Put yourself in the role of a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company.

Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance?

If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences? Similarly, what are the implications of adopting an agile approach? If the company sought your advice, what would you recommend?

Contribute your thoughts and ideas to the discussion.

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1,760 thoughts on “Apply what you’ve learned (PM Course Discussion)

  1. I learnt that linear and iterative methods of delivering project can use together depending.MDT could use iterative method in the project cycle where the environment becomes unstable to deliver the project.
    The consequences of using iterative method in organizing an event may not deliver the project as expected.Linear method with it’s , conception, definition, deployment and transition stages of the project cycle would have delivered the event project.

  2. As a project manager with MTD a will recommend using both approach starting with linear then as the project is going on if there are complexity then we move on to the iterative approach. We do a review to see whether we are on course in order to achieve our goal

  3. Applying an iterative approach to organizing an event would imply focusing on a specific highly prioritized aspect of the event, getting the team to sprint on it, releasing the result to the stakeholders and users, obtaining feedback, and having another sprint session until an acceptable solution is obtained.

    This process may not necessarily mean dwelling on a particular aspect of the project. It may mean working on task “A”, after getting the solution from the first iteration, we go over to task “B” given that task “B” has a higher priority than going for the second iteration of task “A”. In some cases, the second iteration of task “B” may have a higher priority than the second iteration of task “A”, in this case, the team works on the second iteration of task “B”.

  4. I think using a hybrid approach ,that is, combining practices from both Linear and Iterative would do MTD more good. Through that process they can get feed backs from clients and stakeholders thereby improving their engagement which will at the long run lead to the growth of the Company. Through this practice they are able to tackle/manage risks which could lead to wastage of resources early and at each stage of the project rather than waiting till the end of the event.

  5. As a project manager working with MTD, I must communicate effectively with my team. Communication breakdown is a major cause of project failure. Lessons learned as a project manager is to establish leadership which ensure synergy among the team capable of creating a healthy working environment, and knowledge sharing leading to effective communication.

    It is important to know that each projects presents with it is challenges and problem. It is the duty of a project manager to foresee and identity these problems for possible resolute mitigation measures. Therefore, the choice of tools or approaches to be applied is critical to the over all success of a project.

    The consequences of an iterative approach in organizing an event as a project are numerous which include; scope definition challenges, difficulty defining clear objectives, time-consuming and resources intensive.

    Implication of agile approach on project leads to success in 95% of times giving its flexibility, time effectiveness and cost management. Therefore, agile approach as been discovered to be the best approach. However, agile approach performs better in hybrid with iterative approach to achieve 100% success as no project is problem free. In other words, combination of iterative and agile approaches is highly recommended for total project success.

  6. I have learnt this week that as project manager, it is wrong to use only one approach to execute a project. Both linear and iterative approach can be used interchangeable.

    * Using iterative approach to deliver an event has a consequence of assurance. This is because of the unstable environment it operates in. It might be successful it might not be successful.

    *The implications of using agile approach is that it enables organisations to understand and respond to complexity and ambiguity , particularly to improve their understanding of what users need and value, through experiment carried out I in short .

    I would recommend MTD to use iterative approach to execute their project.

  7. If I am a project manager collaborating with MTD, an event company if the company approach for my recommendation. Considering both approaches, I would recommend that they combine both approaches. The project might begin with an iteration approach and lifecycle may be adopted from the iterative processes according to requirement of the organisation and the challenges and changes in its environment. This kind of mix life cycle is encountered more frequently. Combining techniques from linear and iterative has so many positive advantages which include:
    Testing ideas and learning about users requirements
    Improving stakeholders visibility and transparency
    Providing assistance to sponsors and stakeholders
    Increasing accountability

  8. Supposed I am working with MTD, I’ll advice that using an iterative approach for events will help a lot. And by breaking the project into smaller phases will create room for adjustments at each stage. This means issues like venue or vendor problems can be fixed early without impacting the entire event.

    An agile approach would give MTD more flexibility to handle changes. For example, they could easily tweak the agenda or logistics based on client feedback. This keeps the event on track and aligned with customer needs.

    My advice for MTD would be to combine both methods. Use clear milestones to stay organized but stay flexible to adjust quickly when needed. Continuous communication with clients would also help ensure everything runs smoothly.

    This approach can lead to better event planning, fewer surprises, and happier clients.

  9. Ogoke Nwachukwu Felicia O Cohort 18 Team 7

    As a project manager, I would advice the organization to use both Linear and iterative approaches in order to have a good result. Both approaches will plan, manage time, and mitigate risk early enough to reduce waste and have a quality deliverable timely.

  10. As a project manager, application of both iterative and linear method because both of these two involves planning, cost savings and time management, team work and communications in handling a project

  11. Suleiman Yunusa
    As a project manager collaborating with MTD. I’ll advice them to use both linear and iterative method because they both involves planning, time management and saves cost in handling the project.

  12. As a project manager,I will advise the company to use both agile approach and iterative approach method because when it comes to handling projects agile help you to promote communication and teamwork while iterative make you plan and executive in allow the ongoing improvement.

  13. Christopher Nkanta Cohort 18 Team 3

    As a project manager at MTD, I intend to use an iterative approach, recognizing that this project in question is a event management project and not a construction or manufacturing. By utilizing an iterative methodology, we can conduct more experiments, thus reducing risks and losses.

    The iterative methodology also provides the advantage of assuring our customers about completing our work, unlike a linear approach where completed work holds significance for project sponsors and the organization responsible for project plans and reports.

    Advice as a project manager:

    1. I am opting for an iterative method as it allows us to receive feedback from the environment and the people involved, which is crucial in event management.
    2. Events are subject to change, making the iterative approach an important tool for adapting to evolving circumstances.

  14. As a project manager I will advise the company to use both the iterative method and the agile method because it will be much better to the company, the sponsors, the project team, stakeholders and the project manager to adopt both. It will save more time and be more effective

  15. The knowledge of VUCA environment and the project management approaches (linear and iterative) is very important when handling projects.
    Iterative Approach Consequences
    1. Gradual Improvements
    2. Feedback-Oriented

    While the Linear or Agile implication emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress

  16. I will strongly advise the company to adopt both the iterative and the agile method because they both involves planning, time management and saves cost in handling the project.

  17. The consequences involved in using iterative approach are continuous improvement, flexibility and faster time to market.

    The agile approach emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback. This approach however enhances transparency which keeps everyone informed and involved. It also allows for adjustments based on feedback and changing requirements. Agile promotes teamwork and communication for a productive outcome.

    I will recommend MTD to use an Hybrid method by applying both Agile and Iterative appraoch.

  18. The knowledge of VUCA environment and the project management approaches (linear and iterative) is very important when handling projects.

    The consequences of using an iterative approach:
    1. Easy flexibility and adaptability to sudden changes that may arise
    2.Reviews by users or stakeholders can easily be implemented
    3. It may result in increased cost and time for project completion

    I would recommend using a hybrid approach to handling the projects

  19. As a project manager working with MTD, I will suggest the company to adopt the agile and the iterative approach in other to plan a successful event.

  20. Iterative Approach Consequences
    1. Gradual Improvements: The project would be planned and executed in cycles, allowing for ongoing improvements. Each iteration would deliver a partial but functional event that could be evaluated and refined.
    2. Feedback-Oriented: Feedback after each iteration would inform the next cycle, ensuring that mistakes can be corrected and changes implemented early on, rather than discovering issues only at the end.
    3. Flexibility: The approach would allow for adaptability as the project evolves. New requirements or external factors could be integrated more easily.
    4. Higher Costs Initially: Frequent reviews and changes can lead to higher costs early in the process, as adjustments might demand additional resources.
    5. Time-Consuming: While iterations provide benefits, they can also extend the project timeline, particularly if multiple cycles are required before the event is finalized.

    Agile Approach Implications
    Agile, which emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress, would have a few distinct implications for the MTD water system company:
    1. Enhanced Collaboration: Agile promotes cross-functional collaboration, so teams within the company (engineering, customer service, logistics) would need to work closely and constantly communicate to adapt to changes in real time.
    2. Incremental Delivery: The event would be broken into small deliverable parts (e.g., event setup, invitations, speaker arrangements), ensuring that progress can be tracked and reviewed continuously.
    3. Responsiveness to Change: Agile’s emphasis on responding to changing requirements would allow the company to adjust the event’s scope, features, or timing based on feedback from stakeholders or emerging market trends.
    4. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Regular feedback loops ensure that the final product or event is more aligned with customer and stakeholder expectations, which is vital in sectors like water management.
    5. Possible Over-Adaptation: While flexibility is beneficial, agile can sometimes lead to “scope creep,” where continuous changes might dilute the project’s original focus if not managed carefully

  21. Njoku, Chidinma
    As an MTD project manager, you will encounter issues. How you handle it matters. I recommend you use the linear and iterative project lifestyle.

  22. adopting the iterative approach will increase accountability, transparency and testing of ideas to accelerate delivery of project output.

  23. In management of risk involved with MTD events such as time constraint, change of scope and client’s demand. It’s important to set a balance between linear and iterative project approach. Iterative approach allows for more flexibility by allowing feedback at certain points from the clients and to know if the team are on track with the project. However, there is possibility of cancelled project if not monitored properly and as such MTD should implement the hybrid approach (blend of both linear and iterative approach) which helps to manage risks, update stakeholders, set deadlines and expected outcomes, most importantly working on multiple tasks (sprints) which are independent on each other to make the project faster and delivered at the appropriate time.

  24. The agile method focuses on delivering value in each iteration even if the project is not exactly completed at the deadline for organisations interested in investment returns and for organisations that are so interested in time, it helps to deliver every stage of a project at a particular time frame making it the most sorted after technique although hybrid method can be adopted too. This agile method will serve for MTD since considering the fact that value and time is of essence to its clients. In my opinion, there is little or no consequence for using this approach and if they ever have doubts about this approach, I will recommend the hybrid technique for their project. This means that project levels are prioritised and while certain levels will require the adoption of scrum or sprints in order to keep clients assured and confident of the progress, some levels, will be solely dependent on the completion of these sprints.

  25. As a project manager, one of the consequences of adopting the iterative approach to project is that the project can be broken into smaller bits, which will enable the team take it one step at a time.

    Also it allows for feedback at every step, which implies corrections and adjustments can be made as the project progresses.

    Projects are also handled faster using the iterative approach.

    The implications therefore, is that there is no room for break in communication between the team and stakeholders or sponsors, it allows for effective communication.

    Also, it gives room for continuous learning and improvements on the project.

    Breaking the project into bits allows for high level of concentration in each stage, producing faster results.

  26. As a PM for MTD which has 5 core values irrespective of our challenges we encounter as an event company adapting the iterative approach is the best with less consequences which if any of such should arise can be easily communicated to the client because getting customers feedback makes the work alot much easier for a smooth planning though we will be faced with correcting some changes but that can be easily communicated to the prospective clients with all honesty for them to know the damaHoward and how time consuming

  27. As a project manager at MTD, an events company, we might encounter issues like changing client needs, logistical challenges, tight deadlines, and various stakeholders. Here’s how using an iterative and agile method can assist us:
    1. Iterative Approach:
    – Divides the project into phases for ongoing improvement.
    – Enhances planning through testing and feedback at each step.
    – Lowers risk by tackling problems early on.
    – Offers limited flexibility for late changes, which may extend timelines.
    For complex events that need gradual adjustments, such as large conferences or festivals where changes are likely, the iterative method is useful. However, it can be tough if significant changes arise late in the process.

    2. Agile Approach:
    – Emphasizes flexibility, quick responses, and regular client collaboration.
    – Produces results in short bursts, adapting to immediate feedback.
    – Risk of scope creep due to ongoing client requests.
    – Needs close, frequent teamwork but allows for swift changes.
    For fast-paced events with many unpredictable factors, like corporate gatherings or product launches that involve a lot of client interaction and possible last-minute changes, the agile method is ideal. MTD can keep adjusting to client needs and outside influences, ensuring the event develops smoothly.

    I recommend that MTD use a hybrid approach that blends both iterative and agile methods:
    – Start with iterative planning for the early phases, such as logistics, budgeting, and overall event design. This ensures the main parts of the event are well-organized before moving to final execution.
    – Shift to an agile approach in the later phases of planning (like design, client feedback, and vendor coordination), allowing for flexibility and real-time adjustments to client needs or unexpected challenges.

  28. As a project manager, considering the challenges encountered by MTD, I will encourage the team to keep communication channels open, while disseminating clear and impactful information specific to the project.

    The team should adopt the linear and iterative approach ensuring more productive outcomes.

    Also, risk management measures should be established to modify and increase project progress.

    However, adopting the iterative approach will increase accountability, transparency and testing of ideas to accelerate delivery of project output.

  29. As a project manager, considering the challenges encountered by MTD, I will encourage the team to keep communication channels open, while disseminating clear and impactful information specific to the project and adopting the linear and iterative approach ensuring more productive outcomes.

    However, adopting the iterative approach will increase accountability, transparency and testing of ideas to accelerate delivery of project output.

  30. I’ve learned that taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project could help address challenges such as:
    1. Uncertainty and changing requirements
    2. Tight timelines and deadlines
    3. Complexity in coordinating multiple stakeholders and vendors
    4. Ensuring quality and consistency in the event experience

    An iterative approach would involve:
    1. Breaking down the project into smaller, manageable chunks (sprints)
    2. Continuously gathering feedback and iterating on the event setup
    3. Embracing flexibility and adaptability throughout the project

    Implications of an iterative approach:
    1. Improved responsiveness to changing requirements and stakeholder needs
    2. Enhanced collaboration and communication among team members and stakeholders
    3. Increased flexibility in accommodating last-minute changes or unexpected issues
    4. Better management of project risks and uncertainties

    Implications of an agile approach:
    1. Customer-centricity and delivering value to attendees
    2. Embracing change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth
    3. Fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and continuous improvement
    4. Encouraging active stakeholder participation and feedback

    Advice to MTD:
    1. Adopt an iterative and agile mindset to event project management
    2. Establish clear goals, objectives, and success metrics for each event
    3. Foster collaboration and open communication among team members, stakeholders, and vendors
    4. Emphasize continuous learning, improvement, and innovation in event delivery
    5. Develop a robust risk management strategy to address potential challenges and uncertainties
    6. Leverage technology and tools to enhance event planning, execution, and evaluation.

  31. As a project manager, I will advice MTD not to use one approach in getting their project done, in so many circumstances adopting both the linear and iterative approach would give more productive result because the time factor that should be considered in delivery of service need to be in focus.

  32. As a project manager I will advice the MTD company to always have it at the back of their mind that both the linear and the iterative approach should always be on ground. It is not everytime they will always have the luxury of reviewing the project at the end of completion which is the milestone,in some cases,it will have to be that the project will be iterative,considering many factors such as risk,the promptness where the sponsor wants the project delivered on time and it just needs to be reviewed in sprints so as to know if they are on track,tackle the risk and get it delivered on time as planned.

  33. As a project manager working with MTD, I will suggest using the two approaches (Linear and Iterative) considering the difficulties that may arise in carrying out the project. Most especially the time frame of delivering the outcome to the users.

  34. As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD, I will advise a linear and iterative approach to achieving the best result for the project. This flexibility will enable the team to react quickly to changing requirements and priorities during the project.

    Ebube Usiade
    COHORT 17 Team 4

  35. As MTD project Manager in charge of project, I learned that I could utilize both the Linear and Iterative approach to a project, considering that difficulties and problems will arise in the course of executing the project.

  36. Using an iterative method to set up an event might not be the best so far depending on the duration of the event because events might not have sprintds if it is a short time event. ewhich might require a linear method . so i would prefer both methods especially if the event is long term

  37. As MTD project Manager in charge of project, I learned that I could utilize both the Linear and Iterative approach to a project, considering that difficulties and problems will arise in the course of executing the project.
    While there are some benefits of using the iterative approach for an event planning like flexibility, risk reduction, early delivery, customer satisfaction, there are also certain negative implications that should not be ignored like –
    Scope creep, lack of clear goals, inefficient use of resources and difficulty in measuring progress.

    cohort 17, team 2

  38. Ekemini Ebong
    Project Management
    Cohort 17

    As a project manager working closely with MTD, the events company, I have gained valuable insights into the challenges they face in delivering successful events. I understand the pain points that can make or break an event. Some of the possible challenges they face include but are not limited to:

    – Inadequate planning and preparation
    – Poor communication and collaboration among team members
    – Insufficient risk management and contingency planning
    – Inflexibility in responding to last-minute changes or unexpected issues
    – Difficulty in managing multiple stakeholders and their expectations
    – Inefficient use of resources and budget

    To overcome these challenges, I recommend embracing an iterative approach to event setup. By breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, focusing on delivering minimum viable products (MVPs), and continuously refining tasks based on feedback, MTD can reduce risks, improve quality, and enhance collaboration.

    Additionally, adopting an agile approach can help MTD respond quickly to changing requirements, prioritize tasks effectively, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. I suggest:

    – Implementing iterative and agile methodologies
    – Investing in project management tools and training
    – Establishing clear goals, objectives, and key performance indicators(KPIs) for each event
    – Improving communication and stakeholder management
    – Identifying and mitigating potential risks

    By taking these steps, MTD can transform their event setup processes, ensuring seamless execution, delighted attendees, and a reputation for excellence. I’m excited to collaborate with MTD to make this vision a reality.

  39. As a project manager working collaborating with MTD and having discovered the challenges and problems they have encountered in delivering the project, I will arrange a meeting, where we are going to brainstorm on the possible steps and measures to take to address and arrests the situations on ground. Map out a work programme using the iterative method where we will be meeting very 2 weeks to review our progress and consider next steps to be taken.
    Using the iterative approach the consequences will be unstable changes, unexpected and frequent variations and not being able to predict the development and change in the environment.
    With the agile approach the team will be able to work in short mini-projects or sprints, have limited amount of work targeted, become more productive and are able to reprioritise and change direction quickly.
    I will surely recommend the company to adopt the iterative approach and deal with the present work challenges facing them.

  40. As a project Manager working with MTD an events company, I learned that I can incorporate both the Linear and Iterative approach to a project for ease, considering that difficulties and problems may arise in the course of executing the project.
    While there are some benefits of using the iterative approach for an event planning like flexibility, risk reduction,early delivery,customer satisfaction, there are also certain negative implications that should not be ignored like
    Scope creep, lack of clear goals,inefficient use of resources and difficulty in measuring progress.
    Louis Amos COHHORT 17

  41. The hard skills required in project management are multiple and diverse, from technical abilities, such as proficiency in project planning software, to skills related to project execution such as budget management, risk assessment, quality assurance methodologies, and scheduling techniques.

  42. I learnt that to be a competent project manager, one have to build his or her own toolkit of proven methods and techniques. Equally important is knowing how to use them to get the best result in different circumstances (either linear or iterative).

  43. For setting up an event As a manager for MTD, I will either go with a step-by-step approach or a flexible one:
    Step-by-Step Approach:
    Plan each part of the event carefully, making improvements along the way.


    As a project manager collaborating with MTD

    As a project manager working with MTD, the events company, I’ve learned that taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project could have several benefits:

    – Flexibility: Embracing change and adapting to new requirements or unexpected issues.
    – Improved communication: Enhanced collaboration among stakeholders, vendors, and team members.
    – Risk mitigation: Identifying and addressing potential risks earlier, reducing last-minute surprises.
    – Better stakeholder management: Involving stakeholders throughout the process, ensuring their needs are met.

    An agile approach would imply:

    – Breaking down the event setup into smaller, manageable tasks
    – Prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency
    – Focusing on delivering a minimum viable product (MVP) for the event, with room for iteration and improvement
    – Embracing a culture of experimentation, learning, and continuous improvement

    If I were asked to advise MTD, my advice would be:

    1. Start small: Experiment with agile practices on a limited scale before scaling up.
    2. Foster a culture of collaboration and open communication.
    3. Emphasize flexibility and adaptability in the face of change.
    4. Prioritize risk management and mitigation.
    5. Focus on delivering value to stakeholders and attendees.
    6. Continuously review and assess progress, making adjustments as needed.
    7. Invest in training and development for team members to enhance their agile skills.

    By adopting an iterative and agile approach, MTD can improve its event setup process, reduce risks, and increase stakeholder satisfaction.

  45. As a PM collaborating with MTD, I would apply the linear lifecycle to the water supply project’s execution. This is due to the fact that the linear cycle consists of three stages: the beginning, which is all about the idea and plan; the middle, which is all about the specifics of how the project will be executed; and the end, which is the distribution of the project’s outcome to the sponsors or stakeholders. When the aim of the project is to guarantee that the end user receives the best care and attention as well as benefits from the project, an iterative approach to its management can be employed, which is where feedback comes in. which is why feedback is crucial because it aids in managing and reducing any potential hazards. With resource levelling, course corrections are also accomplished within scope and budget. By employing the linear cycle, the MTD might be Although they might have a linear lifecycle, being adaptable and changing with the times will help them stay competitive and remain inventive. Use an iterative strategy; they would perform better in risk detection, prompt risk reduction, and having Feedback: After sprints are established, tasks are divided into smaller projects, allowing for more frequent feedback and regular team meetings to chart the best course.

  46. For setting up an event As a manager for MTD, I will either go with a step-by-step approach or a flexible one:

    1. Step-by-Step Approach:Plan each part of the event carefully, making improvements along the way.

    2. Flexible Approach: Stay open to changes and adjust plans quickly based on feedback.

    – Use a mix of both: Start with a clear plan, then be ready to change as needed.
    – Keep talking: Regularly update everyone involved and learn from each event to do better next time.

  47. As a collaborative Project manager with MTD, an events management company, I would advise that they think out of the box. The linear approach which is straightforward can be used, however, one cannot wait till completion of the water project to now realise that there were issues that need resolving.
    So, an iterative approach would be included shortly after the beginning of the linear.
    Different teams will be set up and responsible for sprints providing feedback on a biweekly (every 2 weeks) basis. This would help with risk identification and mitigation.
    Feedback ( through client satisfaction surveys, team SMART check-in meetings, random vendor engagement feedback etc) would be collected from the sprint teams and findings presented to the stakeholders in a diplomatic way, because I wouldn’t want them to terminate the contract set in motion. This will also help accommodate changes in course with resource levelling.

  48. As a PM working in collaboration with MTD, i would implement the linear lifecycle in the execution of the water supply project. This is because the linear cycle has the 3 stages which is the Beginning stage which is all about the idea, the conception of the plan, then we have the Middle stage which is all about the detailed process of how the project will be carried out and the End stage which is where the sponsors or stakeholders are given the result if the project. In its management an iterative approach can be used when the goal of the project is ensuring that the end user gets the optimum care and attention as well as benefits from the project, which is where feedback is important as this helps with mitigating the possible risks and its management. Changing course is also done within scope and budget with resource levelling.

    Using the linear cycle would enable the MTD to be

     Flexible; as much as they may have a Linear lifecycle, embracing change especially with the times would not only help them be creative but also help them with competitors

    Incorporate iterative approach- they would do better in the identification and swift mitigation of risks and having 

    Feedback- with sprints created – tasks broken into smaller projects, feedback will be gotten more frequently and the right course plotted with regular team

  49. As a project manager who is working in collaboration with the MTD,which is an event planning company I have learned over time to during my period of study in project management with DEXA,I have learned that Linear lifecycle have a start middle and end .

    It starts with the development of an idea and an assessment if the idea is viable which is known as the CONCEPT
    It proceeds into the detailed description of the project and it’s plans which is also known as the DEFINITION PROCESS.

    The Linear
    It also implements the plan and carries out a testing process to ensure that the project is well functional.this is also known as the DEPLOYMENT PROCESS.
    Finally the project is handed over to the sponsors and the user this phase is known as the TRANSITION PROCESS.
    The linear approaches woks more in a stable environment as compared to the ITERATIVE APPROACH.
    do not begin with detailed specifications, project plans and schedules
    However as an event planner some of my features will be
    1.managing the event planning processes
    2.managing budgets and parameters
    3.transporting good’s and lodging of guests
    4.determining the venue of the event.
    5.communicating and network development.
    6.supervise event setups
    7.select event speakers
    8.interpersonal skills
    The advantages of working ITERATIVELY is all of the aforementioned tasks are done one after the other over a longer period of time as compared to LINEAR APPROACHES which will carry out all of these tasks at once over a shorter period of time.

    ITERATIVE APPROACH allows me to benefit from my stakeholders feedback and also to get early return on investment while retaining the ability to adapt and change course as the event progresses.
    AGILE is not a methodology or a framework but a mindset that enables the organization or project managers to be more responsive to changes.

    Therefore I would say that they both work holistically.

    Blessing Oku
    Cohort 17
    Project management

  50. As a project manager working with MTD, the events company, I’ve learned that an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project could bring several benefits:

    1. *Flexibility*: Embracing change and adapting to evolving event requirements.
    2. *Risk reduction*: Identifying and mitigating potential issues through continuous iteration.
    3. *Improved stakeholder satisfaction*: Collaborative approach ensures stakeholder needs are met.
    4. *Enhanced team collaboration*: Encourages open communication and collective problem-solving.

    An agile approach would imply:

    1. *Iterative planning*: Breaking down the project into smaller, manageable chunks.
    2. *Continuous improvement*: Embracing lessons learned and applying them to future iterations.
    3. *Customer-centricity*: Prioritizing stakeholder needs and expectations.
    4. *Adaptive leadership*: Empowering team members to take ownership and make decisions.

    My advice to MTD would be:

    1. *Embrace flexibility*: Be open to change and willing to adjust plans accordingly.
    2. *Foster collaboration*: Encourage stakeholder involvement and team communication.
    3. *Prioritize iteration*: Break down projects into smaller, manageable tasks.
    4. *Continuously improve*: Reflect on lessons learned and apply them to future projects.

    By adopting an iterative and agile approach, MTD can enhance their event management capabilities, improve stakeholder satisfaction, and stay competitive in the industry.

    1. As a project manager collaboration with MTD, events planning shouldn’t be considered as linear because the end user would always provide feedback and this would be useful in making the necessity adjustments, hence, the need for using an iterative approach.
      I have learnt that most projects follow the linear cycle- beginning, implementation and then the end- transition phase which is seen in most developmental projects. However, through DEXA, and in the NGO space, I’ve come to understand that a project can have a Linear lifecycle however, in its management an iterative approach can be used when the goal of the project is ensuring that the end user gets the optimum care and attention as well as benefits from the project. This feedback helps with mitigating the possible risks and its management. Changing course is also done within scope and budget with resource levelling.

      My advice to MTD would for them to be
      1. Flexible; as much as they may have a Linear lifecycle, embracing change especially with the times would not only help them be creative but also help them with competitors
      2. Incorporate iterative approach- they would do better in the identification and swift mitigation of risks
      3. Feedback- with sprints created – tasks broken into smaller projects, feedback will be gotten more frequently and the right course plotted with regular team communication to ensure that they remain on course and the values of the organisation not breached.

  51. Some of the things I’ve learnt that could help ameliorate the challenges faced by MTD includes the different methods or approaches of handling a project (it could be the linear approach, iterative approach or the combination of the two depending on the complexity of the projects), application of ethical decision making to project management.

    There are different implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event, it could be positive or negative. Some of the positive implications includes: it encourages flexibility, the team can make changes in the scope of events; it also encourages team collaboration and one of the negative implications is that higher cost might be incurred due to changes in scope or experimentation.

    Some of the implications of agile approach includes increased customer satisfaction, the delivery of each product meets the needs of the customer.

    There is transparency among the stakeholders because everyone will see the progress of the project at any given time.

    There are so many approaches to accomplishing a task as a project manager, so my advice would be to adopt an approach that encourages flexibility, collaboration among the stakeholders so as to tackle any potential challenges that may arise in the project.

    No matter the situation the project manager should always remember to apply the ethical principles and communicate effectively.

  52. As a project manager working with MTD, some of the skills i would make implement is communication as well as teamwork. communicating with the necessary stakeholders is key as that could make or mar the outcome of the project.
    One of the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project manager would have to do with ethics because there’s a sprint set up to meet different goal at the same time, team members may jeopardize the company’s ethics over the outcome of the project.
    If i were to advice the company, it would be for them to make use of the hybrid approach and not stick to either linear or iterative approach of executing a project as this would help detect unforeseen risks and mitigate them without exceeding the budget.

  53. Obongha, Bassey Ofem
    Team 7
    As a project manager with MTD, I have learnt that communication with team members is very important as well as with Colleagues, Sponsors and Stakeholders.
    I will advise the company to go for iteration approach because:
    1. Feedback will be received from the customers thereby seeing the impact.
    2. Attention will be given to the customers by the team
    Adopting Agile methodologies
    1. All team members feel engaged in the process
    2. Transparency when it comes to information
    3. Team members, Sponsors and Stakeholders participate in decision making.

  54. As a Project Manager at MTD, I would apply the insight of the Hybrid Approach. They can start off with the Linear Approach and end with the Iterative Approach, thereby applying both methods hence ending up with the Hybrid Approach to get the desired outcome.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project,
    1. The team will get feedback from their customers, thereby seeing the impact it has on their customers.
    2. Customers will get attention from the team, thereby engaging the in process.

    Implications of adopting an agile approach are:
    1. The teams feel engaged in the process
    2. There is information transparency
    3. Everyone gets to participate in decision- making.


  55. Okolo Nancy: Team 8

    As a project manager working with MTD, I would advise the company adopt both the iterative and agile approach thereby helping to accomplish simple, complex and complicated tasks in the course of the events.

  56. I will recommend having the team and stakeholders meet and deliberate on how best to get the project done, and I will ensure there is effective communication while changing the approach of operation under proper monitoring.

  57. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I’ve gained insights into the challenges they face in event planning, such as:
    -Unpredictable timelines and deadlines
    -Changing client requirements and expectations
    -Managing risks and unexpected issues
    Applying an iterative approach in organizing an event as a project could lead to increased flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements and improved risk management through incremental testing and feedback

    Employing an agile approach would mean :embracing change and uncertainty as opportunities for improvement,focusing on delivering incremental value to clients and stakeholders and also encouraging active stakeholder participation and feedback.

    If MTD sought my advice I would recommend

    1. Providing training and support for team members to develop agile skills and mindsets
    2.Fostering a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement
    3.Establishing clear communication channels and stakeholder engagement strategies
    4. Implementing agile methodologies (e.g., Scrum, Kanban) to enhance flexibility and responsiveness

  58. One of the difficulties that could be encountered in MTD is inadequate supply of water for an event. The way I would solve that as a project manager would be to communicate. I have learnt so far,that a project manager does not mean you dont accept help from your team members,in fact it means the very opposite. As a project manager in this situation, I would communicate to my team members and see how I can fix ths issue before the event begins,if we can’t on our own then I’ll involve sponsors or stakeholders,so they’re in on what is happening and offer hell where they can. There’s always a solution to every problem,so don’t be an island of yourself.
    Iterative approach requires the ability to be quick to change, spontaneous e.t.c.unlike in linear where if the event does not follow a particular plan,then it most times fails. An iterative method is one of the best things to happen to any project.

    Agile method implications:
    1. Satisfied customers
    2. Reduced expenses.

    P.S: note that linear and iteration must not be in a competition. A project may kick start by using linear method and then change to iteration method.

  59. – As a project manager with MTD, I’ll first of all gather enough information about the former and present project, study the information which will help me in handling the present project, then make sure there’s proper communication between all stakeholders involved in the project.

    – This iterative approach to event planning will break down the process into smaller and more manageable phases, thereby making the progress of the project more visible and faster.
    – Agile, with its emphasis on flexibility and rapid response to change, goes very well with the dynamic nature of event planning. Flexibility will help manage both the project management team and all stakeholders involved

  60. First thing is to do a deep research about the company and the previous projects they had then analyse it and then follow up with communication to the stakeholders first then the team members and mtd letting them know the process then assign tasks to team members according to their strengths and areas of preferences and expertise

  61. Poor communication was the main challenge the team had to deal with. Also, from the start, the major stakeholders were not properly engaged.

    Inorder to ensure that the team spirit was restored, Karen was able to understand the members of the team which made it easy for to know the right approach to be used in fostering proper communication amongst them.

    The skills identified are; problem solving skills, proper research and communication at the end.

  62. As an MTD project manager, the first step I will take is to gather information’s on their previous projects or events, study them and understand the methods and approaches they used the challenges they encountered and the result of the event or project then proceed to communicate with the stakeholders and sponsor to know what exactly they want or they want it and what they are expecting as the outcome of the event,these would help to know the kind of method or approach to deploy.

    My advice would be to use an approach that’s flexible and encourages feedbacks and improvement. An approach that would limit risks and give room for recreation or corrections before escalation. Method or approach that encourages team work and and support such that team members will not be burnout .

    Since there’s no one perfect approach to projects, flexibility will make it easy to change course when faced with challenges that is beyond what the initial method or approach can handle and implore or inclOther method or approach by so doing thee will be a successful events.

  63. It has been quite an eye-opening week, really going into the details of project management, particularly event planning. From working with the events firm MTD, it has reeled off a few issues common to them, such as addressing last-minute changes, meeting the varying expectations of different stakeholders, and coordinating efficiently various teams within their areas. Based on my experience, there is a great case for an iterative and agile setup in managing an event.

    Iterative Approach Implications:

    This iterative approach to event planning will break down the process into smaller, more manageable phases. For instance, it would start with the initial brainstorming phases, which would undergo successive rounds of feedback and refinement to arrive at a choice. Through this, MTD will be able to experiment with different ideas and concepts and narrow them down progressively to the best possible outcomes. Among the many benefits it can bring into a project, Early Identification and Solution of Problems ranks high. This methodology allows one to realize and solve problems at an early stage instead of their incidental revelation at a later stage, which is possibly more expensive. Besides, this approach supports a culture of continuous improvement, with each iteration building on the one that preceded it.

    Implications of Agile Approach:

    Agile, with its emphasis on flexibility and rapid response to change, goes very well with the dynamic nature of event planning. Agile, under this scenario of MTD, would incorporate cross-functional teams working in short sprints, producing incremental values, and reviewing priorities frequently. This helps attend to the unpredictable nature of things concerning the events, like vendor availability or changes in the client requirement. The need to maintain a flexible schedule and the issues associated with priorities are those problems that could be best handled by MTD. It will easily adopt any change that may come as a surprise without sacrificing the quality of the event at large.

    My Possible Advise to MTD:

    If I were to advise MTD, I would tell them to use both iterative and agile approaches in a hybrid way. First, an iterative process at the beginning of the planning phase would not only yield scope for creative ideas but also define the basic components of the event. As the date of the event draws closer and concrete decisions become necessary, shift to an agile framework to maintain responsiveness to last-minute changes and efficient execution.

    In addition to this, instilling a culture of open communication and collaboration is important. Regular check-ins with the team and stakeholders will ensure that everybody is on the same page, whereas at the same time, any probable issues will be curbed before things get worse. This technology adopted for project management and communication can be further integrated to bring ease of operations and coordination.

    In other words, iterative and agile approaches are two paradigms that may be coupled to give flexibility and structure to MTD, ensuring that no event becomes too intricate. This duality of approach will avoid risks and maximize opportunities for delivering memorable and well-run events.

  64. As a Project manager collaborating with MTD Event company , I will apply the main phases of Project management by first going through the initiation and planning process by organizing all information available on projects at hand, having a meeting with the stakeholder/client , Define the project goals, find out the resources available which include vendors, equipment, location and more

    I will then create a budget, select schedules, establish my team and then determine roles and responsibilities by having a meeting with my team

    Subsequently using agile methodology which allows task to be completed in iteration and also allow for feedback in between the project and also be able to mitigate possible risk

    Gbemisola Atunda-olu Cohort 17 Team 5

  65. As a project manager for MTD, I would go with the iterative method because it gives opportunities for regular feedback and time to fix up any mistake being made

    Aishat Aiteseme Abdulrazaaq
    Cohort 17
    Team 1

  66. As a project manager working with MTD, I’d consider the implications of iterative and Agile approaches to setting up an event. My advice to MTD is to start by introducing iterative development principles to specific event projects, focusing on incremental progress and continous improvement. Then gradually adopt Agile methodologies, such as Scrum to enhance collaboration and adaptability. Develop a hybrid approach blending traditional event planning with Agile principles to suit MTD’s unique needs. As a project manager, i will provide trainings and coaching to ensure teams understand and embrace the new approaches. I will establish clear goals, metrics and feedback mechanisms to monitor progress and adapt strategies as needed. I will also emphasize communication, transparency, and stakeholder engagement throughout the process.

  67. As a project manager, I’ve realized that no project is free of challenges. For the MTD event project, applying both iterative and agile approaches will be beneficial. By sourcing the right experts and delivering the project in sprints, we can achieve the best results in the shortest time possible.

  68. I’ve learnt that each project presents its own unique challenges and as a project manager, the ability to come up with solutions to these problems in a collaborative manner while not losing sight of the goal and your team is key.

    The implications of employing an iterative approach are: it is timely, cost effective, improves usability, aids in managing risks as well as it offers continual improvements.

    The implications of employing an agile approach are: It reduces waste by minimizing resources, rapid deployment of solutions, increases focus on specific needs of the customers aswell as increases frequency of collaboration and feedback.

    if my advice was sought, i would recommend the use of agile methodology in delivering projects, because the company seeks to leave a lasting impact on the environment and the best approach to employ is one that provides the avenue to do that.

  69. getting the intended results and makin
    As a project manager in MTD, the ma. if any problem is encountered in the process of doing this, first we have to consider what is causing the problem before deciding on which method will be used in solving it.
    If the iterative method is used, it will help determine the outcome of the method during the testing method before applying it.

  70. As a Project manager at MTD, the first thing to do will be to have a meeting with the staff members involved in the project, identify the problems the company is facing and proffer solutions using different methodologies -which are a combination of both the linear and iterative methods. I will combine these methods because of the unpredictable and various challenges that may surface during the project. With these methods, different set of tools and techniques will be used to solve the problems at MTD.
    If I decide to use the iterative methodology for this project, the process will be faster because most of the work will be done all at once in a shorter period of time which is between 2 to 4 weeks duration. In this period, we will engage in planning meeting, two week sprint, mini review and sprint again.
    The consequences of adopting the agile method is that risks can be managed, making it less riskier. Also, there will be more customer interaction, making it a win, win for both those working on the projects and the customers. There will be a better team work experience because the team members will be involved in the decision making process.

    Okiemute Iko-ojo Ojogbane
    Cohort 17, Team 8

  71. Applying what I have learnt.

    As a Project Manager for MTD, having a vast understanding of the various complex situations under which the organization had dispensed its services in the past would be a veritable source of knowledge pool from which other future engagements with clients would be based.

    From last week’s study, I have learnt that most projects do not present easy circumstances for the application of a linear approach.

    In a linear method of project management, it is assumed that there is the availability of good information and the understanding of the project goal, it’s solution as well as the outcome from onset in addition to the fact that the scope of the project won’t change significantly.

    Giving this situation and the obvious opposing circumstances faced by MTD, it is clear that MTD is always faced with dynamic challenges and uncertainties that negate the application of only a linear approach. For example, how to quickly handle unexpected change or surge in the number of expected users different from the initially presented figure on which budget and planning had been based upon before deployment to site.

    For this reason, I would engage a hybrid approach that utilize both the linear and the iterative methods to managing the different aspects of project surprises.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would allow for better interaction and feedback from the client. This frequent information flow would help project team focus on the immediate and important needs of the client thus facilitating better understanding of the entire project objective in bits form to allow for more deliverables within the shortest time possible. These are parts of the implications for an agile approach.

    Notably, an agile approach allows for frequent refinement of user requirements, accelerated delivery of projects output, promotes visibility and sense of responsibility towards meeting client’s event needs as well as assuring project sponsors of accountability.

    My honest advice to the company would be to always deploy the use of hybrid method to ensure flexibility in dealing with different clients. This would help to address the unique complexity, volatility, uncertainty and ambiguity different event projects may present.

    Emmanuel Olusegun Omotere
    Team 4
    Cohort 17

  72. Insights I have gained that would assist MTD in addressing their challenges are, knowledge of who are key stakeholders, being alert on potential risks and possible solutions, as a project manager, changes are inevitable hence preparedness for unexpected last minute requests is a must. Also attention to detail ensures client satisfaction and error management

    Employing iterative approach reduces risks as there is earlier problem detection, there is room to make changes as the project is ongoing,, quality of the final product is refined and above all, learning and improvement are at the core which improves the experience of the whole project.

    However, time is consumed and it delays the project. It may require additional resources outside of the budget which also disadvantages the client. A balance is needed between the approach and project constraints.

    :Each approach has its cons the hence creating ahybrid ‘is applauded

  73. As a project manager, looking at the difficulties faced by MTD in the course of the project. Iteration is the best approach to use as to get the project done. Because this approach gives room for flexibility, continuous improvement and managing risk. It embraces flexibility, breaks down the task into sprints there by getting the intended results and making possible amendments at the same time getting the project to completion at the targeted time.

    Oguche Emmanuel Achogba
    Cohort 17 Team 7

  74. As a project manager in MTD, the major work of the company is distributing water to the various sector in the community. if any problem is encountered in the process of doing this, first we have to consider what is causing the problem before deciding on which method will be used in solving it. This week i’ve learnt the way the method works.
    If the iterative method is used, i think it will make the project easily resolved. This method will help determine the outcome of the method during the testing method before applying it originally.

  75. Now taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project manager allows for flexibility, continuous improvement, and risk reduction. Also an agile approach adds rapid planning and execution, collaboration, and customer-centricity. My advice is to:
    – Embrace flexibility
    – Break down tasks into sprints
    – Prioritize tasks
    – Establish a cross-functional team
    – Use iterative cycles
    – Encourage feedback and improvement
    – Focus on delivering value to attendees
    – Adapt to unexpected challenges
    This approach ensures a successful project delivery that meets evolving requirements and delivers value to the clients and customers.

  76. If I were the project manager of MTD, I would advice that we organize meetings with the stakeholders of the community. We have to know how the project is affecting them and what we can do to make it better (if the feedback is negative). So, I feel that the agile and/or iterative approach would be beneficial.

  77. If I were the project manager of MTD, I would advice that we organize meetings with the stakeholders of the community. We have to know how the project is affecting them and what we can do to make it better (if the feedback is negative). So, I feel that the agile and/or iterative approach would be beneficial.

  78. I learned that as a project manager, there’s is no challenges free project. So in the case of MTD event project, the application of both iterative and agile approach to the project will good achievement because sourcing for right experts and delivering the project in sprints will produced the best result in a shortest time possible.

  79. I intend to work on my communication and negotiation skills. I’ve always had difficulty in conveying ideas or messages to people, Also while negotiating, i tend to bring in sentiments. I believe at the end of this course, I’d have greatly improved.

  80. As a Project Manager, looking at the difficulties MTD face, because to an extent they have to depend on resource and conditions in the hosting country and the size of the project, it means they operate in complex and ambiguous environments.

    If Iteration is employed it will mean delivering a particular goal in each sprint and evaluating and getting feedback, that is using sprints to deliver each stage of the waterfall. For example, sprint can be used in definition of the project then getting the customer approval before moving to deployment stage. This will speed up the delivery of each stage and ensure teams are motivated to give their best.

    The agile approach is well suited for MTD projects.

    Odinfe david Chika

  81. My name Adewale Mathew
    Team 1 cohort 16


    July 5, 2024 at 12:31 pm

    As a  project manager in MTD, l no can see that MTD faced challenges of complex and ambiguous environment.
    To eradicate this issues, l have learnt to maintain an effective  communication within my team, engage customers or users for feedback, discover risk and monitor the risk early enough and take early action,  collaborative effort is also important for speedy delivery of  project and still achieve desired outcome.

  82. From what I’ve learned, I can see that applying both the linear and Iterative method can help the MTD event company in planning and organizing their projects.
    They can have a linear plan to help them see how the whole project would ultimately run from start to the completion. However applying the Iterative method in some aspect during the course of the project would enable them work progressively, completing different aspects within a short time. This would also give room for feedbacks and evaluation.
    Adopting an Agile approach to event planning is very ideal because there are usually different things to be put in place that would together contribute to the smooth running of things in the event. For this the productivity of agile teams would be highly needed. Also finishing short tasks on time and reprioritizing would ensure that tasks as completed and project is progressive

  83. From what I’ve learnt so far, the VUCA framework can first be used to address the issue going on within the organization. Then an agile or Iterative approach should be adopted

    Consequences of Agile approach are;
    It is flexible, changes can easily be made
    It encourages user feedbacks, which enabmes one to understand if what you are doing is truly solving the customers problems, here one can easily work on those ferdbacks thereby improving the work and ensuring it meets up to the customers demands

    A large and cumbersome project can be easily splitted into mini projects called “Sprints “

  84. Edeh Chibueze Goodluck.
    Team 3 Cohort 16.

    As a PM for MTD, I have come to realise that I don’t have total control over project conditions. Despite that, I have to ensure that the conditions I can control are well managed.

    When using an iterative approach to organize an event, I have to realise that the project might run into a scope creep due to it being feedback dependent and the project might not be delivered in its complete form due to various mini projects going on consecutively. I also have to bear in mind that the project might be unpredictable.

    Adopting an agile approach to organising the event will imply running into situations where I can’t make sense of interconnected parts, task executors and processes. There is also the situation of acting on guesswork, volatility of price of materials for setting up the event and not knowing the impact of some decisions on the course of the event.

    For such a situation, I would recommend a hybrid approach which will help in testing out ideas and the requirements that will be gathered from feedback. It will also enhance stakeholder engagements will providing them assurance. It will also increase accountability, transparency and visibility. This will reduce acting on guesswork and ensure clear task management and timely delivery.

  85. My name Fatimah Oluwatoyin. As a project manager in MTD, l noticed that MTD faced challenges of complex and ambiguous environment.
    To tackle this issues, l have learnt to maintain an effective communication within my team, engage customers or users for feedback, discover risk and monitor the risk early enough and take early action, collaborative effort is also important for speedy delivery of project and still achieve desired outcome.

    The implication of iterative approach – This approach does not begin with detailed specification, project plan, schedules. It start with an idea by testing these ideas and get feedback from users or client. The feedback determines the viability of the project before carrying it out.

    My advice to MTD – The combination of the two approaches would be advantageous for MTD projects in order to;
    Test ideas and learn about customers or users.
    Improve stakeholder engagement
    Provide assurance to sponsors and stakeholders.
    Increase accountability

  86. As a project manager, I’ve gained valuable insights from this module! My insight is that I should ensure seamless coordination and flow of communication amongst stakeholders, so much that clients can see tangible progress early on, which will help in refining expectations and requirements. Here’s how I plan to implement this:

    “I will ensure seamless coordination and flow of communication amongst stakeholders…”

    – I will proactively communicate with team members, clients, sponsors, and vendors to avoid bottlenecks and miscommunications.
    – I will establish a systematic communication process to keep all stakeholders informed and aligned.

    “…so much that clients can see tangible progress early on…”

    – I will provide regular updates, progress reports, and showcase deliverables to demonstrate concrete achievements and milestones from the outset.
    – I will involve clients in the progress and milestones to foster trust and confidence in the project’s trajectory.

    “…which will help in refining expectations and requirements.”

    – I will collaborate with clients to refine their expectations and requirements as needed, ensuring that project deliverables align with their evolving needs.
    – I will adjust the project plan and communication strategy accordingly to meet client needs and deliver value to all stakeholders.

    By implementing these strategies, I aim to ensure a harmonious and successful project journey in MTD, meeting client needs and delivering value to all stakeholders. Aww

  87. Poor communication and lack of collaboration affected the MTD project, I was in charge I would have employed both linear and iterative methods because we would have been able to test ideas, improve stakeholders’ engagement , provide assurance to sponsors

  88. Poor communication can lead to significant project management problems. Project managers must provide direction at every step of the project, so each team member knows what’s expected. Effective communication to everyone involved in the project is crucial to its successful completion. Through project management training, team members can improve their communication skills.

    A disinterested team member, client, CEO or vendor can destroy a project. A skilled project manager communicates openly and encourages feedback at every step to create greater engagement among participants.

    Agile project management is an iterative approach to managing software development projects that focuses on continuous releases and incorporating customer feedback with every iteration.

    Building products our customers can use, to makes them happy. Being able to frequent add new features based on their feedback makes them happy too. As a software customer, I’m not sure there is anything worse than investing in a product that doesn’t work, doesn’t do what we need it to do, and not being unable to see any path forward for making it better. I’m willing to buy a first iteration product if I know it is going to do nothing but get better over time. As a matter of fact, it can be fun seeing the product emerge as the development team gets more feedback. Agile helps us build this kind of partnership with our customers, one where we are working together to get problems solved.

  89. With the insights gathered, MTD can be able to solve their problem by using both Linear and Iterative approach. With the initial engagement with all stakeholders before the project starts,there should also be regular interactions with them so as to obtain valuable feedback and make necessary adjustments to suit their needs.

    The consequences of having an iterative approach are;
    Customer engagement and satisfaction
    Team collaboration and inclusiveness
    Risk mitigation
    Detailed understanding of the expectation of the client
    Cumbersome projects are broken down into sprint of mini projects

    The implications of adopting an agile approach;
    The volatility that may occur during the project are fully taken care of
    Encourages team collaboration
    Transparency between stakeholders
    The right project solution is gotten through feedback from stakeholders

    When asked for advice, i will recommend Incorporating a hybrid approach for handling any projects. While having a structured plan for the project ,regular engagement with client and stakeholders will help in providing the best project desired by the stakeholders with lesser risk

  90. As a project manager having gained the knowledge I did from this module, the insight I can offer is that there should be Ensured, seamless coordination and flow of communication amongst stakeholders so much that Clients can see tangible progress early on, which will help in refining expectations and requirements.

    The consequences of employing an iterative approach would be:
    1) Continuous improvement enabling the teams to refine processes and deliver higher quality events over time.
    2) Increased client engagement and regular interactions which allows clients to provide continuous feedback, ensuring alignments with expectations.

    On that note, when sought for advice, I’d recommend
    1) Using robust communication tools to facilitate real-time collaboration among teams and stakeholders.
    2) Breaking down events into iterations, ensuring each phase delivers measurable value.
    3) Emphasize learning from each event to refine processes, improve efficiency, and enhance overall event quality.

    By integrating these insights and recommendations, MTD can navigate the complexities of event planning more effectively, ensuring successful and memorable events for their clients.

  91. Ndudi Anastecia Nwagwe
    Cohort 16 team 7

    Considering the challenges in MTD projects, an iterative/agile approach is recommended, based on:

    – Event complexity
    – Stakeholder engagement needs
    – Resource availability

    Benefits of iterative approach:

    – Continuous improvement and feedback loops
    – Adaptability to changes and unforeseen issues
    – Early risk identification and mitigation
    – Enhanced stakeholder engagement and satisfaction
    – Efficient resource allocation

    However, adopting an agile approach also implies:

    – Detailed initial planning with flexibility
    – Strong communication and collaboration skills
    – High customer/stakeholder involvement
    – Effective iteration management to avoid scope creep and budget overruns

  92. Considering the challenges in MTD projects, an iterative/agile approach is recommended, based on:

    – Event complexity
    – Stakeholder engagement needs
    – Resource availability

    Benefits of iterative approach:

    – Continuous improvement and feedback loops
    – Adaptability to changes and unforeseen issues
    – Early risk identification and mitigation
    – Enhanced stakeholder engagement and satisfaction
    – Efficient resource allocation

    However, adopting an agile approach also implies:

    – Detailed initial planning with flexibility
    – Strong communication and collaboration skills
    – High customer/stakeholder involvement
    – Effective iteration management to avoid scope creep and budget overruns

  93. On the journey of this training so far my knowledge has been built on the possible ways to manage difficulty as a project manager.
    Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, I have gain insight of applying iterative and linear approaches in project management because combination of the two will make the project easier and faster.

    In other hand, If they would have applied iterative approach or agile approach the project would have taking much time to complete because this involves breaking the project into phases and emphasizes continuous collaboration and improvement. Here teams follow a cycle of planning, executing, and evaluating the project.

  94. Stephen Izuchukwu Emeasoba
    Cohort 16, Team 9.

    Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, employing an iterative or agile approach will be based on these key factors, Event’s complexity, Stakeholder engagement needs, and Resource availability.

    Consequences of Iterative Approach
    1. Continuous improvements and refinements allow for regular feedback loops. Based on feedbacks, iteration provides an opportunity to learn and make adjustments.
    2. Throughout the planning process it allows for adjustments and changes to be made, respond to unforeseen issues and changes in requirements more effectively.
    3. Potential risks can be identified and addressed early, by breaking down the project into smaller iterations. Adjustments can be made iteratively to reduce the impact of unforeseen issues.
    4. Improve engagement and satisfaction of stakeholders via frequent interactions. Ensuring their expectations are met and they can provide input at various stages.
    5. Based on the needs of each iteration, resources can be allocated and reallocated to help in planning and managing resources more efficiently.

    Implications of adopting an agile approach
    1. Planning for each iteration requires a detailed initial broad plan with flexibility and if not carefully managed, can lead to challenges in maintaining scope and budget.
    2. Requires strong communication skills and a collaborative team environment. Teams must be empowered to make decisions and be self-organizing.
    3. Necessary high involvement of customers and stakeholders, which can be demanding. But needed to established continuous engagement and feedback mechanisms.
    4. If iterations are not effectively managed, the risk of scope creep and budget overruns becomes eminent. So to ensure the project remains on track, strong time and budget management is required.

    Based on the event’s complexity, stakeholder engagement needs, and resource availability. I will recommend the combination of the two approach.

  95. From my own view, as a project manager with MTD, you should adopt linear and iteration approach when working on any project. The combination of the two approach helps in delivering a project on time, with right amount of finance and also helps in carrying everyone on the project along.

  96. Egesi Oluchi Winifred,Team 4.
    From what i have learnt,as a project manager with MTD, having known the challenges,i will adopt both the linear and iterative approach, to get the project delivered

  97. As a project Manager with MTD, linear and iterative approach should be adapted because using one approach for different project is risk because of uncertainty

  98. from my own view, MTD should aodpt both linear and iterative approach for an effective execution of projects because the combination of both approaches accelarate project delivery ,facilitate idea testing,increases accountability and transperancy,effective feedbacks and engagement with sponsors and stakeholders

  99. Kingsley okpoko, team 7, cohort 16.
    As a project manager with MTD, and considering the difficulties and problems MTD projects faces, the project will have to be separated in phases, whereby reviews will be heard and also speed to complete the project I time. This is after the project have being considered.

  100. Blessing Olusakin Team3 Cohort16
    If I was the Project Manager for MTD events, what I have learnt this week that could help is to acknowledging these potential challenges and proactively develop strategies to mitigate risks and ensure the success of the project.
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project implies:

    1. Breaking down the project into smaller, manageable bites known as iterations
    2. Focusing on one iteration at a time
    3. Continuously reviewing and refining the project plan
    4. Adapting to changes and new requirements as they arise
    It’s implications are
    1. Increased flexibility and adaptability
    2. Faster response to changes and issues
    3. Improved risk management
    4. Enhanced team collaboration and communication
    5. Resources are efficiently and effectively used ; minimal wastage or none at all.
    So taking up an Agile approach means they are going to
    1. Embrace the Agile methodology
    2. Prioritize flexibility and rapid delivery
    3. Deliver small, incremental pieces of the project as in sprints
    4. Continuously improve and learn
    This aids
    – Faster time-to-market
    – Higher team morale and engagement
    – Improved adaptability to change
    – Enhanced customer satisfaction
    – More focused on delivering value to stakeholders
    My advice to the company will be for them to

    1.Embrace an iterative and agile approach to manage the event project.
    2. Break down the project into smaller tasks and prioritize them based on importance and urgency.
    3. Establish a cross-functional team with clear roles and responsibilities.
    4. Set up regular meetings and feedback loops to ensure continuous improvement.
    5. Focus on delivering value to stakeholders and adapt to changes as needed.
    6. Monitor progress and adjust the approach as necessary.
    7. Prioritize communication, collaboration, and teamwork.
    8. Be flexible and open to new ideas and approaches.

  101. This week, I learned that clear communication, flexibility, and stakeholder engagement are crucial for successful project management. Taking an iterative approach in setting up events allows for continuous improvement and adaptability, addressing issues promptly and refining processes. An agile approach emphasizes collaboration, responsiveness, and incremental progress, ensuring that the event meets client needs and expectations. My advice to MTD would be to adopt these methods, focusing on regular feedback, open communication, and adaptability to enhance project outcomes and client satisfaction while efficiently managing resources and timelines.

  102. Concerning the challenges faced by MTD, I believe a blend of iterative and linear approaches will work.

    The linear approach will set a clear model for how the project should run from beginning to end (sourcing the water and disinfecting it to delivery) as well as how to run the event. This helps all the stakeholders to know the plan from the beginning.

    Despite the plan though, challenges could come up especially based on feedback from users. In attending to the complaints, an iterative approach will come in handy so that the team can zero in to fix the specific challenges and get feedback quickly.

    This way, they are able to fix the challenges and move back to plan.

  103. HI, Ogundimu Kezia, Team 7

    The iterative approach in project management acknowledges the inevitability of change, as it starts without detailed specifications and rigid project plans. This necessitates adjustments that the project manager and team must swiftly address through ongoing, adaptable planning.

    In contrast, adopting an agile approach allows teams to quickly reprioritize and change direction. By working in short, focused sprints and limiting concurrent tasks, agile teams increase productivity and responsiveness. Tasks are prioritized based on their value to users and the business.

    I recommend combining both linear and iterative approaches because it facilitates idea testing and understanding of user requirements, accelerates project delivery, enhances stakeholder engagement, improves accountability, boosts visibility and transparency, and provides reassurance to sponsors and stakeholders.”

  104. Challenges Faced by MTD

    1. Water Supply: Reliance on tanker drivers to deliver water, with potential delays due to tanker faults or accidents, could halt the event.
    2. Buffer Bag Size: The size of buffer bags for clean and wastewater must be proportionate to the number of attendees. Changes or extraction during the event could disrupt the water system.
    3. Water Disinfection: The required 2-hour disinfection period and sending samples to the laboratory before usage create significant downtime.
    4. Water Quality: Ensuring water quality through laboratory testing before usage.

    Approach to Solutions

    Using a combination of linear and iterative approaches, the planning stage can address potential issues, while iterative processes can ensure continuous improvement and adaptability during the event.
    Planning Stage Questions

    1. Water Supply:
    – What if there is a delay in water delivery on the event day due to a faulty tanker or an accident?
    – How will the system cope if the water in the buffer bag or from the existing tanker is exhausted?

    2. Buffer Bag Size:
    – What is the appropriate size of the buffer bag for clean water and wastewater relative to the number of attendees?
    – How will changing the wastewater in the buffer bag or extracting wastewater impact the event?

    3. Water Disinfection:
    – How can the 2-hour disinfection period and water sample testing be managed to minimize downtime?

    Solutions for the Challenges

    Water Supply

    – Advance Planning: Collect guest numbers from the client a week before the event to determine the required tank and buffer sizes.
    – Backup Measures: Arrange a standby water tanker and trained personnel to refill the buffer. This ensures continuity in case of tanker failure.

    Iterative Improvements:
    – Monitor water usage during the event and adjust plans for future events based on real-time feedback.

    Wastewater Buffer Bag

    -Recycling System: Implement a system to recycle wastewater for flushing toilets by collecting wastewater from kitchens, bathrooms, and water stations. This conserves clean water for drinking.

    Iterative Improvements:
    – Continuously monitor and optimize the recycling system based on usage patterns and feedback.

    Water Disinfection

    – Pre-Event Disinfection: Disinfect water before delivery to the event site and ensure water is tested prior to delivery.
    – On-Site Testing: Perform on-site water testing before guest usage to ensure quality without significant downtime.

    Iterative Improvements:
    – Streamline the disinfection and testing processes based on feedback and results from each event to reduce downtime further.


    By combining a linear approach for initial planning and system setup with iterative methods for continuous improvement and adaptability, MTD can effectively address the challenges they face. The linear approach ensures a structured and thorough initial setup, while the iterative approach allows for real-time problem-solving and optimization based on feedback and observations during the event.


    1. Thorough Initial Planning: Use a linear approach to establish a solid foundation for water supply, buffer bag sizes, and disinfection protocols.
    2. Backup Systems: Ensure contingency plans are in place, including backup water tankers and recycling systems for wastewater.
    3. Iterative Feedback Loops: Implement mechanisms for real-time monitoring and feedback to continuously improve and adapt processes during the event.
    4. Stakeholder Communication: Maintain clear and continuous communication with stakeholders to ensure their needs and concerns are addressed promptly.

    By following these recommendations, MTD can enhance the reliability and efficiency of their event water management system, ensuring successful event execution despite potential challenges.

  105. Okeke Uchenna Ifeyinwa Team 7
    Consequences of iterative approach on a project:
    Change is inevitable in iterative projects approach and since iterative projects do not begin with detailed specification and project plans, there might be need for adjustments which the project manager and his team will have to resolve within a short period of time through continuous, dynamic planning.

    *Implication of adopting an agile approach:
    Adopting agile approach allows teams to reprioritise and change direction quickly. Agile teams are able to respond quickly by working in short mini-project sprints and by limiting the amounts of works in progress which makes the teams more productive and faster. In agile approach, tasks are prioritised based on their value to the user and business.
    I will recommend both linear and iterative approach because:
    – it involves testing ideas and learning user requirements.
    – it accelerate delivering of project outputs.
    – it improves stakeholder engagements.
    – it increase accountability.
    – it increase visibility and transparency.
    -it provides assurance to sponsors and stakeholders.

    Discussing’s the challenges typically requires a combination of effective project management practices, stakeholder engagement, risk assessment, and adaptive leadership. MTD professionals often leverage methodologies such as Agile, MTD (Management of Technological Development) often faces several challenges and problems in their projects, which can vary depending on the nature of the project and the industry involved. Some common difficulties include:
    1. Scope Creep: Projects may expand beyond their original scope due to evolving requirements or stakeholder expectations, leading to delays and increased costs.
    2. Resource Allocation: Managing human and financial resources efficiently can be challenging, especially when multiple projects compete for the same resources.
    3. Technology Integration: Incorporating new technologies into existing systems or processes can lead to compatibility issues or unexpected technical hurdles.
    4. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks early in the project lifecycle is crucial but can be complex, particularly in projects with high uncertainty or innovative technologies.
    5. Stakeholder Management: Balancing the needs and expectations of various stakeholders, including clients, end-users, and management, requires effective communication and negotiation skills.
    6. Quality Control: Ensuring that deliverables meet quality standards and regulatory requirements throughout the project lifecycle requires rigorous testing and validation processes.
    7. Budget Constraints: Projects often face budget limitations that require careful cost management and prioritization of expenditures.
    8. Time Constraints: Meeting deadlines and project milestones can be challenging, especially when unexpected delays occur or when project schedules are overly ambitious.
    9. Change Management: Implementing changes to project scope, schedule, or resources requires careful planning to minimize disruption and maintain project momentum.
    10. Environmental and Ethical Considerations: Depending on the industry, projects may need to address environmental impact assessments, ethical considerations, or regulatory compliance, adding complexity to project planning and execution.

    COHORT 16
    TEAM 4

  107. Both iterative and agile approaches offer significant benefits for organising events, particularly in their ability to adapt to changes, engage stakeholders, and continuously improve. The choice between them depends on the specific needs and context of the event, as well as the team’s familiarity and comfort with these methodologies. Iterative approaches focus more on refinement through repeated cycles, while agile emphasises flexibility, collaboration, and incremental progress. Adopting either approach can lead to a more dynamic, responsive, and successful event organisation process. However, in the case of MTD, with their lack of communication and collaboration, I will recommend the agile approach as it enhances collaboration within the team.

  108. ODILI IFEOMA ENEBELI Team7 Cohort16
    Issues of Professional Conduct
    1. Lack of Transparency and Communication:
    o John’s Experience: John was surprised to learn that the engagement programme had already been carried out without his knowledge. This indicates a lack of communication and transparency from William’s side about the project status and process.
    o Karen’s Concerns: Karen felt that the report was too perfect and suspected that there might be issues with the engagement findings. Her hesitation to voice her concerns openly due to fear of office politics and job security reflects a lack of open communication and transparency within the team.
    2. Questionable Research Integrity:
    o Karen’s Skepticism: Karen’s instinct that the engagement report might be too good to be true suggests potential issues with the integrity of the research process. The seamless alignment of the findings with the project needs could indicate bias or flawed data collection methods.
    Ethical Responsibility in Reporting:
    o William’s Approach: William seemed confident that the local opinion research was sufficient and that it aligned with their expectations. However, he did not seem to question the validity or rigor of the research, which could compromise the ethical standards of reporting accurate and unbiased data.
    Skills Used to Bring Ethics into Decisions
    1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
    o Karen’s Analysis: Karen used critical thinking to analyze the engagement report and identify potential issues. She mapped out the risks associated with both accepting the report as it was and challenging its findings.
    o John’s Collaboration with Karen: John demonstrated problem-solving skills by collaborating with Karen to assess the situation and consider the potential impact of their decisions on the project and the firm’s reputation.
    2. Effective Communication:
    o John’s Honest Conversation: John sought Karen’s honest opinion about the report, which opened a constructive dialogue about the issues and potential solutions. This demonstrates the importance of effective communication in addressing ethical concerns.

    As a project manager you were asked to advise the company concerning the challenges and issues in MTD projects using iterative approach and agile approach
    As a project manager you must define all the challenges and issues the will occur during the period of the project and the way to handle each of the issues
    1. Incremental Improvement 2. Adaptability 3. Risk Management 4. Continuous Learning 5. Efficiency 6. Stakeholder Engagement 7. Flexibility in Solutions 8. Long-term Sustainability
    In summary, an iterative approach to setting up challenges and issues in MTD projects promotes adaptability, continuous improvement, risk management, and stakeholder engagement, ultimately leading to more effective project delivery and long-term success.
    Implementing an agile approach can bring numerous benefits to MTD such as increased flexibility, quicker response to changes, and improved stakeholder satisfaction. However, it also presents several challenges and issues that need to be managed effectively:
    1. Culture Change 2. Resource Management 3. Scope Management 4. Stakeholder Engagement 5. Risk Management 6. Measurement and Metrics 7. Scaling Agile 8. Integration with Existing Processes 9. Training and Skill Development 10. Continuous Improvement
    In summary Addressing these challenges requires a combination of effective leadership, clear communication, ongoing training, and a willingness to adapt organizational processes. Despite these challenges, many organizations find that the benefits of agile—such as faster time-to-market, improved product quality, and greater customer satisfaction—outweigh the initial difficulties

    COHORT 16
    TEAM 10

  110. Challenges the MTD faced
    1) Reduced appropriate drinking water.
    2) reduced water supply.
    In other to address these challenges it is important to take into consideration the hybrid methodology (which involves the linear and agile methodology) which will help to overcome some of the challenges faced in the MTD water project. It is important to put into consideration the VUCA framework when planning a project.
    The linear approach is used to structure the MTD water project, to balance the environmental issues that may arise during the management of the MTD project it is important to employ the iterative approach . In an unpredictable environmental crisis such as vandalization, terrorism, community riot etc, it is important to take quick actions in other to reduce the effects of these challenges on the project. It is important not to joke with feedbacks as they will aid to ensure quality projects.
    Implications of agile methodology
    1) it enables quick response to changes.
    2) it enables to build quality projects through continuous feedback and improvement.
    My advice to the company:
    A) ensure steady monitoring of project
    B) steady feedback is important
    C) never to compromise on quality.

  111. Well for me, any intended approach has their peculiar implications, it’s left to be sure of the environment one is working on. Let’s take a look at some implications for either method.

    1. iterative method could help in breaking down organizational events into smaller, manageable tasks this will foster the flexibility of work and in turn bring about increased output program progress.
    2 agile approach Prioritize tasks based on changing requirements and needs. it encourages collaboration and open communication among team members and emphasizes continuous improvement and learning.

    my advice to MTD would be:
    To start by adopting an iterative approach for a specific event project and transiting gradually. Also they should provide training and coaching for team members. Finally, they should monitor progress always and gather feedback, and adopt the changes as necessary.

  112. From Joseph Ikechukwu Onyeocha:

    For MTD, an events company, adopting an iterative or agile approach to setting up events as projects could bring several advantages and considerations:

    Iterative Approach:

    1. Progressive Refinement: Events could be planned in stages, focusing first on broad strokes like venue selection and major vendors, then refining details incrementally.
    2. Early Feedback: Each iteration allows for feedback from stakeholders and clients, which can be incorporated into subsequent phases, reducing the risk of major revisions later on.
    3. Flexibility: Changes can be accommodated more easily as the project progresses, adapting to evolving client needs or external circumstances.
    4. Predictability: Each iteration can provide more accurate estimates and insights into timelines and resource requirements as the event details become clearer.

    – Encourage a phased approach where initial planning lays out broad goals and subsequent iterations add detail and refinement.
    – Emphasize communication and feedback loops to ensure alignment with client expectations and to catch potential issues early.

    Agile Approach:

    1. Adaptive Planning: Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban allow for continuous planning, adapting plans based on frequent feedback and changing priorities.
    2. Cross-functional Teams: Teams are organized to include various skills (e.g., planners, designers, logistics) needed for each aspect of event setup, promoting collaboration and faster decision-making.
    3. Iterative Delivery: Events could be delivered in smaller increments or phases (e.g., planning, setup, execution), enabling earlier delivery of value and validation of assumptions.
    4. Continuous Improvement: Retrospectives after each event can capture lessons learned and drive improvements for future events.

    My Advice:
    – Form cross-functional teams dedicated to specific events, fostering collaboration and collective responsibility for success.
    – Implement short, regular planning sessions (e.g., weekly sprints) to adjust plans based on new information or client feedback.

    Advice for MTD:

    Given the nature of event planning and execution, I would advise MTD to consider adopting an agile approach over a purely iterative one. Agile methodologies provide more flexibility, responsiveness to change, and continuous improvement opportunities, which are critical in the dynamic environment of event management. Here’s a structured recommendation:

    1. Pilot Agile on Select Events: Start with a few events to pilot agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban. Measure the effectiveness in terms of client satisfaction, efficiency gains, and team morale.

    2. Train Teams: Invest in training for project managers and team members on agile principles and practices. Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities within an agile framework.

    3. Iterate Based on Feedback: Regularly gather feedback from clients, stakeholders, and team members to refine your approach. Use retrospectives to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved.

    4. Monitor Metrics:Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the success of agile adoption, such as time-to-market, client satisfaction scores, and team productivity.

    By embracing agility, MTD can enhance their ability to deliver high-quality events that meet client expectations while maintaining adaptability in a competitive market.

  113. Ojomo Ayodele
    Cohort 16
    Team 7

    This week, I’ve acclimatised myself with the “complexity” and the frameworks that help us understand organisations and the world at large.
    Approaches and practices that help us to manage situations e.g. volatility, uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity (VUCA).
    I also explored different approaches & cycles to managing projects, : linear or waterfall approach, iterative or agile approach. I dived into the advantages & disadvantage of each approach, their uniqueness, similarities, differences. How they can be merged together to enhance speed, productivity and quality of a project or situation.

    The implications of taking an iterative approach in setting up an event as a project are?

    1. The environment, business or strategy are likely to change, issues that wasn’t planned for might pop up and it’s up to the project manager to determine the complexity of the problem and adapt to it and solve it.
    2. The clients or customers are needed frequently to validate and endorse the ideas/steps or plans metered out by the project manager every step of the way and also investment decisions.
    3. There is a heightened sense of urgency to deliver project regardless of whether it’s complete or if it’s of standard quality.
    4. The solution to a problem is innovative, simply means some problems faced in the field will not have any text book solutions, the project manager and team will have to invent new ways or ideas to tackle such a problem.
    5. Most sponsors are very much interested in results, they really dont want to know about the plans, techniques the project manager or team used to achieve their aim. The organisation just wants to see results and good ones.

    The implications of taking the linear approach are?
    1. There is unlikeliness of change throughout the entire project, this enables the project manager and team make estimates & plan accurately for the entirety of the project
    2. Reliable and accredited research information is available about the project, objectives and expected outcomes.
    3. Great value is placed on the assessment of plans, processes and methods employed in executing such projects by the clients, sponsors, stakeholders & organisation
    4. Experienced people dedicated in their various fields are available to tackle any problems or issusing arising from the commencement of the project.

    My advice to the company would be

    1. Flexibility in approaches or methods is highly advised, as different set of problems or issues can arise from the executing of a particular project. Merging of different approaches, the advantages in those approaches would be most preferable that is “The Hybrid Approach” in solving a multitude of problems.

    2. Individuals or project members with skill should be employed to facilitate the completion of any given project, it’s a priority that should be taken into consideration.

    3. Teamwork is crucial, from the project manager to team members to liaising with the authorities(police, water corporation, tank drivers etc) in the field, every path should be explored with one goal in mind : To Deliver a Complete & Quality Project.

  114. Combining linear and iterative methods can offer a balanced approach to managing the MTD water event project. Every member of the team will have good information and a better understanding of the project goals. The project manager should use the linear method to build a stable and well-understood environment for the team, while using the iterative method to engage with users and stakeholders regularly to gather feedback. Iteration should allow for adjustments and improvements based on this feedback.

    Integrating the VUCA framework equips the project team with strategies to handle volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity effectively. As volatility and uncertainty may occur, this structure will help the project manager make better decisions.

    1. Damilola Ogunsakin

      Combining linear and iterative methods can offer a balanced approach to managing the MTD water event project. Every member of the team will have good information and a better understanding of the project goals. The project manager should use the linear method to build a stable and well-understood environment for the team, while using the iterative method to engage with users and stakeholders regularly to gather feedback. Iteration should allow for adjustments and improvements based on this feedback.

      Integrating the VUCA framework equips the project team with strategies to handle volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity effectively. As volatility and uncertainty may occur, this structure will help the project manager make better decisions.

  115. Combining iterative and Linear approaches will help improve flexibility and speed up delivery of projects outputs. It will also help the team to change plans and directions if need be

  116. There will always be challenges that arise with organizations such as MTD that supply water to events. Issues such as fluctuations in demand may arise, timely delivery, storage and distribution may come with its challenges as well. Water quality and safety or unforeseen circumstances such as equipment failure can disrupt the water supply. If i were a Project Manager for MTD, I would apply VUCA framework approach to address the volatility of demand and unexpected events. Implementation of real time monitoring and data analytics will help to respond to fluctuations. To manage uncertainty in logistics and water quality, this may call for collaboration with event organizers, local authorities and environmental to anticipate and address issues arising.If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, things to consider would include,scope creep, that is the project scope may tend to change with each iteration making it challenging to maintain a clear and consistent plan.Adopting an agile approach on the other hand can enable the project team to quickly adapt to changing requirements, Agile also promotes close collaboration among the project team, event organizers and key stakeholders. Given the unique challenges and complexities invloved in organizing events, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines elements of both traditional project management and agile

  117. Both iterative and agile approaches enable flexibility collaboration and continuous improvements, ensuring a successful and impactful event which involved ability to respond to changing priorities and requirements.

  118. I would advise the company that the implications of iterative or agile projects is that it enables an organization to understand and respond to complexity and ambiguity, and in particular to improve their understanding of what users need and value, through experiments carried out in short iterations. This approach offers several benefits. It allows project managers to divide the overall project into smaller chunks that build upon one another, and start with the issues or components that are most critical to the project. It also increases efficiency, Increases collaboration, Increases adaptability, More cost effective, Ability to work in parallel, Reduced project-level risk and More reliable user feedback.

  119. Linear and agile methods are both important in project management. MTD,s project requires both methods at initial phase and the ongoing stage. In the course of the project they discovered a problem which required reflection and feedback to stakeholders. A new idea was then added to give the project a better output

  120. As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD and considering what I have learned in the course. I have learned to be flexible in certain regards, especially in the methodology to employ. Since there is room for a hybrid approach in managing a project, I believe combining the linear and iterative methods would give more results.
    It is good to have detailed plans and ways to execute the plans and it is also good to welcome ideas that can be tested and graded simultaneously. Employing the hybrid approach will give room for flexibility and well-rounded success at the end of the day.

    The consequences of employing an iterative approach can be weighed alongside the linear approach. As in the case of the iterative approach, there is room for quick feedback from the user and, a quick test of ideas to know the project’s viability. It helps save time and keep the progress checked and it has a relatively low-cost rescoping chance.

    Adapting an agile approach to a project will help contain the VUCA factors. The agile approach alongside the iterative method will produce quick responses from the user and the team, it will also give room for providing solutions to unforeseen circumstances.

    My recommendation will be to stay open and flexible, build a team with good communication, and good negotiation ideas, monitor the team’s performance against the progress of the project.

  121. As the project Manager for MTD, I will employ both the Linear and Itiretive approaches.
    Benefits of these;
    Linear approach
    I. The linear approach to a large extent will enable me take each process per time. Preventing resource waste while ensuring feedback as necessary for the next action.

    2.Feedback serves as a guide in adopting expertise
    . It ensures for instance that each level is handled by a professional who understands that the job doesn’t end on his/ her table.

    3. All team members to an extent have a clear knowledge and understanding of the different stages of the project. This fosters team spirit which aids communication in the face of identified challenges.

    4. Team members are abreast of developments as the project unfolds, hence can defend it appropriately. It fosters synergy.

    Itiretive approach:
    1. Gets a wholistic picture of the project by understudying and testing a prototype. For mTD, digital assets would aid in comparing similar projects elsewhere, their challenges and strategies to overcome it.

    2. Clients feedback in probably a mini water station will serve as a data base resource. The linear approach can use it as a spring.

    3. Digital documentations are relied for information disseminations. Future projects can rely on them as guide.

    For the agile approach, as a PM with MTD, the agile method will be useful as a filter. I think through it, priority will be placed on what’s important. Placing side by side strategies that canbe merged to achieve the overall project goal.

    Ijeoma Egbu
    PM cohort 16

    COHORT 16
    TEAM 5

    As the project manager representing MTD, we will be using a hybrid approach for this project, combining linear and iterative methods to address the challenges and issues facing the organization.

    The linear approach is best for us for the following reasons:
    1. The project scope may change due to team challenges in meeting deadlines.
    2. We have experienced and skilled individuals available for the project.

    The iterative approach is useful for us for the following reasons:
    1. Timing and cost cannot be accurately estimated.
    2. Adhering to the organization’s culture regarding working hours may be a concern.

  123. Ero Osasenaga Conort 16 Team 4
    As a project manager, I would recommend that the company carefully studies d conditions surrounding the project the decide on the most viable approach to use.
    However, I would also suggest that a combination of both the linear and iterative approach is welcomed so that this way, a proper solution is reached with all stakeholders in mind.

  124. Nnadi Stella Chidinma
    Team 7
    As a Project Manager, I would approach the situation based on the stability of the project.
    Using linear, Agile or both to met the challenges I am facing.
    Using the VUCA framework to access and respond to theses challenges.

  125. Goodness Chidinma Solmon Cohort 16 team 5.
    I would recommend they use a hybrid approach that is a combination of both the iterative and linear approach.

  126. I will advise the company to adopt the Agile or iterative project approach as this will give them feedback as they’re working on the project.
    Planning an event requires that the owner of the event gets feedback about his events planning so he could know the aspects that needs to be changed and improved upon.

    Chiamaka Gloria team 3.

  127. As a project manager I’ve learned how to apply different approaches to difference situations. However adopting the iterative approach can be beneficial because of its flexibility.
    It also helps us to identify or detect any risk and managing early.

  128. Project manager needs to combine the iterative and linear method to get a positive and fast result in managing a project.
    This is because if the linear approach is appearing like it’s time consuming and not giving the result needed, the project manager can easily switch to iterative approach which will speed up the project.

  129. Victor Adebayo Kolawole, Team 6.

    Iterative approach start with idea, hypothesis or vision, it helps to test idea and get the needed feedback from users, iterative helps to deliver output regularly and frequently.

    Agile approach is iterative in nature
    1. It helps in discovery of risk and taking necessary action.
    2. Transparency
    3. Speed in decision making.

  130. Iterative approach has twist and turns, and therefore project management must put before them the VUCA framework in perspective. The project team must think on their feet in order to run with the uncertainty that might arise in the course of the project. On the other hand, my advice to the MTD team would include the adoption of a combination of Linear and Iterative approach. This combination will safeguard an adaptive framework, and prevent slowing down of the project delivery time.

    Benedict Okafor_ Team 2.

  131. My take in the role of a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company.- The use iterative approach which create something of value with each iteration. In iteration it specify, design, code and test the project at once in short period of time. Iterative approaches are more predictable. Also feedback from the users is needed.

  132. Vuca structure plays a vital role in decision making, volatility is big issue that must be patiently handled. Likewise uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Understanding this these four is key. Then taking calculated and wise decision Will bring about an expected positive results

  133. Iterative and linear method should be combined to get a positive result.
    Margaret Ebieme Cohort 16 team 6

  134. Challenges can occur in the macroenvironment, the VUCA FRAMEWORK should not be rule out (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).
    As a project manager the most common challenges we should always prepare for ;

    1 Balancing project constraints: there are three constraints that make up the project management triangle: scope, time and cost. if this three things can be balance the project team will deliver a quality project.
    2 Avoiding scope creep: this is when requirements or features increase over a project’s life cycle
    3 Managing stakeholder expectations:
    4 Identifying project risks
    5 Lack of accountability. To overcome this challenges, this following strategies are essential.

    My advise as a project manager to the MTD
    Iteractive and linear method should all be combined and a regular feedback mechanism set in place

  135. Aminah Yusuff
    Team 2 Cohort 16

    Given the potential challenges and risks in the environment and society, it’s crucial to recognize the VUCA framework (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). To overcome these challenges, the following strategies are essential:

    – Complexity requires a skilled team and effective communication.
    – Uncertainty demands high adaptability, which can be challenging.

    To succeed in such conditions, seeing myself as a project manager in the MTD event company, I will evaluate project context, considering factors like requirements stability, timeline, and stakeholder involvement, Implement a hybrid approach, combining agile and iterative methodologies, Balance customer collaboration with iterative development, adapting to project needs.
    – I will continue to foster a culture of continuous learning, improving with each iteration.
    In summary, The company can elevate its project management by combining iterative and agile methodologies, resulting in more effective change management, enhanced collaboration, and superior event quality. These approaches offer a flexible yet structured framework that seamlessly adapts to the ever-changing landscape of event planning, ensuring successful outcomes.

  136. Challenges and Issues MTD Could Face
    Unpredictable Changes: Events often face last-minute changes due to various factors such as client requests, weather, or vendor issues.
    Complex Coordination: Managing multiple stakeholders, including clients, vendors, and internal teams, can be challenging.
    Tight Deadlines: Events have fixed dates, leaving little room for delays.
    Quality Control: Ensuring high quality and consistency in event delivery is crucial for client satisfaction.
    Iterative Approach
    Continuous Improvement: By breaking down the event planning process into smaller iterations, MTD can continuously refine and improve each aspect of the event. Feedback from each iteration can be used to make necessary adjustments.
    Flexibility: Iterative planning allows for greater flexibility. If an element of the event isn’t working as planned, it can be revised in the next iteration without affecting the entire project.
    Risk Management: Smaller iterations help in identifying and mitigating risks early in the process, reducing the likelihood of major issues closer to the event date.
    Stakeholder Engagement: Regular check-ins and updates with stakeholders during each iteration ensure that their expectations are met and any concerns are addressed promptly.
    Practical Example:
    An event could be planned in phases such as initial concept, vendor selection, venue setup, and final preparations. After each phase, feedback would be gathered and adjustments made before moving on to the next phase.

    Agile Approach
    Adaptability: Agile methodologies, like Scrum or Kanban, provide a structured yet flexible framework to adapt to changes quickly. Agile promotes regular reassessment and adjustment of plans based on real-time feedback.
    Collaboration: Agile emphasizes teamwork and communication, fostering collaboration among team members and stakeholders. Regular stand-up meetings and retrospectives ensure that everyone is on the same page.
    Value Delivery: By prioritizing tasks based on their value to the client, MTD can ensure that the most important aspects of the event are given precedence and delivered effectively.
    Transparency: Agile’s iterative nature provides transparency, allowing clients to see progress and provide input continuously, ensuring that their vision is realized.
    Practical Example:
    Using Scrum, MTD could organize their event planning into sprints (e.g., 2-week periods). Each sprint would focus on specific deliverables (e.g., booking the venue, confirming the schedule, finalizing decorations). The team would hold daily stand-ups to track progress and identify roadblocks, and after each sprint, they would review progress and plan the next steps.

    Advice for MTD
    Adopt Iterative Planning: Implement an iterative approach to break down the event planning process into manageable phases. This will help in managing changes more effectively and improving quality continuously.
    Implement Agile Methodologies: Use agile frameworks like Scrum or Kanban to enhance flexibility, collaboration, and transparency. This will ensure that the team can quickly adapt to changes and maintain a high level of client satisfaction.
    Regular Feedback Loops: Establish regular feedback loops with all stakeholders. This ensures that any issues or changes in requirements are identified early and can be addressed promptly.
    Training and Tools: Provide training for the team on agile methodologies and equip them with the necessary tools (e.g., project management software) to facilitate agile practices.
    By integrating iterative and agile approaches, MTD can enhance its project management practices, leading to better handling of changes, improved collaboration, and higher quality events. These methodologies provide a structured yet flexible framework that aligns well with the dynamic nature of event planning.

  137. Considering the potential challenges in the environment and society at large, it’s essential to acknowledge the VUCA framework (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity).
    To address these challenges this facts have to be known;
    – Complexity requires a skilled team and effective communication.
    – Uncertainty demands high adaptability, which can be difficult.

    To break even here with such challenges, the company should try to;
    – Assess the project context, considering factors like requirements stability, timeline, and stakeholder involvement.
    – Adopt a hybrid approach, combining agile and iterative methodologies.
    – Balance agile customer collaboration with iterative development, leaning towards agile for well-defined projects and iterative development for complex or uncertain projects.
    – Foster a culture of continuous learning, using each iteration to improve and adapt.

    This could go a long way in providing answers to so many questions and solving the puzzle arising in this situation.

  138. Given the fact that challenges can occur in the macroenvironment, the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) framework is not to be ruled out.
    -Complexity: Requires skilled team members and effective communication.
    -Uncertainty: High adaptability can be challenging in uncertain environments.
    Advice for the Company:
    Assess Context: Consider project specifics—requirements stability, timeline, and stakeholder involvement.
    Hybrid Approach: Combine elements of both methodologies. Use agile for customer collaboration and iterative for development.
    Iterate Wisely: If the project is well-defined, lean more toward agile. If it’s complex or uncertain, emphasize iterative development.
    Continuous Learning: Encourage learning from each iteration to improve processes and outcomes.

  139. As a project manager working with MTD, I’d recommend adopting an iterative approach to event setup, incorporating agile principles. This would allow for flexibility in responding to changing requirements, rapid delivery, and continuous improvement. Embracing agility would help MTD navigate event management complexities and ensure successful events. Key takeaways:

    – Adopt iterative approach with agile principles
    – Establish clear goals and priorities
    – Foster collaboration and continuous improvement

  140. Using the iterative approach in planning for an event will lead to being transparent, openness and honesty. If the stakeholders and sponsors can get feedback on how the event planning is going, it will be good , what if they have it in mind to make some changes or additions to the event. With the agile approach, feedback might not be regular and it can get the stakeholders and sponsors tense since they don’t know how the planning or project is going.

  141. If an iterative approach was employed in organising an event, there would be short repeatable burst of energy as there would be consistent feedbacks to ascertain that managers have not moved off course. Risk would be mitigated because of daily transparency and speed from frequent meetings.
    The implication of employing an agile approach would be that, the project would be in different mini projects which would be handled by experts willing to solve possible problems arising and sponsors would be in the know at all times and would be ready to assist in finances because such information would have been handled in a difficult conversation earlier. If the company sought my advice, I would advice that a hybrid approach should be employed in any project.

  142. Depending on the kind of project at hand and the resources, environment and team. Looking at the VUCA methodology, volatile, uncertainty, complex and ambiguous hybrid will be the best approach to any project in order to prepare the mind of the stakeholders and the team at large.

  143. Project managers should always combine the iterative and linear method to get a positive result in managing a project. It will help in the correct analysis of every point accomplished during the project phases

  144. Considering the problems that MTD encountered, I will advise them to focus on a particular demographic in the market particularly the youths who are the most impressionable in other to get the best of their products. Using an interactive approach helps with getting feedbacks anytime. It enables organisation’s to benefit from user and stakeholder feedback anytime

  145. MTD project is responsible for providing water infrastructural for events or festival and using the Tommorrowland Project by MTD as a case study.

    I will advise MTD to adopt an hybrid model (i.e. Iterative and Agile model) approach to handling the difficulties in the project

    Likely Difficulties faced by MTD

    1. Increasing number of users which cannot be determine at each day, daily users or crowds numbers are uncertain but continuous numbers expected

    2. Various needs and involvement of many stakeholders

    3. Unexpected changes during events and sudden deadlines to handle various scenarios

    Benefits and Implications of the Iterative Model for MTD

    1. Allows the projects to be broken down into smaller cyclical iterations which can be done in shorter time and allows for sprints to get desired outputs that will form part of the final larger results

    2. It can be cost effective and also easily visible to stakeholders to see and give feedback that can be adjusted

    3. Regular feedback and testing by users ensure the final service/products its usable

    Benefits and Implications of the Agile Model For MTD

    1. Its Customer Centric and helps MTD considering that projects are for users events

    2. It enables teams to build fast, check/review/test what they have built and iterate their work based on regular feedback

    3. Ease of predictability, breakdown of projects into phases for continuous improvement

    4. Respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities

    5. Improved team work, collaboration and team morale

    6. Improved and Efficient Stake holder engagements

    A combination of both Iterative and Agile approach will help MTD to deliver the projects faster in phases and simultaneously be able to adapt quickly to changes or challenges that may occur during the events in a cost effective manner and ensuring that its employee’s morale remains high and users satisfaction it’s guaranteed.

  146. The linear of approach and the iterative approach are two processes that a project manager must always bear in mind and work with, whether the environment is stable, predictable, unstable and unpredictable.
    In the case of MTD, it is possible to restructure the project in smaller understanding steps to be efficient and achieve the initial results.
    With a few staff and an iterative approach, they will be able to focus on the (importance/urgency) pairing by continually adapting to the environment, not forgetting communication between team members

  147. My name is Charles Ntanta and for me, iterative allows for a faster completion of projects in the sense that team members are organized in groups or boxes with specific task that can take two to three weeks. As a group, you’re allowed the freedom of decisions. However, adopting Agility makes you be ahead of solving your challenges and solving them because the software (Scrum) takes care of volatile and uncertainty moments in project management decisions. My honest decision will be to advise for the use of Agile approach.

  148. project managers need to combine techniques from the both approach to achieve maximum results both in stable and volatile environment.

  149. As a project manager working with MTD, the events company, I have learned several valuable lessons this week that could help address the challenges and issues we face in our projects.

    Key Learnings:

    • Flexibility and Adaptability: It’s crucial to remain flexible in project management to quickly respond to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges.
    • Client Feedback Integration: Continuously incorporating client feedback ensures that the final deliverable meets their expectations.
    • Effective Communication: Clear and consistent communication within the team and with stakeholders is necessary to avoid misunderstandings and ensure alignment.

    Implications of an Iterative Approach:
    Adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event involves breaking the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration focuses on a specific aspect of the event setup, allowing for regular evaluation and adjustments based on feedback and progress.


    • Incremental Progress: Allows for steady progress and early detection of issues.
    • Continuous Improvement: Each iteration provides opportunities to refine and enhance the project.
    • Client Satisfaction: Regular feedback loops ensure the client’s needs and expectations are consistently met.


    • Time Management: Requires careful scheduling to ensure iterations are completed within the overall project timeline.
    • Resource Allocation: Efficiently managing resources to support multiple iterations can be complex.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:
    An agile approach emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer-centricity. It involves regular iterations, continuous feedback, and adaptive planning.


    • Enhanced Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and active participation from all stakeholders.
    • Quick Adaptation: Enables quick responses to changes and new information.
    • Customer Focus: Keeps the client’s needs and feedback at the forefront of the project.


    • Scope Management: Potential for scope creep if changes are not carefully managed.
    • Team Coordination: Requires a high level of coordination and communication among team members.

    Advice to MTD:

    1. Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices:
    • Implement iterative cycles for key aspects of event setup, allowing for regular evaluation and adjustments.
    • Foster an agile mindset within the team, focusing on collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction.
    2. Enhance Communication:
    • Establish clear communication channels and regular check-ins to ensure everyone is aligned and informed.
    3. Manage Scope and Resources:
    • Clearly define project goals and boundaries to prevent scope creep.
    • Efficiently allocate resources to support iterative cycles and ensure timely completion of each phase.
    4. Focus on Continuous Improvement:
    • Use each iteration as an opportunity to learn, improve, and refine the project approach.
    • Encourage feedback from team members and stakeholders to drive continuous enhancement.

    By adopting these practices, MTD can better manage the complexities of event projects, deliver high-quality results, and ensure client satisfaction.

  150. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project involves breaking down the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration focuses on delivering a specific set of features or components, with the flexibility to adjust and refine based on feedback received throughout the process.

    Implications of an iterative approach:

    1. Flexibility: Allows for flexibility in adapting to changing requirements or stakeholder feedback throughout the project lifecycle.
    2. Early Feedback: Enables early validation of concepts or ideas, reducing the risk of investing time and resources into aspects that may not meet stakeholder expectations.
    3. Continuous Improvement: Facilitates continuous improvement by incorporating lessons learned from each iteration into subsequent ones, leading to better outcomes over time.
    4. Risk Mitigation: Helps mitigate project risks by addressing issues early on and minimizing the impact of potential failures.

    An Agile approach builds on the iterative framework, emphasizing collaboration, customer feedback, and incremental delivery. It involves principles such as adaptive planning, evolutionary development, and iterative delivery.

    Implications of an Agile approach:

    1. Customer-Centricity: Prioritizes customer needs and feedback, ensuring the delivered product or service aligns closely with their expectations.
    2. Collaborative Environment: Encourages collaboration among cross-functional teams, fostering innovation and collective problem-solving.
    3. Adaptability: Embraces change as a natural part of the process, allowing for adjustments to be made quickly in response to evolving requirements or market conditions.
    4. Transparency: Promotes transparency through regular communication and visibility into project progress, enabling stakeholders to provide timely input and make informed decisions.

    If asked to advise the company, my recommendation would be to adopt an Agile approach to setting up the event project. This would involve:

    1. Forming Cross-Functional Teams: Assembling teams with diverse skill sets to facilitate collaboration and innovation throughout the project.
    2. Emphasizing Customer Feedback: Prioritizing customer needs and preferences, incorporating feedback into the iterative development process to ensure the event meets their expectations.
    3. Iterative Planning and Delivery: Breaking down the project into smaller iterations or sprints, focusing on delivering value incrementally while remaining adaptable to changes.
    4. Continuous Improvement: Establishing mechanisms for continuous feedback and reflection, allowing the team to learn from each iteration and improve future iterations accordingly.
    5. Clear Communication: Ensuring open and transparent communication among team members and stakeholders, fostering a shared understanding of project goals, progress, and priorities.

    By embracing an Agile approach, the company can enhance its ability to deliver successful events that meet the evolving needs of its audience while remaining responsive to market dynamics and changing circumstances.

  151. the linear approach and the iterative approach are two processes that a project manager must always bear in mind, whether the environment is stable and predictable or unstable and unpredictable.
    In the case of MTD, it is possible to restructure the project in smaller steps to be efficient and achieve the initial results.
    With a small staff and an iterative approach, they will be able to focus on the (importance/urgency) pairing by continually adapting to the environment, not forgetting communication between team members.

  152. MTD faces challenges like last-minute changes, unexpected issues, and tight deadlines. By embracing an iterative approach, MTD can break down event setup into smaller, manageable chunks, allowing for flexibility and quick response to changes. This approach would help MTD navigate uncertainties and deliver successful events.

    *Implications of taking an iterative approach:*

    An iterative approach would allow MTD to:

    – Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable parts
    – Focus on high-priority tasks first
    – Adapt quickly to changes and unexpected issues
    – Continuously improve and refine event setup processes
    – Reduce stress and workload peaks
    – Enhance team collaboration and communication

    *Implications of an agile approach:*

    An agile approach would enable MTD to:

    – Respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities
    – Deliver small, incremental pieces of the event setup quickly
    – Emphasize teamwork, collaboration, and continuous improvement
    – Encourage experimentation, learning, and adaptation
    – Reduce bureaucracy and increase efficiency
    – Improve overall event quality and customer satisfaction

    *Advice to MTD:*

    If I were asked to advise MTD, I would suggest:

    1. Embrace an iterative and agile approach to event setup, focusing on flexibility and adaptability.
    2. Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, prioritizing high-impact tasks first.
    3. Foster a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and experimentation.
    4. Encourage open communication, active listening, and transparent decision-making.
    5. Leverage technology and tools to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and reduce stress.
    6. Prioritize team well-being, recognizing the importance of work-life balance and mental health.
    7. Continuously monitor and evaluate event setup processes, identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes as needed.

    By adopting these strategies, MTD can overcome challenges, improve event quality, and enhance customer satisfaction, ultimately becoming a more resilient, adaptable, and successful events company.

  153. As a project manager working with MTD,I now understand that combination of linear and iterative approaches in managing same and different projects is possible.
    The linear approach helps in preparing/planning ahead for the project.This can begin with a
    linear approach while the lifecycle is adapted to incorporate the iterative approach.
    There is need to have a concept, define the requirements of the project and then deployment stage.
    From this point, the iterative approach can be introduced especially when the project scope is becoming unnecessarily unstable and environment or strategy uncertain.
    Also, with the iterative approach several smaller projects (sprints) can be achieved within a short period.

    Below are the implications of iteration approach of project management
    1.It makes PM to be more flexible and open to more possibilities in achieving the projects
    2. Productivity of the project is enhanced
    3. Frequent stakeholders engagement is achieved
    4. Better output is achieved in the projects
    5. It provide opportunity for PM to understand user requirements

    The implications of an agile approach are itemised below :

    Agile approach allow the team respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations, or
    The approach enhances more productive as the numbers of task per time is reduced
    The team using this approach could re-prioritise and change direction quickly.
    With agile approach, continuous and dynamic planning can be utilize in an uncertain conditions

    Adeniyi Familua
    Cohort 15,team 1

  154. As a PM collaborating with MTD, I’ll be open to finding bespoke approaches by combining the best features of the linear and iterative approaches as they suit the execution of the current project. However, I’ll personally favour the iterative approach, utilising the short bursts of energy as well as it’s flexible approach to dealing with complex situations should they arise.

  155. What I learnt as a project manager is to apply different approaches to difference situations.
    It also helps us to identify or detect any risk and managing early.

  156. As a project manager working with MTD, I’ve learned how to apply different approaches to difference situations when carrying out products of different nature. This is because of the obvious fact that at some point in the planning, there is need to switch from one approach to the other because of the nature of the work so it can go on simultaneously. So, while the used water is undergoing purification for a reuse(Project 1) another batch of clean water is being transported to homes, offices and everyone and therefore (Project 2), there will not be water scarcity and the projects will be a win-win situation at the end.

  157. As a project manager at MTD, the type of project will dictate the project approach to be used. However, combining iterative and linear approaches offers significant advantages, leading to better, faster, and more successful project outcomes.

    I will recommend starting with a linear approach which helps in gathering tangible information necessary for planning and gaining a thorough understanding of the project goals. This approach involves understanding the concept, defining the project, and implementing initial plans. Once a solid foundation is established, an iterative approach can then be applied.

    The benefits of integrating both iterative and linear methods include testing ideas and understanding user requirements, accelerating the delivery of project outputs, enhancing stakeholder engagement, increasing visibility and transparency, implementing changes at an early stage thereby reducing the cost and providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders.

  158. As a project manager I’ve learned how to apply different approaches to difference situations. However adopting the iterative approach can be beneficial because of its flexibility.
    It also helps us to identify or detect any risk and managing early.

  159. As a project manager working with MTD, the events company, I have learned several valuable lessons this week that could help address the challenges and issues we face in our projects.

    Key Learnings:
    Flexibility and Adaptability: Emphasizing the importance of flexibility in project management to quickly respond to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges.
    Client Feedback Integration: The significance of continuously incorporating client feedback to ensure the final deliverable meets their expectations.
    Effective Communication: The need for clear and consistent communication within the team and with stakeholders to avoid misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page.
    Implications of an Iterative Approach:
    Adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event involves breaking the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration focuses on a specific aspect of the event setup, allowing for regular evaluation and adjustments based on feedback and progress.


    Incremental Progress: Allows for steady progress and early detection of issues.
    Continuous Improvement: Each iteration provides opportunities to refine and enhance the project.
    Client Satisfaction: Regular feedback loops ensure the client’s needs and expectations are consistently met.

    Time Management: Requires careful scheduling to ensure iterations are completed within the overall project timeline.
    Resource Allocation: Efficiently managing resources to support multiple iterations can be complex.
    Implications of an Agile Approach:
    An agile approach emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer-centricity. It involves regular iterations, continuous feedback, and adaptive planning.


    Enhanced Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and active participation from all stakeholders.
    Quick Adaptation: Ability to quickly respond to changes and new information.
    Customer Focus: Keeps the client’s needs and feedback at the forefront of the project.

    Scope Management: Potential for scope creep if changes are not carefully managed.
    Team Coordination: Requires a high level of coordination and communication among team members.
    Advice to MTD:
    1. Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices:

    Implement iterative cycles for key aspects of event setup, allowing for regular evaluation and adjustments.
    Foster an agile mindset within the team, focusing on collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction.
    2. Enhance Communication:

    Establish clear communication channels and regular check-ins to ensure everyone is aligned and informed.
    3. Manage Scope and Resources:

    Clearly define project goals and boundaries to prevent scope creep.
    Efficiently allocate resources to support iterative cycles and ensure timely completion of each phase.
    4. Focus on Continuous Improvement:

    Use each iteration as an opportunity to learn, improve, and refine the project approach.
    Encourage feedback from team members and stakeholders to drive continuous enhancement.
    By adopting these practices, MTD can better manage the complexities of event projects, deliver high-quality results, and ensure client satisfaction.

  160. As a project manager working with MTD, the events company, I’ve learned that taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project could help address some of the challenges and issues being faced. An iterative approach which involves breaking down the project into smaller, easy to manage chunks, and repeating the process of planning, execution, and review in a cyclical manner.

    This will be the implications of using an iterative approach:

    1. Improved flexibility: which a
    llows for easier adaptation to changes and unexpected issues.
    2. Enhanced risk management: This helps in identifying and mitigates risks earlier in the process.
    3. Better stakeholder engagement: Will help in encouraging continuous feedback and involvement from users.
    4. Increased efficiency:This will help to reduce waste and optimizes resources available
    5. Higher quality outcomes: This will ensure thorough planning and execution.

    Implications of an agile approach:

    1. Faster time-to-market
    2. Increased collaboration: (Fostering cross-functional teams and open communication).
    3. Emphasis on value delivery: This prioritizes delivering value to our customers and stakeholders.
    4. Continuous improvement: Encourages learning and adaptation to changes
    5. Adaptability to change: In the event of change and uncertainty.

    Advice to MTD:

    1. Adopt an iterative and agile approach to project management.
    2. Break down events into smaller, manageable chunks (e.g., venue selection, marketing, logistics).
    3. Establish a cross-functional team with clear roles to carry out and their responsibilities.
    4. Make topmost continuous stakeholder engagement and feedback.
    5. Emphasize more on value delivery and continuous improvement.
    6. Be flexible and adapt to changes and unexpected issues.
    7. Monitor progress and adjust the approach as it progresses.

    By adopting an iterative and agile approach, MTD will better navigate through the complexities and uncertainties of event planning, improve their responsiveness to changing requirements, and deliver higher-quality events that meet their clients’ needs.

  161. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will advise the company to deploy a hybrid project approach because of it’s advantages, having observed the nature of their project.

    Kennedy Anyanwu
    Cohort 15

  162. As a project manager in MTD, the type of project determines the project approach to be used. however, a combination of iterative and linear approaches will be more advantageous.

  163. During this training, I learned that the best project methodology to be adopted for a project should depend on the project type. This will help the Project manager craft a bespoke approach, techniques, and methods for handling the project. This is exactly what I will advise MTD to do, use the hybrid method while combining the strength of both the waterfall and agile method of project management.

    Mary Ayo

  164. By project agility, the iterative method is what organizations and projects managers should adopt, so, as to sectionalize, and manage each stage of the project, getting feedbacks and minimize risk.

    1. As a project manager, I have learned to apply different approaches to different issues depending on what the case may be.
      However, adopting the iterative approach to projects can be beneficial because of its flexibility.

  165. While Iterative approach such as the Agile Methodology would be faster in terms of delivering the Minimum Viable Product to customer; however, in reality the type of project to be embarked upon determines what approach is to be adopted.

    In the case of MTD, a hybrid route could be taken where we start off with the Linear/Waterfall method to properly define and conceptualize the project to put it into proper contest to give it a head start; and then conclude with the Iterative approach to ensure real time testing and feedback to improve the product outcomes.

  166. Drawing from my understanding of project agility, MTD, an events company, stands to gain by embracing an iterative methodology for managing event projects. By segmenting these projects into manageable stages, it enables ongoing feedback loops and adaptations, thereby mitigating risks and enhancing results. Furthermore, integrating agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban would bolster teamwork, flexibility, and responsiveness to evolving circumstances within MTD’s teams. Encouraging MTD to establish interdisciplinary teams, emphasize iterative planning, uphold consistent communication channels, cultivate adaptability, and empower teams can notably elevate their project management prowess and deliver outstanding event experiences.

  167. As an upcoming project manager, the insights gained are how linear, iterative and agile approach can be combined to produce a successful execution of project.

    Consequence of iterative approach is that it gives time ultimatum for the project to be executed which is mainly between 2-4 weeks of testing the ideas and all boxes of the project are to be checked and done accordingly by getting a feedback from users or businesses if the project is fit to be finally executed.

    Implications of adopting agile approach are;
    1. It gives feedback
    2. It works well while building websites
    3. It has risks meditation
    4. It is cheaper
    5. It builds right solution

    My recommendation as a project manager of MTD is that combination of linear and iterative approach is best for the company.

  168. As a project manager in MTD, the type of project determines the project approach to used. however, combination of iterative and linear approach will be more advantageous, it produces better and faster and successful project. Starting the project with linear approach will help me to get the tangible information for me to plan and also get better understanding about the project goals (understanding the concept, having a defined description of the project, and also implementing). Then I can now have apply iterative approach. The advantages of both iterative and linear includes: testing ideas and learning about user requirements, accelerating delivery of project outputs, improving the stakeholders engagement, increasing visibility and transparency, providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders

  169. From the insights that I have gotten this week, I would recommend, that the MTD project use the hybrid approach
    which is a combination of llinear and iterative approaches. Using both will help MTD to
    1. Test ideas and learn about users’ requirements
    2. There will be accelerated delivery of project output.
    3. Improves stakeholder engagement.
    4. Increases visibility and transparency
    5. Give assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    6. There will be Increased accountability.

    The consequences of using the iterative method are

    1. Risk mitigation, the approach identifies risk and tackles it as quickly as possible
    2. There’stransparency
    3. Frequent team interaction
    4. Prompt decision-making and implementation

  170. Umeanolue Lilian
    Team 6

    Based on what I learnt on MTD project management, a combination of linear and iterative approach wouldn’t be a bad inculcation. The linear approach is necessary as it helps to prepare in advance for the project. The project may begin with a linear approach while the lifecycle is adapted to incorporate the iterative approach. This is achieved by, having an idea of what is expected, defining the requirements of the project and then deployment. From this point, the iterative approach can be introduced because
    1. The rise in productivity is assured
    2. It allows stakeholders engagement freely and frequently
    3. It will help the PM understand what the user requirement are.
    4. It allows for users and stakeholders’ feedback.
    5. It ensures the output is of improved quality due to constant collaboration and reviews .

  171. Based on what we’ve learned about project agility, MTD, an events company, could benefit from adopting an iterative approach to event projects. Breaking down these projects into manageable phases allows for continuous feedback and adjustments, reducing risks and improving outcomes. Additionally, embracing agile practices like Scrum or Kanban would enhance collaboration, adaptability, and responsiveness to change within MTD’s teams. Advising MTD to form cross-functional teams, prioritize iterative planning, maintain continuous communication, foster flexibility, and empower teams can significantly improve their project management capabilities and deliver exceptional event experiences.

  172. As a project manager working with MTD, a combination of linear and iterative approach wouldn’t be a bad inculcation. The linear approach is necessary as it helps to prepare in advance for the project. The project may begin with a linear approach while the lifecycle is adapted to incorporate the iterative approach. This is achieved by, having an idea of what is expected, defining the requirements of the project and then deployment. From this point, the iterative approach can be introduced because
    1. The rise in productivity is assured
    2. It allows stakeholders engagement freely and frequently
    3. It will help the PM understand what the user requirement are.

  173. Based on the insight I got from what I have learnt so far and applying it to the MTD, I will suggest that MTD should first of all use both Iterative and Linear methods for there management style. And also they should try and improve on there stakeholder feedback to enable them Identify the gaps and lapses they have.
    The consequences of using Iterative methods are:
    1. Flexibility of the process.
    2. Improved risk management.
    3. It gives room for improved collaboration among team members.
    4. It allows for users and stakeholders’ feedback.
    5. It ensures the output is of improved quality due to constant collaboration and reviews .

    The implications of using Agile approach are,
    1. *Increased adaptability*: Embracing change and responding quickly to new requirements and priorities.

    2. *Improved collaboration*: Cross-functional teams working closely together, fostering open communication and shared ownership.

    3. *Enhanced customer satisfaction*: Delivering value early and often, with a focus on meeting customer needs and expectations.

    4. *Faster time-to-market*: Releasing products or services quickly, allowing for earlier feedback and competitive advantage.

    5. *Greater employee engagement*: Empowering teams to make decisions, take ownership, and continuously improve processes.

  174. Name: Malik Ajoke
    A.This week I have learnt that adopting and combining an iterative and agile approach will help a project manager achieve a successful and stress-free project planning experience.
    B. Implications of an iterative approach:
    – iterative approach is Flexible in responding to changes or unexpected issues.
    – iterative approach gives room for continuous learning and improvement
    C. Implications of an agile approach:
    -Agile approach has Strong focus on teamwork and collaboration
    -Agile approach lay Emphasis on delivering small, functional components quickly.
    D. Advice to the company is to combine both agile and iterative for a better result by embracing iterative approach to the event planning which allows flexibility and adaptability at the same time deploy agile (Scrum) to enhance team collaboration and rapid response to change.

  175. It’s critical to carefully analyse the option between linear, iterative, and hybrid project management methodologies based on the particular environmental conditions and project needs, especially in light of the challenges MTD faces as an event organising firm. As a project manager, I recommend that the project be carried out using a linear and iterative strategy. This promotes flexibility and versatility. For example, the project manager can quickly switch to an iterative strategy if the linear technique seems time-consuming and isn’t producing the expected results. This will expedite the project.

  176. I will suggest the use of both project approaches because if the Linear approach is not giving the required result the project manager will immediately adopt the iterative approach, that way it will save the project from crashing.

  177. In Project Management, different approacheds have their own benefits/consequences. In this case for MTD incorporating the iterative approach will have the following consequeces:
    1. Flexibility: Iterative methods allow for flexibility, especially in instances where requirements would need to be changed. This also gives them time to adjust and refine as they go.
    2. Stakeholder Engagement: Iterative methods involve stakeholders throughout the process (iterations) allowing regular feedback which leads to greater and more collaboration.
    3. Transparency: This approach emphasizes transparency with frequent demonstrations of progress to the stakeholders.
    4. Risk Reduction: By breaking down the project into smaller and manageable chunks, teams can identify and address risks earlier in the project.

  178. Implications of iterative approach in a project
    1. Flexibility of the process.
    2. Improved risk management.
    3. It gives room for improved collaboration among team members.
    4. It allows for users and stakeholders’ feedback.
    5. It ensures the output is of improved quality due to constant collaboration and reviews .

    As a project manager working with MTD, I would suggest a combination of linear and iterative approach. The linear approach is crucial as it helps us to prepare in advance for the project. The project may begin with a linear approach while the lifecycle is adapted to incorporate the iterative approach. This is done by having an idea, defining the requirements of the project and then deployment. After deployment, the iterative approach can be introduced.
    I believe this method would be beneficial as it:
    1. Increases productivity.
    2. Improve stakeholders engagement.
    3. Helps to test ideas and learn about users requirement.
    4. Accelerates delivery of project output.
    5. Provides assurance for sponsors and stakeholders.

  179. Being a progect manager I suggest that the Linear and iterative approach be applied in executing the project. This is beneficial for flexibility. i.e, if the linear approach is appearing like it’s time consuming and it not fulfilling the desired outcome, the project manager can easily switch to iterative approach which will speed up the project

  180. Given the obstacles faced by MTD as an event organizing company, it’s crucial to carefully consider the choice between linear, iterative, and hybrid project management approaches based on the specific environmental conditions and project requirements. Each approach carries its own set of advantages and implications, necessitating a thorough assessment to ensure successful project delivery.

    Employing a linear approach for event organization can provide clarity, predictability, and progress tracking. However, it may be less adaptable to change and innovation compared to more iterative or agile approaches. Linear project structures are best suited for stable environments with well-defined requirements and minimal uncertainties.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach could be beneficial for MTD, fostering collaboration, adaptability, and customer-centricity, which are vital in navigating the complexity and ambiguity inherent in many event organizing scenarios. Agile methodologies excel in dynamic and uncertain environments, empowering teams to effectively respond to changes and deliver incremental value.

    In my opinion, I would recommend considering a hybrid or mixed approach that integrates elements of linear and iterative methods. The project management profession now acknowledges the value of leveraging both linear and iterative techniques, offering a range of methods and practices to address the diverse challenges and complexities of projects.

    A hybrid approach would enable MTD to harness the strengths of both linear and iterative methodologies. The linear components could provide structure and predictability for well-defined aspects of event organization, while the iterative elements would facilitate flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement in areas characterized by higher uncertainty or ambiguity.

    Ultimately, the choice should be driven by a comprehensive evaluation of the project’s specific needs, environmental conditions, and the organization’s capabilities and preferences. By embracing a flexible and tailored approach, MTD can effectively navigate the challenges of event organization and deliver successful projects that meet stakeholder expectations.

  181. Considering the difficulties that MTD encounters, I suggest that the Linear and iterative approach be applied in executing the project. This is beneficial for flexibility. i.e, if the linear approach is appearing like it’s time consuming and it not fulfilling the desired outcome, the project manager can easily switch to iterative approach which will speed up the project

  182. Considering the difficulties that MTD encounters, I suggest that the Linear and iterative approach be applied in executing the project. This is beneficial for flexibility. i.e, if the linear approach is appearing like it’s time consuming and it not fulfilling the desired outcome, the project manager can easily switch to iterative approach which will speed up the project
    As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will recommend the linear and iterative approaches becaus of efficiency based on the involvement of ‘sprint’ and agile methods

  183. With MTD being a construction company its processes would naturally be drawn to the linear project lifecycle. With the indication numerous challenges, there is need to run a combine approach both iterative and linear. Before this is carried out, phases of the project should be categorized into level of priority as regards the customers, users and sponsors, and also on the basis of stability and instability to understand sections of the project that can accept both the linear and iterative approach. That way the Pm can attempt to avoid a scope creep or failure of the project.

  184. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will recommend the linear and iterative approaches becaus of efficiency based on the involvement of ‘sprint’ and agile methods that are being used to check and amend areas where VUCA occur.
    COHORT 15
    TEAM 3.

  185. Osuji Mirian
    May 10,2024@3:29 pm

    As PM I will suggest the use of linear and iterative approach to be used by MTD, because it provide accurate and enhance quick delivery of the project carried out by the team

  186. Considering the difficulties and problems the MTD encounter in projects, I suggest the combination of linear and iterative approach be adopted in their project, and ensures both approaches are appropriately utilized.
    In an event where the business strategy and scope are likely to change and feedback or ideas are needed; iterative approach is best suitable for such event as project. Also, where the environment for the event are stable I advice linear approach be adopted.
    My recommendation to the company is before adopting the iterative approach the business environment should be analyzed/studied for stability and instability. If unstable, I recommend Iterative or agile approach and there will be no implications or consequences.

  187. Considering the difficulties and problems the MTD encounter in projects, I suggest the combination of linear and iterative approach be adopted in their project, and ensures both approaches are appropriately utilized.
    In an event where the business strategy and scope are likely to change and feedback or ideas are needed; iterative approach is best suitable for such event as project. Also, where the environment for the event are stable I advice linear approach be adopted.
    My recommendation to the company is before adopting the iterative approach the business environment should be analyzed/studied for stability and instability. If unstable, I recommend Iterative or agile approach and there will be no implications or consequences.

  188. Considering some of the challenges MTD has encountered as an event organising company, project environmental conditions vary from stable to unstable environments hence the options of linear, iterative and hybrid are all valid options to be considered to deliver successful projects.

    If a linear approach was employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences?
    Linear project structures offer clarity, predictability, progress tracking, less adaptable to change and innovation compared to more iterative or agile approaches. It’s essential to carefully consider the specific needs and characteristics of each project when selecting the most appropriate project structure.

    Similarly, what are the implications of adopting an agile approach?
    By embracing agile methodologies, MTD can better navigate complexity and ambiguity in operating environments which typifies many of its working situation. Agile fosters collaboration, adaptability, and customer-centricity to achieve goals in dynamic and uncertain environments.

    If the company sought your advice, what would you recommend?
    There has been a tendency in the project profession to regard linear and iterative project methods and lifecycles as incompatible – or even irreconcilably opposed. But this is changing in the project management world: the profession now recognises the value of both linear and iterative methods, and the spectrum of techniques and practices that they offer to deliver successful projects in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments.
    The project profession now recognises that linear, iterative and mixed or hybrid approaches present a spectrum of methods and practices, and an extensive toolkit for project managers to use when facing the myriad challenges of projects in a complex world. All are viable options depending on project need and circumstances.

  189. As a PM, this would be my suggestion to MTD. Yes, Linear and Iterative approach would bring solutions that will enhance quick delivery of the project but team members would have to be trained so that they can fit into the work flow system, since the iterative method will create synergy and bring speed and it is repeatable.

  190. Considering the difficulties that MTD encounters, I suggest that the Linear and iterative approach be applied in executing the project. This is beneficial for flexibility. i.e, if the linear approach is appearing like it’s time consuming and it not fulfilling the desired outcome, the project manager can easily switch to iterative approach which will speed up the project and at the end becomes satisfactory to the end users.

    Iterative approach has its benefits and likewise it’s challenges.
    This is a very fast approach where it’s focus on completion of projects.
    It also has the interest of the end users as project can be completed at their pace.
    This approach also depends on feedback from users and manges time perfectly.
    Its implications includes: depending on feedback from users and not getting adequate time to carry out necessary processes online the linear approach.

    Agile approach nullifies the difficulty of the VUCA i.e the vitality, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity that managers face while executing a project because the software was designed to cater for challenges in relating to that.

    I will advice MTD to go for Agile.

  191. As a project manager in MTD i will surely apply linear and iterative approach. The linear approach follows stage by stage and must be completed before another i feel this approach can be easily understood and in the area of iterative project, they aid in feedback and building the right solution and in this approach it works in the area of protocol, minimum viable products and agile is introduce. There are benefits which come under agile, they include: transparency, speed, scrumb framework, planning meetings etc.

  192. As a project manager in MTD i will apply linear and iterative approach. The linear approach follows stage by stage and must be completed before another i feel this approach can be easily understood and in the area of iterative project, they help in feed back and building the right solution and in this approach it works in the area of protocol, minimum viable products and agile is introduce. There are benefits which ckme under agile, they include: transparency, speed, scrumb framework, planning meetings etc.

  193. The implication of an iterative approach is that projects are conceived as experiments, executed in bits and pieces, with speed and accuracy, and by competent hands, and are programmed for completion and user satisfaction. Therefore the attendant consequences are that team members must be skillful, open to risks and learn new things, fast, committed and tactful.

    I have learnt that we live in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and an ambiguous (VUCA) world, therefore, my advise to MTD would be to:

    Break down large projects into mini projects that are deployable in 2-4 weeks and are worked on by a team of competent workers
    Review progress made and challenges faced every 2-4 weeks with team members and communicate same to stakeholders
    Design projects that are amenable to linear and iterative approaches

  194. As an MTD project manager, I will recommend the linear and iterative approach for some reasons which include there effectiveness in:

    1) Time management: In event management and life in general, time management is key to the success of anything. the linear approach guarantees effective time management. It ensures that tasks are delivered as at when due. Also dependencies between tasks are identified and addressed at the appropriate time.

    2) Customer’s satisfaction: It provides management with the ability to get feedbacks from clients during the sprints .

  195. As a project manager working with MTD, I will suggest a combination of both the iterative and the agile method in planning. This is because of the obvious fact that at some point in the planning, there is need for a one after the other approach while at some point, some aspects of the work can go on concurrently. So, while the used water is undergoing purification for a reuse, another batch of clean water is being transported to homes, offices and everyone and therefore, there will not be water scarcity.

  196. As the project manager in MTD I will use both linear and iterative approach so that there will be an increased accountability, visibility, transparency and improved stakeholders engagement.

    Applying this both method will help me provide assurance to sponsors and stalk holders.

    implications of adopting an agile approach helps to get feedback each time to make sure we are organizing the right solution to the right people and haven’t gone off from the right direction. Risk can be easily identified in agile and actions can be taken as early as possible which makes it cheaper and less risky.

  197. As a PM there is need to be proactive in responding to any challenges. Every project and the environment has its own volatilities and uncertainties. As a result of this there is need to collaborate with other professionals PM as we learn from each other in addressing the current challenge
    Working as a PM in MTD I would consider combining linear and iteratative approach considering the advantages which include
    * Testing ideas and learning about user’s requirements.
    * Accelerating delivery of project outputs
    * Better in stakeholders engagement
    * Increases accountability.

  198. As a project manager with MTD I will apply the linear and iterative approach because of.
    1) Time management: As an event company,time is key the linear approach will make planning and deployment to un smoothly.
    For the iterative approach
    2) Customer’s satisfaction: I will be able to get feedbacks from the sponsors during the sprints .
    The consequences of using agile is that mistakes that cannot be reversed might be made.

  199. As an MTD project manager, I will recommend the two approaches, as the planning in sprints can help with efficiency and proper delivery of project goals

  200. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I would recommend both linear and iterative approach to MTD (an events company) for the following reasons:

    1. Client Satisfaction: With a well-organized and methodical approach, events are sure to be executed seamlessly, meeting client expectations. This enhances client satisfaction and can lead to repeat business and positive referrals.

    2. Structured Workflow: a linear approach provides a clear and structured workflow, allowing teams to follow a step-by-step process from initial planning to execution and evaluation. This reduces confusion and ensures tasks are completed in a logical order.

    3. Efficient Resource Allocation: By outlining tasks chronologically, it helps in allocating resources such as time, budget, and manpower more efficiently. This minimizes wastage and improves overall productivity.

    4. Timeline Management: A linear approach aids in creating and managing timelines effectively. It ensures deadlines are met, milestones are achieved, and dependencies between tasks are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

    5. A linear approach helps in identifying potential risks early in the planning stage, allowing teams to develop contingency plans and mitigate risks before they escalate and impact the event.

    6. Clear task sequencing enhances communication among team members, stakeholders, and vendors. Everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, leading to smoother collaboration and fewer misunderstandings.

    7. Following a linear approach promotes thoroughness and attention to detail at each stage of event planning. This leads to higher quality outcomes and enhances the overall success of the event.

    By leveraging a linear approach, events companies can streamline their operations, deliver high-quality events, and maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

  201. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will recommend the linear and iterative approaches because of efficiency based on the involvement of ‘sprint’ and agile methods that are being used to check and amend areas where VUCA occur.
    Chukwudi Kingsley Ononiwu
    COHORT 15
    TEAM 3.

  202. For MTD when event planning, I’d recommend the company to adopt both iterative and agile methodologies. They can begin with defining their objectives and group the event into smaller manageable tasks. Asking for feedback, at the end of each cycle, and the team make all necessary adjustments real time as things change.
    With this approach MTD to be ready for changes as they occurs and can learn as they go to improve the experience for all stakeholders involved. This process needs everyone activly participating and dapting to new information and changes.

  203. As a project manager, taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project has several implications, which are:

    1. An iterative approach allows for gradual progress as iteration focuses on specific aspects of the event, such as planning, logistics, marketing, and execution, thereby reducing the risk of missing critical details.

    2. Iterations give room for opportunities for feedback from stakeholders, team members, and participants. This feedback helps identify areas for improvement and ensures alignment with the event’s goals.

    3. The approach also allows adjustments based on changing circumstances. If unexpected challenges arise, the team can adapt and modify their plans in the next iteration.

    4. It gives room to proper risk management due to the breakdown of events into smaller phases, as risks are easier to identify and manage. Teams can address issues early.

    *Agile approach* implications for event set up as a project:

    1. Agile emphasizes flexibility adaptability and responsiveness to change. It helps the event organizers plan based on real-time feedback and evolving requirements.

    2. Agile promotes collaboration among cross-functional teams by involving various stakeholders such as marketing, logistics, and sponsors throughout the process.

    3. Agile uses sprint iterations to ensure regular progress. This helps the event teams to achieve milestones quickly and continuously refine their approach.

    4. Agile prioritizes customer needs. Event organizers can focus on delivering value to attendees, sponsors, and partners.

    Advice for the company

    Given the context, I will advise the company to engage with both the iterative and agile approaches in setting up events as a project. Start with a clear vision and break down the event into manageable phases. Gather feedback, learn from each iteration, and adapt as needed. Collaboration and flexibility are key. Remember that successful events are customer-centric and require continuous improvement

  204. As an MTD Project manager I will input the use of linear and interactive method for efficiency and to deliver an effective adequate results for the end users.

  205. As a project manager i will use both linear and iletare approach for efficiency and results delivery.
    Because what the company and client want is a work well done,

  206. As a project manager on the MTD water project, I will adopt the use of hybrid(combination of linear and iterative).
    The iterative will enable feedbacks to be gotten from stakeholders and provide transparent work flow

  207. As an MTD project manager, I would recommend the use of both linear and iterative methods for efficiency and to ensure project implementation and the need to meet up with the end users needs.

  208. As a project manager with MTD i will use both linear and iletare approach for efficiency and results delivery.

  209. As an MTD project manager, I’ll recommend the hybrid use of both linear and iterative techniques to ensure project implementation. This methods distinct in their way will allow me oversee the management of the a progressional cycle especially where the project scope is unlike to change, reliable information is available about the objectives and expected deliverables and stakeholders demand a predictable project process. However, for novel or complex projects where the scope is likely to change and users demand feedback/input to deliver project expectations, I’ll employ the iterative or agile method, ensuring deliverables and feedback are gotten bi-weekly in sprints to keep the project on track and deliver the overall goal of a completed work.

  210. As a project manager I will recommend the MTD to implying iterative and Agile approach because of complexity, ambiguity and need to meet up with the end users satisfaction.

  211. As a MTD project manager, I would recommend the use of both linear and iterative methods which will largely depends on my analysis about the project. In as much as iterative can speed up process, not all project requires it use such as construction. But here, using the linear approach will cause each activity to be done in step with proper follow up and delivery on slated timeline for the commencement of other stages while using iterative, all members involved in each stages can go ahead with their task ensuring delivery of project in time which allows for flexibility.

  212. The iterative method, while effective, can require additional management and can be time-consuming due to its cyclical nature. As a project manager, it is important for me to thoroughly research the type of event or project at hand to determine the best method to use. Factors such as project scope, timeline, and team size would be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to use an iterative approach. Ultimately, the goal is to select the approach that will result in the most efficient and successful outcome for the project.

  213. As a MTD project manager, I would recommend employing both linear and iterative methodologies. The linear approach provides a structured progression, requiring the completion of one phase before advancing to the next, which ensures systematic project development. Concurrently, the iterative method divides tasks into smaller, manageable segments, allowing for ongoing responses from stakeholders and end users. This dual strategy not only maintains continuous engagement with key stakeholders but also allows for flexible adjustments in response to evolving project requirements and answers.

  214. As a PM, I will advise the MTD company to work with agile approach because of an uncertainty and volatility.

  215. In order to be an effective and efficient PM one has to be very intelligent and proactive, that is, knowing when to apply the linear or the iterative approach. The PM amy likely commence the project using the linear approach, then agile could be introduced as event unfolds due to challenges. The team could spring to brainstorm and proffer solutions. Also, stakeholders who make not be actively involved in the project could be engaged to provide information they would serve as a feedback. Adopting agile helps to manage uncertainties, volatility, Ambiguity and complexities in any given project.

  216. As a PM I will advice MTD to take the iterative approach, this will enable us to test the ideas and get feedbacks, and if there’s need to make adjustments, it can be done easily

  217. As a project manager one need to always be ready to tackle any challenges because in a project there maybe volatilities and uncertainties. As a pm we thrives in chaos.
    Working as a pm in MTD I would consider combining linear and iteratative approach considering the advantages which include
    * Testing ideas and learning about user’s requirements.
    * Accelerating delivery of project outputs
    * Better in stakeholders engagement
    * Increases accountability.
    This would involve breaking down the project events.

  218. Implication of iterative method are: Flexibility, increamental progress, risk management, enhance stockholders collaboration

    Implications of an agile approach are:
    Continuous improvement, empowered team, transparency and customer satisfaction.

    If am the project manager of MTD I will recommend working with the iterative method as that will help manage risk and make the process a lot more faster, and changes can be done at intervals when the stakeholders or clients have issues with the deliverables of the project.

  219. So far, I learned that effective project management requires adaptability and a proactive approach to address challenges.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would involve breaking the project into smaller phases or iterations. Each iteration would include planning, execution, and evaluation. This approach allows for continuous improvement and adjustments based on feedback received.

    Implications of an iterative approach:
    1. Flexibility: It allows for changes and adjustments during the project to incorporate stakeholder feedback.
    2. Incremental progress: Each iteration builds upon the previous one, ensuring gradual development towards the final event.
    3. Risk management: Iterative approach enables early identification and mitigation of project risks.
    4. Enhanced stakeholder collaboration: Iterative feedback loops involve stakeholders in the decision-making process, increasing satisfaction and engagement.

    On the other hand, an agile approach aligns well with project management practices. Agile frameworks, such as Scrum or Kanban, are known for their iterative and incremental nature, emphasizing close collaboration and adaptability.

    Implications of an agile approach:
    1. Continuous improvement: Regularly reviewing and adapting processes leads to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.
    2. Empowered teams: Agile promotes self-organizing teams, improving communication and decision-making.
    3. Transparency: Frequent communication and transparency throughout the project enable better visibility and early issue detection.
    4. Customer satisfaction: Agile provides opportunities to involve customers in the project, ensuring alignment with their expectations.

    If I were to advise MTD, I would suggest considering an iterative approach combined with agile principles. This would involve breaking down the event project into manageable iterations, adopting an agile framework, promoting frequent collaboration with stakeholders, and embracing a continuous improvement mindset. Additionally, using project management tools and techniques to track progress and manage tasks efficiently would be beneficial.

  220. If I was to work with MTD as a project manager, I’d suggest using both linear and iterative methods. The linear approach ensures project growth by following certain steps. One phase has to be completed before moving on to the next, while the iterative method breaks tasks into smaller projects, gathering feedback from stakeholders and end users. This approach fosters continuous engagement with major stakeholders throughout the process and facilitates easy adaptation to changes

  221. This week, I learned that effective project management requires adaptability and a proactive approach to address challenges.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would involve breaking the project into smaller phases or iterations. Each iteration would include planning, execution, and evaluation. This approach allows for continuous improvement and adjustments based on feedback received.

    Implications of an iterative approach:
    1. Flexibility: It allows for changes and adjustments during the project to incorporate stakeholder feedback.
    2. Incremental progress: Each iteration builds upon the previous one, ensuring gradual development towards the final event.
    3. Risk management: Iterative approach enables early identification and mitigation of project risks.
    4. Enhanced stakeholder collaboration: Iterative feedback loops involve stakeholders in the decision-making process, increasing satisfaction and engagement.

    On the other hand, an agile approach aligns well with project management practices. Agile frameworks, such as Scrum or Kanban, are known for their iterative and incremental nature, emphasizing close collaboration and adaptability.

    Implications of an agile approach:
    1. Continuous improvement: Regularly reviewing and adapting processes leads to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.
    2. Empowered teams: Agile promotes self-organizing teams, improving communication and decision-making.
    3. Transparency: Frequent communication and transparency throughout the project enable better visibility and early issue detection.
    4. Customer satisfaction: Agile provides opportunities to involve customers in the project, ensuring alignment with their expectations.

    If I were to advise MTD, I would suggest considering an iterative approach combined with agile principles. This would involve breaking down the event project into manageable iterations, adopting an agile framework, promoting frequent collaboration with stakeholders, and embracing a continuous improvement mindset. Additionally, using project management tools and techniques to track progress and manage tasks efficiently would be beneficial.

  222. Projects are usually filled with volatility and uncertainty for most part,As a project manager one should always be chaos ready. As a project manager working with MTD I will recommend working with the iterative method as that will help with risk management and make the process a lot more faster, and changes can be done when the stakeholders or clients have issues with the deliverables of the project.
    Agile approach or model is basically the most commonly used iterative method, it basically will help make the project a lot more faster and every stakeholder happy with the end result as their feedback must have been received.
    I will recommend a hybrid approach and basically selecting tools and approach best suited for a project, as every project is different in one way or the other.

  223. This week, I’ve learned about the benefits of taking an iterative or agile approach to setting up events.
    First, an iterative approach means breaking down the event setup into smaller phases. This can help us identify issues early and make improvements along the way. It’s like building and refining step by step.
    I also learnt that it is possible to combine linear and iterative cycles to get the best out of a project. The advantages of combining both are:
    • Testing ideas and learning about user requirements
    • Accelerating delivery of project outputs
    • Improving stakeholder engagement
    • Increasing visibility and transparency
    • Providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    • Increasing accountability
    On the other hand, an agile approach involves flexibility and collaboration. We can adapt to changes quickly, prioritize tasks based on their importance, and involve clients and stakeholders throughout the process.
    For MTD, I’d suggest combining both approaches. Start with clear goals and timelines, then break down tasks into manageable chunks. Stay flexible to changes and keep communication open with clients and team members. This way, we can deliver successful events while staying adaptable and responsive to client needs.

  224. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, we excel amidst chaos and challenges. Hence, I propose integrating both linear and iterative methods. The linear approach ensures project progression step by step, with each phase completed before moving on to the next, while the iterative method breaks tasks into smaller projects, gathering feedback from stakeholders and end users. This approach fosters continuous engagement with major stakeholders throughout the process and facilitates easy adaptation to changes.

  225. As project manager, we are crises managers and we thrive in chaos. I will advise that iterative or hybrid method be deployed. Since the project involves uncertainties and volatility, iterative method will help alot in the area of feedback, flexibility, change and speed. Iterative method will help to correct errors before they get out of hand and also reduce risks. I will advise MTD to look in the direction of hybrid method so as to deliver projects with innovation

  226. It’s a normal thing to face challenges in work places as a whole and project managers are not exceptions. What makes a project manager different from others, are the approaches they decide to use to overcome this challenges. So far, I have learnt that the approaches used by project managers are the Linear approach and Iterative approach. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will make use of the Iterative approach, also known as Agile approach. This is because it helps in getting the feedback the team needs, to ensure they are actually working on the right project that will answer the needs of the stakeholders, and as we all know, feedbacks are very important in every project. Also, Iterative approach will help to focus on the most important part of the project, which will speed up the completion of the project at hand. Iterative approach also helps to discover best features to use for the project. The implications of adopting an Iterative approach are; improved risk management, improved collaboration, enhances customers’ satisfaction, and enhances stakeholders’ engagement.
    Although the combination of both approaches(linear and iterative approaches) will be very good for the project based on what we’ve been taught, I will still advice MTD to go with the Iterative approach.

  227. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, and encountering challenges as stipulated by VUCA approaches ; which are complexity, uncertainty, volatility and ambiguity, no matter which one of them is a challenge to the project. As a project manager, I with go with iterative method, if not the combined of both methods. But on the safe side, I stick with agile method. Here is, it’s enablement :
    . It enables the project to be liable to changes.
    . Enables you to work speedy and quickly
    . Here stakeholders are also included and involved too
    . And during each scrum, you create something of value.
    . Most importantly, it’s helps with feedback from the environment, which is needed to validate and make decisions.

    So, I advice the MTD to go for the agile methodology, because complete work is more important to sponsors and the organisation than the project plans and report.

  228. As a project manager collaborating with MTD
    I will Combine both Linear and Iterative method considering the advantages which include
    * Accountability and transparency
    * Assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    * Better in stakeholders engagement
    * Increased project output.

  229. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance? The insight have gained this is week is that as a project Manager one must be quick in his thinking and must be always ready to adapt to change and improvise as some project will not go as expected especially a project that is not predictable.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences? The major consequence for iterative approach for me is that the project could be end without been finished putting all managers effort to waste, another is that the risk is very high and the outcome is not predictable.

    The approach i will advice company depend on the condition of the events, if is predictable or unpredictable event,

  230. As a project manager, i’ll weigh the benefits and implications of different approaches.
    I’ll consider using a linear approach, if;
    The project’s scope probably won’t change. We can guess how long it will take and how much it will cost. We know what we want to achieve and what results to expect. Skilled people are ready to work on it. Everyone involved likes to plan and follow a clear process.
    But, if the surroundings, business plan, and project plan might change. We need feedback from users or customers to check business ideas and make decisions. It’s more vital to deliver quickly than to have a perfect product. The project team has to learn new skills to make something new or inventive. Finishing the work matters more to sponsors and the organization than having plans and reports. I’ll use an iterative approach
    Also, we might have to adopt an agile approach where we would prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change. This could result in faster adaptation to evolving requirements but might require a high level of communication and coordination among team members.
    In the end, which one we pick depends on what the event is like, how much we’re unsure about it, and how well the team knows each way. Adjusting the method to match the situation and what the team can do is really important for doing well.

  231. From the Volatility and uncertainty through the VUCA approaches. This approaches provides a smooth landing in the various projects and circumstances posed through them.

  232. Considering the challenges and issues faced as a project manager working with MTD events company, I will start with the linear approach where we prepare in advance by definition of the project and then deployment , then moved to iterative approach when the project become unpredictable.
    Implications of taking an iterative approach in setting up an event are: Flexibility event planning, improved risk management, enhanced stakeholders engagement, facilitate more effective resource allocation, enhanced team collaboration; encouraging cross functional teamwork and communication, enable the team to refine the event concept, content and experience leading to a higher quality event.
    Implications of an agile approach;Increased adaptability, Improved collaboration, Enhanced customer satisfaction, Reduces risk and uncertainty, Increased efficiency and productivity, Encourages continuous learning and improvement.
    If asked to advise the MTD events company, my advice would be: Foster a culture of collaboration,continuous improvement and adaptability,monitor progress and adjust course,leverage technology and tools, encourage team members to share knowledge, learn from failure and refine processes, encourage collaboration among team members with diverse skills set and expertise.

  233. As a project manager collaborating with MTD
    Combining Linear and Iterative Project have many advantages including
    * Increasing accountability
    * Increasing visibility and transparency
    * Providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    * Improving stakeholders engagement
    * Accelerating delivery of project output.
    Benefit of Agile Approach
    Agile help to discover best features to use on the website
    It gives daily information, transparency and speed in detailed specifications.
    Characteristics of Agile Approach
    Feedback from users and stakeholders
    Build right solutions to right people

  234. Linear Project Cycle
    It’s important that project have a controlled start, middle and end. The structured project lifecycle plays a significant part in making this happen. The lifecycle is a management tool that determines how resources are allocated and the activity of the project team.
    A typical linear Project lifecycle may look like this:
    The linear approach is an efficient way to deliver project in a stable environment when you;
    Have good information about the required outputs
    Can be sure you understand what users and stakeholders need and want
    Have expertise in the domain

    Iterative project do not begin with detailed specifications, project plans and schedule; they may start with just an idea, hypothesis or vision. A single iteration involves specifying, designing, coding and testing all at once.

  235. If I were a project manager using MTD, I would combine the two approaches because there are factors that are needed to execute an event, such as finance, which may not always be available due to fluctuating prices in the market. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and regularly review these plans to make sure that any given project is carried out effectively, quickly, and affordably, which will benefit all parties involved.


    An iterative approach typically takes longer, demands a high degree of commitment, and calls for fast strategy changes and job prioritization. Occasionally, it may be necessary to postpone certain project components in order to focus on those that are most crucial and will provide the greatest results.
    On large projects, the capacity to recognize and act upon changes promptly is essential and has the power to make or break the project.
    Depending on what’s most urgent at the moment, I would suggest combining several techniques to MTD.

  236. If I were a project manager with MTD, I would use a mixture of both approaches because factors required for executing an event eg finance could be insufficient as prices vary from time to time in a volatile economy and so it is necessary to plan as well as review such plans as often as possible to ensure that any given project is executed efficiently in the shortest possible time at the least possible cost, which will be a win-win situation for the project manager and the various stakeholders involved.

  237. It’s obvious project manager face quiet alot of challenges and I’ve learnt you can approach those challenges either in the linear or iterative method.
    However, iterative approach also known as agile will help team get feedback each time to make sure that the team are building the right solutions for the right people. Iterative approach will help to focus on what is the main priority and this would hasten the work of an organization. This approach definition have alot of implications positively when used in an organization, however if a member of an organization is not up to the task or lazy, this approach might not be helpful because the project won’t progress as it ought to.
    In otherwords, any method can be used to approach a project in an organizer. However, approaching a project in an iterative method gives speed delivery and at the end gives perfect project done which will definitely earn the support of sponsors and even their trust.

  238. An iterative approach usually takes more time and requires a high level of dedication and ability to change strategy quickly and prioritize tasks. Sometimes some aspects of the projects may have to be put on hold to attend to what’s most important and would bring the most yield.
    The ability to perceive and respond quickly to changes is critical on big projects and can make or mar the project.
    I would recommend a blend of different approaches to MTD depending on what’s most pressing at the particular time.

  239. As a project manager working with MTD events I recommend iterative approach because of its flexibility adaptability to new information also changing needs that arises during planning proces .

  240. I’ve learned about the challenges project managers face this week, and I plan to address them by using negotiation, collaboration, and communication skills to resolve any issues that arise. This means keeping stakeholders informed about meetings, gathering everyone’s input and ideas, and working together to determine the best way forward.

    One thing I’ve realized is that using an iterative approach can have implications. When focusing solely on delivering a project that’s already fully planned, there’s a risk of encountering unforeseen obstacles without a backup plan in place. This highlights the importance of having alternative strategies ready in case the initial plan doesn’t go as expected.

    On the other hand, the agile approach, which aims to improve how software projects are managed by exceeding cost and schedule expectations, doesn’t necessarily lead to project failure. However, considering the ambiguity and complexity involved in managing the MTD event, I believe starting with a linear approach makes sense. This involves thorough preparation and definition upfront, with the option to switch to an iterative approach if the project becomes unpredictable and feedback is needed to make informed decisions.

    The implications of choosing an iterative approach include potential changes in business strategy and project scope, the need for feedback to validate ideas and guide investment decisions, prioritizing speed of delivery over product completeness, and emphasizing completed work over project plans and reports. In conclusion, I recommend adopting a clear planning and execution pattern, such as the linear approach, to ensure successful project outcomes.

  241. As a project manager for MTD, Communication is key and also for Iterative process, it gives room for communication, this way the customer is being carried along on all steps to be taken and their positive response(feedback) will make one know what step to take. This way, one can pause at Sprint to take a look at how far the event is going.

  242. With what I have learnt this week about the challenges project managers face, I will deploy the method of negotiation, collaboration, and communication skills to help resolve any issue.
    By applying all the methods of informing stakeholders for meetings, getting everyone’s suggestions and opinions, and finalizing the way forward.

    Secondly, using an iterative approach can cause implications.
    Because, anything can happen in the process of focusing on delivery an already full-planned project without having a standby alternative, in case the plan in place doesn’t go well to the end of the project.

    Again, the agile approach has no implications because it aims at creating a better way of managing software projects that exceed their cost and schedules before the end of projects, thereby causing the projects to a failure.

    Lastly, my advice to the company is to always adopt a more clear pattern of planning and executing a project, like the linear approach.

  243. The Consequences using Iterative approach in an Event Project:

    Iterative process is a trial-and -error method. Because team members will create, test, and revise iterations until they get to a satisfying solution, the iterative timeline isn’t clearly defined.
    Even though, iterative model is extremely beneficial, there are few drawbacks and disadvantages attached to it, such as, each phase of an iteration is rigid with no overlaps. Also, system architecture or design issues may arise because not all requirements are gathered in the beginning of the entire life cycle.

    Agile Approach Implications:
    Agile method is base on flexibility transparency, quality, and continuous improvement and evolutionary nature. It lead to
    – Superior quality to final product
    – Customer satisfaction
    – Better control
    – Improved project predictability
    – Reduced risks
    – Continuous improvement

  244. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications, both positive and negative, However, it’s essential to carefully manage the process to ensure success. This includes effective communication, collaboration, and monitoring of progress throughout each iteration.

    – Flexibility: Iterative methods allow for flexibility and adaptability throughout the event planning process. You can adjust plans based on feedback, changing circumstances, or new requirements.
    – Continuous Improvement: Each iteration provides an opportunity to learn from previous stages and make improvements. This can lead to a more refined event plan and execution.
    – Early Feedback: By breaking the project into smaller iterations, you can gather feedback early on from stakeholders, team members, or even potential attendees. This can help identify issues or areas for improvement before they become significant problems.
    Risk Management: Iterative approaches can help manage risks by addressing potential issues early and continuously monitoring progress. This can reduce the likelihood of unexpected problems derailing the event.
    – Increased Collaboration: Iterative methods often involve regular collaboration and communication among team members. This can foster a sense of ownership and engagement, leading to a more cohesive and effective team.
    – Resource Management: Iterative approaches may require more frequent allocation of resources, both in terms of time and budget. It’s essential to manage resources effectively to ensure that each iteration is successful without overspending or burning out team members.
    – Time Management: While iterative approaches can lead to more efficient planning and execution in the long run, they may require more time upfront to iterate and refine plans. It’s crucial to balance the need for thoroughness with the need to meet deadlines.
    – Scope Creep: Without proper management, iterative approaches can lead to scope creep, where the project gradually expands beyond its original scope. It’s essential to set clear boundaries for each iteration and prioritize tasks to prevent scope creep.

    Implementing an agile approach to event planning can bring several implications and benefits:

    – Adaptability: Agile methodologies prioritize adaptability to changing circumstances, allowing for adjustments to plans and strategies as needed throughout the event planning process.
    – Customer Focus: Agile methods emphasize understanding and meeting customer needs, which can lead to a more customer-centric event experience and higher satisfaction among attendees.
    – Collaboration: Agile encourages collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and even customers, fostering a sense of ownership and teamwork that can lead to more innovative and successful events.
    – Continuous Improvement: Through iterative cycles of planning, execution, and review, agile methodologies promote continuous improvement, ensuring that each event is better than the last.
    – Risk Management: Agile approaches often involve identifying and addressing risks early in the process, minimizing the likelihood of unexpected issues derailing the event.
    – Efficiency: By breaking the event planning process into smaller, manageable tasks, agile methodologies can lead to more efficient use of time and resources.
    – Transparency: Agile methods typically promote transparency and open communication, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and involved throughout the planning process.

    If asked to advise a company on implementing an agile approach to event planning, I would offer the following advice:

    – Educate and Train: Ensure that all team members understand the principles and practices of agile methodologies and provide training as needed to familiarize them with agile tools and techniques.
    – Start Small: Begin by implementing agile methods on a small scale, such as for a single event or project, before expanding to larger initiatives. This allows the team to gain experience and identify what works best for their specific context.
    – Empower the Team: Encourage autonomy and empowerment among team members, allowing them to make decisions and take ownership of their work within the agile framework.
    – Establish Clear Goals and Metrics: Define clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each event and iteration, ensuring that everyone understands what success looks like and how progress will be measured.
    – Embrace Feedback: Foster a culture of feedback and continuous improvement, encouraging team members to provide input and suggestions for how processes can be optimized.
    – Adapt and Iterate: Be willing to adapt and iterate on the agile approach based on feedback and lessons learned from each event. Flexibility and openness to change are essential aspects of agile methodologies.
    – Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly monitor progress against goals and KPIs, and evaluate the effectiveness of the agile approach to event planning. Use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements as needed.

  245. As a project manager for MTD, an events company, the insights gained this week suggest that flexibility and adaptability are crucial in addressing the challenges and issues faced. Employing an iterative approach would allow for gradual refinement of the event, with the ability to incorporate feedback and make adjustments after each phase. This could lead to a more polished and successful event. The agile approach, with its focus on rapid adaptation, stakeholder collaboration, and incremental delivery, would enable MTD to respond swiftly to any changes or new requirements. My recommendation would be to integrate both approaches: use iterative planning for the overall structure and agile methods for areas requiring quick decision-making and flexibility, ensuring a comprehensive and responsive project management strategy.

  246. The iterative approach as project manager for MTD will offers numerous benefits, primarily allowing for continuous improvement and adaptability throughout the project’s lifecycle. By dividing the project into smaller cycles or iterations, it will allow teams to deliver functional components incrementally, gathering feedback and making adjustments along the way. This approach encourages a collaborative environment where stakeholders can provide input at various stages, leading to better alignment with user needs and expectations. It will also reduce risks by allowing teams to address issues as they arise, rather than facing them all at the end. Ultimately, the iterative approach leads to more flexible and efficient project management, resulting in higher quality outcomes and increased customer satisfaction.

  247. As a Project for MTD, I will utilize the iterative Approach because it allows for flexibility, there is room for feedback from clients, end-users during the course of working on the project. Projects will be done in sprints and at the end of each sprint, we will analyze and measure our progress to be sure that we integrate new changes if need arises. Iterative method is important because it allows you step back and analyze the project, each step of the way and stakeholders are involved in the process. While this Approach is good, it is time consuming, and it increases the cost of running this project.
    Utilizing a Hybrid approach is also effective.

  248. As a project manager working with MTD events I will highly recommend iterative approach because of the flexibility,it allows for the adaptability to new information and changing needs that arise during planning process

  249. As the project manager for the MTD event, the implication of taking an iterative approach is that an iterative approach is a 2-weeks approach which would not be Anouilh for the kind of project the MTD organization is embacking on. The agile approach gives more room to carry out the project as one phase needs to be completed before another phase can commence as this is a huge project.
    My advise to the company would be to use the ignite method in achieving the company’s goal.

  250. In my own opinion, and as a project manager handling the MTD event, considering the ambiguity and complexity involved, I think I will start with the linear approach where we prepare in advance by definition and then deployments. In a case where the project began to become unpredictable, we then combine the iterative approach where feedbacks gotten can be used to decide whether a project is viable to carry.

    Implications of taking an iterative approach are;
    1)The environment business strategy and projects scope are likely to change.
    2)Feedback from the environment (e.g users of customers) is needed to validate business ideas and inform investment decisions and planning.
    3) speed of delivery is more important than product completeness.
    4) completed work is more important to sponsors and the organization than project plans and reports.

  251. As a project manager collaborating with MTD an event company. i think one should first start with iterative project since linear is just like skiin jumping,it is stable.Giving feed back and building the right solution and an agile approach will be used for big projects.

  252. Event Planning could come with its own complexity and ambiguity, the case of MTD company would require the project manager to be pragmatic, the event could start as a linear project but the manager should be quick to introduce iterative processes where it is considered necessary towards ensuring that the required feedback is received timely and the success of the event is delivered as scheduled.

  253. In my own opinion and from my understanding in the module, Both linear and iterative approach have it high point and non could be said to be better. it all depends on the kind of projects. some project may require you to use either of the approach. However, iterative is more iteractive and give a sense of relief on the success level of the project at a every giving point

  254. In my own opinion I believe every company should at first utilize the iterative approach because user feedback should never be underestimated. After a few testing months corrections can be made and a clear vision can be created, but still regular feedbacks should be collected to see how well they are satisfying their users.
    An agile approach will be used when big programs come up and I advice it be used occasionally so that it’s not new to the project team.

  255. As the project manager for the MTD event, I can tell you that there could be a number of benefits from using an iterative method to plan the event, such as increased stakeholder engagement, flexibility, and ongoing development. MTD can react swiftly to shifting demands or market circumstances thanks to agile approaches, which lowers the possibility of delays or interruptions.

  256. focus on delivering value incrementally. MTD could use techniques like Scrum to organize their work and prioritize tasks effectively.

    Obvious Implications:
    Increased Client Satisfaction: By involving clients throughout the project and delivering incremental value, MTD can ensure that the final event meets or exceeds their expectations.
    Faster Response to Changes: Agile methodologies enable MTD to respond quickly to changing requirements or market conditions, reducing the risk of delays or disruptions.
    Continuous Improvement: Through regular retrospectives and feedback loops, MTD can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

    Consequently, based on the challenges and opportunities presented, my advice to MTD would be to adopt a hybrid approach that combines elements of iterative and agile methodologies

  257. Event Planning could come with its own complexity and ambiguity, the case of MTD company would require the project manager to be pragmatic, the event could start as a linear project but the manager should be quick to introduce iterative processes where it is considered necessary towards ensuring that the required feedback is received timely and the success of the event is delivered as scheduled.

  258. The challenges as a pm in MTD IS Wrapped around complexity and ambiguity of projects.
    I will advice we use both the iterative and the agile approaches to resolve challenges.

  259. As a project manager working with MTD event, if the company dough my idea on which approach method to use I will recommend the iterative method because it gives rooms for flexibility, continuous feedback and can accommodate changes in requirements or scope without significant disruption

    Agile method on the other hand will be beneficial but has some major disadvantage which can put the project at risk of overlooking feedbacks as this method is a continuous one which can only be review in transition Phase. Also it can cause potential delay.

  260. In this instance iterative approach it better in terms of flexibility so therefore planning an event would be a easy task because iterative approach accommodate change, so it will make it easy to fix and refix process

  261. Iterative will always be better than linear aside the cost. When you prepare to kill a lion, antelope becomes a workover, when you prepare to kill an antelope, lion becomes a huge task.

    Iterative creates the flexibility to expand, grow and multi task.

  262. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project allows for continuous improvement and adaptation throughout the planning process. It enables organizers to gather feedback early on and make adjustments as needed, leading to a more refined final product. However, it may require more flexibility and open communication among team members.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach involves breaking the project into smaller, manageable tasks or sprints, allowing for frequent reassessment and adaptation. This approach fosters collaboration, prioritization, and quicker responses to changes or challenges.

  263. As a project manager for MTD event, if an iterative approach were employed in organizing MTD’s event, some of the consequences could include, flexibility, continuous improvement, enhanced stakeholder engagement, and risk mitigation. Using an agile approach for this project could bring about iterative delivery, cross-functional collaboration, adaptability to change, and focus on customer value.

  264. As a project manager I will play the lead role in planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing projects. I will ensure I deliver a project on time, within the budget, and brief while keeping everyone in the know and happy.” I will also ensure good communication with the team members and the client.

  265. As a project manager working with MTD, I believe that iterative approach is a great fit for event projects like MTD. It allows for continuous improvement through cycles of planning, execution, and evaluation. This helps project managers optimize time, minimize resource waste, and address challenges quickly with agile teams. They can also gather valuable feedback from stakeholders throughout the process.

  266. As a project manager of mtd company .i will check all project outlined the time frame each project should be executed and finding a possible solution to the challenges by introducing iterative approach by separating the events processes one after another
    the budget
    the venue
    man power
    etc. agile method can also be introduced by getting feedback from clients during or after an event. I will also advice that pragmatism should be implemented in any event because will help in showing how realistic the firm stand for.

  267. As a project manager working with MTD, certain challenges and difficulties might arise when working on projects. These difficulties include, but are not limited to, tight deadlines, financial constraints, a restricted budget, evolving clients’, and uncertainty at event venues.

    Implications of an Iterative Approach: Embracing an iterative approach to organizing an event as a project involves incremental planning and execution, with each phase being revisited and refined as necessary. Key implications include:

    Flexibility: Iterative methods enable adjustments based on feedback and changing requirements, allowing for the accommodation of unforeseen challenges or opportunities.
    Enhanced Adaptability: The team can adapt to evolving circumstances by progressively refining elements of the event rather than rigidly adhering to a predefined plan.
    Continuous Improvement: Breaking the project into smaller, manageable iterations, organizations will help me focus on incremental improvements over time. Each iteration provides an opportunity to learn from past experiences, identify areas for enhancement, and make adjustments accordingly.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:
    An Agile approach, commonly associated with software development but adaptable to various projects, prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. When applied to event setup:
    Continuous Collaboration: Agile principles promote ongoing communication and collaboration among team members, creating a dynamic and responsive work environment.
    For event management, a hybrid approach incorporating elements of both iterative and Agile methodologies could be advantageous:

    Hybrid Approach: Blend an iterative model for detailed planning phases with Agile principles during execution, allowing for thorough groundwork while maintaining adaptability.
    Frequent Stakeholder Involvement: Engage stakeholders regularly to gather feedback and insights, ensuring that the event aligns with their expectations and can be adjusted as needed.

  268. As a project manager working with MTD, an event firm, there are several challenges and issues that may arise in their projects, including tight deadlines, changing client requirements, budget constraints, and coordination among various stakeholders. I have learnt about the benefits of iterative/agile and linear/waterfall approaches in project management that could greatly assist MTD in addressing these challenges.

    Iterative Approach: An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration involves planning, executing, and evaluating specific aspects of the project. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptation to changes as the project progresses. In the case of MTD, adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event would mean breaking down the event planning process into smaller phases, such as venue selection, vendor coordination, marketing, logistics, amongst several others.

    Implications: There is a better adaptability. MTD can adapt to changing client preferences or unforeseen circumstances more effectively since each iteration provides an opportunity to review and adjust plans.
    By continuously refining their approach in each iteration, MTD can enhance the quality of their events and processes over time.

    Also, this helps to enhance stakeholders collaboration, i.e involving stakeholders in each iteration ensures that their feedback is incorporated early, leading to a more satisfactory end result.

    On the other hand, Agile approach/methodology emphasizes on collaboration, customer feedback, and iterative development. It promotes adaptive planning and encourages teams to respond to changes quickly.

    In other words, applying Agile principles to event management would involve close collaboration with clients, regular reviews of progress, and a focus on delivering value incrementally. MTD could use techniques like Scrum to organize their work and prioritize tasks effectively.

    Obvious Implications:
    Increased Client Satisfaction: By involving clients throughout the project and delivering incremental value, MTD can ensure that the final event meets or exceeds their expectations.
    Faster Response to Changes: Agile methodologies enable MTD to respond quickly to changing requirements or market conditions, reducing the risk of delays or disruptions.
    Continuous Improvement: Through regular retrospectives and feedback loops, MTD can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

    Consequently, based on the challenges and opportunities presented, my advice to MTD would be to adopt a hybrid approach that combines elements of iterative and agile methodologies.

  269. As a project manager working with MTD, the events firm, you must take into account the difficulties MTD faces when working on projects. These difficulties include, but are not limited to, tight deadlines, a restricted budget, clients’ needs that are always changing, and uncertainty at event venues. In order to guarantee client satisfaction at the conclusion of the project, I would encourage MTD to adopt flexibility, adaptability, openness, and open communication in its approach.
    When arranging an event, it is best to use an iterative or agile strategy since this allows for greater flexibility and adaptability as the team’s outputs may be improved with input from each iteration. The option to get updates on the project’s status and provide feedback that continuously improves it will be provided to the stakeholders. This In the end, this will result in higher stakeholder and client satisfaction.

  270. As a project manager working with MTD, the events firm, you must take into account the difficulties MTD faces when working on projects. These difficulties include, but are not limited to, tight deadlines, a restricted budget, clients’ needs that are always changing, and uncertainty at event venues. In order to guarantee client satisfaction at the conclusion of the project, I would encourage MTD to adopt flexibility, adaptability, openness, and open communication in its approach.
    When arranging an event, it is best to use an iterative or agile strategy since this allows for greater flexibility and adaptability as the team’s outputs may be improved with input from each iteration. The option to get updates on the project’s status and provide feedback that continuously improves it will be provided to the stakeholders. This In the end, this will result in higher stakeholder and client satisfaction.

  271. As a project manager working for MTD, I will recommend Iterative approach because of flexibility, it allows for the adaptability to new information or changing needs that arise during the planning process.
    This approach also enables ongoing adjustments based on feedback and progress, potentially leading to a more polished final event.
    There’s also the factor of reduced risk as it catches and addresses potential issues early and iteratively through regular evaluation cycles.
    This will lead to the overall success of the events.

  272. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, numerous challenges and complexities are inherent to projects. These include stringent deadlines, evolving client demands, financial constraints, and the intricate coordination among stakeholders. However, recent insights have shed light on the advantages of embracing iterative and agile methodologies in project management, which could significantly alleviate these hurdles.
    Applying an iterative approach for event planning entails breaking down the process into distinct phases as scrum, to enhanced adaptability, responding promptly to evolving client preferences or unforeseen circumstances as each iteration facilitates review and adjustment, elevate the quality of events progressively and improved stakeholder engagement for more satisfactory outcome.

  273. As a project manager working with MTD, an events company, there are several challenges and issues that may arise in their projects, including tight deadlines, changing client requirements, budget constraints, and coordination among various stakeholders. This week, I’ve learned about the benefits of iterative and agile approaches in project management that could greatly assist MTD in addressing these challenges.

    Iterative Approach: An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration involves planning, executing, and evaluating specific aspects of the project. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptation to changes as the project progresses. For MTD, adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event would mean breaking down the event planning process into smaller phases, such as venue selection, vendor coordination, marketing, logistics, etc.

    Implications: Better Adaptability: MTD can adapt to changing client preferences or unforeseen circumstances more effectively since each iteration provides an opportunity to review and adjust plans.

    Incremental Improvement: By continuously refining their approach in each iteration, MTD can enhance the quality of their events and processes over time.
    Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration: Involving stakeholders in each iteration ensures that their feedback is incorporated early on, leading to a more satisfactory end result.

    Agile Approach: Agile methodology emphasizes collaboration, customer feedback, and iterative development. It promotes adaptive planning and encourages teams to respond to changes quickly. Applying agile principles to event management would involve close collaboration with clients, regular reviews of progress, and a focus on delivering value incrementally. MTD could use techniques like Scrum or Kanban to organize their work and prioritize tasks effectively.

    Increased Client Satisfaction: By involving clients throughout the project and delivering incremental value, MTD can ensure that the final event meets or exceeds their expectations.
    Faster Response to Changes: Agile methodologies enable MTD to respond quickly to changing requirements or market conditions, reducing the risk of delays or disruptions.
    Continuous Improvement: Through regular retrospectives and feedback loops, MTD can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

    Advice for MTD: Based on the challenges and opportunities presented, my advice to MTD would be to adopt a hybrid approach that combines elements of both iterative and agile methodologies.

  274. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, the events company, considering the challenges MTD encounters in their projects- limited budget, tight deadlines, constantly changing clients demands, uncertainties at event locations to mention a few. Based on what i have learned I would advise MTD to embrace flexibility, adaptability, transparency and open communication in its approach to ensure their client satisfaction at the end of the project.
    If an Iterative/agile approach were employed, which i recommend in organising an event it gives room for flexibility and adaptability because feedbacks form each iteration can help in improving the outputs by the team. The stakeholders will have an opportunity to be briefed on the progress of the project and give feedback that continuously adds to the enhancement. this will ultimately lead to improved client/stakeholders satisfaction.

  275. As a project manager working in MTD the events company, based on the nature of the organization there are plethora of challenges ranging from limited time, budget cuts, resource persons, inadequate space and overcrowding, clash of dates and venues, more than one consecutive events running in a short time frame, etc. Its is pertinent to note that whilst the iterative approach is best to use because of its advantages in getting things done quickly, keeping the customer satisfied and the process transparent, a linear process being combined with this will help also. This combination lets you get the short-term goals checked quickly while keeping you focused on the long-term achievement. The end of each iteration serves as a milestone for the linear process.
    The agile method here serves up its full advantages while the project manager keeping tabs on his linear process helps them transition quickly into the next step to achieving their long term goals.

  276. Based on the problems faced by MTD in projects, some insights I have gained this week that could offer assistance are ;

    1. Control communication: MTD should focus on maintaining a communication widely with a range of stakeholders .To be on top of what is happening in the project itself and also communicating the right information at the right time, as it is required(timely communication)

    2. Proper planning is important, MTD should prioritize thorough project planning, including creating a detailed project scope, setting realistic timelines for the project and milestones.

    Adopting an agile approach can bring significant benefits to MTD because
    the agile approach promotes flexibility, collaboration, and incremental delivery however By breaking down the project into smaller iterations, MTD can quickly adapt to changing requirements and address issues before they escalate.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, the consequences would include:

    1. Continuous improvement: Iterative planning and execution allow for continuous learning and improvement throughout the event. Feedback from each iteration can be incorporated into subsequent iterations, resulting in a better final outcome.

    2. Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for flexibility in adapting to evolving event requirements, stakeholder feedback, and unforeseen challenges. Changes can be implemented incrementally, reducing the risk of major setbacks or disruptions.

    3. Enhanced stakeholder satisfaction: By involving stakeholders in each iteration, their needs and preferences can be better understood and incorporated into the event’s design. This approach increases the likelihood of achieving higher stakeholder satisfaction.

    Adopting an agile approach for event organization could have the following implications:

    1. Increased collaboration: Agile methodologies promotes flexibility and collaboration.

    2. Feedback : Agile encourages feedback on a regular bases and it will help MTD project team to quickly respond to changes in event requirements, trends, or changes in stakeholder demands that may arise during the project.

    3. Promotes innovation: Agile provides the opportunity to experiment with new ideas and incorporate innovative features into the event.

    If MTD sought my advice I would recommend the following:

    1. MTD should Implement iterative and agile practices: the adoption of iterative and agile methodologies like Scrum will promote flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, leading a more successful project .

    Secondly, MTD should adopt effective communication practices and stakeholder involvement throughout the project and also encourage feedback and transparency in communication so as to avoid misunderstandings.

  277. As a project manager working with MTD, the events company; looking at the multitudinous challenges and discrepancies confronting MTD, starting from stringent deadlines and evolving client demands to budget limitations and logistical intricacies, my suggestion for managing the projects would be to espouse an iterative methodology. This approach allows for adaptability, ongoing learning, and enhancements, fostering collaboration among the project team and stakeholders. However, the realization of project objectives as paramount concern for any project manager will be achieved.

  278. Considering the myriad challenges confronting MTD, an event company—ranging from stringent deadlines and evolving client demands to budget limitations and logistical intricacies—my suggestion for managing their projects would be to embrace an iterative methodology. This approach allows for adaptability, ongoing learning, and enhancements, fostering collaboration among the project team and stakeholders. Ultimately, it ensures the realisation of project objectives, a paramount concern for any project manager.

  279. As a project manager for an event planning company, the use of agile method is recommended, this brings flexibility, room for improvement and also customer inclusiveness.

  280. As a project manager working with MTD, the events company, I understand that the events industry is dynamic and faces numerous challenges such as tight deadlines, evolving client expectations, budget constraints, and logistical complexities. This week, I’ve learned several strategies that could help MTD navigate these challenges more effectively.
    One key approach that could benefit MTD is adopting an iterative project management methodology when setting up events. In an iterative approach, the project is broken down into smaller phases or iterations, allowing for incremental progress and continuous feedback loops. This can be particularly beneficial in the events industry due to its fast-paced nature and the need for quick adjustments based on client feedback and changing requirements.
    Implications of an Iterative Approach:
    1. Flexibility: MTD can quickly adapt to changing client needs and market trends throughout the project lifecycle.
    2. Continuous improvement: Each iteration allows for lessons learned and improvements to be incorporated into subsequent phases, leading to higher-quality outcomes.
    3. Client collaboration: Regular feedback loops with clients ensure alignment and satisfaction, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or misaligned expectations.
    On the other hand, an Agile approach takes the iterative concept further by emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban promote cross-functional teams, frequent deliveries, and iterative planning.
    Implications of an Agile Approach:
    1. Collaborative teams: MTD can foster stronger collaboration between various teams such as event planners, designers, vendors, and clients, leading to better coordination and communication.
    2. Adaptability: Agile methodologies encourage responding to change over following a rigid plan, which is crucial in the unpredictable events industry.
    3. Customer focus: Continuous delivery and feedback loops ensure that MTD remains customer-centric, delivering value that meets or exceeds client expectations.
    If asked to advise MTD, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines the best elements of both iterative and Agile methodologies. This would involve breaking down projects into manageable iterations, embracing flexibility and collaboration, leveraging technology for efficient communication and project tracking, and prioritizing customer satisfaction throughout the event lifecycle.
    Additionally, investing in training and development for teams to understand and adopt these methodologies effectively would be crucial. Continuous learning and improvement are key to staying competitive and successful in the ever-evolving events industry.

  281. Since MTD is a big deal, iterative approach is better as it allows for flexibility, long-time frame while testing the waters with a foot.
    It also gives room for modifications and re-modification of initial plans.

  282. If an iterative approach were employed to set up an event as a project it’s would be encouraged since it’s allows for flexibility and adaptation as the event evolves. Since It involves breaking down the project into smaller, manageable tasks that can be completed in short cycles, allowing for continuous feedback and improvement.

    Implications of an iterative approach:
    1. Flexibility: Changes can be made throughout the process to accommodate evolving requirements or unexpected challenges.
    2. Continuous improvement: Each iteration allows for lessons learned to be applied to subsequent iterations, resulting in a better final product.
    3. Stakeholder involvement: Regular feedback loops ensure that stakeholders are engaged and their needs are addressed throughout the project.

    On the other hand, an agile approach involves the principles of iterative development but is more focused on collaboration, customer feedback, and incremental delivery. It emphasizes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement, aiming to deliver value to the customer more quickly.

    Implications of an agile approach:
    1. Customer satisfaction: By delivering increments of value early and frequently, agile methods ensure that customer needs are met more effectively.
    2. Adaptability: Agile methodologies enable teams to respond quickly to changes in requirements or market conditions.
    3. Transparency: Agile frameworks promote transparency and open communication within the team and with stakeholders.

    If I were to advise the company, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to setting up the event as a project. This would involve forming a cross-functional team, breaking down the project into smaller iterations or sprints, and regularly reviewing and adapting plans based on feedback from stakeholders and attendees. By embracing agility, the company can increase the likelihood of delivering a successful event that meets the needs of its target audience.

  283. As a project manager for MTD, I will recommend Iterative approach because of flexibility, it allows for the adaptability to new information or changing needs that arise during the planning process.
    This approach also enables ongoing adjustments based on feedback and progress, potentially leading to a more polished final event.
    There’s also the factor of reduced risk as it catches and addresses potential issues early and iteratively through regular evaluation cycles.
    This will lead to the overall success of the events.

  284. As a program manager collaborating with MTD, I will be sure to apply the following insights:

    1. Flexibility: Iterative project management allows for flexibility and adaptability throughout the event planning process. Instead of rigidly sticking to a predefined plan, I will adjust and refine my work approach based on feedback and evolving requirements.

    2. Continuous Improvement: Breaking the project into smaller, manageable iterations, organizations will help me focus on incremental improvements over time. Each iteration provides an opportunity to learn from past experiences, identify areas for enhancement, and make adjustments accordingly.

    3. Stakeholder Engagement: Iterative project management encourages active involvement from stakeholders throughout the planning process. Regular feedback loops enable me to share progress with stakeholders and they in return, are able to provide input, voice concerns, and contribute to decision-making, enhancing a sense of ownership and alignment with project goals.

    4. Risk Mitigation: Addressing risks and challenges early and often is a core aspect of iterative project management. I will regularly assess project progress and identify potential obstacles to proactively mitigate risks and minimize their impact on event outcomes.

    The advantages of this approach includes:

    1. Adaptability: Applying the iterative approach allows for quick adjustments in response to changing requirements or unforeseen challenges, increasing the likelihood of project success in dynamic environments.

    2. Stakeholder Satisfaction: Regular feedback loops ensure that stakeholder expectations are continuously managed and met, resulting in greater satisfaction with the final event deliverables.

    3. Quality Focus: Iterative project management emphasizes continuous improvement and refinement, leading to higher-quality event outcomes as issues are addressed iteratively throughout the planning process.

    The probable downsides of the approach include:

    1. Increased Complexity: Managing multiple iterations concurrently can add complexity to the project management process, requiring careful coordination and communication among team members of MTD.

    2. Time and Resource Intensive: Iterative project management may require additional time and resources compared to traditional linear approaches, particularly in terms of stakeholder engagement and iteration planning which may affect the success of events.

    3. Uncertainty: The iterative approach may introduce uncertainty, especially if initial project requirements are not well-defined or if stakeholders have divergent expectations. This uncertainty can pose challenges in terms of managing scope and timelines effectively.

  285. As a project manager collaborating with an event company, my primary responsibilities would include:

    1-Project Planning: I would oversee the planning phase, ensuring that all aspects of the event, such as venue selection, budgeting, scheduling, and resource allocation, are carefully considered and documented.

    2-Team Coordination: I’d work closely with the event company’s team, assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and fostering open communication to ensure everyone is aligned with the project’s goals and timelines.

    3-Vendor Management: I’d liaise with vendors and suppliers to secure necessary services and equipment for the event, negotiating contracts and ensuring all deliverables meet quality standards.

    4-Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies to address any unforeseen challenges that may arise during the planning and execution phases.

    5-Budget Control: Monitoring expenses throughout the project lifecycle to ensure adherence to the allocated budget, while also identifying opportunities for cost-saving measures where possible.

    6-Quality Assurance: Upholding quality standards by regularly reviewing deliverables, addressing any discrepancies, and ensuring that the event meets or exceeds client expectations.

  286. As the collaborating project manager If the company sought my advice, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to organizing the event as a project. Agile methodologies would provide the company with the flexibility, adaptability, and customer-centric focus needed to navigate the complexities and uncertainties inherent in event planning and execution. By embracing agile principles and practices, the company can improve collaboration, responsiveness, and ultimately, the success of their events.

  287. As a project manager If the company sought my advice, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to organizing the event as a project. Agile methodologies would provide the company with the flexibility, adaptability, and customer-centric focus needed to navigate the complexities and uncertainties inherent in event planning and execution. By embracing agile principles and practices, the company can improve collaboration, responsiveness, and ultimately, the success of their events

  288. Based on the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, here are some insights I’ve gained this week that could offer assistance.
    1-Improved Communication Channels: Strengthening communication channels between team members, clients, and vendors can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page throughout the project.

    2-Proactive Risk Management: Identifying potential risks early on and developing proactive strategies to mitigate them can minimize the impact of unforeseen challenges on project timelines and budgets.
    3-Enhanced Vendor Relationships: Building strong relationships with vendors and suppliers can lead to better outcomes, including preferential treatment, more competitive pricing, and increased reliability in delivering services and goods.

    4-Streamlined Project Processes: Streamlining project management processes, such as task assignment, progress tracking, and decision-making workflows, can improve efficiency and reduce the likelihood of delays or bottlenecks.
    5-Client Expectation Management: Setting realistic expectations with clients from the outset of the project, including deadlines, deliverables, and budget constraints, can help manage their expectations and avoid dissatisfaction later on.

    6-Continuous Improvement Culture: Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, where lessons learned from past projects are documented and used to inform future decisions and processes, can lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness over time.

  289. If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, consequences might include a more flexible timeline, potential for scope creep, and the ability to adapt as the event evolves. However, it could also lead to uncertainty regarding deadlines and deliverables.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach could result in better collaboration among team members, faster decision-making, and the ability to respond quickly to changes or issues. However, it may require a more disciplined approach to planning and execution to ensure that deadlines are met.

    If the company sought my advice, I would recommend considering the nature of the event, the team’s familiarity with iterative or agile methodologies, and the level of flexibility required. For complex and evolving events, an agile approach might be more suitable, while for more straightforward events with well-defined requirements, an iterative approach could suffice. Ultimately, it’s essential to tailor the approach to the specific needs and constraints of the event and the team involved.

  290. A project team is a specific group of individuals that come together for the purpose of achieving a specific goal or objective within a defined timeframe. The team members are selected based on their skills, expertise, and experience relevant to the project’s requirements. The team is usually led by a project manager who is responsible for coordinating and managing the team’s activities.

    A project team can differ from other teams in an organization in several ways:

    1. Goal-oriented: Unlike other teams that may have ongoing responsibilities, a project team is formed specifically to achieve a particular objective or deliver a specific outcome within a defined timeframe. Once the project is completed, the team disbands or moves on to other projects.

    2. Temporary: Project teams are temporary and are disbanded once the project is completed. In contrast, other teams may work together for longer durations, such as functional teams within departments.

    3. Cross-functional: Project teams often consist of members from different functional areas or departments within an organization. This diversity allows for a broader range of skills and perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

    4. Project-based structure: Project teams typically operate under a project-based structure, where team members report to the project manager and work together towards achieving the project’s goals. In contrast, other teams may have hierarchical reporting structures within their respective departments.

    As for exceptional and highly successful teams, several factors contribute to their greatness:

    1. Clear goals and objectives: Great teams have a clear understanding of the project’s goals and objectives. This clarity helps align the team’s efforts towards a common purpose and creates a sense of direction.

    2. Strong leadership: Exceptional teams are often led by competent and inspiring leaders who can guide and motivate the team members. Effective leadership fosters a positive work environment, promotes collaboration, and resolves conflicts efficiently.

    3. Open communication: High-performing teams prioritize open and transparent communication. They encourage sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback, creating an environment of trust and respect. Clear communication helps in avoiding misunderstandings and enhances collaboration.

    4. Diverse skill sets: A great team comprises individuals with diverse skill sets that complement each other. This diversity allows for a wider range of perspectives, innovative solutions, and efficient problem-solving.

    5. Trust and mutual respect: Exceptional teams foster an environment of trust and mutual respect among team members. Trust enables effective collaboration, risk-taking, and delegation of tasks. Mutual respect ensures that everyone’s contributions are valued and appreciated.

    6. Support and recognition: Great teams benefit from the support and recognition provided by both the project manager and the organization. Recognizing individual and team achievements boosts morale, motivates the team, and promotes a sense of pride and ownership.

    7. Effective teamwork and collaboration: The ability to work together seamlessly, leveraging each team member’s strengths, is a hallmark of exceptional teams. Collaborative teamwork involves effective delegation, coordination, and cooperation, creating a harmonious work atmosphere.

    8. Continuous learning and adaptation: Great teams understand the importance of continuous learning and adaptation to changing circumstances. They embrace new challenges, seek feedback, and learn from their experiences to continuously improve their performance.

    Overall, exceptional teams are characterized by a combination of clear goals, effective leadership, open communication, diverse skill sets, trust, support, collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

  291. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would have several implications for MTD, the events company. An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller, incremental phases and continuously improving based on feedback and lessons learned from each phase. Here are some potential implications of this approach:

    1. Enhanced stakeholder engagement: By involving stakeholders in each iteration, MTD can gather feedback early on and incorporate changes, ensuring that the event aligns with their expectations and goals. This ensures higher stakeholder satisfaction and a successful event.

    2. Flexibility to adapt: An iterative approach allows MTD to adapt and make adjustments throughout the project as needed. This is particularly crucial in the events industry where last-minute changes often occur due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather conditions, sponsor demands, or attendee preferences.

    3. Risk mitigation: Breaking down the project into smaller iterations allows MTD to identify and address risks early on. By testing different aspects of the event in each iteration, they can identify potential issues and develop mitigation strategies before they escalate and create larger problems.

    4. Continuous improvement: The iterative approach promotes a culture of continuous improvement within MTD. With each iteration, the company can implement lessons learned from previous phases, resulting in better event planning, execution, and overall project management practices.

    On the other hand, an agile approach to setting up an event as a project would have additional implications for MTD:

    1. Increased collaboration: Agile methodologies emphasize collaboration and frequent communication among team members, stakeholders, and suppliers. This fosters a collaborative culture within MTD, leading to improved coordination, shared knowledge, and enhanced problem-solving capabilities.

    2. Rapid response to change: Agile project management allows MTD to quickly adapt to changes in client requirements, market trends, or industry regulations. Events often require dynamic adjustments, such as modifying the event schedule, introducing new features, or accommodating emerging trends, and an agile approach enables MTD to respond effectively and efficiently.

    3. Emphasis on customer satisfaction: Agile methodologies prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering frequent iterations of the event. This enables MTD to gather feedback early on and make adjustments, ensuring that the final event meets or exceeds client expectations.

    If asked to advise MTD, my recommendation would be to adopt an iterative and agile approach in their event projects. This combination allows for maximum flexibility, early stakeholder involvement, risk mitigation, and continuous improvement. MTD can leverage the benefits of both approaches by breaking down the event into manageable iterations while adopting agile principles such as close collaboration, frequent communication, and rapid response to changes. By doing so, MTD can ensure successful events, satisfied stakeholders, and a competitive edge in the events industry.

  292. As a project manager of a company, before start a project you need to know what its is all about. Iterative approach is recommended, it helps the PM set target and achieve it

  293. As a project manager, linear and iterative approach is best to understand and deliver the project in time

  294. As a project manager , i would prefer to adopt the linear and iterative approaches .iterative approach allows project manager to break down complex projects into manageable task and this help to improve the quality of products.

  295. linear and iterative approaches will be deployed as a project manager. An iterative approach employs a break down of the project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own set of goals and set targets to be achieved. This approach is flexibility, continuity and adaptability throughout the project.

  296. I make use of linear and iterative approaches as a project manager. An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own set of goals and deliverables. This approach allows for flexibility, continuity and adaptability throughout the project. As a project manager advising a company on a project, I will find out what the project is all about, the goals and objectives, have a meeting with the sponsors, users, team members, and the stakeholders to know their expectation. I will then use both the linear and iterative approach. I will then identify problems and challenges by using the VUCA framework tool and also to develop a suitable response.

  297. I will recommend Iterative Approach because of flexibility, it allows MTD to adapt to new information or changing needs that arise during the planning process.
    This approach also enables ongoing adjustments based on feedback and progress, potentially leading to a more polished final event.
    There’s also the factor of reduced Risk as it catches and addresses potential issues early and iteratively through regular evaluation cycles.

  298. Introducing and embracing iteractive approach will help foster and collaborate with the VUCA laden and makes project management simple and well done

  299. MTD is obviously working in a VUCA laden environment because events are constantly facing unexpected situations that need to be addressed to ensure it’s overall success. Though there is need for a linear approach as regards how events flow, there is need for the iterative approach when last minute challenges or activities are introduced hence altering the scope of work.
    Consequences of this approach would result in faster responses to unexpected issues, release of short terms solutions to address immediate challenges while still working on the larger issues, flexibility to adapt to any increase in the scope of work.
    The above suggestions will also be my advice to the company to adapt more agile approach.

  300. Implications of an Iterative Approach: Embracing an iterative approach to organizing an event as a project involves incremental planning and execution, with each phase being revisited and refined as necessary. Key implications include:
    Flexibility: Iterative methods enable adjustments based on feedback and changing requirements, allowing for the accommodation of unforeseen challenges or opportunities.
    Enhanced Adaptability: The team can adapt to evolving circumstances by progressively refining elements of the event rather than rigidly adhering to a predefined plan.
    Feedback Integration: Regular reviews facilitate the incorporation of stakeholder feedback, ensuring that the event closely aligns with expectations.
    Implications of an Agile Approach:
    An Agile approach, commonly associated with software development but adaptable to various projects, prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. When applied to event setup:
    Continuous Collaboration: Agile principles promote ongoing communication and collaboration among team members, creating a dynamic and responsive work environment.
    For event management, a hybrid approach incorporating elements of both iterative and Agile methodologies could be advantageous:

    a. Hybrid Approach: Blend an iterative model for detailed planning phases with Agile principles during execution, allowing for thorough groundwork while maintaining adaptability.
    b. Frequent Stakeholder Involvement: Engage stakeholders regularly to gather feedback and insights, ensuring that the event aligns with their expectations and can be adjusted as needed.
    c. Continuous Improvement: Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement, focusing not only on post-event evaluations of successes and failures but also on refining planning and execution processes for future events.

  301. I think both iterative and agile approach is good. Both respond to the VUCA environment and provide possible solutions on how to respond to them. So for an event company, I say the environment matters as interactions are needed. And studying environment to bring out the best they can from a project to satisfy customer need, work within schedule and maximize available resources is necessary.

  302. Iterative approach is more realistic to unstable environments. It doesn’t detailed information and is more concerned with speed of delivery and not the product completeness. It’s kind of innovative that the team will have to adapt and learn new skills just to keep up with the changes.

    Using Agile approach will ensure response to uncertainty through continuous and dynamic planning, and provides better ways of managing projects costs, schedules to satisfy users’ needs.

    I would advise the company to use both agile and iterative approaches

  303. Considering the challenges faced by MTD, Both iterative and agile approaches will be advisable. The interactive approach will help to provide solution to the uncertainties with room for progress visibility while the agile approach will help with flexibility, customer satisfaction through feedbacks, improved quality and better risk management.

    Adeyemi Adedokun
    CH14 Team1

  304. As a project manager collaborating/working with MTD and by looking at the challenges they faced during the course of their project, the best advice I can them was to work with iterative/agile approach.

    As this will give the impression of working in sprints and getting the result and the review in every two to four weeks to know what next to do.

    And the implication of this is that, the scope of this project is likely to change. Hence, we are having a scope creep as a result of expanding the project scope.

    Though, the two methods are likely to be used depending on the complexity of the project work, meaning that we are working on Hybrid approach.

    Oluwagbemi Elasoru

  305. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an event company. Adopting the iterative approach will mean that the event is likely to change and I will need to get feedback to validate the event ideas and take an informed decision and planning. As a PM, I can make use of the two to four weeks sprint for a mini review of the project. As a result of iterative approach, my teams are able to see the impact our work is having on customers as customers are expecting feedback. Also customer get good attention from my team.

    The implications of adopting an agile approach is to perceive the change early and act at least as fast as the rate of change in the environment. As a PM, I am able to reprioritise task based on there value (to the customer and to MTD event company) and change direction quickly to enhance productivity.
    I would recommend they adopt both iterative and agile approach as both approach are similar and the completed work is more important to sponsors and organizations.

  306. I would recommend the use of both linear and iterative/agile approaches for organizing MTD’s events as it would work best.

  307. As a PM working with MTD, using the iterative approach would allow for flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances, requirements, and stakeholder feedback.
    Both iterative and agile approaches offer benefits in terms of adaptability, stakeholder engagement, risk mitigation, and quality assurance. However, the decision should be based on factors such as the complexity of the event, the level of uncertainty, the availability of resources, and the organizational readiness for agile practices.

  308. As a project manager considering an iterative approach is a good idea which can be applied depending on the project.

    The challenges of iterative approach can be accept in unstable environment because it is more of a ‘skiing jumping’.
    Iterative or agile projects allows us to test our (ideas, hypothesis or vision), and get feedback from users or the business. This feedback can then be used to decide whether a project is viable to carry out.

    Iterative projects are better approach and choice when: The environment, business strategy and project scope are likely to change.
    Speed of delivery is more important than product completeness.
    The solution or product is novel or innovation and the project team needs to learn the skills to deliver it.

  309. Iterative process involves creating, testing and revising until the end result is achieved. It involves trial and error, resulting in improvement over time. I would advise the MTD to implement this method as it would give the organization a clear vision and it would keep the team working towards same goals.

  310. If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, it would involve breaking down the event planning process into smaller, more manageable stages or iterations. Each iteration would focus on delivering specific components or aspects of the event, with opportunities for feedback and refinement between iterations. Consequences of this approach may include: increased adaptability, enhanced stakeholder engagement, reduced risk and improved quality.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach would involve embracing the principles and practices of agile project management, such as iterative planning, continuous collaboration, and adaptability to change.
    The Implications of adopting an agile approach for organizing an event may include: flexibility, cross-functional collaboration, increased delivery and continuous improvement.
    If the company sought my advice on whether to adopt an iterative or agile approach for organizing an event, I would recommend considering the specific characteristics of the event, the organizational culture, and the preferences of stakeholders.

    Both iterative and agile approaches offer benefits in terms of adaptability, stakeholder engagement, risk mitigation, and quality assurance. However, the decision should be based on factors such as the complexity of the event, the level of uncertainty, the availability of resources, and the organizational readiness for agile practices.
    Thank you.

  311. An iterative approach is good depending on the project, the challenge of iterative is that it is short termed and certain challenges can be encountered during the pathway but the beautiful thing is that it is easier to fall back and replan, it also gives way to identify loopholes present in planning such project, because any time there is feedbacks, the project team tends to have a clear insight and foresight that will help them in approaching the next line of action.

  312. The iterative process is a method of building, refining, and improving a project, product, or initiative. It involves creating, testing, and revising until the end result is achieved. It is a fundamental part of lean methodologies and Agile project management, and can be implemented by any team. Iterative processes involve trial and error, resulting in improvements over time. Incremental design involves producing a bare-bones version of the final project deliverable, then iterating and improving upon it until it has all the necessary functionality. Most product development is iterative, with new versions of personal technology, mobile phones, speakers, refrigerators etc. 

    Agile teams often employ an iterative process for project work, continuously reviewing deliverables throughout the project’s lifecycle. I would advise MTD to successfully implement this method, have a clear vision, ask for early feedback, and encourage its’ company-wide. A clear vision helps keep the team working towards the same goal, while early feedback helps identify potential issues and reduces scope creep. Encouraging this approach can help reduce the chance of significant changes later on. Share the knowledge and implementation methods with teammates and upper management.

  313. Using iterative method for managing project ,creates an unstable environment,but a linear method brings about balance and personally I feel the iterative approach is not cost effective,doing a particular project amd continuously vetting it ,helps to make it better but it doesn’t seem cost effective.A linear method helps it go from one step to another , gradually.

  314. The challenge of an iterative approach in organizing an event is that it could lead to too many back and forth as well as getting into a project not fully prepared or not understanding the full scope and attendant challenges.

    The implication of adopting an agile approach is that it enables the team quickly adapt and respond to issues and challenges that could arise in the course of the project.

    My advise would be that a linear approach where a full planning and survey is done for the project is used at the beginning stage while also using iterative approaches to deal with each stage of the project as an agile method is employed.

  315. using an iterative approach helps break down the workload and reduces stress on the team.
    using scrum and scrum artifacts and creating backlogs and delivering a milestone every 4 weeks.

  316. Using the iterative approach brings about unstable environment. But using the linear approach brings solutions, expected outputs and outcomes right from the start

  317. Based on what we’ve learned in the course, I think a mix of both linear and iterative/agile approaches would work best for organizing MTD’s events.
    For instance, in the beginning, when they’re figuring out what needs to be done and who’s involved (the conceptualization stage), a linear approach makes sense. But once they move into actually doing the work, using an agile method could help.
    With agile, the project can be broken into smaller parts, and teams can work on these parts simultaneously in short bursts (sprints). This keeps things moving quickly and ensures the project stays on track, which is crucial for events that have a set deadline.

  318. I have learnt that communication is very important as a project manager, that you should normalize getting feedback from clients
    I also learnt that when handling a project you can use both the linear and the iterative methods as far as it leads to the success of the project

    1. According to what has been thought, if I’m given the MTD project to handle, I’ll apply tye iterative method, as this will enable the team members always refer back to the plan in order to know if the project is going as planned because of the feedback that they tend to get from the end users.

  319. This week, I’ve learned about the importance of adaptability and flexibility in project management, particularly in dynamic and unpredictable environments. As a project manager working with MTD, an events company facing challenges in their projects, I believe that adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event could be highly beneficial.

    Implications of an Iterative Approach:
    1. Continuous Improvement
    2. Reduced Risk
    3. Increased Stakeholder Engagement
    4. Flexibility and Adaptability

    Implications of an Agile Approach include but not limited to:
    Responsive to Change, Cross-functional Collaboration, and Continuous Improvement

    If I were asked to advise MTD on adopting an iterative or Agile approach to setting up events, my advice would be to:
    – Conduct a thorough assessment of their current project management practices, team capabilities, and organizational culture to determine readiness for change.

    – Educate and train their team members on iterative and Agile principles, methodologies, and best practices to ensure a shared understanding and commitment to the new approach.

  320. If I were asked to advise MTD on adopting an iterative or agile approach to event management, my advice would be to carefully assess their organizational culture, project requirements, and client expectations. Both approaches offer benefits in terms of flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement, but the choice between them should align with MTD’s specific needs and capabilities. I would recommend conducting a pilot project or trial period to test the chosen approach and evaluate its effectiveness before fully adopting it across the organization. Additionally, investing in training and development for employees to familiarize them with iterative or agile methodologies would be crucial for successful implementation.

  321. I believe the iterative method will be the best because we tend to stop at each track inorder to know if we are in the good position of the project. This is because of the feedback of the users that are testing the product of the project.

  322. To improve communication and feedback from customers, an Agile and iterative approach should be implemented, with teams set up to oversee each stage of the delivery process.
    -Victoria Okonkwo

  323. Adoption of Iterative or Agile method helps in risk reduction by predicting and or exposing potential risks on time, enabling my Project team have adequate time to take preventive measures on time. The agile method will also allow my team apply the Scrum framework; using the SPRINT periods to analyze, communicate to the client/end users and receive their feedback which will help us adjust/improve our solutions at the end of each Sprint period(2-4weeks) while building towards delivering a ‘perfect’ final product.
    In the case of working with MTD on an event project I would advice the use of Hybrid method because the Linear lifecycle will work very well at the beginning of an event which is usually a stable process(Conceptualization of the event; Definition of project).

  324. I will recommend iterative method for MTD. This is because they implement in environments that are new to them and they will get feedback from project stakeholders at every accomplished stage for decision making.

  325. When I consider the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects from what I have learnt about them in this course, I believe that a hybrid approach that would combine both the linear and the iterative/agile approach to Project Management might be the best approach to organizing their events.

    I think this is the approach to adopt because an event is unlike the development of a software; in that the conceptualization stage is usually quite linear; the defining of what needs to be done and who the stakeholders might be. Switching to the agile method in implementation would however enable the project team break the entire project into component parts that would not depend on each other for execution.

    Project teams can work simultaneously on the different aspects of the project in sprints, after the preliminary stages. This ensures that the project stays within the preferred timeline. This is particularly important as event have a time limit that needs to be protected.

  326. The iterative approach will be more suitable in this case.
    It allows the project manager to communicate better with the team.

  327. A hybrid of linear and iterative approach (with focus on agile)would be ideal for the MTD Project.
    This would present a wide range of methods and practices and an extensive toolkit for the project managers to apply when faced with the myriad challenges of projects in a complex world

  328. The type of project management approach to adopt depends largely on the environment and working conditions. The implications of each project approach will have an impact on the outcome or results.

    The Linear Approach is more suited to a stable environment and helps for improved collaboration and continuous improvement.

    However, an Iterative Approach is better when the business strategy and project scope is likely to change as such feedback is required after every iteration. This requires a clear and clean communication between all the stakeholders.

    To my understanding, I would advise for a Hybrid Approach to combine tools and techniques from both approaches in-order to create a flexible and adaptable project lifecycle.

  329. MTD currently adopts a linear methodology for her operations, my advice to MTD would be that the combination of an Agile and iterative approach should be adopted to enhance more effective communication and a prompt feedback from customers. A set up silos of teams should be set up to probe each stage in the delivery channels.

  330. Well, using an iterative approach is not bad but just the slowness and delay of projects. But for uncertainty and adaptability to changes in the project, it would be a good use eventually for MTD.
    Using Agile approach provides a better way of managing projects cost and schedules much faster.
    i will advice the MTD company to employ the use of both softwares for timely and effective delivery of projects.

  331. I’d advise the hybrid method of approach by combining the linear and iterative method for successful project outputs.

    1. I am of the sound opinion that the hybrid method combination of linear project circle or waterfall whose concept, definition, deployment and transition are certain and where activities are cascaded from one to the next stage; with the iterative project approach which has no control on the start ,middle and end if the project should be put into practice by PM for better collaborative delivery and a successful project’s implementation to the delight of the entire stakeholders

  332. Using Iterative methods are rather helpful but at the same time a delay and cost effective to projects. In the case of MTD , the iterative method would have allowed for rapid change and improvement along the course of the project therefore saving money that would have been wasted at the end of the project cycle.An hybrid approach of both the iterative and the linear method would have been the best solution for this project. The implications of an agile approach is that it makes you keen and focused on completing the task.

  333. Iterative approach is more suitable to unstable environments. It doesn’t have enough detailed information and is more concerned with speed of delivery and not the products completeness. It’s kind of innovative that the team will have to adapt and learn new skills just to keep up with the changes.

    Using Agile approach will ensure response to uncertainty through continuous and dynamic planning, and provides better ways of managing projects costs, schedules to satisfy users’ needs.

    I would advise the company to use a combination of appraoches for effective results.

  334. As a Project Manager working with MTD, using the iterative approach would allow for flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances, requirements, and stakeholder feedback. This can lead to a more responsive and ultimately successful event, as adjustments can be made throughout the planning process. It often involves regular communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders. This fosters a sense of ownership and teamwork, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving.

    If I used an agile approach in organizing an event I would use Agile methodologies, like Scrum , prioritizing and delivering value to the customer. This means focusing on attendee experience and satisfaction throughout the process.

    If MTD sought my advice on which approach to adopt for organizing an event, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines the best elements of both iterative and agile methodologies. This hybrid approach would leverage on the flexibility and adaptability of iterative processes while incorporating the customer-centricity and delivery focus of agile methodologies.

  335. Collaborating with MTD, I’d advised any of the methods be used depending on the stability of the environment in which the project is being carried out. The linear is best when there’s a stable environment and the iterative is for when there’s an unstable environment. However, we could begin with the agile and continuously adopt the iterative if there are changes. I’ll continuously review with the team and communicate the progress with the key Stakeholders. I’ll advise the company to let the project manager handle the operations nevertheless they’ll be informed of how everything goes.

  336. If I was to the project manager for MTD, I’ll adopt the iterative approach.
    The water project is such that the concept and the goal is definitive and the viability is predictive. However being that the project involves a lot of stake holders ranging from the government agencies, community representative, the local authorities etc the end product cannot not be predicted hence a research and continuous studying and monitoring of trends and factors is required to ensure that the goal is still inview and the concieved concept is maintained and achieved hence feedback from the government and end users is required for the project.

  337. Being in a shoe of project manager collaborating with MTD.
    I see the two methods apply. For instant if dropped in revenue or sales is notice, this is an unpredictable phenomenal as a project manager I will suggest that a quick research be made may be by building a side that maybe providing end users feedback, in other to give us hypothesis to test if the sales increase then that could be the possible caused of sales drop but if nothing changes we try another way. This method is iteration approach from the linear .
    The consequences of using an iteration approach is that; from the example used, it will add extra cost because it was not planed but must not be neglected because it will can cost the entire project to terminate.
    By implication, agile approach is very key to every project manager because of the volatile world we are living. So every project manager must be agile in other to succeed. For this iterations are always unpredictable.
    I will recommend that but approach should on the master plan because we can’t tell. And therefore we have to give room what we know it can pop up at any given time. We should always expect them. As manager they shouldn’t be a surprise to us. In every planning there should be allowance for that.

  338. The project approach depends on the type of project at hand but using both approach produces a better,faster and successful project. As a project manager working with MTD, I will ensure both iterative and linear lifecycle/approach are used where necessary to speed up the process. I will start with the linear approach because it will help me get the necessary information, plan and also get a better understanding about the project goal, challenges and solutions and the expected output before applying the iterative approach in order to get feedbacks and complete the project in short time. Using both approach helps to test ideas and learn about the need of the stakeholders, shows transparency and accountability, provides assurance to sponsors and improving stakeholders management and accelerate delivery of project output.

  339. As a PM to MTD, the iterative approach helps reduce the burden of a long term project to team. It breaks the work into phase which makes it easy to assess and it also enhances accountability at every phase of the project.

  340. The iterative project management method allows the team to test the vision or idea of the project and get feedback to decide whether the project is viable to carry out. In an iteration project, the managers seek to create something of value with each iteration rather than only at the end of the project

  341. If a company sought my advice, I would recommend adopting an agile approach for organizing the event. The dynamic nature of event planning, where requirements and circumstances often change, aligns well with agile principles. By using an agile approach, the company can benefit from increased adaptability, continuous improvement, and stakeholder engagement, which would enhance the overall success of the event.

  342. The time frame the company/sponsors has given for the completion of the project would determine the best approach to use. I.e Iterative where there’s limited time and linear where there is more time.But making reference to MTD where getting results would be key. Iterative approach would be the best.

  343. If an iterative approach was employed it will accelerate projrct deliverables for whatever event MTD has to handle at the moment.
    Implications of adopting the agile approach
    1- It will improve stakeholders engagement
    2- Transparency
    3- Time management
    I will recommend the iterative method to MTD

  344. Managing an event in MTD with difficulties and problems means I must deploy a hybrid management approaches where sprint of two to four weeks would be utilized to get over/along the project. The sprint tat requires linear must have clearly shown a sequential manner that would blend with subsequent iteration. Along the line, I must engage my client for updates and collective progress which in turn will save resources and grant confidence through the event.

  345. Iterative project management method allows the team to test the vision or idea of the project and get feedback to decide whether the project is viable to carry out. This basically motivates the stakeholders to invest more on the project, hence the output is frequent and there’s a fixed duration and time limit and the focus is on the highest priority requirements, and changes could be made through made through expert analysis and dynamic planning. I suggest MTD should adopt Iterative method of project management because it enables the team to act fast in a rapid and unpredictable situations, establishes good time management and mitigates the risk involved in the project.
    1. Good time management
    2. Prompt response to rapid and unpredictable changes
    3. Priorities task according to their values
    4. Benefiting from stakeholders and users feedback to improve and make changes
    5. Ability to deliver the outputs regularly and frequently rather than all at once at the end of the project.

  346. As a project manager collaborating with the MTD event company I’ll go with the hybrid Project lifecycle. The linear project lifecycle will help to properly know the concept and definition of the project at hand and also the iterative project will help to work effectively in the environment which is VUCA and ability to respond in agility to possible risk that may arise

  347. The linear project take a the form of a waterfall process where project must be finished with before another starts while the iterative process dont finish with one before the other it gives room for feedbacks and adjustments. My advice is for the company to make a use of the iterative project.

  348. In iteration project, the managers seek to create something of value with each iteration rather than only at the end of the project. And it will help the project team to be able to deliver the output regularly and frequently. Now, as a PM working in MTD i will start with the Linear approach because it will help me get the necessary information and also help me to understand the project goal, solution and the expected output before applying the iteration approach to complete the project.

  349. As a Project Manager working with MTD on event projects. The Project approach to apply would be determined by the event I am handling at a particular time.
    If the project is straightforward, I would make use of the linear approach or methodology.
    However, for events that are volatile and uncertain, I would apply Agile/scrum methodology for best results.

  350. Using one approach over the other comes with it advantages and disadvantages, as a PM I would suggest the hybrid approach to create balanced, flexible and adaptable situation for the teams, users and stakeholders.

  351. Well, as a PM I will ensure the both iterative and agile lifecycle/approach where necessary to speed up the process.
    Where project involves too much management or stakeholder involvement will adopt linear to get feedback and to be able to move to the next quickly. Also to ensure that works are done and ensure output quickly I will divide the team in splint with each having what I have assigned them to do while I monitor each altogether and harmonize them to ensure that all mini projects achieve their goals.

    1. As a project manager working at MTDi will use the linear methodology and if after use there is other issues to solve then the iterative agile approach will be used.

  352. Considering the ever-changing landscape of events projects, it’s essential for MTD to embrace an iterative or agile approach. By doing so, MTD can adeptly navigate through shifts, minimize risks, and ensure the delivery of events that not only meet but surpass stakeholder expectations. I advise tailoring agile methodologies to suit MTD’s specific project needs and organizational culture, ensuring a seamless integration and successful execution.

  353. As the project manager working with MTD, the events company, my main focus would be on ensuring the successful planning and execution of events for our clients.

  354. In all the video and written clip about MTD it very clear that the company has been getting it right. Water which has been a problem in most of their events have been taken care of such that water consumption and usage at the events has drastically gone up at no cost to the event owners which is a resounding applause o the Project managerial capability of MTD.

    However as the scope of its operation elongates in line with keeping up with the expanding needs of the clients MTD need to continually be on top of its game at every stage of the business. Unarguably, presently MTD adopts a linear methodology for its operations and hence I would advice they set up silos of teams to probe each stage in the delivery channels. Hence an Agile /iterative approach that enhances more effective communication and quick feedback from consumers alike as this will better advance customer service and customers satisfaction in each stage of the delivery channel.

    In summary a linear approach complimented by Agile methodology which seek to probe every singlestage in the channel for quality and efficiency would be my suggestion.

    1. If my opinion is sought by MTD about the best approach to use I would proffer the HYBRID approach. MTD is an events company so their job ‘Concept’ is generally known. The Linear approach can help my PM team in the laying the basic groundwork(from expertise garnered in similar past projects). But because there could be very ‘Volatile’, ‘Uncertain’ changes in the client’s and users requirements, nature changes, government influence etc the Iterative approach will be effective in helping to get feedback constantly from the client, users and government and help in ensuring my team can deliver an effect final product that will be transparent and inclusive to all stakeholders after the final SPRINT cycle.

  355. I will first use the linear approach, which will enable me to identify key areas where the project could go wrong. Afterward, I will use agile methods, which will allow feedback from consumers and key stakeholders.

  356. As a project manager working with MTD, I will work on re-skilling our employees and also create events that will help them to be up to the task.

  357. I will first of all try out the linear technique – that is to understand their challenges sequentially. This will allow me to know where things are going wrong.
    Consequently, The agile technique will be introduced for constant collaboration and working in iterations to solve the issues sported and moving forward to project completion.

  358. As the project manager working with MTD, the events company, my main focus would be on ensuring the successful planning and execution of events for our clients. Some key organizational values that may influence our work in projects could include professionalism, creativity, attention to detail, and customer satisfaction.

    These values would guide our team in delivering high-quality events that exceed client expectations. For example, professionalism would mean that we approach every aspect of the project with a high level of expertise and integrity. Creativity would inspire us to come up with innovative event concepts and experiences that stand out in the industry. Attention to detail would ensure that every aspect of the event, from logistics to design, is meticulously planned and executed flawlessly. Customer satisfaction would drive us to prioritize the needs and preferences of our clients, ensuring that they are delighted with the final outcome.

  359. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I can offer assistance based on the difficulties and problems they have encountered in their projects:

    1. Risk Management: MTD seems to struggle with effectively managing risks in their projects. I can provide insights and expertise in identifying potential risks, assessing their potential impact, and developing appropriate risk mitigation strategies. This can help MTD anticipate and address challenges proactively, reducing the likelihood of project failure.

    2. Stakeholder Engagement: XYZ, in the scenario provided, needs to engage key stakeholders effectively. I can share best practices and techniques for stakeholder identification, analysis, and engagement. This can help MTD in developing a comprehensive stakeholder management plan and fostering positive relationships with stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

    3. Quality Control: The review conducted by XYZ highlighted problems and material hurdles for the next stage of their project. I can assist MTD in implementing robust quality control measures, including project auditing, regular performance assessments, and quality assurance processes. This will help ensure that project deliverables meet the required standards and client expectations.

    4. Ethical Considerations: Based on the previously discussed scenario involving XYZ, I can provide guidance on ethical conduct during projects. This includes promoting transparency, accountability, and avoiding conflicts of interest. I can help MTD develop ethical guidelines and integrate ethical decision-making frameworks into their project management processes.

    5. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration skills are essential for successful project management. I can assist MTD in improving their communication strategies, facilitating effective team collaboration, and fostering positive relationships with clients and stakeholders. This can help improve project outcomes and overall client satisfaction.

    By offering expertise in these areas, I can support MTD in overcoming their project challenges and improving their project management practices.

  360. MTD teams possess the capability to swiftly implement changes aligned with meeting strategic objectives. This involves convening all team members for collaborative discussions to determine the best course of action, with subsequent actions taken based on the agreed-upon solutions.
    using and iterative approach in organizing an event help mitigating risk swiftly at all level from the event planning to execution
    and this would also make all team to validate there work to kpi which could help the company save money project would be delivered faster

  361. While linear approach may well apply tonprojects that involve a simple thought out with realistic expectation or outcome at thwnendnof the projects. There are times dynamics and hurdles can change the course of planned events. Where such changes happens, my advice to MTD would be to have a team that understands the agile response to VUCA.

  362. For Event Projects iterative approach will have a positive impact to the progress of the project. Sprint approach of 2 weeks of mini project handling several tasks, then have a review at the end of the two weeks followed by before another sprint and review. With the agile approach most task on the list will get ticked off in shortest time possible and there will be a clear direction and tangible results. However i will advice MTD to combine both the linear and iterative approaches. Start with a clear definition of the idea, plan task in stages, define dependencies and then sprint.

  363. The consequence of using the iterative approach for managing the project is that it allows for consistent flow of feedback from stakeholders, which improved the overall performance of the project delivery and quality.
    The same also goes for the agile approach. Both applications are recommended for a project with high volatility, unstable environment, and variables.
    Since agility is required to manage a vollatile situation, I will recommend the combination of both approaches.

  364. Applying VUCA framework and AGILITY as a project manager gives you that moral booster that yes you are on right track to project delivery ….

  365. Over time, people realized that this approach was not optimal for the development of digital products. After all, software is more malleable than physical items. You can’t easily add another story to a house once it’s built. It’s much easier to add new functionality to software — especially in today’s world of software that’s either run directly in the cloud or at least delivered and updated via the Internet, where you don’t have to physically ship an updated software package to your customers.

    Additionally, developing and improving digital products is risky. It is generally unknown what the best way to deliver value through the product will be. More concretely: when starting out, we don’t know what functionality and user experience the product should provide in order to be most beneficial to its users. The more innovative a product is, the more risk there is. This is another key difference to many physical engineering projects, that are often more similar to previous constructions.

  366. Over time, people realized that this approach was not optimal for the development of digital products. After all, software is more malleable than physical items. You can’t easily add another story to a house once it’s built. It’s much easier to add new functionality to software — especially in today’s world of software that’s either run directly in the cloud or at least delivered and updated via the Internet, where you don’t have to physically ship an updated software package to your customers.

    Additionally, developing and improving digital products is risky. It is generally unknown what the best way to deliver value through the product will be. More concretely: when starting out, we don’t know what functionality and user experience the product should provide in order to be most beneficial to its users. The more innovative a product is, the more risk there is. This is another key difference to many physical engineering projects, that are often more similar to previous constructions.Over time, people realized that this approach was not optimal for the development of digital products. After all, software is more malleable than physical items. You can’t easily add another story to a house once it’s built. It’s much easier to add new functionality to software — especially in today’s world of software that’s either run directly in the cloud or at least delivered and updated via the Internet, where you don’t have to physically ship an updated software package to your customers.

    Additionally, developing and improving digital products is risky. It is generally unknown what the best way to deliver value through the product will be. More concretely: when starting out, we don’t know what functionality and user experience the product should provide in order to be most beneficial to its users. The more innovative a product is, the more risk there is. This is another key difference to many physical engineering projects, that are often more similar to previous constructions.

  367. In the role of being a project manager, integrating an iterative strategy into event coordination enables ongoing adaptations, fostering flexibility, foster collaboration and problem solving. I advise MTD to employ a mix of iterative and linear methods to navigate unforeseen challenges effectively. Furthermore, applying the VUCA framework can facilitate project scalability.

  368. As a Project Manager, taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a Project Manager will accommodate consistent adjustments due to feedback which will enhance flexibility and feedback.

    An agile approach brings collaboration, team work and quick solution to problems.

    I would advise MTD to execute the project using both iterative and linear approach in order to be ready for any situation or occurrences as it arrives.

  369. As a project Manager, I will understand the project in different angles and actually seek the project is heading to from the view of the MD and apply the VUCA frameworks to help the project scale to the next level.

  370. Building awareness and analyzing MTD’s situations will help the organization to develop appropriate responses to the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects. The VUCA framework would be an effective tool for this.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, the risks would be mitigated on time at a low cost. Also, there would be effective communication and transparency among the project team and stakeholders.

    I would recommend the use of Hybrid approach, incorporating the strong points of both the linear and iterative approaches.

  371. As a project manager for MTD my approach will be to identify the problem and challenges faced by the organization, then apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develop a suitable response to the problems as identified. Also, I will apply the iterative and agile approach to tackle problems and challenges encountered along the line of implementation, while putting the budget into full consideration.

  372. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a Project Manager will accommodate consistent adjustments due to feedback which will enhance flexibility and feedback.

    An agile approach brings collaboration, team work and quick solution to problems.

    I would advise MTD to execute the project using both iterative and linear approach in order to be ready for any situation or occurrences as it arrives.

  373. For MTD, considering the nature of event management, a blend of both approaches could be beneficial, I would employ the iterative method to carry out my company’s prerogatives and weigh all challenges using the VUCA method.

  374. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project allows for incremental progress and adjustments based on feedback. It can enhance adaptability to changing requirements and improve overall event quality. However, it may extend the timeline and potentially increase costs as changes are implemented.

    An agile approach, on the other hand, emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and quick response to changes. It could lead to a more efficient event setup but might require continuous communication and regular reassessment of priorities.

    If advising MTD, I would suggest a hybrid approach, incorporating elements of both iterative and agile methodologies. This would provide flexibility while maintaining a structured framework, allowing for adjustments without compromising project timelines excessively. Clear communication and stakeholder involvement throughout the process would be crucial for success.

  375. Be in a position of the Project Manager of MTD water distribution company; linear approach should be adopted while at the initial installation of the water infrastructure because the cost of the project will be determined during conceptual state which iteration approach should be apply for the distribution of the water; for timely and feedback from the stakeholders.

  376. Given MTD’s role as a water supply company, it’s evident that they encounter specific challenges with stakeholders, particularly due to public scrutiny over water quality. Therefore, as an advisor to MTD, I recommend focusing on enhancing their people management skills, particularly through further training in communication.

    Regarding project management, a linear approach seems appropriate initially, given the close relationship between water supply installations and construction. However, in complex projects, introducing an agile approach—a combination of linear and iterative methods—can effectively address challenges. It’s crucial for MTD teams to evaluate project nature and stakeholder involvement before determining whether to adopt iterative or linear solutions, as an iterative approach may not always be suitable and could lead to wastage of time and resources.

  377. Based on my learning, i would deploy iterative technique to address the various challenges. Implications of iterative lifecycle would be that the outcomes would be in sprint, feedback would be faster, stakeholders would get project progress report in record time and solution would be in quick succession.
    If I was approached to give a suggestion on the approach to engage, I would suggest a hybrid of approach, combining both linear and iterative so as to get the best possible outcome.

  378. As an MTD project manager, I propose a solution involving the implementation of robust communication channels and collaborative tools to ensure effective interaction among team members, clients, vendors, and stakeholders. Additionally, conducting thorough risk assessments at the project’s onset is crucial for identifying potential risks and devising mitigation strategies.
    Regarding the implications of adopting an iterative approach to event planning projects, it allows for greater flexibility in addressing evolving requirements, stakeholder feedback, and external factors. This facilitates frequent feedback loops, adjustments, and incremental improvements throughout the project lifecycle.
    Conversely, embracing an agile approach emphasizes delivering customer value through iterative releases of event features and functionalities. It improves project visibility and prioritization using tools like backlog management and daily stand-up meetings, fostering cross-functional teamwork, self-organization, and continuous improvement to optimize project outcomes.
    In advising MTD, I recommend promoting the adoption of agile methodologies to enhance flexibility, responsiveness, and customer focus in event planning projects. It’s essential to prioritize understanding and addressing clients’ needs through active engagement, proactive communication, and tailored event experiences.

  379. If my advice is been seek on which of the methods can be applied, I will advice Iterative because it’s usually a positive method in the sense that you get to rate your work with feedbacks/reviews that you get from customers at the completion of each phase. With this review, it will give the incite to the right step and adjustment to make in order to complete the project and make it a success,
    Iterative approach also tends to make customers gets the necessary attention that they need and seek, thereby helping the MTD company get the necessary and needed feedback they need per time to increase their effectiveness in the course of the project before reaching the last stage of the project.

  380. As an MTD project manager, I would use a combination of Linear and Iterative project approaches for flexibility in the project process, good stakeholder engagement, and access to feedback at any project stage.
    Using iterative as a single project approach may cause consequences such as costly systems or issues because all requirements are not considered upfront the entire life cycle. –
    Adopting an agile approach would clear the path to project objectives with good communication and engagement with stakeholders and users as well as getting the result in a short period.

  381. Based on what I have learned, and I think it would help is combining the approach of linear and iterative in starting and completing a project which gives a plus of testing ideas and learning about user requirements, improvement in stakeholder engagement, acceleration of project output delivery, and also increase transparency. The team members need to understand the concept of the event stating the stance, possibility, and advantage of the project, The definition phase needs to be as clear as possible stating the requirements of the project, its steps, and its justification. The next stage will be approached in an iterative method whereby a short repeatable burst of energy is needed to build the solution. in the process, it will give room for the identification of risk and mitigating it, and at the same time being transparent with the sponsors

  382. Base on what I’ve learnt so far I recommend iterative approach, due to uncertainty in event that linear approach can’t handle.

    You need to know what customer wants and how to control changes in event scene

  383. If the business came to me for guidance on how to organize an event like a project, I would suggest using an agile methodology. Agile approaches offer a framework for effectively managing complexity, encouraging teamwork, and adjusting to changes.

    By segmenting the event into more manageable chunks and making adjustments in response to feedback, the team can increase the pace of value delivery, preserve flexibility, and continuously enhance the caliber of the event. Furthermore, the dynamic and complex nature of event planning is perfectly matched with the agile approaches’ emphasis on cooperation and communication.

  384. Implications of an Iterative Approach:

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project involves incremental planning and execution. Each phase is revisited and refined as needed. Implications include:

    Flexibility: Iterative methods allow for adjustments based on feedback and changing requirements, accommodating unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

    Enhanced Adaptability The team can adapt to evolving circumstances, refining elements of the event progressively rather than adhering strictly to a predefined plan.

    Feedback Integratio: Regular reviews facilitate the incorporation of stakeholder feedback, ensuring the event aligns closely with expectations.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:

    An Agile approach, often associated with software development but adaptable to various projects, emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. For setting up an event:

    Continuous Collaboration: Agile promotes constant communication and collaboration among team members, fostering a dynamic and responsive work environment.

    For MTD, considering the nature of event management, a blend of both approaches could be beneficial:

    Hybrid Approach: Incorporate an iterative model for detailed planning phases while embracing Agile principles during execution. This enables thorough groundwork while maintaining adaptability.

    Frequent Stakeholder Involvement: Engage stakeholders regularly to gather feedback and insights, ensuring the event aligns with their expectations and can be adjusted as needed.

    Continuous Improvemen: Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. Post-event evaluations should not just focus on what went well or wrong but on how the planning and execution processes can be enhanced for future events.

  385. I learnt to adopt the iterative approach to implement project plan. It helps to build flexibility and adaptability.

  386. Working with MTD on an event as a project manager – a large sporting event as a case study; iterative approach is a better choice as the scope of the project towards the success of the event is ‘likely’ to change coupled with fact that, the feedback from the host environment is needed to validate the ideas for proper planning.

  387. Over the week, I learnt about efficient communication with clients, sponsors/stakeholders and their total engagement in project management. As a Project manager for MTD events, I will adopt the iterative approach to implement the project plan. This will enable me to have prepared plans, and receive feedback that will help to build on the right solution within a short period and then adjust based on the client’s preference and changing environment. This will bring about a successful event outcome. Also, adapting the agile approach will enable MTD to respond to change quickly, make a priority list based on their client value and deliver a successful result within the period of planning for the event. Their flexibility will help to bring satisfaction to their stakeholders and be well prepared for the future unpredicted and unexpected circumstances that is continuous improvement.

  388. As a project manager working with MTD I would use the iterative approach because it gives room for update (changes) as the projesct is ongoing within 2-4 weeks and priortize important task.

  389. This week, I learned about the importance of stakeholder engagement and communication in project management, which could greatly benefit MTD. Ensuring clear and frequent communication with clients, vendors, and team members can help address challenges and prevent misunderstandings.

    Implementing an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would allow MTD to gather feedback early and often, making adjustments along the way based on client preferences and changing requirements. This could lead to a more tailored and successful event outcome.

    Similarly, adopting an agile approach would enable MTD to respond quickly to changes, prioritize tasks based on client value, and deliver incremental results throughout the event planning process. This flexibility could lead to higher client satisfaction and better adaptation to unforeseen circumstances.

  390. While there are challenges associated with adopting Agile principles, the benefits can be significant, including faster time to market, improved quality, increased collaboration, and greater flexibility.

    1. As a project manager working with MTD I would use the iterative approach because it flexible enough to make corrections and changes.

      1. The iterative approach works well as it can solve the issue of volatility and uncertainty that comes in handling a project

  391. as a project manager for MTD I will employ the iterative method while handling projects because this gives room for easy adjustments, corrections and reforming and it imposes less risk.
    the agile approach in this instance helps to tackle unforeseen or unexpected occurrences in the course of the project

  392. The iterative process is a practical building, improving and refunding a project.Employing the iterative management approaches in MTD would be effective as it supports flexibility and adaptability to the VUCA methodology.

  393. The iterative process is the practice of building, refining, and improving a project, product, or initiative. Teams that use the iterative development process create, test, and revise until they’re satisfied with the end result. You can think of an iterative process as a trial-and-error methodology that brings your project closer to its end goal.

    The process; Waterfall is the most common non-iterative process. In the waterfall model, you and your team will define project phases before the project starts. Each phase begins once a previous phase is completed in its entirety. Requirements and resources will typically be locked before a project begins, and the team avoids changing the project plan as much as possible.

  394. Employing iterative management approaches in MTD operations would be effective as it support flexibility and adaptability to the VUCA environment.

  395. As a hypothetical PM involved with MDT, I would employ the iterative method to carry out my company’s prerogatives, and weigh all challenges using the VUCA method.

  396. Implications of an Iterative Approach:

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project involves incremental planning and execution. Each phase is revisited and refined as needed. Implications include:

    Flexibility: Iterative methods allow for adjustments based on feedback and changing requirements, accommodating unforeseen challenges or opportunities.

    Enhanced Adaptability The team can adapt to evolving circumstances, refining elements of the event progressively rather than adhering strictly to a predefined plan.

    Feedback Integratio: Regular reviews facilitate the incorporation of stakeholder feedback, ensuring the event aligns closely with expectations.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:

    An Agile approach, often associated with software development but adaptable to various projects, emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. For setting up an event:

    Continuous Collaboration: Agile promotes constant communication and collaboration among team members, fostering a dynamic and responsive work environment.

    For MTD, considering the nature of event management, a blend of both approaches could be beneficial:

    Hybrid Approach: Incorporate an iterative model for detailed planning phases while embracing Agile principles during execution. This enables thorough groundwork while maintaining adaptability.

    Frequent Stakeholder Involvement: Engage stakeholders regularly to gather feedback and insights, ensuring the event aligns with their expectations and can be adjusted as needed.

    Continuous Improvemen: Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. Post-event evaluations should not just focus on what went well or wrong but on how the planning and execution processes can be enhanced for future events.

  397. If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, the consequences would be:
    -System architecture problems can arise because all the requirements are not gathered upfront.
    -It is more resource-intensive than the waterfall model.
    -Risk analysis requires highly qualified specialists to check the risks in our system.
    -The whole process is difficult to manage.

    Implications of adopting an agile approach:
    -More time and commitment
    -Less predictable
    -Lack of necessary documentation
    -Projects easily fall off track
    -Greater demands on developers and clients

    I would recommend the Agile approach because it ensures that development teams complete projects on time and within budget and also helps reduce risk associated with complex projects.

  398. an unpredictable work that can come with a lot of uncertainty and to a certain extent the work can also be done by following some set down plans that allows each phase of work to be completed before moving on to the next phase. I will adopt both linear and iterative methods as both will work out depending on the issues faced.

    Both method allows for delivering of project output.
    It also allows for ideas testing and deep learning about user requirements.

    I’ll advise that we can collaborate both method to ease our landing point and project completion.

    Praise Olubanwo.
    Cohort 13, Group 10.

  399. As the project manager working with MTD I would have adopted hybrid method this so because I’ll apply the strength of iterative and that of agile thereby minimizing their weaknesses

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project will be that the project manager cannot plan out various aspects of the projects but rather have certain aspects met on a set periodical basis, say every two days

    Haruna Abdulazeez
    cohort 13
    Group 7

  400. The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project will be that the project manager cannot plan out various aspects of the projects but rather have certain aspects met on a set periodical basis, say every two weeks. Another implication is that the Project sponsor will not be able to oversee each phase of the project but rather play a leadership role and be given updates in longer periods of time. Same goes for the stakeholders.
    The implications of an agile approach is that the project manager, sponsor, and stakeholders can plan and envisage the tasks or eliverables from the onset until the final deployment and end phase of the project. Another implication is that the project teams will implement every aspect of the projects for a longer period until completion, unlike the agile approach which would employ mini implementation for shorter periods and ROI.
    I will advise MTD to employ both agile and iterative methods in its event projects to properly harness the advantages of both approaches.

  401. Oluwafunmike Dare
    PM TEAM 5
    {COHORT 13}
    As a project manager working on MTD project, I will look out for the viable approach that has been adopted in previous projects, it seems to be expected risks that is often encountered during projects, I will the put into consideration hybrid approach wherever it is required at any phase.

  402. As a project manager working with MTD. I will adopt the iterative method, given that the project is unstable and unpredictable. An iterative approach will give room for flexibility and adaptability.

  403. Considering the uncertainties embedded in projects being executed by MTD, assuming I am a Project Manager working on one of their projects, I’d prefer to employ a hybrid approach for obvious reasons.
    I believe being flexible is key to successfully delivering on such projects

  404. Oliyide Oluwatobi
    Cohort 13
    Team 10

    Our times are characterised by vulnerability and complexity, driven by eccentric, troublesome changes within the economy, legislative issues, innovation, environment and society.

    Few associations are protected from the impacts of this instability. As a result, numerous are abandoning long- term vital arranging in yearly cycles, and instep receiving nonstop, energetic procedures.

    Venture administration is changing, too. Linear approaches are not reasonable in all circumstances.

    As a Project manager, I learn to be versatile and adaptable, I need to build my own toolkit of proven methods and techniques suitable for the circumstances am dealing with knowing fully how to use them to get the best result for effective output

  405. I will apply the iterative approach cos of the following;

    1. Flexibility: this allows for flexibility and adaptability during the planning and execution of the event. Changes can be incorporated based on feedback and evolving requirements.
    2. Continuous Improvement: this processes will enable continuous improvement as each iteration builds upon the lessons learned from the previous ones.
    3. Risk Mitigation: By addressing challenges early in the process, this approach will enable me mitigate risks and reduces the likelihood of major issues arising later.

  406. Working with the MTD as one if the project managers and Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, i will suggest the iterative method because of it flexibility and possible development strategy that involves a cyclical process, helping for easy taking of disition when any problem is encounter. Similarly,the implications of adopting an agile approach will facilitate and allow for quick identification of problems with the project and solution is proffered, and the project is a success.

  407. Assume I work in MTD, it’s factual that the structure of the job is very unpredictable and often comes with a significant level of uncertainty or unforeseen changes.

    Therefore, to successfully sail through this hurdle of uncertainties, I would express the usage of both the linear and the iterative method of project management, thereby reducing the possible limitations available and leading to a more successful project delivery success

    1. As a project manager, I would advice for iterative approach of project management. This is because, the method gives room for changes and flexibility. It carries everyone along and everyone including stakeholders will at some points get to know the progress and challenges of the project.

      With this, i will easily detect the challengs ahead and find solution to it immediately.

      Iterative method gives room for suggestions and contributions from project team.

  408. As a project manager working with MTD, I will apply the iteractive approach because of the potential and unforeseen risks that could affect the project. Surely there will be lots of ups and downs and I believe they should be taken care of bits by bits also. Agile approach would make the risks be attended to quicker and easier than making everything complicated after loads of mistakes.

  409. If I am working with mtd as a project manager, after what I have learnt this week I’ll certainly know that the work with MTD is an unpredictable work that can come with a lot of uncertainty and to a certain extent the work can also be done by following some set down plans that allows each phase of work to be completed before moving on to the next phase. I will adopt both linear and iterative methods as both will work out depending on the issues faced.

    Both method allows for delivering of project output.
    It also allows for ideas testing and deep learning about user requirements.

    I’ll advise that we can collaborate both method to ease our landing point and project completion

  410. I’ll employ the iterative method for the project due to its inherent instability, enabling flexibility in accommodating changes from vendors, sponsors, or the environment.
    The agile approach facilitates swift problem identification and efficient resolution, optimizing time and resources.

  411. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, i would use an a Hybrid approach because events are likely to change.

  412. from the lessons of this week, i have come to undersand that the type of environment determines the approach one adopts to acheive a successful project.
    in the case of working with MTD, i would adopt an iterative approach considering it is not a simple task of just supplying water. we have to consider the environment and social behaviour of the end users.
    the implication of working iteratively helps the fact that at every phase of water movement to different loactions of the venue, you and the team are able to acess the situations at the receiving ends and determine which is not operating at said pressure/temperatue/volume and changes at made at those ends immediately than waiting for the completion of the project before changes are effected.

    implications of an agile approach to this project are as follows:
    1. immediate feedback and changes are carried out without waiting at the end of the project which might be waste of time.
    2. there is room for learning developing new skills as a team member.
    3. acceleartes the delivery of project outcomes.

    my advice to the company would be to prepare for any unexpected feedback and be ready to solve the problems posed by that feedback.

  413. As a project manager with MTD, I will adapt the iterative method approach because such project is unstable hence, prone to changes. Iterative method allows me as a PM to be flexible as well as adaptive to whatever changes from vendors, sponsors or environment.
    Agile method gives room for quick identification of problems with the project and solution is proffered, saving time and resources.

  414. I am working with MTD as a Project Manager by assumptions, firstly, I will have it in mind that events in the industry are mostly dynamic and unpredictable. Therefore, an iterative approach to Project Management would be highly recommended which creates room for adaptability and flexibility in the course of the Project.

  415. Assuming I am working with MTD as a Project Manager, I would first and foremost have it at the back of my mind that events in the industry are dynamic and most times unpredictable. Therefore, an iterative approach to Project Management would be highly recommended to give room for adaptability and flexibility in the course of managing the Project.

  416. With what i’ve learned soo far, there are different approaches to resolve and tackle project especially the one I will be focusing on here which is the MTD that supplies water.
    With the volume of water they handle we can come to a conclusion that it’s a bring project which will require the hybrid approach not just linear but both the linear and iterative approach.
    This approaches allows for testing ideas and learning about user requirements.
    It provides assurance to sponsors and stake holders from which will help the MTD a lot
    It accelerates delivery of project outputs.

  417. As a project manager working with a company like MTD, I would recognize that the events industry is very dynamic and often unpredictable. As such, I would recommend an iterative approach to project management, which would allow for flexibility and adaptability.

    1. As a project manager for MTD, I will adopt the iryeritive approach. This will enable us develop prototype on how to deliver the water. It will also help us get feedback from stakeholders. they’ll have a clear picture of of how intend to deliver on the project (transparency) and also present them the opportunity to make observations for possible adjustment in the scope of the project.

  418. Being a PM for MTD, I would adopt the hybrid approach because it will help with sticking to available budget and maintain execution timelines. This approach will also help with focusing on improvements by allowing iterations. With this approach, teams will be kept motivated by using an approach that fits the team and the project style. Team members are also seen to have the most innovative outcomes through combination of planning, emergence and collaborations.

  419. Akinmoye Segun Wilson cohort 13, team 2

    From what I have learned so far on different approaches to tackle a project and with the volume of work to be done on the MTD water project, i will approach the project using Hybrid method, because there is a need to combine both linear and iterative approach which enable us test ideas and have a well structured plan and also accelerate delivery of project output, and also give room for dialogue and feedback.

    The consequences of using iterative approach in a project are :
    1. It might require a lot of resources due to change in design
    2. Feedback from environment is needed to validate business ideas and inform investment decision and planning
    3. Responding to change over following a plan
    4. Speed of delivery is more important than product completeness.

    Implications of applying Agile methods
    1.Transparency: Giving visibility to the significant aspect of the process to those responsible for the outcome.
    2. Inspection: Timely checks on the progress, forward a sprint goal to the deflect undesirable variances.
    4. Maintain simplicity
    5. Customer collaboration over contract negotiations.

  420. As an MTD Project Manager, I would adopt the hybrid approach to deliver the project , that is a combination of both linear and Iterative project approaches.
    This will allow me have detailed planning planning , specifications, project, risk mitigation, interaction with both the project team and client for feedbacks, flexibility, prepare to create mini sprint project for unforeseen and uncertain circumstances.
    The implementation of the Hybrid approach will be an intelligent approach to addressing the project.

  421. As a project manager for MTD, I would adopt the hybrid approach to project delivery, that is a combination both the linear and Iterative project approaches.
    This allows for detailed specifications, project planning, risk mitigation, interaction with both the project team and client for feedbacks, flexibility, prepare to create mini sprint project for unforeseen and uncertain circumstances.
    I would advice the use of hybrid approach to managing projects.

  422. As the Project manager walk with the hybrid approach looking at the challenges and the objectives of my company, it allows flexibility and collaboration thereby accelerating the delivery of services and satisfactory feedback from stakeholders.

  423. As the Project manager i wilk go for rhe hybrid approach looking at the challenges and the objectives of my company.it allows flexibility and collaboration thereby accelerating the delievery of services.

  424. Having studied the organization I work with, I would know what works best for them. Organization like MTD is a complex firm which I would take an hybrid approach that present a spectrum methods and practices and an extensive toolkit for me to use when facing the myraid challenges of projects in complex world.

  425. If MTD wanted my advice, I would suggest a hybrid strategy that incorporates features of both iterative and agile approaches. This would enable MTD to reap the benefits of iterative planning and execution while also adopting agile characteristics like flexibility and collaboration. Specifically, I would recommend the following steps:
    1. Break down the event planning process into iterative milestones, each focusing on key deliverables or phases of the project.
    2. Implement agile practices such as regular sprint planning sessions, daily stand-ups, and retrospective meetings to foster collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement.
    3. Actively seek feedback from clients and stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle, incorporating their input to refine and adjust plans as needed.
    4. Continuously monitor project progress, identify risks and issues early, and adapt plans and strategies accordingly to ensure successful event delivery.

  426. As a project manager working for MTD, I’ll use the hybrid approach I.e combining both linear and iterative approaches to enable us test ideas and learn about user requirements, and also accelerate delivery of project output.
    The consequences/implications of iterative approach in a project are:
    1: the scope is likely to change which means the environment is unstable and uncertain
    2: feedback from users is needed to validate the idea
    3:there’ll be increased visibility and transparency
    4: you’ll always have to engage the stakeholders.
    I’ll recommend the hybrid approach if the company seeks my advice

  427. Having gone through the impact of employing either linear or iterative approach, I’d opt for a hybrid approach. To successfully achieve MTD’s events projects the application of both linear or iterative approaches is key. This will help to avoid issues like scope creep i.e uncontrolled expansion of requirements and expectations on a project, give room to work on different ideas and get the necessary feedbacks, as well as, cater for any unforeseen occurrences which may arise in the course of implementing the project.

  428. As a project manager working with MTD on a project whose objective is to deliver 33,000litres of water to a filed stadium of 1,000 people, Adopting the iterative approach would enable me and the project management team to design a prototype model of how we intend to deliver the project from the early stage of the project. This will enable have a better and clear conversation with the project owners as they’ll have a clearer picture of of how intend to deliver on the project and also present them the opportunity to make observations for possible adjustment in the scope of the project.
    The Iterative approach is will also help in monitoring progress and measuring of milestones attended, by so doing saving time. Even though more resources may be deployed using the iterative approach, but it eliminates the possibility of error that may cause the abandonment of the project.

    The implication of adopting the agile approach in delivering the project comes the flexibility and freedom to make changes and also to follow the path which i believe as a project manager will be best in delivering the project. In the agile approach, it is not a one way street, as i will always try to find the best “easier way” out to deliver without compromising on the quality of the project delivery. However, the agile will come up with the challenges of developing the actual project cost and process timeframe.

    In this case, I’d recommend the mixed/hybrid model of project management as an advice as it offers the best of all project management approach.

  429. From my lesson so far this week, I have learnt that as a Project manager in an MTD project it’s being able to apply the Linear and Iterative approach through the process of the project and also to consider their strength and weaknesses.
    Implications of taking an Iterative approach to set up an event as a project can have several implications such as;
    1. Flexibility – environmental changes, change in business strategies and project scope.
    2. Continuous Feedback from users/customers is needed to validate the business ideas and inform investment decisions and planning.
    3. Enhanced Collaboration which promotes collaboration among team members, vendors, and stakeholders, fostering better communication and alignment throughout the event planning process.
    4. Speed of the process is more important than project completeness.
    5. The solution is novel and the project team needs to learn the required skills to deliver timely.
    The implications of applying an agile approach are;
    1. Sprint planning by breaking down the event planning into shorter sprints
    2. Regular reviews of the process by stakeholders and users
    3. Adaptability by adjusting to event change following a rigid plan.
    Considering the process and approach mentioned above, I would advice and recommend the company (MTD) to use a Hybrid approach.

  430. I will go with the opinion that a company like MTD, usually before the initiation of the project, and with such project on mind, the project scope and deliverables are known, i.e deliver 33,000liters of water for a field stadium for 1000 people.

    During the course of the project, they encounter some uncertainties that would require some adjustments from the team that has to do with the project scope, mode of delivery e.t.c to the volatile and unstable environment.

    Thus, a mixed approach of Linear and itinerant be deployed for an excellent delivery of the project..

  431. As a PM working with MTD company… I will prefer a combined approach because iterative methods allows continuous communication and feedback even though might require consistent meetings but there’s transparency of the situation at every point in time, meanwhile there’s no project without challenges as such This is where the agile team comes to quickly provide possible solutions for the project or event is realized successfully.

  432. As a Project Manager, I advocate for the preference of a physical launch event. This approach fosters direct interaction among all team members, facilitating meaningful dialogue and mutual understanding.

    To ensure the success of the event, several key objectives must be met:

    1. Establishing ground rules to govern the project’s duration.
    2. Gaining insight into each team member’s perception of the project’s purpose in relation to the organization’s success.
    3. Aligning individual team members’ perceived project purposes with the overarching objectives of the organization.
    4. Identifying project objectives, goals, and milestones.
    5. Consensus on tool usage, particularly communication tools, specifying responsibilities and timelines.
    6. Creating a communication matrix to streamline information flow.
    7. Defining criteria for evaluating project success and failure throughout its duration.

    Attendance should encompass all team members, project sponsors, and relevant stakeholders, with activities structured to include collaborative brainstorming sessions aimed at delineating goals, objectives, and milestones. Emphasis should be placed on the significance of these achievements in advancing the organization’s overarching objectives.

    By establishing a comprehensive framework, a unified vision can be collectively crafted, igniting enthusiasm and commitment among team members toward achieving project objectives and organizational success.

  433. I’ll agree that with a company like MTD, usually before the initiation of the project, the project scope and deliverables are known, i.e deliver 33,000liters of water for a field stadium for 1000 people.

    During the course of the project, they encounter some issues that would require the team to adjust the project scope, mode of delivery e.t.c to the volatile and unstable environment.

    I will advise that a mixed PM approach be used.

  434. As a project manager working with a company like MTD, I would recognize that the events industry is very dynamic and often unpredictable. As such, I would recommend an iterative approach to project management, which would allow for flexibility and adaptability. With an iterative approach, we would break the project down into smaller tasks and deliverables, and then complete and review these tasks in quick cycles. This would allow us to quickly respond to any challenges or changes that arise, and keep the project moving forward.
    In terms of the implications of agile vs. linear approaches, agile would allow us to be more responsive to changes, while linear would
    In terms of specific implications, an agile approach could allow us to better align with the needs of our clients, as their needs and requirements may change throughout the project. However, it could also lead to scope creep and a lack of focus on the overall objective. A linear approach could help us to stay on schedule and on budget, but it could also be inflexible and difficult to adapt to changing circumstances.
    Ultimately, I would advise MTD to take a hybrid approach, combining the best aspects of both agile and linear project management. This would allow us to be responsive and flexible, while still keeping the project on track.
    To further explain this hybrid approach, we could break the project down into phases, with each phase following an agile approach, while the overall project would follow a linear approach. This would allow us to iterate on each phase, while still having a clear plan and timeline for the entire project. It would also allow us to more easily identify and manage risks, as we would be regularly reviewing and assessing the project as it progresses. This hybrid approach would help us to be both responsive and efficient, while still delivering the project on time and within budget.

  435. as a project manager using iterative approach will be the best for an event project like MTD Because the iterative method will help the project manager to optimize time management, curb resources wastage as you will know what you need for each sprint and what more thing yiu need to complete the sprint and great at solving issues encountered immediately brainstorming ising agile teams. also getting feedback from end user or costumer.

  436. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, a combination of both method should be adopted. iterative method allows for consistent feedback and progress monitoring throughout the project, although it may entail frequent meetings and time consumption. Therefore, as a project manager, I’ll analyze the project’s complexity and aim to blend iterative and linear approaches to efficiently complete the project.

  437. As a project manager bear in mind that there will be no project without challenges no matter how excellent your plans are. Therefore you must be a fast thinker and communicator ready to take action and change plans if need be. This is where the agile team comes to quickly provide possible solutions for the project or event is realized successfully

  438. The two approaches to project management are linear and iteration. The linear method is more straight-jacketed and allows for very minimal changes, compared with the iterative method. Iteration allows for more flexibility and spontaneity in project execution. Here, major changes/alterations can be introduced at any time, without distorting the project pace and objective.

    The iterative approach best suits the events company – MTD, because of the unconventional, dynamic and unpredictable challenges they encounter in setting up temporary water projects for sporting events worldwide.

    Aside from optimizing time management and resources and the speed of feedback, the iterative method allows the MTD project manager to think on their toes, soaking in the challenges in each project (e.g., language barrier, inadequate water source, environmental changes, uncooperative stakeholders, government policies, etc) and finding creative ways to solve them.

    Although the linear approach is too methodical for change, the MTD can incorporate some of its qualities into the iterative approach to execute projects.

    1. There are only two approach to project management and they are linear and iteration approach. The use of iterative approach is good when dealing with MTD and this is because of the unconventional, dynamic and unpredictable challenges they encounter during the course of the water project.

    Project management. Cohort 13
    The use of Iterative method is very essential in utilising the goals of MTD. Iterative approach helps in planning the project from the scratch. 2. Assign tasks to the right people and with the right resources and each of them has a goal. This also helps in breaking down task into smaller parts known as sprint and in getting early feedbacks from the stakeholders.
    The use of Agile method helps in being able to detect issues on time.Agile method helps the project manager /team to collaborate with the stakeholders and this requires continuous planning also helps the project to be faster.
    In conclusion , I would prefer the Linear method because of the time, accountability and manage resources.

  440. The use of iterative approach will help the MTD along way in organizing the event.
    Because it will help the teams at each point to know exactly where they are failing or what issues they are to prepare ahead for. For instance, if they are meant to supply water to an occasion or an event which happens to be an international conference or bigger than that, iterative approach will guide them through each stakeholders they will encounter and at the same time, know exactly how to satisfy the clients involved through the use of the reviews that they get at intervals.
    In this case, using a linear approach might enlongate the delivery process there by disappointing the organizers of the event.

  441. The use of Iterative approach/method will help the project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, in solving the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects. Because the use iterative method will help the project manager to optimize time management, resources wastage and fast in getting feedback from end user or costumer.
    consequences of adopting this method are, it detects potential defects. Functional prototypes can be developed at an early stage. Measuring a project becomes less painful. Changes can be easily implemented. Testing becomes easier. Operational time is reduced. Stakeholder feedback is timely gathered.

    Secondly, the implication of adapting Agile approach, is that it helps to breaks project down into several dynamic phases, commonly known as sprints. and which after every sprint, teams reflect and look back to see if there was anything that could be improved so they can adjust their strategy for the next sprint.

  442. Utilizing an iterative process is key to achieving the overall goals of MTD Event Water Company efficiently. This approach involves breaking down tasks into smaller projects, each with almost the same timeline for feedback and review. The foundation of success lies in meticulous planning during the project’s initiation and ensuring that the best talent is engaged as needed.

    The iterative process offers several benefits for MTD Event Water Company. Firstly, it promotes efficiency by breaking down complex tasks into manageable segments, allowing for better progress tracking. The timely feedback and review cycles after each small project enable continuous evaluation, swiftly identifying issues and creating room for immediate adjustments.

    Additionally, the success of the iterative process depends on robust planning at the project’s onset. Ensuring tasks are well-defined and allocating the right resources from the start sets a strong foundation for the entire project. Furthermore, the flexibility to adapt and bring in specialized talent as the project evolves enhances overall performance.

    In adopting an agile approach, the company gains further advantages. Continuous feedback throughout the project’s lifecycle allows for early issue identification, preventing challenges from escalating. The agile methodology also fosters enhanced collaboration with stakeholders, ensuring the final product aligns closely with their expectations.

    In summary, the combination of an iterative and agile approach empowers MTD Event Water Company with efficiency, adaptability, and continuous improvement. By incorporating regular feedback loops and breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable projects, the company can navigate complexities with flexibility and responsiveness, ultimately contributing to the achievement of its overarching goals.

  443. Based on the information I’ve learned about developing project agility, here’s how I, as a project manager, can help MTD navigate their challenges:

    Challenges Addressed:

    1. Lack of clarity: MTD might face ambiguity regarding attendee preferences or event impact. Agile’s continuous feedback through user testing and surveys helps us gather real-time data and adjust the event accordingly.

    2. Time constraints: Tight deadlines can be stressful. Agile’s prioritization and focused work in sprints ensure we deliver the most impactful elements within the time frame.

    Implications of Iterative and Agile Approaches:

    * Iterative approach:

    Benefits: Early feedback, flexibility to adapt, reduced risk of errors.

    Challenges: Requires clear communication and collaboration, may require adjustments to existing processes.

    * Agile approach:

    Benefits: Increased responsiveness, faster time to market, improved team morale.

    Challenges: Requires cultural shift toward transparency and collaboration, initial learning curve.

    Advice for MTD:

    1. Pilot agile methods: Start with a small event or project to test the waters and gather feedback before full implementation.

    2. Invest in training: Train team members on agile principles and practices like Scrum.

    3. Focus on value: Prioritize tasks based on their value to the client and the overall event success.

    4. Embrace collaboration: Foster a culture of open communication and feedback within and across teams.

    5. Measure and adapt: Track key metrics and adjust your agile approach based on learnings and outcomes.

  444. Environmental specific solutions to projects will be engaged by me as the project supervisor. If the client calling MTD presents a pretty straightforward scope of the project, I will employ the linear approach, and when the scope changes or is relatively unknown, I will employ the iterative approach. A company as big as MTD will have so many subprojects to deliver on one project, so I will definitely mix the approaches so that I have a more agile approach to the project. Most especially, I will employ reviewing after two or four weeks to ensure that we are all still on track according to the needs of the client.

    Chijioke Obioma, Team 5, Cohort 13

  445. Some challenges MTD faces in their project bothers on inadequate or ineffective communication and over segmentation, agile can reduce these challenges by limiting segments and focus on a goal at a time. Iterative approach can as well enhance good communication among team member.

  446. Looking at the problems that MTD encounter and from the concluded module each phases of the project will be analysed to know the best method to approach and solve each problem.
    However; the likely consequences if iterative method is employed in organizing an event can be challenges in terms of time management, budget control, scope management, communication, budget management and consistency.

  447. Using iterative approach in in the MTD project will help the project manager in getting faster feedback from the stakeholders without wasting time and resources.

    Also, a hybrid approach would be of a great use, because it combines the step by step movement of the linear approach with the user and stakeholder feedback of the iterative approach.
    An iterative project approach would greatly increase stakeholder accountability and connection with the project team, as well as acceleration of the project within a shorter period of time.

    Also, the implications of adopting an agile approach are that it will enable the team to respond to challenges promptly therefore, I would recommend hybrid approach.

    Being rigid or using the waterfall approach in their projects will not give solutions to their clients for example not providing the option of extra water source to the second event using the same event center.

  448. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, i believe if they can deploy both linear and itearetive it will help strike a balance where by they start the plan of the project in a linear method where all plans are prepared but along the line the agile
    or iterative method is imbibed to help for flexible decisions making
    were they fine hinges .

    what are the implications of adopting an agile approach? If the company sought my advice, i think in some cases where urgent or instant decisions should be made there should not be any detay since their is a constant briefings of the progress of the project to both the teams and the stakeholders i believe the agile method can be implemented inorder bridge any casualty for a successful project.

  449. Considering the problems that MTD encounter and from the concluded module each phases of the project will be analysed to know the best method to approach and solve each problem.
    The likely consequences if iterative method is employed in organizing an event can be
    challenges in terms of time management, budget control, scope management, communication, consistency, and budget management.

  450. Employing an iterative method allows for consistent feedback and progress monitoring throughout the project, although it may entail frequent meetings and time consumption. Therefore, as a project manager, I’ll analyze the project’s complexity and aim to blend iterative and linear approaches to efficiently complete the project.

  451. A project manager has to be flexible because in case of MDT, I think both approach would be needed because using iterative approach alone would be difficult in completing the project. Though, the approach is more interested in speed of delivery than completion of the project but at the end of the day end users wouldn’t be satisfied. So, I feel Linear project should be used in starting the project before in order to allow proper planning and completing each stage of the project one after the other. Then if the time doesn’t permit any longer they can switch on the Iterative approach to speed up thing but it would be easy to complete the project than just to speed things up without caring about the project completion.

  452. With the MTD as a case study, a combination of both method should be adopted. Starting with the agile method to see the process through, but as a project manager, I should be ready to switch up to an iterative approach if the need arises. The project could also start with both methods with team members divided into different groups (methods) based on their expertise and according to the project levels or phases, and ensure that members are available at every step or phase. Then, feedback should be encouraged and made use of or implemented, as this would improve the work processes. This way, teams and members will work efficiently and also give their best to see the project through. This was also make the work process faster.

  453. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications:

    1. **Flexibility**: Iterative methods allow for adjustments throughout the process, enabling the team to adapt to changing requirements or unexpected challenges.

    2. **Continuous Improvement**: Each iteration provides an opportunity to learn from previous stages, leading to enhancements and refinements in subsequent iterations.

    3. **Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement**: Regular feedback loops involving stakeholders help ensure that the event meets their expectations and requirements.

    4. **Reduced Risk**: By breaking the project into smaller iterations, the risk of major failures or costly mistakes is minimized, as issues can be addressed early on.

    5. **Efficient Resource Allocation**: Resources can be allocated incrementally based on the evolving needs of the project, optimizing budget and personnel utilization.

    6. **Faster Time to Market**: Delivering usable components or features in shorter cycles can lead to a quicker overall delivery time for the event.

    7. **Increased Creativity and Innovation**: Iterative processes foster a culture of experimentation, allowing for creative solutions and innovations to emerge over time.

    8. **Improved Quality**: Continuous testing and validation throughout the iterations result in higher-quality deliverables and a more successful event overall.

  454. If an iterative approach were used for a large event like this, it would likely require more resources and time than a linear approach. This is because each iteration would require planning, execution, and evaluation, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, the event organizers would need to be prepared for changes and adjustments as the project progressed.Given the considerations mentioned above, I would recommend a hybrid approach, which combines aspects of both the linear and agile methods. This approach could provide the best of both worlds, allowing for some flexibility while also providing the structure and predictability of a linear approach. For example, the event planning team could use a linear approach for the early stages of the project and then switch to an agile approach for later stages.As a project manager, I am to play a critical role in helping to coordinate and implement the hybrid approach which will include creating a detailed project plan, establishing clear milestones and deliverables, and monitoring progress throughout the project and also facilitate communication and collaboration between team members, and ensure that the team is following the right approach for each stage of the project.

  455. the type of approach that will be used depend on what the project is all about. Using mtd as a case study ,they will have to put into consideration and do thorough research on which method will work best

  456. Looking at the MTD as a case study, I would say an hybrid method that comprises the iterative approach and the agile approach should be adopted. The project could start with both methods with teams divided into different segments based on their expertise and according to the project phases to speed up the process and ensure that personnel are available at every phase of the project from water source to the delivery. Then, feedbacks could be used to improve work processes with prompt evaluation of each group and project phase to ensure that all teams are updated and provided with expert analysis in case of any uncertainty at any point. With this method, teams will be efficient to deal with uncertain, complex situations and also discover better ways to carry out tasks efficiently.

  457. the project manager helps his or her team team to handle challenges, the type of approach the project manager will use depends on the type of project he or she is handling

  458. The Iterative processes gives MTD a lead in learning, improving and delivering to satisfy their clients. And with this method they will become more effective and flexible and allowing them to react to any volatility (changes ) and also get new data.
    Therefore as their teams gather feedback throughout the development process and agile, on the other hand, allows them to be flexible and for them to make adjustments . This leads to better development process giving priority to satisfy client needs and concerns.

  459. The insight I have gained that could offer assistance to MTD projects considering challenges would be to use an Hybrid approach.
    Considering the stages and processes in MTD water project. I would start with a linear approach where there’s certainty and not too much risk in cost of supplies and getting professionals to do the job and then when the portable water infrastructure is complete I will switch to an iterative approach where the VUCA comes into play, in terms of checking for the water quality.

    The positive consequences of an iterative approach would be flexibility, an early feedback, reduced risk, incremental progress.
    The negative consequences could be a risk of scope creep if changes are continuously introduced without proper control mechanism in place.

    The implication of adopting an agile approach is flexibility, increased stakeholder engagement and improved quality.

    I would advice an hybrid approach.

  460. The Iterative processes gives MTD a lead in learning,improving and delievering to satisfy their clients. And with this method they will become more effective and flexible and allowing them to react to any volatility (changes ) and also get new data.
    Therefore as their teams gather feedback throughout the development process and agile, on the other hand, allows them to be flexibile and for them to make adjustments . This leads to better development process giving priority to satisfy client needs and concerns.

  461. Using the iterative approach in event planning could be a better choice in deriving the objectives of the event.
    *Breaking the team into smaller group for efficiency and quick job delivery.
    *Job completion at the delivery date is more essential to the client/customer.
    *Reviews and feedbacks from customers/clients helps to improve on innovative ideas and to get better on the job.

  462. My view as a project manager with MTD, I will prefer to use the hybrid approach for managing the project considering all other factors like time, scope of job and budget. Also applying the agile methodology,
    If an iterative approach was employed the advantage supercedes all because the there will be timely delivery of project, each stage and phase of project has a result to show and possible outcome can be reviewed for better results, and there will be continuous flow. There will be no need to wait for the whole process before result can be projected. Agile approach is simply the best method to Carry out this project because of reliability and timely result.

  463. Part of what I’ve learnt so far is the usefulness and impart of a project manager on his or team and how to handle some unseen circumstances,a project manager mist be ready for whatsoever that comes at anytime and must have solution on ground even before unseen issues comes up

  464. Iterative processes, in my opinion, give MTD an edge in learning and improving. With time, this method will become more effective and flexible, by allowing MTD to react to changes in the market and get new information.
    So, as teams gather feedback and insights throughout the development process, agile, on the other hand, allows for flexibility and collaboration, allowing teams to make adjustments as needed. the process becomes rigid, structured, flexible, and adaptable as a result. This leads to the development process giving priority to customer input and involvement.

  465. Breaking down event planning into smaller, manageable parts and refining each one until the event is completed is an iterative approach. The project manager needs to be flexible and work closely with everyone involved, allowing continuous improvements and adjustments along the way
    And also , since the iterative approach can involve a lot of trial and error. However, the benefits of the iterative approach can outweigh the challenges, since it often results in a better final product

  466. Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be an embracing approach to solve problems even as Agile approach response to the challenges will aid in controlling out of budget situations, the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project and application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events as communication and review on a timely basis is engaged.

  467. So far, I have learnt the use of linear and iterative approaches to projects. The linear approach is best suitable in a stable environment where a new project could be conceived (Concept) defined (planning), deployed and the output or result is handed over to the sponsor (Transition).

    Under the linear approach, once a project starts, the possibility of changing the scope of the project is less.

    An iterative approach to a project is the most suitable for an environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. This technique is used to respond to uncertainty and predictable situations.

    The adoption of both iterative and linear methods facilitates quick delivery of project outputs, providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders, improving stakeholders engagement and increasing accountability.

  468. I was part of a project team tasked with eliminating revenue wastes, improving processes, and turning the organization profitable. Despite collaboration being emphasized, conflict arose due to a team member’s resistance to expertise. The project manager favored the less knowledgeable team member, resulting in slowed progress, missed milestones, and project failure.

    Lessons Learned:
    1. Objectivity: It’s crucial to remain objective and avoid favoritism or bias when making decisions within a project team.
    2. Conflict Resolution: Effective conflict resolution is essential for maintaining team cohesion and productivity.
    3. Value of Expertise: Recognize and utilize the expertise of team members to drive project success.
    4. Leadership: Project managers must demonstrate strong leadership by making decisions that prioritize project objectives over personal preferences.

  469. Event planning involves alot of changes so therefore it is better to make the approach flexible or iterative. As the event changes, it gives one the opportunity to adjust the program to accommodate the new happenings. It gives room for continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

  470. Agile is an iterative approach to managing software development projects that focuses on continuous releases and incorporating customer feedback with every iteration.
    Taking an iterative approach in a project will be a better way of approach considering the uncertainties in the project environment especially if its an event, in this case for instance using the MTD, the project Team is;
    – Able to deliver outputs regularly and frequently. the team will definitely have a result to present.
    – Enjoy user and stakeholder feedback which will help them to measure the progress as well as their failures.
    – Able to retain the ability to adapt and change course as the business environment changes.
    – The ability to predict projects looking from hindsight, this will force the project team to focus on the very event at hand and make sure that proper delivery is achieved within the specific period of time.

  471. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications:

    1. Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for flexibility in adapting to changing requirements, guest preferences, or unforeseen challenges during the event planning process.

    2. Continuous Improvement: With an iterative approach, you can continually refine and improve various aspects of the event, such as the agenda, activities, or logistics, based on feedback and testing.

    3. Enhanced Collaboration: Iterative methodologies promote collaboration among team members, vendors, and stakeholders, fostering better communication and alignment throughout the event planning process.

    4. Reduced Risk: By breaking down the event planning process into smaller iterations, you can identify and mitigate risks earlier, minimizing the impact of potential issues on the overall event success.

    On the other hand, employing an agile approach specifically:

    1. Sprint Planning: Breaking down the event planning into shorter sprints allows for focused efforts on specific tasks or aspects of the event, promoting efficiency and accountability.

    2. Regular Reviews: Conducting regular reviews and retrospectives enables the team to reflect on what worked well and what needs improvement, facilitating continuous learning and adaptation.

    3. Adaptability: Agile methodologies prioritize responding to change over following a rigid plan, empowering the team to adjust the event details based on evolving requirements or feedback from stakeholders.

    If I were asked to advise the company on event planning, I would recommend adopting an iterative approach with agile principles incorporated. This would involve:

    1. Initial Planning: Start with a comprehensive overview of the event objectives, target audience, and key deliverables using a linear approach.

    2. Iterative Development: Break down the event planning process into manageable iterations, focusing on specific aspects such as venue selection, agenda development, participant engagement strategies, and logistical arrangements.

    3. Agile Implementation: Implement agile practices within each iteration, including sprint planning, regular reviews, and adaptation based on feedback and lessons learned.

    4. Continuous Communication: Foster open communication and collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and vendors throughout the event planning process to ensure alignment and address any issues promptly.

    By combining an iterative approach with agile methodologies, the company can leverage the benefits of both frameworks to plan and execute successful events while remaining adaptable to changing circumstances and stakeholder needs.

  472. Breaking down event planning into smaller, manageable parts and refining each one until the event is completed is an iterative approach. The project manager needs to be flexible and work closely with everyone involved, allowing continuous improvements and adjustments along the way.

  473. There are a few implications of using an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project. Firstly, it’s important to be flexible and adaptable, since the plan might change as new information becomes available. Secondly, it’s important to get feedback from stakeholders and make sure everyone is on the same page. And thirdly, it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected, since the iterative approach can involve a lot of trial and error. However, the benefits of the iterative approach can outweigh the challenges, since it often results in a better final product

  474. The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project are:
    1. More resources may be required.
    2. Although cost of change is lesser, but it is not very suitable for changing requirements.
    3. More management attention is required.
    4. It is not suitable for smaller projects.
    5. Highly skilled resources are required for skill analysis.
    6. Project progress is highly dependent upon the risk analysis phase.
    7. Defining increments may require definition of the complete system.
    The implications of an agile approach are:
    1.Less predictable. The flexibility at the core of the Agile approach also means a much lower degree of predictability:It can be much more difficult to accurately estimate the time necessary or quantify the resources and efforts required to complete a project. Many teams fear this uncertainty, and that fear can lead to frustration and poor decision-making.
    2. More time and commitment: Communication and collaboration is great, but that constant interaction takes more time and energy for everyone involved.
    3. Greater demands on developers and clients: Commitment from everyone involved is required for Agile approach to be effective. Anyone who isn’t on board can negatively impact the quality of a project.
    My advice for the company is that hybrid approach/method should be use because it takes the best aspect of waterfall and agile and create a process that is flexible and adaptable to the project

    I have learnt about the linear and iterative approach to project management while considering their strengths and weaknesses.
    For MTD, I will advice that the hybrid approach be used.This will allow for leveraging on the strengths of both approaches in an unstable working environment for the success of the project.This is because,while the linear approach helps them plan ahead for every possibility before embarking on the project,the iterative approach will help them get frequent feedbacks from users,faster ROI,better involvement of stakeholders and help to address any eventuality that wasn’t planned or prepared for.
    And finally,the agile approach will help them respond to the VUCA of the work environment.

  475. Several factors contribute to making a successful team, and these elements are often what distinguish a great team from an average one. Here are some of the factors:

    1. Clear Goals and Vision: A successful team understands its objectives and shares a common vision. Clarity on what needs to be achieved provides direction and motivation.

    2. Effective Communication: Open, transparent, and frequent communication is essential. Team members should feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and feedback.
    3. Strong Leadership: A capable leader guides the team, delegates tasks effectively, resolves conflicts, and motivates members towards shared goals.
    4. Collaboration and Trust: Trust among team members is crucial for collaboration. When team members trust each other, they are more likely to collaborate effectively, share responsibilities, and support one another.

  476. WilliamsOk
    Team 10
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project means breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable units or bites, and continuously iterating and refining each unit until the event is completed. The project manager approach would be that of flexibility, and collaboration among stakeholders, allowing for continuous improvement adjustments, and adaptability as needed.

  477. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project means breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable units or bites, and continuously iterating and refining each unit until the event is completed. The project manager approach would be that of flexibility, and collaboration among stakeholders, allowing for continuous improvement adjustments, and adaptability as needed.

  478. The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project are:
    1. More resources may be required.
    2. Although cost of change is lesser, but it is not very suitable for changing requirements.
    3. More management attention is required.
    4. It is not suitable for smaller projects.
    5. Highly skilled resources are required for skill analysis.
    6. Project progress is highly dependent upon the risk analysis phase.
    7. Defining increments may require definition of the complete system.

    The implications of an agile approach are:
    1.Less predictable. The flexibility at the core of the Agile approach also means a much lower degree of predictability:It can be much more difficult to accurately estimate the time necessary or quantify the resources and efforts required to complete a project. Many teams fear this uncertainty, and that fear can lead to frustration and poor decision-making.

    2. More time and commitment: Communication and collaboration is great, but that constant interaction takes more time and energy for everyone involved.

    3. Greater demands on developers and clients: Commitment from everyone involved is required for Agile approach to be effective. Anyone who isn’t on board can negatively impact the quality of a project.

    My advice for the company is that hybrid approach/method should be use because it takes the best aspect of waterfall and agile and create a process that is flexible and adaptable to the project

  479. Some of the challenges MTD encounters in their projects ranges from water scarcity, aging infrastructure, climate change impacts to the need for sustainable management practices to meet growing demand. These challenges can be categorised using the VUCA dimension. It is important to understand the various categories and develop suitable responses to the challenges.
    MTD can use iterative approach by prioritising the project thereby dealing with one challenge at a time. This will enable the organisation deliver the outputs regularly and frequently rather than all at once at the end. All sprints can be incorporated into the linear approach.
    Employing an iterative approach in organising an event as a project would mean that:
    1). The scope of the project are likely to change.
    2). Feedback from users is needed to validate ideas and investment decisions and planning.
    3). Speed of delivery is more important than project completeness.
    4). Work must be completed on time.
    Adopting an agile approach implies that
    Project teams will finish what they start rather than working on many things for longer time. They are able to reprioritise and change direction quickly.
    I would recommend that the company should test its ideas and get feedback from users or the business, iterate the project into sprints, prioritise tasks base on their value to both user and the business. This way, the company would be more productive.

  480. From the lessons, I have learnt about the linear and iterative approach to project management while considering their strengths and weaknesses.
    For MTD, I will advice that the hybrid approach be used.This will allow for leveraging on the strengths of both approaches in an unstable working environment for the success of the project.This is because,while the linear approach helps them plan ahead for every possibility before embarking on the project,the iterative approach will help them get frequent feedbacks from users,faster ROI,better involvement of stakeholders and help to address any eventuality that wasn’t planned or prepared for.
    And finally,the agile approach will help them respond to the VUCA of the work environment.

    1. From the knowledge gained so far, it is clear that both linear and iterative tools have their strengths and weaknesses. While the linear approach is suitable for predictive projects the iterative approach is more suitable for projects associated with uncertainties.

      As a PM I would deploy the Agile tool or approach for such MTD projects. This is so because at certain situations I could pridct and plan the different stages most predictably. And in this case, the leaner approach will be of help.

      However, when the situation becomes volatile or when the outcome of the projects become uncertain, the iterative approach will come be deployed to deal with the challenges.

      In any case, Agile approach will enable me to solve those problems with uncertainties while keeping on with the different stages of the project.


  481. For MTD, the iterative approach might be more beneficial for event planning, because it allows for more flexibility and adaptability. If something goes wrong or needs to be changed, the iterative approach makes it easy for adjustment of the plan. The linear approach could be more beneficial for time-sensitive events where every detail needs to be planned out in advance.

  482. As a PM, I did combine linear/interactive methods. With the linear method it is obvious I already know what to expect at every step of the project thereby making financial plans. While applying the interactive method which help me overcome unforseen circumstances (uncertainties)….

  483. This week, i have learnt two approaches to solving any project issue, using
    a} linear approach, which are suited to more defined situations, and assuming all things are equal, this is due to its waterfall approach or straight line, outcomes are predictable
    b} Iterative approach, which is used in complex and uncertain environments, where unforeseen situations are most probably going to pop-up anytime. this approach helps deal with communication gaps, by involving all key stakeholders, as the project progresses.
    As a project consultant for the MTD water project, i will most likely deploy both approaches in tackling the project, given the time and scope involved, a one-way approach may be difficult, expensive and time challenging, but by using a combination of both systems, am sure to mitigate any unforeseen challenge that may arise and scale it.

  484. Project management employs different approaches depending on project type, industry dynamics, and environment. Two fundamental methods are Iterative and Linear, which can be used individually or combined into a hybrid approach tailored to project needs.
    As a project manager at MTD, I prefer the iterative approach due to its effectiveness in managing uncertainties and scope changes. It fosters continuous feedback among stakeholders and teams, enhancing guidance and ensuring alignment with project goals. Regular and frequent output delivery is facilitated, enhancing stakeholder accountability and connection. This agile approach is vital for navigating volatile and unpredictable project conditions.

  485. The linear approach is like a straight line, moving from point A to point B in a direct fashion. The iterative approach is more like a spiral, revisiting the same points and building on them over time. In other words, the linear approach is focused on getting to the end goal as quickly as possible, while the iterative approach is more about exploring the process and finding new insights along the way. That depends on the specific event and the goals of the company! For MTD i think Generally speaking, the iterative approach might be more beneficial for event planning, because it allows for more flexibility and adaptability. If something goes wrong or needs to be changed, the iterative approach makes it easier to pivot and adjust the plan. The linear approach could be more beneficial for time-sensitive events where every detail needs to be planned out in advance. Ultimately, it comes down to what the company wants to achieve with the event and what kind of flexibility is needed.

  486. Project Management have different approaches, and the approach to adopt for a project depend on the type of the project, the dynamic of the industry and the environment. There are two basic approaches of project management which are; Iterative and Linear, project can be carried out using either of the two or combining the best part of the two approaches(hybrid)

  487. As a project manager working for MTD, i would prefer to go with the iterative approach, because iterative approach works perfectly in a project where their are uncertainties, change in scope. using iterative approach allows the project manager encourage feedback among the stakeholder and the project teams, users to get ideas, that would be a source of guide, in knowing whether he/she is in the right track. iterative approach allows the project team to deliver the outputs regularly and frequently, rather than all at once at the end of the stage or project. An iterative project approach would also increase stakeholder accountability and connection with the project team.
    An agile approach will undoubtedly help to work within volatile and unpredictable conditions that may arise in the course of execution of the project.

  488. Project management defiantly have different approaches, but the nature and complexity determine which to choose from or the decision to combine.
    Considering the challenges encountered by MTD I would rather profar the hybrid approach be adopted, further more due to uncertainties in the global system and human behavioral pattern as regard to team play at some point if something is not looking right, could apply for swift approach

  489. I understand that different project has different approach, but how dynamic the industry you are in and how sophisticated the project is will determine the approach that will be employed, maybe linear or iterative. But I learnt that some project might require both especially in our current dispensation, PMs should not rob themselves trying to stick to one when they an achieve result using the two.

    Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, I will employ both method, knowing for sure how dynamic MTD project is.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, there will be no consequence other than an excellent result.

    Personally I would always advice my company to be open minded, lets get our head in the project, we will have lot of sprints, and also try to be simple enough.

  490. I learnt a lot this linear and iterative projects. the linear project is common and often refered to as waterfall, its helps to assure the sponsors and stakeholders that the project is on track. linear projects are less predictable and happens in a stable environment. And in linear apparoch specifing ,coding, designing and testing are done one after the other. The iterative apporach also known as the agile helps to test the ideas and get feedback from users, the feedback recieved helps them know wether the project is visable to carry out. iteration apporach specifing, coding, designing and testing are done all at once,the apparoch is more predictable, happens in an unstable environment, more likely to change.
    I also learnt about the VUCA meaning volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity.
    For the MTD, i think its best to combine both apporach to create a flexible and adaptable project lifecycle suited to a particular context.

  491. One key valued I have learned is the value of iterative and agile approaches, particularly in dynamic industries.

    For MTD, considering their industry-specific challenges and issues, adopting an iterative approach to projects could provide several advantages. By breaking down projects into smaller phases and gathering feedback from stakeholders throughout the process, MTD can make adjustments and improvements as needed. This approach allows for greater flexibility in responding to changes and uncertainties, ultimately leading to more successful project outcomes.

  492. What i have learnt this week is that when handling a project there are certain ways to handle it. We have the linear and the agile/iterative approaches which can both be used in a project  because of uncertain occurrence .
    We also have the simple, complicated and complex method of approaching problems that happens when doing a project.
    For the MTD’s I would advice for them use the iterative method so they will be  extra plan, budget and time if anything happens along the line of delivering the project. The project will be break down into smaller phases and gathering feedbacks so they can make improvement where necessary.

  493. Considering the nature of the projects the company engages in, I would think agile methods will be the most ideal, but without neglecting the linear approaches. The case in point is when an initial scope was determined but again, it was realized the demands were higher than expected. A crisis meeting had to be called upon to cater for the new changes. This would seem like initially a linear project, has to be addressed iteratively by initiating an new strategy, more like a mini-project within a bigger project.

  494. Project should ensure that effective monitoring and evaluation system is developed to track the progress of the project towards achieving the project goals.

  495. This week, I’ve learned about the importance of adaptability and responsiveness in project management. One key insight is the value of iterative and agile approaches, particularly in dynamic industries.

    For MTD, considering their industry-specific challenges and issues, adopting an iterative approach to projects could provide several advantages. By breaking down projects into smaller phases and gathering feedback from stakeholders throughout the process, MTD can make adjustments and improvements as needed. This approach allows for greater flexibility in responding to changes and uncertainties, ultimately leading to more successful project outcomes.

    Similarly, embracing agile methodologies can enhance MTD’s project management practices. Agile promotes collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, which are valuable in industries facing rapid changes or evolving requirements. By fostering a culture of agility and empowering teams to experiment with new ideas and solutions, MTD can stay competitive and deliver value to their clients more effectively.

    Overall, my advice to MTD would be to consider integrating both iterative and agile principles into their project management approach. By doing so, they can enhance their ability to navigate industry challenges, respond to client needs, and deliver successful outcomes.

  496. I will advise the company to break the project into smaller units, form teams that specialise or fit in well with these small groups, and then set out the plan and expected outcomes for each.

    The small unit or group will iterate their task until the expected outcomes are met. Then connect each unit linearly to create the desired workflow.

    During the iteration of each group, stakeholders will be engaged to check whether the project is progressing correctly.

  497. This week, I’ve learned the importance of flexibility and adaptability in project management, especially in the events industry where last-minute changes are common. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event would allow for frequent feedback and adjustments, ensuring that the final outcome meets the client’s expectations.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach would enable the team to respond quickly to changes and prioritize tasks based on their importance, potentially reducing the risk of delays and cost overruns.

    If I were to advise MTD, I would recommend incorporating elements of both iterative and agile methodologies into their project management process. This would involve regularly reviewing progress with stakeholders, breaking down the event setup into smaller tasks, and empowering team members to make decisions autonomously within their areas of expertise. Additionally, investing in tools and technologies that facilitate collaboration and communication would further enhance efficiency and effectiveness in project delivery.

  498. After gaining insights from this week’s learning, collaborating with MTD as a project manager presents opportunities to address their project difficulties. Introducing an iterative approach to organizing events would allow for frequent feedback, enabling adjustments to be made throughout the planning and execution phases. This iterative process would enhance adaptability, and responsiveness to stakeholder needs, and improve overall event quality. Additionally, adopting an agile approach would further enhance flexibility, collaboration, and efficiency in event management. I would recommend implementing agile practices such as regular stand-up meetings, prioritizing tasks, and continuous improvement to optimize project outcomes and adapt to evolving requirements effectively.

    1. I would recommend adopting both an iterative and agile approach to event project management. This would involve setting clear project goals and objectives, breaking down the project into smaller phases, and regularly reviewing and adjusting plans based on feedback and changing circumstances. The combination of linear & iterative approach which increase the stakeholder involvement will help the project execution within specific time .

  499. A key fact I have learned in management is that there is no one best to manage. As a member of the teaching profession, I have also learned that a teacher can explore different teaching methods to effectively impart knowledge. If we take cognizant of the multidimensional approach in education and apply it to the issue at hand, I will say without mincing words that both methods should be applied for a more effective result. My take is that the water project at the sports complex seems relatively stable and unlikely to change and MTD has the capacity and the skilled personnel to carry out the task. This scenario requires a linear approach. It was mentioned in the video that there was real-time monitoring and testing of the water supplied to ensure quality control and quality assurance. Given this scenario, an iterative approach seems more plausible. I was privileged to experience real-time and batch-testing as a quality control officer at a drug factory before moving to the school system and I know that things could go wrong at any phase of production. I recall a particular instance, I was assigned to test a sample of raw material to be used for the production of pain relief. The raw material failed the standardized test but a colleague who carried the same test for verification Okayed it. At a stage in the production, I took another sample and recommended that the production be discontinued but a colleague gave a nod for the production to continue and of course, the result was disastrous. This was my personal experience. We had cases where raw materials met the prescribed standard but failed the post-production standard. So many factors could be responsible. A cursory look at the water processing system shows close similarity to the drug production process. Something could go wrong, the chlorine and other purifying additives may be added in the wrong proportion thus making the water unsafe for drinking. This is where the iterative approach avails. I will recommend a hybrid of both Linear and Iterative approaches.

  500. From the lessons, I have learnt about the linear and iterative approach to project management while considering their strengths and weaknesses.
    For MTD, I will advice that the hybrid approach be used.This will allow for leveraging on the strengths of both approaches in an unstable working environment for the success of the project.This is because,while the linear approach helps them plan ahead for every possibility before embarking on the project,the iterative approach will help them get frequent feedbacks from users,faster ROI,better involvement of stakeholders and help to address any eventuality that wasn’t planned or prepared for.
    And finally,the agile approach will help them respond to the VUCA of the work environment.

  501. I will go with the linear approach for the MTD design company because Linear project management life cycle models provide better results compared to other models such as iterative or adaptive models. One of the significant advantages of this model compared to others is the provision of clearly defined goals, solutions, and requirements of the project before its onset. This factor allows project managers to have a clear direction and project provisions before the project’s conception. Another significant advantage of this model is the effective management of costs and work volume.

    Linear life cycle models provide fixed requirements for the project. The entire cost of the project and work volume are predetermined and are not supposed to change at any phase of the project. Therefore it eliminates the need for emergency costs or unexpected work coming up in the middle of the project. Lastly, the linear life cycle model allows sequential delivery of phases which is a significant advantage due to eliminating uncertainty as the project progresses.

  502. A hybrid (linear and agile) approach suit best in managing projects, as a project manager you need the two approach to help plan and executes projects successfully.
    For an event programme MTD using linear is good but agile would have been more better but using the two approach will work out best as it needs two week feedback from end users and all, the event world is a massive and evolving world so combining the two approach will work out fine.

  503. We are living in a VUCA world, a company like MTD should be able to apply Mixed/Hybrid lifecycle in their projects. Combining both linear and iterative lifecycle gives no room to unproductiveness and misinformation.
    Applying only iterative or adopting only agile approach may look complex for a company like MTD but using only linear approach may not get rid of risks and uncertainties in the project.

  504. I have learnt that as project manager, having deep understanding of the projects and knowledge of linear, iterative, hybrid approach and agile team will help in decision making,
    A hybrid approach should be adopted. The combination of linear & iterative approach which increase the stakeholder involvement will help the project execution within stipulated time.

  505. Projects today, MTD inclusive are very dynamic and challenging at the same time. Looking at the nature of MTD, agile approach would help draw feedback from customers and at the same time grow innovation to better suit prevailing market trends in the events world. Events are evolving every day and therefore the agile approach would be very appropriate than linear that allows feedback after a relative longer period and there is no room to adjust budgets or plans to better suit prevailing customer demands.

  506. I would advice the PM to approach the project with an open mind. It’s better to work with both the linear and agile method as we currently live in the vuca world and literally everything is changing.

  507. A project may start with a linear approach and later agile approach. If an agile approach is adopted, there will be room for troubleshooting challenges and risks and other issues will be identified on time and mitigated.
    There is no perfect method in project management owing to the changes that happens both internally and externally of the project (volatility,uncertainty, complexity, etc).
    For MDT, an design company, using the iterative method is fine and okay but a blend of the agile and the waterfall approach is better.
    This will give room for systematic assessment of progress, adjustment and achievement of SMART goals.
    It would also provide room for step by step progression using the scrum.

  508. Based on the insights gleaned this week, I would advocate for the implementation of an iterative approach for MTD projects. This methodology allows for early incorporation of user and stakeholder feedback, minimizing the squandering of valuable time and resources. Moreover, integrating a hybrid approach, which blends the systematic advancement of the linear model with the invaluable input from iterative cycles, proves to be particularly advantageous.
    By adopting an iterative project strategy, stakeholders are more deeply engaged and accountable, while project timelines are expedited, ensuring swifter completion. Embracing an agile methodology further equips teams to effectively navigate unforeseen challenges and fluctuations inherent in project execution.
    The adoption of an Agile approach not only facilitates proactive troubleshooting but also enables the timely identification and mitigation of risks and issues. Recognizing the dynamic nature of project management, characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and Ambiguity, a hybrid model that combines Agile with traditional waterfall methods emerges as the preferred approach for MTD Projects.
    This hybrid approach allows for incremental progress assessment, enabling timely adjustments and the achievement of SMART goals. Leveraging the structured progression offered by scrum methodology, it ensures a balanced and adaptable framework for project management.

  509. If an Agile approach is adopted, there will be room for troubleshooting challenges and risks and other issues will be identified on time and mitigated.There is no perfect method in project management owing to the changes that happens both internally and externally of the project (volatility,uncertainty, complexity, etc).
    For MDT, an event company, using the iterative method is fine and okay but a blend of the agile and the traditional approach (waterfall) is better =hybrid.
    This gives room for small by small assessment of progress, adjustment and achievement of SMART goals. It provides room for step by step progression using the scrum.

  510. An iterative approach will allow them know the goal of the project and their outcome and also allow them to make changes and also adapt to the lifecycle of the project for a better project.
    As a MTD project manager, I would go with linear because the expected outcome can easily be predicted and procedures or operation involved is laid out, it detects potential issues early, saves time and cost of building the project.

  511. Given my insights from this week’s lesson, the MTD project will better work using an Iterative approach. This is because it allows the project team to deliver the outputs regularly and frequently, rather than all at once at the end of the stage or project, that way corrections can be made for better results as users and stakeholders provide feedback.
    Agility can be avoided when it comes to the MTD project as that would change the original plan and focus of the project. They might not give a very healthy water supply if they’re in a haste and rush the work.

  512. Based on the insight I gained this week, I would advise that an iterative approach should be used for the MTD projects, which helps to get user and stakeholder feedback as early as possible, without wasting time and resources. Also, a hybrid approach would be of a great use, because it combines the step by step movement of the linear approach with the user and stakeholder feedback of the iterative approach.
    An iterative project approach would greatly increase stakeholder accountability and connection with the project team, as well as acceleration of the project within a shorter period of time. An agile approach will undoubtedly help to work within volatile and unpredictable conditions that may arise in the course of execution of the project.

  513. From the insights that I have gained this week, I would implore that an iterative approach be used for their projects, as it helps to get user and stakeholder feedback as early as possible, without wasting time and resources. A hybrid approach would also be of great use, as it would combine the step by step movement of the linear approach with the user and stakeholder feedback of the iterative approach.
    An iterative project approach would also increase stakeholder accountability and connection with the project team, as well as acceleration of the project within a shorter period. An agile approach would definitely help to work within volatile and unpredictable conditions.

  514. Being assigned to proffered solution as a project manager to MTD, I’d say It is beneficial to implement the project using the hybrid methodologies because:
    * It makes an effort to be flexible rather than rigid.
    * Anticipated results (which include low cost of production, quick and convenient access to risk management.)
    * Help in learning about user requirements and test the concepts (I.e Questionnaire, Feeds, Interviews e.t.c.)
    * Quick delivery of project results and it also Increased involvement (familiarity) with stakeholders.
    * Make things more transparent and viable; which thereby give stakeholders and sponsors reassurance.

  515. This week, I have learnt that one tactic used to create agility is slack or spare capacity in teams and organizations. Therefore, planning an event for MTD requires team work.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, the consequences would involve breaking down the event planning process into smaller, more manageable iterations or phases. Each iteration would focus on completing specific tasks or aspects of the event, with regular review and adjustment periods built in.

  516. Based on my experience/learning, I strongly believe that engagement and readiness are critical to creating a lasting impact. As a project manager, taking an iterative approach to setting up an event requires a deep understanding of the project, the environment, and the users involved. It’s essential to assemble a team that can meet the agile needs of the project and execute flawlessly.

  517. An iterative approach will improve stakeholder engagement when organising an event as a project. Also, the implications of adopting an agile approach are that it will enable the team to respond to challenges promptly therefore, I would recommend hybrid approach

    Also, an Iterative approach implies that they know the goal of the project and the expected outcome. Yet, they are open to changes and adaptation along the life cycle of the project for a better project agile approach will enable the team to respond quickly to challenges the project might encounter, agility will enable them to create sprints to meet new diversities, and with continuous, dynamic planning they are sure to deliver outstanding projects.

    Being rigid or using the waterfall approach in their projects will not give solutions to their clients for example not providing the option of extra water source to the second event using the same event center because it was not in original plan and MTD does not apply agile approach.

  518. An iterative approach will improve stakeholders engagements when organizing an event as a project. Also the implications of adopting an agile approach is that it will enable the team respond to challenges promptly so therefore i would recommend hybrid approach

  519. An iterative approach will improve stakeholders engagements when organizing an event as a project. Also the implications of adopting an agile approach is that it will enable the team respond to challenges promptly so therefore i would recomment hybrid approacg

  520. The insights that i have gained this week could assist MTD project manager are that:
    1. combine both linear and agile/iterative techniques in implementing the project will be helpful since they will be able to:
    1. Test the ideas and learning about user requirements
    2. Accelerate delivery of project outputs
    3. Improve stakeholders engagement
    4. Increase visibility and transparency
    5. Provide assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    6. Increase accountability
    and try not to be rigid but rather flexible because all approaches are compatible

    the implication will be that the cost of production will be reduced, and the risk will be easily accessed and dealt with easily on time. they will have a chance to make changes easily through project team collaboration.

    henceforth i would recommend them to adopt both the linear and agile approach depending on the situation and the environment

  521. An Iterative approach implies that they know the goal of the project and the expected outcome. Yet, they are open to changes and adaptation along the lifecycle of the project for a better project outcome.

    An agile approach will enable the team to respond quickly to challenges the project might encounter, agility will enable them to create sprints to meet new diversities, and with continuous, dynamic planning they are sure to deliver outstanding projects.

    Being rigid or using the waterfall approach in their projects will not give solutions to their clients for example not providing the option of extra water source to the second event using the same event center because it was not in original plan and MTD does not apply agile approach.

  522. In the case of MTD, using iterative method will work well when combine with adequate communication and combine effort to make the project success

    Using agile may slow down their work pace which might not be deliver at the right time of need

  523. When an iterative approach is used to carry out an event project, the consequences would be that the scope of the project is unlikely to change and also things and cost can be estimated accurately.

  524. Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for flexibility in adapting to changing requirements, stakeholder feedback, and unexpected challenges that may arise during the event planning process.

    Incremental Progress: By delivering the event in stages, progress can be measured incrementally, providing stakeholders with visibility into the project’s development and allowing for early identification and mitigation of issues.

    Continuous Improvement: Each iteration provides an opportunity to incorporate feedback and make improvements, resulting in a more refined and successful event outcome.

    Risk Reduction: Breaking the project into smaller iterations reduces the risk of large-scale project failure by allowing for early detection and correction of issues

  525. Communication is the key and very important. From the MTD case study i learnt that communication with project team has to be clear and understood.

    Using iterative approach may not bring a good result that the project manager wants on the project, using agile would be a great idea since there are expert and experience project manager to work but In my own opinion I will suggest using linear, taking the step one by one, will help solve the problem been faced.

  526. If an iterative approach were used for organizing an event, it could lead to ongoing refinement and improvements throughout the planning process. However, there might be challenges in terms of maintaining a clear timeline and potential scope creep.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach would prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change. This could enhance adaptability to evolving requirements but might pose challenges in terms of predictability and adherence to strict timelines.

    If the company sought my advice, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines elements of both iterative and agile methodologies. This would allow for continuous improvement while maintaining a structured framework to ensure timely completion and resource management.

  527. Communication goes a long way to save the day. From the MTD case study, I have learned that communication has to be clear, concise, timely, and in the right tone.

    What would be the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project? At some point same when gathering information it will work. Its prone to derail if the stakeholders keep changing their minds i.e. in decor, color, etc. However, during execution, its good to follow the linear model. At the end of the day, a hybrid model will work for this kind of project.
    What are the implications of an agile approach? The agile approach gives the greatest results because feedback is done at the end of each stage of a project a s opposed to Linear where feedback is obtained at the end.Its limitations are however,time-bound projects for instance are prone not to be done on time especially if the feedback involves starting from scratch.
    If you were asked to advise the company, what would your advice be? Adopt the hybrid model, Get everyone involved from the start.

  528. I ve had the privilege to oversee numerous projects, one thing I take for granted was communication…
    Now I understand how important it is and how difficult some task has been because I don’t communicate with my sponsor regularly and in depth. Task can easily be tackled with proper communication.

  529. Communication is important in order to effectively communicate with the TEAM on the progress of the project. Negotiation is also important in order to resolve conflicts, manage changes and agree on the time lines and budgets. Time management is essential to ensure the project is delivered promptly and within the budget. As for skill gaps, i suggest working on improving communication training course, reading books on the topic or even watching videos on effective communication techniques. Additionally one could try making efforts to actively listen to others opinions and ask questions to CLARIFY INFORMATION AND USE THE POSITIVE AND CLEAR TONE WITHOUT EMOTIONS WHEN COMMUNICATING. Practising these skills will help become a more effective communicator/project manager. However continuous skill seeking on knowledge regulatory environment, ethics and standards for continuity of professional development is paramount to becoming a successful PROJECT MANAGER.

  530. While iterative and agile approaches are good, I will recommend a hybrid approach, that allows the team get involved in project deliverables at each stage, test and review progress to enhance performance aligned with scope and goals.
    The iterative phase allows the team to break the project into manageable phases that can be refined through tests and feedback.
    Agile encourages flexibility, collaboration and adaptability allowing the team to work in short sprints, reviewing progress and making necessary adjustments.
    By adopting a hybrid approach, teams can quickly collaborate, test, review and implement feedback from stakeholders and team within each project cycle, leading to improved processes and enhanced service delivery.

  531. I am a tutor. In order to understand the regulatory body and ethics very clear I will have to get my PDE certification

  532. Having gone through the impact of employing either linear or iterative approach, I’d opt for a hybrid approach. To successfully achieve MTD’s events projects the application of both linear or iterative approaches is key. This will help to avoid issues like scope creep i.e uncontrolled expansion of requirements and expectations on a project, give room to work on different ideas and get the necessary feedbacks, as well as, cater for any unforeseen occurrences which may arise in the course of implementing the project.

  533. As the project manager working with MTD, I have learned several things this week that could help address the challenges and issues they face in their projects. One key learning is the importance of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project. This means breaking down the project into smaller, manageable phases and continuously refining and improving each phase based on feedback and lessons learned. By doing so, MTD can adapt and make necessary adjustments throughout the project, ensuring that the event meets the client’s expectations and requirements.

    Additionally, an agile approach would also be beneficial for MTD. Agile project management emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability. It involves working in short iterations, frequently reviewing progress, and making adjustments as needed. This approach allows for quicker response to changes and uncertainties that often arise in event planning, such as shifting client preferences or unforeseen logistical challenges.

    If I were to advise MTD, I would recommend adopting both an iterative and agile approach to event project management. This would involve setting clear project goals and objectives, breaking down the project into smaller phases, and regularly reviewing and adjusting plans based on feedback and changing circumstances. It would also involve fostering open communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders, allowing for quick decision-making and problem-solving.

    By taking an iterative and agile approach, MTD can better anticipate and address challenges, ensure client satisfaction, and deliver successful events. This approach would also enable them to continuously improve their processes and enhance their reputation as a reliable and adaptable events company.

    I believe that adopting an iterative and agile approach to event project management can greatly benefit MTD. By breaking down the project into smaller phases and continuously refining each phase based on feedback, MTD can ensure that the event meets the client’s expectations. Additionally, an agile approach would allow MTD to quickly respond to changes and uncertainties that often arise in event planning. This would enable them to adapt their plans and make necessary adjustments in a timely manner. Overall, this approach would help MTD deliver successful events and enhance their reputation as a reliable and adaptable events company.

  534. Using iterative approach may not yead a positive result on the project, using agile would be a great idea since there are expert and experience project manager to work but to my own opinion I will suggest using linear, taking the step one after the other will help solve the problem it facing

  535. Considering the project before MTD, the outcome is clearly defined and there is enough knowledge, experience and expertise in respect of the project so I will adopt a liner approach to managing the project.

  536. As a project manager, I would suggest making use of both linear and agile methods to not lengthen the time to complete the project. Making use of a hybrid method and not linear method aids in carrying along the steak holders in every step to achieve a successful result at the end of the project and also in the appropriate division of the budget.

  537. I have learnt about the difference between the linear and iterative approaches. In the case of MTD and as a Project Manager, i think the outcome and timelines are pretty clear and the linear approach still work. An agile only solution would in my opinion unnecessarily lengthen the project timeline. MTD would also have probably been given a budget to work with. I would however infuse some elements of the iterative method to form a hybrid approach. I think the key here is stakeholder collaboration through frequent meetings and reviews with all stakeholders as frequently as 2 weeks. This will allow progress reports, reviews and feedbacks. Risks would be more quickly called out and changes expectations would be easily highlighted. This would also allow for better and cheaper solutions to be effected without risk to project budget and timeline.

  538. Summarily, I’ve learnt about the difference between the linear and iterative approaches. In the case of MTD and as a PM, i think the outcome and timelines are pretty clear and the linear approach still work ok. An agile approach would in my opinion be unnecessarily lengthen the project timeline. MTD would also have probably been given a budget to work with. I would however infuse some elements of the iterative method to form a hybrid approach.

  539. As a PM working with MTP i will have to study the complexity of the project critically and why the iterative method did not fit in to the project, then set out eighter to us ethe linear approach or a combination of both. For every step of the project i will make sure that meetings are scheduled and feedbacks is being considered with highest regard.

  540. In summary, i have learnt about the difference between the linear and iterative approaches. In the case of MTD and as a PM, i think the outcome and timelines are pretty clear and the linear approach still work ok. An agile only solution would in my opinion unnecessarily lengthen the project timeline. MTD would also have probably been given a budget to work with. I would however infuse some elements of the iterative method to form a hybrid approach. I think the key here is stakeholder collaboration through frequent meetings and reviews with all stakeholders as frequently as 2 weeks. This will allow progress reports, reviews and feedbacks. Risks would be more quickly called out and changes expectations would be easily highlighted. This would also allow for better and cheaper solutions to be effected without risk to project budget and timeline.

  541. As a project manager at the MTD event, the choice of combining both linear and agile methods of project management will depend largely on the nature of the project and how successful you want it to be, using just one may limit the project when things become volatile or uncertain.

  542. One aspect where MTD will need to employ an iterative approach is the uncertain weather conditions during sporting events. Weather can impact water demand and infrastructure needs significantly. Agile style of project management can enable adjustments to equipment and staff deployment using real-time weather updates.

  543. An iterative approach gives room for regular feedback and monitoring of the progress of the project but might lead to consuming a lot of time holding a series of meetings. So as a PM, I will study the complexity of the project and try to fuse the use of iterative and linear approaches to get the project concluded

  544. I believe I can shape the projects of MTD using an iterative approach,but the implications can be an inability to handle bulky projects due to their complexity and dependability, to which I recommend flexibility and adaptability to meet the needs of the project.

  545. I would anticipate that there will be challenges, and having leant about the UVCA concept, I will apply the linear or iteration when needed to enable me accomplish my project

  546. As a project manager for MTD linear project styles are the default method for project management as the expected outcome can easily be predicted and the processes involved is well laid out. However, to further save time, cost of building the project and better detect potential issues early on, applying a hybrid approach to project management is a better option.

  547. As a project manager working with MTD Events, I will advise the firm to adopt the hybrid method.
    If the agile/iterative method is adopted, the project will be broken down into mini-projects. This will aid in risk mitigation and flexibility. However, I will advise the team to test the viability of the hypothesis before implementation begins, which is the first step in a linear project.
    A hybrid method will ensure effective management of time and other resources to be used for the project.

  548. As a project manager at the MTD event, I will not use just one but combine the linear and iterative approach which will yield a successful project, using just one may limit the project when things becomes volatile or uncertain.
    Agile approach is also a good and productive method as the team will be able to respond quickly to task and face the challenges


  549. As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD events company. Looking at the complexity of jobs MTD undertakes, the combination of Linear and Agile approaches in project managements would be my choice for the following reason the use of Linear method may not be feasible due to uncertainty and volatility situations that may arise and cannot be addressed adequately by it. However, Agile due to its flexibility can address issues of uncertainty and volatility associated with most projects. Choosing Agile method would promote flexibility but this may affect time, costs and leading to scope creep ultimately impacting on projects outcomes.

  550. No project is completely linear or iterative, As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will adopt the hybrid methodology…combining elements of both linear and iterative project management lifecycles.
    Setting goals for a project sprint and having deadlines for each sprint within an iterative (agile) environment is an element of linear (waterfall) methodology.
    I will most definitely advice MTD to adopt the hybrid method. For already specified aspects of the project, linear framework will be adopted especially for the designs whereas an iterative approach is best suited in stakeholder engagement (client).

  551. Considering the complexity of the project I would advise MTD to combine both linear and Agile methodology. The agile methods will allow MTD resolved arising using promptly. This will also makes information flow constant and aid the project completion on time.

  552. If MTD sought advice, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both iterative and Agile methodologies. This would involve iterative planning and execution cycles within an overall Agile framework. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability while maintaining a strategic focus on the overall project objectives.

  553. If MTD sought advice, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both iterative and Agile methodologies. This would involve iterative planning and execution cycles within an overall Agile framework. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability while maintaining a strategic focus on the overall project objectives. Additionally, effective communication and stakeholder engagement would be critical to the success of the project, regardless of the chosen methodology.

  554. The choice of combining both linear and agile methods of project management will depend largely on the nature of the project.
    At MTD, considering the complexities of the project and the company, if I were the Project Manager,I would strongly recommend a combination of both linear and agile methods

  555. Using an iterative approach to event planning would allow MTD to swiftly react to shifting guest numbers. Iterative methods allow for modest changes, ensuring that pure water supply matches demand. However, it may cause issues with paperwork and extensive planning.

    An agile strategy would enable MTD to respond quickly to changing event needs. Agile’s iterative nature enables ongoing improvement and flexibility. This method promotes team collaboration and adaptation to unforeseen changes.

    MTD can consider a combination of both approaches, customising any methodology to the specific needs of the event and ensuring that the team is prepared to face the associated problems.

  556. As the PM for the count of MTD,I would have advised to use the combination of linear and iterative method adding at that the hybrid method Wich will help them to create a process that’s flexible no matter the scenario they are working with.

  557. Iterative and linear approach is best combined in complex project scenario, both has different impact on the project based on the nature of the event.
    MTD is advised to considered the agile and linear approach is solving complex project issues, this make them involved every stakeholders while managing resources and delivery project within time frame.

    In the context of managing events, the choice between an iterative approach and agile methodology hinges on the nature of the event.

    The iterative approach is well-suited for events where plans are expected to evolve, offering flexibility and early issue resolution. On the other hand, the agile methodology is ideal when a high degree of adaptability and collaboration is crucial.

    MTD can consider a blend of these approaches, tailoring any of the two methodology to the unique requirements of the event, and ensuring that the team is equipped to navigate the associated challenges.

    Thank you for your time

  559. Taking the iterative approach would help me deliver the outputs regularly and frequently. It would help the team to adapt and change course.
    On the other hand, if I take the agile approach decisions will be made in a timely way (planning step by step from start to finish).
    I would recommend a mixed approach; iterative and linear.

  560. I would firstly enquire about previous methods use in project management by MTD, always the current trend of projects and recommend either using linear, agile or combining both.
    From the week, I have come to agree that a combination of methods are effective in specific time scopes, depending on the project at hand.
    Testing ideas, providing assurance and accelerating delivery of project outputs strike me as valid reasons why I would recommend a combination of linear and agile methods of project management

    1. I actually understood in this course that it is possible to combine both linear and iterative methods to enhance the speed and even the quality of the project at hand.
      For MTD, the use of both methods will be better to attend to issues in an agile way especially when it springs up unexpectedly.
      This will help the company to achieve its goal, timely and as seamless as possible.

  561. If i was working as a PM in MTD events Company, First thing first is to ask what was the ongoing project Method that was used be it Linear OR Iterative . and the results it provided. knowing this will give you more insights on which PM methods to use , if results were not encouraging , you can go back to the drawing Board and see what was missing, If tasks should be carried out in Iterations and Sprints; that way Stakeholders and product owners are abreast with certain informations and as well encouraged with progression of team Members,

  562. Day 10- Apply What You Have Learnt ( PM Course Discussion):

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up events would allow MTD to adapt quickly to changing attendee numbers. Iterative processes enable incremental adjustments, ensuring that pure water supply aligns with demand. However, it may lead to challenges in terms of documentation and comprehensive planning.

    An agile approach would empower MTD to respond promptly to dynamic event requirements. The iterative nature of agile allows for continuous improvement and flexibility. This approach encourages collaboration between teams, fostering adaptability to unforeseen changes. However, it requires a high level of communication and responsiveness.

    Advice to MTD would be to integrate agile methodologies, emphasizing regular communication, quick adjustments, and continuous improvement. By embracing agility, MTD can efficiently manage water supply challenges, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain operational flexibility in the dynamic events industry.

  563. If I were collaborating with MTD, the events company, and they were facing challenges in their projects, the things I learned this week could help.

    If we used an iterative approach for planning an event project, it would mean being flexible to changes and getting more input from everyone involved. We could refine things step by step. However, it might be a bit tricky to predict exactly when each part will be done and how much they’ll cost.

    On the other hand, going with a linear method (like the waterfall approach) could mean planning things step by step from start to finish. This could make timelines and costs more predictable, but it might be harder to adapt if something unexpected comes up.

    If MTD asked for advice, I’d suggest considering a mix of both methods. We can set clear goals and overall plans like the linear method but check and adjust our plans often like the iterative approach. This way, we benefit from predictability and adaptability to handle challenges better.

  564. As a project manager at the MTD event, I will not use just one but combine the linear and iterative approach which will yield a successful project, using just one may limit the project when things becomes volatile or uncertain.
    Agile approach is also a good and productive method as the team will be able to respond quickly to task and limit uncertainty and volatile situations .

  565. Working as a project manager for MTD requires environmental considerations, agile practices for client collaboration, transparency, and satisfaction which are made possible by the use of various methodologies. I will use or implore the linear and iterative methodology. Both methods works perfectly just depends on how the project manager uses the method of approach. Using the linear approach to begin the project and completing it with the iterative method which was clearly explained as a useful method in completing a project as project manager. And the many advantages that include testing ideas and learning about user requirements, accelerating delivery of project outputs, improving stakeholders engagement, increasing visibility and transparency, providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders and increasing accountability.
    In the process of project management, the project manager have a choice to make either to use the iterative approach or linear approach depends on the kind or nature of project been handled. In project management flexibility is very important as plans and issues arise, it will help with quick solution. A combination of iterative and linear can result in a well-balanced project at the long run.

  566. Iterative approach will be employed which should take me to the finishing point if linear approach is not giving me the expected result at a set time.

  567. I will adopt hybrid approach because of the uncertainty that will arise in the cause of the planning and execution.considering time ,cost and scope A higher degree of linear could be adopted to enable execution .

  568. I will start with the linear approach and if at a point , I got to some level I will switch to the iterative approach to complete it

  569. In the context of managing events, the choice between an iterative approach and agile methodology hinges on the nature of the event.

    The iterative approach is well-suited for events where plans are expected to evolve, offering flexibility and early issue resolution. On the other hand, the agile methodology is ideal when a high degree of adaptability and collaboration is crucial.

    MTD can consider a blend of these approaches, tailoring any of the two methodology to the unique requirements of the event, and ensuring that the team is equipped to navigate the associated challenges.

  570. As a Project Manager with MTD I will recommend hybrid project management method, to accommodate all the uncertainty and complexity that might surface at any stage of the project. The implication of adopting agile approach alone is time wastage, the project can be delivered with linear approach and good speed if only the known challenges surface during the project implementation. But to accommodate any uncertainty I recommend hybrid approach.

  571. As a Project Manager with MTD I will recommend hybrid project management method, to accommodate all the uncertainty and complexity that might surface at any stage of the project. The implementation of adopting agile approach alone is time wastage, the project can be delivered with linear approach and good speed if only the known challenges surface during the project implementation. But to accommodate any uncertainty I hybrid approach.

  572. My response as a project manager for MTD, I will not recommend only the linear approach in dealing with the process because of the difference stages involved. Using only the linear approach might not help understand all that is required for this project and may put stake holders in an unbalanced situation

  573. As a project manager for MTD, I will recommend an hybrid approach in dealing with the process because of the difference stages involved. Sticking to only the linear approach might not give room or capture all that is required for this project, therefore a blend of both approaches will suffice.

  574. As a project manager with MTD company, I will subscribe to the of both linear and agile method in order to deal with uncertainty, volatility in the project.

  575. If i was to give an advice as a project manager,i believe the volatile nature of the MTD project would really be in need of the hybrid approach. The linear approach might also be adaptable in this case because of its predictable nature.

  576. The volatile nature of MTD’s project execution requires the hybrid approach as this prepares for potential pitfalls while executing such projects. There could be cases where the linear approach is solely used due to lack of problems but it is important to prepare in the eventuality of a challenging situation as events can be quite peculiar.

  577. My view as a project manager with MTD, I will subscribe to using the hybrid approach for managing the project considering all other factors like time, scope of job and budget. Also applying the agile methodology.
    If an iterative approach was employed the advantage supercedes all because the there will be timely delivery of project, each stage and phase of project has a result to show and possible outcome can be reviewed for better results, and there will be continuous flow. There will be no need to wait for the whole process before result can come. Agile approach is simply the best method to Carry out this project because of reliability and timely result

  578. As of now, I’ve discovered that integrating practice (by employing hybrid) with project lifecycles would be really beneficial, considering current realities and suiting various situations.

    Since the linear approach won’t produce a breakthrough under unstable and unpredictable conditions, it makes the most sense to combine it with agile methods while examining how MTD functions. The agile methodology by itself is adaptable, but there is a cost and schedule penalty. To address these issues and improve efficient planning and execution, a hybrid approach incorporating the VUCA framework would be most successful.

  579. If I was called upon to give advice on the MTD water supply project, I will advise that the project adopt a linear approach in order to get a predictable outcome. The project has the tendency to be volatile and ambiguous considering it has to do with the supply of clean water. Let us also put into consideration the unpredictable outcome of the lab tests. What if the lab says the water is no good?
    Agile approach will be best approach to the project.

  580. As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD the events company. Looking at the complexity of jobs MTD undertakes, the combination of Linear and Agile approaches in project managements would be my choice for the following reasons;
    the application of Linear method may not be feasible due to uncertainty and volatility situations that may arise and cannot be addressed adequately by it. However, Agile due to its flexibility can address issues of uncertainty and volatility associated with most projects. Choosing Agile method would promote flexibility but this may affect time, costs and leading to scope creep ultimately impacting on projects outcomes.
    Furthermore, I would suggest for a hybrid approach, that is the combination and application of the characteristics of both Linear and Agile approaches that would provide an excellent project delivery meeting time, cost, scope and outcomes.

  581. I thinka hybrid approach would be the best solution. The stakeholders are aware the I’m gonna provide them water (speaking as a project manager ), they might not want to know the processes but want results. They might not have time for reviews and all, but they know what they want from the project. My advice would be to never stop the water from flowing. Get it running, and go back again and check what might go wrong and begin to fix even before anything is noticed. Have backups for many process or equipments that is being used. Prolly extra stations, another independent Lab etc..

  582. So far I’ve learnt that in the practice of project lifecycles, combining practice (using hybrid) would be of immense benefit that suits different environments, taking into cognizance current realities.

    Looking at how MTD operates, applying a combination practice (linear and agile method) would best apply, considering the fact that the linear alone will not grant a breakthrough in volatile and uncertain circumstances. Though the agile alone is flexible, there’s a pull back on time and budget. To this end, a hybrid method with the VUCA framework would best handle MTD challenges and enhance effective planning and execution.

  583. As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD, here are my insights:

    Enhanced Communication & Stakeholder Management:

    Streamline internal communication and bridge gaps for better collaboration.
    Engage everyone involved in the project to ensure comprehensive stakeholder management.
    Improved Risk Management & Contingency Planning:

    Conduct thorough assessments to identify potential risks.
    Build flexible plans and monitor progress closely to respond quickly to unforeseen issues.
    Optimized Resource Allocation & Budgeting:

    Analyze data to identify cost-saving opportunities.
    Track spending meticulously to avoid budget overruns.
    Enhanced Logistics & Operational Efficiency:

    Refine procedures to improve operational efficiency.
    Utilize technology and provide staff training for optimized logistics.
    Building Strong Client Relationships:

    Manage client expectations effectively.
    Gather feedback and strive to deliver results that exceed expectations.
    Iterative vs. Agile Approaches:


    Pros: More structured and predictable, suitable for complex events.
    Cons: Requires extensive upfront planning, less adaptable to changes.

    Pros: Highly adaptable, quick response to changes, embraces collaboration.
    Cons: Increased risk of scope creep, requires strong communication and leadership.
    Recommendation – Hybrid Approach:

    Start with iterative planning for essential elements like infrastructure and budget.
    Embrace agile principles for execution, including flexible staffing and sprint-based tasks.
    Prioritize strong communication and stakeholder engagement throughout the project.
    This hybrid approach combines the structured nature of iterative planning with the adaptability of agile execution, offering the best of both worlds for addressing MTD’s challenges.

  584. In adopting agile approach for setting up project, iterative methodology is key, As the project manager for the MDT I would select and adapts the best method as necessary, This involves using iterative methods for environmental considerations and agile practices for client collaboration, transparency, and satisfaction. Key recommendations include forming cross-functional teams, incorporating continuous feedback loops, adopting adaptive planning, integrating technology, and prioritizing stakeholder engagement.
    Nevertheless, I will recommend the hybrid approach, as this will allow MTD proceed with its normal operations using the linear and adjust under necessary circumstances.

  585. If i were to advise MTD, the iterative approach will be adopted the its projects, This is because quite a number of factors are unpredictable and unstable. The speed of delivery is also important to the sponsors and on a number of occasions, innovation is required to deliver the outcome of the events.

    Due to the flexibility that may be required to reach the defined goals, iterative approach is fit for the nature of the projects they carry out.

  586. Considering the nature of the job MTD does, the Linear and agile method would be the best fit for the job as using linear alone will cause a lot of challenges as events are uncertain and volatile which requires flexibility which the linear doesn’t offer.

    Also adopting just the agile approach would promote flexibility but the time and budget might also be affected.

    I would rather adopt the hybrid approach, which combines linear and agile using the VUCA framework to tackle best the challenges faced by MTD events and for effective planning of events, also maintaining a structured organization to manage uncertainties.

  587. In adopting agile approach for setting up project, iterative methodology is key. This helps mitigate risk in that issue are quickly identified and treated through scrume-framework. This guarantee feedback from customers or users and in turn,helps deliver outputs regularly.
    Considering the challenges of MTD, I have learnt that in managing a project,a choice should not be made between using either linear or agile approach rather a healthy combination of linear ,iterative and hybrid approach would best suit prevailing and ever dynamic environment.

  588. From the lessons so far, i will recommend an hybrid approach in dealing with the process because of the similiarities involved. Using only the linear approach might not give the team all the necessary details they need therefore, both approaches should be considered and then monitor the result it will yield .

  589. As the MTD manager, the project have the tendency to be volatile and ambiguous so there’s need to employ the linear approach in order to get a predictable outcome in the mind of the sponsor but due to its volatile nature, there will be need for some agility to meet deadline

  590. In my capacity as the Project Manager at MTD, the events company faces challenges like environmental awareness, client budget constraints, and the complexity of managing diverse events. Learning from iterative and agile approaches, recommendations for MTD include adopting a hybrid methodology that combines aspects of both. This involves using iterative methods for environmental considerations and agile practices for client collaboration, transparency, and satisfaction. Key recommendations include forming cross-functional teams, incorporating continuous feedback loops, adopting adaptive planning, integrating technology, and prioritizing stakeholder engagement. By implementing these strategies, MTD can enhance project success, effectively manage sustainability goals, and navigate the complexities of event management.

  591. As an MTD manager it is expedient that a holistic and iterative approach is applied, which allow to feedback and review from the the end users or customer.

  592. As MTD manager, I need to have a correspondingly varied set of tools and techniques at my disposal. Therefore, the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would be that the project can be delivered regularly and frequently (time boxes) and also to give room for feedbacks from the users and the stakeholders which will help me adapt and change course as the business environment changes.

    The implication of an agile approach was to create a better way of managing the project having exceeded the time, schedules and also failed to satisfy the sponsors, staff and the users’ need.

    My advise to the company would be that the company combine both linear and iterative methods by using all their spectrum of techniques and practices that they offer to deliver successful projects in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments.

  593. As the project manager for the MDT I would select and adapts the best method as necessary. Looking at the project plan I would go go iterative method because of the benefit of the time frame which can help with getting positive outcome in time.
    I would use iterative method considering the volatility of this project, the uncertainty to expect due to what is required and not forgetting the complexity with any ambiguity in the project.

    Due to the unstable situation of the project I would go for iterative approach but would have consider linear method at the initial stage of my approach and because I would want to deliver on time with positive outcome, having regular feedback of the sponsors and stakeholders will benefits the outcome of the project on time iterative method will still be my choice.

  594. Applying What I Have Learnt:

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would allow MTD to address challenges and issues more effectively. By breaking down the event planning process into iterative stages, MTD can continuously gather feedback, make adjustments, and adapt to evolving requirements, ultimately improving the event’s quality and relevance to stakeholders.

    Similarly, an agile approach would enable MTD to respond rapidly to changes in event requirements, stakeholder needs, and market dynamics. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, could help MTD in fostering collaboration, maintaining flexibility, and delivering value incrementally throughout the event planning and execution phases.

    If advising the company, I would recommend the following:

    1. Embrace Iterative Planning: Encourage MTD to adopt an iterative approach to event planning, focusing on short feedback loops and continuous improvement to enhance event quality and relevance.

    2. Foster Agile Mindset: Promote an agile mindset across the organisation, emphasising adaptability, collaboration, and customer-centricity to effectively respond to changing event requirements and stakeholder expectations.

    3. Invest in Communication: Prioritise clear and transparent communication among team members, clients, and event stakeholders to ensure alignment, manage expectations, and facilitate rapid decision-making.

    By implementing these recommendations, MTD can enhance its project management practices, improve event outcomes, and better navigate the challenges and issues encountered in event projects.

  595. As the project manager of MTD, I will use the iterative approach instead of the linear approach because iterative approach makes features usable for users, customers need to understand what features they needs, it gives speed too because the project team is able to deliver the outputs regularly and frequently, rather than all at once at the end of the stage or project. This allows organizations to benefit from user & stakeholders feedback, and to get early return on investment, while retaining the ability to adapt & change course as the business environment changes. Iterative projects are in many ways more predictable than linear ones.

  596. MTD operates a linear approach. While this approach works very well in a stable environment, it’ll be less effective in case of any volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). There’s therefore need to switch to iteration approach which prioritizes sponsors and users needs to resolve this issues and still deliver the project on schedule.

  597. As a project manager for MTD, I will recommend an hybrid approach in dealing with the process because of the peculiarities involved. Sticking to only the linear approach might not give room or capture all that is required for this project, therefore a blend of both approaches will suffice.

  598. Considering the issues MTD faced in projects, I’ll suggest a hybrid method which is the combination of the linear and iterative project methodologies, to make work more effective and resolving issues faster.

  599. Without mincing words, MTD operates a linear approach. While this approach works very well in a stable environment, it’ll be less effective in case of any volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). There’s therefore need to switch to iteration approach which prioritizes sponsors and users needs to resolve this issues and still deliver the project on schedule.
    This switch/combination of the two approaches is referred to as hybrid.

  600. Concerning the issues faced by MTD, advice the use of iteration approach. because their set goals aren’t a direct and easy project to achieve.

  601. In my capacity as the Project Manager at MTD, I promote the utilization of VUCA analysis, acknowledging the diversity of methods required for project success. Proposing a hybrid approach that seamlessly combines both linear and iterative methodologies, taking into account project timelines, financial considerations, and stakeholder requirements, emerges as the most advantageous strategy. This hybrid model is designed to tackle MTD’s project challenges by facilitating idea testing, accelerating project delivery, improving stakeholder engagement, promoting transparency, and strengthening accountability. Fundamentally, the integration of linear and iterative approaches represents the most effective route to project success within the ever-evolving landscape.

  602. Challenges are inevitable and considering the VUCA nature of managing projects , I believe that the uniqueness of each project requires a critical analysis of all that the said project requires not leaving out ethics and suitability of the approach to be used so my advice is a combination method for a proper balance.
    Not forgetting that rules of engagement and every other area must be spelt out and clearly stated to the understanding of all so it doesn’t pose a problem especially in decision making .

  603. Challenges and issues faced by MTD include:

    Setting clear goals and objectives

    Scope creep

    Lack of communication

    Team conflict

    Insufficient risk analysis and,

    Balancing project constraints.

    Implications of the iterative approach include:

    Improves project adaptability to changing project requirements or stakeholders’ need

    Enhanced stakeholder engagement with an emphasis on collaboration and communication

    Reduces the risk of project failure through continuous monitoring and adjusting to project progress

    Increased efficiency and productivity

    It eliminates confusion

    Advise to company:

    Evaluate the project requirements

    Consider the risks and benefits

    Identify some of the key variables

    Identify the project type

    Evaluate the project complexities

  604. Challenges and issues faced by MTD include:

    Setting clear goals and objectives

    Scope creep

    Lack of communication

    Team conflict

    Insufficient risk analysis and,

    Balancing project constraints.

    Implications of the iterative approach include:

    Improves project adaptability to changing project requirements or stakeholders’ need

    Enhanced stakeholder engagement with an emphasis on collaboration and communication

    Reduces the risk of project failure through continuous monitoring and adjusting to project progress

    Increased efficiency and productivity

    It eliminates confusion

    Advise to company:

    Evaluate the project requirements

    Consider the risks and benefits

    Identify some of the key variables

    Identify the project type

    Evaluate the project complexities

  605. Considering the issues MTD faced in projects, I’ll suggest a hybrid method which is the combination of the linear and iterative project methodologies, to make work more effective and resolving issues faster.

  606. linear project methodology was used by MTD which may affect its operations because it cannot foresee any incontigency that might arise. Using the iterative project method will help adjust to changing scenarios. If there were to be delays in any of the processes, the teams could easily adapt.

    Nonetheless, I will recommend the hybrid approach, as this will allow MTD proceed with its normal operations using the linear and adjust under necessary circumstances.

  607. Considering the difficulties and problems MTD encountered in their project, there’s no specific or better approach for a project management. As a project manager working with them, managing a project need not be a choice between either a linear or iterative approach. In practice, you may as well combine the two considering the VUCA nature of managing a project. It’s best yo combine the two approaches which comes with lots of benefits.
    combining linear and Agile or iterative methodologies can be more efficient than sticking to one of them alone. The combination of the two approaches allows teams to take advantage of each approach’s strengths and benefit from both. It also allows teams to have better control over their projects while still being able to rapidly deliver working software and make necessary changes and improvements. For these reasons, a mix of Waterfall or linear and Agile methodologies can be a great way to maximize efficiency and get the best results

  608. As a project manager in charge of M.T.D. I would recommend a combination of linear and iterative approach, in other to arrive at expected outcome with little challenges and on time. Considering the VUCA nature of managing projects in a fast changing world.

  609. The implications of using an interactive approach includes
    1) Identify issues on time and address appropriate
    2) Manage risk and maximize opportunity.
    3) Minimize cost .
    4) Avoid duplication of efforts.
    Implications for Agile Approach includes
    1) Timely deliverables of task.
    2) Evaluate progress.
    3)Prioritize task (RACI)

  610. The successful execution of events requires a systematic and adaptable approach. The application of iterative and agile methodologies can significantly enhance event planning processes and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes. Scrum, an Agile methodology, is an effective framework for continuous improvement and adaptability. Enterprises seeking to benefit from both continuous improvement and adaptability should adopt this model.

    Effective collaboration among event team members, stakeholders, and departments is a critical success factor. Encouraging open communication and prioritizing feedback is essential to ensure that the project meets the changing needs and expectations of stakeholders. Risk management is equally critical, and potential risks should be identified and addressed promptly. Regular retrospectives and post-event analysis can provide valuable insights for future events and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

    The incorporation of an adaptive planning approach that allows for modifications according to changing conditions is necessary. Empowering teams with the freedom to make decisions within their area of expertise fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, leading to better outcomes. A learning environment within the organization can be created by using retrospective and post-event analysis to gather insights for future events.

    In conclusion, the adoption of an iterative and agile approach can enhance event planning processes, improve adaptability, and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes. Enterprises should prioritize effective collaboration, feedback, risk management, and continuous improvement to achieve success. The application of an adaptive planning approach and the creation of a learning environment can also significantly improve outcomes.

  611. Taking an iterative approach to setting up events would allow MTD to adapt quickly to changing attendee numbers. Iterative processes enable incremental adjustments, ensuring that pure water supply aligns with demand. However, it may lead to challenges in terms of documentation and comprehensive planning.

    An agile approach would empower MTD to respond promptly to dynamic event requirements. The iterative nature of agile allows for continuous improvement and flexibility. This approach encourages collaboration between teams, fostering adaptability to unforeseen changes. However, it requires a high level of communication and responsiveness.

    Advice to MTD would be to integrate agile methodologies, emphasizing regular communication, quick adjustments, and continuous improvement. By embracing agility, MTD can efficiently manage water supply challenges, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain operational flexibility in the dynamic events industry.

  612. Putting into prospect that MTD runs off as a linear type of project, but as such can encounter challenges due to the VUCA principle in a world of uncertainties demanding iterative approaches, I would recommend a hybrid (combination of both) approach, in other further prepare for what is to come.

  613. Considering the VUCA nature of managing projects in a fast changing world, I’d recommend a combination of linear and iterative approaches in managing any project if we are going to arrive at expected outcome with little challenges and waste

  614. Considering the challenges that MTD encounters in their project as a project manager it’s best to combine the two approachesapproaches(linear and iterative) which comes with loads of benefits Such as
    Increasing accountability,Providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders ,learning about users requirements and testing ideas,Increasing Visibility and transparency and Accelerating delivery of project outputs.

  615. As a project manager who is in charge of MTD company, I will first analyze the environment, look into the problems and difficulty MTD is facing, I will recommend a linear and iterative project lifecycle.

    Project lifecycle simply determines the inception of the product till when it leaves the market.

  616. Considering the nature of event planning and potential uncertainties:

    Hybrid Approach: Given the dynamic nature of events, a hybrid approach that combines the structure of a linear approach for certain aspects (e.g., budgeting, venue booking) with the flexibility of an iterative or agile approach for others (e.g., content planning, participant engagement) might be beneficial.

    Regular Stakeholder Engagement: Regardless of the chosen approach, maintaining consistent communication with stakeholders is crucial. This involves sponsors, participants, and the event organizing team.

    Adaptability: Flexibility is key in event planning. Whichever approach is chosen, the ability to adapt plans based on real-time feedback and changing circumstances is essential.

    Post-Event Evaluation: Regardless of the methodology used, conducting a thorough post-event evaluation is crucial. This includes gathering feedback, analyzing the success of different aspects, and documenting lessons learned for future events.

    In summary, the choice between an iterative and agile approach for event planning depends on the specific characteristics and goals of the event. A tailored, flexible approach that incorporates elements from both methodologies may be the most effective solution for achieving success in the dynamic and unpredictable environment of event management.

  617. As a project manager who is in charge of MTD company, I will first analyze the environment. Then looking at the problem and difficulty MTD is facing, I will recommend a linear and iterative project lifecycle.

  618. As a water delivery company, the location of the venue, where exactly in the venue the water pipes will be laid and its effect on existing infrastructure are challenges faced by MTD. Additionally, working with the event’s Project Manager might raise conflicting opinions.

    I would advise a hybrid system of working whereby the project is broken into smaller pieces and developed individually with proper feedback given and gotten. This would alleviate the concerns of the event’s Project Manager as well as work with the infrastructure engineers in a fast pace to ensure that the venue is properly setup and ready within the time frame.

  619. As the Project Manager working with MTD, I will prefer using the VUCA analysis having in mind that there is no specific method/ approach to a successful project completion so combining the linear and iteration approaches (hybrid) with project completion time, Finance, and stakeholders’ requirements will be ideal step for me.

  620. From the lesson learnt, the implication of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project manager is that MTD will have an opportunity for
    1. improvement on projects as the projects moves on
    2. it will give them room to adapt to changes
    3. it will also improve clients engagement
    4. finally it will improve team spirit

    For agile approach in event set up, the following are the implications
    1. Adaptive planning
    2. frequent stakeholders meeting

  621. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, as the PM collaborating with them (MTD), I would consider combining both the linear and iterative approaches to come out to the following:
    ■Testing ideas;
    ■Accelerating delivery of project outputs;
    ■Improving the engagement of involved stakeholders;
    ■Increasing the visibility and transparency in the company; and
    ■ Increasing accountability.
    Briefly, combining both the linear and Iterative approaches (Hybrid) would be the way forward since there is no better way to achieve project success.

  622. As a PM with MTD… I will have to study the environment, then conduct an environmental analysis of the work locations to identify the challenges and offer solutions, and then make my recommendation with the use of VUCA.

    We will determine the strategy to use either linear or iterative that will help in the delivery of the project as scheduled.

  623. As a Project Manager in charge of MTD, I will start by analyzing the situation. Use the VUCA framework to better understand the challenges. Then adopt the iterative approach of project management because I need result immediately.

  624. In order to understand MTD’s situation and develop suitable responses to the company’s challenges I will recommend the use of the VUCA framework.
    V – Volatility to consider when change is so fast and unpredictable that it becomes impossible to make predictions.
    U – Uncertainty to consider when there is no idea as to what the impact of an event will be.
    C – Complexity to consider when it is a challenge of making sense of a situation that involves making interconnected parts and processes.
    A – Ambiguity to consider when there is no relation between cause and effect, except in hindsight, without any reliable precedence, where prediction becomes guesswork.

    Both the linear and the iterative project techniques and tools can be used jointly to create flexible and particular contexts, according to the requirements of the company and challenges in the company, this is beneficial as it tests ideas and learns about the MTD’s requirements, accelerates delivery of project outputs, improves stakeholders’ engagement, and also increases visibility, accountability and transparency.

  625. If I am to make my input as a PM. In a project where is difficulty I will suggest iterative because of its nature. It’s suitable in an environment that is likely to change because of difficulty. It’s just that the consequences will be that there will be no product competences, and the project reports will no longer be a priority because of the fast delivery.
    Agile will enhance in the delivery of the product because it will have to reprioritize in order to get the said focus

  626. As a PM in charge of MTD. I will do my environmental analysis. The analysis of the environment in which my project is being carried out greatly influences its success or otherwise. It is essential to be aware of the project environment and take measures to deal with its influence on the project all through the project lifecycle.

    1. As a project manager in charge of MTD I will start by addressing and understanding the project by using the VUCA framework which is a tool that helps us to build an awareness of the organization’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges that interface in the external or macro environment

  627. As a PM in charge of MTD, I will first do my environmental analysis, pick team members to work with, discuss with them in the nitty-gritty of the project using VUCA, we would evaluate in the method to use in carrying out the project to achieve success project

  628. The first question I would ask myself is: has this project been done before now, was it successful or did it fail? If it was successful what method & tools were useful in making it a success? If it failed, what were the causes of the failure?
    The next step is to consider the environmental, economic, social, and technological impact and challenges that could be by carrying out various analysis. How Volatile is the environment, how Uncertain can the economy be, how Complex is the project and how Ambiguous are the conditions surrounding achieving the project.
    Focusing on the project’s VUCA would determine what method or tool to approach in delivering a successful project outcome.

  629. As a PM in charge of MTD, I will first do my environmental analysis, pick team members to work with, discuss with them in the nitty-gritty of the project using VUCA, we would evaluate in the method to use in carrying out the project to achieve success.

  630. i have learnt that ,As a project manager in charge of MTD I will start by addressing and understanding the project by using the VUCA framework which is a tool that helps us to build an awareness of the organization’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges that interface in the external or macro environment.
    I will combat all forms of volatility using Agility- which is the ability to perceive and respond to any form of changes, and i will also gather and analyze all available information when i don’t know what the impact of an event will be.
    Furthermore i will use both the iterative and linear method in solving the problem because in a complex situation, there is always no right answer but only an informed guesswork.
    In using both frameworks, we will be able to test ideas while learning about users requirements, delivery of project output will be accelerated, stakeholder engagement will be top notch, there will be visibility and transparency, and we will ensure that we provide assurances to our stakeholders and finally, we will improve on our accountability.

  631. As the project manager, I will do an environmental survey, understand the nitty-gritty of the project,form a team then discuss on method to adopt if it will be linear,iterative or both. Thanks.

  632. As the project manager, I will first do an environmental analysis and discuss it with my team. We will identify all the necessary things to put in place for the success of the project. We will decide which method we are using, or maybe we can use both methods, i.e., linear and iterative methods.
    Thank you.

  633. As the Project Manager (PM) of MTD, I would first consider the VUCA analysis with my team.
    Combining both the Linear and Iterative approaches (Hybrid) is the method I would deploy since there is no better way to achieve project success. This method will help me:
    1) Test ideas and learn about user requirements.
    2) Accelerate delivery of project output.
    3) Improve Stakeholder engagement.
    4) Increase visibility and transparency.
    5) Provide Assurance to sponsors and stakeholders.
    6) Increase accountability.

  634. As a project manager partnering with MTD, knowing that there is no preferred method of executing a project, one would incorporate both linear and iterative methods where required, and above all great communication should be encouraged between all stakeholders involved, transparency should be prioritized.

  635. As a PM, collaborating with MTD I would combine the right approaches to get a better result because there are no specific approach for any project manager to successfully complete a project, but have to combine both the linear and iteractive approaches at some point in the project implementation taking into consideration a lot of factors like, Project completion time, stakeholders requirements, finance
    & transparency if visible or not

  636. As a project manager, collaborating with MTD I would combine the approaches to get a better result.
    Reasons being that there’s no specific approach for any project manager to successfully complete a project, rather the project manager has to combine both the linear and iteractive approaches at some point in the project implementation taking into consideration a lot of factors like
    – Project completion time
    -Stakeholders requirements
    -Transparency and how Visible it will be

  637. As a project manager with MTD, the VUCA analysis should be considered before embarking on the project.
    I will recommend the hybrid method which is the infusion of both linear and iterative approaches in carrying out projects and achieving the desired results.
    It enables the PM to adapt to changes in the course of carrying out the project if need be and also gives room for feedback with detailed plans in place.

  638. Abdsalam Ikram

    While project management techniques exist, the complexity of certain projects, whether at the onset or during execution, often demands a flexible approach or a blend of methods, taking VUCA into account.

    It’s crucial for a project manager not to rigidly adhere to a specific technique when it becomes evident that a change is necessary.

    Linear or iterative methods might yield productivity in a project’s initial stages, but adapting to a hybrid approach becomes essential as the project evolves, considering factors like budget, time, and stakeholders. Project managers, such as those at MTD, could benefit from embracing hybrid models or transitioning between linear and iterative methods for optimal project success.

  639. As a project manager working for MTD, there are no straight approach to handling a project. Be it the linear or the iterative approach . To get the project completed despite the working environment the project manager can employ a combination of the two approaches to resolve the challenge and get the project done.
    The agile approach has its advantages and disadvantages but as we know , it all depends on the type of situation being faced at MTD.

  640. Sunday Nathaniel Ngwamah,
    Cohort 12, Team 10.

    Though there are project management techniques or approaches, the Complexity of some projects either at the beginning or in the course of the project requires a change of method or a combination of techniques taking VUCA into consideration.

    A project manager should not hold tightly unto a particular technique even when it’s glaring that a change is required.

    Linear or iterative may prove productive in a stage of project, but when it out grows its usefulness, hybridisation should be adoption where necessary considering budget, time and stakeholders. Project manager like that of MTD can adopt the hybrid or a change from either linear to iterative or the other way round for project success.

  641. Sunday Nathaniel Ngwamah,
    Cohort 12, Team 10.

    Though there are project management techniques or approaches, the Complexity of some projects either at the beginning or in the course of the project requires a change of method or a combination of techniques.

    A project manager should not hold tightly unto a particular technique even when it’s glaring that a change is required.

    Linear or iterative may prove productive in a stage of project, but when it out grows its usefulness, hybridisation should be adoption where necessary considering budget, time and stakeholders. Project manager like that of MTD can adopt the hybrid or a change from either linear to iterative or the other way round for project success.

  642. As the project manager collaborating with MTD here’s my insight and recommendations:
    There is no specific approach in handling a project but taking the project through VUCA analysis to understand the problems and proffer solutions is of importance. I will say combining both linear and iterative approaches having it mind the implications involved in the time to deliver, stakeholders and customers engagement visibility and transparency and accountability. And the linear methodology is done in stages without many challenges. The consequences of iterative is that is more structured, predictable with implications for potential rework, long term cycles, slower response to issues and that of Agile has consequences of increased risk of scope creep, strong team communication, quick to respond to changes, embraces collaboration and it’s implications includes improve customer feedback integration, high development costs. Based on MTD ‘so challenges, I recommend a hybrid approach starting with iterative planning for budgeting, infrastructure and then embrace agile principles for execution.

  643. Micah Chijioke Madu
    Project Manager
    Cohort 12
    Team 6

    The choice of project management method and lifecycle to adopt would depend on the challenges presented by the environment. Using the VUCA approach would help to determine the nature of the challenge faced by the project. The different challenges would require different approaches to solving them. A volatile situation requires agility speed. An uncertain situation calls for research and existing information on the situation on ground.
    My recommendation as a project manager with MTD for an event would be subject to the challenges faced by the project. In an earlier video, MTD had mentioned that part of their recent challenge had been with clients increasingly getting conscious of their environment and increasing their demand of the quantity of water supply for projects, and this is usually at no additional cost to the client. My recommendation would be to adopt the linear (waterfall) approach to project management with needed agile (Itirative) components infused into the project lifecycle as the need presents itself.

  644. As the Project Manager collaborating with MTD, it might be worthwhile to experiment with the two approaches within the context of the time available on a small scale and then swiftly assess the effectiveness of either and then choose a preferred method which works better to deliever expectations.
    Flexibility and continuous improvement are characteristics of iterative approach as project components are circles, can be revisited and refined
    Iterative planning and execution will favor MTD as far as event management is concerned. however, regular feedback and adjustments will help them to adapt to evolving changes required, unexpected challenges and loopholes

  645. As a project manager working for Mtd, as said , there is no definite approach to handling a project.either the linear or the iterative approach .but to be on a safer side , bearing in mind the challenges of budgeting, sponsors readjustments, downtime due to challenges such as weatherconditions, approvals from the authorities etc, the recommended best approach is the hybrid approach. Which is the mix of the iterative and linear approach. With this, sprints can be applied to allow for accommodation of downtime , and other contingencies.
    The agile approach has its advantages and disadvantages but as said , it now depends on the situation at hand .

  646. However, in general, project management can be a complex and challenging task, and there are several things that can help project managers like MTD to overcome these challenges and deliver successful projects. Here are some tips that may be helpful:
    1.Define clear project goals and objectives: It is essential to have a clear understanding of what the project aims to achieve. This will help to ensure that everyone involved in the project is working towards the same goals and objectives.
    2.Develop a detailed project plan: A well-developed project plan can help to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. The plan should include a detailed timeline, budget, and resource allocation.
    3.Communicate effectively: Effective communication is critical to the success of any project. Project managers should ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed of progress, issues, and changes to the project plan.
    4.Manage risks: Every project involves some level of risk. Project managers should identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
    5.Monitor and control the project: Regular monitoring and control of the project can help to ensure that it stays on track and that any issues are identified and addressed promptly.
    Learn from past projects: Project managers should take the time to reflect on past projects and identify areas for improvement. This can help to ensure that future projects are even more successful.

    Taking an iterative approach to settling up an event as a project manager would involve breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable tasks and completing them in iterations or cycles. Each iteration would involve planning, executing, and reviewing the progress before moving on to the next iteration.
    The implications of an iterative approach in event planning are:
    1.Flexibility: Iterative planning allows for adjustments and changes to be made throughout the process, ensuring that the event aligns with the evolving requirements and expectations.
    2.Continuous improvement: Regular reviews and feedback sessions enable the project manager to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments in subsequent iterations.
    3.Early identification of issues: By breaking down the event planning process into smaller iterations, any issues or challenges can be identified and addressed early on, minimizing their impact on the overall event.
    On the other hand, an agile approach in event planning, such as using Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban, would involve working in short, time-boxed iterations called sprints. The implications of an agile approach are:
    1.Collaboration and communication: Agile methodologies emphasize frequent communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.
    2.Adaptability: Agile allows for flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements, allowing the project manager to respond quickly to new information or stakeholder feedback.
    3.Incremental delivery: Agile focuses on delivering value in small increments, allowing stakeholders to see progress and provide feedback throughout the planning process.If asked to advise the company, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to event planning. The agile methodology would provide the company with the flexibility and adaptability needed to handle the uncertainties and changing requirements often associated with event planning. It would also promote collaboration and communication among team members, leading to better coordination and a higher chance of success.

  647. As a project manager, collaborating with MTD here’s my insights
    There’s no specific approach for any project manager to successfully complete a project, rather the project manager has to combine both the linear and iteractive approaches taking into consideration
    -the time to deliver or complete the project
    -stakeholders and customers
    -visibility and transparency

  648. As the project manager collaborating with MTD, t may be worthwhile to experiment with both methods on a small scale and assess their effectiveness before scaling up across the organization.

    The iterative approach allows for flexibility and continuous improvement throughout the project. It involves revisiting and refining project components in cycles. MTD could benefit from iterative planning and execution, especially in the dynamic environment of event management. Regular feedback loops and adjustments can help adapt to changing requirements or unexpected challenges.

  649. Before setting up the project, the project manager should engage in serious sampling to know the best approach to use. Using iterative approach has both good and bad implications. So to be safe you need to do more of sampling to know what fits your environment.

  650. Before setting up the project, the project manager should engage in serious sampling to know the best approach to use. Using iterative approach has both good and bad implications. So to be safe you need to more of sampling to know what fits your environment.

  651. Before setting up the project, the project manager should engage in serious sampling to know the best approach to use. Using iterative approach has both good and bad implications. So to be be safe you need to more of sampling to know what fits your environment.

  652. Bearing in mind the difficulties faced in the MTD System as a project manager, I would suggest combining both the linear and iterative to get the following:
    Testing ideas
    Accelerate delivery of project outputs
    Improve the engagement of stakeholders
    Increase the visibility and transparency
    And increase accountability.

  653. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance?

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences? Similarly, what are the implications of adopting an agile approach? If the company sought your advice, what would you recommend?

    I will recommend that we take the project through a VUCA Analysis to understand the challenges and proffer a solution to the volatality,uncertainties,complexities and ambiguity derailing the project.
    If iterative methodology is employed, which i will recommend, it will mean the team will be focused on the sprints which will be a 2-week mini project with feedback from customers, versus the conventional linear methodology of project where the entire project is known and is done in stages without many variations and challenges.
    The implications of adopting the iterative methodology include.
    1.Stakeholder engagement.
    2.User satisfaction
    3.Assurance of the sponsor
    4.Project concluded on time.

  654. As a PM collaborating with MTD here are my insights:
    Enhanced communication & stakeholder management: Bridge gaps, engage everyone, streamline internal communication.
    Improved risk management & contingency planning: Conduct thorough assessments, build flexible plans, monitor progress closely.
    Optimized resource allocation & budgeting: Analyze data, find cost-savings, track spending to avoid overruns.
    Enhanced logistics & operational efficiency: Refine procedures, utilize technology, train staff.
    Building strong client relationships: Manage expectations, gather feedback, deliver exceeding results.
    Iterative vs. Agile Approaches:


    Consequences: More structured, predictable, better for complex events. Requires extensive upfront planning, less adaptable to changes.
    Implications: Potential for rework, slower response to unforeseen issues, longer development cycles.

    Consequences: Highly adaptable, quick to respond to changes, embraces collaboration. Increased risk of scope creep, requires strong team communication and leadership.
    Implications: Faster iterations, improved customer feedback integration, potentially higher development costs.

    Based on MTD’s challenges, is to consider a hybrid approach:

    Start with iterative planning for essential elements (infrastructure, budget).
    Embrace agile principles for execution (flexible staffing, sprint-based tasks).
    Prioritize strong communication and stakeholder engagement throughout.
    This combines the structure of iterative with of both worlds.

  655. The possible challenges are miscommunication, resources management and timeline pressures. Using iterative approach would help refine the logistical plans as the event date approaches and the implications are: Allowance for adjustments as the event evolves, enables early identification and resolution of issues, easy adaptation to changes in requirements, collaboration among diverse teams, rapid responses to changing requirements or stakeholder feedback, frequent deliverables enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

    My Advice would be:

    1. Define Clear Objectives: Clearly define project objectives, scope, and expectations. This ensures that everyone involved understands the project’s purpose.

    2. Regular Communication: Establish robust communication channels. Regular updates and open communication help in preventing misunderstandings.

    3. Agile Mindset: Embrace an agile mindset, even in traditionally planned projects. This allows for flexibility and quick adaptation to changing circumstances.

    4. Risk Management: Identify potential risks early in the project. Have contingency plans in place to address unforeseen challenges.

    5. Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement. Regularly assess project processes and outcomes to identify areas for enhancement.

  656. Iterative Approach:
    Progressive Refinement:
    Implication: The project is being developed in small, incremental stages.
    Benefit: Allows for feedback-based continuous improvement and refinement.

    Implication: It is possible to make modifications at different points in the project.
    Benefit: able to adapt to changing needs or unanticipated difficulties.

    Feedback Integration:
    Implication: The procedure is designed to have periodic feedback loops.
    Benefit: Improves the project based on real-time feedback, reducing the likelihood of major problems.

    Risk Mitigation:
    Implication: Identify and fix potential problems as soon as possible.
    Benefit: Risks are minimized by dealing with them slowly.

    Agile Approach:

    Cross-Functional Teams:
    Implication: Teams are made up of people who have a variety of abilities.
    Benefit: Encourages collaboration as well as quick decision-making.

    Implication: The task is broken down into brief, fixed-time iterations.
    Benefit: allows priorities to be reviewed and adjusted regularly.

    Continuous Delivery:
    Implication: Functional components are provided incrementally.
    Benefit: Stakeholders can track the project’s progress.

    Adaptive Planning:
    Implication: Plans are modified according to changing conditions.
    Benefit: It allows the project to respond to changing requirements and priorities.

    Advice for the MTD Company:
    To combine iterative and agile:
    To benefit from both continuous improvement and adaptability, they should use an iterative framework like Scrum (an Agile methodology).

    Foster Collaboration:
    Encourage open communication and collaboration among event team members, stakeholders, and departments.

    Prioritize Feedback:
    Create regular feedback loops to ensure that the project is meeting the changing needs and expectations of stakeholders.

    Embrace Change:
    MTD should be adaptable to changes in requirements and priorities, and it should have a mechanism in place to integrate these changes.

    Risk Management:
    Identify potential risks early on and devise mitigation strategies. Agile methodologies provide a framework for dealing with risks iteratively.

    Continuous Improvement:
    Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by reflecting on the event planning process regularly and incorporating lessons learned into future projects.

    Adapt to Lessons Learned:
    Create a learning environment within the organization by using retrospectives and post-event analysis to gather insights for future events.

    Empower Teams:
    Allow teams the freedom to make decisions within their area of expertise, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

    I believe that by combining iterative and agile approaches and adopting the principles outlined above, the company can enhance its event planning process, improve adaptability, and increase the likelihood of successful event outcomes.

  657. Team 3

    Adopting an agile approach, specifically in project management, can have various implications. Here are some key implications of adopting an agile approach:

    1. Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile allows for flexibility in handling changes and uncertainties that may arise during the project. It embraces the idea of responding to change rather than following a rigid plan, enabling teams to adapt and adjust their approach based on evolving requirements and feedback.

    2. Iterative and Incremental Deliverables: Agile promotes the delivery of working solutions through iterative and incremental development cycles called sprints. This approach allows for the early and frequent delivery of valuable features or components, ensuring that stakeholders can provide feedback and make necessary adjustments throughout the project.

    3. Collaboration and Stakeholder Involvement: Agile methodologies emphasize collaboration within the team and active engagement of stakeholders. Regular communication, feedback, and involvement of stakeholders in the decision-making process result in a better understanding of project goals, improved satisfaction, and better alignment with their needs.

    4. Continuous Improvement: The agile approach encourages continuous improvement through retrospectives, where the team reflects on what worked well and areas that need improvement. This enables teams to identify and address issues, refine processes, and enhance their overall performance during subsequent iterations.

    5. Emphasis on Customer Value: Agile methodologies prioritize delivering value to the customer or end-user. By focusing on user stories, prioritizing features based on their value, and regularly incorporating customer feedback, the agile approach helps ensure that the delivered product meets customer expectations and provides real value.

    6. Improved Team Morale and Productivity: Agile methodologies empower cross-functional teams, allowing them to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and collaborate effectively. This sense of autonomy, engagement, and collaboration can boost team morale and productivity.

    7. Early Risk Management: Agile practices prompt the identification and mitigation of risks early in the project lifecycle. Frequent iterations, feedback loops, and regular communication enable teams to identify potential risks or issues swiftly and respond proactively, reducing the impact they may have on the project.

    By adopting an agile approach, organizations can reap these benefits, including increased flexibility, collaboration, continuous improvement, and value-driven outcomes. Agile enables teams to navigate complex and ever-changing environments more effectively, leading to successful project delivery.

  658. Team 3

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications. Here are a few:

    1. Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for flexibility and adaptability throughout the event planning process. It allows you to make adjustments and improvements as you gather feedback and insights.

    2. Continuous Improvement: By dividing the process into smaller iterations, you can learn from each iteration and apply improvements for subsequent iterations. This iterative feedback loop helps in delivering a better event experience.

    3. Risk Mitigation: Breaking down the event setup into smaller iterations helps in identifying and mitigating potential risks early on. You can test various aspects of the event, identify problems, and resolve them before they escalate.

    4. Stakeholder Involvement: Iterative planning involves regular collaboration and input from stakeholders, such as event sponsors, vendors, and attendees. This fosters better engagement and ensures that their perspectives are considered in the event setup.

    5. Time and Resource Management: An iterative approach helps in managing time and resources effectively. By focusing on smaller iterations, you can allocate resources based on immediate needs, prioritize tasks, and optimize time management.

    6. Incremental Value Delivery: With each iteration, you can deliver incremental value to stakeholders. This means that even if the event setup is not fully complete, stakeholders can benefit from the improvements made in each iteration.

    Overall, an iterative approach enables continuous learning, adaptability, and incremental value delivery throughout the event setup process. It helps in enhancing stakeholder satisfaction and mitigating risks effectively.

  659. Communication

    Upholding ethical standards

    Managing Risks

    Team work

    Iterative approach makes work easier, increases productivity improves communication.

  660. PManages are human beings who are ready to anticipate and face the challenges brought by time and space through sustainability measures and agility.

    This is possible through the hybridization of both linear and iterative models, comparatively. This is also believed to be key to the risks that a project may face, which are usually uncontrollable. The hybrid model is more humanistic because it needs the direct touch of different stakeholders through critical thinking, decision-making, and timely action, depending on the industry or sector.

    I would recommend a hybrid model and timely action, thanks to empowered humans and other resources, to ensure the future is productive because the project’s total surety in the future is predictable.

  661. Challenges and issues faced by MTD:

    1. Scope creep: Events can often change and evolve as planning progresses, leading to additional work and potentially exceeding budgets.
    2.Communication breakdowns: With various stakeholders involved, ensuring clear and effective communication throughout the project lifecycle can be challenging.
    3.Time constraints: Event deadlines are often tight, requiring efficient planning and execution to avoid last-minute scrambles.
    4,Resource limitations: Budgetary constraints or limited availability of personnel can hinder project execution.
    5.Unexpected hiccups: Technical issues, weather disruptions, or other unforeseen events can throw a wrench into even the best-laid plans.

    Advice for MTD:

    1. Clearly define project scope and objectives upfront and get buy-in from all stakeholders.
    2.Implement a robust communication plan to ensure everyone is kept informed and on the same page.
    3.Plan for contingencies and have backup plans in place for potential disruptions.
    4.Empower your team to make decisions and take ownership of their tasks.
    5.Embrace an iterative or agile approach to be adaptable and responsive to change.
    6. Invest in project management tools and training to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  662. Discussion on Linear and Iterative approaches to managing projects.

    As the project manager working with MTD, the events company, I would leverage the insights gained this week to address the challenges and issues they face in their projects. By incorporating these lessons into the management approach at MTD, the events company will aim to enhance the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and ethical standards of their projects. This proactive approach is geared towards mitigating challenges and optimizing opportunities in the dynamic and demanding field of event management.
    key takeaways from this module that could be applied include:
    • Stakeholder Communication: Effective communication with stakeholders is crucial in event management. Employing clear and frequent communication channels, ensuring stakeholders are well-informed, and actively seeking feedback aligns with the importance of stakeholder engagement discussed this week. Transparent communication can help manage expectations and build stronger relationships with clients, vendors, and participants.
    • Risk Management: Understanding and managing risks is essential in the events industry where unforeseen challenges can arise. Applying the principles of risk management discussed this week, such as identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, will help in proactively addressing potential issues. This could involve contingency planning for common event-related risks, such as weather conditions or logistical issues.
    • Ethical Decision-Making: Upholding ethical standards in event management is vital for maintaining the company’s reputation. Applying ethical decision-making frameworks and ensuring that the events are conducted with integrity aligns with the discussions on ethics in project management. This involves transparent financial practices, fair treatment of vendors and participants, and honest reporting of event outcomes.
    • Adaptability and Flexibility: Events often require adaptability due to changing circumstances. Applying the concept of adaptability discussed this week, I would encourage a flexible project management approach that can accommodate last-minute changes, unexpected challenges, or evolving client needs. This could involve having contingency plans, versatile event setups, and a team that is prepared to adapt on the fly.
    • Continuous Learning: Embracing a culture of continuous learning is essential in the dynamic events industry. Encouraging team members to stay updated on industry trends, technologies, and best practices aligns with the concept of lifelong learning. This can lead to innovation, improved event planning processes, and staying ahead of the competition.
    • Collaboration and Team Building: The success of events often depends on effective collaboration and a cohesive team. Applying strategies for team building and collaboration discussed this week can enhance teamwork, communication, and overall project performance. This involves fostering a positive team culture, encouraging open communication, and recognizing and leveraging individual strengths within the team.
    What would be the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project offers benefits in terms of flexibility, continuous improvement, and client satisfaction, but also presents challenges related to time and resource management, effective communication, and scope control. The success of the approach relies on careful planning, clear communication, and proactive management of potential challenges.
    Adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have many implications, both positive and challenging.
    Positive Implications implications
    1. flexibility and Adaptability: Iterative approaches allow for flexibility and adaptability throughout the event planning process. This means that as new information emerges or requirements change, adjustments can be made easily without disrupting the entire plan.
    2. Continuous Improvement: Iterative methods encourage a cycle of continuous improvement. After each iteration or phase, lessons learned can be applied to enhance subsequent phases, leading to a more refined and optimized event setup.
    3. Client Satisfaction: Clients may benefit from a more responsive and client-centric approach. Iterative methods often involve regular feedback loops, ensuring that the client’s evolving needs and expectations are considered and met throughout the project.
    4. Risk Mitigation: Identifying and addressing risks becomes an ongoing process. By regularly reviewing and adapting plans, potential issues can be identified early, allowing for proactive mitigation strategies.
    5. Quality Control: Iterative approaches provide opportunities for ongoing quality control. Regular reviews and inspections ensure that each component of the event setup meets the desired standards, reducing the likelihood of errors or oversights.
    Challenging Implications:
    • Time and Resource Management: Iterative approaches may require careful time and resource management. The need for regular reviews and adjustments can consume additional resources, and if not managed effectively, it may lead to project delays or increased costs.
    • Communication Challenges: Effective communication becomes critical in an iterative model. Stakeholders need to be well-informed about the ongoing changes, and the team must be synchronized to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.
    • Scope Creep: The iterative nature of the approach may lead to scope creep if not properly managed. Continuous adjustments and additions to the plan may result in an expansion of the project scope beyond the initially defined boundaries.
    • Documentation and Tracking: Maintaining thorough documentation and tracking progress can become more complex in an iterative setting. Without proper documentation, it may be challenging to trace changes, leading to potential confusion or difficulties in project evaluation.
    • Client Expectation Management: Clients may need to be educated about the iterative approach and understand that certain aspects of the plan may evolve over time. Managing client expectations and ensuring alignment with the iterative process is crucial to avoid dissatisfaction.
    What are the implications of an agile approach?
    Implementing an Agile approach in setting up an event as a project offers advantages such as adaptability to change, client collaboration throughout the project, incremental delivery of project components, the integration of cross-functional teams for holistic collaboration, and a focus on continuous improvement. However, challenges include potential uncertainty in defining project scope, managing resources effectively, ensuring consistent client availability for collaboration, finding the right balance between documentation needs and Agile principles, and addressing potential resistance to change from team members or stakeholders accustomed to traditional project management approaches. The success of Agile implementation relies on effective communication, collaboration, and a commitment to Agile principles to navigate and overcome these challenges.
    Recommendation/If you were asked to advise the company, what would your advice be?
    My recommendation will for them to combine linear and Agile/iterative approaches, the company can capitalize on the strengths of each methodology, optimizing predictability in certain areas while fostering adaptability and continuous improvement in others. This hybrid strategy allows for a balanced and tailored approach to event project management.
     Project Segmentation: Divide the overall event project into phases or components based on predictability and changeability.
     Linear Approach for Defined Elements: Use a linear approach for well-defined and static elements, such as venue booking and equipment procurement.
     Agile/Iterative Approach for Dynamic Elements: Implement Agile/iterative methodologies for dynamic aspects like creative design and technological integrations.
     Integration of Phases: Establish a robust integration strategy to ensure seamless transitions between linear and Agile phases.
     Client Collaboration Throughout: Emphasize continuous client collaboration in both linear and Agile components for a client-centric approach.
     Clear Documentation Practices: Adopt clear documentation practices for legal, compliance, and reference purposes in linear phases. Maintain Agile artifacts for effective communication in iterative phases.
     Resource Allocation and Management: Allocate resources based on the characteristics of each phase, allowing flexibility and reallocation in Agile phases.
     Continuous Improvement Across Phases: Foster a culture of continuous improvement across both linear and Agile phases, applying lessons learned from Agile retrospectives.
     Change Management and Training: Address change management challenges by providing training and support for team members transitioning between linear and Agile phases.
     External Expertise for Agile Transition: Consider external expertise or Agile coaches to facilitate a smooth transition, offer insights, and align both approaches cohesively.

  663. MTD uses the linear project methodology, which may affect its operations as it cannot foresee any incontigencies. Using the iterative project method will help adjust to changing scenarios. If there were to be delays in any of the processes, the teams could easily adapt.

    Nonetheless, I will recommend the hybrid approach, as this will allow MTD proceed with its normal operations using the linear and adjust under necessary circumstances.

  664. As a project manager, I would apply sprints sessions to review all pending issues, block communication loopholes to address all issues. The benefit of applying the agile approach will provide the opportunity to respond to all structural issues.

  665. As a project manager am prepare to use MTD scheme but it’s need to adopt the iterative and agile approache which is that can be effective, depending on then nature of the event and the preferences of the organizing team and objectives

  666. This week, I’ve observed that MTD faces challenges in coordinating various event elements, such as vendor management and logistics. To assist, implementing a robust communication plan and using project management tools could enhance coordination.

    If an iterative approach were applied, it could lead to more flexibility in adapting to changes during the event planning process. However, potential drawbacks may include increased complexity and the need for clear communication to avoid confusion among team members.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach could provide a structured framework for MTD to respond quickly to client feedback and changing requirements. This might improve customer satisfaction, but it would require a cultural shift within the organization to embrace iterative development and continuous collaboration.

    If MTD sought my advice, I would recommend a hybrid approach, incorporating elements of both iterative and agile methodologies. This would allow for flexibility while maintaining a structured framework to manage uncertainties in event planning effectively

  667. As a project manager in charge of MTD, when challenges comes I will have to review my all my plans check out the Iterative and agile approach, view the one that has higher risk and consequences. Not all approach works for the same so I may apply VUCA framework but agile will be my best option.

  668. The insights gained this week are:
    – It is essential to have clear communication and strong collaboration among the team members to ensure the successful execution of any project.
    – An iterative approach to organizing a project can help in breaking down the project into smaller tasks and provide more flexibility in terms of changes and adjustments.
    – An agile approach can enable the team to respond quickly to unexpected challenges and allow for continuous improvement throughout the project.

    The consequences of adopting an iterative approach:
    – The project may take longer to complete as it involves multiple iterations and reviews.
    – There may be an increased risk of scope creep, as the team may tend to add more features or elements to the event.
    – The overall cost of the project could be higher due to the additional time and resources required for multiple iterations.

    The consequences of adopting an agile approach:
    – The project may require a more significant upfront investment in terms of time and resources for the initial planning and setup.
    – There may be a higher level of uncertainty and risk associated with the project, as the team will be required to make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.
    – The overall cost of the project could be higher due to the increased need for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project.

    My recommendations are:
    – I will take note of the challenges of MTD’s project and how VUCA framework apply to it.
    – Based on the above information, I will know if the iterative or agile approach would be more suitable for their events.
    – In conclusion, Hybrid; a combination of both approaches can help MTD Events Company to successfully manage its events. I will also advise them to maintain an open communication and strong collaboration among the team members to ensure the successful execution of the event.

  669. I have learned about the VUCA frame work which uses different approaches.
    and that in project management profession, incorporating both linear and iterative project method and lifecycle can be compatibles considering the spectrum of techniques and practices they offer to deliver successful project in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment. This i believe will be helpful in tackling MTD issues.
    I will suggest iterative approach which a kind of mini project and Agile approach which is very transparent with information and feedback because all the stake holders are involved, decisions are quick and corrections are immediate. So utilizing the tools and techniques of this approach will be helpful in meeting the challenges of managing projects in different contexts.

  670. If I were to advise MTD as a project manager, I would suggest combining both approaches. By taking an iterative and agile approach, MTD can benefit from the advantages of both methods. They can continuously refine their event setup process while remaining adaptable to evolving requirements. This means using the VUCA framework would be a guide while also employing the iterative and agile approaches when faced with problems along the line of implementation.

  671. As a Project manager collaborating with MTD, I will apply both the agile and iterative approach considering the changes and votality. Using the VUCA framework will also be helpful.

  672. •I learned about the VUCA framework which I’ll use with different approaches to help me develop suitable responses to the challenges MTD face.
    • An iterative approach is more like a mini-project with short cycles which doesn’t really require specific details, but rather an idea or vision that each iteration uses to produce and test outputs.
    These outputs are delivered regularly and frequently to get feedbacks from users and stakeholders.
    With this approach the teams see their efforts and clients are being engaged regularly which enables organizations get early return on investments.
    • Agile approach is very transparent with information and feedbacks come regularly which enables the team discover risks as early as possible and manage them.
    In this approach, decisions are made quickly and outputs are delivered all at once. The entire team is also responsible for completing tasks which is why skilled and experienced persons are assigned.
    • To ensure a flexible and adaptable project, I would recommend combining both approaches to tackle different challenges and deliver successful project.
    Why? Because that way clients are kept in the loop and their opinions matters while outputs will be delivered quickly.

    1. Different methodologies offer unique advantages, and the most suitable one often varies based on factors such as project size, complexity, team expertise, and organizational culture.
      For event planning, both iterative and agile approaches can be effective, depending on then nature of the event and the preferences of the organizing team. Iterative approaches provide continuous refinement, while agile methodologies emphasize adaptabilty and customer satisfaction.

      1. A hybrid approach will be better handling the MTD project. It will start off as a linear approach, but due to uncertainty in say the quality or even quantity of water or maybe there may not be enough pressure in the buffers for reusing the waste water, I may have to switch to an agile approach and create sprints.

  673. As a PM with The company I will really adopt the mixed or hybrid approach not just the iterative approach because of the complexity , uncertainty that’s the VUCA Considerations of planning an event in our world today.

    A careful development of combined techniques that will be suitable for the project will be adopted as adaptive to the project. Re assessing milestones and feedback methods will be paramount to reflecting user and sponsors needs

    1. As a PM I’ll adopt the two approach and properly work with them because where one fails the other serves as a scaffold. This will help not to be stranded while running a project

    1. As a project manager I would rather adopt the mixed or hybrid methodologies which is a more robust and flexible in adapting to changes that might occur during the project

    2. As a project manager working with the company I’ll carefully combine the techniques that are suitable for the project to ensure its success.

  674. Well implementing a robust communication plan and using project management tools could help.
    My advice would be Using an iterative approach, which would lead to more flexibility in adapting to changes during the event planning process and agile methodologies which would lead to flexibility while maintaining a structured framework to manage uncertainties.

    Well, training of team members on these methodologies should be done for successful implementation.

  675. Considering the unpredictable nature of challenges and risk factors, working in MTD as a project manager own would need to embrace the hybrid approach; a combination of linear and iterative approaches to effectively mitigate the risk factors and for productive project delivery.

  676. As a Project manager for MTD and considering the myriads of challenges that one could face in the course of any of the event, one that i can think of is in the area of possible requirement for more water points during the event in areas possible around the car park areas where people may converge to first sort themselves out before proceeding into the arena of the event. And the possibility of the local water company not being able to push more water into our facility or possibly due to space constraint and not having a place to locate our buffer bag or tank. In such a case all knowledge will come to bear using the iterative approach or hybrid approach. Hence, we may need to consider building a make shift water station around a water tanker bearing water not taking more than two car space around the center of the car park to cater for such demand. In this case the event which is a project (Linear in this case) and considering the challenges and limitations VUCA principles comes into play and while considering the fact that these modifications are coming into play and was not considered at the beginning , the iterative or hybrid approach comes into play to help mitigate the need fo the event.

  677. Use the method that bests suit the project on the level of your understanding with the expert knowledge of project team at your disposal.

  678. If you take an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project the implication will be one of wasting time, resources, and money or one of efficient use as there will or will not be a return on investment (ROI) for all the effort put into the project just due to an unfit approach as an iterative approach allows for flexibility, change and utmost feedback amongst stakeholders and the customers being served or serviced.

    My advice to the company will be that they must be open to the hybrid approach where they can mix the required lifecycle associated with an unstable environment and that associated with a stable one. As this would indeed help them know what change to expect and what to do when the change comes; be it a simple, complicated or complex change.

  679. A PM is expected to understand first the nature and dynamic of a project, which will eventually determine the style of approach to use. And also communication becomes very important in achieving success in a project. The project manager has to have a good understanding of his team and provide them good leadership ane support to enable them achieve set objective. Like i said earlier the dynamic nature of a project determine what style use.. As for me i can use both the linea with an application of the VUCA to enable achieve success in my project. Like in the MDT case where careful decision where made, better options where explode to achieve success at the end of the day.

  680. As a project manager at MTD, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project.
    I will identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develop a suitable response to the problems already identified, and apply the Linear and Iterative Lifecycle approaches to tackle problems and challenges encountered along the line of implementation. This would make it feasible enough to tackle any complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty and volatility of the project.

  681. This week, I learned that clear communication and collaboration are key in project management. For MTD, it’s important to have open channels of communication and involve all stakeholders throughout the event setup process.
    If I were to advise MTD, I would suggest combining both approaches. By taking an iterative and agile approach, MTD can benefit from the advantages of both methods. They can continuously refine their event setup process while remaining adaptable to evolving requirements. This way, they’ll be able to deliver successful and customer-centric events.

  682. I learned that when faced with a project, I must first analyze either by using the VUCA framework or the ‘simple, complicated, complex’ framework to know what approach to apply. At the same time, consider that there is no ‘right answer’ to dealing with project issues.
    It is essential to determine hypothetically what kind of project lifecycle the project will look like to find the best method. As a Project Manager, I will have an open mind to enable me deploy a spectrum of methods especially when faced with a myraid of challenges.

    Using the iterative approach can help with testing project ideas, getting feedback from stakeholders, retrospecting, and determining the next line of approach. The implication of an agile approach is the short timeframe and adaptability it allows: this eliminates waste, and is not stringent on tools or processes to deploy.
    The agile method is big on collaborations, clarity in details, increased team efficiency, etc.

    I would advise the company to communicate their ideas while I discuss this with my project team, where we analyze the project using a framework. I will also use the iterative approach to enable me to get reviews to ascertain the progress and direction of the project.

  683. There’s no specific approach in project management. A project manager must determine an approach based on the realities present in the enviand how it affects the project. The PM might choose to use both or any of the approach based on how it fits and provides solution.

    Iteration approach makes it easier for team members to effectively and quickly make changes to the project dues to changes in the environment.

    With Agile project management, primary constraints, such as time and cost, can be continuously evaluated. Rapid feedback, collaboration, continuous adaptation and Q&A best practices are built into teams’ schedules, which ensures quality output and a streamlined process.

  684. Having observed the MTD events situation, I would say they fall short in effective coordination of events and using the linear approach as their pm would cause a lot of challenges as events are uncertain and volatile in nature and such flexibility is required which the linear doesn’t provide room for.

    Also adopting just the agile approach would promote flexibility but would also require a cultural shift in the organization

    I would rather adopt the hybrid approach which is the combination of linear and agile using the VUCA framework to best tackle the challenges faced by MTD events. For effectively planning of events, also maintaining a structured organization to manage uncertainties.

  685. As the project manager working with MTD, I’ve learned several valuable insights this week that could help address challenges and improve project management:

    Dynamic Nature of Events:

    Events are inherently dynamic, with requirements and details often evolving as the event date approaches. It’s crucial to have a flexible approach that allows for changes in scope, schedule, and priorities.
    Communication and Collaboration:

    Effective communication and collaboration are essential. Regular check-ins with the team, stakeholders, and vendors can help ensure everyone is on the same page and that any emerging issues are addressed promptly.
    Technology Integration:

    Utilizing project management tools and event-specific software can significantly enhance organization and coordination. Integration of technology can streamline processes, enhance communication, and provide real-time updates on project status.
    Now, considering an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project:

    Iterative Approach:

    This involves breaking the project into smaller, manageable phases and continuously refining and improving each phase based on feedback. This could be beneficial for events, as it allows for early testing, adjustments, and ensures that changes can be accommodated more easily.

    Faster adaptability to changes in event requirements.
    Early identification and resolution of issues.
    Continuous improvement throughout the project.
    Now, considering an agile approach:

    Agile Approach:

    This is an iterative and incremental approach to project management, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between cross-functional teams. It emphasizes adaptability to change and customer satisfaction.

    Regular and frequent collaboration with stakeholders.
    Quick responses to changing requirements.
    Continuous delivery of small, valuable increments.
    Advice for MTD:

    Blend Iterative and Agile Approaches:

    Combine the strengths of both iterative and agile approaches. Use iterative cycles within an overall agile framework. This allows for continuous improvement while maintaining the agility to respond to changing client needs.
    Invest in Technology:

    Implement project management tools and event-specific software to enhance communication, collaboration, and real-time tracking of project progress.
    Focus on Communication:

    Emphasize regular communication within the team and with stakeholders. This ensures that everyone is aware of changes, challenges, and the current status of the project.
    Training and Skill Development:

    Provide training and support for team members to adapt to iterative and agile methodologies. This includes building skills in collaboration, adaptability, and using relevant technology.
    Risk Management:

    Develop a robust risk management strategy to identify potential challenges early and plan for contingencies. This is particularly important in the dynamic environment of event management.
    By adopting a flexible, iterative, and agile approach, MTD can enhance its ability to deliver successful events, adapt to changes, and continually improve its project management processes.

  686. Building awareness and analyzing MTD’s situations will help the organization to develop appropriate responses to the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects. The VUCA framework would be an effective tool for this.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, the risks would be mitigated on time at a low cost. Also, there would be effective communication and transparency among the project team and stakeholders.

    I would recommend the use of Hybrid approach, incorporating the strong points of both the linear and iterative approaches.

    1. Adopting an agile approach has several implications, including;
      2.Customer collaborations
      3.Iteractive development
      4.Faster time to market
      5.Improved communication
      6.Risk management
      7.Continuos improvement
      8.Adaptability to change
      9.Enhanced quality
      10.Empowered teams.
      While adopting agile offers numerous benefits, its success depends on proper implementation, team collaboration, and a commitment to agile principles

  687. A kick off meeting is a launch meeting I have in mind

    What does the event need
    1. Alignment
    2. Team bonding
    3. Motivation
    4. Clarification
    5. Communication

    Who should attend

    1. Project team
    2. Key stakeholders
    3. Project sponsors

    Activities to be included
    1. Project overview
    2. Team introduction
    3. Q&A session
    4. Stakeholder engagement

    How will I & the team perform
    1. Enhance communication
    2. Establish relationship
    3. Share vision
    4. Increase motivation

    1. This week, I’ve observed that MTD faces challenges in coordinating various event elements, such as vendor management and logistics. To assist, implementing a robust communication plan and using project management tools could enhance coordination.

      If an iterative approach were applied, it could lead to more flexibility in adapting to changes during the event planning process. However, potential drawbacks may include increased complexity and the need for clear communication to avoid confusion among team members.

      On the other hand, adopting an agile approach could provide a structured framework for MTD to respond quickly to client feedback and changing requirements. This might improve customer satisfaction, but it would require a cultural shift within the organization to embrace iterative development and continuous collaboration.

      If MTD sought my advice, I would recommend a hybrid approach, incorporating elements of both iterative and agile methodologies. This would allow for flexibility while maintaining a structured framework to manage uncertainties in event planning effectively. Additionally, investing in training for team members on these methodologies would be crucial for successful implementation.

  688. As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD, an event company: The insights gained that could offer assistance with difficulties and problems encountered include:
    I. The holistic understanding and application of the VUCA framework.
    II. Unpacking decision-making using the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex, and Ambiguity dimensions as adapted from Bennet & Lemoine,2014.
    III. An understanding of the Linear and Iterative approach in Project management.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project,the consequences & implications would include:
    1. Appropriate Feedback from end users.
    II. Continuous value delivery with each iteration rather than only at the end of the project.
    III. Ideas are always brainstormed on and tested.
    IV. The viability of the Project is also known
    V. Outputs are at regular intervals.

    I. Employ the use of Agile & Iterative practices for project executions/planning.
    II. Always plan to mitigate the challenges posed by”VUCA”.

  689. Yes I recognise these stages from experience. The business behaviours I witnessed in each stages are:
    1. Forming stage: this was characterized by site visit and kick-off meeting

    2. Storming stage: conflict arose between team members. Meeting was set-up to reconcile both parties

    3. Norming: characterised by weekly project meeting

    4. Performing: characterised by project milestone been hit

    5. Adjourning: characterised by project close-out

  690. As a PM assigned to work with MTD, , it’s best to 1st, understand the project, next is to study the environment where the project will be carried out. This is very necessary to aid in determining the best approach to use, whether Agile, Iterative or Hybrid.

    Using an iterative approach in setting an event project:-
    The implications is that
    – the event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.
    An iterative approach brings the advantage of managing risks by exploring the environment in bits rather than at one go. So in planning an event, in an uncertain or new context, MTD should consider iterative approach in order to understand the environment and users better before drawing up a concrete plan that might be executed in a linear approach since it involves constructions.

    My advice for the Company would be to imbibe the Hybrid approach has it would allow for flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

  691. The type of project management approach to adopt depends largely on the environment and working conditions. The implications of each project approach will have an impact on the outcome or results.

    The Linear Approach is more suited to a stable environment and helps for improved collaboration and continuous improvement.

    However, an Iterative Approach is better when the business strategy and project scope is likely to change as such feedback is required after every iteration. This requires a clear and clean communication between all the stakeholders.

    From my understanding of the project management approaches, I would advise for a Hybrid Approach to combine tools and techniques from both approaches in-order to create a flexible and adaptable project lifecycle.

  692. How to get common understanding of aim and purpose of the project.

    1. Project charter
    2. Stakeholder engagement
    3. Clear communication
    4. Feedback mechanism
    5. Regular reviews

    How to foster collaborating working to allow various team members to work together

    1. Team bonding
    2. Conflict resolution
    3. Regular meetings
    4. Feedback culture

    One of the experience of challenges I have had in a project is two team members had a disagreement that resulted in delay in the project. When it got to the knowledge of the project manager, a meeting was set up to resolve the conflict

  693. A project team is the group of people responsible for executing the tasks and producing deliverables outlined in the project plan & schedule as directed by the PM at whatever level of effort or participation defined for them

    What makes teams so great:
    1. Positive atmosphere in the team
    2. Cooperative relationships
    3. Participative relationship
    4. Distinctly stated objective & roles
    5. Open & transparent communication
    6. Effective decision making
    7. Well adjusted participation
    8. Effective management of conflict

  694. This week, I have learnt that selecting the right approach to the challenges faced by projects depends on the environment.

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project are

    1. Improved collaboration
    2. Continuous improvement
    3. Adaptability to changing requirements

    Implications of taking an agile approach are

    1. Effective communication

    My advice to MDT company is to understand the type of environment each project posits and select which approach is best to manage the project

  695. As the project manager of MTD, the first thing I need to acknowledge is that a project may require different approaches. So, the project team will have to adapt to the challenges and needs of the project environment.

    From my experience as a part of school event planning teams, there are three different phases of event planning: Pre-, During-, and Post-event with each having its own plan and activities.

    The approaches should be tailored to the kind of activities involved as many tasks in the pre-event stage can be done simultaneously, favouring an agile approach.

    Pre-event planning includes many activities, from research for the venue to hiring contractors, facilitators, choosing a date, coming up with the event schedules and marketing campaigns. Adopting an agile approach means the team can work faster to get all necessary things in place while being able to adjust quickly to any unexpected changes.

    An agile approach will allow the team to take calculated decisions to reduce risks of failure during the event. Team members can do non-conflicting tasks at the same time. For example, after the event, the marketing team can work on the post-event communication at the same time the finance team is working on the financial reports for how the budget was spent throughout the event.

    Setting up an event as a project can be complex, and an iterative or hybrid approach will help MTD negotiate these complexities, choosing the most viable response when faced with challenges.

    1. An iterative approach brings the advantage of managing risks by exploring the environment in bits rather than at one go. So in planning an event, in an uncertain or new context, MTD should consider iterative approach in order to understand the environment and users better before drawing up a concrete plan that might be executed in a linear approach since it involves constructions.

  696. As a project manager working with MTD, studying their past projects, I should know that projects are not carried out successfully using only one approach. That is where flexibility comes to play, combing both approaches will give a well detailed and successful project in which both clients, sponsors and even team member will be satisfied, taking the iterative approach allows for continuous improvement/growth, flexibility. As a PM in MTD the VUCA framework tools are very essential in developing the best and suitable problems and solutions to be given them
    An agile approach can help MTD respond swiftly to clients evolving client needs.
    My sincere advice to MTD is to integrate both approaches to ensure success to projects.

    1. As a project manager working with MTD, It is very important to know that projects are not carried out successfully using only one approach. That is where flexibility comes to play, combing linear and iterative approaches will give a well detailed and successful project to the project manager in which both clients, sponsors and even team members will be satisfied. The linear approach allows you to work speedily, because their is deployment, while the iterative approach allows for continuous improvement/growth, flexibility, because their is no deployment.

  697. To me, both linear and interactive Approaches are best ways to achieve a well successful project, but interactive is more suitable in my opinion, bcos it gives way or room fo more ideas and interaction as a strategy in accomplishing the project.

    1. As a PM in MTD i will simultaneously use both the linear and agile approaches in managing the event projects and also derive wealth of information from all the historical projects and events executed by the company.

  698. As a PM at MTD, I Would be flexible in my approaches.putting in mine that different projects comes with different challenges.

    This week, I’ve learned that effective communication and coordination among team members are crucial for project success. Clear project goals, roles, and expectations contribute to smoother execution.

    Taking an iterative approach in setting up an event allows for continuous improvement and flexibility. It enables MTD to adapt to changes, refine processes, and deliver a more refined event experience.

  699. The environment dtermines the best suited approach or combination of both approaches that will enhance the most adjusted methods for achieving the goals of the project and sustaining success.

  700. The VUCA concept is legendary considering the volatile nature of this part of the world.It’s the game for me because alot of external factors that are associated with the society that we live in and carry out projects affects project management in general.Both linear and iterative approach to management is required for commplex

  701. As a PM working with MTD, I will use the both approaches in any project by the means of flexibility because every projects is unique

  702. Taking into account the elements of ventures embraced by MTD and the probable difficulties and issues that might emerge, I have discovered that we experience a daily reality such that is dynamic and quickly developing; accordingly, project directors should continually create and develop to effectively, handle projects in a specific climate.

    Consolidating VUCA system, will assist the venture chief with understanding the climate in which the tasks will be embraced and a mixed drink of suitable methodologies and practices to take on in dealing with those undertakings.

    Iterative Methodology: It is a course of rehashed cycles which take into consideration correction and improvement, with each cycle expanding upon the past one. However projects are separated into a few emphasess, with every cycle filling in as a criticism circle which offers an opportunity to completely survey progress hitherto and make changes, Iterative methodology utilizes one generally project timetable that pushes toward a bunch of expectations presented during project conclusion.
    In exhorting the Organization:

    Embrace Iterative and Dexterous Practices: Empower the utilization of iterative and spry methodologies in occasion project the board to increment adaptability, diminish chance, and upgrade partner fulfillment.
    Coordinated stresses close joint effort among colleagues and partners, advancing straightforwardness and viable correspondence all through the undertaking.

    Focus on Consumer loyalty: Put a significant norm on addressing client needs and consolidate their input all through the task lifecycle to guarantee a fruitful and fulfilling occasion insight

    1. As PM working with MTD company, know how different projects comes with its own challenges, I will use both methods for flexibility purposes

    2. As PM working with MTD company, knowing how different projects comes with its own challenges, I will use both methods for flexibility purposes

  703. I think both the linear and iterative are the best ways to accomplish a successful project but as a Project Manager for MTD, i will identify the problems and challenges then apply the VUCA framework tools just to develop the best and suitable response to the problem that has already been identified.

  704. This week, I’ve learned that effective communication and coordination among team members are crucial for project success. Clear project goals, roles, and expectations contribute to smoother execution.

    Taking an iterative approach in setting up an event allows for continuous improvement and flexibility. It enables MTD to adapt to changes, refine processes, and deliver a more refined event experience.

    An agile approach further enhances adaptability by promoting collaboration, customer feedback, and incremental progress. It can help MTD respond swiftly to evolving client needs and industry trends.

    My advice would be to integrate both iterative and agile methodologies. Establish a solid foundation with iterative planning, allowing for adjustments, and employ agile practices to foster responsiveness and customer satisfaction throughout the event project lifecycle.

  705. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, the insights I have you gained this week that I would offer as a Project Manager of MTD is to maintain the DNA of the projects by applying the VUCA framework tools in order to develop a suitable response to the problems already identified. I will also apply the iterative approach to tackle problems and challenges encountered along the line of implementation since this will allow the team to easily incorporate any lessons learned from the runs and continually improve the development process.

    What would the implications of taking up an iterative approach?
    The Implications are:
    1. Increased risk of scope creep.
    2. Inflexible planning and requirements.
    3. Vague timelines.
    What are the implications of adopting an agile approach?
    The implications of adopting agile approach are Resources and Technology

  706. My advise to MTD as a project manager is that adapting both approaches which are the linear and iterative are the best ways to accomplish a successful project. But on the other hand, making use of iterative approach is more suitable because there’s room for more ideas, feedback and changes can be made in the process of accomplishing a project.

    1. As a Project Manager, my advise to the MTD is to use both methods wherever possible, depending on the environment, circumstances and conditions.


  707. With the learning this week, approaching a project with the two method is the best way to manage a project in some cases depending on the nature, environment and other features of the project. Each methods have its own advantages and disadvantages, incorporating both method gives the best result. As a project manager for MTD, I will incorporate the VUCA tool to identify my challenges and will use that to determine the best approach for the project, I will document the project progress and integrate a feedback mechanism.

  708. Isibhakhomen Angel Alimikhena

    From I have gathered so far setting up a project can be approached through either iterative or linear approach, each with its own characteristics and advantages. The nature of the project can influence the choice of approach.
    Iterative approaches are often favoured for projects with evolving requirements, while linear approaches may be suitable for well-defined projects.
    In practice some projects may incorporate elements of both approaches,utilizing a Hybird or tailored approach that best suits the project unique characteristics and requirements.
    So a project manager working for MTD I will apply
    Feedback integration
    Early driven value
    Clear structure
    Documented progress
    Risk managements
    As a remedy to solve the particular event.

  709. As a Project Manager, I would advise MTD to use both methods wherever possible, depending on the environment, circumstances and conditions.

  710. A project team is a group of individuals assembled to work together on a specific project, typically for a defined period of time with a clear set of objectives. Project teams are responsible for planning, executing, and completing projects to achieve specific goals or deliverables.
    Here are some key characteristics that differentiate project teams from other teams in an organization:

    Temporary Nature: Project teams are temporary and created for the duration of a specific project. Once the project is completed, the team disbands, and team members may be reassigned to other projects or teams.

    Specific Goals: Project teams are formed to achieve particular objectives, such as launching a new product, implementing a software system, constructing a building, or organizing an event. The goals are well-defined, and the team’s success is often measured by its ability to deliver on these goals.

    Cross-Functional: Project teams typically consist of members from different functional areas or departments within the organization. They bring diverse skills, expertise, and perspectives to the project. This cross-functional approach is valuable for tackling complex problems.

    Project Manager: A project team is usually led by a project manager who is responsible for planning, organizing, and controlling the project. The project manager is in charge of assigning tasks, managing resources, and ensuring that the project stays on track.

    Temporary Authority: Project team members often have dual reporting relationships. They report to their functional managers within their departments for day-to-day work but also report to the project manager for project-related activities. This temporary authority structure is designed to support the project’s success.

    Time Constraints: Project teams work under time constraints and deadlines. The duration of a project is limited, and the team must complete its work within the specified timeframe.

    Unique Composition: Project teams are often composed of individuals with the specific skills and expertise required for the project. Team members may come from different parts of the organization or even external contractors and consultants.

    Scope and Deliverables: Each project has a defined scope and set of deliverables. The project team’s primary responsibility is to meet these deliverables within the defined scope.

    Stakeholder Focus: Project teams consider the needs and expectations of various stakeholders, including customers, sponsors, and end-users, to ensure that the project’s outcomes align with their requirements.

    Risk Management: Project teams are often involved in identifying, assessing, and managing project risks to minimize the potential for issues or delays.

    While project teams have distinct characteristics, it’s essential to note that they are part of the broader organizational structure. They may collaborate with other teams or departments, and successful project outcomes contribute to the overall success of the organization. In contrast, other teams within the organization, such as functional or departmental teams, typically have ongoing roles and responsibilities related to the day-to-day operations of the company.

    1. This week, I’ve learned about streamlined communication tools that enhance collaboration among team members, which could address challenges in project coordination for MTD.
      Adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event would mean gradually refining event details based on feedback, potentially reducing last-minute changes.
      An agile approach could improve adaptability to evolving client needs and market trends.
      My advice would be to integrate agile methodologies, fostering open communication and regular feedback loops to enhance project flexibility and responsiveness.

  711. As a project manager for MTD. I would firstly discover what difficulties they are having. Then using the iterative approach that allows us to test ideas and get feedbacks, I would go for such approach. Getting the team working regularly and frequently, because at that point what is more important for the client is getting the project done.

    So with the aid of speed, feedbacks, negotiation and constant communication, I should be able to deliver my project accurately. The major implication I think I would encounter is the time limit which forces the project team to focus majorly on the highest priority requirement- which is getting the project done.

    However, this would help change (or even stop) a project in order to achieve a relatively low cost budget.

    1. As a project manager with the MTD, I will use the both approach, a linear approach may be more suitable for a water distribution project in a company like MTD. A linear approach typically involves a sequential and structured process, where each step is completed before moving on to the next. In this case, the process could involve purifying and testing the water, followed by distributing it through the existing pipeline channels to households, industries, and event centers. However, in the case of a contingency like a natural disaster, the approach taken for the water distribution project may need to be adjusted from a linear method to a more iterative approach. An iterative approach allows for flexibility and adaptability in response to changing circumstances. It involves breaking the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations, where each iteration can be planned, executed, and evaluated separately. This allows for adjustments to be made based on the evolving situation caused by the natural disaster.

  712. Considering the dynamics of projects undertaken by MTD and the likely challenges and issues (scope creep, budget constraints, revised deadlines, vendor defaults, natural disasters, etc.) that may arise, I have learned that we live in a world that is dynamic and rapidly evolving; therefore, project managers must constantly develop and evolve to successfully, handle projects in any particular environment.

    Incorporating VUCA framework, will help the project manager understand the environment in which the projects will be undertaken and a cocktail of appropriate approaches and practices to adopt in managing those projects.

    Iterative Approach: It is a process of repeated cycles which allow for revision and improvement, with each cycle building upon the previous one. Though projects are divided into several iterations, with each iteration serving as a feedback loop which offers a chance to thoroughly review progress thus far and make changes, Iterative approach uses one overall project timeline that moves toward a set of deliverables offered during project closure.

    Pros For MTD:

    Quality Control: Iterative approach provides better control over the project by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable cycles. This helps to improve the overall quality of the project.

    Risk management: Iterative approach allows for better risk management by identifying and addressing issues early in the project.

    Stakeholder involvement: Iterative approach encourages stakeholder involvement throughout the project. This leads to better communication, minimised errors, and better outcomes.

    Cons For MTD:

    Project progress is highly dependent on the risk assessment phase

    Significant resources might be needed.

    Significant scope creep can deviate the project from its initial objectives

    Challenges in time and cost estimation.

    Agile Approach: It is an iterative and incremental approach where sprints (iterations) are time-boxed (limited to certain amount of time, 1 to 4 weeks) and emphases are laid on collaboration, flexibility, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction in the management of the project.

    Pros For MTD:

    Flexibility: Flexibility and the ability to adapt to changes are encouraged by Agile approach, which allows MTD team to prioritise, focus and respond quickly to changing requirements or customer feedback.

    Collaboration: Agile approach enhances collaboration between MTD team members, stakeholders, and customers. This engenders a more cohesive and productive MTD team which can yield a higher quality end product or better outcomes.

    Transparency: Agile approach promotes transparency through visible progress and open communication between MTD team members, stakeholders and customers. This can involve clear reporting and tracking of project status and issues while ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same project goal.

    Risk Management: Agile approach divides projects into smaller, more manageable bits that can be completed and evaluated within sprints. It therefore, permits the identification and quick resolution of potential risks that could impact project success.

    Continuous Improvement: Agile approach enhances continuous improvement as MTD team regularly reviews their progress and identify areas where they can improve their processes and performance.

    Customer satisfaction: Agile approach prioritizes customer satisfaction in which the customer is involved throughout the project, providing feedback and direction to the team. This ensures that the end product meets or exceeds the customer’s needs and expectations.

    Value Delivery: The Agile approach can allow MTD team to deliver working solutions faster through prioritising the most critical project elements, in which stakeholders can begin benefiting from the project’s output, much earlier.

    Cons For MTD:

    If there is a fixed scope, budget or timeline for MTD in setting up an event as project, Agile approach may not be well-suited for the project as it may be difficult to implement.

    Agile approach requires a high degree of collaboration and communication among team members. If MTD team members are unable to effectively, work together, then an Agile approach may not be successful.

    In Agile Project management practices, trainings may be expedient for teams. For MTD team, a significant investment of time and resources may be required.

    Advice For MTD:

    Choosing the right approach for setting up an event as a project will depend on several factors including project scope, MTD team size, budget, customer needs, the proposed project environment, etc. Therefore, it is expedient to apply the VUCA framework to understand the environment in which the projects will be undertaken and adopt the appropriate approach or combination of approaches to manage the project.

    Nevertheless, the Agile approach is well-suited for projects that require flexibility and collaboration, while the Iterative approach is well-suited for projects that require better risk management and quality control. The Event organiser and the project sponsor’s priorities will play a critical role in the approach to be adopted.

  713. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project:

    1. Continuous Improvement: An iterative approach allows for ongoing refinement and improvement of event planning processes. You can gather feedback and make adjustments throughout the project, ensuring that the event’s details, logistics, and attendee experience continually improve. This approach promotes adaptability and responsiveness to changing requirements.

    2. Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration: An iterative process encourages frequent interaction with stakeholders, such as clients, sponsors, and event attendees. This collaborative approach ensures that their input is considered at every stage, leading to a better alignment of the event with their expectations and needs.

    3. Risk Mitigation: By breaking the event planning process into smaller, manageable iterations, you can identify and address potential issues early in the project. This approach helps in mitigating risks, as problems can be identified and resolved before they escalate, ultimately leading to a smoother event execution.

    Implications of an Agile approach to event planning:

    1. Flexibility and Adaptability: An Agile approach is highly flexible and allows for changes in event requirements even late in the planning process. This adaptability is beneficial when dealing with evolving client preferences, last-minute adjustments, or unexpected challenges, making it easier to meet dynamic event goals.

    2. Incremental Deliveries: Agile encourages incremental deliveries, enabling you to provide partial event solutions quickly. This can be advantageous in demonstrating progress to stakeholders and generating early excitement or support for the event.

    3. Frequent Communication: Agile prioritizes frequent communication and collaboration with stakeholders. This ensures that their feedback and insights are continually incorporated into the planning, resulting in an event that closely aligns with their expectations.

    If asked to advise the company, I would recommend combining both approaches when setting up an event as a project. An iterative approach can be employed for the broader event planning process, allowing for continuous refinement and improvement. Simultaneously, an Agile approach can be used for specific components or features within the event that require flexibility and rapid adaptation. This combination can help strike a balance between stability and adaptability, ensuring a successful and well-executed event that meets the evolving needs of clients and stakeholders.

  714. As a PM I will incorporate various project management strategies to lead to the completion of the work. By using the iterative approach, I will be able to get the user’s and customers’ feedback at each stage of the project. Applying the necessary framework enables the use of definitive approaches to ensure the effectiveness and completion of the project. My advice to the company is that every event must be carefully evaluated, and effective strategies be developed for the changes that may occur at any phase

  715. i learnt that the two approaches are important for a PM a know but that of iteractives seems to be more safe and reliable since every point in time the client might want to add or remove something from the project ongoing. the linear approach is just like a straight line graph that doesn’t demand much stress. i will also introduce my VUCA in respect to handling this project. this particular topic has really help in dealing with my clients at the field as a filed engineer.

    1. As a Project Manager, considering the specific nature of MTD’s projects involving event setup, I recommend that the company embraces a flexible and hybrid approach that incorporates aspects of both iterative and Agile methodologies. This approach can be highly effective when accompanied by clearly defined project objectives, the use of Iterative Planning techniques, adherence to Agile principles, meticulous documentation, and well-structured communication channels with stakeholders.

      By implementing this approach, we can ensure that all project participants are well-informed and engaged at every stage of the project. This proactive communication and collaboration will result in a successful final output, efficient resource management, reduced risks, and, most importantly, increased customer satisfaction.

      1. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project allows for incremental progress and feedback, which can be beneficial for large, complex events. It enables you to make adjustments as you go, accommodating changing requirements and reducing the risk of significant issues arising. However, it may be less efficient for small, well-defined events.

        An agile approach, on the other hand, emphasizes flexibility and collaboration. It’s particularly useful when requirements are likely to change, or when the event’s goals are evolving. Agile encourages regular communication with stakeholders and adjusting plans as necessary.

        If advising a company on event project management, I’d recommend the following:

        1. Assess the nature of the event: Consider the size, complexity, and how likely requirements are to change. For large events or those with evolving goals, an iterative or agile approach may be suitable.

        2. Define clear objectives: Regardless of the approach, ensure that event goals and success criteria are well-defined from the start.

        3. Select the appropriate methodology: Choose either an iterative or agile approach based on the nature of the event and the company’s project management capabilities.

        4. Assemble a cross-functional team: Collaborate with individuals who have the necessary skills and experience, and maintain open communication.

        5. Create a flexible plan: Develop a project plan that accommodates change, but also provides structure and milestones.

        6. Regularly review and adapt: Continuously evaluate progress, gather feedback, and adjust plans accordingly.

        7. Ensure stakeholder engagement: Keep all relevant parties informed and involved throughout the project.

        Ultimately, the choice of approach depends on the specific circumstances and the company’s organizational culture and capabilities.

  716. This week’s learnings talked about iterative and linear approach to setting up a viable project which will be beneficial for MTD. Iterative project management is a style that allows continuous improvement, and adaptation to a changing environment factor or other circumstances.This seems to be cost effective.
    Agile approach focuses on team feedback ,and customer satisfaction and needs.

  717. At MTD, an iteration approach involves scheduling the work to be done during an iteration and assigning individual work items to members of the team.

  718. Project Management approaches is best suited to corresponding context for application. And each approach either ln

  719. My advise to MTD as a PM is to adapt the agile approach to projects because its the only way it can accommodate change. With the agile approach, we can always make reviews of the project, transparency to stakeholders, accountability in delivery, getting feedback from users thereby making every stakeholder in the project happy and satisfied which leads to success for everyone involved.

  720. As a project manager working with MTD, I would analyze the goals, scope and deadline of the project, evaluate the teams level of expertise and the stakeholders preferences before selecting a method for managing the project.

    As stated in the lesson, a project may begin by following the linear approach and the life cycle maybe adapted to incorporate the phases and practices from iterative projects according to the requirements of the organization and the challenges in it’s environment.

    By combining these approaches we are;
    •Increasing visibility and transparency
    •Improving stakeholders engagement
    •Providing assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    •Testing ideas and learning user requirements
    •Accelerating delivery of project updates
    •Increasing accountability

  721. Since MTD handle Projects
    that occur in diverse environments and contexts, it will be better to cultivate AGILITY and consistently study and comprehend the specific environment, scope, or context of each project they undertake.
    This approach allows the project to commence, followed by gathering feedback from customers. If they are not satisfied, we can then review and make the necessary adjustments to the project.

    This approach will help you to adapt your project management strategies to suit the unique requirements and challenges of each project, leading to a  successful and satisfactory

  722. As a PM at MTD, my job is to ensure that every event we are to setup is successful and cost effective. In order to do that in this changing world, my first step is information gathering from all angles (sponsors need, sponsors goal or vision, end-users, workers, project team, risk management, VUCA rating and so on). This would help me choose the best method to start with. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the event and their strength of influence, I would keep in mind that my chosen project management method might not necessarily be what will be deployed all through (adopting different styles that suites whatever challenge we face). In times of problem, defining/categorizing the type of problem will help me and my team effectively solve the problem in a way that would not waste resources or delay the output timeframe of the project.

  723. As a Project Manager taking into cognisance the nature of MTD’s projects in setting up events, I would advise the company to adopt a more flexible and hybrid approach that combines both elements of iterative and Agile methodologies. With the aid of clearly defined objectives, Iterative Planning techniques,Agile principles, Proper documentation and Well designed communication channels with stakeholders to help bring them up to speed with the course of the project at each stage which will in turn lead to good final output, well managed resource, higher chances of risk mitigation and overall customer satisfaction.

  724. I will incorporate various project management strategies to lead to the completion of the work. By using the iterative approach, I will be able to get the user’s and customers’ feedback at each stage of the project. Applying the agile framework enables the use of definitive approaches to ensure the effectiveness and completion of the project. My advice to the company is that every event must be carefully evaluated, and effective strategies be developed for the changes that may occur at any phase of the project.

  725. As a project manager with MTD – delivering portable water to events, I will begin with a combination of linear and iterative approaches. Understanding that at events like this volatility and uncertainty are staked at 80% above other factors, upon reaching a milestone where the game is already calculated to change and pick up pace, the agile frame work would be introduced to work in aid of the already working systems; linear and iterative.

  726. As a project manager for MTB, I will start with the iterative approach and combine it with a linear approach. However, considering events are usually heavily involved with stakeholders, customers and clients the agile method would be adopted to ensure quick sprints, reviews and corrections are made immediately. The agile approach will also be used wheb the event goes live and corrections are needes to be made immediately. I will advise the company bases on their need, project structure and execution on whether or not to use either of the mentioned approach but based on my knowledge of the company and what they do I will recommend the agile method.

    1. Insights gotten that could be of help proper investigation and necessary information regarding the event should be the first approach.
      Having certified then I can start my preparation with iterative approach because during investigation of the event all stakeholders had received enough information to work with over and over before the event while on the event center they can deployed agile for quick response in case of volatility

  727. Based on what I’ve learned this week, I will be able to provide a solution to the issues MTD is encountering in their project. First and foremost, I believe that adopting an agile approach to projects is the most attractive and flexible way to address any problems that may arise during the project. This approach allows the project to commence, followed by gathering feedback from customers. If they are not satisfied, we can then review and make the necessary adjustments to the project. This way, the project won’t experience delays or scope creep. It not only facilitates continuous improvement in the project but also ensures that the feedback we receive is used to deliver a better end product.

    1. As a project manager of an MTD event company i will study the environment to know if it is stable or unstable environment as this will help me to select the right project management approach.
      And this can be achieve with using the VUCA dimension and in advising the company i will advice they embrace the Iterative and Agile practices,by so doing it enhance the flexibility, reduce risk and also enhance stakeholders satisfaction.

  728. As a Project Manager for MTD, first thing is to study the environment to know if it is a stable or unstable environment as this will help me to select the right Project Management Approach.

    This can be effectively achieved using VUCA Dimension.

  729. As a project manager working with MTD Event Company, i will study the environment, build up my project team from my personal and general ideas or experience.
    I will also use the linear method of approach to to execute my job as PM.

    NOTE: this is after I must have studied The kind of project that I need to execute and also the pattern or method of execution.

  730. As an MTD Project Manager, first is identify the problem and challenges, and then apply the VUCA framework tools so as to come up with a suitable response to the problem.

    In advising the Company:

    Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.
    Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.

    Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Place a major standard on meeting customer needs and incorporate their feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure a successful and satisfying event experience.

  731. As a project manager working with MTD, the event company, I would draw upon what have learned this week to address challenges and issues in their projects. Here are some key points that could help:
    1. Clear Project ideas: Ensure that project are well-planned, measurable, and aligned with the company goals. This ideas helps in setting a clear direction for the project.
    2. Have good information and understanding about the project: Establish robust information gathering channels to facilitate information flow among team members, clients, and stakeholders. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and keeps everyone on the same page.
    3.Spontaneous responses to customers feedback: customers understand feature they need, review the customer periodically and respond to them both the right and wrong aspects
    4. Risk Management: Discover and Identify potential risks early in the project and develop risk mitigation strategies. This proactive approach can prevent or mitigate issues that may arise during project execution.
    5. Resource Allocation: Properly allocate resources, including personnel, time, and budget, to meet project requirements. Balancing available resources with project demands is crucial for success.
    6. Project Planning and Scheduling: Create a comprehensive project plan with clear milestones and deadlines. The company may have many projects at hand, planning and timing them from the beginning to the end helps in tracking progress and ensuring timely delivery.
    7. Effective monitoring: Monitoring and control of project process would enhance the quality of deliverables. Regular inspections and reviews are essential to meet the company expectations.
    8. Flexibility: prepared to adapt to changes in project scope or requirements. A flexible approach to change management can prevent project disruptions.
    9. Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative and inclusive teamwork. Working together face to face enhances productivity and encourages creative problem-solving.
    10. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with all project stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations. Regular updates and feedback sessions can help in managing stakeholder relationships. When customer get good attention and what they want, they feel fulfilled and more determined.
    11. Post-Project Evaluation: Think of reviewing planning process and conduct a post-project evaluation to assess what worked well and what could be improved. Learning from past projects can inform future project management strategies.
    12. Team experience: experience of the team have positive impact on the planning and implementation stages of the project. The team effort made on a project are seeing clearly in the output.
    13. Leadership role: proper management and support for the team would help them to achieve the company goals rather than motivating them. It also make them to be self determined and more positive to work.
    By applying these principles and strategies, MTD can enhance their project management capabilities and increase the likelihood of successful project delivery.
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would involve breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable tasks and continually refining and improving them as you go. Implications of this approach could include:
    1. Flexibility: You can adapt to changing requirements and circumstances as the event progresses.
    2. Continuous improvement: Learning from each iteration can lead to a more polished and effective event.
    3. Incremental progress: You’ll see tangible progress throughout the project.
    4. Value: create value with each situation rather only at the end.
    5. Output: project team is able to deliver output regularly and frequently,
    On the other hand, an agile approach to event planning would focus on collaboration, adaptability, and customer feedback. Implications could include:
    1. Customer-centric: Prioritizing customer needs and making quick adjustments to meet them.
    2. Collaborative: Involving cross-functional teams for better communication and problem-solving.
    3. Rapid response: Adapting to changes in real-time and speed of delivery is more important than the product and completeness.
    4. Output: complex work is more important to sponsor. And the organisation than project plans and report.
    If advising the company, I’d recommend considering the specific nature of the event, its scale, and the team’s experience. For complex or large events, a hybrid approach might be best, combining iterative planning with agile principles. Regularly solicit feedback, use technology for project management, build your own toolkit for method and techniques, and maintain open communication to ensure success. Additionally, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the event’s success and use data to guide decision-making.

  732. when it come to projects management of MTD,i will study the environment, build up my project team.
    Also, use a linear method to achieve my goal and objective on the project

  733. The insights gained this week are:
    – It is essential to have clear communication and strong collaboration among the team members to ensure the successful execution of any project.
    – An iterative approach to organizing a project can help in breaking down the project into smaller tasks and provide more flexibility in terms of changes and adjustments.
    – An agile approach can enable the team to respond quickly to unexpected challenges and allow for continuous improvement throughout the project.

    The consequences of adopting an iterative approach:
    – The project may take longer to complete as it involves multiple iterations and reviews.
    – There may be an increased risk of scope creep, as the team may tend to add more features or elements to the event.
    – The overall cost of the project could be higher due to the additional time and resources required for multiple iterations.

    The consequences of adopting an agile approach:
    – The project may require a more significant upfront investment in terms of time and resources for the initial planning and setup.
    – There may be a higher level of uncertainty and risk associated with the project, as the team will be required to make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.
    – The overall cost of the project could be higher due to the increased need for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project.

    My recommendations are:
    – I will take note of the challenges of MTD’s project and how VUCA framework apply to it.
    – Based on the above information, I will know if the iterative or agile approach would be more suitable for their events.
    – In conclusion, Hybrid; a combination of both approaches can help MTD Events Company to successfully manage its events. I will also advise them to maintain an open communication and strong collaboration among the team members to ensure the successful execution of the event.


    Thinking of the challenges and issues faced in our projects at MTDS. and these challenges and issues can be solved using what i have learnt this week.

    Having gone through the third module of the program this week. This module is a knowledge packed module because this is the module that tells if the project is viable,or not.

    In this module , the knowledge gained includes
    understanding the 2 types of project approaches method; the linear method and the iterative method.

    the project lifecycle of these project approach methods.

    managing projects in a complex world and using the VUCA frame work in complex world.

    The tools and techniques that are deplorable.
    Scrum, agile, water fall
    Relating to my role as the project manager at MTDS , the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event project is that iterative project method is best deplorable in a complex projects world. Iterative approach can kick with an idea or vision and continue as a mini project.
    This approach does not best fit in for an event company.
    The best project approach practice is bespoke approach because of the complexity world in project. The linear method approach typically follows these orders
    but the needs to bring in value added services into our events planning and executing, there is need to hear from users to better their experience at the event so linear approach method did not fit in 100%.
    The first thing as a project manager is to understand the project in context and come up with best bespoke or custom project approach method that best suite the event considering the types of people expecting to attend the event , the event location, the facility for the event and all the stakeholders.

  735. As the PM of MTD the water company I will employ the VUCA framework to better understand the project, Plan using the Linear approach, then switch to Agile approach as we progress for the best results.

    First identify and evaluate the possible challenges (VUCA)we may encounter in ensuring all outlets have water in this forthcoming out of the city event, by discussing with the stakeholders and sponsors of this event.

    This will open us up to their ethics,regulatory bodies active there and the best approach to deploy.

    We will then plan ahead(LINEAR) forming possible scenarios and solutions.

    Bearing in mind that spontaneous adjustments to this plan above may occur,e.g :if there’s any breach to the flow of good water, we will make provision for standby alternatives- ITERATIVE.

    I will make sure to be very transparent to the team and stakeholders as we will consider cost of delivery to make sure we don’t run deficit, under-deliver, or not deliver at all at the nick of time.

  736. I have learnt in the past week various methodologies , Tools and approches in Projects.

    MTD, the events company, like many other organizations in the events industry, faces various challenges and issues in their projects. These challenges often include changing client demands, shifting timelines, resource constraints, and the need for creative solutions.

    To address these challenges, both the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) approach and iterative methods can be valuable. Here’s how they can be applied:

    VUCA Approach:

    Volatility: In the events industry, things can change rapidly, such as client preferences, guest lists, or even event locations. To deal with volatility, I will advice MTD to build a flexible project plan that allows for quick adjustments as needed, which includes maintaining a diverse pool of vendors and having contingency plans in place.

    Uncertainty: There’s often uncertainty about factors like the weather, attendance, and unforeseen issues. MTD can manage uncertainty by conducting thorough risk assessments and incorporating risk mitigation strategies into their project plans. MTD should also maintain open lines of communication with clients to adapt to changing circumstances.

    Complexity: Event projects can be highly complex, involving multiple stakeholders, vendors, and logistics. MTD should focus on simplifying project management through clear communication, detailed project documentation, and using project management tools and software to track progress and coordinate tasks.

    Ambiguity: Ambiguity can arise from unclear client requirements or shifting objectives. To combat this, MTD should invest in comprehensive initial project scoping, set clear expectations with clients, and continuously engage in feedback loops to ensure the project stays aligned with the client’s vision.

    Iterative Approach:
    Using an iterative approach in setting up events as projects can provide several benefits:

    Continuous Improvement: Iterative project management allows for regular reviews and improvements throughout the project’s lifecycle. MTD can apply this approach by breaking the project into smaller phases, setting milestones, and conducting regular evaluations. This ensures that any issues or changes can be addressed promptly.

    Adaptability: Events often involve creative elements that may need adjustments as the project progresses. An iterative approach accommodates these changes, making it easier to respond to evolving client needs and unexpected challenges.

    Client Collaboration: Iterative methods emphasize close collaboration with clients. MTD can involve clients at various stages of the project, obtaining their feedback and making adjustments accordingly. This leads to higher client satisfaction and a project that aligns with their expectations.

    Agile Approach:
    In addition to an iterative approach, MTD may also benefit from incorporating agile principles, especially when dealing with dynamic and rapidly changing projects:

    Flexibility: Agile methodologies, like Scrum or Kanban, allow for high adaptability to changing requirements and priorities. MTD can use agile frameworks to break the project into smaller tasks (sprints or work packages) and regularly reassess priorities.

    Quick Response: Agile encourages quick responses to changes or issues. MTD can address unforeseen challenges promptly and make adjustments without disrupting the entire project.

    Client-Centric Focus: Agile promotes client collaboration, involving them in the decision-making process and keeping them informed about project progress. This ensures that the event aligns closely with the client’s evolving vision.

    Advice for MTD:
    My advice to MTD would be to consider a hybrid approach that combines VUCA awareness, iterative project management, and agile principles:

    Embrace VUCA: Acknowledge and prepare for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Develop risk management strategies, maintain open communication, and stay adaptable.

    Implement an Iterative Approach: Divide projects into manageable phases, set clear milestones, and conduct regular reviews to adapt to changing circumstances and evolving client needs.

    Integrate Agile Practices: Consider agile frameworks that enhance adaptability, prioritize client collaboration, and encourage quick responses to changes.

    Invest in Technology: Utilize project management software and tools to streamline communication, track progress, and manage project documentation effectively.

    Foster a Collaborative Culture: Promote a culture of collaboration within the team and with clients. Open and transparent communication is crucial to the success of event projects.

    Develop Contingency Plans: Be prepared for unexpected challenges by having contingency plans in place for critical project aspects.

  737. Lessons and insights gained this week has been very breathtaking, Never deviate from the objective of the project.
    As we have learnt a lot of factors can influenced a project, so as a project manager I must be able to adapt and find my way or method that best brings solution to the situation on ground, how I respond to matters, and never fail to Ask for help, most importantly the flow of communication with stakeholders, team members.

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event is that information will be limited to certain stakeholders while the implication of an agile approach might results in lack of adequate information, resource allocation.

    I will recommend identifying and studying the environment having in mind the budget, duration and cost for the project and there must be a contingency plan for the project.

  738. Here are the implications of each approach:

    Iterative Approach:

    Detailed Planning: In an iterative approach, there is often a heavy emphasis on detailed planning upfront. Event organizers would spend more time in the initial planning stages to define requirements, logistics, and schedules.

    Less Flexibility: Once the project plan is in place, changes can be challenging and costly. Deviating from the plan may require renegotiating contracts or adjusting resources.

    Reduced Adaptability: Iterative approaches are less adaptable to unexpected changes or evolving event requirements. If market conditions or stakeholder expectations shift, it may be difficult to pivot quickly.

    Risk Mitigation: Detailed planning allows for thorough risk assessment and mitigation strategies, which can be beneficial for complex or high-stakes events.

    Agile Approach:

    Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile embraces change, making it suitable for events with evolving or uncertain requirements. Organizers can adjust plans as they go.

    Incremental Progress: Events are set up incrementally, with each stage delivering value. This approach allows for early feedback and adjustments based on participant or stakeholder input.

    Continuous Improvement: Agile encourages continuous improvement and learning from each iteration. Event organizers can incorporate lessons learned to enhance the event’s quality.

    Stakeholder Collaboration: Agile prioritizes stakeholder collaboration, ensuring that the event aligns with their needs and expectations.

    Resource Efficiency: Agile can be more resource-efficient as resources are allocated based on current priorities and needs.

    Advice for the Company:
    When advising the company on whether to adopt an iterative or agile approach for setting up an event as a project, consider the following:

    Nature of the Event: Evaluate the event’s characteristics. For complex or high-stakes events with well-defined requirements, an iterative approach with detailed planning may be appropriate. For events with evolving needs, such as tech conferences or product launches, consider an agile approach.

    Stakeholder Involvement: Assess the level of stakeholder involvement and their ability to provide ongoing feedback. If stakeholders want to be actively engaged and can adapt to changes, agile may be a better fit.

    Resource Constraints: Consider budget and resource constraints. Agile can be resource-efficient, making it suitable for cost-sensitive projects.

    Risk Tolerance: Assess the organization’s risk tolerance. An iterative approach may be favored if the company prefers a more structured and risk-mit

  739. The challenges and issues faced by MTD, as a project manager, I will ensure that I combine the linear and iterative tools in the implementation of projects.

  740. In the last week, I learnt that using an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project manager with MTD would involve developing the project plan in stages and constantly refining it as the project progresses which would involve breaking the project down into smaller, more manageable tasks, and continuously testing and reviewing each stage along the way.

    However, this approach could lead to increased costs and longer project timelines as the constant iterations may prolong the project delivery timeline. In the same vein, an agile approach to setting up an event as a project involves working in short, incremental sprints thereby the team can then focus on delivering a minimum viable product as early as possible, with a plan to add features and functionality in subsequent sprints. This approach could result in faster project delivery, with each sprint producing a functional product that can be tested and reviewed by stakeholders.

    If I were asked to advise MTD on which approach to take, I would recommend using a hybrid approach that incorporates elements of both iterative and agile methodologies which would involve breaking down the project into smaller stages and developing a comprehensive project plan at the outset. However, the team would also work in sprints to deliver functional components earlier and iterate on them as necessary. This approach would allow for the benefits of both methodologies while minimizing the downsides.

  741. It’s been an interesting and educative week so far, have learnt that project can be influenced by a lot of factors ranging from technology, government policies,world trade, etc
    And as PM, you must learn to be adaptable and flexible in your approach when dealing with projects. Understanding the environment that surrounds the project helps in making right decisions that will help the team delivers quality on time and within budget.

    Analysis of the situations/challenges faced during project execution by the environment is key using the VUCA framework which helps to determine the approach to be applied either linear approach or iterative approach or a combination of both
    As the PM for MTD, knowing and understanding the problems is key using the VUCA framework to analyze the situations. Then I’ll adopt the iterative approach first in order to get feedback after which the linear approach will be considered in order to get the job done

    1. As a project manager for MTD event
      Working with stakeholders to understand the nature of the event will help the project manager for the MTD event create a working plan that demonstrates the delegation of duties. An event involves various departments of engagement and professionals to ensure that everything runs smoothly, including the number of guests, food types, color codes, seating arrangements, and other details. The iterative approach will be used due to the nature of the event, as it allows for flexibility in the event that changes occur during the planning and execution phases. Since human, resources and time management is crucial, the iterative approach is preferable because events are more likely to undergo modifications and because it requires maintaining an open channel of communication for prompt feedback and responses. The agile methodology will be best suitable as changes occurs with minimum time for rectification.

  742. As a project manager for MTB, I will start with the iterative approach and combine it with a linear approach. However, considering events are usually heavily involved with stakeholders, customers and clients the agile method would be adopted to ensure quick sprints, reviews and corrections are made immediately. The agile approach will also be used wheb the event goes live and corrections are needes to be made immediately. I will advise the company bases on their need, project structure and execution on whether or not to use either of the mentioned approach but based on my knowledge of the company and what they do I will recommend the agile method.

    1. The waterfall approach used by MTD in delivering to events will always create hitches in project delivery as the approach will not allow prompt responses to adapt to changes in the supply situation.
      If there is a short fall in the quantity of water delivered for processing and onward delivery to clients at the events, a situation that will lead to insufficient supply of potable water to clients at events, the agile approach can be combined with the linear approach can help in service delivery.
      Using the agile approach, points at the event where water is required more will be prioritised. While the identified points are being serviced with available water, additional water will be sourced for another cycle till all points get sufficient water.
      MTD should combine approaches for better service delivery

  743. This week’s learnings suggest that taking an iterative approach to setting up an event project could offer some valuable benefits for MTD. Iterative project management allows for continuous improvement, flexibility, and adaptation to changing client needs and event dynamics. This means that MTD could refine event plans as they progress, accommodating unforeseen changes or client requests more effectively.

    On the other hand, an agile approach emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. For MTD, this would involve regular client interactions, short development cycles, and quick response to adjustments, ensuring that the event meets the client’s vision.

    If advising MTD, I would recommend a combination of both approaches. Start with an iterative approach for the initial project setup, refining the event’s core components and logistics. Once the event’s framework is well-defined, transition into an agile mode to facilitate real-time collaboration and adaptability, maintaining open communication channels with the client for feedback and changes. This blended approach could enhance the company’s ability to deliver successful events, even in the face of unpredictable challenges.

    1. From this week’s teachings, I would advise MTD to combine both approaches. This is because, while iterative approach allows flexibility and adaptability in order to cater to the clients needs and requests, the agile approach ensures that the project involves regular client interaction to discuss developments at each planning stage so feedbacks and changes are communicated to the client. This will in turn ensure the ability of the company to successfully deliver a project.

  744. If I were to advise the company, I would recommend a hybrid approach that combines iterative and agile methodologies. This would involve breaking down the event planning into iterative phases while embracing agile principles like collaboration and adaptability. This would allow for structured planning while maintaining flexibility and stakeholder involvement, ultimately leading to a more successful event.

  745. As a PM for MTD. My approach will be to identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develope a suitable response to the problems that has been identified. Then I will apply the iterative and agile approach

  746. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, it is important that the VUCA framework is used to assess and analyse the company’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges being confronted with.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, this method can helpto reduce risk,  manage efficiency, and approach problems encountered in a more flexible and dynamic way.

    The implications of adopting an agile approach are positive as these help build trust and improve the link between individual efforts and the overall success of the organization.

  747. One key learning is the importance of adaptability and flexibility in project management. Projects are often subject to unexpected changes, client requests, and external factors that can impact the initial plans. Being able to adapt to these changes is crucial for successful project delivery.
    If I were to advise MTD, I would recommend combining both iterative and agile approaches in their project management strategies. By breaking down the event setup process into iterative phases and applying agile principles within each phase, MTD can create a flexible and responsive project management framework. This would enable the company to adapt to client requirements, incorporate feedback effectively, and deliver high-quality events within the specified timeframes.

  748. Getting first hand knowledge of the problem is the very first task to delivering a smart project. Both linear and iteratives processes should not be seen as two opposite approaches but instead as an approach that can be used together so as to get accurately results. However, Use of any approach is dependent on some factors that must begin taken into consideration as a project manager

  749. As a project manager working with MTD, I believe that no method is perfect in approaching a project. I will approach the challenge with the mixed method, combining linear and iterative as well as VUCA Approach. All project needs the project manager skills, communication, negotiation, to solve project problems.

    1. Knowing that approaches can change from linear to iterative and having many methods in the planning can help to solve any challenge as Project Manager

  750. As a project manager I will prefer to identify the problem before engage more of the Hybrid approach because MTD’s project seems to be a very complex project that needs review and changes where necessary as the Project progresses. It is pertinent to note that this Hybrid process, would engage more of the iterative approach.

    1. The module three has been an expansive learning of the tools, techniques and methodology applied in project management.

      Thus, the impart of the knowledge gained this week are:

      – the importance of having clear communication and strong collaboration among the team members to ensure the successful execution of any project.
      – An application of iterative approach to organizing a project can help in breaking down the project into smaller tasks and provide more flexibility in terms of changes and adjustments.
      – An application of the agile approach can enable the team to respond quickly to unexpected challenges and allow for continuous improvement throughout the project.

      As the project manager of MTD, identifying the problem and which tools to adopt to will assist in solution finding. In this regard, the application of both iterative and agile approach will be adopted.

      The consequences of adopting an iterative approach:
      – The project may take longer to complete as it involves multiple iterations and reviews.
      – There may be an increased risk of scope creep, as the team may tend to add more features or elements to the event.
      – The overall cost of the project could be higher due to the additional time and resources required for multiple iterations.

      The consequences of adopting an agile approach:
      – The project may require a more significant upfront investment in terms of time and resources for the initial planning and setup.
      – There may be a higher level of uncertainty and risk associated with the project, as the team will be required to make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.
      – The overall cost of the project could be higher due to the increased need for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project.

      Although, there’s no one approach that can fit in to solve a project lapses. I believe with a combination of approaches, MTD can create a responsive management framework in tackling project problems.

  751. As a PM of MTD, the main aim to be done is to identify the problem, set out the kind of approach that will fit into the problem. Checking through the use of iterative approach depends on the environment if the environment for the project is an unstable environment and also to use linear approach the environment of the project work must be stable. So, inferences of the problem and environment will determine the kind of approach to use.
    Making use of agility might be useful if the sponsor is anxious about the output without concerned on the idea or plan.
    Combination of the two approach (hybrid) can be used because it foster transparency, increase in engagement with stakeholders, accountability etc.

  752. As a project manager for MTD. I would firstly discover what difficulties they are having. Then using the iterative approach that allows us to test ideas and get feedbacks, I would go for such approach. Getting the team working regularly and frequently, because at that point what is more important for the client is getting the project done.

    So with the aid of speed, feedbacks, negotiation and constant communication, I should be able to deliver my project accurately. The major implication I think I would encounter is the time limit which forces the project team to focus majorly on the highest priority requirement- which is getting the project done.

    However, this would help change (or even stop) a project in order to achieve a relatively low cost budget.

  753. As a PM for MTD. My approach will be Firstly, identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develope a suitable response to the problems already identified. Secondly, apply the iterative and agile approache to tackle problems and challenges encountered along the line of implementation. While putting budget in check and balance

    1. Few insights I gained this week includes the following..

      1. I have learned to that there can be changes when a project is in progress and therefore I should be ready to adapt to a different project management methods Incase of unforseen changes.

      2. Another thing I learned was that Adhering to Ethics and Values during the beginning phase of a project will help in puting all the project scopes into consideration.

      3. I have also learned that utilizing the VUCA framework provides us with insights on how to effectively respond to complex project environments.

      The Advice i may give to MTD will be,
      Since MTD handle Projects
      that occur in diverse environments and contexts,
      Let them cultivate AGILITY and consistently study and comprehend the specific environment, scope, or context of each project they undertake.

      This proactive approach will enable them to adapt and tailor their project management strategies to suit the unique requirements and challenges of each project, leading to greater success and satisfaction.

  754. As a Project Manager supporting MTD, looking at the uncertainties that is associated with their projects, I would advise that they apply a hybrid (combination of both Linear and Iterative method), for their project works

    Using Iterative approach will create more synergy amongst the team, based on the sprints style of work – this will create speed, more stakeholders engagement and feedbacks. It will also enable them to quickly “nip in the bud”, any changes associated with element of cost and other deliverables on the project

    The agile approach will enable the team to adjust flexibly and fast to volatility associated with the project. Furthermore, they can use this approach to reduce any form of backlog related to their pending WIP, review each members goal, come up with an action plan and chat a way forward in meeting up with the project timeline

    Lastly, I will advise MTD to start their project using the Linear method and integrate the Iterative method, just to shield against the elements of VUCA

  755. As a project manager in MTD, due to their nature of business as learnt in the study can likened to uncertain and volatile in sense that anything can happen.

    I will advise on iterative approach in the sense that there is a need for a feedback with regards to the last event managed as this will help the team to plan using the Agile method to anticipate what other contingency that needs to be cratered for in the event, for example shortage of water, using the loo lights etc.

  756. Applying an iterative and agile approach to setting up an event as a project for MTD, the events company, can offer various benefits and implications.

    Iterative Approach:


    Progressive Refinement: An iterative approach allows for progressive refinement and improvement of event planning. You can start with a basic plan and gradually build upon it, incorporating feedback and making adjustments along the way.

    Enhanced Flexibility: This approach is particularly useful for events that may evolve or change rapidly due to unforeseen circumstances or client requirements. It offers flexibility in adapting to changes as they occur.

    Continuous Feedback: Iterative planning encourages constant feedback from stakeholders, clients, and team members, ensuring that the event aligns with expectations and objectives.


    Increased Collaboration: Iteration requires constant communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders. This means that your team must be open to frequent discussions and feedback sessions.

    Resource Management: Managing resources efficiently is critical as you may need to allocate and reallocate resources based on evolving requirements.

    Documentation: Detailed documentation and record-keeping become essential to track the changes, iterations, and feedback received throughout the planning process.

    Agile Approach:


    Adaptability: The Agile approach is highly adaptable to changes and allows for quick responses to emerging requirements or opportunities.

    Client-Centric: It focuses on meeting the client’s needs and aligning the event with their vision by engaging them in regular interactions and reviews.

    Incremental Delivery: Agile encourages delivering event components incrementally, providing opportunities for early testing and validation.


    Continuous Engagement: An Agile approach necessitates ongoing client and stakeholder involvement. This may require additional time and commitment from both the project team and the client.

    Team Empowerment: The team must be empowered to make decisions and adapt to changes without requiring constant approvals from higher authorities.

    Project Visibility: Agile relies on transparency and visibility, so it’s essential to maintain open communication and documentation to ensure everyone is aware of the project’s progress.

    Advice for MTD, the Events Company:

    As a Project Manager, considering the nature of MTD’s projects in setting up events, I would advise the company to adopt a flexible and hybrid approach that combines elements of both iterative and Agile methodologies. Here are some key recommendations:

    Define Clear Objectives: Start with clear event objectives and client expectations. Regularly engage with clients to understand their evolving needs and expectations.

    Iterative Planning: Use iterative planning to break the event setup process into manageable stages. Gather feedback, adapt to changes, and make refinements at each stage.

    Agile Principles: Implement Agile principles, such as daily stand-up meetings, continuous client collaboration, and incremental delivery of event components, to ensure alignment with client goals.

    Empower Cross-Functional Teams: Empower cross-functional teams to make decisions and adapt to changes on the fly, reducing the need for constant approvals.

    Document and Communicate: Maintain detailed documentation of project progress and changes. Ensure consistent communication with all stakeholders to provide visibility into the project.

    Client Satisfaction: Prioritize client satisfaction by focusing on delivering value at each stage of the event setup. Continuously seek client feedback and adjust plans accordingly.

    Resource Flexibility: Ensure that resources can be flexibly allocated as the project evolves.

    By combining iterative and Agile approaches, MTD can better navigate the challenges of event setup projects, maintaining flexibility and client-centricity while effectively managing changes and resource allocation. This will result in more successful and satisfying events for their clients.

    1. As a project manager for MTD, the method I will use that can help are both the linear and interactive method to bring out the desired result and outcome suitable for the stakeholders and also the users…. using both method will also help meet the needs of stakeholders, the organizational value, norms and ethics.
      As A project manager , having a very good information and understanding of the project, goals , situation and expected output n outcome from d beginning will also help the team to make the project a reality…
      The lmplicatation of using iterative approach will help the team to see the impact on the customers and also get feedback from them
      As a project manager of MTD, having a deep understanding and knowledge of the environment and scope of the project,
      I will start by using the itractive and the linesr method, were the project will be divided into mini project and team project teams present reviews and latest work to stakeholders to give visibility and ensuring the project is on track to achieve the desired result…
      there are lots of advantages wen combined..such as .
      testing ideas n learning about user requirements,
      Accelerating Delivery of project output
      improving stakeholders engagement
      increasing visibility and Transparency
      increasing accountability
      the implications of Agile….
      A key characteristics of Agile is it interactive nature, that is we can get feedback at d right time and to make sure we are building the right solution for the right people . Also it helps in the way we discover risk as we go, also monitor them as early as possible, then taking the necessary action.

      The company should
      look into the environment and study it properly,
      Effective communications among project team members and stakeholders
      Always make resources available for the smooth running of the project
      Weekly or monthly reviews by project team should be encouraged in other to know the process of work and if the project is on the right direction.
      channels for feedback should be created and used to gather more information as the project progresses

  757. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in its projects, I would advise using agile method of project management, because the types of services they provide require constant and ample feedback from their customers. Also, agile techniques are ideally adapted to manage the uncertainties and changing requirements that frequently accompany projects in dynamic environments because of their focus on adaptation, cooperation, and iterative development.
    The following could be the consequences of planning MTD events using iterative method: scope creep, financial strain, and extended timelines. The positive implications however, outweigh the negatives. The following would be the merits of adopting iterative approach:
    • Likely risks are quickly identified and addressed, because of the regular assessments of the project.
    • There is continuous improvement
    • Resources are better allocated
    • Customer Engagement
    • Open lines of communication

  758. Adopting an iterative approach in organizing an event can bring the following challenges; Scope creep, communication challenges, budgetary pressure, timeline extension, stakeholder expectations.

    Implications for using the agile approach for same project are as follows{both positive and negative}; Flexibility and Adaptability(positive), Continuous Improvement(positive), Customer Collaboration(positive), Resource Allocation(negative), Documentation(negative),

    For the challenges and complexities that MTD faces in their projects, I would recommend adopting an Agile approach. Agile methodologies, with their emphasis on adaptability, collaboration, and iterative progress, are well-suited to navigate the uncertainties and evolving requirements that often accompany projects in dynamic environments.

    MTD’s projects might encounter changes in scope, stakeholder priorities, or market conditions. The Agile framework, with its iterative cycles and frequent reassessment, allows for flexibility and quick adjustments. This can be crucial in ensuring that the project remains aligned with changing goals and expectations.

  759. A project manager approach is indispensable. i.e a Pm must be assertive and versatile. When discussion is to be tailored,it must favour the whole team member.

  760. As a project manager I must have in mind that no idea and approach is a waste.
    It is expected of me to be versatile and keen to new ideas and also be very open to the people that are working with me.

    Also i need to have a clear understanding of my job as a PM and also how others do their job and their kind of job. This is to enable me to be more productive through out the project or tax.

  761. As a project manager I must have in mind that no idea and approach is a waste.
    It is expected of me to be versatile and keen to new ideas and also be very open to the people that are working with me.

  762. As a project manager working with MTD, having learned about challenges and issues faced in projects, there are several things that could help address those challenges.

    1. Clear Communication: Effective communication plays a vital role in project management. Ensuring there is open and transparent communication within the team, with stakeholders, and with clients can help mitigate misunderstandings and keep everyone aligned on project goals and progress.

    2. Risk Management: Identifying and managing risks proactively is crucial for successful project delivery. Implementing risk management techniques, such as conducting risk assessments, developing contingency plans, and regularly monitoring and mitigating risks, can help address potential issues before they become problems.

    3. Project Scope Management: Clearly defining and managing project scope is essential. This involves setting realistic expectations, defining deliverables, and agreeing on project boundaries upfront, and continuously monitoring and controlling any scope changes throughout the project.

    4. Stakeholder Management: Developing and maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders is crucial for project success. Regularly engaging stakeholders, understanding their needs and expectations, and involving them in decision-making processes can help ensure alignment and reduce conflicts.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would involve breaking down the project into smaller, manageable iterations or phases. Each phase would involve specific objectives and deliverables, allowing for continuous feedback and improvement. This approach would enable MTD to adapt and make changes as they gather more information and insights throughout the project. It could lead to better outcomes, as feedback and learning from each iteration can be applied to subsequent phases.

    On the other hand, an agile approach would involve embracing flexibility, collaboration, and responding to change throughout the event project. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, would allow for regular reviews, sprints, and adaptability to evolving requirements. This approach can help MTD respond quickly to client needs, market trends, and emerging opportunities.

    My recommendation would be to adopt an agile approach to event project management. This would involve incorporating iterative practices, effective communication, and continuous stakeholder involvement. By embracing flexibility and responsiveness, MTD would be better positioned to adapt to changing circumstances, deliver high-quality events, and exceed client expectations. Additionally, implementing ongoing monitoring and feedback loops would allow for continuous improvement and learning from each project, further enhancing future event management capabilities.

  763. I would study the project and ascertain if it needs a linear or an iterative approach, if agile then the benefits includes being more result oriented especially when it has to do with innovations.

  764. As a project manager I must near in mind that no approach is indispensable: i.e the approach use is depending on the project. In a company like MIT I will use iterative approach and also apply VUCA framework

  765. As a project manager of MTD, i should not be limited to a particular project management style because each project are unique in their own right as two project aren’t the same and also make sure i apply the VUCA framework.

  766. As a project manager, encountering a situation similar to MTD, I would remain flexible because every project is unique. I’d adapt my approach based on the specific circumstances surrounding the event.

    1. Project management is changing. Linear approaches are no longer suitable in all circumstances. As PMs it is needed to be able to call on a range of methods and practices to steer projects through the challenges faced and deliver high-value outputs for your organisations and customers. Every project has its unique approaches

  767. As a PM, taking up on projects like MTD would require both project life cycle, but to be more concentrated on the iterative method, since the kind of service they render requires frequent and adequate feedback from their customers, and its a kind of project that you need to find good and reliable ways of distributing their products to the people who needs it. Its a complex kind of project and therefore will also require the hybrid methodology to manage it to success.

  768. What I have learnt that could help is the VUCA dimension. Identifying, understanding the nature of challenge as well as knowing how to respond to challenges. The iterative approach enables one to monitor the progress of the project through feedback, outputs can be delivered regularly and frequently. This is useful in an unstable environment.

    I would recommend both a hybrid approach( a combination of the linear and iterative approach).

  769. As project manager working for MTD before I choose the approach to use for the project, I need to study the environment to know whether it is stable or not
    In planning an event, following the linear approach which involves developing ideas and assessing it, giving a descriptive plan for the project then implementing it is needed in the project. Also inorder to have a shorter period of time to geta quick response and output and also to solve the VUCA challenges, the agile or iterative approach is also needed… so therefore since these two are important, I as the project manager so as to get a quick and effective response and achieve project will create my own tool which is the hybrid approach for the project

  770. Following what has learnt so far on this unit, it is clear that change is the only constant that can give a dynamic result as a project manager.Before embarking on any project, it is important to consider which approach it will require to resolve it.The underlisted must be considered:
    1.Linear approach
    2.Iterative approach
    3.Hybrid approach: i.e combination of linear and iterative approach

  771. As a Project Manager working with MTD, I will advise to handle each project depending on the circumstances or situations that may arise as they may be different. However I will use the Hybrid approach since it combines both the the Linear and Iterative approach.

  772. As PM working for MTD, the best approach I would use will be Iterative/Agile approach. Combining both approaches and applying the iterative and agile approaches will to effective in handling the problems and challenges encountered in the project.

  773. I would have pockets of sprints in my sprints and linear approaches in the sprints as well. Meaning that the approach I would use would be fully Hybrid. I would make sure that communication lines are always open and o the spot feedback at all times although, I will make sure to not allow feedback be cumbersome which is why I will have sprints in my sprint and linear approaches in the sprints too.

  774. As a project manager in MTD, i will firstly evaluate the extent of the challenges, and the environmental conditions currently, if the environment is an unstable environment, I will ensure changes and adaptability to suite the situations.
    I will ensure the feedback process on each technique undertaken, and ensure a good team work, by ensuring that ideas are being tested before use.
    Applying the agile approach, will enable a quick response to problems, using the simpler and shorter approach to the challenges facing the organization.
    If challenges facing the organization are simple or complex techniques will be adapted that will suit the organization.

  775. To effectively manage the MTD company as a project manager, I will employ the use of a linear, iterative, and VUCA approach as all projects are not the same.

    1. As MTD’s project manager, I’ll have to handle each project according to the circumstances and situations that arise using linear, iterative or hybrid methods.

  776. As a project manager, one has to build their own techniques that bring together the linear and iterative approaches. This will be from experiences and knowledge, as well as skills learnt on different projects

  777. If asked to advise MTD, I would recommend a hybrid approach combining elements of both iterative and agile methods. Here’s the advice:Client Involvement: Maintain continuous and open communication with the client throughout the project. Encourage their active participation in reviews and decision-making processes.

    Risk Management: Identify potential risks early and develop contingency plans. An agile approach can help in addressing risks as they arise.By combining iterative and agile approaches, MTD can better navigate project challenges, meet client expectations, and deliver successful events while maintaining adaptability and client satisfaction.

  778. To deliver a very successful event, as a project manager I will consider combining elements of the Iterative, Agile, and VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) approach to create a comprehensive strategy. Here are some recommendations I will give to MTD:
    Iterative Approach:
    Stable Planning: I will start with a well-defined initial plan that outlines the event’s main objectives, scope, and key milestones.
    Milestone Reviews: Periodically we will review progress and gather feedback from stakeholders, adjusting as necessary.
    Controlled Execution: I will execute the plan in phases, focusing on one aspect at a time (e.g., logistics, marketing, program) while keeping an eye on the overall project.
    Agile Approach:
    Client-Centricity: I will maintain a close and continuous collaboration with the client or event sponsor throughout the project.
    Flexibility: I will be ready to adapt to changing requirements, guest preferences, or unforeseen challenges.
    Regular Iterations: I will divide the event project into smaller iterations or sprints, setting achievable goals for each and conducting frequent reviews.
    VUCA Considerations:
    Risk Assessment: I will make sure to continuously assess risks related to the event, considering its volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous nature.
    Contingency Planning: I will develop comprehensive contingency plans for potential disruptions, such as weather issues, supplier failures, or sudden regulation changes.
    Communication: I will establish robust communication channels to inform stakeholders about potential changes and uncertainties.
    Combining these approaches will allow for a structured yet flexible approach to MTD event management. I will begin with a clear plan, engage with clients and stakeholders regularly, and remain adaptable to changing circumstances. Additionally, I will always keep VUCA factors in mind, proactively addressing risks and uncertainties to ensure a successful event, even in challenging conditions.

    1. As a project manager I would firstly check in with the VUCA framework to ascertain where those impending issues fall into are categorized. Then after this aspect has been confirmed, it then makes more meaning to know which approach to use whether linear, iterative or a mixed one. An iterative/Agile can be employed if the environment is unstable or unpredictable, needing customer feedback at intervals. If not, a linear can be applied. Ultimately, as a PM before utilizing any approach or recomnmending ideas, the issues in questions need to be analyzed using VUCA only then can I ascertain if liner, Agile or hybrid approach would work to resolve those issues.

  779. As a PM, I will have it at the back of my mind that no one method is perfect. With this in mind, I will approach the challenge with the mixed method, comprising linear and iterative.

  780. As a project manager for MTD , the first thing I will do is to carry out a viability research on the environment and see where there could be possible challenges before embarking on the project and using a linear method is fine to enable the project go through different processes because the need of skilled workers will make the job go smoothly and effectively and also iterative method will allow us get feedback from our clients and put the necessary things in place.
    So therefore, both methods should be applied.

  781. As a Project manager working for MTD, I will apply both iterative and linear methods for the project. taking into considerations the scope of the project, stakeholders involved, etc. Also making use of the necessary skills a PM should have like communication skills, teamwork, ability to collaborate amongst others.

  782. As a project manager working with MTD, in other for me to effective set up and manage the effect, i will breakdown the overall goal into smaller goal then i will apply both the linear method and the interactive, with these i can monitor results, get input from stakeholder and then strategies on the way forward.

    1. As a project Manager, i will first analyse the situation and then select the most appropriate approach to use.
      next is planning and setting up teams and making sure theres clear channel of communication to help carry out the project effectively.

      my advice will be to use the linear approach first and monitor the progress

      1. Based on the limited context provided, it is difficult to specifically address the difficulties and problems that MTD (assuming it refers to a specific company or organization) encounters in their projects. However, here are some general insights that could potentially offer assistance in managing project challenges:

        1. Effective project management: Adopting proven project management methodologies, such as Agile or Waterfall, can help in planning, organizing, and executing projects more efficiently. This includes clearly defining project goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks, setting realistic timelines, identifying risks, and establishing communication channels to ensure smooth progress and timely problem resolution.

        2. Thorough requirements analysis: Conducting a comprehensive analysis of project requirements before starting the development stage is crucial to avoid scope creep and unexpected challenges. This involves engaging stakeholders, understanding their needs and expectations, documenting clear and specific requirements, and seeking their agreement and buy-in.

        3. Regular communication and collaboration: Facilitating open and transparent communication channels among project stakeholders is key to identifying issues early on and finding quick resolutions. Regular meetings, status updates, and feedback sessions can help align expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page. Collaboration tools and project management software can also enhance remote collaboration and coordination.

        4. Risk management: Identifying, evaluating, and mitigating potential risks throughout the project lifecycle can be beneficial. This includes developing contingency plans, conducting risk assessments, and proactively addressing known and unforeseen risks that may impact project outcomes.

        5. Continuous improvement and lessons learned: Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement is essential for projects to learn from past experiences. Conducting post-project reviews and capturing lessons learned can provide valuable insights for future projects, enabling teams to identify patterns, avoid recurring issues, and enhance overall project performance and success rates.

        It is important to note that specific insights and recommendations may vary depending on the nature, size, and complexity of projects undertaken by MTD.

  783. Friday Uwhubetine. (Cohort 20. Team 5)

    As the Project Manager for MTD planning an event or a project,as I have gathered so far, no one approach or strategy is “complete” in itself. Hence, a combination of strategies or approach is required to successfully execute project.
    In this light, i will adopt a combination of linear and iterative methods -this way, there’s planning for foreseeable things, while staying flexible and ready to make a quick change to those plans where and when necessary.

    The only challenge i see, may be in the area of having rigid plans in place and running with it, without allowance for new unforeseen developments that may cree up , but this will be taken care of if we are ready to quickly adapt to the changing forces-both internal and external.

  784. As the project manager working for MTD , I will implement the mixed lifecycle of both the Linear , Iterative and hybrid approach as this allows testing of ideas and learning about the requirements, accelerating delivery of project outputs , improving stakeholders engagement, increasing visibility and transparency, providing assurance to the sponsors , increasing accountability. In all of this stated ,completed work is more important to the sponsors and organization than project plans and report. Which makes it important for a project manager to utilize them when facing myriad challenges.

  785. In carrying out a project, a well-planned framework will save lots of stress and time, the linear method
    In an organization like MTD with the complexity of the projects they undertake, the hybrid method will be best.
    Take for instance the soccer event, going through the project linearly or iteratively alone will lead to so many backlogs but using the hybrid method allow you the flexibility to take on the problem as they come up, make needed adjustment to accommodate the new reality, and evaluate the deliverables as to if they are still achieved, needed and cost-effective.

  786. Planning an event can be a complex process, but there are instances where a well-defined strategy has proven to be an effective formula for successful event organization and preparation. To plan an event effectively, a project manager must first determine the scope of the client’s requirements and then select the most suitable method—whether it’s a linear, iterative, or hybrid approach—to align with that scope.

    1. Planning an even requires a well defined scope and strategy to get the required results and iterations are most definitely needed because of the complexity of the project and the factors that may affect its delivery, so in other to meet the clients need at the required time frame we have to deploy a method that keeps us on track and review if we are still expecting the required end product or if we can find other means of making it work and on time for the clients.

  787. For me the first thing to do is to get the buy-in of every member in the team through effective communication and make them understand why the current way isn’t sufficient to deliver the project needed. This is important because by nature, people can be resistant to change, so they first need to see that this isn’t working and then provide an alternative that works.
    It’s also important to know that being stuck and unyielding from a particular position can be hindering for a project hence the need to employ the hybrid method to get the desired result.

  788. Tips on Forming Teams for Project:

    PM may be saddled with the responsibility of leading a team of amateurs and it gets difficult for him/her to get the job done. In such cases, the PM would need the services of experienced individuals who would come in on contractual terms and help tackle the anomalies.

    1. I will use a combination of methods, from linear approach to iterative, to information and expert analysis just to clear any uncertain and I will also make use of communication effectively with my team.

      1. As a PM working with MTD I’ll apply the hybrid methodology because it create processes and makes adaptation flexible for both you, your team and the stakeholders. In any complex situation I’ve learnt so far that communication is key and getting everyone involved in new plans and plans made to achieve the goal is very important and projects are achieved greatly applying this principles.

  789. With a complex project like the MTD’s, the hybrid approach is more appropriate. With more emphasis on the iterative method. VUCA will be considered here and each of the stakeholders will be actively engaged during the life cycles of the project to deliver optimum results.

  790. A project team is as vital as the project to be carried out by the team. The project’s outcome interprets the effectiveness of the project team. PMs should take The project team seriously because they can make or mar his efforts.

  791. Planning an event is not always straightforward. And while this is true, there have been instances where a general strategy or approach has shown to be a generally workable formula for organizing and preparing an event.

    In order to plan an event, a PM must ascertain the client’s requirements’ scope and then choose the method—linear, iterative, or hybrid—that best suits the scope.

  792. In my position as a Pm in MTD, I will analyze the kid of project to know if it a large scale water supply or on a small scale, this will enable to know the modalities. But should incase is a large scale supply.
    Combining life cycle is gainful
    1. Testing ideas and learning about the project and user’s requirements. Should incase I can make provision for alternative water supply to meet up the time frame before recycling the used water which will demand a stationed overhead tank.

    2. Accelerating Project delivery of project out by setting up mini projects within a time to move to the next phase.

    As a summary I will used the hybrid life cycle to carry out the project

  793. As an MTD collaborative project manager it’s clear to me that the best way to handle a complex project with many moving parts and resources is to deploy the two methods of linear and agile methods in solving any VUCA situations that may arise.

    My advise would be to constantly engage the customers to gain feedback as well as to plan and execute in shot sprints considering the project mapping has been done.

    Some of the things to look out for will be;

    -managing water quality, -preparing for shortage of water at the event
    -Having technicians on standby should there be any quick fix during the actual events.
    – Letting the Stakeholders know what the project aims to achieve and milestones in the project.

    Many VUCA situations may arise such as a burst of pipes, shortage of water if more people turned up than expected, mistake in following regulations and many other human errors but putting the Linear and agile framework as an hybrid method will help solve most of the challenges that may arise in the course of the project.

  794. As a PM at MTD, I would prefer to engage more of the Hybrid approach because MTD’s project seems to be a very complex project that needs review and changes where necessary as the Project progresses. It is pertinent to note that this Hybrid process, would engage more of the iterative approach.

  795. As a PM, you believe with me that there is nothing like the best technique, you handle a project according to the situation and environment at a particular time. Looking carefully at event planning as one of the MTD projects, it is best to combine both linear and iterative together because in an event you may not be able to determine things but you must be ready for VUCA situation and the needed tools to capture the situation to satisfy your stakeholders. A combination of both approaches is needed because it helps you to test-run, accelerate delivery, increase visibility and transparency and it provides assurance for stakeholders that you are capable of the situation.

  796. Listed are some challenges MTD might face and what I have learnt that could help

    1. Water Quality: questions on the quality of the water can make MTD to partner with a water treatment company or hiring a water quality expert and enlighten the users about the quality of the water and how it has been treated.

    2. Availability of Fire Hydrants: MTD can conduct a survey of the area to identify the location of fire hydrants and how accessible they are then plan the project accordingly. They can also consider alternative sources of water in case there are not enough fire hydrants in the vicinity.

    3. Sustainability: MTD can explore alternative sources of water or develop a contingency plan in case the availability of fire hydrants changes.

    4. Infrastructure: MTD can work with plumbing and drainage experts to ensure that the infrastructure is designed and installed properly. They can also conduct regular maintenance and repairs to ensure that the system is functioning optimally.

    5. Regulatory Compliance: a regulatory compliance expert can be hired to ensure that they are meeting all regulatory requirements related to water quality and usage. They can also provide training to staff members to ensure that they understand and comply with these regulations.

    6. Cost: MTD can conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the financial feasibility of the project. They can also explore alternative funding sources, such as grants or partnerships with other organizations, to reduce the financial burden of the project.

    With these problems and suggested solution in mind, the linear (waterfall) and iterative (agile) approach should be used. Linear; since this is a construction project that requires sequential structure project and iterative; for the sections of the project that requires checking from time to time for the cost analysis, water quality and having a back up plan for sustainable water source option.

    Thank you.

  797. As a project manager in charge of MTD I will start by addressing and understanding the project by using the VUCA framework which is a tool that helps us to build an awareness of the organization’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges that interface in the external or macro environment.
    I will combat all forms of volatility using Agility- which is the ability to perceive and respond to any form of changes, and i will also gather and analyze all available information when i don’t know what the impact of an event will be.
    Furthermore i will use both the iterative and linear method in solving the problem because in a complex situation, there is always no right answer but only an informed guesswork.
    In using both frameworks, we will be able to test ideas while learning about users requirements, delivery of project output will be accelerated, stakeholder engagement will be top notch, there will be visibility and transparency, and we will ensure that we provide assurances to our stakeholders and finally, we will improve on our accountability.

  798. As the project manager in charge of the MTD projects. I will deploy the use of both methods (linear and iterative). I will use the iterative method to divide the project into mini-projects (sprint) of 2 weeks period each with goals clearly mapped out. Each sprint will be handled with the linear method. This will ensure the project is resolved and the the relevant stakeholders are not kept in the dark regarding project development..

  799. As the project manager in charge of the MTD projects. I will deploy the use of both methods (linear and iterative). I will use the iterative method to divide the project into mini-projects (sprint) of 2 weeks period each with goals clearly mapped out. Each sprint will be handled with the linear method. This will ensure the project is resolved and the the relevant stakeholders are not kept in the dark regarding project develoment..

  800. AKO ARREY
    Cohort 10
    Team 2

    In the shoes of the PM working with MTD Events Company, I shall make several recommendations in order to aid them execute projects effectively. These proposals range from; the definition of the project objectives, the development of a detailed project plan, the establishment of effective communication channels amongst stakeholders, the appropriate management of risks, and vendor management amidst others. That said, the itterative and agile approaches can constitute an applause.

    The iterative and agile approaches to event planning will aid provide flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement in the execution of the project.
    With the iterative approach, the event planning and execution processes will be broken into more minor phases as evident in the various springs which will enable a better focus on issues such as venue selection, marketing, logistics, and participant registration. This approach allows for changes and adjustments depending on the outcome of the various sprints as influenced by VUCA. These changes will be adopted inorder to ease the executive of the project in a clarere and more effective way even in the face of adversities.

    From another angle, the Agile principles used in software development could be exploited in managing event planning. This will thus allow for:

    1. Flexibility: where quick adjustments to plans and priorities based on changing circumstances will be ensured.
    2. Incremental Delivery: where because of the organisation and division of events’ aspects in smaller chunks will ensure quick delivery.
    3. The constant checking on feedbacks to ensure the satisfaction of clients.
    4. And finally, the empowerment of team members to make decisions, fostering creativity and innovation.

    In the end, my advice for MTD in the face of dynamic projects neccesiting adaptability, will be to adopt an Agille cum iterative approach with the intension of enabling them:

    – build a more closely engaged relationship with clients in the course of executing the project especially as concerns the gathering of feedback and adjusting plans when need be.
    – laying more emphasis on incremental progress and the delivery of specific components of the event one at a time.
    – Encourage collaboration, raise creativity, and innovation in the various teams of the project.
    – ensuring the simultaneous improvement of lanning processes based on the feedback of each sprint.
    An application of these views give room for the satisfaction of clients, ensuring project outcomes, and effectively manage the challenges that come in the course of executing the project.

  801. As a project manager working with MTD, identifying the challenges is paramount.
    Combination of Linear and Iterative methods will enable us carry out the project, test the process through feedbacks and as well get outputs within a short period of time.
    Distinguishing between simple, complicated and complex is also important to know the actions to be taken.

  802. As a PM at MTD, I would engage the Hybrid approach. MTD’s project seems to be a very complex project that needs review and changes where necessary as the Project progresses. This Hybrid process would engage more of the iterative approach.

  803. In as much as certain components of the event might be relatively stable/predictable, on the whole, a hybrid approach would be more beneficial to adopt for such a project. However, the time-consuming nature of an iterative model would not be favorable to managing an event which usually has strict deadlines on deliverables.

  804. The linear model works in a stable, predictable, and low-risk environment, whereas the agile technique does not. Both the linear and agile methods have their merits, but each one is only effective under a certain set of conditions. A hybrid strategy makes sure that all project-related risks and worries are properly and effectively addressed.

    Depending on the environment and the resulting project dynamics, either agile or iterative project management approaches should be used. The implementation of a single PM strategy may not always be sufficient due to the constantly evolving global trends. Therefore, it would be wise for the MTD to handle the event management project using the hybrid way.

  805. agile approach is the best approach in the construction.
    Positive Implications:

    Improved Flexibility: An iterative approach allows you to adapt to changing circumstances, requirements, and stakeholder feedback more easily. This is especially important in event planning, where unexpected issues can arise.

    Enhanced Quality: By breaking the event planning process into smaller iterations, you can focus on perfecting each aspect of the event before moving on to the next. This can lead to a higher-quality final product.

    Better Stakeholder Engagement: Frequent iterations can involve stakeholders more actively in the planning process. They can provide feedback early and often, which can help ensure the event aligns with their expectations.

    Negative Implications:

    Increased Planning Time: An iterative approach may take longer to set up an event compared to a more linear, traditional approach. Each iteration requires time and resources to plan and execute.

    Resource Intensive: Managing multiple iterations can be resource-intensive, particularly if you need to make frequent adjustments to your plans or if you have a small team.

    Stakeholder Fatigue: While stakeholder engagement is a positive aspect, too many iterations or constant changes can lead to stakeholder fatigue and frustration.

  806. For the MTD frame work as a Project manager i would suggest using an Hybrid approach
    Considering the types of constrctions done in getting water to event centers, the Linear appraoch iss consistent. Althogh in terms of an Event , the Iterative? Agile approach ususally comes into use, so the Risk mitigation of this appraoch will help on this project.

    As the risks come up actions can be taken immediately. The iterative appraoch is great here because they get to make quick and responsive decisions on thier own if thier is an abrupt change or volatility on the project.

    Some implications of the Agile appraoch could be:
    Financial constraints
    Bolckage of waterflow
    It could be a time consuming project.

  807. Combining both the Linear and Iterative methods will enable MTD carry out the project, test the process through feedbacks and as well get outputs within a short period of time

  808. i have learnt how best to manage projects especially in a complex world using the VUCA framework. How to act, respond, and make decisions and equally making sure I carry my project teams members along and project sponsor along by communicating effectively so as to be on the same page.

    Due to it’s unstable nature, inability of a project manager to retain the ability to adapt and change course as the business environment changes, will pose an issue.

    Implication of agile approach occurs when the risk in a project is not discovered in time for immediate action to be taking, it creates more challenges.

    I will recommend using any of these methods; linear, iterative or agile method, or both methods for a project as they are necessary and are also required for a project or event. This will enable building the right solutions for the right sponsors.
    Also considering VUCA will be a very idea.. in terms of uncertainty, unstable situation of things, volatility and ambiguity

  809. MTD difficulties and problems was the approach they adopted in carrying out the project.
    Managing a project need not to be a choice between either a linear or iterative approach in practice.Combining linear and iterative approach has many advantages such as:
    1) Testing ideas and learning users requirements
    2) Improving stakeholders engagement
    3) Increasing accountability.
    The implications of iterative is that it embraces trial and error method. Working on many things at the same time which can lead to loosing focus and project goals.

  810. As the project manager of MTD, I will combine linear and iterative approach because of its benefits which includes:
    *Testing ideas and learning user requirement.
    *Involving stakeholders as the project progresses to get immediate feedback which will guild my next line of action.
    *All team members have to be accountable for every task assigned to him/her.

    The implication of iterative is that it embrace trial and error, it works on many things at the same time, this can lead to lost of focus on project goal.

  811. As a project manager, I need to be gain full knowledge of my environment so as to know what approach to apply (linear or iterative). And also know the challenges related to these approaches in order to carry out a project properly.

  812. As a Project Manager , you study the environment and opt for the best approach.Combine techniques from both approaches and get the best out of them. Hence will most likely opt for a hybrid approach. At every point in the project communication flow is key and the stakeholders should be carried along. The Vuca framework should be integrated as well.

  813. As a project manager when choosing any of the method you need to put into consideration the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguous environment of the project.
    As a project manager it is important to know when and how to use each method to get the best result in different circumstances
    Both method can also be combined in achieving success

  814. As a collaborative project manager to MTD. My advice will be for them to introduce iterative approach due to the uncertainty and volatility of the market. This approach will help them to take the projects in sprint for about 2weeks each and ensure they get feedback before moving further in order to reprioritise and change direction quickly.

  815. As a project management you should observe the environment before working on the project given to you and also Linear project management lifecycle are suited to more stable environment.

  816. I have learnt so far the different approaches to handling projects as a PM.
    The linear and iterative approaches. I learnt that both method can be combined to get the best results.
    I would use the hybrid approach to solve the case in MTD inorder to get to constantly test ideas and learn about the user requirements. Thus approach will also be used inorder to accelerate delivery of the projects and also to improve stakeholders engagement.

  817. As a Project Manager for MTD, it is imperative to know that Linear approach will not work in all situations hence, the adoption of iterative approach will be needed, because agile or iterative approach get posibilities in everything and also manage risks properly

    1. As a pm MTD,VUCA will be the first thing to adopt because volatility and uncertainty are very important to be observed and handle before starting a project.
      The linear project lifecycle plays a significant role for it’s how to take control of the start, middle and end, also linear project in practice such as construction,one stage follows another predictably.And each stage must be completed before the next one begins makes a project have a successful outcome.
      Meanwhile in iterative the project starts with just an idea, hypothesis or vision.
      By mixing all together the project will succeed and accomplish.

  818. From the knowledge gained from today’s lecture
    To carry out the MTD projects , to apply the VUCA framework to it , it would be great in considering the Volatility change of materials to make consideration in planning for chemicals used for water purifying to be reused and to consider uncertainty which may include local water authorities, making difficult decisions and local authorities project approvals , and it would be good to use the linear project lifecycle to start the project and when it’s get to the stage of recycling , Applying the scrum framework to g work on the project and get feedback from stakeholders and consumers if recycled water is good enough

  819. From the knowledge gained from today’s lecture
    To carry out the MTD projects , to apply the VUCA framework to it , it would be great in considering the Volatility change of materials to make consideration in planning for chemicals used for water purifying to be reused and to consider uncertainty which may include local water authorities, making difficult decisions and local authorities project approvals , and it would be good to use the linear project lifecycle to start the project and when it’s get to the stage of recycling , Applying the scrum framework to g work on the project and get feedback from stakeholders and consumers if recycled water is good enough

  820. As a Project Manager for MTD, it is imperative to know that only Linear approach will not work in all situations hence, the adoption of iterative approach where need be.

    1. As a project manager of MTD. The linear can not work due to the challenge’s face before there is need to combined but the iterative and VUCA for the project to succeeds.

      1. As a project manager of MTD.firstly,you must understand the environment you want to execute your project.
        Set your plan to carry out in case if is linear or iterative cos not both works in same environment

    2. It will also look into the risk management as well as the successful organization of the company by combining both linear and iterative approach to solve the managerial problem at hand

    3. I will advise them to use both the linear and iterate approach in a project, work can be done much faster with iterative approach though with linear you will be sure of how well it progresses and can easily change the scope of the project. In MTD it is a complex project they will need some expert knowledge to complete some aspect within specific time cost and quality.

  821. As a project manager I will study my environment which I think is very important before starting any project . I will be flexible and adaptive to different types of project and I will ensure we use that vuca approach to projects

  822. Projects for MTD would have a relatively similar structure about them therefore most projects would utilize a linear management system for projects.
    However, since each project is different, there is also the tendency to encounter unforeseen problems or issues that may require a change of approach. The iterative project management system would be helpful to solve these issues.

    A hybrid system would also be helpful in handling projects. This would depend on the project manager’s orientation of the project. The stakeholders for the projects would be different and this would determine the method employed.

  823. The insight gained from this week that could offer assistance to MTDs project issue includes;
    – The use of VUCA by project managers and team to study the project and also bringing out available risks and ways to resolve them.
    – Another one is the use of both linear and iterative approach when working on a project because it’s more flexible and faster and has its benefit. It’s more efficient to use both because if u use linear alone u may meet a requirement creep which may lead to the failure of the project.

    The implications of adopting only an agile approach is that it works on many things at the same time which might lead to moving away from the main goal if the project is not supervised properly.

  824. As a project manager for the MTD firm, organizing an event has a tendency to follow a linear path. However, utilizing an agile or iterative strategy can also help the project be finished quickly. It’s crucial to use sprint among team members without skipping over any specifics of the event planning.
    Numerous vendor disappointments, a lack of vendor dependability, and an environmental crisis that may be caused by an inadequate location are a few potential difficulties.

    1. The insight gained from this week that could offer assistance to MTDs project issue includes;
      – The use of VUCA by project managers and team to study the project and also bringing out available risks and ways to resolve them.
      – Another one is the use of both linear and iterative approach when working on a project because it’s more flexible and faster and has its benefit. It’s more efficient to use both because if u use linear alone u may meet a requirement creep which may lead to the failure of the project.

      The implications of adopting only an agile approach is that it works on many things at the same time which might lead to moving away from the main goal if the project is not supervised properly.

  825. Project management isn’t a cast-a-stone process and different approaches are required for different issues. Oftentimes scope creep delays the project timeline and brings down team morale. Global factors can also affect project deliverables thereby expanding the proposed project timeline and increasing estimated cost.
    Highlighted below are actions that can assist PMs in mitigating risks:
    • Clear-cut communication with full-blown transparency ensuring there are no loose ends whatsoever.
    • Critical review to track, critique and monitor project progress.
    • Adequate planning to cover frictions or disruptions that may arise.

    Some benefits of an iterative approach include:
    • Early feedback and refinement as an iterative approach allows for early feedback from stakeholders and users, which can help to identify and resolve problems early on.
    • Iterative approaches are more flexible than the traditional waterfall approach, making them better suited for projects where the requirements are not fully known at the outset or where there is a need to be able to adapt to change quickly.
    • Iterative approaches often promote greater collaboration between team members and stakeholders. This is because everyone is involved in the feedback and refinement process, which helps to ensure that everyone is aligned on the project goals and objectives.
    • Iterative approaches provide greater visibility into the project’s progress. This makes it easier to identify and address potential problems early on and to keep everyone informed of the project’s status.
    The benefits of the Agile approach include:
    • Faster delivery of value which allows early feedback.
    • Improved quality as this helps to reduce the number of defects in the project outcome.
    • Increased customer satisfaction as this helps to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the outcome of the project.
    • Agile approach leads to improved team morale and productivity.
    In conclusion, if the company seeks my advice, I would recommend using both the linear and iterative approaches that would birth a better project outcome.

  826. Managing a project need not be a choice between one method or the other, it can be well combined to achieve success of the project.

  827. As a project manager setting up an event as a project manager seems to tilt towards a linear approach. However, using iterative agile approach can also aid speedy completion of the project.
    It is also important to not miss out on any detailed part of the event planning while using sprint amongst team members. The implication could be omitting details, inability to source for clients wants, planning an event, sourcing, meeting with vendors etc to executing the project in 2 to 4 weeks might be stressful and challenging.

  828. As an event company, some of the challenges and issues the company face could include:
    -frequent disappointment from vendors, lack of reliability on the part of the vendors
    -environmental crises which may be as a result of lack of adequate venue
    -the number of guests to be invited
    As a way to curb these challenges listed above, a linear approach to project management is better this is because it often begin with series of planning of how the event is supposed to be , the number of guests, the number of vendors to provide services.
    Iterative and Agile approaches are similar, the implications would include the following:
    -flexibility, plans can change as a result of unforeseen factors. Feedback can be gotten each time, to make sure the event is going in the right direction.
    -Agile approach is less risky: discovering risks on the go and finding solutions to them as quickly as possible.
    If I was advise the company, I’ll advise the company to start with a Linear approach to setting up events and then switching to Hybrid which is a combination of linear and Iterative or Agile approach to ensure the best event is planned.

  829. Setting up an event as a project manager seems to tilt towards a linear approach. However, using iterative agile approach can also aid speedy completion of the project.
    It is also important to not miss out on any detailed part of the event planning while using sprint amongst team members. The implication could be omitting details, inability to source for clients wants, planning an event, sourcing, meeting with vendors etc to executing the project in 2 to 4 weeks might be stressful and challenging.

  830. In an ineternational sporting event, changes may arise due to environmental crisis, political upheavals, behavioural pattern of the community members, economic crisis and social unrest.
    As MTD Project manager, i will adopt iterative and agile approach to tackle challenges from a VUCA world pespective.
    With this, rapid solutions will be derived from rapid responses to any unpredictable circumstances.
    Agile teams have the capacity to adapt to uncertainties and are dynamic in planning. So quick attention will be given to contigencies with the right information and expert analysis to ensure project success.

  831. Even though planning an event looks linear in nature as it has a way or process to achieving it, it is also time bound and requires a consistent feedback. For example, planning for a 12th year anniversary for MTD is an event.
    It should start with the PM meeting the stakeholder in order to have a clear understanding of what they will like to have.
    2. Who are the guest of the event
    b. How should they be entertained
    3. How many guest will be invited
    4. Is the event strictly by invitation
    a. If not, how many people should be expected and planned for
    Know the pre expected guest will
    5. Which hall should be used based on planned cost of expenditure
    6. Which hall has the capacity
    7.how should the hall be decorated
    8. Feeding and refreshment
    And many more.
    After the project has been kick started, it requires feed back periodicly to the stakeholders to avoid unnecessary headache.
    It also require a fixed time to in order to mske progress and achieve excellence.

  832. Even though planning an event looks linear in nature as it has a way or process to achieving it, it is also time bound and requires a consistent feedback. For example, planning for a 12th year anniversary for MTD is sn event.
    It should start with the PM meeting the stakeholder in order to have a clear understanding of what they will like to have.
    2. Who are the guest of the event
    b. How should they be entertained
    3. How many guest will be invited
    4. Is the event strictly by invitation
    a. If not, how many people should be expected and planned for
    Know the pre expected guest will
    5. Which hall should be used based on planned cost of expenditure
    6. Which hall has the capacity
    7.how should the hall be decorated
    8. Feeding and refreshment
    And many more.
    After the project has been kick started, it requires feed back periodicly to the stakeholders to avoid unnecessary headache.
    It also require a fixed time to in order to mske progress and achieve excellence.

  833. As a project manager working with MTD
    I will say communication and collaboration are crucial in overcoming challenges and issues. It’s important to foster open dialogue, encourage feedback and ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally utilizing cloud-based project management tools can help steamline processes and help

    1. I learnt that a project manager should not be limited to a particular project management style. At the same time, each project are unique in their own right as two project aren’t the same

  834. The realization of the VUCA forces that may affect the success of projects is an eye-opener to the fact that managing projects successfully requires the employment of a mixed approach most times to mitigate the level of project failure due to several issues encountered in between project management processes, hence the need to consider the Agile mixed with Linear Project Lifecycles.

    The MTD Projects can be complex as client needs change rapidly from various location to another simultaneously.

    In order to mitigate risks, manage cost, schedule delivery time and clients effectively
    within projects, the Agile Lifecycle approach is what I will advise the MTD Project Team to embrace the more but shouldn’t abandon the Linear approach for simpler tasks.

  835. It’s important to stress that no two projects are the same no matter how similar they might seem. Every project is unique in its own context and a PM should be flexible enough to understand that.

    First of all, I will analyse the MTD project at hand using the VUCA framework. Having done that , I will commence some aspects of the project using linear approach by communicating with the sponsors on the project life cycle. Having done that, I will employ iterative approach in some other aspects to get feedbacks .

  836. Managing a project can be challenging, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to handle every issue that might arise. Unforeseen factors can derail even the best-laid plans and cause costly delays. However, the following steps can help project managers mitigate these risks:

    – Constant communication with stakeholders is essential to prevent mishaps and ensure everyone is on the same page.
    – Project review is critical, regardless of the project’s size, to assign a team that can monitor its progress and report any issues.
    – Planning for possible problems is crucial. Project managers should anticipate mishaps and develop solutions to address them proactively.

    Using an iterative approach in projects can have several benefits:

    – It is cost-effective because it allows for the scoping out of every path of the project, making it easier to fix any mishaps that may arise.
    – It promotes collaboration between teams, who work together to achieve the project’s goals.
    – The iterative project is a trial-and-error process, which increases efficiency and leads to faster results.

    The Agile approach also has its advantages:

    – It is fast and flexible, allowing teams to move seamlessly throughout the project process.
    – There is absolute visibility of the project, thanks to constant interaction with the client.
    – It helps to control costs by reviewing budgets after each stage before moving on to the next one.

    It is best for any company to combine both the linear and iterative approaches. While the linear approach may not work in some cases, the iterative approach can be used to ensure projects are completed effectively.

  837. Applying an hybrid project approach is the best way to take on the MTD project, because the hybrid methods entails both the linear method and the iterative method of managing projects, the hybrid method will give me the flexibility that i will need to conquer the project.

  838. I make use of linear and iterative approaches as a project manager. An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own set of goals and deliverables. This approach allows for flexibility, continuity and adaptability throughout the project. As a project manager advising a company on a project, I will find out what the project is all about, the goals and objectives, have a meeting with the sponsors, users, team members, and the stakeholders to know their expectation. I will then use both the linear and iterative approach. I will then identify problems and challenges by using the VUCA framework tool and also to develop a suitable response. Team 6

  839. In the course of this week’s study,I have learnt about different approaches that one can use when managing a project . As a PM for an event planning a would apply the linear,as well as the iterative approaches. It’s important to look at the VUCA framework in a project,so using an iterative approach information is gotten and applyed with agility and in sprint form. Iterative approach implications are :makes the project faster, it’s flexible and helps me one prioritize the project’s goal and helps you know when you’re derailing from your goal. Information is gathered through transparent communication and exchange of ideas when team members meet. Learning about my project, the environment , efficient communication with my team members and looking at similar projects would help me avoid certain challenges in the project.

  840. As a project manager working for MTD , firstly I study my environment for the project and identify the problem before checking out what the best method to use is

    After identifying my problem I go with the best approach knowing fully well which is the best for me to use and on all runs the two might me needed as a PM I must be flexible when running the projects

    1. Managing project is challenging and in that regards, Hybrid project approach will be best to suit the challenges that is at hand, combining linear and iterative approach of which I believe it will be flexible base on the problem at hand.
      I will always employ the VUCA framework in identifying all the challenges and potential risk and apply the hybrid project approach to proffer solution to the challenges at hand as a project manager.

  841. Using the knowledge of VUCA Framework, I would use it to ascertain the nature surrounding the project.
    Taking an iterative approach in setting an event as project:-
    The implications is that
    – the event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

    Agile approach to the challenges will aid in controlling over budget arising from the changes in requirement to stall the challenges and increase service quality.

    1. This week, I have learned about the importance of effective communication and collaboration in project management. These skills are crucial for addressing challenges and issues that MTD may face in their projects. By fostering open and transparent communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients, MTD can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. Additionally, promoting collaboration and teamwork can help in identifying and resolving issues more efficiently.If an iterative approach is taken to set up an event as a project, it would involve breaking down the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration would focus on specific deliverables and feedback from stakeholders would be incorporated into subsequent iterations. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptation throughout the project, enabling MTD to refine and improve their event setup based on ongoing feedback.On the other hand, an agile approach would involve embracing change and prioritizing customer satisfaction. It emphasizes continuous collaboration, frequent feedback, and iterative development. By adopting an agile approach, MTD can quickly respond to changing requirements, adapt their event setup accordingly, and deliver a product that better meets the needs of their clients.If I were asked to advise the company, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to setting up events as projects. This would involve establishing cross-functional teams, promoting regular communication and collaboration, and embracing flexibility and adaptability. By doing so, MTD can enhance their ability to respond to client needs, deliver high-quality events, and stay ahead in a dynamic and competitive industry.

  842. Increased flexibility and adaptability: The iterative approach allows for changes to be made to the event plan as needed, based on feedback from stakeholders or unexpected challenges.
    Reduced risk of scope creep: By breaking down the event into smaller, more manageable chunks, the team can identify and address potential risks early on.
    Improved collaboration and communication: The iterative approach encourages team members to work together closely and communicate regularly, as they are constantly refining the event plan.
    Increased efficiency: The iterative approach can help to shorten the overall timeline for the event, as team members can work on different aspects of the event in parallel.
    However, there are also some potential drawbacks to using an iterative approach:

    Increased complexity: The iterative approach can be more complex to manage than a traditional waterfall approach, as there is more frequent iteration and feedback.
    Increased risk of rework: If changes are made to the event plan during an iteration, there is a risk that some work may need to be redone.
    Increased need for communication and coordination: The iterative approach requires more communication and coordination between team members, as they are constantly working on different aspects of the event plan.
    Implications of an agile approach:

    Focus on continuous improvement: The agile approach is based on the idea of continuous improvement, with teams working in short sprints to deliver working software or features.
    Collaboration and self-organization: Agile teams are typically self-organized and cross-functional, with team members working together closely to deliver the best possible product or service.
    Flexibility and adaptability: The agile approach is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes in requirements or the market.

    Advice for the company considering an agile approach:

    Start small: If you are new to agile, it is best to start with a small project or initiative. This will help you to learn the ropes and identify any challenges that need to be addressed.
    Get buy-in from stakeholders: It is important to get buy-in from stakeholders early on, so that everyone is aligned on the goals and objectives of the project.
    Invest in training: It is important to invest in training for your team on agile methodologies and practices.
    Be prepared to change: The agile approach is all about continuous improvement, so be prepared to change your plans as needed.
    Overall, the iterative and agile approaches can be very effective for setting up events. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding which approach is right for your specific project

  843. Event planning does not always go as planned. And while this is true, there have been instances where a general approach or method has proven to be a generally acceptable formula for planning and organizing an event.
    This means that as a PM, in planning the event, one has to determine the scope of what is required by the client and determine which methods well suits the scope, that is; linear, iterative or hybrid.

  844. It is important for project managers to know that there is no one method to resolving crisis in managing a project because there are mitigating factors that aren’t forecasted for that might arise when the project is under way.

    -Constant interaction with your stakeholders goes a long way to prevent mishaps along the way.
    -Project review. no matter how small the project might be, it is important to assign a team specifically to monitor the progress of a project and report issues that might arise.
    -Planning ahead. When a project manager plans for project, it is also important to plan for mishaps and also forecast possible solutions to the problems that might arise.

    Implications of using iterative approach in projects
    -It is cost effective in the sense that every path of the project has been scoped out and even when there is a mishap, it takes little resources to fix it.
    -It increases collaboration between the teams, because instead of working with designs and laid out plans, they actually work together.
    -the iterative project is a trial and error process thereby increasing efficiency to aquire results faster.

    Implications of Agile approach
    -there is speed and flexibility to work, this enables the teams to move seamlessly throughout the project process.
    -there is absolute visibility of the project, this is especially because of the constant interaction with the client
    -it helps to control cost, because after each stage, budgets are being reviewed before moving to the next stage.

    My advice to any company, will be to adopt both linear and iterative approaches, because both can be combined to work effectively. Where the linear approach fails the iterative approach can be used.

  845. What i have learnt so far this week is solely based on how to use approaches to handle any particular project as a project manager. Taking up any project; the project manager must know the right approaches to make use of.
    As stated in the course, the two main approaches been used are:
    Iterative and Linear.
    As a project manager making use of the two approaches isn’t bad though depending on the type of project that is at stake.
    A. The Iterative approaches are good due to the space of discovering any possible risk as the project journey progresses. It brings about good feedback and build the right solution to the said project, very position and also getting attention from both P.M and customers.

    B. Linear approaches also is good though based on the concept. Here, the approach seems straight to the project but also must follow same process which leads to the transition.

    In all, the Agile approach works for both earlier approaches. It enables the team to work together, transparency, great speed on decision.

    Furthermore, the six components of these approaches must always be at heart. Namely:
    Physical condition and

    Thank you.

    1. Using iterative approach won’t be more efficient because there’s no team and there is no get review too,I think that here we show used linear project

  846. An iterative approach is a better alternative for MTD bcos involves breaking down a project into smaller, more manageable parts or cycles.

    Applying the VUCA framework will also help.

    1. As a PM for MTD. Project managing can be very challenging at times and there are approaches to handle every project. In this case Iterative project would work better because, it is faster, less time consuming, quick feedback and transparency.

  847. If I were asked to advise a company on a Project, I would first know what the project is all about, the goals and objectives, discuss with the sponsors and the users, team members, and other stakeholders, and know their expectations. Then since it is better to use both approaches, I will use the Linear and the iterative approach.

    The iterative process will help increase overall project efficiency and productivity by allowing teams to focus on smaller, more manageable cycles and flag areas for improvement throughout the project lifecycle. These cycles help to ensure that the project stays on track and is completed on time and within budget.

    The iterative process gives an organization the power to learn and improve through trial and error. The iterative process is efficient and adaptable, so the company can respond quickly to new information and also know to expect the unexpected.

    Agile methodologies offer greater flexibility and collaboration, enabling teams to adjust their approach as they gather feedback and insights throughout the development process. Flexible and adaptable. Rigid and structured. Prioritize customer involvement and feedback throughout the development process.

    Agile is an iterative approach to project management that allows one to manage a project by breaking it into several stages, uninterrupted collaboration with stakeholders, team input, and constant development and iteration at every stage of the project.

  848. The following would help the challenges faced by MTD;
    A. Analyzing the situation first
    B. Selecting the most suitable approach to use
    C. Planning project and schedules
    D.Clear communication to team as well as getting feedback from team members, users and business involved.
    E. Carry out project.

    Use of Agile approach would implicate in positive ways such as:time management as it would save time, manage costs and task is given priority.

    My advice would be to start with linear approach and use hybrid approach is the former is less effective.

  849. From what I have learnt this week, knowing the right approach to select to solve the problem is a key to already getting the desired result.
    Iterative approach proves to be much better in a project because at the course of the project, risks are discovered and can be tackled before it arise.
    For best approach in solving a problem, the combination of both linear and iterative approach is adviced, as they both can give a better result compare to using any of them alone…

  850. Working in MTD you need to consider the following 1, Which approach is right for this project
    2, Ethical Considerations (Are you faced with internal driven adversities or external adversity in the project)
    3, The challenges your project will face

    The Implications of applying iterative project approach is cause of its iterative nature and also iterative approach is best when building websites and which MTD is not practical focused on.

    As a Project Manager working in MTD I would use Linear project approach but in project cases where we have limited time frame to work where the clients requires information transparency in every few weeks or month and if the project is on track I will use Iterative project lifecycle.

  851. Haulat emmanuel
    Team 5

    As the PM working for MTD, I will need to have a in-depth knowledge on the project at hand, know the artisans involved, putting together the best team, then go into project initiation to project planning to project execution to monitoring and control to project closure.

    For the method of approach, I will go with hybrid ( involving both linear and iterative methods).
    I will first proceed with linear method, when complications arises I will integrate with iterative method

  852. This week, while collaborating with MTD, I’ve gained several insights that could assist them in addressing their project difficulties:

    1. **Clear Project Goals**: Defining clear and measurable goals for each event project is crucial. This can help in avoiding scope creep and ensuring that the team is aligned on the project’s objectives.

    2. **Detailed Planning**: Creating a detailed project plan with well-defined tasks, timelines, and dependencies can help in project execution. This can also aid in resource allocation and risk management.

    3. **Effective Communication**: Improving communication within the team and with stakeholders is essential. Regular status updates, meetings, and feedback sessions can prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page.

    4. **Risk Management**: Identifying and mitigating risks early in the project lifecycle can prevent issues from escalating. This involves conducting risk assessments and having contingency plans in place.

    Regarding the approach to organizing an event as a project:

    1. **Iterative Approach**: Using an iterative approach allows for continuous improvement. Events can be refined over time based on feedback from previous iterations. However, this may extend the project timeline and potentially increase costs.

    2. **Agile Approach**: Adopting an agile approach can enhance flexibility and adaptability. It involves breaking the event into smaller, manageable tasks or “sprints” and prioritizing based on customer feedback. This can lead to quicker adjustments but requires effective collaboration and may not be suitable for all types of events.

    If MTD sought my advice, I would recommend a hybrid approach. Start with a detailed project plan, leveraging elements of traditional project management to set clear objectives, timelines, and budgets. Then, incorporate agile principles for flexibility and responsiveness. This would involve regular review and adjustment of event elements, allowing MTD to adapt to changing circumstances or client preferences while still adhering to a structured project framework. Effective communication and stakeholder involvement would be key throughout the process to ensure success.

  853. What would be the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several positive and negative implications, depending on how it’s executed and the specific context of the event. Some of these implications are:
    -Improved Planning: Iterative approaches allow for continuous refinement of the event plan. This means we can incorporate new ideas, feedback, and lessons learned throughout the planning process, leading to a more thorough and well-thought-out event.
    -Risk Mitigation: By identifying and addressing potential issues early in the planning process, we can reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes or last-minute crises.
    -Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for adjustments to be made as circumstances change. It can be changes in budget, venue availability, or attendee preferences; we can adapt our event plan accordingly.
    -Quality Improvement: Iterative planning allows us to continuously improve the event’s quality since we can test different elements, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the final event meets or exceeds expectations.

  854. As a project manager working with MTD I will carry out a feasibility study on the project and this can be done by conducting the following:
    1. Preliminary analysis : as this will enable me to screen the project ideas before extensive time, effort and finances are invested and this can be achieved by involving these 2(two ) activities a. outlining and describing the plan service, target markets and unique characteristics of the service by answering the following questions , is this practice going to serve a current unserved need? Is this practice serving an existing market need in which demand are exceeding supply?, can this practice successfully compete with the existing practices because of an “advantageous situation,” such as better design, price, location, or availability (e.g., balance assessment and rehabilitation, programmable devices)?
    b. Determine whether there are any insurmountable obstacles. A “yes” response to the following indicates that the idea has little chance for success:
    Are capital requirements for entry or continuing operations unavailable or unaffordable?
    Do any factors prevent effective marketing to any or all referral sources?

    If the information gathered so far indicates that the idea has potential, then I will continue with a detailed feasibility study.

    2. Preparation of a projected income statement: As anticipated income must cover direct and indirect costs, taking into account the expected income growth curve. Working backward from the anticipated income, the revenue necessary to generate that income can be derived in order to build a projected income statement.
    Factors that determine this statement are services provided fees for services, volume of services, and adjustments to revenues (e.g., actual reimbursement levels).

    3. Conducting a market survey: as a project manager a good market survey is crucial. If the planner cannot perform this survey, an outside firm should be hired. The primary objective of a market survey is a realistic projection of revenues. The major steps include:
     Define the geographic influence on the market.
     Review population trends, demographic features, cultural factors, and purchasing power in the community.
     Analyze competing services in the community to determine their major strengths and weaknesses. Factors to consider include pricing, product lines, sources of referral, location, promotional activities, quality of service, consumer loyalty and satisfaction, and sales.
     Determine total volume in the market area and estimate expected market share.
     Estimate market expansion opportunities (e.g., responsiveness to new/enhanced services).

    4. Plan business organization and operations: At this point, the organization and operations of the business should be planned in sufficient depth to determine the technical feasibility and costs involved in start-up, fixed investment, and operations. Extensive effort is necessary to develop detailed plans for:
     Equipment
     Merchandising methods
     Facility location and design (or layout)
     Availability and cost of personnel
     Supply availability (e.g., vendors, pricing schedules. exclusive or franchised products)
     Overhead (e.g., utilities, taxes, insurance)

    5. Prepare an opening day balance sheet: The Opening Day Balance Sheet should reflect the practice’s assets and liabilities as accurately as possible at the time the practice begins, before the practice generates income.
    Prepare a list of assets required for practice operations. The list should include item, source, cost, and available financing methods. Necessary assets include everything from cash necessary for working capital to buildings and land. Although the resulting list is rather simple, the amount of effort required may be extensive.
    Liabilities to be incurred and the investment required by the practice must also be clarified. These items need to be considered:
     Whether to lease or buy land, buildings, and equipment
     How to finance asset purchases
     How to finance accounts receivable

    6. Review and analyze all data: This review is crucial. The planner should determine if any data or analysis performed should change any of the preceding analyses. Basically, taking this step means “Step back and reflect one more time.”
     Reexamine the Projected Income Statement and compare with the list of desired assets and the Opening Day Balance Sheet. Given all expenses and liabilities, does the Income Statement reflect realistic expectations?
     Analyze risk and contingencies. Consider the likelihood of significant changes in the current market that could alter projections.
    7. Make “Go/No Go “Decision :
    All the preceding steps have been aimed at providing data and analysis for the “go/no go” decision. If the analysis indicates that the business should yield at least the desired minimum income and has growth potential, a “go” decision is appropriate. Anything less mandates a “no go” decision. Additional considerations include:
     Is there a commitment to make the necessary sacrifices in time, effort and money?
     Will the activity satisfy long-term aspirations?

  855. Iterative approach is a good idea, but from a stand point of coordination it might look haphazard. So If there are stakeholders that wants proper accountability and planning inclusive, engaging them would require a buy into the linear approach. The organization is a large and complex one and so applying the Agile approach would ensure that there is adequate adaptability to all the turn in events.
    As a project manager, even though the project at hand would to a large extent determine the method to apply , I would always opt for an hybrid approach with clear communication lines and active stakeholder engagement on all fronts. I would want to be flexible and adapt to whatever changes the environment brings ensuring my deliverables. My approaches would be tailored to each project.

    1. As a MTD project manager the first approach to adapt is linear project method 1 we go for visibility study of the area.
      2 go back proper planning, research, contacting the experts, garing information.
      3 getting the equipment and techniques to be adapted in the implementation of the project.
      4 meeting with all the stakeholders involved the project for proper and smoothing implementation of the project.
      5 gathering all their information to set up the team and duration for each project teammate.
      In order to have a well and healthy project environment time to time meeting and updating the stakeholders at in two weeks intervals must be employed. So with this I think one should have be able to a save project lifecycle. and the can bring the project to a save end. If then is a delay in any of the team due to unforseen circumstance then the iterates project method can be adapted then. Thanks.

    2. As a PM you need to be adaptive and flexible, you need to be able to call on a range of methods and practices to steer projects through the challenges you face and deliver high-value outputs for your organisations and customers.

  856. As a PM with MTD responsible for event planning.
    Firstly, I will make sure there is effective and clear communication to the team members about the intricacies of the planned event. This will help us to choose the best approach / method for the project whether iterative or agile approach.
    I also learn to be adaptive and flexible in the approaches and not being rigid most especially when faced with complex and changes in the project.
    We may also have to combine both iterative and agile approaches when faced with changes and some volatility during events.

  857. Viewing MTD as an event planning company reveals that event projects are dynamic rather than entirely linear, characterized by occasional surges of activity and uncertainties. The hybrid approach aligns well with their delivery style. I would recommend promoting flexibility among project managers, emphasizing the importance of embracing the VUCA concept for swiftly adapting to various project management methodologies.

  858. From what I have watched and undestood about MTD , they used the hybrid project lifecycle, which was very good for their context, an initial linear cycle then followed by iterative life cycle which helped them to meet the product specifications, allows for testing and feedback input which was good for refining the process to give satisfaction to their customers, event organisers,and improve engagement with stakeholders. The sprints helped them to focus on one goal or improvement at a time and helped them to scale all hurdles or envisaged issues that may come up later after project delivery.
    My advice to MTD team is to keep up the good work and be responsive to changes as they evolve

  859. As a project manager with MTD responsible for event planning.
    Firstly, I will make sure MTD communicates to the team the intricacies of the planned event. This will enable us to decide on the best approach for the project whether iterative or agile approach. All stakeholders would be carried along and the VUCA framework will be applied to carry out the project successfully.

  860. As a project manager for MTD.i would first of all advice them to communicate more effectively with their stake holders and also take time planning seriously my approach is that I will , identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develope a suitable response to the problems so as to be flexible since not two projects are thesame. Then I will go on with the linear and iterative approach.

    1. Stepping into the role of a project manager for MTD, I would love to weigh my options first and take decisive measurements on handling the projects at hand.
      Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would involve breaking the event planning process into smaller phases and continuously refining the plan based on feedback and changing requirements. Here are some implications:

      1. Flexibility: Iterative approaches allow for flexibility and adaptation as you progress, which can be useful when dealing with evolving event details or client preferences.

      2. Feedback Integration: You can gather feedback from stakeholders or participants early and make adjustments, resulting in a more tailored event.

      3. Risk Mitigation: Identifying issues early can help in mitigating risks and avoiding costly mistakes later in the planning process.

      4. Resource Management: Resources can be allocated more efficiently as you adjust plans based on actual needs, potentially saving time and money.

      5. Continuous Improvement: Each iteration provides an opportunity for learning and improvement, which can lead to better event planning processes in the future.

      On the other hand, an Agile approach, which is closely related to iterative methodologies, focuses on collaboration, customer-centricity, and delivering a minimum viable product (MVP). For event planning, this means:

      1. Customer-Centric: An Agile approach emphasizes understanding and meeting the needs of event attendees or stakeholders.

      2. Adaptive Planning: Plans are expected to evolve throughout the project, ensuring alignment with changing requirements or market conditions.

      3. Regular Deliverables: You would aim to produce small, incremental outputs (e.g., event materials, marketing campaigns) regularly rather than waiting until the entire event plan is complete.

      4. Cross-Functional Teams: Collaboration between different event planning teams (e.g., marketing, logistics) is crucial for Agile success.

      If advising a company on event planning, the choice between an iterative and Agile approach depends on factors like the event’s complexity, timeline, and the company’s culture. I will recommend some considerations in this case;

      – For complex, large-scale events with changing requirements, an Agile approach could be beneficial.
      – For smaller, more straightforward events, a simpler iterative approach may suffice.
      – It’s important to assess whether the company’s culture and teams are ready to embrace Agile principles and collaborate effectively.

      Finally, whatever the case may be, clear communication, stakeholder involvement, and the ability to adapt to unexpected changes should be prioritized in event planning. Tailoring the approach to the specific event and organization’s needs is key to successful execution.

  861. As a project manager for MTD.i would first of all advice them to communicate more effectively with their stake holders and also take time planning seriously my approach is that I will , identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develope a suitable response to the problems so as to be flexible since not two projects are thesame. Then I will go on with the linear and iterative approach.

  862. As a project manager, effective communication, loyalty to team members and informed decision are critical to the success of any project.

    1. As a PM, knowing what the project is all about, planning with the team and stakeholder together by talking about it. Getting feedback which will help us to tackle issues early and make changes.
      I will advise the company to use the iterative approach by using VACA framework depends on the project involves.

  863. As a PM, first of all, I’ll study carefully on what project it is before I begin.

    I’ll be honest with my client and flexible because no two projects are the same.

    Know what approach works for me and my team.

    I’ll apply the VUCA framework.

  864. I will advice MTD to consider a lot of factors if they really want this project to be successful.
    One of the major factors will be the size of the project.
    Using the VUCA, Iterative of Agile approach will be dependent on the project scale and magnitude.
    I will also look into the consequences of applying any of the methods in the project, and pick the method with lesser consequence to work with.

  865. Has a PM and MTD i must be able to be open and make sure am loyal to my clients in transparent, making friends with them

  866. MTD is operating in an environment affected by the four VUCA challenges therefore most of the factors that will contribute to the success of their project are beyond the project manager’s direct control. Analyzing and grouping these challenges using VUCA will help the PM understand MTD’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges using an iterative approach where necessary and a linear approach where necessary.

    What would be the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several positive and negative implications, depending on how it’s executed and the specific context of the event. Some of these implications are:
    -Improved Planning: Iterative approaches allow for continuous refinement of the event plan. This means we can incorporate new ideas, feedback, and lessons learned throughout the planning process, leading to a more thorough and well-thought-out event.
    -Risk Mitigation: By identifying and addressing potential issues early in the planning process, we can reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes or last-minute crises.
    -Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for adjustments to be made as circumstances change. It can be changes in budget, venue availability, or attendee preferences; we can adapt our event plan accordingly.
    -Quality Improvement: Iterative planning allows us to continuously improve the event’s quality since we can test different elements, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the final event meets or exceeds expectations.

    Some negative implications include:
    -Time and Resource Intensive: Iterative planning can be more time-consuming and resource-intensive compared to the linear approach.
    -Scope Creep: Frequent changes and iterations can lead to scope creep, where the event’s scope continually expands without a clear boundary. This can strain resources and cause confusion among the team members.
    -Budget Uncertainty: Frequent changes to the event plan can make it challenging to predict and manage the budget effectively.
    -Burnout: The constant need for adjustments and refinements can lead to burnout among the project team members.

    What are the implications of an agile approach? If you were asked to advise the company, what would your advice be?
    Implementing an Agile approach to event planning can have several implications and benefits. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum are typically associated with software development but can be adapted for project management in various domains, including event planning.

    Here are some implications and my advice for a company considering an Agile approach to event planning:

    -Increased Flexibility: Agile methodologies prioritize adaptability to changing circumstances. This can be beneficial for events, where details can evolve due to shifting requirements or unforeseen challenges.
    -Iterative Development: Agile encourages incremental progress and frequent feedback. Event plans can be developed iteratively, allowing for adjustments based on real-time information and feedback from stakeholders.
    -Stakeholder Collaboration: Agile promotes collaboration and communication among team members and stakeholders. This can improve coordination with vendors, sponsors, and participants, leading to a more successful event.
    -Risk Mitigation: Agile methodologies emphasize early identification and mitigation of risks. This can help in proactively addressing potential issues before they escalate and impact the event.
    -Continuous Improvement: Agile encourages a culture of continuous improvement. After each event, retrospectives can be held to analyze what went well and what can be improved on for future events.

    My advice:
    -Select the Right Agile framework that will align with the event’s requirements and the team’s preferences.
    -Clearly define the event’s goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs). This will provide a solid foundation for iterative planning and help the team stay focused on what matters most.
    -Assemble cross-functional event teams that include members with diverse skills and expertise. This ensures that all aspects of event planning, from logistics to marketing, are considered.
    -Prioritize and rank tasks using Agile techniques to determine which tasks are most important and should be addressed first.
    -Hold regular review meetings e.g. sprint reviews to assess progress and gather feedback. Then adapt the changes agreed on during the reviews.
    -Maintain open and transparent communication channels within the team and with external stakeholders.
    -Be prepared for changes and be willing to adjust plans as new information emerges. Agile allows for this flexibility.
    -Ensure that team members are trained in Agile practices and principles.
    -Continuously measure and evaluate the success of your events against predefined KPIs. Use these to inform future planning and decision-making.

    1. 1:Iterative Approach:
      – An iterative approach involves breaking a project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own planning, execution, and evaluation.
      – Implications: This approach allows for flexibility and adjustment as the project progresses. It’s beneficial when requirements may change or are not fully understood initially. However, it can lead to longer project timelines if not managed effectively.

      2. Agile Approach:
      – Agile is a specific type of iterative approach, characterized by frequent collaboration, adaptation, and customer involvement.
      – Implications: Agile is suitable for projects where requirements are likely to evolve or are unclear at the outset. It emphasizes close communication with stakeholders, short development cycles, and continuous improvement. However, it may not be suitable for all projects, especially those with strict regulatory or fixed requirements.

  867. From the observed MTD Project video, it’s evident they ensure safe drinking water at events. MTD follows a linear approach for the project, progressing through stages like tanker supply, water treatment, distribution, and recycling. If I were to manage this project in a volatile setting, I’d utilize the VUCA Framework to handle uncertainty. To mitigate risks, a Hybrid Approach would be my choice for achieving project success.

  868. If I were to use either the iterative or agile approach, I would consider factors such as: the size of the project, the uncertainty level of the project, and the complexity of the project. And we can use the agile or iterate method to proffer solution

  869. As a project manager working for MTD, I will use the VUCA approach to analyze the problem fced by MTD and know the better approach that would be used in the scenerio

  870. To move the MTD event company forward in this modern world, we need the coming together of lineal and iterative, using the two approach in solving the challenges.
    Example: lineal -making sure of good quality and bring the right people for the work.
    Iterative -receiving feedback from customers and working towards improvement.

  871. As a pm working for MTD, I would analyze the project, looking at the environment and factors surrounding the project and group them using the VUCA framework.

    If I were to use either the iterative or agile approach, I would consider factors such as: the size of the project, the uncertainty level of the project, and the complexity of the project.


    1. Using that vuca frame work to analyze the complexity of the project.we can use the agile or iterate method to profer solution

      1. I think using VUCA is commendable while commencing a project, while the model to be used whether Linear or Iterative would be determine by the circumstances surrounding the project or the combination of the two for a successful completion and delivering

  872. MTD challenges in their projects can be solved with the use of iterative and agile approaches, as the agile approach is iterative in nature, but it goes much deeper than the iterative approach.

    The use of the iterative approach for the MTD project will help in curtailing the use of resources (managing resources), faster identification of problems, and immediate action taken on those problems as clients are able to give feedback.

    Using an agile approach allows for more collaboration to build solutions as it gives feedback from teams. It allows the teams to manage themselves and they get leadership support from their management instead.

    My advice to the company to choose between the iterative and agile approach depends on different factors, such as the size of the project, the uncertainty level of the project, and the complexity of the project.

  873. As a Project Manager with MTD, I will apply the VUCA approach to analyze the problem on the project. understudy the new environment while considering what the local companies previously did considering improvements as well, to apply best approach either to use and at what phase to use the linear or iterative project methodologies.

    1. As a project manager working for MTD, you need to analyze the project,understand the new approaches .while considering the local companies to be able to apply the best methodologies.

  874. Adetoro Olatope
    As a Project manager project collaborating with MTD an events company, to resolve all escalated challenges and issues, I will use VUGA framework. VUGA framework is for decision making in an uncertain environment.
    To solve any issue on Volatility whereby request changes rapidly and expectations are unpredictable, i will introduce agile. Whereby request can be broken down into sprint and result generated. incase of any additional requst, it can be plan and turn to a new backlog for next priority.
    For every uncertain request, information from subject matter expert will be required to solve the issue.

    1. As the project manager of MTD, I will combine linear and iterative approach because of its benefits which includes:
      *Testing ideas and learning user requirement.
      *Involving stakeholders as the project progresses to get immediate feedback which will guild my next line of action.
      *All team members have to be accountable for every task assigned to him/her.

      The implication of iterative is that it embrace trial and error, it works on many things at the same time, this can lead to lost of focus on project goal.

  875. Acting as an MTD project manager for an event planning, using an iterative approach in setting out the event as a project here is a fantastic idea because I’ll be able to analyse, project and carry out the assignment in a given period of time. The requirements for the needed expectation from the client will be set out in the planning meeting and I am my team with the brainstorm on how to carry out the expectations of the clients. I will assign the responsibility to each team members to carry out in a speculated time about everything needed for the events to be perfected. There after I will project meetings with the clients on the estimate plans,layout that I have come up with my team to know if there’s a need for a change or it’s satisfying.

    The consequence of this approach fantastic because the clients is updated on every attempt and if there is a need for a change it will be easily recommended.

    Using an agile approach don’t be a bad idea because it will make the team to be focus to work alongside with time frame for a better output

    My advice for the company is to use a combined approach to carry out the projects both iterative and agile approach should be used

  876. As a PM in a similar scenario with MTD, i will first use VUCA to analyse the problem faced by MTD, to know the best approach, i.e whether to use linear project method or iterative project approaches, or i may need to combine them.

  877. Every project involves the creation of documents, materials, and deliverables. Oftentimes, the project team can leverage or borrow creations from previous projects and use them for the current project. This “recycling” can help save time and ensure high-quality project outputs are produced.

    The definition of Project Recycling This is a process of iterations and reiteration. This is a post project activity wherein a separate planning based on results will have to be prepared.

    **Since agile management focuses on incremental releases, it is able to bring such risks to bear during product development faster. This way, the project team can respond to any potential risks very quickly. It equips managers with sufficient visibility to make decisions that are critical to the project early on. Agile project management reduces complexity by breaking down the time consuming process of determining project requirements, building the product and then testing it, only for the result to not meet client expectations or to include product flaws. According to the Agile Manifesto, the more important values are individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile organizations use processes and tools, appropriate documentation, contracts, and plans to support the more important values.

    The four Agile Manifesto values are:
    Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. …
    Working software over comprehensive documentation. …
    Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. …
    Responding to change over following a plan.
    so I think going with this is always wise idea. [FAIZA]

  878. I will use VUCA framework to analyze, study and provide solutions. The framework will be aligned with the project lifestyle.

    1. Given the nature of the project carried out by MTD, the dynamics and workability suites the VUCA framework methodology.
      Firstly, the stakeholders at MTD project are not all professionals and may need constant meetings and research to fully understand and undertake projects without itemizing each role.
      The VUCA framework will help the project manager preempt and proactively lead the team.
      The Iterative approach wouldn’t be used so much more than the linear approach. This is because the events are more of providing a rather simple and straightforward end result than a novel idea. Resources needed can be estimated and any volatility can be easily mitigated.
      Similarly the agile framework may not really be needed as the events are definite and demands only one outcome.

    2. Thinking about these big global issues such as technology, competition, social and political change, and the environment crisis, how do these affect my organization and my project?

      In the rapidly changing landscape of technology, competition, social and political shifts, and the looming environmental crisis, my fish farming business is not isolated. The business exist within a dynamic ecosystem of interconnected factors.

      Technology offers opportunities to optimize efficiency, monitor environmental impact, and enhance productivity in fish farming. However, it also demands adaptation and investment to stay current.

      Competition drives innovation and forces organizations or individuals to refine approaches inorder to stand out. Staying attuned to market trends and consumer preferences is crucial for maintaining business relevance.

      Social and political changes influence consumer expectations and regulatory frameworks. A shift towards sustainability and ethical practices could elevate the reputation of my fish farming endeavors.

      The environmental crisis directly impact my business as climate change affects aquatic ecosystems and water quality. Mitigating these effects may require innovative practices and collaborations with environmental experts.

      In navigating these challenges, my organization could position itself as a leader in sustainable aquaculture, utilizing technology responsibly, embracing change, and proactively addressing environmental concerns.

      By weaving these aspects into organizational strategy, I will create a narrative that not only differentiates my business but also contributes positively to the global challenges we collectively face today .

  879. I will apply the VUCA framework to study and provide solutions. The framework will be aligned with the project lifestyle.

    1. As the project manager of MTD I will combine both linear and iterative approach as these will be of a great deal in:
      Testing ideas and learning user requirement.
      Involving stakeholders as project progresses to get immediate feedback which will guild my next line of action.
      All team members have to be accountable for task assigned to him/her.

      The implication of iterative approach is that it embrace trial and error, it works on many things at thesame time, this can lead to lost of focus on the main goal.

  880. I will use the VUCA analysis to ascertain exactly what area of threats the business tilts to.

    Then I’ll develop a model for approaching the problem using timing reaction of stakeholders, nature of the problem etc for solving the project

  881. Do you recognise these stages from your experience of teams? What kind of behaviours did you witness in each stage? Please share your thoughts with other learners
    the discussion.
    Forming: it was exciting knowing I have a new responsibility.
    Storming: we had some disagreement about job roles and how we work especially each with his previous work experience/background.
    Norming: we came to an agreement with time and understood each other.
    Performing: we are a team now, working together.
    Adjourning: Yet to disband.

  882. How do you get a common understanding of the purpose and aims of the project among the many different people both within the organisation and beyond?
    How do you foster collaborative working to allow various team members to work together to deliver the project’s outputs and outcomes?

    As a team how we communicate, collaborate, and relate with each other tells more of our understanding of the project.
    Agile is a good method to use for my project team. Also, create room for communication because that solves lots of issues.

  883. Does the prospect of such a challenge and responsibility excite you? Perhaps you find it daunting or have some tips to share in the discussion?
    I find it daunting. One has to go through leading, developing and safeguarding the new project members especially when the ones you have develop are no more in the project.

  884. Firstly, I will access MTD environment, categorize it using the VUCA analysis. This will enable me identify which project method to use or if hybrid approach will be suitable for the project. Also, the consider the project team and what method works for them The nature and delivery of the output is a major factor as well.

  885. Studying the project environment would help in determining how to react, handle and treat the different challenges with the project and how to handle the project. Employing the VUCA framework and method would be a very important tool in doing so in other to make very informed decision.
    – I will first analyze the project environment and conditions and group them using the VUCA framework. Aspect of the project environment that are volatile which means they rapidly change and are unpredictable will require more hands on quick reaction as the conditions changes. this would mean limiting the number of task at a given time to a minimum to aid quick completion and taking task in small and short sprints.
    – Conditions that are uncertain will be treated by getting adequate information and expertise and always understanding that since the conditions can not be predicted continuous and dynamic planning is required. task will be handle in hierarchy of relevance and importance and urgency.
    – Complex environment and conditions that have parts, processes and players that are interconnected may required expert analysis and input. This complex tasks may also require multiple approaches and solution. Being able to identify this different challenges and knowing which viable solution works for each is helpful.
    _ for conditions that have ambiguous cause they have no clear precedents, and there is no clear correlation between cause and effect only in retrospect and where planning is of little or no importance and effect. Task will be taking in sprint and by experimentation and relying on stakeholders reactions and feedback for improvement and progress and if there is need to some changes and tweaking for a better outcome.

  886. One key takeaway that could help address these challenges is the importance of adopting an iterative and agile approach to event project management. As a PM, here’s the advice I would provide based on the challenges MTD faces and the benefits of adopting iterative and agile approaches:
    Embrace Iteration: Break down the event project into manageable phases or iterations. This will allow MTD to address specific challenges and opportunities in smaller, more manageable chunks.

    Adopt Agile Principles: Incorporate agile principles into project management practices. Encourage regular stand-up meetings, continuous feedback loops, and cross-functional collaboration.

    Prioritize Flexibility: Recognize that events can be unpredictable, so prioritize flexibility in planning and execution. Be prepared to adjust plans based on changing circumstances.

    Client-Centric Approach: Keep the client’s vision and preferences at the forefront of planning. Regularly involve clients in decision-making to ensure alignment with their expectations.

    Collect and Analyze Data: Utilize data and feedback to inform decisions. Monitor KPIs and metrics related to event success and participant satisfaction.

    Invest in Technology: Explore event management software and tools that support agile practices, streamline communication, and enhance coordination among teams.

    By combining the iterative and agile approaches, MTD can navigate the complexities of event project management more effectively, deliver higher-quality events, and create memorable experiences for clients and participants.

  887. I as a manager, prefer the iterative approach because it helps break down project in bits and can be handled easily. Having gone through this training, I will suggest an iterative and linear approach. This is so because an iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own set of goals and deliverables. This approach allows for flexibility, continuity and adaptability throughout the project.

    Implications of an iterative approach for MTD

    1. Helps improvement: An iterative approach encourages continuous improvement by incorporating lessons learned from each iteration into subsequent ones.

    2. Involves Stakeholders: With an iterative approach, MTD can engage stakeholders throughout the project, gathering feedback and incorporating their input into subsequent iterations. This helps ensure that the event aligns with stakeholder expectations, resulting in higher satisfaction and better outcomes.

    while in the case of an agile approach.

    Agile approach is known for focusing on customers through collaboration, adaptability etc.

    should the company decide to adopt an agile approach, they might experience:
    1. increase iin communication
    2. higher rate in collaboration
    3. Faster response to changes

    1. Critically analyzing and grouping challenges faced as a team using VUCA would help the Project manager understand the MTD’s situation and as well help develop a good solution to solving the problem using iterative and linear approach.

      Adapting to changing situation is one feature of the Agile approach. The complexity of the project and the uncertainty level of the project should be considered too

  888. I will suggest an iterative and linear approach at some point as a project manager. An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own set of goals and deliverables. This approach allows for flexibility, continuity and adaptability throughout the project.
    Implications of an iterative approach for MTD
    1. Enhanced adaptability: By breaking down the project into smaller rations.
    2. Continuous improvement: An iterative approach encourages continuous improvement by incorporating lessons learned from each iteration into subsequent ones.
    3. Stakeholder involvement: With an iterative approach, MTD can engage stakeholders throughout the project, gathering feedback and incorporating their input into subsequent iterations. This helps ensure that the event aligns with stakeholder expectations, resulting in higher satisfaction and better outcomes.
    On the other hand, an agile approach to event project management and its implication. Agile methodologies prioritize collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. If MTD were to adopt an agile approach, the implications could include:
    1. Increased collaboration and communication: An agile approach fosters frequent communication and collaboration among team members, allowing for faster decision-making and problem-solving. This can lead to better coordination among different departments and stakeholders within MTD.
    2. Faster response to changes: Agile methodologies emphasize flexibility and responsiveness to change. By using short iterations called sprints, MTD can quickly adapt to market dynamics, emerging trends, and unforeseen circumstances. This enables them to make timely adjustments to the event plan, ensuring its success.
    3. Customer-centric approach: With an agile approach, MTD can prioritize customer satisfaction by regularly involving them in the decision-making process. Feedback from customers can be integrated into each iteration, allowing for the creation of an event that caters to their specific needs and preferences.
    I would suggest combining both the iterative and agile approaches to MTD. This can bring the most benefits to their event management projects. By adopting an iterative approach within an agile framework, MTD can enjoy the benefits of both flexibility and continuous improvement. This would involve setting clear goals and deliverables for each iteration, while maintaining open communication and collaboration among all stakeholders. Also, I will seek and incorporate feedback from customers.

  889. As a PM working for the brand MTD, I would first study the environment I am working in before embarking on any given project, making sure all things are looked into. I would also adopt the adaptive and flexibility methods in the approaches and not be rigid to the project.

    I will also ensure I build my toolkit of project lifecycles and related practices and technique where we would be applying the VUCA framework which will also be an added advantage to the team.

  890. I will advice the MTD company for incorporate iterative approach to enable them get fast and periodic responses from end users concerning different aspects of their project.


  891. I would rather advise on the combination mix of the lineal and iterative approaches as an event firm,in the project requirements are standard structures that can be adopted for the linear while different customers and stakeholders consideration had to be factored through the iterative approach to fit for purpose of the events attendance

  892. For what I have learnt, I’ve come across some valuable insights that could help MTD improve their event management process.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project manager can have several implications. An iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller phases or iterations, each with its own set of goals and deliverables. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project.

    The implications of an iterative approach for MTD could be:

    1. Enhanced adaptability: By breaking down the project into smaller iterations,

    2. Continuous improvement: An iterative approach encourages continuous improvement by incorporating lessons learned from each iteration into subsequent ones.

    3. Stakeholder involvement: With an iterative approach, MTD can engage stakeholders throughout the project, gathering feedback and incorporating their input into subsequent iterations. This helps ensure that the event aligns with stakeholder expectations, resulting in higher satisfaction and better outcomes.

    On the other hand, an agile approach to event project management also has its own implications. Agile methodologies prioritize collaboration, adaptability, and customer satisfaction. If MTD were to adopt an agile approach, the implications could include:

    1. Increased collaboration and communication: An agile approach fosters frequent communication and collaboration among team members, allowing for faster decision-making and problem-solving. This can lead to better coordination among different departments and stakeholders within MTD.

    2. Faster response to changes: Agile methodologies emphasize flexibility and responsiveness to change. By using short iterations called sprints, MTD can quickly adapt to market dynamics, emerging trends, and unforeseen circumstances. This enables them to make timely adjustments to the event plan, ensuring its success.

    3. Customer-centric approach: With an agile approach, MTD can prioritize customer satisfaction by regularly involving them in the decision-making process. Feedback from customers can be integrated into each iteration, allowing for the creation of an event that caters to their specific needs and preferences.

    If I were asked to advise MTD, I would suggest combining both the iterative and agile approaches. This can bring the most benefits to their event management projects. By adopting an iterative approach within an agile framework, MTD can enjoy the benefits of both flexibility and continuous improvement. This would involve setting clear goals and deliverables for each iteration, while maintaining open communication and collaboration among all stakeholders. Regularly seeking and incorporating feedback from customers and adapting to changes throughout the project would be crucial.

  893. My advice is based off on Using the knowledge of VUCA Framework. I would use it to ascertain the nature surrounding the project.
    Taking an iterative approach in setting an event as project:-
    The implications is that
    – the event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

    Agile approach to the challenges will aid in controlling over budget arising from the changes in requirement to stall the challenges and increase service quality.

  894. As the project manager working with MTD, no matter the challenges or issues faced in any project, I will deploy both project lifestyles (linear and iterative) because linear method will help in knowing the scope of the project and the requirement while iterative method will help in the implementation.
    Using iterative method will aid good communication with the stakeholders. Using Agile approach will aid workflow and feedback.
    My advice to MTD is to allow the implementation of agile approach.

    1. I find the iterative method more fun as it gives room for members to explore.

      Depending on the project,I think team members have tendencies of being bored,seeing that Linear method takes a linger time and it’s also a ‘straight jacket’ or predictable method.

  895. I will advice the MTD company for incorporate iterative approach to enable them get fast and periodic responses from end users concerning different aspects of their project.

    1. I have learnt that using linear approach will be the best for the MTD in executing the project goals.

  896. I woill advice the MTD company for incorporate iterative approach to enable them get fast and periodic responses from end users concerning different aspects of their project.

  897. I have learned that using linear and iterative approaches is very productive and essential in achieving a project goal.

  898. Team 8 Cohort 9
    The idea of using iterative processes in the event as a PM working for MTD is welcomed, because it will help keep the client abreast as to the processes and deliverables at each level. Although there will be a need to use the linear approach, especially for activities that are strictly dependent on others. Otherwise, a healthy mix of the two will ensure the delivery of the project within the scope, time, and budget.

  899. Using the knowledge of VUCA Framework, I would use it to ascertain the nature surrounding the project.
    Taking an iterative approach in setting an event as project:-
    The implications is that
    – the event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

    Agile approach to the challenges will aid in controlling over budget arising from the changes in requirement to stall the challenges and increase service quality.

  900. As a PM working for an MTD, I must first of all study the environment before embarking on any given project. Making sure there is no stone left unturned.
    I must also learn to adopt adaptive and flexibility methods in the approaches and not being rigid.
    Also master the different approaches and know which one will suite the work for me.
    I will also ensure I build my toolkit of project lifecycles and related practices and technique. Applying the VUCA framework will also be an added advantage to me.

  901. Agile methodologies, often used in software development, can be adapted to event planning for enhanced flexibility and collaboration. This approach promotes regular communication with stakeholders, enabling quicker adjustments to changing requirements. It encourages incremental progress, allowing for early testing of event elements and adjustments based on feedback. However, the agile approach might require a higher level of ongoing communication and coordination to ensure all team members are aligned

  902. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications. It allows for continuous improvement and adaptation as one gathers feedback and insights throughout the process. This can result in a more refined event plan, better alignment with stakeholder expectations, and enhanced attendee experience. However, it might also require more flexibility in timelines and resources as changes are incorporated. Overall, an iterative approach can lead to a more successful and impactful event.

  903. I a PM working under MTD, I’ll study the environment and apply agile & iterative approach and also involve the sponsors and stakeholders for a perfect result.

  904. As a project manager working with MTD I will make sure I apply every of the iterative and agile principle that I know and also see that stakeholders and sponsors are carried along all through the project

  905. As a project manager for an MTD firm, I will investigate iterative and agile project management techniques for improved project execution and also use the VUCA framework to ensure the project’s success.

  906. As a project manager, it is the right thing for me to understand the environment, the structure and the necessary efforts which must be involved in the accomplishment of the project. I will also try to understand the types of the project which will enable me to know the type of approach to be applied. it can be linear or iterative approach. VUCA also should also be understood.

  907. As a PM, I learnt understanding iterative projects.
    1. I learnt the key characteristics of a agile or iterative projects
    2. Conditions where the approaches works best
    3. The benefits of agile or iterative project approaches
    4. The Scrum Framework
    5. The experience of iteration projects like for the teams
    6. The role of management in an agile project team

  908. Based on the challenges and issues that MTD, the events company, faces in their projects, here’s what I’ve learned this week that could help:

    1. Risk Management: Effective risk management is crucial in event projects. Identifying potential risks early and having contingency plans can help mitigate disruptions.

    2. Communication Strategies: Clear communication is essential, both within the team and with clients. Setting up regular communication channels and updating stakeholders on project progress can prevent misunderstandings.

    3. Resource Allocation: Efficient allocation of resources like manpower, budget, and materials can prevent overruns and ensure a smooth event execution.

    4. Stakeholder Management: Understanding and managing the expectations of various stakeholders, including clients, vendors, and attendees, is vital for project success.

    5. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality of services provided and delivered products is crucial to maintaining MTD’s reputation and satisfying clients.

    6. Time Management: Detailed project scheduling and adhering to timelines are essential to avoid last-minute rushes and ensure a successful event.

    Regarding an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project:

    An iterative approach involves breaking the project into smaller phases and continuously refining and improving each phase based on feedback. This approach can help MTD in refining event details gradually, incorporating stakeholder feedback throughout the process.

    – Allows for continuous improvement and adjustments based on changing requirements.
    – Enables early identification and correction of issues.
    – Enhances client satisfaction as they see progress at each iteration.

    – May require more frequent client involvement, which could slow down the process.
    – Could be challenging to maintain a clear project scope when changes are continuously incorporated.

    Regarding an agile approach:

    An agile approach focuses on delivering small, functional increments and involves collaboration between cross-functional teams. For MTD, this would mean involving representatives from design, logistics, marketing, etc., in a collaborative manner.

    – Allows quick adaptation to changing client needs.
    – Facilitates communication and collaboration among teams.
    – Enhances flexibility and responsiveness to market trends.

    – Requires clear roles and responsibilities to prevent confusion.
    – Could be resource-intensive, especially if teams need to be reconfigured frequently.

    Advice for MTD
    – Consider combining aspects of both approaches. For instance, use an iterative approach to refining event elements and incorporate agile principles for cross-functional collaboration.
    – Embrace technology solutions that can enhance communication and project tracking.
    – Invest in training and development to ensure your team is equipped with the latest industry trends and skills.

    Ultimately, a tailored approach that aligns with MTD’s specific needs, client expectations, and industry dynamics would be the most effective strategy.

  909. From what I have learned so far, using the MTD water project as a case study, I would apply the following approaches in ensuring the successful completion of the project; THE SCRUM FRAMEWORK. Given the nature of the scrum which is agile used by teams to deliver a project, it would fit perfectly for this project because it uses sprints to define, plan the progress of a
    project, allow for review at the end of each stage to get feedback which determines satisfaction on progress and launch the next stage. The use of sprints create room for the team to accommodate both the linear approach otherwise know as waterfall fall which is the traditional approach and the agile which is iterative in nature. The beginning of the project is defined and predictive, each stage is completed before the other Begin . The stages in which the water is passed till it gets to the end users is predicted. However the use of an independent laboratory for quality control is complex, the activities that take place in the lab are totally out of the teams control because they may have an expectation that is just a hypothesis, no certainty, in this case it’s wise to bring on iterative approach to cut down risk.

  910. As a PM, I shall combine the two approaches-Linear and Iterative due to the nature and environment. Also communication is a vital, feedback and carrying all relevant stakeholders along based on their power and interest.

    1. As a project manager I will have to used the two approaches and see which one is better work with in the environment that I will be undertaking the project, taking in account feedback from members of my team and community members.

  911. Regarding the challenges and issues faced by MTD, as a project manager, I will ensure that I combine the linear and iterative tools in the implementation of projects. This is because the project is directly concerned with events and other social places that definitely need water supply. Essentially eans that some challenges and

    1. Essentially, there are some challenges that will surface during this process. Hence, it is important that during the implementation of project plans that iterative approach should be used in form of two weeks sprints. This will enable the stakeholders to give feed back and help the team to deliver a desired result.

      The implications of taking an iterative approach to set up an event as a project is that.
      The stakeholders and sponsors will have a time to time analysis of the project’s progress.
      There will be room to accommodate changes, innovations and even flex the scope of the project while at it.
      The transparency that comes with the iterative approach, gives the stakeholders the confidence that they will have their desired result.
      The team has a focus per time as they are faced with mini projects, divided into sprints.
      The project manager is faced with the task of leading the team to a successful end.
      In cases where the project is not going as stipulated, the project can be aborted on time, wasting less fund.

      If asked to advise the company, I would encourage that to merge the linear and iterative approaches when executing their projects.

  912. * Insights gained so far that could offer assistance in MTD difficulties and problems include but are not limited to effective communication, negotiation, working knowledge of appropriate regulations, flexibility in approaches employed, and working knowledge of the VUCA framework.

    * Consequences of the iterative approach, if used include: completing the job one portion at a time, taking feedback, and evaluating efficiency after each portion, some portions would be ready for use even before the completion of the entire project, adjustments can be made after each feedback to get a much better final result, extra expenses may be incurred, and extension of the time-frame for completion may become necessary.

    * Implications of adopting an agile approach: Volatile situations can be handled promptly as they arise before they escalate and cause major damage

    *My recommendations: flexibility in the use of the iterative approach while being open to other approaches or a combination of approaches if the need arises.
    Deployment of ‘agility’ in a VUCA scenario as it is robust and efficient

  913. As a Project Manager,I have learnt that the knowledge of the VUCA framework is very important in diagnosing the nature surrounding a particular the project .
    To apply iterative approach for this event project will allow early detection of issues because feedbacks are sort for on time.
    Agile approach is required to resolve the problems as soon as possible to reduce risk and maintain quality.

  914. my thoughts are as follow:
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would allow for continuous improvement and adjustments based on feedback, ensuring the event aligns with evolving goals. An agile approach would promote flexibility, quick adaptations, and collaboration among team members.

    If I’m asked to advise the company, I would suggest considering an iterative approach to ensure ongoing refinement and adaptation of event plans. Additionally, adopting agile principles could enhance responsiveness to changes, encourage regular stakeholder involvement, and foster a more dynamic project environment.

  915. One of the key advantages of using an iterative approach in project management is its flexibility and adaptability.

  916. Iterative approach allowed for addressing challenges on a project as it arises. For me, this is a proven method for achieving better result in a project.

  917. I will suggest a more flexible approach to handling such project, having it at the back of my mind that circumstances and situations surrounding a particular project are not static.

  918. Here is my thoughts:
    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would allow for continuous improvement and adjustments based on feedback, ensuring the event aligns with evolving goals. An agile approach would promote flexibility, quick adaptations, and collaboration among team members.

    If asked to advise the company, I would suggest considering an iterative approach to ensure ongoing refinement and adaptation of event plans. Additionally, adopting agile principles could enhance responsiveness to changes, encourage regular stakeholder involvement, and foster a more dynamic project environment.

  919. Adapting an Iterative/Agile approach to setting up an event (as a project) will allow the MTD project team to respond quickly to challenges as they arise, and change the direction of the project if needed. The sprints/iterations will also enable the team to achieve the project goal quicker and within the timeline of the project while keeping the project sponsor and other stakeholders updated. The Agile approach makes the team more accountable and encourages transparency and visibility of the project. With these merits, I will absolutely advise the MTD project team to choose the Iterative/Agile approach to deliver this event. (COHORT 9, TEAM 3. Cynthia Onyinye Okeke)

  920. As a project manager for MTD, I Will first of all study the environment before embarking on a project.
    Project management is changing, too.
    Linear approaches are no longer suitable in all circumstances. As a project manager, I must learn to be adaptive and flexible:
    One need to be able to call on a range of methods and practices to steer projects through the challenges you face and deliver high-value outputs for your organisations and customers.
    This module, has equipped me with new knowledge and understanding to help me build my toolkit of project lifecycles and related practices and techniques.

  921. As a project manager chose to work for MTD using iterative problem solving method, I will start with the challenges that is facing the company.
    Then I will employ other tools to get rid of those challenges and make headway. For example, VUCA and timeboxes.
    VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) will be used to determine what is the problem? Once the problem is known, the timeboxes will be used to solve the problems.
    During the process the feedback from the team and stakeholders is very important, this will make us to know the impact of our techniques or tools we are using on the operations of MTD.
    Using timeboxes: This will go in a way of breaking the operations of MTD into smaller units or projects each with a clear goal, plan and list of priority tasks to be completed and outputs to be produced within a specific period of time.
    During this period, effective communication is important in dealing with the team and sending the reports to MTD on the progress and improvements.

    1. I think the best approach is the hybrid approach, and that the selection of any approach to use should be based on the needs and circumstance(s) surrounding the project. Change is always a constant variable.


      According to the video watched about MTD Project. I discovered that they make quality and safe drinking water available at events.
      The process adopted by MTD while executing the project was Linear approach because throughout the process it was from one stage to the other. For Example; Tanker supply – Water Treatment-Distribution to Users-Collection for Recycle and so on.
      As a Project Manager if am to carry out this project in a volatile and unstable environment, i will adopt the VUCA Framework. But in other to minimize the risk involve i will use Hybrid Approach for a successful project delivery.

  922. Folasade Coker Team 3 Cohort 9

    As a Project Manager of MTD, from the iterative methods I have learned this week which include Agility and Scrum approach, I have learned that MTD can work with both Linear Methods and also include iterative methods to help work around the uncertainties which may come up during the execution of the project and to get feedbacks too while at it.

    The implication of taking an iterative method for the event would include enabling the progressive generation of knowledge, enabling concurrency, and integrating necessary changes. It will also increase the duration and cost of the project.

    If asked to advise the company, it would be to use the Scrum method as Scrum is a more rigid method with less flexibility for change, and it’s ideal for those who need to produce results as quickly as possible within a short period of time. This will also help to reduce costs that may be incurred if to use Agility method though, they are both iterative approaches to Project Management

  923. As a project manager MTD, both linear and iterative are both useful ,they go hand in hand for a better project through the way they being used, as its depends on the challenges and what’s to be used in resolving the challenges.
    Also, application of iterative and agile approaches will increase adaptability , alignment, product quality, increase business value, customers satisfaction and reduce risk. The both approaches are of great advantages

    1. Amsain Olawale Team 2 Cohort 9:
      As a project manager, linear and iterative methods of management are useful in the management of projects. The both augment each other in terms of resolving the challenges that may arise from either of the methods.
      To increase value, satisfaction and risk reduction, the iterative and agile approach should be applied.

      1. As a project manager of MTD Quick response to changing requirements and timely delivery of software, thereby meeting customer needs, is a positive impact experienced using agile methodology. It also provides visibility for stakeholders in a software development project through daily scrum meetings, sprint reviews, and progress charts.

        Also a project manager of MTD, i should not be limited to a particular project management style because each project are unique in their own right as two project aren’t the same and also make sure i apply the VUCA framework.

        An event is a common event problem.
        Understaffing is a serious problem for events. And it often doesn’t become obvious until the day of, when it’s too late to do anything. So prevention is definitely key.
        A recent case study by HR analytics professionals found that the best way to determine optimum staffing levels for any organization or, in this case, event, is to:
        Talk to key stakeholders and get detailed information on what they need help with during the event.

  924. As a project manager MTD, both linear and iterative are both useful ,they go hand in hand for a better project through the way they being used, as its depends on the challenges and what’s to be used in resolving the challenges.
    Also, application of iterative and agile approaches will increase adaptability , alignment, product quality, increase business value, customers satisfaction and reduce risk.

  925. iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences?
    Events could be sometimes posed with volatile and uncertain situations. This has been seen with the stampedes and deaths that has occurrred during events. The application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events. Quick springs may be used to approach and solve changing enviroment and circumstances.

  926. As a project manager in an MTD company, I will explore both the ireterative and agile approach for the better execution of the project and also apply the VUCA framework so as that the project can go on smoothly. Also study the environment to see what works best

    1. Iteration involves specifying, designing, coding and testing at a go.. Myself as a project manager, would explore that both linear and iterative approach be used..
      Agile approach helps developers write better code by promoting continuous code feedback and improvement while prioritizing simplicity and efficiency.
      Also, the environment should be studied

  927. To the best of my understanding. This week, I learned about the benefits of an iterative approach and a suitable approach in project management.

    An iterative approach to setting up an event as a project allows for continuous improvement and feedback.
    Breaking down the project into more minor phases makes it easier to identify and address any challenges or issues that may arise.
    This approach also allows for flexibility and adaptability as issues can be resolved and changes can be made as the project progresses.
    However, it is important to ensure clear communication and collaboration among team members to ensure smooth execution.

    On the other hand, an agile approach focuses on delivering value to the customer through incremental and iterative steps.
    It prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and responsiveness to change
    as a Project Manager for MTD I will employ both the iterative approach and an agile approach in their project management and also the VUCA approach for efficient and speedy project delivery

    1. As an advicer to MTD I would emplore the use of both linear and iterative depending on the challenge been encountered at hand

  928. As a project manager with MTD,it is important to carry everyone along in every stage considering the environment MTD projects are implemented.
    The VUCA framework gives room for assessment,expert opinion,group task,review session and feedback.

  929. As a project manager with my little learnt knowledge in the course is that every project has a risk attached from simple to complex, It’s easier to manage risk. You tackle the high-risk portions of a project first, and every iteration lets you identify and resolve risks. It offers continual improvement. Each iteration allows the team to easily incorporate any lessons learned from previous runs and continually improve the development process.
    The iterative process gives your organization the power to learn and improve through trial and error. The iterative process is efficient and adaptable, so your company can respond quickly to new information and shifts in the market. If you’ve ever managed a large-scale project, you know to expect the unexpected.
    Iterative project management aims to deliver a working product within weeks. Each development cycle ends with an opportunity to gather feedback from critical stakeholders or within the team — allowing the team to respond to any input or changes in the next iteration
    Whereas, the benefits of Agile, including:
    Increased visibility,Increased adaptability (agility),Increased alignment,Increased product quality,Increased business value,Increased customer satisfaction,Decreased risk e.t.c

    some of the challenges that may occur in the agile project approaches are Less predictable, More time and commitment, Greater demands on developers and clients,Lack of necessary documentation,Projects easily fall off track.

    In conclusion, each of these approaches have their peculiarities as far as project is concerned, so i will implore that these challenges are known beforehand to enable the project manager minimize risk and losses in the organization thereby maximizing profit successfully.

    thanks for the privilege to contribute my quota.

  930. As a project manager MTD, both linear and iterative are both useful ,they go hand in hand for a better project through the way they being used, as its depends on the challenges and what’s to be used in resolving the challenges.
    Also, application of iterative and agile approaches will increase adaptability , alignment, product quality, increase business value, customers satisfaction and reduce risk.

  931. As a PM in an MTD company, I will explore both the ireterative and agile approach for the better execution of the project and also apply the VUCA framework

  932. I suggest a proactive method in risk analysis. Since the task is volatile and uncertain, taking proactive steps to mitigate uncertainty and volatility before they even occur will save the project from anxiety and unnecessary panic. Thinking ahead of happenings to cushion the effects of changes will save the project and project team from errors and wastages.

  933. Using the VUCA framework would be a guide while also employing the iterative and agile approaches when faced with problems along the line of implementation.

  934. As a project manager with MTD I will have to understand my role and to carry everyone (team numbers and client) alone in every stage of the project. As a project manager i believe it’s better to combine both linear and iterative method and structure to create a flexible and adaptable project lifestyle, Both approaches has special effect and impact in respect to the type of project.
    Using the linear approach is best when cost and time are estimated correctly, there’s unlikely change in the project scope.
    Iterative often allows team regular and frequent delivery likewise encouraging consumers & stakeholders feedback at every stage of project.
    One of the problems that MTD is likely going to encounter in a project is 4g network failure to monitor water in real time.

  935. First of all, it is important to contextualize MTD”s project. This helps identify what best method may fit the process. However, considering the environments MTD’s projects are implemented, a project implementation template may not suit all scenarios therefore the need to adopt a bespoke approach; a blend of the iterative and linear approaches.

    The VUCA framework gives room for assessment, experts opinions, group tasks, review sessions and feedback. This approach, notwithstanding long and demand, could guarantee a successful project design, deployment and implementation.

  936. As a project manager, my advise to the team will ne to revisit the drawing board if we realise we’re stuck, analyse what the issues are and how to advance to the next stage. We’ll be adopting both the linear and iterative project management methods to implement our project.

    1. As a project manager, the team should learn how to prioritize their work, transparent to sponsors, never keep stakeholders waiting ie delaying or denying them of feedbacks, use the right approach on every project.always review plans.

    2. As an MTD project manager, I will likely use both the linear and iterative methods. As a water distribution company, set out detailed plans, with all the required equipment ready for application. There could be some changes along the process but the combination of both methods will help to address the changes and avoid the termination of the project before its completion.

  937. As a project manager,both linear and iterative are both useful ,they go hand in hand for a better project,through the way they being used,as its depends on the challenges and what to use to resolve it

  938. As a Project Manager, using both linear and iterative approaches will be very helpful while also applying Agile and VUCA framework will yield more productivity and increase in service quality, towards achieving the aim of the project.

  939. As a project manager working with MTD, I will use both the linear and iterative approaches. Since we live in a complex world, combining both will increase accountability and transparency, it also improve stakeholders engagement.

  940. If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences?
    Well as Project manager for MTD, an iterative is more predictable, and do not begin with detailed specifications, project plans and schedules; they may start with just an idea, hypothesis or vision.

    Working iteratively, the project team is able to deliver the outputs regularly and frequently, rather than all at once at the end of the stage or project. The consequence is that it allows organisations to benefit from user and stakeholder feedback, and to get early return on investment, while retaining the ability to adapt and change course as the business environment changes.The given duration/time forces the project team to focus only on the highest-priority requirements, and to flex the scope to produce the desired outputs within the given time

    what are the implications of adopting an agile approach?
    The implication of adopting agile approach is the ability respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations, and by limiting the amount of work in progress, in doing that the number of tasks being worked on at any given time will be finished quickly rather than working on many things for longer because they are able to reprioritise and change direction quickly. Quick response to uncertainty through continuous, dynamic planning.

    If the company sought your advice, what would you recommend?
    As the project manager for the MTD system, I would recommend the combined approach of linear and iterative because;
    1. Increased transparency and visibility
    2. Increased accountability
    3. Delivery of project output are accelerated
    4. Providing assurance to sponsors & stakeholders….. etcetera

  941. Using the Agile approach for the MTD project will be the best along side the VUCA Framework which will yield more result.

  942. An an event company, MTD faces the challenge of volatility- the event planning business is highly sought after and therefore price of goods tend to constantly change. They also face the problem of complexity because there are many different parts and players in the environment.

    The consequences of an iterative approach in this situation is a fast action to counter the rate of change in the environment i.e purchasing the items on time and working with dedicated renowned hands, and also working in sprints such that value is created at every stage and there is regular feedback to their clients.

    Adopting an agile approach ensures the following:
    i. inclusivity. stakeholders feel like their ideas and opinion matter ensuring satisfaction with the outcome of the project.
    ii. A linear approach ensures that MDT is able to prioritize and change direction quickly, if the need arises.
    iii. The project will be completed faster as it reduces the number of tasks being worked on at any given time rather than waiting for one phase to be completed before proceeding.

    This will ensure that the event planning is completed in time, and to the customer’s satisfaction

  943. As a project manager, MTD
    Using the iterative approach will be my better option as it will enable a proper feed back to monitor most of the unforeseen circumstances that would come up as a feed back method of putting the post stages in check to accommodate the time and budget of delivery.

  944. VUCA framework be adopted. Application of iterative and agile approaches will Increased adaptability , alignment, product quality, increase business value, customers satisfaction and reduce risk.

  945. Our times are characterized by uncertainty and complexity, driven by unpredictable, Linear approaches are no longer suitable in all circumstances. We must learn to be adaptive and flexible. So as a PM in MTD, I will advice the company that If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, Unforeseen circumstance during the events?
    Events could be sometimes posed with volatile and uncertain situations. This has been seen with the stampedes and deaths that has occurred during events. The application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events. Quick springs may be used to approach and solve changing environment and circumstances. The VUCA framework and understanding the best approach is necessary

  946. According to the video of MTD water project, shows that the PM follows linear approach. One phase can’t take place without the completion of the other. Linear approaches are no longer suitable, especially for volatile environments/projects.

    If It were to take the agile approach, the project will have go with the scrum framework.

    As a project manager, I would advise the use of a hybrid approach in the management of this project, as it combines the positives of both linear and agile, and would also help mitigate risks.

    1. As a project manager, I would advise the use of a hybrid approach in managing this project which combines both Linear and agile for effective execution.
      Agile will enhance flexibility and help break the project into smaller and more manageable sprints which will be based on order of importance and feedback.
      This would have made the MTD product more successful and reduced the cost which comes with running with a linear approach because testing has to be done at the end of the product and not at the end of every sprint.

    1. As a PM in MTD projects i will adopt the hybrid method by combining both linear and iterative methods to be able to checkmate nd make amends as the project progresses. The VUCA concept will always be in my mind to give direction and way forwards.

  947. PM tools and ideas are not be used as a method to carry out all project management task as environment, stakeholders and project team members are a major factor of what and how a projects should be handled. A project software choosing should be a function of the project type, project intention and outcome/output of project.

  948. Based on the video on the MTD water project…its execution seems to follow a linear approach to project management, one phase cant take place without the completion of the other. Linear approaches are no longer suitable, especially for volatile environments/projects.

    If It were to adopt the agile approach, the project’s quality control(lab testing and filters) phases wouldn’t happen towards the end, but at the end of sprints in each phase.

    As a project manager, I would advise the use of a hybrid approach in the management of this project, as it combines the positives of both linear and agile, and would also help mitigate risks.

  949. According to the video of how MTD works, I think MTD is on a linear project because all the process depend on transportation of the water. So if there is any risks (maybe from volatility or uncertainty) my action will be different according to the issues.

    1. Adopting an agile approach is crucial to prevent risks from volatility and reach the deadline of the project in time. I would suggest the MTD to be flexible in using both iterative and linear project

  950. Agile approach which an also be referred r to the interative approach should be used in the project, this the linear approach looks and sound simple. Ina case of the MTD as the manager, I will have to study the environment and go for the interative approach which I believe safes time,thou might look complex but for a the substantial result, feedback for the project to be delivered perfectly the alternative /agile approach should be taken into consideration.

  951. As a project manager working with MTD, I will be applying the VUCA frame work after studying the environment and also develop a suitable response to the issues already identified because as a project management it is imperative to be able to abe to make a trade offs, control communication, be untop of my game and also learn from and on the job.

      1. From what I’ve learned so far using iterative or linear method to execute any project, I discovered that MDT do not just make use of one method neither do they prefer one to another. Hence, that shows that both are important in project execution and one is not better than the other, as such both should be used to have a good project done

  952. As a PM, there are several methods of handling various project issues, based on the environment, the desired outcomes and objectives.
    It is advisable to use either the linear or iterative approaches, depending on the complexity and nature of the project.
    The VUCA framework tools also helps to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project.
    The proper application of various approaches helps to achieve the objectives of the project and improve ones skills of PM.

    COHORT 9
    TEAM 6
    Project management is undergoing a transformation, moving away from traditional linear approaches that may not suit every situation. As a project manager, it is crucial to embrace adaptability and flexibility. We must be prepared to employ a diverse range of methods and practices to navigate through challenges and deliver valuable outcomes for our organization and stakeholders.
    The VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) framework provides valuable insights into understanding the nature of these challenges. By comprehending the VUCA context, project managers can determine the most appropriate approaches and strategies to address them effectively. Embracing iterative and agile methodologies can greatly contribute to successfully managing events and their dynamic conditions.

    Agile working, which is an approach to project management and software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, has several implications on organizational resources and technology.

    Skills and training: Agile working requires a different set of skills and mindset than traditional project management approaches. Organizations may need to invest in training and development programs to help employees transition to an agile working environment successfully.

    Overall, while Agile working can bring several benefits, such as increased efficiency and flexibility, it also requires organizations to make significant adjustments to their resources and technology infrastructure to support an agile approach successfully.

    1. Cohort 9
      team 9
      the environment you operate in is unpredictable, and the challenges are many and varied, you’ll need to have a correspondingly varied set of tools and techniques at your disposal.

  954. As a project manager for MTD Company.

    I have learnt that processes are important before the implementation of a project. so project transition necessitate a proper planning of process for desired and satisfactory outcome.

    By acknowledging Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, project managers can proactively plan for flexibility, encourage collaboration, embrace agile methodologies, and establish clear communication channels. This framework empowers project teams to navigate unpredictable changes, make informed decisions, and maintain adaptability, ultimately leading to more successful outcomes in the face of dynamic and challenging environments.

    1. That’s correct, but taking into account the nature of the project is also very important, in order to determine which one of the methods is suitable to execute the project, just MTD water project demands that the PM implement the project with a linear method.

  955. I would first do an analysis on what challenges may exist in the MTD operations so as to find the best approach that works and if the VUCA system is in play then it will require an agile approach which will help create a faster method to solving challenges as well as improving transparency between stakeholders with lower cost implications. This will make achieving the goals of the team easier within a lesser time frame while promoting customer and stakeholders satisfaction at the end of the project which is most important.

  956. What I’ve learnt this week are as follows
    As a project manager I know that challenges for project organizations and their projects are affected by the Volatility challenge, Uncertainty challenge, Complexity challenge and Ambiguity challenge(VUCA).
    The linear project lifecycle is not the opposite of Iterative, despite the fact that they have their own different approaches.
    I also learnt that the choice of linear or iterative approaches will shape the project lifestyle and determine how the project work is organized and perform.
    Finally, every project is unique and should be handled that way, irrespective of the approach to be used.

    1. This week, I’ve learned about some potential challenges and solutions that could help MTD, the events company, in their projects:

      1. **Resource Allocation**: Properly allocating resources like manpower, equipment, and budget is crucial. By taking an iterative approach, MTD can periodically assess resource needs and adjust them as the project progresses.

      2. **Client Communication**: Effective client communication is key. In an iterative approach, clients can provide feedback at various stages, ensuring their expectations are met. In an agile approach, they can be involved in sprint reviews for continuous feedback.

      3. **Scope Changes**: Projects often encounter scope changes. An iterative approach allows for controlled changes between iterations, whereas an agile approach enables flexibility to accommodate changing requirements.

      4. **Risk Management**: Identifying and mitigating risks is essential. In an iterative approach, risk assessments can be conducted at the end of each iteration, while an agile approach allows for adaptive risk management throughout the project.

      5. **Timeline Management**: Meeting deadlines is critical. An iterative approach can help MTD set and meet intermediate milestones, while an agile approach enables incremental delivery, ensuring that valuable parts of the event are ready on time.

      If I were to advise MTD on their project management approach, I would suggest a combination of both iterative and agile methods. Use iterations to manage resource allocation, client feedback, and scope changes, and employ agile principles to ensure flexibility, risk management, and timely delivery. This hybrid approach can provide the company with the best of both worlds, allowing for adaptability while maintaining control over the project’s progression.

  957. As a project manager for MTD Company.

    I have learned how processes are important before implementing a project. It is not just about the transition, it’s about the process put in place to achieve that.

    The VUCA framework is an effective approach for a project manager due to its recognition and systematic handling of the inherent complexities in today’s business landscape.

    By acknowledging Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, project managers can proactively plan for flexibility, encourage collaboration, embrace agile methodologies, and establish clear communication channels. This framework empowers project teams to navigate unpredictable changes, make informed decisions, and maintain adaptability, ultimately leading to more successful outcomes in the face of dynamic and challenging environments.

    Adeola Adediran
    Cohort 9
    Team 1

  958. As an MTD project manager

    The first approach I will consider is incorporating the VUCA frame work to further understand and develop suitable responses to the challenges that will arise in the project

    For the MTD projects customer satisfaction and feedbacks is the main priority of the project,
    I will employ flexibility where needed. However, focusing on the iterative approach for this kind of project, this will reduces risk, cost, and time constraint allowing for feedbacks from user and if there is need to make adjustment, that is visible without altering the scope of the original plan.
    The implications of adapting an Agile Approach
    Adapting an Agile approach in an organization will help curb complexity and ambiguity, it will improve the understanding of what users need and value to experiments carried out in short iterations as shown in the monitoring and feedback of the MTD’s project.

  959. The major thing I’ve learnt this week is that Project managers need not be rigid and stick to one approach for all their project, In fact there is need to be versatile in both Linear and Iterative approaches, Each of the approach has its on pros and cons and in fact managing a project shouldn’t have to be a choice between either of Linear or Iterative approach in real life situations

  960. Chime Ndubueze Ejike
    Cohort 9, TEAM 3

    Applying the VUCA framework approach will be my first step as someone with MTD.
    Have it at the back of my mind that no two projects are the same, I’ll identify the problems with the project at hand and apply agility and iterations approach solve

    1. Seeing that every project is unique and we dwell in a complex society , l as a project manager working with MTD company l will advise that based on the environment the application of either linear or iterative approach for a project or combination of both and use of hybrid to ensure execution of project at the expected time

      1. As a PM, in Collab with MTD I think understanding the project and studying the environment. Use iterative approach in setting an event project

  961. Applying the VUCA framework approach will be my first step as someone with MTD.
    Have it at the back of my mind that no two projects are the same, I’ll identify the problems with the project at hand and apply agility and iterations approach solve it.


    As a Project Manager collaborating with MTD, an event company: The insights gained that could offer assistance with difficulties and problems encountered include:
    I. The holistic understanding and application of the VUCA framework.
    II. Unpacking decision-making using the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex, and Ambiguity dimensions as adapted from Bennet & Lemoine,2014.
    III. An understanding of the Linear and Iterative approach in Project management.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project,the consequences & implications would include:
    1. Appropriate Feedback from end users.
    II. Continuous value delivery with each iteration rather than only at the end of the project.
    III. Ideas are always brainstormed on and tested.
    IV. The viability of the Project is also known
    V. Outputs are at regular intervals.

    I. Employ the use of Agile & Iterative practices for project executions/planning.
    II. Always plan to mitigate the challenges posed by”VUCA”.

  963. There would be need to communicate with the stakeholders and have a robust and holistic approach in evaluating the critical situations and thinking outside the box to solve identified challenges.
    If Iterative approach is to be used, consequences may that it may be unsuitable if the project is big, modification may happened to the project which may affect the initial plan, it requires more capital and resources.
    The implication of adopting agile approach it would require more period, more demand is placed on those executing the plans, it is not predictable, necessary documentation may not be done/
    I would suggest iterative approach.

  964. Cohorta 9 team 1

    As an MTD PM, My most suitable approach will be First, identify the problem and challenges, and then apply the VUCA framework tools so as to come up with a suitable response to the problems already identified.

    Advice for the Company:

    Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.
    Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.

    Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Place a major standard on meeting customer needs and incorporate their feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure a successful and satisfying event experience.

  965. Akinyande olabambo Cohort 9 Team 2

    I have learned that both approach; Linear and iterative are unique and can be combine but alas VUCA determine the best approach to use in coordinating project work and project outcomes.

    If iterative approach were employed in organising the event, the consequences will be incredible because the approach will enable the MTD, me and other team members work as a team on the project. We will prioritize the activities(what, when, how and who) before, during the even and after the event and allocate resources get feedback on each step all t

    1. Get feedback all the way. This, we’ll be able to bring the right solution to each stage of the event thereby bringing transparency, collaboration, and speed.

      I will recommend an iterative approach for this project

      1. As a project manager, one needs to consider VUCA. Its goes a long way to determine the direction of a project and the method or approach to apply.

        For me, i would advise the use of both approach because both have their advantages and come in handy.

        1. Every organization have its pros and cons but as a project manager, it is your responsibility to put things in right perspective. Both approach; Linear and iterative are unique and can be combine but alas VUCA determine the appropriate approach to use in achieving project end goal or result.

  966. As a project manager for MTD, the best approach to the project is Hybrid which mean the combination of waterfall and agile as tools. When the mix technique is applied solutions will be proffered to the project.

    1. As a PM working for MTD, the best approach I would use is the Iterative/Agile approach. This method had an amazing benefits which helps the project to be completed as early as possible with minimal risk factors which can be averted immediately.

  967. The iterative process is the practice of building, refining, and improving a project, product, or initiative. Teams that use the iterative development process create, test, and revise until they’re satisfied with the end result. You can think of an iterative process as a trial-and-error methodology that brings your project closer to its end goal.

    Iterative processes are a fundamental part of lean methodologies and Agile project management—but these processes can be implemented by any team, not just Agile ones. During the iterative process, you will continually improve your design, product, or project until you and your team are satisfied with the final project deliverable

    Agile project management is an iterative approach to managing projects that focuses on continuous value delivery and incorporating customer feedback with every iteration.

    Agile project management involves breaking down projects into smaller, iterative phases and continuously reassessing and adapting plans based on feedback and changing requirements. The goal is to deliver high-quality products or services quickly and efficiently while remaining responsive to customer needs and market trends.

    There is also the common misconception that Agile is a methodology. Instead, Agile is a way of thinking for collaborative problem-solving and an approach people apply to modern-day project management.

    As a PM of MTD i will suggest they employ the iterative approach in planning their events .

    1. The best approach to use in MTD is Hybrid. It allows for flexibility based on the problem that may arise during project. With a combination of both linear and iterative approach, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity is well taken care of.

      1. Implications of taking iteration approach , there will be no detailed specification on project, no plans and schedule of project

        If I will advise the company I tell them to use Agile approach because is more reliable

  968. As a PM working for MTD, I must study the environment before embarking on any project.
    I must also learn to be adaptive and flexible in the approaches and not be rigid.
    Also, master the different approaches and know what works for me.
    I will also ensure I build my toolkit of project lifecycles and related practices and techniques.

    I will also apply the VUCA framework and be open to combining iterative and linear lifecycles depending on the level of the project and the feedback from the sponsors, stakeholders, and team members on the project as well as consumers

  969. I wil first of all knows the tools available and the environment.
    I am going to use the iterative approach because:
    It is flexible and encourages periodic planning and instant in tracking by making available all the phases for use
    The implications of agile approach are;
    The iterative process allows for continuous improvement at every stage. It also allows companies to build on existing products and create deliverables that match customer needs. Collaboration: The iterative process allows stakeholders and team members to collaborate and communicate ideas

  970. As PM for MTD, would advise the company to have below in place:
    1. Communication and information flow. (with Ethics adherence and transparency)
    2. Understand environment by doing a survey on the project. Have a clear understanding of what the scope entails.
    3. From the survey done will be able to know which tool to apply be it linear or agile.
    4. Projection of any challenges VUCA to be in place as the project rolls on.
    5. Customer feedback from previous projects and key learning to enable the company improve on service delivery.
    6. Innovation and creativity to cap on delivery and minimize resource wastage.
    7. Be a team player and coordinate all stakeholders to play their part.

    Keneth Juma Walumoli _Cohort9_Team6

    1. I will advise them to go with Hybrid, in this case there need to be;
      1. Communication
      2. Feedback
      3. PROJECT Review

  971. As a PM working for MTD and planning an event, I would first consider the environment and observe if agile or linear would be the best tool to be used or maybe even a combination off both .

    And if it a structured environment like say construction I would apply the tools and techniques of linear project but if it is like say planning an event like a wedding then the agile project tool comes to play.
    * Planning, meeting and research
    * Development and strategies
    * Review with stakeholders
    * Feedbacks
    * Consideration and solutions ( more review)
    * Final feedbacks and review
    * Finished product / service

  972. As a project manager working with MTD, as we all know that there is nothing like best techniques in project management, I will first examine the aim of the project and the environment to decide on what techniques to embark on .

  973. As a project manager working for MTD, my first approach is to understand the environment and the time frame given to me to complete the project, which will determine my approach be it iterative or agile. The tools I’m working with are also a pointer to knowing the best approach to use in getting results and avoiding waste of resources and time.

  974. A project at MTD could be rather uncertain and complex. In this situation the use of the iterative approach is the least likely. A flexible approach i.e combination with a linear approach is advised for effective time and resource management at the stages of the project. The scope of the project must be clearly defined by the stakeholders and subject to as little change as possible to avoid wastage. An agile approach might subject the process to an increased level of volatility.

  975. As a PM at MTD, i would first consider the environmental factors before applying any tools and techniques.

    Some part of the projects would need Linear Framework, for those part proper planning and steps should be considered and how long this will take.
    FOr other part of the projects that are uncertain and ambiguos, we will switch to Agile framwork, The team will have short project iterations with the stakeholders feedback after each iteration. The teams would need to be flexible to accommodate any chnages that might be needed due to the volatility of such projects

  976. As a PM of MTD, the first to note is to understand the environment before embarking on the project. After which I look out for the approach to use based on the environment.

  977. As a proget manager working with MTD, I must first of all knows the tools that are applicable and available to me, and know my environment.
    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project are;
    1. It will help me to be flexible,
    2. It will help me to plan my works periodically,
    3. It will help me to know what to do at any particular stage,
    4. It will help me to see the various approach needed at all phases.
    The implications of agile approach are;
    flexibility, iterative development, collaboration, enhanced customer satisfaction, continuous quality assurance, transparency, adaptive planning, reduced risk, empowered teams, faster time-to-market, improved communication, and often requires a cultural shift within organizations.

  978. As a PM working for MTD/ my advise to the company, adopting a hybrid approach and flexibility are necessary. Also, applying the VUCA framework is important.

  979. As a PM working with MTD, the aim of the project and the environment in which the project is to be executed will determine the kind of approach I will apply. No one approach can be used in the MTD organisation.
    My advice to them will be that they should embrace flexibility and try to use a hybrid approach in most cases as this will give them the ability to deliver their projects faster with less hiccups.

  980. As we have been learning before now, no two projects are the same and there is nothing like the best project management technique but are subject to the nature, scope and purposes of projects as well as the issues that arise during implementation.
    As a Project Manager with MTD, I will combine the linear and iterative methods to achieve the desired result.
    There is also the need to apply the VUCA framework.

  981. As a proget manager working with MTD, I must first of all knows the tools that are applicable and available to me, and know my environment.
    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project are;
    1. It will help me to be flexible,
    2. It will help me to plan my works periodically,
    3. It will help me to know what to do at any particular stage,
    4. It will help me to see the various approach needed at all phases.
    The implications of agile approach are;
    flexibility, iterative development, collaboration, enhanced customer satisfaction, continuous quality assurance, transparency, adaptive planning, reduced risk, empowered teams, faster time-to-market, improved communication, and often requires a cultural shift within organizations.
    My advice to the company would be;
    1. Embrace flexibility
    2. Project should be broken into manageable iterations
    3. Team collaboration
    4. Transparency and communication
    5. Customer centric approach

    1. As a project manager, VUCA approach is to be use in other to get simplicity of any project and to be manage to the certification of the beneficiary during transition.

  982. As the Project Manager, due to organising an event with respect to change in environment which is iterative method. I will advise MTD to develop a feedback mechanism tool in form of sprints or survey to hear users/customers comments about the recent organised event and work on noted lapses to improve products for other customers/users.

  983. As a project manager, it is important for me to be adaptable and purposeful in my methodologies when carrying out a project. I recognize that each project is unique, so I need to be flexible in my approach and employ the VUCA framework to effectively navigate the challenges that arise.

  984. As a project manager, ethical adaptation and team work is very important in achieving a project in other to be efficient and effective.

  985. As a PM for MTD first if all i will like to have a strong professional team and then start to identify the problems.
    Also i will apply the concept of VUCA tools.
    However, if iterative approach were duely employed in organizing an event as a PM then nothing will brings up to be a challenge.

    1. As a PM i will use both agile and iterative approach, however making sure communication between stakeholders and team members is good.

      I will advise the company to be open to adapting different approaches that will help everyone achieve same goal (project completion)

  986. As a project manager working with MTD, I will ensure there’s a balance between the teams(teamwork) while using the iterative method and agile to manage any given changes and apply Vuca as an important guide in accomplishing thework

  987. I learnt that in a world of volatility, uncertainty, challenges and ambiguity, a project manager needs to be flexible and adapt his methods to meet each curve ball thrown at him in the context of each project. I learnt that one might have to switch from a linear to an iterative approach.
    Emphasis is on Agility. A project manager might have to depriortize some aspects of a project which might be time consuming. This wili ensure that projects are delivered on time and stakeholders are carried along. Eventually, the depriortized pieces could be reintroduced when necessary.
    I would advice MTD to employ all the methods at his disposal to deal with any situation peculiar to individual projects considering that MTD has projects both in local and remote locations
    He should adopt the hybrid method of project management where necessary and always keep stakeholders in the loop

    1. Agile working, which is an approach to project management and software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, has several implications on organizational resources and technology.

      Resource allocation: Agile working requires teams to be self-organizing and self-managing. This means that resources, including people, time, and budget, must be allocated to support the team’s needs. Organizations may need to adjust their resource allocation processes to support agile teams effectively.
      Communication and collaboration tools: Agile working relies heavily on communication and collaboration among team members. Therefore, organizations need to invest in tools and technologies that enable effective communication and collaboration, such as project management software, video conferencing tools, and instant messaging platforms.
      Technology infrastructure: Agile working requires an adaptable and flexible technology infrastructure that can quickly respond to changes in the development process. This means that organizations may need to invest in new technology solutions that support agile working, such as cloud-based platforms and DevOps tools.
      Skills and training: Agile working requires a different set of skills and mindset than traditional project management approaches. Organizations may need to invest in training and development programs to help employees transition to an agile working environment successfully.
      Overall, while Agile working can bring several benefits, such as increased efficiency and flexibility, it also requires organizations to make significant adjustments to their resources and technology infrastructure to support an agile approach successfully.

  988. Ajibola Oluwamayowa Paul

    Cohort 8 Team 8

    My lessons and thoughts so far: The ability to adapt, collaborate and be efficient at work or on a project is essential and embracing approach to solve problems even as Agile approach response to the challenges will improve budgeting and finance, the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the project and application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events as communication and review on a timely basis is engaged.

  989. As an MTD PM, My most suitable approach will be First, identify the problem and challenges, and then apply the VUCA framework tools so as to come up with a suitable response to the problems already identified.

    Advice for the Company:

    Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.
    Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.

    Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Place a major standard on meeting customer needs and incorporate their feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure a successful and satisfying event experience.

  990. As a PM for MTD. My approach will be Firstly, identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develop a suitable response to the problems already identified.
    Collaboration and Communication: Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.

    Advice for the Company:

    Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

    Foster Collaboration and Communication: Promote collaboration and effective communication among team members, stakeholders, and event organizers to ensure a shared understanding of project goals and facilitate feedback loops.

    Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Place a strong focus on meeting customer needs and incorporate their feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure a successful and satisfying event experience

  991. In life, every human all face difficulties and apply simple or iterative approaches to them with or without knowing.
    For the sake of the question asked, Being the PM of MTD and being cornered to use the iterative approach, i will sought to spell out the challenges. combining both the linear and iterative approach making it a hybrid system. this way all team members have a better understanding of the problem at hand and sprits are developed to curb it, whilst a permanent solution is being formulated underground.

    For an event company, major problem that such as these may arise, which will most likely alter the initial desired results of both the clients and the PMs are:
    1. Change in Government Policy directly or indirectly affecting events
    2. Pandemic Outbreak
    3. Clients decides to change venue a month before the event day or even worse change the date of event. This can affect both small and big event companies as they’ll be forced to redistribute man power, recommunicate to team members, to make matters worse, clients shift a date to a day this event company is already booked for.
    4. Wrong/Delay specification of food, drinks, chairs or any item required to be supplied on the day. Improvisation, negotiation and subtle communication skills is immediately applied.
    5. Misunderstanding between guests, guest & team members, clients and family, client and Team members.

    Other complex situations exist, but in all a PM should be able to respond accordingly, be it in a simple approach, iterative, and or Hybrid. Understanding that makes one sense, categorieses, Probe and then respond.

    1. As a project manager team work is very important in achieving a project in other to be efficient and effective.


      1. As a PM in MTD. First of all like I’ve learnt in the previous topics team work and communication is a key. The project must be clearly defined by the stakeholders and sponsors because no two projects are the same. We must take into consideration the environment which the project will be executed before proceeding. I’ll combine tools and techniques from both iterative and agile to create flexibility, reduce risk and the ability to deliver the project faster to the satisfaction of the stakeholders.
        I’ll also apply VUCA framework to effectively get solutions to challenges that arise.

  992. With an iterative approach,MTD seeks to ensure water supply to the various outlets, receive feedback after 2 weeks from both users-players and the staff, forth night review meetings to understand the water situation at the difference outlets being supplied even before the D-Day of event

  993. As a PM, there is need in taking responsibility of every decision I take. Be objective in all decision I take. Be responsive to my team and activities . Objectivity in all definitions and execution of project . Not forgetting communication and feedbacks in the approach of VUCA as there is no one prefered PM method over another and having correspondent valid tools and techniques in mitigating unpredicted varied challenges in PM

  994. As a PM I ought to be dynamic and intentional in my approaches when executing a project with the understanding of the fact that no two projects are the same, hence, I will have to be flexible in my approach as well as adopting the application of the VUCA framework in navigating the task at hand.

  995. What I have learnt this week that will help me as an MTD project manager are

    Having understood how teams work, I will be ready to play my role as a team manager.

    I will creat conditions and put up structures virtually or on ground to ensure that the team succeeds. I will safe guard our mental health also. I will develop the project teams and ensure that development is on going. I will give and recipes feedbacks. And ensure that I adapt my management style to best suit the project at hand.

  996. Understanding the nature of a project, the project team/stakeholders as well as the project environment is key in planning and the strategy to deploy for the project. The application of the VUCA framework can provide insights to understanding the nature of these project challenges. As a project manager, the VUCA framework could help me to determine the most appropriate approaches/strategies to address/resolve the project challenges. It is important for a Project Manager to work effectively with all the project stakeholders, seek and analyse expert opinion where required, and be flexible as well adaptable in the use of project management tools/techniques.

  997. Azubuike Princewill | Cohort 8 | Team 2

    The validity of the agile, iterative, and linear approaches depends on the context and situation. It is essential for the chosen approach to consider the VUCA framework to effectively tackle emerging issues. In the MTD project, environmental concerns may arise, including actions from environmental activists that must be addressed within the project scope. To handle such situations and other events, a combination of predictive and iterative mindsets is required, adapting to the specific circumstances as they unfold.

  998. As a project manager it’s most appreciated to combine both linear & iterative method & techniques to create a flexible and adaptable project lifestyle. Both approaches has special effect & impact in respect to the type of project.
    Using the linear approach is best when ; cost & time are estimated accurately, there’s unlikely change in the project scope.
    U like linear project, Iterative often allows team regular & frequent delivery likewise encouraging consumers & stakeholders feedback.
    A project may begin with linear method and switches along the line to iterative method depending on the challenges and changes in the project lifecycle.

    : Latona Emmanuel.

  999. As the program manager, if I encounter a similar project as the MTD, I will use the two approaches for flexibility. Secondly, I will apply the iterative and agile approaches to tackle problems and challenges am likely to encounter along the line of implementation. Whatever approach i will adopt will depend on the issues at hand

    1. As a project manager I would identify the problem. This would enable me take the next major step in solving the problem.
      Then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the issues and Challenges of the given project.

  1000. As a PM collaborating with MTD, I’d first seek to understand the nature of problem encountered through interaction with the various stakeholders.

    The consequences of using the iterative development process is that you have to create, test, and revise until you’re satisfied with the end result.

    The implication of the agile approach is that it enables project teams to come up with the best possible output through the help of feedbacks received, at at the same time encouraging simplicity and efficiency.

    If the company seeks my advice, I’d advice we adopt a hybrid approach to the project as some aspects of the project will best require we go with the linear approach, while other aspects will best require we go with the an interactive approach as we may be needing some periodic review and feedbacks in other to improve on the project delivery.

  1001. Knowing and adopting the dynamics and approaches to different project would help a lot as a project manager.

  1002. Prisca Ifediba Alachebe Team 9, Cohort 8
    So far, I have learned that Project Management is a process and you need to be a strong communicator. I need to bring everyone- the stakeholders, my team (both remote and local), the Client and independent suppliers, up to speed so that there would not be misunderstanding about any part of the project.
    If I were to advice MTD, bearing in mind that they operate in different countries around the globe and the nature of their business is highly likely to experience volatility, uncertainty, challenges and ambiguity, I would advice the MTD project manager to be highly flexible and on the watch out for any twist in the plot and he should not be afraid to be the bearer of bad news. He should apply the VUCA framework to support iterative moves. He has to use what process works best for any change in situation.
    He must constantly communicate with stakeholders and his team and hold regular meetings with them. He should also always make allowances for uncertainty and sudden unexpected changes so that he doesn’t get thrown off track.

  1003. I will first understand the nature of the project, the environment and the kind of team to work with for effective operation and a successful project, then apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develop a suitable response to the problems already known. Then, apply the iterative and agile approach to tackle problems and challenges encountered during implementation.

  1004. As MTD’s project manager, I would use an iterative method. This strategy would assist the organization in becoming more responsive to changes in the event environment and capitalizing on new possibilities that may develop. I would also use the VUCA framework tools to solve any issues that the project might face. It is also vital to mention that an agile strategy fosters team collaboration and communication, which leads to good results and high-quality work.

  1005. Every new environment requires a learning phase to be able to understand work processes and help aid the achievement of organizational goals and objectives, so as a project manager for MTD, i would first study my environment, identify the problems and challenges. look at what approach best fits the challenge then ill apply it. “sometimes one size doesnt fit all.”

  1006. As a project manager working with MTD, I will adopt a hybrid method that combines both the linear and iterative methods.
    I will also ensure constant stakeholders engagement and communication with all projects partners.

  1007. As a Project Manager for MTD, the first step will be understanding and familiarizing with the environment.
    I have to bear in mind that there is no static way of getting things done so i must be flexible, adaptable and collaborative in carrying out my job.
    MTD projects are usually complex so i have to apply the VUCA framework as well the equipping myself with various approaches, practices and techniques suitable for managing complex projects.

  1008. As a Project manager, understanding the scope and goal of a project aids the necessary steps needed to achieve a positive outcome.

    Feedbacks from teams in a project help to take valid decisions that reduces risk and facilitates the progress of a project.

  1009. Project management is undergoing a transformation, moving away from traditional linear approaches that may not suit every situation. As a project manager, it is crucial to embrace adaptability and flexibility. We must be prepared to employ a diverse range of methods and practices to navigate through challenges and deliver valuable outcomes for our organization and stakeholders.

    Events, in particular, can present unpredictable and uncertain scenarios. Instances like stampedes and fatalities during events highlight the importance of being responsive to volatility. In such situations, the application of iterative and agile approaches becomes essential. Swift and agile adjustments may be needed to tackle rapidly changing environments and circumstances.

    The VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) framework provides valuable insights into understanding the nature of these challenges. By comprehending the VUCA context, project managers can determine the most appropriate approaches and strategies to address them effectively. Embracing iterative and agile methodologies can greatly contribute to successfully managing events and their dynamic conditions.

  1010. As a Project Manager working for MTD, I will first understand the nature of the project, the environment and the kind of team to work with for effective communication and operation for the project. I will also study the nature of the project to come up with the best plan for the project.

  1011. As a PM working for MTD, I will first understand the nature of the project, the environment and the kind of team to work with for effective communication and operation for the project.

  1012. As a project manager for MTD I will study the environment first in order to determine which approach will be suitable for the project, I will also study the nature of the project to come up with the best plan for the project.

  1013. I have learned to be adaptive, Although a project may start up as a linear approach, it is ok to adopt an iterative approach in the course of project implementation.
    For an event, it is good for the project to adopt a linear approach with an integration of iterative along the way to address complex issues.

  1014. what I would do is as a Project manager collaborating with MTD from what I have learnt, is to first of all understand the various stages of events, analyse the possible risks, and be ready to combine the linear and iterative approaches to my work. and i will bring up set of tools and techniques that i have learnt into play.

  1015. As a project manager, I will first of all analyze the project very well to know what it entails.

    But I will likely use iterative approach because it gives me feedback at every stage in order to achieve outcomes that are satisfiable to the sponsors


  1016. Considering that MTD Waters provides temporary water solutions for events, it might be tricky to start off with an iterative approach… projects might not be able to be divided into 2 weeks short sprints if water solutions projects are supposed to last for 10 days.

    For MTD I would recommend the linear approach then include a mix of the agile approach to enable the team get feedback as soon as possible if there is a challenge. It would be also important for the company to have a team of skilled professionals who also understand the environment in which we are working to deal with uncertainties and complexities. Most importantly flexibility is key

  1017. With MTD, there is a need to, first of all, understand the full realities of the company and conduct an analysis. It is important to understand in-depth the problems using the VUCA approach among others. This will permit us to define what works best for the framework of MTD

    It is nevertheless generally advised to use the hybrid system in project planning, given that some parts will require a linear approach while others will require an iterative approach

  1018. Everyone is saying they will apply iterative approach or linear approach
    Well obviously for me

    First it to determine what the project will take…
    Second what the sponsors want… Some sponsors just want the project done…

    So working with MTD … I will allow flexibility

    1. As a PM combing of the linear and iterative project is the best. While working on your project you should embrace change at anytime, get feedback from people it helps you know where you’re lacking behind and be transparent so as carry everyone involve in that project along.

  1019. As a PM for MTD – First will be to carry out a detailed study of the system to recognize the approaches use so far, the risks encountered, know the team and see the best communication to apply to get the best results.

    Since MTD expectations from start to finish is already defined, the linear approach would seem appropriate for them.

    But my advice would be a combination of methods. Leveraging on both the linear and iterative approach will enhance flexibility should unexpected events be encountered along the way.

  1020. As a PM, I need to first a detailed study of the project and pen down possible risk,
    Then comes my ability to communicate my ideas to the team as well as the risk analysis.

    Having done that, I move to finding the best approach that suites the project at hand.

    In my delivery of timely project, I must be flexible to possibilities. “What if”

  1021. As a PM working with MTD, the first thing to do is a detail study of the event at hand then draft out possible risk that might occur,
    Communicate my ideas to my team as well as the risk analysis.
    Next is to develop a suitable framework for the job.

    I suggest the Linear(waterfall) method is best suited for the job since it has a specific output and our requirements are well define from start to finish. In the case where necessary, we will quickly deploy the Iterative(Agile) approach using the VUCA framework to deal with any irregularities or problem that we may encounter.
    Notwithstanding, my team as well as the stakeholders shall be communicated properly about the change and the reason for the change.

  1022. ‘ve learned that effective communication, resource allocation, and risk management are crucial for MTD to overcome project challenges.

    An iterative approach allows for incremental improvements, while an agile approach promotes adaptability and customer collaboration. My advice would be to combine both methods, leveraging agile principles for planning and iterative cycles for continuous refinement. This will enhance flexibility and ensure customer satisfaction.

  1023. As a PM combing of the linear and iterative project is the best. While working on your project you should embrace change at anytime, get feedback from people it helps you know where you’re lacking behind and be transparent so as carry everyone involve in that project along.

  1024. As a PM working with MTD, the first thing to do is a detail study of the event at hand then draft out possible risk that might occur,
    Communicate my ideas to my team as well as the risk analysis.
    Next is to develop a suitable framework for the job.

    I suggest the Linear(waterfall) method is best suited for the job since it has a specific output and our requirements are well define from start to finish. In the case where necessary, we will quickly deploy the Iterative(Agile) approach using the VUCA framework to deal with any irregularities or problem that we may encounter.
    Notwithstanding, my team as well as the stakeholders shall be communicated properly about the change and the reason for the change.

  1025. As a project manager collabolating with MTD and Event company. firstly what i will suggest is that there should be,
    1. open and clear communication with the clients, vendors, stakeholders.
    2. do a feasibility study and discovery phase
    3.study the risk and how to mitigate or manage the risk
    4. on this project, they will be need for flexibility, the flexibility will use the waterfall or linear and agile approach to project management to curb VUCA challenges.

  1026. As a project manager, to have a collaborative project with MTD. The first on my list will be to conduct a feasibility study in the environment ,whereby the challenges we are likely to encounter in the course of the project are spotted out. This study is carried out in order have depth understanding if Linear or Iterative approach best suit the project or a blend of both.
    After which we use the VUCA framework to analyze the project objective.

    A blend of both will be suitable for the MTD project because event of such sometimes comes up with uncertain situations not planned from from the beginning of the project.

  1027. The best method is to observe the environment, study and understand the end goal before implementation of the right tools.

  1028. I think having a plan for contingences because an event project comes with dynamics in changes. Flexibility skill is definitely a must have. Being hand’s on by every member of the team should be agreed on and periodic review meeting a most in what I will refer to as pre, during and post sprints.

  1029. To collaborate with MTD, I will identify the challenges in the project first. There after getting to have full knowledge of the project goal.

    As learnt from the lessons, the consequences of employing the iterative approach are insufficient timeframe for the project which could lead to delay in completion, environmental uncertainty, inability to respond to change, and lack of communication/transparency. In contrast with the agile approach are that the teams are able to respond to uncertainty through continuous and dynamic planning, ability to balance the VUCA challenges will be applied to ensure the successful completion of the project.

    Also, I will employ the two approaches (linear and iterative) to achieve success in the project.

  1030. To collaborate with MTD, I will first of all try to identify the challenges. the project goal, objectives and expected end results.

    The discoveries made will determine the approach, either Linear or Iterative or a combination of both as the project runs

  1031. Project management is changing, too. Linear approaches are no longer suitable in all circumstances. As a project manager, you must learn to be adaptive and flexible: you need to be able to call on a range of methods and practices to steer projects through the challenges you face and deliver high-value outputs for your organisations and customers.
    Events could be sometimes posed with volatile and uncertain situations. This has been seen with the stampedes and deaths that has occurrred during events. The application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events. Quick springs may be used to approach and solve changing enviroment and circumstances. The VUCA framework and understanding the best approach is necessary

  1032. As a PM working with MTD, first thing I’d do is to identify the problems,challenges and do neccessary research. I will try to be flexible, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues.

  1033. If I am to collaborate with MTD, I will first of all try to identify the challenges in the project,

    I will then try to have full knowledge of the project goal,

    As learnt from the lessons, the consequences of employing the iterative approach are insufficient timeframe for the project which could lead to delay in completion, environmental uncertainty, inability to respond to change, and lack of communication/transparency.

    In contrast with the agile approach are that the teams are able to respond to uncertainty through continuous and dynamic planning, ability to balance the VUCA challenges will be applied to ensure the successful completion of the project.

    I believe that this will help

  1034. As a PM collaborating with MTD, an events company, i will try to identify the challenges in the projects which are volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

    Since it is very important to have full knowledge of the project goal, probable solutions expected for a good outputs/outcome must be get right from the start.

    The consequences of employing the iterative approach are insufficient timeframe for the project which could lead to delay in completion, environmental uncertainty, inability to respond to change, and lack of communication/transparency.

    The implications of adopting an agile approach are that the teams are able to respond to uncertainty through continuous and dynamic planning, ability to balance the VUCA challenges will be applied to ensure the successful completion of the project.

  1035. As a PM, I’ll sit down and do necessary research on the project, after critical thinking I’ll resolve on using the VUCA framework.

    This will enable us to profer solutions to impending problems. I will also use my adaptability skills in managing the project because no two projects are the same. Many things might change along the line, further more communication will also play a vital role in keeping my every stakeholders on one page throughout the phase of the project.
    I’ll also use Iterative approach to to the MTD Project as a Project Manager.

  1036. As the PM of MTD, firstly I will analyze the project to be sure I have at least 70% of what I need to commence the project. I will also not be rigid with my approach. Communicate clearly with my team members and motivate them. I will implement the VUCA framework to achieve the project objective with the best approach.

  1037. As the project manager working with MTD, the events company, I’ve recently learned some valuable insights that could help address the challenges and issues they face in their projects. Here’s what I’ve learned:

    Importance of Clear Communication: Effective communication is critical in event management projects. Clear and open communication channels with clients, stakeholders, vendors, and the project team help ensure that everyone is aligned, expectations are managed, and potential issues are addressed promptly.

    Comprehensive Risk Management: Events can be susceptible to various risks, such as budget overruns, schedule delays, vendor issues, and technical glitches. Implementing a robust risk management process, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation strategies, and contingency planning, can help anticipate and manage potential challenges.

    Flexibility and Adaptability: Events often involve unforeseen changes, last-minute requests, or evolving client preferences. Being flexible and adaptable in response to these changes is crucial. Having contingency plans, maintaining strong vendor relationships, and being open to alternative solutions can help navigate unexpected situations effectively.
    Regarding the implications of taking an iterative approach versus an agile approach to setting up an event as a project:

    Satisfaction: Agile methodologies emphasize close customer collaboration, ensuring that client preferences and feedback are actively incorporated throughout the project, resulting in higher satisfaction levels.

    Empowered Teams: Agile empowers self-organizing teams to make decisions, collaborate, and adapt to changing circumstances, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

    Faster Time-to-Market: Agile practices enable the delivery of valuable event features or components in shorter cycles, allowing for quicker response times and faster time-to-market.
    If I were asked to advise MTD, the events company, on their approach, my advice would be to consider incorporating agile principles into their event project management practices.

    An agile approach would enable them to adapt to the dynamic nature of event management, facilitate better collaboration and communication, and deliver customer-centric events. Implementing agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, could provide them with the flexibility, speed, and customer satisfaction they need to excel in the events industry. However, it’s essential to assess their organizational readiness, provide proper training and support, and gradually transition to agile practices to ensure a successful adoption.

  1038. As the Project Manager of the MTD Group, it is very important to be open minded and see every challenge or incident as an opportunity to learn. Building on past events and methods used to manage projects is as important as working as the events unfold of which both approaches require adequate planning. In as much as our project plans are very important, the end justifies the means. Alongside the team, we must remember the “why” the project was conceptualized in the first place. This will be the driving force. In a situation where the cost implication is rather daunting, prompt feedbacks must be provided for Stakeholders to decide on project continuity.

  1039. As the Project Manager of the MTD Group, it is very important to be open minded and see every challenge or incident as an opportunity to learn. Building on past events and methods used to manage projects is as important as working as the events unfold of which both approaches require adequate planning. In as much as our project plans are very important, the end justifies the means. Alongside the team, we must remember the “why” the project was conceptualized in the first place. This will be the driving force. In a situation where the cost implication is rather daunting, prompt feedbacks must be provided for Stakeholders to decide on project continuity.

  1040. As a PM at MTD I would apply the VUCA framework, implying both the linear and iterative approaches.

  1041. As a PM at MTD, will use both linear and iterative approaches for the success of the project. And open communication with the project team and stakeholders is vital, this will bring about rapid decision making when there are changes.

  1042. As a MTD PM, I’ll deploy the hybrid approach, that way a lot of goals can be worked on having in mind the vuca qualities. I’ll use both the linear and iterative approach.
    I can make use of the waterfall method to plan on the time for the deliver of necessary materials, the main construction, testing and adjustments/improvements if need be.

  1043. As a PM in MTD, to solve the challenges in the company, I will take the following steps:

    Get user requirements and the scope of the project
    Upskill my team to accelerate delivery of project outputs
    Improve stakeholder engagement
    Increase visibility and transparency
    Provide assurance to sponsors and stakeholders
    Increase accountability and honesty

  1044. considering VUCA involved in different projects in this complex project world, as a PM I will be open to using any of the two distinct approaches or go hybrid(agile) depending on the situation or kind of project to be executed. I will be very open to understand every project very well so as not to use a wrong project approach.

  1045. Challenges MTD might likely face are:
    VUCA challenges
    Clomatic condition
    Delay in discovery risk
    Implications in exploring iterative
    Delay in getting feedback from the user or customers
    Disagreement might arise due some changes made by the PM without the consent of the stakeholders or client and again if PM is unable to manage project the project crash
    Well as far as Agile approch is concern if company fails to employ
    Expertise that will take VUCA then deformation of project is inevitable
    My suggestion is this company should observe every project so as to know the best approach to use in other yield success.

  1046. Taking the hybrid approach will be best as a PM for MTD, that way, a lot of goals can be worked on and achieved using the combination of both the waterfall and the agile approach.
    For example, I after planning, I can schedule the construction of the water supply point and the waste water disposal point as 2 different sprints on the same time line. In these sprints, I can make use of the waterfall method to plan on the time for the deliver of necessary materials, the main construction, testing and adjustments/improvements if need be.

  1047. As a PM for MTD, been flexible will be my mindset going in, flexible with the team, projects, problems, and blockers.

    Taking an iterative approach in setting an event:-
    The implication is that
    – changes would be easily implemented across board.

    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

  1048. As a PM for MTD. My approach will be Firstly, identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develope a suitable response to the problems already identified. Secondly, apply the iterative and agile approache to tackle problems and challenges encountered along the line of implementation. While putting budget in check and balance

  1049. As a Project Manager for MTD, having learnt on the several methods and techniques in getting project executes, I would make use of the the following
    1) Communication a very important tool between teams and stakeholders
    2) Team spirit
    3) Transparency and Honesty
    4)Create an appropriate feedback channel
    5) Stakeholders engagement
    6) Research on appreciate ways to achieve team goals
    7) Time consciousness
    8)Have empathy

  1050. I wouldn’t be rigid in approach. I would adjust my strategy to changing circumstances. Basically, I’d prefer to utilize the iterative approach so as to get feedback on how to improve.

  1051. Having a good knowledge of the nature of projects is paramount before embarking on one. Having gain insight on that, applying the linear and itinerary approach will help avoid waste and have a buffer for uncertainties in the course of the project.

  1052. As a project manager for MTD project, I will infuse my knowledge on both linear and iterative approaches.Having taken time to understudy MTD past projects it’s obvious most of their jobs are time bound so the use of Agile Team will be needed for prompt response to achieve the goals faster, while involving alI other options that will help achieve speed, respond rapidly to the unpredictable challenge that may occur.

    Jolly Ezenwa
    Team 6, Cohort 8.

  1053. As a PM working for MTD, I will first communicate with them to get more information and understand what kind of event it is. Understand and study the environment where the project will take place. Before using the linear and itinerary approach because any uncertainty can arise in the course of the project.

  1054. Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be an embracing approach to solve problems even as Agile approach response to the challenges will aid in controlling out of budget situations, the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project and application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events as communication and review on a timely basis is engaged.

    1. I cannot agree less with your contribution.When this principles are applied am sure the project will be achieved at a desirable time and pace.

  1055. As a project manager of MTD, I learned that one of the challenges they
    face is tight or limited time frames which can be referred to as volatile and unexpected
    delays known as uncertainty. Thus, to solve the problem, there should be a mix of the different approaches. Using an iterative approach could help address this issue by breaking the project down
    tasks-sprints. This will allow more flexibility and adaptability in the face of
    unexpected delays. Also, taking on
    an agile approach could also be beneficial, as it allows for teams to work in sprints, be more productive and help to finish what ever they’ve started rather than working on too many things at a time for a longer period. Therefore : a bit of Vuca+ iteration + agile will give a dynamic result when combined in a future project.

    Cohort 8
    Team 4

  1056. First thing first is to study the project and identify the key issues so that you will make an informed decission on which approach and techniques to use. But inmost cases, we may have to use both linear and Iterative project approach I solving problems. This help you to track your progress, get feedback and begin to see you results even before the projects completion.

  1057. As a project manager working for MTD
    The first step I will first take in starting the project is to study the environment, if the environment is unpredictable and the challenges are many, I will need to have a corresponding varied step of tools and techniques
    If a project would be carried out I will need a linear and iterative approach, situations where circumstances change rapidly and unpredictably. Indeed to respond to volatility this help teams to respond quickly, so as to reprioritise and change direction quickly.
    When we cannot predict the consequences of the development the response is information and expert analysis through continuous dynamic planning.

  1058. As a Project Manager, having identified the challenges encountered in the projects which are volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, it is important to have an understanding of the project goal, solutions, expected outputs and outcomes right from the start.
    The consequences of employing the iterative approach include insufficient timeframe which could lead to delays in project completion, unpredictable environment, inability to respond to change, and lack of communication and transparency, which could lead to the failure of the project. The implications of adopting an agile approach are that the teams are able to respond to uncertainty through continuous and dynamic planning, ability to balance the VUCA challenges will be applied to ensure the successful completion of the project.

    In conclusion, I would recommend that MTD adopts the Hybrid approach, ensure there is effective communication and collaboration among teams, understand the needs of users and stakeholders, ensure that timings and costs are estimated accurately, respond swiftly to change for successful project completion.

  1059. Firstly, I will to study the project and identity the problem in order to know the best approach to use. Then I will implement the use of VUCA framework and hybrid approach to develop suitable responses for the challenges of the project.


  1060. As a PM the first thing to do is ‘why” and “what” of the event. So also looking at the complex or simplicity of the project event. Making provision also for uncertainty or volatility that might arise during the project lifecycle.
    Putting all this into consideration the best approach to use is both the linear and iterative/agile approach

  1061. First, communication is key.
    It’s is also important to note that the approach applied will depend on the type of project involved while having VUCA I’m mind. The implications of taking an iterative approach is because, it is experimental. It ensures products are fit for it’s purpose, meets functionality, usability and reliability.

  1062. As a PM working for MTD, I must first of all study the environment before embarking on any project.
    I must also learn to be adaptive and flexible in the approaches and not being rigid.
    Also master the different approaches and know what works for me.
    I will also ensure I build my toolkit of project lifecycles and related practices and technique.

    I will also apply the VUCA framework

  1063. As a PM handle an event, I will get all the necessary information required to start and finish such a project using the linear and itinerary approach to deliver a successful project. To mitigate against unforeseen circumstances VUCA method will be deployed to avert risk to the project delivery.

    1. Before carrying out a project, it’s advised a PM considers the environment and what approach might be used to carry out the project successfully.
      The linear approach may be straightforward but the chang in the environment may not affect the result. Meanwhile, the iterative approach enables a pm to change the approaches of the project based on the environment and its changes.

      Its also important to note that both project development approaches can be used on one project at the same time

  1064. Not all projects are similar, it depends on the nature of the project, the environment. Some may adopt the linear approach, some iterative approach and others both.
    As a project manager, you are to study the project to know the best approach to use, after then implement the use of VUCA framework and hybrid approach to develop good responses to the project challenges.

  1065. As a project manager for MTD, I would first identify the issue, then decide how to resolve it, and finally put VUCA tools to use to help me come up with an acceptable response to the project’s issues.
    I will be flexible in the choice of approach base on the or emailing circumstance.

  1066. As a project manager knowing that in our complex world there is no preferable method over the other due to the environment you operate on. challenges varies you will need to have a corresponding varied set of tools and techniques at your disposals,so any of the two can be employ.

  1067. For me, being the MTD projectmanager, I’ve noted that one of the challenges they
    faced is time constraints which is volatile, and unexpected
    delays (uncertainty). This problem can be resolved via different approaches. Firstly, an iterative approach could help address this issue. That is, the project has to be broken down
    into smaller and more manageable
    tasks-sprints. This will allow for more flexibility and adaptability in the event that there are unexpected delays. Additionally,
    an agile approach, when embarked upon, could also be beneficial, as it allows for teams to work in sprints, be more productive and help to finish the processes they’ve already initiated rather than working on too many things at a time for a longer period of time. This inturn prevents possible death and stampedes from resultinjacob isaac

  1068. I learnt that we should help the management achieve their goals instead of setting our own goal, always be ready to get a feed back from customers, and also get to see the impact of their work from the customers.

  1069. As a project manager of MTD, I learned that one of the challenges they
    face is tight time frames which can be referred to as volatile and unexpected
    delays known as uncertainty. Thus, to solve the problem, there should be a mix of the different approaches. Using an iterative approach could help address this issue by breaking the project down
    into smaller and more manageable
    tasks-sprints. This will allow more flexibility and adaptability in the face of
    unexpected delays. Also, taking on
    an agile approach could also be beneficial, as it allows for teams to work in sprints, be more productive and help to finish what ever they’ve started rather than working on too many things at a time for a longer period.

    Chiamaka ILo
    Cohort 8 . Team 5

  1070. I would blend both linear and iterative methods. Combining the linear project method with a properly align work breakdown structure (WBS).
    The iterative project method would eliminate time wastage and allow working in sprints.

    This I believe would be effective in the MTD.

  1071. One of the challenges they face is tight time frames (volatile) and unexpected delays (uncertainty). At such, using an iterative approach could help address this issue by breaking the project down into smaller, more manageable tasks-sprints. This would allow for more flexibility and adaptability in the face of unexpected delays. Taking on an agile approach could also be beneficial, as it allows for teams to work in sprints, be productive and help to finish what’s started rather than working on too many things for a longer time.

    ~Merry Okara (Cohort 8, Team 2)

  1072. As the project manager for MTD, I have learned that one of the biggest challenges they face is tight timeframes and unexpected delays. With such a short time to set up an event, it can be difficult to ensure that everything is in place on time. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project could help address this issue by breaking the project down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This would allow for more flexibility and adaptability in the face of unexpected delays.

    An agile approach to setting up an event could also be beneficial, as it allows for rapid adaptation to changing circumstances.

    Victoria Osareme Ayisi
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1073. Sequel to the lessons learned during the week, if requested to apply my knowledge as a project manager to MTD projects, I will integrate both linear and iterative approaches to enable a functional system that is flexible and adaptable to their project lifecycles. Hence, I will be able to promptly respond to varied project situation to achieve the goals faster in a difficult situation while involving all the stakeholders in the complex environment.
    In employing an iterative approach to MTD, I would be able achieve speed, respond rapidly to the unpredictable changes in project circumstances. Introducing iterative approach will help to balance the VUCA situation being faced by the project while agile team work will be applied to achieve the organizational scope within a reasonable time within the project effective cost.

  1074. This week, I learned about the benefits of an iterative approach and an agile approach in project management.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project allows for continuous improvement and feedback.
    By breaking down the project into smaller phases, it becomes easier to identify and address any challenges or issues that may arise.
    This approach also allows for flexibility and adaptability as issues can be resolved and changes can be made as the project progresses.
    However, it is important to ensure clear communication and collaboration among team members to ensure smooth execution.

    On the other hand, an agile approach focuses on delivering value to the customer through incremental and iterative steps.
    It prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and responsiveness to change
    as a Project Manager for MTD I will employ both the iterative approach and an agile approach in their project management and also the VUCA approach for efficient and speedy project delivery

  1075. My advice will be for MTD to adopt a combination of Linear and Iterative project management since uncertainty can arise at each stage in the project. Adopting this approach will help the project team to be more pragmatic leading to regular and frequent output delivery.
    Setting up an event with iterative approach has the following advantages:
    1. the project team is able to deliver the outputs regularly and frequently, rather than all at once at the end of the stage or project.
    2.it allows organisations to benefit from user and stakeholder feedback, and to get early return on investment, while retaining the ability to adapt and change course as the business environment changes.
    3. it helps the project team to focus only on the highest-priority requirements.
    Agile approach has the benefit of risk mitigation. Risks are discovered as the project goes and actions are taken
    Do not rely on one approach adopting a combined approaches leads to effective project delivery .

  1076. The best way is the combination of both iterative and linear approach; having defined goals and constantly asking for users’ opinions for great improvements because an event is a user9customer)-based project

  1077. Some of my learnings which I would apply to MTD projects as a project manager is to integrate a linear and iterative approaches to create a flexible and adaptable project lifecycles suited to any given context. This would help to test ideas and learnings, accelerate delivery on project outputs, improve stakeholders’ involvement, increase visibility and transparency, provide assurance of project progress to sponsors and stakeholders, and increase accountability of project teams.

    In employing an iterative approach to setting up an event, MTD would be able respond rapidly to unpredictable and rapid changes in project circumstances given the nature of the complex environment of project. By introducing iterative timeboxes into their project framework, agile teams will be able to work quickly in short mini-projects thereby limiting the amount of task being done at any given time, focusing on the highest-priority requirements to produce desired outputs within available time.

  1078. Question:
    Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance?
    The best possible way to about the MTD projects is by combining both the iterative and linear project management approach as it allows the team achieve their goals faster and at the same time carry the stakeholder along, thereby creating a flexible and adaptable project.

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences?
    – By using the iteratie approach, speed is achieved.
    -In carrying out a project, uncertainty is the only dynamic thing,hence the iterative approach gives balance in a situation where things that were not planned for happens.
    -It carry the users along by getting their feedback and working on ways to improve which brings about growth in business.

    What are the implications of adopting an agile approach?
    It is fast and flexible, often applied in environment surrounded by VUCA.

  1079. As the project manager with MTD, I know the relevance of adaptability in the event industry. Taking an iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and responsiveness to client needs. An agile approach enhances collaboration and customer-centricity. My advice to MTD would be to embrace a hybrid of both methodologies, invest in project management tools and foster a culture of continuous learning for success in the dynamic events industry.

  1080. Project manager need to be very assertive and analytical, with this qualities he will be able to understand and know the ideal time to engage each stakeholder involved in a particular project.

  1081. As a project manager, uncertainties are certain but the ability to be versatile makes you all the more professional. Adopting both methods can be essential to making the work easier and so the VUCA method plays an important role as it helps gather information from the team.

  1082. Learning about the VUCA framework and combining both linear and iterative lifecycles to projects and not relying on one has been one of the best lessons I’ve learnt this week.

    1. And as MTD being an events company, the versatility of both framework would help us achieve so much and offer so much help in achieving a successful event.

      If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project some of the consequences would be that expert attention would be needed which would require more funds. Similarly, the implications of adopting an agile approach would be that a few aspects of the project would be focused on per time neglecting others so if the company sought my advice, I would recommend an hybrid approach to managing their projects juggling between linear and iterative.

  1083. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance?
    Response: I have learnt that there is no one size fits all in project management. Each project must be studied very well and its features should give an idea of the approach required for the project, However, in the complex world, its is often found out that the two approach might be necessary in a hybrid form to tackle projects.

    What would be the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?
    Response: The implication of iterative approach is that at every steps, feedbacks are generated from the users and used to improve the quality of the product, hence the risk of failure is minimal.

    What are the implications of an agile approach?
    Response: It is an approach that is fast and flexible often applied in unstable environment characterized by volatility, uncertainties, complexity and ambiguity. It offers room for changes to accommodate unstable environment.

    If you were asked to advise the company, what would your advice be?
    Response: I will advice the company to adopt the hybrid approach in the project which combines the linear and iterative approach to implementing the project

  1084. As a Project Manager of MTD, it is crucial to have a plan as this will be the start of the project. The Project Team is to respond properly to any challenge faced or encountered (VUCA). The understanding of the appropriate approach to use for a particular project is essential, the Project Team should decide whether to implement the Linear or Iterative project approach

  1085. As a Project Manager of MTD, we will adopt the Iterative Project lifecycle approach when the designs are approved because of the possibility of changes in environment.also it is pertinent to understand the environment and the kind of approach that will help you succeed in the project.adjust when necessary

  1086. As a project manager of MTD, it is very important understand the dynamic of the project, communicated the stages and process that will be involved to the relevant stakeholder of the project while update is meant to be provided intermittently to keep them abreast and brainstorm together if plan, method and process changes if need be.

  1087. As the project manager working with MTD, I’ve learned the importance of adaptability in the event industry. Taking an iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and responsiveness to client needs. An agile approach enhances collaboration and customer-centricity. My advice to MTD would be to embrace a hybrid of both methodologies, invest in project management tools, and foster a culture of continuous learning for success in the dynamic events industry.

  1088. As a Project Manager of MTD, we will adopt the Iterative Project lifecycle approach when the designs are approved because of the possibility of changes in environment.

  1089. As a PM working with MTD , I will first identify the problem, then use the VUCA framework tools in developing suitable response to the issue and challenges and also apply iterative and agile approaches to solve the during the implementation of the Project.

  1090. As a PM working with MTD, I will identify the problem, then use the VUCA framework tools in developing suitable response to the issues and challenges of the event project and apply the iterative and agile approaches to tackle problems faced along the line of implementation.

  1091. As a project manager that has an event to work on, I would start my mapping out plans that will suitable for the events by listing the positive and negative outcomes then draw a conclusion from the both options. I’d like to use any of the approaches that will help achieve a positive result, it could be linear or iterative approaches.

  1092. As a PM working with MTD, all i will do is to identify the problem, then use the VUCA framework tools in developing suitable response to the issues and challenges of the event project and also apply the iterative and agile approaches to tackle problems faced along the line of implementation.

    1. As Project Manager collaborating with MTD water project…
      The goal and objectives of MTD is recognised and made clear
      Hence in each water project, challenges may occur which is embedded in the VUCA framework.
      Hence it is important to make use of either iteration or agile response

  1093. As a Project Manager who understands both approaches will apply the iterative and linear approach for a successful project, this would be done after after understanding the objectives of the project to be carried out.

  1094. Comfort k. Hussaini
    As a project manager oF MTD an event coampany.Thinking of the challenges and issues MTD face in their projects such as:The world is experiencing rapid and unpredictable change. Just think about the change being driven by new technology, globalisation of trade and competition, social and political upheaval, and the environmental crisis.However how MTD understands and responds to this complexity will affect the projects it chooses to deliver and how it manages them.

    The VUCA framework is a tool that helps us to build an awareness of the organisation’s situation and develop suitable responses to the challenges that we face in the external, or macro environment. VUCA stands for:
    Volatility occurs when change, for example in commodity prices, is so fast or unpredictable it becomes impossible to make predictions. This is despite having up-to-date information about commodity prices, and understanding the system that commodities are traded in. The response to volatility is agility, or the ability to perceive quickly and respond to changes in the macro environment.

    Uncertainty comes if we do not know what the impact of an event will be. For example, a multinational organisation with operations in a country going through political turmoil or regime change cannot know all of the possible implications for its business and staff in that country. Responding to uncertainty therefore means gathering and analysing all available information, and filling any gaps in our knowledge, to inform our response actions.

    Complexity is the challenge of making sense of a situation that involves many interconnected parts, processes and players. It requires considerable expert analysis and judgement. There is likely to be multiple viable responses rather than a single solution.

    Ambiguity occurs where there is no relation between cause and effect, except in hindsight: without any reliable precedents, prediction becomes guesswork. Planning is of little use because we can only move forward through probing and experimentation.
    volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous

    the first task is to orient myself: is this a simple, complicated or complex challenge? Unless I orient myself, my risk responding to the challenge will be inappropriately:It is important that projects have a controlled start, middle and end
    The lifecycle is a management tool that determines how resources are allocated and the activity of the project team
    A typical linear project lifecycle may look like this:

    Concept: The development of an idea (is there a need for this project?) and an assessment of its viability (can we do it?).
    Definition: A detailed description of the project, and its plans and requirements, including a full justification of the work.
    Deployment: The implementation of the project plans, and testing the project work to ensure that it will deliver the intended outputs, outcomes and benefits.
    Transition: The handover of the project outputs to the project sponsor and users, and the closure of the project.
    The linear approach is an efficient way to deliver projects in stable environments, when you:

    have good information about the required outputs
    can be sure you understand what users and stakeholders need and want
    have expertise in the domain.
    Some businesses employ variations of the linear project lifecycles for their everyday work..

    iterative projects do not begin with detailed specifications, project plans and schedules; they may start with just an idea, hypothesis or vision.

    Iterative projects usually use ‘timeboxes’ or ‘sprints’.
    This means that a single iteration involves specifying, designing, coding and testing all at once. In a linear project, specifying, designing, coding and testing would be done one after the other over a longer period of time; in an iterative project they are done all at once in a shorter period of time – usually two to four weeks. the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project it delivers results on time.It does not take into effect the cost of outcome of the event.

    the implications of an agile approach?
    Its aim at creating better ways of managing both software &non software projects that frequently exceedes their costs and schedules, as well as failed to satisfy users’ needs.

    If I was asked to advise the company, my advice would be: I would advice MTD
    Even company to adopt the agile such as schum framework because in a VUCA world agile still make things happen. when circumstances change rapidly and unpredictably. One response to volatility is agility, or the capacity to act at least as fast as the rate of change in the environment.Agile teams are able to respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations, or sprints, and by limiting the amount of work in progress. By limiting the number of tasks being worked on at any given time, not only are agile teams more productive – they finish what they start rather than working on many things for longer – they are able to re-prioritise and change direction quickly.

    Also when we cannot predict the consequences of developments or change in the environment. The response to uncertainty is information and expert analysis. Agile teams are able to respond to uncertainty through continuous, dynamic planning. It is sometimes said that agile projects do not involve planning; this is mistaken. Iterations or sprints are mini-projects of two to four weeks’ duration, and each one has a goal, a plan and a backlog or list of priority tasks. Tasks are prioritised based on their value (to the user and to the business), but also information and level of confidence that these tasks are the right tasks to do now and they are ready to be done now
    In conclusion : agile framework offers:
    .speedy outcomes
    .Task priority
    .efficient ultilisation of resources
    .dynamic planning
    .expert analysis
    .team work
    . Problem solving
    . Efficient time management
    .project completion
    .Result driven
    Therefore : a bit of vuca+ iteration + agile will give a dynamic result when combined in a future project.

  1095. As a PM In MTD, we are all aware if the lifecycle of iterative been not begin with any detailed specification, no project plan and schedule but all is needed is idea, hypothesis or vision. In an event where as a PM all you have is idea about the event but don’t know how it will end but iterative will drive you to be able to rest the knowledge of taking the event to the right track. Also not in the case of Iterative where challenges occure either change in project plan, agile is the best respond through immediate continuous and dynamic planning and help to manager any product that tends to exceed their cost.

  1096. As the project manager, I will ensure that there’s effective communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients. Then, I”ll try to Identify the problem in time to contain further problems.

    If I were asked to advise MTD on its project management approach, I would suggest merging iterative and agile methodologies.
    Using a hybrid approach combining iterative and agile methodologies can enhance their projects.

    1. As a MTD PM, My most suitable approach will be First, identify the problem and challenges, and then apply the VUCA framework tools so as to come up with a suitable response to the problems already identified.
      I will like to advice company the following:
      Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.
      Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.
      Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Place a major standard on meeting customer needs and incorporate their feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure a successful and satisfying event experience in other to achieve the positive results.

      1. As a project manager I have learnt that the knowledge of vuca is very important
        One needs to apply iterative approach and also agile approach is needed too to resolve issues as soon as possible to reduce risks and also to maintain quality

  1097. As a project manager working with MTD, first I would identify the problem, then take decision in solving the problem then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the challenges of the given project.

  1098. As a project manager working with MTD, firstly, I would try to identify the problem and then I will use the VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project and and apply the iterative and agile approaches during any problems faced along the line of implementation.

  1099. I will need to have an understanding on the project to enable me handle the hurdles and challenges it comes with it and knowing at each point what clients really wants.

  1100. identify the problem. this would allow me take the next major step or decision in solving the problem.
    Then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the issues and Challenges of the given project.

  1101. As a project manager working with MTD, I would engage by firstly trying to identify the problem. this would allow me take the next major step or decision in solving the problem.
    Then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the issues and Challenges of the given project.
    I would try to incorporate both the Linear and Iterative approaches to get a better result in the project

    1. As a project manager working with MTD, firstly I’ll create measures as to what ways the problems can be rectified.
      Understanding and responding to complexities

  1102. As a PM working in MTD which is service oriented kind of project, combining both the linear and iterative approach is vital because apart from knowing the step step reading of the project whichbhas to do with concept, definition, deployment and transition, PM must have detail knowledge of the viableness of his service to the macro environment through feedback from both the stakeholder and the customers. Iterative approach which focuses mainly on the finished work makes the whole processes of the work faster

  1103. As a PM with MTD I will use both linear and iterative approaches for the success of the project. And open communication with the project team and stakeholders is vital, this will bring about rapid decision making when there are challenges or changes. Feedback from stakeholders, sponsors and users should be taken seriously for rating of success and how far the project has gone.

  1104. Understanding the different approaches to project execution means knowing how to figure out when to use either of the approach during the course of the project lifetime. Also, knowing the VUCA framework is very important to foresee the challenges that may come up during the project time.

    1. As a Project Manager who understands both approaches will apply the iterative and linear approach for a successful project, this would be done after after understanding the objectives of the project to be carried out.
      In order to deal with issues that may arise during the project, the VUCA approached would be applied .

  1105. As far as the MTD project is about servicing people in various environments, the agile project management methodology would be adviced. This is because reguar customer engagement will be required which might inturn result in regular changes.
    *Clear Scope Definition
    *Communication and Collaboration
    *Risk management
    *Resource Allocation
    *Stakeholders Engagement
    *Quality Assurance
    All above listed activities will be required therefore an hybrid of Agile waterfall/linear will be more favourable to this project.

  1106. As a project manager for MTD, my primary focus is to meticulously study the goals of the project and evaluate them using the VUCA approach. VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, and by applying this method, I can better understand the challenges and potential obstacles that may arise throughout the project’s lifecycle.

    Furthermore, I intend to adopt an Iterative approach to managing the project. In this approach, each mini-project within the larger endeavor will have a specific goal and a predefined timeline. By breaking down the project into manageable mini-projects, we can address specific objectives more efficiently and flexibly.

    Throughout the process, I will closely monitor the progress of various stakeholders, such as water tankers, plumbers, and engineers, during the contract stages. This will help ensure that their responsibilities align with the project’s overall objectives and that any issues are promptly identified and resolved.

    Moreover, for event-related projects, I will work closely with event owners to meticulously plan and coordinate the stages of the events. Continuous feedback loops will be established to gather insights from all involved parties and make necessary adjustments to ensure the events’ success.

    Above all, my commitment is to ensure that each mini-project’s goals are achieved right from the start. Through effective project management, communication, and collaboration, I aim to deliver successful outcomes for the organization and its stakeholders.

  1107. As a PM to the MTD, first study the goals and evauate using the VUCA approach. Using the Iterative approach, each mini-project has a goal and a timeline. I will analyse this approach using the VUCA system. Ensuring that each goal is met. For example, the contract stages but with the stakeholders(water tankers, plumbers and engineers are monitored), the event owners, the stages of the events are well planned and feedback ensured. I will ensure that the goals of each mini-project from the start are achieved.

  1108. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project and adopting an agile approach can both have significant implications for the event’s success and overall project management. Let’s examine each approach and its implications:

    1. Iterative Approach:
    The iterative approach involves breaking down the project into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration focuses on completing specific tasks or goals and allows for adjustments and improvements based on feedback from each phase. Here are the implications of this approach for setting up an event:

    a. Flexibility: An iterative approach allows for flexibility in adapting to changes and incorporating new requirements throughout the project.

    b. Continuous Improvement: Each iteration provides an opportunity to learn from previous phases, leading to continuous improvement in event planning and execution.

    c. Feedback-Driven: Regular feedback from stakeholders and participants can be incorporated into subsequent iterations, making the event more aligned with the expectations of all involved.

    d. Reduced Risk: By addressing potential issues early on and making adjustments, the risk of major problems during the event itself is minimized.

    e. Resource Allocation: Resources can be allocated more efficiently as the focus is on completing one phase at a time, allowing better resource planning.

    2. Agile Approach:
    Agile is a specific type of iterative approach that emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and customer-centricity. It involves breaking down the project into short development cycles known as “sprints.” The implications of adopting an agile approach for event planning are as follows:

    a. Cross-Functional Teams: An agile approach encourages cross-functional collaboration, allowing experts from different areas to work together effectively, such as event planners, marketers, and designers.

    b. Customer-Centric: Agile focuses on delivering value to the customer (in this case, event attendees) by incorporating their feedback and priorities throughout the process.

    c. Quick Responses to Change: Agile methodologies allow for rapid adjustments to changing circumstances, ensuring the event remains relevant and successful.

    d. Continuous Delivery: Incremental progress in each sprint enables the team to deliver usable components of the event early and often, instead of waiting until the entire project is complete.

    e. Transparency: Agile practices often promote transparency, enabling stakeholders to have clear visibility into the project’s progress.

    If asked to advise the company on event planning, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to setting up the event. The agile methodology’s emphasis on customer-centricity, continuous improvement, and quick adaptability aligns well with the dynamic nature of event planning. By breaking down the event project into smaller sprints and involving cross-functional teams, the company can deliver a more successful and impactful event.

    However, it’s essential to consider the company’s existing culture, resources, and stakeholders’ familiarity with agile principles before fully committing to this approach. Agile may require a mindset shift and appropriate training for the team to implement it effectively. An iterative approach can also be considered if the company is not yet ready for a full-fledged agile transformation, as it still provides many benefits over traditional linear project management methods. Ultimately, the choice between the two approaches should be based on the specific needs and context of the company and the event being planned.

  1109. An event can be envisage as a project since it’s temporal and produces unique results.
    The iterative approach can be applicable since it’s highly unpredictable in terms of attendee behaviour, weather on the day of event, changes or failure deliveries etc.

    The iterative approach will help MTD constantly revise its projects and provide viable solutions during the project implementation. Customer feedback will also impact the project and improve business relations.

    Communication, flexibility and risk evaluation are key factors to be considered.

    Therefore, constant elaboration and reviews leads to results.
    Furthermore, it can be done is sprints. The decorations, cooking, request for supplies, sending invitation, venue arrangement are the smaller sprints that can run independently and reviews can be effected before the day of event.

  1110. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I have gained several insights this week that could offer assistance in addressing the difficulties and problems encountered in their projects. Below are some bulletpoints:
    *Clear Scope Definition
    *Communication and Collaboration
    *Risk management
    *Resource Allocation
    *Stakeholders Engagement
    *Quality Assurance

    In an iterative approach, the event planning and organizing process would be broken down into smaller, manageable iterations or phases. Each iteration would involve planning, execution, and evaluation of a specific aspect of the event, and the insights gained from each iteration would inform the subsequent ones.

    Consequences of an iterative approach for event organization would be:
    Incremental Progress
    Continuous Improvement
    Increased Collaboration
    Risk Mitigation

    Implications of Adopting an Agile Approach:
    Regular Deliverables
    Adaptive Planning
    Embracing Change
    Empowered Teams
    Iterative Refinement

    The success of an approach, be it iterative or agile, relies on effective project management, clear communication, and collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the event organization process.

    If a company sought my advice was on which approach to adopt for organizing an event, I would recommend taking an Agile approach. The reason is that the agile methodology aligns well with dynamic event planning, where the needs and preferences of attendees might evolve over time. By embracing an agile approach, the company can be more responsive to attendee feedback, incorporate changes more effectively, and deliver a customer-centric event

    1. As a Project Manager working for MTD, these are what I had learnt that could be of help for the project
      1. Effective communication and time concious
      2. Collaboration
      3. Scope and strategies defined
      4. Planning
      5. Risk management
      Iterative is unpredictable and also the scope is not define at the beginning so it will be difficult to embark on it , I will advice the company to go for Agile instead, it’s give rooms for you to know how the project is progressing and easily identify any risk on it

  1111. Not all projects are the same, while some may adopt the Linear approach from the beginning to the end, some may require a mixture of both the Linear and Iterative life cycles. Therefore the first thing to do is to study the project in order to know the best approach to use. then implement the use of VUCA framework and hybrid approach to develop suitable responses for the challenges of the project.

  1112. As a PM of MTD, I will first study the goal of the project because this will inform my decision on the best approach .After which I will be flexible and adaptable to employ Vuca framework tool as well as the hybrid approach in other to reduce any challenges or project risk that may occur.

    Umoren Gift Jimmy
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1113. As the Project Manager of MTD Company, I will study the Project purpose and come up with the suitable approach that will benefit the company to achieve its aims and objective. I will analyze the project with all the available procedure either Linear, Iterative or Agile so as to guide against any unforeseen change or review with the plan and come up with the suitable one to achieve the purpose of the project.

  1114. As a PM of MTD, I will first study the goal of the project because this will inform my decision on the best approach to employ.
    After which I will employ Vuca framework as well as the hybrid approach in other to reduce any project risk that may occur.

    Umoren Gift Jimmy
    Cohort 8
    Team 10

  1115. As a PM with MTD first I will evaluate the purpose/goal of the project because this will help me come up with a suitable approach to employ.
    I will have to communicate with my team to know the best approach to take from linear and iterative or agile making plans for unforseen changes that will come up as the project progress making room for vuca framework and the hybrid approach in case of any project risk that may occur.

  1116. As a PM, I will consider adopting both the linear and iterative for better outcomes. Both can be used in combination or in isolation depending on what is needed per time.

    Temitope Ayodele

      1. PM of MTD, I will first study the goal of the project because this will inform my decision on the best approach to employ.
        After which I will employ Vuca framework as well as the hybrid approach in other to reduce any project risk that may occur.

  1117. I’ve discovered that MTD, an events company, can profit from employing a flexible and adaptive strategy in their projects. They can improve their event settings and adapt to changing requirements by dividing them up into brief cycles and collecting feedback. They will be better prepared to deal with unforeseen circumstances if they embrace agile concepts that enable quick responses to changes. Iterative and agile methodologies should be combined, in my opinion, to help MTD deliver excellent events that live up to client expectations while proactively managing issues.

  1118. The VUCA framework tools is an insight I will bring in a project manager working with MTD.

    The implications of using the agile method means the project plan will be more flexible and adaptable, projects risks will be reduced and changes can be implemented.

    I will advice them to use the best approach (MTD code of conduct) , but remain flexible and quick to respond to changes that will occur as is in the case of most MTD projects.

    1. I need to gain full knowledge of my environment as a project management so as to know what approach to apply (linear or iterative). And also know the challenges related to these approaches in order to carry out a project properly.

  1119. With what we have learned thus far about MTD and the projects they handle difficult/unforeseen issues occur at intervals. If I was to advise MTD, I would adopt a hybrid approach to the projects keeping in mind the tripartite priorities of time, cost, and quality.

    At the initial phase the project would be handled with a linear approach. Here we gather as much information as possible, get clarifications on specifics and budget, as well as time frame. I would handle the deployment phase as iterations; here I would break up my project team into specialized sub teams to focus on the different technicalities specified by the client.

    The consequences of this approach would be mostly positive, as the teams will be nibble enough to deal with any uncertainty that springs up real time without distorting the time frames, ensuring quality is maintained, and mitigating against costly risks. Overall the teams are more productive and the project scope sustained devoid of creepers. It is the more pragmatic approach.

    Okwulu Paul
    Cohort 8, Team 3

  1120. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project involves breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each iteration focuses on specific aspects of the event, and after each iteration, there is a review and adjustment phase before moving on to the next iteration. On the other hand, an agile approach would involve applying agile principles and practices throughout the event planning process, with a strong emphasis on adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

    Implications of an Iterative Approach:

    Focused Planning: By dividing the event planning into iterations, the team can concentrate on a limited set of tasks at a time, which allows for a more focused and detailed planning process.

    Early Feedback: Each iteration produces tangible results or prototypes that can be presented to stakeholders, allowing for early feedback and adjustments. This reduces the risk of significant changes being required later in the process.

    Risk Mitigation: Identifying and addressing potential issues and risks becomes more manageable in each iteration, leading to better risk management throughout the event setup.

    Progress Monitoring: It becomes easier to track progress at different stages of the event setup since the team can measure accomplishments after each iteration.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:

    Flexibility and Adaptability: An agile approach promotes flexibility, allowing the event planning team to respond quickly to changes in requirements, stakeholder feedback, or external factors that might impact the event.

    Regular Communication: Agile practices encourage frequent communication among team members and stakeholders, ensuring everyone remains informed and aligned throughout the planning process.

    Continuous Improvement: The team focuses on learning from each iteration to improve the planning process, event quality, and overall efficiency.

    Increased Collaboration: An agile approach fosters a collaborative environment, promoting cooperation between team members, suppliers, and stakeholders, leading to a more successful event.

    Advice for the Company:

    If I were to advise the company on setting up an event as a project, I would recommend adopting an Agile iterative approach. Here’s why:

    Adaptability to Changing Conditions: Events often involve numerous variables and may be influenced by factors beyond our control. An Agile iterative approach enables the team to adjust plans and responses promptly when faced with changes, ensuring a more successful event outcome.

    Early Stakeholder Involvement: Engaging stakeholders early and frequently in the iterative planning process allows their input to shape the event, resulting in higher satisfaction and better meeting their expectations.

    Continuous Learning and Improvement: Agile promotes continuous learning, which can lead to better event planning and execution in subsequent iterations and future events.

    Risk Mitigation: By addressing risks and potential issues iteratively, the company can minimize the impact of unforeseen challenges and ensure a smoother event execution.

    Increased Efficiency: Breaking down the planning into iterations can enhance efficiency, as the team can concentrate on a limited scope of tasks and make more focused progress.

    Collaborative Culture: Adopting an Agile approach nurtures a collaborative culture, encouraging teamwork and shared responsibility, which are vital for successful event planning.

    By embracing an Agile iterative approach, the company can effectively navigate the complexities of event planning in a VUCA environment and increase the likelihood of hosting successful and memorable events.

  1121. Ekwuribe Uzochukwu
    Team 4

    I will first study the purpose/goal of the project because this will inform my decision on the best approach to employ.
    Haven done that, I will employ vuca framework as well as the hybrid approach in other to reduce any project risk that may occur.

  1122. I think the implications of using iterative method is because budgeting or estimating cost can’t be properly done.since it focus on completed works.. there is no reference for others to learn .. also implications of using agile approach is same as iteration because it uses iteration method. My advice for the company is to use the hybrid method because it will blend both agile and water cycle methods to produce a great project

  1123. I will apply both Linear and iterative as a PM.
    Linear will be used if all parameters and conditions are stable.
    Iterative comes into play when nothing is stable.

  1124. As a PM with MTD, I will first study the purpose of the project because this will inform my decision on the best approach to employ.
    Having done that, I will rightly employ the hybrid approach in other to reduce any project risk that may occur.
    The VUCA framework will also be employed to develop suited responses to tackle any issues that may arise.

  1125. As PM of MTD I will use iterative approach to solve challenges that MTD is faced with. Iterative approach works in complex situations

  1126. Being the Project Manager of MTD Company, I will go through the Project purpose and come up with the suitable approach that will benefit the company to achieve its aims and objective. I will analyze the project with all the available procedure either Linear, Iterative or Agile so as to guide against any unforeseen change or review with the plan and come up with the suitable one to achieve the purpose of the project.

  1127. As the project supervisor for MTD, I’ll carefully evaluate the project and adopt the best practices from both linear and iterative approaches that fit how we want to work towards achieving the project’s objectives. In this case, I’d have mapped out an ability to communicate with my team to know the best form of approach to take, making me more than just a boss but a leader who seeks out others’ opinions for proper project establishment.
    Understanding this will enable my team and I to significantly reduce the danger of the project failing. With a team-like attitude, decision-making is simple.

  1128. As a project manager for MTD, I will carefully study the project and adopt the best practices from both the linear and iterative approaches that suits how we want to work to achieve the project objectives, in this case I would have mapped out a communication skill with my team to know the best form of approach to take thereby making me not just a boss but a leader who seek the opinion of others for proper project establishment.
    Understanding this, will help me and my team mitigate huge risk of pulling down the project, with a team like spirit decision making becomes easy.

  1129. As the PM of MTD, I will use the iterative approach because it’s an event planning company.
    Using the iterative project lifecycle will give more attention to the project sponsor and user for more highlight and understanding on what is needed and wanted. Even in a VUCA environment, the iterative approach will work better in this scenario.

  1130. As a PM, I will apply both Linear and iterative plan depending on the stability of the environment and economy.
    Linear will be used if all parameters and conditions are stable.
    Iterative comes into play when nothing is stable.

  1131. As a PM of MTD, I will not use one method but will apply both the linear and Iterative approach.

    I will start with the linear approach and as the project progresses, the iterative two weeks spin will be implemented.

  1132. As the program manager, if I encounter a similar project as the MTD, I will use the two approaches for flexibility. I will divide the project into stages, linear approach will be used for the stable phase while the iterate approach will be used for the unstable phase.

  1133. Using an Iterative approach as a project manager is very important because using this approach will enable the teams of the project to properly concentrate on each stage of the project and make it to be more attractive, it will enable the team to create something valuable that will be accepted by all. And also the project will be done on time because more than one process is been carried out at a time.

  1134. I will recommend a Hybrid Approach to the project as it gives project teams the opportunity to get creative and achieve more in short periods of time with flexibility and a level of accountability to the PM and using VUCA to ensure effectiveness of efficiency in Complexities within the project.

  1135. As the project manager for MTD, I am committed to ensuring that our events are successful. I am aware of the challenges that we face, such as time constraints and scope creep. However, I am confident that we can overcome these challenges by following a few key principles.

    First, it is important to have a well-defined project plan. This plan should include the project’s goals, scope, timeline, budget, and risks. By having a clear understanding of the project, we can better manage our resources and ensure that we stay on track.

    Regarding an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project:

    Implications of an Iterative Approach:
    An iterative approach involves breaking down the event planning process into smaller phases or iterations. Each iteration builds upon the previous one, incorporating feedback and adjustments along the way. The implications of this approach are:

    1. Continuous Improvement: Each iteration allows for refinements and improvements, leading to a better final event setup.
    2. Adaptability: The team can adapt to changing client needs and emerging requirements during the project.
    3. Risk Reduction: Identifying and addressing potential issues early in the process can minimize risks and uncertainties.
    4. Client Collaboration: Regular client feedback ensures their evolving expectations are met throughout the planning process.

    On the other hand, an Agile approach in event project management follows the Agile principles used in software development but applied to event planning:

    Implications of an Agile Approach:

    1. Flexibility: Agile allows for quick adjustments to plans and priorities based on changing circumstances.
    2. Incremental Delivery: Events can be organized in smaller chunks, leading to quicker delivery of value.
    3. Customer-Centric: Client feedback and collaboration are integral to the process, ensuring customer satisfaction.
    4. Team Empowerment: The Agile approach empowers team members to make decisions, fostering creativity and innovation.

    Advice for MTD:
    Given the dynamic nature of event projects and the need for adaptability, I would advise MTD to adopt an Agile-like iterative approach. This approach allows them to:

    a. Engage clients closely throughout the process, gathering feedback and adjusting plans accordingly.
    b. Focus on incremental progress, delivering specific components of the event one at a time.
    c. Encourage collaboration, creativity, and innovation within the project team.
    d. Continuously improve their event planning processes based on lessons learned from each iteration.

    By implementing this approach, MTD can enhance client satisfaction, optimize project outcomes, and effectively manage the challenges that come with event projects.

  1136. As the project manager at MTD, I would take the iterative approach. This approach would help the company become more responsive to changes in the event environment and take advantage of new opportunities that may arise. I would also apply the VUCA framework tools to address any challenges the project would possibly face. It is also important to note that an agile approach brings about collaboration and communication in the team which will eventually lead to excellent results and quality work done.

  1137. The combination of both approaches to create flexible and adaptive project lifecycle would be needed in this project considering how complex and ambiguous planning an event can be. So for effective planning, the project manager need to be communicative and also deliver to the project team
    its output regularly and frequently.

  1138. I would recommend combining the strengths of both linear and agile methodologies, making it well-suited for MTD in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment. This approach promotes adaptability, customer-centricity, risk management, continuous improvement, stakeholder engagement, and utilization of innovative solutions, enabling MTD to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of the project successfully

  1139. I’m Array Ntia.

    As a Project Manager working with MTD, I will ensure that there is an established channel of communication with the relevant stakeholders and that the information is tailored to each stakeholder in a clear and comprehensive tone. Besides, communication will be frequent to update the stakeholders to inform decisions about the project plan. Conduct one on one, where possible, with team members to ensure they understand, and are adhering to the project set out objectives.

    As the PM, I will clearly explain the complexity and ambiguity of the project if there are to the relevant stakeholders to be transparent as possible and individually interact with each stakeholder to create a sense of belonging and relevance to the project.

    In the execution of the project in question, it is well established that in such a project as MTD’s, the linear approach is always the initial process but there comes along the project lifecycle the need to implement the iterative approach due to the environmental factors or influence with regards to the complexity of the project

  1140. I would recommend combining the strengths of both linear and agile methodologies, making it well-suited for MTD in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment. This approach promotes adaptability, customer-centricity, risk management, continuous improvement, stakeholder engagement, and utilization of innovative solutions, enabling MTD to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of the project successfully.

  1141. Due to the ever-changing nature of business and project processes, combining a linear and iterative approach is the best way to proceed. The combination of approaches ensures the project is completed on time and within the budget, allowing for flexible and creative problem-solving. Additionally, it allows for mid-project adjustments to accommodate changes in the business environment, leading to more efficient and successful outcomes.

  1142. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would mean breaking down the event planning process into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be completed in iterations. Each iteration of the project would result in a functional part of the event plan, which can be tested and evaluated before proceeding to the next iteration. This approach could lead to a more finely-tuned event plan, with a higher chance of success due to the continuous testing and evaluation involved.

    An agile approach to event planning would go one step further, emphasizing collaboration and flexible, adaptable planning. With an agile approach, the event planning team would be encouraged to work together to develop a plan that can be modified and adapted as necessary, based on changing circumstances and feedback from stakeholders. This approach takes into account the fact that events can be unpredictable and that a rigid plan may not accommodate every eventuality.

    If I were asked to advise a company on event planning, my advice would be to take an agile approach. With this approach, the company can be more responsive to changes in the event landscape and can take advantage of new opportunities that arise. Additionally, an agile approach fosters collaboration and communication among team members, leading to a better overall event plan.

  1143. As a project Manager i will use the Iterative approach because of the following reasons

    1. the project will be done on time because more than one process is been carried out at a time.
    2. There will be constant feedback of the project from the event which will lead to better management improvement in the organization of the event.
    3. The iterative approach makes it possible for the project to be delivered within a short period of time because more than one task is been carried out at a time.
    4. the iterative project methods will enable the teams of the project to properly concentrate one each stage of the project and makes it to be more attractive.
    5. Iterative project enables the team to create something valuable that will be accepted by all.
    On the other hand if the project has a strict deadline, agile approach might not be the best as requirements need to be locked in early enough to allow for development, testing and proper handover.

    1. As a PM to MTD, I would adopt a Hybrid Approach (juggling between Linear and Iterative Approach ) so as to allow for corrections and adjustments which may arise in the life cycle of the project.

  1144. As a project manager in collaboration with MTD in managing their events, I will make use of the Hybrid which is a combination of both the linear and iterative approach this is because in a complex world a project manager cannot afford to prefer one project management method over another
    The Agile approach would be integrated, where complications (complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty and volatility) arise in the task.

  1145. If an iterative approach were employed in organising an event as a project, what would be the consequences?

    On the course of the event being organised,different unforeseen or unpredicted issues come up. The best response at the time would be to pause and analyse the better approach that would work at that time. If there are uncertainties sprouting up, we consider getting more information and expert analysis on how to get it right. Or if volatile, we would then consider the agility response. like what and what can be done within this short space of time in order to resolve it.

  1146. I would advice the MTD company to go with an hybrid approach, using a combination of both Linear and Iterative approach. This will help the project to progress with a well defined predetermined plan and also help combat any unforeseen changes that might come up during the project work

  1147. As a PM working with MTD, it is ideal to put into consideration, the Iterative approach simply because the Linear approach may not be adequate enough to combat the issue of VUCA.

    I will create a team who can employ the Linear approach once the process, cost and conditions of risk surrounding the project is ascertained. I will also use the Iterative approach so that when circumstances change rapidly and unpredictably response to VUCA can be deployed as fast as the rate of change in the environment. I will ensure I have Agile teams who will be able to respond quickly by working on short mini-project iterations, or sprints, and by limiting the amount of work in progress, limiting the number of tasks being worked on at any given time so that they can finish what they start rather than working on many things for longer – they are able to reprioritise and change direction quickly.

    1. Unachukwu Michelle is my name.

      As a PM at MTD here’s what I would do, I would observe and understand the whole situation, then map out pragmatic solutions to this.

      Which is, making use of both approach, the linear and the iterative, as a merger or collaboration.

      This would enable or make it feasible enough to tackle any complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty and volatility of the project.

  1148. As a PM for MTD i will get to know the method that they have been using previously then adjust to my own skill of flexibity with VUCA framework tools

  1149. I would advice the MTD company to go with an hybrid approach, using a combination of both Linear and Iterative approach. This will help the project to progress with a well defined predetermined plan and also help combat any unforeseen changes that might come up during the project work. It will also allow for consideration of the clients or users feedback.

  1150. As a project manager in MTD I consider the use in collaboration of both linear and iterative approach,from getting the details and testing of the ideas plus the flexibility of iteration.The VUCA frame work which it will the approach to achieve a desired result.
    To take of volatility and uncertainty agile approach is most suitable to encourage the team to be able to respond and move to a direction quickly.

  1151. As a project manager at MTD i will apply both linear and iterative approach, according to the project lifecycle video, the team were unable to deliver an expected output to the sponsor using linear approach, their inability to deliver does not necessarily mean their approach was totally wrong but it only means there is so much more to the project than the used approach, this is why the director suggested the iterative approach because it is open to changes, feedback and more, a good project manager should know how to combine both approaches to achieve favorable results

  1152. As a project manager working with the events company MTD this week, I would adopt the iterative approach since
    1.The scope may change
    2.I’d need to hear feedback from user

  1153. Being a project manager at MTD, I will prefer to adopt both frameworks. I will start with the linear framework and finish up with the agile approach to project management since adopting both will give room for flexible changes and corrections where need be.

    1. As a PM I must always have the VUCA method at my reach because that’s makes room for flexibility and ease the project. I will also adopt the linear and itinerary approaches to deliver a timely and excellent project.

  1154. As a project manager in collaboration with MTD in managing their events, I will use a comination of both the linear and iterative approach. The reason for using the two approaches is because Feedback from participants of the event maybe needed by the organizers of the event. And because the scope of the event is unlikely to change. Sponsors value the final outcome of the project than project plans. Accountability and transparency will increase using Iterative and linear approach. If the linear approach is used then there will be a problem of incomplete projects if the scope of event changes. If there are no skilled/experienced workers, the project will suffer immensely.
    Disadvantages if iterative approach is used will be the iterative approach encourages regular feedback and involvement from all stakeholders. Iterative approaches allow for continuous improvement and learning.

    COHORT 8
    TEAM 2

  1155. As a PM at mtd i will use more of the iterative approach than the linear
    With the iterative i can work in sprints and with interative the budget for a project is not certain.

  1156. As a Project Manager, there is need to be flexible, seek the contribution of both the sponsor and the clients as was applicable at MTD. There’s equally the need to be flexible and receptive to suggestions when It comes to implement a workable approach that will maximize an upsurgement of the project. As was applicable at MTD, the iterative approach was implemented which was a success. There are various challenges that may affect any perceived approach, but the solution is to be flexible and receptive to opinions and suggestions of other stakeholders

  1157. As a PM at MTD I must always have the VUCA method at my reach because that’s makes room for flexibility and ease the project. I will also adopt the linear and itinerary approaches to deliver a timely and excellent project.

  1158. As a project manager handling the MTD project, my advice to the company is to use a hybrid method where both iterative and agile approaches will be adopted. The tasks will be broken down into milestones(smaller manageable tasks) where tasks are completed within 2 – 4 weeks, the right approach for each milestone will be used and the tasks reviewed at the end of the 2 weeks to understand if the adopted method is meeting the overall needs of the project.

    Milestone A may be best to adopt an iterative approach while milestone B may be best to adopt an agile approach. The most important thing is that the project is completed within scope, budget, and timeline using the right resources.

  1159. As a project manager for MTD, I will study the project and adopt the best practices from both the linear and iterative approaches that suits how we want to work to achieve the project objectives.
    The consequences of iterative approaches is increased budget size.
    The implications of agile approach are:
    1. Risk mitigation, acting intuitively allows us to be aware of the risk and also monitoring them as we go and take actions on the as quickly as possible,
    2. workers collaboration, the team get to work together daily which in turn leads to information transparency and speed in making decisions.

  1160. As an advice to the MTD challenge, it will be good not to stick on only one method. The combination of the linear and iterative methods will be needful to have at the end a suitable lifecycle for MTD’s project.

  1161. As a PM at MTD,i will be flexible in my approaches used , bearing in mine that different event projects comes with different challenges and how the project will turn out will depend on the approach used.
    the iterative approach will help minimize risk, better management of resources , conflict that may from limited resources that may arise will be avoided.
    we live in a world where VUCA is a common seen , an agile approach will help accomodate the environment.
    i will advice them to be flexible and adopt approach works best giving the situations that surrounds the event project

  1162. As a project manager for MTD, I will both adopt the linear and iterative approach in the same project. I have learnt to know that the two approaches are not opposite of each other and when used well, it can complement each other. I will use the VUCA method to solve problems that will arise.

  1163. If i am the pm of MTDI will use both the linear and iterative approach.I would have ti integrate both for better perfomances and better workplace frame work.
    One of the advantages if applying both approaches is early detection of faults and challenges that can cause a delay in the project or in the development stage.

  1164. As a PM in MTD, I will be very flexible as to know what approach to take using the VUCA environment to decide if it would be Iterative, Linear or Hybrid.

    The iterative approach would reduce the risk of the project, enable feedback from users and stakeholders. Agile approach in the case of volatility is working on short mini project iterations, or sprints and limit amount of work in progress. In the case of uncertainty, they respond through continuous dynamic planning. Tasks are mostly prioritized based on their value.

  1165. As a project manager at MTD, having learnt that managing a project needn’t be a choice between either a linear or iterative approach, I will combine the two where necessary and that may mean switching from linear to iterative approach…. The environment we live in is not stable due to constant changes in Government policies, so when faced with uncertainty, a change of approach may be necessary to meet target….. Another challenge is that changes in approach may require extra funding and this may b a problem for my clients but if my clients are constantly briefed on the success of the project and also on the challenges that pose threats to completion and as such a client who is also interested in completion will cooperate with project mangers to achieve success….. So the hybrid approach is very key….. The agile method can come in to place at anytime we see the need to do so.

  1166. As a project manager working with the events company MTD this week, I have learned the following observations and suggestions regarding the MTD projects:

    1. Establishing open lines of communication and specifying clear project requirements can help avoid misconceptions and delays caused by miscommunication. Communication is 80% of the project.
    2. Flexibility & Adaptability: MTD was able to respond to changes, client requests, and unforeseen obstacles by adopting an iterative strategy, which raised the caliber of events and increased customer satisfaction.
    3. Streamlined Decision-Making: By incorporating important stakeholders in smaller, more manageable tasks, agile approaches enabled speedier and more effective decision-making.
    4. Project resilience was increased by the use of a strong risk management system that helped detect, evaluate, and reduce potential hazards.
    5. Continual Improvement: MTD stayed on front of the competition by promoting a culture of continual improvement through post-event reviews, client input, and innovation.

    I would advise MTD to effectively employ both the iterative and agile methodologies. To better comprehend stakeholder needs and event requirements, the iterative method should be ingrained during the earliest planning stage. Then they should move to an agile approach, which allows for speedy invention, client participation, and incremental delivery. MTD may achieve flexibility, efficient resource use, risk control, and timely delivery by integrating the two techniques, which will result in successful events and higher customer satisfaction. Post-event reviews and comments will continue to be used to enhance future event planning and project outcomes.

  1167. as a PM I would use the linear and iterative method (Hybrid), and then make sure I have adequate information and engage in open communication with my sponsors or stakeholders, just so as to always keep them up to date with every stage and occurrence of the project

  1168. In my role as the project manager at MTD, I’ve chosen to adopt a linear project management approach. By carefully considering the concept, definition, deployment, and transmission before commencing the job, I aim to ensure the successful delivery of an excellent project outcome.

  1169. After this week lesson, I’ve realized that no two projects are the same.
    Studying MTD I would advise the use of the hybrid approach, I’ll use both linear and Iterative approach.
    In such that we already have a plan which would make linear a good approach but might not allow for changes, while Iterative approach will allow us to prepare for changes in the macro environment, will also allow for feedback from sponsors and users, which will enable the team to effect changes and see visible achievement that have been made therefore encouraging both the project manager, team members and sponsors.
    I think hybrid approach will be the best approach to MTD projects.

  1170. As a Project Manager in MTD, first, with the knowledge that no two projects are the same, I will be very flexible as to know what approach to take using the VUCA environment to decide if it would be Iterative, Linear or Hybrid.

    The iterative approach would reduce the risk of the project, enable feedback from users and stakeholders.

    Agile approach in the case of volatility is working on short mini project iterations, or sprints and limit amount of work in progress. In the case of uncertainty, they respond through continuous dynamic planning. Tasks are mostly prioritized based on their value.

  1171. The MTD project has several facets and layers, and it involves numerous stakeholders. A thorough examination of the project as a whole would show that neither an iterative nor a linear method could be relied upon in isolation; rather, a hybrid approach would be needed.

    As the PM, the evaluation I would conduct would divide the project into several smaller projects, utilizing resources and taking the budget into consideration. The technique to use for each smaller project will then be decided after further evaluation of each smaller project. Naturally, the projects that will serve as the core of the overall effort will receive priority, while others that may function in parallel will be pushed to the side.

    Each mini-project’s progress would be calculated and incorporated into the overall report that shows the complete project’s development. This keeps everyone involved in the project informed at all crucial junctures.

    Regular reviews will be conducted to determine what has been overlooked, delayed, or is on course, and the proper steps will be done to prevent unpleasant circumstances.

  1172. As a project manager for MTD, I will use linear project management because I need to consider the concept, the definition, the deployment and transmission before I start the job. This can help me deliver a good job.

  1173. The method I would employ as a project manager for MTD is linear project management because before I will start, I need to consider the techniques which is the concept,the definition,the deployment and transmission in order to deliver a good job.
    While an iterative project management will not be a good idea at the beginning of the project is that you don’t need to test an idea before you carry out this type of project, your product is a selling point for other customers,so you have to plan, carry out all the necessary things before you embark on it but at the end iterative project management can be deployed to get your feedback and improve on your product.

  1174. As the project manager of MTD, I will need to have a in-depth knowledge on the project at hand, know the artisans involved, putting together the best team, then go into project initiation to project planning to project execution to monitoring and control to project closure.

    For the method of approach, I will go with hybrid ( involving both linear and iterative methods).
    I will first proceed with linear method, when complications arises I will integrate with iterative method.

    1. As a project manager in charge of MTD- event Company, I would first take time out to understand the company, then using the iterative approach, I will break down the event planning into smaller task or stages. I will also focus on a specific task per time and get feedback and evaluation before moving into another task, until the entire process or task is complete.
      The Agile approach would be integrated, where complications arise in the task. Improvement is made to any possible çhallenges in the task at the various stages.

      1. As a Project manager working for MTD, what I had learnt that could be of help are
        1. Effective communication and on Time communication
        2. Scope defined
        3. Planning and monitoring/ review
        4. Good standard
        5. Risk management
        The implications of taking the iterative approach arenumerously, firstly you will need to plan for changes because the scope and the planning are subject to change their by incur more finances on the project. For the agile, feedback

  1175. Taking an Iterative Approach to Setting Up an Event as a Project:
    An iterative approach to setting up an event as a project involves breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable tasks and completing them in multiple iterations or cycles. Each iteration focuses on a specific aspect of the event and includes a feedback loop to gather insights and make improvements for the subsequent iterations. Some implications of using an iterative approach are:

    Flexibility: Iterative methods allow for adjustments and adaptations as the project progresses. This is particularly useful for events where requirements and circumstances may change.

    Continuous Improvement: By incorporating feedback and learning from each iteration, the event planning process becomes more refined and effective with each cycle, leading to a higher-quality final event.

    Risk Mitigation: Identifying potential issues early in the process enables prompt corrective actions, reducing the chances of major setbacks later on.

    Stakeholder Involvement: Stakeholders can provide feedback throughout the process, ensuring that their expectations are met, and reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.

    Time Management: Breaking the event planning into iterations helps manage time efficiently, as progress is continually assessed, and adjustments are made accordingly.

    The Implications of an Agile Approach to Setting Up an Event:
    An Agile approach in event planning shares similarities with the iterative method but is rooted in the principles of Agile project management. This method values adaptability, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Some implications of using an Agile approach for event planning are:

    Customer-Centric: The focus is on delivering an event that meets the customer’s needs and expectations. Regular feedback from customers and stakeholders ensures that their requirements are prioritized.

    Cross-Functional Collaboration: Agile encourages collaboration among different teams and departments involved in event planning, promoting better communication and coordination.

    Rapid Response to Changes: Agile methodologies allow the team to respond quickly to unexpected changes or new requirements, ensuring the event stays relevant and up-to-date.

    Continuous Communication: Regular meetings and check-ins ensure that everyone is aware of the progress and any potential roadblocks, fostering a transparent and communicative environment.

    Incremental Delivery: The event is developed and delivered in smaller increments or features, allowing for quicker value realization and easier tracking of progress.

    Advice for the Company:
    If I were asked to advise the company on their event planning approach, I would suggest combining the strengths of both iterative and Agile methods. An Agile iterative approach would provide a balanced framework for successful event planning. Here’s what the advice would include:

    Define Clear Objectives: Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the event. Understand the target audience and their expectations.

    Form a Cross-Functional Team: Create a collaborative team with representatives from various departments, each contributing their expertise to the event planning process.

    Break Down the Event: Divide the event planning process into smaller iterations, focusing on specific aspects like venue selection, program development, marketing, logistics, etc.

    Embrace Continuous Improvement: Encourage regular feedback from stakeholders, attendees, and team members. Use the insights gained to make necessary adjustments and improvements in subsequent iterations.

    Be Flexible: Remain open to changes and unexpected developments, and be prepared to adapt plans accordingly.

    Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Keep the customer’s needs at the forefront of decision-making and continuously seek input from them throughout the planning process.

    Utilize Agile Practices: Conduct regular stand-up meetings, use visual project management tools like Kanban boards, and promote a collaborative and transparent work environment.

    Evaluate and Celebrate: After each iteration and the final event, conduct a comprehensive review to analyze successes and areas for improvement. Celebrate the achievements of the team to boost morale.

    By adopting an Agile iterative approach, the company can maximize its chances of delivering a successful and well-received event while ensuring adaptability to changing circumstances and customer needs.

  1176. The MTD project is a multifaceted, multi-layered one which involve multiple stakeholders. An in-depth analysis of the project in its entirety would reveal that the project cannot rely on the iterative or linear approach only, but would require an integration of both, a hybrid.

    As the PM, the evaluation I would carry out would break the project into multiple smaller projects, maximizing available resources and bearing in mind the budget. Each smaller project will then be further evaluated to agree on the approach to utilize for them. Of course, the projects that will form the foundation of the entire work will be prioritized while those that can run in parallel will run at the background.

    The progress for each mini-project would be computed to plug into the overall report that showcases the progress of the full project. This way, all stakeholders are abreast of the status of the project at every critical moment.

    Regular reviews will be carried out to understand what is on course, delayed or missed target, with appropriate actions taken to avoid unsavory situations.

  1177. As a Project manager, if I have to carry out a project like that of MTD, my approach will be interactive bearing in mind the VUCA framework.

    1. As a project manager, the linear approach will be my first course of action to know how things are going step by step and to know both the outcome and if we are seeing results or not. Constant changes due to environmental circumstances can lead to iterative approach if the shareholders or customers are not seeing quick results are almost frustrated with the work.
      So both approach will be on hand to make sure the project is successful.

  1178. To be a good project Manager, i will have to understand the project first if linear or iterative approach will best suit the project. The use of VUCA framework will help to identify what method or approach to use.

    Understanding the environment and the people to be used for the project is also a plus as well as knowing what value the sponsor also want and at what stage of the project did the sponsor expect to see the value will also make me standout as a project manager.

  1179. To be a competent and successful project manager, i need to build my own toolkit of proven methods and techniques and know how to use them to get the best results in different circumstances.
    i would combine tools and techniques from both linear and iterative methods to create a flexible and adaptable project lifecycles suited to the context of MTD project.
    the project would not begin with detailed plans and schedules, which makes the project lack foresight at the beginning but regular and periodic assessments will be put in plce to ensure each project stage /phase gives a desired output.

  1180. As a project manager, a wholistic review would be carried out to know exactly what the environment in which the project is been undertaken is, once I’ve ascertain that, the next will be the nature of the project as the nature of the project also determines the approach to apply whether Linear or Iterative.

    However, to help me deliver the project well, I may choose to apply both methods and Incase both approach isn’t bringing the expected outcome, I may have to come up with a custom made approach to get results as results is what is important to the sponsor of the project.

    Also, to help me monitor project, regular reviews will be made to ascertain what is working and what needs to be improved upon.

  1181. As a PM of MTD, I will not use one method but will apply both the linear and Iterative approach.

    I will start with the linear approach and as the project progresses, the iterative two weeks spin will be implemented.

  1182. To be a competent and successful project manager, i need to build my own toolkit of proven methods and techniques and know how to use them to get the best results in different circumstances.
    i need increasingly combine tools and techniques from both linear and iterative methods to create flexible and adaptable project lifecycles suited to particular contexts.

    the consequence of choosing an iterative method is that they do not begin with detailed plans and schedules, which makes the project lack foresight at the beginning.

  1183. As a project manager in MTD events company, I will advise a combination of the linear and agile framework.

    Maybe a switch from the linear frame work to agile framework where mini projects are set and completed rather than waiting a long time to deliver a project.

  1184. As a project manager, it is always good to have the intuitive ability to improvise so that as the situation is changing rapidly as in the case of MTD,you will be able to combine both approaches to achieve your goals.

    1. iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events as communication and review on a timely basis is engaged.


      August 8, 2023 at 12:45 pm
      As an MTD PM, My most suitable approach will be First, identify the problem and challenges, and then apply the VUCA framework tools so as to come up with a suitable response to the problems already identified.

      Advice for the Company:

      Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.
      Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.

  1185. As project manager I will not be rigid on using only one method. As it’s rightly said, a project manager can’t say one method is better than another method. There could be instances were you can use more than one method in execution of a project.

  1186. As a project manager following all that has been learnt so far, there would be the need for MTD to adopt the agile method as it would help them adjust quickly to unstable environment.

    Although there may also be the need to maintain the linear method, since it is an industry with a standard process there would always be the need to introduce the agile method

  1187. As a project manager, if I meet a similar situation like the MTD. I will be flexible, knowing that no two project are the same. I will adopt an approach given the situation that surround the particular event.

  1188. As a project contracted for this project i will first take note of the key factors that affect the project which are; deadline project team and goal of the project. Next is to abide by the thumb rule that states; the nature of the project determines the methodology used. in this case i will apply the hybrid methodology and the VUCA framework

  1189. In a case like this within that short period, that is why we have continuing professional development. I believe in a case of such event there must have been a gap in the event manager competence and must look for a means of filling it up by bringing in communication method by by first understanding what language and approach to take to the team with that every one will quickly think and came up with what best idea to use in such situation

  1190. As a Project manager using of VUCA framework tool is the best alternative because it will help me to develop suitable responses to the issues challenging the projects.

    The implication of using iterative approach is that it will reduce the risks of the event project which results to changes in the project.

    The implication of adopting the agile approach in a project is that it will help me in controlling over budget that may want arise from the project

    1. As a Project Manager of MTD, considering the water project in the event, this is an event full of uncertainty considering the number of participants that may suddenly shoot up, the hybrid approach with the VUCA framework as a guide will be adopted

  1191. As a project manager for MTD, I’ve learned about the importance of effective communication and coordination are crucial for project teams, ensuring everyone is on the same page, tasks are executed correctly, and issues are addressed promptly. To manage diverse skill sets and personalities, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and facilitate communication through regular meetings, status updates, and project documentation.

    Thank you

    1. As a project manager at MTD, I will advise the company to seek the help of an expert in the field, and as PM I will treat every project as a priority.

  1192. As a PM at MTD, I would be flexible in my approaches. Putting in mine that different projects comes with different challenges.

    1. As a PM at MTD, I will advise them to combine linear and agile or iterative approaches due to uncertainty, volatility, complexity, and ambiguity in the global world today.

  1193. As a project manager in similar scenario like MTD, concious analysis of a linear project method will be implimented which will reduce the level of risk and manage time.

    1. What of iterative approach to combat the VUCA, I think a combination of both methods or approach, will be vital, as one can start with linear and also implement iterative methods where and when necessary

  1194. As a project manager for MTD, this week I’ve learned about the importance of effective communication and coordination within project teams. Clear and timely communication is crucial for ensuring everyone is on the same page, tasks are being executed correctly, and potential issues are addressed promptly.

    One challenge that could cause pressure is managing the diverse skill sets and personalities within the project team. Each team member brings unique strengths and perspectives, but it can also lead to conflicts, differences in work styles, and communication gaps. To safeguard myself and the team, I would suggest the following:

    Establish clear roles and responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member from the beginning of the project. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures everyone knows what is expected of them.

    Foster open and transparent communication: Encourage open communication among team members and create a culture where individuals feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. Regular team meetings, status updates, and project documentation can help facilitate effective communication.

    Encourage collaboration and teamwork: Promote a collaborative environment where team members support and assist each other. Encourage knowledge sharing, cross-training, and provide opportunities for team building activities to foster strong working relationships.

    Set realistic expectations and milestones: Establish achievable project goals and milestones, considering the team’s capabilities and available resources. Setting realistic expectations helps to prevent burnout and excessive pressure on team members.

    Provide ongoing support and resources: Ensure that the team has the necessary resources, tools, and training to successfully complete their tasks. Be available to address any concerns or roadblocks that may arise and provide guidance and support when needed.

    Monitor progress and adapt as necessary: Regularly monitor the project’s progress, track key metrics, and make adjustments as needed. Being proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues can help prevent them from escalating and affecting the overall success of the event.

    Celebrate successes and recognize efforts: Acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and achievements of the team members. Celebrate milestones and successes, both big and small, to boost morale and maintain motivation throughout the project.

    By implementing these suggestions, I can help safeguard myself and my team while managing an event. keeping in mind that effective project management requires a balance of technical skills, leadership abilities, and interpersonal communication. Adaptability and a proactive approach will contribute to the successful execution of the project and the overall satisfaction of the team.

    1. I fully agree with you and I would like to add as I learned that both approaches can be used to get the desired results if one or the other doesn’t

      I also learnt that effective communication is the main and most important skill a project manager must have because in every project communication is the key ingredients to sharing the idea of that project before implementing it

      Also transparency and visibility,increasing accountability all can be achieved with effective communication skills

      Another important part of a project is having professional conduct in the organization so that the project teams can communicate better and understand the values,code and rules of practice and moral principles,as a project manager I will make sure my team and I understand this values and professional conduct so that we won’t have any issues from our team ,the only problem we would be facing are the risks involved in conducting the project

      1. And providing ways, ideas and solutions to the risks we have discovered in the process of fulfilling the project

    2. I have learnt how best to manage projects especially in a complex world using the VUCA framework. How to act, respond, and make decisions and equally making sure I carry my project teams members, project sponsor along by communicating effectively so as to be on the same page.

      Implication of taking iterative approach in an event is that the time frame to deliver your feedback as a project manager is short and as such, the best outcome might not be delivered.

      Due to it’s unstable nature, inability of a project manager to retain the ability to adapt and change course as the business environment changes, will pose an issue.

      Implication of agile approach occurs when the risk in a project is not discovered in time for immediate action to be taking, it creates more challenges.

      I will recommend using any of these methods; linear, iterative or agile method, or both methods for a project as they are necessary and are also required for a project or event. This will enable building the right solutions for the right sponsors.

  1195. As a PM, it is important to note that, because we live in a volatile world where change is the only constant thing, there is need to combine the linear and iterative approaches when handling a project as the occasion demands.

  1196. As a project manager faced with the same situation as the MTD’s, I would advise on the implementation of the VUCA framework to help in understanding the necessary approaches and developing suitable response.
    I would also advice that an iterative and agile approach be taking to reduce project risks and aid in controlling budget cost simultaneously while working on the project.

  1197. The implications of taking an agile approach for MTD is that the project would be managed using short sprints, with each sprint focused on delivering a specific feature or functionality.
    the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project is that
    The project would be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
    Each task would be completed in an iterative fashion, with feedback being gathered and incorporated into the next iteration.
    I believe that an iterative approach and an agile methodology would be a good starting point for them.

  1198. N
    If I will apply the MTD scenario as a project manager, I will look at the problems and implement the VUCA framework tools to handle issues and proper solutions at any projects or events.
    The linear and iterative methods and agile are all necessary are good approach for framework and the volatility.

  1199. As project Manger in making I will advice incorporating both both linier and iterative methods to plan the event putting into consideration VUCA and time

    1. The consequence of the agile approach is that it wastes quality time and resources because the quality of time and resources cannot be accurately estimated which could pose a challenge to the event planning company.
      The implication of the agile approach is that if the users are consistently not satisfied with the project, they may lose confidence in the company but if the linear approach was to be used it would enable the project manager to stop when the problem is identified, and possible solution could be adopted.

      1. As a PM using VUCA framework tool is the best alternative because it helps to develop suitable response to issues challenges projects.
        Therefore managing a project needn’t be a choice btw either linear or iterative approach but in practice you best need to combine them.
        It’s important that a project have a controlled start, middle and end.
        Orienting yourselves as a PM is another framework for understanding and responding to challenges in a complex world.
        Thanks ?.

  1200. As a product manager being in the senerio As described with the MDT team, I would incorporate the linear and the iterative approach as this would make sure the project is getting the right feedback from stakeholders and the investors with intermittent role out of the software and feedback.This approach shows transparency to the stockholders involved and give the the assurance that their investment is working.

    The disadvantage of adopting iterative approach, is that premature software are pushed out for feedback from time to time until the whole project is finalized.

    The consequences of using agile approach is the timing, and company not using agile approach before could take more time to get their digital tools setup, but the agile approach saves more project time and resources, and show transparency which boost the confidence of the investor, as projects are completed in real-time

  1201. As a project manager, if I met a scenario like the MTD, I will adopt a flexible approach as no two projects have similar nature and requires similar management style. Here, I believe that it is necessary to follow a specific approach to a project with unique characteristics and carried out in an environment with specific features. In addition, it is better to predict the possible scenarios based on the situation that surrounded the project and act accordingly.

  1202. As the project manager for MTD, I would advice that the teams involved be assigned different tasks and given a timeline to achieve them while we also run weekly review meetings to see how the client feels about the ideas brought together for their even and in return take back the corrections and suggestions made to further improve the project at hand.

  1203. MTD needs to have a combination of linear and iterative approach because they mostly apply iterative lifecycle which only show forth it’s result at the end of the project.

    What would be the implication of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?
    Events can go bad along the way, that’s why it’s advisable to perform each tasks in bits whilst deriving value from each task done.

    What are the implications of an agile approach? An agile approach can help you to be a great thinker, rectifying issues with immediate effect and it also stretches you in the process.

    If you asked to advise the company, what would your advice be? A lot of flexibility should be inculcated which means we can have other options of achieving our goals not just a fixed form of carrying out our plans.

  1204. As a project manager, i will use both Agile and VUCA approach where necessary. Agile approach to put check on budget and changing cost while VUCA for implementing changes in the course of the project because adopting both makes a very successful project.

  1205. As a project manager for MTD i would advice my teams to apply both Linear and Iteration approaches so we can manage projects successfully
    That will help us in managing risk, monitor our project as it progresses, reduce wastage of resources and deliver our project on time.

  1206. As a project manager, I will first of all apply the vuca framework to analyse the problem if it was simple, complex or complicated in other to know which approach to use in providing both immediate and lasting solutions to the present and future issues that arises. Then either the linear or iterative or hybrid approach will be used depending on the environment and my findings.

  1207. I would advice MTD to apply both the linear and iterative approach to this situation.

    The implication of using an iterative approach is that it makes room for changes and as such is perfect for risk management

  1208. As a project manager for MTD Events i would advice that both linear and iterative approach so as to ensure that the project goes well successful and during the project feedbacks, risks are constantly gotten from the different department.

  1209. As a project manager, I will apply the hybrid approach as both the iterative and linear approaches to event planning can provide continuous feedback, flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

  1210. As a project manager i would advice MTD to apply both Linear and Iteration method to manage their projects successfully
    That will help them in maintaining risk, reduce to minimum waste of resources.

  1211. As a project manager i would advice MTD to apply both Linear and Iteration approaches to successfully manage their projects.
    That will help them in managing risk, reduce wastage of resources.

  1212. I believe that all approaches can be useful in this case. I will favor the agile management approach. You have to be flexible depending on the situation, but also take other approaches to achieve a successful project

  1213. I will apply both approach, the iterative and agile approach.
    Iterative and agile approaches to event planning can provide flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

  1214. As a project manager i would advice MTD to apply both Linear and Iteration approaches to successfully manage their projects.
    That will help them in managing risk, reduce wastage of resources.

  1215. Thinking of the challenges and issues MTD face in their projects, what have you learnt this week that could help?

    MTD needs to have a combination of linear and iterative approach because they mostly apply iterative lifecycle which only show forth it’s result at the end of the project.

    What would be the implication of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?
    Events can go bad along the way, that’s why it’s advisable to perform each tasks in bits whilst deriving value from each task done.

    What are the implications of an agile approach? An agile approach can help you to be a great thinker, rectifying issues with immediate effect and it also stretches you in the process.

    If you asked to advise the company, what would your advice be? A lot of flexibility should be inculcated which means we can have other options of achieving our goals not just a fixed form of carrying out our plans.

    1. The consequences of agile approach is that it wastes quality time and resources because the the quality of time and resources can not be accurately estimated which could pose a challenge to event planning company.

      The implications of agile approach is that if the users are consistently not satisfied with the project they may lose confidence in the company but if the linear approch was to be used it would enabled the project manager to stop when problem is identified and possible solution could be adopted.

      My advice: I would have suggested hybrid approach but it doesn’t always work for agency. So, linear or water fall approach will best fit MTD. In order to manage time and resources.

  1216. The consequences of agile approach is that it wastes quality time and resources because the the quality of time and resources can not be accurately estimated which could pose a challenge to event planning company.

    The implications of agile approach is that if the users are consistently not satisfied with the project they may lose confidence in the company but if the linear approch was to be used it would enabled the project manager to stop when problem is identified and possible solution could be adopted.

    My advice: I would have suggested hybrid approach but it doesn’t always work for agency. So, linear or water fall approach will best fit MTD. In order to manage time and resources.

  1217. As a project manager working with MTD, I will apply both the linear and iterative approach.

  1218. As a project manager, we have to work hand in hand by using the iterative and Agile approach to get a close to perfect result.

    1. As a Project manager with MTD, considering the VUCA approach, which comes to play in managing projects, I’ll suggest that we use both the linear and the iterative project methods.
      Additionally, the implication of using the iterative project approach, is that the project teams would manage their time effectively and as well as meet up with deadlines. They also have the opportunity to interact with the environment (by getting sponsor feedbacks and customer reviews). Thereby making adjustments where necessary and increase returns on investment,etc.

  1219. I think volatility and uncertainty will be considered then application of liner lifecycle and iterate will be applied .

  1220. I would recommend a combination of both linear and iterative approaches depending on the context of the event. Where the we have a simple straight forward answer, going linear would be the best, but when it get complex and complicated an agile approach would be needed

  1221. The iteration approach will best work for MTD.
    It keeps you prepared for innovations and the unexpected thereby delivering a world class project and off course with the VUCA application.

  1222. As a project manager in MTD, I will deploy both linear and iterative method because of the complexities and ambiguity involved in a volatile and uncertain environment like theirs.

  1223. As a project manager, I will deploy both linear and iterative lifecycles as the best option for achieving our best results. While at this we will also keep in mind what the outcomes will be and look for the best ways to bring it to pass within a time frame.

  1224. I will apply both the linear and iteration method in solving the MTD company problem because it helps to provide feedback, and effective communication is also required.

  1225. As a Project Manager I would combine both the linear and iterative approach to execute the project. This will provide effective feedback, reduce risk and provide room for effective communication and collaboration.

    Working in a complex project like MTD, the combination of iterative and agile approaches will be very suitable. Taking out the major components of the two approaches and developing a well structured and manageable approach.

    This will involve setting up the projects into smaller and manageable stages which will give room for continous improvement and flexibility. This will also enhance collaboration all inclusive involvement of all parties.

  1226. To be frank, as a project manager, I will ensure that all projects under my supervision are effectively initiated, planned, executed and followed-up. I will be flexible and work as a team to ensure result/targets are met.
    However, concerning VUCA framework, If I am given the opportunity for consulting, I would advise MTD stakeholders to employ both iterative and agile in order to have effective collaboration.

  1227. As a project manager, i will use both Agile and VUCA approach where necessary. Agile approach to put check on budget and changing cost while VUCA for implementing changes in the course of the project because adopting both makes a very successful project.

  1228. The combination of linear and iteration method of project management is essential to all forms of projects which helps brings about a followup on every stage/item in the project lifecyle(linear) and in line with such followup a reapplication of the steps in every stage when not successful (iteration).
    Thus, by the application of both process, it brings about the successful completion of every project regardless the bottlenecks.

    1. As a Project Manager I would combine both the linear and iterative approach to execute the project. This will provide effective feedback, reduce risk and provide room for effective communication and collaboration

  1229. Well as a Project Manager, the two methods are applicable in this project i.e. the Linear and Iterative methods. This MTD project is a complex one and the VUCA framework situations are inevitable.
    For instance, Proper and well mapped out plan is expected from the onset and ofcourse approved by the sponsor and stakeholders. Systematic processes followed. It is indeed expedient that Negotiation should exist between the team and the users. These all might experience challenges and undulating changes which shouldn’t put a halt to the project. This is where Iterative processes are considered. So effective communication, risk mitigation, constant feedbacks, proper expert analysis can aid to accommodate the VUCA situations. Howbeit, the agile approaches manages the possible outcomes of these events.

    As a project manager, my key advice is that lexibility is the key.

  1230. Applying both linear and iterative methods as an MTD manager will produce successful projects. making use of the agile approach helps to quickly adjust to changing or unstable environments whilst maintaining the project outcome. you can quickly get feedbacks from customers and know where to make necessary improvements or adjustments.

  1231. Working in a complex project like MTD, the combination of iterative and agile approaches will be very suitable. Taking out the major components of the two approaches and developing a well structured and manageable approach.
    This will involve setting up the projects into smaller and manageable stages which will give room for continous improvement and flexibility. This will also enhance collaboration all inclusive involvement of all parties.

  1232. I would simply apply both the linear and iterative methods knowing fully well that MTD is a complex project.

    I would also breakdown the project to mini projects for ease.

  1233. As an MTD manager, I would use the mix of both linear and iterative approach.
    In course of planning and executing an event project, there could be unexpected changes or situations that can affect the laid out plan.
    So, breaking down the project into mini projects to achieve each project goals, receive feedback, check other variables, and communicate back to the stakeholders.
    Then adjust plan for effective execution of overall project.

  1234. Taking an iterative approach to event setup involves dividing the project into smaller, manageable phases, allowing for flexibility and continuous improvement. An agile approach emphasizes collaboration, stakeholder involvement, and incremental delivery. My recommendation is to adopt a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both methodologies. This entails breaking the project into iterative phases, embracing agility, and conducting regular retrospectives to drive process enhancements.

    By implementing these recommendations, MTD can enhance their event project management, achieve better results, and successfully deliver remarkable events.

  1235. As a Project Manager critical thinking skills is always required to make good decisions for the progress of the project

  1236. As an MTD project manager, I would adopt both approaches, the iterative and linear approach as this will help ensure the project is well structured and there is room for flexibility.

  1237. As a project manager, thinking of the MTD ongoing project and issues, I will use the VUCA framework, Agile, Linear and Iterative approach to handle events.
    Flexibility is essential because it allows you to choose which approach is best suitable for the project.

  1238. -The organization should apply iterative approaches to be able to cope with changing factors.
    -Being flexible and consultative at all times

  1239. As a project manager, I will recommend a combination of both approaches to make the project successful

  1240. As a project manager, looking at the different activities before the company to complete a project I will find out the approach they have always used to achieve their projects, and introduce them to alternate approaches.

  1241. As an MTD project manager, I would adopt both approaches (i.e.) Iterative and Linear. In an organisation such as MTD, you find diverse, and interlocking projects running concurrently, and using one approach would stifle the other. Thus integrating both methods will allow each project to have a life of its own toward one fundamental goal.

  1242. As a project manager in collaboration with the MTD Events company, I would settle for an iterative approach because it gives room for continuous improvement throughout the event planning process. However, it could also lead to scope creep and a lack of clear deadlines. An agile approach would prioritize flexibility and adaptability, but could also result in a lack of structure. I would recommend a hybrid approach that incorporates the best of both methods and allows for clear deadlines and flexibility when needed.

    1. As a project manager I will implement the use of VUGA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project

  1243. If I were the project manager I would approach the project with the understanding of VUCA framework knowing that all projects don’t require the same approach

  1244. I will use both method Iterative and linear.

    While some activities waits for others to be completed before carried out, some activities can go simultaneously with others and also needs feedback from the client or customers.

    So the two method are relevant to this job senerio.

    1. As an Administrative officer and Human Resource Manager, I consider communication, time management, negotiation, knowledge of the regulatory ,ethics and standards and continuing professional development as the key I utilize for effective growth in my profession.

  1245. As the project manager, while being flexible in my decision I will use the agile and iterative approach with the understanding of VUCA framework knowing that no project is the same.

  1246. as a project manager it is important to involve the client in the planning process and providing updates of the project in each and every stage. and to provide regular updates.

  1247. I’m Vhictory Solomon
    The VUCA Frame work and understanding the best approach or method in PM can be posed as volatile and in uncertain situations as the event unfolds.
    I will try as much as to be flexible and be on top of my game.
    Most events are handled as the situations warrant.

    1. As a project manager,i’d also use the VUCA framework and use both the linear and iterative approach to handle events as they would definitely come in handy. Communication and prioritization are also really important for my team and mt client.

  1248. As a project manager in collaboration with MTD in managing their events, I will use a comination of both the linear and iterative approach and my reasons for doing so are:

    1. The scope of the event is known and unlikely change.

    2. The timing and cost of the event can be estimated to near accuracy.

    3. Feedback from participants of the event maybe needed by the organizers of the event.

    4. The approaches needed by the organizers and stakeholders for use may be novel, as such, some training may be needed for my team members.

    5. The sponsors may value the final outcome of the project than project plans and reports.

    6. Stakeholders may desire to be adequately engaged in the project/event.

    7. A combination of both approaches will bring about increase visibility, transparency, and accountability.

    The following will be the problems if the linear approach is used:

    1. If the scope of the event we’re to change, the project may be aborted.

    2. If the cost of the event were to be in sharp contrast to the project budget, the sponsors may just call off the event.

    3. If there are no skilled and experience people available, the project will suffer set back.

    The following will be the disadvantages if iterative approach is used:

    1. If the organisers prefers project plan and report than completed work.

    2. If there are no feedback needed to validate the event.

    3. If there are no changes to the scope of the event.

    Micheal Nwenne
    Cohort 7
    Team 6

  1249. Been an MTD project manager, I will be flexible combining different methodologies and approaches to problems in other to manage and create faster, more understandable, transparent, and better relationships with stakeholders and clients in a stable and unstable environment.

    The consequences of using agile approach is the timing, and company not using agile approach before could take more time to get their digital tools setup, but the agile approach saves time and resources which again reflects in the relationship with clients

    I will always advice the Company that while we plan for things within our control we have to be ready to adapt to things outside our control

  1250. I feel applying both approaches that’s the iterative and linear will be good for a system such as the MTD system because it deals with various sources and channels, hence just one approach won’t give the desired result.

  1251. As a product manager being in the senerio As described with the MDT team, I would incorporate the linear and the iterative approach as this would make sure the project is getting the right feedback from stakeholders and the investors with intermittent role out of the software and feedback.This approach shows transparency to the stockholders involved and give the the assurance that their investment is working.

    The disadvantage of adopting iterative approach, is that premature software are pushed out for feedback from time to time until the whole project is finalized.

    The consequences of using agile approach is the timing, and company not using agile approach before could take more time to get their digital tools setup, but the agile approach saves more project time and resources, and show transparency which boost the confidence of the investor, as projects are completed in real-time

  1252. As project manager of MTD, I will make use of the iterative approach to ensure the smooth running of the events, effective communication with each of the team members, and also working on new ideas provided by everyone of them.

    Using the Agile approach to change any decision that is uncertain or can’t be sure if the events planned won’t be that responsive.
    Delay in the implementation of the agility to prevent unforeseen circumstances regarding delivery of the project.
    I will ensure stakeholders all contribute to the ideas so to make everything work out

  1253. lead to higher satisfaction levels and increased stakeholder engagement.

    e. Efficient Risk Management: Agile methodologies encourage identifying and mitigating risks early in the project. Regular feedback loops and constant monitoring of progress allow for proactive risk management, reducing the likelihood of major disruptions.

    I recommend to MTD to adopt an agile approach of organizing events as projects. Agile methodologies offer greater flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration, which are crucial in the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of event management. By embracing an agile mindset and employing iterative practices, MTD will enhance stakeholder satisfaction, deliver higher-quality events, and improve overall project efficiency. However, it’s important to consider the specific context, project requirements, and organizational readiness before finalizing the approach.

  1254. As an MTD project manager, flexibility in using and combining different methodologies and approaches to problems helps to manage and create faster, more understandable, transparent, and better relationships with stakeholders and clients in a stable and unstable environment. Each approach is applied according to the conditions of the contract and in predictable or unpredictable changes.

  1255. As a project manager, I will use the both approaches in any project given to me reason being that combining the linear and iterative approach have a greater advantage than using just one. examples of the advantages are:
    1. It helps you in testing your ideas and learning about the users requirement.
    2. It accelerates delivery of project outputs.
    3. It improves stakeholder engagement.
    4. It increases visibility and transparency among the team and stakeholders.
    5. proving assurance to sponsors and stakeholders.
    6. It increases accountability.
    Embracing both iterative and linear mindset, I’d recommend MTD to adopt both approaches of organizing the water supply projects.

  1256. I recognize the fact that flexibility is essential in the success of any project as it gives room for me to choose an approach that is most suitable for the smooth execution of the project bearing in mind that no two projects are the same. The iterative approach allows for flexibility but also leads to an increase of the budget. While the agile approach allows for flexibility same as scrum and kangban methodology, collaboration and feedback.

    Every project requires a suitable approach that allows it to be executed appropriately and efficiently

  1257. Flexibility is very essential and it’s best to be versatile and know that no two projects are the same and also be open to learn new ways and methods to carry out a successful project.
    Time and Resource Management: While the iterative approach offers flexibility, it can also result in increased project complexity. Proper management of time and resources is crucial to ensure that iterations are completed within the defined schedule and budget.

    1. As a project manager flexibility is essential because it allows you choose an approach that is most suitable for a project as no two projects are the same. The iterative approach provides flexibility but it also leads to an increase of budget. An agile approach give room for flexibility as well as seen in scrum and kangban methodology, provides flexibility too, collaboration and gives room for feedback.

      Every project must have a suitable approach that allows it to be executed appropriately and efficiently

      1. As a project manager to solve the MTD issues , the iterative method we be more flexible to solve the problems associated with event mgt and direct linear method

  1258. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would have several implications. Firstly, it allows for continuous feedback and improvement throughout the event planning process. By breaking down the project into smaller iterations, the team can gather feedback from stakeholders, make necessary adjustments, and adapt to changing requirements. This iterative feedback loop helps in minimizing risks, identifying potential issues early on, and delivering a more refined and satisfactory event experience.

    On the other hand, an agile approach would further enhance the event planning process. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change. By adopting an agile mindset, the event planning team can prioritize tasks based on their value and adjust plans as needed. Regular team meetings, frequent communication, and incremental delivery of event components allow for quicker decision-making, increased adaptability, and reduced time to market.

    If asked to advise the company, my recommendation would be to embrace an agile approach to event planning. I would suggest implementing Scrum or Kanban methodologies to facilitate effective collaboration, frequent feedback, and continuous improvement. By breaking down the event project into smaller, manageable tasks and setting up regular sprint cycles, the team can streamline the planning process, respond to feedback more efficiently, and deliver a successful event that meets the evolving needs and expectations of stakeholders. Additionally, I would emphasize the importance of open communication, cross-functional collaboration, and a willingness to embrace change throughout the event planning journey.

  1259. First and foremost, we have the Linear and iterative techniques used to decipher projects in a complex world (VUCA framework).
    However, the iterative approach which best suits an unpredictable environment or emerging difficulties profers solution to the aforementioned conditions. The agile technique aids teamwork, transparency and speeds decision making.
    With this; I, as a project manager will opine that flexibility is necessary to ensure that one method or technique is not preferred to another. Both techniques should be adopted as variety set of techniques will be a perfect match for unpredictable projects. The advantage to having to blend in different techniques into projects cannot be overemphasized as project efficacy is the goal.

  1260. Once the design of the structure is put down and approved, iterative approaches can come in. As it is not a permanent structure some aspects of construction can go on simultaneously and make projects faster and more integral.
    Thinking of MTD on going project challenges and issues.
    As a project manager, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project.

  1261. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, below is my analysis of the difficulties and problems MTD might encounter in delivering their projects.
    The analysis of the consequences of employing an iterative approach and the implications of adopting an agile approach for organizing an event as a project is enumerated below.
    Iterative Approach:
    The iterative approach in organizing an event entail breaking down the project into smaller, manageable iterations or phases. Each iteration would have a defined set of activities, goals, and deliverables. The consequences of using this approach in event management could be as follows:
    a. Allow for flexibility throughout the project. Hence, changes can be easily made.
    b. Small event being done at any given time, and eliminate error and where error happens. Timely course corrections and minimizes the impact on the overall event.
    c. There is room for regular feedback and involvement from all stakeholders and clients.
    d. There’s also room for continuous improvement and learning.
    e. Management of time and resources is crucial to ensure that iterations are completed within the defined schedule and budget, and giving room for other projects within a short time

    Agile Approach:
    a. Rapid Response to Changes.
    b. Continuous Collaboration and Communication
    c. Values Delivery with Prioritization
    d. Increased Stakeholder Satisfaction.
    e. Regular feedback loops and constant monitoring of progress

    Embracing an agile mindset and employing iterative practices, I recommend to MTD to adopt an agile approach of organizing the water supply projects. Agile methodologies offer flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration between the Lab, tank supplies and the community, which are crucial in the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of event management. Not ruling the stakeholder satisfaction, deliver higher-quality water supply and improve overall project efficiency.

  1262. Flexibility is very essential and it’s best to be versatile and know that no two projects are the same and also be open to learn new ways and methods to carry out a successful project.
    Time and Resource Management: While the iterative approach offers flexibility, it can also result in increased project complexity. Proper management of time and resources is crucial to ensure that iterations are completed within the defined schedule and budget.

  1263. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, below is my analysis of the difficulties and problems MTD might encounter in delivering their projects.

    The analysis of the consequences of employing an iterative approach and the implications of adopting an agile approach for organizing an event as a project is enumerated below.

    Iterative Approach:
    The iterative approach in organizing an event entail breaking down the project into smaller, manageable iterations or phases. Each iteration would have a defined set of activities, goals, and deliverables. The consequences of using this approach in event management could be as follows:
    a. Iterative approaches allow for flexibility throughout the project. Hence, changes can be easily made.

    b. Because of the small event being done at any given time, it has the potential of eliminating error and where error happens, it allows for timely course corrections and minimizes the impact on the overall event.

    c. The iterative approach encourages regular feedback and involvement from all stakeholders.

    d. Iterative approaches allow for continuous improvement and learning.

    e. Time and Resource Management; Proper management of time and resources is crucial to ensure that iterations are completed within the defined schedule and budget.

    Agile Approach:
    This involves iterative and incremental development, constant collaboration, and adaptive planning. The implications of using an agile approach for organizing an event are as follows:
    a. Rapid Response to Changes: when there are changes, it is easy to respond to these changes.

    b. Continuous Communication and Collaboration: Agile promotes frequent and transparent communication among the project team, stakeholders, and clients. This enables better alignment of expectations, quicker issue resolution, and improved decision-making.

    c. Prioritization and Value Delivery: Agile methodologies emphasize delivering value early and continuously. By prioritizing the most important features and functionalities, event organizers can maximize the impact of the event within the given constraints.

    d. Increased Stakeholder Satisfaction: The iterative and collaborative nature of agile methodologies helps ensure that the event meets the expectations and requirements of stakeholders. This can lead to higher satisfaction levels and increased stakeholder engagement.

    e. Efficient Risk Management: Agile methodologies encourage identifying and mitigating risks early in the project. Regular feedback loops and constant monitoring of progress allow for proactive risk management, reducing the likelihood of major disruptions.

    I recommend to MTD to adopt an agile approach of organizing events as projects. Agile methodologies offer greater flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration, which are crucial in the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of event management. By embracing an agile mindset and employing iterative practices, MTD will enhance stakeholder satisfaction, deliver higher-quality events, and improve overall project efficiency. However, it’s important to consider the specific context, project requirements, and organizational readiness before finalizing the approach.

  1264. Having known that no two approaches are the same as a PM, I will advise the MTD company to apply VUCA approach as well as iterative and agile approach

  1265. As the pm of MTD, I would advice that the stakeholders should adapt to the change given reasons that the VUCA framework would help in planning and execution stage of the project. It will help in managing difficult stages of the project when it arises and it will also help everyone involved in the project to participate effectively.

  1266. In the case of MTD , as a PM , is not advisable to follow a particular approach in problem solving, However I will apply VUCA Approach, as well as agile and iterative approach.
    Knowing that no two approaches are the same.

  1267. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, I can analyze the difficulties and problems they might encounter in their projects. Let’s explore the consequences of employing an iterative approach and the implications of adopting an agile approach for organizing an event as a project.

    Iterative Approach:
    Employing an iterative approach in organizing an event would involve breaking down the project into smaller, manageable iterations or phases. Each iteration would have a defined set of activities, goals, and deliverables. The consequences of using this approach in event management could be as follows:
    a. Enhanced Flexibility: Iterative approaches allow for flexibility and adaptability throughout the project. It becomes easier to make changes, incorporate feedback, and adjust the event plan as necessary.

    b. Early Identification of Issues: By delivering smaller increments of the event in each iteration, it becomes easier to identify any potential issues or challenges early on. This allows for timely course corrections and minimizes the impact on the overall event.

    c. Improved Stakeholder Collaboration: The iterative approach encourages regular feedback and involvement from stakeholders. This fosters collaboration, ensuring that their expectations and requirements are met more effectively.

    d. Increased Efficiency and Quality: Iterative approaches often emphasize continuous improvement and learning. By refining and building upon previous iterations, the overall efficiency and quality of the event can be improved over time.

    e. Time and Resource Management: While the iterative approach offers flexibility, it can also result in increased project complexity. Proper management of time and resources is crucial to ensure that iterations are completed within the defined schedule and budget.

    Agile Approach:
    Adopting an agile approach in event management aligns with the principles of the Agile Manifesto and involves iterative and incremental development, constant collaboration, and adaptive planning. The implications of using an agile approach for organizing an event are as follows:
    a. Rapid Response to Changes: Agile methodologies enable event organizers to respond quickly to changes in requirements, market conditions, or stakeholder feedback. The ability to adapt and pivot becomes a core strength, allowing the event to stay relevant and successful.

    b. Continuous Communication and Collaboration: Agile promotes frequent and transparent communication among the project team, stakeholders, and clients. This enables better alignment of expectations, quicker issue resolution, and improved decision-making.

    c. Prioritization and Value Delivery: Agile methodologies emphasize delivering value early and continuously. By prioritizing the most important features and functionalities, event organizers can maximize the impact of the event within the given constraints.

    d. Increased Stakeholder Satisfaction: The iterative and collaborative nature of agile methodologies helps ensure that the event meets the expectations and requirements of stakeholders. This can lead to higher satisfaction levels and increased stakeholder engagement.

    e. Efficient Risk Management: Agile methodologies encourage identifying and mitigating risks early in the project. Regular feedback loops and constant monitoring of progress allow for proactive risk management, reducing the likelihood of major disruptions.

    If MTD sought my advice, I would recommend adopting an agile approach to organizing events as projects. Agile methodologies offer greater flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration, which are crucial in the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of event management. By embracing an agile mindset and employing iterative practices, MTD can enhance stakeholder satisfaction, deliver higher-quality events, and improve overall project efficiency. However, it’s important to consider the specific context, project requirements, and organizational readiness before finalizing the approach.

  1268. MTD an event planning company can be faced with many challenges such as environmental change. As a PM I will make use of the VUCA framework to ensure that unpredicted and uncertain circumstances can be handled properly. And this can be achieved using the agile technique.

    1. As a project manager to solve the MTD issues , the iterative method we be more flexible to solve the problems associated with event management. For agile approach it depends on VUCA

  1269. The iterative process gives MTD the power to learn and improve through trial and error. This process becomes efficient and adaptable, so MTD response to new information and shifts in the marketplace.
    Agile on the other hand offers more flexibility and collaboration, enabling teams adjust approaches as gather feedbacks and insights throughout the development process. This makes Agile flexible, adaptable, rigid and structured. These gives rise to prioritize customer involvement and feedback within the developmental process.
    My advice for MTD is
    1. To identify the goals and constraints
    2. Utilise soft skills
    3. Create a scope and guard it
    4. Account and prepare for risk.

  1270. Working with MTD as a project manager, I’ll make use of the combination of Iterative and Agile approach to savage the challenges faced in setting up an event knowing fully well that Iterative Approach Increases flexibility and continuous feedback while Agile Approach helps in Quick response to changes, continuous improvementand increase in collaborations.

    A combination of agile and iterative method will be best as both offer you (project manager) the opportunities of delivering a perfect project and on time with the stakeholders fully involved.

  1271. Agile approaches promote incremental and iterative development, where work is divided into smaller, manageable pieces called “sprints” or “iterations.” This approach enables frequent releases of working software or deliverables, allowing stakeholders to provide feedback early in the process. By continuously iterating and improving, teams can make adjustments based on feedback, resulting in better end products.

    1. As a project manager ĺt is important to involve the client in the planning process and providing updates of the project in each and every stage. And to provide regular updates

  1272. When it comes to organizing an event it mostly in an uncertain circumstances. So my advice to the MTD would be to apply the iterative and agile method. The two methods would assists in welcoming uncertain expectations and be ready to face the situation as fast as possible

  1273. An event could be surrounded by uncertain and volatile situation. We can see this from the aspect of iterative and agile practices, which will eventually be needed when faced with some changes in volatility during events.

  1274. As the Project manager working with MTD, the combination of Iterative and Agile approach will of good help to savage the challenges faced in setting up an event.

    The implication of Iterative Approach are:
    Increase in flexibility and continuous feedback.

    On that of Agile Approach the implication includes:
    Quick response to changes, continuous improvementand increase in collaboratio

    As a project manager with MTD, a combination of agile and iterative method will be best as both offer you the opportunities of delivery a perfect project thereby keeping the stakeholders abreast of the situation at hand and also delivering a fast-paced project.

  1275. In my opinion the linear method is the best for the beginning process of the project. Knowing that this process usually involves proper planning, it first makes the team very organised, then after the planning, at the implementation stage when other key players who make not really be among the management team might be involved then the iterative method works best, the reason is because people who may later work with the team at implementation may not really be as efficient and reliable as the team might have been built to be, but then their services are needed. This is just to say that both methods should be applied. Starting with the iterative method would actually make the project team really look unorganised and out if order, this can also adversely affect their potential future projects as there could be potential clients who might need their services, who are just observing how efficient they can be at the present.

  1276. As the project manager working with MTD, I’ve learned several things this week that could help address the challenges and issues they face in their projects. Clear communication, flexibility, risk management, and the VUCA approach have been key takeaways.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project involves breaking it into smaller phases, promoting stakeholder collaboration and adaptability. This allows for feedback and adjustments before moving forward, ensuring alignment and addressing emerging challenges effectively. On the other hand, an agile approach focuses on incremental value delivery and rapid response to changes. It enables MTD to showcase progress, incorporate feedback, and adapt to evolving requirements and circumstances in a dynamic event industry.

    In advising the company, I would recommend adopting an agile approach and implementing agile methodologies like Scrum. This would involve frequent stand-up meetings, continuous feedback loops, and iterative planning. Agile practices align well with the VUCA approach and the nature of event management, offering benefits such as flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness. Tailoring these practices to MTD’s specific needs and constraints would be crucial for successful implementation.

    To summarize, addressing the challenges and issues faced by MTD in event projects requires clear communication, flexibility, risk management, and a VUCA approach. Adopting an iterative or agile approach, such as Scrum, can enhance collaboration, adaptability, and value delivery. By embracing the VUCA approach and implementing agile practices, MTD can navigate uncertainties, complexities, and ambiguity while ensuring successful event outcomes.

  1277. The initial stages are linear as regards securing, approving, inspecting a venue. Those processes happen one after the other and can hardly change after these stages.

    Once the design of the structure is put down and approved, iterative approaches can come in. As it is not a permanent structure some aspects of construction can go on simultaneously and make projects faster and more integral.

  1278. The MTD Project Manager should combine both Linear and iterative methods. Combining both processes will help to deliver successful project in a volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous environment(using the VUCA Framework)

    1. The MTD Project manager should combine both linear and interactive methods. The VUCA Framework be a guide on what method to adopt.

  1279. The vuca framework will help me in adopting a good approach for the particular project..

    The MTD might have to adopt both approaches for a better working system

  1280. As a project Manager, when contacted by MTD company, I will advised the company to adopt both approaches in managing projects because projects may require both for a better delivery.

    The VUCA Framework will be a guide on what method to adopt.

  1281. In my own opinion I we implore MTD to use both approach, i.e the linear and iterative(hybrid) since the challenge doesn’t depend on one scope approach solutions.

  1282. Okafor Innocent O
    My advise to the MTD project manager is to consider the hybrid project approach which consist of both the linear and iterative approach. This is suitable for applying the VUCA framework especially for the iterative approach which can also help for quick decision making in changing environment and circumstances. it can also enhances accurate stakeholder engagement, boost team efficiency and increased speed.

  1283. i have understood that MTD major challenge is its inability to be flexible and adaptable to change. from the previous exercises learnt, i would suggest, MTD adopt an interactive approach of having setup projects. this process would help MTD to respond to changes actively while improving their relationship between clients and setup projects. to also improve on their response to change, it is important to be up to date with latest information on processes on handling the given project through training of its staff and this would help them be more responsive to adopt an iterative approach with an agile mindset for setting up events as projects.

  1284. Both approaches should be used. There is a collaboration between two companies the results should be achieved in short sprints, so stakeholders involvement can be quicker, errors can easily be detected and corrected.

  1285. As a project manager, there is need for you to be versatile, by combining the tools available for the success of the project. While working on your project you should embrace change at anytime, expect feedback from the people and the team you are working with, this helps you to know where you’re lacking behind and be transparent so as carry everyone along in the project.

  1286. It’s important to involve the client in the planning process, and to provide regular updates. I would advise MTD to use an agile approach to event planning, so that they can adapt to the client’s changing needs. An iterative approach would also be useful, as it would allow MTD to test certain aspects of the event before committing to them.

    1. It’s important as a project manager, to be versatile, by combining by apply necessary the tools available for the success of the project. While working on your project you should embrace change at anytime, expect feedback from the people and the team you are working with, this helps you to know where you’re lacking behind and be transparent so as carry everyone along in the project.

  1287. The iterative process is one of those words that, like Agile, automatically makes us think of engineering teams. But most teams iterate in one way or another, and using an iterative method can help you reduce risk, manage efficiency, and approach problems more flexibly and dynamically.
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    Understanding the iterative process, with examples
    Julia Martins contributor headshotJulia MartinsDecember 6th, 2022•7 min read
    View Templates
    The iterative process is one of those words that, like Agile, automatically makes us think of engineering teams. But most teams iterate in one way or another, and using an iterative method can help you reduce risk, manage efficiency, and approach problems in a more flexible and dynamic way.

    If you want to give the iterative process a try, this article is for you. We’ll walk you through how to define the iterative process, as well as how to implement this process on your own team.

    What is the iterative process?
    The iterative process is the practice of building, refining, and improving a project, product, or initiative. Teams that use the iterative development process create, test, and revise until they’re satisfied with the end result. You can think of an iterative process as a trial-and-error methodology that brings your project closer to its end goal.

    Iterative processes are a fundamental part of lean methodologies and Agile project management—but these processes can be implemented by any team, not just Agile ones. During the iterative process, you will continually improve your design, product, or project until you and your team are satisfied with the final project deliverable.
    To stay ahead of the competitive curve, companies adapt to newer technologies and the latest methodologies to quickly develop their products and continuously deliver updates. But following the approach of the traditional software methodologies does not fetch the speed required to meet today’s pace to develop and release a product. Therefore, businesses look for methodologies that enable them to deal with these downfalls of the traditional software and bring about additional benefits to them and their customers.
    Although Agile is implemented globally by numerous organizations, the benefits of Agile are well documented and projected by the software development teams using it to reduce product development and release times. Today, Agile is adopted across various businesses to streamline their workflows and keep up with the fast-paced technology shift. Numerous industries have carefully analyzed and compared Agile with traditional methodologies. Following this, they chose agile for their business operations so as to accelerate their workflows. Today, agile is a popular choice for modern workplaces.
    Srijan a Material+ Company
    Top 10 benefits of agile adoption
    Agile Agile Methodology
    By Piyali
    Aug 24, 2022
    Agile Adoption Benefits
    To stay ahead of the competitive curve, companies adapt to newer technologies and the latest methodologies to quickly develop their products and continuously deliver updates. But following the approach of the traditional software methodologies does not fetch the speed required to meet today’s pace to develop and release a product. Therefore, businesses look for methodologies that enable them to deal with these downfalls of the traditional software and bring about additional benefits to them and their customers.

    Enter Agile Methodology. This method helps businesses incorporate the ongoing changes with immense flexibility. In this blog, we discuss the several benefits of Agile Adoption for businesses.

    10 Benefits of Agile Adoption
    Although Agile is implemented globally by numerous organizations, the benefits of Agile are well documented and projected by the software development teams using it to reduce product development and release times. Today, Agile is adopted across various businesses to streamline their workflows and keep up with the fast-paced technology shift. Numerous industries have carefully analyzed and compared Agile with traditional methodologies. Following this, they chose agile for their business operations so as to accelerate their workflows. Today, agile is a popular choice for modern workplaces.

    Here are a few most common agile benefits that organizations drew on adopting agile for their businesses.

    Faster time-to-market: The market and customer demands continuously evolve each day. Hence, there is a possibility that the product developed to address a specific problem statement might not be relevant by the time the product is released. This slow speed of development is one of the major drawbacks of the traditional methodologies that might also affect the business revenue. With an agile adoption framework like Scrum, the time-to-market gets reduced significantly due to its incremental approach and continuous delivery. Agile adoption helps in frequent and consistent delivery of high-quality products, minimizing project overhead, and delivering business value.
    Increased Adaptability: Organizations become more and more complex as it grows. With the increase in complexity, business processes tend to become slower. But organizations want to keep up with the pace of technology adoption and for this, they try to focus on increasing speed without an efficient plan. Moreover, overburdening employees with work will burn them out and will also decrease the system’s effectiveness. Therefore, organizations adopt agile for building an effective and responsive system. With agile adoption, organizations can break down the complexity and dependency by working in smaller teams through an iterative path. This adoption will help them eliminate the waste (the processes that don’t add value) due to changes in plans, requirements, and market conditions without hampering other units.
    Quick ROI: With agile adoption, there is a significant reduction in product development and release times. This, in turn, reduces the product’s time to market and further gives a quick return on investment compared to traditional methodologies.
    Superior Product Quality: Businesses adopt agile methodologies due to their continuous improvement principle. Its iterative approach to building products helps improve each sprint, ensuring that the previous mistakes don’t currently repeat. Moreover, the integration of continuous feedback from stakeholders helps build products that align fully to the end user needs, resulting in higher satisfaction. This consistency of continuous feedback and improvement helps to develop stable and superior quality products.
    Continuous feedback for improvement: Agile adoption resolves the pains of traditional feedback systems. The waterfall model lacked feedback loops until the completion of product development. Therefore, there was no error correction mechanism, further wasting the developer’s time and efforts. Agile ensures a continuous feedback loop for product enhancement from one phase to another phase. This process eliminates this additional waste of time and effort. The bugs identified from the feedback can be added to the backlog of the next sprint.
    Risk Mitigation: Agile prevents organizations from developing costly failures right from the early stages of development. There’s a continuous assessment of the progress during sprints, ensuring better visibility to spot potential issues quickly. This helps to tackle the problems at the early stages before they escalate. Also, agile enables incorporating continuous feedback and delivery of the product in smaller sprints that mitigate the risks as you go ahead with product development.
    Increased Predictability: Agile teams work in sprints. Before starting a sprint, the team comes together and agrees upon the user stories they would work upon, fixing the sprint scope. This process ensures correct resource allocation, proper KPI for team performance, and estimation of time and costs for the project.
    Increased Visibility: Agile increases the transparency among the team members. Every team member is involved in the product development process and collaborates to strategize, design, develop, and report every aspect of the project. None of the processes is done in a silo. Everyone in the team is aware of what others are working on through sprint plans, demos, retrospectives, etc., thus contributing to building a valuable product. This key benefit of agile brings a host of advantages to organizations like decision-making capacity, coordinated pivots, and strategic implementations to adjust to the evolving market. One of the examples is the Kanban board. It is a practical way to increase an organization’s visibility by helping to visualize the processes and workflows
    Increased business value: Agile has an iterative approach that allows teams to work in sprints and leverage the learning from the previous sprint to the current one. With the focus on iterative improvement, the team focuses on customers’ evolving needs and ensures high-quality product delivery. It helps the team prioritize deliverables at the beginning of each iteration and involves stakeholders for continuous feedback, projecting the customer needs. Hence, this creates customer value by prioritizing deliverables according to stakeholder feedback and needs.
    Increased Customer Satisfaction: Agile teams loop their stakeholders throughout the development process to ensure that their opinions matter and are valued. Every stakeholder wants clarity over the product development process and wants to engage throughout the project life-cycle to provide feedback according to their expectations and needs. Therefore, agile’s continuous feedback loop helps the team to build products with exceptional user experience and minimal bugs. With these benefits of using Agile methodologies for your business, you can now outline “Why to adopt agile”. So, if you’re on the edge of agile adoption and want to stay ahead in the competitive curve, you need to know the top 11 agile trends that will help to nudge you in the right direction.

  1288. Agile methodology offer greater flexibility and collaboration, enabling teams to adjust their approach as they gather feedback and insights throughout the development process. Flexible and adaptable. Rigid and structured. Prioritize customer involvement and feedback throughout the development process.

  1289. leads to difficulties in meeting changing client requirements and may cause delays or budget overruns. To address this, I would suggest taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project.

    Implications of taking an iterative approach would be:

    1. Continuous feedback and improvement: By breaking down the event setup process into smaller iterations, the team can gather feedback from stakeholders at each stage and incorporate improvements in subsequent iterations. This allows for a more refined and tailored final event setup.

    2. Increased flexibility: An iterative approach enables the team to be more flexible in responding to changing client needs and market trends. This flexibility can help ensure that the event meets the desired objectives.

    3. Risk mitigation: By working in iterations, the team can identify and address potential risks or issues early on. This proactive approach reduces the chances of major setbacks later in the project.

    On the other hand, an agile approach can further enhance these benefits by applying the principles of agility throughout the project lifecycle. The implications of an agile approach can include:

    1. Enhanced collaboration: Agile methodologies promote cross-functional teamwork, regular communication, and collaboration with the client. This helps in fostering a collaborative working environment and ensures that the event setup aligns with the client’s vision.

    2. Quick response to changes: Agile methodologies emphasize responding to change over following a rigid plan. This allows the team to adapt to new requirements, incorporate stakeholder feedback, and deliver a successful event setup.

    3. Continuous improvement: Agile methodologies often involve retrospectives at the end of each iteration to identify areas of improvement. By continuously learning and adapting, MTD can enhance their event setup processes and deliver better results in the future.

  1290. As a PM combing of the linear and iterative project is the best. While working on your project you should embrace change at anytime, get feedback from people it helps you know where you’re lacking behind and be transparent so as carry everyone involve in that project along.

    1. Iterative and agile do not encourage customer involvement and the process lacks flexibility. I would advise MTD to use a hybrid combined method that would encourage flexibility by carrying the customer along since events do not give room for testing. The risk of failure using iterative and agile is high due to poor communication. VUCA should be put into consideration while managing a project due to the dynamic of the environment.

  1291. The hybrid approach seems to be the best when handling challenges as a PM. First start with the linear approach then make room for change when things are not going according to plan.
    Flexibility is key so the iterative method mixed with the agile method is most likely to yield the best result.

  1292. Essien Hempel

    A project manager should know that there is no perfect way to handle a project, that’s why the need to be versatile and apply all the approach. Make use of the VUCA framework tools for better implementation of the project. No two project are the same that’s why a PM needs to be flexible by using different approach.

    1. I agree with you Johntemi. Like we have learned one of the characteristics of a PM is flexibility.

  1293. As a Project manager there’s no perfect approach in handling a project there for a pm should be versatile should be careful review the best approach should be used for the project. the use of VUCA framework tools should be a guide.

  1294. Challenges and Issues MTD face in their project
    Time management- Planning and executing events require precise time management. MTD may face challenges in coordinating multiple tasks and ensuing everything is completed within the given timelines. Unexpected delays or last-minute changes can further complicate the schedule
    Venue selection and logistics – finding suitable venues that meet the event requirements can be challenging. MTD needs to consider factors such as capacity, accessibility, amenities, and cost. Additionally, managing logistics, including transportation, accommodation, and equipment setup, can be complex particularly for large-scale events.
    Implications of iterative approach to set up an event
    Enhanced risk management- With an iterative approach, you can proactively identify potential risks in early iterations and take corrective actions to minimize their impact.
    Iteration fatigue- Continuous iterations can lead to fatigue or burnout among the project team if not managed effectively.
    Implications of an Agile approach
    Faster time to market – Agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban, focus on delivering working software in short iterations known as sprints or iterations. This allows for quicker release cycles and enables organizations to bring their products or features to market faster, gaining a competitive edge.
    Advise to MTD company
    Understand the Client’s vision- Begin by having a detailed discussion with your client to understand their goals, expectations, and vision for the event.

  1295. As Project Manager, I will have to combine all approaches but at different stages, Linear will be more suitable while planning the event, when it comes to implement, iterative will be more used as the environment is changing regularly and mostly uncertain, to keep communication with all parties involved in the implementation of the project.

  1296. Project Management should be versatile knowing fully well that there’s no perfect approach in handling a project hence options should be carefully reviewed and the best approach should be selected for the project.

    Hence As a PM working with MTD, I’ll use the iterative approach and I’ll also implement the VUCA framework.

  1297. As a PM working with MTD, I will adopt the linear approach in the planning of the project. But in its execution, I will adopt an interactive approach . This approach will provide effective feedback, reduce risks as risks can be easily identified and resolved. It will provide for effective communication and collaboration. Time management to will be at its best as setbacks will be handled immediately they are identifies and not wait for the end of the project to identify setbacks. The VUCA framework will be be used to develop suitable responses for challenges faced.

  1298. There’s no perfect approach and a project shouldn’t follow only one type of approach.

    As a PM working with MTD, I’ll use the iterative approach and I’ll also implement the VUCA framework.

  1299. Using an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications, both positive and negative.
    Some of them are:
    1. An iterative approach allows for greater flexibility and adaptability throughout the event planning process.
    2. It allows for regular communication and coordination among team members and stakeholders.
    3. Iterative approach requires continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress, outcomes, and key performance indicators.
    4. Using this approach, potential issues and challenges or risks. can be identified and addressed as soon as possible .

  1300. Using the iterative approach MTD is fine since the market is posed with uncertainty and volatility. The iterative approach would help MTD to plan and strategize in the dynamic market.

    Agile approach is used for a project posed with VUCA.

  1301. As the project manager collaborating with MTD an event company; I will consider that not one size fits all in a project approach. I organizing an event Iterative approach will be considered because of the time and it is less expensive because in using this apprach one can easily predict the apprach since its uses time box or sprints meaning one can make changes at a point if it is foundout that there is a missing link. looking at the characteristics of iterative and agile approach which is feedback and building the right solutions for the success of the project. one must also consider transparency and speed of the two mntioned approach.
    But since not one size fits all the Linear approach can also be considered possibly at the concept and definition stage. So I will consider the three approach at some point of the project where it is required.

  1302. As the Project Manager working with MTD, I will ensure that there is an established clear channel of communication with the relevant stakeholders and that the information is tailored to each stakeholder in a clear and comprehensive tone. Besides, communication will be frequent to update the stakeholders to inform decisions about the project plan. Conduct one on one, where possible, with team members to ensure they understand, and are adhering to the project set out objectives.
    As the PM, I will clearly explain the complexity and ambiguity of the project if there are to the relevant stakeholders to be transparent as possible and individually interact with each stakeholder to create a sense of belonging and relevance to the project.

    In the execution of the project in question, it is well established that in such a project as MTD’s, the linear approach is always the initial process but there comes along the project lifecycle the need to implement the iterative approach due to the environmental factors or influence with regards to the complexity of the project.

  1303. MTD is a company delivering its project with the singular use of the Linear Project Lifecycle approach. But as a Program Manager of MTD I will advise that as soon as the structure’s design is approved, the Iterative Project lifecycle can take up from here as there is no one perfect method for project implementation. this is called the use of a high-breed project lifecycle.
    This is important because we are in an unstable environment.

  1304. The initial stages are linear as regards securing, approving, inspecting a venue. Those processes happen one after the other and can hardly change after these stages.

    Once the design of the structure is put down and approved, iterative approaches can come in. As it is not a permanent structure some aspects of construction can go on simultaneously and make projects faster and more integral.

    1. I will approach the linear , Once the design of the structure is put down and approved, iterative approaches can come in. As it is not a permanent structure some aspects of construction can go on simultaneously as all project are not expected to be of the same approach,it will make projects faster and more exact.

  1305. For a company like MTD, there is a lot of linear approach at the beginning of a project. But once a venue has been chosen and approved and the conditions of laying the water supply structures has been confirmed and determined, iterative approaches can continue from here.

    A company like MTD just needs to get the design right, after that, laying down the structure can come from different directions as they are not permanent structures.

  1306. The concept of project management and as a project manager is unique in executing quality project delivery with timeline and putting so many things together which are complex in nature, but demands technical skills and abilities in doing so.

    As a Project managers you need to deployed the technicalities which includes planning, coordinating, research for new technology, open to opinion and effective communication at every point in time to ensure the team understand the goals and the direction to follow.

    Project management is a positive tool for product delivery.

  1307. The concept of project management and as a project manager is unique in executing quality project delivery with timeline and putting so many things together which are complex in nature, but demands technical skills and abilities in doing so.

    As a Project managers you need to deployed the technicalities which includes planning, coordinating, research for new technology, open to opinion and effective communication at every point in time to ensure the team understand the goals and the direction to follow.

    Project management is a positive tool for product delivery.

  1308. I learnt that in as much the linear method helps one to finish one project at time and helps in goal determination even before the project start but I suggest that in this world filled with complexities, project managers should do well to be adaptive hence combining both linear and iterative…
    Then for the question is important to choose the iterative method towards an event to enable easy adaptation to changes.

  1309. As a project manager, I will implement the use of VUCA [Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguit] framework tools to develop suitable responses for the issues and challenges of the event project.

    Implications of taking iterative approach which is more similar to the Agile Approach:

    1. Flexibility and Adaptability
    2. Customer Satisfaction
    3. Collaboration and communication
    4. Feedback.

  1310. The VUCA framework tool is invaluable to ensuring success as a project manager in any given field of work. With MTD also, after carefully studying and understanding the end results that my clients expect, choosing between a linear and iterative approach or both will not be much of a bother as I have learned in this week that, most times one tends to always combine these methods in order to achieve the best results. I can only advise a project manager to be more flexible, take feedback more seriously and ensure that the ‘why’ of the project continues to guide all of the actions of the team at all times so that the goal remains the sole focus of all team members and the satisfaction of stakeholders, both sponsors and team players, are constantly aligned till the project is delivered successfully.

  1311. As a project manager with MTD, I will make use of the agile method. This will enhance effective time management and prompt feed back.

  1312. This week, I have learned that one of the key challenges and issues that MTD faces in their projects is the lack of flexibility and adaptability. This often leads to difficulties in meeting changing client requirements and may cause delays or budget overruns. To address this, I would suggest taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project.

    Implications of taking an iterative approach would be:

    1. Continuous feedback and improvement: By breaking down the event setup process into smaller iterations, the team can gather feedback from stakeholders at each stage and incorporate improvements in subsequent iterations. This allows for a more refined and tailored final event setup.

    2. Increased flexibility: An iterative approach enables the team to be more flexible in responding to changing client needs and market trends. This flexibility can help ensure that the event meets the desired objectives.

    3. Risk mitigation: By working in iterations, the team can identify and address potential risks or issues early on. This proactive approach reduces the chances of major setbacks later in the project.

    On the other hand, an agile approach can further enhance these benefits by applying the principles of agility throughout the project lifecycle. The implications of an agile approach can include:

    1. Enhanced collaboration: Agile methodologies promote cross-functional teamwork, regular communication, and collaboration with the client. This helps in fostering a collaborative working environment and ensures that the event setup aligns with the client’s vision.

    2. Quick response to changes: Agile methodologies emphasize responding to change over following a rigid plan. This allows the team to adapt to new requirements, incorporate stakeholder feedback, and deliver a successful event setup.

    3. Continuous improvement: Agile methodologies often involve retrospectives at the end of each iteration to identify areas of improvement. By continuously learning and adapting, MTD can enhance their event setup processes and deliver better results in the future.

    My advice to MTD would be to adopt an iterative approach with an agile mindset for setting up events as projects. This would allow them to be more responsive to changes, improve collaboration with clients, and continuously refine their event setups. Additionally, MTD should invest in training their team members on agile methodologies to ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation. Regularly reviewing and optimizing their processes will also be beneficial in delivering successful events and maintaining client satisfaction.

  1313. Agile as an iterative approach of project management allows for the deployment of different stages and skills to build a project plan and make it successful
    As an MTD manager when I must have considered things that I might alter or promote my plan I will start out with the linear approach which makes it possible to take a gradual process and plans step by step, getting detailed plans from the team after that I will try to get quality feedbacks from my sponsors and customers which enchances the transparency and honest of the project and makes communication frequent and effective

  1314. As an MTD PM I will prefer to use both project lifecycles. Linear and interative(agile), hybrid because they are good to use when doing projects in a VUCA world.
    The implications of using iterative project lifecycle is mostly positive implications which are it is less risky, there transparency , there is positive impact since clients have the ability to give feedbacks and able to say what they want. Also there is accurate role of management, each Team has its role and the manager is there just to guide( more of leadership role ).

  1315. Agile is an iterative approach to project management that allows you to manage a project by breaking it into several stages, uninterrupted collaboration with stakeholders, team input, and constant development and iteration at every stage of the project. Understanding Project Teams.
    As an assurance provider with an NGO, we liaise with various stakeholders involved in the campaign process such as the LGA teams and community leaders where the project is to be executed to get us individual’s who are experienced in their communities since they reside within the community coupled with the fact that the project is just a stipulated duration.
    Success had in meeting with the challenges is as a result of the training conducted with the teams sourced by the LGA teams and community leaders before the project commences and effective monitoring of the teams while executing the project.

  1316. From the study of this week, as a project manager who works with MTD event company I will definitely combine or use the interactive and linear approach because iterative project approaches are been derived from agile soft and digital product development which makes a project managers work easier and better. And also interactive approach connect with *volatility*Ambiguity*Complexity
    *Uncertainty which talks about Agile team. Agile team are the ones responsible in responding quickly in a short mini project and also the are in charge of limiting the amount of work in progress.

  1317. Using Vuca to ascertain the type of project facing the company, I can then decider whether to use linear or iterative approach or whether to combine both.

  1318. Using Vega to ascertain the type of project facing the company, I can then decider whether to use linear or iterative approach or whether to combine both.

  1319. As a project manager with MTD, a combination of agile and iterative method will be best, they both combined offer you the opportunities of delivery a perfect project thereby keeping the stakeholders abreast of the situation at hand and also delivering a fast-paced project without wasting time.

  1320. From my learnings this week as the project manager of MTD I can adopt the principles of VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity). Keeping in mind there may be uncertainties in the cause of carrying out the project. In addition to this, I will deploy effective communication between the stakeholders (project manager, project team, project sponsors, regulatory agencies, end-users etc.).

  1321. Application of iteractive approach will help MTD replan when uncertainty in the project occurs and required feedback ensured. This will produce a faster delivery of product and plans. Completion of the project is more effective so as to fastrack investors decision for another project

  1322. As a project Manager in MTD, I will ensure to adopt the right methodology for each project because they are all unique. The key players from the Sponsor -Key players- Stakeholders- Project Team are all unique and different needs must be addressed at different times. The focus is always a successful project.
    Considering factors such as the project objectives, project plan, effective communication , risk management, deliverables and vendor management, the Agile approach in most cases will be most effective for MTD because of the Volatility and uncertainty surrounding their projects.

  1323. From my learning this week, a combination of an iterative and the linear approach will be the best for the MTD company to distribute water for an event, since there are stages of operation but within these operations, there can be an iterative approach were feedback system can be input to get feedback from the end user and the business and as result getting early return on investment and as well as getting the event up and running. a lot of test run can be done and scrum system also for planning and backlog.

  1324. I learnt this week that while handling a Projects, you don’t stick to one method alone be it Iterative or linear.
    The MTD Scenario’s implication of an iterative method would mean longer project durations, high cost implication, event analysis, re-evaluation and result Assessment.
    Advice Project manager at MTD should do a re-assessment of every factor that has affected and may affect the project and lead to its successful completion, should determines the best method to apply.

  1325. As a Project Manager at MTD, I will employ a hybrid approach that takes into account the sequential nature of certain project components. Given that MTD projects primarily involve physical work, it is essential to have specific equipment and resources in place before commencing the project activities.

    An iterative approach, which suggests completing portions of the project in multiple iterations, may not be suitable in this context. Therefore, I will prioritize a sequential approach to ensure that prerequisites are met before proceeding to subsequent phases.

  1326. As a project manager with MTD, i will use a combination of agile and iterative method, this will help me keeping the stakeholders abreast of the situation at hand and also be able to deliver the project even in VUCA world.

    1. The consequence of adopting an iterative approach is that the project will be broken down into bits of individual mini projects and regular conversation with clients and stakeholders will be held at each interval. Adopting an agile approach will mean that as the project progresses their will be opportunity for adjustments depending on the feedback gotten from clients and stakeholders. Short time targets should be set to measure progress.

  1327. As the project manager working with MTD, the events company, I’ve recently learned some valuable insights that could help address the challenges and issues they face in their projects. Here’s what I’ve learned:

    Importance of Clear Communication: Effective communication is critical in event management projects. Clear and open communication channels with clients, stakeholders, vendors, and the project team help ensure that everyone is aligned, expectations are managed, and potential issues are addressed promptly.
    Comprehensive Risk Management: Events can be susceptible to various risks, such as budget overruns, schedule delays, vendor issues, and technical glitches. Implementing a robust risk management process, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation strategies, and contingency planning, can help anticipate and manage potential challenges.
    Flexibility and Adaptability: Events often involve unforeseen changes, last-minute requests, or evolving client preferences. Being flexible and adaptable in response to these changes is crucial. Having contingency plans, maintaining strong vendor relationships, and being open to alternative solutions can help navigate unexpected situations effectively.
    Regarding the implications of taking an iterative approach versus an agile approach to setting up an event as a project:

    Iterative Approach:
    Taking an iterative approach involves breaking down the event setup into smaller, manageable phases or iterations. Each phase focuses on specific deliverables or components of the event, allowing for frequent review, feedback, and refinement before proceeding to the next phase. This approach ensures that progress is continuously evaluated and adjusted based on evolving requirements or new insights.


    Enhanced Flexibility: Iterative approaches allow for flexibility in incorporating changes or addressing emerging requirements throughout the project lifecycle.
    Improved Collaboration: Iterative processes encourage collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and vendors, promoting a shared understanding and early identification of potential issues.
    Better Risk Management: Frequent review and refinement cycles provide opportunities to identify and mitigate risks earlier in the project, reducing their potential impact.
    Agile Approach:
    Adopting an agile approach entails using iterative and incremental methods to manage the event project. It emphasizes adaptive planning, cross-functional collaboration, and continuous delivery. Agile frameworks, such as Scrum or Kanban, prioritize customer satisfaction, embrace change, and promote regular reflection and improvement.


    Increased Customer Satisfaction: Agile methodologies emphasize close customer collaboration, ensuring that client preferences and feedback are actively incorporated throughout the project, resulting in higher satisfaction levels.
    Empowered Teams: Agile empowers self-organizing teams to make decisions, collaborate, and adapt to changing circumstances, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.
    Faster Time-to-Market: Agile practices enable the delivery of valuable event features or components in shorter cycles, allowing for quicker response times and faster time-to-market.
    If I were asked to advise MTD, the events company, on their approach, my advice would be to consider incorporating agile principles into their event project management practices. An agile approach would enable them to adapt to the dynamic nature of event management, facilitate better collaboration and communication, and deliver customer-centric events. Implementing agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, could provide them with the flexibility, speed, and customer satisfaction they need to excel in the events industry. However, it’s essential to assess their organizational readiness, provide proper training and support, and gradually transition to agile practices to ensure a successful adoption.

    1. Very well put together.
      I am in support of the Agile approach ( hybrid of Scrum and Kanban) as well. Putting into perspective the uncertainty and volatility nature of both internal and external factors involved in a successful execution of an event, the Agile method is the quickest resolution platform that can be adopted.

  1328. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I have gained several insights this week that could potentially assist them with their difficulties and problems.

    One of the key insights is the importance of effective communication and collaboration within the project team and with stakeholders. Many issues arise from miscommunication, lack of clarity, and poor coordination. Encouraging open and frequent communication can help identify and resolve issues early on, leading to smoother project execution.

    Another insight is the significance of proper planning and risk management. By identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans, MTD can be better prepared to handle unforeseen challenges and minimize their impact on project timelines and outcomes.

    Regarding an iterative approach in organizing an event as a project, the consequences would involve breaking down the event’s activities into smaller, manageable iterations. This allows for flexibility and adaptability as each iteration builds upon the previous one. It enables quicker feedback loops and the ability to incorporate changes based on stakeholder input. However, it may require constant reassessment and adjustment of plans, which can be time-consuming.

    On the other hand, adopting an agile approach would involve embracing iterative and incremental development, emphasizing collaboration, adapting to change, and delivering value early and continuously. This approach can lead to more flexibility, faster decision-making, and better responsiveness to changing requirements. However, it requires a high level of engagement and involvement from all stakeholders and might not be suitable for all types of events.

    If MTD were to seek my advice, I would recommend taking an agile approach with certain adjustments. This would involve incorporating agile principles such as continuous delivery, frequent stakeholder involvement, and iterative development. However, considering the nature of event planning, I would also emphasize the importance of careful planning, risk management, and maintaining a certain level of structure to ensure the success of the project.

    Overall, my advice to MTD would be to foster effective communication, embrace a flexible and adaptive approach, prioritize planning and risk management, and find the right balance between structure and agility in their event projects.

  1329. As a Project Manager at MTD, I understand the importance of flexibility in approaching different event projects. Each project presents unique challenges, and the outcome largely depends on the chosen approach. By being adaptable and open to different methodologies, I can effectively manage these projects. Here’s how adopting a flexible approach can benefit our team:

    Minimizing Risk: Utilizing an iterative approach allows us to break down the project into smaller, manageable phases. This enables us to identify and address potential risks early on, minimizing their impact on the overall project. By continuously evaluating and adjusting our strategies, we can mitigate risks effectively.

    Efficient Resource Management: Events often come with limited resources, which can lead to conflicts if not managed properly. By being flexible in our approach, we can optimize the allocation of resources, ensuring they are utilized efficiently. This helps us avoid unnecessary conflicts and ensures the smooth progress of the project.

    Accommodating a VUCA Environment: In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world, it’s essential to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. By adopting an agile approach, we can respond swiftly to unexpected challenges, adjust our plans, and make informed decisions. This flexibility allows us to navigate the dynamic event landscape effectively.

    Tailoring Approaches: Not all event projects are the same, and what works best for one may not be suitable for another. By advising our team to be flexible, we can encourage them to assess the unique circumstances of each project and determine the most appropriate approach. This tailored approach increases the chances of success and client satisfaction.

    In conclusion, as a Project Manager at MTD, I recognize the importance of flexibility in approaching event projects. By being open to different methodologies and adapting to the specific circumstances of each project, we can minimize risks, optimize resource management, accommodate the VUCA environment, and tailor our approaches for the best possible outcomes. I advise our team to embrace flexibility and choose the approach that suits the situation surrounding each event project.

  1330. As a project manager with MTD, i will use a combination of agile and iterative method, thereby keeping the stakeholders abreast of the situation at hand and also delivering a fast paced project with less or no time wasted.

  1331. As a project manager with the MTD,I will use different approach to help the the project team achieve it’s set goals and anywhere there are issues,help them proffer solutions.
    As a PM I can adopt the principles of VOLATILITY,UNCERTAINTY,COMPLEXITY,AMBIGUITY (VUCA).keeping it in mind that it can not always go as planned.
    And lastly what I learnt was that effective communication can also help the project team to achieve its set aims when there is an effective communication from the project team to the sponsor(s).

  1332. This week, I have gained the following insights that could offer assistance to MTD in
    dealing with their project difficulties and problems:
    ● The importance of communication and collaboration. Many of MTD’s problems
    seem to stem from a lack of communication and collaboration between different
    teams and stakeholders. For example, the marketing team may not be aware of
    the latest changes to the product, which can lead to inaccurate or outdated
    marketing materials. Or, the sales team may not be aware of the shipping
    delays, which can lead to disappointed customers. By improving communication
    and collaboration, MTD can avoid these kinds of problems and ensure that
    everyone is on the same page.
    ● The need for flexibility and adaptability. The business environment is constantly
    changing, and MTD needs to be able to adapt to those changes. This means
    being willing to change plans as needed, and being able to quickly respond to
    new challenges. For example, if a new competitor enters the market, MTD needs
    to be able to adjust its marketing strategy accordingly. Or, if there is a natural
    disaster, MTD needs to be able to find alternative ways to get its products to
    customers. By being flexible and adaptable, MTD can stay ahead of the
    competition and keep its customers happy.
    ● The importance of continuous improvement. No project is ever perfect, and there
    is always room for improvement. MTD should be constantly looking for ways to
    improve its processes and procedures. This could involve using new tools and
    technologies, or simply changing the way that things are done. By continuously
    improving, MTD can ensure that it is always getting better and better at what it
    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, the
    consequences would be that the project would be broken down into smaller, more
    manageable phases. This would allow for more flexibility and adaptability, as changes
    could be made to the project plan as needed. Additionally, an iterative approach would
    allow for more feedback from stakeholders, which could help to ensure that the event
    meets their needs.
    Similarly, if an agile approach were adopted, the project would be managed in a more
    flexible and collaborative way. This would involve breaking down the project into
    smaller, more self-contained tasks, and then assigning those tasks to cross-functional
    teams. The teams would then work together to deliver the project in a series of short
    sprints. This approach would allow for more flexibility and adaptability, as changes
    could be made to the project plan as needed. Additionally, an agile approach would
    encourage more feedback from stakeholders, which could help to ensure that the project meets their needs.
    If MTD sought my advice as a project manager, I would recommend that they adopt an
    iterative or agile approach to their projects. These approaches would allow them to be
    more flexible and adaptable, and they would encourage more feedback from
    stakeholders. This would help MTD to avoid the problems that they have encountered
    in the past, and it would help them to deliver better projects in the future.
    In addition to the above, I would also recommend that MTD focus on the following
    ● Risk management. MTD needs to have a good understanding of the risks
    associated with its projects, and it needs to have a plan in place to mitigate those
    ● Change management. MTD needs to be able to manage change effectively. This
    means having a process in place for communicating changes to stakeholders,
    and it means having a plan for implementing those changes.
    ● Quality assurance. MTD needs to ensure that its projects meet the quality
    standards that have been set. This means having a process in place for testing
    and validating the deliverables of the project.
    By focusing on these areas, MTD can improve its project management capabilities and deliver better projects in the future.

  1333. The implications of taking an iterative approach is that there will be more stakeholders involvement through feedbacks, which will help the project team to deliver to the taste of the sponsor. The implications and an agile approach will be speedy delivery of project, better team work. I will advise the company to your a combination of both linear and iterative approach.

  1334. I have learnt that both linear and iterative methods can be used.
    While linear method can not easily change, I will switch to iterative method which can be adjusted. Continous planning with the team, and seeing ways that adjustments can be made.
    Then we will have a time frame to achieve one of the set goals for the project and also engage in feedbacks within the team and also to the stakeholders.

  1335. As a Project Manager, I will use several approaches to help the project team achieve it’s aim. Where there are issues I will proffer solution.

    The project management can adopt the principles of VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity). Keeping in mind there may be uncertainties in the cause of carrying out the project. In addition to this, I will deploy effective communication between the stakeholders (project manager, project team, project sponsors, regulatory agencies, end-users etc.).
    I will also ensure time management, teamwork, and a good knowledge of the regulatory environment, and good negotiation, adapting to changes or a disruption in a particular process.

    The Implications of the iterative approach is that it focuses on making the project timeline cyclical to account for necessary rework and improvement. It does not address other aspects of a project like process, timeframes, or customer engagement. The process remains sequential, the timeframes are not specifically addressed, and there is no additional customer engagement. The iterative approach will give the project manager the opportunity of planning for uncertainties that may be encountered in the project, this would build transparency and accountability.

    The implications of the Agile approach is that it focuses on responding to change and on the unpredictable nature of projects by being both iterative and incremental. It is less risky and guides the sponsors and stakeholders in the development of the project through scrum meetings, sprints reviews and progress.

  1336. my name is Akpan Andrew,
    The tools were able to help me manage a project executed sometimes where after the details of beneficiaries has been compiled, they had to leave the terrain due to crisis encountered in the community, we had to engage the community leaders to help in distribution of the materials since they live and know the beneficiaries by acting on the information disseminated by the leaders for easy access to their whereabout.
    My advice to others is change is an inevitable part of our daily process, in executing any projects let’s bear in mind that factors may come into been thereby forceing the initial plans to change, we should be ready to adapt and be flexible.

  1337. As a Project Manager I will deploy several approaches to help the project team achieve it’s aim, where there are issues I will proffer solution.

    The project management with respect to it’s environment can adopt the principles of VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) bearing in mind it will not always go as planned.

    In addition to this, effective communication between the stakeholders: project manager, project team, project sponsors, regulatory agencies as well as the suppliers/end-users is key as well as time management, teamwork, a good knowledge of the regulatory environment, and good negotiation, adapting to changes or a disruption in a particular process.

    The Implications of the iterative approach is that it focuses on making the project timeline cyclical to account for necessary rework and improvement. It does not address other aspects of a project like process, timeframes, or customer engagement. The process remains sequential, the timeframes are not specifically addressed, and there is no additional customer engagement. The iterative approach will give the project manager the opportunity of planning for uncertainties that may be encountered in the project, this would build transparency and accountability.

    The implications of the Agile approach is that it focuses on responding to change and on the unpredictable nature of projects by being both iterative and incremental. It is less risky and guides the sponsors and stakeholders in the development of the project through scrum meetings, sprints reviews and progress.

  1338. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications, both positive and negative. Here are some key implications to consider:

    Flexibility and Adaptability: An iterative approach allows for greater flexibility and adaptability throughout the event planning process. By breaking the project into smaller iterations, you can incorporate feedback, make adjustments, and respond to changing requirements more effectively.
    Improved Stakeholder Engagement: Iterative approaches encourage regular stakeholder involvement and feedback. This involvement can lead to better alignment of expectations, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and reduced risks of miscommunication or misunderstandings.
    Early Identification of Issues: With each iteration, potential issues and challenges can be identified and addressed early on. This proactive approach allows for quicker resolution of problems, reducing the impact on the overall event timeline and budget.
    Incremental Progress and Learning: Iterations provide opportunities for incremental progress, allowing you to continuously build on previous successes and learn from mistakes. This approach promotes a culture of continuous improvement and can lead to more refined and successful events over time.
    Time and Cost Considerations: While an iterative approach can improve the quality of event planning, it may require additional time and resources. Each iteration involves planning, execution, and evaluation, which can extend the overall project timeline and potentially increase costs.
    Resource Allocation: Iterations may require reallocating resources as the project progresses. This can involve adjusting team members’ roles, revising budgets, or reallocating equipment and materials. Efficient resource management is crucial to ensure smooth iterations and avoid bottlenecks.
    Communication and Coordination: Regular communication and coordination among team members and stakeholders are vital in an iterative approach. Proper documentation, clear channels of communication, and well-defined roles and responsibilities can help maintain alignment and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
    Monitoring and Evaluation: Iterations necessitate continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress, outcomes, and key performance indicators. Regular evaluation helps track the success of each iteration, identify areas for improvement, and inform subsequent iterations.
    By considering these implications, a project manager working with MTD and adopting an iterative approach can leverage the benefits of flexibility, stakeholder engagement, and learning while effectively managing time, resources, and communication.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:

    Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile methodologies emphasize responding to change over following a rigid plan. This means that MTD would need to be open to modifying event requirements and deliverables throughout the project lifecycle.
    Iterative Development: Agile promotes iterative development and delivery of small increments, allowing for early feedback and continuous improvement. MTD would need to break down event projects into smaller, manageable tasks or features that can be completed within shorter timeframes.
    Stakeholder Collaboration: Agile fosters frequent collaboration and communication among project stakeholders, including clients, event organizers, and team members. MTD would need to ensure active involvement and participation from all stakeholders to gather feedback, validate assumptions, and make informed decisions.
    Empowered and Cross-functional Teams: Agile encourages self-organizing teams with diverse skills to work together towards shared goals. MTD would need to establish cross-functional teams comprising individuals with different expertise, enabling them to collaborate and contribute effectively.
    Emphasis on Continuous Improvement: Agile methodologies promote learning from experiences and continuously improving processes. MTD would need to establish feedback loops, conduct retrospectives, and implement changes to optimize event management practices for future projects.
    Advice for MTD:

    Embrace an Agile Mindset: Encourage the organization and its members to adopt an agile mindset that values flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. This shift in mindset will lay the foundation for successfully implementing agile methodologies.
    Select Appropriate Agile Framework: Evaluate various agile frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, or Lean, and select the one that aligns best with MTD’s event management processes and goals. This framework will provide a structure for planning, executing, and delivering events iteratively.
    Train and Educate the Team: Provide adequate training and education on agile principles and practices to the entire team, including project managers, event planners, and support staff. This will help everyone understand the agile approach and effectively collaborate within the framework.
    Prioritize Effective Communication: Establish clear channels for communication and collaboration among stakeholders. Encourage regular meetings, such as daily stand-ups and sprint reviews, to ensure everyone remains informed, aligned, and able to provide timely feedback.
    Implement Agile Tools: Utilize agile project management tools and software to facilitate project tracking, task management, and collaboration. These tools can help streamline workflows, enhance transparency, and improve overall team productivity.
    Adapt Agile Practices to Event Management: Tailor agile practices to suit the specific needs of event management. Define event-specific user stories, set achievable sprint goals, and implement event-focused metrics to measure progress and success.
    Continuously Learn and Improve: Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within MTD. Encourage team members to share lessons learned, conduct retrospectives after each event, and implement changes based on feedback to enhance future event management processes.
    By embracing an agile approach and implementing the above advice, MTD can gain the benefits of flexibility, adaptability, and improved collaboration, ultimately delivering successful events that meet clients’ evolving requirements.

  1339. Project Team is a group of people, assigned to a task say for a particular department. The group would have been briefed on the scope, the budget and duration of the assigned task

  1340. As a PM with MTD, applying the Agile approach to our project planning and execution can be very crucial in risk assessment and mitigation. The team gets to work closely together daily on sprints of 2 – 4 weeks with specific tasks at each given time and at better speed. Having these specific tasks as focus enables the team stay very engaged for that time duration and they can clearly see the impact of the work they are doing by testing out the product and reviewing the users feedback and requirements.
    By using this approach, stakeholders are carried along more effectively and transparency is maintained in cases of challenges that can be experienced. some of these challenges can come in form of Government policies and regulations, language barriers, logistics complications, changes/alterations in clients requests, sponsor dissatisfaction etc. some of these challenges can easily introduce uncertainty and complexity to the execution of a project.
    At MTD, a hybrid of both Linear/Waterfall approach and Agile Project Management techniques would effectively work in the execution of the project.

  1341. As a Project Manager with MTD I will use several approaches to help the project team achieve it set aim and where there are issues to help proffer solution.

    The project management can adopt the principles of VUCA, that is, Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity. Keeping in mind it will not always go as planned. In addition to this, effective communication between the stakeholders( project manager, project team, project sponsors, regulatory agencies as well as the suppliers/endusers), time management, teamwork, a good knowledge of the regulatory environment, and good negotiation, adapting to changes or a disruption in a particular process.

    The Implications of the iterative approach is that it focuses on making the project timeline cyclical to account for necessary rework and improvement. It does not address other aspects of a project like process, timeframes, or customer engagement. The process remains sequential, the timeframes are not specifically addressed, and there is no additional customer engagement. The iterative approach will give the project manager the opportunity of planning for uncertainties that may be encountered in the project, this would build transparency and accountability.

    The implications of the Agile approach is that it focuses on responding to change and on the unpredictable nature of projects by being both iterative and incremental. It is less risky and guides the sponsors and stakeholders in the development of the project through scrum meetings, sprints reviews and progress. The Agile approach requires desired functionality for a specific user, to be completed in each iteration that agile uses, known as Sprints. Sprints are kept as short as possible. Here, Customer engagement, a focal point, occurs early and often.

    My advice to the company would to adapt to flexibility in their project projections that no one approach is sacrosanct, that is, to important for the process. That following a strict linear approach for instance would mean that when problem arise in one particular stage of the project there will be difficulties in troubleshooting. However, if from the start of the project unforeseen circumstances are fathom in then plans will be made for such.

  1342. I have learnt that as a project manager, you must understand the crucial need for ;
    1. communication between the PM, Stakeholders and even the project teams as proper communication and transparency can solve possible issues within a project.

    2. Stakeholder management; this goes alongside communication. Being able to engage the stakeholders in every detail of this project can also reduce possible risks in the project.

    3. Change Management: in projects such as event management changes are bound to happen and being able to communicate these changes helps makes the change in plan easier to follow through.

    If my company sought my advice once what approach to take in regards to an upcoming event, I would first like to know the details of this said project and should this project need the iterative approach, the likely consequences would be:
    * Increased flexibility; should any changes come up during said project it can be easily fixed.
    * Enhanced Stakeholder collaboration.
    * Improved risk management.
    * Faster time to event execution.
    * Potential for scope creep.
    * Need for skilled teams.

    Implications of using the agile approach:
    * Continuous feedback and adaptations.
    * Collaborative and empowered team.
    * Flexibility and adaptability.
    * Prioritization.
    * Emphasis on value delivery.
    * Client engagement and satisfaction.

  1343. As a project manager working with MTD, I have learned a few key insights this week that could help address the challenges and issues the company faces in their projects. Here are a few considerations:

    Clear Communication Channels: It’s essential to establish clear communication channels with all stakeholders involved in the event project, including clients, suppliers, and the event team. Regular communication helps ensure everyone is aligned, avoids misunderstandings, and allows for timely issue resolution.

    Detailed Scope Definition: Clearly defining the scope of the event project is crucial. This includes understanding the client’s requirements, objectives, and expectations, as well as identifying any constraints or limitations. A well-defined scope helps manage project expectations and facilitates efficient resource allocation.

    Risk Management: Identifying and managing risks is vital in event projects. Conducting a thorough risk assessment early on enables proactive risk mitigation strategies. It’s crucial to have contingency plans in place to address potential disruptions or unforeseen circumstances during the event.

    Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications:

    Flexibility and Adaptability: An iterative approach allows for continuous refinement and adjustment throughout the project lifecycle. It enables the project team to adapt to changing requirements, incorporate client feedback, and make improvements based on lessons learned from previous iterations.

    Improved Stakeholder Collaboration: Iterative processes often involve frequent stakeholder engagement and feedback loops. This approach fosters collaboration and involvement, ensuring that the event project aligns with stakeholder expectations.

    On the other hand, an agile approach to event project management can bring additional benefits:

    Incremental Value Delivery: Agile methodologies emphasize delivering value in small, incremental increments. This approach allows the event team to prioritize and deliver high-value features or components of the event project early, which can be particularly beneficial if there are time constraints or evolving client needs.

    Continuous Improvement: Agile frameworks promote continuous improvement by regularly reflecting on the project’s progress and seeking ways to enhance processes, team dynamics, and event outcomes. This iterative feedback loop can drive innovation and ensure constant learning and growth within the organization.

    If asked to advise MTD on their project management approach, I would suggest the following:

    Embrace an Agile Mindset: Encourage the adoption of agile principles and values within the organization. This includes fostering a culture of flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Agile methodologies such as Scrum can be considered to structure event project management processes.

    Tailor the Approach: Assess the unique characteristics of each event project and tailor the project management approach accordingly. Some projects may benefit from a more iterative and adaptive approach, while others may require a more traditional project management methodology. Flexibility in selecting the right approach is key.

    Invest in Project Management Skills: Ensure that the project management team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage events. This may involve providing training or hiring experienced project managers with expertise in event management.

    Leverage Technology: Explore the use of project management tools and software to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and track progress. Digital tools can help manage tasks, timelines, budgets, and facilitate communication among team members.

    By adopting an agile mindset, tailoring the approach to each event project, investing in project management skills, and leveraging technology, MTD can improve their project management practices and overcome the challenges they face in delivering successful events.

  1344. As a project manager assigned to the MTD project, implementing the agile approach while working with the linear is necessary.
    Although plans have been made and tasks in progress, I still have to make room for uncertainties which may likely occur

    1. There may be struggles with time constraints and resource allocation. For time constraints, if the needs of the event organizer are changing constantly, such as new demands coming up for where water should be delivered to, iterative project management will help with the volatility. For resource management, linear project management will do the trick for a simple allocation system, but in a situation where maximizing of resources is necessary, i.e, resources being moved from locations of less utility to locations of greater utility, the agile project management system will be necessary to constantly reorganize things.
    2. In a situation where the exact amount of event participants is unknown, the agile iterative system will be necessary to ensure that the uncertain nature of such a demand will be met

  1345. A project team is a group of people who work together to achieve a common goal. This team is typically formed to complete a specific project within a set timeframe. A project team differs from other teams in that it is usually temporary, with a specific goal and deadline. Other teams in an organization, such as a department or functional team, are more permanent and have ongoing responsibilities.

    1. As a Project Manager, I would advise MTD to use both methods wherever possible, depending on the environment.

  1346. As a project manager, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable responses for the issues and challenges of the event project.

    An iterative approach in setting an event includes

    – The event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

    Agile approach to the challenges will aid in controlling over budget arising from the changes in requirement to stall the challenges and increase service quality.

  1347. As a project manager assigned to the MTD project, implementing the agile approach while working with the linear is necessary.
    Although plans have been made and tasks in progress, I still have to make room for uncertainties which may likely occur.
    For example:
    In the process of transferring the water from one point to another, there are situations that may come up such as:
    Bursting of the bufferbag
    Breaking or leakage of pipes
    Impurities noticed in the water
    Issues with the tanker truck/drivers etc

    Iterative approach gives room for flexibility and quick adaptation to change. It enables the project manager know when to use an alternative or stop a particular plan and make a quick switch to another and maintain progress.

  1348. As a PM working with MTD, the iterative Approach is a good one, seeing that the client’s environment can be characterized with uncertainties, ranging from failed facilities to unspeculated amount of guest turnout. This could go a long way to affect the budget or cost of setting up water facility on site or need for more outlet for water distribution

  1349. Augustina Emuobo Abolodje

    AS a project Manager collaborating with MTD Event company using an Iterative or agile approach in organizing an event has a lot of advantages like it enables the team to deliver the output regularly and frequently rather than all at once at the end of the project. It also provides benefit from users and stakeholders feedback and get early return on investment while retaining the ability to adapt and change course as the business environment changes. It also has its limitations, it does not begin with detailed specification project plans and schedules like the Linear Approach.
    As a project Manager I will advice the company to use the hybrid approach which is the combination of both the Linear and Agile approach in order to create flexible and adaptable project lifecycles that is suitable for the project.

  1350. MTD event challenges and issues.
    Being a project manager, I would make use of VUCA framework to develop a better way of response for the challenges of the event.

    For me making use of iterative approach in putting up an event as project manager
    What i see as an implications in this pattern

    1) the project risk will be managed,
    2) changes can easily be carried out

    Agile for me helps more in having control in matters like over budget arising from the changes that may set in within the period of time.

    1. I have learned that linear and interactive methods can be combined.
      So in the case of the water project, since linear method was used to start the project, interactive method will help to bring it to a successful end.
      As a PM, I will use infuse the VUCA framework into the project.

  1351. Possible Challenges:
    1. Burst water transmission pipelines. Here, quick response is needed. The situation is not ambiguous. You know the solution. Direct fixing
    2. Legal challenges or general disagreement with environmental activism organisations, community people or even government about the consequences of their operations
    3. There may be struggles with time constraints and resource allocation. For time constraints, if the needs of the event organizer are changing constantly, such as new demands coming up for where water should be delivered to, iterative project management will help with the volatility. For resource management, linear project management will do the trick for a simple allocation system, but in a situation where maximizing of resources is necessary, i.e, resources being moved from locations of less utility to locations of greater utility, the agile project management system will be necessary to constantly reorganize things.
    4. In a situation where the exact amount of event participants is unknown, the agile iterative system will be necessary to ensure that the uncertain nature of such a demand will be met

  1352. As a Project Manager at MTD

    I will be using both approaches ie. Linear and iterative project methods, considering the fact that different projects come with different challenges and risks.
    I will start with the linear approach to carefully develop an idea and a detailed project plan, resources, and requirements, then use the iterative approach to carefully analyze each sub-project (splint) to test the ideas and get feedback to decide whether the project is viable and if it’s the right course in meeting desired outcome.

    The iterative approach will help minimize risk since it enables better understanding and responding to any complexity and ambiguity that may arise in each short iteration, also it provides room for better managing of resources thus avoiding competition from limited resources available, as in each sub-project we focus on the most priority things.

    Since we are in complex world where VUCA is a common, an agile approach will be the best option.

  1353. As a Project Manager at MTD

    I will be using both approaches ie. Linear and iterative project methods, considering the fact that different projects come with different challenges and risks.
    I will start with the linear approach to carefully develop an idea and a detailed project plan, resources, and requirements, then use the iterative approach to carefully analyze each sub-project (splint) to test the ideas and get feedback to decide whether the project is viable and if it’s the right course in meeting desired outcome.

    The iterative approach will help minimize risk since it enables better understanding and responding to any complexity and ambiguity that may arise in each short iteration, also it provides room for better managing of resources thus avoiding competition from limited resources available, as in each sub-project we focus on the most priority things.
 Since we are in complex world where VUCA is a common, an agile approach will be the best option.

  1354. As a project manager collaborating with MTD Events Company, I can offer several recommendations to help them navigate their projects effectively:
    °These include defining project objectives.
    °Developing a detailed project plan.
    °Establishing effective communication channels, risk management, and vendor management.

    Iterative and agile approaches to event planning can provide flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. The iterative approach breaks the event planning process into more minor phases, focusing on specific aspects like venue selection, marketing, logistics, and participant registration. This approach allows for changes and adjustments but may lead to potential delays and reduced clarity.

    THE AGILE APPROACH: On the other hand, emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, allowing for increased adaptability, enhanced cooperation, and incremental delivery. Combining both approaches can provide the benefits of flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement while clearly focusing on the project’s objectives and milestones.

    Summary: A combination of both approaches can help MTD Events Company productively manage its events. By defining project objectives, developing a detailed project plan, establishing effective communication channels, and focusing on risk management and vendor management, the project can be more successful and productive

  1355. As a project manager, I have learnt that effective communication is key in every project, therefore I will ensure that I communicate every step of my project to the stakeholders on board so everyone can collaborate and understand how the project is moving or progressing.
    The advice I will give to MTD is to adopt and combine the iterative and agile approach in the project life cycle

    1. What is a project team?
      A project team is a team of personnel with various skills sourced to execute a particular task for a short or long duration.
      What make this teams different from other teams in an organisation are as follows;
      They are most times comprise of Adhoc personnel, that is terms of contract is usually for a stipulated period of which upon the completion of the project, the teams are dissolved.
      These teams comprises of individuals with different skills or specialities such as technicians and et al.

      1. Understanding Project Teams.
        As an assurance provider with an NGO, we liaise with various stakeholders involved in the campaign process such as the LGA teams and community leaders where the project is to be executed to get us individual’s who are experienced in their communities since they reside within the community coupled with the fact that the project is just a stipulated duration.
        Success had in meeting with the challenges is as a result of the training conducted with the teams sourced by the LGA teams and community leaders before the project commences and effective monitoring of the teams while executing the project.

  1356. As a project manager working with MTD, team work, collaboration, frequent communication and leadership skills, iterative and agile approach is needed to get efficient results while organizing the event.

  1357. As the Project Manager working with MTD, I have learnt the importance of open and transparent communication between the Project Manager, team members, clients and other stakeholders. When faced with the challenge of water supply it was important for me to inform and set up a meeting with all relevant parties in order to get a solution to the problem. I have also learnt that it is important to expect unforeseen risks and problems and to be flexible enough to make necessary changes.

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project is that the iterative approach can result in problems being approached in a more flexible and dynamic way, reduction of risk and management of efficiency. On the other hand the iterative approach is more difficult to manage and control since there is no laid down detailed plan or structure.

    The implications of using the agile approach it that it involves constant collaboration with stakeholders. There must be feedback at intervals to determine the next course of action.

    My advice to MTD will be to adopt a system that combines both the iterative and agile approach to ensure successful execution of all events they manage.

    1. As a project manager working for MTD, I would advise the company to think about the project’s objectives, goals, scope, the process involve,my project team and the client (s) before determining which method that would be appropriate to use.

      However, using iterative approach in organizing event might pose as a challenge. This is because iterative approach doesn’t have a detailed project plan and schedule, it’s just time bound. The designing, testing and planning are carried out at once without a detailed analysis.

      In most cases,the project would be rushed to beat the time frame, most important things might not be recognized to handle properly which could cause a huge damage on the event.

      Meanwhile, in adopting the agile approach, it is seen that completion of the project is more important than the project plans to some extent. Hence, if the project is not properly handled might not be successful.

      I would recommend that the iterative or agile and linear approaches should be use for proper evaluation and timely completion of the project.

  1358. As a project manager working with MTD, I will ensure there’s a balance between the teamwork while using the iterative method and agile to manage any given changes and apply VUCA as an important guide in accomplishing the work. I will deploy both iterative process or a combination of both per given segment of time.

  1359. As a project manager with MTD, I’d first start with linear approach, to shape the project lifecycle. Then if along the line, the project is reshaped or re-strategized, I’d bring in the Iterative method… The goal is to arrive at a desired end.
    All the above will be achieved by constant communication, with team members, stakeholders.

  1360. As a project manager at MTD, ill apply both the linear and iterative approach in execution of the project. Moreover, at the initial stage, all sprint must be defined by approaching the project using a linear method and when the situation look agile and uncertain, mixed approached will be instituted, this will help to reduce any pitfall during the project

    1. Forming Teams for Project.
      Does the prospect of such a challenge and responsibility excite you? Perhaps you find it daunting…..
      Challenges are part of life and they are meant to make us grow and broaden our horizon, some could be exciting and otherwise, however as a prospective Manager , there will always be a solution to every challenges.

      1. As a MTD PM, My approach will be First, identify the problem and challenges, and then apply the VUCA framework tools so as to come up with a suitable response to the problems already identified.
        I will like to advice company the following:
        Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

  1361. Being the project manager, I would inform the organization that taking on two projects at the same time might have a negative impact on the organisation.
    Feedback from customers will also impact the project and improve business relations.

    The use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the challenges of the event. Also clear cut communication, evaluation of possible risks can help the project, adaptability, efficiency in work, collaboration and communication would be the best approach to solve problems

  1362. I have learned this week that while managing Projects it will be unwise and to stick to one method alone be it Iterative or linear. depending on the project and hand and other factor that many come into play the need may arise to apply both methods at different stages of the project duration.

    With the MTD Scenario the implication of an iterative method would mean longer project durations, more cost implication, thorough Event analysis, re-evaluation and better result Assessment.
    My Advice to the Project manager at MTD would be a re-assessment of every factor that has affected and may affect the project and lead to its successful completion.
    I would advice also that he/she determines the best method applicable, not failing to consider expectation of his project sponsors to ascertain what aspects of the project are important to them, be it the project processes or the immediate results and completion of the project.

  1363. As the project manager of MTD event, I will use Hybrid approach to tackle the challenge in the project. Using the waterfall approach to structure the work to ensure right steps are taken, however in addressing the challenge of availability of water for the event and the issue of venue, the project manager will use the agile approach to breakdown the project into Sprint with a goal and plan of prioritizing tasks to be completed within a fixed time at relatively low cost to produce the desired result which is incremental. By so doing the challenge of VUCA is taken care of, especially as the project tends towards unstable environment

  1364. As a project manager working in collaboration with MTD Events Company, I have several recommendations to offer in order to assist them in effectively managing their projects. These recommendations encompass defining project objectives, creating a comprehensive project plan, establishing efficient communication channels, implementing risk management strategies, and effectively managing vendors.

    Employing iterative and agile approaches in event planning can bring about flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. The iterative approach involves breaking down the event planning process into smaller phases, concentrating on specific aspects such as venue selection, marketing, logistics, and participant registration. This approach allows for modifications and adjustments, but it may also result in potential delays and reduced clarity.

    Conversely, the agile approach emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, enabling enhanced adaptability, cooperation, and incremental delivery. By combining both approaches, MTD Events Company can benefit from the advantages of flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement, while maintaining a clear focus on the project’s objectives and milestones.

    In conclusion, integrating both approaches can aid MTD Events Company in effectively managing their events. By defining project objectives, developing a detailed project plan, establishing effective communication channels, and prioritizing risk management and vendor management, the project can achieve greater success.

  1365. As a project manager collaborating with MTD Events Company, I can offer several recommendations to help them navigate their projects effectively. These include defining project objectives, developing a detailed project plan, establishing effective communication channels, risk management, and vendor management.

    Iterative and agile approaches to event planning can provide flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. The iterative approach breaks the event planning process into more minor phases, focusing on specific aspects like venue selection, marketing, logistics, and participant registration. This approach allows for changes and adjustments but may lead to potential delays and reduced clarity.

    The agile approach, on the other hand, emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, allowing for increased adaptability, enhanced cooperation, and incremental delivery. Combining both approaches can provide the benefits of flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement while clearly focusing on the project’s objectives and milestones.

    In conclusion, a combination of both approaches can help MTD Events Company successfully manage its events. By defining project objectives, developing a detailed project plan, establishing effective communication channels, and focusing on risk management and vendor management, the project can be more successful and successful.

  1366. Thinking of the challenges and issues MTD face in their project. What I have learned this week that could help is combining both the Linear and Iterative approach. With this method, I would be able to accelerate delivery of projects outputs, Improve stakeholders engagement while increasing visibility and transparency.

    The implication of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project would be short repetable burst of energy to build right solutions while having positive experience, customer feedback and customer attention.

    Finally, the implication of an agile approach will be mostly to support the team and help them achieve their goals.

  1367. As a project manager, taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project offers numerous benefits like increased flexibility, continuous improvement, risk mitigation, stakeholder engagement, efficient resource management, enhanced creativity, innovation, and cost control. The iterative approach empowers project managers to adapt to changing requirements, optimize processes, and deliver successful projects that meet stakeholders’ expectations.

    Also, adopting an agile approach to project planning can enhance adaptability, collaboration, stakeholder engagement, value delivery, risk management, and continuous improvement. The agile approach enables project managers to respond effectively to change, optimize processes, and deliver successful project that meet the evolving needs and expectations of stakeholders.

  1368. If I’m serving as a Project Manager, I will implement on VUCA because planning an event can be unpredictable .

    Implications of Taking an Iterative Approach:

    Iterative method can help you reduce risk, manage efficiency, and approach problems in a more flexible and dynamic way.

    Teams that use the iterative development process create, test, and revise until they’re satisfied with the end result.

    While on the other hand,
    Agile methodologies offer greater flexibility and collaboration, enabling teams to adjust their approach as they gather feedback and insights throughout the development process. Flexible and adaptable. Rigid and structured. Prioritize customer involvement and feedback throughout the development process.

  1369. As a Project Manager, I will implement on VUCA because planning an event can be unpredictable .

    Implications of Taking an Iterative Approach:

    Iterative method can help you reduce risk, manage efficiency, and approach problems in a more flexible and dynamic way.

    Teams that use the iterative development process create, test, and revise until they’re satisfied with the end result.

    While on the other hand,
    Agile methodologies offer greater flexibility and collaboration, enabling teams to adjust their approach as they gather feedback and insights throughout the development process. Flexible and adaptable. Rigid and structured. Prioritize customer involvement and feedback throughout the development process.

  1370. The implication of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event project is that it takes time and allows for stakeholders to review periodically.
    While that of th agile brings about transparency and speedy implementation.
    In my opinion, I would stick to both linear and iterative approach with the MTD project so as not to get stuck at some point being that as a PM we ought to be able to combine both to our advantage to accelerate delivery of project output. Which is our main goal.

  1371. As the Project Manager working with MTD Events Company, I would address the challenges and issues they faced in their projects by considering different project management approaches and frameworks that I have learnt in the lessons so far, such as:

    In one of the scenarios described in the lessons, MTD Events faced a challenge regarding the availability of water for their temporary event, which overlapped with the operation of the venue.

    To tackle such challenges, understanding project cycles and frameworks can be beneficial:

    Iterative project cycles, such as the Agile methodology, involve breaking down the project into smaller increments and continuously refining and improving them. This approach could have helped MTD Events by allowing them to adapt and make adjustments during the project. They could have collaborated with all relevant stakeholders to identify the water requirements, establish a prototype connection, and refine it based on the feedback received.

    Linear project cycles, such as the Waterfall methodology, follow a sequential process with defined stages. While this approach may not have directly addressed the challenges in the scenario, it could have provided a structured framework for planning and executing the project, ensuring all necessary steps were taken into account.

    The VUCA framework (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) is a useful tool for navigating challenging and unpredictable environments. The scenario presented uncertainty and complexity due to conflicting water requirements. By considering the VUCA framework, MTD Events could have developed strategies to respond to the changing needs of the venue and the event, while maintaining flexibility and adaptability.

    To answer the question: “What would be the implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project?”

    I would say by adopting an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project, MTD Events would experience several implications:

    Continuous refinement: MTD Events could iteratively refine their plans, taking into account feedback and insights from stakeholders, such as the venue’s technical manager and the water provider. This would allow them to adjust their water requirements and find a solution that works for all parties involved.

    Flexibility and adaptability: An iterative approach would enable MTD Events to adapt to changing circumstances and requirements throughout the project. They could collaborate with the relevant parties to identify potential issues and address them promptly, ensuring the successful setup of the event.

    Faster problem resolution: By breaking the project into smaller iterations, MTD Events could identify and address challenges earlier in the process. This would lead to faster problem resolution and minimize the impact on the project timeline.

    Stakeholder involvement: An iterative approach encourages collaboration and involvement from stakeholders. MTD Events could engage the venue’s technical manager, the water provider, and the local maintenance team in the planning and decision-making process, fostering a sense of ownership and ensuring their concerns are addressed.

    To answer the question: “What are the implications of an agile approach?”
    An agile approach shares similarities with an iterative approach and would bring similar implications to the scenario:

    Customer satisfaction: By focusing on delivering incremental value and incorporating customer feedback, MTD Events could ensure that the water supply solution meets the requirements and expectations of all parties involved. This would enhance customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes.

    Collaboration and communication: Adopting an agile approach would promote close collaboration among MTD Events, the venue, the water provider, and the local maintenance team. Regular communication channels, such as daily stand-up meetings, would allow for transparency, quick decision-making, and effective problem-solving.

    Adaptability to change: The agile approach values responding to change over following a rigid plan. MTD Events could adjust their plans and solution based on the evolving needs of the venue and the event, ensuring that any challenges related to the water supply are addressed promptly.

    Continuous improvement: The agile approach encourages learning from each iteration and using that knowledge to improve subsequent iterations. MTD Events could gather feedback, evaluate the effectiveness of the water supply solution, and implement enhancements as needed, ensuring continuous improvement and refinement.

    To answer the question: “If you were asked to advise the company, what would your advice be?”
    My advice to MTD Events company would be as follows:

    Embrace an iterative or agile project management approach: Considering the challenges and uncertainties involved in the project, an iterative or agile approach would provide the flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration required to address the water supply issue effectively. This would allow MTD Events to adjust their plans, prototype and refine the water connection, and incorporate feedback from all stakeholders throughout the project.

    Foster collaboration and communication: Establish open lines of communication among MTD Events, the venue’s technical manager, the water provider, and the local maintenance team. Regular meetings and collaboration sessions will help identify concerns, find common ground, and develop mutually beneficial solutions. This would lead to a higher level of stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.

    Prioritize stakeholder needs: Consider the needs of both the event and the venue. Collaborate with Scottish Water, the venue’s technical manager, and other stakeholders to determine the water requirements for both the event and the normal operation of the venue. Seek win-win solutions that address concerns while ensuring the successful setup of the event.

    Establish a feedback loop: Continuously gather feedback and insights throughout the project to identify any issues or adjustments needed for the water supply solution. Regularly assess the effectiveness of the contingency buffer and the two-inch connection, and make improvements as necessary. This iterative feedback loop will contribute to a successful outcome.

    By adopting these strategies, MTD Events can navigate the challenges in the scenario and ensure a successful event setup while maintaining positive relationships with all involved parties.

  1372. As a Project Manager working with MTD, the event company; My approach is utilizing the VUCA framework tools to help build an awareness of the organization’s situation and develop suitable response to the challenges and issues that the event project may face externally or in a macro environment.

    Learning and understanding the application and usage of Effective Communication, Negotiation, Time Management and Proper allocation of resources and duties across Project Team members helps to avoid improper planning, misunderstanding, result in a balance outlook on resources and foster collaboration among team members. MTD as an event company, requires effective communication and Negotiation with its Clients, customers and project team members to execute a successful event project.

    Applying the the combined technique of an Iterative and Linear Approach helps to be adaptable and flexible; it gives the cause and agility to be able to handle or go through any challenges encountered and deliver a valuable output for organizations and customers.
    The Linear approach helps to develop the concept or idea of how the event will be setup, which helps in defining the event project plan and its requirements, as well as carry out a deployment and implementation phase for the project. If during the course of the project an unknown entity causes a change or disruption, an Iteration approach is initiated.
    The Iteration or Agile approach will help to breakdown the implementation of the projects into phases and mini-projects or Sprints across the project team members to help achieve the required goals and output within limited period of time, get feedbacks from customers or stakeholders at each stage, thereby limiting risk and managing ambiguity within the project life cycle.
    Using VUCA model helps breakdown or categorize the events projects and its relative outcome or entities into Complex, Ambiguous, Volatile and Uncertainty which will help analyze risk , approach project with respect to priorities and help achieve a positive output.

    My advise to MTD is to adopt the Agile approach in executing the event project successfully. Utilizing the SCRUM framework will help the project team to increase customer feedback and satisfaction upon the delivery of valuable features and have the ability to respond quickly to any change or requirements at each stage or phase of the event project.

  1373. As a Project Manager working with MTD, the event company. My approach is utilizing the VUCA framework tools to help build an awareness of the of the organization’s situation and develop suitable response to the challenges and issues that the event project may face externally or macro environment.

    Learning and understanding the application and usage of Effective Communication, Negotiation, Time Management and Proper allocation of resources and duties across Project Team members helps to avoid improper planning, misunderstanding, a balance outlook on resources and foster collaboration among team members. MTD as an event company, requires effective communication and Negotiation with its Clients, customers and project team members to execute a successful event project.

    Applying the the combined technique of an Iterative and Linear Approach helps to be adaptable and flexible; it gives the cause and agility to be able to handle or go through any challenges encountered and deliver a valuable output for organizations and customers.
    The Linear approach helps to develop the concept or idea of how the event will be setup, then help in defining the event project plan and its requirements as well as carry out a deployment and implementation phase for the project. If the during the course of the project an unknown entity causes a change or disruption an Iteration approach is initiated.
    The Iteration or Agile approach will help to breakdown the implementation of the projects into phases and mini-projects or Sprints across the project team members to help achieve the required goals and output within limited period of time, getting feedbacks from customers or stakeholders at each stage, thereby limiting risk and managing ambiguity within the project life cycle.
    Using VUCA model helps breakdown or categorize the events projects and its relative outcome or entities into Complex, Ambiguous, Volatile and Uncertainty which will analyze risk , approach project with respect to priority and help achieve a positive output.

    My advise to MTD is to adopt the Agile approach in executing the evet project successfully. Utilizing the SCRUM framework will help the project team to increase customer feedback and satisfaction upon the delivery of valuable features and have the ability to respond quickly to any change or requirements at each stage or phase of the event project.

  1374. As a project manager working with MTD, I would try to be able to identify the problem
    Then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the issues and Challenges of the given project.
    I would try to incorporate both the Linear and Iterative approaches to get a better result in the project.

  1375. I learnt that both linear and iterative method at different times will lead to the success of a project. Project manager needs to possess some skill to ensure successful completion of a project which is spanning from quantitativeability such as managing time and cost, soft skills relating to people’s management and negotiation.I have also learnt effective communication and teamwork and the ability to get feedback from the client at a given level in a project to make sure the we are on the same page. The implication of taking iterative method of setting up and event is that it minimize the risk of changing project and allows us to test our ideas and get feedback because iterative method can just start with an idea, hypothesis or vision. Getting feedback in iterative method helps us to decide if project is viable to carry out. The implication of an agile approach is that it helps in early delivering values to the customers and to ensure customers satisfaction at each stage of the project. Using the VOCA model which is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and ambiguous will be better for the best result and prevent obstacles hindering the project continuity.
    My advise to employ feedback method in order to enhance communication and allow for better tracking of tasks and milestones throughout the event planning process.implementing tools like project management software or collaboration platforms could also be used

  1376. This week, I have learnt the different methods a project manager can use in organizing a project, the pros and cons of each methods. The VUCA framework would be a good tools for MTD to mitigate the problems and challenges they faced in their projects.
    The hybrid methods will be the best for MTD because of the its advantages in a project
    Using an iterative approach in organizing a project will bring about Information transparency, Feedback from the stakeholders and clients, its moves very quickly and risk mitigation
    The implications is teams are very engaged, they have inputs in the decision making, the stakeholders are very engaged.
    Yes, I would recommend if my company sought my advice

  1377. This week I have learned how effective communication and collaboration will help the project manager in providing effectiveness in building a great teamwork.
    If I should advise MTD stakeholders concerning VUCA framework, I will employed both iterative and agile in order to have effective collaboration

  1378. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project.
    Effective Communication, Negotiation, Time Management, ensuring adequate financial resources, motivating project members, dealing with issues, maintaining a balance outlook.
    The implication of the iterative approach is that it minimizes the risks of the event project which results to changes in the project. Hence, Using the VUCA model which is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and ambiguous will be better for the best result and prevent obstacles hindering the project continuity.
    However ,A Hybrid method at different times within the project lifecycle, the Linear and iterative method will be very effective in managing ambiguity.
    Finally, my advice is that there should room for feedback and apply the pyramid method to run the project effectively.

  1379. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, I will employ the hybrid method (comprising of the best parts of the linear and iterative methods) to solve the challenges posed by the VUCA

    The consequence is that adopting the Agile method may not be in line with the organisation’s policies especially when they are operating under the ‘Waterfall’ method but transparency,feedback and the joy of the sponsor is guaranteed when implemented

  1380. As a project manager working with MTD, I will ensure there’s a balance between the teams(teamwork) while using the iterative method and agile to manage any given changes and apply Vuca as an important guide in accomplishing thework

  1381. as a project manager and in collaboration with this company I will use the hybrid system, by using both the linear and iterative method and scale out the the challenges face and possible solutions using the VUCA method

  1382. This week, I learned about the importance of effective communication, especially in a project management role. Clear and timely communication helps to avoid misunderstandings, ensures that everyone is on the same page, and fosters collaboration among team members. This could greatly benefit MTD as an events company, as they would need to effectively communicate with clients, vendors, and team members to ensure successful event planning and execution.

    The iterative approach in setting up an event as a project would involve breaking down the event planning process into smaller, manageable tasks or phases. Each phase would be executed sequentially, with feedback and adjustments made along the way. This approach allows for flexibility and provides the opportunity to incorporate changes or improvements throughout the project. The implications of taking an iterative approach would be enhanced adaptability, better risk management, and increased stakeholder engagement.

    On the other hand, an agile approach would involve using incremental delivery of event features or components, focusing on delivering value to the client early and frequently. This approach would require frequent collaboration and feedback with clients and stakeholders throughout the entire project lifecycle. The implications of an agile approach would include increased client satisfaction, faster response to changing requirements, and improved team collaboration.

    If I were asked to advise MTD, I would suggest taking an agile approach in setting up events as projects. This would involve adopting agile project management methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban. By doing so, MTD could benefit from increased client satisfaction due to the frequent delivery of valuable features, the ability to respond quickly to changes or new requirements, and improved team collaboration through regular meetings and feedback sessions. Additionally, implementing tools like project management software or collaboration platforms could enhance communication and allow for better tracking of tasks and milestones throughout the event planning process.

  1383. As a project manager I have learned that managing a project shouldn’t be a choice between either a linear or iterative approach. The two approach can be combined at some point.
    I will apply the linear approach for a well detailed and straightforward description of the project, and the iterative approach incase of uncertainty. This will give the the stakeholders and sponsors the opportunity to know every detail about the project and also give room for feedback.

    What would be the implication of taking iterative approach to set up an event as a project?
    The iterative approach will give the project manager the opportunity of planning for uncertainties that may be encountered in the project, this would build transparency and accountability.

    What are the implications of agile approach?
    It is less risky and guides the sponsors and stakeholders in the development of the project through scrum meetings, sprints reviews and progress

    What would be my advise to the company?
    I would advise them to have information of the project and take the right steps to achieving results.
    There should be room for transparency.
    There should be a good communication channel between the stakeholders, sponsors and project manager.

  1384. As a project manager the implications of taking an iterative approach is to have a more satisfying and good product
    The implications of agile approach is that it’s breaks down the project into phases. And it also create room for adjustment.
    Finally I would advice the company to stick with both the iterative and agile approach

  1385. As a PM who has studied the macro environment, I will find out the problem if its simple, complex or uncertain. I will be open to use various tools or a combination of tools from linear to iterative/agile. This combination will help me keep track of the project, beat deadline, work by the budget and above all deliver results.

  1386. In collaboration with this company I will use the hybrid system, by using both the linear and iterative method and scale out the the challenges face and possible solutions using the VUCA method

    1. In collaboration with MTD while implementing the use of VUCA tool a hybrid of linear and iterative approach will be used to carry out the project.
      Planning out the whole project and it’s expected out come will be done with reference to similar project carried out previously. The will be done by adopting and adapting knowledge and procedures that were employed in achieving success. (Linear project lifecycle)
      In addition the project will be broken it bits and phases (sprints) with opportunity to get feedbacks from the local technical team and users. Enriching the process with little wins that fit just fine in creating the holistic success of the project. (Iterative project lifecycle).

      A combination of both linear and iterative approach (hybrid) would bring the most success to the project

  1387. As a project manager working with MTD, I would try to be able to identify the problem
    Then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the issues and Challenges of the given project.
    I would try to incorporate both the Linear and Iterative approaches to get a better result in the project

  1388. Linear and iterative/agile approach are both valuable to a successful execution of a project and with the spectrum of techniques and practices they offer in delivering a successful project in a VUCA environment I think it’s best if they are combined for better result be it in stable and unstable environment. Thanks

  1389. Linear and iterative method are valuable in a project and spectrum of techniques and practice that they offer to deliver successful projects in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments. One could consider how to select and adopt tools and techniques from this spectrum of approaches in order to meet the challenges of managing project in different context.
    Hence it’s important that we approach each project with it’s uniqueness and apply the best method to complete it successfully

  1390. As a project manager in collaboration with MTD projects, i will ensure to have an assess on the challenges faced by the company if it has a defined scope or an uncertain scope.
    I have learnt to be a successful project manager, you need to employ the hybrid method in an ongoing project.For a defined scope, I will employ the linear approach, while for the uncertain scope, I will employ the iterative approach. The iterative approach allows for rapid delivery and feedback from stakeholders, thereby mitigating project risks.

  1391. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, I have gained several insights this week that could offer assistance in addressing their difficulties and problems in projects. Here are some recommendations based on those insights:

    1. Improve Communication Channels: Effective communication is crucial in event planning and execution. Encourage MTD to establish clear communication channels with all stakeholders, including clients, vendors, and team members. This can be achieved through regular meetings, status updates, and utilizing project management tools for real-time collaboration.

    2. Streamline Planning and Coordination: MTD can benefit from adopting a structured approach to project planning and coordination. Encourage them to create detailed project plans, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation. This will help ensure that all tasks are clearly defined, dependencies are identified, and everyone is on the same page.

    3. Enhance Risk Management: Events often involve numerous uncertainties and risks. It is important for MTD to proactively identify potential risks and develop contingency plans. Encourage them to conduct risk assessments, prioritize risks based on impact and likelihood, and establish mitigation strategies. Regularly review and update the risk management plan throughout the project lifecycle.

    Now, let’s discuss the consequences of employing an iterative approach and adopting an agile approach in organizing an event as a project:

    Iterative Approach: Employing an iterative approach in organizing an event would involve breaking down the project into smaller phases or iterations. Each iteration would focus on specific aspects of the event, such as venue selection, vendor management, marketing, etc. The consequences of this approach could include:

    – Improved flexibility: MTD would have the opportunity to gather feedback and make adjustments throughout the project, ensuring that the event meets the evolving needs and expectations of stakeholders.
    – Enhanced collaboration: By involving stakeholders in each iteration, MTD can foster collaboration and gather valuable insights from different perspectives.
    – Increased adaptability: MTD would be able to adapt to changing circumstances and incorporate new requirements or ideas as they arise.

    Agile Approach: Adopting an agile approach in organizing an event would involve embracing the principles of agile project management, such as iterative development, continuous improvement, and customer collaboration. The implications of this approach could include:

    – Increased responsiveness: MTD would be able to quickly respond to changes and adapt their plans as needed, ensuring that the event remains aligned with stakeholder expectations.
    – Empowered teams: Agile methodologies empower teams to make decisions, collaborate, and take ownership of their work, leading to higher engagement and productivity.
    – Continuous improvement: MTD would have the opportunity to continuously learn and improve by conducting retrospectives and incorporating feedback into future iterations or events.

    If MTD sought my advice, I would recommend adopting an agile approach for organizing events as projects. The nature of events often involves uncertainties and evolving requirements, making agility and adaptability crucial. An agile approach would enable MTD to respond effectively to changes, collaborate closely with stakeholders, and continuously improve their event planning and execution processes. Additionally, I would suggest implementing the aforementioned recommendations to further enhance communication, planning, coordination, and risk management within their projects.

  1392. WE operate in a very different environment, as project manager for MTD, an understanding of the VUCA frame work, would help to prioritize and plan deployment of resources and responses.
    A Hybrid method at different times within the project lifecycle, the Linear and iterative method will be very effective in managing ambiguity along the journey..

  1393. As a project manager for MTD
    I will make sure to understand the project well
    Take my team members along

    We can decide to use linear approach & later on use iterative approach
    Both approaches are good
    For better results & to achieve our goals

    Before using this approach
    We can determine the best to use by using VUCA framework

    This is due to the fact that events can be uncertain & volatile.

  1394. I’ve learnt that to be a successful manager, one must be able to make use of different methods in carrying out a project and manage the team. A good project manager should be able to tackle projects with different approaches, i.e linear and iterative, what challenges could come up and which possible solutions could be used, not forgetting the VUCA framework.

  1395. As a project manager collaborating with MTD I will center in adopting both the linear and iterative approach for optimum delivery, while I use the VUCA method to go through what is known and not known about a situation or plan. This helps create better understanding of the situation and what the vulnerabilities and risks are.

  1396. As a project manager, i will have to understand the project very well, so as to know the right approach to use while preparing for different tools. Secondly project managers should recognize linear, iterative abundance mixed approaches to create flexible and adaptable project life cycles suitable to particular contexts.

  1397. As a project manager at MTD company, I will assess the challenges faced by the company and categorize them as either clear-cut (with a defined scope) or uncertain (with an unclear scope). For the clear-cut situations, I will employ a linear approach, while for the uncertain situations, I will utilize an iterative approach. The iterative approach allows for rapid delivery and feedback from stakeholders, thereby reducing project risks.

  1398. Project managers should recognize linear, iterative abundance hybrid approaches to create flexible and adaptable project life cycles suitable to a particular contexts.

    1. I learnt being the project manager, Its important to inform the organization that taking on two projects at the same time might have a negative impact on the organisation.
      Feedback from customers will also impact the project and improve business relations.

      The use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the challenges of the event. Also clear cut communication, evaluation of possible risks can help the project, adaptability, efficiency in work, collaboration and communication would be the best approach to solve problems

  1399. Be a project manager for MTD company, having understood the circumstance surrounding the company and their challenges. By using linear approach for non ambiguous and iterative approach for the ambiguous situation. The iterative approach gives room for quick delivery and feedback from stakeholders enhance the project performance and evaluation and record keeping for further analysis.

  1400. As a project manager for the MTD company, having understood the circumstance surrounding the company challenges. I will analyze and classify the situation into ambiguous(the scope is defined) and non ambiguous ( the scope is not clear) situation. Using linear approach for non ambiguous and iterative approach for the ambiguous situation. The iterative approach gives room for quick delivery and feedback from stakeholders hence derisk the project.

  1401. I’ve learnt that both linear and iterative approaches are valuable in project management. Adopting a combined strategy in the projects lifecycle will be more effective and efficient to deliver positive outcomes.

  1402. Linear and iterative method are valuable in a given project and spectrum of techniques and practice that they offer to deliver successful projects in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments. One could consider how to select and adopt tools and techniques from this spectrum of approaches in order to meet the challenges of managing project in different context.

  1403. Linear and iterative method are valuable in a project and spectrum of techniques and practice that they offer to deliver successful projects in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments. One could consider how to select and adopt tools and techniques from this spectrum of approaches in order to meet the challenges of managing project in different context.

  1404. As a project manager, my advise will center in adopting or combining both linear and iterative approach for effective delivery, while in VUCA world, it’s required to be timing or positioning in the daily unpredictable occurances.

  1405. As a Project Manager working MTD, I will combine both Linear and Iterative approach. This creates flexibility which might be needed for the project.

    1. As MTD manager I will combine both the linear and iterative approach to resolve issues and allowing flexibility to achieve the project goals

  1406. WE operate in a very dynamic environment, as project manager for MTD, an understanding of the VUCA frame work, would help to prioritize and plan deployment of resources and responses.
    A Hybrid approach combining at different times within the project lifecycle, the Linear and iterative method will be very effective in managing ambiguity along the journey..

  1407. As a project manager for MTD, I’d make use of the agile approach seeing the type of company and the challenges associated with it. This approach will help keep the stakeholders and sponsors abreast with the progress and challenges that may affect the project delivery quality and time as well as keep the project alive . The implications of using this approach will be quick and short bursts of energy deployed to get every bit of the event rolling and the response from that will prompt the tram earlier on where there might be a challenge.

    The linear approach will not work here but the agile approach will soar and produce desired results for each event.

  1408. As a project manager it will not be ideal to stick to or chose a particular method,using the VUCA framework would be a guide while also employing the iterative and agile approaches when faced with challenges along the line of implantation.

  1409. First I’ll have to understand the project critically so as to know the right approach to use while preparing different tools. But then a proper understanding of what the project is, is paramount

  1410. First I’ll have to understand the project critically so as to know the right approach to use while preparing different tools

  1411. Well, personally I’ve learnt ways how I can be able to achieve a successful project.
    Considering this two approach linear and iterative approach is very essential…Just like iterative project I can think of creating something of value with each iterative rather than only at the end of the project… giving a thought or idea can help me.
    Second,but in linear approach it’s an effective or efficient way to deliver project in a stable environment if you have the good information about the project or possibly the required outputs so it can be more easier for me also to apply this approach and ponder over it for a successful outcome.

  1412. Simply put, my advice to the project sponsors would be that I intend to adopt the linear and iterative approaches as they are irreconcilably compatible and one can’t be done without including the other especially in the dynamic world we are in today. Most importantly in a company like MTD, the Agile software and technology approach/method will work best to help ensure proper delivery and near-certainty as to the progressive iteration of the project at every level and sprint point. And it would allow for accountability, shared knowledge of any sudden changes or movements that may arise and feedbacks coming in almost at any point will be effectual in implementing the right deliverables to help cushion any likely consequences or occurrences somewhat seeming adverse to the goal and final outcome of the Project.

    1. As a project manager with MTD, I will create the project lifecycle using the linear approach.

      In the cause of the project, I’ll promote frequent communication with the team members and stakeholders to ensure that we carry out the project seamlessly and deliver on time.

  1413. Project managers should recognize linear, iterative abundance hybrid approaches to create flexible and adaptable project life cycles suitable to a particular contexts.

    Advice for the project workers are
    Working daily,having good information and making necessary movements.

    1. My advice will be that they adopt a careful combination of both the linear and iterative approaches. In this VUCA world, it’s important to factor in the unpredictable changes that occurs daily.

  1414. As a goal oriented project manager, Linear and iterative approach are good. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. I will take both of them into consideration taking ideas from each, then combine them and fine tune it to meet my need for the particular project, because my aim is delivering a satisfactory result to the stakeholders.

  1415. Handling projects is really herculean but with the right approaches, they can be tackled. I would apply the iterative and linear approaches in setting up project plans and phases. Linear when the projects have a set structure but with an undertone of iterative so I do not shoot myself in the foot. New and fresh terrain would require iterative approaches with well-detailed sprints.

  1416. The agile, iterative and linear approaches are all valid approaches depending on the context and situation at hand. Whatever approach adopted must have an understanding of the VUCA framework to deal with issues as they appear. In the case of the MTD project, there are issues about the environment that some environmental activist will make certain actions that needs to be addressed as part of the project circle. These and many events are to be addressed with the predictive and iterative mindset according the the circumstances

  1417. As a project manager working with MTD, I would apply linear and iterative approaches to the project. I opted for iterative in other to deal with the volatility, uncertainty, complex and ambiguous nature of the job. Iterative approach deals with challenges such as getting the right PVC pipes that will last, right fittings, good water filter, a good design by an expert engineer to know the best flow rate etc. I will make sure I communicate with the project team and stakeholders for continuous reviews and reports.

    I will use Linear approaches to do the financing aspects because the project owners have a fair estimate for the costs which will also include a little or more for unplanned issues.

    The reason for taking the Iterative approach is because it can handle the unplanned issues that come up, it gives room for testing ideas and learning requirements, it gives assurance to the sponsors of the project and increases transparency and accountability thus fast delivery of the project.

    The implication of adopting agile approach due to the volatility and uncertainty in the project through continuous and dynamic planning; it will make them to be more productive, reprioritize and finish faster.

    I would advice the company to engage stakeholders in all the steps taken for transparency and accountability and recommend agile method for them.

  1418. Thinking of MTD on going project challenges and issues.
    project manager are key to performance of every aspect and level of project.
    communication is best mode, as a manger you are supposed to familirized with the teammate as sharing the goal with the team.
    duty allocation-someone is keen to allocate duty to see the performance with one another within the team.
    governance policy .since manager is the lead in any given project is of good to have high intellectual governance policy with him,.to a certain that everything is run smoothly without failling

  1419. Knowing that Linear, iterative, mixed and hybrid project methods depends on the environment (VUCA-Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and Ambiguous). To overcome these challenges it better to use HYBRID

    As a project manager, I would advice that MTD Event company, implement the Hybrid approach (Linear and Iterative) as

  1420. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, one of the problems I know may face is having to receive clearance from higher ups and partners before carrying out any phase in the event planning

    Using the hybrid method, I will suggest that the research and discovery is properly done and presented before all stakeholders and everybody contributes and we settle on the plan

    Then we move to deployment, here I’ll use the iterative method, leaving the team to complete the already broken down plans with meeting to review progress forthrightly
    And I’ll also gather as much information and share with everyone so we all know what to do when uncertain situations arise as well as come up with back up solutions for volatile situations that may arise

    Above all, I’ll suggest that communication should be constant and very transparent

  1421. I would first put into consideration what I’ve learnt already, knowing that no two projects are same and that risk management is crucial in MTD, I would choose the iterative process or a combination of the.

  1422. As a project manager collaborating with the MTD, with what have leaned through the cost of this week, the best approach for me will be the hybrid[linear and iterative]. Fact is the either of the two can’t solve situation face by pm in this current dispensation.

  1423. As a project manager working with MTD, I would go for an iterative and agile approach.

    in Iterative approaches, feedback is gotten to make sure they have built the right solution for the right people and have gone off in the right direction.
    Agile will work very well with MTD because customers need to understand what features they need. Teams can also build prototypes, a series of minimum viable products to start building features and ask customers/stakeholders to review them particularly, just to check and validates them. when acting in an iterative way in the project we are discovering risks as it goes, monitoring them as soon as possible and thereby taking action on those risks asap. iterative approaches are very positive because they got to see the impact their work is having on their customers.
    Agile projects are less risky, as the team works daily together face to face and has good transparency and makes decisions quickly.

  1424. MTD could apply both linear and iterative approaches to their project management style to help them deal with the volatility and uncertainty that they will encounter in their business.They can iteratively work on challenges like getting the right pipe fittings and flow rate , get the best out of their slack, schedule regular report/review for stakeholders etc. Also linear approaches an ne used for the financing aspects since they have fairly accurate estimates for the costing, which will also include a little more for unplanned contingencies.
    The implication of taking an iterative approach is that ,it can handle the issues that come up decisively and in a timely manner, as the experimentation involved in the sprints will let them know.sooner than later, the benefits and non-merits of any solutions they will come up with.
    The implication of using an agile approach is pretty similar to the above paragraph, being that flexibility and adaptability that it offers to projects.
    My advice to the company would be for them to engage stakeholders in an open transparent way , and to apply hybrid approaches to their project management methodology. Finally I would ask them to hire my services as a consultant.

  1425. I will adopt the hybrid method in managing the project.
    event project has a bulk of instability and volatility in its scope however, there some part of the project that is definite and predefined when presenting the business case. In this case, a linear method will be considered.

  1426. Gift from group 7, cohort 7.

    I’d simple use the hybrid method in managing the project because applying the linear method alone will not give me the desired results due to the nature of the project I’m managing. It is best to combined all project management methods.

  1427. As a project manager working with MTD, I will apply both iterative and agile method in handling the project, stakeholders, team and sponsors.

  1428. Okem ThankGod Joseph, of cohort 7 team 8,

    As a project manager collaborating with the MTD
    With what have leaned through the cost of this week
    It will be good enough for the MTD to go with the both approach, linear & iterative, reason been that linear will help the organisation in knowing the various steps of the project as it assumed very good information and understanding of the project goal, solution and expected outputs and outcomes right from the start., The scope of the project will not change significantly., Have good information about the required output., Can be sure u understand what users and stakeholders need and want., Have expertise in the domain, When u know all this then u can bring it iterative Approach
    Iterative or agile Approach is intuitive in nature, that means short repeatable best of energy to build solutions, and that means we r getting feedback each time to make sure that we are building the right solution for the right people and haven’t gone off to different direction, iterative project approach helps in managing time. As iterative/agile always sorts feedback from the stakeholders and users and working as fast as possible to resolve these challenges frequently.

    I will also advise MTD organisation to reduce risk, keep communication alive with the stakeholders, and be flexible.
    With these they can be able to achieve their project successfully.

  1429. As a project manager, I will work on finding the perfect blend of processes to adopt. Adopting the Iterative process and Scrum analysis.

  1430. As a project Manager working with MTD, i will explore the iterative approach because of the unique and complicated characteristics of such project, VUCA framework will also help in tackling some of the challenges that will be encountered during the course of the project.

  1431. Due to the volatilty and uncertainty attached to managing an event, it will be right to employ both the iterative and agile approach to tackle the changes that might come up in the course of the event.
    As a project manager, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop the best response for the issues and challenges of the event project in other to bring about a successful project. Flexibility and Adaptability is key.

  1432. While considering the problems that MTD encounters in their projects, communication will go a long way to start address the problems, the sponsor and the stakeholders need to be carryed along, the problem of VUCA will be touched on, and a suitable response and fast approach need to be adopted in dealing with the challenges.
    Iterative method is best suited to deal with the problem created VUCA, I find the iterative more efficient, less time consuming, adaptability and results and frequent delivery at every point, while implementing feedback are coming in to help you get better.

    Then, the type of project will also determine the approach use if it a project that’s not affected by VUCA at in large extents, the linear approach we deal with other issues faced in the course of the project.

  1433. As project manager at MTD, I will take on the iterative approach or hybrid approach (the combination of iterative and linear approach) because event planning could sometimes be faced with uncertain situations. The merit is that the event project risk can be reduced, and changes would be easily implemented. Also, using a VUCA can help when imploring these challenges

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project? It will help the PM and the stakeholders understand the issues, processes, challenges, solutions, and clear doubt about decisions made so far and the ability to complete the project successfully.

    What are the implications of an agile approach? Is that Agile approach is able to respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations, or sprints, and by limiting the amount of work in progress. By limiting the number of tasks being worked on at any given time, not only are agile approaches more productive – It helps to finish what you have started rather than working on many things for longer
    – It helps to reprioritise and change direction quickly.
    – It helps to respond to uncertainty through continuous, dynamic planning.

    My advice to the company will be to adopt the use of iterative project method since planning events need constant feedback from the client. This will enable them to adjust to any future changes from the client or environment.

  1434. As a project manager, the first step is to understudy the pros and cons of the project, visualizing what the end result should be. Each projects are different from each other even though similar approaches can be used with little bend and push.
    The linear project is a little bit rigid and does not really give room for adjustment, cause one phase must be completed to move to the next phase.
    But the iterative approach is a flexible design approach which gives room for move in and out of the phases whereby allowing adjustments and improvements.

  1435. As project manager at MTD.

    Thinking on MTD on going on issues
    As a project manager I will take on the iterative approach
    Event could sometimes be faced with uncertain situations

    The merit is that the event project risk can be reduces and changes would be easily implemented

    Also using a VUCA can help when imploring this challenges

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project? Is that it will help the PM and the stakeholders understand the issues, processes, challenges, solutions and clear doubt about decision made so far and the ability to complete the project successfully.

    The implications of an agile approach? Is that Agile approach is able to respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations, or sprints, and by limiting the amount of work in progress. By limiting the number of tasks being worked on at any given time, not only are agile approach more productive – It helps to finish what you have started rather than working on many things for longer
    – It helps to reprioritise and change direction quickly.
    – It helps to respond to uncertainty through continuous, dynamic planning.

    My advise to the company will be to change their current processes from paper work (Manuel process) to digital processes by allowing the project go on has proposed and support the PM with feedback on every stage

  1436. Ashiru Moruf Kayode

    As a project project manager working with MTD, I would go for iterative and linear aproach. For an event project like that, both linear and iterative approach is required.

    Dealing with a water supply company and an event firm. Iterative approach give flexibility, ability to test and opportunity to gather feedbacks
    VUCA framework is certain in this kind of senerio.

  1437. As a project project manager working with MTD, I would go for iterative and linear aproach. For an event project like that, both linear and iterative approach is required.

    Dealing with a water supply company and an event firm. Iterative approach give flexibility, ability to test and opportunity to gather feedbacks
    VUCA framework is certain in this kind of senerio.

  1438. As a Project Manager the Implication of iterative approach to setting up an event gives room for flexibility and thinking and putting things in place as the project unfolds also the iterative approach makes feedbacks from sponsors much easier as the day goes by thereby make it a correction along side improvement and reduce risk to barest minimum level to aid efficiency and Good communication amongst PM
    :My Advice is for the company to use the the agile project approach due to its flexibility in real time business.

  1439. Joy Onyenakuchi

    I see the iterative method as a lifesaver in a matter of urgency especially when they have to work on two projects at a time. As a project manager in MTD, I’d look to study the process and know what is most pressing and difficult. That could be a stepping stone to a breakthrough. It is also very necessary to apply the VUCA framework.

  1440. Implication of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project is that it is flexible, it gives room for thinking and putting things in place rightly, gives opportunities to gather feedback from the sponsors or stakeholders which might result to change or improvement where necessary.
    My advice to MTD would be to stick with iterative project approach due to it’s flexibility in real-time.

  1441. Iterative approach creates, test, and revise until they’re satisfied with the end result. You can think of an iterative process as a trial-and-error methodology that brings your project closer to its end goal. Using an iterative method can help reduce risk, manage efficiency, and approach problems in a more flexible and dynamic way. The implications are effects on the deadlines and budget cost.
    the MTD project is big and taking two projects at the same time can be confusing and slow down pace and speed. but then, the Project Manager may want to consider studying the VUCA framwork and identify which approache is best for which project, taking into consideration the pros and cons of each approach as againts the deliverables.

  1442. As a project manager, MTD might not know that taking two projects at the same time might slow the pace of work in order to meet up with the time frame to execute the project.

    They should use the iterative approach to get feedback from the users or business to know how to go about the project after then use the linear approach that will give them an excellent directions on how to execute the project and at the same time make use of the agile team to add to the feedback they already had.

    My advice is for them to reduce risk, communicate well with the stakeholders ,and be flexible.

    1. The integration of continuous feedback from stakeholders helps build products that align fully to the end user needs resulting in higher satisfaction.

      The MTD project manager should combine both linear and iterative methods.

      The VUCA framework will be a guide on what method to adopt.

    COHORT 7
    GROUP 10.

    As the P.M of MTD and going by the VUCA challenges that the company is faced with, I have learnt that the best approach to adapt as a PM on macro challenges of
    Ambiguity is the iterative/agile which always sortes feedback from the stakeholders and users and working as fast as possible to resolve these challenges frequently.
    Agile teams are able to respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations or sprints, and by limiting the work in progress being carried out.not only are agile teams more productive, they finish what they start faster, and are able to prioritize and change directions quickly and with less cost. As a Project manager I will not only adopt the agile approach,but I will also advise other managers to use it as well to tackle the macro challenges (VUCA) to gain efficiency and effectiveness in project management

    1. As a project manager,taking on two projects at the same time could have a negative impact on the organisation. The iterative approach will help MTD constantly revise its projects and provide viable solutions during the project implementation. Customer feedback will also impact the project and improve business relations.
      Communication,flexibility and risk evaluation will go a long way.

  1444. My advice to the MTD project team will be to adopt a mixed framework of project management which include the linear and iteration method. this will enable the team not to work on a step-by-step process but help in saving time and work procedures. Waiting for a process before continuing the other will be time-consuming and will therefore back deadlines. Using the VUCA model which is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and ambiguous will be better for the best result and prevent obstacles hindering the project continuity.

  1445. The need to be plain and flexible makes one a Good Project Manager in handling situations.

    For MTD, i will first make them to understand that two projects are not always the same. So the best way to tackle the issues they are having, is for them to consider iterative approach in order to understand the environment and it’s end users better before executing a linear approach, since construction is involved

    My advice is that they should reduce risk by applying iterative approach and need to enhance stakeholders satisfactions.


    AS A PROJECT MANAGER, you should always be plain and flexible to your team member.

    For MTD, i will first made them to understand that two projects are not always the same. So the best way to tackle the issues they are having, is for them to consider iterative approach in order to understand the environment and users better before executing a linear approach, since construction is involve.

    My advice is that they should reduce risk and enhance stakeholders satisfactions.

  1447. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, Adaptability, efficiency in work, collaboration and communication would be the best approach to solve problems. Also the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the challenges of the event.
    The consequences of iterative approach if employed in organizing an event as a project;
    is that the approach is not suitable for smaller projects, more resources may be required,
    design can be changed again and again because of imperfect requirements, requirement changes can cause over budget, and lastly project completion date not confirmed because of changing requirements.
    And also the implications of adopting an agile approach
    With an agile adoption framework like Scrum, the time-to-market gets reduced significantly due to its incremental approach and continuous delivery. Agile adoption helps in frequent and consistent delivery of high-quality products, minimizing project overhead, and delivering business value. so with this, i will recommend the for the use of linear approach

    1. As a project manager with MTD , one of the challenges in our projects is Logistics, with my understanding of what have learnt in the course of the week, is to make use of both the iterative and Linear techniques in addressing the issue that the linear approach have been conversant with since is unable to perfectly address the issue of logistics by engaging every stakeholders involve and discussing the way forward with the techniques I want to use in solving the recurrent problem faced by the organisation….to enable every stakeholders get a better result. The implications of the iterative approach to setting up an event project is; it will help to build in all stakeholders involved a great level of confidence towards achieving the desired goals, acceleration of delivery of the project as at when due and also to keep abreast with policies that may affect decisions surrounding the project for adequate preparation in executing the project.
      The implications of an agile approach is the fact that no stakeholders will be left behind with the progress of the project and timely delivery of the project.
      My advise to the company will be to adopt the mixed approach that is the hybrid method in executing the organisation projects

      1. Task on Project life cycles in practice.
        The comparison of the scenario in the video with my experience as an assurance provider can be viewed when we were doing a double phase in executing campaign prior to the advent of covid 19 that is it is a procedure where the details of beneficiaries have to be compiled before distribution of materials it was a linear approach of which does not work well during the covid era, we had to apply the mixed methods which is the hybrid method that’s both Linear and agile method came into play by compiling the details of beneficiaries alongside immediate distribution of campaign materials, it was able to make the project hitch-free.

        1. Developing Project Agility Task.
          The tools were able to help me manage a project executed sometimes where after the details of beneficiaries has been compiled they had to leave the terrain due to crisis encountered in the community, we had to engage the community leaders to help in distribution of the materials since they live and know the beneficiaries by acting on the information disseminated by the leaders for easy access to their whereabout.
          My advice to others is change is an inevitable part of our daily process, in executing any projects let’s bear in mind that factors may come into been thereby forceing the initial plans to change, we should be ready to adapt and be flexible.

    2. As an MTD project Manager i will apply all approach in carrying out the project, Here are some potential implications to consider when taking an iterative or agile approach to set up event as project.
      Improved Event Design: By iterating on the event setup, you have the opportunity to refine and improve the event design. You can test different concepts, themes, and layouts, and gather feedback from stakeholders to make informed decisions. This iterative feedback loop helps to create a more engaging and impactful event experience.
      Risk Mitigation: Iterative planning allows for early identification and mitigation of potential risks. By breaking the event setup into smaller iterations, you can address challenges and issues promptly, reducing the likelihood of significant problems arising later in the process. Regular check-ins and evaluations enable you to course-correct and adjust the project plan as needed.
      Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: Involving stakeholders throughout the iterative process fosters a sense of ownership and engagement. It allows stakeholders to provide feedback, share ideas, and contribute to the event’s success. By incorporating their input, you increase the chances of meeting their expectations and building strong relationships.
      Time and Resource Management: Iterative planning provides better control over time and resources. Breaking down the event setup into smaller iterations helps manage deadlines, allocate resources more effectively, and ensure that essential tasks are completed on time. Regular evaluations and adjustments help optimize resource allocation and prevent unnecessary rework.

  1448. As the project manager working with MTD, thinking of the challenges faced so far, I will apply the both iterative and agile methods in handling the projects, team, stakeholders and sponsors, taking into account the VUCA framework as the application of these tools and experience as it arise will ensure that the project goal is achieved and everyone carried along at every stage working together to sort out issues that might have resulted in the cause of implementing project plan.

    The implications of taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project? Is that it will help the PM and the stakeholders understand the issues, processes, challenges, solutions and clear doubt about decision made so far and the ability to complete the project successfully.

    The implications of an agile approach? Is that Agile approach is able to respond quickly by working in short mini-project iterations, or sprints, and by limiting the amount of work in progress. By limiting the number of tasks being worked on at any given time, not only are agile approach more productive – It helps to finish what you have started rather than working on many things for longer
    – It helps to reprioritise and change direction quickly.
    – It helps to respond to uncertainty through continuous, dynamic planning.

    My advise to the company will be to change their current processes from paper work (Manuel process) to digital processes by allowing the project go on has proposed and support the PM with feedback on every stage.

  1449. As a project manager of an event, I would choose a mixture of agile and iterative approaches to project management. My choice will be dependent on the phase of the project being done at the moment.

    Starting with an agile approach will help me to break down the event into the planning and execution stages. The planning stage will involve items like meeting with the family, selecting a venue, etc while the execution stage involves decorating the hall, buying drinks and water, etc.

    I can use the iterative approach when I have to twerk already-made plans after meeting with the sponsors and inputting their feedback.

  1450. For MTD ongoing projects,I know no project are the same and event involves a lot of risk management, so the iterative process or a combination of both would be employed. I would foresee changes along the way or risks that we might face and be ready to create the required solution to the risks the project is facing

  1451. Thinking on MTD on going on issues
    As a project manager I will take on the iterative approach
    Event could sometimes be faced with uncertain situations

    The merit is that the event project risk can be reduces and changes would be easily implemented

    Also using a VUCA can help when imploring this challenges

  1452. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications:

    – Continuous improvement: An iterative approach allows for ongoing refinement and improvement throughout the event planning process. Feedback and insights gained from each iteration can be incorporated into subsequent iterations, resulting in a more effective and successful event.

    – Flexibility and adaptability: Events often involve multiple stakeholders and dynamic requirements. An iterative approach allows for adjustments and adaptations based on changing circumstances, stakeholder feedback, and emerging needs. It enables the project team to be more responsive and make timely adjustments to ensure the event’s success.

    On the other hand, an agile approach to setting up an event as a project entails the following implications:

    – Emphasis on value delivery: An agile approach focuses on delivering value to the event participants and stakeholders. It involves prioritizing tasks and features that provide the most significant value, ensuring that the event’s objectives and benefits are achieved.

    – Iterative event design and delivery: An agile approach allows for iterative event design, enabling the project team to test and refine various aspects of the event, such as content, format, and participant engagement. This iterative process helps create a more engaging and impactful event experience.

    Advising the company on adopting an iterative or agile approach to setting up an event, would be as follows:

    – Assess the nature of the event: Evaluate the event’s complexity, uncertainty, and dynamic nature to determine whether an iterative or agile approach would be most suitable. Consider factors such as stakeholder involvement, evolving requirements, and the need for flexibility.

    – Define clear event objectives: Clearly define the objectives and outcomes the company aims to achieve through the event. This clarity will guide the iterative or agile planning process and help prioritize tasks and features that align with the desired outcomes.

  1453. If am the Project manager, I will use iterative approach or hybrid approach. By using iterative method, we can use sprints to get most of the work process done which reduces cost and risk, also help us to keep track on the process as it goes on at different stages and we can make changes along the line if needed.

    Agile approach is good, which work also as iterative approach too but I would advise the company to use hybrid approach, which is a combination of linear and iterative approaches depending on the peculiarity of the environment the work is taking place. The implication of agile approach alone is not having enough reliable information before embarking on the job and the outcome to expect.

  1454. As a project manager, I would employ an iterative/approach considering the project has many moving parts. I will lean on VUCA because planning an event can be unpredictable and change is inevitable.

    Iterative methodology will help the project team respond quicker by working in short sprints for enhanced productivity, reprioritisation and quicker change of direction.

  1455. Implications of Taking an Iterative Approach:

    Risk Reduction: By breaking the project into smaller iterations, potential risks can be identified and addressed earlier, reducing the overall project risk.

    Flexibility: Iterative approaches allow for adjustments and refinements based on feedback, enabling the event organizers to adapt to changing requirements and circumstances.

    Implications of an Agile Approach:

    Customer-Centricity: Agile methodologies prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering incremental value and incorporating customer feedback into each iteration.

    Collaboration and Communication: Agile emphasizes close collaboration among team members and stakeholders, promoting transparency and effective communication throughout the project.

    Advice for the Company:

    Embrace Iterative and Agile Practices: Encourage the use of iterative and agile approaches in event project management to increase flexibility, reduce risk, and enhance stakeholder satisfaction.

    Foster Collaboration and Communication: Promote collaboration and effective communication among team members, stakeholders, and event organizers to ensure a shared understanding of project goals and facilitate feedback loops.

    Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Place a strong focus on meeting customer needs and incorporate their feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure a successful and satisfying event experience.

  1456. Taking an iterative approach to setting up an event as a project can have several implications:

    – Continuous improvement: An iterative approach allows for ongoing refinement and improvement throughout the event planning process. Feedback and insights gained from each iteration can be incorporated into subsequent iterations, resulting in a more effective and successful event.

    – Flexibility and adaptability: Events often involve multiple stakeholders and dynamic requirements. An iterative approach allows for adjustments and adaptations based on changing circumstances, stakeholder feedback, and emerging needs. It enables the project team to be more responsive and make timely adjustments to ensure the event’s success.

    On the other hand, an agile approach to setting up an event as a project entails the following implications:

    – Emphasis on value delivery: An agile approach focuses on delivering value to the event participants and stakeholders. It involves prioritizing tasks and features that provide the most significant value, ensuring that the event’s objectives and benefits are achieved.

    – Iterative event design and delivery: An agile approach allows for iterative event design, enabling the project team to test and refine various aspects of the event, such as content, format, and participant engagement. This iterative process helps create a more engaging and impactful event experience.

    If I were asked to advise the company on adopting an iterative or agile approach to setting up an event, my advice would be as follows:

    – Assess the nature of the event: Evaluate the event’s complexity, uncertainty, and dynamic nature to determine whether an iterative or agile approach would be most suitable. Consider factors such as stakeholder involvement, evolving requirements, and the need for flexibility.

    – Define clear event objectives: Clearly define the objectives and outcomes the company aims to achieve through the event. This clarity will guide the iterative or agile planning process and help prioritize tasks and features that align with the desired outcomes.

  1457. As a project manager at MTD, I would employ an iterative/approach considering the project has many moving parts. I will lean on VUCA because planning an event can be unpredictable and change is inevitable.

    Iterative methodology will help the project team respond quicker by working in short sprints for enhanced productivity, reprioritisation and quicker change of direction.

    Because each mini-project has a plan, backlog or list of priority tasks, deliverables will be faster to achieve. Also, clear communication with the client will help the project manager know what needs to be adjusted or improved upon thereby guaranteeing incremental delivery.

  1458. As a project manager, I will use iterative approach as it gives me feedback at every stage in order to achieve outcomes that are satisfiable to the sponsors

  1459. The availability of reliable information regarding objectives and expected outcomes is limited.
    2. This project’s nature is unpredictable, necessitating the use of an iterative approach.
    3. Estimating timelines, costs, and accuracy is challenging due to the project’s unique characteristics

    1. As a project manager at MTD
      I will have to understand the project critically so as to know the right approach to use while preparing different tools.

      1. As a project manager at MTD, I would advice them to take their time in planning and communicating more effectively with their stakeholders. While it is great that they are passionate about their work and are ready to take on the burdens of extra cost, it is a heavy expense on the organization and might yield losses rather than profits. For every project that they undertake it must be clear from the onset using the hybrid approach that it will be taking this sort of look and that there might be some VUCA situations where spontaneous decisions need to be taken and the stakeholders need to be compliant with every single process including increments in costs, else the project cannot move forward as this implies the organization will not grow.

  1460. As a project manager at MTD, I would employ an iterative approach, recognizing that this project falls under the domain of event management rather than construction or manufacturing. By utilizing an iterative methodology, we can conduct more experiments, thus reducing risks and losses.

    Iterative methodology also provides the advantage of assuring our customers about the completion of our work, unlike a linear approach where completed work holds significance for project sponsors and the organization responsible for project plans and reports.

    Advice as a project manager:

    1. I am opting for an iterative method as it allows us to receive feedback from the environment and the people involved, which is crucial in the context of event management.
    2. Events are subject to change, making the iterative approach an important tool for adapting to evolving circumstances.


    1. The availability of reliable information regarding objectives and expected outcomes is limited.
    2. This project’s nature is unpredictable, necessitating the use of an iterative approach.
    3. Estimating timelines, costs, and accuracy is challenging due to the project’s unique characteristics.

    1. As a project manager , I will make use of iterative approach as it will help me to identify possible risks on time

  1461. As a project manager at MTD, I would use the hybrid method,knowing that this is not a building project, construction or manufacturing but it is an event company.
    With linear we will be able to do more experiments there by reducing the risk and losess and with iterative with we can assure our customers about our completed work(completed work is important to sponsors and the organization that project plans and reports.)

  1462. I will apply the agile and iterative methods because this has been proven to always give results wether minimal or maximum because in a complex world of today, results and success is what truly count to all stake holders and everyone involved in the project.

  1463. I will apply the iterative method in order to reduce risk and as well I will be flexible with my ideas and decisions and transparent with my stakeholders in order to build trust that will help carry out the project.
    However, the consequences of iterative method is that event could be poised with volatile and uncertain situation

  1464. Asking the right questions and getting the right information will help me make an informed decision on whichnlifeculce approach to embark on. Using the iterative can give me the opportunity to give feedback to stakeholders from time to time. To give them an assurance that the project is in smooth sail

  1465. First I’ll apply the iterative method to reduce risk and as it’s not a project on building construction .Then I have to identify the problems and the requisite approach to use.
    This iterative method helps the project to move in the right direction as it takes into consideration feedbacks.

  1466. I will be flexible in handling projects.No two projects are the same. I will ask questions and attempt to answer all questions. I will deploy both iterative process or a combination of both per given segment of time..

  1467. i will chose first identify the problems and the requisite approach to use. MTD is a company and therefore would need to see results over a period of time, depending on the challenge, i will engage the linear approach to give them something to hold on to, but still embark on agile approaches. However, with 2weeks iterative reconvening’s, the team and i would have resolved quite a chunk of tasks.

  1468. Considering the kind of environment and the team members working on MTD projects, they need to make use of the VUCA approach as well as combine both linear and iterative project lifestyles for a better result. The agile approach will help work on the budget.

  1469. As a project manager at MTD I would use iterative,knowing that this is not a building project, construction or manufacturing but it is an event company.
    With linear we will be able to do more experiments there by reducing the risk and losess.
    With iterative with Can also assure our customers about our completed work unlike in linear (completed work is important to sponsors and the organization that project plans and reports.)

    Advise that I can give as a PM :

    Am using iterative method because there is always feed back that will be received from people surrounding us that is environment
    Another advice is that events can change that’s why iterative is important tool at this point.


    Reliable information is not available about the objective and expected outcomes
    This project is not predictable that’s why iterative is being used

    We cannot estimate timings ,cost and accuracy

    1. I will identify the problems and the situations and stakeholders before I will use an agile approach and the iterative approach.

  1470. As a project manager and given the challenges currently faced by MTD in addition to the type of project, I would use the Iterative style, in order to constantly get feedback and rectify issues raised as the project processes.

  1471. As the project manager at MTD, which is an Event Company –
    Knowing that this task requires practicality; I wouldn’t just use an approach but combine the both approaches as each of them are valid in different stages of my project outline –
    VUCA Frame work tools is paramount.

    1. The implication in adopting the Agile approach is that all team members will be fully committed, ready and time conscious.
      Another implication is the Agile approach will keep involving every company/ personnel’s meant to make the event successful. My advice is simply going to be the combination of both the linear and iterative method for better optimisation.

  1472. As a project manager I will apply the iterative method to reduce risk. Also since there will be regular review of the work progress to also get feedback from the team members and the the sponsor. The iterative method will also help to reduce cost and work will be more transparent. But in the area of construction especially in building a house I recommend the use of linear method because is from one accomplishment of one level to another

  1473. Firstly project managers are required to have an eagle’s eye for unforeseen circumstances.
    As a good PM I think the relevant thing to do is to apply the VUCA framework in other to give you the best shot at decision making.
    Implementing the iterative (agile) approach has a unique advantage of using a minimum of 2weeks mini-project sprints and this advantages possesses benefits at the end of each sprint. The iterative approach helps MTD project move in the right direction as it takes into consideration feedbacks from Users and also creates a high involvement of project stakeholders in delivering the project.
    That’s my 2 cents!

  1474. As a project manager on the MTD project i will first apply the frameworks in other to identify the problems posed on the project after identification i will chose the possible approach and also be flexible in decision making hence the iterative approach becomes a necessity in valuation

    1. I will elaborate on the principles of VUCA, identify means of juggling out solutions from the problem areas that I will galvanize the Project Team to identify.

  1475. The VUCA framework is indeed relevant to carry out projects and successful delivery. It into account the different situations that may arise in the course of carrying out a project and it,s delivery.
    Putting MTD into consideration, a sprint would be useful to solve the challenge of carrying out it main function of delivery of pure water to end users and also being able to deliver water for use at the game event. The sprint would be used to deliver faster result putting the sponsors in the know how all along.
    Thank you.

  1476. Being fully aware of the variety of projects, as a project manager (PM), I will effectively apply the VUCA framework to identify the problems and anticipated outcomes in order to better fulfill the objectives of the project.
    The iterative technique will be used to reduce risk, improve resource management, and facilitate dispute resolution resulting from a lack of project resources. We’ll work with flexibility.

    Chioma Chimurunwa Osuagwu

    1. The VUCA framework is indeed relevant to carry out projects and successful delivery. It into account the different situations that may arise in the course of carrying out a project and its delivery.
      To me as as project manager collaborating with MTD, I will adopt iterative approach because it provide visibility for stakeholders. This decreases risk and improve customer satisfaction as well.

  1477. An iterative approach brings the advantage of managing risks by exploring the environment in bits rather than at one go. So in planning an event, in an uncertain or new context, MTD should consider iterative approach in order to understand the environment and users better before drawing up a concrete plan that might be executed in a linear approach since it involves constructions.

    On the other hand if the project has a strict deadline, agile approach might not be the best as requirements need to be locked in early enough to allow for development, testing and proper handover.

    1. As a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company, I have gained some valuable insights this week that could offer assistance in tackling the difficulties and problems they encounter in their projects. Here are my thoughts and recommendations:
      * Clear Communication and Expectations: One of the key challenges faced by MTD is miscommunication and unclear expectations, which can lead to project delays and misunderstandings. It is crucial to establish open and transparent communication channels between all stakeholders involved in the event project. Regular meetings, progress updates, and clear documentation of project requirements can help align everyone’s understanding and ensure that expectations are managed effectively.
      * Flexibility and Adaptability: Events are inherently dynamic, and unexpected changes are bound to occur. MTD should embrace an iterative approach to event organization, allowing for continuous feedback and adjustments throughout the project lifecycle. This iterative process enables them to adapt to evolving client needs, emerging trends, and unforeseen challenges. By regularly reviewing and refining event plans, MTD can enhance the overall quality of their events and increase client satisfaction.
      * Streamlined Decision-Making: Complex projects often involve numerous decisions that can impact the event’s success. To address decision-making challenges, MTD can benefit from adopting an agile approach. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, emphasize iterative development, collaboration, and empowered teams. By breaking down the event project into smaller, manageable tasks and involving key stakeholders in decision-making processes, MTD can achieve quicker and more effective decision-making, resulting in improved project outcomes.
      * Risk Management: Events inherently involve various risks, such as changes in vendor availability, technical failures, or unforeseen weather conditions. MTD should establish a robust risk management framework to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks. Adopting an agile approach can facilitate risk management by encouraging regular risk assessments and incorporating risk mitigation strategies into the project plan. By proactively addressing risks, MTD can minimize the negative impact of unforeseen events and enhance the overall resilience of their projects.
      * Continuous Improvement: The events industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies, trends, and customer preferences emerging regularly. MTD should foster a culture of continuous improvement within their organization. This can be achieved by conducting post-event reviews, gathering client feedback, and encouraging innovation and learning from past experiences. By adopting an agile mindset and incorporating feedback loops into their processes, MTD can stay ahead of the competition and deliver exceptional event experiences.
      In conclusion, to address the difficulties and problems faced by MTD in their projects, I recommend embracing clear communication, flexibility, streamlined decision-making, risk management, and continuous improvement. Combining these approaches can help MTD enhance their project outcomes, deliver successful events, and exceed client expectations.

  1478. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance?

    If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences? Similarly, what are the implications of adopting an agile approach? If the company sought your advice, what would you recommend?

    An iterative approach brings the advantage of managing risks by exploring the environment in bits rather than at one go. So in planning an event, in an uncertain or new context, MTD should consider iterative approach in order to understand the environment and users better before drawing up a concrete plan that might be executed in a linear approach since it involves constructions.

    On the other hand if the project has a strict deadline, agile approach might not be the best as requirements need to be locked in early enough to allow for development, testing and proper handover.

    COHORT 7, TEAM 2

    As a project manager, I will apply iterative method to minimize risk. Also, I will be flexible in my approach because every project is unique; no two projects are the same

  1480. the iterative approach will be adopted to minimize risk, better mana ge resources better and aid conflict resolution arising
    from limited project resources
    Flexibility will be employed.

  1481. As a project manager a combination of both Agile and VUCA where the need arise. Agile to put check on budget and changing cost, VUCA for implementing changes in the course of the project. Adopting the hybrid (both) makes a very successful project, applying each method where it best fits.

  1482. Effective tools as a project manager to apply for getting tasks done, is being open and flexibility. What I will do as a project manager is to swiftly identify the challenges and risk expected with application of the VUCA framework tools to better address the project problems and set the required objectives as no two projects are same. Engaging all personnel ideas is a better way in getting tasks done.
    Research base is a factor to consider in execution of projects.

  1483. From the lesson of this module, it has been established that both the linear and iterative methods and approaches are very useful in many ways, and adopting combined tactics makes a very successful project, applying each method where it best fits the model for a more efficient result.

  1484. If I were project manager collaborating with MTD, I would seek to apply both agile and VUCA techniques. In the first intance, I would define the mission, goals and values of the company. Inthe 2nd instance I would identify stakeholders, team and means needed to run the company. After a given project is identified, I would therefore set specific objective od every project and define indicators and means to acheive the goals. While the world is in continious move, agile that apply flexibility, adaptability and contininious improvement will be used to respond to various changes. VUCA will be highly utilized for event that are short in time duration and changing world. All the approaches are good and will be used according to the ontext.

  1485. Joy ijeoma

    As a project manager,,,,, the best approach to be used in every project is flexibility ,,I will strategically identify the challenges expected outcome with application of the VUCA framework to better address the project and set goals because two can never be the same,,, I will try and archive a better means to deploy both interactive process to make sure the defined set goals are archive

  1486. As a project manager collaborating with MTD Events Company, I can offer several recommendations to help them navigate their projects effectively. These include defining project objectives, developing a detailed project plan, establishing effective communication channels, risk management, and vendor management.

    Iterative and agile approaches to event planning can provide flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. The iterative approach breaks the event planning process into more minor phases, focusing on specific aspects like venue selection, marketing, logistics, and participant registration. This approach allows for changes and adjustments but may lead to potential delays and reduced clarity.

    The agile approach, on the other hand, emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement, allowing for increased adaptability, enhanced cooperation, and incremental delivery. Combining both approaches can provide the benefits of flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement while clearly focusing on the project’s objectives and milestones.

    In conclusion, a combination of both approaches can help MTD Events Company successfully manage its events. By defining project objectives, developing a detailed project plan, establishing effective communication channels, and focusing on risk management and vendor management, the project can be more successful and successful.

  1487. As a Project Manager, I have leaned to be flexible, strategically evaluate challenging that could be militating the optimal achievement of set goals and objectives of the project and device effective and efficient approach towards the challenges.

  1488. As a Project manager using of VUCA framework tool is the best alternative because it helps to develop suitable responses to the issues challenging the projects.

    The implication of the iterative approach is that it reduces the risks of the event project which results to changes in the project.

    The implication of adopting the agile approach in a project is that it helps in controlling over budgets arising from this poject

  1489. As a project manager,,,,, the best approach to be used in every project is flexibility ,,I will strategically identify the challenges expected outcome with application of the VUCA framework to better address the project and set goals because two can never be the same,,, I will try and archive a better means to deploy both interactive process to make sure the defined set goals are archived

  1490. As a project manager,I should be able to identify the problem
    Then implement the use of VUCA tools to enable me develop a suitable response for the issues and Challenges of the given project.

    In using the iterative approach in setting an event as project:-
    The important thing is that,
    – the event project risk would be reduced, and changes would be easily implemented.

  1491. As a Project Manager, I will strategically identify the challenges and expected outcomes with the application of the VUCA framework to better address the project and set goals.

    1. As a PM who is aware that no two projects are the same, using the VUCA framework would go a long way to ensuring quality work done.

      Olufunmilayo Adelabi Osabinu
      Group 9
      Cohort 7

  1492. As a project manager, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project.

    Taking an iterative approach in setting an event as project:-
    The implications is that
    – the event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

    Agile approach to the challenges will aid in controlling over budget arising from the changes in requirement to stall the challenges and increase service quality.

  1493. As a PM, knowing fully well the diversity in projects, I will strategically identify the challenges and expected outcomes with the application of the VUCA framework to better address the project set goals.

  1494. The uniqueness of every project is rated by the challenges it present to the Manager. One of the thing I will do is study how volatile the environment is, then give proper definition to the project.

  1495. the iterative approach will help minimize risk, better management of resources , conflict that may from limited resources that may arise will be avoided.
    I will be flexible in approached situations and possible challenges.

  1496. As a PM in a similar scenario with MTD, I will not stay rigid to a particular method. I will love to ask the following questions: what is the Volatility, the uncertainty, adaptability status at stage? This means using the VUCA framework would be a guide while also employing the iterative and agile approaches when faced with problems along the line of implantation

  1497. Every project is unique and should be attended to uniquely despite the approach and methodology may be similar.

  1498. Flexibility is very essential and it’s best to be versatile and know that no two projects are the same and also be open to learn new ways and methods to carry out a successful project

  1499. Knowing that no two projects are same and that risk management is crucial in MTD, I would choose the iterative process or a combination of the two. I would anticipate potential changes or risks and quickly propose a remedy.

  1500. With the knowledge and understanding that no two projects are the same, so therefore I will have to be flexible in my approach using the VUCA framework.

  1501. Flexibility is the watchword here. No two projects are the same. I will ask questions and attempt to answer all questions. I will deploy both iterative process or a combination of both per given segment of time..

  1502. As a PM at MTD,i will be flexible in my approaches used , bearing in mine that different event projects comes with different challenges and how the project will turn out will depend on the approach used.
    the iterative approach will help minimize risk, better management of resources , conflict that may from limited resources that may arise will be avoided.
    we live in a world where VUCA is a common seen , an agile approach will help accomodate the environment.
    i will advice them to be flexible and adopt approach works best giving the situations that surrounds the event project

  1503. For MTD, I would know that no two projects are the same, and event involves a lot of risk management, so the iterative process or a combination of both would be employed. I would foresee changes or risks that might occur and readily profer a solution to this risk.

  1504. On MTD and learnings so far, Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be an embracing approach to solve problems even as Agile approach response to the challenges will aid in controlling out of budget situations, the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project and application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events as communication and review on a timely basis is engaged.

  1505. As a PM in a similar scenario with MTD, I will not stay rigid to a particular method. I will love to ask the following questions: what is the Volatility, the uncertainty, adaptability status at stage? This means using the VUCA framework would be a guide while also employing the iterative and agile approaches when faced with problems along the line of implantation.

    1. Considering the difficulties and challenges the MTD has faced,the most reliable assistance that can be offered is the absolute understanding and implementation of the VUCA framework as it enables the project manager, stakeholder and team members to identify the kind of challenges either simple, complicated or complex.. This discovery phase help them to know the kind of response suitable for maximum output or result..

      The consequences of using the agile method is that it goes beyond manual to a more digital approach,which involves the development of software, as the challenges have become more unpredictable and complex,projects may even be terminated as it depends on the feedback of the customers or users to validate idea or hypothesis..

      The implication of using the agile method or approach is that allows customers and stakeholders to benefit and get early investment returns while waiting for the activities of the the customers or changes in the environment. The agile approach allows team members to work in Sprint thereby breaking some complex process into smaller components or Mini-projects by priotising the most important and most demanding challenges to get a more better outcome or result,and be able to meet cost and schedule thereby increasing the speed of delivering and meeting customers satisfaction..

      As a project manager, there’s no one perfect approach,hence the need to have a correspondingly varied tools and techniques at one’s disposal. My advice to the MTD is to become flexible and adotable,using both approached( hybrid approach). This is because;
      1)It increased feedback,probing, experimentation and testing of ideas of customers requirement.
      2) It increases stakeholders engagement.
      3) It works in sprints.
      4) It manages time by limiting the amount of work in project
      5) It encourages critical analysis, continuous and dynamic planning.
      6) Increase the speed of delivering.
      7)It maintains transparency and accountability.
      8) Customers satisfaction and completion of project…

      All of these process takes time, brainstorming and continuing professional development especially in a complex world.

  1506. Thinking of MTD on going project challenges and issues.
    As a project manager, I will implement the use of VUCA framework tools to develop suitable response for the issues and challenges of the event project.

    Taking an iterative approach in setting an event as project:-
    The implications is that
    – the event project risk would be reduced, changes would be easily implemented
    -Adaptability, collaboration and efficiency in work and communication would be enhanced.

    Agile approach to the challenges will aid in controlling over budget arising from the changes in requirement to stall the challenges and increase service quality.

    1. As a project manager, if I meet a similar scenario like the MTD. I will be flexible, knowing that no two project are the same. I will adopt an approach given the situation that surround the particular event.

    2. As a PM for MTD. My approach will be Firstly, identify the problem and challenges, apply the VUCA framework tools in order to develope a suitable response to the problems already identified. Secondly, apply the iterative and agile approache to tackle problems and challenges encountered along the line of implementation. While putting budget in check and balance

  1507. If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences?
    Events could be sometimes posed with volatile and uncertain situations. This has been seen with the stampedes and deaths that has occurrred during events. The application of iterative and agile approaches may be necessary when faced with changes and some volatility during events. Quick springs may be used to approach and solve changing enviroment and circumstances. The VUCA framework and understanding the best approach is necessary

    1. As a PM working for MTD, I must first of all study the environment before embarking on any project.
      I must also learn to be adaptive and flexible in the approaches and not being rigid.
      Also master the different approaches and know what works for me.
      I will also ensure I build my toolkit of project lifecycles and related practices and technique.

      I will also apply the VUCA framework

      1. I should first understand that as a project manager , no approach is indispensable , and when working in a company like MIT, it’s important to note that projects are never done in linear approaches all through , unlike in building houses when you have to complete one before going to the next.. so as an MIT PM , I’ll use the iterative approach and also inclued my VUCA APPROACH incase at any point of the project i get stalled ,i can easily get over .. but then no project is complete without using the pm skills, communication, negotiation, to solve project problems, they’ll all come in handy.