm just got their first overseas job which would take innovative solutions to handle and get the best result for the first. People like John and Karen think outside the box, they even sought for opinion from friends, these are the people I would like to work with in my team because they already saw the risk ahead before hand,the fact that it sounded pretty, doesn’t mean it would end pretty. Kudos to John and Karen at the end of the day it’s a win-win thing for the firm.

  532. Firstly, William acted like he knew it all and can work on it without the help of John by getting bck to John after receiving feedback from his team..John ethics in this scenario was poorโ€ฆ

    Secondly, communication, and continuing professional development was really helpful to bring ethics into decision..

    Communication in such a way that John and Karen were able to discuss on how the project will be done and continuing professional development in such a way that they were able use there professionalism to bring balance and build the project.

  533. Standards shouldnt be comprised no matter who in involved.Project management is all about risk and reputation. Jane knew what was happening but was afraid initially.Everyone had a suspucion but because of some interests we keep mute.

  534. John and Karen both had an intensive problem which was compromising thier standards. William wasn’t being honest.

    And Karen should have had boundaries. There is a difference between relationship and work.

  535. Firstly, William had breached the professional conduct of Engagement, Honesty, Integrity and Reputation on the project team.
    John and Karen tried to compromise the ethics and standard of the firm due to William’s breach of conduct but later made a reverse using their communication skills and skills of ethics/standards of the firm to make sure the reputation of the firm is maintained.

  536. Effective communication and collaboration if implemented in the first instance would have averted the errors they later nudged.

    However, friendship and relationship should not make organizational goals/projects suffer as seen in Karen and John’s first instances.

  537. First of all, proper planning and good communication would have helped John know Williams would start off on the first day, if he had known, he wouldnโ€™t have done the tour on the first day.
    Williams, on the other hand should have used better communication and a good team spirit.
    Karenโ€™s fear of being on probation hindered her from communicating, but it was good she later spoke about it โ€“ Team management skills.
    Johnโ€™s ability to go through with Karen showed good leadership skills.

  538. First of all, proper planning and good communication would have helped John know Williams would start off on the first day, if he had known, he wouldn’t have done the tour on the first day.
    Williams, on the other hand should have used better communication and a good team spirit.
    Karen’s fear of being on probation hindered her from communicating, but it was good she later spoke about it – Team management skills.
    John’s ability to go through with Karen showed good leadership skills.

  539. Exemplary professional conduct shines through in this scenario as Karen and John demonstrate exceptional critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. They meticulously evaluate the risks and rewards associated with disputing the opinion research report, employing their problem-solving acumen to navigate this complex dilemma. John’s receptiveness to various perspectives significantly aids the company in charting a course through this challenging situation.
    The scenario underscores the significance of effective communication, seamless collaboration, constructive feedback, critical thinking, and robust research and analytical skills. These competencies synergize to propel the team towards resolving intricate issues and achieving optimal outcomes. Through adept communication and collaborative efforts, the team harnesses diverse perspectives to inform their critical thinking process, facilitating well-informed decisions and fostering innovation.

  540. From the given scenerio, lack of communication and team work on the part of Williams would have jeopardize the project, likewise Karen’s initial take of not telling John what she was thinking. Karen’s subsequent actions exhibited a high level of professional conduct i.e communicating with John.Her actions displayed the bed rock of any successful project, which are communication, research, negotiation and team work.

  541. 1) professional conduct highlighted in this scenario?
    Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:
    – Karen and John engage in critical thinking to assess the risks and benefits of challenging the opinion research report. Their problem-solving skills come into play as they navigate the dilemma and explore alternative solutions to solve the problem. John’s openness to ideas has really help the company to get navigate the dilemma.

    2) Effective communication
    Critical thinking
    Research and analytical skills

  542. It’s important to note that collaboration, communication and team work, critical thinking, feedback management are essential in project management.

  543. The case study explains that;
    Communication is key, and not just communication but EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
    Also collaboration and critical thinking should be a part of our managerial experience

  544. The case study points out serious issues that would have affected the project negatively. It was great Karen mastered the courage to face the elephant in the room and John took on the matter to rectify it.
    William poses serious ethical issues that would cost the project a big deal. Overall, themes of honesty, code of conduct, decision making, integrity and professionalism are well seen.

  545. Effective communication amongst team members is important. Critical thinking, and collaboration in project management.

  546. Overall, this scenario highlights the importance of ethical decision-making, effective communication, critical thinking, and collaboration in project management. By prioritizing integrity, transparency, and professionalism, the team at XYZ is able to navigate ethical challenges and ensure the success of their projects.

  547. NETWORK with necessary stakeholders.

    FEEDBACK from meetings which help to identify loopholes.

    Intentional COLLABORATION with teammates and external persons that helps to reach out for better information.

    Clear unbiased COMMUNICATION among teammates.

    A healthy brainstorming (REVIEW) of the achievement made so far.

  548. William acted unprofessionally and demonstrated miscommunication and a lack of integrity. John initially shows a lack of courage to question William’s unethical and unprofessional act for fear of losing out on the project. He sort of compromised his integrity and transparency which were the hallmarks of the company’s acclaimed reputation. Kareen also on the mere assumption that John might take her criticism personally was disquiet but kept quiet about an obvious unethical decision that would adversely affect the company’s reputation and integrity. Some of the skills used to bring the project back to normancy and successful execution were:
    1. Critical Thinking and Ethical Awareness:
    2. Effective Communication and Collaboration
    3. Long-Term Perspective and Strategic Thinking:
    4. Problem-Solving and External Collaboration:
    5. Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
    6. Research and analytical skills
    7. Teamwork

  549. in this scenario, there are issues of professional conduct such as:
    1. unprofessional research methodology: William suggested that they use data and results of research conducted by other people in a different scenario
    2. conflicts of interest: Willian strived to get the results that would please John despite the method used to get the data, he wanted cross-cutting ways where things are done easily and fast. he did not care about the future impact and risk that will come across. Kallen also did not want to tell John the reality of trying to secure his position and feared confronting them. their hearts were on what they will get not the impact of the project.

    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions.
    1. professionalism. they employed a big firm that will help them to carry out the work based on relevant and updated data
    2. collaboration and communication: they sat down and discussed the matter at the table and decided together as a team
    3. Partnership: they connected with the big firm and then connected it with the local firm so that they could work together to do the research.
    4. accountability and integrity: they hold each other accountable in a way that everyone knows what is going on within the project
    5. Focused and vision-driven. they came to the agreement that they have to work for with the end in their mind not looking for personal interest but rather the impact and results of the project

  550. Issues of professional conduct are Miscommunication, Assumptions and Lack of Teamwork.

    Understanding and collaboration helps in decision making.

  551. In the APM scenario presented, a couple of issues of professional conduct are evident:

    1. Conflict of Interest: The project manager’s decision to award the contract to a friend’s company without disclosing this relationship poses a significant conflict of interest. This undermines fairness and impartiality in the procurement process, potentially impacting the project’s integrity.

    2. Lack of Transparency: The lack of transparency in the decision-making process, particularly regarding the selection criteria for awarding the contract, raises concerns about accountability and adherence to ethical standards. Stakeholders are left uninformed about the basis for the decision, leading to mistrust and speculation.

    Several skills were utilized to address ethics in the decision-making process:

    1. Ethical Awareness: Recognizing the ethical implications of decisions and actions is crucial in navigating complex project situations. The project manager demonstrated ethical awareness by acknowledging the potential conflict of interest and the need for transparency.

    2. Communication: Effective communication skills were essential in facilitating dialogue and transparency among stakeholders. The project manager engaged in open communication with the team and sought input from colleagues to address concerns and ensure ethical considerations were prioritized.

    3. Decision-Making: Sound decision-making skills were employed to weigh ethical dilemmas and make choices aligned with professional conduct. The project manager evaluated the situation, considered the impact on stakeholders, and ultimately decided to rescind the contract award to uphold ethical standards.

    Overall, ethical awareness, communication, and decision-making skills were pivotal in addressing ethical challenges and promoting integrity in the project’s conduct.

  552. From the case study, several issues of professional conduct and the skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario can be identified
    Issues of Professional Conduct:
    โ€ข Misrepresentation and Transparency: William, on behalf of the client agency, misrepresented the engagement program as already conducted when it hadn’t. This potentially misleads John and could negatively impact the project’s success. John, the project manager, fails to initially address the discrepancy about the engagement process, potentially due to concerns about jeopardizing the project or his own standing.

    โ€ข Bypassing Established Procedures: William bypassed the planned forums for stakeholder engagement and instead relied on an opinion research firm. This action could undermine the integrity of the feedback process and the quality of the data collected.

    โ€ข Questionable Research Methods: The results of the opinion research seem too perfect, raising suspicions about the validity of the data. This could potentially be a case of unethical research practices.

    โ€ข Pressure to Conform: John feels pressured to accept the flawed research due to the importance of the contract and William’s influence. Karen, the junior team member, feels pressured to comply with John’s initial assessment which was flawed and is worried about voicing her concerns due to her probationary period.

    As for the skills used to bring ethics into decisions:
    โ€ข Critical Thinking: Karenโ€™s skepticism about the results shows her ability to critically analyze information and question its validity.
    โ€ข Ethical Awareness: Johnโ€™s surprise at the bypassed engagement programme indicates his understanding of the importance of following established procedures for ethical conduct.
    โ€ข Communication: Despite the issues, open dialogue about these concerns help address the ethical dilemmas. John seeks Karen’s honest opinion, allowing for collaboration on a solution.
    โ€ข Collaboration: John and Karen work together to understand the risks and explore alternative solutions.
    โ€ข Resourcefulness: Karen uses online research to identify a reputable firm to review the initial report.
    โ€ข Integrity: John and Karen ultimately choose to prioritize ethical conduct over individual gain or immediate project success.
    Ethical conduct in project management is crucial for maintaining trust among stakeholders and ensuring the success of the project. Itโ€™s important to address any ethical concerns promptly and transparently.

  553. Communication, team work and collaboration is very essential and are also vital keys for a successful projection execution.

  554. John knew what he was supposed to do but was nervous because he was all about achieving results, which led to a violation of their organization value.
    Karen seem to be a process outcome person.
    Williamโ€™s unethical behavior is to cut corner to get desired outcome.
    In all, the skills used in handling this situation was Communication, Consultation & Collaboration

  555. the case study centers on how communication especially between John and karen was able to get them to do better research and get the project back on track. It shows how effective communication is paramount in every project

  556. John was more of a Professional and Ethics compliance person, he wanted the job done without compromise, he wanted a thorough and well researched survey to sample opinions. He posses a high level of Integrity.

    William, on the other hand, is a goal getter, not really minding a high level of Integrity, just to achieve the set goals, within the time frame and resources.

    Karen is an enthusiastic intern, who really shares in John’s view but her position was not to be seen as overzealous. She was able to help John get what he wanted but very carefully.

    In a nutshell, the whole Case Study centers on “Communication”, all involved were able to get back in track to the Project because their were able to pass ideas and collaborate to achieve the set goals, bearing in mind ethical decisions.

  557. Problem:
    Ethical themes such as professional competence, integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and public interest were compromise.
    Effective communication, collaboration and a proper review of the researched document led to a successful project.

  558. From the APM’s ethics case study, the major instances of professional conduct highlighted were:
    1. Lack of proper communication between John and William, so as to explain the standards of the engagement programme and how it would pan out.
    2. The timeline for when the engagement programme was not properly agreed upon between John and Wiliam, again highlighting the importance of having good communication skills.
    Furthermore, there was a lack of standard problem solving ethical workplace skills at play, which led to elongated disagreements between the project manager and his team.

  559. Effective communication &collaboration will help a project yield success, especially after a failed attempt. This will enable them strategize and put in place the “‘missing brick””for a successful project delivery.

  560. After analysis a few skills highlighted in this scenario are communication, time management, standards and knowledge of the regulatory environment. While a plan was made, it wasn’t clearly communicated nor followed. This coupled with poor timeliness and non-observation of ethics and standards in problem-solving and team leadership.

  561. After careful study of the scenario, there was clearly a flaw in planning and a total lack of communication. Karen lacked the ability to initiate a difficult conversion and John didn’t know how to convey his emotions.

  562. After analyzing this case study, there is clearly a lack of communication and team work between the employees but they were later able to collaborate and communicate to get a successful project.

  563. The didn’t have a plan on how to carry out the engagement programme and this made william to do what he wanted. Collaboration and communication between team members is very important as an established plan would have led to the right engagement.

  564. I believe William used his skills on being a people’s person well but was been unethical by not informing his project manager who wanted to use the project to learn and develop.
    Communication among the partners were abit difficult as they didn’t tell each other what the plan for the engagement was
    Karen should have been able to make the hard decision to talk to John about what she observed

  565. From the APM’s case study the professional conduct and skills i recognized are these:
    1. Communication skills
    2. Time and Location : Keren got the knowledge of when to fault the plans of William and discussing this with John in a space out of work was the most perfect idea that helped the project from crash landing.
    John being able to relate the discussion between himself and Keren to William was another outstanding one. All of this centered on the Communication skill.

  566. William leveraged on his connections to fabricate an engagement result against the ethic of the practice of project management. While John has a well worked out project plan, William was willing to get the best result written without conducting an the required exercise. John epitomizes what a great PM should be.
    Kareen, although inexperienced, also behave unethically by not challenging John and insisting on the correct procedure to be followed bus instead more interested in completing her probationary period.

    Generally all three were not communicating and had different ideas on how to achieve the result, albeit unethically for William. They were working in silos.

  567. As a project manager, the most import skill you need to have is excellent communication skill, which plays a great role in project management, what i see there is good communication between the stakeholders and the PM the project is good to go.

  568. William showed the worst work ethic in this scenario. His actions were stamped with trickles of bias, and he was stuck on the status quo way of operation instead of being open. This speaks very low of his growth mindset. John although new should have been more assertive, rather than allow this instance be pushed over his table like it was beyond his jurisdiction. The ripple effect of this action will be insubordination at various level of management. However, there’s a lot to learn from Katie’s work ethic. Although relatively knew, she showed high level of awareness of the situation, was empathetic and eventually landed a hand to John to address the issue on ground. These are great qualities of a team player and project manager.

  569. Starting with Karen, although she was regarded as the green horn, she showed empathy and put her analytic/problem solving skills to good use to ensure that the outcome of the project would align with the client’s goals.

    John while being considerate ended up being a push over. As a project manager, he should have found a way to broach the subject pointing out that it was within scope for him (his company) to be involved in the initial engagement as agreed. He should have highlighted the benefits for firsthand participation to the overall success of the project. A project manager should find a balance between accommodation and assertiveness.

    William showed the worst for of ethical malpractice and he came off as having something to hide. He showed bias even before his first contact with the other team and that is just not a desirable trait for a project manager.

  570. As a good project manager, William needed to be a good communicator and also needed to carry his team along properly. Karen deserves an applause for been a greater observer and also emphatic

  571. In my opinion, while William is trying to be ethical in his work, he needs to learn to communicate his ideas better and make his team see why things should be done the other way. John needs to understand that, always taking the easy route might put a dent in the integrity or quality of your work. Even if he will use the already prepared information they need, getting more information from the people on the field will add more authenticity to their report. The major skills needed here are honesty and ethics.

  572. In my opinion William displayed a lack of respect to his team and lack of communication which can be a major problem going forward with the project , John on the other should have taken the project a bit more seriously as he arrived and put more emphasis on team work and communication after William had disregarded the core values and ethics of a project manager

  573. William displayed a lack of Respect for the Company values by not giving an Excellent Report as Kareem was able to discover. The loopholes.John on the other hand Downplayed the urge which the Project deserved by spending his first day on a fun tour rather than Working along with William on the report.Karen on the other hand despite being a newbie showed her Zeal and Enthusiasm to Revive and Maintain the Company values regardless of how it will Affect her relationship with John

  574. I think as a project manager one of the most challenging is working with people from different countries you get to meet people with different beliefs and cultural background so it’s a bit challenging

  575. As a project manager,one has to have an excellent communication skill,communication plays a great role in project management,one there is good communication between the stakeholders and the PM the project is good to go.

  576. These are the skills employed: communication; honesty; fairness; respect; accountability and responsibility.
    Williams: lacks good and proper communication skills and team spirit; wanting to take the easy way out.
    John: responsibility and accountability are his strengths as he was more concerned about how the engagement program of the project would be organised. Although, his communication skills need improvement.
    Karen: she exudes fairness, respect and honesty, as well as excellent communication skills.

  577. William did what was ethically wrong for the project, and so did John as well, he was the project manager and he was to ensure they got things right, he wouldn’t have given into to what williams offered, and also spent the first day socializing instead on focusing on the project he came for, but thanks to Karen for being observant and critical and also a good communicator with problem-solving skills, she was able to save the project and the companies reputation

  578. It’s best to be very constructi ve in your communication. While John and Karen had a good flow, William wasn’t very professional.

  579. from my observation, Williams loves to adopt the โ€œeasy way outโ€ of situations, John should have expressed his opinions to Williams before returning with the report. Karen displayed assertiveness as she did not only think about the project but the future of the firm. John should adopt such assertiveness. Williams on the other hand, is an external adversity.

  580. Williams lacks proper communication skills and seemed to be focused on getting the work done than getting it done the right way, while John and Karen displayed good ethical skills by not just submitting the “Too good to be a true report, knowing there could be a few errors,” but by displaying the right judgement and there was clear and transparent communication between the two team members.

  581. It is very important to do the right thing and to carry your team along while undergoing any project.
    William may have done preliminary research, but his lake of clear communication with John is short of professionalism.
    Karenโ€™s observations, put John on track to have a second thought and look and made a research that gave the team a different view from what Williams provided for him.

    Thank you for your time

  582. The organisation has a good reputation that has been achieved with their work over the time which makes them won the project.
    Good staffing: putting the right peg in the right owe.
    Good relationship management cn also be identified.

  583. John and Karen could collaborate, work together because there is transparency and team spirit, whereas Williams lacks communication, delayed communicating with other stakeholders which portrayed him as a selfish leader who does not encourages inclusiveness and team work to execute the project

  584. Communication was key to rectifying the situation caused by Williams. Karen and John demonstrated professionalism by talking things out instead of casting blames. By brainstorming together, they were able to resolve the situation.
    In managing projects, it is important to note that although you are the project manager, you don’t have all the answers. Be sure to consult and collaborate where necessary with your peers and project team.

  585. John did not look down on Karen even though she has only been with them for a few months. William was trying to jump the bus, and he lost his touch with the project. On other hand, if Karen was not given a platform to thrive she wouldnโ€™t have gotten that brainwave idea to help the project and solve the problems, โ€œeven with future clients.โ€ John is a good leader.

  586. I observed that William liked the easy way out of most situation whereas John liked to sick to the book and get things done the right way.
    John is a good leader by being open with Karen and giving her the chance to make a viable contribution to the project.

  587. John was really ready for the work and has already given William a nudge on what to be done only for William going ahead breaking down proper and sound Communication. Jumping the gun.
    William lost the team spirit and the togetherness that will give them success.
    John was a good leader ready to observe and listen.
    He didn’t look down on Karen, but was ready to listen and learn as nobody is an island of knowledge.
    Karen was wise the way she put forward wise ideas to her senior which he took humbly giving them good success at the end.

  588. As a Project Manager I will ensure adequate planning especially mapping ,analyzing strategizing stakeholders is done carefully .
    Values and what the company represents should be ethically represented in our work execution and up a report that is not worked on misrepresent values of an organization and could be. Risk at the long run

  589. I believe there was a plan prior to Johnโ€™s journey but William deviated by taking the easy way out due to being familiar with the players. His decision puts the project at risk as well as the future of the company. The communication between the team members wasnโ€™t thorough as John did not express his concerns. Karen was empathetic and could see through John and approached him in a manner that was void of criticism, hence she got John to air his concerns and they could find a solution to the potential problem.

  590. I observed that Williams loves to adopt the “easy way out” of situations. I believe that John should have expressed his opinions to Williams before returning with the report. Karen displayed assertiveness as she did not only think about the project but the future of the firm. John should adopt such assertiveness. Williams on the other hand, is an external adversity.

  591. i noticed a lack of proper team work and collaboration among the team.
    All their concerns are valid however could be eased with proper communication among themselves.
    Williams could have a meeting with the team to iron out issues and then John could table his findings and Karen would air her worries, then collectively, make a decision and forge ahead

  592. I can definitely relate with this case study, currently i am working as PM even though by default i am a Software tester. for Karen whose case is like mine undergoing probation she is just trying to look out for herself. but one thing i am learning is that effective communication and inclusion is key, no one wants to be like outsider in their place of work; and for someone like job who is detailed PM felt threatened by that. different ideas are cool, constructive criticisms shapes us to be better at we do, but Transparency and collaboration is what makes a great team.

  593. Professional conduct- lack of Team work, collaboration and communication skills

    Skills employed – Humility by John, Patience and wisdom by Karen, Grit by Williams

  594. The Issues of Professional Conduct identified in the scenario are as follow:-

    1. Lack of Transparency and Communication:
    John discovered a lack of transparency when William, his counterpart, conducted an engagement program without informing him promptly. This raised a serious concern about communication and transparency in collaborative project management.

    2. Potential Misrepresentation in the Report:
    Karen sensed a potential issue of professional conduct in the overly positive opinion research report, suspecting misrepresentation or bias. The report’s accuracy is questioned, impacting the integrity of decision-making in the project.

    The Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions are:-

    1. Critical Thinking and Ethical Awareness:
    John and Karen demonstrated critical thinking by questioning the report’s findings and expressing ethical concerns about accuracy and objectivity.

    2. Effective Communication and Collaboration:
    Karen openly discussed concerns with John, fostering effective communication within the team. John and Karen collaborated to explore risks, highlighting the importance of teamwork in addressing ethical issues.

    3. Long-Term Perspective and Strategic Thinking:
    Karen prompted John to consider the firm’s long-term reputation, reflecting a strategic and ethical approach to decision-making beyond the immediate project.

    4. Problem-Solving and External Collaboration:
    Karen suggested seeking external input from a global firm, demonstrating problem-solving and collaboration skills to ensure an unbiased review of the engagement program’s findings.

    5. Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
    John and Karen engaged in a thorough analysis of risks associated with accepting or challenging the report, demonstrating a commitment to informed decision-making and the mitigation of potential negative consequences.

  595. I noticed some amount of pride in Williams. Things can change, methods, procedures as a result of evolving ecosystem. John and Karen’s approach was better as it later helped in identifying the pitfalls to the next stage of the project.
    Finally, Williams approach could be used when there isn’t enough time to meet with the deadline.

  596. Humility: seeking sincere opinion and willingness to admit one’s error.
    Fear of being misunderstood.
    Team work: sharing issues with colleagues.
    Commitment: Working over time and going extra mile in search of solution

  597. Key ethical issue was integrity. And it was resolved by going the extra mile to fact check while making use of tact and effective communication.

  598. Effective communication and Team playing irrespective of interpersonal skills are quite important as well as critical analysis of project at hand and achieving the required result should be paramount.. Lack of these were a problem and when imbibed saved the day .

  599. The underlying issues were:

    1. Compromise

    2. Ego

    3. Self-reliance

    4. Fear

    5. Misunderstanding

    6. Poor flow of information

    7. Rigidity

    Skills that were used by the people involved in this scenario are:

    1. Team work

    2. Resilience

    3. Open communication

    4. Effective use of Language

    5. Humility

  600. Some of the issues I identified in this scenario are:
    The lack of Team work, clear communication, fear of being able to air ones opinion for fear of victimization, However , the project was saved by the collaboration and the negotiation between XYZ firm and the team.

  601. Acting Ethically
    In the APM’s ethics case, issues of professional conduct often revolve around conflicts of interest, confidentiality breaches, inadequate stakeholder communication, or misuse of resources.

    In these scenarios, skills such as communication, critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and stakeholder management are essential in addressing ethical issues. Effective communication helps in understanding the perspectives of all involved parties, while critical thinking and ethical decision-making are crucial for evaluating the potential impact of actions on stakeholders. Stakeholder management skills are important for maintaining transparency and building trust.

  602. John’s inability to influence Williams to do the needful came after he mixed business with pleasure.
    Karen’s reservations to criticize John’s report officially shows her mastery in communication.
    She didn’t stop there but effectively collaborated with John all the way to ensure that the situation was slavaged and that’s a good one.
    John condescended to learn from his junior staff despite.

  603. From scenario, the communication within the team weren’t that great, a team should be able to have the best form critics on every form of ideas and decision making on a project at hand and be able to come out with the best possible solution for it and not really allow emotions to set between the said project at hand.

  604. From the scenario, there were issues of professional conduct such as communication breakdown. A communication can only be effective when there is understanding but in this case there was no clear communication between John and William. Other professional issues include: lack of hierarchy arrangement, lack of team work, personal sentiment and lack research. However, the skills used to bring ethics into decision that eventually helped the project are: collaboration, critical thinking and research.

  605. There was poor communication among the parties involved. No clear expectations were set, and Williamsโ€™ decision came as a shock to John, showing that there was no teamwork and cultural sensitivity. When Karen feared talking to John about her reservations, she showed unprofessionalism. All these put the project at great risk.

    However, the situation was salvaged with open communication and teamwork between John and Karen. Proper research and partnership proved effective in delivering good results for the project.

  606. Communication, interpersonal skills are very important . In a quest to want to get things done so fast , we shouldnโ€™t ignore the basic things that needs to be done firstly before embarking on a project . Failure to carry out our due diligence, the project will encounter serious problem .

  607. Williams lacks some ethics. Williams failed to communicate properly. Williams lacks ethical value by wanting quick fix to the problem.

  608. William behaved unprofessionally by going behind the back of John to get reviews. These reviews were not true at all and if used would bring a devastating problem to the project
    2. William was a get-things-done-fast kind of person, without wanting to go into detail, without wanting to know if there was a regulatory body (other stakeholders) to be reckoned with.

    Finally, the skills used to solve the case were: Communication, Knowledge of regulatory environment and critical thinking.

  609. It’s much better to make the right decisions and also follow proper ethics and regulations in order to achieve intended objectives

  610. It is very important to do the right thing and to carry your team along while undergoing any project.
    William may have done preliminary research, but his lake of clear communication with John is short of professionalism.
    Karenโ€™s observations, put John on track to have a second thought and look and made a research that gave the team a different view from what Williams provided for him.

  611. The following issues were identified:
    1. A communication breakdown between John and William.
    2. Unprofessional conduct and insufficient critical thinking in carrying out projects without proper verification and research by William.
    3. A lack of collaboration, integrity, and trust breach.

    The proposed solutions included improving communication, conducting collaborative research and work analysis, and upholding discipline and integrity.

  612. The initial issue within the team responsible for the task stemmed from William working independently without involving John. Additionally, Karen neglected to discuss her concerns about the project’s first step with John. The lack of communication became the primary challenge.

    However, John proactively addressed this by meeting Karen at a cafe, where he encouraged her to share her honest opinions. This open dialogue allowed them to collaboratively move forward with the first step, ultimately leading to the identification of solutions to mitigate risk.

  613. John was being professional with what was said so was Karen but it looked liked William had other definitions of professionalism

  614. William did everything by his own without engaging the PM and karen. Karen also didn’t communicate with John about her concerns on the project first step.
    So lack of communication was the first problem in the team in charge of the task.
    But what John did by meeting Karen at a cafe and asked her,her honest point of view face to face,she opened up and with John both of them can move forward with the first step,and they were able to find some solutions to minimize risks.

  615. Assumption they say is the worst form of knowledge.wulliam assume He knows John’s thought. In addition there there was poor communication between him and the other team members

  616. Poor Communication by William as he failed to communicate with the rest of the team members. This is unprofessional

    Collaboration is lacking between williams and john and karen. He virtually carried out the project procedures without working with John and Karen.

  617. William was unprofessional in his actions and decision by writing up result without collaborating with John who is also a member of the team. He did not exercise a good communication skill. While John on the other hand came as an experienced project manager but did not have any knowledge of the working environment.

    The ability to manage the risk and be a team player placed Karen a step ahead. She sought for expert opinion in solving the problem, and was able to restore the goal of the team. She was exceptional and displayed a great skill of project management.
    The skills I realized was used to resolve the issue are: Effective communication, negotiation skill and collaboration skill.

  618. William acted unethically by suggesting that John accepts the feedbacks without proper consultation.

    John acted ethically by showing his displeasure for accepting reviews without consultation. He did even better by keeping an open mind and given his subordinate the opportunity to question the reviews.

    Karen did well by summoning the courage to speak with john about it. She also showed great project management skills by coming up with a way out instead of giving up on the project entirely.

    John would have to be more decisive in dealing with similar situations in future and try to better in getting stakeholders to fall in line especially when ethical lines are crossed

  619. Williams projected his assumptions in the place of communication, deliberation, teamwork etc. John and Karen were unable to air their view despite identifying the wrong approach William was projecting but were able to come up with a mitigating approach on dropping their indeference towards the project.

  620. John as a PM who has the reputation of knowing the niche of his job didn’t act ethically as he failed to convince William of the need to collaborate with all stakeholders before coming up with a report that would lead them to the next phase of the project.
    In the case of William, it shows there is poor or lack of company values or code of practice reason he didn’t organize the meeting {Engagement}, and outsourced the report writing.
    Karen’s moral principle would have further endangered the company as she was scared to criticize the report.
    One of the major skills that helped John and Karen scale through the challenge was CRITICAL THINKING.

  621. Professional conduct was seen to have been followed by John and Karen in collaborating for the best interest of the project, beyond their person gains.

    The skills employed by both Karen and John in the scenario is as follows;

    Honesty: regardless if how Karen felt earlier her criticism would bring about a misunderstanding between herself and John as regards with the workplace energy flow, she didn’t hesitate to still express her view and opinion when called for by john, which eventually lead to the progress made by both on the project.

    Collaboration skills were also critical between Karen and John in the further pursuit of their analysis.

    Communication skill was pivotal in setting up the team spirit between Karen and John.

  622. Professional misconduct in this scenario includes:

    Poor Communication: William failed to communicate with the rest of the team

    No Collaboration: He virtually carried out the project procedures without working with John and Karen. Of which, this act would have destroyed the goals and reputation of the organization.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations;
    Honesty: Karen was honest in telling Williams her opinion concerning the results. Which gave room to find solutions.
    Team Work: They were able to resolve the situation thereby achieving the goals of the organization

  623. It is very important to do the right thing while undergoing any project.

    William may have done preliminary research, but it does not mean that John should not do his own research as expected and stipulated.

    Thanks to Karen’s observations, with this John was able to have a second look with her and had research that gave the team a different view from what Williams provided for him.

  624. Ethics in projects usually a difficult task to manage but I assume that if the sponsors really believe the project manager, this raises managerโ€™s hand and give the confidence to manage.

  625. The scenario shows how it’s very important to carry every necessary team member in a project instead of looking for another way to handle the issues at hand.

    William shows poor communication and collaboration skills and he wasn’t straightforward with his ideas. He lacks the ability to cooperate with others in the team.
    Karen and Jhon was able think critically, also they were able to collaborate with other colleague to resolve the problem at hand.

  626. John was specifically on a mission overseas to conduct a Stakeholder Engagement meeting for a project and not on a personal or pleasure trip. John was expected to stick to the plan of convening of stakeholder meeting and realize the trip’s objective. This shows a clear violation of one of the organizational values and ethics. His sincere communication with a project team member shows one of the quality skills of an effective Project Manager. That communication alone somehow mitigates potential risks that may come up in the life of the project. William’s action could have jeopardized the project success due to lack of true opinions of the stakeholder involved in the project. William’s conduct was inimical to professional conduct as a Client’s Project Manager. John’s team member should have more proactive initially and not allowing her personal interest to hinder her from being just.

  627. Ethics in projects usually a difficult task to manage but I assume that if the sponsors really believe the project manager, this raises manager’s hand and give the confidence to manage.

  628. A few ethical conduct observed in the scenario was that John was able to communicate honestly with his colleague on his just concluded work trip though it didn’t go as he planned. (Transparency in communication). Also, his team came together to fashion out a way out of the dilemma and out of their brainstorming,an idea with the potential of resolving perceived crisis was birthed. ( Team collaboration).

  629. Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations are Team work, communication, attentive to details and critical thinking.

  630. Skills used to bring ethics into decisions include communication skills, teamwork skills, and conflict management skills.
    Team work
    Adhered to the value
    critical thinking mindset, questioning status quo and challenging inconsistencies.
    Effective communicationGap in communication
    Lack of transparency

  631. A couple of issues of professional conduct that are featured in this scenario include the code of practice, ethical practices, and rules of conduct.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions include communication skills, teamwork skills, and conflict management skills.

  632. The identifiable professional misconducts featured in the label scenario includes:

    Gap in communication
    Lack of transparency

    Skills used that brought ethics into decisions used by people in this scenario:

    Team work
    Adhered to the value
    Effective communication

  633. The professional misconduct highlighted in this scenario;
    *Poor communication between John and Williams
    *Lack of transparency: which makes communication to flow effectively.
    Skills employed to integrate ethical consideration into the decision made by the individuals.

    *Collaboration between Karen and John which made the work successful
    *Effective communication :if there was no communication between Karen and jonh then they wouldn’t have find a solution.

  634. Communication and Communication strategy is very important in Project management. And this cannot be achieved without transparency. Transparency makes communication flow and allows easy collaboration among the team

  635. Identifiable professional misconducts featured in this scenario includes:

    – inability of following laid down principles
    – poor communication
    – compromise of integrity for personal gains
    – lack of transparency
    – assuming results

    Skills identified as bringing ethics into decisions used by people in this scenario:

    -the open mindedness, ethical conduct and later proper communication contributed immensely in finding solutions to the problem.

    – collaborative efforts to seek reviews externally mitigated the risk, ensured accuracy and maintained a social standard.

    – critical thinking mindset, questioning status quo and challenging inconsistencies.

  636. Issues Identified:
    1.) There was lack of communication between William the project overseer and John the Project manager.
    2.) There was no room for feedback due to lack of communication changing the project manager’s plan.
    3.) Williams lack of transparency and compromise of integrity by bringing predetermined results.
    4.) No openness between the team leading to Karen’s initial fear of sharing her opinion with John.

    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into decision:
    1.) Effective communication between the Project manager (John) and Karen aided the project.
    2.) Proper research helped the Project manager and team members in the project.
    3.) Negotiation and collaboration between the big firm they engaged with and the Project manager helped in providing proper results for the project.
    4.) The ability to identify problems and hurdles that will likely affect the next stage of the project before hand was also very important.

  637. Compromise of integrity and inability to follow laid down principles and values meticulously coupled with poor communication and presumption of results were unethical.
    Karen’s positive mindedness and ethical conduct and proper communication salvaged the situation.
    Project managers should follow due process and be open minded in everything in order to achieve the desired outcome.

  638. Issues highlighted in professional conduct:

    William’s lack of transparency by presenting predetermined outcomes, bypassing the agreed plan, and compromising the process’s integrity.
    Initial reluctance to challenge the flawed report due to personal concerns and office dynamics, potentially risking project quality.
    Skills employed for ethical decision-making:

    John and Karen’s critical thinking, questioning report accuracy, identifying inconsistencies, and foreseeing potential risks.
    Effective communication and collaboration between Karen and John facilitates in-depth ethical exploration.
    Collaborative efforts to seek an external review mitigate risks, ensure accuracy, and maintain ethical standards.
    Demonstrating ethical leadership, John and Karen prioritize project integrity, addressing the issue directly for the benefit of the firm, client, and project success.

  639. Communication and Communication strategy is very important in Project management. And this cannot be achieved without transparency. Transparency makes communication flow and allows easy collaboration among stake5

  640. Poor communication between stakeholder, clients and project manager are potential lead the failure of the project goal, because improper mutual communication can be tourn out to backwards the process development of the project goal

  641. The lady didn’t hid her doubt even though she was new,
    Work with your mind and not just the tools, dictate a problem discuss it and find a possible solution

  642. Communication was a big issue. The program manager needs to have clear understanding of who his stakeholders are and how to engage them in the ongoing project. William seem too be a good resource in the international space and in the Government. In other words, there is huge communication gap between John and Williams.

    There is also communication gap between Karen and John and I can assume that John doesn’t like to be challenged. Karen was scared to criticize the opinion report he brought and he was also amazed when William said he has the engagement program he was going to give to him in a day or two.

    I like the fact that John moved around on day 1 to familiarize himself with the new environs, it is such a good ethical value that could help on the project.

    The moment John was able to ask for Karen’s honest opinion, he initiated a chance to having a better communication stream with is team member and he gained the clarity he was seeking

  643. I think William forged the report. Unethical.
    there was a communication gap between William and John. or maybe William refused to carry John along because he was up to no good.

    although Karen was a bit sceptical about talking to William about the report, she braced up and helped to salvage the situation.

  644. There was poor communication among the parties involved. No clear expectations were set, and Williams’ decision came as a shock to John, showing that there was no teamwork and cultural sensitivity. When Karen feared talking to John about her reservations, she showed unprofessionalism. All these put the project at great risk.

    However, the situation was salvaged with open communication and teamwork between John and Karen. Proper research and partnership proved effective in delivering good results for the project.

  645. Lack of proper communication amongst stakeholders can be very detrimental to the progress of any project, and can lead to several losses or termination of the said project if not properly addressed on time.

  646. From the scenario, it is evident that there was poor communication and stakeholders were in the dark.
    The research was poorly conducted with ethical issues ignored. This was also possible because the report was not circulated amongst stakeholders.
    Because John is an experienced project manger, the risks were easily identified and handled.
    Skills employed to handle the issues range from a respect for values and seeking expert opinion.

  647. When the stakeholders are not effectively communicated, it can turn out to be an issue and could impede the progress of the job to be done.

    However, if the status report is backed up with clear explanations, earlier and during the report presentation, none will be taken unawares and effective communication will be established.

  648. The lack of clear communication between all stakeholders involved from the onset turned out to be a problem for John and his team, this was later addressed when John and Karen got to share ideas and come up with a way to get the required data from the research. We saw that communication and teamwork alongside proper research and collaboration gave Karen and John the results desired.

  649. As a project manager, all other stakeholders should be briefed about the happenings or findings before a decision is made. The research and outcome should be shared with all stakeholders. In this scenario we find out that,

    There was lack of communication.
    The ethics of the organization were ignored.
    No research done.
    However, communication and teamwork alongside proper research and collaboration gave Karen and John the results they wanted

  650. The issues of professional conducts i spotted were
    1. No proper plan for engagement of project
    2. The locals were not engage, they made up the results without engaging the people involved
    3. There was no room for constructive critics within the organization

    skills used to bring back ethics was communication and openness, also seeking expert advice or stakeholders

  651. Bad Decision: William felt that since he has been in contract with the film for much longer that John, he do not need to consult him before making any plan regarding the project thats to say, he knows how the film operate (ethics)
    Lack of confidence/ fear of rejection: While Karren on the other hand, was so scared of losing her newly found job and offending her nice colleague that she decided not to question the outcome of the plan even when she knew the plans were too good to be true.
    they forgot that PM is all about team work built with effective communication without fear and whatever the ethics of the organisation is, it needs to align with the goals of the project. At the end, it only took a friendly Conversation with Karen and John to set things right.

  652. There was a lack of planning and no clear communication at the initial stage. Karen was overthinking and it should not be so, one should be able to communicate their opinions freely without any fear, but later she was able to communicate about her findings with John and that helped them identify some useful information that would possibly help them in the next stage.

  653. There was a lack of planning and no clear communication at the initial stage. Karen was overthinking and it should not be so, one should be able to communicate their opinions freely without any fear, but later she was able to communicate about her findings with John and that helped them identify some useful information that would possibly help them in the next stage.
    Fatmata Wurie Bah

  654. Inclusion of stakeholders at every stage of the project is important.
    Communication should also be clear for all the stakeholders

  655. Communication is always the key.
    There was no proper communication.
    Team mates should always sit and learn to share ideas to have a collective work.

  656. Project management when working as a team ought to be a collective experience with no deliberate ousting of any team member.
    In essence, team mates ought to communicate, with each other, in order to attain this collective experience.
    The given scenario lacked sufficient, clear and direct communication and transparency, where team mates should seat down with each other and contribute to a brainstorming session for the project and also communicate ideas and updates.
    There was also no empathy, as team mates did not think about themselves, like putting themselves in each others’ shoes.
    On the other hand, Karen took her team mates in to consideration and decided to communicate her idea after using her critical thinking and research skills.

  657. There was no proper communication and effective team work among the parties(team). Karen was wie enough to uphold integrity for long term success of the firm.

  658. William took decisions without carrying others along.
    The lady employed the best communication strategy to convey her concerns to John in the best way possible.

  659. As the coming PM people we need to imitate good examples of characters used on the videos

  660. Ethical issues raised in this scenario are transparency, communication and integrity. One of the main issues was inefficiency in communication between the team members. Kareen was being careful in bringing it up which was not supposed to be so. William (who was supposed to oversee the project) was supposed to bring John up to speed about the report instead of dumping it on him, and reservations could have been discussed. Karen was able to bridge the gap by initiating the conversation about the report in an unofficial environment and with team work they got access and the right engagement. Communication among team members has to be clear and effective as the success of the project is paramount.

  661. Critical Thinking:

    Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity of the engagement report. She engages in a thorough analysis of the situation, considering the potential risks associated with both accepting the report as it is and challenging its findings. This critical thinking contributes to a more ethical decision-making process.
    Communication and Collaboration:

    John and Karen engage in open communication and collaboration to address the ethical dilemma. They discuss the concerns about the report and work together to explore potential solutions. This collaborative approach helps bring different perspectives to the table and ensures that ethical considerations are thoroughly examined.
    Long-Term Perspective:

    Karen brings a long-term perspective to the discussion by encouraging John to look beyond the immediate project. Considering the firm’s reputation and its impact on other clients, she emphasizes the importance of maintaining ethical standards for the overall success and sustainability of the consultancy.
    Research and Due Diligence:

    Karen’s suggestion to conduct online research and involve a big global firm reflects a commitment to thorough research and due diligence. This approach helps uncover potential issues with the engagement process, ensuring that decisions are grounded in reliable information and ethical considerations.
    In summary, the scenario highlights issues related to transparency, integrity, and communication, and the individuals involved address these concerns by applying critical thinking, collaboration, a long-term perspective, and thorough research to uphold ethical standards in their decision-making.

  662. It was quite obvious that the due diligence was not done at the initial stage. The Teamwork was not strong. John was pre-empted instead of engaging him in constructive discussion.
    Skill Demonstrated:
    Collaboration: This was not in place – for John to have said “I really did force the pace, asking how the engagement programme would be organised” showed lack of collaboration.
    Critical thinks: Williams did not demonstrate this skill enough to have capture the flaws in the report.
    Also Williams was not being transparent in his involvement from the beginning

  663. Some issues of professional conduct featured in the case study include:

    1. Lack of effective communication.
    2. No team spirit / collaboration
    3. Lack of proper research
    4. No transparency

    Karen has a great problem solving skills and analytical skills, she was able to think critically with John and provide solution to the problem.

    John showed good leadership quality when he asked for Karen’s honest opinion and also when he involved other colleagues.

  664. Small project consultancy XYZ lands its first international gig. Excitement soon meets a bump when John, a team member, finds inconsistencies in William’s engagement data. Karen, concerned about criticism but mindful of integrity, joins John to tackle the tricky situation.
    Their challenge? Balancing honesty with relationships – challenging a potentially dubious report without causing conflict. This ethical tug-of-war becomes a showcase of teamwork (John and Karen collaborating) and punctuality (addressing the issue promptly). It also underscores XYZ’s core values of transparency, integrity, and quality.
    Communication hiccups (William’s solo method) and potentially inflated results raise red flags. The duo grapples with professional conduct questions:

    Communication & Transparency: withholding information jeopardizes project findings and decision-making
    Integrity in Reporting: overly positive reports compromise data accuracy and ethical standards.
    But XYZ isn’t just about problems, it’s about solutions. The skills on display:

    Critical Thinking: Karen’s questioning gaze uncovers potential risks, highlighting the importance of objective assessment.
    Collaboration & Teamwork: John and Karen join forces, proving that ethical challenges are best tackled together.
    Problem-Solving: Karen’s innovative idea to involve a global firm demonstrates her ability to think outside the box.
    Ethical Leadership: John’s willingness to hear Karen’s concerns creates a space for open dialogue and ethical decision-making.
    Research & Analysis: Karen’s online sleuthing to find a reputable partner showcases her ability to gather information for informed decisions.
    In short, XYZ’s overseas debut gets an ethics test. Communication gaps and questionable results spark concerns, but by combining critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership, John and Karen prove that even tough situations can be navigated with integrity and skills.

  665. The scenario captured here involves the result of lack of team and the result of team at the same time. first and foremost I could detect that there was no proper line of communication between the parties involved and as result the collaboration on the project was lost. Lack of communication and openness result to misguided engagement in the program leading to dishonesty in the report because it was clearly void of any errors or negative comments just Karen pointed out ” The opinion research that John brought backs looks all very fine, but to be honest it just feels a bit too fine”. with that statement comes a doubt of the authenticity of the research report. Karen further buttress on the dishonesty of the report ” The engagement came back with nothing but green lights across all of the key parameters”.
    Williams is a show man and wants everyone to know I can do it all alone, hence the reason he went on with the report without waiting on the key stakeholders before engaging. I often refer to this class of people as ” Mr. know it all”. then falsify almost all aspects of the report.

    At the end of the report with Karen in the following week shows the power of constructive criticism and lending hand out for proper communication can help savage a situation in parts or in totality. Karen was able to have a proper communication with John in regards to the research and they were able to come up with solutions to savage the situation as soon as possible so they can start the projects.

    in reality the scenario deals with some of the ethical issues a project manager faces on day to day bases in a given project
    1. Communication
    2. Honesty
    3. Transparency
    4. Constructive criticism
    5. morals
    6. collaboration/Team work
    7. openness.

    1. There was no clear communication, no planning, code of conduct practice wasn’t applied and no team spirit work. The given scenario lacks sufficient, clear and direct communication but after Karen used her critical thinking and research skills, she considered to communicate her ideas which lead them in achieving their success. Also, when John and Karen embraced the team spirit work they were able to use the right access of engagement in making a difficult situation into a success

  666. The case study shows how important is it in involving every necessary team members in a project instead of looking for short cuts.

    1st William displayed poor communication skills and was not transparent with his ideas. However, John identify this as an internal adversity and sort Karen’s opinion in this situation as a project manager. William did not show good integrity and was defensive of what he did which did not portray him as a good team player.

    Karen showed critical thinking skills and good collaboration with John, her problem-solving skills help to resolve the issue with the project at hand while John showed good ethical practice by involving Karen and other colleagues in the project plan and bringing about positive result for the project. Karen’s research and analysis skills also help to deliver the project on time and efficiently.

  667. This case study involves XYZ, a small project consultancy, securing its first overseas contract. John, excited about the challenge, encounters a discrepancy with William, who already obtained engagement results through a different method. Karen, worried about criticizing the report, collaborates with John to address the issue. They navigate the ethical dilemma of challenging the report’s validity without damaging relationships. The scenario highlights teamwork, as John and Karen collaborate, and punctuality, recognizing the urgency of addressing the problem. Ethical themes include transparency, integrity, and a commitment to delivering quality results, aligning with XYZ’s reputation for excellence in their niche.

    Professional Conduct Issues:

    1. Communication and Transparency: The issue arises when William uses a different approach for the engagement program without informing John. Lack of communication and transparency can compromise the quality of the project’s findings and affect the decision-making process.

    2. Integrity in Reporting: The engagement report appears to be overly positive, potentially indicating a lack of integrity in reporting. This raises concerns about the accuracy of the information presented and the ethical standards associated with delivering unbiased results.

    Skills Demonstrated:

    1. Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking by questioning the report’s validity and considering the potential risks associated with accepting it uncritically. This skill is crucial for ethical decision-making, as it allows individuals to assess situations objectively.

    2. Collaboration and Teamwork: John and Karen collaborate to address the ethical dilemma, recognizing the importance of working together to navigate challenges. Effective collaboration is essential for identifying ethical issues and developing solutions that align with the organization’s values.

    3. Problem-Solving: Karen’s ability to think beyond the immediate project and propose involving a global firm showcases problem-solving skills. This skill is vital for addressing ethical concerns and finding alternative approaches that uphold professional standards.

    4. Ethical Leadership: John, as a leader, seeks Karen’s honest opinion and engages in a thorough discussion about the problem. This demonstrates ethical leadership by fostering an environment where ethical concerns can be openly discussed and addressed.

    5. Research and Analysis: Karen’s online research to identify a reputable global firm reflects her analytical skills. Research is a valuable tool for gathering information to make informed decisions, especially when faced with ethical challenges.

    In summary, the scenario involves issues related to communication, transparency, and integrity. The skills demonstrated include critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, ethical leadership, and research and analysis, all of which contribute to ethical decision-making in the project.

  668. Looking at the scenario in the Open APM’s ethics case study where John, William and Karen were supposed to get together to set up the project on their own, it looks that the practice was completely deferent to declared values and ethics. On the side of John, though he was an experienced PM ut he showed the lack in time management, we know in project management, eac second on the timine counts a lot. But it is good on the second day he realized it wouldn’t have been that way. Regardind to William, he showed the inconsistency between values and practical behaviours. To set up the project they had to carry on their own research in order to be sure about the quality of results but he thought somebody else has got the information in need, something that can undermine the conception of the project. There was hence the inclusiveness ethic. According to Karren, she was worried to look bad in front of the team , and she just wanted to keep her good image to end her probation period nicely. It looks that all lack the consistency towards the working culture but it is good how John and Karren challenged each other and came up to refining the strategy to set up the project ethically because they were convinced any wrong step would cause massive failure of the project and hence the destruction of their reputation. They didn’t take the project too personal they moved out to research, chatting with fellows and local firms on ground to learn what and how they have done about their work. The findings gave them a clear image about how to engage in the next step of the project. Time management, team ommunication and ethical practice are keys element to succeed when leading a project.

  669. In the open APM’s case study we can notice the issues multiples governmental laws and or internal laws and different values. Also we can consider the issue of of distance and time management.

    The skills use in here to help bring ethics into decisions are set kills of inclusiveness through a networking and trust and research.

  670. 1. John agreeing to a tour around is unprofessional of him, that is clearly a diversion, his assignment should have been the first thing.

    2. But I really liked the way kirran handled it she first took it up with John and he understands her concern and has agreed to it, they work it out together instead of blowing hurt in front of everyone on the team about the too perfect results John had his hand on which clearly would have divided the room. She met John personally and they slowly brought other team members and have found solution.

  671. Looking at the scenario, I can identify Lack of effective Communication, Lack of Team-Work/ Collaboration, Lack of proper Research, and Lack of Time Management, But realizing and utilizing Effective Communication, Effective Collaboration and Team-Work, Research and Time Management, They were able to pull through Successfully.

  672. I noticed that, though Williams was more exposed than John, because he has been in the bigger firm as a client agency but not as a PM, didn’t understand the job of a PM. Which is, in every project, material are to be gotten primarily and not from already made, else you’ll encounter a difficult situation that could even kill the project. John was an experienced project manager and quickly noticed the error on time. With the help of Karen the intern, John was able to overcome this difficult situation on time.

  673. 1. John should have insisted on concluding the mission he was sent to accomplish before agreeing to a tour of the sound and sight of the clients country
    2. William is used to not following the rules of ethics as he knows his way around government representative and in sighting that John didn’t know “the way things are done around here”.
    3. Karin should have pointed out her thoughts to the PM. Covering up for John is unethical.
    4. Trying to transfer the risk by engaging a 3rd party to sort their doubt on the report provided by William was wrong, they should have confronted the client and followed the process agreed even if it meant losing the contract,

  674. Setting a clear scope or goal, such as what is expected and what to look for, would be helpful in avoiding receiving incorrect reports. In-depth discussion of reports with teammate. It is nice to bring everyone along, especially during the planning stage, to brainstorm and figure out how to solve problems as quickly as possible.

  675. The issues faced here by John and Karen are things faced my almost every PM which adhere to ethics will help make a better choice and also communication with Team members and local organizations resolved the issues
    There was ethics flaws from William parts which is how you do over there is different from how we do over here which makes it very difficult for John and Karen but ethics and values helps in resolving the issues through effective communication and research

  676. The issues I could identify are
    1. Breach of communication and lack of proper hierarchy arrangement.
    2. Lack of ethical problems like (code of practices and rules of conduct). Also, John was not actively present in the proper organising of the project.
    3. Lack of teamwork spirit.

    Kareen solved the situation by building communications within the team and also reached out to other stakeholders who were not directly involved with the project but their input was very necessary, and this was what I think helped the project to reach the next stage.

  677. The issues identified included:
    1. A breach in communication between John and William
    2. Unprofessionalism and lack of critical thinking in carrying out projects without proper verification and research by William.
    3. Lack of collaboration and intergrity and a breach of trust .

    Solutions included proper communication, collaboration and proper research and work analysis, intergrity and discipline.

  678. The identified issues were solved because Karen employed:
    1. Good and honest communication by voicing her views of the report
    2. Analysing the reports to bring out possible issues, liaising with others (bigger firm) to identify possible mitigants
    3. Ability to employ new methods to solving problems, openness to criticsms

  679. The observed issues were:

    1. A Breach in communication as the PM was not communicated/carried along on the change in the set down goals of getting feedbacks.
    2. There was a lack of integrity and a show of unprofessionalism in the work William handled by the underhanded way he got the information needed, and with holding critical information that may impede the progress of the project.
    3. There was lack of Team collaboration. William assumed that John will be pleased with the report as it will ensure the next stage of the project.

    The identified issues were solved because Karen employed:
    1. Good and honest communication by voicing her views of the report
    2. Analysing the reports to bring out possible issues, liaising with others (bigger firm) to identify possible mitigants
    2. Ability to employ new methods to solving problems, openness to criticsms

  680. The text describes an ethical dilemma faced by John and Karen, who work for a project consultancy firm. They discover that their client, William, has conducted an engagement program without their knowledge, using an opinion research firm that might have a conflict of interest.
    John and Karen use various skills, such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making, to address ethical concerns and find a solution that involves a global firm. The text highlights the importance of these skills in ensuring professional conduct and project integrity.
    Thank you so much

  681. Though Williams was more exposed and experience than John, because he has been in the bigger firm as a client agency though John was an experienced project manager the both lack critical thinking and communication skill.

    On the other hand, Karen, was a good project member. Though she wasnโ€™t as experienced as John, she made a suggestion that help them in resolving the issue with William by collaborating and working together.

  682. The issues faced in this scenario include
    1. A lack of communication on the part of the client
    2. Attempting to move the project faster than it is supposed to go thereby not confirming facts
    3. Withholding critical information that would expose the issues in the report

    To resolve this, skills such as communication, critical thinking and honest evaluation along with research were used to gain insight on what to do and how to resolve the issues.

  683. William may be seen as efficient, but there’s a potential ethical concern in the method utilized. He tried to bypass the planned engagement format. He didn’t balance efficiency in delivering the right feedback process.

    John demonstrates ethical awareness by valuing the planned forums for feedback. He recognizes the importance of obtaining authentic and comprehensive feedback from the workers on the ground, he should have pushed more from Willam, he knew he had issues with report and it took Karen’s comment to make him gain confidence in realizing the lapses in the project and report.

    Karen was the courage mastermind for John. She was skeptical at first but later gained the confidence to reach out and have a great discussion with John rather than acting like it wasn’t her business. This dialogue led to a collaborative problem-solving, were they identified potential risks and explored solutions.

    The case study shows the importance of open communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to the project’s success.

  684. Williams was more exposed than John, because he has been in the bigger firm as a client agency though John was an experienced project manager.

    Karen, was a good project member. Though she wasn’t experienced like John, she suggested for a research from a bigger firm.

    1. As the coming PM people we need to imitate good examples of characters used on the videos

  685. I discovered that John, though an experienced project manager was less exposed than Williams. Williams has been operating in a bigger firm.

    Karen, though a bigger was able to make a remarkable support by suggesting to seek help from a more experienced and bigger firm

  686. the team comprising john and karen based on the case study , had a major flaw at the begining.
    1. not being on the field as the project consultant’s and allowing the host company to initially dictate the speed of the project
    2. allowing excessive socialization to hinder the set objective
    3. failure to analyse the report given to them even if it was from the host organisation. they should have analysed the report properly to pinpoint some loop holes
    they collaborated together to think critically in solving the problem at hand
    escalating the problem with their other pms helped in solving the problem this they were able to get other ideas from other colleagues
    the critical thinking and communication skills helped a long way to solve the problem

  687. Regarding the case study, the first thing I noticed was the “Withdrawal of Information” on William’s part, which accumulated into a lack of trust, and a breach of integrity.

    John on the other hand, had the curiosity of a good project manager, much like Karen as well, but their lack of a good communication skill did not allow them to put their curiosity into good use. Cause it’s one thing to know. And another thing entirely to be able to put what you know into proper practice.

    But thankfully, both John and Karen were able to summon the spirit of collaboration โ€” which subsequently helped in unravelling all they needed for the success of the project.

  688. Sunday Nathaniel Ngwamah, Cohort 12, Team 10

    It is observed that this firm is a breakaway firm because of a niche. This brought professionals together who are good in themselves, but needed to have developed a team spirit.

    Greater than that, there was a problem of transparency in the report that was to be given.

    These have not developed coorperation that is healthy for project success – they were too careful and individualistic. Instead, everyone was trying to paint how the report would have been better off were he/she the person reporting. Karen in particular thought the report could have been better but much more than that, if she was to handle it.

    The skill they used was communication. Also, they sought and accepted a professional input from another firm which was helpful to them.

  689. Discussion on Acting ethically as project manager* The case concerning XYZ company showcases ethical challenges in project management. The issues revolve around transparency, accuracy in reporting, and the responsibility to deliver unbiased information to stakeholders. The key characters, John, and Karen, exhibit critical thinking, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and ethical decision-making in addressing these challenges. Their collaborative effort to seek external expertise reflects a commitment to integrity and transparency.

  690. The case study under consideration was one where John and Karen, had an ethical issue, with a client. Both of them work for a project consultancy firm. They both discovered that their client, William, had conducted an engagement meeting without their knowledge and input.

    The skills utilized by John and Karen included communication skills, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and teamwork, to address the ethical concerns.

    The case study highlights the importance of these skills in ensuring professional conduct and project integrity.

  691. Ethics in project management means doing what’s right or what one feels is right. This includes making honest decisions at all times and acting in a respectful, fair, and trustworthy manner. Using ethical behavior in project management builds honesty and trust, as well as a good image, for the company which Karen and John shared.

  692. The text describes an ethical dilemma faced by John and Karen, who work for a project consultancy firm. They discover that their client, William, has conducted an engagement program without their knowledge, using an opinion research firm that might have a conflict of interest.
    John and Karen use various skills, such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making, to address ethical concerns and find a solution that involves a global firm. The text highlights the importance of these skills in ensuring professional conduct and project integrity.

  693. Some of the Professional conduct in this scenario are:
    1.Critical Thinking:Having to think deeply form both parties what is to be do.
    2. Confidentiality:Working on a project requires confidentiality
    While the skills maintained to come to a resolution were:

    Effective communication from karen to John and John to Karen
    Team work and Collaboration:Having identified an issue,Karen was able to work well as a team with John to resolve it.
    Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: In this Karen was able to think deep and point out the loophole
    And she was able to work with John to proffer solutions.

  694. I think their was effective communication between Karen and John. On the other hand, I think John was quite hasty to dive into the project, he also failed to understand that the other key stakeholders (William) who is mostly likely not project oriented person may find the ethical practical.
    unnecessarily. In the nutshell, I think it is important to do SWOT Analysis,thereby helping you to understand your team and this will help know how to communicate and manage their expectations.

  695. Issues of Professional Conduct:

    Lack of Transparency: The agency, represented by William, did not inform John about the already conducted engagement program. This lack of transparency can be seen as a breach of professional conduct.

    Potential Conflict of Interest: William’s reliance on an opinion research firm without involving the consulting firm’s planned approach raises concerns about a potential conflict of interest. This might compromise the objectivity of the project’s findings.

    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions:

    Communication Skills: John’s effort to communicate and understand the situation by questioning the unexpected results demonstrates effective communication skills. Open communication between John and Karen later becomes crucial in addressing the ethical concerns.

    Critical Thinking: Karen’s critical thinking skills play a significant role in recognizing the potential risks associated with accepting the initial report unquestioningly. She engages in a thorough analysis of the situation, considering both the risks of accepting and challenging the report.

    Collaboration and Teamwork: The collaborative efforts of John and Karen to discuss the problem, explore potential solutions, and eventually involve a global firm demonstrate strong teamwork. Collaboration is essential in navigating ethical dilemmas and finding comprehensive solutions.

    Problem-Solving Skills: Karen’s ability to think beyond the immediate challenge and propose a solution involving a global firm showcases effective problem-solving skills. This skill is crucial in addressing ethical concerns and ensuring the accuracy of project outcomes.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Both John and Karen exhibit ethical decision-making skills by recognizing the potential ethical issues, discussing the implications, and actively seeking solutions that align with professional standards.

    In summary, effective communication, critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making are key skills demonstrated in addressing the ethical challenges presented in the scenario. These skills contribute to maintaining professional conduct and ensuring the integrity of the project consultancy firm.

  696. Professional conduct and ethical considerations highlight in the scenario includes:

    1. Integrity: Acting honestly and ethically, upholding moral principles, and maintaining trustworthiness in all business practices.
    2. Professionalism: Demonstrating a high standard of behavior, etiquette, and competence in professional engagements.
    3. Respect: Treating colleagues, clients, and stakeholders with dignity, fairness, and consideration.
    4. Confidentiality: Safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining privacy and confidentiality for clients, customers, and employees.
    5. Compliance: Adhering to legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards, and internal policies.
    6. Conflict of Interest: Disclosing and managing personal, financial, or other conflicts of interest to ensure impartiality and fairness.
    7. Accountability: Taking responsibility for actions and decisions, and being open and transparent in reporting and communication.
    8. Equality and Diversity: Promoting a culture that embraces diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunity for all individuals.

  697. The scenario involving XYZ company showcases ethical challenges in project management. The issues revolve around transparency, accuracy in reporting, and the responsibility to deliver unbiased information to stakeholders. The key characters, John, and Karen, exhibit critical thinking, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and ethical decision-making in addressing these challenges. Their collaborative effort to seek external expertise reflects a commitment to integrity and transparency, prioritizing the long-term reputation of the firm.
    As a project manager, this case study emphasizes the paramount importance of ethical considerations in project management. It underscores the need for vigilance in maintaining transparency and honesty in all stages of a project. Effective communication, both within the team and with external stakeholders, is crucial to address ethical concerns openly. The ability to think critically, especially when faced with potentially biased or misleading information, is a fundamental skill for ensuring the project’s integrity. Additionally, strategic thinking and a broader perspective are essential to consider the long-term impact of decisions on the organization’s reputation. This scenario reinforces the notion that ethical behavior is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic imperative for project managers, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the firm.

  698. John knew what he was supposed to do but was a little timid because he was all about achieving results, which led to a violation of their organization value.
    Karen on the other hand seem to be a process-outcome person.
    William’s unethical behavior is to cut corner to get desired outcome.
    In all, the skills used in handling this situation was COMMUNICATION, CONSULTATION & COLLABORATION

  699. Acting unethically, not working together as a team- like a loner.
    Lack of communication.
    Communication and understanding of each other’s idea, suggestion or opinion as a team will bring about quick results.

  700. Lack of commuication, going out of the ethical principles, No team work and There wont be transparency since the two other manager and not satisfy not meeting with the stakeholders.

    There should be good communication and a planned out schedule from the Project Manager to all his/her team so one person do not go out of it this would bring everyone together in having same project goal without having a misunderstanding or grudges.

  701. Acting ethically is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional conduct that involves making decisions and choices based on moral principles.Ethical behavior is crucial for maintaining trust,fostering relationship and contributing to a just and fair society.

  702. Skills employed in resolving the issue:

    Communication skills
    Teamwork and spirit
    Collaboration and inclusiveness

    The above were the professional steps taken in ensuring that the issue was as Karen had a discussion with her colleagues over the weekend.

  703. Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?
    The engagement programme with Key stakeholders, which was to involve a network of workers delivering feedback which will help in influencing key parameters for the next stage of the project was not done professionally, giving room for certain risk not being mitigated for.

    Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?
    Confidence displayed by Karen.
    Collaboration between John and Karen.
    Attention to details by Karen
    Risk assessment by the team of Karen & John.
    Engaging other stakeholders for assistance.
    Being Inquisitive and researching for a solution.

  704. From the scenarios, a number of issues were noted which includes
    1. poor communication
    2.Teamwork and spirit was absent
    3.Poor ethical standards

    Skills adopted to resolve the scenario are among others
    1.Social networking
    2. Effective communication
    3. Collaboration and inclusiveness.

  705. Team work is an essential part of a project. Which I feel Williams lacked. Karen displayed a great skill of project management. She really wanted the project to be a success. John on the other hand knew what to do but needed a push.

  706. John was result oriented manager while Karen was inquisitive to have fine a help by searching for the agency the local agency partnered with.
    John also show a team work by listening to karen about her opinion about the reports and karen was so proactive to finding better solutions to the problem at hand. it was unfortuate for williams to have been cutting corners as project managers to save time and cost without considering the ambiguity of the project.

    Kazeem Team 7

  707. Some challenges encountered include
    Poor communication
    Poor team spirit
    Poor ethics

    Effective communication
    Good team spirit

  708. Micah Chijioke Madu
    Project Management
    Cohort 12
    Team 6

    Bill Wootten identified MTD’s values as:
    Passion for what they do.
    Quality of what they do.
    Drive of employees.
    Fun while at work.
    Support for everyone.
    These values and norms impact on the ethical and environmental considerations of running projects for the company. The values ensure that MTD makes employee friendly policies that gives staff a sense of belonging, engendering a happy work environment, and motivating staff to put in their best and work at project deliveries whole soul. Quality of what they do as a value encourages the organization to look for the expectation of clients, and to work meeting such expectations in order to achieve client satisfaction and return patronage. It is for this reason MTD made necessary adjustment to accommodate the new client awareness to their environment, result to an increase in the volume of water supply by 25% with no added cost attracted to the client.

  709. Micah Chijioke Madu
    Project Management
    Cohort 12
    Team 6

    William displayed a lack of integrity and commitment to due diligence. He was cutting corners perhaps to save time and cost to the detriment of the project.
    John on the other hand, had a better sense of commitment to duty and was result oriented. He also exhibited team play by enlisting the opinion of and contribution from Karen. Karen took proactive measures to sort out the Identity of an organization that could help, and the team enlisted their support which resulted in the problem being solved.

  710. Challenges
    1. Violation of company’s ethical values
    2. Lack of Proper Communication
    3. No Teamwork

    1. Communication
    2. Teamwork and cooperation
    3. Brainstorming
    4. Proper research and networking

  711. In this scenario, it was clearly observed that William took a critical decision without consulting his other two colleagues. Which was why John and Karen disagreed with the outcome. There was lack of effective communication. With effective communication comes collaboration and inclusiveness for the project to leave the first stage and enter the second stage.

  712. Challenges Highlighted in this scenario are ;
    1.Insufficient communication
    2.Poor teamwork
    3.Poor Ethics and standards

    Successful Project Outcome;

    1.Effective communication
    2.Effective teamwork and collaboration
    3.Effective research and networking

  713. The identified challenges are lack of communication, lack of teamwork skills, lack of integrity
    Successful project outcome
    Effective communication, effective collaboration, Teamwork, effective research

  714. insufficient communication, a lack of transparency, and inadequate teamwork. effective communication, improved collaboration within the team, and enhanced transparency among all stakeholders.

    The identified challenges highlighted in this scenario are as follows:
    1. Lack of Teamwork
    2. Poor Communication Style
    3. Violation of Ethics and Standards
    4. Sitting on the fence and not speaking out when it mattered.

    Successful project outcomes made by the individuals hinged on the following: :
    1. Problem Solving
    2. Networking
    3. Effective Communication
    4. Teamwork and collaboration

  715. From the scenario of XYZ compant
    1. Poor personal value
    2. Poor Communication on the part of both John and William
    3. Lack of Team Work
    4. Lack of due diligence and process
    5. Lack of trust
    6. Kaen was afraid to communicate her thoughts on the way forward to John.

  716. Some professional misconduct detected in this scenario are:
    1.Lack of team work
    2.Stereotyped system of reporting.
    3.Reporting without adequate research
    4.Lack of integrity from John
    5.Abetting wrong doing from Karen

  717. From my own POV, what I discovered was
    1. Poor Communication on the part of both John and William
    2. Lack of Team Work
    3. Lack of due diligence and process
    4. Lack of trust
    5. Kaen was afraid to communicate her thoughts on the way forward to John.

  718. A few instances of professional conduct highlighted in this scenario are as follows:
    1. Lack of Teamwork
    2. Poor Communication Style
    3. Violation of Ethics and Standards
    4. Sitting on the fence and not speaking out when it mattered.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical consideration into the decisions made by the individuals involved are as follows:
    1. Problem Solving
    2. Networking
    3. Effective Communication
    4. Teamwork and collaboration

  719. Issues I identified:
    Williams acted unprofessionally by writing up results, not working with John and having engagements. On the other hand, Karen exhibited team spirit, first by communicating with John and other colleagues about the project over the weekend, which enabled the team identified challenges and were able to move to the next stage.

  720. I noted two issues of professional conduct from the scenario in the case study.

    1. William acted unethically (by ignoring standards set by regulatory bodies) when he denied the XYZ project consultant the opportunity to gather feedback from the stakeholders who are actually going to impacted by the project through the engagement
    2.John who desperately wanted this contract found himself struggling to decide whether to keep the firms reputation or go with the flow Mr. William initiated . Thankfully as an experienced PM, he was able to Communicate with his team member, Karen, about the situation. This mastered skill is what brought ethics back into the situation.

  721. I identified some issues, they are;
    1. Lack of teamwork and collaboration between them.
    2. Lack of effective communication from William.
    3. Lack of integrity from Karen.
    3. Ethical dilemma: Karen was skeptical about the report but did not speak up because she didnโ€™t want the work environment to change.

    Helpful skills that was used are;
    1. Effective communication between Karen and John.
    2. Integrity from Karen and John.
    3. Collaboration with other colleagues.
    4. Research.

    1. Problems
      1. Ineffective communication, between John and William.
      2. Ethical issues with John and William

      1. Team work, between John and Karen and John and William.
      2. Effective communication between John and William.

  722. I think there was lack of team work generally and good communication among the people as in the interaction between John and Williams. This lead to lack of critical thinking as the result from the opinion research brought by Williams had some unseen risk in all parameters which could ruin the reputation of the firm, of which Karen saw and joined.
    It was great of Karen and John to connect by looking beyond the project and mapping out what the risks would be from making some sort of challenge to the report.
    It was necessary for them to engage critical thinking beyond the present view for unseen risks, bearing the goal, reputation of the firm and its ethical standards in mind.
    Also reaching out for help by consulting higher firms or expert in line with what was at hand was able to solved or manage the problem
    Kudos to Karen and John.

  723. Team work
    Effective communication flow
    Healthy working space.
    These are all very vital to enable ethical conduct

  724. In this case study, a couple of issues of professional conduct are evident:

    1. Misrepresentation of Data: William’s approach to obtaining information for the engagement program appears to involve using pre-existing data, possibly from an opinion research firm, instead of conducting the planned forums with workers on the ground. This raises concerns about the authenticity and accuracy of the information provided.

    2. Potential Ethical Dilemma: Karen faces a dilemma between remaining silent about her doubts regarding the engagement report’s accuracy or speaking up and potentially causing tension within the office. This ethical issue revolves around voicing concerns despite potential repercussions on her work environment.

    Several skills were employed by individuals involved in considering ethical considerations:

    1. Critical Thinking: John and Karen demonstrated critical thinking by questioning the authenticity of the report and considering the potential risks associated with its accuracy. They critically analyzed the situation and the potential consequences of different actions.

    2. Problem-Solving: John and Karen engaged in problem-solving to address the dilemma. They brainstormed options, mapped out potential risks and consequences, and ultimately devised a solution involving reaching out to a global firm for a review of the local research firm’s work.

    3. Communication: Effective communication skills were vital. John and Karen openly discussed their concerns, explored solutions, and collaborated to address the ethical issue. Additionally, John communicated with Karen to validate and support her idea of seeking an external review.

    4. Ethical Decision-Making: Both John and Karen displayed ethical decision-making by acknowledging the potential impact of their actions on the project, the firm’s reputation, and their relationships with colleagues. They prioritized integrity and accuracy in project data over potential conflicts or discomfort.

    These skills helped navigate the ethical challenges present in the scenario, allowing the team to address concerns about the engagement report’s accuracy while maintaining professionalism and integrity in their approach to the project.

  725. Some issues of professional conduct I can identify are;
    1. William’s assumption that the researcher’s finding is enough and the Project manager, John doesn’t need to make his own engaging research.
    2. John was almost tempted to take the next step which was already posing as an opposite to XYZ’s organizational culture and values.

    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario were:
    1. Negotiation
    2. Proper and effective communication
    3. Ethics and Standards

    1. There’s a proper use of communication by Karen and John. This is the best and effective step to problem solving. Then there was also negotiations, which was done to help with pending problem, then Williams assumption almost cost the agency alot. The whole work is that while we as PM’s are on the field we should not assume but communicate effectively to find solutions.

  726. The problems; lack of communication, Time management and no teamwork.
    So one of the solutions that was applied was engaging and motivating project member, dealing with the issue before the problem was escalated.

  727. A) Few problems identified;
    1) Undefined values
    2)Professional bias
    3) Neglect and boycotting of professional standards
    4) Unclear and lack of communication
    5) No team spirit

    B) Solutions;
    1) Communication
    2) Honesty and transparency
    3) Collaboration
    4) Recognition of ethical standards and willingness to follow through
    5) Acknowledging the regulatory standards

  728. The scenario depict the impact of proper team work, managing risk and acting unethically as in the case of William. The ability to manage the risk and be a team player placed Karen a step ahead. She sought for expert opinion in solving the problem, was able to diffuse the tension, restore the goal of the team and were able to make headway.

  729. Team work is an essential part of a project. Karen was exceptional and displayed a great skill of project management. She was after the success of the project and doesen need to cut corners, she’s core project manager.


    1. Karen has all it takes to be a project manager for she was able to identify risks that could affect project delivery and went ahead to solve the problems and collaborated with john in ensuring that the project deliverable is well done and they were able to find the right material hurdles for the next stage.

    2. Communication, team work and understanding is very important in any project also setting our eyes on the goal to achieve it any positive means possible just as Karen did.

  730. This a real case of lack of team work, unethical practices, that have always floored projects and induced lips service in values. May be because of lack of time and meetings and desire for excellence, they write reports and feedbacks

    1. Karen and John acted professionally when the followed the right channel to solve the Issue. Critical thinking and determination to get solution help them to get the issue resolved.
      John accepting the result without engagement with the stakeholders put the project at risk.
      William did not apply the ethics and values of the organization, he followed shot cut because he is so eager to get to the next stage of the project.

  731. The provided case study reveals several issues of professional conduct, including:

    Communication and Transparency: John needed to be fully informed about the local processes and expected a more structured feedback mechanism.
    William assumed the local agency’s methods would suffice only after fully explaining or justifying this to John.
    Karen felt uncomfortable providing critical feedback for fear of upsetting team dynamics.
    Integrity and Honesty:

    Williamโ€™s approach could imply complacency with potentially superficial data collection.
    Karen initially hesitated to voice legitimate concerns about the engagement reportโ€™s overly optimistic results, which could have led to misleading conclusions about the project’s viability.

    Reflecting on the skills used to address these ethical concerns:

    Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking:

    Karen and John used critical thinking to assess the risks associated with proceeding with the engagement report as it was and strategized a plan to address potential issues.
    Collaboration and Teamwork:

    Karenโ€™s initiative to research and collaborate with a local firm demonstrated a proactive approach to teamwork and leveraging external resources to solve an internal problem.
    Communication Skills:

    The scenario highlights the importance of open communication, as seen when Karen approached John with her concerns, leading to a productive discussion on how to proceed.
    Adaptability and Resourcefulness:

    Karen displayed adaptability by looking for an alternative solution to provide a more accurate assessment of the engagement program.
    Professional Courage and Accountability:

    Despite her initial reluctance, Karen’s decision to speak up and Johnโ€™s willingness to reconsider the reportโ€™s findings showed professional courage and accountability for the project’s outcome.

    These skills contributed to making ethical decisions, ultimately leading to a more thorough and honest evaluation of the projectโ€™s engagement phase.

  732. William is not a team player and is also not exercising ethical conduct and cutting corners. There is no openness to communication within the team. Initially Karen kept her concerns however showed great team work attitude when she approached John, this is beneficial for success of any project. As a project manager John showed lack of leadership skill in that he failed to find a solution on how to correct the unethical processes exercised by William, he should have taken the lead and bring the team together. However at the end it seemed to work well, tx to Karen’s tenacity.

    1. Well said. Team work is an essential part of a project. Which I feel Williams lacked. Karen displayed a great skill of project management. She really wanted the project to be a success. John on the other hand knew what to do but needed a push.

  733. I think the decision made by William to outsource the opinion research may have been inconsistent with the values of the firm. And William also did not carry his partner/colleague along in properly familiarizing him with the proposed process, making John angry.
    William’s method may have been industry standard, but obviously, John was not comfortable with it.
    Karen overcame the fear of honestly communicating her reservations with her superior, and looked at the greater good that would come out of sharing her opinion.
    And I think the solution came eventually, and it all worked out.

  734. The identified challenges in this scenario include insufficient communication, a lack of transparency, and inadequate teamwork. Successful project outcomes hinge on effective communication, improved collaboration within the team, and enhanced transparency among all stakeholders.

    1. I totally agree, William cutting through corner seemed unethical coupled with the fact that he goes completely against the values of the organisation. For the fact that it was quite clear to both John and Karen that the results were not authentic should have made William redo the task.

  735. Improper time management.
    Lack of effective communication
    Violation of ethics and conducts
    Lack of Team workโ€ฆ.
    And in order to resolve issue, they employed the use of:
    Effective communication
    Appropriate time management skill.

  736. ISSUES
    1) Lack of Communication
    2) Lack of Team Work
    3) Lack of Professional Work Ethics
    1)Consistent Communication
    2)Consistent Collaboration to Build better Team work

  737. There is this saying that when you get to Rome you behave like the Romans to gather facts and information about their way of doing things. John came as an experienced Project manager who has had outstanding reputation for what he does but did not know that not everybody take into account the values of the organization in line with their personal behavior. John did not have knowledge of the working environment
    Williams on the other hand acted unethically by not carrying other members of the project team along, probably because he has been working with agency for long and he is the a real people person.
    The skills I recognized in this case study that was used to resolve the issue are:
    Effective communication between John and Karen
    Negotiation skill in Karen with the big organization
    Collaboration skill between John and Karen

    1. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario is between John and Karen, they collaborated together to achieve their goal. Professionalism was also seen in the scenario because they gave room for honest opinion and made a thorough research to arrive at a very good result.
      Skills used are communication and negotiation

      1. A serious issue of professional conduct featured in this scenario has to do with code of practice. Here was Jenny expecting a round table meeting with the stakeholder, where theyโ€™d discuss the contract details ,but was given an already written out contract engagement to go work with, which she knew nothing about. A very typical example of external adversity in delivering projects.
        Jenny had to engage the skill of communication to resolve the problem she was faced she organized discussion room with her colleagues and with Several meetings to tackle the issue
        Communication is very important and Good negotiation

  738. A project manager need several skills which includes, time management, effective communication and decision making. This will aid in carrying out given project effectively

  739. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario include:

    William: There were indications that he had become unethically, prejudiced to an outcome owing to years of working with the agency and the degree of familiarity with the stakeholders and the process of stakeholders engagement. Therefore, he was not openminded to outcomes, other than what he had anticipated. Furthermore, he was more concerned about the next stage than to secure a comprehensive and unbiased feedbacks from stakeholders, critical to the next stage

    John: Though, he had a well-thought out expectation on how the process of stakeholders engagement should follow, it was neither documented nor communicated to the Agency contact person (William) beforehand. Though, he was presented with a substandard report, he lacked the decisiveness of a project manager to reject the report and request for another stakeholders engagement to be conducted. Also, he wasnโ€™t prone to subjecting the report to the scrutiny of other project team members and asking for their independent opinions except that Karen had tangentially, queried the report.

    Karen: She was neither honest nor objective with the project manager (John) even though the report had red flags encircling it. Furthermore, she elevated her self-interest over the project teamโ€™s interest by reneging in giving what she considered, โ€˜constructive criticism at expense of her progression in XYZ firm.

    Certain skills were employed in bringing ethics into the decisions made by those featured in the scenario and they include:

    Effective communication: Between John and Karen

    Negotiation: Between John and Karen in giving appropriate consideration to the current project in relation to future projects

    Collaboration: Between Karen and some close colleagues

  740. Team members needs to be constantly reminded “why the ethics” and “consequences of unethical behavior”.
    Looking at the above scenerio, I think, technically, John was not wrong to take a tour before the meet. This will help the team experience the way of live of the people he’s meeting with. Except they were supposed to meet that same day.

    Williams behaved unethically by going behind the team which is wrong. Karen and John initiated good communication skills and dialogue to save the engagement.

    1. A project manager need several skills which includes, time management, effective communication and decision making. This will aid in carrying out given project effectively.

  741. For effectiveness of ethics in an organisation,communication is the bedrock. Ethical standards must be met.Upholding ethical standards in project management is very important to the success of a project. Adherence to policies and procedures and following the road map of the project.Ensuring professional boundaries and not being biased or allowing selfish interest to affect the targeted goal of the project .

  742. Good evening all,

    My view in the case study for *Acting ethically*

    *The issue of professional conduct featured in the scenario was:

    *The skills used to bring ethics into decisions by the people involved was:
    -Openness,they talked to their other colleagues about it and got their views concerning the matter
    -They admitted their incapability and are ready to do the right thing even if it will cost them the project
    -Made more research and enquiries about the project and partnered with a research team that is good in that aspect(collaboration)
    -By collaboration,solution was found to the solution

  743. In a nutshell, Some of the obvious professional conducts highlighted in this case study involves:
    ** Improper time management.
    **Lack of effective communication
    **Violation of ethics and conducts
    ** Lack of Team work….
    And in order to resolve issue, they employed the use of:
    ** Effective communication
    **Appropriate time management skill.
    **Good ethics and conducts, and
    **Effective Team work

  744. The obvious anomalies in the conduct of the professionals involved in this case study are:
    Lack of effective communication
    Violation of ethics and conducts
    Lack of Teamwork

    Skills used to correct the anomalies are:
    Team work

  745. Obvious anomalies in the conduct of the professionals involved in this case study are purely:
    1. Lack of communication between William and John.
    2. Improper Time Management by John
    3. Violation of ethics and standard by William
    4. Lack of teamwork between William and John

    Skills employed to correct the initial anomalies are:
    1. Clear calm communication skill by John with Karen on the issue at hand
    2. Good time management by Karen to engage in rigorous research concerning the issue at hand
    3. Proper application of code of practice and rules of conduct by John and Karen to get the project back on track.

  746. Ways that values and norms impact on the ethical and environmental considerations of running projects for the company

    1. Compliance & sustainability: norms and values will influence the quality of job done which will result in ‘compliance’ status during audits and ultimately work continuity for the organisation

    2. Environmental sustainability: companies that consider the environment will embed eco-friendly Norms into their projects e.g reducing waste, disposing waste appropriately, energy conservation

    3. Stakeholder expectations: the values and norms of a company reflects the expectations of its stakeholders, customers, employees. Meeting and exceeding their expectation is necessary to maintain trust and reputation

    4. Decision making: values and norms set the moral compass for team members & project managers and practices carried out during the project

  747. The issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are:

    1. Lack of team work: all 3 members of the team weren’t involved in the organisation of the engagement

    2. Karen considered my personal interest above the interest of the project and her company

    3. Williams downplayed the importance of an unbiased and effective survey

    4. John didn’t speak up to reject the survey methodology

    Skills that helped to bring ethics into the decision

    1. Inter personal skills
    2. Honesty
    3. Years of experience
    4. Goal orientation
    5. Communication

  748. Unethical behaviour: This is due to there medium of communication. At the long run John is able to understand William and Karen who’s knew to the organisation keep her cool and able to learn and improve the channel of communication.

    The team got there feet and they are able to execute a perfect job at the end without discrimination or offence among themselves.

  749. To the best of my understanding, a project manager should not make judgments based on bias or discrimination. They should not treat certain team members unfairly because of differences in their regions or beliefs. Therefore, a project manager needs to maintain a balance and respect each team member’s opinions without any discrimination towards any team member or stakeholder involved in the project.

  750. Some issues observed in this project includes; lack of communication, no collaboration, unethical conduct.
    The issues was resolved by effectively communicating with the team members, team work and following the right work ethics.

  751. The issues I could find in this scenario are lack of communication, lack of transparency and lack of team work. For a project to be successful there must be effective communication, better team work, and transparency among everyone involved.


  753. Communication is the bedrock to every successful achieved project. Communication will foster in Teamwork, Focus, Respect and Diligence in carrying out responsibility. From the scenario here, it is observed that everyone is busy doing his of hers as a result of poor or lack of communication. Hence, there is no teamwork. Because teamwork makes the dream work.

  754. William ought to have worked with his team, rather he chose to to it alone with shortcut.
    This means he is not great at communicating well and managing a team as a leader.
    I’m glad Karen and John still collaborated to see the possible weaknesses that may arise from the project although they also have to be faulted. The stakeholders might view the team as being incapable of working together to achieve the goals of the project due to individual differences.

  755. There are a number of issues observed.

    One of which is lack of communication between all three parties; each person was thinking individually instead of collectively as a team working for the same purpose.

    Lack of Respect: William clearly did not have any respect for other members of the team, overriding them in getting the work done as he seemed fit. He didn’t acknowledge the importance of other team members at all.

    There’s also self-serving interest on the part of Karen who put her personal ambitions and career ahead of the overall outcome of the project.

    Lack of Responsibility: If you are handling a project, you have to be responsible for complying with policies and procedures. William clearly flouted this by not going through the proper process to arrive at the final report. He was clearly just interested in moving from stage 1 to stage 2 without any recourse as to how this affects the success of the project in the long run. John ought to have brought it up in conversation with William and Karen before leaving instead of just accepting William’s decision.

    Eventually, both John and Karen had an in-depth communication, using critical thinking and analysis to determine the implications of the report for the project.

    With research and networking, they were able to get the actual data that they needed to move on to the next stage and aid the success of the project without ruining the firm’s reputation and standing.

    They demonstrated a strong sense of accountability to their clients and the firm and this helped them do the right thing.

  756. Isibhakhomen Angel Alimikhena

    By upholding ethical standards in project management, you must not only contribute to the success of your projects but also build a strong professional reputation and trust with stakeholders, it’s important to lead by example and promote ethical behaviour with your project team and organisation
    Following principles like
    *Intergrity: Always be honest and truthful in your dealings
    *Fairness: treat all team members, stakeholders and suppliers fairly and without bias.Aviod favouritism or discrimination
    *Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. if a mistake is made, admit it and work to correct it.
    *Respect: Treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their role or status. Valuing diversity and inclusion is part of ethical behaviour.
    John colleagues lacked some of these principles in this scenario.

  757. Karen and Jon conducted themselves professionally when they followed the proper channels to solve the issue.
    Critical thinking and determination to find a solution helped them resolve the issue.

    1. Williams didn’t accuse John for his report, He and Karen got through the issue with the report by discussing honestly with stakeholders. Karen recognised her seniors and maintained her cool while working out a solution.

      1. Some of the problems includes the lack of communication, no team collaboration from both parties, unethical behavior of misrepresenting information.

        Company xyz was able to use a more proactive approach in resolving and bringing light to the situation by engaging a big firm who has influence over the local opinion research.

  758. They lacked communication and team spirit as regards the project …as each of them neglected the need to have meetings to move the project forward.

    Critical thinking from Karen and discussion with stakeholders saved the day .

    1. Communication gap between the team and zero level on team building, they should have come to agreement on what and how to do the project and that would have enhanced the time used

  759. Issues Identified
    John did not do a proper job of elicitation initially. Accepting the results without proper engagement with stakeholders puts the project at risk.
    Williams displayed a lack of ethical awareness due to his eagerness to move to the next phase of the project.
    Karen let her personal ambition and feelings affect her proffesional judgement though her research in identifying the big firm displayed critical thinking and good problem solving skills.
    Ethical Awareness

  760. Lack of team work

    Lack of communication. They didnโ€™t sit together to reflect on possible mistakes in the report.
    Lack of critical thinking. Giving thought to options that contradict your own result will show possible loopholes

  761. These are some of the issues noticed in the case study:

    1. Personal interest: Williams was influenced by personal interest over the organization’s reputation.

    2. Violation of ethical standard: Williams engaged in some unethical behaviour which includes dishonesty, manipulation and fraudulent act, which is against the established ethical standards of the profession.

    3. Xenophobic behaviour: This has to do with discrimination and stigmatization. This was seen when Williams realize the ethnic difference between him and John.

    4. Fear: Because Karen was on probation despite knowing the right thing to do, decided not to offend Williams against the reputation of the organization. Although she later realized her mistake and on time.

    The Skills used were;
    1. Communication: Karen and John discussed the issue together and came to a great solution. They evaluated their previous options by strategically creating an alternative outcome.

    2. Time management: Talking to people at the appropriate time help to bring in great ideas and solution to the problem.

    3. Negotiation: Because Karen and John were able to analyze the issue with preferable solutions, they were able to have a great negotiation process with their client.

  762. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:
    1. lack of communication and transparency by John
    2. No team work, as he made the decision to create the report all by himself without informing the other members involved in the project
    3. Lack of integrity from John as the report was too perfect and not showing the true nature of what the report should look like

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario:
    1. Communication
    2. Negotiation
    3. Networking

  763. All organizations require a high level of project management skills.Itโ€™s common for better negotiating, coordination, adherence to rules, risk management, and resource management to lead to a successful ending.Therefore, successful project execution requires the use of the right competencies for the project completion.

  764. In the given scenario, there are a couple of issues related to professional conduct. These issues revolve around ethics, transparency, and the decision-making process. Let’s identify these issues and the skills used to address them:

    Issues of Professional Conduct:

    1. Lack of Transparency: The issue of concern in the scenario is the lack of transparency in the engagement program report. John, from XYZ, expected a carefully arranged engagement program to elicit feedback from on-the-ground workers regarding potential hurdles in the project. However, William, the client agency’s representative, had already obtained information through an opinion research firm without involving John in the process. This lack of transparency raises ethical concerns about open communication and collaboration.

    2. Questionable Integrity in Reporting: The engagement report presented by the opinion research firm appears to lack objectivity. Karen, a member of the XYZ team, raises concerns about the report being overly positive and possibly skewed to paint an unrealistically favorable picture of the project’s outlook. This calls into question the integrity and accuracy of the report.

    Skills Used to Address Ethical Considerations:

    1. Communication and Collaboration: John and Karen demonstrate effective communication and collaboration skills. Instead of accepting the potentially biased report at face value, they engage in a conversation to address the issue. They discuss their concerns and consider the potential impact on the project’s success.

    2. Critical Thinking: Karen applies critical thinking skills by questioning the report’s findings and recognizing the need to consider the potential risks associated with accepting the report without scrutiny. This analytical approach helps identify potential issues.

    3. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: John and Karen engage in problem-solving and decision-making to address the ethical dilemma. They recognize that transparency is crucial and consider the risks of challenging the report. They also explore alternative approaches to obtain more reliable engagement data.

    4. Research and Networking: Karen’s use of online research and networking skills is evident when she identifies a big global firm that could assist in assessing the local opinion researchers’ work. This demonstrates a proactive approach to finding a solution and seeking expertise from external sources.

    5. Ethical Awareness: Both John and Karen show ethical awareness by recognizing the potential implications of their actions on the project’s success and XYZ’s reputation. They understand the importance of maintaining ethical standards in their work.

    In this scenario, the individuals involved in the project demonstrate their commitment to addressing ethical considerations. They use their communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, research, and networking skills to ensure transparency and the integrity of the project’s data. These skills help them make informed decisions that align with ethical principles and best practices in project management.

    1. Professional conduct refers to the expected behavior and ethical standards within a specific profession or workplace. Issues of professional conduct can vary by industry, but some common examples include:

      1. Conflict of Interest: When a professional’s personal interests or relationships interfere with their duty to act in the best interests of their organization or clients.

      2. Ethics Violations: Engaging in unethical behavior, such as dishonesty, fraud, or manipulation, that goes against the established ethical standards of the profession.

      3. Misuse of Resources: Inappropriate use of company resources, time, or assets for personal gain or non-work-related activities.

      4. Harassment and Discrimination: Engaging in behaviors or actions that create a hostile work environment, including harassment, discrimination, or bullying.

      5. Breach of Confidentiality: Sharing confidential information or data without proper authorization, which can harm the organization or its stakeholders.

      6. Negligence: Failing to meet professional standards or responsibilities, which can result in harm or damage to clients, colleagues, or the organization.

      7. Lack of Transparency: Withholding information or being untruthful in professional dealings, which can erode trust and accountability.

      8. Violation of Laws and Regulations: Failing to comply with relevant laws and regulations in the industry or profession.

      Addressing issues of professional conduct typically involves disciplinary measures, ethics training, and adherence to established codes of conduct or professional standards. It’s important for individuals and organizations to have clear guidelines and processes in place to address and prevent such issues.

  765. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:
    1. Issues were not anticipated.
    2. The project manager wanted his suggestion to be adopted, instead of discussing different team members’ opinions to get the best conclusion.
    3. Communication was not well done.

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario:
    1. Communication
    2. Negotiation
    3. Networking

  766. I observed that there was lack of good communication skill, between John and Williams while Karen later used her communication skill by ensuring that the issue on ground was solved to keep the companyโ€™s focus and reputation were maintained.

  767. In this case study, the absence of teamwork and communication within the group is evident. Successful projects require collaboration, as no one has all the answers. To maintain project quality and the company’s integrity, Kareen addressed the issue by consulting with John and colleagues. While research informed their decisions, involving William could have enhanced understanding. Communication, teamwork, and research enabled them to address project challenges and plan for potential risks.

    1. Acting professionally without allowing emotions could have helped John handle William better. Active collaboration saved the day eventually.

  768. From this case study I could deduce that the group lacked team spirit and as such there was no communication among them. If a project must be successful team work is paramount. No one knows it all.

    However, seeing that the quality or success of the project will be jeopardized thereby affecting the integrity of the company and it’s goals Kareen had to find a way to speak with John and also discussed with other colleagues. Kareen and John went as far as doing a research on how others have handled similar project and this help them to make informed decisions. But I think they William should have participated this so that every one can understand what needs to be done and why it needs to be done in the Way it was agreed to be done.

    In my observation Communication, Team work and Research helped them to tackle the project and mapped options to handle possible risks and problems that could arise in the course of the project.

  769. John and William lacked effective communication and Team work spirit. That’s why William prepared the report alone. While Karen has shown professionalism by identifying the problem and also proffering a solution.

  770. From the senacrio,
    There was lack
    Team work spirit
    Professionalism at some point.
    Ignoring cores values and work ethics.
    They got it right later and were able to identify the problem and took the right approach of collaboration to succeed in their project.

  771. Between John and William it was seen that they lack effective communication and Team work spirit. This is the reason why William go on his own to prepare the report but Karen has shown a professionalism by identify the problem and also proffer a solution.

  772. In this case study, the professional issues are:
    1. The client representative (William) lack teamwork and integrity and willing to do things in his way without the PM ideals and he is also unprofessional in his way of work.
    2. The PM (John) lack the negotiation skills by accepting the report without questioning and requesting for a revisit. Which violate the ethics and standards of PM.

    3. Karen lack disagree and commit principle and was afraid to present her view to John. And this shows she only have interest in her personal growth and not the company and project success.

    The issues was resolved with effective communication between John and Karen and also teamwork.

  773. From the case study, it is obvious that William has a wrong motive and lacks ethical disciple. William needs to shift his ethical reasoning and give place to ethical values like integrity, teamwork and accountability.

    The involvement of the XYZ team suggests that a broader perspective is necessary for the projectโ€™s success, and their experience can be valuable.

    John, like Karen, should have analyzed the project more thoroughly to identify potential issues and work with William on mitigation strategies.

    Undoubtedly, Karen demonstrated good teamwork by prioritizing the teamโ€™s success over personal achievements.

    Collaborative communication, as seen in her discussion with John, is essential for achieving desired outcomes while upholding the companyโ€™s integrity and reputation.

    1. In this case study, the absence of teamwork and communication within the group is evident. Successful projects require collaboration, as no one has all the answers. To maintain project quality and the company’s integrity, Kareen addressed the issue by consulting with John and colleagues. While research informed their decisions, involving William could have enhanced understanding. Communication, teamwork, and research enabled them to address project challenges and plan for potential risks.

  774. William response suggests intention to mislead the users of the report for wrong motives and lacks professional due diligence. Karen and John displayed risk based thinking and professional due diligence, which creates opportunity for the enterprise to give assurance to their client of capacity to handle the project professionally.

  775. Some of the ethical issues raised are:
    1. Breach of rules of conduct- the agreed engagement procedure between John and William was not followed
    2. Lack of values- Karen and john were selfish. They out themselves first instead of the project and the reputation of the organisation.
    3.code of practice- William let his situation get the best of him. He should have insisted on the code of practice being followed

    Ways in which the above was tackled:
    1. Feedback – William asking for feedback from Karen by creating a safe space to do it with no repercussion.
    2. Understanding what the real goal to be achieved is. William and Karen understood that the reputation of the organisation and goal of the project was at stake
    3. Values- knowing that if the organisation had a reputation which they bought into at the point of applying, the values should still be upheld. They were able to achieve this by honestly, innovative and proactive thinking.

  776. 1. lack of communication and external adversity from the clientโ€™s side (William)
    he didnโ€™t put John through anything, and that caused John to lack confidence on his job and the project

    2. Karen was able to implement some rules of conduct, communication her concerns with John, making sure to give time to think and she was able to further the project while making John more sure about it

  777. Issues of professional conduct were honesty and integrity by John and Williams
    However effective communication by Karen and John was able to solve the issues

  778. John loose focus and laid down his guard.
    William is just been realistic
    In face, the whole team should learn to work together as a team.

  779. Some professional conduct issues reflected with this team are:

    1. The young man John exhibited lack of honesty and integrity in reporting the outcomes of the engagement activity. No project outcome is a 100 percent successful . He presented a false report which didn’t meet up with the expectations of the project, to enable quick movement to the next stage which is an ethical issue of concern.

    2. William, the project supervisor did not do his due diligence in ensuring that data and findings from the report were a true and exact reflection of the reality on the field which questions the credibility of his professional responsibility.

    3. Karen was selfish at some point when she refused to ask questions about the seemingly perfect report when she spotted a concern but rather chose to ignore it being only concerned about her future and prospects on the job until there was a sincere engagement later

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions by the people on the team include:

    An eagle eye for details is critical to spot problems ahead of the project as exhibited by Karen

    Team work : Both parties brain stormed on how they could adjust certain variables of the project to reflect the true picture.

    Problem solving skills : They both identified and analysed the issue and consequences of using a false report. They further identified the potential risks, and worked together to map out a solution that upholds the ethical standards of and to avoid derailing the project.

    Research and Proactiveness: Karenโ€™s proactive approach to carry out online research and collaboration with a global firm was key to the success of the project .

    Effective communication exhibited by John and Karen was crucial and vital role in addressing the ethical concern and getting the project back on track

    Ethical awareness: Karen and John took responsibility and reised the implications of their actions on the project and the reputation of their firm if they had done nothing .

  780. Issues of Professional Conduct:
    Integrity and Honesty: The scenario raises concerns about the honesty and integrity of the individuals involved. William’s decision to provide John with a report that does not accurately reflect the engagement results is a breach of professional conduct. It involves misrepresentation of information, which can harm the project and undermine trust.

    Transparency and Accountability: Another issue is the lack of transparency in decision-making. William’s failure to disclose that the report was outsourced to another research firm and not collected as initially planned raises questions about accountability and transparency in the project. This lack of transparency can lead to misunderstandings and misaligned expectations.

    Skills Used to Address Ethical Considerations:

    Communication Skills: Karen and John demonstrate effective communication skills by discussing the ethical dilemma regarding the engagement report. They engage in a constructive conversation to identify the problem and potential solutions. Open and clear communication is essential for addressing ethical issues.

    Critical Thinking: Karen and John exhibit critical thinking skills when they analyze the situation and its potential consequences. They consider the risks of accepting the inaccurate report, as well as the risks of challenging it. Critical thinking allows them to make a well-informed decision.

    Problem-Solving: Karen uses problem-solving skills to identify a solution to the ethical dilemma. She suggests involving a reputable global firm to review the work of the local research agency. This approach aims to address the issue and ensure the accuracy of the engagement report.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Karen and John prioritize ethical considerations by recognizing the importance of delivering accurate and reliable results to the client. They choose a path that aligns with ethical principles, even if it involves confronting challenges and potential risks.

    Collaboration: The decision to seek the assistance of a global firm demonstrates collaboration skills. Karen and John work together to find a solution that maintains the project’s integrity and the firm’s reputation.

  781. The professional issues I could find in this scenario are lack of communication, lack of team work and transparency. To get a successful project, effective communication, team work and transparency is needed

  782. The professional issues i picked from the scenario are:
    1. William (Client Rep) was overconfident on his abilities and depended on the fact that he knows people an internal adversity. He lacked TEAM work and also integrity because he wanted to cut corners
    2. John, violated the ethics and standards of the profession by accepting the report by William even though it didn’t meet the standard required for the project.
    3. Karen was a bit SELFISH by not airing her concern about the report. Keeping her job was more important than the success of the project

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decision

    1. Teamwork on the part of John and Karen
    2. Effective communication
    3.Problem solving skill
    All put together help reached ethical decisions.

    1. John was a bit unprofessional as he took to leasure before settling to work and because of the Gap in communication, he couldn’t take part in the assignment as expected. John is also afraid to discuss a problem he identified.

      1. The professional conducts as observed in the scenario by individual team are:

        1. Williams: exhibits selfish interest, lack of professional responsibility by cutting corners to outsource the project reports.
        2. John: exhibits complacency on the job and lack of communication.
        3. Karen: exhibits selfishness and fear of approaching the truth with John.
        In summary, the team lacks transparency and team work. If they had worked in unison, the engagement results would have been looked into properly.

        Vital Skills Used to Bring Ethics Into Decisions:

        1. Team work by both Karen and John.
        2. Open communication; John willingly to discuss with Karen on the problems of the engagement reports.
        3. Futuristic thinking exhibited by Karen.
        4. Problem solving skills.
        5. Critical Thinking; as shown by Karen’s personal research which led to a connection that accelerate the possible progression of the project.

    2. The professional conduct as observed:
      Williams acted unethical by cutting corners without real research on the project,he selfishly collected an already made results which was not real time people’s opinions.
      Karen was too emotional about the truth, she was scared of hurting someone wit the truth at the expenses of delivery a good and effective project…scared of criticising John .
      John lacked transparency and the basis of his organisational ethical Value.
      The Team lacked
      Communication skills
      Lack of Transpercy
      Lack of team work.

      Tools used to help bring Ethical Value are
      Communication skills as seen when he asked for Karen_s honest opinion..this was where communication wit team members came into play
      Critical thinking…As seen wjen Karen had to brainstorm, carried out research online and had more knowledge on the project
      Team work… As seen when John and Karen came together to map out a solution to d the risk that was forseen
      Ethically putting the Moral Values of the organization into consideration…
      Collaboration..As seen when they reached out to a bigger firm

  783. The professional conducts that were of concern in the case study were;
    * Lack of Communication
    * Lack of Transparency and the Personal interest of Williams
    * No Team work

    The Skills through which the issues were resolved are;
    * Communication
    * Team work
    * Problem solving skills
    * Critical thinking skills
    * Collaboration

    Which are important for the success of any given project.

    1. Looking at the scenario, it is clear that there was no teamwork which is very important in any project that involves team members
      There was a bridge in communication where they didn’t communicate what approach was suitable for that research.

      These 2 things would have made a whole lot of difference and make their research profitable if they were applied.
      But in the end, they recognised the power of communication, research and team work and it brought a positive result.

    2. In summary, I think they lack team work, lack of communication, co-operation and I also noticed that the fear of speaking up, discussing their Challenges exit among them. Finally, immediately they came together as a team, share their quota , they was a huge success at last.

  784. A couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are:

    Transparency and Honesty: The primary issue is the lack of transparency and honesty in reporting the results of the engagement program. The engagement came back with overly positive results, possibly manipulated to clear the way for the next stage of the project. This lack of transparency and honesty raises ethical concerns.

    Professional Responsibility: There’s a failure in upholding the professional responsibility to ensure that project data and findings are accurate, reliable, and reflect the reality on the ground. The report seems to have deviated from this professional responsibility.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions by the people involved:

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills. She questions the overly positive report and is concerned about the implications of accepting it without scrutiny. Critical thinking is essential for ethical decision-making.

    Ethical Leadership: John, by seeking Karen’s opinion and engaging in a discussion about the report, shows ethical leadership. He recognizes the need to address potential ethical issues and seeks a solution.

    Problem-Solving: Both Karen and John engage in problem-solving. They identify the ethical issue, map out the potential risks, and work together to find a solution that upholds ethical standards while not jeopardizing the project.

    Research and Collaboration: Karen’s idea of seeking assistance from a global firm and her proactive approach to online research demonstrate research and collaboration skills. They found a way to address the ethical concern by collaborating with experts.

    Communication: Effective communication is crucial in discussing the issue, brainstorming solutions, and collaborating with external partners. John and Karen’s communication skills played a vital role in addressing the ethical problem.

    Ethical Awareness: All individuals involved, including Karen, show awareness of ethical considerations and the implications of their actions on the project and the reputation of their firm.

  785. Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario below?
    Reflect on what skills were used to help bringing ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?

    Case study
    XYZ is a small project consultancy formed last year by a team that broke away from a bigger ๏ฌrm to focus on a particular market niche. They have a reputation for knowing that niche very well. The ๏ฌrm has landed its ๏ฌrst overseas contract, so thereโ€™s a real feeling that the ๏ฌrm is now getting the recognition it deserves. This contract makes the ๏ฌrmโ€™s future growth more secure.
    The ๏ฌrm
    The contract is with an agency of an overseas government, and part of the projectโ€™s ๏ฌrst stage is an engagement programme with a key stakeholder. This will involve a network of workers delivering an important service across the country. Their feedback will help identify any substantial hurdles that could in๏ฌ‚uence key parameters for the next stage of the project. For this reason, the ๏ฌrm has sent one of its key people to organise and implement that engagement.
    The background
    The people
    John is an experienced project manager and was one of the people involved in setting up the new ๏ฌrm. Heโ€™s excited about this contract โ€“ it allows him to broaden his experience and show how the new ๏ฌrm can take on bigger challenges like this.
    William has worked for the client agency for several years and has been given responsibility for overseeing this project. Heโ€™s a real โ€˜people personโ€™, and his range of contacts means heโ€™s a person of growing in๏ฌ‚uence in the government.
    Johnโ€™s point of view
    โ€œI was very well looked after when I got there. Admittedly, it would have been better to get straight into the work, but it was nice to be shown around a bit too. Itโ€™s an interesting country and seeing it with a local is great. On the second day, however, I really did force the pace, asking how the engagement programme would be organised. You can imagine my surprise when William, my opposite number at the agency, said it had already been carried out and heโ€™d be able to give me the results in a day or two. The results were just being written up.
    โ€œI was a bit taken aback โ€“ our plan had been for carefully arranged forums to elicit the best feedback on how sensitive the main project would be to certain hurdles. After all, these were the people on the ground who face them all the time.โ€
    Williamโ€™s point of view
    โ€œI really like John, but you can tell he doesnโ€™t understand how we do things here. Our friends at the opinion research ๏ฌrm got the information we needed and Iโ€™ll share that with John tomorrow. Itโ€™s pretty much what we expected. We know these outworking people and what their views are.โ€
    โ€œThe report will look really good and I know the results will please John, as they clear the way for the next big stage of the project to start. After all, thatโ€™s what weโ€™re really here to deliver. Weโ€™ll just do a quick photo-shoot for him at the local charity that those survey people like to use, before heโ€™s o๏ฌ€ home on the plane.โ€
    Karenโ€™s point of view
    โ€œThe opinion research that John brought back looks all very ๏ฌne, but to be honest, it just feels a bit too ๏ฌne. I know Iโ€™ve only been here a few months, but Iโ€™ve never seen a round peg ๏ฌt into a round hole quite so perfectly before. The engagement came back with nothing but green lights across all of the key parameters. OK, so there could be no problems, but we all know how important these ๏ฌndings are for delivering the next stage of the project. Johnโ€™s such a nice guy and Iโ€™m worried that if I criticise the report, Iโ€™ll end up looking like Iโ€™m criticising him. Thatโ€™d make the o๏ฌƒce no fun place for a while, and Iโ€™ve got my probation period to think of โ€“ Iโ€™ve still got a couple of months to go.โ€
    The scenario that develops
    Karen joined XYZ earlier in the year, enticed by its focus and reputation, and what sheโ€™d heard about its culture. Sheโ€™s glad to have now completed all of her academic and professional training and is keen to gain as much experience as possible.
    Karenโ€™s point of view
    โ€œYou should have seen the look John gave me when I saw him at the co๏ฌ€ee machine and tried a joke about the engagement report. Heโ€™s obviously concerned about it, and after heโ€™d asked for my honest opinion, we ended up spending a whole hour going over the problem and what we could do about it. We knew that running with the report as it stood was too big a risk, and so we mapped out how it would look if that risk was realised. It didnโ€™t paint a pretty picture for the project. Then we mapped out what the risks were from making some sort of challenge to the report, and they werenโ€™t very pretty either. Just as we thought weโ€™d landed ourselves between a rock and a hard place, I sort of nudged John to look beyond this one project. After all, I joined this ๏ฌrm because of its reputation. If we didnโ€™t sort out this bit of the project, then where would we be with our other clients?โ€
    โ€œEven though we agreed on this, we still didnโ€™t have a plan for sorting it out. But after chatting it over with some close colleagues over the weekend, I had a brainwave. A bit of online research identi๏ฌed a big global ๏ฌrm that the local opinion researchers sometimes partnered with. I messaged John the idea and he gave it the thumbs-up. We met with the big ๏ฌrm and agreed that they would approach the local ๏ฌrm directly to ๏ฌnd out more about how theyโ€™d done this piece of work. The next few weeks were pretty manic, as their review did ๏ฌnd problems, but we got the right engagement in the end and identi๏ฌed some material hurdles for the next stage.โ€

    1. In this scenario, there are a couple of issues of professional conduct:
      Lack of Transparency: William, the client agency representative, did not communicate honestly with John about how the engagement program had been conducted. This lack of transparency and withholding information from a key stakeholder is an ethical concern.
      Ethical Dilemma: Karen faced an ethical dilemma when she had concerns about the accuracy and integrity of the engagement report. She was worried that criticizing the report might harm her relationship with John and affect the office atmosphere. Balancing the need for honesty and integrity with maintaining a positive work environment is a professional conduct issue.
      Skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario:
      Critical Thinking: John and Karen engaged in critical thinking to assess the situation, including the risks of relying on the potentially flawed report and the risks associated with challenging it.
      Problem-Solving: Karen’s brainstorming and research skills allowed her to come up with a solution to seek an external opinion through a global firm, which contributed to resolving the ethical dilemma.
      Communication and Collaboration: John and Karen’s open communication and collaboration played a crucial role in addressing the ethical concerns and finding a solution to the problem.
      Ethical Awareness: All the individuals in the scenario demonstrated some level of awareness, recognizing the importance of accurate and honest reporting in a project that could impact their firm’s reputation and future growth.
      Integrity: The decision to seek an external review and address the potential flaws in the report reflects a commitment to integrity and ethical conduct.
      Overall, this scenario highlights the importance of ethical decision-making, transparency, and the use of critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate professional conduct challenges in a business setting.

    2. In this cenario, there are a couple of issues of professional conduct:
      Lack of Transparency: William, the client agency representative, did not communicate honestly with John about how the engagement program had been conducted. This lack of transparency and withholding information from a key stakeholder is an ethical concern.
      Ethical Dilemma: Karen faced an ethical dilemma when she had concerns about the accuracy and integrity of the engagement report. She was worried that criticizing the report might harm her relationship with John and affect the office atmosphere. Balancing the need for honesty and integrity with maintaining a positive work environment is a professional conduct issue.Skills used to bring ethics into decisions in this scenario:
      Critical Thinking: John and Karen engaged in critical thinking to assess the situation, including the risks of relying on the potentially flawed report and the risks associated with challenging it.
      Problem-Solving: Karen’s brainstorming and research skills allowed her to come up with a solution to seek an external opinion through a global firm, which contributed to resolving the ethical dilemma.
      Communication and Collaboration: John and Karen’s open communication and collaboration played a crucial role in addressing the ethical concerns and finding a solution to the problem.
      Ethical Awareness: All the individuals in the scenario demonstrated some level of ethical awareness, recognizing the importance of accurate and honest reporting in a project that could impact their firm’s reputation and future growth.
      Integrity: The decision to seek an external review and address the potential flaws in the report reflects a commitment to integrity and ethical conduct.
      Overall, this scenario highlights the importance of ethical decision-making, transparency, and the use of critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate professional conduct challenges in a business setting.

  786. The issues of professional conduct and ethical concerns as seen in the case study are:

    – Lack of communication: William failed to communicate to John the mode of data collection for the engagement program.
    – No team work: There was no team work and collaboration between the team members.
    – Lack of proper research.

    The skills used to address these ethical issues are:
    – Effective Communication: John and Karen had a constructive discussion to address the ethical issues.
    – Collaboration: John collaborated with Karen by seeking for an independent review of the engagement work to ensure it’s accuracy and ethical practice.
    – The team later considered code of practice and went ahead to adhere to the rules of conduct.
    – Karen and John showed problem solving skill.

    1. John mixed pleasure with his job , that limited his ability to push for credible responses from Williams.

      For William, he ethical issues revolve around transparency, misrepresentation, professional responsibility, and the hindrance of learning and collaboration. It’s essential to address these concerns to maintain ethical standards and foster a healthy work environment.

      For Karen, the ethical issues revolve around concerns about report accuracy, fear of reprisal, maintaining a positive work environment, and the potential impact on the project. It’s essential for Karen to find a balance between offering constructive feedback and maintaining a professional and respectful working relationship with John.

      Finally,Karen and John’s open and honest communication allowed them to jointly assess risks, creatively problem-solve, and consider the long-term reputation of their firm. They sought external expertise, leading to the resolution of concerns about the engagement report and identifying material hurdles for the next project stage. This collaborative approach demonstrated a commitment to quality and improvement, ultimately benefiting the project’s outcomes.

      1. The issues here are:
        1. Lack of communication within the team
        2. Violation of work ethics and standards.

        Skill sets used are:
        1. Good communication skills which was utilised by Karen
        2. Good negotiation
        3. Research

  787. In my own point of view, it’s clearly stated that John William and Karen lacked communication, integrity, collaboration etc. But at the end John and Karen were able to achieve their project with the aim of effective communication ,integrity , and collaboration .

  788. Chigozie Princewill Ubani, cohort 11 team 3
    Couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario-
    – No proper communication
    – Personal selfish interest overriding team interest
    -lack of team cohesion
    – Open minded communication
    – Collaboration
    – Empathy
    – Team commitment towards achieving the final goal of the project.

  789. The professional issues I noticed were:
    *The unprofessional and compromised act by William to cut corners during the trip to engage shareholders.
    *The worries Karen had about maintaining her job if she exposed William
    *The lack of team work displayed when William planned out the whole engagement trip without informing his teammates.
    The skills which helped them solve the issues that I observed include:
    *Critical thinking on the part of Karen that led to her contacting other agencies the research agency worked with in the past.
    *Apt communication skills to relay the issue to the said company that prompted them to take action.
    *Team work and collaboration with John as well as the other colleagues while looking for a solution.

    1. The professional issues I identified are these:
      *William had poor time management which was why he used up time already allocated to project planning for leisure and also he was very unethical in carrying out his research when it was supposed to be a joint assignment. Even though his report was well presented, because the research wasnโ€™t carried out with due process it could have led to bigger issues in the future.
      * John although a good project manager should have been able to effectively address the situation by communicating with Williams. His ability to later on ask for a second opinion from his team member shows good teamwork. He was also able to find a solution that works best with the help of karen and this in turn helped on the development of the project
      *Karen ; although she was reluctant to voice her opinion on the feedback report was able to communicate effectively and give and good feedback. She was also able to do a deep thinking with was helpful in coming up with solutions for the problem at hand.
      This scenario has taught that effective communication, time management, problem solving skills are always useful in planning a project. Also, for the success of a project everything from research to final touches on a project should be done diligently and within the organizationโ€™s ethics.

  790. The issues identified in the scenario are as follows;
    – William (Client Rep) lacks professional ethics mindset and culture thereby willing to compromise the feedback information needed for the next stage of the project. Also not considering the integrity of the Government Agency.
    – John(PM) violated the ethics and standards of the profession by accepting the report despite sensing that its unethical what William is presenting to him
    – Karen as a new employee with some experience observed that ethics and standards of the profession was violated but had the initial fear of losing her job if she confronts John by criticizing the report William gave to him.

    Karen and John used communication, risk assessment, stakeholder management, and ethics & adherence to standards skills to put the project right on track thereby maintaining the firmโ€™s integrity (and theirs) and achieving the goal of the project within the scope and timeline.

    1. Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

      Yes, few issues include
      – Openness
      – good research
      – reputation management

      Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?

      Yes, some of them include
      – good communication
      Karen ability to speak with John despite her initial fear can be linked to her good communication skill

      – Use of the Mind instead of Tools:
      By this I refer to when Karen never gave up in figuring out a solution until she got one

      – good research and collaboration: as seen in the case study Karen did a good job in terms of her research and John did well in collaborating with her and the other teams.

  791. initially there was no team work among them, not until karen reflect on what to do and approach them with communication skill that now makes them achieve the project at the end of the day. also Williams lacks ethical practice and code of conduct, moral practice and values. moral lesson, for every project to be successful, we all need each other and a team spirit to play out.

  792. You will see that there is no team work spirit amongst the 3, John, Williams & Karen. Williams seem to wanting to take the glory for the job and as such did not want to carry the team along on this project. Hence, self interest threat is playing here. Karen should is other hand looking at scaling through her probation period and as such does not want to to criticize objectively. As such the result is not objective. Critical thinking and analysis was not allowed since the three staff does not brain task themselves. Communication is also an ethical issue that will great affect their result.

  793. From this case study, I was able to understand how easy it is to create problems for a project. Pm John was ready to do detailed research work and questioning to get the necessary information required to form a solid plan on how to approach the project. He kept an open and curious mind and was ready to work with the team for this purpose. William, on the other hand felt the need to Fast-track the process of research as he already knew the people. He was not very open to working with John. He so inclined to get the project moving along as fast as possible that he did not stop to consider the potential risks. Karen’s gut feeling combined with her previous experience made her cautious of the report John brought back. She prioritized office working conditions and her probation period over airing her concerns (SELFISH). By asking for her HONSEST FEEDBACK, John and Karen were able to work together to find potential risks. John was OPEN to feedback. He TEAMED with his subordinate, Karen. He took RESPONSIBILITY for the report he brought back.

  794. Inferences from the scenero shows that an organisation with an ethical value that is not followed by the employee can render the ethical value which is the bedrock of the organisation to be meaningless. Checking through it, there is lack of spirit of teamwork in them which can result to ineffective time management because of lack of communication between them which is very important in an organisation.

  795. In this scenario, there are a couple of issues of professional conduct and ethical concerns:

    1. **Lack of Transparency:** The agency led by William did not inform John about the way they collected the information for the engagement program. This lack of transparency can be seen as unprofessional conduct, as it doesn’t align with the common standards of open and honest communication in business relationships.

    2. **Pressure to Conform:** Karen initially felt pressured to conform to the positive report provided by John, even when she had doubts about its accuracy. This can be seen as a potential ethical issue, as it could lead to the omission of critical information and a lack of transparency.

    Skills used to address these ethical concerns:

    1. **Critical Thinking and Analysis:** Karen demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the overly positive engagement report and considering the potential risks. She analyzed the situation and thought about the consequences of both challenging the report and accepting it.

    2. **Effective Communication:** John and Karen engaged in a constructive dialogue to discuss the ethical concerns. They communicated openly, sharing their perspectives and concerns, which is essential for addressing ethical dilemmas.

    3. **Collaboration:** Karen collaborated with John and reached out to a big global firm to seek an independent review of the engagement work. This collaborative effort aimed to ensure that the project’s findings were accurate and ethical standards were upheld.

    4. **Problem-Solving:** Karen’s brainstorming and idea to involve an independent review demonstrated problem-solving skills. They actively sought a solution to the ethical concerns and worked towards a more ethical outcome for the project.

    5. **Ethical Awareness:** All the individuals involved eventually showed ethical awareness by recognizing the potential consequences of their actions and making efforts to rectify the situation in a way that aligned with professional and ethical standards.

    These skills and actions helped address the ethical issues and contributed to a more ethical decision-making process in the scenario.

  796. In this case study, john, William and Karen initially lack team work. They didn’t carry each other along in the project. The values of the company wasn’t followed. But at the end they realized this and they came together and they got the job done.

  797. In Summary of the article , all three of them are professionals but lack cohesion.
    They all have capabilities in doing the task but at first where not working as a Team,
    Instead they acted solo due to lack of communication and fault finding
    At the tail end ,they realized, team work started by their individual inputs as stakeholders
    through effective communication and interest in making the project a success.

  798. Case study

    Lack of ยจยจTEAM WORKยจ could have affected the project delivery and it would have been a disaster for the organization.

    Unethical professional conduct displayed by Williams- The purpose of the first stakeholders meeting is suppose to engage network of workers for feedback that will be needed to commence the next stage of the meeting. However, Williams action by already giving out the work to another agency while expecting report as unethical.

    John Silence on the ethical approach of Williams action also cost them the expertise that william could have brought to the outcome of the project goal.

    Karen hesitant to point out her observations because of selfish reasons could have costed them their desired outcome.

    John response to Karen which shows his leadership skills as a Project manager brought a desired result for the project.

    John and Karen had done a very team work. able to put heads together , agreed and do a research to identify the risk that might be associated with the report gotten from Williams.
    Make change in their plan which is tough or difficult decision but in the interest of the firm to contact another agency that the local opinion works with.

    The result is what we have in the case studyโ€ but we got the right engagement in the end and identified some material hurdles for the next stageโ€

    Interpersonal skills
    Communication skills
    Research skills
    People skills
    Collaborative skills

  799. It’s good for a team work to share their thoughts rather than keep their ideals aside . So to me communication is the key in every aspect.

  800. It is important for team members to share their opinion about a particular project rather than keep their suggestions to themselves. Collaborative effort helps create a solution to a given problem, peoples opinion about a given problem helps create a possibility of increased diversity to gaining a project solution.

  801. According to the case study;

    – Yes, I could identify both the external and internal adversity which created a serious dilemma for the project manager(Williams) and this resulted in the client (big firm) finding out about the problems attached to the project.

    _ However, due to Karen’s communication skills, they were able to go over the hurdle in the project. At some point, Williams was able to compromise so as not to have issues with John. While John on the other hand was able to collaborate with Karen, while she balanced the scale in order for them to achieve a great result towards the project.

  802. Team work is very necessary in carrying out a work, the case study has identify a good knowledge of the firm, which they had. Their communication skills which aid fastness and accuracy in identifying or observing the problem thereby having a positive results. Apt to listen to one another and give accurate advice on what to do next… Project management will always be of a positive turnout with these qualities

  803. Acting ethically – (Discussion)

    Unethical professional conduct displayed by Williams. The purpose of the first stakeholders meeting to engage network of workers for feedback that will be needed to commence the next stage of the meeting and it was defeated as a result of Williams action by already giving out the work to another agency while expecting report . this is unethical.
    on the other hand john and Karen had done a very team work. able to put heads together ,do a research to identify the risk that might be associated with the report gotten from Williams.
    Make change in their plan which is tough or difficult decision but in the interest of the firm to contact another agency that the local opinion works with. The result is what we have in the case study” but we got the right engagement in the end and identified
    some material hurdles for the next stage”..

  804. The professional conduct lacking from William are

    – Ethical practices
    – Moral principle
    – Values

    The following skills were applied by Karen and John

    – Communication with internal and external stakeholders
    – Application of the Ethics and Standards of APM
    – Knowledge of the regulatory environment

    1. working ethically as a project manager is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage. Ethical conduct contributes to trust, stakeholder satisfaction, risk reduction, and the long-term success of the project, making it a critical factor in project management success.

  805. Identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?
    i. No teamwork
    ii. Personal self interest above team success
    iii. Poor flow of communication.

    Identify what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario?
    i. Commitment to upholding the reputation of the organization
    ii. Effective Communication that resulted in solving problems
    iii. Transparency

  806. A prominent issue of professional conduct featured in this scenario has to do with code of practice. Here was John expecting a round table meeting with the stakeholder, where they’d discuss the contract details (the usual practice in his own organization), but was given an already written out contract engagement to go work with, which he knew nothing about. A very typical example of external adversity in delivering projects.
    Back home, John had to engage the skill of communication to resolve the problem he was faced with. He engaged Karen and other colleagues in discussions and brainstorming sessions. So they eventually were able to come up with how to get the right initial engagement needed for the next phase of the project.

  807. Cohorts 11,Team 2.
    This case study further reemphasized the importance of Communication in project management and execution.
    It’s obvious the major problem faced by these the three was Communication.
    You don’t embark on a project without proper communication with the stakeholders.
    Also,you don’t just make decisions without consulting your key stakeholders.
    Another key lesson from the case study is the fact that you don’t make a project all about you, let the general interest override your personal interest or ambition.
    Thanks to Karen for being honest and giving those suggestions, and also for John to accept those feedbacks and agree to work with the suggested ideas.
    Communication is key in project execution.
    Team spirit is of essence.
    The focus should always be on the interest of the organization and not your personal ambition.

  808. John and Williams of communication level was poor and John was not well informed about the work, although Karen and John finally was able to come up with ideas and solutions to the problem with teamwork and effective communication. They both communicated their ideas; they have a set goal to ensure the companyโ€™s focus and reputation were maintained.

    1. Lack of team work is one of the major issues in executing a project. More like everybody wants to prove that they are better than the other. As a project manager it is important to bring together all the team members and ensure each and everyone of them are properly engaged.
      For me the skills needed for an effective project are the three Cs
      Which are Communication, Commitment and Collaboration.
      Ensuring an effective flow of information across all team members. Ensuring that everyone are committed to the project. And ensuring adequate collaboration among stakeholders and team members.

  809. In the initially stage of the case study, Williams did not act ethically which posed a threat to the success of the project. Other issues include;
    Lack of communication
    No team work
    Poor Organizational structure
    Lack of proper Feedback.
    At the end of the study John and Karen resolved the issues but identifying them and with good communication, collaboration and strong team work and getting the right feedback helped them bring the project to a success.

  810. In essence, the fundamental issue at hand revolves around a deficiency in collaborative teamwork, which stands in stark contrast to the very essence of Project Management. Project Management, at its core, hinges upon the harmonious coordination of tasks among all project stakeholders. This means that effective Project Management relies on the seamless integration of efforts from all parties involved, ultimately leading to the successful execution of the project’s objectives.

  811. From the given scenario; all three (3) PM’s did a great job as they all came together as a team and made their Project a Success. Though there was lack of effective Communication, and that made John not to get the clear picture of what’s to be done! There was also an ethical rules they didn’t apply properly which is Time Management.. Karen as an expertise, had experience and made a good decision on communicating clearly to Williams and John how to go about the problem and easily get it solved.
    As a good Project manager, you should be able to carry your team along, plan, and fill the gaps when necessary.. Make sure everyone on the team understand details, timing etc.. of what the project is all about.

  812. Further to the case study on xyz in the matters involving John , Williams and Karen. A lot factors were observed from value, moral principles, ethical principles, communication. Effective communication gap was existent between John and Williams. With the issues of internal driven adversities as exemplified by Williams trying to show that because he is the peoples man on the side of the client, he needs not waste time in going round again thereby cutting corners.
    On John ,despite being a Project manager did not bring the ethical principles to bear by ensuring proper procedures were followed in ensuring proper assessment of fact and not assumptions.
    However John was to avert a catastrophe by the actions of karen that had the moral value to evaluate and bring to Johns attention the ethical principles of their actions in the project and this made Karen with the support of John able to realise the limitations of their capabilities and contracting a more qualified professional to interphase and get the required information that allowed them get to the desired project goal or focus

  813. Going by the lesson from the scenario above-
    1.The issues identified based on the professional conducts are as follows-
    i.Lack of of time management
    ii.Not setting up your priority right
    iii.No team work
    iv.Lack firmness
    i,Collaboration of the team member
    ii.Firmness-They retrace their steps return to the status quo
    iii.Attentve-They were attentive to one another
    iv.Communication-There is clarity of communication
    v.Evaluation of the existing results-They requested for the evaluation of the existing to have a sedcond opinion

  814. From the case study, there was lack of team work, communication and the project plan was not detailed.
    William was using shortcuts, because he felt he knew the community more than John.
    The discussion between Karen and John opened up alot of issues with the project Which they were able to seek for solutions to sort it out.

  815. From the case study, John, Williams did not work as a team.
    They lacked Proper Planning and effective communication between them

    They were able to managed the situation by identifying the problem and their ability for open communication , negotiation and ensuring that they meet ethical standard of the organization

  816. From the case study, John, Williams did not work as a team.
    They lacked Proper Planning and effective communication between them

    They were able to managed the situation by identifying the project and their ability for open communication , negotiation and ensuring that they meet ethical standard of the organization

  817. The summary of it all is a lack of teamwork work whereas Project Management is all about the synchronization of tasks of all the stakeholders in a project.

    1. From the case study,
      John wasn’t proactive. He went on sight seeing rather than settling into work.
      William rather than discussing with his team took a shortcut to present the team with an un united report
      Karen was smart but lacked the boldness to speak.
      But at the end, Karen found a way to bring the team together.
      They had a discussion and were able to put resources together through teamwork to achieve the purposes of the project. They also sort external help

      At the end Teamwork,Communication skills came to play

  818. From my own view, the professionals were able to communicate effectively with the team.
    , well determined to get to the point by negotiation, working as per time.
    Communication, Teamwork
    Determination &
    effective time management, these skills where effectively used.

    1. Firstly, John didn’t go straight to the reason why he was sent to the place. He used his productive time on sightseeing which was internal driven adversity.

      William used a shortcut that favoured John ( external adversity) who thought he didn’t need to do any more work.

      Karen on the other hand should have trusted her guts the first time she read the report. She shouldn’t have been afraid to discuss a problem.

      The one on one meeting at the coffee machine and honest discussion between John and Karen brought the problem out in the open. This was in addition to collaboration with others and critical analysis of all possible outcomes.

      In the end they did the right thing by getting the opinion survey correctly.

  819. Karen good interpersonal skill plaid a major role in the case study because even when the feeling that the engagement report John proposed, was too good to be true, instead of criticizing the engagement report, she brought up the issue with John personally for discussion, she was open and willing to see it true. John was opened to suggestions. They worked together with other colleagues, at the end, they got the right engagement. Team work interpersonal relationship and communication is important for the success of any project and also team members should be open to suggestions.

  820. The case study shows the project plan was not detailed, and there was no cooperation among the team members. The communication gap was just too much

  821. There was definitely no proper communication, alignment and agreement between the team members in this case study. Initial agreement and proper look at the project before starting would have helped them rather than assumptions. Every PM needs a good team and to have a learning organization, it must operate under 5 principles 1 personal mastery
    2 Mental model
    3 team learning
    4 Shared vision
    5 System thinking

  822. From the case scenario, we find out that there was no collaboration and communication. John was excited about the job but didn’t factor the possible risks that would come up. Though William didn’t walk John through the whole process we see the advantage of team work, clear communication and analysis

  823. There was definitely no proper communication, alignment and agreement between the team members in this case study. Initial agreement and proper look at the project before starting would have helped them rather than assumptions. Every PM needs a good team and must carry them along in everything .

  824. A good project manager should be detailed oriented, pay full attentions to details and lots of collaboration with your team members while ensuring full communication to stakeholders/clients not minding if you handled a project with them or not .Ensure to pass vital information as at when it should be delivered so you don’t end up getting choked on a project or cancellation.

  825. From the case study;
    * there was little or no communication and understanding between the project manager and his team members.
    *Those involved in the project were not working together. Williams did not follow proper channels before he carried out the task. He felt since he has worked with the agency for several years before he should be in the position to handle the project.
    *On the part of the project manager, proper research was not made before he embarked on the project.
    *The project manager was not ready to accept negative reports and criticisms during the course of the project.A project manager should learn how to accept criticisms and corrections from his team members
    *The way and manner that such criticism are presented by team members matters alot

    1. The issue with the team stemmed from one of lack of proper/effective communication amongst the members of the team. Especially from Williams, the person in charge who was placed with the responsibility as the person in charge. He should have facilitated this communication and consulted with his team on any changes before embarking on any actions which he failed to do and spot created this room of confusion and discontent from his team members. Williams should have done better.
      Then pertaining to Karen, her fault lied in her inability to give feedback to the report of John, due to her fear of losing her job or creating bad blood with John and this thought shouldnt have been so, in the sense that she joined the firm in the first place due to the reputation it had garnered and this was only possible after the firm had gone through the good and bad times, thus this is to emphasize that for every report presented feedback should be given whether good or bad as it is with those feedback that the team is able to anticipate, navigate and work towards the overcoming the stormy crises looming forth. But if it isn’t projected, out loud like Karen failed to do even when she saw the risks inept in the project, the whole activity being planned for has the tendency of crashing even before it begins. However, I loved the fact that later on she was able to overcome this fear and discussed the risks liable to to his report in which ultimately a solution was found.

  826. From the case study, it was obvious there was no detailed project plan and team work was poor. Communication was very poor and there are so many assumptions.
    With resilience and involving the right team members and stakeholders, your project will be successful.

  827. from what i observed, there was lack of communication skill between the teeam members and also no involvemwnt of stakeholders in order to ensure hat they want, where neccessary adjustment need to made or where they need to remove anything. Williams was after the result, and getting things done without looking out for the integrity of the result. B ut at the end, they was communication between John and Karen which helped them see the possible problem and now need to find solution to work around it

  828. Acting ethically in project management is not only a moral imperative but also crucial for the success and reputation of the project and the organization. Here are some key thoughts on the importance of ethical behavior in project management:

    1. **Trust and Credibility:** Ethical conduct builds trust among team members, stakeholders, and clients. When you act with integrity, others are more likely to trust your decisions and leadership.

    2. **Stakeholder Satisfaction:** Ethical project management ensures that stakeholders’ interests are considered and respected. This leads to greater stakeholder satisfaction and support for the project.

    3. **Long-Term Success:** Ethical decisions often contribute to the long-term success of a project and the organization. Shortcuts or unethical practices may yield short-term gains but can lead to negative consequences in the future.

    4. **Legal Compliance:** Ethical behavior ensures that you and your team comply with all relevant laws and regulations. Violating ethical standards can lead to legal issues and reputational damage.

    5. **Team Morale:** Ethical leaders create a positive work environment where team members feel valued and respected. This boosts team morale and productivity.

    6. **Risk Mitigation:** Ethical project management involves identifying and mitigating risks associated with unethical behavior, such as fraud, conflicts of interest, or non-compliance.

    7. **Transparency:** Ethical leaders promote transparency in decision-making and communication. This helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters open dialogue among team members.

    8. **Respect for Diversity:** Ethical conduct includes respecting diversity and treating all team members and stakeholders fairly, regardless of their background or characteristics.

    9. **Accountability:** Ethical project managers take responsibility for their actions and decisions. They are accountable for the outcomes, whether positive or negative.

    10. **Reputation Management:** Ethical behavior safeguards the reputation of the project manager, team, and organization. A good reputation is invaluable in the business world.

    11. **Customer Loyalty:** Clients and customers are more likely to remain loyal to organizations that demonstrate ethical behavior. Satisfied clients are more likely to provide repeat business and referrals.

    12. **Personal Integrity:** Ethical project managers uphold their personal integrity and values, even in challenging situations. This reinforces their own sense of purpose and self-worth.

    13. **Ethical Dilemmas:** Ethical project management may involve facing difficult ethical dilemmas. It’s important to consider the ethical principles involved, seek advice if necessary, and make decisions that align with your values and the organization’s ethical standards.

    In summary, ethical conduct is an integral part of responsible project management. It not only contributes to project success but also helps create a positive work environment, build trust, and uphold the organization’s reputation. Ethical project managers prioritize honesty, fairness, transparency, and the well-being of all stakeholders throughout the project’s lifecycle.

  829. There is a bridge in the team’s communication link. The teamwork spirit is not too visible within them either. The lack of adequate information between John and Williams was something bothersome and Karen was able to do the underground research and find a solution to the problem they were to battle with ahead of the rise of the problem.

  830. From the scenario given, at the beginning, there was an overall lack of communication between John and William, no teamwork.

    Skills used were;
    communication, listening skills, collaboration, research, teamwork.

    1. In my view, the problem was characterized by a lack of good communication skills and team member mismanagement.
      Overall, the problem was solved by good negotiation skills and stakeholder management.

  831. I think firstly, there was a bit of communication ”wedge’. This, to my mind was made possible by the fact that there was no initial stakeholders meeting between all 3 parties (to address key issues -including start date).

    This explains why John, upon arrival would rather have jumped straight into action/work but was rather giving a tour first.
    There was no clear-cut agreed direction as to how the project should kick off. William was on a different page from John.

    *Communication* was lacking (at that stage).

    2. Karen was like a middle man between both men. She was te bridge that held the the team/project together. She handled the situation delicately and professionally -taking the feelings of John into consideration.

    3. Eventually, the team held up and the project picked up pace.

  832. what i observe was a communication gap between the team.
    lack of communication
    not being open to each team member even the result was perfect
    these can lead to difficulty.

  833. 1) A gap in communication meant that even though John and William were on the same page as far as being “for” the project is concerned, they did not communicate their expectations to each other with regards the engagement process. Their personalities affected their approach to the subject.
    2) There was no collaboration in that William did not engage his colleague Karen until prompted. This would have saved a lot of time,
    3) Karen’s self-interest, based on prioritizing her position in the company as opposed to speaking up to raise her doubts about William’s methods, was not in the best interest of the company.
    4) John and William had different priorities. John has an analytic approach and would have preferred a more thorough engagement process. William was more desperate to get the project going without following due process,
    5) Karen’s research saved the day as it gave them a wider view of the whole picture and would have made them more prepared of eventualities.

  834. From the study it’s obvious that the team lack some ethical factors such as lack of communication and team work, effective communication between John and Karen through a research works ha see helped them understand the environment and identify some important problems. Meanwhile Williams did not know and I also quest William on his own part has not ask the important question that could earn him more understanding about the project.
    Both are then trying everything possible to maintain integrity with loyalty to the project yet without an effective communication.

  835. Transparency and integrity: Williams was more after the success of the project that he is willing to sacrifice the true findings of the research and wouldn’t like John causing any trouble thus he arranged for him to be distracted while the report was being written up.
    Peer pressure: John although not cool with how the research went and sensed a fool play couldn’t say jack, Karen on the other hand could air her objection for fear of being a” critic” to John.
    What saved the day

    These three key factors pays out when Karen and John talked honestly and where able to map out ways in which to check the report for foolproof – which they did.

  836. Communication is one of the key that is missing in this scenario So is difference in priority. Williams was also ready to bend the rules/value when he said “you can tell he doesnโ€™t understand how we do things here”
    And furthermore all he is concerned with is the report looking good and so on.
    Karen is also too scared to voice out her opinion which might be a ground breaker for the report.

    Overall, lack of communication took the larger part

  837. Some professional ethical issues are
    โ€ข Lack of involvement of all the stakeholders
    โ€ข Poor communication
    โ€ข Lack of clear plan and mapping out of roles for all stake holders

    Some skills implored are

  838. Issues of Professional Conduct Featured in the Scenario:
    ๏‚ง Integrity: An integrity issue was observed to have played out amongst the team members, it was obvious John and William had a thing going which showed why William was hesitant in revealing the research report.
    ๏‚ง Cognitive Bias: This conduct speaks as to why William accorded more preference to the outcome of the project over the result of the engagement session.
    ๏‚ง Workplace mobbing: It was evident a bit of mobbing transpired as Karen was in fear of challenging the status quo and not being able to promptly question the inadequacy of the report provided.
    Some Ethical Skills Used in the Scenario:
    ๏‚ง Clear cut communication
    ๏‚ง Collaboration
    ๏‚ง Credibility
    ๏‚ง Critical Thinking

  839. The first major hurdle of the project of communication gap (communication). William failed to carry other project managers (John and Karen) along on how the survey was to be conducted. John was oblivious to how the data were gathered. The accuracy of the data also brought out the questions of data integrity (Integrity and honesty). Karen knows the damage that open confrontation could cause (conflict of interest). As a result, she sorted out a way of communicating her views without hurting the feelings of William. Karen also engaged other colleagues for their opinions.

    .The Identified ethical issues require the project managers to imbibe a culture of Teamwork
    Learning to effectively communicate with all stakeholders. Also, seeking input from outsiders.

  840. Issues of Professional Conduct:

    Integrity and Honesty: One of the key issues is the lack of transparency and honesty in the reporting of the engagement program’s results. William did not reveal that the research had already been conducted and that the results were being written up. This lack of transparency raises questions about the integrity of the project.

    Conflict of Interest: There is a potential conflict of interest as William, who works for the client agency, appears to prioritize the project’s progress and success over the objective assessment of the engagement program’s findings. Whereas John was more concerned with the process. This conflict could compromise the quality and accuracy of the information provided to the project consultancy.

    Peer Pressure and Bias: Karen, a newer member of the consultancy, feels pressured not to challenge the questionable engagement report due to her probation period and the fear of disrupting the office atmosphere. This situation reflects an issue of peer pressure and potential bias, where dissenting opinions are discouraged.

    Ethical Skills Used to Address the Issues:

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the authenticity of the engagement report. She recognizes that the report appears too perfect and engages in a thoughtful analysis of the potential risks associated with both accepting the report as-is and challenging it.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Karen and John engage in ethical decision-making by considering the implications of their actions on the project, the firm’s reputation, and their professional integrity. They weigh the risks and benefits of challenging the report against the risks of accepting it unquestioningly.

    Communication and Collaboration: Karen and John effectively communicate with each other to address their concerns. They collaborate to find a solution to the ethical dilemma they face, seeking external expertise to ensure the accuracy of the engagement findings.

    Stakeholder Consideration: John and Karen consider the broader implications of their actions beyond this specific project. They recognize the importance of maintaining the firm’s reputation and credibility, which could be jeopardized if they do not address the ethical concerns.

    Transparency and Accountability: By engaging a reputable external firm to review the engagement process, John and Karen demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability. They seek an objective assessment of the situation to ensure the project’s integrity.

  841. Ideally, in most senerios when a particular strategy isn’t working it is always good to step back and regroup. In the video concerning the company trying to scale up their methods to a more digitalized method. In the organisation where I work, as one of site managers we know that going digital completely might not work in every section because not all individuals are learned. This didn’t affect to the flow of information because we adopted a means that everyone is familiar with and its also easy to adapt to. It’s always easier when there is segmentation to various departments to enable an effective test run of a software or an application that compatible to each department which was a huge success.

  842. The issues that occurred are: engagement and communication among the three people.
    Mr. John shouldn’t assumed that Mr. William has done perfect work with the report submitted.
    Mrs Karen displayed skills of professionalism by doing underground findings and engaged Mr. John in heart to heart discussion.
    Professionalism plays a big role here.

  843. From the event, it is noted that there was no good communication link between the team members John and William, that is why William went with his own opinion to contact another group to generate the reports.
    The reputation of the firm was also at stake if they had used with the already generated report.
    Their job security and work experiences we’re also put into consideration.
    At their point of indecision, they resolved to source for reports from the information from the Opinion Research Group.
    To generate a viable engagement report, they had to make certain considerations to get to the next phase.

    1. 13 sep 2023.

      As an educationist:
      VOLATILITY is about the nature and dynamics of change, and rapidly changing contexts and conditions i.e the method of teaching mathematics as well as those for solving mathematics problems change rapidly and this can cause confusion.

      Uncertainty is certain about many aspects of education, including identification of children for special education as well as for any other level of support.the optimum level of intensity of instruction or tier for any child is always in question.
      Moreso, uncertainty and complexity can often make us feel disoriented and unable to know how best to support in any given situation.

      Things change quickly in a VUCA world, so you need to be able to change with them learn how to be comfortable with the change, and don’t resist it.Be aware of your surroundings.In a VUCA world, it’s important to be aware of what’s going on around the world.

  844. 1. lack of communication and external adversity from the client’s side (William)
    he didn’t put John through anything, and that caused John to lack confidence on his job and the project

    2. Karen was able to implement some rules of conduct, communication her concerns with John, asking sure to give time to think and she was able to further the project while making John more sure about it.

  845. They all understood their different roles in executing the project. However, I was able to observe the following:
    1. Williams compromised on ethics and standards on the project without even carrying John along in his decision-making.
    2. John understood the importance of ethics and standards but fell short in communication and the knowledge of the regulatory environment.
    3. Karen was too timid to effectively utilize her communications skill to speak to her superior about her concerns on the project they were working on together.

    In conclusion, Karen and John were able to communicate to understand each other so as to jointly together to work as a team to re-address the issues they were facing on the project in order to produce an excellent result.

  846. First John represented his firm and was introduced, slated a round table meeting with stakeholders which the three of them represented, to know and enumerate the procedures for a execution. And if William rejected that offer. He would have not neglected his research, but did what Karen advised later run, still went through John research with Karen, to see what they can pick from there. Which will result in a 50/50 arrangement or win-win affair earlier on

    Secondly. She knows her companyโ€™s ethics, but the way to communicate to her superior John was the problem. If she initially went to John, knowing that they are from the same firm there wouldnโ€™t have been time waiting. And it would have been pointed as one of the potential problems they are having.

    William was there to see how desperate John can be to compromise. But Thanks to Karen for the team spirit later on and sincere communication

  847. Karen demonstrates the qualities of an effective project manager through her adeptness in communication. She recognizes the significance of maintaining a strong reputation and upholding high ethical standards, consistently adhering to her core values.

  848. There was no teamwork and communication between John and Williams but With Karen understanding the assignment, the issue was resolved through proper findings

  849. Acting ETHICALLY
    All three are professionals in the project management field,they only need to work more on communication and team work.

    1. Karen understand that communication is the key component of project management ,in which she did exceedingly well
      William fail to carry his team along and this caused a big problem to thier ethics and plan

      John also

  850. I noticed certain issues and adequate steps taken by John and Karen to resolve the situation.
    Williams was not very careful with the reports hereby creating problems for the team.
    Therewas the problem of communication: Williams did not communicate with some important stakeholders such as John and Karen, he didn’t act very professional, also Karen even when she pre-empted something was wrong with the report but she was afraid to communicate it to John.
    The lack of honesty affected the integrity of the report and muddled the possibility of avoiding the problem they faced. Thanks to proper communication John and Karen where able to troubleshoot and consult with other stakeholders and colleagues to map out a way out of the situation they had.

  851. There is no team cohesion in this scenario. Although Williams proved more unethical by picking the report unilaterally without the actual work, Karen showed more presence of mind by proffering a solution that put the project on an ethical pedestal once more.

  852. My observations according to Working Ethically.
    1. Williams didn’t involve his team members when making the decision to go to an operation decision firm for a local research which isn’t the right ethical thing to do as a PM.
    2. Karen made the bold step of seeing the problem, deciding to talk it out with John instead of Williams because it could have caused a bit of friction in the team if discussed openly, and then working together with John to deduce new possibilities of problems that might occur and possible solution which is where Teamwork comes in play.
    3. John, should have called Williams to a one-on-one meeting and discussed his plans again and how if his plan didn’t go well would affect the firms integrity.

  853. Judging from the context of the scenario John, Williams, and Karen are all professional experts in their field but they lack one thing which is togetherness.
    They were all selfish and as such lacked understanding. They understood the project but didn’t understand they needed to cooperate to achieve success in the project.

    Williams lacked teamwork spirit and trust in the team, he knew John was a professional in the field instead he chose to do all the work himself without consulting the others.

    Conclusively, I think a project manager should know how to have proper communication with his team members when working on any project. The PM should when to share tasks/responsibilities with his team. And above all understanding your team member’s abilities and believing in them is one way to achieve your project goals just like Karen and John did.

  854. They were lack of conduct and professional ethics on Williamsโ€™s side , he just wanted to use internal adviersity issues , he wanted to achieve the same goals but thought not giving John a chance to make researchs and meet with stakeholders to get feedbacks himself would make the project fast , but ethically , John should have been able to get feedbacks himself so as to know how much more to plan the project when he gets back , but John couldnโ€™t talk much because he wasnโ€™t on his grounds ( his country ) but when he got back , he really used the principles of a good project maneger to work by talking about it with Karen at the coffee table and they were able to get more great result by making adequate researches

    1. As a PM, there’s no such thing as a project being so perfect… questions are meant to be asked to straighten out any confusion anyone might have regarding the project.

  855. As a PM, when working on a project, have a one on one meeting with your team, have a proper communication with your team. Do more research on other companies or project manager in same project type as you.
    In this scenario, John failed to communicate well to other team members.
    William played a role of a sponsor instead of team member.
    While Karen understands the basic principles of a project manager and applied it. And that was what help them.

    1. As a project manager you should communicate with your team members, and have a one on one discussion to understand the opinion of each members and the way forward. John didn’t communicate well with the other members and Williams acted as a boss to other members while Karen is the only one applied some principle of project management.

  856. APM’s Ethics case study.
    My Observations:
    -The Company didnt have laid out processes or Clearly defined core values to guide the workers.
    _William as a Project manager lacked Communication and team Collaboration skills. He was quite fast in taking decisions alone without involving John and Karen.
    John should have communicated to Williams on how he felt about the process and hw should have suggested a better option.
    However, Karen displayed good communication c creative thinking and innovative skills. She was able to think through a way around the project and communicated to John. With the team spirit, they successfully made a headway despite all the hurdles. At the end of the day, they all displayed willingness and consistency towards moving the project to the next level.

  857. There was a communication gap between John, William and Karen. Though John did not communicate well, William was acting like a sponsor not a team member.
    One on one meetings played the major role in resolving the differences.
    As a project manager, one should always engage on research on companies or project manager doing same project type for one can get a better material(s) sourcing through them.

  858. The ethical dilemma in the case-study was an absence of due diligence in the research conducted to determine roadblocks and possible bottleneck before proceeding to the next stage.

    The absence of effective communication and collaboration between the project team spelt doom for the project and the company’s reputation. William was willing to go with an inefficient and incomplete research neglecting the plan-of-action the team earlier decided on, however John on getting the information knew that was a bad idea but he wasn’t firm and bold to challenge and refute what Willam was doing because he was trying to avoid conflict or just let things slide.

    Karen on the other hand knew the implications of what Willam was trying to do, if things went Willam’s way, the company would most likely find itself in a dilemma with new, existing and prospective clients. And she discussed it over with John, other team member and they came up with a solution to mitigate the damage and risk.

    Skills employed in the scenario are: effective communication from Karen’s end to John and other team-members, collaboration and exchange of ideas, risk mitigation, flexibility and adaptability, strategic thinking, prompt feedback.

  859. Issues of professional conduct:

    i. John seemed to have accepted results from a survey that he was not a part of without any push back. This result had a potentially significant impact on the project and his business’ reputation.

    ii. William disregarded the plan to carefully arrange forums to get the best feedback from important stakeholders. He did not communicate effectively with John

    iii. Karen was understandably conflicted as a new and inexperienced employee, and held back on giving feedback about the opinion research brought back by John.

    Skills Utilized:

    i. Critical thinking (brainstorming) to figure out what the problem was with the results of the opinion research.
    ii. Risk Assessment to ascertain the pros and cons of the alternative decisions available.

    iii. Team work and Collaboration with the other employees to figure out a plan to fix the problem once the decision to intervene was taken.

    iv. Networking with external partners to help fix the problem and get the necessary answers about the opinion research.

    v. Negotiation with the agency to arrive at a compromise on how to conduct the opinion research properly.

  860. There was no collaboration between them and this was majorly due to lack/ineffective communication between John who is the project manager and William the Liaison officer on ground. on the other hand, the feedback mechanism employed by William is flawed and would have probably caused issues in future that they wouldn’t have been prepared for.

  861. Lack of team work and effective communication was displayed by Williams and John. Williams disn’t carry John along. He thought John had no idea of how things are done. Instead of sharing the plan with John, he dclined John from making his own contributions. John ended up saving the organization. Although was falsify information erupted.

    1. As a project manager,you have to mapped out plan to execute a certain project.From John to William, there’s lack of communication between both parties that resulted to the challenges they endup having.karen trying to bring in plan B to see if the project can be delivered before the due date.. basics issue are:
      *Lack of team work
      *Lack of project plan
      *Lack of communication

  862. Unprofessionalism displayed by William and John in the scenario is against following scope of ethics
    1. moral principles – not to falsify information
    2. ethical practice – to conduct the research
    3. values – honesty
    Specifically, William acted against ethical practice and values in sharing a report not based on research, he also lacked communication and team spirit seeing he was supposed to work on the report with John.
    John also failed to communicate his concerns with William nor insist on doing what was ethically right and standard for the organization.
    The situation was however remedied by Karen’s display of communication, team work, engagement of other stakeholders, problem solving skills/approach.

  863. It was unethical for John to carry out the project without involving others.
    John lacks communication skills
    He lack s the ability to work with team.
    In all of this, effective communication is a pivotal thing to focus on because it is the key to a successful project management.

  864. The Project Manager ( John) Lack Communication skill,he didn’t communicate the project with the Team member.
    No Team work
    Skills used to bring ethics into decision are:
    Communication skill
    Ethics and Standard
    Moral Principles

  865. The issue of professional conduct highlighted in this scenario is
    1- lack of communication between John and William
    2- team work between the firm and the oversea agency was missing.
    3- another is that Williams brought in a third party and carried out the program without discussing it with his actual partner

    The skills used to help salvage the situation is
    1- clear calm communication: many of us think that we must always be serious faced while talking to people, you talk to people in a way that they are able to understand you, so kareen had to jokingly tell her boss about the problem. Not insulting
    3- they were flexible enough to change the already drawn plan.
    4- the company’s values also played a good role because if kareen didn’t remember that it was because of the values that she had to really tell her boss then the second plan wouldn’t have come to place
    5- appropriate research.
    6- eagle eye too.

  866. There was lack of communication from all individuals involved in the case study, and because there was no room for communication Karen couldn’t air her opinion at first not until communication was established , which made the project come out well at the end. In all communication is Key cos lack of communication will cause more harm than good.

    1. As a professional Nurse, Time management, ethics and adherence to standards and continual professional development and the most relevant skills i need to be conversant with and are among the major needful that each Nurse has to show in working situations.

  867. It was unethical for William to carry out the task alone knowing that he was supposed to work with John as a team.
    We see a skill like communication when Karen discusses about the report with John.

  868. In reference to the case study;
    Team work/spirit was lacking amongst the three.
    John,being the project manager was ready to work but Williams acted unethically by working with outside/external adversity, people on the projects.
    John should have communicated his reservations professionally to him.
    Karen did well by helping out to make sure the project was a success by communicating with John. But she should have done same with Williams being a team member.

  869. In my opinion working ethically
    Team work is required
    Proper Communication
    The way we dress is also important
    Our mannerisms towards our clients, which include body language.
    Having the knowledge of the project to be executed will give your client confidence in handling the said project.

  870. lack of communication
    karen exhibit the skills of getting a feedback and communicate effectively with the team

  871. The professional conduct of William is typical behavior of wanting to just make things easy without considering the risk that will bring, John, on the other hand, being the Project manager ignored these though he knew it shouldn’t be so, as the project manager communication with William would have been key to avoiding the longer process. Karen believed in the reputation and values of the firm and went further to initiate a conversation that would keep those professional values.
    The skills I saw being used here are Communication skill, Networking skills, critical thinking, and Problem-solving skill

  872. John clearly was a man of integrity and was ready to deliver his best but was full of indecisions. He could not stand his ground. He was a boss who couldn’t call the shots, subsequently he bent to the suggestions of William. However, in the end his integrity paid out and the project came out well.
    William on the other hand was a person you could describe as a dishonest individual. If the project were left in his hands, it wouldn’t have been up to expectations.
    Karen was an intern willing to deliver her best but was concerned about the views of others about her. Thanks to John who was able to ask her her honest opinion. If not the project results would have turned out poorly. Thereafter the two of them were able to work as a team.

  873. The professional conduct of William is typical behavior of wanting to just make things easy without considering the risk that will bring, John, on the other hand, being the Project manager ignored these though he knew it was not so as the project manager communication with William would have key to avoid the longer process. Karen believed in the reputation and values of the firm and went further to initiate a conversation that would keep those professional values.
    The skills I saw being used here are Communication skill, Networking skills, critical thinking, and Problem-solving skill

  874. William’s behaviour in the scenario seems like an external driven adversity (though he thought he was helping out to make the project easier for John) .

    On his own part John failed to communicate his expectations to Williams and he accepted the report presented without carrying out the phase as planned.

    Karen was able to bring ethics into the scenario by having an objective communication with John. She was emphatic and tactful in discussing way out with John. Both Karen and John collaborated to address the scenario and carry out the first phase as planned.

  875. lack of communication: the lack of communication between John, Warren and Katie, for a project to be executed effectively communication is very important, constant reporting among the team is very important.

    lack of team bond: for a team to work effectively together a level comradeship must be present, William is not a team player and that make him end up being side-line.
    Also Katie was at first very reluctant to talk to john as regards what she observe.

    The solution came from them first addressing the above lapses and also reaching out to a third party who can help them.

  876. In reference to the case study
    John is a very good project manager with experience and he has a good knowledge about the firm he was excited with the contract because it will help to broaden is experience.
    William on the other hand as worked with the client before and as handle the responsibility of the project for many years and he is also know for growing influence in government. On the other hand Karen is an intern and she is willing to work because of the past glory of the agency and for experience for her professional calling .
    At first there was no organization values no good communication among them there was no spirit of team work among them an in other so solve the problem they where facing Karen and John had sit for a discussion on how to solve the issues and on the other and William is a one man squad . But at the long run they where able to communicate together the team work role played out.

    1. William lacks communication, teamwork and collaboration but between Karen and John, there’s a mutual communication that could drive out result against any obstacles.
      For an organization to succeed, team members need effective communication, teamwork and collaboration.

  877. My deductions from the discussion provided are:
    Firstly, the main three issues they encountered were:
    Lack of communication: William failed to communicate with his team the intentions he had even if as the thought was a short-cut for them (He probably knew they would disagree, hence he went ahead).
    Lack of teamwork: William got ahead of everyone and met with the client believing he know how these things are done.
    External Adversity: After William had gone ahead and gotten his information, he still was able to convince John otherwise.
    Skills brought in to resolve issues:
    Good communication: Karen was able to know how to communicate with her boss to pass the message accordingly.
    Team player: John happens not to be the proud boss but a team player who carefully listens to correction and contribution.
    Collaboration: An agreement was reached as to what to do and even had to go back and get external sources to get proper engagements.
    In conclusion, what Williams has done is condemnable and unacceptable if a project needs to be achieved via a teamโ€™s effort. Something they would have done appropriately, not took them extra time, extra efforts and extra money to achieve.

  878. At first, I considered William’s gesture toward John as kindness, making him feel at home and relaxed but then I saw how he lacked transparency and effective communication. he was a stake holder with an ulterior motive. However, John and Karen took the difficult decision of discussing the very uncomfortable situation. They began brainstorming, had effective communication between themselves, laid out possible risks and even collaborated with the sister organization.

    So there was:

    Effective communication
    Team work

  879. From the scenario, I found out
    1. Lack of communication: The communication between the client and the firm was not clear enough. The client felt they were just to submit the report whereas the firm wanted to go through the research process together. There was also lack of communication between the people working on the report.

    2. Unclear goals: the goal of the visit which was to take part in the conducting of the research, was not clearly stated by the firm.

    3. Conflict of interest: The personal interest of Karen was clashing with the organizational interest of delivering a good job. However, she was able to make the right choice and come forward with her concerns regarding the project.

    4. Lack of due diligence: Due diligence was not carried out by the clients in preparing the report. William who was the project manager for the clients made too many assumptions that could have had drastic effects on the firm.

    5. Honesty: Despite the fact that John made a mistake, he was willing to admit it and make amends for his actions.

    6. Expert Advice: Both John and Karen looked for help from those who could help in order to remedy the situation. They didn’t stay in the place where their mistakes could harm the reputation of the firm.

  880. Issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario include:

    1. Honesty and integrity: Karen was initially hesitant to provide honest feedback to John about his work, which could have resulted in a subpar project outcome. However, she ultimately prioritized honesty and integrity by providing constructive criticism and working collaboratively with John to find a solution.

    2. Collaboration and teamwork: Karen and John were able to work together to improve the project’s outcome, demonstrating the importance of collaboration and teamwork in the workplace.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario include:

    1. Communication: Karen was able to effectively communicate her concerns and feedback to John, which allowed them to work collaboratively towards a solution.

    2. Problem-solving: Karen and John were able to identify the issues with the project and work together to find a solution, demonstrating strong problem-solving skills.

    3. Empathy: Karen demonstrated empathy towards John by acknowledging his hard work and providing constructive criticism in a respectful manner.

    4. Open-mindedness: Karen was open-minded to John’s perspective and willing to work collaboratively towards a solution, rather than being stuck in her own viewpoint.

    Thank you.

  881. In reference to the case study:
    John and Williams are professional with years of experience along-side an Intern Karen but they fail to exhibit the below basic skills which leads them to encountered hurdles at the earlier stage of the project:
    1. Lack of proper communication
    2. No Team Spirit
    3. No organisational value to work with as a team
    4. Ethical & Cultural challenge
    At the end, below are the skills exhibited by John and Karen to bring ethics into the final decision:
    i. Effective communication
    ii. Collaboration
    iii. Honesty

  882. In reference to the case study:
    John and Williams are professional with years of experience aong-side an Intern Karen but they fail to exhibit the below basic skills which leads them to encountered hurdles at the earlier stage of the project:
    1. Lack of proper commyunication
    2. No Team Spirit
    3. No organisational value to work with as a team
    4. Ethical & Cultural challenge
    At the end, below are the skills exhibited by John and Karen to bring ethics into the final decision:
    i. Effective communication
    ii. Collaboration
    iii. Honesty

  883. Some of the issues of professional conduct among the team at first is:
    Lack of due diligence to provide accurate result backed up with true facts. William attempted to not follow the due process to get his findings. Also, William acted on his own volition. He acted solo instead of consulting with the others, a good Project Manager doesnโ€™t do such.

    The skills used to help bring back ethics into the decisions used by the scenario includes
    1. Communication, collaboration and team spirit. This was evident between John and Karen to resolve the issue of the โ€œalmost perfectโ€ findings from William who got his findings without due research.
    2. Honesty: on the part of John to want to do what is right by opening up to Karen about his concerns for the result of the findings
    3. Constructive and critical thinking: seeking the view of a third party to solve the challenges faced shows critical thinking

  884. Clearly, while John is superior, he never sought to assert his superiority over Karen and William. When Karen identified a problem, John readily offered his assistance and collaborated with her to resolve the issue, emphasizing teamwork. Furthermore, their effective communication played a vital role, as John wouldn’t have been inclined to listen if they hadn’t communicated well. John’s self-sufficiency didn’t deter him from valuing their input.

    Additionally, the presence of discipline within their group was a key factor contributing to their collective success. This harmonious blend of discipline, teamwork, shared values, and open communication demonstrates how these elements are essential for a successful project management approach.

  885. Communication and collaboration within the team are essential for effective project management. John and Karen’s discussion demonstrates the importance of open and honest communication.
    It also highlights the potential challenges of receiving overly positive reports that may not accurately reflect the project’s reality. Relying solely on favorable reports can be risky.
    Karen’s willingness to engage in a critical discussion with John and explore alternative solutions shows her commitment to the project’s success and the firm’s reputation.
    The decision to involve an external global firm for a review demonstrates a proactive approach to mitigate risks and ensure the project’s success.
    In summary, the case study emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, open communication, and a proactive approach to managing projects effectively, even when faced with challenging situations. It also highlights the need to balance short-term project goals with long-term reputation and client relationships.

  886. From the given case study, summarily, I deduced that the team failed to work together and that led to the wrong turn of events. John had a responsibility, William went ahead of him to generate a plan which John had no idea about, Karen in the other hand was totally lost in the whole thing.

    This landed the team in a big mess that led them to engaging others to clean up the mess they were into.

    There was clearly absence of proper communication amidst them.

  887. In this case study, we meet three main stakeholders involved in the realisation of a project in the persons of John, Karen and William
    the hurdles encountered here were:
    1.Poor communication and lack of appropriate collaboration
    2. The absence of team spirit
    3. Non compatibility in idealogies as concerns the realisation of each step of the project.

    Firstly, One could see that there was a miscommunication as far as work hours and scheduled timetables to carry out research locally were concerned. This is eminent when William precipitates the collection of info ahead of the engagement programme rendezvous with stakeholders.

    Secondly, it is obvious that the intentions and expectations of the stakeholders were not carefully mapped out and discussed: an issue of miscommunication.
    Thirdly, there was an issue of non-compatibilty of idealogies between John and William. John faced external adversity from William, who wants him to compromise and accept the preprepared reppprt which was not correctly collected via the appropriate channels.
    On the other hand, Karen being a working still on probation is found at crossroads as her job will be on the line. Although she could go for the acceptance of the report of the already conducted report, she fears the reaction of John and so, remains indifferent. A week later, after proper findings, sessions of brainstorming, she wouldnโ€™t compromise in a bit to keep her integrity intact.

    Consequently, the skills used to ensure an appropriate ethical path were: appropriate and productive communication, critical thinking and negotiations skill.
    Discussions were carried out in order to creat a better forum for the execution of the various stages . They thus carefully brought out all the possibilities as well as expected outcomes of every action to the life of the project and the company.

    Also, seeking the view and attention of a third party remains an applause here in solving the difficulty they faced. This went along way to sort out things clearly with the company William works with

  888. A project manager is a professional who organizes, plans, and executes projects while working within restraints like budgets and schedules. Project managers lead entire teams, define project goals, communicate with stakeholders, and see a project through to its closure

  889. In this scenario, three individuals, John, William, and Karen, are involved in a professional project. John, visiting a foreign country, feels surprised by the lack of communication regarding the engagement program’s progress. William appears to have obtained research results in a questionable manner, possibly compromising data integrity. Karen is hesitant to voice her concerns about the overly positive report, fearing it might harm her relationship with John. Key issues include the lack of transparency in decision-making, potential data manipulation, and a reluctance to provide constructive criticism. These issues highlight the importance of professionalism, transparency, ethical conduct, and open communication in a professional team for the project’s success and integrity.

  890. The major red flag in the professional ethics was William’s report that he and the other company were in cahoots to fabricate.
    To solve the problem, John communicated. He shared his concern with others instead of keeping them to himself and through that an objective solution was found by Karen through a brainstorming session with John and a few clicks and searches here and there on the web.

  891. What I’m able to deduce is thatthr ย teamย strugglesย withย goodย communication,ย especiallyย betweenย theย projectย managerย andย projectย oversight.
    John,ย aย projectย manager,ย wasย ableย toย listenย toย Karenย describeย theย problemย andย relateย itย toย him,ย allowingย Johnย toย identifyย it. Positiveย andย negativeย teamย feedbackย isย essentialย forย aย goodย managerย toย knowย whereย theyย areย fallingย short.
    Karenย wasย ableย toย maintainย theย organization’sย ethicalย standards,ย putย herย egoย andย disinterestย asideย toย ensureย aย flawlessย delivery,ย andย lookย atย theย widerย picture

  892. William possesses a poor understanding of communication skills and John doesn’t quite know how to communicate to William yet. this issue would have been solved a long time ago if all the individual teams came to a proper understanding on how best to communicate

      1. There was lack of communication between the project manager (John) and the project oversight (Williams).
        Karen on the other hand understood the concept of the project and was able to communicate with John.
        John idea concerning the project wasn’t a good one.
        Between Karen and John there was a good communication system which helped them both to understand the project.
        Also, John and Karen worked as a team.

  893. It was obvious that Williams, John and Karen are Project Managers from the case study but fundamental skills were not put to use as expected.

    Poor Communication that would have led to cross-ideas required for effective decision-making affected the momentum of the team. This would have aided research on how to quickly achieve the desired result, bonding of the team and unique understanding of the team.

  894. The few instances of professional conduct highlighted
    1) Good communication skills in both John and the intern; Karen.
    2) Ethical conduct
    3) Values and moral principles was deployed by John
    4) inclusiveness and teamwork bailed the project.
    5. The tried to maintain a balanced outlook at the end for the sake of saving the project.
    6. Ability of Karen to set ego aside and collaborate with John

    The skill deployed are;
    1) Communication skills
    2) Project Management Ethical practices
    3)Negotiation skills

  895. As a P.M. It is good that you carry everyone along so as not to take anyone by surprise. Effective communication is required so everyone would have an understanding of the project. Always think of the team members when taking decisions so as not to hot their emotions. Team work is a very essential factor in ensuring the success of a project. Research is another factor that helps you understand the task or project better.

    1. I observed that;

      1. There was no effective Communication skills practiced between the project manager, team members and stakeholders.

      2. No team work and collaboration.

      3. No clearly stated organizational working ethics and core values.

  896. After, John, Williams, and Karen appeared to be experts based on the case study, they lack some fundamental interpersonal skills, such as;
    1. Effective communication 2. Negotiation 3. Collaboration 4. Teamwork 5. Research.

    1. In my own point of view,
      Working together as a team ( team work), Good communication, and negotiation are very important.

  897. Despite John, Williams, and Karen appearing to be professionals based on the case study, they lack certain fundamental interpersonal skills, including
    1. Effective communication 2. Negotiation 3. Collaboration 4. Teamwork 5. Research.

  898. Poor communication, fear of the outcome, lack of collaboration and teamwork. These are things that should have been done properly.

    1. As per the case study, at first they lacked teamwork, effective communication, collaboration and honesty.

      But when they realized their mistake, they did the needful and achieved success.

  899. At first, there was no teamwork and there was lack of communication.

    Then there was an ethical challenge as Karen was scared of expressing her ideas but at the end, they were able to work together and agreed on a plan.

  900. Key highlights here were no effective communications or collaborations. Thus it created an ethical challenge. Even though William used his networking skills to prep the engagement, but was not in compliance with the rules of the company. The restoration of standards was James and Karen’s teamwork and ensuring a proper risk analysis was done through re-evaluation of the purported report.

    1. No effective communication and team work among them.Everyone was busy going around getting information on something they can sit down as a team to deliberate on the project.

  901. Going through the case study it is clear that there was no team work/collaboration among team members, No transparency/honesty, No proper planning and research work, and there was a serious communication gap.
    After the team members realized that things were already getting bad, there was a swift reparation (they went back to the basis)that enable them overcome the hurdle.

  902. Firstly , there is no communication

    Effective communication is the top skill a PM should own, collaborate with the stakeholder , let them know everything from the planning to the closure

    Secondly No collaboration /teamwork: after communication it’s teamwork, without your team in PM you are nothing because you can’t carry it all alone, there is for a PM to to collaborate and engage well with their team , it’s very essential

    Thirdly :honesty: why would they go to another to receive an information on something the whole team can deliberate and get a task to do on, there is no honesty among the teams

    Research;there is no proper research done at the illustration, JOHN was saying he should take a picture in front of the charity and when it’s about to backfire they are finding all means on something all hands and heads should be on deck for!

    No planning:from the onstart and according to the illustration I’m not sure a planning was carried out and before a project is done planning is the very first thing that need to be done

    The project would surely crumble unless a proper PM manage it

    1. *Acting ethically*

      Based on the scenario John being the first MP was excited with the project XYZ he thoughts the project will takes him to a high level not knowing there will be hurdles along the way for it’s his first time in the area, he doesn’t have idea about the local ,he didn’t plan, research of what he is heading to he only focused on highest recognition, but his character saved him, they all sees him as a nice guy and also the way he accepts his failure/challenges makes the project successful, since he is ready for the assistance and make corrections

      William proves to be a good fellow b’cos he understands what John’s challenges are and tries to help him out and that works for all of them.

      Karen is a very nice woman,she has courtesy of not hurting John’s ego,and also she is smart,she knows how to handle someone who is depressed like John,she gave her full support in delivering the project and together they all succeed.

      Research ,uderstanding and communicating are very good steps in conducting project as it shows clearly in this scene.

      The scenario is very interesting๐Ÿ‘.

      This shows clearly how important it’s for the team members to join hands together for achieving their goals.

      It is indeed “unity is power”

  903. Base on the case study, though John , Williams and Karen seems to be professionals, they fail to exhibit some basic skills needed to get along early, such as
    1. Effective communication
    2. Negotiation
    3. Collaboration
    4. Team work
    5. Research

    All these create a setback for the team in the beginning, however when they went back to the drawing board of collaboration and effective communication, they achieve their aim ,seems all the parties are professionals, and have the interest of the project as priority especially for John.

  904. In the beginning, there was no teamwork and a lack of communication.

    Then there was an ethical challenge as Karen was scared of expressing her ideas but in the end, they were able to work together and agreed on a plan.

  905. Every individual treated the project as a personal job rather than working together as a team. Completely forgetting both moral principles and the company’s values, they lacked effective communication. There was no regular flow of information, and obviously no reports.

  906. Collaboration and communicating important information to other stakeholders at the right time was lacking and integrity was required to sustain the required perimeters needed to reach and get future clients. However, all these were eventually resolved through effective communication on the part of Karen.

  907. The main things I picked was this people lacks effective communication, team work and problem solving skills and even research and risks analysis.

  908. *Acting ethically*

    Well, everyone in this case study seems like professionals who have the interest of the project at heart. But the major concern here is the fact that the Project Manager seems not to be the head of the project he ought to lead. They almost turned him to the secretary of the project๐Ÿ˜‚.

    Another issue is the fact that both John, William and Karen are working together for the very first time which brings about lack of understanding.

    Conclusively, their Inability to work together as a team almost ruin the project despite the fact that they are good in what they do. If all the parties involved had communicated the plans to be carried out during the project early enough and worked as a team, the results wouldnโ€™t have been what it is.

    But I see all of them having a good project at the end of the day as they all seems good in what they do. With effective communication they are good to go.

    1. Base on the context of the article it seems all the parties are professionals, and have the willingness to do the job. But lack the ability to work cooperatively as a team which is bad. But at the tail end all of them did well at the end of the project.
      They had good interpersonal communication skills and it was very effective.

  909. Well, everyone in this case study seems like a professionals who have the interest of the project at heart. But the major concern is the fact the Project Management seems not to be the head of project he ought to lead. They almost turned him to the secretary of the project.

    Another issue if the fact the both John, William and Karen are working together for the first time which brings about the issue of lack of understanding.

    Another major issue is Inability to work as a team. If all the parties involved have communicated the plans to be carried out during the project early enough and worked as a team, the results wouldnโ€™t have been what it is.

    But I see all of them having a good project at the end of the day as they all seems good in what they do. With effective communication they are good to go.

  910. From the scenario, I noticed they all lack team work which is really important when working on a project with other stakeholders, effective communication, cooperation, sharing of ideas and attentive listening.

  911. Some of the issues observed from the case study include but not limited toโ€ฆ

    a) Personal ambition over organizational goal.
    b) Lack of effective communication
    c) Lack of Team Spirit

    The skills that would helped in decision making are
    a) Research
    b) Problem solving skills
    c) Teamwork/synergy with experienced professionals
    d) Effective communication

  912. Thereโ€™s lack of effective communication within the team especially between the project overseer and project manager.
    Karen was able to see the issue and relate to John which John as a project manager was able to listen and discover it. As a good manager thereโ€™s must a feedback from your team both negative and positive to able to know where you are lacking behind.

  913. Communication Skills, Team work, Active Listening, Problem Solving skills, Researching all played a big role. Karen was able to look at the bigger picture, place ego and indifference asides to ensure smooth delivery and uphold the organisation ethical standards .

  914. What I can deduce from that scenario is that, as a project manager, research, problem-solving abilities, active listening, communication abilities, human relations, and teamwork all had a significant impact. Karen was able to maintain the organization’s ethical standards, put her ego and disinterest aside, see the bigger picture, and assure a flawless delivery.

  915. Effective communication among team members is crucial for the success of any project. It is important to consider the other person’s emotions when communicating, as this can help to build positive working relationships. Karen was able to achieve the best results from John by using this approach. Additionally, collaborating and working effectively in teams is another essential factor in ensuring the success of a project.

  916. The professional conducts the company possed are;
    They are specialists in the niche
    They had a good reputation
    Application of critical thinking.

    Skills They Engaged to tackle the problem;
    Reconsidered achievable goals
    Engaged the relevant parties
    Came to a compromise

  917. The unethical issue in that scenario is the poor circulation of information within and outside the team. This could have been avoided if the agency paid more attention to effective communication and carried every team member along.

    They were also able to correct the wrongs with transparency and limit the barriers to communication with teamwork and dedication to the project.

  918. Unethical issues I can identify from this scenario is conducting an engagement programme without the knowledge and collaboration of the project manager, this is against the role of conduct and ethical practices of transparency, openess, report/ data integrity and collaboration. It is a good case of ethical dilemmas which is seen as an external driven adversity from XYZ perspective. Also, there appears to be a conflict of interest between the XYZ and the client agency lead.

    The skills utilised in solving this dilemma include four way communication: communication within the project team, communication with colleagues outside the team, communication with external agencies and lastly the client agency with evidences to convince them of the unrealiabilty and non- validity of the report provided by Opinion research group and a need to carry out a fresh engagement programme.

    Secondly, critical thinking and problem solving skills were employed to assessing and mapping the risk posed by the report and how to sort it out.
    Also, Research and due diligence was done, online searching, baseline check for opinion research, data integrity and reliability check and then challenging the validity of the report.

  919. the was a gap in the communication, they didn’t pay attention to detail as the results were to good to be true, there was poor team management. the good thing is that the problem was figured out early and a solution was provided.

    1. John and William have different orientations off how a project should be done due to the fact that they were from totally different environment.
      John loves to resume work immediately without wasting any time. As the project manager, John want to be involved in all that happen in the course of the project.
      And he love plans and schedule to be duly followed.

      William, doesn’t care about chain in command, as long as he can do it he does any work without informing who is in charge.
      He does things without planing or follow plan that have been set.

      Keren, she doesn’t believe in a perfect a perfect job without hurdles, and she is scared to make her point because she doesn’t know what issues will go on if she make her point.
      Keren is relentless, and she strive until she gets her result.

      The ethics that was noticed was:
      -Moral Principles
      – Rules and regulations

  920. There was a Different ethics like values, ethical practices, moral principles, codes of practice are played here. Teamwork, with effective communication & personal values made them to win at the end of the day…


  921. One of the professional issues was the issue of External Adversity. Mr. Williams tried to cut corners, didn’t follow due process but for the sake of ethics and standards XYZ Company are trying to sustain and also for the sake of the fact that they are still building their brand, they understood that such compromise can ruin the future of XYZ, Keren with great knowledge of communication and persuasion was able to get her reservations across to John and also proffered solutions that was able to bring out the real dangers analytically. They were able to negotiate well with the company they contracted to review Williams data. In summary, John really exhibited a great Project Managerial Skills by trusting his team member, listening to her and then being open to do the right thing ethically.

    1. One of the professional challenges they encountered was Poor communication and unwillingness to follow through the project. In this situation, Mr. Williams attempted shortcuts and deviated from due processes. However, due to their commitment to ethical standards and the preservation of XYZ Company’s brand reputation, they recognized that compromising on these principles could jeopardize their future engagements with potential clients. Fortunately, Keren, with her profound expertise in communication and persuasion, effectively conveyed her concerns to John. She not only highlighted the potential risks analytically but also proposed viable solutions.

      Together, they negotiated with the contracted company responsible for reviewing Mr. Williams’ data. In summary, John demonstrated exceptional project management skills by placing trust in his team member, attentively listening to her input, and ultimately making the ethical choice to uphold our company’s standards and integrity.

  922. As a project manager is very important communication is essential for a successful project delivery and William needs to learn communication and collaboration /team so as to deliver quality project.

  923. There were ethical issues that were rightfully identified by John which presented potential risks for the project.
    Firstly, there was a communication gap between John and William which led to issues of transparency, integrity and cultural diversity. John showed a good understanding of his location by not challenging William outright. Rather, he waited till he got back to discuss his concerns with Karen who showed integrity and transparency in the way she worked with John to mitigate the risks William’a behavior presented.

    In summary, a good project manager needs to adhere to the values of project management to ensure success at all times.

  924. Ethical Themes and Skills Touched On:

    Transparency and Honesty:
    The case highlights the ethical dilemma of presenting a report that appears overly positive but with potentially hiding issues. John, William, and Karen must consider the ethical responsibility of sharing accurate information
    with their client and stakeholders.

    John and Karen grapple with the integrity of their work. They navigated the fine line between maintaining a good working relationship with their client and providing
    truthful and valuable insights, even if it may lead to challenging conversations.

    Communication Skills:
    Effective communication was essential in this scenario. John and Karen’s ability to discuss their concerns, collaborate on a solution, and communicate with the client
    and the big global firm was crucial.

    Professional Ethics:
    Karen’s ethical concerns and hesitation to criticize the report touch on the importance of upholding professional ethics, even in challenging situations.

    Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking:
    John and Karen needed to employ critical thinking skills to identify the potential risks associated with the report and develop a solution to rectify the situation
    while considering the long-term reputation of XYZ.

    Cultural Awareness:
    The case hints at differences in how business is conducted in the overseas country compared to what John is accustomed to. Cultural awareness and adaptability are
    vital when working internationally.

  925. At first XYZ didnโ€™t make a good research on the project they were about to execute. John didnโ€™t write his report well on the other hand William doctored some parts of the report. Overall, there was no good communication flow amongst them. Karen did well on opening up to John about the situation at hand. It was a good thing they figured how to go about it and they made the research.

    1. At first xyz thought they knew it all and also every one believes in the capacity of the others.
      There is no proper planning on how to execute the project they were all happy that they the project.
      At last they saved by extra effort of the charted person by making extra research and consulting other film on how to go with such project, with honesty, trust and good communication they were able to achieve their goals.

    2. Mr Williams wanted John wanted John to accept his suggestions based in his past experience in the field forgetting that XYZ core value is different from his own previous work experience while Mr John is not in support but because of lack of communication they both can’t approach each other to discuss it and iron things out
      Ms Karen on her own part is a bit skeptical and she is trying to save her neck, she wanted to save her job and at the same time want her voice to be heard she had to find a way to reach out to Mr John putting aside her personal thoughts about Mr John. She made mr John understand her point by contacting other experienced expert and relating it with others

      The issues identified here are; honesty, integrity, transparency, respect. The skills employed are; Effective communication, problem solving and analytical skill, critical thinking, and good interpersonal relationship

  926. What is important is to know your role, research the client but be honest with your team, even if they are with minimal experience.

  927. The first thing I picked up was lack of flow in communication. William was taking important decisions without carrying the team along. His actions did border on the line of integrity because he doctored some reports and assumed his co-team member doesn’t have a grasp of the real issues. If they continue on this track it could very well affect their projects in the future.

    Karen did a very good job by finding away to get to John after noticing the lapses or gaps in his report it was a risky but necessary move. She brought diplomacy and humour tactics to get to John. John was already aware of this and immediately took it up. They worked as a team to look at their options and took the necessary steps in this situation to solve the immediate problems. They used problem solving skills, critical thinking and a bit of creativity to get back on track. Impressive.

  928. Different ethics like values, ethical practices, moral principles, codes of practice are played here. Teamwork, great communication& personal values made them to win at the end of the day

  929. for the success of every project, effective communication between the teams are important, the XYZ company was able to uphold their ethics by further verifying and gathering information to sort out any baricade on the report given to them by williams. williams on the other hand should learn how to effectively engage stakeholders in a project to ensure the project is properly planned.

    1. William needs to expand his ethical reasoning to include integrity and teamwork. The involvement of the XYZ team suggests that a broader perspective is necessary for the project’s success, and their experience can be valuable. John, like Karen, should have analyzed the project more thoroughly to identify potential issues and work with William on mitigation strategies. Karen demonstrated good teamwork by prioritizing the team’s success over personal achievements. Collaborative communication, as seen in her discussion with John, is essential for achieving desired outcomes while upholding the company’s integrity and reputation.

    2. What I figured out was that,there no effective communication between Williams and John. And also,we shouldn’t be afraid of criticism cos that could help in building us up for the better,jst as Karen criticized the work and they had to look out for a solution, there I saw team work and collaboration for a solution of the problem which yielded a great result at the end. So effective communication is key to any project, transparency too and team work.

  930. Communication Skills, Team work, Active Listening, Problem Solving skills, Researching all played a big role. Karen was able to look at the bigger picture, place ego and indifference asides to ensure smooth delivery and uphold the organisation ethical standards .

  931. William’s ethical reasoning needs to be broadened to accommodate integrity and team work. If he was sufficient for the project, the XYZ team would not have been involved. Involving the team means that there should be a wider horizon to the outcome of the project and the experience from the XYZ team would be a plus to achieve it. John would have not just settled on what has been given by William he would have analyzed like Karen later did so the grey areas could be noted and possible mitigation strategies harmonized with William before any take off.
    Karen acted as a good team player, putting the team above personal achievement. Sitting with John and sincerely criticizing the project is a move in the positive direction as this would uphold the integrity/ reputation of the company in the long run. Collaboration with tailored fit communication is always great with the right persons as this would ultimately achieve the desired deliverable.

  932. Willian fell short of professional conduct as he lacks honesty and intergrity.
    Communication skill,team work and empathy played vital role in this scenario.
    karen acted profesionally by using research skill and a good communication style to bring about ethical standards of practice into play.
    And John being a good listner and a team player, collaborated with the opinion of Karen which ensured the success of the project.

  933. At the beginning of the project we see a lack of communication and synergy between John and Willam, each person carrying out their ideas without sitting down to discuss them as a team. But subsequently honesty , good and effective communication is seen between John and Karen. Karen was able to tell John her honest opinion on how his ideas needed to be worked on, and John was able to come to a compromise which helped in effectively carrying out their project.

  934. This scenerio depicts lack of communication and exchange of ideas. John delivered his thoughts but did not ask hi team about theirs, Williams is familiar with the organization’s operations because of his experience there’s need to ask him for some tips, Karen might be a new comer but she might be booming with ideas. I find it necessary that project managers should be able to carry the team along, no one is an island of knowledge and there’s need for people management.

  935. Itโ€™s better to have a discussion on the Project at hand so that other team members can make valid input. It seemed like initially John tried to incorporate old ideas, Karen on the other hand could spot a few lapses yet handled them professionally, and in the end, they arrived at a better result. Teamwork was a great advantage in the Project.

  936. John never looked down on Karen’s ability as a new commer. Though they looked at the problem from different point of view, they were able to reason together and solve the problem with the input of others.

    1. As a Project Manager, it’s better to have a discussion on the Project at hand so that other team members can make valid input. It seemed like initially John tried to incorporate old ideas , Karen on the other hand could spot a few lapses yet handled it professionally, at the end, they arrived at a better result. Team play was a great advantage in the Project.

  937. Williams did not display ethics and professional conduct. Also, there was a lack of proper communication. That was why John was taken aback.

    Communication skills, and collaboration skills were vital to the success of the project.

  938. William did not exhibit proper values, he went against the code of practice when he arranged for the feedback without actually putting in the work needed to get it done. His moral principles are flawed.

    John was rightly shocked at the change of plans but failed to challenge what William did. This ensured William carried on unchecked. He was not bold enough to have a difficult conversation with William.

    Karen having an eagle eye helped to salvage the situation thereby saving XYZ from future reputation issues. Effective communication played out well between Karen and John who is her Project Manager. She put aside her personal interest in trying to be in John’s bet books in order to get past her probation period. She challenged the report John brought back in a
    non-formal way and non-formal setting. This helped John put aside his ego to listen to her and voice out his concerns too. The good communication skills helped them collaborate to find a win-win solution for the Agency for XYZ and ultimately for the Project in question.

  939. John and Williams act were very unprofessional.Williams should help carried John along that is what team work is for.
    Karen act was a act of team spirit,by carrying John along and pushing him to get to the goal.
    Another skills that was in use was communication skills,it kept the team together and kept them motivated.

  940. Communication is very important in project management. Also, Teamwork is essential as different members of the team will bring their ideas to the table. Critical analysis of the problem at hand. All this cannot be done effectively without proper planning of the project because this is where you see what could happen in future in the project and you can start planning or working towards how the challenge will be sorted out.

    1. 1. From the case study it was seen that William not a team player not carrying others along and moreso he’s not the project manager but he’s trying to assume one which is bad.
      Secondly Karen was scared of William to make him realize that his analysis is too good to be true but because she’s just joining the firm and still probation she kept quiet which is not good as well.

      2. Some of the skills used to help bring the ethics to decision are
      A. Communication: with fellow colleagues at bigger firms
      B. Code of practice
      C. Company Values
      D. Rules and regulations

  941. Effective communication, critical analysis, collaboration, teamwork, problem-solving, and cooperation, are essential in project management and managing teams.

  942. Teamwork is important in every project management,

    And for every project to be successful certain skills soft skills would be needed
    Good listening ability

  943. Taking a critical look at the scenario, I deduced the failure on William’s part to engage John in a meeting for report clarification and feedbacks. Presumptions is not a good skill an experienced person as William should exhibit at the first meeting of the 2 Company’s representatives.
    Karen in the other hand, displayed team work skill by standing by John and seeking ways to sort out what could have stood as a hurdle.

    1. Looking at the case study the following is deducted
      1..Communication plays major role project management . communication is a two way thing
      2.managing a successful project team management play a major role in the success of the project

  944. As much as their needs to be a balance in all qualities, communication is a vital tool need to ensure that plans are kept in check, teamwork is guaranteed and other factors which helps in carrying out a project effectively.
    The poor communication on the part of Williams and John, organizational values and principles were neglected, record keeping was in disarray, self opinion by Williams, lack of clarity and teamwork

    Hence the need to:
    * Encourage good, and transparent communication.
    * Emphasize the need for teamwork and ensure clarity of projects
    * Encourage a continuity of knowledge through research
    * Encourage regular feedback and try set up a one-on-one interaction with team members.

  945. Honesty, Accurate representation of information, and professionalism are key to every successful project. From this case study, one can see that some of the key players in the project team lacked this skill. That’s a red flag.

    It was good to see that other members didn’t go through with the plan and sought ways to ensure that the right thing was done. This is a sign of respect for organizational values.

  946. I think there is a need for a balanced level of communication between teams, there is also the need to promote sound ethical values and high level of professionalism among team members, this is key to achieving the common objective.

  947. First understanding the importance of it, and why is crucial. and it’s required a great teamwork effort.
    and analysis to conduct and server the purpose.
    Communication/Good communication
    and Strategy Should be on pen paper with the team members.

    A good listing is crucial taking little bit of time is mandatory before thinking ethically and to make the final decision move with it.
    A PM must have the unique quality of their won mind to express & should not jeopardize the moral coded image with wrong advice for team member, instead getting good design products for your project Should apply some transformative approach by keeping the ethics intact.
    When you are in a meeting know your words are organised and organic and keeping an open eye an ear to understand the current factors and seeing the outcomes out of it in hypothesis would give little more better outline to have an structured concept and speaking on it.

    however; in the project –which John wasnโ€™t too invested initially , which lead afterwards William to take charge of the project and make it a move.

    Trust issues clouded William and lead him to take the responsibility into his hand.

    Karen had some sort of selfdoubt and kept things into herself just because of not being confident enough and some procrastination for being projecting her being criticised , which basically bring not good on the table. later on she realises and acknowledge to make her point and heard and all join hands in hand to solve issue.

    Which indicates that prime move of pm is based on practical experience of the situations–and which require a great mindset of calmness to act on and having that to run the project management. and I kind of having a feeling that it required a vast range of emotional intelligence.

  948. First understanding the importance of it, and why is crucial. and it’s required a great teamwork effort.
    and analysis to conduct and server the purpose.
    Communication/Good communication

    A good listing is crucial taking little bit of time is mandatory before thinking ethically and to make the final decision move with it.
    A PM must have the unique quality of their won mind to express & should not jeopardize the moral coded image with wrong advice for team member, instead getting good design products for your project Should apply some transformative approach by keeping the ethics intact.
    When you are in a meeting know your words are organised and organic and keeping an open eye an ear to understand the current factors and seeing the outcomes out of it in hypothesis would give little more better outline to have an structured concept and speaking on it.

    however; in the project –which John wasnโ€™t too invested initially , which lead afterwards William to take charge of the project and make it a move.

    Trust issues clouded William and lead him to take the responsibility into his hand.

    Karen had some sort of selfdoubt and kept things into herself just because of not being confident enough and some procrastination for being projecting her being criticised , which basically bring not good on the table. later on she realises and acknowledge to make her point and heard and all join hands in hand to solve issue.

    Which indicates that prime move of pm is based on practical experience of the situations–and which require a great mindset of calmness to act on and having that to run the project management. and I kind of having a feeling that it required a vast range of emotional intelligence.

  949. First understanding the importance of it, and why is crucial.
    and analysis to conduct and server the purpose.
    Communication/Good communication

    Be a good lister on how to settles issues when brought you and taking little bit of time is mandatory before thinking ethically and to make the final decision move with it.
    A pm must have the unique quality of their won mind to express & should not jeopardize the moral coded image with wrong advice for team member, instead getting good design products for your project Should apply some transformative approach by keeping the ethics intact.
    When you are in a meeting know your words that comes out from your mouth not to cause bombshell. and keeping an open eye an ear to understand the current factors and seeing the outcomes out of it in hypothesis would give little more better outline to have an structured concept and speaking on it.

    however; there was lack of effective communication between the three parties involved
    There was no proper laydown of proceedure
    Planning and reporting was lacking

    John wasnโ€™t too invested in the project, this allowed William to take matter into his hands and take charge of the project

    William had trust issues and faith in his project manager and decided to take matters into his hands

    Karen didnโ€™t want to be criticized and decided to keep her opinions to herself, but in the long end decided to make her opinion heard and they were able to join hands to tackle the issues at hand.

    Which indicates that prime move of pm is based on practical experience of the situations–and which require a great mindset of calmness to act on and having that to run the project management. and I kind of having a feeling that it required a vast range of emotional intelligence.

    1. A couple of issues of professional conduct were depicted in the scenario as indicated below:

      Misrepresentation of Data: William’s point of view suggests that he obtained the necessary information from an opinion research firm and would share the results with John, even though the engagement program was never actually carried out. This misrepresentation of data compromises the accuracy and honesty of the project’s findings.

      Conflict of Interest: Karen’s point of view highlights her internal struggle to raise concerns about the overly positive engagement report due to fear of criticizing John and affecting office dynamics. This situation reflects a conflict of interest between Karen’s desire to maintain a positive atmosphere and her responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the project’s assessment.

      In this scenario, several skills were used to bring ethics into the decisions made by the people involved:

      Honest Communication: John’s willingness to ask questions and seek clarity about the engagement program’s execution demonstrates the importance of open and honest communication in ethical decision-making.

      Critical Thinking: Karen’s ability to critically assess the engagement report and recognize its potential flaws showcases her critical thinking skills in identifying issues that could impact the project’s success.

      Collaboration and Problem-Solving: John and Karen’s collaboration in discussing the potential risks and challenges, as well as brainstorming solutions, exemplifies effective teamwork and problem-solving skills that prioritize ethical considerations.

      Ethical Leadership: Karen’s approach to encouraging John to consider the bigger picture and the firm’s reputation demonstrates ethical leadership by highlighting the long-term consequences of the decision beyond the immediate project.

      Research and Due Diligence: Karen’s initiative to conduct online research to identify a reputable firm to assess the engagement program’s findings showcases her commitment to thorough investigation and ensuring the accuracy of the project’s data.

      Integrity: By collaborating with an external firm and acknowledging the problems identified, the individuals involved showed a commitment to integrity by not compromising on the accuracy of the project’s findings.

      Risk Assessment: Both John and Karen’s consideration of the potential risks and challenges associated with challenging the report or accepting it as is demonstrates their ability to assess risks in an ethical context.

      These skills collectively contribute to a thoughtful and ethical decision-making process that prioritizes accurate information, open communication, and the long-term success of the project.

      1. Bill on norms and values in his organization.

        MTD norms and values refer to the guiding principles and ethical standards upheld by the company in-relation all projects. These norms and values can have significant impacts on ethical and environmental considerations within project execution.

        For instance, if MTD places a high value on sustainability, their projects might prioritize eco-friendly technologies, resource conservation, and minimizing environmental impact.

        Similarly, if ethical conduct is a norm, the company might ensure transparency, fair labor practices, and community engagement in project implementation.

        In a nutshell, these norms and values shape the company’s decisions, affecting how they manage the ethical and environmental aspects of their projects.

  950. In my opinion, there are a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario:

    Misrepresentation of Information: William, from the client agency, provides information to John, the project manager from XYZ, that is not entirely truthful. He implies that the engagement program has already been carried out when it hasn’t. This misrepresentation could lead to a skewed understanding of the project’s status and potential risks.

    Conflicts of Interest: Karen is faced with a conflict of interest. She is concerned about the accuracy of the engagement report, but she hesitates to bring up her concerns because she worries it might affect her relationship with John and the office dynamics. This conflict between her ethical responsibility to ensure accurate information and her desire to maintain a positive atmosphere in the office presents an ethical challenge.

    Several skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions made by the people involved in this scenario:

    Critical Thinking and Analysis: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by analyzing the engagement report critically and recognizing that it might be too positive to be realistic. She also considers the potential consequences of challenging the report and examines the broader implications for the firm’s reputation and other projects.

    Communication and Collaboration: John and Karen engage in open communication and collaboration to address their concerns. They have an in-depth discussion about the problem and work together to explore potential solutions.

    Ethical Reasoning: Both John and Karen engage in ethical reasoning by considering the ethical implications of their decisions. They recognize the importance of accurate information for the project’s success and are willing to confront the potential challenges of challenging the report.

    Problem-Solving: Karen’s online research and idea to involve a larger global firm to review the local opinion researchers’ work demonstrate effective problem-solving skills. They seek an external perspective to ensure the accuracy of the engagement results.

    Long-Term Perspective: Karen encourages John to consider the long-term reputation and credibility of their firm. This perspective helps guide their decision-making beyond the immediate project and its challenges.

    Integrity and Honesty: While William’s actions raise concerns about misrepresentation, John and Karen uphold integrity and honesty by seeking accurate information and addressing potential issues transparently.

    Global Awareness: The decision to involve a global firm to review the local opinion researchers’ work shows an awareness of global best practices and standards, indicating a commitment to maintaining high ethical standards.

    Overall, the people in the scenario demonstrate a commitment to ethical decision-making by critically evaluating information, considering potential consequences, collaborating openly, and seeking accurate information to ensure the project’s success and their firm’s reputation.

  951. John was a bit too direct about the report not getting to him as early as he would have had wanted, William seems to be a people’s person and doesn’t have a good work ethic enough. Karen used her communication skill to let John see what is wrong and right about their plan and John being a team player made sure he let her opinion count

  952. What was needed was a good communication skill which was later displayed by Karen that final helped the team

  953. They indeed managed the non inclusion in the initial project plan and got the phantom report to study it and later network with the big firm with similar experience to surmount the hurdles of the project

  954. Scenario highlighted in the case study include; identifying opportunities available, creating a project team to hand the new discovery, research and hardwork.

    Skills employed by individual integrate ethical consideration into the decisions made by the individuals include;
    Karen; communication understanding the situation with colleagues identifying the best way to handle the situation.
    John ; patience, listening skills, decision making .

    1. All 3 of them had their peculiarities.

      But what was the issue,became the skill used to solve the situation … Communication.

  955. Couple of issues of professional conduct in the scenario is that the newly formed team had reputation for finding/knowing that niche very well. Karen was enticed by its focus and reputation and what she has heard about its culture.

    The skills that were used to help bring ethics into decision by the people involved in this scenario –
    Karen saw that the opinion research that John brought back looks very fine but to be honest, it just feels a bit too fine… The skills used started with a joke about the engagement report which led John into asking Karen for her honest opinion. The discussion gave rise to consulting a body pic ho helped them to get the right engagement in the end and identified some materials hurdles for the next stage.

  956. One major professional ethical issue was what happened when John visited William’s firm in their country and the stakeholders’ forum was not held as planned rather Willaim just gave John some report without John witnessing any engagement with the stakeholders concerned.

    The skills used to resolve the challenge were communication, emotional intelligence and team work.

    1. Between John and Williams there was obviously communication gap being that they both represented the project company and the client company.

      Their values differ, cultural differences in how things are done on a project and obviously the expectations of the PM and the client differ.

      Firstly, communication gap, secondly there was ethical bridge, William doesn’t care if they cut corners but John does, John finally accepted an inaccurate survey report and took it back to his firm even though he knows that will affect the outcome of the project.

      Karen on the other hand in a bid not to loose her position and trying to save face noticed an error of inconsistency but held back from voicing out to avoid criticism and the wrath of her bosses. That is also wrong for a project or an organization. The freedom to air out your concern within reasonable context is key for success of any project or organization.

      Also, cover ups on an error will only likely lead to bigger errors which is what would have happened if Karen and John had not made up their minds to prob further and seek a second opinion. And the got the team to weigh in and ideas came up and they sought for further investigation and that gave them a better report to work with.

      Also, what I observed is a compromise shouldn’t be an option if excellence is to be achieved. Ask questions when not clear, seek further engagements with stakeholdsrs of that would do the trick.

      And lastly, holding on to status quo was what made William do what he did, obviously the agency has a way of doing things even if it’s incorrect or dubious they don’t care and they only got John over for show and not to engage. That would have been bad for the project.

      Skills identified include, Openness (by John), Team work (John and Karen), asking questions (Karen), engagement with the team( John, Late and
      the team) Empathy, etc

  957. Initially, there was lack of good communication within the team, which is the most important, John as the head of the team did not listen and understanding his subordinate, which led to disagreement among them. Also there should be team work to make the work easy and to achieve the dreamed result.

  958. in my opinion it’s required the right balance of all the skills, and based on situations one must put their own unique approach to solve the issue.
    however; Aside from the written norms, laws and directives, there are also moral principles and values.

    Values are enduring beliefs that shape a desirable result of a behaviour in given situations. In other words, they indicate a standard of conduct (Nystrom, 1990) and the desired outcomes of behaviour (Rokeach, 1968). Values can be individual but they are often shared in social contexts such as organisations, where they become organisational values. When they are shared among members of the same organisation, values set desirable outcomes of individual and group behaviours in that context.

    Organisational values are small sets of values developed by individuals and groups. They are at the core (which is why we refer to a โ€˜small setโ€™) and distinctive, so are relatively stable attributes and beliefs inspiring behaviour in the workplace.

  959. The scenario shows that the people initially lacked good communication skills and teamwork, which was later corrected by Karen who found a way of communicating with John, pushing the team to the next stage.

      1. Values and moral principles guide the actions of individuals in organisational contexts. It is important to reflect on them to understand how they will drive decision-making in projects.

    1. Karen was very aware of what must be done, that is, ensuring a proper engagement of stakeholders. However, she initially let her own personal ambition get in the way of professional ethics.
      William on the other hand used his ‘people person’ persona to evade and hasten the negotiation process. Even though this saved time and resources for the team it however doesn’t reflect the true ethics of projects stakeholder interaction.
      John’s leadership skill wasn’t impressive as he left doubts that could have marred the success of the project at an early stage.

      In the later stages, Karen used her communication skill to reestablish and obtain the much needed information needed for kick starting the first stage.

      In all, communication is key and shouldn’t be compromised no mater who is involved.
      Teamwork is also vital as all members can effectively and collective contribute to the project naturally.

      1. A project cannot be successful without good communication and team work which is the vital aspect of a project.

    2. These situations are defined asย internal driven adversitiesย (Kerzner, 2009, p. 339).
      Anย external adversityย is when a customer seeks unethical behaviour in their interests that could also work in favour of the organisation (Kerzner, 2009, p. 339): for example, asking for a product design very similar to one offered to a competitor in a previous project.

  960. I noticed the following.

    1. Lack of Team work.
    2. No communication
    I’m happy how everything turns out.

    The importance of this two is overwhelming.

    Its saves time
    Makes work fun
    And delivers excellent job.

  961. There was a lack of communication and team work between john and karen.but by the time they were able to work on these, it was a win -win for all of them. They were able to share ideas and come up with the best approach for the project.

  962. Ola Oyela
    Cohort 9 Team 8

    communication which is critical to project management was not very open, however by the time it was broached, then it became possible to begin to look for solutions and win-win situations. Also, teamwork came to play as trying to bear the whole burden alone was not sufficient in preferring the solution.

  963. The Scenario depicted here shows what lack of team work , and good communication could result to if not properly managed.
    One issue that was present, was John being an experienced project manager, not been able to communicate effectively with his team members, there was no team cooperation or communication..
    In my opinion, John felt since he was not in charge of the task, he could give in to whatsoever Williams brings to the table. Which to me is totally wrong.
    As an experienced project manager , where ever you find yourself, your duty is to ensure you give it your all to see to the success of the task at hand as a team. So to me he failed in that regard.
    Williams on the other hand is pictured as someone that feels with the right network and exposure, you really don’t need to do anything to solve a problem. He fails to understand the Beauty of a Process, the vast reality on its own in carrying out a task from the scratch to the end. This would have led to the reputation of XYz firm being ridiculed and questioned .
    Karen on the other hand was able to see the problem having a result without a process or a team effort. Nothing seems to be this perfect and she was able to raise questions on the authenticity of the results.
    Even though she was hesitant in communicating her actual thoughts to John, we could see at the end she was able to get through to John. She valued her firm’s values and what they stand on , so even though it felt she approached John casually, she was able to make him see the need to follow through a task as a team so as to uphold the company’s moral principles and values.
    So the Skills that were used to help bring ethics includes
    1) Communication Skills
    2) Leadership skills
    3) Good planning techniques

  964. A Project Manager is the Leader of every Project and should act same by leading team in all aspects to ensure the Project is delivered according to standard and in time. Communication is very vital, also listening to inputs and ideas from subordinates is crucial, so as to know which ones to work on and which ones to leave up.

    1. A project manager is the leader of the project but however, from the scenario we can see the importance of communication with other team members and also listening to feedbacks. No matter the nature of the project, a PM should never forget code of practice that proper research is needed in every project .

      Some of the skills used are:
      Ethical practices
      Code of practice

  965. In our previous lessons, we learnt that being a Project manager, one shouldn’t be afraid to break the sad news. John had the time to do his job when he arrived the country but chose to be unethical by investing his time on frivolities and sight seeing. Williams failed in upholding the ethics in the profession by gathering information from a particular set of people without letting John know. In all, I think good communication skills implored by Karen really helped the situation.

  966. There is lack of leadership and focus through communication and coordination of the PM of the project,who focus more on trip and expect is team to just come up with any result.
    And as for Karen, took a wise decision after the brainwave by engaging other teams who has more experience and done similarly same project successfully and finally get their project success aswell.
    As for Williams, I think his decision where not against the project and very low impact who just want to come up with something for the PM and not for clients interest.

  967. The Team had an excellent spirit of working together and prioritising clients need. The action of going outside the company to seek help and other data required is a commendable effort and a good skill of proactiveness.

  968. It is very vital and good to take out time before making a hard decisions. Team works is heavily lacked here and needs to put into play always. We need understudy and learn to cope with the existing workers before taking a decisive actions in any organization or parastatal

  969. In my opinion, there was a lack of communication within the team, misplaced priority where a team member could have gone to undertake some team tasks but chose to do a tour instead; the team spirit – a team member went ahead to perform a task he should have conducted with others alone.

  970. In order to achieve success in a project there must be an effective day-to-day communication between the Team leads, stakeholders and all team members. No one is irrelevant in the team.
    – Karen was new but she strategically deduce a way of communicating with John in order for them to review the plan John brought because she realized it was too good to be true and her way of leading John on in the conversation is a key that helped the project gets a solution.

    There are a lot of lessons learnt in this short analysis

  971. Team work and communication is important for the success of any project and also team members should be open to suggestions.
    Karen noticed that the engagement report John brought was too good to be true, instead of criticizing the engagement report, she Jokingly brought the issue before John, she has good communication skills. John was opened to suggestions. They worked together with other colleagues, at the end, they got the right engagement.

  972. Team work is paramount in any organization. Karen and John exhibited this through their discussions on the proposals given by Williams.
    Karen took a bold step irrespective of her being new in the system, she was able to think through with John on the project most likely risks, which they were able to subdue by engaging a big global firm that helped them identify the would-be problem in order to move to the next stage

  973. John and Karen re-evaluation was of importance in moving ahead because they were able to analyse and communicate their fears, thus upholding the ethics of managing the Project unlike Williams with the mentality of ‘business as usual’. The Team for team work cannot be overlooked so also is communication. With Karen input they engaged other stakeholder not from a competitive view both fro holistic approach which turned out to be a very good decision for their project.

  974. It is good to take out time before making a hard decisions. Team works lack here and needs to put into play always. We need understudy and learn to cope with the existing workers before taking a decisvie actions in any organization

  975. Yes, Williams compromised and assumed. Their was no communication between the William and John.
    They were able to resolve some of this issue by observation and communication between John and Karen by trying to uphold their organisation values.

  976. Observations
    John is an experienced project manager; William has worked for the client agency for several years and has been given responsibility for overseeing this project. The poor communication among team members would have resulted in poor engagement and could cause major risks as pointed out by Karen, therefore with a bit of online research, she identified a big global firm that the local opinion researchers sometimes partnered with hence providing the right engagement in the end and were able to identify some material hurdles for the next stage.

  977. The skills used to resolve the problem in this case study was effective Communication, collaboration and research.

    Williams team failed to effectively communicate and collaborate with John and they did a poor research.

    This was corrected in John’s team.
    With Karen’s Communication, research and the team’s collaboration, the problem was solved.

  978. No essential structure for communication was put in place and this is evident in how well they did things disjointedly. Personal feelings also got in the way of objectiitity.

  979. My first observation in this case study is the attitude of Williams to John. The started working on the project without informing John. This made John unhappy.

    This inadequate communication set the team at edge. It was later resolved by John who communicated adequately with Williams and Karen.

    Apart from communication, the other ethics that pushed the project forward were;

    With these, the team was able to reach a consensus and sought for solution and pushed the project forward.

  980. Good communication flow and ethical values is missing causing some misunderstanding between the team members.

    1. project cannot be successful without good communication and team work which is the vital aspect of a project.
      The skills used are communication, collaboration and research.

  981. One major skill the team lacked was Communication and there was no Team work as Williams did not carry John and Kareen along.

  982. Some of the issues of professional conduct includes
    Poor communication between William and John , aslo Karen Putting personal interest and consideration above the values of the organisation.

    some of the skills used to bring ethics
    teamwork , gathering feedback , measuring risks , making revisions while putting company values and reputation into consideration

    1. Lack of communication was the major problem for them, the line of communication between Williams and John, and also between John and Karen. Williams did not properly inform John about certain tasks before carrying them out. Karen wasn’t able to express herself freely at first because she was working on a probationary basis during that period.

      The issues were solved by resolving the communication issues between John and Karen. Teamwork is vital in the success of any Project, effective feedback also plays a key role.

    2. There was a lack or poor communication between William and John in the project as a team.
      Secondly, John is an expert and has more experience but yet he communicated very well with Karen who was just months old in the project and an effective result was able to achieve from her research and idea.
      So effective communication is very important and the ethics of which John applied was good by allowing them to show him around.

  983. Sofiyah Quadri Cohort 9
    From the case study, the team members had no ethical principles laid out. This led to low communication skills among members and a lack of team work. Karen was also. been biased in her initial point of view because she wanted to pass her probation period, but she eventually rectified her deed even though this would have delayed the project deadline.

    In summary, team members should communicate effectively by understanding and reading the room/people. Also, honesty and good ethical values should be of priority in an organization.

  984. From the case, I think one have to utilise their system very well. Communicating the right idea and at the right time appropriately. Consulting the necessary persons and resources as a team working towards achieving same goal. As a Project manager who thrives on chaos, you ought to handle every change in project or scope creep very well. Also working alongside side team members inside and outside work, being empathetic and addressing situations bearing in mind that we don not know it all about it. Gathering feedback consistently.

    John did not get involved with organizing and implementing the engagement program as he should knowing how important that stage is to the key parameters in the next phase of the project. Instead John was distracted by sight seeing and depended solely on Williams feedback and report to execute the next phase of the project. A project manager should be involved in all phases of a project and John failed in that aspect.

    Williams is used to cutting corners, depending on his years of experience only, when he should carry out necessary research to have the right information in order to deliver a project successfully.

    Karen became afraid to point out the loopholes in the opinion research John submitted, so as not to gain an enemy and this delayed their seeking for a solution for the problem by a week. A project manager should not be afraid to communicate error or bad news when they spot it in a project. Instead, the Project Manager should address the problem and proffer possible solutions.
    Overall, John did the right thing at the end by admitting his concern about the opinion research results to Karen. This helped them to know that the risk outcome will be massive if they should implement the project. Communication between Karen and her colleagues stimulated Karen’s thought process to land on the most possible solution to their problem which enabled them to move to the next phase of the project. Effective Communication is key in delivering a project successfully.

  986. Fountain Chukwukasi cohort 9 team 4
    Recommend them their efforts towards the project although, there were break down in communication among them and lack of team work.

    John being the claimed leader of the team (Project manager), was wrong in assuming that his report was the best and was asking his team for feedback based on the work that was given to them. he would have gather the two of them together to achieve a better results.

  987. Couple of issues of professional conduct are
    Communication – There wasnt constant communication amongst them and so it possed as a trait to the project.
    Karen and John stood to their ethics and values to get the work done, while Williams did not.
    No team work between John and Williams.
    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into decision are
    Risk management
    Ethical Standards

  988. effective communication is the key for growth in progect management. knowing when, how to communicate is an essential key in progect management.

  989. Basically, the team lacked effective communication and this impacted the project. Although hthere was a good demonstration of negotiating skills and teamwork, the project would have recorded more success if expectations, desires, and goals were properly communicated.

    1. Communication is key for a successful team work.
      It is clearly lacking in this scenario as all issues will be resolved if all teammates can have honest communication with themselves.
      If responsibilities are not cleared defined and assigned to each team members, it will definitely cause conflict and this also can be solved through proper communication which again is lacking in this team.

  990. Lack of proper communication from Williams side was in display here due to his unethical behavior, he displayed external adversity by trying to cut corners without considering the repercussion while karen and john beliefs and stood by the organisation ethical values, moral principles and ethical practices by researching for a way to get most of the information needed to execute the project.

    1. From the case scenario there was no effective communication amongst team but Karen applied a more professional ethics not to criticize a colleague but made a secret research which led to the delivery of the project at the required time, for his interest on his job was high .

  991. Cohort 9 Team 1
    The major issue is communication. The teams members lack constant communication in the project. They could not find balance that is guided by ethics, value and norms.

  992. First of all Williams became an external adversity due to his unethical behavior.
    With John and Karen I found
    1. Communication
    2. Teachability: in the part of John
    3. Brainstorming and Team work

  993. Dibang precious _cohort 9 team 3
    From this scenario we can see lack of ethic particularly lack of moral principles and value on the side of Williams, he simply displayed external adversity trying to sugar coat what really is.
    For John and Karen they stood by their organisationally values,moral principles and good personal behaviour, even when the work was made easy for them they understood that the way the work was done was not ethically so they made an extra will by researching putting their heads together and reaching out to the right bodies that helped them to see the fault and risk in the report that was given to them by Williams…

  994. Basically, there was no teamwork and communication between each member of the company, and the Project manager was slightly distracted however, they were able to still pull through with cooperation, and brainstorming of suggested ideas even though, some of the hitches were identified to make the project a success

  995. Folasade Coker Team3 Cohort 9

    PMI recognizes four core values that project managers across the globe must exhibit: fairness, responsibility, respect, and honesty.
    Aside from this, there are other skills that must be developed as a project manager, effective communication is part of it.
    John and William would have synergies in their skills to bring in a far better result than leaving each other at doing their own thing all by themselves. The act of fairness, responsibility, respect, and honesty is not exhibited among them.

    Though it took John and Karen to act selflessly using an alternative methods to achieve a better result which would not have been necessary if they have worked and brainstormed together.

  996. Poor communication is obvious because each person seems to be working independently. Lack of understanding of rules and regulations guiding project setup. Lack of consideration of individual values for the team members.

    1. COHORT 9 TEAM 1

      _ Lack of communication and collaboration between John and William
      – Lack of professional integrity, ethical values, and honesty from Williams towards the project
      -Karen also never wanted to give honest review about the report submitted by John, she felt it was too good to be true {still lack of proper communication}

      -Effective communication
      -Risk management

  997. Lack of ethical principle values .

    Communication is what what lacking . if there was effective communication. sound decision making would have come into play

  998. Obviously there was lack of effective communication. The team couldnโ€™t sit with one another to determine the opinion of each team member on the project. There was no regard for organizational value/ethics especially on the side of the overseas company where the project was to be carried out.
    There was no team spirit and negotiation skills which resulted to problems that could have been avoided had there been an initial proper engagement.

  999. From the case study, teamwork is a great value and communication. No man can work alone and expect to get a brilliant result. Karen stepping in to ensure that the research is done properly is a great win because if not, the project would have been completed but all parties will still not be okay with the result it will generate.

    1. Three (3) of felt detached dealing with each other freely which resulted in lack of effective communication. Although, they were all trying all the possible best to preserve the value of their firm by looking for solutions to the problem at hand, which they eventually got through Karen.

  1000. From the case study, there was a bridge I’m the standard of conduct through a breakdown in reporting line and communication which almost cost the company the success of the project. But thank God they were able to get it right through Karen.

  1001. In this case study, they were lack of effective communication and teamwork between the parties or team involved which includes John and Karen , this led to the conflict in the project.
    Karen insisted on her personal decision rather than criticizing the wrong path of the project.
    Communication is the backbone of every successful project..
    Skills used to bring ethics into decision were ;
    Moral Principles, values and ethical conducts.

  1002. Professional conduct in the scenario were the the lack of communication and collaboration on the part of John as well as William, which lead to a conflict in the company. There was doubt over the reliability of the data source William was going to use because he lacked moral principles. William violated the rule of conduct because the engagement programme was not planned publicly.
    Planning and reporting was not bad. Every stakeholders was involved in the process that gave an output within the time frame.

  1003. considering this case study, communication is key and may take a number of forms, however to have an effective communication, one needs not to consider only the message intended to be communicated but also the channel considering team mood, cultural influence. etc. Also ethics and standard are codes of conduct of professionals to set standards and guides professional development, designed to support ethical behavior in circumstances where there is risk of some form of wrong doings.
    It is absolutely important to recognize and resolve ethical dilemmas

    1. I would say in this scenario, Communication is germaine and sacrosanct..John and William clearly failed at that
      Also, understanding one another in a team enhances a quick result.

  1004. It seem both John and William are not aware or not following the Company’s rules of conduct or does the company even have? as well of good code of practice
    There is absolute lack of communication and both parties are not carrying each other along through the stages of the project.
    Karen seems to be bias at first by ignoring moral principles and values because of her own personal interest

    1. It’s vital to show understanding when there is new perspective of approach to project execution.
      Being flexible, attentive to details and personal interest in the project will also lead to success

  1005. There was a breach of ethics just before take off of the project.
    John should have had a proper outline of the planning phase, so as to understand what is key areas to discuss with the client before taking a tour of the city-(Professionalism &Time Management).
    William on the hand, already prepared a report which was against his ethical practices. The report should have been based on team work and agreed outcomes/feedback between both parties.
    John should have out-rightly rejected the idea or sought professional help before accepting the report consenting to the photo shoot which showed e consented to practices that were morally & ethically wrong.
    Karen on the other hand leveraged on her academic & professional training to identify issues on the report as well as seeking professional guidance to tackle the ethical dilemma.

  1006. Okwuonu Doris
    Cohort 9,Team 8

    John and Williams lacked didn’t work as a team
    There was no good and effective communication among them which is very much important to every project manager.
    John was also not really focused on the issue at hand and got sidetracked

    1. There was no communication amongst the team.
      Proper research was not carried out.
      There was no team work.

  1007. Communication

    There was lack of effective communication between the three parties involved
    There was no proper laydown of proceedure
    Planning and reporting was lacking

    John wasn’t too invested in the project, this allowed William to take matter into his hands and take charge of the project

    William had no trust and faith in his project manager and decided to take matters into his hands

    Karen didn’t want to be criticized and decided to keep her opinions to herself, but in the long end decided to make her opinion heard and they were able to join hands to tackle the issues at hand.

  1008. William violated the rule of conduct because the engagement programme was not planned publicly. There was doubt over the reliability of the data source William was going to use because he lacked moral principles. Despite having doubts about John’s report, Karen decided not to criticise it, letting her moral ideals slip through her fingers. Karen did not act morally because she was more worried about her probationary term ending than she was about performing well.

  1009. Lack of planning and reporting was not properly understood by the team
    In the end
    Team spirit and communication and trust was able to make a headways.
    There should always be a proper lay down of procedures during planning process to enable every team member know best approach to bring on board
    Also a line of action should be agreed by the team before available resources are in place.
    Ensuring a good process is put in place to monitor every activities within a specific time frame should be understood by every member of the team.
    In the case study.
    Communication was good
    Team spirit was good
    Planning and reporting was not ok
    Every stakeholders was involved in the process that gave an output withing the time frame.

  1010. Obviously there was lack of effective communication. The team couldnโ€™t sit with one another to determine the opinion of each team member on the project. There was no regard for organizational value/ethics especially on the side of the overseas company where the project was to be carried out.
    There was no team spirit and negotiation skills which resulted to problems that could have been avoided had there been an initial proper engagement.

  1011. There should be effective communication, Honesty, Teamwork and Fairness. Things like Compromise, Shabby work, and not carrying others along should be avoided by team members for an effective project delivery.

  1012. Certainly, integrating ethical considerations into decisions often involves skills such as critical thinking, empathy, moral reasoning, communication, and the ability to weigh potential consequences. These skills help individuals navigate complex situations and make choices that align with ethical principles.

    1. The team lacks synergy, communication, transparency, and integrity. Everyone was acting based on his own experience and mind. There was also a selfish motive on the path of William’s, who was more concerned about his probation period which will determine will determine his job confirmation. John, on the other hand, is a bossy and egocentric person, who’s more interested in lording it over his teammates.

  1013. I feel in this study

    1. Communication is key. Every team player should have this at heart. Also, there’s lack of shared responsibility. Time for completion of the project was played down by the team lead on like the other team members. Karen was diplomatic in her approach in getting the identified problem solved without engaging in direct critism.

  1014. The team lacked trust and effective communication. Team members couldn’t listen to one another to determine what the other person has to say. Team members lacked ethics too.
    There was no team spirit and negotiation skills.

  1015. Issues
    Lack of proper planning
    Transparency in communication between Williams and John
    Karen was afraid to speak out

    Skills used
    Leadership skill used by Karen
    Negotiation skill
    good communication skill helped in solving the issues.

    1. Team work lead to great success in an organization as lack of acceptable negotiations bring down the ethical norms and value of a company

  1016. The issues of professional conduct in the scenario were the lack of communication and collaboration on the part of John as well as William, which lead to a conflict in the project.
    Karen on her part was stuck on her personal decision rather than criticizing the wrong path of the project.

    The skills used to bring ethics into the decision were the following;
    – Values
    – Active listening
    – Communication
    – Teamwork
    – Critical thinking
    – Risk Management and Assessment
    – Problem solving
    – Delegation
    – Conflict resolution

  1017. Communication is the bedrock of every successful projects.
    Although it was discovered at the beginning that there was no proper team work in the company which led to the members keeping their opinion to themselves, but after karen finally had the courage to voice out her honest opinion and highlighted some issues on the report, we can see that they mended some things and prioritized teamwork, effective communication and acted together for continuity of the project.

    Like a colleague said, teamwork is important in every project management, method of communication is an essential tool and brainstorming every ideas and suggestions from each of the team members is important in getting a perfect job done..

  1018. Christopher Jonathan cohort 9, team 3
    1, John and Williams lack trust and team spirit
    2, implementing a report that wasn’t carries out by the team would have caused a total failure.
    3, Williams is an internal adversity

    1, caren and John exhibited effective communication skill and team work
    2, honesty and follow up

  1019. Issues observed include;
    1. Lack of effective communication between team members,
    2. There wasnโ€™t a clear role definition for team members,

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions used;
    1. Moral principles
    2. Values
    3. Ethical conduct

  1020. Instances of professional conduct:
    1) The difference between John’s and William’s values cum work ethics
    2) The way John took William’s input calmly without confrontation even though he was not comfortable with it. He instead went home to ruminate on a more ethically acceptable option without engaging in a bitter confrontation
    3) Karen’s dilemma between personal interest and values
    4) Karen’s decision to trust John with her concerns
    5) Proper action taken by John and Karen to arrest the situation

    Skills employed
    1) Honestly
    2) Communication
    3) Negotiation
    4) Ethics and standards

  1021. Identified gaps:
    1. John and William’s divergent views bother on professional work ethics.
    2. John, William and Karen had not engaged properly before the project.
    3. XYZ and client company work ethics differed and that posed a credibility challenge for the survey result.
    4. Karen placed our personal interest above organizational values and ethics, whereas that could have been an opportunity for her to improve on how her colleagues see her.

    Way out of the wood
    1. John was not comfortable with the process and opened up to Karen.
    2. Karen agreed to support John’s viewpoint in time having realized the risks in adopting the outcome of a survey that wasn’t carried out by them.
    3. It is always good to align with organizational ethics.

  1022. According to the scenario the XYZ team lack the following professional conduct
    *team work
    Reflecting on the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved;
    John as the project manager wasnโ€™t invested in the project, flexible/adaptable and didnโ€™t have eagle eye for project issues, he wasnโ€™t curious because he dogmatically accepted the plans presented to him from Williams. Whereas he should have carefully researched,observed, communicate with the entire team, map out the plans and future risks with solutions.
    Williams as a team believes his project manager is box checker because he felt he didnโ€™t understand how things are being done in the projects. He didnโ€™t make his on personal research, planning. What Williams did is one of internal diversity because he made a compromise for the team. Whereas after the information he got,he should have carefully made his own research,communicate with the entire team, so that they can map out the plans and know probable risks and problems that may arise and solutions to it
    Karen on her end felt the project manager and other team member would be a hardass on her opinion deeming it to be criticizing. Even though the first seems to be a scornful look but in the long run she was listened to, then they made research, sketched and create a plan mapped out the risk, found the problem, made viable communication and got right engagement to identify the next hurdles for the next stage.

  1023. Cohort 9,Team 7
    couple of issues of professional conduct are
    1 lack of leadership between john and williams
    2 john and williams lack effective communition,
    3 they both lack responsibility

    skills used to help bring ethics into decisions were
    1 karen communicated her concern to john in a civil manner
    2 critical thinking
    3 ethical consideration

  1024. Couple of issues between John and Williams are
    1. Lack of communication skills
    2. Not putting heads together to achieve the Task given.
    3. Not Time conscious thereby delaying the project

    Skills that were used are:
    1. Good Effective communication skills
    2. The necessity of being always Foused
    Effective Time Management

  1025. This case study showed that the working relationship between John and William is not cordial from the project onset. John being a professional was very careful with the quality of the report he got from Williams.
    Karen acted professionally in he conduct towards the first two members of the team, exhibiting wonderful communication skills. She also showed team spirit. John and Karenโ€™s critical thinking Honest deliebrations between John and Karen along side their ability to think critically enabled them to identify the envisaged risk.
    William on the other hand had a good grasp of leading people and the mastery of effective negotiation skills.
    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into the decisions includes:
    1. The Ethical consideration here is a good example of externally driven adversity.
    2. Critical thinking and Risk management.
    3. Problem solving
    4. Effective communication

  1026. These are the identified ethical issues:
    1. There is no written contract for the project.
    2. The scope of work not defined.
    3. There is no communication plan within the staff.
    4. There is no standard for operation in the organization.
    5. Everyone is working according to his/her own opinion.
    6. There is no collaboration within the team and all of them are not working as a team.

    1. Rebecca Etim
      Team9, cohort9
      Project management and success has so much to do with good communication skills,team work,values the organization stand for but it was lacking.

  1027. AMAKA ESEKA, Cohort 9, team 2

    Some of the issues I observed in this project are:
    i. Lack of effective communication between John and Williams.

    ii. Power tussle between John and Williams, there is also no harmony and synergy between both parties on their responsibilities and limits.

    iii. There was no defined project manager for this task. I also like to believe that John was not intimated on the project, organizational culture and values, which created some sort of friction & confusion on his part.

    iv. William was more concerned about delivering a picture-perfect report to the key stakeholder without considering the impact of several unaddressed issues on the success of the project.

    v. Karen was initially afraid of voicing her opinion because she was on a probation period and was scared of criticizing John. This looks to me like she was aware of a toxic work culture where constructive criticism was not encouraged.

    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions were;

    1. Effective communication- Karen did non only pass her information, but was careful with how she communicated her concerns to John in a civil and constructive manner.

    2. Negotiation skills- the parties involved knew that running with the report as it stood was too big a risk, and hence found a win-win situation for all parties involved. Karen knew she joined the company for its reputation and was not willing to jeopardize that for the success of her project, hence she found a way to engage other stakeholders such that the present project will be completed without impacting on future projects for the company.

    3. Time management- They were able to manage their time properly and meet with the big and small firms within the project schedule, got the right engagement and identified
    some material hurdles for the next stage

  1028. My own point of view on the case study
    The case study revealed John and William are not working on the same platform at the beginning of the project. Though when the report was brought forward, John did not compromise the quality of his product by relying completely on Williamโ€™s report.
    Karen on the other hand was professional in her conduct towards John and William. She portrayed great
    communication skills and was a good team player. John and Karenโ€™s critical thinking and honest discussions made them identify the anticipated risk involved.
    William being a โ€˜People Personโ€™ means he has mastery in managing people and can negotiate effectively.
    All of them had a mastery of their environment and they were ready to change. my advice Teamwork is very important in every project.

  1029. Ismaรซl ANDRIAMIALY – Cohort 9, Team 2

    Couple of Issues of professional conduct :
    Lack of consideration regardless of John’s experience
    Lack of leadership
    Lack of communication
    Ethical practice and code of practice issues so I

    Skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions :
    1. Critical thinking and Risk managment
    2. Problem solving
    3. Effective communication
    4. Ethical consideration

  1030. Chort 9 Team 5
    Lack of team work and communication was felt between the three parties, John felt left out of the project and Williams was all glued to his written up ideas which almost compromised the project. Karen on the other hand was extended a hand of communication that help Williams and the project at large.
    At the end communication is a key skillset for any project

  1031. Cohort 9 Team 8

    The case study is an example of externally driven adversity for XYZ

    John wasn’t too rigid with organisational values that could strain relationship with William which can undermine the project

    Karen exhibited good human management skill to open up discussion with John

    Good communication skill between Karen and John was helpful

    Project management is all about skills to working around obstacles yo achieve the end result. Karen and John were able to work around William obstacle.

    Research skill by Karen and John came into play y finding out a research company that executed research on the locals

  1032. John felt left out which as the project manager he should have been contacted before any thing is done cos if anything goes wrong he would have the one held responsible. So i will point out lack of communication caused this, And also williams seems to be a sterotyped person who is all glued to the ideas and ways things are done before. meanwhile as a project manager change is a constant thing and managing projects should be evolutionary. Teamwork is also lacking.

  1033. Team work is something that is paramount in project management and also communication amongst the team and the clients stating out the plans and giving feedbacks.

    Professionalism is also required

  1034. Team work is something that is paramount in project management and also communication amongst the team and the clients stating out the plans and giving out feedbacks.
    Professionalism is also required

      Cohort 9, Team 6
      William was excessively rigid with his organisation’s culture by completely excluding John who was a key player in the project delivery, from the first stakeholders’ engagement. He was not also open to communication which is a key skillset for the success of any project. William was optimistic of the success of the project with the report from the local partner, but acted in assumptions, which do not work well for most project.
      John on the other hand, was flexible so as not to jeopardise the chances of landing the project because William was a key stakeholder in the project.
      Karen used her good communication and team spirit to open up discussion with John and other close colleagues which eventually yielded result. She also did serious research to know more about William’s organisation and their local partner. This helped them identify potential problems that could arise during the course of delivering the project.

      Key skills that were used include:
      1. Good and strategic communication
      2. Honesty
      3. Transparency
      4. Team work

  1035. Ethically issues to be resolved in the case study are;
    1. Leadership – William was quite dismissive towards John’s leadership (Saying “this is how things are done here” is unethical). John should have insisted on a meeting with Karen and William, to discuss Karen’s concerns.
    2. Team Spirit and Collaboration –
    3. Communication and Feedback – The feedback from the workers would help identify any substantial hurdles that could influence key parameters for the next stage of the project. It can be inferred that some of the challenges could include communication barriers, cultural differences, and resistance to change.

  1036. From the case study of XYZ
    1) conflicting interest arose between John’s morals and personal values with Williams organisational ethics and values. (Moral principle + code of practice)
    2) XYZ are use to cutting corners and not following due process in their dealings. They avoid proper research and just work with a generalized view that could jeopardize the project.(code of practice)
    3) John applied wisdom and professionalism to follow due process and get the job done properly without putting Karen in trouble, going against the ethics of XYZ and still get the job done.(Moral principle ) and (rules of conduct as applied by the global research company that XYZ engages for second opinion.)
    4) Contacting the global research company that XYZ deals with in carrying their research to make XYZ succumb to doing things John’s way was professional. John successfully delivered the first phase without having conflict with XYZ or going against their work ethics. (Code of operation)
    5) John was able to take a difficult decision for the interest of all the the actors involved in the project. That’s team spirit and leadership skill
    6) John did not compromise his values and moral values and still delivered the job . The inconsistency he met at XYZ posed a challenge but he tactically manouver .

    John maintained:
    -Team management
    -Technical skill
    -working in line with the right mix of the skills of others( Karen)
    – He paid attention to Karen and that’s how he worked out the puzzle created by William. Learning on the job.
    -Communication skill played a vital role in John’s success to deliver.

  1037. From my observation there’s a very big communication gap among them and there is no spirit of team work and so many other things that will cause a big lost to them

  1038. Reflecting on the case study, my observations are;
    * Lack of communication
    * No team work/sport
    * Poor adaptability
    * No prior/ proper research
    * On the part of John, I feel he wasn’t an accommodating PM
    * Inability to anticipate problems
    * Assumption
    * Undefined goal of the project by the team

  1039. Akinyande Olabambo Cohort 9 Team 2

    Professional Conduct featured are at XYZ scenario:
    John and Karen displayed ethical of Values, Ethical practice and moral principles while Williams was trying to cut corners. He was not going to take discussion among teams and steps to deliver the assignment.

    SKILLS that helped bring ethics
    into decision at XYZ Company were;
    Communication, Collaboration, Research, Ethical Practice, Negotiation and Empathy.

    Karen showed empathy which led to an open and straight talk with John. They both collaborated, highlighted the issues, generated ideas and possible solutions which pricked Karen to invest in the assignment. She made research that led to negotiation and decision.

    This, through empathy communication, collaboration, research, ethical practice and Negotiation, Joh and Karen were able to work ethically and achieve right resul.

  1040. William did not act ethically. He wasn’t considering the fact that he was in a team rather his actions were self driven which didn’t give room for team work. He felt John was an outworking personality that had no idea how things were done and instead of communication with him he simply go him to play along with an already written report. That on the other hand got John’s a little discouraged having to accept a report he felt did not capture the true risk of the project. Karen was smart and good at communicating with John to get through the huddle of improper analysis of the project risk by engaging John in an informal conversation and that got John to open up to the realities of the project. She didn’t stop there she also engaged close colleagues to further get more information on how to resolve the issue on ground and she got a solution. Again she showed great communication skills at getting John to buy into her solution and that got them to discover position treats was awaiting them in the next stage, which would have ended the project prematurely should they have gone ahead with Williams report!

  1041. Edibo Theophilus Cohort 9 (Team 3)

    Loop holes in APM PM Ethics that would have failed the project
    โ€ข Lack of meetings agree as a team
    โ€ข Too much assumption
    โ€ข Over confidence as to being bosses in their respective way
    Ethics that brought the project back on track
    โ€ข Collaboration and team work as well as negotiation amongst themselves
    โ€ข Consistency
    โ€ข Honesty
    โ€ข Effective communication
    โ€ข Good presentation
    โ€ข Critical thinking and risk analysis ( Karen)
    โ€ข Effective Time Management

  1042. Karen and john communicated very well โ€ฆ..William was almost compromised the value of their organisational reputation. However, Karenโ€™s opinion was a top notch thereby helping the team to carried out the engagement. They all contributed their quota one way or the other

    Adopted Ethics in the case study are;
    * good communication
    * Integrity
    * teamwork
    * Honesty
    * Feedback utilization.

  1043. William was almost compromised the value of their organisational reputation. However, Karen’s opinion was a top notch thereby helping the team to carried out the engagement.

    Adopted Ethics in the case study are;
    * Integrity
    * Engagement
    * Honesty
    * Feedback utilization.

    1. 1. Transparency and Honesty (John):John, the experienced project manager, is committed to ensuring the engagement program is carried out as planned. He expresses his surprise when he learns that the program has already been conducted and emphasizes the importance of obtaining genuine feedback from those on the ground. This shows his dedication to maintaining transparency and honesty in the project.

      2.Integrity and Accountability (Karen and John): Karen, a new team member, engages in an open and candid conversation with John about her concerns regarding the engagement report’s accuracy. John seeks her honest opinion and they both recognize the potential risks of not addressing the issue. Their willingness to confront potential problems and discuss potential solutions demonstrates their commitment to integrity and accountability.

      3. Ethical Dilemma Resolution (John and Karen): John and Karen find themselves facing an ethical dilemma about the accuracy of the engagement report. They acknowledge the risks of both accepting the report as is and challenging its accuracy. They work together to explore potential alternatives and solutions, ultimately leading to the idea of seeking external input from a reputable firm. This showcases their ability to address ethical dilemmas and make decisions that align with ethical principles.

      4. Looking Beyond Short-Term Impact (Karen): Karen, in her conversation with John, encourages him to consider the long-term reputation of the firm beyond just the immediate project. She suggests that by addressing the issue with integrity, the firm’s overall reputation and relationships with other clients could be preserved. This reflects her forward-thinking approach and consideration of the broader ethical implications.


    1.Karen and John communicated and collaborated effectively
    2.Karen was ready to learn and work hard.
    3.John was well conducted around.
    4.John felt he was taken aback as he was not properly informed of the engagement steps

    1. Teamwork
    2. Collaboration
    3. Consistency
    4. Honesty
    5. Effective communication
    6. Good presentation

  1045. The issues of professional conduct identified here are honesty and integrity. The opinion research John brought back was not a true reflection of the stakeholders’ opinion as the engagement programme was not held.

    The skills used to bring about ethics were:
    Empathy: showing concern for the project.
    Communication: John and Karen spent time talking about the problem and how to resolve it.
    Team work: They worked with some close colleagues in resolving the issues.
    Research: through online research they were able to find solution to the problem.

  1046. Good factors that will foster growth.
    1. Critical thinking
    2.Good communication skills
    3. Effective representation
    5. TEAMPLAYER etc

  1047. William is used to being the top of his game. Not only is he too optimistic but he lacks basic skills like communication, team work, empathy and negotiation.

    Karen and John were effective communicators and team players. They demonstrated Professionalism in the face of a tough situation they got into thanks to William’s poor Professional relationship skills.

  1048. *Communication

    Being honest about the situation and communicate effectively.

    1. William did not carry the team along at the beginning.

      At the end team work , communication, collaboration and hard work were important for the engagement aspect of the project.

  1049. As a project potential project manager, the skills and professional ethics saw was
    1. Team work which facilitates the exchange of ideas and opinions
    2. Effective communication and feedback which enhances proper dissemination and understanding of each other.
    3. Critical thinking which enables them to identify the problems that may come up if the report were accepted without been verified,
    4. Paying attention to details is important by every project manager.
    5. Been familiar with the environment plays a key role in their decision making.
    6. Being able to accept correction and ability to forcast the possible problems and taking adequate measures to combat it brought a great success to the team.

  1050. APM’s ethics case study.
    The issues of professional conduct in this scenario are:
    1. The ethics of the new company was not clearly made known to the new intakes.
    2. Teamwork spirit among them was lacking.
    3. No good communication among three of them.
    4. William did not show concern about the solution to the problem.

    The skills that were used in bring ethics into this decision are:
    1. Problem solving skills exibited by Karen. She had taken it upon herself to get the report that meet John’s demand.
    2. Good communication skills: Karen maintained good communication interaction with John until all the problems were solved.
    3. Karen did not get the reports and keep it to herself but revealed it to John until problems are solved.

  1051. COHORT 9, TEAM 8
    1) No team spirit on the part of William
    2) Lack of transparency and truthfulness
    3) Much assumption

    Skills used to bring back the project in line
    1) Effective communication
    2) Collaboration and Team spirit sought by Karen
    3) Critical thinking and risk analysis
    4) Problem solving
    5) Ethical thinking.
    6) Proper alignment as the extension or overtiming should communicated to team members
    7) Negotiation between Team members
    8) Financial Motivation or incentives to the workers
    9) The valuabilty of ethical rules is when positively followed and reward without bias.

    1. The first problem was that they didn’t get enough information about the ethics of the new company… Lack of communication too

  1052. Anthony Oluseyi Onabanjo
    Cohort 9 of team 2

    Lack of proper planning on arrival at the Host Country of the meeting
    Lack of good team leadership
    Absence of synergy
    Selfishness/inferiority complex beclouding realization

    Realization of error and boldness in tackling it systematically in a way that still keeps the team intact and friendly which is good for the team.

    Good communication skill was used to readdress the error identified in other to proffer a professional suitable method to achieve a common goal

    Refocusing on the morals, ethics and values of the said XYZ company being the possible mission and vision statement adopted by the duo, Karen and John.

    1. You are absolutely right.
      I also think the team didn’t consider the organisational values, to be very honest.

  1053. Issues in the case study was that there was no transparency as they were not completely honest with each other. There was a case of internal driven adversity from William wanting to go against their ethics and failing to work alongside as a team. Also for John he wasnโ€™t focused on the project completely.

    The skills used was communication when Karen communicated with John
    Another is negotiation and then research. Karen had to negotiate with John and also did a research to help in the project deliverables

  1054. From J,Tochi Cohort 9 Team 6

    From the case study this is a typical scenario that plays out whenever you handle most
    government projects and it puts one being ethical in a very challenging state. You always
    have issues of interests to protect.
    John wanted to protect the company’s interest and ensure that the project was well executed.
    Williams saw himself as wanting to ensure that the company got the contract at all cost as
    well ensuring future projects.
    Karen wanted to protect her employment and friendship with John.
    There was issues of communication, morality and values as well.
    However, John did a smart thing by setting up the communication channel with Karen a
    wanting to get the right opinion as well as a possible solution because no project manager
    knows it all.
    In the end, John acted professionally and was able get the needed information.

  1055. Issues in the case study was that there was no transparency as they were not completely honest with each other. There was a case of internal driven adversity from William wanting to go against their ethics and failing to work alongside as a team. Also for John he wasnโ€™t focused on the project completely.

    The skills used was communication when Karen communicated with John
    Another is negotiation and then research. Karen had to negotiate with John and also did a research to help in the project deliverables.

  1056. Project management issues highlighted here were:
    No team work in place, there was absence of communication, moreover, strategy on how to begin project implementation was not clearly stated .

    1. Issues:
      Lack of good teams
      Lack of transparency
      Much assumption

      Skills used to bring back the project in line
      1) Effective communication
      2) Collaboration and Teamwork spirit
      3) Critical thinking and risk analysis
      4) Problem solving
      5) Ethical thinking.
      6) Negotiation between Team members
      7) Effective Time Management

  1057. Cohort 9, Team 7
    1) No team spirit on the part of William
    2) Lack of transparency and truthfulness
    3) Much assumption

    Skills used to bring back the project in line
    1) Effective communication
    2) Collaboration and Team spirit sought by Karen
    3) Critical thinking and risk analysis
    4) Problem solving
    5) Ethical thinking.

  1058. By Joel Okwudili NNAMANI.
    Cohort 9, Team 5.
    Date: 13th August, 2023.

    The new firm created a nitche for itself.
    The people:
    John, an expirenced project manager was excited and positive about the new project overseas, however, he lost sight of his project and allowed William to influence him to take research report from a body that is not a stakeholder in the project. That is a breach of good ethical conduct.
    Karen suspected that the report looked too good a easily fitted. She almost missed opportunity to shicase are skill as a trained team member.
    In the end Karen employed her communication skills to bring back John on track.

    The theme and ethical skills that were touched:

    John initially lost the sight of the project. He suppose to lead all stakeholder throughout the lifecycle of the project.
    William, though a stakeholder, was not objective.
    There was an ethical delimma for Karen. She however made right decision later using her communication skills.

    Joel Okwudili Nnamani
    Cohort 9, Team 5.

  1059. The major project management issues identified were:
    1. Lack of communication
    2. There was no clear cut strategy on how to begin project implementation.
    3. There was also an issue of team work not being played here.

    In addressing the issue:
    1. Karen sat and reflected on her decisions.
    This helped the team to come together and have an open communication.
    2. They were able to strategically plan and come up with a clear course of action.
    3. There was improved team work and collaboration which led to the success of the project.

  1060. In the case study between John, Williams and kareez of XYZ company,below are the problems I noticed,
    1. There was an internal adversities to by pass the normal job ethics of making proper consultations with stakeholders before starting a project.
    2. Secondly, the was lack of proper communication between the team.
    3. Also I think the team spirit between them was down.
    The problem was solved by Kareez by the follicle meaning,
    1.she took time to think on her decision
    2. She ensured an unbiased communication between herself and John.
    3. The team spirit was restored and the work ethics properly followed before commencing a project.

    1. In the first place the three core ethics moral, value and principle were not adequately applied, instead of taking project decision in the proper project management process it was wrongly taken, but later restored back to achieved the project goal.

  1061. Based on my own view, in the case study of firm XYZ involving John, William and Karen. A couple of issues of professional conduct I could pin point from this scenario are:
    1. Internal Driven adversity
    2. Ethics in practice was not duly followed
    3.Lack of effective communication
    4. Team work was not present
    5. The procedure for handling a project was not carried out appropriately, this may include planning, risk analysis and execution.

    The skills used by Karen and John to help bring ethics into decisions are;
    1. Team work
    2. Effective communication
    3. Consultation
    4. Negotiation
    5. Ethics and standards

  1062. As a project manager, effective communication is key to achieve greater success in the project. Also, collaboration with team members plays vital role for greater achievements

    These skills are required to achieveing greater project together as a Team
    1. Communication and active listening
    2. Ethnical training and practice
    3. Teamwork
    4. Flexibility amongst the PM and Team members
    5. Understanding the structural roles

    1. From the scenario
      The issues identified from John side is the inability to take responsibility of the project work that brought him to the town. Also negligence from his angle, he was carried away by site seeing.
      From the William the issue identified from his side is lack of honesty. He was not truthful to John about the source of the information. In all they lack communication.

      Risk analysis

    2. Pleasant case study.

      From the case study, I could see some issues if professional malady encountered by the team.
      The were as follows:

      No effective communication from the Project Manager to the team members.

      The team face internal driven adversity.

      They almost compromised the organizational values(integrity, transparency etc)


      * Communication
      * Negotiation
      * Empathy

    3. Basically, there was a lot of issues from the on set.

      John was carried away not minding what brought him the new environment

      William too Wass acting to smart , thinking he’s helping out to easy the burden on John.

      Karen was initially sceptical to air her views, fear of not offending John and moreover she saw herself as a new commer in the company.

      Meanwhile, she sorted the issues out amicably.

      So, there was No communication
      No Risk management
      No collaboration

  1063. The team lacked certain values at the initial stage of the project.
    1. communication- not communicating clearly enough
    2. teamwork – not attacking the project as a team, but as individuals which slowed down the pace of work

    In the end, it took the decision of karen to ‘collaborate’ with both internal and external team members to salvage the project.

  1064. From the case study shown, I observed that there was a lack of communication from William to john about starting up and discussing with the stakeholders of the project. karen who was the new intake in the company had to bring the both of them to come to an understanding and come up with possible solutions by partnering with another global company.

    There was also a point where john wanted to go against the company ethics and values but also karen reminded him about the major reason the company was founded and the codes, ethics and moral values it was built on. so John won’t go against them

    1. 1. Williams should have played a ‘Team Player’ & When John observed that he was supposed to call his attention to it.

      2. Williams thought what he was doing was for the greater good of the project and the organization (which it was) but there was a lack of Clear communication here.

      3. Karen observed some discrepancies which she ought to have brought to John’s attention but was afraid to do so.
      This is where the organisation should encourage more of innovation and constructive criticism.

      Realizing this, Karen and John decided to brainstorm about the possible hurdles that will affect the project and came out with a uniformed decision.

  1065. Communication is vital in every organizational setting and should be effectively used especially as a Project Manager.

    As a Project Manager, it is important to have a Team spirit and avoid being too bossy. Your team members suggestion/contribution should not be completely swept under the carpet. Rather, it deliberated upon, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

  1066. Issues:
    1 The research work excepted to be done as a team, was done separately and provided to John
    2 John should have asked for the itinerary and plan from the day he arrived, since he came for business, having a tour should only be considered after work and not important.
    3 William assummed the work to be done was just to provide the report, and missed the point of Team work, as lessons will be learnt from the engagement with that stakeholder which can help the project.
    4 Karen was not open to John and dint want to criticize his report

    Skills used to bring back the project in Line
    1 Collaboration
    2 Problem solving
    3 Risk Analysis
    4 Communication

    1. Being honest about your opinions and what you think could affect a project is very important, regardless of how your colleagues may not like it. Being able to lay out every possible fears and outcome on the table would help in making best decisions.
      Keeping to certain agreements laid out at the beginning of a project is also important. Just because someone presents you a result that you are not comfortable with even though it is to your advantage may not be best for the outcome of a project. We need to ensure we follow through and verify every data or information and do our due deligence on factors that may affect our project

    2. The team lacked communication, teamwork and clearly written modes of operations that must be adhered to at all time.

      1. At first, the task wasn’t duly assigned hence John and William weren’t too sure of who was to carry out which task. If this was spelt out at the beginning, William wouldn’t have gone ahead without carrying John along.

        John wasn’t ethical, as he didn’t face the business he came for, he chose to go for sight seeing, which isn’t professional.

        Karen on the other hand, fostered team work and took some steps that saved the situation.

        In all, the place of communication shouldn’t be neglected

  1067. Effective communication is really a key within the project team in delivering an effective project we can see that between Karen and John when they had a little chat and from there they were able to go over a supposed project that could have caused the organisation of their reputation. Coherency between team members is also essential, if Karen had stayed her own lane and keep her idea from John, it would have caused the organisation a lot and that would have show incompetency of the company in delivering such projects to clients in the future.

    1. These are the few of them
      1. Communication and active listening
      2. Ethnical training and practice
      3. Teamwork
      4. Flexibility amongst the PM and Team members
      5. Understanding the structural roles

      1. As a project manager, effective communication is key to achieve greater success in the project. Also, collaboration with team members plays vital role for greater achievements

  1068. Reflecting on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions:-

    1. Communication and active listening
    2. Ethnical training and practice
    3. Teamwork
    4. Flexibility amongst the PM and Team members
    5. Positive thinking

  1069. One of the issues of professional conduct is undefined deliverables. There was no clear communication on how the engagement program will be carried out, that is, who should handle that aspect of the project.

    In the aspect of skills used to bring ethics into decisions, the honest discussion between John and Karen paved the way for risk assessment of the situation. Karen was able able to collaborate with other team members which resulted in a brainwave. Also, the values of the company were maintained in the whole scenario.

  1070. As a project manager you must have a team spirit, learn the act of communication which is key, be transparent in everything you do and carry everyone along

    1. You as a project manager, collaborating with your team member is keen, effective communication is key to achieve greater success in the project. Also, collaboration with team members plays vital role for greater achievements. Anything short of that will mare the goal of the project.

  1071. William did not follow the code of moral principles, but as a team the three agencies work as a team by given out the views concerning the project. In order to influence the project, the project main manager which is John bring out the major ethics in the project which are code of practice, moral principles, team work and ethical practices.
    Karen behaved professional in carrying all the agencies involved along in order to succeed in the project

  1072. Cohort9 Team5

    1. Transparency and honesty: Professionals should strive to be transparent and honest in their communication and actions, ensuring that all relevant information is disclosed to stakeholders.

    2. Confidentiality: Respecting the confidentiality of sensitive information and maintaining privacy when required is crucial in maintaining professional conduct.

    3. Objectivity: Professionals should make decisions based on objective criteria and avoid personal biases or conflicts of interest.

    4. Respect for stakeholders: Professionals should consider the rights, interests, and perspectives of all stakeholders involved and treat them with respect.

    5. Accountability: Taking responsibility for actions, ensuring accountability for decisions made, and learning from any mistakes or oversights is an important aspect of professional conduct.

    Integrating ethical considerations into decision-making requires various skills. Some skills that may be employed are:

    1. Critical thinking: Evaluating information, analyzing potential consequences, and considering ethical implications are vital skills when integrating ethical considerations.

    2. Communication: Effectively articulating ethical concerns, discussing potential solutions, and engaging in dialogue with stakeholders can help ensure ethical behavior is prioritized.

    3. Problem-solving: Identifying ethical dilemmas, brainstorming alternative solutions, and selecting the best course of action that upholds ethical standards are crucial skills.

    4. Ethical reasoning: Applying ethical frameworks, standards, or codes of conduct to analyze situations and make principled decisions.

  1073. The case study centers on a tiny project consultant that just recently won a contract with a foreign government organization. John, a seasoned project manager from the company, is given the responsibility of setting up a program to involve local employees and collect feedback. But William, a significant employee of the client agency, already has the feedback thanks to a research company, raising ethical issues. John works with Karen, a recent hire at the company, to solve the problem. They eventually bring in a bigger, international company for an objective examination, which reveals tangible obstacles. Integrity, honesty, and the difficulty of facing painful realities in project management are among the ethical topics.

  1074. Teamwork is important in every project management, method of communication is an essential tool and brainstorming every ideas and suggestions from each of the team members is important in getting a perfect job don . Rules and regulations should be a road map intrapersonal relationship. Organizations values and moral principles should be at the forefront. Keeping focus on details during communications is vital. Giving and encouraging relevant questions and getting feed back amongst team creates stronger communications ability.
    Ogunleye Mosunmola Lizzy

  1075. Project management entails good communication skills , Team work and Knowledge of regulatory environment so the illustration lacks the above mentioned. Team work is very important in other to achieve more because in togetherness we achieve more and effectively.

    1. The Project plan created was not followed by William who just went with external adversity and gave the report to John who was surprised by the whole process because of the moral principles and values of the firm but showed leadership by listening to Karen’s concerns who after seeing the report anticipated issues.

      Team Management
      Anticipate issues
      Problem Solving

  1076. Alex’s team was made up of diverse and highly skilled individuals, including Sarah, a brilliant software engineer. Sarah was not only technically proficient but also had a warm and friendly demeanor that made her well-liked by the team. As the project progressed, Alex and Sarah found themselves working closely on various aspects of the project. Their professional interactions gradually developed into a personal connection, and they began spending more time together outside of work.

    As their personal relationship grew stronger, ethical concerns began to arise:

    Transparency Issues:
    Alex and Sarah’s growing personal relationship was not disclosed to the rest of the team. This lack of transparency led to speculation and rumors among team members, causing discomfort and potentially affecting team dynamics.

    Conflicts of Interest:
    Alex and Sarah’s personal relationship created potential conflicts of interest. Team members started noticing that Sarah was receiving preferential treatment, such as being assigned to critical tasks or receiving more flexible deadlines.

    Professional Conduct:
    Alex’s behavior towards Sarah was perceived by some team members as unprofessional, leading to questions about the fairness of performance evaluations and project decisions.

    Ethical Skills Applied:

    Clear Communication and Active Listening:
    Recognizing the ethical concerns, Alex decided to have an open and honest conversation with Sarah. They both agreed to disclose their relationship to the team and share their commitment to maintaining professionalism and fairness.

    Ethical Training and Practice:
    Drawing upon their ethical training, Alex and Sarah proactively addressed the potential conflicts of interest. They made a conscious effort to treat all team members equitably, ensuring that Sarah’s contributions were evaluated objectively.

    Note: The names are not real.

  1077. Identify some issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

    1. Failure of the project manager to uphold the SLA with the client
    2. Transparency Issues
    3. Internal driven adversities (Karen prioritized her circumstances over the project and clientโ€™s interests)
    4. Poor Communication between the PM and client representative
    5. The PM failed to demonstrate integrity (manipulation of data and unbacked assumptions and premise) thus, contravening the code of practice and moral principles
    6. Involvement of a third party might have jeopardized the interest of the project stakeholder if due diligence was not carried out and approved

    Reflections on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions. They include

    1. Clear communication and active listening
    2. Ethnical training and practice
    3. Teamwork
    4. Research and collaboration
    5. Critical thinking

  1078. The case study revolves around XYZ, a small project consultancy that recently secured an overseas contract with an overseas government agency. John, an experienced project manager from XYZ, is tasked with organizing an engagement program with local workers to gather feedback. However, William, a key person from the client agency, already has the feedback through a research firm, leading to ethical concerns. Karen, a new addition to XYZ, collaborates with John to address the issue. They eventually involve a larger global firm for an unbiased review, revealing material hurdles. The ethical themes include integrity, transparency, and the challenge of confronting uncomfortable truths in project management.

  1079. Unethical behavior results from a lack of professionalism. An intrapersonal relationship’s road map should consist of rules and regulations. Values and moral standards of the organization should come first. It’s crucial to pay attention to details when communicating. Stronger team communications are created by asking and promoting pertinent questions and soliciting feedback.

  1080. In my opinion, one thing stands out here more than all others and that is communication. Despite being hesitant about expressing her opinion, Karen found a way to communicate to John that she had a particular view the engagement.
    John on the other hand, was open to feedback and positive criticism, which paved the way to good team work and the betterment of the project.

  1081. communication was lagging among the three of them, I wouldnโ€™t call them team because they are still at the stage of storming in team formation, The issue of ethics come play also, William is guilty of this, he cut corners and brought a report even before deliberation on how to go about it took place. They are lacking in communication, team formation, interpersonal skills, negotiation skill which william would have used to convince or get convinced as to why his opinion may not stand.
    The positive at the end is that two members were able to communicate, Keren and John put extra effort to see that ethics of such report taking was carried, they refuse to compromise. Lack of critical thinking. There is no team work as well

  1082. Princewill Azubuike | Cohort 8 | Team 2

    Identified issues in the case study include:

    Communication ambiguity between William and John.
    Insufficient record-keeping.
    Neglecting organizational values and principles.
    William displaying strong personal opinions.
    Making unwarranted assumptions from William’s side.
    Lack of clear expectations.
    Lack of collaboration and teamwork on William’s side.
    John and Karen addressed these problems by implementing the following solutions:

    Fostering good, open, honest, and transparent communication.
    Promoting teamwork and collaboration.
    Emphasizing alignment with organizational values to ensure project continuity.
    Encouraging thorough research and consideration of different perspectives.
    Facilitating one-on-one or personal meetings with project team members.
    Promoting collaboration and cooperation among team members.
    Encouraging regular feedback and communication for continuous improvement.

    1. Lack of professionalism brews unethically behaviors . Rules and regulations should be a road map intrapersonal relationship. Organizations values and moral principles should be at the forefront. Keeping focus on details during communications is vital. Giving and encouraging relevant questions and getting feed back amongst team creates stronger communications ability.

    2. There was poor Communication, lack of teamwork and transparency between the PM and client representative and also theInvolvement of a third party might have jeopardized the interest of the project stakeholder if due diligence was not carried out and approved

      Reflections on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions. They include: Clear communication and active listening, Ethnical training and practice, Teamwork and Research and collaboration

  1083. There is poor communication among the team members. They also did not uphold organizational values and exhibit poor work ethics.
    Effective communication from top to bottom and vice versa is key to the successful delivery of projects.

  1084. Lack of honesty , poor communication, ,lack of team work/team spirit. The above skills were lacking which made some team members make decisions without proper consultation or brain storming with other team members

    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into decision made:
    1. A P.M is a chaos jonkey hence, the reason why they had to sit back, have long brainstorming meeting to look thoroughly and through the project plan.

    They had to come to a conclusion that if they wanted the project to be successful and hitch free, then there’s a need to carry every team member along and have a meeting with them,before commencement of the project.

    The PM was a good listener

  1085. Lack of honesty , poor communication, ,lack of team work/team spirit. The above skills were lacking which made some team members make decisions without proper consultation or brain storming with other team members

    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into decision made:
    1. A P.M is a chaos jonkey hence, the reason why they had to sit back, have long brainstorming meeting to look thoroughly and through the project plan.

    They had to come to a conclusion that if they wanted the project to be successful and hitch free, then there’s a need to carry every team member along and have a meeting with them,before commencement of the project.

    1. From the case study, it was obvious they lacked professional ethics as we are taught. There was no collaboration or teamwork, and there is a wide gap in their communication. Even though you have a good idea, it must be well channelled to others, We must build self-confidence in ourselves, you are to be confirmed should not stop your ethical behaviour in relation to your profession. We must work as a team and be committed to our individual and team success

  1086. I think communication was lagging among the three of them, I wouldn’t call them team because they are still at the stage of storming in team formation, The issue of ethics come play also, William is guilty of this, he cut corners and brought a report even before deliberation on how to go about it took place. They are lacking in communication, team formation, interpersonal skills, negotiation skill which william would have used to convince or get convinced as to why his opinion may not stand.
    The positive at the end is that two members were able to communicate, Keren and John put extra effort to see that ethics of such report taking was carried, they refuse to compromise. They were able to carry out risk assessment and analysis of the report and would save xyz it reputation, image, and cost for running things against regulation.

  1087. I think they failed to collaborate, their teamwork was very poor and their communication wasn’t effective.
    The had an original plan, William jumped the gun and just did what he wanted and took the shortcut.
    This took a toll on the teams progress, they eventually had to start from ground zero. I cant really say anything positive about the entire scenario because at the end of the day William was still left out from the eventual outcome.
    in short, team work was zero, communication was zero.

  1088. Communication played a crucial role in both the problem and its eventual solution. John was aware of the issue with the report but didn’t communicate it to William. Kate felt uneasy about the report but managed to address it through effective communication and negotiation, avoiding confrontation. It is commendable that Kate and John prioritized their organization and worked to uphold its culture of excellence, which it was renowned for.
    Therefore, communication is important as an integral factor for the sucess of any project. A good and effective Project Manager must have great communication skills and ensure the team to communicate well.

  1089. Karen and John’s collaboration was critical in overcoming the obstacles they had in obtaining appropriate and necessary information from their clients. Another point worth emphasizing is that, despite having more experience than Karen, John was prepared to listen to her and consider her comments.When it comes to project management, Active Listening cannot be overstated. Communication and teamwork also contribute to the project’s success.

  1090. A lot of the problem and eventual solution was hinged on communication.

    1) John knew there was a problem with the report but failed to communicste same to William
    2) Kate wasn’t comfortable with the report and almost glossed over it.
    However, kudos to Kate rather than being confrontational was able to use effective communication and negotiation to resolve the issue with John.
    3) it is good that Kate and John prioritised their organisation and sought to maintain the culture of excellence which their organisation was known for.

  1091. Karen was able to identify a flaw in the report and communicate this with John and together they were able to review it and identify the gaps thereby taking a collective action to correct it.
    The skills employed include communication, negotiation, understanding of ethics etc

  1092. What I deducted from the case study is that they lacked effective communication and collaboration at initial stage, when Williams went ahead making plans without involving John. They didnโ€™t carry each other along.
    Karen was more concerned about her job when she noticed the lapses. Instead of walking up to John and share her opinion, she was more concerned about his reaction.
    They later fixed the problem by communicating effectively and collaborating.

  1093. What I deducted from the case study is that they lacked effective communication and collaboration at initial stage, when Williams went ahead making plans without involving John. They didn’t carry each other along.
    Karen was more concerned about her job when she noticed the lapses. Instead of walking up to John and share her opinion, she was more concerned about his reaction.
    They later fixed the problem by communicating effectively and collaborating.

  1094. In the first instance, the morals to prioritize work before leisure was lacking, and this later paved way for a compromise on delivering on the values of XYZ that instead of John insisting on the real work, he gave in to letting Williams talk him into getting information that are not confirmed. On the other instance, the effective communication and teamwork between John and Karen in view of the organizational value ensured they put emotions aside in other to get the work done

  1095. They lacked effective communication and ability to work as a team.
    Not paying considerable attention to the team members suggestions.

  1096. They lacked effective communication and ability to work as a team.
    Not paying considerable attention to the team member.

  1097. Poor communication
    Not being transparent at the start is one problem that affect the delay of the project

  1098. Problems Observed
    1. Poor Communication among the team members
    2. Lack of focus on upholding organizational values
    3. Unclear Expectations from each team members
    4. Project Manager not able to control and oversee the team

    1. Good, honest and open communication culture should be encouraged among the team members
    2. Creating a template for organizational code of ethics and value will help promote the organization values which each member can relate to
    3. Setting goals and standard for the team will help each member to be focus
    4. Project Manager should be ready to take lead and be in control of the team

  1099. In this scenario, basically effective communication, objectivity and reinforcing a clear understanding of the goal with regards to mutual inclusiveness by all team member should be effectively highlighted. (Uwadibie)

  1100. Work Ethics is another strong skill a project manager must possess because if you have a good communication skill and lack proper work ethics you end up looking the project. A sustainable project rides on good ethics.

  1101. For a successful project, you have to be a good listener, be patient and also be open to suggestions and ideas. Must be a good observer so you k ow when a client is unsatisfied and just pretending to be. Communication is key

  1102. Always welcome a different opinion. No one is an island of knowledge.

    As a project manager, you will work with people of diverse experience who use diverse strategies to solve a situation. Welcome Ideas and reason it together.

  1103. As we all know communication is a key, team work is essential and also consistency and good timing are tools to a successful project

  1104. William seems to exhibit a certain strain of negligence to detail, common to government workers and agencies. Although he thinks he is a people person, I believe that he might just be surrounded by people who tell him what he wants to hear as he clearly lacks the skill of anticipating hurdles in the project execution process.
    Also, Karen seems to care more about retaining her job than ensuring that the project is executed efficiently. It took her a while to come up with the right communication technique to bring it the John’s notice
    Taking a while to think critically about solutions to the problem clearly worked out.

  1105. One of the issues I identified is that Williams failed to carry along John and missed out on applying communication skills and communicating to John in a way he should understand because every stakeholder have their communication style.

    the skills identified in the scenario are:-
    -Communication skills
    -Knowledge of ethics and standards
    -Risk management

  1106. Karen lacks the confidence to communicate effectively with the team when she saw the red flags. The importance of communication in project management can never be over over emphasized.
    I also noticed improper planning from the beginning of the project.

    My recommendations
    1. Effective Communication:
    2. Time management
    3. Ethic and Standard
    4. Continuing professional development

  1107. Some of the issues are
    1. Breach of standard operating procedure by Williams to carry out the engagement
    2. Lack of communication and teamwork Wiliam when he decided to make that decision
    3. Insincerity on John’s part to report to the organisation the issue with his engagement at the initial stage

    Some of the skills deployed to resolve this dilemma include
    1. Teamwork and communication; by opening up to Karen, they were able to work together to find a solution

    2. Negotiation skills, by discussing and negotiating with the larger organisation to get a better report on the engagement
    3. Time and resource management, they found a better solution that did not require their conducting the engagement by theirselves

  1108. What a scenario, I honestly learned from it. Especially when Karen tried to tell John, to think look beyond this project, and also drawing John’s attention to the fa r that she (Karen) Joined the organization because of her reputation.

  1109. I feel their no real team work at the beginning especially with John and Willam, their a sense of pride between them and the understanding between both of them was lacking, which questions their moral behavior and values of the company and project the are representing. Karen who is new to the system,played a part too to making the project almost a failure when she put her personal interest instead focusing on making the project work but she later understood the situation and played a role of a team manager, anticipating issues that may occur &
    good planning technique ie the ability to think outside the box which revived the project.

  1110. For a project to be successful team work and communication is important.
    williams did not even comminication with john before going ahead to carry out report on engagement program.To me william’s is like a line manager with all the connections but then John is the project manager.enagaing all team memebers bringing out their views and ideas that is what makes a project works not just some randomed sketched report.Also Karen acted well and should observe the room before speaking and John acted like a good Pm by engaging Karen.

  1111. Karen, demonstrated an high level of professionalism. Firstly, was her manner of approach to john in highlighting her views towards the projects. John on the other hand, was willing to listen to the view of her junior colleague and tried as much as possible to deliberate on the solution.

    William, acted unethically.

  1112. List of Issues of professional conduct Featured in the scenario are;
    Lack of proper communication with team members,
    Lack of synergy (between John and Williams)

    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved are
    identification of possible challenges
    Identification And mitigation possible Risk
    Researching on the subject matter
    Internal and external Collaboration
    Constructive Criticism

  1113. The unethically behavior or act noticed was Williamโ€™s willingness to forgo the engagement process and work with a report that he hasnโ€™t properly examined. A clear display of external diversity was noticed. He was willing to cut corners and had already made plans on what to do with the PM, John and his team member when they arrive.
    I also observed lack of proper communication, inconsideration of professional ethics and transparency on the part of John. When he noticed some not quite right, he didnโ€™t own up to discuss with team member. He kept his thoughts and contemplations to himself.

    Skills displayed to ransom the situation

    These Skills were majorly shown by Karen and John was able to buy into it and worked with her very well. The skills are
    1. Communication: Karen stepped up and was able to present her concerns in a proper and ethical manner.
    2. Knowledge of the regulatory environment: Karenโ€™s knowledge of what is obtainable in the field of interest and her quest to know more by researching on her own.
    3. Negotiation
    4. Ethics and Standards

    Nnaji Miracle I.
    Cohort 8
    Team 7

    1. Communication was the major issue. There must be clear communication within team members and also clear communication to clients and stakeholders.

  1114. The unethically behavior or act noticed was Williamโ€™s willingness to forgo the engagement process and work with a report that he hasnโ€™t properly examined. A clear display of external diversity was noticed. He was willing to cut corners and had already made plans on what to do with the PM, John and his team member when they arrive.
    I also observed lack of proper communication, inconsideration of professional ethics and transparency on the part of John. When he noticed some not quite right, he didnโ€™t own up to discuss with team member. He kept his thoughts and contemplations to himself.

    Skills displayed to ransom the situation

    These Skills were majorly shown by Karen and John was able to buy into it and worked with her very well. The skills are
    1. Communication: Karen stepped up and was able to present her concerns in a proper and ethical manner.
    2. Knowledge of the regulatory environment: Karenโ€™s knowledge of what is obtainable in the field of interest and her quest to know more by researching on her own.
    3. Negotiation
    4. Ethics and Standards

  1115. Godsplan K. Ugwuja (Cohort 8, team 5).

    The issues of ethics I noticed there was the propensity to cut corners and not properly carry out the research meant to be done, probably to save time or money or both.

    There was also the issue of whether John and Karen would go with the flow or stand up for what they knew what right.

    At the end of the day, Karen displayed great diplomacy by broaching the matter to John in a jocular manner to gauge the severity of the whole issues. They both also went ahead to reach out to a bigger firm and do the required research properly.

  1116. Ndidiamaka Ijeoma Favour (NIF) Eneojo.
    Cohort 8 Team 7
    Module 2 Lesson 20 Acting ethically – (Discussion)

    Matter for Discussion
    โ€ข Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?
    โ€ข Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?

    The issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario; I could observe include
    โ€ข Lack of communication
    โ€ข dishonesty,
    โ€ข compromising negatively,
    โ€ข insincerity.
    โ€ข Inconsistency in keeping to organisational culture, values and principles

    The skills that were used to bring ethics into decision include
    โ€ข the eagle eyes skill of Lady
    โ€ข her courage in speaking up
    โ€ข organisational Values and Moral principles that she was used to
    โ€ข Communication
    โ€ข Team work

  1117. The major ethical concern noticed here were lack of communication, lack of interpersonal relationship and team playing among the individuals.
    Communication is the key to effective management as nothing can be done without communication; it is the bed rock for team work, collaboration and effective project execution.

  1118. Challenges:
    1. Lack of effective communication.
    2. Lack of teamwork for effective results.
    Team spirit
    Good listener

  1119. Poor communication and lack of understanding of the organisational value amongst the team members gave rise to the initial challenges. Communication is pivotal in every project management.

  1120. Issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario are
    – Lack of proper communication
    – Lack of teamwork and Interpersonal relationship between John and Williams

    Skills that were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved are
    – Risk Identification
    – Collaboration
    – Teamwork
    – Constructive Criticism

  1121. The ethical concern I noticed here was jumping processes on the part of Williams, on the other hand John’s organization has a reputation to protect and uphold, hence, his reaction when he first found out that the key process which will significantly impact the next level of the project has been surpassed. Karen was also quick to observe that if they work with the report provided by Williams, the reputation of their company will be compromised.
    It’s obvious they have an excellent organizational culture for mutual satisfaction.
    To solve the problem without terminating the contract, Karen made her research, reached out to collaborate with the local agency to get actual reports for the project.
    They worked as a team also in solving the problem.

  1122. I observed that so many things were lacking which is what you need to have a successful project.

    What you need are:

    1. Proper communication
    2. Team Spirit
    3. Humility
    . Critical Reasoning

    1. Breach of communication between John and William. This could be referred to as not following the Code of Practice. Ideally the proper practice of communication should always have the project manager as the center channel, but William did not carry John along. William felt like sharing only the results with John, that is not Ethical Practice. John needs to know all the process of the project.
      Keran in a bid to practice Moral Principles and Rules of Conduct, did not share her opinion with the whole team.

  1123. In the initial stage, there was a communication breach between John and Williams this is what we termed “external adversities”, which left Mr. Williams in a complex decision making looking at his organizational goal, ethic, and core values which defined them.
    But after sitting down with a team member, with proper communication, and project mapping, core value also set in, research was conducted, and teamwork was in full play.
    At last, the problems were resolved and the project’s success was recorded

    1. In the scenario given, I was able to identify some issues regarding Hahn and Karen which are Decisions to terminate the project early showing lack of proper time management and also venue problems and language Barriers which is also an effect of communication and knowledge of the regulatory environment

      The skills that were used in the scenario to help bring ethics into the decisions was proper communication when Karen made sure that the options for continuing the project was clear ,being positive towards team management and organization, and continuing professional development.

  1124. I Observed that for project to succeed there must be effective communication, Teamwork, Humility, Morals and Values.

  1125. I feel that John was more goal-oriented in this situation but did not apply the skills of analyzing the scope of work and just wanted approval since it was important for the company to get such a great job.

    John was the client’s representative and we were willing to build a relationship before developing trust. Seeing John cut the interaction short, he accepted to provide the necessary documents on the scope of work.

    Karen was observant and analyzed her situation and did not want to risk losing her newly acquired job. She was keen to detail analyzed the stakes and logistics and saw that some details were missing and she really wanted the project to be well analyzed for proper execution.

    I see a weakness in observation from John and following up on the stakes of the job.
    I see strong moral principles in Karen as much as she is green she sees the need to act accordingly. Her weakness is the fear of being confident to share her honest opinions.

    There are a few shortcomings but eventually, a difficult decision was made to actually help the project become a better future success.

  1126. Teamwork is paramount in every project management, ways of communication is an essential tool and analyzing every ideas and suggestions from each of the team members is important in getting an ideal job..

  1127. Some issues of professionals conducts featured in this scenarios are:
    – Karen first had communications issues and fear concerning the feedback she did get from John if she were to spell out her sincere opinion on John’s feedback.
    -They didn’t see the coming together to work on the report as team spirit and a way to thoroughly understand the direction of the project.
    -Taking photos of John to make feel apart of the report.
    The skill used to help bring ethics into decision used in people involved in this scenarios are:
    Collaborative and emotional intelligent skill: Karen went ahead to think outside the box by carrying out more researches to convince John that they were a team.
    -Organizational skill: Karen went ahead to spot out the risk in John’s report and how it was a challenge to the report so it does not affect the company’s reputation.

  1128. They used communication as tool for collaboration as a team.

    Effectiveness of communication makes easier project results. There shouldn’t be communication gaps as mostly seen in some projects delivery. Communication Intels listening effectively to your downlines , put yourself in their shoes and be open minded and be deplomatic while carrying everyone along.

  1129. Some issues of professional conduct identified in the APM case studies includes:
    1. William did not pay attention to team work. He was too forward
    2. Negligence of Organization culture
    3. Karenโ€™s inability to communicate her concerns and feedback in order not avoid uncomfortable situations for herself

    Some skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by those involved includes:
    1. emotional intelligence displayed by Karen in finding a proper way to communicate her concerns with John
    2. John’s willingness to listen to her opinion and work togther with her
    3. Karen’s ability to do proper research and leverage on her connections with the other company

  1130. This is a case of Professional Conduct, moral principles and ethics

    William just delivered a written report. Whereas the engagement didn’t take happen. Took a photo shoot of John at the local charity to assume the work has taken place. And John who wanted a thorough work to be done didn’t want to object to avoid conflict. Same as Karen, so she could be in the good book and pass her probationary time

    The Skills used to help bring ethics into decision involved; Communication skills, Organizational Skills, Collaboration skills, Honesty and transparency.

  1131. Couple of issues of Professional Conduct about ethics
    1. Result delivered by William were just written up. Meaning the proposed engagement did not take place.
    2. They use the information of others with the view that it reflects their views
    3. They took a quick photo shoot of John at the local charity to assume the work has taken place
    4. Karen’s inability to critique the perfect report presented by John for fear of not passing the probationary period

    The Skills used to help bring ethics into decision used by the people involved
    1. Communication skills – one on one discussion to address the issues raised
    2. Organizational Skills – Mapping the risk in the report to generate challenges about the report in order to guard the reputation of their organization
    3. Networking skills – Where their organization gets across the big firm that helps with the detail of the work done by that company that generated the initial report
    4. Honesty – Reputation for a straight and hard talk to address these issues.

  1132. Karren though a green horn, understood the importance of communication and knows the appropriate method of communication to use. She put forward her opinion on the project and determined the risks involved, John being a good team manager listened and they were able to achieve their desired goal because the whole team was carried along.
    They are all good team players and exhibited that in their individual contributions to the project.

  1133. Karren understood the importance of communication and most importantly the method of communication, she communicated her opinion on the project and calculated the risks involved, John being a good team manager listened and they were able to achieve their desired goal because the whole team was carried along.
    They are all good team players and exhibited that in their individual contributions to the project.

  1134. Few professional conduct that are clearly seen in the APM case studies are as follow:
    โ€ขDifficiency in Team Work
    โ€ข Negligence of Organization culture

    Basically, John needs to get better in communication because it is a key feature of a Project manager .

  1135. John broke ethical conduct by relying on a report prepared by William, which report was supposed to be prepared by him John.

    Though he had doubts about the reliability of the report given to him by William, he was still willing to go ahead to use the report for the next phase of the project because he didn’t want to offend the client William.

    Karen also immediately noticed the faulty report and was willing to overlook it just to save her new job.

    Luckily these ethical errors were corrected by the means of communication and negotiation, as Karen and John were able to later communicate properly and seek the help of a new firm which was able to get them the correct report needed for their project.

  1136. Some issues of professional conduct identified inAPM case studies include:
    1.Lack of communication
    2.Lack of teamwork
    3.Neglecting the organizational value
    Skilled used to help bring ethics into decisions
    2. Collaborating
    3. Research

    1. Effective communication, great team spirit, ensuring the team buys into the vision and mission is a great way to deal.

  1137. Communication is the key and a project manager should communicate clear and polite.
    Team work is also important don’t be a one man gang always carry your team along.
    Show some level of empathy to the team.
    Consistency and seriousness towards the project

  1138. There was an effective communication, the team spirits in them helped them to achieve their set goals. As a project manager, effective communication is key to achieving your goals

  1139. The ethical issues highlighted:
    1. Poor collaboration between xyz and the government agency
    2. No adherence to organizational values and moral principles on the part of the local government agency as they tried to conceal the underlying problems
    3. External driven disaster

    Skills employed:
    1. Good communication between project team of XYZ
    2. Team spirit
    3. Empathy and attentiveness to details
    4. Honesty of XYZ project management team
    5. Research

  1140. The reason why people management lack ethics at work could be traced by individual differences which might affect the work rate and communication in workplace. Distractions and lack of discipline is another challenge for adhering to work ethics.

    1. Some issues of professional conduct identified in the APM case studies includes:
      1. Lack of Team Work as a displayed by Williams
      2. Negligence of Organization culture of Integrity and Honesty as exemplified by Williams
      3. Karenโ€™s initial reluctance in communicating her honest opinion to John for fear of being black-listed.

      Some skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by those involved includes:
      1. Effective Communication and Honesty as exemplified by Karen
      2. Humility is Openness to others Opinions as exemplified by John
      3. Team work and Critical Thinking as examplified by John and Karen

  1141. The issues of professional conduct is Karen trying to hide the problem’s with John’s report in order to protect her reputation in the organisation and also wanting to furnish the report so that they would not miss the contract.

    The skills that were used to bring ethics into the decisions were communication, negotiation and collaboration.

  1142. At first John was distracted by what he was seeing and observing.
    they lacked team work, good communication.
    knowing when to speak and knowing when not to speak is essential in a team as a leader and a member.

  1143. What i observe concerning the issues of unprofessional conduct of xyz company
    1. lack of effective communication between team
    2. lack of team work
    3. bridging the ethical processes or instruction
    for the case of william, when it comes to teamwork or company work, i will say to him that he should drop self ambition, you don^t bring ambition into team work, he is expected to follow the company laid down instructions, principles and processes no matter how slow he thinks the instructions, principles and processes is, even God created man and told him to have dominion over everything but the same man he gave instructions, laws on how to live just also the same way the persons who invented mobile phones gave us manual instructions that we must follow on how to use them, chemistry will say you don^t turn water into acid instead you turn acid into water, if you dont follow it! you collect!

    And also for john, you dont accept or collect proposal or plans from someone who did not consult you as the project manager first before going ahead to make plans, i will likely it to how Adam accepted the fruit from his wife Eve without asking questions and eat and he doomed.
    Also for karen, you dont work for a company because of the company reputation, you will not be able to keep up with it, you should work because you have passion for that work and it is your purpose, A car does not move because it has four tyres, it only move because there is something called fuel and oil inside it. so passion is the fuel and oil for purpose.

    Now i want to commend john and karen for being able to come together to sort things out.
    they were able to sit down and openly talk things out, a big thumbs up for john for being open to others person ideas as the project manager. so they were to work this ethics out
    1, Good communication
    2. teamwork and team spirit
    3. and lastly researching

  1144. A successful project execution requires all managers to be on board with the plan and the action plan. Blindsiding a project partner/colleague is unethical and could result in a serious conflict of interest. Further, all project partners could have avoided problems later if the processes had been thoroughly vetted. All parties involved in a project must be in agreement and understand the risks and potential issues that may arise in order for the project to succeed. Due to lack of understanding, miscommunication, and potential conflicts of interest, blindsided partners put the project at risk of failure. Further, surprises can lead to expensive delays and unanticipated expenses that could be avoided if all parties were kept informed.

  1145. William should have communicated with the other 2 about the project’s progress. I like the fact that John and the lady were able to correct everything.

  1146. As we all know, when dealing with clients, professionalism have to play a major role. Using the case study presented, XYZ firm with co-workers, Karen, John and Williams, these following points were observed:

    1. Rules of ethical practices was bridged

    2. The code of practice was not duly followed

    After the presentation, John and Karen were able to communicate and work together to resolve the issues. We could see
    1. Communication in play.
    2. Collaboration
    3. Consistency.
    They worked as a team.

  1147. My observations are:
    1. There was no honest and clear communication which is key to the success of a project
    2. There was no team work
    3. The PMs input was not considered
    4. The meeting did not include all stakeholders
    5. Not analysing the project very well to led to some problems.

  1148. From the case study, the beginning of the project lacked the following:
    1)Team Spirit
    2) Effective communication
    3) Personal ambition took over instead of the organization’s goals.
    Most of the staff were unethical and lacked moral principles.
    As project managers, we need to be versatile and adaptable to situations. This will aid in achieving our goals.

  1149. Firstly there was no team work in the organization.. team work makes the goal work.. no matter how perfect a work is .. if you can’t defend it then it lose its Value. Williams should have involved John during the production of the Project.. and it’s nice of Karen to bring a good ethical principle of organizing a team meeting which will help pacify the disappointment in John’s reaction..

    1. communication was lagging among the three of them, I wouldnโ€™t call them team because they are still at the stage of storming in team formation, The issue of ethics come play also, William is guilty of this, he cut corners and brought a report even before deliberation on how to go about it took place. They are lacking in communication, team formation, interpersonal skills, negotiation skill which william would have used to convince or get convinced as to why his opinion may not stand.
      The positive at the end is that two members were able to communicate, Keren and John put extra effort to see that ethics of such report taking was carried, they refuse to compromise. Lack of critical thinking. There is no team work as well

  1150. I think one of the ethical issues on the part of John was agreeing to pleasure before business,rather than vice versa. I feel he may have gotten a bit distracted at some point that some details of what he was supposed to do regarding his mission was left out.
    On Williams’ part, doing things alone without carrying other members of the team along was unethical.
    Karen for me was the real deal. Her ability to empathize with John and be considerate of his feelings was an important thing. She knew not only how to approach John but also when and where.
    Finally, they were able to solve the problems because they employed:
    1. Good and honest communication
    2. Flexibility: their ability to employ a new approach to solving the problem on ground, and John’s openness to new ideas.

  1151. I think one of the ethical issues on the part of John was agreeing to pleasure before business,rather than vice versa. I feel he may have gotten a bit distracted at some point that some details of what he was supposed to do regarding his mission was left out.
    On Williams’ part, doing things alone without carrying other members of the team along was unethical.
    Karen for me was the real deal. Her ability to empathize with John and be considerate of his feelings was an important thing. She knew not only how to approach John but also when and where.
    Finally, they were able to solve the problems because they employed:
    1. Good and honest communication
    2. Flexibility: their ability to employ a new approach to solving the problem on ground, and John’s openness to new ideas.
    3. Good research

  1152. I think one of the ethical issues on the part of John was agreeing to pleasure before business,rather than vice versa. I feel he may have gotten a bit distracted at some point that some details of what he was supposed to do regarding his mission was left out.
    On Williams’ part, doing things alone without carrying other members of the team along was unethical.
    Karen for me was the real deal. Her ability to empathize with John and be considerate of his feelings was an important thing. She knew not only how to approach John but also when and where.
    Finally, they were able to solve the problems because they employed:
    1. Good and honest communication
    2. Flexibility: their ability to employ a new approach to solving the problem on ground, and John’s openness to new ideas.
    3. Good research
    Critical thinking and analytical skills

  1153. Issues of Professional Conduct:
    The important professional ethics observed from this case study are
    1. Proper communication: Lack of proper communication between William and John already put the project on a wrong path, The communication Karen and John then had enabled them find solution to the problem posing threats to the project.
    2. Team Work: This was essential between Karen and John in moving the project forward.
    3. Proper Research: A good research gives clarity to the risks and issues that may occur during the project

  1154. From my own point of view, William was more concerned about getting the job done in time and he was someone who felt the only way people could do things is his way, no other way.
    As project managers, we’ve got to understand that our way is not the only way to get things done, we must allow other people to bring their ideas to the table.

    It may save from lot of troubles.

  1155. From my own deductions, I’ll say William took a fast route so as to complete the project on time but he did not do his due diligence by following due process and also informing his colleagues about the steps he was taking behind the scenes. He was trying to move in silence but moving in a wrong direction which was costly to the establishment they represented because loopholes were later found in the set ups Williams claimed to have made.

  1156. In this scenario, there is lack of communication which is very important for every successful project manager.

    Also the skill used to help bring ethic into decision is Teamwork Skill.

  1157. Taking from the Case study scinero,
    some issues of professional conducts identified are:
    Communication and negotiation skills: As seen on the part of John, he wanted to employ these skill at the first stage of the project before venturing into it proper by tying to engage the key stakeholders, but Williams seemed to be lagging in this, hoping that the report he obtained from the third party was enough.
    Collaboration Skill: John wanted a more collaborative effort from the Stakeholders involved in the project thus, he bought into the idea of Karen.
    Knowledge of the Regulatory Environment/Research: John wasn’t really pleased with the report presented by William, thus, after buying into Karen’s idea, they had to consult a local bigger firm in the foreign land, who had knowledge of the regulatory environment and could proffer authentic information about the project.
    Ethics and standard skills: Karen understood the ethics and standard of the XYZ organization quite well that the report presented by William didn’t follow their standard and ethics of operation. Consequently, even though she was scared that telling John that my redicule her, she never hesitated to do so.

    All the skills outlined above were used by John and Karen to bring ethics into decision making: Karen understood the values and moral principles of the organization as well as John, who knows the reputation the Stakeholders has for the organization. Consequently, John looked forward to following the due process by engaging the Stakeholders in a meeting and Karen was able to give a way out since the the meeting was hindered by William and the analysis of the project risk could not be determined by the redundant report submitted by William.

    Thank you.

  1158. It was unethical go allow personal goal oversee the organization goal so this is my points
    scenario includeโ€ฆ
    1. Personal ambition over organizational goal.
    2. Lack of effective communication
    3. Lack of Team Spirit

    Skills that were advantageous
    1. Research
    2. Problem solving skills
    3. Teamwork with experienced professionals
    My summary
    4. Effective communication

  1159. Despite the fact Williams is an old worker in the firm, he did not carry John along as the new project manager, which is unethical behavior. That was a lack of communication which lead John to be backwards in the project. But Karine on the other hand was a new staff she understood team work that was why she helped John to solve the problem knowing how new John is in the environment.

  1160. Christian
    From the case study, William has an overly ambitious pursuit that seem to over-rule the expected team spirit to drive the project.
    John, is one who wants to do things by the book, get down to the nitty-gritty of the project by doing proper findings as risks not identified could affect the entire project.
    Karen, been the lease experienced was careful not to step on toes but still wanted to be a part of the success story thereby suggesting a partnership.
    Skills identified are listening ears by John
    Attention to details which proved there were underlying risk.
    Although the work was done, William seem to have bee left out of the rest of the initial stage

  1161. Ekwuribe Uzochukwu C
    Team 4 Cohort 8

    The issues observed from the scenario includeโ€ฆ
    1. Personal ambition over organizational goal.
    2. Lack of effective communication
    3. Lack of Team Spirit

    Skills that were advantageous
    1. Research
    2. Problem solving skills
    3. Teamwork with experienced professionals
    4. Effective communication

  1162. Oluwamayowa Ajibola
    Team 8 Cohort 8

    From the case study between John, Williams and Karen, from the start of the project they lack the following qualities
    1) Effective communication

    2) Team Spirit

    3) Moral Principles with resulted to personal ambition over the organisation’s structure and well being.

    Between Williams and Karen: Skills that helped in advancing the project includes:
    1) Research
    2) Effective communication
    3) Team work with experienced professionals
    4) Problem solving skills
    5) Value
    6) Moral Principles

  1163. Various things comes to play as shown below,
    lateness to brief, non preparedness,
    delays in deliverables,
    lack of team members or stakeholders willingness,
    financing bureaucracies etc..

    The best tactic dealing with these was more of communication especially done individually and to show a convincing need and risk assessments to the project to get all parties onboard.

  1164. Various things comes to mind, lateness to brief, non preparedness, delays in deliverables, lack of team members or stakeholders willingness, financing bureaucracies etc.. The best tactic dealing with these was more of communication especially done individually and to show a convincing need and risk assessments to the project to get all parties onboard.

  1165. From the case study
    we can underline that there was a Proper
    #Unity of purpose
    between John and Karen

  1166. Some issues of professional conduct identified in the APM case studies includes:
    1. Lack of Team Work as a displayed by Williams
    2. Negligence of Organization culture of Integrity and Honesty as exemplified by Williams
    3. Karen’s initial reluctance in communicating her honest opinion to John for fear of being black-listed.

    Some skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by those involved includes:
    1. Effective Communication and Honesty as exemplified by Karen
    2. Humility is Openness to others Opinions as exemplified by John
    3. Team work and Critical Thinking as examplified by John and Karen

  1167. Kudos to John and Karen for keeping to their ethical practices and values and it is unethical of Williams to compromise the work for them.

  1168. William behaved unethical by not carrying everyone along in the project decision making.
    Thus, there was lack of communication and team spirit. There was internal driven adversity and no transparency and honesty.

    But kerean and John were able to team up together through communication with research and were able to critically think to profer a solution should there be any issues.
    In summary, there can not be progress of any project without good communication among your team and stakeholders. Therefore communication is very vital.

  1169. For every project to be well executed; there must be free flow of information amongst the team, which in the initial part of the case study it was lacking.
    Also the goal of the project should be the focus.
    Communication is key in project management as well as team effort and research.

  1170. Williams was unethical in actions. He displayed the absence of team spirit, effective communication, honesty, etc.
    John and Karen did well by displaying team spirit, effective communication, adhering to policy and rules, engaging in proper research to mitigate loopholes or problems later on in the job

    1. Supported.
      William was quite unethical, he doesn’t follow process though experienced, which is not a good attribute as a good team player, his contacts regardless, he doesn’t communicate well and takes decisions solely for the project which is unethical, thanks to Karen who understood the danger of not carry John along and resolved it with him over a cup of coffee, to get his involvement and that’s the key part of bringing values and ethics back to the work

    2. This goes on to show that sometimes our clients might want the fast way out of things which might end up ruining things for us if left alone but as project managers, it’s our duty to uphold standards and use our skills to make things right and put them back on track! At the end of the day, we are happy and client is satisfied ?

  1171. Array Ntia…
    In my own view I can say that the team lack Communication, Teamwork spirit, Professionalism and confidence in their various role.

    Following my pin point here:

    1. William lack communication skill, he ought to have carried his team along, because he alone can’t achieve this result.
    2. John and Karen that came through at the last stage but even at that they still left William behind. this is Were I said the organization lacks communication and team spirit.

  1172. Samuel Okenna Cohort 8 Team9

    Some of the Ethical issues Noticed
    Was : Lack of effective communication
    2.No Proper checks and Balances of Objectives

    Then ways in which it was managed
    The Research
    Involvement of third party

  1173. The issues observed from the scenario includeโ€ฆ

    a) Personal ambition over organizational goal.
    b) Lack of effective communication
    c) Lack of Team Spirit

    Skills that helped in decision making include
    a) Research
    b) Problem solving skills
    c) Teamwork/synergy with experienced professionals
    d) Effective communication

    1. Major problems
      *Poor communication
      * Lack of professionalism in the report John presented
      * Personal interest

      Skills used to solve these problems:
      * Improved communication
      * Teamwork to help improves professionalism
      * Problem solving

  1174. The dynamics that played out in xyz company, bearing in mind that they are an offshoot of a larger firm are:?xyz just landed their first real project that would test the very essence of their existence.
    ? William before now was part of the bigger firm and his rather unethical side was not visible until now. He showed a lack of team spirit even though he was known as a people’s person. He wanted to cut corners and skip a crucial step at the beginning of a project which is engagement with the major stakeholder/s. This showed a lack of transparency and integrity. He also didn’t care to make allowances for what could go wrong. He also had a lack of respect for hierarchy. He also went behind his superior against the initial agreement. Instead he employed the services of a vague “opinion poll’ that painted everything in roses. He potentially put up xyz for an epic failure.
    ?John on the other hand should have been more assertive. He should have insisted on that crucial part of engagement with the stakeholders. It is vital and non-negotiable. He should not have allowed familiarity with William cause a compromise of value. Though as a leader, he was open to reason and superior argument in his association with Karen.
    ?Karen on the other hand is the real team player here. Even though she was new, she displayed true leadership qualities.
    She waited till coffee break to approach John, when he would be more conducive to listening to her opinion. They finally adhered to doing what was right even if it was tough at the beginning, but there doggedly did not give up until they came up with a win-win situation. I think that was where stakeholder mapping was carefully done to help them identify who would help them out of their dilemma.
    ?My takeaway from this case study is that principles and values should be strictly adhered to. When it presents a dilemma, efforts should be made to go around it without compromise. Various solutions and alternatives always show up if one keeps at it.

  1175. From the scenario in the case study between John, Williams and Karen some of the issues observed include…
    1) Lack of effective communication

    2) Lack of Team Spirit

    3) Personal ambition over organisational goal.

    Skills that helped in decision making include
    1) Research
    2) Effective communication
    3) Team work with experienced professionals
    4) Problem solving skills

  1176. Issues:
    1. No leadership/ chain of command
    2. No teamwork
    3. Lack of Trust

    Skills used
    1. Effective communication
    2. Research
    3. Delegation

  1177. Some issues i identified
    – Communication
    – putting personal interest ahead
    – Integrity
    – Lack of a team spirit/Trust

  1178. Major Problems Observed;
    1. Lack of communication among the project team.
    2. Allowing personal ambition to over shadow the company standards
    3. No team spirit between team members.

    Some Worked out solutions observed

    1. Being honest about the situation and communicate effectively.

  1179. My opinion is that they all had great ethics and standards. They all gave each other a decision-making opportunity, and their communication level was great because it was face-to-face communication. also, Karen felt johns approach wasn’t great but she did not make him think less of himself or unsmart instead she spoke to him nicely and they both reviewed the situation and came up with a great solution, which is teamwork.




  1181. Skills employed

    * Communication
    * Brain storming
    * Emotional Intelligence
    * Research
    * Attention to details
    * Problem Solving
    * Grit
    * Integrity

    It is important to employ skills required to tackle a difficult task

  1182. Issues of professional conduct:
    1. William didnโ€™t carry John along for the research they were to do together. Thatโ€™s why John made the trip.
    2. Karen being hostile to communicate her โ€˜actual thoughtsโ€™ about the report John has brought back became of fear of losing her job.

    The skills that were used to bring ethics are;
    1. Communication
    2. Team work
    3. Online research
    4. Asking help from experienced professionals

  1183. Mma Roseline Ezebuiro (Team 7 Cohort 8)

    A couple of issues of professional conducts featured in this scenario are:
    1) Lack of communication
    2) Lack of leadership
    3)Lack of vision
    4)Complex systems
    5)Ill-discipline, lack of trust or negligence
    6)Not Learning from past mistakes
    7)Poor Reporting channels
    8) A lack of business goals overview.

    Skills that were used to help bring this ethics into decision used by the people involved in this scenario.

    1) Code of conduct
    2)Courage, dependability
    3) Duty, efficiency, ingenuity,
    4)Initiative, perseverance, punctuality, resourcefulness
    5) Respect for all, and responsibility

  1184. 1. There was poor communication
    2. There was poor research done on the
    said project.
    3. There was no team work.
    4. William just wanted to come out as the good guy so he rushed his research and only came up with ideas that will please the clients without calculating the risks involved.

  1185. In the case of John, Williams and Kareen there was lack of collaboration as teams , information’s were not properly communicated and this caused a misunderstanding in the proposed project.
    Kareen was able to communicate, negotiate and empathized with John which helped them come up with a resolution to the project.

    1. Team 10

      Lack od effective communication

      Lack of ethical standards

      Lack of team spirit.


      Effective communication
      Team work
      Ethics and standards

  1186. Challenges related to conduct of professionalism:

    Absence of evident teamwork.
    Skills employed to incorporate ethics into decisions:

    Empathy: Karen demonstrated sensitivity by refraining from criticizing the report, considering its potential impact on John’s motivation.
    Teamwork and collaboration: Karen engaged in research and actively exchanged ideas with John.
    Effective communication: Both John and Karen conducted productive meetings, skillfully assessing project risks and arriving at a consensual decision.

  1187. In this case study, the values of XYZ agency and the government agency they were supposed to collaborate with were different, this was seen by the different outlook John and Karen had to the validity of the result as compared with Williams outlook.
    John was a thorough professional who wanted to do his job the right way, and we can see that by his reaction when Karen brought up the seemingly perfect result in a light manner as a sort of joke.
    I would say XYZ has a wonderful set of organisational values which their staff follow completely, on the other hand, Williams doesn’t have a good code of conduct and uses his contacts to escape doing the actual work which brought about an unrealistic result.

    The issue was resolved and the damage was averted because both John and Karen of XYZ were empathic, had good communication skills, were critical thinkers, were good researchers, were good negotiators and had good personal values.

  1188. From the case study, John was distracted on the first day ,which led to a lack of communication through external influence.
    They also did not have the right information for the project.
    Skills used are:
    Communication between Karen and John
    Ethics and standards: That was what prompted Karen to join the company
    Time management

  1189. The ethical issues highlighted:
    1. Poor collaboration between xyz and the government agency
    2. No adherence to organizational values and moral principles on the part of the local government agency as they tried to conceal the underlying problems
    3. External driven disaster

    Skills employed:
    1. Good communication between project team of XYZ
    2. Team spirit
    3. Empathy and attentiveness to details
    4. Honesty of XYZ project management team
    5. Research

  1190. The issues of professional conduct:

    1. Lack of communication between all stakeholders involved
    2. Teamwork was not evident

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions:

    1. Empathy: Karen knew criticizing the report was a bad idea as it might cause John to be less motivated.
    2. Teamwork and collaboration: Karen did a little bit of research and shared her ideas with John.
    3. Effective communication: Both John and Karen had meetings, and they were able to communicate effectively by carefully mapping out the risks of the project and successfully reaching a joint decision.

    1. The issues of professional conduct includes;
      1. Lack of team work in the project team, and 2. lack of communication between the project team and all stakeholders involved and also 3. Lack of research.

      The skills used to bring ethics into decisions include; Research: Karen’s optimism as a new staff came into play. She researched and found out about the global firm. 2. Effective communication; Karen and John communicated with the global firm, who in turn communicated effectively with the local firm to give the best answers to John and Karen. 3. Empathy; Karen was empathetic to John’s plight and that made her go the extra mile by researching and coming up with the idea of involving the global firm to get the right engagements. 4. Teamwork; Karen also understood the essence of teamwork and knew she had to share her ideas with John before she could proceed with acting on those ideas.

  1191. Salifu Solomon Enemayi
    Cohort 8, Group 9.

    Based on the case study of XYZ firm with co-workers, Karen, John and Williams. The following points were observed:

    1) The code of practice was not duly followed.
    2) Rules of ethical practices was bridged.
    3) Lack of communication
    4) Teamwork was not evident.

    After the presentation, John and Karen were able to communicate and work together to resolve the issues.

  1192. Based on the case study of XYZ firm with co-workers, Karen, John and Williams. The following points were observed:

    1. Rules of ethical practices was bridged.

    2. The code of practice was not duly followed.

    3. Teamwork was not evident.

    4. Lack of communication

    After the presentation, John and Karen were able to communicate and work together to resolve the issues.


    1. The issues I was able to identify were:
      *There was no team spirit initially which made Williams go ahead to carry out the work without informing John first to share his opinion and idea .
      *There was also absence of constructive criticism as Karen was afraid to say anything bad about John’s work in order not offend him, and that’s wrong. No matter how perfect a work is, there’s still room for corrections and improvements and which Karen identified later.
      The skills that were used to help bring ethics into the decision were:
      *Team work
      *Analytical thinking
      *Constructive criticism
      *Brain storming
      *Problem solving.

  1193. The following are highlights coined from the APM case study.

    A couple of issues discovered were:
    * The intern was carried away which slowed down the progress of the project.
    * There was lack of effective communication which bridged the information gap.
    * John didn’t carry Karen along at the first instance
    *There was no set up plan on how the project should run neither was the plan written down.
    *They did not have the right information for the project.

    Skills used to back ethics were:
    * John brought back effective communication when he asked Karen about her opionon on the project.
    *They spend time working together
    *They mapped out the risks involved
    * They made research on the project
    * Karen was also giving feedback to John about her progress on the project. So, there was a follow up.

  1194. The team did not follow the firm code of practice, they bridged the rules of engagement. They didn’t apply team work, collaborative skills, and communication.

    Karen showed and demonstrated ethical awareness and empathy with John.
    The team work, collaboration and communication helped the team to navigate the ethical challenges, make informed decisions and ensure the firm ethical principles were upheld for the project delivery.

  1195. I would say the code of practice was not duly followed, there is also no clear communication within the team.
    the skills used to resolve the issue are clear communication, research, and teamwork.

  1196. In a nutshel, there was lack of proper communication and team work across board.
    active communication is key in any project execution and ofcourse we can not overemphasis the importance of team as every stake holder have a unique role to play.

  1197. Based on the case study of XYZ firm with co-workers, Karen, John and Williams. The following points were observed:

    1) The code of practice was not duly followed.
    2) Rules of ethical practices was bridged.
    3) Lack of communication
    4) Teamwork was not evident.

    After the presentation, John and Karen were able to communicate and work together to resolve the issues.


  1198. The client agencyโ€™s failure to inform John about the engagement programme they had already completed

    The skill used to resolve this good communication.

  1199. At first it seems John was so inquisitive to know the background of the project and as well blend with the cuture. But later he started deviating from the major Task bestowed on him and jettisoned the the assignment gave to them by the company wich later resulted into segregation and leads to serious confusion that made the teams started developing selfish interest against the right channel of TEAM WORK that would have been a seamless apptroach to get the job done.

  1200. 1. The client agency’s failure to inform John about the engagement programme they had already completed, and the report’s seemingly accurate but unreliable outcomes are both instances of poor professional behavior.

    2. The skills used to make ethical decisions were thinking carefully about the situation, talking openly with others, doing research to find a solution, and working together as a team. These skills helped them fix the problems and do the project well.

    1. I don’t think there is proper information flow as John was not aware of the earlier drafting of the engagement phase

  1201. William as a major team member didn’t follow the most appropriate procedure in acquiring his information which could have cost the project team and the organization a lot, because they’ll have encountered a lot of unforseen circumstances.
    I also think there was a form of communication gap between the team mates. John could have expressed his displeasure in a polite manner instead of keeping quiet but he did well by asking for Karen’s opinion which led to them getting accurate informations and knowing the red flags or problems to be encountered during the project.
    However, Williams was left out in the final procedure of getting the accurate informations which he might have displeasure about if he realize this.
    In conclusion, Communication was lacking among all team members.

  1202. From the case study, I observe the following necessary things a project manager must know about ethics.
    1. A project manager must not compromise quality of output
    2. Communication is very essential to attain an acceptable ethical standards
    3. Understanding of the project at hand in order to a clear understanding of how to manage it
    4. Understand the various stakeholders on a project and devices means to relate to everyone of them ethically

  1203. From the cade study, it can be observed that there was no effective communication on the part of John and the other team members, Williams and Karen.
    John was a bit relaxed about the work that brought them without confirming the authenticity of what Williams brought.
    Karen too was fearful to talk to Williams so as not to loose her job because she’s still on probation.

  1204. Based on the case study of XYZ firm with co-workers, Karen, John and Williams. These are the points observed:

    1) The code of practice was not duly followed.

    2) Rules of ethical practices was bridged.

    3) Lack of communication
    4) Team work was not evident.

    After the presentation, John and Karen were able to communicate and work together to resolve the issues.

    Kenechukwu Royal

  1205. After a thorough review, I was able to pick out some ethics
    1. Excellent Communication between John and the Intern
    2. Ability for the Intern to see how to communicate her mind with John without jeopardizing his feelings or her career.
    3. Excellent research work and cooperation

    Based on my own view, in the case study of firm XYZ involving John, William and Karen. A couple of issues of professional conduct I could pin point from this scenario are:
    1. Internal Driven adversity
    2. Ethics in practice was not duly followed
    3.Lack of effective communication
    4. Team work was not present
    5. The procedure for handling a project was not carried out appropriately, this may include planning, risk analysis and execution.

    The skills used by Karen and John to help bring ethics into decisions are;
    1. Team work
    2. Effective communication
    3. Consultation
    4. Negotiation
    5. Ethics and standards

  1207. first issue i saw was a lack of transparency in the engagement process: William had already prepared the report before the arrival of John. he was not even given a chance to go through the report before approving it. This lack of transparency raises questions about the integrity of the report.
    there was also an issue of conflict of interest between William and the opinion research firm. William may have been influenced by his personal relationship with the firm when he decided to use them for the engagement programme. This could have led to the report being biased in favour of the firm’s interests.
    there is also an issue of the potential impact of the report on the project. if the report was biased, it could have had a negative impact on the project.

    Karen’s actions in raising concerns about the report were ethical. She was right to challenge the report and to ask for more information about the methodology and the findings. Her actions helped to ensure that the project was implemented in a way that was in the best interests of the stakeholders.

  1208. Regarding the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations in the scenario, I must commend their adeptness in communication and teamwork. These skills proved to be essential in effectively resolving and correcting the ethical issues that arose during the project execution.

  1209. I have identified three ethical issues in the scenario. Firstly, as the Project Manager, John has the responsibility to oversee the project, assign tasks, and ensure that the project expectations are met. However, he failed in his role, as Williams proceeded without his knowledge, effectively reversing their roles.

    Secondly, John neglected to verify the authenticity and accuracy of Williams’ task and its results. This lack of oversight raises ethical concerns.

    Lastly, John presented Williams’ work, which turned out to be fake, to the office as though he had accomplished it himself. This action is highly unethical as it involves taking credit for someone else’s efforts.

    In summary, the three ethical issues are: John’s failure to effectively manage the project, his lack of verification for Williams’ work, and his attempt to claim credit for work he did not do.

  1210. The professional ethics i can pinpoint here;

    Good communication skill and team work between John and the intern.

  1211. It is worthy of note to recognize some key skills employed ,
    1.Effective communication played a vital role in getting a harmonious desired result.
    2.Good team spirit- collaboration
    3. Adhering to project managerial ethics.

  1212. I think there was a breach in communication. The agenda was not shared to John before he left for planning. As for some the mitigations that were done, I noted the following,
    1. Respected the donor’s idea but still did consult other experts and the findings did call for the donor’s attention which was very good.

  1213. Good communication aid team work in a project. Everyone in the team is being carried along and updated with every activity going on at each given time.

    1. The following points below are some of the key skills employed by the project manager:
      1.Effective communication skills played a vital role in getting a harmonious desired result which led to the achievement of the overall goals and objectives of the project .
      2.Good team spirit in collaborating with other members of the project team.
      3. Adhering to project managerial ethics.

  1214. First of all, there was an unethical practice displayed the original initiator of the project before John came. There’s something about intuition that John couldn’t grapse until team work playedout when the intern got involved.
    Professional conduct displayed in this scenario are as follows;
    1) Good communication skills in both John and the intern
    2) Ethical core of conduct
    3) Value and moral principles was deployed by John
    4) inclusiveness and teamwork bailed the project

    The skill deployed are;
    1) Communication skills
    2) Project Management Ethical practics
    3) norm and value

  1215. Williams went against the ethical culture of teamwork and neglect communication as a viable tool in project management. He was a one-man squad which of course didn’t hold well for the engagement as well as went against the culture of teamwork.
    Karen indeed exhibited a good team spirit even though she is less experienced. Her effective communication with John restored the team spirit required for the job to be done.
    From the foregoing, communication and teamwork are viable tools and ethics that must be upheld for projects to be carried out successfully.

    1. Communication is a vital role in project handling. It keeps everyone on the team updated which will lead to the execution of all the work successfully.

  1216. Karen was scared at some point cause she is on probation not knowing how John would take. William broke the ethical principles by manipulating the results as a project manager he is supposed to do a proper research on a project and carry his team along by communicating with them.
    John on the other hand made his findings, and didnโ€™t criticize Karen rather they worked together as team for a productive result for effective run of the company.

  1217. William broke the ethical principles by manipulating the results as a project manager he is supposed to do a proper research on a project and carry his team along by communicating with them.
    Karen was scared at some point cause she is on probation not knowing how John would take.
    John on the other hand made his findings, and didnโ€™t criticize Karen rather they worked together as team for a productive result for effective run of the company.

    1. From the scenario
      The issues identified from John side is the inability to take responsibility of the project work that brought him to the town. Also negligence from his angle, he was carried away by site seeing.
      From the William the issue identified from his side is lack of honesty. He was not truthful to John about the source of the information. In all they lack communication.

      Risk analysis

  1218. William broke the code of practice by falsifying his report.
    John and Karen did a great job as a team.

  1219. Williams went against the ethical standard of conduct by manipulating data.
    John and Karen had to work in a way that could contribute to the success of the project butremaining outside the organisational culture

    1. From the case study, I deduced that Williams had good knowledge of regulatory environment but no proper communication was carried out. This could have caused a great harm to the organization. Other issues identified are:
      Lack of Team work and no collaboration.
      The skills used to bring ethics into the decisions are:
      Critical thinking on how to resolve the issues.
      Continuing professional development on the part of Karen through her online research
      Negotiation skill that got them the proper arrangement
      Effective communication among all the parties.

  1220. Williams went against the ethical standard of conduct by manipulating data.
    John and Karen had to work in a way that could contribute to the success of the project butremaining outside the organisational culture

    1. Williams actually did not follow the firm’s ethical principles of role of engagement, he prefers the short cut principle not considering the overall effect it would have at the time. As for Karan, she was quite aware of the ethics of the company but chose to remain silent selfishly. John is that guy that every firm needs, maintain the ethics and culture of the firm and even wanting to go extra mile for the success of the firm.

  1221. In this First stage of Engagement programme with a Key Stakeholder, William who was supposed to oversee the project did not work with the team at all. He only collected an already written report without thoroughly verifying it and especially working with his other team members, John and Karen. William assumed that John would like the report. We were not informed that he communicated with Karen at all. He worked alone and obviously provided results that were too good to be true. It is expected that every project should have issues that Project Managers should expect and be prepared to solve, but William did not have a good foresight of the project.
    John, on the other hand, did well by relating well with the locality. As a project manager, understudying a project area and building relationship with the people in the area fosters better communication. He was able to own the project and even though he noticed the errors of the report he was presented with, he did not take a step further to challenge the report by calling a meeting with both William and Karen. John was obviously not pleased with the report as William assumed but he bottled this in. Karen wanted to maintain a good relationship and have her job preserved at the cost of a quality first project stage. This behaviour was not appropriate. Project managers are expected to have the difficult conversations with the focus being on the goal.
    All these unethical behaviours were Internal Driven Adversities which could lead to or stem from an External adversity. Those that had prepared the report may have an intended gain from the overall project which could affect the Firm’s Team. As project managers, we should have agreed set standards and expectations so that people will not just throw anything to us for us to accept.
    Summarily, Improper communication, Lack of team spirit, Wrong assumption, jeopardizing project outcome for personal benefits are some of the unethical behaviours noticed in this case study.
    Thankfully, some skills that were used to help bring ethics into decisions were Collaboration, that is John and Karen working together, proper Communication, Continuing professional development by networking and online research enabled Karen to find a solution which John endorsed. Even though, John was more experienced, he welcomed the opinions of Karen and this eventually helped them to find some materials hurdles for the next stage of the project.

  1222. In this case study, two issues of professional conduct are;
    Acting unethically by falsifying data to make the engagement look perfect
    Not adhering to organisational values and not being professional , also easily taken to accept situation

    In this case study, two issues of professional conduct are;
    Acting unethically by falsifying data to make the engagement look perfect
    Not adhering to organisational values and not being professional , also easily taken to accept situation

    Skills used were
    Effective communication is essential in both personal and professional relationships
    Critical thinking
    Collaboration and teamwork allow us them to work effectively with each others,
    pooling our skills and knowledge to achieve common goals.
    Problem-solving skills help us identify and address challenges in a creative
    and efficient manner. Being confident enough to challenge false narratives ensures
    that we don’t accept misleading or incorrect information without question.

  1223. Communication is key in projects and not just communication but active communication is needed. Being a good listener to know how best to make insightful decisions when matters are brought before the Project Management.

  1224. From the case study we can observe that there was lack of effective communication on the part of John and the other team members. And they forget to effect the initial plan, however, that was resolved. When they met with a problem they were able to gather information on the issues, present resolution, options and procedure for the next step.

    1. In the scenerio given, good communication wasn’t employed by William at all. He failed to communicate with his team as a project manager. The place of ethics was ignored by John and Karen was too afraid to voice out in the midst of all these.
      At the end, they were able to work things out

  1225. Ndukwe Ugochukwu
    Team 7 Cohort 8

    William is identified as the project manager. His nonprioritization led to a shabby start for the project. After going sight seeing as against launching the project, one day was lost, and the opportunity to manage tasks and chart communication flow was lost also. The project manager needs to be a part of the project initiation and own the project as a way of taking responsibility.

    John is an experienced manager who is identified to be assigned to the project. He acted as one who does not know project management principles. Karen identified him as someone who comes off as non collaborative, his actions reflects more of high power-low interest stand against the project where he is supposed to be strongly for the interest of the project. His value of self/personal ego led him to act alone and against the team and project.

    His unethical action created bias in the team, broke communication, gave the project a bad start and an outcome which affected the scope of the project, time frame and budget.

    Karen at first acted in fear, the role of a project manager is to solve problems, and provide leadership. Though she eventually gave a suggestion that supported the project, she didn’t show much interest in the project, she chose her internship above the project.

    For project to succeed, it’s important to motivate the teams to own the project, it is proper to act ethical by following the rules and regulations, applying values and ethical means in service delivery.

  1226. William is identified as the project manager. His nonprioritization led to a shabby start for the project. After going sight seeing as against launching the project, one day was lost, and the opportunity to manage tasks and chart communication flow was lost also. The project manager needs to be a part of the project initiation and own the project as a way of taking responsibility.

    John is an experienced manager who is identified to be assigned to the project. He acted as one who does not know project management principles. Karen identified him as someone who comes off as non collaborative, his actions reflects more of high power-low interest stand against the project where he is supposed to be strongly for the interest of the project. His value of self/personal ego led him to act alone and against the team and project.

    His unethical action created bias in the team, broke communication, gave the project a bad start and an outcome which affected the scope of the project, time frame and budget.

    Karen at first acted in fear, the role of a project manager is to solve problems, and provide leadership. Though she eventually gave a suggestion that supported the project, she didn’t show much interest in the project, she chose her internship above the project.

    For project to succeed, it’s important to motivate the teams to own the project, it is proper to act ethical by following the rules and regulations, applying values and ethical means in service delivery.

  1227. Based on the case study, I could see lack of focus from John and a bit of compromise. Trying to present something too flashy to the organisation. Another thing was lack of effective communication from Williams and then there’s Keren who was afraid to speak the truth because of the future of her job. She doesn’t want to step on toes there by holding back on the truth.

    However, they were able to overcome that. Even though John wasn’t okay with the report, he still find a way to work together with Karen to get a solution. To that’s the key, irrespective of how you feel about a report, letting go your ego and finding a way to work with team members for the good of the organisation is key.

  1228. From the case study, what i am able to deduce is important of communication and team work, the case study emphasized so much on project manager’s skills, a good project manager must be able to critically analyse a report or findings which was what karen demonstrated, a project manager should not rely on other people’s findings alone for decision making but must embark on personal research and make decision after comparing with other people’s findings but decision must only base on what the project manager was able to find

  1229. John relied solely on Williams report which does not have all true and genuine information in it. John is meant to do a proper research as well so as to able to ask the right questions from Williams.
    Williams gave an incomplete information to Jahon and this information mis led him but with the help of Karen, John was able to see through the problem although Karen at first allowed fear to controls him because he wanted to protect his job knowing fully well his on probation but a week down the line he came back to his senses by giving telling the right thing.

    so poor communication and incomplete information was the first challenge while fear of reporting problem was also a challenge in this case study.

  1230. John failed to carry out a good research about the project and about the people he’s to work for there by relying on Williams report. Williams was not honest and transparent enough by holding back informations about the program from John and that led to miscommunication and bridge in trust.
    Karen at the initial stage allowed fear or her own personal interest withheld her from been bold enough to share her opinion with John as not to offend him.
    Skills used; communication, critical thinking, collaboration, research and problem solving skill.

  1231. Lack of communication glow from Williams to John always cost the team thanks to Karen both were able to able to realize their short coming and work together.
    Team is consist of collaboration, effective communication. With this team work is easier.

  1232. They all had the issue of teamwork but there was later a place of communication among them to achieve a common goal.

  1233. Well from the case study I feel that team work was really a big problem to them and they couldn’t effectively communicate matters rising together.

    Each project member has their skills but it wasn’t channelled appropriately as they all saw their personal goals not the project goals.

    Possibly if they had clearly spelt out the ethical conducts and values a lot would have been achieved concerning the project.

  1234. A good project manager is supposed to plan, organized, monitor, coordinate and most especially embrace effective communication in order to achieve project goals. The team was not carried along. A Pm is also supposed to do a good research and engage the committee

    1. Dickson Abia Etim

      The issues of professional conduct are:
      1. Internal Driven adversity
      2. Lack of proper communication between the oversees agency and the XYZ company.
      3.Ethical Malpractice
      4. Lack of adherence to standard operating procedures in this regard.
      5. Short Cuts and disregard to following the appropriate process procedure.

      The skills used by Karen and John to help bring ethics into decisions were;
      1. External Adversity – when John and Karen approached the big firm that helped them.
      2. Effective Communication between them
      3. Good understanding of their Company values.
      4. Teamwork
      5. Consultation and Negotiation skills
      6. Moral Principle because John and Karen just knew it was not right and were worried.
      7. knowledge of XYZ Company’s Ethics and standards and their values especially as a new bee.

  1235. Williams displayed lack of honesty by holding back informations about the program from John and that led to miscommunication and bridge in trust.
    Skills used; communication, critical thinking, collaboration, research and problem solving skill.

    1. Lack of transparency and honesty displayed by William in withholding information about the engagement program from John which could lead to miscommunication and bring trust Issues.

    2. Conflict of Interest between the client agency and the local opinion research firm which may compromise the objectivity and impartiality of the data collected during the engagement program.

    1. Critical Thinking by Karen
    2. Collaboration between John and Karen
    3. Communication between John and Karen.
    3. Integrity and Moral Principles displayed by Karen by speaking up and expressing her concerns.
    4. Research and Problem-Solving skills displayed by Karen.

  1237. In this case study, two issues of professional conduct are;
    Acting unethically by falsifying data to make the engagement look perfect
    Not adhering to organisational values

    Skills used were
    Good and effective communication
    Critical thinking
    Collaboration and team work
    Problem solving
    Being confident to challenge a false narrative

    Raphael Danladi Team 9 Cohort 8

  1238. โ€ขEngaging the stakeholders in their various degree of interaction is a necessity that should not be neglected.
    โ€ขLack of communication from William.
    โ€ขNo good team work.
    โ€ขKaren and John communicated well

  1239. For any project to be successful one needs to be determined and team work is necessary as well, good relationship with Co workers, and is good to think before you talk, most importantly one needs to be confident and ready to take correction even from the lowest of staff.

  1240. A few issues.
    1. Initially, the project required that John as a project manager should be involved in the stakeholders engagement. At least, he needed to know the how the engagement should go. However, William, who feels John didn’t know how things happen locally provided the report. At that point, John didn’t know the details and that was obviously an issue as the information gap certainly will be a problem with the next stage of the project.
    To solve the problem, a good communication between John and Karen helped in bridging the broken gap. Although Karen wasn’t that experienced as John, but John being a good project manager listened and accepted her suggestions which led to engaging an external firm that led to the solution.

  1241. Team work, observation coupled with good communication played an important role in the case study. Karen was quick to observe the loop holes and decided to act without stepping on toes, John was also ready to work with Karen.

  1242. Teamwork is important in every project management, method of communication is an essential tool, brainstorming every ideas and suggestions from each of the team members is important in getting a perfect job done, research and findings are important too.

  1243. Some of the skills required to solve the issues are:

    1. Good Communications
    2: Good Research
    3: Interpersonal relationship
    4: Critical Thinking and Analysis
    5: Problem Solving

  1244. Good Communications
    2: Good Research
    3: Interpersonal relationship
    4: Critical Thinking and Analysis
    5: Problem Solving

  1245. In this scenario, two main issues of professional conduct are identified:

    Misrepresentation of Data: The local opinion research firm’s engagement report may have manipulated data, presenting all positive outcomes despite the expectation of unbiased feedback. This misrepresentation of data can lead to flawed decision-making, as the true challenges faced by stakeholders may be overlooked.

    Lack of Objectivity and Independence: The partnership between the local opinion research firm and the client agency raises concerns about the report’s objectivity and independence. Maintaining objectivity is crucial for research and consultancy firms to provide reliable insights and avoid biases that could compromise the project’s credibility.

    These issues emphasize the importance of ethical standards in consultancy and project management, highlighting the need for honesty, integrity, and unbiased practices to ensure fair outcomes for all involved parties.

    In this scenario, several skills were utilized to address ethical considerations and make decisions that uphold ethical principles:

    Critical Thinking: Karen demonstrated critical thinking by carefully evaluating the engagement report and questioning its accuracy and objectivity. This skill enabled her to identify potential ethical issues and seek alternative solutions.

    Communication and Active Listening: Effective communication and active listening were displayed by John and Karen during their discussions about the ethical concerns. By openly exchanging ideas and listening to each other’s perspectives, they collaboratively worked towards resolving the issue.

    Collaboration and Teamwork: John and Karen collaborated as a team to analyze the risks associated with the engagement report and find ways to rectify the situation. This collaborative effort allowed them to leverage external expertise and address the ethical challenges effectively.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Both John and Karen demonstrated ethical decision-making skills by carefully considering the ethical implications of their actions. They prioritized the long-term reputation and success of the firm over short-term gains and took steps to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the project.

    Problem-Solving: John and Karen engaged in problem-solving to find a solution to the issue with the engagement report. They explored different approaches, seeking external validation, and identified a viable solution to address the ethical concerns.

    Ethical Awareness and Empathy: Karen showed ethical awareness and empathy by considering the potential impact of the situation on relationships within the firm. She demonstrated sensitivity towards her colleague, John, while also focusing on maintaining ethical integrity.

    Overall, the combination of these skills allowed the individuals involved to navigate the ethical challenges, make informed decisions, and ensure ethical principles were upheld in their consultancy work. These skills are essential for professionals to effectively manage ethical dilemmas and promote integrity in their professional conduct.

  1246. Karen, irrespective of her less experience on the job, she was a good project manager, applying 100% communication skill, honesty and collaborative skill to ensure that the goal of the project was attainable as well as putting the other team members on the right track.

  1247. I enjoyed Karen’s disposition in assisting to get the job done. Although she wasn’t that experienced, but she has a drive to improve and she contributed meaningfully through her suggestions.

  1248. John was new in the organisation and he failed to settle and learn the ethics of his new job. On the other hand, William was working with emotions, thinking about John’s feelings. Karen seem to be a good project manager, she tackled the issue on ground not minding how John would feel. She succeeded in getting John’s attention as well as achieving the goal together with John.
    In summary, for a project to be successful, each member of the team must be a good team player, and must cultivate the habit of listening and not being judgemental. Individuals opinion must be open to criticism.

  1249. My opinion towards this scenario

    While William was criticizing John of not being competent enough to carry out the project effectivity and solve it’s problems, Karen on the other hand displayed a high level of competency by respecting work ethics, confronting John and getting the problem resolved.

    John’s acceptance to getting help from Karen despite his competency, shows he recognizes the power of communication and collaboration which makes him a great project manager

    Victoria Osareme Ayisi
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

    1. Keneth Walumoli _Cohort 9_team 6:

      A clear picture here portrays what happens in projects. Despite the doubts from the client John and Karen managed to deliver by sticking and adhering to Ethics.

      We can clearly see:
      Good morals:
      1. Good communication and skills by Karen to John.
      2. Leadership skills for both Karen and John accepting to go out of their way to do the right thing.
      3. Honesty and respectful by Karen
      4. Transparency by John and Karen

      Below are unethical shown by client:
      1. Violation of ethics by William (Client)
      2. Judgemental (thinking that John doesn’t understand the project and he didn’t want to give him tips on what ought to be done.
      3. Untrustworthy.

      Key point:
      Understand the project scope and share accurate information will lead to successful delivery.


    The issues are as follows:
    1. Inadequate communication(word of mouth and body language) between John,Williams and Karen.
    2. There was no empathy amongst them.
    3. Lack of teamwork and this resulted in less feed back from each other.
    4. Not being an attentive listener.

    To resolve the existing issues at hand:
    1. Karen as a good project manager had to show empathy.
    2. John and Karen had a constructive discussion and it helped them collaborate effectively.
    3. They had to be precise.
    4. They made sure they understood each other.

  1251. I do think they all didn’t communicate welland no one was interested in Having to deal with having the tough conversation. I al so realized that they just wanted to protect their self interest than the Objective.
    They would have achieved more if they had team spirit and stayed more professional

  1252. While William was criticizing John of not being competent enough to carry out the project effectivity and solve it’s problems, Karen on the other hand displayed a high level of competency by respecting work ethics, confronting John and getting the problem resolved.

    John’s acceptance to getting help from Karen despite his competency, shows he recognizes the power of communication and collaboration which makes him a great project manager

    Victoria Osareme Ayisi
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1253. The FIRM had an established culture, and reputation which pushed Karen to go further in completing her professional training to stay relevant in the firm.

    JOHN with his experience, chose to submit himself to the onboarding process by a local. This shows his ability to learn from anyone. He believed he could get a piece of vital information from someone who had already been on the ground.

    William being a people person was egocentric. He lacked team play, did not communicate effectively, and was not ready to accept any change.

    Karen the following week, penetrated John through a friendship model making John feel comfortable discussing with her(good communication). They ended up with better results for the next project stage through feedback and references from previous projects.

    They employed stand-up meetings (Karen and John), and the goal of the project was made clear.

  1254. I have observed that there was no communication, no cooperation and no consultation. There was also no ethical consideration in the words used.

  1255. These are what could pin point from the case study.

    . John had the intuition to question the Williams motives from the get go. He wanted to respect Williams being that it was an overseas project hence needed to form the right cordiality with the client and its representative being Williams. Where he dropped the ball, was he failed to ask for transparency, having noticed Williams’s shadiness.

    Williams lacked transparency from the onset, he was more concerned with his growing influence and public perception. He didn’t act ethically in an open honest manner.

    Karen is the star of this case study as she overcame her initial fears and confronted John which actually paved way for the solution to the conundrum. She demonstrated inquisitiveness that is an ingredient for continuous learning, openness and honesty, she also showed respect in her engagement with John. John likewise deserves some praise, as he demonstrated respect and collaboration for a junior team member, as well as transparency which brought about the innovativeness from Karen.

    The lessons here are when faced with an ethically difficult decision posed as a result of a non transparent project team member/client as demonstrated by Williams; instead of compromising to keep the project, you should engage with transparency, respect, and seek collaboration in finding a solution. Afterall, your reputation is what matters at the end of the day.

    Okwulu Paul
    Cohort 8, Team 3

  1256. Cohort 8
    Team 3
    I really respects Karen’s decision to speak to John about what she finds sketchy concerning the report. Despite her being in her probations period. She is concern about the firm’s success and not just her salary.

    1. They was a case of internally driven adversity in the case study. William tried to compromise the quality of the engagement to meet deadline due to the fact that John was being carried a way by the contract and trip. However, Kareen was focused and thorough in her quest to uphold the values of the firm and took upon her to make a difficult decision of ensuring the right thing was done correctly…

  1257. This is a clear case of Core values clashing with actual behaviours.

    John decided to flow with the turn of events while Williams who has been at the firm longer played by the firm”s core values.

    The matter was resolved by the use of clear communication on the part of Karen.

  1258. 1.John didnt stand on the companies core value.
    2.John lacked good communication skills.
    3. Other suggestions from team members plays a vital role before making a final decision.

  1259. What I observed is that
    1.there is no communication.
    2. No good team work
    3. No good collaboration and maintaining the core value of the organisation.

  1260. Isaiah Ufuoma EFENUDU
    From the study case the main missing ingredient is:
    Communication is one of the essential codes of life, and one who masters it can make his or her life relatively easy. Effective communication in business of any work place makes things go smooth and avoid numerous complications in the future.
    Therefore, one has to be:
    1. an attentive listener
    Listening is one of the essential elements of effective communication. People who are active or engaged listeners understand things in more detail. It means that active listeners understand what the user is trying to say, even if the speaker is not highly effective.
    2. concrete and clear
    Another skill that you should learn to be an effective communicator is to be precise and unambiguous with your message. If you are a person that tells the whole background story that is unauthentic and without any proof to explain your things, then you are not an effective communicator.
    3. Non-verbal communication is the key
    Your body language plays a vital role for you to be an effective communicator. Words are important but what is more important is your tone, eye contact, facial expressions, and hand gestures. Hand gestures while communicating represent that you are confident and courageous.
    4. Inform
    To be an effective communicator, you should inform your audience about what your conversation would be about. It would help your audience to have a general idea about the conversation.
    5. Show empathy
    Showing empathy means showing understanding. There are times when your statement or opinions contradict other members or members of the team. But in a situation like this, you should not be angry or frustrated. Instead, you should respect their opinion and admire their courage.
    The above key ingredient of communication utilized properly in the study case would have help to resolved the misunderstanding from Williams to John.

  1261. Good communication is the first to a project successful and also it is very important to have teamwork spirit, and good collaboration.

  1262. The following were issues I identified:
    1. Lack of communication. Williams did not communicate effectively with John. There was a plan already and if he had a different opinion he could have raised it with John before going ahead to do his bit.
    2. Lack of trust. They all knew their strengths and Weaknesses but didnโ€™t trust enough to share with each other so they that they could work together effectively.
    3.Lack of teamwork. Teamwork they say makes the dream work. When members of the team act independently it may bring some sort of chaos or confusion and that could be seen in the first week of the project.

    Turnaround skills that brought ethics into the decision making include:
    1. Karenโ€™s choice of good communication with John due to the empathy she felt she was able to approach him and discuss constructively.
    2. The constructive discussion enabled both John and Karen to collaborate better, since she had a more open mind towards the success of the project.
    3. Empathy and understanding were key skills.

  1263. These are the issues I observed:
    1. There was a lack of communication from William’s end. 2. There apparently was some shadiness and unprofessionalism in the work he handled. A lack of ethics and standards I would say.
    3. There was no Team work or proper team management.
    4. There was no proper engagement of the stakeholders.

    These are the ways I think the problems were solved:
    1. Karen took a courageous step and asked John about the reports. That was taking a big risk considering her standing the the firm but it was definitely worth it.
    2. John and Karen communicated with each other and brainstormed on away forward which yielded good results.
    3. They were precise and wisewise about the actions they took and we’re not opposed to seeking for help from outside the firm. That was commendable.

  1264. For this project to be a success, what was needed was: Good communication is the first to a project successful and also it is very important to have teamwork spirit, and good collaboration.

    1. As one of the founders of XYZ Firm, John lacked the characteristics of a Team lead. The lack of focus was seen on his part by allowing himself to be distracted by site seeing on the first day. Whereas it gave William an opportunity to manipulate the results of the report based on his own interest.

      Karen was keen on details and saw that the report seemed too good to be true. And was able to discuss the dangers of going ahead with the project as she had the core values of the firm in mind. A collaborative effort along side thorough research was adopted by John and Karen to bring out all the hurdles to the next stage of the project.

      If John hadn’t asked of the opinion of Karen and others, about the report John gave to him,probably it would have jeopardize the reputation of their firm.

  1265. For this project to be a success, what was needed was: It is very important to have good communication, for a project to be complete and there must also be a teamwork spirit, and good collaboration.

  1266. In the case study their is lack of communication and team work.Tho Williams is a good project manager but he needs to communicate with the rest of the team and carry them along

    1. It is worthy of note to recognize some key skills employed ,
      1.Effective communication played a vital role in getting a harmonious desired result.
      2.Good team spirit- collaboration
      3. Adhering to project managerial ethics.

  1267. There’s a lack of good communication skill between the team members.

    And also, there’s a trace of “Internal driven adversity” seen from William’s actions.

  1268. 1 (a) William was not following laid-down procedures to achieve set goals. Rather he assumed taking shortcuts would save all parties involved in that phase of the project time and stress
    1 (b) John did not take adequate communication into consideration, even when he knew something was not right with the action William took. He would have expressed his unacceptance in a polite manner and insisted they sit and figure out what can go wrong if they both continued on that path.
    1 (c) There was no adequate communication skill
    1 (d) There was no team-work spirit

    2 (a) There was very good communication between John and Karen
    2 (b) Team-work was evident between Karen and John
    2 (c) Karen had attention to details to have noticed something wrong with the work John submitted and also with John
    2 (d) Karen had empathic skills.

  1269. The team lack the communication skill, team spirit and wiliness to set task boundaries among the teams.

  1270. The issues I identified after going through the case study are:

    1. Absence of team-work spirit & collaboration mindset between John and Williams.

    They were obsessed with doing things their own way which is very wrong.
    Everybodyโ€™s opinion matters and a good project manager should always find a way to include their team members’ ideas into any project.
    This would let them know that they matter.

    2. Lack of communication.

    I feel they didn’t see the need to communicate. They just wanted to put the idea out there for people to just accept it and move on.
    This happened because โ€œthere’s no team spiritโ€.

    A good project manager should always communicate with their team members to carry them along.

    On the other hand, Karen and John communicated perfectly. Karen was also able to put herself into Johnโ€™s shoes. That’s one thing a project manager must learn to do.

  1271. 1. There was lack of Proper Communication amongst John,William and Karen.
    2. John failed to do a deep study about William environment and way of working.
    3. Karen was more concerned about getting through her probation period unhindered than getting her work done properly.

  1272. Lack communication between John and William. As a good and professional PM communication is the key in achieving goals of a project. As a PM you don’t jump to conclusion without carrying along your team. Working as team helps to look out for any errors that could affect the Project. John and William didn’t act on the value of the firm that could make the firm well know for their professionalism. John and Karen discussion and brainstorming helped them to solve the problem at hands, good idea from Karen from seeking more advice from others .

    1. Lack of communication.
    2. Absence of team-work spirit between John and Williams.
    3.Lack of collaborative mindset between John and Williams.

    1. Good communication between Karen and John.
    2. Empathy from Karen towards John.
    3. John and Karen collaborated and understood each other better.
    4. karen had eagle eyes for the project.

  1274. Lack of communication between John and William.
    As a Good PM, it is a necessity for you to have a good communication with your Team members.
    Lack of Team work and Team spirit was carried out by the Pm despite the fact that they were professional.

    The Goal of Pm is to see that a problem is solved in a project and not to create them.
    There was lack of discussion between the three pm which would have given them a good feedback on the project.
    Their ethical practice brought about the issues that was encountered.

    Karen and John had a good communication that was why they could arrive at a solution , by also discussing with other client to know and also have feedback concerning the project that they were handling

    Skills to employ
    Working with Team members
    Effective Feedback
    Check out risk( Risk Management)
    Ethics and standard
    Research and Study as a PM

  1275. There was no effective communication between John and William, they should have agreed both on the time to meet, the venue among others. They should have come together to share mind together. Fortunately John was able to reason with Karen and the problem was solved.
    Both John and William seems to have forgotten that they are there to represent the company and as so should have worked as a team

  1276. In the scenario that happen in XYZ company project two to three issues arised.
    1. Lack of communication between John and William, because had it been they communicate, the problem of venue and time will not pop up.

    2. Expertise: All of them are professional in their field which make their work easier, especially between John and Kareen.

  1277. The case of Mr A and B was a breach in communications gaps and regular shares of idears,

    However Mrs C was able to harmonize and help manage the situation which formerly posed risk and project termination into Success,

    However a good project manager should poses the following skills;
    1.Team work,
    2.Good Communication,

    1. Karen really did a good job standing for what she believes in, though she hesitated but eventually they got it right. As for Williams and John the lacked communication and there was no team work.

  1278. The case of John and Williams was a breach in communications gaps and regular shares of idears,

    However Kare was able to harmonize and help manage the situation which formerly posed risk and project termination into Success,

    However a good project manager should poses the following skills;
    1.Team work,
    2.Good Communication,

  1279. 1.Communication: There was no communication between John and William, they should have agreed both on the time to meet, the venue among others. They should have come together to rob and share mine together. Fortunately John was able to reason with Karen and the problem was solved.
    2. No team work: Both John and William seems to have forgotten that they are there to represent the company and as so should have worked as a team

  1280. Viktor
    All professionals brought their expertise to use; method of communication as an essential skillset was in check; excellent team spirit was developed and it was productive in the end.

  1281. There was a clear lack of communication between John and William, no stakeholder engagement meeting where the scope of the project should have been discussed, hence the reason for lack of understanding between John and William. Karen understood the situation between John and William but was able to manage it by her direct engagement with John. In the end, they were able to achieve the goal when they realized the importance of teamwork.

  1282. Hi, my name is comfort kolo hussaini aka wealthfort below is my view of the scenario of firm XYZ
    From the above case study of firm XYZ with project manager and team member thatโ€™s (John, Williams & Karen) the issues identified as professional conduct from this scenario includes:
    ๏ƒ˜ I can see a scenario of internal driven adversity.
    ๏ƒ˜ Ethics as one of the skill set was compromised.
    ๏ƒ˜ Trust was destroyed during the project between Williams and John
    ๏ƒ˜ Communication inside the project team was absent between Williams and John.
    ๏ƒ˜ The project process which includes (risk analysis, planning and execution) was not carried out before commencement of project.
    ๏ƒ˜ Values as bedrock of an organization culture was compromise and inconsistent.
    ๏ƒ˜ Team work & team spirit was absent Williams and John
    The skills that were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario (Karen & John) include both soft & technical skills:
    ๏ƒ˜ Negotiation
    ๏ƒ˜ Problem solving
    ๏ƒ˜ Team work
    ๏ƒ˜ Effective communication
    ๏ƒ˜ Organizational values
    ๏ƒ˜ Technical skill (research)
    ๏ƒ˜ Consist learning

  1283. From the case study:
    Internal Driven Adversity: Williams, choose to cut corners, by not doing due diligence in his survey, probably to save time and cost, John also didn’t want to look bad so he collected the reports without asking questions.

    Karen showed that he has keen eyes for details, hence she was able to spot out the errors. She also demonstrated that she is a good team player by approaching the project manager (John) instead of going straight to the top boss.

    John demonstrated that he is good listener and great team player/leader, after the observation was brought to him he didn’t shut it down but communicated with Karen to be able to resolve the issues.

    They also applied a great deal of negotiation skills when they reached out to the company after their research and got the company to do another survey that was correct this time and helped them in moving on to the next phase of the project.

  1284. For this project to be a success, what was needed was:
    1. Good communication.
    2. Good Teamwork spirit.
    3. A good listening ear.
    4. Sticking to the ethics of the organization.
    5. Good collaboration.
    6. Maintaining the core value of the organization.

  1285. John portrayed a good leadership attribute full of team work giving rise to effective communication within the project phase.

    Some of the skills he reflected was that he actually owned the project, follow the project, took leadership role, observed and contributed effectively for the success of the project and as well increased personal relationship within the time of the project.

  1286. The issues of professional conduct here are:
    1. John and William were supposed to carry out the engagement program together but Williams went ahead to do it without the involvement of John.
    2. William went ahead to whip up an engagement report without a proper survey and research of the project.
    3. Karen found the report too good to be true but doesn’t want to be in John’s bad book as she s still under probation in her job.

    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this project are;
    1. Good communication skills.
    2. Research and team collaboration skills.
    3. Critical thinking skills.
    4. Ethical Awareness.


    From the case study, I noticed that the following skills of professional conduct and misconduct where visible clear.
    1. Lack of communication between John, William and Karen. This could be seen in the aspect where William went ahead of the other team. members to carry out the findings of the first stage of the project without involving the other two team members.

    2. Lack of Team work between John, William and Karen. This could be seen in the situation where by John and Karen went ahead trying to analyse the report brought by William without inviting William into it.
    3. I also see the lack of lay down rules and ethics in the manner of doing things in the organisation as there was no coordination between the three members involve in the project.
    4. There is lack of respect between the members and this could be seen in the manner in which William responded to John when he discovered that William had gone ahead to do the first phase of the project without him knowing and brings back the report.
    5. There is also lack of leadership amongst the tree members since there was no person put as the project manager who could direct and coordinate how the project was to be done and who is to do what and at what time.
    6. There is the presence of protecting self interest in the project. This could be seen when John was not happy with William about what he did by going to do the findings of the first phase of the project without involving the other team members and Karen refuse to rebuff William saying that she is just new in the organisation and want to project her internship.

  1288. From the case study… the team lack good communication from the beginning. Karen was afraid to criticized John report initially because she still on probation but Karen find a better opportunity and they both came up with ideas and solutions to the problem with teamwork and effective communication….

  1289. At the beginning there seems to be a trust issue or a kind of scared of having issue with john that Karen and that why though decision must be made most time. Communication between Karen and John to meet with the big firm to help make finding how its been easily done end up helping them to shot the big show. Communication and working hardly on ethics really play a vital role in every reject to be successful.

    1. Team work is very crucial. These are the tools also needed
      1. Good communication
      2. Dealing with issues in a friendly way
      3. Welcome ideas from other project team
      4. Never be too hard to be corrected

  1290. From the scenarios, I observed that the three project managers were not in agreement as to how to get the project done. The ideas and knowledge each one had were a great influence on how to go about the project.
    The following were the professional issues identified:

    Lack of organization
    communication issue
    feedback issue
    Standard issue
    Teamwork issue

    Below are the skills utilized to sort out the problem:
    Teamwork: They later embraced the power of teamwork, which helped them to express their view about the report and the best way to go about it.

    Communication skill

    Mapping out strategy

    1. From the case study, the project managers involved…
      There was no team work.
      There was communication gap, which would have affected the delivery of the project.

      Skills they used at the end was:
      Communication within them.
      Collaboration with others persons within and outside the organisation.
      Then, continuing professional development, in doing research they were able to find solutions to the challenges they faced

  1291. From the case study,some of the issues of professional ethics identified are
    1) Poor communication style
    2)Lack of technical knowledge
    3) External Adversity
    4)Time management.

    1) Adequate communication.
    2) Negotiation.
    3)Continuing professional development
    4)Time management
    5) Transparency and chaos junkles.

  1292. Lack of Transparency and Honesty: One of the issues is the lack of transparency and honesty on the part of William, the representative from the client agency. When John, the consultant from XYZ, arrived to organize and implement the engagement program, William did not disclose that the program had already been carried out by an opinion research firm. Instead, William implied that the results were ready and aligned with their expectations. This lack of transparency and potential misrepresentation of the engagement program’s status and results raises ethical concerns about honesty and openness in professional interactions.

    Potential Conflict of Interest: Another issue is the potential conflict of interest that William might have as he works for the client agency and is responsible for overseeing the project. There is a suggestion that William may prioritize the success of the project over conducting a thorough and unbiased assessment of the engagement program’s outcomes. This conflict of interest could compromise the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation process, potentially leading to biased decision-making and favouring certain outcomes for personal or organizational gain.

    These issues of professional conduct can impact the credibility of the project’s outcomes and decisions, raise ethical concerns about transparency and fairness, and potentially affect the overall reputation of both XYZ and the client agency.

    Several skills were utilized by the people involved in the scenario to bring ethics into their decisions. Here are some of the key skills demonstrated:

    Critical Thinking: Both Karen and John displayed critical thinking skills when they questioned the integrity of the engagement program’s results. Instead of accepting the presented findings at face value, they critically analyzed the situation, identified potential issues, and explored the implications of accepting or challenging the report.

    Communication: Effective communication was essential in this scenario. Karen and John openly discussed their concerns and collaborated to find a solution. They communicated with each other to understand different perspectives and shared ideas, leading to a more informed decision-making process.

    Ethical Leadership: Karen demonstrated ethical leadership by encouraging John to consider the broader implications of the situation, beyond just the current project. She emphasized the importance of upholding the firm’s reputation and ethical standards, even if it meant facing challenges or conflicts.

    Collaboration: Both Karen and John worked collaboratively to address the ethical concerns they identified. They shared information, brainstormed ideas, and came up with a plan together, ensuring that they considered multiple viewpoints and expertise in their decision-making process.

    Problem-Solving: Karen’s problem-solving skills were evident when she came up with the idea of seeking assistance from a reputable global firm. This approach allowed them to obtain an unbiased review of the engagement program’s outcomes, helping to address the potential issues they had identified.

    Ethical Decision-Making: Both Karen and John demonstrated ethical decision-making skills by considering the ethical implications of their actions. They evaluated the risks and benefits of challenging the report and worked towards a solution that aligned with ethical principles, even though it might have been challenging or time-consuming.

    Courage and Integrity: Karen displayed courage and integrity by raising her concerns with John and not shying away from addressing the potential problems with the engagement report. She showed a commitment to doing the right thing, even if it meant facing difficult conversations or possible repercussions.

    By employing these skills, the individuals in the scenario ensured that ethical considerations were integrated into their decisions and actions. They prioritized transparency, fairness, and the long-term reputation of their firm, demonstrating a commitment to ethical conduct in their professional roles.

  1293. From the case study.
    John already carried out a premeditated research whic to me was ok due to his connection with the people but was not professional enougn by not allowing every team members to be involve.
    Karen was an inquisitive and an ethusiam who wanted the right thing to be done with due procees been followed.
    To me team spirit is needed in order to execute a great project
    Every team member need to be carried along in every section of the project.
    There is need for constant connection with team member as a project manager.
    Lastly communication must be fully utilize when engaging with team members.

  1294. From the case study I saw That there is no proper and adequate information for the team on what is expected of them.

    Communication between the team was very poor

    Ethically, one person in the team is not expected to the work assigned to them as team alone.

  1295. For any project to be successful there must be Communication within team members, this communication should be effective by putting the other person (s) emotion in mind. This worked for Karen and she got the best form John.
    Collaborating and working in teams is another requirement for successful project.

  1296. I believe John’s first activity should have been have a meeting with William, where they could have had a discussion around how to engage the stakeholders. Communication could have helped to better prepare William of the rules of conduct by XYZ. Clearly, John’s trip was merely for site seeing. This was a case of internal driven diversity.

    The skills used by John and Karen to bring ethics into the discussion are;
    1. Communication
    2. Ethics and Standards
    3. Continuing professional development

  1297. * Effective communication is key in all project management firms, as seen in the scenario, Williams had an idea and implemented it without communicating with the rest of the team. Communication (open communication) should be a core value that should be imbibed by all project managers.

    * No matter how tensed or rigid one is, it’s important to find a space for flexibility and relaxation, which I see in John and Karen

  1298. I love this scenario because is what I have face before.. and I love the role Karen played to make sure the job was done.
    One of the problems is lack of effective communication, Williams would have calmed down explain the whole processes to John and John would have agreed with him or suggest a possible way to go by it.
    The second one is lack of team spirit, because they just broke down from a big firm, there is a need to understand each other in order to flow well.
    I’m really enjoying this course.

  1299. Effective communication is a key skill for all PM.
    Honesty and Integrity was not seen at the beginning hence the distrust but they were able to fix this which later got them in one page.
    Other Areas that helpedare;
    Bonding with team members.
    Necessary feedbacks
    Work ethics.
    Working towards a common goal.
    Problem solving skills.

    1. exactley
      communication is very important and also make sur there is comprehension because when you communicate without your team understanding you,you are lost

  1300. Effective communication is a key skill for all PM.
    Teamwork was not seen at the beginning hence the distrust but they were able to fix this which later gotthem in one page.
    Other Areas that helpedare;
    Bonding with team members.
    Necessary feedbacks
    Work ethics.
    Working towards a common goal.
    Problem solving skills.

    As a PM.

  1301. In the given scenario, teamwork collaboration was employed.
    There should be transparency, courage and sharing of ideas and suggestions. To succeed in any project, the purpose must be defined, team spirit and good communication.

  1302. From the case study, the major problems that emanated were a lack of Communication, Teamwork, and lack of trust, and there was internal adversity which is between Karen and William but Karen was never going to confront William in the first place due to fear of getting kicked out of the company. It should be noted that for a project to be successful, there must be adequate communication between/among the major stakeholders and enough trust in teamwork having team spirit. Meanwhile, we must be ready to own up to our mistakes and make necessary adjustments before it gets out of hand for the success of the project. ethical standards must be put in place no matter the situation or risk it may pose to us in order for the project to be successful.

    1. There’s no doubt that a team will succeed in a given task when there’s effective communication skill,Rules of conduct and values been met and at a time frame to achieve a particular project right on time.

  1303. Reading through the project I understood the power of team work and getting the work done
    Karen understood there has to be a balance and proper communication between John and Williams and she took her time to make researches and share with others to hear their thoughts thereby coming to a better conclusion and achieving the goal for the organisation.

  1304. Cohort 8
    TEAM 6

    This case study has identified that John been an experienced project manager with a good knowledge of the firm, was excited about the fact that the contract broaden his experience.
    Whereas, William worked for the client-agency and had handled the project responsibility for years, was known to be a person of growing influence in the government.
    On the other hand, was Karen, who was enticed by reputation and the glory of the agency. Her focus was to experience all possibilities to justify academic and professional training.

    Karen and John came up with ideas and solutions to the problem with teamwork and communication. They both communicated their ideas; they have a set goal to ensure the companyโ€™s focus and reputation were maintained.
    William was more of a one-man squad and surpass the Project Manager.
    The effectiveness of communication in the context has enabled the exchange of ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information of purpose or intention to be fulfilled.
    Communication is essential, Itโ€™s the process of understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
    Integrity also played out. To behave in accordance with ethical principles, and act in good faith, intellectual honesty, and fairness.
    Teamwork played a good role in increasing the communication gap between John and Karen, this increased the work efficiency on the given project.

  1305. A project manager must be ready to take or make decisions at anytime and must also be ready to bear the consequences of his decisions…. However, William did not see the need to work with others in the team because he felt he had all the experience and commenting but most times results from this kind end up negative. Karen is new but she considered the fact that every project have certain risk factor and failure to put that in check may lead to disaster, she also did not want to hurt the feelings of William in the process. John displayed a high sense of professionalism and a good communication skill by giving room for further analysis and seeking for honest opinions from the new team member Karen which helped him prepare more and reduced the damages that could have happened.
    Finally, it’s important to seek 5he opinions of every member of a team before making final decision..

  1306. Ethical standards must be upheld.
    Moral principles must be upheld.
    Then team collaboration
    Communication gap must be avoided
    Having one spirit is necessary

  1307. Ethical Issues:
    Transparency and Honesty: William’s report may lack transparency and honesty, presenting an overly positive view and potentially omitting critical information.
    Conflict of Interest: William’s personal relationships and influence within the government agency could lead to biased decision-making.

    Skills Utilized:
    Ethical Awareness: John and Karen recognize the report’s discrepancy and question its validity.
    Critical Thinking: They evaluate the risks and consequences of accepting or challenging the report.
    Collaboration: They openly discuss concerns and work together to find a solution.
    Research: Karen suggests involving a global firm for an unbiased review.
    Leadership and Courage: John encourages open dialogue and addresses ethical concerns.
    Professionalism: Both prioritize accuracy and integrity over personal interests.

  1308. First off, business must come before pleasure. If John had given off the right impression upon arrival by maintaining a professional approach right from arrival, perhaps the team on ground would have thought twice about giving him a pre-planned apparently doctored report.

    Also, his submission to the niceties placed him in a dilemma and likely affected his ability to call out the obvious flaws in the report. In my opinion, the sight-seeing session had become a bribe.

    Williams is as cunning as they come. While his intentions might not have been malicious, they clearly ooze of corruption and shadiness. He put the individual and organizational reputation on the line by packaging the report and sidelining other project managers.

    Karen was hired by the organization to add value to the organization. Her decision to stay mute was unethical as proceeding with the report could have done unimaginable damage to the organization. When dealing with projects, a PM should not be afraid to hold difficult conversations, and one of them is calling out faulty reports.

    As to the PM skills, Karen and John utilized their collaborative capabilities to run through the report, they also utilized critical thinking and leveraged on good relationships to resolve the problem.

  1309. For a project to be executed with good and desired result, it’s usually a team work. Team work required constant engagement that lead to adoption of ideas, criticism of idea, brainstorming on partially good idea to be perfected and the likes. Effective communication was not properly carrier out between the team initially most especially between John and Williams, they both have ideas whether good or bad, but they did not criticism the idea properly to enable them to harmonize the idea which they can adopt for good project result.
    John and Karen initially disagree to agree with the help of frequent engagement and critic of ideas, which landed them to a good and brilliant idea when they both brainstormed on it. Project required a collaboratory effort and not a one-man show to get the best and desired results. The entire team member must be carried along, engaged, critic and aligned each other on the cause of the project to get better performance; this will help other member of the team to learn and get good experience on the field.

  1310. The problem faced by these project manager requires proactive communication measures. To understand the problem at stake and find a way out of it, the project manager, team members and stakeholders need to communicate.

    1. John was given a pre-loaded report to endorse but was in a dilemma of not objecting initially in order not to upset Williams who is the agency point man. But the collaboration and communication between John and Karen brought about the decision that balanced the report at the end.

    2. 1. There was no effective communication and brainstorming between John, William and Karen.
      William started the project without without waiting for John and Karen.
      William doesn’t trust John’s input.
      John accepted an opinion research that he wasn’t part of the research process.
      Karen was more concerned about her job than having an honest discussion with job at the beginning.

      2. Good communication and collaboration.
      John and Karen researched and used the information gotten to find problems involved in the project and identified some material hurdles.

  1311. Alot of issues may pop up as a project goes on. These issues could be mitigated if there is proper communication between the project manager and his team and also between him and his client.

    It is important to carry everyone along as issues come up.

    Also, there should be flexibility on the part of the project manager so they can quickly make adjustments where necessary.

    1. some issues that came up
      1. not carrying every team member along in the project
      2. not carrying out dilligent surveys about the project believing they know all about it already
      3. fear of being the odd one out if criticism comes along the project by team members.

      communication is one key that helped in resolving the issue and excellent team work to make sure the project was a success was also a vital skills

  1312. Reading through i could see that transparency, ethical misconduct, communication gap were issues in this case study. Internal adversities prevented identified challenges to be tackled immediately and lack of leadership focus on vision were part. Critical thinking, holding up to ethics and standard, collaboration, chronic unease and open mindedness gave room to solving the issues and challenges encountered.

  1313. First is communication gap between the team mates. this made them miss out in one important aspect- brainstorming about the project.
    Transparency: Williams on his part was not transparent with the group.
    The internal adversities on the part of Karen made her not to voice out what could help the project. rather she chose to be sentimental instead of rational.
    Engaging the stake holders in their various degree of interaction is a necessity that should not be neglected.
    Finally, collaboration is an essential tool for the success of any project.

  1314. To run a successful project as a project manager one need to consider
    1: Communication: it is a vital key in running a successful project, John and William were unable to reach a conclusive end because of lack of proper communication
    2: Team Spirit: running a successful project requires the team being on the same page and working together to proffer solution
    3: Ethics and standard: Karen understood that there is a standard and ethics to protect in the organization, this made the project successful.

  1315. well, from the scenario, it is a clear issue of misunderstanding of one of the essential ethics and principle of a project manager. that is effective communication and team play. John felt he was an experience project manager and so the excitement of having this job after breaking out of a bigger project management company blinded him of engaging in an effective communication with the clients on the deliverables of the project. Williams on the other hand was also feeling he has known too well about the expectation of the client since he has worked with the government organization for a while.
    therefore, both the principle of project management and ethics in project management was negated by both John and Wiliams.
    However, thanks to both of them for realizing early to do what is called damaged control from what would have caused them dearly in executing the project.

  1316. well, from the scenario, it as a clear issue of lacking in one of the essential ethics and principle of a project manager. that is effective communication and team play. John felt he was an experience project manager and so the excitement of having this job after breaking out of a bigger project management company blinded him of engaging in an effective communication with the clients on the deliverables of the project. Williams on the other hand was also feeling he has known too well about the expectation of the client since he has worked with the government organization for a while.
    therefore, both the principle of project management and ethics in project management was negated by both John and Wiliams.
    However, thanks to both of them for realizing early to do what is called damaged control from what would have caused them dearly in executing the project.

  1317. For every successful projects, there was a flow of communication,adhering to values,accepting feedbacks
    and most importantly, negotiations were necessary. In this scenario, Williams didn’t make use of the “skill of communication and negotiations” which Karen,professionally used to convince John to buy into her ideas.John,acted professionally by putting outside egos and putting on team spirit.

    1. The skills employed in this scenario is communication by Karen, and then William showed lack of team work but he was conscious of timeline.

      John on the other hand was open to suggestions from other team members, he applied the skill of listening which helped solve the problem.

  1318. williams lacked ethics which almost put the whole project in jeopardy but karen and john and other project team mate were able to rectify it through communication, knowledge of the regulatory environment, time management(working together to meet up the deadline), and they maintained their individual and organizational ethics and standards.

  1319. Some of the issues with the professional conducts in this scenario are :
    1) Moral and ethical misconduct by William.
    2) Lack of communication and Team spirit by the individuals.
    3) Total disregard of the code of practice and the rules and regulations.
    For a project to be successful , effective communication and team spirit must be employed by all team members. And all team members should make their observation and contribution to the without fear or favor. Karen’s bold move and collaboration with John saved the project from total failure.

  1320. Communication issue
    And unlike spirit is a no go area in a firm
    Choose words carefully

    What keeps firms going is oneness
    Good communication

  1321. For every project to be successful, the following needs to be in place
    1.understanding of the nature and scope of project by all team member
    2. Strong analytical/risk impact Assement to every segment of the project been understood by the team member
    3. Strong communication skill
    4.Team spirit
    5.Open minded and willing to learn
    6.Dedication and great negotiation skill
    7. Ability to carry every member along with strive

  1322. Lack of team work and ethics on the part of William, Honest feedback from Karen and collaboration with John saved that project

  1323. The following should be addressed:
    Lack of communication
    Moral principles, code and rules of practice.
    Sharing Values

  1324. The issues of professional conduct that the hard were
    1. Lack of communication inside and outside the project
    2.williams didn’t have Moral principles and he didn’t follow the code and rules of practice
    3. Values were not shared amongst the project team members

    Skilled that where used to bring ethics into decisions are:
    * Control communication,John knew how to manage communication properly because he knew it would have a direct impact on the project
    * John and Karen had an agreement to deal with the issues concerning the project by listing out the possible risks involved and solutions to solve them

    1. Effective communication is vital to every aspect of life.
      Teamwork is the core of the executed project work.
      Consistent is a key point

  1325. Poor communication between John and William, Failure to understand oneโ€™s role,Lack of team playing spirit,Inability to set boundaries.
    Skills needed to be successful and ethically correct in project management includes Good Communication, effective time management, good team spirit.

    1. Poor communication from John and his team
      Lack of team spirit
      Lack of professionalism from William who tried to compromise the quality of the project ( internal driven adversity).

      Skills to be employed to integrate ethical consideration in their decisions:
      Time management
      Good communication skill

  1326. Amongst all other professional misconduct, Lack of communication between William and John and lack of organizational value mostly from the point of William were the two evident issues..I noticed also that Internal Driven Adversity was in display when William tried to enforce the โ€˜too goodโ€™ result on the team

    1. My opinion is,
      Individuals personal interest
      Communication gap
      Both had good ethics but without a team spirit.

  1327. Professional conduct issues observed from the case study are;
    1. Poor communication between John and William.
    2. Failure to understand one’s role.
    3. Lack of team playing spirit.
    4. Inability to set boundaries.

    Skills employed in salvaging the situation:
    1. Effective communication and team work helped in analyzing the report and identifying the problems.
    2. Constructive criticism which was well accepted and worked upon.
    3. Research which helped to clarify them on how to go about the problem.
    4. Critical Thinking to determine what the problem is and the solution.
    5. Ethical awareness allowed the project team to understand that they poor report will affect the integrity of their work, even after the current project.

    Chinora Ngwu
    Cohort 7
    Team 3

  1328. I Identify Team work, that’s very important, Foresightedness, Employment of good communication and also Observance of Ethics against all odds….

  1329. Skills touched in the case study

    Communication:John and William might speak about their concerns with the engagement program more effectively with one another. They were able to articulate their ideas succinctly and respectfully hear one another out.

    critical Thinking: Karen could assess the opinion research report using her critical thinking abilities. She might check the report’s results against what she already knew about the situation and inquire about the data collection methods.

    Problem solving:They could work together to develop a plan that respects the key stakeholders and that meets the needs of the project.

    Ethical themes: accountability, intergrity, transparency, honesty

  1330. As a protรฉgรฉ & an offshoot of a prestigious firm, the ethical morals, values, imbibed from John’s previous firm were tested. There was abit of distractions instead of going straight to businesses. They was communication gaps, self reliance thereby causing team loop holes & fear of the unknown set in. Due to experience, they were able to quickly resolve the conflicts & closed all the gaps to have a successful executionnfor the stakeholders & their representative.

  1331. The case study shows that williams team werenโ€™t willing to do the appropriate work which would help Johnโ€™s firm out in carrying out the project properly.
    John noticed discrepancies in the data received and further discussed with his team, this showed a collaborative spirit even though delivering such news at that point being a projector y period wasnโ€™t the best.
    Karen played an important role by ensuring that the issue at hand is solved to keep the company going.

  1332. Even though John did what was required of him ethically to engage the stakeholders in assessing the challenges.

    William’s decision isn’t entirely bad because he realized that set of standard had to be compromiseed since the job is to get the work done, no matter what it takes. His communication within the team was just poor.

    K is absolutely an amazing team player that one could wish for. She understands how emotion can come to play in criticism. She therefore initiated a relationship with William beyond work and they were able to come up with something.

  1333. From the case study i can identify that K was tactical in dealing with a tricky situation and John was flexible and collaborative with K to find a solution. The skills seen here are
    1. Diplomacy
    2. Flexibility
    3. Collaboation and team work

  1334. For every program to be successful you need the following,
    1. Effective planning
    2. Good communication
    3 team work
    4 decision making ability
    5 time management

    1. For every project to be achieve it objectives. The followings are very important,
      1 Time management
      2 Teamwork spirit
      3. Effective and Efficient planning
      4. Good Communication
      5. Flexibility
      6. Consistency

  1335. From the case study it shows that the team members did not;
    1. Good communication.
    2. Collaboration from the team members.
    3. Lack of research/information about the project

    collaboration from the team members will have made John to see the mistakes in the project and how to correct them in-house(that is between the team) , Secondly enough research was not made about the project which made them all to start seeking for solutions on how to go about it in the middle of the project, with deadlines to meet etc which made them to be under pressure to deliver the project.

    1. Lack of team work spirit was clearly indicated

      Critical analysis and thinking during decision making was also seen

      There was no meeting together to for discussions concerning the project

      There was no additional together of individual contributions to arrive at a conclusion

      There was not communication among them

      The team was not a team !!!

  1336. 1. Lack of communication:
    The PM must maintain regular communion with the Project Sponsor, Stakeholders and clients for clarity of the needed information and up to you date feedback of any planning change or additions to what he needs to execute the project.

    2. Making Trade – offs:
    The PM should be able to recognize the important and how to make trade – offs between different projects in aspect of elements of cost, time, quality and overall scope of the project.

    3. Maintain a balance outlook:
    The PM are often asked to work in stressful conditions and the PM have to cope under pressure in critical condition as such preserving motivation of the team members.

  1337. What I was able to take out from the case study is:
    โœ“ William’s approach was such he wanted to take aways John’s role as the manager
    โœ“They lacked communication
    โœ“ Lack of cooperation
    โœ“ They misunderstood themselves
    โœ“ They were actually working against themselves instead of together as a team

  1338. The importance of effective communication, collaboration among team members, everyone carrying out their various responsibilities, and being accountable enhance project success

  1339. The issues that came across were:
    -Lack of communication.
    -Usurping by William, taking over John’s powers as a manager.
    -Lack of cooperation between the team members.
    – Failure to understand each other’s roles.
    -Inability to set boundaries.

    The team was working against each other and not together. In the end, open communication, collaboration, and better insight allowed the project manager to work at his best capacity with his team.

  1340. Lack of team work that made Williams so much believe in his report.
    Lack of communication. They all didnโ€™t seat together to reflect on possible errors on the report.
    Lack of critical thinking. Giving thought on options that contradict with your own result will show possible leapholes

  1341. From the case study
    The issues where, Inadequate communication, Lack of corporation as a team (i.e., team spirit) and Conflict of ideas
    Skills that brought Ethics
    Critical thinking and adequate communication

  1342. MFON UKO
    COHORT 7
    TEAM 6


  1343. Lack of team work that made Williams so much believe in his report.
    Lack of communication. They all didnโ€™t seat together to reflect on possible errors on the report.
    Lack of critical thinking. Giving thought on options that contradict with your own result will show possible leapholes

  1344. From the case study, team work was seen between John and Karen. When she read through the report and found it not to competent preceding the reputation of the Company, she communicated John and went further to search for way to fix the challenge. At the end of the the challenge was fixed and the company retained it’s glory and the team had it’s head high on a job well done. Communication and team work is a powerful too in Managing Projects.

  1345. There was not this sense of belonging to, where everyone can freely play their role, or contribute their quota.
    Meanwhile, effective communication, good listening skills and good time management would help a team progressively.

  1346. Identifying the issues
    1. Poor communication
    2. Lack of understanding among team members
    3. Project manager wasnโ€™t in control, he designated a duty without overseeing

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved
    1. Constructive criticism was well accepted and worked upon
    2. There was an inside communication between John and Karen.

  1347. From the case study, it is safe to say that it is not psychological safe zone where people can speak their minds and counter opinions. Also i noticed the communication gap between Williams and John and in an organization, team communication is really important as it yields collaboration.

  1348. As a PM, communication is key with your team members. We can see from the case in point that everyone was doing their thing, The PM, was not staying on top of the game as a project manager. Its important to have effective communication on how to go about a project rather than relying on 3rd party survey only.

  1349. There was a communication breach between John, the Project Manager and William from the Client agency. There was no meeting with the relevant stakeholders. Williams believed they knew what the people needed, forgetting that stakeholder engagement is key. He went on to create a template that could impede the project.

    Karen noticed the issues with the research and, even though she was scared, found a way to raise it with John. Engaging the team is key in managing a project.

  1350. In the case study, the first identified problem is Communication Gap, I think before setting out John should have had a stakeholder meeting on the agenda and mapped out what’s expected from Williams. In any organization, teamwork and time management are very important aspects of a project that needs to be managed according.

    Williams was lacking in this sense believing that he knows what was needed without putting other team members into consideration and time management.

    Karen needs to work on how to put her thoughts down without sounding condescending or challenging her line manager or team. In all Communication is the key in this case study.

  1351. Lack of communication from Williams was a disregard for ethics and teamwork which almost cost them the project. Karen’s ethics, values and communication skills help to save time and cost. Teamwork and keeping the organization’s values as a project manager plays an important role in a project.

  1352. William really played down on the concept of communication and teamwork in the in the case at hand.
    He let go of moral principles and professional ethics in the project and basically traded-off of and refused a balanced outlook in dealing with the issue at hand as demanded of a project manager.

  1353. Teamwork and communication both play important roles in the GTD level of workers of an organization, there was a communication gap between John and Williams which hindered their progress and knowledge about the project
    While Karen and John on the other hand worked together, brainstormed and were able to map out solutions for problems discovered

  1354. Team work is a very essential skill in the workplace as it almost cost them. And team work can be successful when there is effective communication between members. Karenโ€™s ethics was compromised as she was scared of loosing her job. In the end working together as a team produces faster and better results. They were made to pay for their errors by going through longer process to get their result

  1355. Working together as a team is extremely crucial, effective communication skill as a project manager is very important in any part of the project. Also,the value the project manager brings to the table must be on point too

  1356. There was a communication breach between John, the Project Manager and William from the Client agency. There was no meeting with the relevant stakeholders. Williams believed they knew what the people needed, forgetting that stakeholder engagement is key. He went on to create a template that could impede the project.

    Karen noticed the issues with the research and, even though she was scared, found a way to raise it with John. Engaging the team is key in managing a project.

  1357. Putting the success of the project first is a major priority. John and William had that going on different levels. Effective communication which also is a paramount requirement for success revealed some lapses in their research and the group was able to find collective solution that ensured that all risks were identified and mitigated. Of course, Karen played a matured role as a new entrant that even though has a personal interest to protect, still have her honest opinion, which John was open to, which also is another pointer to flexibility, and that charted a new path for progress on the project. In all, effective communication, collective research and the focus of the trio made the progress on the contract visible and more achievable.

  1358. Team work is crucial, effective communication as a project manager is very important, lapse in communication can affect the outcome of a project.

  1359. Team work, effective communication is very important as a project manager, an delay or lapse in communication can affect the outcome of a project.

  1360. Omitting any little piece of information about a project can delay its success. Just as an effective communication and team work cannot be overemphasized in project delivery, a good stakeholder engagement and proper research will place a project on the path of success.

  1361. Effective communication and team work cannot be overemphasized in project delivery. Every little piece omitted of information can delay its success. A good stakeholder engagement and proper research will place a project on the path of success.

  1362. At first, it seems to look like a good team but soon due to communication gaps they were no longer working as a team because the Program Manager wasn’t communicating effectively with his team, therefore so many things happened behind him(John). The Program Manager, John was not involved in Continued Professional development to learn and unlearn ways of identifying and solving problems/challenges within his Company.

    However, solutions came through one of the team members, Karen by way of knowledge of a company that is also into a similar project for ideas and the Program manager was magnanimous indeed to accept the solutions brought to the table. We finally had a team work

    1. Communication is a vital key skill display in the case study.
      Focus and Consistency.
      Moral values.
      Oneness (ie team spirit).
      High level of management and understanding.

  1363. There was a team work at first.
    William took the fastest decision without the Risk Analysis and thought it to be suitable for the project.
    John was so concern about the future and the outcome of the decision.
    At last they were able to contact the big firm that gave them more insight and direction towards solving company’s problem.

  1364. Problems identified from the Ethics case study
    1. Acting without the approval of other stakeholders
    2. Poor communication about the action plan
    3. Seeming unwillingness to involve the other stakeholders in the core part of the process

    Skills used to salvage situation:

    1. Critical thinking by Karen to figure out how to go about it tackling the problem at hand, weighing the consequences of the two most obvious decisions, and craftily coming up with a third.
    2. Collaboration and communication by Karen and John. Proper communication made them understand that they were on the same page and also enabled Karen to get a go-ahead for her proposed action plan from John before executing it.
    3. Research: Karenโ€™s ability to go online to do some searches enabled her to solve the problem
    4. Ethical awareness: Karen and John both understood that the poorly done nature of the report could affect the integrity of their work, going forward.

  1365. Effective communication is very important in the project life cycle, effective communication helps a project to be successful. When there’s is lack of communication between team mates the project retrogress instead of progressive. From the case study it is reliazed that lack of communication and feedback cause them not to move to next stage of the project. Therefore, it is important for there to be collaboration and team work with effective communication in every project work.

  1366. Effective communication cannot be over emphasized in project management, as this is the fulcrum of having a successful project.
    Williams failed to brief John before going against the agreed plan which is to get feedback that would help them cross the hurdle for the next stage.

    John and Kareen were able to push through with the project, by utilizing some skillls very vital for project management
    These skills are Team collaboration, an eye for details, problem solving and effective communication.

  1367. Reading through the case study, I saw what happens within most organizations:

    1. Lack of communication
    2. Lack of coordinated team work
    3. Conflict of interests

    There was lack of adequate communication especially between John and Williams, there seem to be more of personal interest above corporate interest

    Kareen saw beyond the pettiness and opted for a decision in the best interest of the organization. She also exhibited good managerial and communication skills: She adopted the following skills

    1. Effective Communication
    2. Critical thinking
    3. Consultation
    4. Team work

    1. Reading through, I can see that the issues of professional conduct are as follows:

      1. Lack of leadership, vision and focus

      2. Lack of communication
      3. Internal driven adversity

      But, all thanks to Karen. The following skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions :

      1. Critical thinking
      2. Probing
      3. Teamwork

  1368. Instances of professional conduct:
    1. Realizing that if you do not get it right in the first stage it will all go wrong.
    2. Have an engaged communication with other team members.
    3. Developing a contingency plan on how you are going to work things out.
    4. Exercised teamwork
    5. Continued professional development through research

  1369. The Eagles eye view is a very essential for skill for any project manager. John was a bit complacent to accept the made-up report. Being a professional, he should have nudged William to accept standard practices by setting up the meeting with the relevant stakeholders again.
    The issue of poor communication is clearly identified here.

    Secondly, assumptions are not skills that project managers should have. Being team members does not mean questions should not be asked and unsatisfactory report be treated accordingly. John was simply not willing to push it further with william.

    Karen is the perfect example of a professional although she was the least experienced. Having the proper knowledge of what to expect in any project is very important to planning and executing the project.

    In summary, every project member must work as a team and not independently. Communicate properly with truthful tools, be willing to share more insights into areas that are not clear to other team members.

  1370. The Firm is a start up company, that broke away from a bigger company to explore a niche market. It’s also worthy of mention that, the firm has experienced Project Managers on board the company.
    1. There was an initial communication gap between William and John, because Williams met with stakeholders without John being in the know.
    2. The above point also highlights a lack of teamwork.
    3. John and Karen eventually got things right with, TEAMWORK, PROPER COMMUNICATION AND A CONTINGENCY PLAN.
    Ovie Solomon Ebegbare
    Cohhort 7
    Team 1

  1371. From the case study, the issues encountered were:
    1.Poor communication
    2. No team spirit
    3. Conflict of ideas

    โ€“ There were communication gaps on work hours and scheduled timetables to carry out research locally.
    โ€“ The intentions and expectations of the parties involved were not carefully mapped out and discussed.
    โ€“ John faced external adversity from William, who wanted him to compromise as it was still for the benefit of the company.
    โ€“ Karen wouldnโ€™t compromise as this was going to affect the integrity of the company in the future.

  1372. From the case study, the issues encountered were:
    1.Poor communication
    2. Lack of team work
    3. Conflict of ideas
    There was communication gap between the parties involved in the project.
    โ€“ John encountered problem from William, who wanted him to compromise because it was still for the benefit of the company.
    โ€“ Karen didn’t want to compromise the standard because it will affect the integrity of the company later on.

    Skills used are;
    1. Good communication.
    2. Critical thinking.
    3. Negotiations skill

  1373. Question (A)
    – Communication
    – Time Management.
    -Knowledge of the regulatory environment.
    -Ethics & Standard.
    -Continuing professional Development.
    -Ensuring adequate financial resources
    -Engaging & Motivating Project Members,
    -Dealing with issues
    -Making trade-offs
    -maintaining a balance outlook.
    -Control Communication.

  1374. From the case study, the issues encountered were:
    1.Poor communication
    2. No team spirit
    3. Conflict of ideas

    – There were communication gaps on work hours and scheduled timetables to carry out research locally.
    – The intentions and expectations of the parties involved were not carefully mapped out and discussed.
    – John faced external adversity from William, who wanted him to compromise as it was still for the benefit of the company.
    – Karen wouldnโ€™t compromise as this was going to affect the integrity of the company in the future.

    Skills used to help bring ethics are;
    1. Good communication.
    2. Critical thinking.
    3. Negotiations skill.

    – Having a discussion, thereby bridging the communication gap.
    – They carefully weighed all the possibilities and what their expectations were. Looking at the effects and outcomes each would have on the company.
    – involving a third party who was a professional body in solving issues they were having difficulty with, as a result of that, they could set things straight with the company William worked for.

  1375. The following are the skills employed or used to integrate ethical considerations into decisions made by the individuals involved in the ethics case study:
    โˆš Effective communication (Karen &John)
    โˆš Team work (Karen & John)
    โˆš Time management
    โˆš Integrity (Karen)
    โˆš Diligence etc.
    Williams lacked most of these skills

  1376. According to the scenario, both John and Karen applied the following ;

    Communication skills- They discussed the situation together.

    Reasoning Critically โ€“ they mapped out their initial options in clear and contrasting terms.

    Working as a Team โ€“ They talked about it with colleagues over the weekend.

    Working Together โ€“ Karen and John looked beyond the immediate and created scenarios of what each option might mean for the companyโ€™s reputation.

  1377. William giving John an already made up result was the unprofessional problem encountered but this was solved by Karen’s eye to detail and adequate understanding of what the need for their project, and also John’s level of understanding and listening to his team member. i can say the ethical conduct employed includes and not limited : effective communication, keen eye to detail, and team work.

  1378. Based on what i gathered, there was a little bit of unprofessionalism at the beginning as William didn’t sit down with John to map out a proper strategy in order to carry out their research. Hence John’s surprise when William provided an already prepared report without his input.

    John took the report back to Karen without sitting down with William to properly analyse and dissect the report.

    Thankfully this issue was sorted out before getting to the final stage. They were able to liaise with a big company with some ties to the local community.. Hence the ethnic aspect was covered.

  1379. According to the scenario, both John and Karen applied the following ;

    Good communication skills- They discussed the situation together.

    Critical thinking – they mapped out their initial options in clear and contrasting terms.

    Teamwork – They talked about it with colleagues over the weekend.

    Collaboration – Karen and John looked beyond the immediate and created scenarios of what each option might mean for the company’s reputation.

  1380. In summary, Effective communication is key in a projects life time, From the case study
    communication skill , team spirit was in place . Critical thinking was also employed. Good communication is needed within the project team members.

  1381. From the APM scenario, these are my deductions.
    JOHN a project manager from XYZ company did not showcase his professionalism in that he allowed Williams to conclude the project contract without his involvement as a representative and the key figure of the contract. He lacked effective communication skill by not letting Karen know the basis of the report from the clients. He was externally adversed by Williams who wanted him to go against his company’s value for his own interest. Nevertheless he demonstrated collaboration skill and team spirit with Karen which brought about the success of the project.

    Williams on his own part exhibited lack of collaboration and never got bothered about the outcome of his plan.

    Karen knew the importance of sticking to organizational ethics and values of excellence and she used her communication skill, team work spirit and problem solving skill to get back to track and get the project delivered excellently.

  1382. In my opinion from the case study, I could identify some ethical issues being:
    -There were communication gaps on work hours and scheduled timetable to carry out research locally.
    -The intentions and expectations of the parties involved were not carefully mapped out and discussed.
    -John faced external adversity from William who wanted him to compromise as it was still for the benefit of the company.
    -Karen wouldn’t compromise as this was going to affect the integrity of the company in the future.

    They (John and Karen) were able to handle this issue by:
    -Having a discussion, thereby bridging the communication gap.
    -They carefully weighed all the possibilities and what their expectations were. Looking at the effects and outcomes each would have on the company.
    -involving a third party who was a profession body in solving issues they were having difficulty with, as a result if that, they could set things straight with the company William worked for.

    1. In my opinion,the first gap communication challenge, where it was assumed that Karen would adapt easily into the work community without been properly briefed.
      Intentions and expectations didn’t align.
      Skills that were used to resolve the communicating in a relaxed tone, ability to listen with arguing and willing to change and admit that some actions would reflect negatively on the organisation and the people in it.

  1383. From the scenerio painted, lack of communication between the parties was a major factor, secondly, the parties did not understand the value of working as a team, that was a huge challenge for them.

    1. Initially they were going to let lack of communication deter the project but this was properly resolved by communicating effectively and working together as a team.
      Rukayat Rasaki
      Group 9

  1384. At the beginning, the had communication issues.
    William and John were professionals in their fields but they were not communicating well.
    For a project to be successful, a project manager must be able to communicate effectively with the stakeholders. Karen was able to communicate well after sometimes and that was what brought the success.

    I also noticed that team spirit made the whole process easy.

    Ini-Abasi George
    Cohort 7
    Team 5

  1385. The problem I noticed with the project team is centered around communication in all forms which led to non transparency and assumption.

    For the team to be efficient the communication lines has to be open and effectively used.

  1386. In my observation,the issues encountered where:
    Lack of communication,No team spirit
    conflict of ideas.

    Skills used to help bring Ethics
    Critical thinking to determine what the problem,Good communication,work ethic.

  1387. From my point of view,
    At the beginning, the organization had team members who were willing to work but they canโ€™t work as a team. And on the other hand a proper communication was not given so definitely jobs to be done will be delayed.

    But at the end it was resolved team members sharing possible solutions and the project delivered

  1388. According to the case study, it was observed that all the team members where ready for the project but the was lack of effective communication between John and Williams as such Williams was not carried along in the beginning. Karen on other was keen about continuing professional development and together she was able to tackle the loophole in their project together with John.

    1. The xyz company had individually qualified team members but they suffered a lack of proper communication and lacked personal ethics. they also did not work as team, thereby creating lapses and delaying the delivery of their work. that was why Keren was skeptical about discussing the report.
      keren however employed problem solving skills by first identifying the problem, researching and coming up with a possible solution. as a project manager, it is important to be ready to handle unforseen circumstances however they may arise.

  1389. For a project to be a great one, proper communication skill should be paramount. The project manager should be able to communicate well as well as being transparent, honest , consistent and they should be able to work as a team. Lack of communication will only drive a wrong information to the client. When a project manager knows what to do at every point in time, the project will be a successful one.

  1390. Based on the lesson taught on ethics module and the scenario read, it shows that the xyz company lacked dedicated staff with huge communication gap amidst the team and project manager and they all also lacked team spirit. They all neglected the ethical standard of the company which also shows that they each lacked individual ethics

  1391. There was a lack of communication among the team. they lack teamwork and find easier ways to achieve things without ethical considerations and standards. Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions should include communication and ethics and standards.

  1392. There was lack of communication between Williams and John, throwing John off balance until he was able to readjust after team work with Karen.
    Both Carried out research and made enquiry concerning and contacted some Government agents on the said project to justify the program brought by William.
    William on the other hand though did a good job but failed to carry John along hence not upholding the professional ethic of using communication.
    However the goal of the project was achieved at last, as all three key person were able to reach an agreement on the engagement project of XYZ firm.
    Thank you.

    1. The Eagles eye view is a very essential for skill for any project manager. John was a bit complacent to accept the made-up report. Being a professional, he should have nudged William to accept standard practices by setting up the meeting with the relevant stakeholders again.
      The issue of poor communication is clearly identified here.

      Secondly, assumptions are not skills that project managers should have. Being team members does not mean questions should not be asked and unsatisfactory report be treated accordingly. John was simply not willing to push it further with william.

      Karen is the perfect example of a professional although she was the least experienced. Having the proper knowledge of what to expect in any project is very important to planning and executing the project.

      In summary, every project member must work as a team and not independently. Communicate properly with truthful tools, be willing to share more insights into areas that are not clear to other team members.

  1393. An instance where professional conduct was highlighted in this case study can be seen where the team had to go and get good knowledge of the Regulatory Environment.

    Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions include;
    1. Communication
    2. Ethics and Standards

  1394. The problem as clearly seen resulted from poor communication.

    Karen tried to keep her point of view to herself when she needed to speak up.

    The good thing is that adequate communication is still the mitigation for poor communication.

  1395. What I can say is there was some loopholes from Williams side such as lack of communication, wanting to boycott due process and not abide by ethical principles ,he just wanted to be fast without doing it the right way and this could have affected the project ..This was resolved by Karen applying conflict resolution skills , good communication skills with John and transparency skills these skills helped them prevent the project from failing which every project manager and team must possess

  1396. From the scenerio, there was a conflict of ideas,
    No team spirit and
    Lack of proper communication.
    As a away of mitigating the problems identified above, proper negotiation skill is required,
    Logical reasoning and team spirit.
    These skills later solved the seeming problem at the end

  1397. In my own observations, there is no team work between Karen, John and Willams. And they lack commmunication. Is as good as, we all are on our own.

    It seems more like an indiviual project.

    But at the end, John and Karen was able to come up with the solution to their problems. And finally,
    Communication was restored…
    Team work was achieved
    And at the end, there was a success and good project was In birthed.

    Without the teamwork between John and Karen, they couldnt have achieved that.

  1398. 1. There is a communication problem here. Also team work and Negotiation is lacking.
    2. Thinking critically about the pros and cons involved in the project, communicating, and having Knowledge of the regulatory environment through research helped.

    1. * Transparency: Openly sharing information with stakeholders and team members, ensuring transparency in decision-making processes.
      * Integrity: Demonstrating honesty, trustworthiness, and adherence to ethical principles in all interactions and decisions.
      * Accountability: Taking responsibility for one’s actions, acknowledging mistakes, and being accountable for the consequences.
      * Respect for stakeholders: Treating all stakeholders with respect, fairness, and dignity, considering their needs and perspectives.
      * Compliance with regulations and standards: Adhering to applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards to ensure legal and ethical practices within the project.
      * Conflict resolution: Resolving conflicts or ethical dilemmas in a fair and constructive manner, finding compromises and solutions that uphold ethical standards.
      The skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into decisions may include:
      * Ethical reasoning: Applying ethical principles and values to analyze potential courses of action and their ethical implications.
      * Communication skills: Effectively communicating ethical concerns and considerations to stakeholders, promoting open dialogue, and addressing ethical dilemmas.
      * Critical thinking: Analyzing complex situations, evaluating different perspectives, and making informed decisions that align with ethical standards.
      * Decision-making: Considering the ethical implications of various options, weighing the consequences, and making ethical choices.
      * Emotional intelligence: Being aware of and managing one’s emotions, empathizing with others, and understanding the emotional impact of decisions on individuals and teams.
      * Continuous learning and reflection: Actively seeking opportunities to learn about ethical guidelines and best practices, reflecting on past experiences, and continuously improving ethical decision-making skills.

  1399. From the case study,the issues encountered where:
    1.Poor communication
    2.No team spirit
    3.conflict of ideas

    Skills used to help bring Ethics
    1.Critical thinking to determine what the problem
    2.Good communication
    3. Negotiations skills was adopted

    1. There’s no form of communication and team co-operation is lacking which is the essential tool for effective productivity
      1. There is a communication problem here. Also team work and Negotiation is lacking.
      2. Thinking critically about the pros and cons involved in the project, communicating, and having Knowledge of the regulatory environment through research helped.

  1400. My POV:
    John as an experienced Project manager should have made contact with William to facilitate the programme immediately
    William ignored the ethics of Team work and went ahead to carry out the programme
    Karen at first was concerned about her own interest and how criticising the report can reflect on her position

    Skills involved includes:
    Critical thinking
    Team work

  1401. This Scenario highlights the importance of effective communication, team work or team spirit in project management in order to achieve a specific project goal.

  1402. From the case study
    The issues where:
    1.Poor communication
    2.No team spirit
    3.different conflict of ideas

    Skills used to help bring Ethics
    1.Critical thinking to determine what the problem
    2.Good communication

  1403. Olatunji Aminu
    cohort 7 Team 2
    Professional conduct issues observed from the case study are;
    1. Poor communication
    2. Lack of understanding of the organizational values
    3. Lack of team playing spirit
    4. Conflict of ideas

    How it was resolved
    1. The communication gap was bridged.
    2. Constructive criticism which was well accepted and worked upon.
    3 Negotiation skills adopted
    4 Critical Thinking to determine what the problem is and the solution

  1404. Williams discarded professional conduct and ethics while Sam and Jane were nearly carried away by got emotions trying not to displease Williams. Could have cost them the project. Good communication, collaboration and understanding as a team ensured they didn’t deviate thereby delivering on the project.

  1405. From my own point of view, couples of issues identified in this case study are listed below:
    1. Lack of communication
    2. Assumptions
    3. Lack of team work from William’s side
    4. Lack of integrity and maintaining laid down standards.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions used by the people in the case study which brought possible solution are:
    1. Effective communication amongst the team members
    2. Critical thinking on what the problem was and how to profer a solution.
    3. Negotiation skill was adopted which got them the right engagement at the end.
    4. Continuing professional developed played a key role too as Karen was able to do a bit of online research which made her identify a global firm that the local opinion researchers sometimes partnered with.

  1406. Firstly, the case study shows that there was a breach in the organizational structure as Williams was supposed to report to John before making key decisions pertaining to the project.
    Secondly, the value of John’s firm was almost corrupted as there was a point John was gong to compromise on the standards he stood for.
    Williams, on the other hand displayed a low level of moral principles.

    The situation was handled properly when John and Karen looked thoroughly into the project without any bias, with the aim of identifying the potential issues the project will face and how best to tackle them

  1407. The case scenario shows that Williams was not honest and lack some form of integrity in his report and was fully focused on how he can get work done not minding the process and future backlash on the project. Effective communication ,collaboration, organization values and team work was obviously lacking in the process.
    Sufficient and suitable documentation should be put in place and also critical thinking and courage should be instill.

  1408. From the case study, we see William who will follow the proper process to conduct his survey. He decided to do short cut without involving John who was suppose to work with him to get the job done.

    I believe John should have stood his ground and made sure the all thing was done the proper way but he accepted and was worried about it..

    Karen like every junior staff was scared of sharing her view. Probably the office has not created a very free atmosphere where everyone can sharr Thier view without being ridiculed.

    But eventually , am glad Karen with the use of Good communication could share her views with John and together they could work together
    The ability of John to accept advice from Karen shows humility and team spirit which can help get organisations to greater heights

  1409. William lack communication skill, he ought to have carried his team along. No man is an island.. thank God for John and Karen that came through at the last stage but even at that they still left William behind. To me the organization lacks communication and team spirit.

    1. You right they really were very poor in communication and William was having this believe that his decision was the best also apart from that I notice they all have the same goal to meet up with for the project but they all lack the ability to all come together as one to meet up with their goal.

    COHORT 7, TEAM 2

    As project managers, teamwork and communication is key. From the case study, it showed that Williams never carried John and Karen along. He went ahead to do the project without their notice and that got John furious. Karen also showed empathy towards John because she noticed the report wasnโ€™t professional. She derived a means with John to make the project successful in order to save the reputation of their firm.

    The case study lacks;
    Effectivee communication.
    Bonding with team members.
    Necessary feedbacks.
    Work ethics.

  1411. As project managers, teamwork and communication is key. From the case study, it showed that Williams never carried John and Karen along. He went ahead to do the project without their notice and that got John furious. Karen also showed empathy towards John because she noticed the report wasn’t professional. She derived a means with John to make the project successful in order to save the reputation of their firm.

    The case study lacks;
    Effectivee communication
    Bonding with team members.
    Necessary feedbacks
    Work ethics.

  1412. The team discussed in this session had issues with professional conduct such as lack of communication, and not involving all members of the team in decision-making processes at the earlier stage.

    Subsequently, they were able to rectify this when John and Karen joined forces to get more data that will help the project, meet with an organization that had done a similar project, and sharing their concerns with other colleagues.

  1413. Uchechukwu Okochua
    Team 10

    William behaved in an unethical manner to my own thoughts, his company did what they seemed best against their guiding principles. However, extra efforts were made by John and Karen in vetting a report submitted to them which made them seek for more possible solutions.

  1414. William behaved in an unethical manner to my own thoughts, his company did what they seemed best against their guiding principles. However, extra efforts were made by John and Karen in vetting a report submitted to them which made them seek for more possible solutions.

  1415. As a PM always collaborate ,communicate and keep to agreements. William was wrong for taking on the report in the absence of John and Karen and suffice it to say that William’s agency is unethical and unprofessional.

    Kudos to John and Karen that saved the day

  1416. From the case study, one don’t need to be informed that Three of them john, Williams, Karen were project Managers and also experienced but they failed to use these important keys which would have help them to achieve better result. *communication skill
    * collaboration
    *Team work
    *Discussion making
    *Drawing out their work plan
    * Time management

  1417. From the Case Study, it is very obvious that the Project Team initially lacked professional conduct, which entails;
    1. Good Communication
    2. Coordination
    3. Teamwork
    4. Organizational Values/Work ethics
    5. Understanding of the goals and problem solving skills.
    In the midst of all these, they were able to retract their steps to achieve the organisation’s goal through good communication, team work, proper coordination and good ethical practices.

    As project managers, we are not to be caught acting unethically/unprofessionally to avoid jeopardising the project and also making our clients loss trust in our services/Organisation.
    The organisation’s goal comes first.

    1. I totally agree. William acted unethically and I think his agency always work against the books. Kudos to John and Karen that still went the extra mile to vet the report and brainstormed on possible solutions.

  1418. Professional conduct in projects includes being honest, transparent, and accountable for oneโ€™s actions. It also involves being respectful of others, following established policies and procedures, and maintaining confidentiality when necessary. Additionally, professional conduct requires individuals to act in the best interest of the project and its stakeholders, and to avoid conflicts of interest. In order to integrate ethical considerations into their decisions, individuals must possess strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with others. They must also be willing to take responsibility for their actions and to make difficult decisions when necessary. John, Williams, Karen was cooperate and work together as team because they understood the professional conduct in a project and weโ€™re ready to huddle for the next term as a Team to achieve a common goal or purpose.

  1419. Issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario includes:
    Lack of communication
    Poor Collaboration among all the parties involved
    Poor information network
    No team work
    Poor Organizational structure
    No collaboration
    Lack of proper Feedback

    Skills which were used to bring ethics into decision includes:

    Good Communication
    Team Work

  1420. A Project manager is not supposed at any point in time work unethically. This in one way or the order affects the desired output, thereby jeopardizing the trust and confidence clients have on the company.

    Professional conducts identified from the case study are:
    Team work
    Work ethics
    Problem solving skills

  1421. From the Case Study, it can be clearly seen that at the initial stage, the Project Team lacked the following skills which revolve around professional conduct:
    1. Good Communication
    2. Coordination
    3. Teamwork
    4. Organizational Values
    5. Understanding of the goals

    But, later on, they understood themselves and their common goals; learned how to communicate efficiently within the team; began working towards their organizational goals; maintained teamwork; became coordinated; and upheld critical thinking. Then, those professional conduct helped them to arrive at the end of the project successfully.

  1422. On the part of William, I see a lack of professionalism. He wanted a perfect result without going through the correct procedures. William did not act as a good team player, he tried to water down the efforts of other team members.

    While Karen exhibited a great team player spirit, she listened to what William said, thought about it over and it’s consequences. Discussed with John in order to find solutions to the problem. Researched on solutions and discussed with other members.

    Karen and John exhibited critical thinking and negotiations, skills and teamwork.

  1423. As a project manager, acting ethically is essential to ensure the success of your projects and maintain the trust of stakeholders. Here are some guidelines to help you act ethically in your role:

    1. Integrity: Demonstrate honesty and transparency in all your actions. Uphold high moral principles and do not engage in deceptive or unethical practices. Be truthful about project progress, risks, and issues.

    2. Professional competence: Continuously improve your skills and knowledge to ensure you can effectively manage the project. Stay up to date with industry standards, best practices, and relevant regulations. Strive for excellence in your work and seek appropriate certifications if available.

    3. Stakeholder engagement: Communicate openly and regularly with stakeholders, including clients, team members, and sponsors. Understand their needs and expectations, and ensure they are adequately informed about project progress, changes, and any potential impact on their interests.

    4. Respect for diversity and inclusion: Embrace diversity and treat all team members and stakeholders fairly and respectfully. Avoid any form of discrimination or favoritism based on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability. Foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

    5. Conflict resolution: Handle conflicts or disagreements among team members or stakeholders in a fair and objective manner. Encourage open dialogue and seek win-win solutions whenever possible. Ensure that decisions are based on merit and consider the best interests of the project and its stakeholders.

    6. Compliance with laws and regulations: Familiarize yourself with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards related to your project. Ensure that your project adheres to legal requirements and ethical guidelines, such as data protection, intellectual property rights, and environmental regulations.

    7. Confidentiality and data protection: Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared with you during the project. Safeguard personal data and other proprietary or confidential information according to applicable laws and organizational policies. Obtain necessary permissions before sharing or disclosing any information.

    8. Conflict of interest: Avoid situations where personal interests may conflict with the best interests of the project or its stakeholders. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest promptly and take appropriate steps to mitigate or eliminate them. Make decisions objectively, considering the overall benefit to the project.

    9. Sustainable practices: Promote sustainability principles throughout the project lifecycle. Consider environmental, social, and economic factors when making decisions. Seek opportunities to minimize waste, reduce carbon footprint, and contribute positively to the communities impacted by your project.

    10. Continuous improvement and learning: Reflect on your experiences and learn from both successes and failures. Embrace a growth mindset and seek feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement. Stay informed about emerging ethical considerations and adapt your practices accordingly. Ethical behavior is a continuous commitment, and it requires vigilance and self-reflection. By adhering to ethical principles, you can build a reputation as a trustworthy project manager and contribute to the overall success and positive impact of your projects.

  1424. Issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario includes:
    Lack of communication
    Lack of synergy
    No team work
    No Organizational values
    No collaboration

    Skiils which were used to bring ethics into decision includes:
    Good Communication
    Team spirit
    Organizational values

  1425. I would say they lack professional work ethics , they put in there best but lacks communication , no ethical decision.
    Williams’s action should be questioned as he doesn’t understand the meaning of team member.
    He’s poor with collaboration, ethical thinking and teamwork.

    Karen demonstrated a problem solver, critical thinker and more of team work

  1426. Professional conduct in projects includes being honest, transparent, and accountable for one’s actions. It also involves being respectful of others, following established policies and procedures, and maintaining confidentiality when necessary. Additionally, professional conduct requires individuals to act in the best interest of the project and its stakeholders, and to avoid conflicts of interest. In order to integrate ethical considerations into their decisions, individuals must possess strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with others. They must also be willing to take responsibility for their actions and to make difficult decisions when necessary. John, Williams, Karen was cooperate and work together as team because they understood the professional conduct in a project and we’re ready to huddle for the next term as a Team to achieve a common goal or purpose.

  1427. The negative issues featured in this case study ae:
    1. Lack of teamwork
    2. No organizational values
    3. Poor communication

    1. Karen’s act of team spirit resolve the issues, she planned and observe the whole situation to bring a solution to the problem through collaboration with John.

      Williams’s behavior is unethical, he feels he can just plan and execute on his own without including others, and he lacks leadership.
      In essence, John was able to find a solution to the report because he communicate with Karen, and they get it solved

  1428. The ethical issue portrayed in this case study is that of poor organizational values that would be qualified as external adversity. This was particularly the situation with Williams who had designed and presented a report to the program manager John. The results Williams presented must be one that favours his organization.

    Secondly, John failed to be focused on the goal of delivering a successful project. This showcased his lack of confidence and lack of being action-oriented. He was easily carried as was away by the hospitality of Williams.

    Karen on the other hand has an appreciable concern for ethical considerations. She observes how smooth the project promised to be which may not be obtainable in real life scenario. Despite the fact that she was scared at first, she observes that John was not also comfortable with the report and insisted that they should work on something to get a true picture of the potential risks posed on the project.

    Skills demonstrated:
    1. Good communication
    2. Critical thinking
    3. Team-work
    4. Collaboration

    1. Williams was not honest in his report and was solely concerned of how perfect his report was without addressing issues that would come up during the project. In addition, he failed to communicate and collaborate successively with his team members. On the other hand, John had some concerns about not being carried along and the perfection of the report on paper, but he also did not communicate and address his concerns with his team members. Initially Karen let her personal matters, such as being a new employee guide her decision to be quiet about her concerns that the project did not envisage any problems. But later on, when she communicated and collaborated and focused on the project, not only was the team able to come up with a plan, but also communicate with stakeholders and researchers and commenced onto the next stage of the project.

  1429. Issues of professional conduct
    1. John takes the initiative by asking how the engagement program has been organized, he is a great project manager and was very concerned with the report which was received from William. But John has issues with communication and fear, he failed to face William and give his concerns about the report.

    2. William has no moral principles and his actions showed very low organizational values. As he did not follow the project plan and used his experiences of working to get the report.
    3. On the other hand Karen was a good team player, who used her critical thinking and good communication skills to express her concern about the project.

    Skills used to help to bring ethics in decision s
    1. Critical thinking
    2. Teamwork
    3. Effective communication
    4. Honest and integrity

  1430. Williams presented a fake engagement report which did not reflect the potential risks on the project. John and Karen acted unprofessionally by not speaking up to address the concerns they had.

    Ways in which ethics were introduced:
    Critical thinking
    Team and collaboration
    Honesty and integrity

  1431. William realized that had not been doing well in communication and he started entertaining and listening to the other team, finally John opened up and was able to collaborate with the team XYZ. and was a successful project in the end

    1. The issues of professional conduct faced.
      Williams lacks integrity and doesn’t care about ethics, he’s the guy who just wants take shortcuts in order to move on to the next thing.

      John is a good guy but can easily be swayed and not speak up.

      Karen has individual values, that’s why she know she had to do something to bring about a positive change.

      Good attention to details
      Great communication
      Decision making
      Moral principles
      Team work


    William did not do the proper research for the project and did not analyze the risk that the report that was generated posed to the next stage of the project because he wanted to take the easy way out. He also did not communicate openly with John and Karen about his methods, nor did he want to entertain their input to the project, thereby refusing to to collaborate with team XYZ as the project required.

    John was too afraid of having any difficult discussion with William whereby he would express his thoughts on how William was going about the project and suggesting a better approach to handling it together as a team. Instead he kept his concerns to himself without putting into consideration the values that brought XYZ this far.

    Karen saw the loopholes in the report that John had gotten from William but was not bold enough at first to draw attention to her misgivings.


    1. XYZ Organisational values (open communication lines, diligent research)
    2. Risk analysis
    3. Critical thinking
    4. Professional development via peer-to-peer brainstorming of ideas and getting other firms in the industry to help them
    5. Teamwork/collaboration

  1433. The project management skill that was observed in the scenario.

    Critical thinking: Karen demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the engagement reportโ€™s validity and recognizing the potential risks associated with relying on biased or incomplete data. She engaged in a discussion with John to explore the problem further and evaluate possible solutions.

    Communication: Williams lacked good communication skill and that almost throw John who was supposed to be the Project Manager off balance if not for the timely intervention of Karen. Karen came open in her communication with john by giving her very honest opinion concerning the report and not only that she also raised some concerns which helped them get to think out-of-the-box to proffer solution to the issues. They also show their skill by bringing into play the ethical decision making skill which every project manager should have by prioritizing the projectโ€™s long-term success and the reputation of the company involved. They recognized the importance of addressing the issue, even if it meant challenging the initial findings, and took action to rectify the situation .

    Collaboration/teamwork: Karen worked together with John in identifying the problems that may be encountered along the line if they should go by the engagement report and proffered potential solutions. They collaborated with colleagues and sought external expertise to address the problem effectively.

    In all, the skills of open communication, collaboration, critical thinking and ethical decision making came into play and helped them recognize and address the professional conduct issues in the context.

  1434. Williams did not act ethically as he failed to carry-out the research , instead he took a short-cut to get a report he should have carried out a research to get.
    John also failed to conduct a research and only accepted the written report from Williams.
    Karen is a good team player effective in communication.
    Skills that should help are as follows:
    – Problem solving skill.
    – Decision making
    – Team work
    – Research
    – Risk analysis
    – Critical thinking

  1435. All parties were clear on the significance of the project to their company, however, it takes effective communication and teamwork between John and Karen to avert what might be a disastrous project execution due to ineffective stakeholders engagement conducted by Williams without carrying other team members along

    1. Essien Hempel
      Cohort 7 team 4

      Williams didn’t act ethically as he fails to carry out research on the project, instead he took a short cut and didn’t communicate openly with his team.
      Karen was smart and a good team player to see the loopholes. Karen also seek opinions from other team members rather than rely on her intuition and that makes them arrive at a win situation.
      Lack of transparency
      Inadequate risk management
      Inadequate stakeholders engagement
      Reports based on assumptions
      Risk management/ Risk analysis
      Team work
      Effective communication

  1436. The issues on professional conduct are less communication between team members and no initial plan agreed on the project road map. The practice used by William was unethical as he cut corners to get a report that should have been done by XYZ company directly.
    Skills that would help are:
    – Proper communication between team members.
    – Carry out a proper stakeholder engagement and mapped out the report to suit the purpose of the contract
    – Properly map out the road map plan communicated.

    1. There is lack of communication and team work between them.
      Lack of understanding can also be spotted in the sense that they are not carrying themselves along hereby leaving one behind.

      As a project manager, they ought to work together inorder to achieve their goals

  1437. The issues on professional conduct are less communication between team members and no initial plan agreed on the project road map. The practice used by William was unethical as he cut corners to get a report that should have been done by XYZ company directly.
    Skills that would help are:
    – Proper communication between team members.
    – Carry out a proper stakeholder engagement and mapped out the report to suit the purpose of the contract
    – Properly map out the road map plan communicated.

  1438. There was communication gap. William didn’t carry the Project Manager along when taking crucial decisions.

    There was no proper research on the appropriate information to use for the project. William felt he could obtain information opinion Research firm. It would have been best to obtain information from Stakeholders by using stakeholders map.

    Karen was driven by the values and culture of the organization. Hence, the need to ensure that accurate information and impeccable project was carried out by collaboration with the project manager.

  1439. There was no communication between William and John,
    William overrided John by handling the project alone because he is the peoples person whereas it was supposed to be a collaborated efforts among the team members to arrived at a win-win situation timely.
    I think John, also failed to understand the Knowledge of the regulatory Environment,as he only relied on what was written down and given to him, without proper supervision as a project manager.

    Karen is a good team player with effective communication skills, she collaborated with John in mapping out stakeholders, run a risk analysis to identify the hurdles for the next stage of the project.

    Karen also seek for opinions from other team member rather than rely on self intuition.
    At the end they arrived at a win-win situation.

    Effective communication
    Risk analysis
    Time management
    Personal development
    Team work

    1. I noticed a communication gap between John and Williams. Williams never carried John along, which led to him being drawn aback.

      Karen as well tried by contributing her own opinion to the issue at hand and sharing ideas with John too. She also did a great job by researching and finding solutions to the problem on ground.

  1440. The synergy in communication between John and Karen was very remarkable, big ups to Karen who wasn’t afraid that she’s still a greenhorn in xyz, she gave her unbuffered suggestions and went further on researching the best possible solution for effective engagement and rekindling of trust between the both parties. John on his own part was receptive of the idea by Karen.

  1441. Adanna Ekenna Mbah , Cohort 7 Team 1

    -Lack of Proper Communication between John & Williams. Williams was not a detailed-oriented person, while John
    -No Organization values from Williams
    -No Team Work between John and Williams
    -Report was based on Assumption(Williams)
    -Lack of Transparency (Karen) who was too of herself before considering the wellbeing of the firm
    – Empathy(Karen)

    – Collaboration
    – Attention to details
    – Team Work
    -Risk Management
    – Stakeholder Engagement
    -Ethical Standards
    – Team Work

  1442. Issues of professional conduct:
    * Lack of transparency between John and William in regards to how the stakeholder engagement Programme would be organized.
    * Inadequate Stakeholder engagement as William had already moved into the next phase of the project with assumptions based on what the stakeholders could possibly like.
    * Inadequate risk management; John failed to fully assess the research results that was conducted by William so as to identify any potential risks or issues that could arise with said project.
    * Conflict of interest; this is seen when Karen initially puts her personal interest (in regards to her position in the firm) first before that of the firm.

    Skills used in bringing ethics into this scenario:
    * Ethical decision making
    * Critical thinking involved
    * Negotiation
    * Communication and transparency
    *Stakeholder engagement

    1. Lack of communication between John and Williams and Williams override John in the excuse that he wanted to impress John and safe him the stress
      Though Karen first thought of her person gains at the office she later corrected her self

  1443. Based on the provided scenario, the following professional conduct issues can be identified:

    Lack of transparency and communication: William, the client agency representative, did not inform John, the project manager from XYZ, that the engagement program had already been carried out. This lack of communication and transparency created a false impression and hindered the original plan of carefully arranged forums to gather feedback.

    Inadequate research and reliance on biased data: Karen, a new member of XYZ, expressed concerns about the engagement report, suspecting that it may be too positive and lacking objectivity. The report appeared to fit perfectly without any issues or challenges identified. This suggests a potential bias or lack of thorough research in gathering the data, raising questions about the reliability and validity of the report’s findings.

    Skills used to address ethics in the scenario:

    Critical thinking: Karen demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the engagement report’s validity and recognizing the potential risks associated with relying on biased or incomplete data. She engaged in a discussion with John to explore the problem further and evaluate possible solutions.

    Collaboration and teamwork: John and Karen worked together to identify the issue with the engagement report and brainstormed potential solutions. They collaborated with colleagues and sought external expertise to address the problem effectively.

    Ethical decision-making: Both John and Karen showed ethical decision-making skills by prioritizing the project’s long-term success and the reputation of XYZ. They recognized the importance of addressing the issue, even if it meant challenging the initial findings, and took action to rectify the situation by involving an external firm to conduct a review.

    Open communication: Karen encouraged open communication with John by providing her honest opinion about the report and discussing potential concerns. This facilitated an environment where ethical considerations could be openly addressed and solutions could be explored.

    Overall, the skills of critical thinking, collaboration, ethical decision-making, and open communication played a crucial role in recognizing and addressing the professional conduct issues in the scenario.

  1444. Issues of professional conduct:
    * Lack of transparency between John and William in regards to how the stakeholder engagement Programme would be organized.
    * Inadequate Stakeholder engagement as William had already moved into the next phase of the project with assumptions based on what the stakeholders could possibly like.
    * Inadequate risk management; John failed to fully assess the research results that was conducted by William so as to identify any potential risks or issues that could arise with said project.
    * Conflict of interest; this is seen when Karen initially puts her personal interest (in regards to her position in the firm) first before that of the firm.

    Skills used in bringing ethics into this scenario:
    * Ethical decision making
    * Critical thinking involved
    * Negotiation
    * Communication and transparency
    *Stakeholder engagement

  1445. Joy ijeoma
    I think here they lacked
    1. Proper teamwork
    2.lack of organizational value
    3.poor teamwork

    The skill ethnics here should be
    1.thinking critically in solving problems
    2.proper communication
    3.adequate teamwork

    1. Obinede Stellamaris
      Cohort 7
      John was so unprofessional, and as such there was no team work between John, Williams and Karen, no proper research.The team need the following skills.
      1. Good communication
      2. Honesty and transparency
      3. Team work
      4. Proper research
      5. Ethical training
      6. Collaboration
      7. Critical thinking

  1446. Based on the information provided, here are the identified issues of professional conduct in the scenario:

    Lack of Transparency and Communication: William, the client-agency representative, did not inform John, the project manager from XYZ, about the engagement program already being carried out. This lack of transparency and communication could lead to a misunderstanding and hinder the effectiveness of the project.

    Potential Bias in the Engagement Report: Karen, a new member of XYZ, suspects that the engagement report may be overly positive and lack critical feedback. This suggests a potential bias in the report, which raises concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the information presented. This bias can affect the decision-making process and the project’s success.

    Fear of Speaking Up: Karen hesitates to criticize the report or voice her concerns due to the fear of appearing critical or upsetting the office dynamics. This fear can create a culture where open discussion and constructive criticism are discouraged, potentially compromising the quality of decision-making.

    Risk Management: Initially, there was a lack of consideration for potential risks associated with accepting the engagement report. Only after Karen and John discussed the issue and explored the potential risks and consequences did they realize the need to address the problem and mitigate the risks involved.

    In terms of skills used to bring ethics into decisions, the following skills are evident:

    Ethical Decision-Making: Karen demonstrated ethical decision-making skills by recognizing the potential problems with the engagement report and engaging in a thoughtful discussion with John about the ethical implications. They explored the risks and consequences of accepting the information and decided based on their professional and moral judgment.

    Collaboration and Problem-Solving: Karen and John collaborated to find a solution to the problem at hand. They engaged in discussions, brainstormed ideas, and eventually reached out to a global firm to conduct a review of the local opinion research work. This collaborative approach demonstrates their commitment to finding an ethical solution and addressing the potential issues in the project.

    Research and Critical Thinking: Karen’s online research to identify a reputable global firm that could provide an unbiased review of the engagement work demonstrates her ability to think critically and seek alternative solutions. This research allowed them to mitigate the potential bias and identify material hurdles for the project’s next stage.

    Overall, the scenario highlights the importance of ethical decision-making, transparent communication, and the willingness to address potential issues, even if it involves challenging existing reports or approaches.

    1. The following are the issues of professional misconducts identified:

      Lack of transparency from Williams to John

      Way shunting and report dotting by William to suit his desires.

      Conflict of interests between William and John, and a perceived conflict of interest between John and Karen.

      Skills used to address the misconducts

      1. Effective communication and collaboration between Karen and John.

      2. Research, critical thinking and proactivity.

      3. Effective decision making based on the moral principles, rules of conduct, values and organizational policies of XYZ.

      4. Strict adherence to the regulations started in the project scope.

      Micheal Nwenne
      Cohort 7
      Team 6.

  1447. The team individual roles was clearly spelt out. There was no proper and clear communication between john and William, William was not a team player unlike Karen and john.

    At the end the project team was able to communicate properly and the problem created by William was solved.

  1448. The case study shows there was Team-work; as all professionals brought their expertise to the table.

    communication skill was in place; team spirit was developed and it was successful in the end.

  1449. Team work was well-spelt in this scenario.
    The team members were open to honest feedback, hence the timely identification of issues. Communication played a key role in al of these.

  1450. There was a lack of communication between John and William and it is mainly down to lack of job ethics with William. Obviously, William was very enthusiastic about the project, but was not paying attention to details as it covers risk management. William may have felt exposing too much risk will put his company in jeopardy. Karen showed professionalism by being confident enough to point out the loop holes in the report despite her position. John played a good role to be able to listen to Karen suggestions and implement accordingly, for a new research to be done to get the right feedback as regards project.

  1451. There was Team-work; as all professionals brought their expertise to use, communication skill was in place, team spirit was developed and it was successful in the end.

  1452. Mr John is a good team member with good communication skills and listening habit, I think mr Williams wanted to compromise the project but mr John uphold his company value and principle which compel him and karen to make efforts in providing adequate solutions to the project. There was a good team spirit between John and karen. John and karen also make moves to research for solutions which is also a good character from them

  1453. The issues of unethical practice in the case study were
    1. Inadequate communication: Williams didn’t communicate properly with John on work sequence
    2. Inadequate collaboration/team work: Williams went ahead of John on an assignment they were expected to do together as a team
    3. Hasty decision making (which is a wrong end of time management that will cost more time to fix). Williams thought he was saving time be going ahead of John with the feedback. However, the had more remedial works that consumed more time.

    The skills used in addressing the challenges were
    1. Communication: Karen and John discussed the project and were able to see gray area and fix them.
    2. Empathy: Karen cared about how John we feel regarding how thought on the project. That made her criticism constructive and more receptive to John
    3. Research: Research was done to see how the problems confronting them could be solved and who had handled such in the past to collaborate with.
    4. Collaboration: They chose to engage a local agency with the required expertise to handle the hurdle for them.
    4. Ethical standards: Ethical principles force them to find a solution to the problem that confronted them as the reputation of the firm must be upheld

  1454. There was no effective stream of communication between John and Williams. Yes quite alright that Williams has been with the agency for quite sometime and know what and how to get things done.

    As part of a team, he should have involve the other members as a suggestive mechanism where they will analyes all loopholes together and come to a decision.

    In my own opinion, John was eager to commence the project and that’s what birth him to ask Williams the question on how to go about the engagement programme. Which is the right thing to do.

    The skills used to bring ethis into the final decision is Effective Communication,Negotiation and Collaboration.

  1455. The professional conduct here was about John using a previous report by William in other to save time is against the ethics of the job.

    The skills employed in this scenario are communication, teamwork with other colleagues, and negotiation for Karen

  1456. The skills used are teamwork, communication, negotiation, collaboration and risk analysis. Being open about the red flags John and Karen felt with themselves allowed them to find a way to solve the problem without losing their job or upsetting key stakeholders with assumptions not results.

  1457. Obayuwana Princess
    Cohort 7

    The issue that would have birthed more issues was lack of communication. There was no effective communication between William and John.
    On William’s part, he should have informed John of the practices of their company on how they go about their engagement programs.
    On John’s part, he should have voiced out his thoughts on how he felt about the way the engagement program was carried out, asked questions on the complications that may arise if the program had glitches and so on.

    The skills used were effective communication from Karen about her honest review on the engagement program.
    Risk analysis from both project managers. They both sat and went through the possible risks they could face if they ran with the reports given to them by the local research company.
    The next skill noticed was collaborating with team members in that they looked for other colleague’s opinions as well. They did not just rely on both their intuitions but sought after reviews from other members of their team.
    The last skill used was the negotiating skills. They were able to speak to the firm that got in touch with the research company and got a win-win situation in the end.

  1458. Though was willing to go on with the report despite not been satisfied with it’s flawless data and should have communicated same concerns with Karen or William but allowed the former to find out herself by asking(Communication)

    Karen didn’t want to jeopardise her probation period by getting on the nerves of John with her questions and concerns when they were too good to be true and realistic and also didn’t want to go against the company’s ethics and standards so she found a way to have a win-win situation (Negotiating) which was vital in the overall exercise

    William was willing to go against the company’s ethics and standards by picking up unverified information but on the flip side was also trying to save time in the whole process(Time Management)

  1459. Charity Onyuma
    The first issue of professional conduct for me was with John. He appeared not to have a clear strategy and didn’t have adequate knowledge of the regulatory environment. secondly, he was ready to cut corners by accepting previous reviews instead of engaging the stakeholders. John also didnt manage time well because it took them some more time to make the desired change
    the case with William is that of declared values versus actual behaviours. He was said to have been a people’s person but this did not happen as he failed to communicate as well as carry his team members along.William also had personal opinion about his team members which is ethically unprofessional. The vaues and culture of the organisation should come first. I think William also felt like a superior as a team lead . A team lead should embrace inclusiveness. This could be seen as an internally driven adversity.
    On Karen’s part, I think she played her role as a team member even though she had to make some ethical considerations in favour of the project.

    The skills employed in this scenerio are communication, negotiation with another company to use a part of their reviews, time management on the part of William by cutting off all of the frivolities.

  1460. There was a bit of bad communication between John and Williams as it seems that Williams is a people person and will easily believe what is told without necessary checking, but with the efforts from John and Karen, other stakeholders were met and progress is been made for the next level of work.

    Skills: communication, knowledge of regulatory environment, ethics, and standards, constant professional development.

  1461. Name: Chiamaka Rosemary Nnabuife
    Cohort 7
    Team 2
    Module 2 Lesson 20[Acting Ethically]
    *Based on the scenario, the following issues of professional conduct was displayed:
    Lack of communication: John,failed to channel a proper communication skill as a project manager to the stakeholders or team.also. lack of Time management was displayed.
    John, also failed to understand the Knowledge of the regulatory Environment,as he only relied on what was written down and given to him, without proper supervision as a project manager.
    *Internal Driven Adversities: williams,displayed an act of internal driven adversities , where by compromising the quality of the project which will result to bringing down the standard of the firm with no integrity.
    2:Identify the skills ,
    Good negotiation
    Time management
    Team work
    Good planning skills
    Honesty and transparency
    Continuing professional development.

  1462. Obah Chidi
    Team 9
    Cohort 7

    Based on the scenario the following issues on Professional conduct are seen among John, Williams, and Karen.

    John’s Professional Conduct Issues:
    -John’s inability to have professional communication with the stakeholders of the project, but was carried away by the warm welcome shown by the client.
    -As a professional Project manager, he did not display good planning technic as he kept asking how the program will be organized.
    -John failed to understand knowledge of the regulatory environment as regards the project’s success as he just relied on what was written on paper given to him by Williams.

    Williams Professional Conduct issues:
    -William compromised the quality of the project thus showing an internally driven adversity practice
    -Willams did not put into consideration Anticipated risk in his decision-making of the initiation of the project.

    Skills employed in this scenario are:

    1. Effective communication
    2. Time management
    3. Teamwork
    4. Anticipate risks
    5. Good negotiation
    6. knowledge of the regulatory environment
    7. Adapting to change โ€“ External work culture
    8. Good planning technique
    9. Honesty and Transparency
    10. Continious professional Development

  1463. What i noticed from the scenario was :
    1. Communication: The communication within the project team was initiated but the mode of communication was not an effective one at first.
    2. Values: The organisation value was not considered at first.

    The good thing was that the communication gap was worked on, the values were considered and they ended up working as a team to ensure the project met/exceed their desired goal.

  1464. There was a situation of both internal and external adversities. The communication gap and transparency issues and trust. Karen was unable to critique the report initially when she observed some red flags.
    The following skills would have been put in place before running on the project
    Effective communication,
    critical thinking and attention to detail,
    extensive research,
    accountability and proper documentation of facts, assuming facts without proper research

  1465. This scenario shows the power in communication especially in the case of a superior and junior worker. It also shows how wisdom can boost courage and the power in teamwork and unity

  1466. The Project Manager(John) was faced with an external adversity to go with a similar research already conducted by the client. Karen noticed it was too good but did not have the courage to confront John about it immediately. She used an informal setting to voice her concern and John affirmed it to be true, the were able to ultimately collaborate with their peers and the clients in having a way forward

  1467. Roseline Sunday
    Cohort 7
    Team 9

    What I observed in this case study are as follows.
    1) Communication. Every manager must be able to pass message across to his team members and in a clear term.
    2) Ability to work as a team. A tree can’t stand alone to make a forest, therefore,for a team to be able to achieve their set goal,they should work together.
    3) Understanding of the people you are working with
    4) The spirit of consistency. Consistency is the bed rock of great success

  1468. This company the scenario created lacked ethics because Williams who has been working with the company felt he doesnโ€™t need Johnโ€™s contribution which showed lack of team work
    Karen also failed to communicate to John what she felt was wrong with his idea cos she didnโ€™t want to make him feel bad.
    In project management team support, effective communication and critical thinking are necessary for a successful project.

  1469. The team lacked good communication which can be traced to too much self confidence from John and William; this in turn led to poor or lack of proper project planning, and, constructive criticism.

    John and William are not good together as team members. They both pride in their experience and achievement hence shutting out others who they think aren’t in their league.

    Karen would have been able to bring forth her opinion if the top guys she was asked to work with, were open on communication. Karen was really willing to open up but she feared the person of John.

    William too was depended and wholly trusted his source and saw no need to pay attention to details. He wanted it all to be super swift and he ignored other areas of the project.

  1470. In this company the scenerio created lacked ethics in the sense that Williams who has been working with the company felt he doesn’t need John’s idea or contribution which showed lack of team work
    Karen on the other hand failed to communicate to John what she felt was wrong with his idea cos she didn’t want to cause a stir
    Critical Thinking is also a skill that they needed to make their project a success
    In project management team support, effective communication and critical thinking/ Criticism are necessary for a successful project

  1471. Lack of team work that made Williams so much believe in his report.
    Lack of communication. They all didn’t seat together to reflect on possible errors on the report.
    Lack of critical thinking. Giving thought on options that contradict with your own result will show possible leapholes

  1472. The issues of professional conduct that I have seen from this case study are
    firstly, Lack of team work portrayed by William who relied on his own report rather than seating and discussing as a team.

    Secondly, Poor communication. This has been seen from Karen who failed to criticize John where she thought it was health for the program during the engagement.

    Finally, Lack of organization’s values

    Skills that was implemented to eliviet the problem were
    1. Constructive criticism between John and Kalen which was well accepted and worked as a result.

    2. Problem solving skills portrayed by John and Karen as a result to their willingness to deliberate and communicate during their meeting.

  1473. The Issues of Professional Conduct I Noticed here was:
    1.Poor Communication

    2.Working individually on a common goal: we could see John and Williams doing what they know how to do best without been inclusive knowing they all want the same Goal
    Lack of Procedures in carrying out task

    The Skills employed to integrate ethical considerations that made them achieve Thier Goal was:
    1.Effective Communications: The communication gap was breached. Ideas where shared. Constructive criticism was done and learnings noted.

    2.Critical thinking
    Teamwork: Karen engaging John and they Inturn engaged the Big Firm
    3.Research: Irrespective of thier positions and qualifications Karen did more research which lead to the success of the team

  1474. Professional issues: lack of team work, lack of communication, poor demonstration of organization ethic and lack of negotiation skill.
    Skills used in resolving the issues: communication skills, negotiation skill

  1475. The issues of professional conduct are
    . Lack of team work
    2. Poor communication
    3. Lack of organizational values
    4. Karen’s reluctance to express her concerns which shows a lack of transparency on her part.
    Skills used to resolve the issues are
    1. Constructive criticism which was well accepted and worked upon.
    2. Great problem solving skills by John and Karen due to their willingness to meet and communicate on how to solve the problem.

  1476. I think the skill used is knowledge of the regulatory environment….they were trying to understand relevant norms and regulations and their influence on a project

  1477. The issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario are the fact there was a lack of team work & spirit, a proper understanding of how things are done in different climes and a good level playing ground between John and William.

    However, this was resolved by the good communication skill of brought on board by Karen. It should also be noted that John displayed a good listening spirit towards Karen as well.

  1478. Issues of professional conducts were:
    1. Lack of team work between team members
    2. Poor communication skills amongst team members
    3. Lack of organizational values.
    4. Karenโ€™s reluctance to express her concerns which shows a lack of transparency on her part.

    Skills used to resolve the issues.
    1. Great problem solving skills by John and Karen due to their willingness to meet and communicate on how to solve the problem.
    2. Critical thinking

  1479. The case study showed that, John and William did not exhibit great communication skills at the beginning. Though the report was brought nonetheless, John did not compromise the quality of his product by relying completely on Williamโ€™s report.
    Karen on the other hand was professional in her conduct towards John and William. She portrayed great communication skills and a good team player. John and Karenโ€™s critical thinking and honest discussions made them identify the anticipated risk involved.
    William being a โ€˜People Personโ€™ means he has a mastery in managing people and can negotiate effectively.
    All of them had a mastery of their environment and were ready to adapt to change

  1480. Professional conduct issues observed from the case study are;
    1. Poor communication
    2. Lack of understanding of the organizational values
    3. Lack of team playing spirit
    4. Conflict of ideas

    How it was resolved
    1. The communication gap was bridged.
    2. Constructive criticism which was well accepted and worked upon.

  1481. The issues they had was lack of good communication and team work.
    The skills used was good communication and understanding ,team work, dealing with issues,

  1482. There’s lack of communication, understanding between John and Williams, but Karen played a very critical roles in making sure that the project meet it target goal.

    By this she took it upon herself the responsibility of reconcile the two colleagues in order to achieve better results which as the end of the day got a nod for progress.

  1483. For any project team to be successful in achieving its goals the following must be put in place
    1. Team work
    2. communication
    3. Negotiation
    4. Having more knowledge on the project
    5. Never be ashamed to seek for help.
    The three actors in this project have their different views and way of approach but they lacked team spirit.
    For someone like John he has the professional knowledge and he was applying it the right but was not communicating and following up John; who believes that its just to write the report and send when it is time forgetting that feedback is very key in achieving results. While Karen on the hand had personal reasons even though she saw the lapses but was to afraid to approach John to help out because at that point in time all John needed was an idea on how to get things done.
    I am also glad that Karen was help to speak and give ideas that actually showed where they were and how the challenege was resolved.
    The above listed: Team work, Communication, negotiation, having the knowledge of the project and never be too ashame to ask for help. worked well when they realized there was a challenge.

  1484. John as a project manager is in bit of rush to and curious to carry out his first project and unconscious of underlying problems. Poor communication between him and Williams shows not just a lack of understanding of the project but unprofessionalism from both parties. As a team member such as Karen, she did knew as a big project of that nature, it’s shouldn’t be 100% perfect but showed a principle of respect by not criticising the PM at that instant rather confronted him in a social setting.

  1485. i learnt that as a project manager you must have the below skills to achieve the desired result:
    1. Time Management, as every project has a time frame.
    2. Great Communication skills
    3. Negotiation Skills
    4. Ability to compromise to achieve a win-win situation

  1486. I understand about John in the scenario and how he was able to handle the situation. good communication and choosing a better to ask others for assistance is also necessary action to be taken by project managers to ensure all project deadlines are met up. online research can also in the execution of effective projects. working along with teams can help and facilitate projects.

  1487. In my own opinion, they all seem to be working on the project but with no proper communication especially between John and Williams. Also there is no team work and there was no critical thinking as to what the project might look like.

    The skills required to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved include: Effective Communication, Team work and Critical Thinking

    Issues of professional misconduct are:
    * Lack of proper communication among the teams;
    * Lack of team work: ideally the decision to single handedly source for the information by Mr. Williams without a brief or filling his team shows a great ack of sportsmanship
    * Lack of Due Process and Project Management Procedure: for the fear if a falling out with the superior project team members knowing fully that the source and process of getting the information wasnโ€™t ethical chose to turn a blind eye instead of standing up for whatโ€™s right.
    As to the Skill used in the scenario, we see Karenโ€™s Communication skill in reaching out to the Project manager in charge without getting him offended.
    the fact that he accepted he preposition also shows proper negotiation skills.
    Unethical action:
    The act of contact an external body to get the information made available by Mr. Williamโ€™s source vets their Information gathering process and also nullifies any unethical processes that was engaged earlier.

  1489. In my opinion a few instances of professional conduct highlighted are:
    1)There was no effective communication between the client (William) and the Project Manager (John). William went ahead to organize the engagement programme without involving John.
    2)Karen was initially reluctant and scared to express her fears and concerns about the engagement programme.
    In general there was lack of communication and team work.

    Some of the skills required to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved include.
    1) Effective Communication
    2) Teamwork
    3) Negotiation

  1490. In my opinion a few instances of professional conduct highlighted are:
    1)There was no effective communication between the client (William) and the Project Manager (John). William went ahead to organize the engagement programme without involving John.
    2)Karen was initially reluctant and scared to express her fears and concerns about the engagement programme.
    In general there was lack of clear communication and team work.

    Some of the skills required to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved include.
    1) Effective Communication
    2) Teamwork
    3) Negotiation

  1491. I see a whole lot of expertise amongst the team although judging from John and Williams approach i see more of collaboration and team work..but effective communication was a bit scanty with John and Karen rather more of collaboration amongst the 3persons should be encouraged in the end they all worked ethically in a professional manner which are one of the key strength of a Project Manger.

  1492. The issues of of professional misconduct are:

    * Poor communication between Project Teams;

    * Lack of team work: ideally the decision to single handedly source for the information by Mr. Williams without a brief or filling his team shows a great ack of sportsmanship

    * Lack of Due Process and Project Management Procedure: for the fear if a falling out with the superior project team members knowing fully that the source and process of getting the information wasn’t ethical chose to turn a blind eye instead of standing up for what’s right.

    As to the Skill used in the scenario we see Karen’s Communication skill in reaching out to the Project manager in charge without getting him offended.
    the fact that he accepted he preposition also shows proper negotiation skills.

    The decision to contact an external body to vet the information made available by Mr. William’s source vets their Information gathering process and also nullifies any unethical processes that was engaged earlier.

  1493. From my observation, the issues of professional conduct in the case study includes:
    * The issue of external adversity from Williams with regards to the feedback/report.
    * Lack of effective communication between John and William and this resulted in an ethical dilemma for John

    On the skills used to bring ethics into decision, i observed the following:
    *Effective Communication from Karen
    *Critical and Analytical Thinking as well as Research by Karen and John
    *Negotiation from John in order to get the desired ethical outcome.

  1494. Okoro Chimnaecherem Peace
    Cohort7, team 8.
    The issues of professional conduct which I spotted in this scenario include:
    1) Poor standard of communication.
    2) Lack of team co-operation.
    3)Drop down of organisational values.

    To bring the ethics to life in regards to the success of the project, they resuscitated the skills of:
    1) Proper communication.
    2) Research critical issue analysis.
    3) Incorporation of work ethics.
    4) Problem solving attribute.

  1495. From my observation,
    There was inadequate communication, in terms of John being able to express his views properly across to Williams.

    Secondly, there was lack of team play, no collaboration between the two men.

  1496. I believe the issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario lies within the lack of effective communication and teamwork.
    The skills I think that helped bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario include:
    Good Communication, Critical Thinking and Good Teamwork.

  1497. The issues of Professional Conduct featured in the case study are:
    1. Poor communication
    2. Lack of teamwork
    3. lack of organizational values and morals on Williams part
    These skills were used to bring ethics into decision used by the people in the case study are:
    1. Effective communication
    2. critical thinking
    3. Problem solving
    4. Teamwork

  1498. Name: Augustina Emuobo Abolodje
    The issues of Professional Conduct featured in the case study are:
    1. Poor communication
    2. Lack of teamwork
    3. lack of organizational values and morals on Williams part
    The skills used to bring ethics into decision used by the people in the case study are:
    1. Effective communication
    2. critical thinking
    3. Problem solving
    4. Teamwork

  1499. The issues of Professional Conduct featured in the case study are:
    1. Poor communication
    2. Lack of teamwork
    3. lack of organizational values and morals on Williams part
    The skills used to bring ethics into decision used by the people in the case study are:
    1. Effective communication
    2. critical thinking
    3. Problem solving
    4. Teamwork

  1500. What I can deduce from the case study are;
    Conflict in ideas
    Conflict in communication
    Questionable code of practices
    No team work.

    Williams doesn’t seem to have good team work attributes, John is right in demanding how the process is being carried out instead of being fed with information is not sure of, Karen is more or less in between of them, she understands the two of them point of view but trying not to be placed in between the two.

  1501. The issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario lies within the lack of effective Communication and Teamwork.

    The skills that helped bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario include:
    * Good Communication,
    * Critical Thinking,
    * Proper Research, and
    * Good Teamwork.

  1502. Issues with professional conduct include:
    – lack of communication and transparency

    skills used to bring ethics into decision:
    – teamwork
    – cultural awareness
    – communication
    – active listening

  1503. One thing I noticed in the case study is that the organisation maintained basic values like:
    Ethical standards.
    Effective communication.
    Considerate leadership.

  1504. There is obvious discord and miscommunication

    There is no teamwork
    John as a project manager did not take his team along
    causes ethical dilemmas in the project and adversities, causing inconsistencies between values of the project team members.

  1505. My point of view from the case study is that it needed:
    1.Effective communication
    4.Adherence to the Organization’ Ethical standard



    1. There was a lack of communication between John and William. William was not forthright and kept John out of an important meeting where he could have challenged their sources. Karen hesitated in confrontation but John is a professional who can handle criticism.
      Important Skills; Communication, Finding solutions, Accountability

  1507. I believe John’s communication and negotiation skills were lacking, Karen had a better grasp of those skills as she was able to raise the matter with John despite her fears and it went well unlike how John handled William.

    Since William is a people person, I believe John had a good chance at helping William understand his point pf view and the importance of their ethics. William already liked John and knew their reputation so he would have been more open to negotiations.

    Bringing in a more powerful and influential stakeholder solved that particular stage of the project but I believe it will put a strain on their working relationship with the local clients and kind of tension on the project as the clients will no longer feel safe working with them. I believe this intervention might cause hurdles of lack of openness and a kind of rigidity with the local stakeholders and make the overall working environment frustrating.

    This will affect their reputation too as word spread from the point of view of the client will always be lopsided and John and his colleagues can’t go around explaining their own side of the story to everyone else

  1508. 1 Effective communication
    2 Collaboration
    3 Research
    4 Adherence to ethical standards

    The team lacks teamwork and collaboration. William being the โ€œPeopleโ€™s personโ€ thought he could do it his way thereby not conducting proper research and meeting with the team.

    John on the other hand being an experienced PM has to analyse the report with the help of Karen to find the loopholes that might have hindered the project.

    The behavioral pattern brought about a satisfied great delivery of the project by exhibiting the Comapnyโ€™s Value!

  1509. I believe John is good at his job but he should have been insistent on the ethics of engagement despite William’s suggestion and distraction. I believe a good communication between John and William would have gone a long way. William is a people-oriented person, I think John should have adjust his communication style so as to achieve his goal for meeting with the client.
    William can’t be blamed because that is the culture of their organization in project engagement and execution, perhaps embracing John’s or his company’s philosophy might help him learn a better approach in handling a project to minimize risk as much as possible.
    Karen is rather analytical and I commend her quality of getting through to John to open up to her.
    Also the team collaboration in analyzing the project critically, researching in order to get a reasonable fact and also reaching out to other colleagues to help out, finally reverting to the client on the right way forward that conforms with the values and ethics of their company is a good way to go.

  1510. I noticed lack of communication, lack of understanding, there was not commitment, all the ethical values and norms we’re not observe by John or the team.

    1. My own view from the scenario was that there wasn’t a perfect communication skills between John and Williams.

      Karen on the other hand, had better understanding of the project and was willing to give her all.

      Skills found:
      1. Communication skills
      2. Teamwork
      3. Time management
      4. Flexibility/Adaptability
      5. Problem solving skills

  1511. My own view from the Scenario:
    John was a โ€œproject managerโ€ by experience(work) but I think not by profession (acquiring necessary skills and knowledge via prof certificate etc like Karen. John was just excited but not as determined, focused as Karen.

    There was lack of communication and team work with Williams and John.

    Some of the skills identified from Karen and Williams are:
    1: Good Communications
    2: Good Research
    3: Interpersonal relationship
    4: Critical Thinking and Analysis
    5: Problem Solving

  1512. What I discovered as a project manager in the case study above:
    1. The company has done well by engaging the service of qualified and experienced staffs. John is with lots of years experience in project management, William as well is the man of the people with experience and he knows his way around the terrain he found himself. Karen also is experienced though a new employee. These three are good to go for the project If they display their skills as required.

    2. Skills displayed: Karen was able to sought out the issues they were facing through the brain wave she had. She was able to think through to research, to contact a company that has a similar issue they were having. Through this they were able to fix things up for the project.

    3. Ethics: The company also did well by taken the new employee round the departments to know and be known. This will make her to know more about the company her responsibilities and her limit.

    4. Altitude: I discovered that they all lack right altitude to work. They lack synergy, collaboration, team work, they lack focus. This should be avoided. It was a new employee that discovered a way out by research, though the two men were experienced.

    5. Communication: There was a communication gap found in their relationships. They did not relate well. William said something about John ‘ not knowing how things are done here’ This supposed to have been said earlier by William. And this will help John to adjust to the new terrain he found himself. So, to execute a successful project management we must communicate effectively.


  1513. – Both William and John showcased the lack of professional conduct
    – William showcased the lack on team work
    – From the result of the report submitted by William, it was clear he also lacked effeciency
    – Karen bridged the gap between the two by pushing for a review of the report

  1514. John was not at the top of his games. He didn’t established his position as the project manager which is Liable for the project.
    – John didn’t established the rules of the projects, he went with the flows
    – there was communication abiguity.
    – John as the project management didn’t analyze and digest the projects well, hence he also gave an all green light report
    – Williams decided to manage this new projects the usual way. Forgetting that each projects are unique, similar approach can help, but there will definitely be a unique outcome required of every project.
    – Karen would have blamed herself much latee if she hasn’t seized the opportunity to discuss with John outside the official hours.
    – John later demonstrated the trait of a leader ready to listen and learn from others perspectives.

  1515. Initially, team work wasn’t deployed by the team members especially Williams who thought because he was a people’s person, could go ahead with the project. There wasn’t effective communication by the team members. Karen bridged the gap by scrutinising the report and found loopholes which were remedied to see the project to it’s end.

  1516. Lack of focus,
    Lack of teamwork
    Lack of effective communication

    These creates a barrier and causes ethical dilemmas in the project and adversities, causing inconsistencies between values of the project team members.

  1517. Talking about Team work, there no team work between the team, each team member do what he knows best and nothing could be achieve with that kind of attitude.

  1518. John, the project manager, demonstrated a lack of professional conduct in this particular scenario. He deviated from the objective of his visit and failed to recognize the unavailability of the required report, which was essential for assessing potential project risks. Similarly, William exhibited a lack of professional conduct by neglecting to conduct thorough research to identify potential risks.

    To incorporate ethics into decision-making processes, the following skills can be employed:

    1. Effective communication
    2. Adherence to ethical standards
    3. Efficient time management
    4. Collaboration with others
    5. Conducting comprehensive research

    The situation involved both internal and external challenges, placing Karen in a challenging position. She had to rely on the organization’s values and moral principles to help John understand the importance of conducting timely and thorough research. By doing so, the project would align with the organization’s values, adhere to the projected timeline, and attract more clients to the organization.

    TEAM 10.
    COHORT 7.
    Issues of professional conduct featured are:
    ?UNETHICAL CONDUCTs, which would have resulted to:
    -Internal Driven Adversity
    – external Driven Adversity
    ? Skills use to help bring ethics into decision by people involved in the scenario are:

    JOHN:A P.M from XYZ firm didn’t go straight into work when he got to the government firm to discuss the contract from which the feedback will help to identify any substantial hurdle that could influence key parameters in the project.which resulted to what would have been “internal and external adversity for the XYZ firm.
    WILLIAMS: Also for wanting to use the information gotten from his friend from the opinion research firm without having an engagement with John would have resulted to internal and external adversity for the government firm.
    KAREN: Adopted the skills of communication, and teamwork in her approach to JOHN, which also responded well with communication, adaptability/flexibility to help bring ethics to the decision.

  1520. John lacked focus which made him not pay attention to important details.
    Their communication method is not effective. It also seem there is no proper plan in place.

  1521. The issue of professional conduct in this scenario was exhibited by John, who is the project manager. He lost focus on the goal for his visit and that made him lose sight of the unavailability of the report he needed, to ascertain the risk that would likely arise in the project .
    William also lacked professional conduct by failing to do due diligence in his research to come up with possible risk

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions made would be
    1. Communication
    2. Ethics and standards
    3. Time management
    4. Collaboration
    5. Research
    There was a situation of both internal and external adversities, in which Karen was placed in the middle. She had to use the organization’s value as well as moral principles to make John see why a proper research as to be made and on time, so that the project can reflect what the organization value stands for, the project works according to the projected time and in so doing bring in more clients for their organisation.

  1522. Karen earlier lacked the self-confidence to air her opinion .
    John show an analytical approach to review the situation as it looks too good to be true which most times may be false there by the need to review till stakeholder confidence is obtained
    William was more of a one-man squad and surpass the Project Manager.
    But in all communication ,ethic, ideals,team work, suggestions is very important

  1523. Acting with honesty and with your much capabilities,Karen and John had a great take an spirit because the deal with issues because of their skills which enabled them perform certain tasks

    Karen and John drafted down their interior motives in clear terms .

  1524. In the scenario, I observed that John did not put in his best when he got to the country, he was not focused.
    There was no good communication between the team. Karen on the other hand did not speak out when she observed some red flags in good time due to fear.

    The team need the following skills.
    1. Good communication
    2. Honesty and transparency
    3. Team work
    4. Proper research
    5. Ethical training
    6. Collaboration
    7. Critical thinking

  1525. My thoughts as regards values and arms impact on the ethical and environmental considerations of running projects for my organisation: It is all Passion in doing my job and enjoying what I do which helps me not to be weary or discouraged in the face of challenge .

    Placing Value to what I am doing so that I and others will appreciate what I do or services I am delivering.

    Having the Drive and motivation to carry on and work with others.

    I am also motivated with the Support of my team and the organisation.

    Team work is very important in ensuring that the job is done effortlessly without issue.

  1526. Lack of focus: John lacked focus

    Lack of team work and deep research

    Karen lacked confidence to critique John’s report


    Research and dedication skills. All projects must definitely come with set backs even though it looks good

  1527. First John the Project manager didn’t prioritise why he was visiting the country he went for sightseeing rather than engaging on the project that took him there.
    Secondly there was communication gap between Mr. John and Mr. Williams on the process of getting the report
    Thirdly there was transparency issues on the part of Mr. Williams, he manipulated data to manufacture results for the report
    Fourthly Karen should have spoken up initially when she observed the red flags in the report.

    Skills employed for solutions include
    1) Good Communication. John and Karen became open, honest and transparent by discussing the actual problem of the report for the project.
    2) Teamwork. John and Karen showed great team spirit by working together to identify the problem and come out with a solution.
    3) Critical Thinking and Analysis. John and Karen by questioning the integrity and validity of the report analyze the risk the report will have on the project.
    4) Proper Research. Karen carried out a research and identified a big global firm that could help with the review of the report.

  1528. Project management is an important aspect of any business/ job. It involves critical thinking and analysis to ensure that all decisions are made with integrity and validity. John and Karen demonstrated their ability to question the report’s authenticity and analyze potential risks associated with accepting it.
    Additionally, they considered ethical principles and values when making their decision which one key role in project management course. By understanding the implications of their actions on their professional reputation, they were able to make a responsible choice (including stakeholders, team members etc).
    Proper research, sketch and information gathering played a crucial role in this project as well.
    Through online resources, Karen identified a global firm that could provide an independent review of the work, thus eliminating any concerns about unethical or immoral behavior.
    My point;
    1. A key aspect of successful project management is teamwork and collaboration. In the case of John and Karen, their positive approach to working together allowed them to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and seek input from others in an open, informal manner. This collaborative spirit also led them to seek outside expertise when necessary, ultimately adding value and progress to the project. On the other hand, poor communication skills and a lack of work ethic can hinder a team’s ability to effectively manage a project. It is important for all team members to understand their roles and responsibilities while also actively seeking out opportunities to collaborate and share ideas with one another.
    2. Effective Project Management involves strong teamwork and collaboration, where team members work together to identify issues, brainstorm solutions, engage in open discussions, exchange ideas, and seek input from colleagues. However, it is essential to have clear communication skills and good work ethics to ensure success.
    In this case, John and Karen demonstrated exceptional teamwork by collaborating efficiently and seeking feedback from their fellow colleagues. They were able to approach the global firm for an independent review, leading to progress and value being added to the project.
    On the other hand, a lack of teamwork between team members can lead to poor performance, with each individual only focusing on what they know best. Poor communication skills also affect the quality of work produced and can ultimately derail a project’s success. Therefore, effective project management requires efficient teamwork, clear communication skills, and good work ethics.
    Project Management
    3. Effective teamwork and collaboration are key components of successful project management. In the case of John and Karen, their partnership allowed them to identify problems, create innovative solutions, engage in open discussions with colleagues, and seek input from others. By collaborating effectively, they were able to approach a global firm for an independent review of their report, which ultimately led to progress and value for the project.
    However, not all teams exhibit these positive characteristics. In some cases, team members may operate independently without regard for their colleagues’ expertise or contributions. Poor communication skills can also hinder effective collaboration, resulting in missed deadlines and subpar work quality.
    To ensure successful project management, it is important to prioritize teamwork and collaboration as integral parts of the process. This means encouraging open dialogue, valuing diverse perspectives and skill sets, and fostering a culture of mutual respect and trust among team members. With these practices in place, projects can thrive and deliver exceptional results.In conclusion, risk management and decision-making skills are essential for successful project management. By following these guidelines, John and Karen were able to navigate through a challenging situation while maintaining their professionalism and ethics.
    In conclusion, risk management and decision-making skills are essential for successful project management ethics value. By following these guidelines, John and Karen were able to navigate through a challenging situation while maintaining their professionalism and ethics.

  1529. Problems Observed:
    1. Unclear communication between William and John.
    2. Inadequate documentation.
    3. Lack of focus on organizational values.
    4. William being opinionated.
    5. Undue assumptions on Williamโ€™s part.
    6. Unclear expectations.

    1. Good, open, honest and transparent communication.
    2. Team work
    3. Being focused on the projectโ€™s goal, thus, aiding the continuity of the project.
    4. Research
    5. One-on-one/ personal/ individual meetings with project team members.
    6. Collaborations.
    7. Feedbacks.
    8. Mapped-out plans

  1530. Identify some issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

    1. Failure of the project manager to uphold the SLA with the client
    2. Transparency Issues
    3. Internal driven adversities (Karen prioritized her circumstances over the project and clientโ€™s interests)
    4. Poor Communication between the PM and client representative
    5. The PM failed to demonstrate integrity (manipulation of data and unbacked assumptions and premise) thus, contravening the code of practice and moral principles
    6. Involvement of a third party might have jeopardized the interest of the project stakeholder if due diligence was not carried out and approved

    Reflections on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions. They include

    1. Clear communication and active listening
    2. Ethnical training and practice
    3. Teamwork
    4. Research and collaboration
    5. Critical thinking

  1531. Professional conduct in the scenario was:
    Unclear communication between the parties involved in the project.
    Also lack of Honesty due to respect for hierarchy on the pact of Karen at the beginning.
    There was internal driven adversities described by Kerzner 2009,P.339.
    Inadequate documents and research.
    Involvement of third party might jeopardize the project.
    Skills used in this scenario;
    Clear communication and active listening
    Critical thinking
    Analytical skill

    1. To me another means of communication was defined through the act of change. People of positive mind like Karen will be needed in teamwork. We work with people of different belief and mentality.

      Leadership with humility, helped John. An act to growth was showcased.

  1532. Some of the issues noticed from the case study include:
    a) Gap in communication: There is unclear communication between the parties. Communication is very important in project management and hence there should be a clear cut communication between the parties involved.
    b) Organizational values: there is issue of compromise from the team which shows there is no commitment from some of the team to the promotion of organization values.
    c) Gap in teamwork: some of the team members have information that other do not. And the information was not shared among the teams.


    a) Critical thinking
    b) Ethical/moral principles and values should be held with all seriousness.
    c) the use of research skills like the one used by Karen.Effective communication Teamwork.
    Bonding with team members.
    Preplanning /foresightness.

    Qualities of a good Project Manager

  1533. As a project manager, it’s important for me to be aware of the global issues that can affect my organization and projects. Here are some ways that technology, competition, political, and environmental issues can impact my work:

    1. Technology: Rapid advancements in technology can affect the way your organization operates and the projects you work on. For example, new software or tools may be introduced that require training or changes to your project plan. Additionally, technology can impact the way you communicate with stakeholders and team members, and may require you to adapt your communication strategies.

    2. Competition: Increased competition in your industry can impact the success of your projects. You may need to adjust your project plan to stay ahead of competitors, or find new ways to differentiate your organization from others in the market.

    3. Political: Changes in government policies or regulations can impact your organization and projects. For example, new laws may require you to change the way you operate or comply with new regulations. Additionally, political instability in certain regions can impact the availability of resources or the ability to work with certain stakeholders.

    4. Environment: Environmental issues such as climate change or natural disasters can impact your projects in a variety of ways. For example, extreme weather events may delay or disrupt your project timeline, or require you to adjust your project plan to account for potential risks.

  1534. QUESTION: Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?

    1. Failure of the project manager to uphold the SLA with the client
    2. Transparency Issues
    3. Internal driven adversities (Karen prioritized her circumstances over the project and client’s interests)
    4. Poor Communication between the PM and client representative
    5. The PM failed to demonstrate integrity (manipulation of data and unbacked assumptions and premise) thus, contravening the code of practice and moral principles
    6. Involvement of a third party might have jeopardized the interest of the project stakeholder if due diligence was not carried out and approved

    Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?

    1. Clear communication and active listening
    2. Ethnical training and practice
    3. Teamwork
    4. Research and collaboration
    5. Critical thinking

    1. Lack of communication between John and William.
      As a Good PM, it is a necessity for you to have a good communication with your Team members.
      Lack of Team work and Team spirit was carried out by the Pm despite the fact that they were professional.

      The Goal of Pm is to see that a problem is solved in a project and not to create them.
      There was lack of discussion between the three pm which would have given them a good feedback on the project.
      Their ethical practice brought about the issues that was encountered.

      Karen and John had a good communication that was why they could arrive at a solution , by also discussing with other client to know and also have feedback concerning the project that they were handling

      Skills to employ
      Working with Team members
      Effective Feedback
      Check out risk( Risk Management)
      Ethics and standard
      Research and Study as a PM

  1535. From the case study; some of the issues noticed are:
    a) Communication gap: there is unclear communication between the parties. Communication is very important in project management and hence there should be a clear cut communication between the parties involved.
    b) Organizational values: there is issue of compromise from the team which shows there is no commitment from some of the team to the promotion of organization values.
    c) Gap in teamwork: some of the team members have information that other do not. And the information was not shared among the teams.

    Possible solutions

    a) Critical thinking
    b) Ethical/moral principles and values should be held with all seriousness.
    c) the use of research skills like the one used by Karen.

  1536. All I can see from the scenario is that they are all participating in the project, all hands in deck.
    #Team work.

  1537. In my view, i observed that there was some level of unprofessional ethics in the early collaboration of William and John conduct:
    1. There was unclear communication between William and John.
    2. Lack of focus on organizational values.
    3. William being too opinionated about the project.
    4. Undue assumptions on Williamโ€™s part by having professional differences.

    Solutions: (John and Karen)
    1. having an honest and transparent communication.
    2. Team work and not neglecting the other person opinionated idea
    3. Being focused on the projectโ€™s goal, thus, aiding the continuity of the project.
    4. Research and having a detailed discussion.
    5. One-on-one/ personal/ individual meetings with project team members.
    6. Collaborations.
    7. Feedbacks.

    1. Lack of communication between project team,
      Lack of team work spirit from amongst the project team.
      Lack of team work and collaboration.

  1538. Issues Noticed in this Case Study are:
    1.) Lack of Communication and Transparency: The representative from the client agency, William, did not communicate about the Engagement program already been done prior to their meeting, to the project manager, John and Karen from XYZ firm. The lack of Communication and transparency can lead to misunderstanding , lack of trust and inhibit the co-operation and progress of the project.

    2.) Internal Driven Adversities: William was willing to compromise the quality value and ethics of the of the project to meet deadline.

    3.) Lack of Team Work and Collaboration: Lack of team work spirit from amongst the Project Team.

    4.) Manipulative Process: Data Manipulation and unwarranted assumptions from William displays a sense of devaluation, immorality and unethical principle, compromising what the firm stands for, the nature of the Project and its goal.

    5) No Proper Planning and Mapping on how to execute the project amongst the Project Team before Meeting.

    Skills use to mitigate the the problem and arrive at Solution;
    1.) Good Communication, Transparency and Honesty: John and Karen took the step to be more open, honest and transparent about the present condition/situation of the project.

    2.) Critical Thinking and Analysis: John and Karen demonstrated critical thinking skills by questioning the integrity and validity of research report and analyzing the situation and potential risk of both accepting the report initially.

    3.) Ethics and Moral Principles/Values: John and Karen, considered their professional reputation and values to determine the authenticity of the report as well as understand/accept the ethical implication of their action.

    4.) Proper Research and Information: Through proper Online research and information gathering, Karen was able to identify a global big firm as a potential partner that could provide an independent review on the piece of work. This was able to nullify any unethical and immoral dilemma.

    5.) Risk Management and Decision Making: John and Karen were able weigh the risk and benefits of challenging the report as well as its potential consequences, employing decision-making skills to balance the weight and determine the best possible solution and alternatives.

    6.) Teamwork and Collaboration: John and Karen exercise great Team work spirit by working together to identify the problem, create a solution, engage in an informal open discussion, exchange ideas and reach out to fellow colleagues for input and contribution. This collaboration also lead them to approach the global firm for an independent review on the report, eventually bringing progress and value to the project.

  1539. Managing projects in a complex world with a big global issue such technology can affect my organization or project either positively or negatively.
    Positively, equipment and machines engaged to perform tasks on construction site will deliver jobs on schedule and efficiently, however on the negative side will reduce human labor engagement leading to decline in employment.

  1540. Lack of communication: Inadequate communication between William and John led to serious set backs that would have affected the companyโ€™s reputation.
    There was a communication gap from Williams. But when John realized it, he handled it professionally.
    In Conclusion, a project manager must possess great communication skills, be a team player, have a great work ethics, be a good leader, and a efficient task coordinator..

    1. Team work: there no team work between between the team, each team member do what he knows best.
      Communication skills: the team have poor communication skills. Lack of work ethics.

  1541. Some Major Problems Observed
    1. Lack of communication between project team.
    2. Allowing personal ambition to over shadow the company standards
    3. No team spirit between team members.

    Some Worked out solutions observed

    1. Being honest about the situation and communicate effectively.
    2. Asking for information about the situation from other bigger firms

  1542. John needs to ensure the pre-arranged forums to elicit the best feedback was still in place and not accept a pre-written report that is not fit for purpose. Williams was treading a bit shallow and not wanting to put in the right amount of work to ensure the proper data is gathered for the success of the project.
    Karen needs to stick to her professional values and not be bothered on how new she is or hurting anyone’s feelings. proper and effective communication is required to tackle this.

  1543. The project team did not work totally together as team its obvious they didn’t follow a well mapped out plan on how to carry out the projects, their did not collaborate well which is evident in the fact that Williams worked exclusively without informing John and Karen.

    Karen almost also allowed her personal interest to becloud her integrity at the expense of delivering quality job. However, she was able to have a redress and tackle the real issue.

  1544. It is very important you work as a team. Effective communication within the team is key. Also working beyond timing should attract additional incentive.

  1545. some issues noticed from the case study are:
    * they didn’t act as a team
    * they have no plan on getting the job done before embarking on the trip or likely, they have their individual plans on getting the job done
    *underestimating one another’s capability and experience.
    * communication ambiguity
    *assumption of one’s stand or take about a random decision.

    the solutions inferred by John and karen to the problem are:
    * talking over the problem at an informal setting to ease tension on the inferior from the superior team member.
    *been open and honest with the situation on their communication.
    *analyze and assess risk critically rather than pointing fingers on who to blame.
    *having a general meeting after personal research, findings and brainstorming and as well as information gathered from colleagues.
    * sharing ideas openly undermining heirachy.
    * joint conclusion and report.

  1546. Issues noticed
    – Lack of communication between Williams and John
    – Internally driven adversity – John was willing to compromise the quality of the project to meet deadline.
    – Lack of collaboration and teamwork between John and Williams to produce a solution.

    – Communication and teamwork from Karen
    -In tune with the organization’s values and ethics

  1547. Some issues noticed in this case study are:

    * Communication ambiguity between William and John.
    * Insufficient record-keeping.
    * Neglecting organizational values and principles.
    *William displaying strong personal opinions.
    * Making unwarranted assumptions from William’s side.
    * Lack of clear expectations.
    * Lack of collaboration and team work on William’s side

    It can be infer that John and Karen were able to provide solutions to the problem by:

    * Encouraging good, open, honest, and transparent communication.
    * Promoting teamwork and collaboration.
    * Emphasizing alignment with organizational values to ensure project continuity.
    * Encouraging thorough research and consideration of different perspectives.
    * Facilitating one-on-one or personal meetings with project team members.
    * Promoting collaborations and cooperation among team members.
    * Encouraging regular feedback and communication for improvement.

  1548. Williams did not communicate with John and Karen apparently He didn’t want to go through any due process that may drag the work, and being the fact he understands the regulatory environment and already had a reputation with the government, that made it easy for him to manipulate the result. Thereby, breaking some ethical rules ,pratices and moral principles guiding such kind of contract.

    However, John and Keren employed some skills inorder to save the company’s reputation;
    *Communication- they both dialogue to know the way forward.
    *Negotiated…they both brought the matter to table
    *Trade-off some things, had to compromise some standard inroder for them to get going.
    *They maintained a balanced outlook without attracting the attention of other stakeholders
    * They control the communication flow.

    1. Lack of communication: Inadequate communication from William to John led to a whole big issue that would have jeopardize the company’s reputation.

      Personal ambitions: The unethical thoughts from Karen about her probation period would have makes matter worse if not for the opportunity to meet with John at coffee stans that led to proper communication afterwards.

      Moral Standards: John decision to stand by the normal moral standards helped the situation, if he had agreed to go ahead with Williams initial proposition, the result may have been disastrous.

  1549. Critical Thinking & Analysis skill:Karen employed critical thinking skill to review the report from John and identified the inadequacies in the report
    Research skill: a skill Karen employed along side John to identify the big global firm to partner with the locals to get the required data
    Communication skill: Karen employed an informal communication means to discussed the flaws identified in the manipulated report submitted by John.
    Attention-to-detail skill: a skill Karen employed along with critical thinking, analysis skill to identify the inaccuracy with the report from from John.
    Collaboration & Team work skill: John & Karen were able to collaborate and work as a team to identify the flaws in the report and source for an alternative to get the desired goal.

  1550. Issues of professional conduct:
    1. Unclear communication between William and John.
    2. Inadequate documentation.
    3. Lack of focus on organizational values.
    4. William being opinionated.
    5. Undue assumptions on Williamโ€™s part.
    6. Unclear expectations.

    Solutions: (John and Karen)
    1. Good, open, honest and transparent communication.
    2. Team work
    3. Being focused on the projectโ€™s goal, thus, aiding the continuity of the project.
    4. Research
    5. One-on-one/ personal/ individual meetings with project team members.
    6. Collaborations.
    7. Feedbacks.

      1. 1.Inability of the project manager uphold the SLA meeting on time
        2.Lack of focus from the project manager and allowing distraction by first ignoring what he went for and going for sightseeing
        3. Poor communication at both end of the team members
        4. Lack of proper team work
        5. Internal driven adversity from Keeran not speaking up where she ought to
        6. Williams trying to do things in his way and not carrying his teammates along
        7. Lack of proper research and study on the project

        The solutions
        Is the research and find the teams made and consulting the firm found for help

  1551. Issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario:
    a) Lack of transparency and communication: William, the representative from the client agency, did not inform John, the project manager from XYZ, that the engagement program had already been carried out. This lack of transparency and communication undermines trust and the collaborative nature of the project.

    b) Potentially biased or manipulated data: Karen raises concerns about the opinion research report being too perfect, suggesting that the results may have been manipulated or biased to present a favorable outcome. This raises ethical questions about the integrity of the data and the potential misrepresentation of information.

    Skills used to bring ethics into decisions:
    a) Critical thinking and analysis: Karen demonstrates critical thinking skills by questioning the validity and integrity of the opinion research report. She engages in a thorough analysis of the situation and its potential risks, considering the implications of both accepting the report as it is and challenging its findings.

    b) Ethical awareness and moral reasoning: John and Karen both show ethical awareness by recognizing the importance of delivering accurate and reliable information to their client and the potential consequences of accepting a flawed report. They engage in moral reasoning to consider the ethical implications of their actions and the impact on the project’s success and their professional reputation.

    c) Collaboration and teamwork: John and Karen work together to identify the problem and find a solution. They engage in open discussions, share ideas, and seek input from colleagues. Their collaboration leads them to approach a larger firm for an independent review, demonstrating teamwork in their effort to address the ethical concerns.

    d) Decision-making and problem-solving: John and Karen employ decision-making skills by weighing the risks and benefits of challenging the report and considering the potential consequences. They use problem-solving techniques to explore alternative solutions and evaluate the feasibility and potential outcomes of each option.

    e) Research and information gathering: Karen conducts online research to identify a potential partner firm that could provide an independent review. This skill allows them to gather additional information and insights to inform their decision-making process and find a solution to the ethical dilemma.

    1. 1. Effective Communition between John and Kareen
      2. Good working Culture: the company had built good working culture over the years, which makes integrity a corr value.
      3. Poor communication between John and William: They should have communicated intend, culture and process better.
      4. Dishonesty: Willams was more concerned about the next stage than the risk and deliverable of the current project.

  1552. From my own view, the team were able to use the communication skills. Though John did not notice the hitches, but William and keran did. And keran was able to communicate well with John so they could have a successful project execution. So I will say there was flow of communication that brought about a good team work.

  1553. Proper communication, collaboration and a good understanding of the aim of the project can withstand any opposition.

  1554. From my point of view the professionals were able to be effectively communicated
    Along side with team work
    N they were determine to get it ride
    Through negotiation also working with time

    So we have
    Team work
    Determination &
    Time management, this skills where affectively used

    1. I think John and Karen, did the right thing. But William, did not act very ethically. He failed to collaborate robustly, and he did so to lessen the workload for himself, but ended up creating problems for John and Karen.

  1555. Proper communication and understanding the aim of the project was a key factor in neutralizing any form of internal adversity.

  1556. The lesson, dealing with difficult decisions (discussion)
    Three experts describe difficult decisions they had to take in one project.

    Now reflect on what was important for them in taking the decision. Would they act differently in a different context? Why?

    I believe no two projects are the same, if the context is different they will act according to the uniqueness of the project but keeping up with the required ethics and conduct of the profession.

    1. My observations were on the following:
      Effective communication
      Readiness to carry out tasks, especially on the part of William, but this is as a result of experience and wide consultation with other people.
      Research and consultations, especially in difficult situations, which Mary had to make, even personally in order to help proceed solution to the project task
      Readiness to consult and collaborate in order to know more on how to go about the project.

  1557. From the three scenarios, I was able to understand and visualize a very good effective communication skills between Karen and John which brought about continuing professional development and project accomplishment. However, Williams, on the other hand did show knowledge of the regulatory environment but was not well communicated which might have caused harm to the organization. That is to say, effective communication, team building, and collaboration is an important skill for every project management teams.
    Skills like:
    Effective Communication
    Problem Solving
    We’re all properly utilized by Karen and John to bring about project accomplishments.

  1558. John was diligent to check the report knowing the sensitivity of the report, and engaged effective communication at the right time to safe the situation. While William did not do his job ethically which resulted to the loop hole in the report. Thank God for Karen who has team spirit skills and used it to solve the problem. Therefore, communication, team work and proper work ethics is required in work place for delivery of successful projects.

  1559. #Teamwork

    Nevertheless , lack of proper understanding of the scope of a project can hinder the proper execution of the project

  1560. Couple of issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario
    1:lack of effective communication from John as a project manager
    2:lack of collaboration and teamwork from the part of Williams

    Skills used to bring ethics to the project
    1:Effective Communication between John and Karen
    2:Critical thinking by Karen that gave her the courage to communicate effectively with John even though she was scared at first
    3:continuing professional development through research and consultation by Karen,which helped in delivering the project ethically.

  1561. #Communication
    Effective communication will play a vital role to archieve the possible targets of the projct.
    Every project team members should be carry along to ensure a proper colaboration.

  1562. The issues
    Lack of communication and team work from wiliams
    The skills used
    Effective communication
    Team work and negotiation

    1. According to the senerio discussed the major problem they emphasised on is lack of communication and sometimes working as a team was another issues due to the inability to understand one’s capacity and experience

      Secondly they discussed the difficulties they faced during decision taking in a project.
      Be Honest and their should be a proper collaboration.

  1563. At first, the project team did not get along easily, but in the long run with communication, negotiation, and team management, they were able to figure out what could be done for a successful project.

  1564. Karen acted more naturedly and use proper communication with John. John on the other hand is more of a careful person eve though he is very experienced on the job.

    William is an opinionated being who want validation of people

  1565. From the scenario provided, effective communication was required. John could have communicated why it was necessary for the other person from the opposite team to work with them rather than just sending a report. Although, Karen had no prior experience, her thoughts on the subject were valuable.

    1. Okoro loveth chinasa

      Based on the scenario posted. There was no proper plan until place by the team.

      They lacked effective communication among them..

      Skills that was uses are

      Team work
      Effective communication
      Proper planning

  1566. From the three scenarios, I can deduce very good effective communication skills between Karen and John which brought about continuing professional development and project accomplishment. Williams did show knowledge of the regulatory environment but was not well communicated which might have caused harm to the organization. That is to say, effective communication, team building, and collaboration is an important skill for every project management team

    1. From the case study, what I got was clash of ethics and core values. William represents how poor his company’s ethics and values are or maybe his behaviour is just opposite of his company’s ethics. John represents one who will not compromise on ethics to get that big because by sticking to his ethics he was able to see the errors in the report. Karen represents a team member who is a supporter of good ethics. Through collaboration,communication and mapping of stakeholders to know how to respond to them, the issue was resolved.

  1567. From the three scenarios, I can deduce very good effective communication skills between Karen and John which brought about continuing professional development and project accomplishment. Williams did show knowledge of the regulatory environment but was not well communicated which might have caused harm to the organization. That is to say, effective communication, team building, and collaboration is an important skill for every project management teams

  1568. From my own point of view, couples of issues identified in this case study are listed below:
    1. Lack of communication
    2. Assumptions
    3. Lack of team work from William’s side
    4. Lack of integrity and maintaining laid down standards.

    The skills used to bring ethics into decisions used by the people in the case study which brought possible solution are:
    1. Effective communication amongst the team members
    2. Critical thinking on what the problem was and how to profer a solution.
    3. Negotiation skill was adopted which got them the right engagement at the end.
    4. Continuing professional developed played a key role too as Karen was able to do a bit of online research which made her identify a global firm that the local opinion researchers sometimes partnered with.

  1569. in a nutshell, teamwork and communication, problem-solving skills play a vital role in attaining a successful project. if there isnโ€™t been effective communication between Karen and John, there wonโ€™t be teamwork which led to bringing ideas that solve the problems they are facing in the project and this will definitely lead the project to be unsuccessful.

  1570. Ethically speaking, William could have tarnished the image of the company as a result of his lack of due diligence. William’s communication and teamwork skills need a major upgrade as he took a shortcut which produced a flawless but unrealistic report. John was right in the end to be worried about the viability of the report. He exhibited the attributes of a great project manager by using effective communication to get Karen’s perspective and also used teamwork skills to figure things out and salvage the situation with a viable solution.

    In conclusion, communication, teamwork
    and adaptability are essential skills in project management.

  1571. Williams exhibited a character that could deray the organization.
    In my opinion what he needs to develop as a skill are as follows
    Communication skills
    Problem solving
    Team work

  1572. William’s lack of effective communication skills, moral values, and teamwork led to unprofessional conduct. However, Karen demonstrated effective communication by sharing her thoughts with John, leading to a resolution of the situation. Both Karen and John were willing to adapt to changes, employing the following skills:

    Effective Communication: Karen effectively communicated her thoughts to John, facilitating understanding and problem-solving.
    Teamwork: Karen and John worked together to address the situation, demonstrating collaboration and a joint effort to find a solution.
    Honesty: Karen’s honest communication helped foster trust and openness in resolving the issue.
    Problem Solving: Karen and John engaged in problem-solving to overcome the challenges and find a resolution.
    Overall, through the utilization of these skills, Karen and John were able to rescue the situation and find a positive outcome.

  1573. In my point of view, John instead of starting with the engagement with the client’s representative, he priotised adventure. Looking around admiring the country and was caught offside when he was told the next day that the engagement was done. He didn’t prioritise work

    John also lacked knowledge on how the clients do their things. However, after learning that there could be risks if the project was to rely on the report given by william, he thought well enough to ask for Karen’s honest opinion which led to deliberations on how they were to solve the isue at hand.

    Therefore the skills used to solve the problem were; Effective communication skills, team work, negotiation skills, Time management.
    In conclusion, acting ethically is key to the success of the project.

    1. Corhot 10,Team 10

      From the scenario under review, the importance of team work and clear communication was put into practice by Karen.It is important to communicate and be a good team player for the success of any project.During team work and effective communication,different view and opinion about a project is shared, problems are solved and future hurdles averted

  1574. Ethics can be said to be principles relating to good and wrong conduct.

    Conduct can be said to be a behavioral attitude that has a resultant effect either negatively or positively.

    Under Ethics we consider moral principles,values, rules and regulations,rules of conduct.
    Values and moral principles guides the actions of individuals in an organizational context. That is to say that companies are rated,commended,and referenced based on the values and moral principles they exhibit through the behavioral conduct of their team members and employees.

    When you talk about ethics they are challenges and issues that can hamper it and seduce the value placed on a company which can be in two forms External driven adversities and Internal adversities.
    External adversities are kind of cutting corners to favour a new client from an existing prototype of your clients. Inorder to meet the customers interest it either create a positive or negative impact on your team in terms of timing to deliver. At this point your skills come into play as to communicating with your team on the need and interest that has to be protected.

    Internal adversities can be a resultom of team memmemberslling the PM to either reduce the quality of the project or be delivered within spect to time .it’s more of providing alternative decisions to the PM on a project either by cost or quality.

  1575. what I can say about this case study is,

    William lacks communication skills and teamwork and he is a man with this attribute of I know it all, while Karen despite being on probation exhibits the characteristics of a good project manager by using effective communication and teamwork skills to share her thoughts and concern with John. This helped them come up with solutions to the situation.
    john, being a good team player listened to his subordinate, Karen who brought an idea on how to solve the issues in the project.

    in a nutshell, teamwork and communication, problem-solving skills play a vital role in attaining a successful project. if there isnโ€™t been effective communication between Karen and John, there wonโ€™t be teamwork which led to bringing ideas that solve the problems they are facing in the project and this will definitely lead the project to be unsuccessful.

  1576. Clear Case of External Adversity requiring the Project Manager to act in a way that does not also put a strain in the relationship with the Client but assure the client of the ability the deliver, starting with a review of the Scope and goal of the project.
    There is need for a balance in communication with Project Team Members, to drive engagement and ownership

  1577. what I can say about this case study is,

    William lacks communication skills and teamwork and he is a man with this attribute of I know it all, while Karen despite being on probation exhibits the characteristics of a good project manager by using effective communication and teamwork skills to share her thoughts and concern with John. This helped them come up with solutions to the situation.
    john, being a good team player listened to his subordinate, Karen who brought an idea on how to solve the issues in the project.

    in a nut shell, teamwork and communication, problem solving skills plays a vital role in attaining successful project. if there aren’t been effective communication between Karen and John, there won’t be a teamwork which led to bring ideas that solves the problems they are facing in the project and this will definitely lead the problem to be unsuccessful.

  1578. William exhibited an unprofessional conduct as a result lack of effective communication skill, moral values, team work.
    However, Karen used effective communication to share her thought with John which help which help to rescue the situation as both were read to adapt to changes.

    The following skills employed:

    Effective Communication
    Team work
    Problem solving

  1579. The problems I identified are: Lack of communication between John and Williams, lack of trust and non-flexibility of ideas on Williams end

    The ethical solutions includes: Rule of conduct, ethical practices, values and good communication

    1. From the case study,points picked up were:

      * Lack of proper research.
      * Team cohesion.
      * Proper communication admist team members.

      But at the end John and Karen had good communication among themselves,to curb what was lagging in the project.

    2. From the case study,points picked up were:

      * Lack of proper research.
      * Team cohesion.
      * Proper communication admist team members.
      * Critical Thinking
      But at the end John and Karen had good communication among themselves,to curb what was lagging in the project.

  1580. My take on this scenario is:
    William exhibited an unprofessional conduct as a result lack of effective communication skill, moral values, team work.
    However, Karen used effective communication to share her thought with John which help which help to rescue the situation as both were read to adapt to changes.

    The following skills employed:

    Effective Communication
    Team work
    Problem solving

  1581. Some of the issues of professional conduct involved in this scenario are lack of communication with fellow project manager, lack of professional honesty, negligence of due research.
    The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario are honesty and communication

    1. The issue in this scenario is lack of communication and criticism is part of project manager’s thing they avoid criticizing the report.
      They realized that they were not communicating very well, they used team work by carrying everyone along to get their opinion to solve the problem, and refused blame game, they negotiated very well in order for the project to go well.

      Effective communication
      Team work
      The zeal to give quality job.

  1582. there seems to be good communication between the team members, a strong work ethic, integrity and everyone played to their strengths in order to carry out the project effectively.

  1583. It was unethical for William because there was lack of communication and transparency in his process, John played a major in solving the challenges, when it come to managing a project, active communication, collaboration and teamwork is a key point, Williamโ€™s behavior and unnecessary assumptions didnโ€™t help, Karen on her part fail to express what she knew that would have help her project management Lead, because she did not want to rock and also maintain the status. The skillful negotiation and honesty help a lots in every organization.

  1584. In my opinion, code of practice, values and moral principles were undermined, as well as lack of communication. What corrected it would be personal values-integrity, effective communication as well as a bit of teamwork.

    1. issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario are:
      โ€“ dishonesty
      โ€“ Assumptions
      โ€“ lack of communication
      the skills that were used to help bring back ethics are:
      โ€“ Effective communication
      โ€“ hunger for excellence
      โ€“ teamwork

  1585. issues of professional conduct featured in the scenario are:
    – dishonesty
    – Assumptions
    – lack of communication
    the skills that were used to help bring back ethics are:
    – Effective communication
    – hunger for excellence
    – teamwork

  1586. My opinion on this is that Williams misjudged John and per se Karen wasnโ€™t in the picture the whole effort would have been a mess.
    Skills displayed in this are
    Communication Skills: John wasnโ€™t Karenโ€™s type of person but she kept that aside because she wanted to keep the companies reputation and she proceeded to communicate with John.
    Listening skills: Karen was scared John might not hear her out on her opinion because she was still in the learning process and hasnโ€™t been in the company for long. Well! John as a professional project manager gave her his listening ears and her ideas got them out of the hard rock situation
    Research skills: They both key in their energy into research for the possible solutions and all turned out well.
    There are many more skills displayed here

  1587. In this case study i admire karen mode of communication, to me it was an informal mode of communication, perfect timing, and proper use of words when trying to correct John and showing him where he was finding it challenging, from my experience anyone whose been approached like this will like to open up his problems to the other and with this, there will be a perfect flow of information and discussion between them on solving the case, there will also be some high level of honesty between them and they will even enjoy working together on the case like they did.

  1588. What played out in getting to resolving of the project was the communication skills, honesty and teamwork between Karen and John.

  1589. Skills applied are Effective Communication and Time Management. The application of these skills brought about a successful project delivery

  1590. They all lacked professional work ethics. I said that because Williams who is a peopleโ€™s person lacks the spirit of sportsmanship. He was selfish thereby lacks the spirit of inclusiveness which led to poor communication between them.
    Also Kareen on her part at first lacked self confidence and was not open enough to discuss her ideas to her boss ,John.
    John who is the Project manager failed to understand what team work is not until kareen initiated a conversation between them hence,both parties having an effective communication that helped with the project becoming a success.

  1591. I can pinpoint that Values and organizational culture were undermined by William and John in the first place while trying to protect their relationship though it they later found a way to resolve the issue. Ethical practice was also not fully considered and should be a cause for concern for project managers and their team members/stakeholders when handling projects.

  1592. Obviously,from the scenario I’ve noticed that Karen and John played a beautiful role here by being connected… they actually applied a skill which is simply communication skills inorder to sort out or fix the project at hand… possibly more thorough research it’s well needed,so personally I should learn to communicate to my team to achieve a success when case studies arises.

  1593. What I observed was the lack of communication between John and William.

    Karen on the other hand used effective communication. She communicated her concern and ideas to John, also John was open to ideas and worked with them too.

    They also reached out to other firms that could assist them get a desired engagement thereby making the project a success

  1594. How William organized the engagement program without informing or consulting the project manager (i.e. John) clearly reveals a lack of communication.
    How XYZ formed a small project consultancy similar to the bigger firm they broke away from in a previous project shows a lack of moral principles.
    The act of John towards Karen before seeking her opinion or view on the engagement report was contrary to ethical practice.

  1595. It was unethical for William not communicate the modus operandi in his country to John, transparently and openly and not being thorough, he was ready to skip processes to just get to the deliverable. John was also guilty of not being honest with himself and communicate his misgivings about Williamโ€™s behavior and unnecessary assumptions, while Karen did not express what she knew could help her project manager, Lead, because she did not want to rock the boat and hereby maintain the status quo.
    Skills used were, Team work, Collaboration, Communication, Honesty, Making trade.offs, Negotiation,

  1596. Williams is people person but he lacks team work spirit and inclusiveness

    John and Karen has effective communication, collaboration and work as a team and achieve there desired success.

  1597. Teamwork between Karen and John played a major role in the solving the challenges they had in getting adequate and the needed informations with heir clients. Another thing worth mentioning is that even though John was more experienced than Karen, he was willing to listen to Karen and listen to her suggestions also.Active Listening cannot be undermined when it comes to managing a project.. Comminication and Teamwork also sets the project for success.

  1598. There are some ethical issues from the scenario we have studied. Good ethical conduct are vital attributes of team members on any project.

    Effective communication was lacking between John and William which is a key component of organisational skills that must be exhibited. John disappointment for instance was that William did not inform him before commencing the report and while William made the assumption that John would be happy with what he has done though he(William) to have good knowledge of the regulatory environment.

    From the story John seem to be a meticulous person and has a perfectionist tendencies (as observed by Karen) but that does not work alone when it comes to team work. Every team member has the free will to make contributions while taking into account the place of superiority. However, being a member of a team implies that your professional contributions and criticisms are needed hence Karen at first should not have had the restrain to look into John’s concerns.

    However, Karen used effective communication skill without criticism to share her concern with John on how best to save the situation so that the next stage of the project can commence in a bid to effectively manage time which is a key component to consider in project planning and execution. Every team member are deemed to be a troubleshooter hence their inclusion in the project term and this was what Karen eventually demonstrated.

    It is clearly seen that effective communication, time management, teamwork, a good knowledge of the regulatory environment, and good negotiation were at play in this case study.

  1599. My take on this scenario is this:
    Karen effectively communicated to share her thoughts and concern with John, which make her a team player and a goal getting, with that she effectively solved half of the problem and found the solution.
    john communicated as the leader.
    William failed to carry John along which shows Williamโ€™s lack of communication skill and team work, William to be seems to be a one man squad that doesn’t need to give report which team seems is not a good team player, he just wanted to get things done ASAP and move on.

    Team work
    Time management
    Problem solving skill

    1. My observations are:
      1. There was no clear communication relating to the project
      2. The project manager’s contribution was not considered
      3. All stakeholders were not present at the meeting.
      4. There was no team work
      5. Proper analysis of the project was not done.

  1600. MODULE 2, LESSON 21

    QUESTION: Can you identify a couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario?
    Reflect on what skills were used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario. Can you identify them?

    The first issue was the lack of communication between john who is an experienced project manager and Williams who is seen as peopleโ€™s person.
    Secondly was team work on the part of Williams.

    The skills that were used:
    Communication: Karen talked about it with john. I believe getting other peopleโ€™s opinion helps one in a dire situation.

    They looked beyond the physical situation and was able to consult big firm for their ideas and what they did,

  1601. Being that communication is very paramount to every project, Williams did not exhibit an honest communication skill and transparency. John on the other hand did not put time management into play. So it is right for me to say that there was no team work at the beginning of the project’
    However, Karen was able to bring in team work, critical thinking and effective communication to resolve the issue in the project and they were able to complete the project on time even though she was scared at first about criticizing the work.

  1602. Can you pinpoint a few instances of professional conduct highlighted in this scenario? Reflect on the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into the decisions made by the individuals involved. Can you recognize them?

    Karen and John employed communication skills as they discussed the issue together and with their other colleagues. They also display a good sense of ethics and knowledge of the company values which made them think about the future.

    The found a way round the situation by contacting another company to review the research report they had been given by William. This is a problem solving skill.

    William did not collaborate with the rest of the project team. He also did not communicate hence the surprise of John realising a key activity had been concluded without his input.

  1603. Karen and John were able to communicate effectively to tackle and sort out the risky aspects of the project ahead
    on the part of William, his actions were un- ethical stem from the fact that he didn’t carry john along there was a lapse in communication.
    the team harnessed the following skills
    time management
    team work
    problem solving skills

  1604. Considering the whole scenerio that played out…..
    John, though experienced could not identify the problems with the result given to him.
    Williams, being a “people’s person” had his way around everything and everybody and has access to any information he without even without following due process. He was not transparent in his findings.
    Karen on the other hand, understood the company’s reputation and was willing to protect it and this led her to lending a helping hand to John.

    Skills that brought ethics into decision in this scenario:
    1. Collaboration/Research
    In a bit to identify the problem with the result presented, they reached out to other local firms and sort for online materials to help out with findings as an alternative.
    2. Team work
    They involved other colleagues in a brainstorming activity so as to gain more insight, ideas on how to handle the issue. This could happen because they had an interpersonal relationship with these colleagues not just work related.
    3. Empathy
    Karen having understood the whole scenerio felt for John which made her approach him and in turn John was able to open up on his concerns.
    4. Communication
    They were able to discuss their fears with the result, their own perspective and ideas.
    5. Critical thinking
    Karen was able to identify that the results presented by John appeared too good and this could affect the company’s reputation if handled without proper analysis.
    6. Problem-solving skills
    John and Karen were willing to do all it takes to rectify the issue or create an alternative to achieve a better result for the project.

  1605. Considering the whole scenerio that played out…..
    John, though experienced could not identify the problems with the result given to him.
    Williams, being a “people’s person” had his way around everything and everybody and has access to any information he without even without following due process. He was not transparent in his findings.
    Karen on the other hand, understood the company’s reputation and was willing to protect it and this led her to lending a helping hand to John.

    Skills that brought ethics into decision in this scenario:
    1. Collaboration/Research
    In a bit to identify the problem with the result presented, they reached out to other local firms and sort for online materials to help out with findings as an alternative.
    2. Team work
    They involved other colleagues in a brainstorming activity so as to gain more insight, ideas on how to handle the issue. This could happen because they had an interpersonal relationship with these colleagues not just work related.
    3. Empathy
    Karen having understood the whole scenerio felt for John which made her approach him and in turn John was able to open up on his concerns.
    4. Communication
    They were able to discuss their fears with the result, their own perspective and ideas.
    5. Willingness to adapt/adjust to changes and alternatives.

  1606. From the case study, Karen and John were able to communicate well to tackle and sort out the foreseen risks of the project. Hence, communication skill and teamwork were utilized.

    However, from the start John seems not to establish a communication system within the team, neither does it seems like he motivated his project team and what their goals were as a team in the execution of the project.

    Because Williams, didnโ€™t have the team spirit and rather sees John as a competitor while Karen held on to an information because she didnโ€™t want John to feel bad whereas it would have helped the project at hand early on.

  1607. My take on this scenario is this:
    Karen used effective communication to share her thoughts and concern with John. This helped them come up with ideas on how to savage the situation.

    William on the other hand failed to carry John along which shows Williamโ€™s lack of communication skill and team work.

    However, they were all willing to adapt to change(s) to get a positive result.

    The following skills were extracted
    Effective communication
    Team work
    Time management
    Problem solving skill

  1608. Your success as a PM is mostly and majorly based on your communication. Your willingness to communicate openly and to carry them along. Your communication as a PM must also be with openess and with sincerity of purpose.

  1609. Professional Conduct Issues.
    Most of the professional conduct issues was shown by William. He lacks moral value, team work and code of practice. This is because there was uncertainty in the data that was provided by him and the engagement program was not transparent. He is use to carrying out decision without informing his team.

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions.
    Karen develops an effective communication skill with honesty and integrity with less critics.
    Karen and John came up with ideas and immediate solutions to the problem with teamwork and communication skills, these enable them set goal to maintain the companyโ€™s reputation.

  1610. For as much as PM is about communication, this communication must be frosted with openness and sincerity of purpose. This largely brought about the success of the project.

  1611. William’s attitude of collaborating with friends at the opinion research without actually going to the field, as well as photo shooting for John is unethical.
    John on his part was cared for & went for sight seeing of the community with a local to familiarize himself with the people and locality was a good one to understand the culture better for engagement. However, he didn’t go through with his plan for a carefully arranged forums for effective feedbacks. He took all that William gave him hook, line and sinker; this is not a good characteristic of a project manager who ought to be part of the whole process. No effective communication between John and William & that was why they couldn’t bring out possible risks/hurdles.
    On the part of Karen, she initially engaged in external adversity due to the fact that she is on probation and does not want to have a clash with John inorder not to affect her from finishing. She decided to compromise; this is unethical. However, through frank conversation with John at a coffee shop, they were able to be honest with themselves and look for a possible way out which led to partnership with a bigger firm and the project successfully carried out.

  1612. William being a real โ€œpeople personโ€, established a common ground to begin the conversation with John about work culture and the proposed project. However, Williams failed to carry John along on the project. This shows a lack of teamwork and lack of communication.

    On the other hand, John was not so good too at communicating effectively with William and his team as he was all about getting the project started.

    Although Karen was looking out for herself because of her probation which would end in a couple of months and as such didn’t exhibit the teamwork skill. However she went further to discuss the issues together with John to find ideas and solutions. This led to Karen talking to their colleagues over the weekend which helped them see the situation in a wider contest and came up with the best solution.

    Skills employed in this scenario are:

    1. Effective communication
    2. Time management
    3. Teamwork
    4. Anticipate risks
    5. Good negotiation
    6. knowledge of the regulatory environment
    7. Adapting to change โ€“ External work culture
    8. Good planning technique
    9. Honesty and Transparency

  1613. With effective communication, continued professional development by going online to seek for more information on how to tackle the matter, negotiating with the firm to go find out how its done, Karen helped John who was so eager to get the project done, to get a solution to the problem. William is a know-how personnel but failed to utilize proper communication skills. At the end, problem was solved.

  1614. Karen actually used effective communication skills to relate her thoughts with John. Both were transparent and honest to themselves in critically analysing the situation. And at the end, they finished the project within the time frame

  1615. This scenerio, on the part of Williams shows that, he did not exhibit transparency , ethical conduct, inclusion and honest communication which is crutial to the effectiveness of the project at hand. While, John was bent on actualizing the project without proper check, anticipate risks, knowledge of existing laws, and adaptation to change as in the external adversity. However, Karen came to the picture with the intention to take advantage and get through her probation successfully.
    Conclusively, Karen was able to apply critical thinking, problem solving skill, team work, innovation, and one- on- communication to resolve the issue between William and John. Eventually, they were able to complete the project in view.

  1616. John was impatient and wasnโ€™t ready for details initially. He just wanted to be mr knows- it- all.
    Karen was on probation and didnโ€™t want anything that would stop her from moving forward, hence was scared of criticizing Johnโ€™s opinion in order not to hurt him.
    But when they decided to look at the big picture which is the net stage and the future, they started communicating and making research which ended up giving them a breakthrough.
    So there was Effective communication, teamwork/collaboration, and openness of course.

  1617. The case study revealed, John and William did not exhibit great communication skills at the beginning. Though the report was brought nonetheless, John did not compromise the quality of his product by relying completely Williamโ€™s report.
    Karen on the other hand was professional in her conduct towards John and William. She portrayed great communication skills and a good team player. John and Karenโ€™s critical thinking and honest discussions made them identify the anticipated risk involved.
    William being a โ€˜People Personโ€™ means he has a mastery in managing people and can negotiate effectively.
    All of them had a mastery of their environment and were ready to adapt to change.

  1618. Karen used effective communication skill without criticism to share her concern with John and with team work from them both, a plan to savage the situation was birthed. And that was done within time that’s (time management). They were honest, transparent with each other and that’s when ethics came to be.

  1619. Honesty, team work, consistency and communication skills are very paramount and was in this case scenario, bringing about a successful project.

  1620. Karen used effective communication skill without criticism to share her concern with John and with team work from them both, a plan to savage the situation was birthed. And that was done within time that’s (time management). They were honest, transparent with each other and that’s when that’s when ethics came to be.

  1621. Karen was on probation and didnโ€™t want anything that would stop her from moving forward, hence was scared of criticizing Johnโ€™s opinion in order not to hurt him.
    But when they decided to look at the big picture which is the net stage and the future, they started communicating and making research which ended up giving them a breakthrough.
    So there was Effective communication, teamwork/collaboration, and openness of course.

  1622. Transparency, team work and collaboration, and effective communication leading to the success of the project.

    1. From the scenario under review, the importance of team work and clear communication was put into practice by Karen.It is important to communicate and be a good team player for the success of any project.During team work and effective communication,different view and opinion about a project is shared, problems are solved and future hurdles averted.

  1623. Ashiru Moruf Cohort 7 Team 2

    Professional Conduct Issues.
    Most of the professional conduct issues was shown by William. He lacks moral value, team work and code of practice. This is because there was uncertainty in the data that was provided by him and the engagement program was not transparent. He is use to carrying out decision without informing his team.

    Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions.
    Karen develops an effective communication skill with honesty and integrity with less critics.
    Karen and John came up with ideas and immediate solutions to the problem with teamwork and communication skills, these enable them set goal to maintain the companyโ€™s reputation.

  1624. Critically looking at the Scenario, there was lack of team spirit which caused a breach in communication until Karen was able to summon up the courage to discuss the lapses and shortcomings of John which led to an excellent result.
    John overlooked the ethics guiding the organization and was able to adjust accordingly later on.

  1625. The skills displayed there includes; Effective Communication
    Team work
    Time management and attention to details while the ethics includes honesty and transparency.
    Adapting to change
    Good planning techniques
    For any project to be successful,these skills are needed

  1626. John was scared on the inside but was trying to be a nice man by not asking for specifics about how the engagement went.
    In addition, Karen wasn’t all that sincere on the team; she was conceited and only wanted to focus on her probationary time in order to impress her supervisor and further her career.
    The project took a major turn after Karen and John made the decision to be open and honest with one another.
    Last but not least, the project’s team is uneasy because no one wants to speak up for fear of offending the feelings of the following team member, which is detrimental to the success of the project and the general goals of the firm.

  1627. Collectivity displayed played a good role in increasing the communication gap between John and Karen,it increased the work efficiency on the given project.
    โ€“ Observation of ethics
    โ€“Communication skills was very effective which made the project outstanding.

  1628. John was trying to play a nice guy and not asking for details how the engagement went through, and while he is just been worried on the inside.

    Karen also wasnโ€™t that sincere in her part to the team, she was selfish, and wanted to concentrate on her probational period to please her boss and get promoted to satisfy her ulterior motive.

    The people forgot that the success of the project is also a plus on their individual achievements.

    Now, when Karen and John decides to be honest with themselves and speak up, the project got a tremendous turn.

    Lastly, the project team is not safe because everyone is scared of speaking up and hurting feelings of the next team member at the detriment of the overall company goals and project success

  1629. John was trying to play a nice guy and not asking for details how the engagement went through, and while just been worried on the inside.

    Karen also wasnโ€™t that sincere in her part to the team, she was selfish, and wanted to concentrate on her probational period to please her boss and get promoted to satisfy her ulterior motive.

    The people forgot that the success of the project is also a plus on their individual achievements.

    Now, when Karen and John decides to be honest with themselves and speak up, the project got a tremendous turn.

    Lastly, the project team is not safe because everyone is scared of speaking up and hurting feelings of the next team member at the detriment of the overall company goals and project success

  1630. 1. John was eager to jump into the execution of the project without understanding the Modus Operandi of the firm, which could be fatal.
    Karen earlier lacked the self-confidence to air her opinion concerning the project as it would counter John’s idea.
    John and Karen brainstormed together without involving Williams, which connotes incomplete teamwork.
    2. Communication, creativity, innovative thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

    1. John showed some ethical value when dealing with the issues. He was himself, was a teams friend and was honest, and he managed the project in a complex situation, had an eagle eye for project issues.

      karen was curious enough to find solotion the the problem, karen ability to recognize and try to resolve ethical dilemmas is great.

      Williams lack professionalism, was willing to compromise standards, he was not honest lack what it takes to be a project manager.

  1631. The case showed different backgrounds and ethics working together on a project. One of the significant things I noticed was that William didnโ€™t bring John along in the earlier process and wanted to send him the results of his research, and quickly send him offโ€”poor communication skills on that part.

    Karen exhibited good morals and ethics, she also communicated her concerns to John and also suggested a preferred solution and carried out a proper risk analysis. All these helped them achieve a good standing going into the projectโ€™s next phase.

  1632. Teamwork displayed played a good role in increasing the communication gap between John and Karen, this increased the work efficiency on the given project.
    – Observation of ethics
    โ€“Communication skills was very effective which made the project successful

  1633. there was Teamwork, communication and work ethic displayed by the professionals which brought about effective results.

  1634. The scenario showed people of different backgrounds and ethics working together on a project. One of the significant things I noticed was that William didn’t bring John along in the earlier process and wanted to send him the results of his research, and quickly send him offโ€”poor communication skills on that part.

    Karen exhibited good morals and ethics, she also communicated her concerns to John and also suggested a preferred solution and carried out a proper risk analysis. All these helped them achieve a good standing going into the project’s next phase.

  1635. The skills displayed there includes; Effective Communication, team work, good time management and attention to details while the ethics includes honesty and transparency. For any project to be successful, communicating effectively in a team with all honesty and transparency always saves the day.

  1636. In this scenario within the case study, I observed the following person displaying professional conduct:

    William being a real “people person”, established a common ground to begin the conversation with John about work culture and the proposed project.

    On the other hand, John was not so good at communicating effectively with John. He was just concerned about getting started with the project. John didn’t take into account the organisational culture of William’s Agency. He didn’t pay much attention to how things are done in William’s country.

    Karen was very professional in her conduct with both John and Williams. She knows her job depends on both persons finding a common spot to resolve what’s in front of them. She found a common ground to initiate the conversation which led them to discover the pending risks they anticipated earlier.

    Skills employed in this scenario are:

    1. Good communication
    2. People management
    3. Team player
    4. Anticipate risks
    5. Good negotiation
    6. knowledge of the regulatory environment
    7. Adapting to change – External work culture
    8. Good planning technique

  1637. Karen displayed a level of her teamwork experience which is very professional
    โ€“communication among team members was actually a good one

      1. First, John should have demonstrated openess and transparency with the whole team before Karen noticed the gaps in the report.
        However, good team work was demonstrated to figure a way out. Cultural differences was also an issue here. It was important to have done a back ground check to understudy how things are done in that country so it wouldn’t have come as a shocker.
        Innovation, deep thinking and problem solving skills were demonstrated by Karen

  1638. There was lack of effective communication by William which was unethical but at the end the company values was uphold

  1639. John sort for Karen’s honest opinion of which they ended up spending a whole hour going over the problem and what they could do about it.

    They also knew that running with the report as it stood was too big a risk and so they mapped out how it would look like if that risk was realized.

    Some skills used to bring ethics into decisions were:

    Communication with close colleagues.

    1. There was effective communication between John and Karen, transparency and honesty among team members

  1640. William was unethical and unprofessional handling this situation,as a project manager,one has to have good communication skills and team work..Karen acted like a professional Project manager,communicating her ideas to John and good team work to resolve the problems and get solutions..

  1641. Janet Oluwamayowa Adebayo
    Cohort 7, Team 1

    John to me is a professional manager because he has a good knowledge of the firm. He was also excited that the contract will broaden his experience. John also not minding that he’s superior to Karen made himself available (team work) and had a discussion with Karen (communication skills) which enabled them get a good result.

    Williams didn’t behave ethically as he wasn’t transparent enough with John. He therefore was did not comply with the code of practice as the engagement programme wasn’t organized in a transparent manner.

    Also, Williams didn’t show good moral principles as there were uncertainty about the integrity of data to be provided by him

    Karen displayed a good communication skill with John.

    Team work
    Work ethics
    Moral values

  1642. Acting ethically is one of the core values of every employee within any given project, this has the propensity to damage the image of the organization. For instance, Mr. Smith was hired by xyz company to serve in the capacity of Human Resource Director.

    Mr. Smith always accept bribed from people who’re seeking employment within this company, which is very unethical.

  1643. From John’s point of view, William actually did not communicate effectively to John. As a good project manager you’re supposed to communicate effectively. He felt that John will be happy with the final report, but as every stage of the project is supposed to be communicated to all stakeholders involved that wasn’t done by William.

    John carried the report and presented same even when he could have made some corrections and he didn’t do that, and Kareen who is quite a new employee was scared of intimidation from John and so couldn’t criticize the report just so John won’t feel bad which is not a good value for the company. company should have a value wherein everyone could speak freely of a good idea and not be scared of intimidation from anybody. This made Kareem shy away from criticizing the report John brought.

    That would have been a disaster for the organisation but however Kareen deployed a good communication skill in that he used used the one-on-one type of communication skill and was able to sell to join the idea that he had which is the idea of a meeting another firm.
    that was quite commendable of him.

    Basically what was lacking in the team was teamwork, leadership, integrity and then fear was in the team.
    Thank God for the good communication skill deployed by Karen that was the saving grace.

  1644. First and foremost, ethical practices/values, moral principles and rules of conduct are vital in any project. I observed that effective communication, teamworking spirit, integrity, due diligence and zealousness was found amongst the project team.
    Secondly, It is necessary to ensure the presence/collaboration of relevant parties in proffering solutions to a critical project stage.
    Thirdly, language barrier hinders communication in international project management.
    Again, do not be afraid to bring bad news to the table as a project manager, rather, ensure that issues are addressed and solved after analyzing all the options, bring the possible solutions.
    Finally, time management and meeting every stakeholders individually for discussion is key.

  1645. In a nutshell, there was lack of communication and lack of teamwork due to the negligence of one of the project persons. Also, one of the peers who could mediate was afraid to because of her own interests.
    However, at the end they were able to uphold the companyโ€™s values and code of practice to undertake the project

  1646. In the case study, William action was very unethical and this would had ended XYZ consultancy their place in the project, but thanks to Karen, though young in the consulting project was able to observe and noticed Williams action towards John. Called this out, had a one-on-one discussion with John who agreed with his suggestion and by liaising with a bigger and more robust company for a better solution to the challenges they were facing.
    Communication skill was a key tool used here.

  1647. Karen Understood that no one is truly self-sufficient, everyone must rely on the company and comfort of others in order to thrive so she sought for the opinion of her colleagues which is commendable.

  1648. Though William was unethical, I think John too was, trying to play a nice guy and not asking for details how the engagement went, just been worried on the inside.

    I think, Karen also wasn’t that sincere in her part to the team, she was selfish, she had wanted to concentrate on her probational period, please her boss and get promoted.

    They all forget that the success of the project is also a plus on their individual achievements.

    Now, when Karen and John decides to be honest with themselves and speak up, the project got a unique turn.

    Williams reaction wasn’t captured again, but yeah he will be proud of the turn.

    Lastly, the project team isn’t psychologically safe, everyone is scared of speaking up and hurting feelings of the next team member at the detriment of their overall goals and project success.

    1. Great analyses here, i must say.

      Here is mine in summary.

      Some issues of professional conduct I can identify are;
      1. William’s assumption that the researcher’s finding is enough and the Project manager, John doesn’t need to make his own engaging research.
      2. John was almost tempted to take the next step which was already posing as an opposite to XYZ’s organizational culture and values.

      The skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario were:
      1. Negotiation
      2. Proper and effective communication
      3. Ethics and Standards

  1649. From the case study, it is clear that William was very unethical in his dealings with John and that made him treat John as a pushover. And John although had some strong concerns about the survey, did not adequately communicate that, maybe for fear of losing their client. I love the fact that Karen brought up her concerns and was able to find a common ground with John to make a better decision that helped the company.

    The major skills used were communication which helped a great deal in sorting out future problems.

  1650. Karen displayed the spirit of a good project manager because she was able to work with the necessary stakeholders to redeem the project to the next level. She only joined the company because of its reputation but she salvage the image of the company.

    John only focus on the code of practice even when he knew that the reported submitted to him by William was not helpful but he never wanted him to feel he was not good at this point. He should have adopted values that will help the team,

    William needs to allowed for brainstorming with other project team members for an efficient result but he felt he can do it all.

    In all, the team succeeded because of values.

  1651. The engagement report was carried out without adequate collaboration and effective teamwork among the members, thus the existence of that problem.
    However, John and Karen had to resolve the problem with collaboration, communication, and teamwork which yielded very good results.

    This shows clearly the place for effective communication between team members, and collaboration with stakeholders to get adequate information in trying to achieve an important task. Teamwork is key.

  1652. Initially, everyone was allowed to carry out their task based on their expertise without any interference and hoping for the best result but it turned out a problem when John noticed that what William boosted he took care of did not heal the right result. I know he allowed for code of practice but this was not really necessary at this point.

    e team conducted themselves rightly with one another even when things were not going well but maintained the rules.
    The skilled used involved:
    Values: The Team reflected on the possible approached to use in achieving their plan and this even came up with the idea of anew person who joined the teams for its reputation

  1653. I look at John as someone with moral principles and values but lacks good communication skills cos he noticed an anomaly but did not find solution to it so as not to cause a problem. He was just following rules and regulations imposed by William. That would have affected the project anyway if he had used that data William gave him.

    Karen despite been a greenhorn searched for a solution by following an acceptable rule of conduct and code of practice to bring solution to the problem created by John through William

    William has no ethical value as a Project Manager. Following shortcuts is not the best as he forgot that though projects may look the same it is not a given that the data must been same.

  1654. John adapted to the way of doing things in the new company and made sure he had other plans in place.
    John realised who was under him as a work man, finish handling the basic details and seek what’s best for the project

  1655. Looking at the scenario, integrity and moral principles was lacking at first as some risky steps were taken however I loved the fact that Karen noticed this errors on their and also was bold enough to speak up even though it was going to hurt John. At the end of the day I loved the team spirit that gave them a great result.

    To me in conclusion all ethical values for projects must be in place no matter how it hurts.

      1. Generally a problem of Personal interest over Professional Ethics and Communication Gap Issues.
        1. William lacked Honesty and Integrity.
        2. John lacked proper communication Skills and Team Work Spirit. He also lacked transparency with the true outcome of His Survey.
        3. Karen Puts personal interest over work ethics initially.

        1. Karen finds a way of approaching John in a Non-confrontational manner.
        2. They now both work as a Team to find Solution.
        3. They seek opinion from other colleagues.
        4. Outsourcing that part of investigation they’re unable to carry out to a bigger Firm.

  1656. The 2 important work ethics I saw from the case study is communication and integrity.
    Karen read through John’s report and identified a risk from the report and escalated it. Even though she knew the feedback was going to hurt John’s feeling, but she’s got to do her job anyway.

  1657. Initially, there weren’t on same page. Employing professional conduct of calmness and focus on the job opened them up, utilizing project management skills such as communication (teamwork), negotiation and collaboration to achieve the project goal.

  1658. So from that case study, William was obviously going against some of the companyโ€™s ethics and obviously wasnโ€™t being transparent with John about the project. Although John knew something was wrong, he didnโ€™t confront William but luckily, Karen spoke with him about her thoughts and together they were able to find solutions to the problem that didnโ€™t look like a problem at all. Great communication and interpersonal skills plus integrity and diligence played out in the results at the end . John and Karen did a great job.


    While William appears to be efficient in his work and was able to carry out his part of the work on time even before the PM โ€œJohnโ€ knows about it, William lacks Team spirit and I would say didnโ€™t follow the Code of Practice.

    He could have communicated with the PM and realized that making that decision to speak about the work heโ€™s done there would probably make the PM look inadequate which should never happen in a team.

    He should have reported his work first to the PM and that would have given all 3 the time to vet the report and realize the loopholes that could have potentially caused the Company its reputation.

    So in my opinion, Even though William was efficient, he wasnโ€™t effective.

    However, this situation was easily salvaged because John followed ethics which I would say โ€œInclusivity & Thoroughnessโ€ happens to be one of their values.

    And with effective communication & Research skills, both John and Karen were able to work together with other team members to reverse the situation.

  1660. Communication and teamwork is what they brought in which at the end gave them the background information they need, and finally didnโ€™t embark on the project blindly.

    Ethical, Analytical and zeal to get the job done shown by them.

  1661. I have seen that in most of scenarios explained communication if of Paramount importantance ,we need also to recognize people when they are working hard or overtime by giving them allowances, overtime and good renumeration for us to achieve our goals in our project.

    1. Couple of issues of professional conduct featured in this scenario was the Engagement of stakeholders to execute the project from the outset before starting out with the work. Also the feedback medium which is a way of preventing hitch while executing the project.

      Skills used to help bring ethics into decisions used by the people involved in this scenario are; communication skills which was topnotch and continuing professional development skills came into play.

  1662. Possible mitigation alternatives in a situation where a project manager may need to ask project members to work overtime or at weekend to deliver an important product to a key client on time knowing that many of them have families or have religious belief, for which this may contradict the organizations policy on employee wellbeing may include.
    * Remunerating project members for overtime worked financially
    * Recognizing and awarding project members that worked overtime with certificate of commitment to boost their cv
    * Awarding project members that embraces it with vacation trips benefits

  1663. John, William and Karen have shown that they all have capacity to do the work assigned to them. However, there is a minimal teamwork and communication. They do not appear to be having issues of internal adversity but there is inconsistency in the process, as John mentioned that he had to forced the paced of engagements.

  1664. Integrity is key, this is what Karen see that that made her to be part of the company and she want to continue to be advocate of the culture. This goes along with a lot of hard work.
    Communication and teamwork are vital irrespective, which at the end gave them the background information they need, and finally didn’t embark on the project blindly.

  1665. I see lack of effective communication between John and William. Also, on Karen’s part the fear of loosing her job almost caused her not to air her observation to John. I’m glad she eventually did. John also have an open mind to learning which was why they were able to address and come up with better options when Karen finally spoke out

  1666. The ability of the project managers to successfully conclude the project is a testament to their exceptional capabilities. They demonstrated an unwavering commitment in embracing high moral standards, following ethical practices with a strictly regulated code of conduct while skillfully utilizing their outstanding communication skills.

  1667. Communication is the bedrock of every successful projects.
    Although it was discovered at the beginning that there was no proper team work in the company which led to the members keeping their opinion to themselves, but after karen finally had the courage to speak up and highlighted some issues on the report, we can see that they mended some things and acted together for continuity of the project.

  1668. Team work was employed
    Effective peaceful Communication among Team members
    To uphold company Standards, ensured that Karen found solution that matches what she knew so far about the company

  1669. The project managers were able to work perfectly cause they posses hi gh Mora uhh โทรบl principles, Ethical practice values, Rule of conduct and a good
    Communication skill in carrying out the project.


  1670. Okafor Innocent Okwudili

    I think John did not initially build a flexible communication pattern with his team but due to the growing concern of the report by williams which was against the Organizational ethics noticed by the team especially Karen who felt the need to not question John’s report for fear of losing her place in the organization.
    But her love for the organization which has a high ethical value, Karen applied diplomacy in communicating with John about it who was worried and willing to accept opinions, and this opens a better channels for communication and team work.
    However they both came up with ideas and solutions to the problem, leveraging on teamwork and communication to ensure the companyโ€™s ethics was applied for the maintenance of it’s reputation.
    The effectiveness of communication in the context has enabled the exchange of ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information of purpose to ensure ethical professionalism.
    Communication is essential, Itโ€™s the process of understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
    Integrity also played out.
    Karen’s diplomatic approach meets with the opportunity to close communication gap and foster a healthy teamwork with John to solve project challenge with increased work efficiency henceforth.

  1671. The issues of professional conduct identified
    Lack of proper communication between john and william.
    Lack of courage from kareen to question for clarity of project.
    William qas carried away by the New city and not the project.

    Skills used in the scenario

    Professional ethics skill by john not assuming to be right on track because he knows the job.
    Communication skill by john and kareen
    Attention to details by kareen
    And Team work.

  1672. They had effective communication skills, team play, they were professionally reasonable, Attention to detail, problem-solving, and proactiveness.

    They were kind enough to source for help to ensure a smooth ride and to minimize risk in the project

  1673. From the case study, Karen and John were able to communicate well to tackle and sort out the foreseen risks of the project. Hence, communication skill and teamwork were utilized.

    However, from the start John seems not to establish a communication system within the team, neither does it seems like he motivated his project team and what their goals were as a team in the execution of the project.

    Because Williams, didnโ€™t have the team spirit and rather sees John as a competitor while Karen held on to an information because she didnโ€™t want John to feel bad whereas it would have helped the project at hand early on.

  1674. The project managers exhibited: Moral principles, Ethical practice values, Rule of conduct and a good
    Communication skill in carrying out the project.

  1675. In the beginning John even though noticed that things were not adding up because the plan looked so good and with his wealth of experience knew every project has its hurdles, had to act cool because he knew the government official had the power to take away the project from his company. But going back home, he collaborated with Kieran and applied professional ethics by not going ahead with the project with what was provided. They sought to find solutions to what would turn out to be an hurdle by engaging another firm with experience on such projects in same region. With this they found solutions and maintained their work ethics without allowing the ethics to take away the opportunity from them.

  1676. Communication is very important, being able to express an idea to a colleague. Being able to bring up ideas as a team, which brought about th completion of the project and a satisfactory job.

  1677. John, Williams and Keren was successful because there was the display of professionalism in service, team work and team spirit, did not undermine the importance of effective communication and the need for more research which led them to the desired success.

  1678. A project manager should be able to:
    -Foreseen potential risk and proffer Respond organized,
    – Be focus on the value and goals.
    -Lead the team members.
    -Communicate to team member frequently.
    – Show empathy to the team members.

  1679. The following can be seen from the case study on a project manager acting in an ethical manner provided by APM:
    Honesty and integrity: Karen and John handled these situations because their abilities allowed them to take coordinated measures; they talked about the issue jointly and with interested parties until a solution was found for the current scenario.

    They outlined the initial possibilities in simple, contrasting terms. b. Acting within your capabilities. You can highlight the moral option and improve your ability to make the proper choice by coming up with alternate outcomes like this.

    1. Skills they used to bring Ethics into Decisions:

      Time management: The ability to successfully manage your time. Karen and John periodically questioned the propriety of a certain situation. Nonetheless, they made certain that the task was performed without raising any uncomfortable or unusual questions. According to the organization, the capacity to think critically and make the best decision at the right time is the essence of a project manager.

      Communication: Because the company expects them to organize themselves as experts in the presence of potential customers or stakeholders on the subject, Karen shared her thoughts with John, her superior, about how to achieve a suitable solution on the project.

      Communication: Karen communicated her opinion to John her superior about how to achieve a befitting solution on the project as they are expected by the firm to conduct themselves as professionals in front of potential clients or stakeholders on the subject as this matters to the firm towards protecting their good image in the eyes of the public.

      By opening up, and engaging these skills, you’re way better at making it easier and making more ethical decisions that will be profitable to both the firm and its stakeholders.

  1680. A few notable points
    Professional Conduct Issues
    1) William did not comply with code of practice as the engagement programme was not transparently organized.
    2) William has no moral values has there were uncertainty about the integrity of the source of data to be provided by William
    3) Karen dropped the ball of moral principles as Karen decided not to criticize Johnโ€™s report despite Karenโ€™s doubt
    4) Karen did not demonstrate moral principles has she was more concerned about her probation period being over than doing a good job.
    Skills was able to use
    Engagement between committee, focused discussion with team, proper researching and Asking for help from a more knowledgeable firm
    in conclusion
    Team work and effective communication was well played

  1681. In a nutshell; for any project to be carried out there must be a good communication which will lead to good team work. At end of that scenario communication skill later prevail to absolutely make project come.out successful.

  1682. Both John and Karen is well experienced as a project managers with an amazing communication skills… They all worked together as a great team with ethical core values in actualizing and ensuring the success and completion of the project…..

  1683. What I see here is majorly; communication, ethics, values and principles, and of course, teamwork towards the goal, the main purpose of the project.

  1684. From the case study, John is an experienced project manager, whose professional conduct was taking initiative about the project and giving the initial idea, which shows his proactive nature and commitment to the job. Also, his open communication skills with Williams and Karen to discuss his concerns and issues about the project. His ethical considerations are high value and teamwork.
    Williams was more concerned with shareholders’ engagement and bringing results. He focused more on maintaining relationships with key shareholders and networks to obtain information, he prioritised delivering results rather than the authenticity and ingenuity of the process of getting the results.
    Karen applied critical thinking to question the the authenticity of the engagement reports and recognize potential risk. Her problem solving skills to later resolve the issues with John. Her ethical consideration is her checking the validity of the reports and success over personal conflicts

  1685. Firstly, We have John – well experienced; knowledgeable and all. (Comfort zone, kinda person).
    Then, William – history of having worked with the Client -agency for years; have the real-time on the site experience; people -person etc.
    On the other side is Karen – have her reputation to guard; career-driven; people pleaser. At the same time enthusiastic towards ensuring the goals and objectives were efficiently met.

  1686. I identified John as an experienced project manager with a good knowledge of the firm. He was excited about the fact that the contract will broaden his experience.
    Also, William has worked for the client-agency and has handled the project responsibility for years. He was known to be a person of growing influence in the government.
    On the other hand, was Karen, who was enticed by reputation and the glory of the agency. Her focus was to experience all possibilities to justify academic and professional training.

    Karen and John came up with ideas and solutions to the problem with teamwork and communication. They both communicated their ideas; they have a set goal to ensure the companyโ€™s focus and reputation were maintained.
    William was more of a one-man squad and surpass the Project Manager.
    The effectiveness of communication in the context has enabled the exchange of ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information of purpose or intention to be fulfilled.
    Communication is essential, Itโ€™s the process of understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
    Integrity also played out. To behave in accordance with ethical principles, and act in good faith, intellectual honesty, and fairness.
    Teamwork played a good role in increasing the communication gap between John and Karen, this increased the work efficiency on the given project.

  1687. The case study has identified John as an experienced project manager with a good knowledge of the firm. He was excited about the fact that the contract will broaden his experience.
    Whereas, William has worked for the client-agency and has handled the project responsibility for years. He was known to be a person of growing influence in the government.
    On the other hand, was Karen, who was enticed by reputation and the glory of the agency. Her focus was to experience all possibilities to justify academic and professional training.

    Karen and John came up with ideas and solutions to the problem with teamwork and communication. They both communicated their ideas; they have a set goal to ensure the companyโ€™s focus and reputation were maintained.
    William was more of a one-man squad and surpass the Project Manager.
    The effectiveness of communication in the context has enabled the exchange of ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information of purpose or intention to be fulfilled.
    Communication is essential, Itโ€™s the process of understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
    Integrity also played out. To behave in accordance with ethical principles, and act in good faith, intellectual honesty, and fairness.
    Teamwork played a good role in increasing the communication gap between John and Karen, this increased the work efficiency on the given project.

  1688. William did not follow the code of moral principles, but as a team the three agencies work as a team by given out the views concerning the project. In order to influence the project, the project main manager which is John bring out the major ethics in the project which are code of practice, moral principles, team work and ethical practices.

    As for the scenario, their views are welcoming but because they don’t feel to criticize John, make it as a team because they see it that I meant ruin the project if they start criticizing.

  1689. In this scenario, several instances of professional conduct and ethical considerations can be identified. Let’s examine the skills employed by the individuals involved and how they integrate ethical considerations into their decisions:

    John’s professional conduct:

    Taking the initiative: John shows initiative by immediately asking about the engagement program upon arrival. This demonstrates his commitment to the project and his proactive approach to problem-solving.
    Open communication: John communicates his surprise and concern to William when he learns that the engagement program has already been carried out. This open communication helps address potential issues and ensures transparency in the project.
    William’s professional conduct:

    Stakeholder engagement: William recognizes the importance of maintaining relationships with key stakeholders and leverages his network to obtain the necessary information. His approach highlights the significance of building connections and utilizing existing resources effectively.
    Delivering results: William prioritizes delivering positive results to John and ensuring that the project can progress smoothly. However, his focus on positive outcomes raises ethical considerations related to the accuracy and integrity of the information provided.
    Karen’s professional conduct:

    Critical thinking: Karen questions the validity of the engagement report and recognizes the potential risks associated with accepting it without scrutiny. She exercises critical thinking skills by not blindly accepting the report and seeks a better understanding of the situation.
    Collaboration and problem-solving: Karen collaborates with John to discuss and analyze the problem at hand. Together, they brainstorm potential solutions and explore alternative approaches to address the issue. This collaborative problem-solving demonstrates her commitment to ethical decision-making and finding the best outcome for the project.
    Overall, the individuals in this scenario demonstrate professional conduct through their proactive approach, open communication, stakeholder engagement, critical thinking, and collaborative problem-solving. They integrate ethical considerations by questioning the validity of the report, seeking alternative solutions, and ultimately prioritizing the integrity and success of the project over personal concerns or potential conflicts.

  1690. Professional Conduct Issues
    1) William did not comply with code of practice as the engagement programme was not transparently organized.
    2) William has no moral values has there were uncertainty about the integrity of the source of data to be provided by William
    3) Karen dropped the ball of moral principles as Karen decided not to criticize John’s report despite Karen’s doubt
    4) Karen did not demonstrate moral principles has she was more concerned about her probation period being over than doing a good job.

    Skills used in bringing ethics into the discission
    1) Engagement between committee
    2) focused discussion with team
    3) proper researching
    4) Asking for help from a more knowledgeable firm

  1691. William has no moral principles and his actions showed very low organizational values. The project manager, John works for an organization with high values, but he has issue with communication and fear. Thumps up for karen who was not afraid to speak up, and also applied wisdom in the way she presented the issue.

  1692. A good project manager must know how to communicate to his team and also be a team player in carrying out his working ethics and conduct

  1693. My point on this project is that a good project manager should have great communication skills, should be a strong team player and also be consistent on the job.

  1694. Communicating timely in line with the project objectives. Taking prompt decisions to better address issues is critical in project management.

    1. Right! The team was not carried along, hence the final ‘fine’ results with process unknown.

  1695. The characteristics of a good project manager is to plan, organized, monitor, coordinate and most especially embrace effective communication in order to achieve project goals. The project manager should be a good negotiator and able to build the team to collaborate to achieve the project objective.

  1696. Team work, observation coupled with good communication played an important role in the case study. Karen was quick to observe the loop holes and decided to act without stepping on toes, John was also ready to work with Karen.

  1697. The characteristics of a good project manager is to plan, organized, coordinate and most especially embrace effective communication in order to achieve her set goals.

  1698. The understanding of ethical values among these individuals was an added advantage for the sorting out of this ethical case. The case study demand integrity from their responses to aid the smooth complian in that project

  1699. The issues are on professional conduct, which entails acting with honesty and integrity, and acting within your capabilities.

  1700. Being able to maximise the potential of every team member in addition to managing the team can result in tremendous benefits for the team.

    1. Effective communication
      Bonding with team members.
      Necessary feedbacks
      Work ethics.
      Working towards a common goal.
      Problem solving skills.

      As a PM.

      1. Effective communication Teamwork.
        Bonding with team members.
        Preplanning /foresightness.

        Great qualities of A PM

        -Olufunmilayo Adelabi Osabinu

  1701. It is obvious that even though John was superior, he didn’t hype himself to be superior over Karen and William, when a problem was identified by Karen, John made himself available to work with her and solve the problem together (team work) also, there was good communication amongst them all, else, John wouldn’t have want to listen to any of them, because on his own, he feels he’s got everything. Also, there is discipline amongst them, which allowed them to achieve success as a team.
    My conclusion is that, discipline, teamwork, values and good communication helps as a PM

    1. First, John went around to know about the country. PM is about Team work, communication and knowledge of the project environment and ethnicity, etc. There was a communication gap from Williams. But when John realized it, he handled it professionally though wasn’t fine with him. Conclusion, a PM must possess all skills necessary to perform his duties

  1702. Employing good communication
    Observance of Ethics against all odds
    Team management
    Dealing with troubling issues straightly

    1. My understanding of the case study is broken down to two ways
      1. The team issues
      2.The team solutions
      *Incoherent team work.
      *Lack of adequate collaboration.
      *Lack of communication (Communication Gap)
      *Misunderstanding within the team.
      *Team work.
      *Consistent communication.
      *Consistent collaboration.
      *Understanding each team members and their values.
      *Understanding the views and opinions of each team members.

  1703. As a project manager effective skills is a key for project execution which deals with all component in proper communication and observations of the team in making progress.

  1704. I am going to present a case that appeal one of the ethical behaviour “Integrity”
    A: is a managing director who oversee the management of an SME dealing with export of a cash crop comodity
    B: is a project manager under the MD withi this SME,
    It came to pass that one crop year A falcified sales records and led the SME to loss, by the way B stood steadfirmly and wanted fair financial records. The board was involved in settlement of the issue. At the end of the day, thanks to the integrity of B, the boad sat with A and B and involved all the team. The solution and fair financial report were produced.

  1705. Each team member has a role to play in bringing the big picture into reality but they have to be resourcefully managed to achieve the big picture

  1706. All industries require a high level of project management skills.It’s common for better negotiating, coordination, adherence to rules, risk management, and resource management to lead to a successful ending.Therefore, successful project execution requires the use of the right competencies.

  1707. A good project manager is one is is good on communication,a good leader and carries his team along

    1. I am of the opinion that fail to properly communicate to rest of the project team his findings from the client and also John was still being fascinated from his survey round the environment with his tour guide that he fail communicate properly necessary information that can be use to set up the project documents and deadline,then for Kareem I see a colleague who is conscious of probation period,but I will commend her for negotiating with John to get right details that are necessary for a start up presentation.

  1708. Integrity and good communication skills are key to succeed as a project manager as evidenced through Karen

  1709. The ethical standards shown by Karen are reasons why the company got the international deal in the first place and more her attraction to influence her decision to join the company! Needless to say that John showed an analytical approach to review the situation as it looks too good to be true which most times may be false there by the need to review till stakeholder confidence is obtained by ticking all the necessary boxes after query of the all process and yet Williams zeal to get ahead of the job isnโ€™t bad in its representation and that would mean that the contribution of the different personalities, approach , communication styles, behavioral patterns etc has brought a revisit that satisfies great delivery of the project at hand thereby achieving the companies objective. It was a contribution of all the elements of project management.

  1710. Karen exhibit the characteristics of a good project manager by embracing great communication skills. She understands the value of good reputation and high ethic standards, and ensures she sticks to her value. In reference to this, she was able to communicate her ideas to the projects to John. John beIng a good team player was able to understand .

  1711. We have a scenario that is given with 3 major individuals -John, Karen and Williams. The ethical issue at stake can be seen in the area of upholding integrity and maintaining standard. This was under consideration for a while and compromise was being pushed forward to cut cost, maximize profits and save time.
    But this was considered unethical and a reversal (review) taken to get back on track.

  1712. Name:Blessing Akhigbe
    Cohort 6
    TEAM 2

    The case study has identified John as an experienced project manager with a good knowledge of the firm. He was excited about the fact that the contract will broaden his experience.
    Whereas, William has worked for the client-agency and has handled the project responsibility for years. He was known to be a person of growing influence in the government.
    On the other hand, was Karen, who was enticed by reputation and the glory of the agency. Her focus was to experience all possibilities to justify academic and professional training.

    Karen and John came up with ideas and solutions to the problem with teamwork and communication. They both communicated their ideas; they have a set goal to ensure the companyโ€™s focus and reputation were maintained.
    William was more of a one-man squad and surpass the Project Manager.
    The effectiveness of communication in the context has enabled the exchange of ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information of purpose or intention to be fulfilled.
    Communication is essential, Itโ€™s the process of understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
    Integrity also played out. To behave in accordance with ethical principles, and act in good faith, intellectual honesty, and fairness.
    Teamwork played a good role in increasing the communication gap between John and Karen, this increased the work efficiency on the given project.

    1. What I can say about the case study is that,they all worked as a team,and their communication skills were very effective.If each of the project manager had wanted to be in charge of the project,there was no way they would achieve any positive results.
      My inference is that for any project to be successful,there has to be good communication which will lead to good team work, so that the project will be absolutely come out successful.

      1. In a nutshell; there was Team-work; as all professionals brought their expertise to use; communication skill was in place; team spirit was developed and it was successful in the end.

        1. Teamwork is important in every project management, method of communication is an essential tool and brainstorming every ideas and suggestions from each of the team members is important in getting a perfect job done..

        2. Napoleon
          What I can say that for every project to be successful you need,
          1.Team spirit that’s work in oneness.
          2. Good communication
          3. Consistently
          4. Be a good lister on how to settles issues when brought you.
          5. You should not jeopardize your image for wrong advice for team member in that instead you getting good design products for your project than to go for the wrong one that will delay the project.
          6. When you are in a meeting know your words that comes out from your mouth not to cause bombshell.

          1. The main issue i picked was John’s inadequate communication. He didn’t really involve William when he ought to have done so. He also has poor listening skills as affirmed by how Karen described his reaction to her joking about some lapses in the project.

            The skills used in bringing ethics into decision was having an eagle eye for potential issues and communicating them in a subtle way.

              1. Lack of communication between Williams and John. John was not well informed about the work. Effective communication and research that was carried out by John and kharen enable them to identify few problems in the work which also gave them a head way.

                  1. In this case study, the professional issues are:
                    1. The client representative (William) lack teamwork and integrity and willing to do things in his way without the PM ideals and he is also unprofessional in his way of work.
                    2. The PM (John) lack the negotiation skills by accepting the report without questioning and requesting for a revisit. Which violate the ethics and standards of PM.

                    3. Karen lack disagree and commit principle and was afraid to present her view to John. And this shows she only have interest in her personal growth and not the company and project success.

                    The issues was resolved with effective communication between John and Karen and also teamwork.

                    1. From this case study I could deduce that the group lacked team spirit and as such there was no communication among them. If a project must be successful team work is paramount. No one knows it all.

                      However, seeing that the quality or success of the project will be jeopardized thereby affecting the integrity of the company and it’s goals Kareen had to find a way to speak with John and also discussed with other colleagues. Kareen and John went as far as doing a research on how others have handled similar project and this help them to make informed decisions. But I think they William should have participated this so that every one can understand *what* needs to be done and *why* it needs to be done in the *Way* it was agreed to be done.

                      In my observation Communication, Team work and Research helped them to tackle the project and mapped options to handle possible risks and problems that could arise in the course of the project.

          2. All organizations require a high level of project management skills.Itโ€™s common for better negotiating, coordination, adherence to rules, risk management, and resource management to lead to a successful ending.Therefore, successful project execution requires the use of the right competencies for the project completion.

            1. On John’s part I saw lack of knowledge of the regulatory environment, every location have their ways of doing things which Williams mentioned but John came with a different orientation, neglecting the facts that things are done differently in his present locality.
              Williams was after finishing up the project without following the dues process of projects.
              Kaen having a foresight knowing how the project will end if nothing is done to address the underlying risk of the project failing, did a good job in researching and communicating to find solutions to the impending danger the project could face.
              Few points missed
              * lack of communication
              * Lack off team work on William’s part
              * Lack of Knowledge of the regulatory environment on John’s part.

              1. The problem was as follows
                No communication
                No time management
                The team had not gotten to know themselves well. The solution was to fi d a way to get along.